Oxford Holiday English Review Test 3: Nombre

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Oxford Holiday English

Review Test 3 Nombre 

1 Escribe los meses. August December March September May October

January February 1 April 2 June

July 3 4 5 November 6

6 puntos

2 Mira los dibujos y lee las frases. Escribe He o She. Después numéralas.
1 2 3 4 5 6

can skateboard. can play football.

can ride a bike. can sail a boat.

can dance. 1 ‡he can fly a kite.

5 puntos

1 © Oxford University Press  Oxford Holiday English Tests

3 Ordena las frases. Después traza líneas.
1 blue / wearing / . / She’s / trousers

2 . /wearing / yellow / He’s / T-shirt / a

3 shorts / wearing / He’s / green / .


6 puntos

4 Lee las frases y traza líneas.

1 2 3

I like sandwiches and I like pasta and I like sausages and

orange juice for lunch. salad for lunch. ice cream for lunch.

6 puntos

2 © Oxford University Press  Oxford Holiday English Tests

5 Completa el crucigrama con los animales.
1 3
1 2
2 3
4 5
6 4 5 6

8 8 9

9 puntos

6 Mira el dibujo y marca ✔ o ✘.

1 There’s a fridge in the kitchen.

2 There’s a computer in the bathroom.

3 There’s a bookcase in the kitchen.

4 There’s a TV in the living room.

5 There’s a bed in the bedroom.

6 There’s a radio in the kitchen.

7 There’s a sofa in the living room.

8 There’s a chair in the kitchen.

8 puntos

Total: 40 puntos

3 © Oxford University Press  Oxford Holiday English Tests

Oxford Holiday English
Review Test 3 Respuestas

1 6 puntos
1  March  2  May  3  August  4  September  5  October  6  December

2 5 puntos
2  He can sail a boat.  3  She can ride a bike.  4  He can skateboard.
5  She can dance.  6  He can play football.

3 6 puntos
1  She’s wearing blue trousers. (c)  2  He’s wearing a yellow T-shirt. (a)
3  He’s wearing green shorts. (b)

4 6 puntos

5 9 puntos
1  parrot  2  zebra  3  elephant  4  gorilla  5  giraffe  6  lion  7  crocodile
8  flamingo  9  snake

6 8 puntos
1  ✗  2  ✓  3  ✓  4  ✗  5  ✓  6  ✗  7  ✓  8  ✓

Total: 40 puntos
4 © Oxford University Press  Oxford Holiday English Tests

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