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March 29, 2017

Since 1889

as completely normal but with no answer as to why the

infant was continually crying.
When Adalynn was eight months old, the family moved
to Iowa, first making their home in Grand Junction and
eventually moving to Callender where the Milhams cur-
rently reside. Robert is presently employed as a scale
technician with Siouxland Scale Service, Farnhamville.
Amanda is a full-time wife and a stay-at-home mother.
Time passed and Adalynn, at two years old, was still
difficult to take out in public. Loud sounds would make
her regularly scream. She wasnt able to talk in public
and she became extremely anxious. She still would wake

Service dog for Adalynn provides

every hour during the night. Amandas mother mentioned
the possibility of Adalynn being autistic. A couple months
went by with her behavior being watched more closely,

significant comfort for parents

along with additional research done by her mother to find
a potential answer. She showed signs of autism, sensory
processing and anxiety and at two years of age, had only

Training of service dog is expensive; donations welcome... Service dog for Adalynn continued on page 4...

By Shari Everhart a very fussy baby. Several months elapsed and still no
When Amanda and Robert Milham started their fam- change in her condition. It was to the point the family
ily, they had no idea their second child would require spe- couldnt take her out in public or for a car ride as she
cialized care. would continually cry. Knowing something wasnt quite
Amanda, a native of Seaford, Delaware, and Robert, right and being unable to calm the baby and cease her
born and raised in Greene County, Iowa, initially met constant crying, several return trips were made to her
when they were both students attending college in Dela- physician for answers. Amanda and Robert were told that
ware in 2008. The couple eventually married and were this condition would most likely resolve itself and Adal-
blessed with four children: Caden, Adalynn, Caelynn and ynn would grow out of it at about six months of age. The
Arlan. doctor attributed it to colic. After six months, Adalynn
When Adalynn was just a week old, she developed hadnt improved with circumstances remaining much the
symptoms of severe colic and reflux. After being pre- same. A MRI brain scan was ordered as a means to deter-
scribed medication to combat her reflux, she remained mine what was actually going on. Test results came back

Don Boarland directed donation to

Reading-Cedar Fire Department
The Americas Farmers Grow Communities pro- farmers can enroll in the Americas Farmers Grow Com-
gram, sponsored by the Monsanto Fund, provides farmers munities program to win a $2,500 donation to direct to a
the opportunity to support and give back to a nonprofit of local eligible nonprofit organization
their choice. Since 2010, the Americas Farmers Grow Com-
To show the true impact of a $2,500 donation, munities program has given more than $22 million to
Calhoun County farmer Don Boarland directed a dona- nonprofits across rural America.
tion to Reading-Cedar Fire Department, where the funds Rural communities are the backbone of Amer-
were used to help match funds received from the Calhoun ica, and starting on Aug. 1, 2017, eligible farmers in Robert and Amanda Milham stand with their four beautiful
County Community Foundation Grant for the purchase of Calhoun County Iowa will have the opportunity to win a children Caden, Adalynn, Caelynn, and Arlan.
new LED Lightbars and Lighting for the Reading-Cedar $2,500 donation to direct to a local eligible nonprofit or-
Fire Departments fire Engines.
From Aug. 1 Nov. 30, Calhoun county eligible
ganization. As part of the Americas Farmers Grow Com-
munities program, sponsored by the Monsanto Fund,
more than $3 million dollars of financial support will
GDC Annual
be provided to nonprofits across rural America in 2017.
Since the program began in 2010, the Americas
Farmers Grow Communities program has awarded
Spring Banquet
more than $22 million in donations to a broad cross-
section of organizations that reflect the makeup and
character of rural America, including emergency re-
Thursday, April 6
sponse organizations, schools, youth agriculture pro-
The Gowrie Development Commission will be
grams and many others. In Iowa organizations have
hosting the annual Spring Banquet at Mulligans (at the
received monetary donations toward causes positively
Gowrie Golf Course) Thursday, April 6.
impacting farming communities.
There is new excitement in Gowrie starting with the
We are excited to team up with farmers once
GDC. Join us to learn more about new agreements, cur-
again to help support the causes that mean the most to
rent status, and goals for 2017!
them and that have an impact in their local communi-
Anyone can attend and enjoy this opportunity to
ties, said Al Mitchell, Monsanto Fund president. Be-
learn more about whats happening in Gowrie! Attend-
cause of their commitment to this program, thousands
ees will enjoy a social cash bar at 5:30 pm and then a
of nonprofit organizations have been able to enhance
wonderful meal at 6:00 pm. A short program
the important programs and services they provide,
will follow. Call or text 515-351-9849
having a positive impact on the com-
or [email protected] for
munities they serve.
any questions. $15 per
Iowa farmers can enroll in the Amer-
person is payable at
icas Farmers Community Outreach
the door.
program from Aug. 1 to Nov. 30,
2016. Online enrollment, as well as
a complete list of program rules and
Don Boarland directed a donation to Read- eligibility information, can be found
ing-Cedar Fire Department, where the funds
were used to help match funds received from
at or by
the Calhoun County Community Foundation calling 1-877-267-3332 toll-free. Con-
Grant for the purchase of new LED Light- sumers can follow Grow Communities
bars and Lighting for the Reading-Cedar Fire Depart- on Facebook to learn more about the program at face-
ments fire Engines.
Visit for your local news...
2 March 29, 2017

Swedish Club plans to

meet at Zion Lutheran
Church in Gowrie
The Swedish Club will be meeting at the Zion
Lutheran Church in Gowrie on Tuesday,April 4th at 7
We will have two exchange students from Ger-
many and Bangladesh. They will be presenting the pro-
gram about their home countries. All are welcome. A pot
luck lunch is planned.

WCCTA Annual Meeting winners announced... T
Door prizes from the WCCTA Annual Meeting of Members Tucker, Gowrie, 24 TV; Clint Van Kley, Farnhamville, For n
included an assortment of TVs and camouflage items that the Birds Gift Basket; Keith Streit, Gowrie, Camouflage
tied in with the theme Set Your Sights on Great Service. Cooler Gift Basket; Joyce Gadbury, Knierim, Weather Sta- h
Congratulations to the winners: Judy Warrick, Gowrie, 55 tion; Gene Schoon, Knierim (phone), Camouflage Bungee d
Smart TV; Jason McKenney, Somers, 49 TV; Amy Walrod, Chair. h
Moorland, 32 TV; Patrica Vladeff, Gowrie, 24 TV; Barb i

WCCTA annual member meeting was held t

March 14 at Southeast Valley High School i

By WCCTA not happen at WCCTA unless it is in the best interest of
Set Your Sights On Great Service was the the members to do so. l
theme of the Webster-Calhoun Cooperative Telephone Board President Alan Jacobson reiterated the g
Association (WCCTA) Annual Member Meeting held fact that WCCTA is in a good financial position for ac- r
on March 14th in Gowrie, IA. quiring or merging with other telcos and reviewed some w
Attendees were provided updates on the strong of the steps taken in the last decade to achieve this. Pro-
balance sheet of the cooperative, updates on the direction gressive steps such as implementing Fiber to the Home I
of the telco industry, election of officers and door prizes. over a number of years to avoid debt and outside invest- e
Camouflage and wildlife decorated the stage and was the ments in cellular markets and two other telephone com- t
decor of the Webster-Calhoun Cooperative Telephone panies. T
Association (WCCTA) Annual Meeting held on March The reflection of the message of the excellent h
14th at the Southeast Valley High School inGowrie, condition of WCCTA was also expressed at the Iowa
Iowa. Communications Alliance annual meeting held in Des
The color scheme and decorations illustrated Moines. Here the keynote speaker, Dusty Johnson of
the theme of the meeting: Set Your Sights on Great Ser- Vantage Point Solutions, Mitchell, SD, called out sev-
vice. eral Iowa telcos that were excelling in different areas and
We are all overwhelmed with marketing mes- noted WCCTAs strong network. Vantage Point works
sages that say We provide the best service, the best prod- with broadband providers across the country. Webster-
uct, the best network. Every one of our competitors say Calhouns fiber buildout was organized, well-planned,
the same thing. What makes Webster-Calhoun different efficient, and forward-looking. From start-to-finish, it
was the message we highlighted during the annual meet- was among the best FTTP projects weve seen.
ing, states Marcie Boerner, Office Manager at WCCTA. Election of officers was also held at the annual
WCCTA provides a utility type of service that meeting. Results of the election were announced and all
is not always tangible. In the same way the customer three incumbents remain on the board. Craig Fillman, Pa-
doesnt always see behind the scenes, work that is done ton, District 1; Lynn Subbert, Churdan, District 2; Craig
by the board, staff and management. Our staff aims to Larson, Vincent, District 3.
please, particularly following the cooperative philosophy Attendees enjoyed refreshments and door priz-
of providing a service in the best interest of the members es that included an assortment of TVs and camouflage
that use that service locally. items that tied in with the theme Set Your Sights on
General Manager Daryl Carlson provide at- Great Service. Winners of door prizes were: Judy War-
tendees updates on WCCTA that showed a very strong rick, Gowrie, 55 Smart TV; Jason McKenney, Somers,
balance sheet as a result of outside investments made by 49 TV; Amy Walrod, Moorland, 32 TV; Patrica
the board. Daryl noted that some small telcos are begin- Vladeff, Gowrie, 24 TV; Barb Tucker, Gowrie, 24 TV;
ning to struggle. That gives WCCTA the opportunity to Clint Van Kley, Farnhamville, For the Birds Gift Basket;
share management, expansions, merger, or acquisition Keith Streit, Gowrie, Camouflage Cooler Gift Basket;
opportunities as some companies are not as financially Joyce Gadbury, Knierim, Weather Station; Gene Schoon,
stable as WCCTA. Youre starting to see examples of Knierim (Phone), Camouflage Bungee Chair.
this throughout Iowa, was stressed by Daryl. This will

Monday, April 3
Harcourt TOPS, 8:00 a.m. at Faith Lutheran
Church Harcourt.
Cub Scout Pack 42, 6:00 p.m. at the Callender
Heritage Library/Community Center

Tuesday, April 4
Farnhamville American Legion Post #510 and
Sons of the American Legion, 7:00 p.m., Legion
Rose Lodge #506, 7:30 p.m.

