Trinity Newsletter - Summer2010

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Trinity Episcopal Church

Summer 2010

New Mission Statement

Calendar & Announcements
Trinityʼs newly adopted mission statement was pre-
sented to the congregation the first Sunday in May ✤ Sunday, July 11 ~ Bishopʼs Committee meeting
and was warmly received. This now appears in our following coffee hour.
Sunday bulletin and on the parish web site:
✤ Sunday, July 25, 7pm ~ Taizé-style service.
We are an inclusive community of faith,
strengthened by joyful hearts ✤ Sunday, July 25 - August 15 ~ Peterʼs vacation.
and engaged minds.
✤ Sunday, August 1 ~ Plate collection for Episco-
pal Relief and Development: Nets for Life.
The Search is On
by Krista Baker ✤ Wednesday, August 4, 5:30pm ~ House Eucha-
rist at Tim & Krista Bakerʼs, 19796 White Oak
Canon Dan Smith is now working with the information Trail.
collected by the parish and the Bishopʼs Committee to
search for potential candidates for a new vicar for us. ✤ Sunday, August 8 ~ Bishopʼs Committee meet-
The parish profile is basically complete and is posted ing following coffee hour.
on the parish web site. Once the profile is available
and Canon Smith has provided some possible candi- ✤ Saturday, September 11 ~ Parish stewardship
date names for the Bishopʼs Committee to review, training, details to be announced.
then the interview process can begin. This could be
as soon as mid August. Progress is definitely being ✤ Sunday, September 5 ~ Plate collection for Trin-
made. Thanks to all of you for your input, your pa- ityʼs Discretionary Fund.
tience, and your prayers as we move through this in-
terim time. We especially thank Peter and Carrol for ✤ Sunday, September 12 ~ Bishopʼs Committee
their guidance each Sunday. meeting following coffee hour.

Food 4 Kids ✤ Sunday, September 12 ~ Taizé-style service.

by Krista Baker
✤ Sunday, September 19 ~ Liturgy at the Lake.
Once again Trinity will be helping with the Food 4
Kids program in the city parks during the summer.
We have thirteen parish members who have volun- Taize Services
teered to help at least one day in either the kitchen
preparing the food or in the parks distributing the The next Taize service will be on Sunday, July 25,
lunches. Some individuals will be in the park almost at 7:00pm.  We will focus on our relationship to
every day of the program. The following individuals the Earth in general, and the Gulf oil spill more
from Trinity will be in the kitchen or parks during the specifically. All are welcome to this service of
week of July 19-23: Carrol Davenport, Mike Ashcraft, prayer, song, and meditation.
Kerrin Smith, Forrest Beck, Geordan Beck, Jessie
Cragg, Sarah Mohler, Stephanie Fore, Nancy Redi- Come fall, the service will be celebrated on the
ger, Julie Seidler, Wynne Wilbur, Krista Baker, and second Sunday of each month.
Tim Baker. What a good deed; thank you!
Trinity Episcopal Church e-newsletter
Page 2
Summer 2010

