10.01.10 Bishopsblogoctober

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From the Bishop’s Office Busy last weekend in September...

Catch the Fire

Anglican Diocese in New England Evangelism Conference just amazing. Find someone who
a�ended and get their report. Also check out the web
P. O. Box 440 under events, and see the confirma�on and consecra�on
of All Saints’ Community Church in Quincy.
Amesbury, MA 01913
978.388.0009 Not ge�ng our monthly e-newsle�er? Email us -
www.anglicandiocesene.org [email protected] and you’ll be on the list.

October 2010
October 1: First Friday Prayer Service, 6:30pm-9pm- First Friday of each
May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of month focusing on prayer for our country, the peace of Jerusalem, and the
our hands for us, yes, establish the work of our hands. Psalm 90:17 persecuted church. Christ the Redeemer,188 Ellio� St Danvers. Contact: The
Rev. Arica Demme ([email protected])
This is one whirlwind of a month... Thousands more leaders will link October 11 - 14: ACNA Clergy and Spouse Retreat at Ridgecrest, NC. Make sure
online through the Cape Town you encourage your pastor and spouse to a�end.
Ordina�on in Maine
GlobaLink. One GlobaLink site is on October 15 - 24: Early North African Chris�anity, Tunisia - Study Tour led by
First on the agenda is the ordina�on
the Gordon Conwell Seminary campus Rev. Dr. Leslie Fairfield. Go to our website (Events) for more informa�on.
of Jus�n Howard in Orono, ME, as
in Hamilton, MA, plus there are ten November 20: Diocesan Synod at All Saints Church in Amesbury, MA
deacon. Jus�n and his wife Amy are
more sites throughout New England. December 11: Deacon Ordina�on at All Saints Church in Amesbury, MA
developing an ADNE Anglican Ministry
For more informa�on on GlobaLink January 8 - 23, 2011: Early Chris�anity in the Holy Land - Led by the Rev. Dr.
House and represent a young,
check out h�p://www.lausanne.org/ Leslie Fairfield. Go to our website (Events) for more informa�on.
commi�ed couple who long to see
cape-town-2010/globalink.html. February 13-25, 2011: Pilgrimage to the Holy Land - Led by the Rev. Jurgen
students at the University of Maine
Liias, Christ the Redeemer Church in Danvers. Go to our website (Events) for
at Orono, and beyond, come to know I have been looking forward to this more informa�on.
the transforming love of Jesus Christ. conference ever since being invited, Anglican 4th Day Weekends
Remember Jus�n, Amy and their four but realize how much I depend on your • November 11-14– Men’s weekend, Oakhurst Center in Whi�nsville., MA
children in your prayers as they juggle prayers for safety, health, wisdom, • March 3-6, 2011 – Women’s weekend, Sacred Hearts in Wareham, MA
family, ministry and discipleship. etc., as we travel halfway around the • October 27-30, 2011 – Men’s weekend, Marist House in Framingham, MA
ACNA Clergy and Spouse Retreat world.
Then it is off to Ridgecrest, NC for the PLUS Update - Online Giving
annual Clergy and Spouse retreat. Once Cape Town 2010 is over, we are It is difficult at �mes to keep pace with technology, as everything digital is in
Sally and I just celebrated our for�eth travelling across South Africa to Port change mode (anyone remember floppy disks?). But we think our new Online
anniversary, and it’s a blessing any Elizabeth, mee�ng Os Guinness for a Giving op�on on our website is a posi�ve change, allowing you to give either
�me we can get away to focus on each preaching mission with the Anglican once or regularly, without having to remember to get more stamps and find
other, plus share our experiences with Diocese of Port Elizabeth. Pray for the our address for the “now where did they go” envelopes. It is safe (256 bit
young marrieds in the ministry. palpable presence of the Holy Spirit encrypted), streamlines our accoun�ng process, and is a great way to support
Cape Town 2010 as we preach, teach and train South the diocese in our efforts to lead, inform, and encourage the Anglican body of
From Asheville, NC, we leave for South African leadership for one week. Jesus Christ here in New England.
Africa to a�end the third Lausanne I am back in New England just as One recent giver characterised his online experience as “smooth as silk”. To
conference, joining ACNA Archbishop November gets underway. Again, I try out our new op�on, go to our website, www.anglicandiocesene.org, and
Robert Duncan and Bishop John treasure your prayers, par�cularly that click on Make a Dona�on. You have the op�on of a one-�me or recurring
Guernsey with four thousand leaders our Lord will precede us and prepare credit card or Echeck dona�on. If you have any ques�ons, give us a call or
from more than 200 countries mee�ng us as we depend en�rely on Him. email [email protected].
in Cape Town this year. The agenda
focuses on confron�ng cri�cal issues A number of you gave online to the Kenyan Wabukala Funeral Fund. Thank
of our �me and the future of the you so much. We were able to respond quickly with a check to help offset the
Church and world evangeliza�on. Bishop Bill Murdoch cost of the funeral for the Bishop’s wife a�er her sudden death.

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