To have the date and time of your organizations meeting

Southeast Valley spring play cast...
listed here, call the Gowrie News at 352-3325 or email us at The Southeast Valley High School performed The Diary of Anne Frank spring playl in Gowrie on Friday, March 24 and
[email protected] Saturday, March 25.
March 29, 2017

Home Town Tax reports reasons for slow

refund; protecting you from identity theft
The Federal and State Governments are trying to for sure !
protect you from identity theft by a matching system. State IRS has also jumped on this bandwagon.
This matching system started with W-2 and 1099-Misc They, unfortunately, do not have the same resources that
having to be in the mail by January 31st. This is not a the Federal Government does. They are holding most
new deadline. of the refunds longer than normal and for some, up to 8
The new deadline comes in that before the senders weeks.
had until February 28th to send them to the IRS. This They both have websites where you can check your
deadline was moved to January 31st. The hopes was to status of your refund. Iowa is
have most of the information would be in to allow match- viduals; Federal is

Card of Thanks!
ing when people started filing their taxes. Both are only updated once a day (in the middle of
They were hoping for a quick match and release the the night). Calling the IRS will not speed up the process.
tax return for the refunds. Federal IRS has a new law that There are many other reasons that a return could be held.
every year from now on, anyone who has the tax cred- Child Support, College Loans, Federal or State Taxes,
its of Earned Income Credit or the Additional Child Tax County Fines to name a few. Thank you for all the
Credit, their refunds will not be released until February Calls, Cards & Food while I was re-
15th. covering from my fall. Also thank you
These are the two biggest ways to possible get a
large amount back. This is what Identity Theft people to my wonderful family for
gravitate to. Anyone who didnt have these credits, their their care!
refunds were released in the normal time frame, within 2 Sincerely,
weeks. Esther Long
Identity Theft is a big business everywhere and the
IRS is not exempt. They have billions of dollars stolen
each year. For the people whose identity is stolen, it can
take a year to get the refunds that were actually theirs.
Then they are issued a IP PIN to use to protect it from
happening again. It is a hardship for the person affected
Gowrie News 1107 Market Street, P.O. Box 46
Gowrie, IA 50543


email: [email protected]
To have your town's events featured in whats happening around your area.
Email us at [email protected] or Call 515-352-3325. STAFF
Lehigh Valley Cooperative Telephone Association Rick and Julie Vinsand, Editor and Publisher
Callender Southeast Valley School, Burnside; Registration from Tonya Harrison, Graphic Designer
Story Time held every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. and 6:30 pm - 7:00 pm; Business Meeting starts at 7:00 pm Julie Vinsand, Sales
4:30 p.m. Callender Public Library to RSVP your spot! Amanda Coleman, Sales
Saturday April 8th - 9 am - 2:30 pm Spring Arts, Crafts Shari Everhart, Writer
& Vendor Show at Garden Windery, 621 Thomas St. April 15 Moorland Fire Department Annual Easter Egg Official County Newspaper (USPS 224-240). A local news-
April 15, 1:00 p.m. Easter Eggtravaganza at the Library Hunt will be held. paper as prescribed by law. Published weekly by The Gowrie
Saturday April 29 Spring craft show at Moorland Com-
and community Center. News, 1107 Market Street, Gowrie, Iowa 50543. Periodicals
munity Center. postage paid at the Post Office at Gowrie, Iowa 50543.

Sunday April 2 - 11:00 am - 1:30 pm Beef Dinner at Saturday, May 20 city wide Clean-up Day is scheduled. SUBSCRIPTION RATES
Churdan United Methodist Church Within the State of Iowa - $3000 Per Year
Every Thursday evenings from 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. Adult Out of state - $3300 Per Year
Sunday April 2, 11:00-1:00 Blue Mound Chicken Social will be held at the Paton Public Library. Snowbird - $32 00 Per Year
Dinner at the Dayton Community Center. April 1, Ranchers's Wildfire Relief Fund Benefit Sup- Card of Thanks................................................$650 20 per
first 15 words,
word thereafter
April 3 Oak Park Gold & Recreation Opening Day. per, Paton Community Room. ADDRESS CHANGES
May 5 & 6 Annual Library Book Sale @ Dayton Library Monday, April 24th from 7 -8 PM Infertility Support
Group Exploratory Meeting at the First Presbyterian POSTMASTER: Send address change to
May 27-Dayton Alumni Banquet @ the Community
Center Church (502 S. Main St., Paton, Iowa 50217)
P.O. Box 46, Gowrie, IA 50543
May 27-Old Engine Day @ Dayton Light Plant
June 7-Summer Reading Program @ the Library 2:00 Saturday April 8 Easter Egg hunt at, Somers City Park.
pm, Grout Museum Wednesday, April 19 at 2 pm Facebook Class at Somers
July 26 Magician Larry Dunbar-2:00 pm Community Public Library.
Wednesday, May 24 at 2 pm Discount/Coupon App Class
classes taught by Marcie Boerner at Somers Public
April 10 to April 13 spring clean-up has been set. Library. Anyone interested in learning more about
Sat., April 15th Easter Egg Hunt 11:00 am at the city park these areas of technology are welcome to participate!
June 23 and June 24 garage sale days has been tenta-
~ Email your news to [email protected] ~
tively been set.

Sunday, April 2, 11 am to 1 pm. Harcourt Fire Depart-

ment Annual Soup Dinner, chili, chicken noodle, and
potato soup, cinnamon roll, celery and carrots. Held at
the Harcourt Community Center. WCCTA
Thursday, April 6th Gowrie Development Commission
Spring Banquet at Mulligans.
Saturday April 8 starting at 10 a.m. Studio Fusion will be
a fun hands-on, take-home project at the Gowrie Pub- Wednesday, March 29 - Italian Meatloaf, Roasted Red Potatoes, Brussel
lic Library. There will be a slight cost involved varying Sprouts with Cranberries, Cinnamon Apples w/Crunchy Top
from $6-18.00 depending of which take-home project Thursday, March 30 - Chicken & Noodle Casserole, Beets, Plums, Oatmeal-
you choose. Raisin Bar, OJ
Wednesday, April 12th at 9:30 a.m. UMW lenten break- Friday, March 31 - Porcupine Meatball, Boiled Potato, Carrots, Chocolate
fast at GUMC. Cream Pie
Saturday, April 15th Easter Egg Hunt 1:00 pm at Laurel Monday, April 3 - Cheese Burger, WW Bun, Santa Fe Corn, Baby Carrots,
Park. Plums, OJ
Southeast Valley High School Jag Cafe dates have been Tuesday, April 4 - Golden Baked Chicken, Potatoes w/Gravy, Green Beans,
Fruit Cup, WW Roll
announced! They include March 31st, April 13th, April
Wednesday, April 5 - Ham Loaf, Roasted Red Potatoes, California Blend,
27th and May 4th! Contact the high school at 352-3142 Raisin Rice Pudding
Monday, April 10 64 Annual Meeting of Members of
4 March 29, 2017

4th annual kids

choice awards take
place April 2
Nominees have been announced...
The 4th Annual Kids Choice Awards is set
to take place on the red carpet at Fort Frenzy on April
2nd, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. Nominations throughout Webster
County Schools and Fort Frenzy have been collected and
the kids have chosen. The following nominees will be
awarded with great mentorship towards the youth of thisP
Nafisa Kamal Ayntee: Honorable Mention Morgan Jackson: Sculpture & 3D Mixed Media area. Picked by kids; chosen by kids. c