Bishopʼs Warden Summer Report The Bishop's Committee recently approved improving
by Krista Baker the drainage problems at the church and the vicarage
in preparation for calling a new vicar, and to help
Summer is a conflicting time. It is a time of rest and solve the recent problem of flooding in the undercroft
getting away for some and a time of planting, growing when we get a big rainstorm.  As you may recall, in
and building for others. That is definitely true for Trin- 2009 we got a new sump pump and it has worked
ity. Many of you are away traveling for various rea- well in many respects, but in the last three years we
sons and some are here tending to an assortment of have had more rain than usual and the occasional
activities. We all look for a balance between work flood in the undercroft as well as constant water prob-
and rest with summer providing for that. In the past, lems in the vicarage basement.
the Bishopʼs Committee has taken a break in the
summer. However, this year the Bishopʼs Committee The Bishop's Committee requested I look into this,
made the decision to continue meeting throughout the and I consulted with a contractor, Joe Schmid.  Joe
summer to ensure the work on the search process looked at the property and where the water was com-
continues. I am glad for that decision. The planning ing in, and shot a few elevations with his laser, and he
meeting we held in May was a pleasant afternoon of felt that the first step was to improve the drainage as
shared experiences. We focused on several key ar- the heavy rains keep the ground saturated, and the
eas that should help us in this coming year: what it water simply runs from the garden to the vicarage and
means to be on a vestry, finances, hospitality, the pours in one particular window well.  He also noted
search process and the activities calendar for the next runoff to the same window from the back yard and the
twelve months. alley.  His opinion is that the church flooding (which
only seems to happen in VERY heavy downpours) is
I see a variety of things happening which reflect that, when the ground gets saturated, the water table
growth in our community – not necessarily growth in rises and comes in through the window wells.  There-
numbers (although that would be nice), but growth in fore, he thinks the first step is to simply improve the
how we relate to each other, to the community, and in drainage and has installed drains that tie together and
our faith. Look at the things going on: the Taize serv- pour out to Harrison St.  At this point, his suggestion
ice, the regular collections for the Foster Families, is to "see how this does" for a short period of time
new individuals getting involved in assisting with lead- before spending additional money.  I ask that if you
ing worship, work on the parish property, new confir- are downstairs shortly after a big rain to look around
mations, a new discernment committee formed, a and keep me posted.  Here's hoping the new drain-
new finance committee formed, parish involvement in age system is all that we need for now!
the search process, and the first-Wednesday Eucha-
rists. Iʼm sure I am leaving out things too.
Grace, Gratitude & Generosity
For all of these things I am grateful. The interim time by Krista Baker
can be stressful and full of doubt and anxiety as we
look backward and forward at the same time. I rest Stewardship is a complicated word that evokes a va-
each Sunday in the calmness that Peter and Carrol riety of emotions from people. It would be nice if it
have provided, the hospitality that Diane ensures is was a term we do not approach with fear and nega-
available in the undercroft, and the support we all tive feelings. When I saw an article advertising a
provide for each other. Perhaps in a few months we workshop with the title “Grace, Gratitude & Generos-
will be celebrating the arrival of a new vicar and we ity” and realized it was about stewardship, I wanted to
will be wondering how he or she will work out. We will attend. Carrol and I will be going to Indianapolis at
be wondering if the Bishopʼ Committee made a good the end of July to attend this annual TENS (The Epis-
and wise choice. But for today I am just enjoying the copal Network for Stewardship) conference. We look
calm of a peaceful summer day. Peace be with all of forward to telling you about it when we return.
“The Mission of TENS is to transform lives by devel-
oping a network of church leaders who encourage
Junior Wardenʼs Report generosity. We accomplish this mission by: practicing
by Maria Evans holy habits of daily prayer and engaging the gospel;
honoring God with all that we have and all that we
Some of you might have noticed the backhoe in the are; and training, encouraging, nurturing, and sup-
garden between the church and the vicarage. porting the ministry of stewardship at every level.”
Trinity Episcopal Church e-newsletter
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Summer 2010

Discernment Conference those prayers to include the members of my discern-

By Maria Evans ment committee--Nancy Rediger, Diane Johnson, Bob
Reed, and Sue Magruder (our "non-Trinity" member
On June 6, 7, and 8, I attended the annual Diocesan of the committee)--as well as for Peter and Carrol
Discernment conference, held in Eureka, MO.  It was (and, eventually, our future vicar out there some-
attended by those in the diocese who are at all stages where) as they provide a pastoral presence for all the
of the discernment, postulancy, and candidate status members of the committee.  They need your prayers
for ordination.  Of most interest to me was that I got to as much or more than I do as we all start off on this
meet several other people throughout the Diocese of journey.
Missouri who are in various stages of either exploring
a possible call or moving towards possible ordination.  All in all, it was an excellent conference and I felt like I
Although many of the other attendees were quite a bit learned a lot of good information about the process,
younger than me, many others were also in a "non- and more importantly, met other people in the proc-
traditional" age bracket, so I felt very much at ease in ess.
learning that.  The conference included worship, quiet
time, social time, presentations, and activities that
gave one food for thought about one's own spiritual
gifts and talents.  Time for "coffee chat" with one of
the members on the Commission on Ministry was
also provided.

Of particular note was Bishop Smith's presentation. 

He both related "what he is looking for in candidates"
and what he feels is part of the future mission and
vision of the diocese.  My take on his remarks was
that he sees "the church needing to be where the
mission is," and that he is not looking for "steeple-
tenders" in future clergy, but clergy who are creative,
adaptable, and energetic.  This part was very exciting At the Cathedral
to me as although my process is still very early and Wynne Wilbur and Priscilla Riggle, pictured with
only in the discernment phase, I do see myself in a Bishop Smith, were confirmed or received on May 15.
more "out of the box" type of ministry setting.

