Oil and Natural Gas Commission vs. CA

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Petitioner - Indian GOCC
Respondent - Philippine private corporation

Underlying transaction:
Contact for the respondent to supply to petitioner 4,300 metric tons of oil well cement
Consideration: $477,300.00 through a confirmed letter of credit

The oil well cement was loaded and shipped but due to a dispute between ship owner
and respondent, the cargo was held up in Bangkok and did not reach its point
Despite having already received payment and several demands by the petitioner, the
private respondent failed to deliver the oil well cement
Upon negotiations, they agreed that the private respondent will replace the entire 4,300
metric tons of oil well cement with Class "G" cement. However, on inspection, the
Class "G" cement did not conform to the petitioner's specifications
The petitioner then informed the private respondent that it was referring its claim to an
arbitrator pursuant to Clause 16 of their contract
Arbitrator ruled in favor of petitioner awarding him USD 899,603.77. The award was
confirmed by the foreign court.

Despite the award and demands by petitioner, respondent refused to pay. Petitioner then
filed a complaint with the RTC of Surigao City for the enforcement of the foreign
The RTC dismissed the complaint, ruling that the Arbitrator did not have jurisdiction
over the dispute on the ground that the referral to the arbitrator under Clause 16 of their
contract is erroneous. The breach consisting of the non-delivery of the purchased
materials, should have been properly litigated before a court of law, pursuant to Clause
No. 15
On appeal, the CA affirmed RTC ruling. The CA likewise noted that judgment of the
foreign court did not contain any statement of facts and law upon which the award was
based; hence, the judgment cannot be enforced by any Philippine court
MR was denied, thus petition for review on certiorari

I. Whether the Arbitrator had jurisdiction over the dispute

Yes. The real issue that was bought to the Arbitrator was the non-conformity of the
Class "G" cement with the specifications agreed upon, and no longer the non-delivery
of the oil well cement which was supposedly within the exclusive jurisdiction of the
courts as set forth in Clause 15.
Clause 16 pertain only to matters involving the technical aspects of the contract
Clause 15: All questions, disputes and differences, arising under out of or in
connection with this supply order, shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the

II. Whether the foreign judgment is enforceable in this jurisdiction

Yes. The foreign court adopted the findings of facts and law of the arbitrator as
contained in the latter's Award Paper
The constitutional provision that decisions must express the facts and the law on
which it is based does not preclude the validity of "memorandum decisions" which
adopt by reference the findings of fact and conclusions of law contained in the
decisions of inferior tribunals
Furthermore, the recognition to be accorded a foreign judgment is not necessarily
affected by the fact that the procedure in the courts of the country in which such
judgment was rendered differs from that of the courts of the country in which the
judgment is relied on. This Court has held that matters of remedy and procedure are
governed by the lex fori or the internal law of the forum.

The contention that respondent was not accorded due process is likewise without
merit. The essence of due process is to be found in the reasonable opportunity to be
heard and submit any evidence one may have in support of one's defense.
A foreign judgment is presumed to be valid and binding in the country from
which it comes, until the contrary is shown. It is also proper to presume the
regularity of the proceedings and the giving of due notice therein. Consequently,
the party attacking a foreign judgment (Pacific Cement) had the burden of
overcoming the presumption of its validity which it failed to do in the instant

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