Southeast Valley students compete When the Kids Choice Awards had their first
ceremony in 2014, Past Ambassador, Tucker Van Wey
said, Having youth 18 and under make the decisions for
in Twin Lakes Conference Art Show mentorship is the most honest way to find out who is truly
making a difference. If adults were to decide, the out-
Receiving awards are Housken, Jackson and Ayntee... come wouldnt be the same.
The following individuals will be awarded: Jill
On Tuesday, March 21st, Southeast Valley ject area with the most entries of all the categories. Les- Junkman, Sue Nordstrom, Jerry Chada, Joel Groth, Ja-
sent 12 art pieces to the Twin Lakes Conference Art lies subject was her dog which the judges appreciated son Englert, Carrie Traver, Tricia Dohrn, Dawn Erickson,
Show held at the Iowa Central Community College cam- the detailing of the black fur. It is no easy task to see the Donn Larson, Kyle Johnson, Roxanne Pogey, Roseanne
pus. The 14 students selected, were first judged by the fur on a black animal but Leslie pulled it off! Her detail- Gamello, Danielle Rathermel, and Doug Gaul.
Southeast Valley High School faculty and the top 12 en- ing the fur sold it to the judges but the overall outcome is The Community Caring Award will go to the
tries were given the honor of representing Southeast Val- something a picture wont do it justice. Gowrie Public Library and the Internship Award will
ley among the other 11 schools being represented at the Joining the three award recipients in the com- be given to Iowa Central Community College student,
show. The day started with hanging up their artwork, in petition were Gena Elledge, Alexys Jenkins, Keri Fiala, Paige Siewert.
the gallery at Iowa Central located in the lobby of Decker Aaron True, Dakota Jaeschke, Spencer Warehime, Lucas This night will consist of heartwarming stories
Auditorium. Afterwards students keep busy by voting Pontius, Tessa Berg Halle Grimm, Breanna Hartley and of why these mentors were chosen and the awards will
for their favorite artwork, and participating in their first Allie True. Congrats to all participants and award win- be presented by the student Ambassadors of It Gets Bet-
art workshop. Lunch was provided for the students in ners! ter FD & Beyond, and emceed by Ambassador Alumni,
the Triton Cafe. The afternoon consisted of one more Mary Claire Li.
workshop and concluding the day with an awards recep- Changing the world one step at a time requires
tion this honored the days top art work. that we first treat each other with the respect and com-
Southeast Valley had three winners of awards passion every human deserves. IGBFD&B instills this in
on the day, all in different categories. The first award every person the power to change the world.
of the day went to Senior Morgan Jackson for her work Photographer Jason Liska will have his photo
cleverly titled Moosaic. The artwork shown is a bull booth available at the event. Photographer George Mc-
skull which is adorned with glass pieces cut so they fit Ghee will be taking candid snapshots and will uploaded
along the contour of the bulls skull. To really enjoy this pictures onto social media for attendee access. Both pho-
piece it needs to be seen in bright light to see the reflec- tographers donate their work free as a gift for your sup-
tion that comes off of it. Morgan has won awards at pre- port.
vious art shows and it was great to see her get one in her Artist and Art instructor, Theo Clark from Manson North-
last year competing. Morgan was awarded in the 3D west Webster will be entertaining us with live art as the
Mixed Media category banquet takes place to help It Gets Better FD & Beyond
The second award of the day went to foreign ex- make their big announcement.
change student Nafisa Ayntee, who comes to Southeast Mentors will receive a VIP ticket for themselves
Valley from Bangladesh and has been doing a fantastic and a plus one. All other guests will be charged $10.00 to
job in the art room this year. She was honored with her cover food charges. This event is not a fundraiser.
work inspired by the Henna she has been doing through-
out the school year. It was a perfect blend of her culture Gowrie Municipal
Utilities discuss rate
being put into a wonderful piece of artwork. She highly
deserved to be recognized and the judges and they did not
disappoint awarding her 2nd place in the Drawing Non-
graphite category
Junior Leslie Housken took the third Southeast
increase for customers
Valley award of the art show. She was awarded in the The Board of Trustees of the Gowrie Municipal
Painting Acrylic category which is always a tough sub- Leslie Housken: Painting (Acrylic) Utilities discussed rates on Monday, March 20 during a
special meeting.
Service dog for Adalynn... Adalynn was four years old when she underwent sinus
surgery. She began taking medication to help her sleep
After an audit showed where the operating revenue
did not meet the covenants of the bonds, it was decided
continued from front page... and was also given anxiety medicine. Her communica- to bump the rates. After a cent per KWH last January
10 words in her vocabulary. She also exhibited severe tion at school went from 4/24 to 20/24. Huge progress (2016) wasn't enough another cent increase was
behavioral problems and showed signs that she was men- continued to be made at school and outside the classroom discussed. The last time electric rates were increased
tally delayed. had also gotten better, but aggressive behavioral prob- prior to last year was 2001.
After consulting with their physician with what had lems toward family and siblings still existed. The water fund also fell short of the bond covenants
been observed, he agreed that she should be seen by a Testing continued regarding Adalynns legs with a re- and a 50 cents per 1000 gallons increase for water was
socialist. He referred the family to a center for children cent MRI of her spine taken to determine any possible moved by Carpenter.
with disabilities in Iowa City. Adalynn was evaluated by spinal defect in an attempt to explain the weakness and A public hearing for any comments or concerns from
several doctors there and they concurred she had symp- pain she had been experiencing. Results concluded no the citizens are asked to attend the regular meeting on
toms of autism. But something else was also detected that tethered spinal cord but did show spinal bifida occulta April 10, 2017 at 6:15 at the Utility's office.
required further testing. which could be attributed to poor muscle tone due to her
chromosome deletions. ments, numerous therapy sessions in Ames, and all the fi-
After a year and at the age of three, it was found Adal-
Within the past year, Adalynns parents purchased a nancial obligations associated with a special needs child,
ynn had receptive expressive language disorder, sensory
puppy to be trained as her service dog. The animal would plus the needs of her siblings, the additional expense of
processing disorder, chromosome 16p11.2 microdeletion
offer consistency in her life and would also be trained to paying for service dog training is a strain on an already
syndrome, 3q26.1 microdeletion syndrome, autism spec-
recognize when a flare is about to occur. When the dog stretched budget.
trum, anxiety, delayed social skills, and selective mutism.
senses a flare is about to happen, its training would come For this reason, an account has been established at
This was a lot for the family to process but fortunately,
into play and act as a calming influence for Adalynn. Heartland Bank where donations in any amount are being
they received extra help through AEA and therapy began
The dog would also be able to sense when she is stressed accepted. In addition, two fundraisers with proceeds go-
to help Adalynn.
and could apply the pressure Adalynn requires to remain ing toward training a service dog for Adalynn are being
As a three-year-old, Adalynn was enrolled in the 4-5
calm. The animal would also be able to alert her mother planned.
year-old preschool classes where additional problems be-
before a seizure would begin. On April 21, 6:30 p.m., a Paint Night will be held at
gan to surface. During this time, she was receiving oc-
A service dog would be trained to aid Adalynn when Jolene Peters/Art on the Fly at 505 East Lincolnway in
cupational therapy and help with her speech. She com-
she runs, wanders too far, be there to catch her if she Jefferson. For more information regarding the event, call
plained about her legs and some days, would refuse to
should happen to fall, or would alert someone if she gets 515-370-2824.
walk. She suffered a seizure which called for seizure
hurt. In the event she would somehow get lost, the animal The second benefit is a pulled pork dinner set for April
testing. She still wasnt able to sleep through the night
would respond to calls of those searching for her and stay 28 at the United Methodist Church in Gowrie from 5:00
and her behavior became more aggressive. A referral
with Adalynn until found. A service dog would allow her to 7:00 p.m.
was made to a developmental doctor and neurologist in
to be more independent, be her best friend, stay by her A service dog for Adalynn will not only enrich her life
Des Moines. She was monitored every six months and
side 24/7 helping her stay safe, be a soothing presence but will be invaluable in providing a better quality of life
another brain MRI was ordered. The MRI was scheduled
and give her the confidence to engage with her peers. For and a sense of security not only for her but also for her
to eliminate the possibility that somehow something had
Adalynn, who is 4 years old, it is a very necessary and family.
been previously missed. Again, results came back as nor-
mal. However, the test did find she had a sinus disease
and her airways were completely restricted which called
for an immediate removal of her tonsils and adenoids.
important step.
Training a service dog is expensive. In addition to
Adalynns medications, endless trips to medical appoint-
It Pays to Advertise!
March 29, 2017
Callender Easter
April 15 at 1 p.m.
Plans are underway for the annual Callender
Easter EGGtravaganza in Callender on Saturday, April
15 at 1:00 pm at Callender Heritage Library and Com-
munity Center. Activities include: Easter Egg Hunt 0-12,
Games and Prizes, Coloring Contest and Callender Fire
Dept will have fire trucks and equipment on display.
Pack 42 Cub Scouts will be Scouting for Food around our We would appreciate your support by either
communities from April 1st - 9th. Photo by Trish Wanat. donating any of the following items - Wrapped candy

Pack 42 Cub Scouts

(including peanut free), Plastic eggs, Pre-made Easter
baskets, Prizes for games, Treat bags or by making a
monetary donation.

will be out April 1-9 Monetary Donations may be made out to Cal-
lender Heritage Library and can be mailed or dropped off
at either the Callender Heritage Library, 515 Thomas St.,