Another good part of the conference for me was that I 299 Diapers
would say that only a small minority of the attendees, by Krista Baker
when they talked about "their calling," sounded like
what I imagine the "stereotypical call to ministry," to Our second collection for the Foster Families of Adair
be.  Many of the people, as they told their stories, still County was held on May 9, Motherʼs Day, and fo-
had a lot of questions and unsolved mysteries about cused on items for babies and children. We collected
their process, and that made me feel more at ease. 7 packages of diapers for a total of 299 individual dia-
pers, 3 boxes of wipes, a box of baby socks, several
The other thing I learned is that discerning a call is a new outfits for both boy and girl babies, assorted
community discernment.  The method we use in this items for new parents such as outlet covers, lotion &
diocese requires each member of the committee to powder, bibs, hair bows, toothbrushes and tooth-
visit what they see as the definition of the word "min- paste, as well as several bags of used clothing. All of
istry," the role of a deacon or priest as defined by the these things have been taken to the Child Services
ordination vows in our Book of Common Prayer, and agency for the caseworkers to distribute as they best
if/how the discernee's talents fit those roles.  It is also see fit. Thank you for supporting the Foster Family
important to have a member of a faith community out- project, which the parish has adopted for the year.
side of Trinity on the committee so as to get a com- Our next collection will be in September. Look for
munity viewpoint. details to be announced at a later date. Foster Fami-
lies of Adair County is opening a thrift store on south
I think the most important thing I want to pass along Franklin St., across from the Art Association building.
to the Trinity community is that I am grateful for your They will accept various items for resale to support
prayers to date, but that I would like you to expand their work in the county. Stop by and see them!
Trinity Episcopal Church e-newsletter
Page 4
Summer 2010

Community The Rev. Amy Chambers-Cortright from Calvary Co-

by Krista Baker lumbia was immediate and heartfelt. Tim and I thank
each of you who sent a note, called, brought gifts of
During my husband Timʼs recent illness and surgery, I food, visited us at home, and helped us in any way
experienced community and the power of community during this time.
prayer in a new way. Several times a day prior to
Timʼs surgery the ladies at Boone Hospital Center
brought him a handful of printed email messages and
cards. Many members of the Trinity community had
sent messages containing good wishes, prayers for a
successful surgery and hopes for good health. I saw
Tim read these notes many times, especially during
the hours just prior to the surgery and then again dur-
ing the days after the surgery. The power of those
notes, those prayers, those thoughts, was immeasur-
able. I saw first hand what it means to be part of a
Happy Birthday
community where we support each other. The
Trinity wore red to celebrate the Birthday
prayers from the Trinity community were felt from a
of the Church on Pentacost Sunday.
distance. The support of the clergy: Peter, Carrol and

Please remember in your prayers: Tim (Krista), Randy (Karen’s Brother-in-law), Ann (Pete and Julia), Rich-
ard (Karen), Kirstin (Maria), John, Andrew (Diane), Maggie (Diane), Damaris (Talie’s friend), Tim (Tim B.‘s
friend); Rocky (Jean); Betty (Sally’s mother); John (Jessie’s husband); Rex (Cynthia’s father); Elias, Alanna
(Barb); Lorraine (Ian), Katie, Larry, Connie (Karen’s sister), and Debbie and family (Joanne).

A prayer for the parish: “Almighty and everliving God, ruler of all things in heaven and earth, hear our
prayers for this parish family. Strengthen the faithful, arouse the careless, and restore the penitent. Grant us
all things necessary for our common life, and bring us all to be of one heart and mind within your holy church;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” (BCP p.817)

Clergy Worship Services

Rev. Dr. Peter E. Van Horne, Interim Vicar Holy Eucharist
Rev. Carrol K. Davenport, Associate Priest Sundays ~ 10:00 a.m.

Morning Prayer
Bishop’s Committee Wednesdays ~ 7:30 a.m.
Krista Baker, Bishop’s Warden (2012)
Maria Evans, Junior Warden (2011)
Wynne Wilbur, Clerk (2013) Trinity Episcopal Church
Jessie Cragg (2012) 124 N. Mulanix
Laura Gruber (2011) Kirksville, MO 63501
Pete Kelly (2013) 660-665-6155
Kyle Miller, Student Representative (2011)

Thanks to all who contributed and to Julie Seidler and Beth Felice for the wonderful photos!
Please send all newsletter contributions, corrections, and suggestions to Nancy Miller at
[email protected]. Items for the Fall newsletter are due by August 30.

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