Scouting for Food Callender IA. 50523 or Callender City Hall, PO Box 165,
415 Thomas St., Callender IA. 50523. On the memo line
please put EASTER.
By Trish Wanat The Organizational meeting will be held on
Pack 42 Cub Scouts are asking for YOUR help Tuesday, April 4 at 6:30 p.m. at the Library and any do-
to stock the two local food shelves that serve our Prai- nations would like to be received by then.
rie Valley School district in preparation for the increased Volunteers are also needed for Friday April 14 to
clean up debris around the Callender Community Center
Mark Alan Sharkey, 51
need during the summer months. April 1st-9th, scouts
anytime from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Assembling of treat bags, Mark Alan Sharkey 51 of Millard, NE passed
will be Scouting for Food in our community in con-
baskets, filling plastic Easter Eggs, set up of games, priz- away Tuesday February 21, 2017 at Nebraska Medical
junction with scouts nationwide in an effort that dates
es etc. will take place at 4 p.m. until finished on Friday Center. Memorial Services will be held June 24, 2017 at
back to a 1985 Eagle Scout project in St. Louis, Missouri.
evening. Chalco Hill Recreation Park, Wehrspann Lake.
Door-to-door collections will be in Callender and Farn-
Volunteers are also needed and welcomed on Mark was born October 22, 1965 in Fort Dodge,
hamville this year.
Saturday, April 15 to help with the activities from 11 a.m. Iowa. He lived in Gowrie, Iowa until 1973 before moving
Scouts will canvas both towns on Saturday,
to 3 p.m. This would include helping hide Easter Eggs, to Arizona.
April 1st distributing door hangers asking for food dona-
running games, and clean up afterwards. Mark was preceded in death by his parents
tions that will then be collected the following Saturday,
Any questions can be directed to Tammy Mc- Richard and Ivis Sharkey; Step-Father Morrie Daniel;
April 8th. Cubmaster Trish Wanat suggests attaching the
Cormick at 515-418-2308. Everyones help is greatly ap- Brothers Denis Scott Sharky; Sister Holly R. Sharkey.
door hanger to the bag of food that can be left on your
preciated! Survived by daughter, Devon Reiser (Nick) of Arizona,
front step for the scouts to collect Saturday, April 8th.
brother Rick Sharky (Pat); Sister Tami Steneck (Don) of
Gowrie residents are also asked to participate by drop-
ping off items in the collection boxes at Jamboree Foods, ~ Email your news to Plano, TX, six nieces and nephews, five great nieces &
nephews and three Aunts.
Heartland Bank and Security Savings Bank. There will
also be drop-off/collection boxes at area churches and li- [email protected] ~ Mark was a mechanic by trade and enjoyed floor
Items must be non-perishable and unexpired.
Current high priority needs of the Community Pantry Stewart Memorial Community Hospital
Seeks Nominations for Extraordinary Nurses
food shelf at Gowrie United Methodist Church are ce-
real, canned meats, canned vegetables and fruit, quick
meals (ravioli, canned spaghetti), meal helpers, pasta,
and pasta sauces. The food shelf at Our Saviors Luther- Stewart Memorial Community Hospital and other staff. Nurses eligible for nomination include those
an Church in Callender is in need of applesauce, canned McCrary Rost Clinic are seeking nominations for out- working at Stewart Memorial Community Hospital as
chicken, chili beans, canned chili, pancake mix, pancake standing nurses. In partnership with the DAISY Founda- well as nurses at McCrary Rost Clinic. Nomination forms
syrup, canned pears, canned diced tomatoes, mens and tion, SMCH has made a tradition of recognizing nurses are available at Stewart Memorial Community Hospital
womens deodorant, paper towels, toilet paper and spray who, by virtue of their exemplary work, rise above and Business Office, Outpatient registration; all McCrary-
bottle household cleaner. beyond. Rost Clinics and on our website at www.stewartmemo-
Monetary donations can also be made and those The not-for-profit DAISY Foundation is based All nomination forms are due May 1st to Kari
can be dropped off to Marla Stokesbary at Farm and in Glen Ellen, CA, and was established by family mem- Jones, Chief Nursing Officer or Jodi Henkenius, Admin-
Town Insurance in Gowrie or Linda Peterson at Our Sav- bers in memory of J. Patrick Barnes. Patrick died at the istrative Assistant. Nomination forms can be mailed to
iors Lutheran Church in Callender. age of 33 in late 1999 from complications of Idiopathic Stewart Memorial Community Hospital * Attn: Kari
One in five children live in a food insecure Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP), a little known but not Jones * 1301 West Main St * Lake City, IA * 51449.
home. There are children who dont know where their uncommon auto-immune disease. The care Patrick and To learn more about services available at Stewart
next meal will come from in every community. Please his family received from nurses while he was ill inspired Memorial Community Hospital, please visit our website
help us make a big difference in the lives of hungry chil- this unique means of thanking nurses for making a pro- at
dren and those in need. And thank you for helping our found difference in the lives of their patients and patient
scouts follow the Scout Oath to help other people at all families.
times. Stewart Memorial Community Hospital will
present the Daisy Award to an extraordinary nurse who
goes above and beyond providing excellent every day
care to patients and families. Award recipients are nomi-
nated by peers, physicians, patients, and families and


g Somers Public Library
raising funds for new
l LEGOs for visitors
0 The Somers Public Library is working towards rais-
ing $600 that will match a grant awarded to us by the
e Calhoun County Community Foundation in order to pur-
e chase LEGOs for our school-aged visitors.
The Somers library plan to incorporate our new
LEGOs into this years Summer Reading Program and to
introduce a new LEGO club that will run throughout the Stewart Memorial Community Hospital nurse Sara
school year. They are happy to report that they have thus Thorkildsen, RN, and SMCH Homecare/Hospice nurse
far raised $216 towards our goal and are grateful for the Holly Wuebker, RN, were presented the Daisy Award at a
~ ~ donations! banquet in 2016 celebrating exemplary nursing.
6 March 29, 2017

Sports Southeast Valley

Jaguar Boys Track Team compete Schedule of Events
at BV indoor meet on March 17 Week of March 29th to April 5th
Thursday, March 30
By Coach Nuss Samuelson (31 4) also competed in the shot put. The 4 SVMS District NHD @ Storm Lake
The boys track and field team traveled to Storm x 800 team of all freshman Hunter Kruse, Chase Swieter, 6:00 p.m. FFA Banquet
Lake on St. Patricks day last Friday to compete in the BV Carter Lane and Robert Jepsen ran a 10:24.27 to set the Friday, March 31
indoor meet. Spencer Warehime once again was the top freshman 4 x 800m record. 5:00 p.m. Boys Varsity Track ROLAND-STORY
finisher for the Jaguars winning the 1600m run in a time The 60m shuttle hurdle team of Jarrett Loseke, Saturday, April 1
of 4:40.36. He also anchored the medley relay team of Daven Rees, Colton Kamp and Randy Andrews ran a State Solo and Ensemble Music Festival
Nyles Johnson, Kyler Fisher and Patrick Breitsprecher. time of 42.96. Jarrett (10.68), Daven (10.75) and Colton
Their time of 3:54.15 was good enough for 4th place. Monday, April 3
(12.04) also competed in the high hurdles. Competing
Patrick also ran the 1600m run in a time of 5:10.97. in the 60m dash were Kenny Blunk (8.14), Zach Graves PVES - NO PM Preschool
Nyles and Kyler also competed in the high jump (8.30) and JJ Graves (8.31). 4:30 p.m. Girls Varsity Track RICHARD RYAN
and 400m dash. In the high jump, Nyles set a new school Kenny, Zach, and JJ also competed on the two 4 x 200m Iowa Jazz Championships @ ISU
record with a jump of 5 10 while Kyler jumped 5 4. In relay teams. Kenny, Mason Ackerson, Daven and Hunter Tuesday, Oct 4
the 400m run, Nyless 56.59 edged Kylers 57.66. ran a time of 1:47.91 while Kyler, Zach, JJ and Nyles ran 4:30 p.m. Girls Varsity Track RICHARD RYAN
Jared Kastendieck through a season PR in the a time of 1:42.40. The Jaguars will next compete at at
shot put throwing 35 5. Ivan Hudson (32 8) and Luke Story City on Friday, March 31st. *Schedule is pulled from the SV website for your convenience*
***Schedules are subject to change at anytime***

Delicious meal served by

Jag Cafe on March 31
Make your reservation today...
The Jag Cafe will open on March 31st serving a
delicious meal. M
The menu consists of a choice of past and sauces
which are fettucine or spaghetti noodles with either mari-
nara sauce with meatballs or fettucine sauce along with
a Caesar salad and garlic bread. Dessets include Smore
cheesecake or strawberry jello cake. S
Please call the high school office at 515.352.3142G
to make reservations. Cost of the meal is $8.00.

Our Saviours Lutheranm

Southeast Valley weightlifting champions... Lenten Supper planned wW
Wednesday, March 29 at 5:15 p.m. . .
The Southeast Valley Weightlifting team stays undefeated in winning their 10th straight Bench Press Team Championship.
Photo by Lisa Peterson. Wed., March 29 1st Communion Class will be
held at 4:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room. Lenten Supper #4,
Southeast Valley Weightlifting team remains will begin at 5:15 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Confirma-
tion Class be be held from 6:00-6:45 p.m. located in the

undefeated; Bench Press Championship

Fireside Room followed by Lenten Worship at 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, March 30 Choir Rehearsal will begin
at 6:30 p.m.
The Southeast Valley Weightlifting team stays Coach Swieter was very happy with everyones Saturday, April 1 Mens Group will meet in the
undefeated in winning their 10th straight Bench Press lifts and said there were a lot of kids who could have lift- Fireside Room at 9:00 a.m.
Team Championship. ed more if they had another attempt. He would also like Sunday, April 2 Worship with Holy Commu-
There were 39 lifters who came out to compete to recognize Dennis and Connie Swieter for donating all nion; Quilt/Kits Dedication will begin at 9:15 a.m. fol-
from three different schools - Southeast Valley, Hampton trophies and medals for this meet. lowed by Fellowship Coffee at 10:15 a.m. Sunday School
Dumont, and Iowa Falls. This was a big day for the Jags Team Champion at 10:30 a.m. Adult Forum will be held in the Fireside
winning seven of the eleven weight classes. Hampton The Meet Champions in Bench Press per grade Room starting at 11:00 a.m.
Dumont won three weight classes and Iowa Falls won are Aaron Swieter, Senior, 275#; Tommy Lennon, Junior, Monday, April 3 Bible Study with Don Doolittle
one class. 250#; Kenny Blunk, Sophomore, 250#; Ivan Hudson, will held at 7:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room.
Sophomore, 250#; Chase Swieter, Freshman, 215#; Luke Wednesday, April 5 1st Communion Class will
Samuelson, Freshman, 215; and Brody Hansen, Fresh- meet in the Fireside Room starting at 4:00 p.m. Lenten
man, 215#. Supper #5 will be held in the Fellowship Hall starting at
Best Body Percentage Overall 5:15 p.m. Confirmation Class will be held in the Fireside
The Best Body Percentage per grade was *Keegan Room from 6:00-6:45 p.m. followed by Lenten Worship
Goodwin, senior, 159%. *Overall Best Body Percent- at 7:0 p.m.
age of Meet*; Tommy Lennon, Junior, 115%; Ivan Hud-
son, Sophomore, 154%; and Chase Swieter, Freshman,
SV First place finishes
Finishing in first place for the Jaguars are Ross
Halligan, Carter Lane, Keegan Goodwin, Ivan Hudson,
Kenny Blunk, Sam Berglund and Brody Hansen. Birthdays
30-Mar Marilyn Birkland, Wesley Larson
31-Mar Connor Klingson
1-Apr Bill Hepp, Jody Weinhold
Keegan Goodwin finished the meet with the best body per- 2-Apr Ben Jensen, Casey Kaufman
centage overall. Photo by Lisa Peterson. Marilyn Lanning
3-Apr Kathy Foote, Mary Hammen
George Lawman, Earlene Wilson
4-Apr Dalton Boerner, Jason Vote
Jordyn Stickrod
5-Apr Dean Gleason

31-March Bill and Dianna Hanna.
1-April Randy and Jodi Kopecky.

Aaron Swieter earned the heaviest Senior bench as he is

shown trying to bench 300. Photo by Lisa Peterson.

Ivan Hudson finishes with the best body percentage in Soph-

Please send your change of address promptly
omore class and has the heaviest bench at 250 for the Sopho- so that your subscription to The Gowrie News
more class. Photo by Lisa Peterson. can continue without interruption.
March 29, 2017

Kiersten Fisher was the Full Dance Scholarship Winner to

Chicago Dance intensive at the Braco Dance Competition in
Ames this past weekend.

GUMC Church activities
Moms Connection Group
Friday, March 31 at 9 a.m. . .
My Kind of Guy a small group consisting of Daven Rees, Shelby Hofbauer, Marissa Jepsen, Jaidyn Rowley, Bailey Miller,
e Wednesday, March 29 there will be Lent Soup Maddison Vinchattle, and Kiersten Fisher received a Platinum rating and finished first Overall.

Vickys Dance Academy competes at

Supper followed by Worship at Zion Lutheran church in
2Gowrie starting at 6:00 p.m.
Friday, March 31 Moms connection Group will

n Bravo Dance competition in Ames

meet at 9 a.m. Quilters will begin at 1 p.m.
Communion Sunday, April 02 Sunday school
will begin at 9 a.m. Chior Practice will start at 9:30 a.m.
Worship is held at 10:15 a.m. and A World Worth Sav-
It was a great weekend for Vickys Dance Acad- Rhythm - she received an Encore Level Elite High Gold.
ing Study will be held at 11:30 a.m.
emy at Bravo Dance Competition which was held at Ste- Jordan Johnson and Graycee Carlson received
Book Drive for Youth phens Auditorium in Ames on Saturday, March 18.
Awards went to Malia Urban (Every Heart) re-
an Elite High Gold - Ive got Rhythm.
Bailey and Brooklyn Miller received Encore
ceiving a Platinum rating.
Literacy now till April Kiersten Fisher performed to Pretty Hurts and
received Platinum rating and placed second Overall Kier-
Level Elite High Gold - Copa Cuties.
Boogie Woogie tap small group received a Plati-

nSomers Public Library

num rating and finished second Overall. They were also
sten was the Full Dance Scholarship Winner to Chicago Judges Choice Salute & Sass and consisted of Shelby
Dance intensive. Hofbauer, Marissa Jepsen, Jaidyn Rowley, Bailey Miller,
e Fabulous a small group finished fourth Overall Maddison Vinchattle, and Kiersten Fisher.
With warmer days just ahead, the Somers Sum-
and consisting of Malia Urban, Liberty Suchan, Addie My Kind of Guy a small group consisting of
mer Reading Program planning have begun, and with it,
-their annual Book Drive for Youth Literacy. Larson, Araya Heilman, Kaliyah Minnehan, Camryn Daven Rees, Shelby Hofbauer, Marissa Jepsen, Jaidyn
- The book drive, which will run through April, Lane, Grace Cullum, Brooklyn Miller, Anna Corell, and Rowley, Bailey Miller, Maddison Vinchattle, and Kier-
lhelps to accomplish goals of keeping children interested Kayla Field.
ein reading during the summer months by allowing the li- sten Fisher received a Platinum rating and finished first
Daven Rees received a Platinum rating and fin-
brary to purchase new books to use during the Summer ished second overall - Heart Cry.
eReading Program. The Sound a Senior small group consisting of
Bailey Miller, Secret Long Song - Encore level
Shelby Hofbauer, Jaidyn Rowley, Bailey Miller, and Ki-
The libraries goal is to raise $250 by the end of received a Platinum rating and finished fourth Overall.
lApril. All money will go towards purchasing new chil- ersten Fisher finished second Overall
Bailey also received Judges choice award (intense emo-
ndrens, juniors, and young adult books. Last years Book Keep up the great work girls!
tion) with this dance routine. Her other routine Ive got
tDrive was successful and led to wonderful summer for
eour communitys children, and Somers library is grate-
pful for any donations that help continue the tradition this

Zion Lutheran Church

Lenten Worship continues
Wednesday, March 29...
Wednesday, March 29 Youth Bells will begin at 4
p.m. Lenten soup supper will begin at 6:00 p.m. followed
by Lenten Worship at 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 1 Worship will be held ad 5:00
Sunday, April 2 Sunday School will begin at
9:30 a.m. Worship will begin at 10:30 a.m.
Tuesday, April 4 A GCC taped service will be-
gin at 10 a.m.
Wednesday, April 5 Youth Bells will begin at
4 p.m. and the Lenten Soup Supper will begin at 6:00
p.m. at the United Methodist Church, Gowrie followed
by Lenten Worship at 7:00 p.m.

Fabulous a small group finished fourth Overall and consisting of Malia Urban, Liberty Suchan, Addie Larson, Araya Heil-
man, Kaliyah Minnehan, Camryn Lane, Grace Cullum, Brooklyn Miller, Anna Corell, and Kayla Field.
8 March 29, 2017

Cameron Pliner
Congratulations to
Cameran Pliner for being
nominated as Jaguar of
the week. Cameran was
nominated because...He
helps assist me with my shop
classes, he has been working
on a project for the school,
he is one of the nicest kids
to work with and he treats
everyone with respect.
Jaguar of Week recognition is made by a different
staff member on a rotating basis each week at Southeast
Valley High School.

Drive Your Tractor to School Day...

Leaving their cars and trucks at home for the day, Southeast Valley High School students recently took a different mode of
transportation to school. They hopped on one of their familys tractors, chugged along country roads and pulled into the
school parking lot as a yearly tradition celebrating Drive Your Tractor to School Day.

At the Southeast Valley High School Alex and Ethan

Pliner pose among the tractors parked in the schools
lot during Drive Your Tractor to School Day on
Wednesday, March 22.

Anderson - 35th Anniversary

Danny and Marcia (Christianson) Anderson

10 OFF 15 OFF
will celebrate their 35th Anniversary on April 4.
$ $ They were united in marriage on April, 4, 1982 at
the Zion Lutheran Church in Gowrie, IA by Dean
any athletic shoe any athletic shoe
under $110. over $110.
Their children include: Son - Tyler and
wife Jennifer Anderson and Granddaughter Ella of
Prices good thru March 31, 2017 Pleasant Hill, IA. Daughter - Ashley Anderson of
Des Moines, IA.
210 South 25th St.,
Danny and Marcia currently live in Ellsworth,
Fort Dodge, IA Ryan Jondle and Alex Pudenz roll into the Southeast IA. Marcia works for Iowa State University and
515-955-8200 888-293-3761
WELL GET YOU UP Mon. - Thur. 9-7 Fri. 9-6; Valley parking lot celebrating "Drive Your Tractor to Danny works for the City of Ellsworth. They enjoy
Sat. 9-5 Sunday Noon-5 School Day."
AND RUNNING! cheering on the ISU Cyclones, biking and golfing.
March 29, 2017

Ms. Carlons Kindergarten class brought in the most box tops during the contest with a total of 1, 044 Box Tops. The kids
received special treats for winning. Photo by PV Elementary.

Prairie Valley Elementary PTA

Box Top contest winners announced
This winter, the Prairie Valley Elementary PTA Our wonderful Prairie Valley Elementary stu-
held a Box Tops Contest. Parents and families could cut dents, families, and community members brought in
the box top clippings from the purchased items and then many box tops! The top two classes that brought in the Thursday, March 30
turn them into the school. Each box top is worth 10 cents most clippings during the contest received special treats.
from the company. Our leading class was Ms. Carlons Kindergarten with a
The collected clippings are then redeemed from total of 1, 044 Box Tops. Our second winning class was
the company and a check is sent to our PV Elementary Mrs. Walshs 2nd grade.
PTA. We use this money to help fund field trips read- We would like to recognize all of our families
ing night, back to school supplies, technology for our and community members for participating in the Box
classrooms, playground equipment, special incentives Tops program. We appreciate all the box tops collected
throughout the year, and more. All of our students benefit in our communities that are brought in to help support
from the contest! Prairie Valley Elementary!

~ ~
Mrs. Walshs 2nd grade class was the other winner during the Box Top contest held whis
winter at the PV Elementary. Photo by PV Elementary.

Area truckers doing their part in helping the ranchers in southern kansas.
Photo by Tyler Sandvig.

Ranchers Benefit held at

Paton Community Room
Saturday, April 1...
A Ranchers Wildfire Relief Fund Benefit Supper will be held on April 1, 2017
at the Paton Community Room from 5 p.m. till 8 p.m.
The supper will include burgers, chips, baked beans, dessert and drink. The
Cattlemen, Pork and Lamb Producers will be grilling for a free will offering. 100% of
the proceeds will go to support the ranchers in Kansas, Colorado, Oklahoma and Texas
that have suffered wild fires.
10 March 29, 2017

Stewart Memorial Community Hospital

Installs Medication Disposal Kiosk
To combat the increase of opioid use among abuse in the U.S. & Iowa. The need for the kiosks in
Calhoun County residents, Stewart Memorial Commu- Iowa is evident. According to the Iowa Governors Of-
nity Hospital has installed a medication disposal kiosk in fice of Drug Control Policy, opioid-related emergency
its Lake City clinic. department visits are on the rise. Patients who reported
The kiosk provides a simple, effortless and cost- abusing non-heroin opioids accounted for nine percent of
free way for individuals to safely dispose of medicines all visits. The types of medicines abused included pain
that are no longer needed. Community members can bring relievers, stimulants, anti-anxiety, anti-depressants and
unused, expired or unwanted controlled, non-controlled, sedatives.
and over the counter medications, including pet medica- The kiosk is available during clinic hours, Mon-
tions, to the registration area of McCrary Rost Clinic in day through Friday, 8:00 am -5:30 pm, and offers one of
Lake City. The kiosk features a one-way medicine drop the best ways to ensure medications are not accidental-
with a locking drop door and triple-locked front door ly used or intentionally misused by someone else. Jane
access. The container is compliant with the U.S. Drug Moeller, pharmacy director at SMCH says, In the past,
Enforcement Administration. The drugs are securely col- we could accept only noncntrolled drugs in our disposal
lected and shipped for incineration, keeping citizens safe unit. With this secure kiosk, we are able accept controlled
from inadvertant drug ingestion and contaminated drink- substances like morphine, oxycodone, hydrocodone, al-
ing water resulting from flushing, trashing, or tossing of prazolam, tramadol, and lorazepam. This will increase
expired or unused prescription drugs. the safety of our patients and their families by reducing
In 2016 the Centers for Disease Control reported accessibility to unused drugs and provide an avenue to rid
78 U.S. lives are claimed by drug overdoses, led by opi- of drugs without contaminating our water supply.
oids (pain killers) every day. While Iowas prescription To learn more about the services available at
drug abuse rate is lower than the U.S. average, opioid Stewart Memorial Community Hospital, please visit our
abuse is one of the fastest growing forms of substance website at

The kiosk provides a simple, effortless and cost-free way for

individuals to safely dispose of medicines that are no longer

This week Rep. Mike Sexton (R-Rockwell City) met with members of the Calhoun County REC. The group was visiting the While we are in session, please remember that
Capitol to talk with legislators as a part of the REC Day on the Hill. Pictured from left to right are Beryl Birkland (Gowrie), Senator Kraayenbrink and I will be on the Devine Inter-
Ron Hanson (Pomeroy), Terry Finley (Auburn), Rox Carische (Rockwell City), Rep. Mike Sexton (Rockwell City), Keaton
vention Radio Show with Mike Devine on KVFD 1400
Hildreth (Rockwell City), and Jim Miller (Fonda).
every Friday morning from 7:30 to 8:30. This is a call in
17th. show so use this opportunity to talk to both of us and let
Agriculture us know your feelings on the current issues facing Iowa
On Friday, March 17, 2017, Federal Judge Leon- citizens.
ard Strand dismissed all of Water Works claims against Please let me know what you are thinking! Feel free to
the ten northwest Iowa drainage districts, saying that contact me at my legislative email at mike.sexton@legis.
Iowas water quality problems are an issue for the Iowa
legislature to resolve. This may be a fine public policy
argument for consideration by the Iowa legislature, but Black Hills energy is
it falls far short of establishing a violation of DMWWs
due process rights under the United States Constitution,
Strand wrote in his ruling. This was a huge ruling for in
here to help you manage
Week Eleven - March 23, 2017
Second Funnel
As week eleven comes to a close, we are quickly
favor of Iowa Agriculture and my district which includes
Calhoun, which is one of the counties being sued.
your heating bill
approaching the end of the second funnel. Next Friday Nuisance Law suit Protection April 1 is an important date to observe as the
will mark the end of the second funnel. Friday is the final We passed SF 447 out of the House Wednesday end of the annual Iowa Winter Moratorium (cold weather
day bills originating in the Senate have to be reported out night after it passed in the Iowa Senate on March 14, rule), and rules governing payment arrangements, energy
of a House committee and bills originating in the House 2017. SF 447 adds a new subsection to Chapter 657.11A assistance and bill-related service interruptions change
have to be reported out of a Senate committee. Bills that that promotes responsible animal feeding operations en- until next fall. This date is important to remember for any
did not make it through the second funnel are dead for this couraging them to adopt existing prudent and generally customer anticipating a budget crunch ahead with their
legislative session. I want to expand on bills that do not utilized management practices, and deems livestock nui- bills.
make it through the funnel that we call dead. The joke sances as permanent and specifies court awarded dam- Natural gas utility Black Hills Energy is encour-
down here is that a bill is never dead. There are ways that ages to: (a) actual economic compensatory damages for aging any customer struggling with their budget to call
bills can stay alive. An example of this is leadership bills; loss of market value of property, (b) objective and docu- the company to explore its billing options and payment
a member of leadership in both the House and Senate can mented medical compensation where the livestock opera- plans. Black Hills also provides contact information for
request those bills be funnel-proof. Also, any Ways and tion was the proximate cause of a health infirmity and the local energy assistance agencies the company partners
Means and Appropriation bills are funnel-proof. They are cost to treat such health conditions; and (c) for compen- with, including the Iowa Community Action Association.
bills that deal with taxes and spending. The funnel pro- satory special damages for intangible injuries such as an- Customers are urged to call as soon as possible.
cess is designed to keep us focused and get things done noyance, loss of comfortable use and enjoyment of real We want to help our customers all we can, said Tracy
down here. If we did not have this process in place, I fear property that is no more than 150% of the sum of com- Peterson, Black Hills Energys vice president of Iowa
we would just keep dreaming up new ideas. Once both pensation for lost market value and health considerations. natural gas operations. There are more payment options
funnels are finished, there will be very few committee This is a bill I spoke on the floor about, which I seldom and assistance available to customers who call before
meetings but will be much more debate on the floor in ever do. My comments focused on the need to protect their bill is past due.
an effort to get things wrapped up before our deadline of young farmers that are coming back to the family farming Energy assistance agencies receive a portion of
April 18th. operation and cannot financially handle a lawsuit at the their funding from the Black Hills Cares program. Black
From My Desk beginning of their farming career. Hills matches tax-deductible donations from employees
The budget process starts now. The House and Pass It On and customers, and we forward the total to the local com-
Senate Appropriation Chairs meet with the governors If you have family, friends, or co-works that you munity action agency for distribution, Peterson said.
staff to establish what we call targets. Targets are how think would also enjoy MWM please forward this to them Black Hills Energy provides space on its bills to
much each Budget Committee has to spend. The follow- so they can read it and deicide to be on our mailing list. allow customers to make an optional one-time or monthly
ing Budget Committees are in charge of deciding where If you are reading this and would like to subscribe to our donation to Black Hills Cares. Information on Black Hills
the money goes inside of each of the budgets: Administra- newsletter, Minute with Mike, please send us an email Cares, energy assistance and all of the other energy so-
tion and Regulation, Agriculture and Natural Resources, letting us know. lutions Black Hills Energy offers is available at www.
Economic Development, Education, Health and Human We have created a Facebook page that I will or by calling Black Hills Energy
Services, Justice System, Transportation, Infrastructure, be using to add comments about what is going on in the toll-free at 888-890-5554.
and Capitals. Capitol and the House floor. This page will also be used
These seven budgets fund all State Government. to make comments as bills are being debated on the floor.
Once we get targets, it takes about three weeks to run Please go to
the bills through the process and get them down to the ton or search for State Representative Mike Sexton on
Governors desk. So if we get targets the beginning of Facebook and like it so you can stay informed about leg-
next week, we could be done down here the week of April islation we are working on.
March 29, 2017
Many Health Care amenities in Gowrie; Gowrie Police Report
pharmacy, chiropractor, dentist and more February 16, 2017 to February 28, 2017
February 16- 11:20- Assist in escorting State
By Gowrie Development Commision high blood pressure, the Gowrie medical providers and High School Wrestlers out of town for send off;
One of the great amenities for the community support team are ready to help. When patients need test- 11:35- Assist Gowrie EMS on medical call in the
of Gowrie is the access to healthcare services! A clinic, ing for a diagnosis, the Gowrie clinic is equipped to pro- 1800 block of Main St; 11:40- Out at High School
pharmacy, chiropractic care, massage therapy, dentist, as- vide answers. They offer moderate complexity lab ser- to speak with Principal reference a school threat;
sisted living, and care facilities for short term recovery or vices, digital radiology, and EKG. Our full service retail 12:30- LEC- Driving complaint South on Fair-
long term care are all available in Gowrie. (As well as the pharmacy is open five days a week to help with all of banks Ave. from Callender. Unable to locate.
Southwest Webster Ambulance Service for emergency your medication needs. You can find them online at http:// February 17- 19:00- Assist Gowrie EMS on med-
care!) ical call in the 1000 block of Park St; 21:20- Open
Stewart Memorial Community Hospital is a Also located in the lower level of the clinic is window in the 1500 block of Lincoln St. Secured;
member of the Gowrie Development Commission and GDC member Rock-Judisch Vision Clinic. Office hours 22:45- Car accident with injuries 350th and Bax-
is represented on the GDC Board of Directors by CEO on Wednesdays are from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Rock-Ju- ter Ave. Assist Iowa State Patrol, Webster County
and Gowrie resident Cindy Carstens. The Gowrie Mc- disch Vision Clinic, P.C. has been a leading provider of Sheriffs Office, Calhoun County Sheriffs Office,
Crary Rost Clinic and Community Pharmacy serves lo- optometry services and vision care products in the Lake Gowrie Fire, Gowrie EMS, and Farnhamville Fire
cal and area patients five days a week with a full range City community since 1968, and they want to help you and Rescue.
of services for every family member. Since 1986, the achieve and maintain clear vision for years to come. February 18- 20:05- Flagged down reference
Gowrie McCrary Rost Clinic team has cared for families Their experienced eye doctors offer comprehen- juveniles throwing sparklers at cars driving by.
through every stage of life. From pediatrics to geriatrics sive vision examinations at our Gowrie optometry office Stopped and spoke with the juveniles in the 1700
their healthcare team is here for you and your family. Dr. and specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of a wide block of Main St.
Adam Swisher, Dr. Margaret Vitiritto, Rochelle Guess, array of eye diseases, conditions, and problems. They February 19- 19:47- LEC- Possible intoxicated
FNP-C, and Kari Swisher, ARNP, offer all areas of fam- use advanced diagnostic technology and vision correc- driver headed East on 360th passing Farnhamville.
ily care. Whether you need routine care, a same-day visit tion products and are committed to improving the quality Unable to locate; 20:06- Assist Gowrie EMS out of
for an illness, or help managing a chronic diagnosis like of life of persons in the Lake City community through town on a medical call; 20:15- Light on in business
enhanced vision. Give yourself the gift of clear vision
Blood Drive planned
in the 600 block of 4th St. All doors secured.
- schedule an appointment with your eye care provider February 20- Routine activity reported.
today. You can find them online at http://visionsource-
in Gowrie
February 21- 13:30- Out with Webster County Sheriffs Deputy and K9 Swamper for locker
Gowrie Family Chiropractic Clinic is also a searches at the High School.
Thursday, April 6... member of the Gowrie Development Commission and
provides a full range of services from Dr. Bruce Pudenz.
February 22- Routine activity reported.
February 23- Routine activity reported.
The clinic offers manual adjustments for infants thru February 24- 03:00- LEC- Report of power be-
There will be a blood drive in Gowrie, Thursday, adults, Sports Physicals, DOT Physicals, ultrasound ther- ing out for over 30 minutes in town. Contacted
April 6, 2017 from 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM at Gowrie Com- apy, electrical stem therapy, Dry needling, X-rays and Utilities; 03:30- Issued five parking tickets for
munity Center, 1206 Market St. massage therapy with their two licensed massage thera- snow parking ban; 05:35- Assist motorist in the
Its important to take a moment and remember pists Janessa Simon and Kodi Mundt. Visit their website 1100 block of 2nd St. Vehicle ran out of gas then
that some of the best gifts dont cost anything, and they at or wouldnt start. Got vehicle jumped; 09:10- Assist
can have a profound impact in our community. contact them at 515-352-3880. Hours of business are Gowrie EMS out of town on medical call; 09:50-
Make a difference in your community and help Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9-5 Tuesday 9-12 and Assist Gowrie EMS second crew out of town on
boost the blood supply by giving blood at an upcoming Thursday 12-7. medical call.
blood drive.
Sign up to save a life today! Schedule a blood
donation appointment online at www.lifeservebloodcen-
Two bald eagles February 25- 22:35- LEC- Check on suspicious
vehicle stuck in the snow in the 100 block of 5th

found shot in
Ave. NW in Dayton. Deputies called Gowrie car or call 800.287.4903. off while en route.
The American Red Cross is issuing a call for February 26- Routine activity reported.

Webster County
type O negative and AB blood donors to make an ap- February 27- 10:35- Issued parking ticket in the
pointment to give after severe winter weather in some 1000 block of Evans St. for over 72-hour park-
parts of the country caused about 250 Red Cross blood ing. Contacted Mid-Iowa towing to have vehicle
drives to cancel in March, resulting in more than 8,500 The Iowa Department of Natural Resources towed.
uncollected blood donations. (DNR) is looking for the person or persons responsible February 28- 16:35- LEC- Out at High School
Type O negative blood and type AB plasma are for shooting two bald eagles in Webster County. parking lot for report of reckless driving. Spoke
two of the most in-demand blood products by hospitals. People around here are outraged, said Bill with five juveniles about their driving habits and
Those who give can help patients locally or across the Spece, state conservation officer with the Iowa DNR. educated on the dos and donts of a minors school
country as the Red Cross has the ability to move blood Both eagles were shot with a similar caliber firearm and license.
products where and when they are needed most left for dead so it is possible that these cases are related.
All blood types are needed to meet the constant Spece said the first bald eagle was an immature
need of patients, and there is a significant need now for
type O negative and AB donations to help some of the
bird found two weeks ago by a person hunting shed deer Local Emergency Numbers:
most vulnerable patients, said Laura McGuire, Ameri-
antlers in the Boone Forks Wildlife Area, in southeast
Webster County. The second bald eagle was a mature bird
Gowrie Police: 352-3800
can Red Cross Badger Hawkeye Blood Services Region.
We ask that you schedule an appointment to roll up a
found Saturday near the sewage lagoons at Lehigh. The Sheriff: 515-573-1410
eagle was alive, but died shortly after being transported to
sleeve to help save a life in the coming days. a wildlife rehabilitator. It had been shot twice. Crime Alert: 515-573-1444
Donations help patients like Brady Prosser. He
was severely burned in October while mowing near burn-
The eagles were found within 10 miles of each Ambulance: 911 Fire: 911
ing leaves. He received regular sometimes daily blood We dont have much to go on so we are ask-
and plasma transfusions during his hospitalization. ing for the publics help to find those responsible, Spece
Type O negative blood can be transfused to pa- said.
tients with any blood type and is often needed in emer- He said people with information on the case can
gency situations when there isnt time to determine a pa- use the Turn in Poachers (TIP) website at www.iowadnr.
tients blood type. While less than 7 percent of the U.S. gov/tip, call the TIP hotline at 1-800-532-2020 or call
population has type O negative blood, hospitals depend him directly at 515-571-0127. Information can be left
on frequent O negative donations to ensure its always anonymously.
available for patients in need. Type O negative blood do- Bald eagles are a state and federally protected
nors are an important part of the Red Cross trauma team.
Type AB is the universal plasma type and can be
species. Tough Pressure on the Family
transfused to patients of any blood type in an emergency.
Plasma helps maintain blood pressure and supplies criti- Public Notice One of the toughest pressures working against
cal proteins for clotting and immunity. Plasma can be do- the family these days is materialism. Kids keep the pres-
nated through a blood donation. Notice Regarding Appointment of Magistrate sure on parents to have what their friends have. Husbands
How to help put pressure on their wives to go to work to keep up
The magistrate appointing commission for Webster County will
Eligible donors can learn more, find a dona- meet at the Courthouse on May 12, 2017, at 9:00 a.m. for the purpose of with the Jones but the wives prefer to be at home.
tion opportunity and schedule an appointment by using appointing three (3) magistrates for the term beginning August 1, 2017,
and ending July 31, 2021. Wives often make it clear to their husbands how dissatis-
the free Blood Donor App, visiting or Pursuant to Iowa Code section 602.6404, the qualifications include: fied they are with what they have, causing the husband to
calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). A blood 1. A magistrate shall be a resident of the county of appointment or of
a county contiguous to the county of appointment during the magistrates feel unappreciated. To top it off, Madison Avenue adds
donor card or drivers license or two other forms of iden- term of office. fuel to the fire by convincing us that every product is the
2. A person is not qualified for appointment as a magistrate if at the
tification are required at check-in. Individuals who are time of appointment the person has reached age seventy-two. answer to happiness. Materialism, often seen as a con-
17 years of age in most states (16 with parental consent 3. A magistrate shall be an attorney licensed to practice law in this
cern for the family, has a way, unfortunately, of creating
state. However, a magistrate not admitted to practice law in this state
where allowed by state law), weigh at least 110 pounds who is currently holding office shall be eligible to be reappointed as a enormous dissatisfaction within the family.
and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate magistrate in the same county.
An application form may be obtained from the Clerk of Court. Jesus has a much better idea. It almost seems
blood. High school students and other donors 18 years Completed application forms must be returned to the Clerk of Court not un-American in today's consumerism. Seek first His
of age and younger also have to meet certain height and later than May 2, 2017.
Magistrate Appointing Commission for Webster County kingdom and His righteousness will be added unto you.
weight requirements. Does that mean we dont work hard? Absolutely not!
Blood donors can save time at their donation We are called to work, but it has to do with priorities that
appointment by using RapidPass to complete their pre- help keep the family together in harmony. God unites the
donation reading and health history questionnaire online, family. Materialism pulls it apart.
on the day of their donation, prior to arriving at the blood Prayer: Lord, help us to see that the answer to
drive. To get started and learn more, visit redcrossblood. our problems is You, not trying to keep up with others..
org/RapidPass and follow the instructions on the site. In Jesus Holy Name.
12 March 29, 2017

The Negotiations/Finance committee was tabled until later in


the meeting. Mr. Johnson expressed that he was appreciative of the
conversations that are taking place regarding collective bargaining. Both
sides are engaging in brainstorming and remaining flexible, which he sees

as an enormous benefit.
Items 8, sections a-h were discussed and tabled until later in the
Regular Gowrie City Council meeting was held at 6:45 p.m. on meeting.
March 20, 2017 at the Gowrie Community/Civic Center with Mayor Gayle Mr. Johnson gave an update on legislative issues that are in the
Redman in the chair and the following Council members answering roll works, or have recently passed, including the changes to Chapter 20
call: Streit, Harrison and Jackson. Absent were Willardson and Petersen. Prairie Valley Community Schools Collective Bargaining.
Harrison moved the minutes of the previous meeting be approved, second Board of Directors Mr. Johnson gave an update on the remodel of the south wing. 1 bid
by Streit. Motion carried-unanimous. Regular Board Meeting was submitted but then rescinded due to lack of bidders. Some possible
Streit moved to approve agenda with the change of moving item 7p to Monday, March 15, 2017 changes to the deadline to finish were discussed.
right after 7a, second Jackson. Motion-carried-unanimous. 6:30 p.m. The School Calendar will be discussed at the joint Board Meeting on
Parks report was given by Dave Hoover. He discussed the play Prairie Valley High School Library April 12, 2017.
equipment they found on sale for Laurel Park. Donations are being A virtual reality presentation was given by Bethany Rippentrop-
accepted and the Fort Dodge Community Foundation will match all Nuss. The Board Members were given virtual reality goggles to where,
funds up to $10,000. Also, soccer will run from April 8 through May 20 at The Prairie Valley Community School District held its regular board and experienced how they would be used in the classroom. The Board
Brockett Park. Around 300 kids are signed up and permission has been meeting on Wednesday March 15, 2017 in the Prairie Valley High School enjoyed the presentation.
given from Gowrie Livestock to use the area to the east of the sale barn. Library. A presentation was given on the FY 2018 Budget. The budget
Danny Hansen from Dayton has offered to furnish the labor and looking for President Miller called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. hearing will by April 12, 2017 at 6:00PM at the Dayton Elementary School.
someone to donate seed for the new area at Brockett Park. A roll call vote was taken. We will be presenting our budget jointly with Southeast Webster Grand.
Police report was given by Chief Patrick Monaghan. Austin Promes Present: Shannon Miller, Jim Carlson, Gary Welter Patrice Klingson joined at 8:05PM.
will need approval through the ILEA council, which should not be an Present by phone: Joe Harrison, Patrice Klingson arrived at 8:05 Moved by Welter, seconded by J. Carlson to approve the financial
issue. Patrick will be ordering ammo for weapons classes once Austin is p.m.; Absent: Kathy Carlson, Heidi McGuire reports as presented. Ayes: Miller, Klingson, J. Carlson, Welter; Nays:
approved, but training is going well. Patrick, along with Superintendent Also Present: Brian Johnson, Jim Duncan, Jim Henrich, Lisa None; Motion Carried: 4-0
Brian Johnson, attended the Midwest Counterdrug Terrorism Center at Willardson, Shawn Stewart, 3 staff and Kendra Breitsprecher. Moved by J. Carlson, seconded by Welter to approve the resignation
Camp Dodge for a class on school law and safety. He will work with the Moved by Welter, seconded by McGuire to approve the consent of Donna Ferguson, High School custodian. Ayes: Miller, Klingson, J.
school to update policy. He just finished another sTEP wave and doesnt items, including the agenda, approval of the minutes and approval of Carlson, Welter; Nays: None; Motion Carried: 4-0
have final numbers, however, 107 observations were made in one hour the bills. Ayes: Miller, Welter, J. Carlson, Harrison; Nays: None; Motion Moved by J. Carlson, seconded by Klingson to approve the
and 59% were seat belts. The new patrol car received hail damage, Carried: 4-0 resignation of Steve Gutshall as High School Boys Basketball coach with
no estimate yet. The hood had a previous paint blemish and Chief Joe Harrison left the meeting. a thank you for his years of service. Ayes: Miller, Klingson, J. Carlson,
Monaghan is hoping to get the warranty to cover the hood. The claim for Visitors were welcomed. No citizen participation at this time. Welter; Nays: None; Motion Carried: 4-0
reimbursement on the dash camera for $4200 has been submitted. The SIAC meeting is scheduled for March 28th. Moved by J. Welter, seconded by Klingson to approve the resignation
Utilities report was given by Chuck Angstrom. In a special meeting The Facilities and Grounds Committee was tabled until later in the of Dylan Bane. Ayes: Miller, Klingson, J. Carlson, Welter; Nays: None;
to discuss rates, the Board of Trustees decided on a cent per KWH meeting. Motion Carried: 4-0
increase in electric and 50 cents per 1000 gallons of water. They will
probably go up again after a rate study is completed. He also discussed Moved by J. Carlson,
the pool and the problems with it. The city attorney would like to send a
letter after the council looks at it, requesting to have the gutters redone. PRAIRIE VALLEY SCHOOL BOARD OF DIRECTORS seconded by Klingson to approve
the resignation of Dianna Hanna
as High School Band Teacher with
The library report was given by Jill Viles. They are considering buying
some new shelves with the money they have left. a thank you for her many years of
Tabled: Discussion on hiring a full-time police officer. service. Ayes: Miller, Klingson,
Tabled: Approval of Heartland Bank Commercial Tax Abatement J. Carlson, Welter, Nays: None;
Motion: Moved by Harrison, second by Jackson to approve commercial Motion Carried: 4-0
tax abatement for Suchan Ag. Motion carried-unanimous. Moved by Klingson, seconded
No one from the American Legion was present so Mayor Redman by Welter to approve the hiring
would like to send a letter to them discussing sharing the cost of utilities for of Abby Peterson as 5th Grade
the building at 1108 Main. (Old fire station) Teacher for the 2017-2018 school
Dennis McCubbin would like permission to farm the area of Union year. Ayes: Miller, Klingson, J.
Street right of way, approximately 400 feet west of Riddle Street to Haig. Carlson, Welter; Nays: None;
He also plans to rent a stump grinder for three stumps on Haig Street north Motion Carried: 4-0
of the eye clinic. He would like the city to pay for $250. It is unclear as to Moved by Welter, seconded
who owns the area in question. The city would like to investigate further by Klingson to approve the hiring
and do an electronic vote if needed. Danielle or Gayle will let him know the of Jamie Varangkouhn as High
decision. School English Teacher for the
Motion: Harrison moved to renew permission to Dennis McCubbin 2017-2018 school year. Ayes:
to farm the area he has been farming for the 2017 year. Streit second. Miller, Klingson, J. Carlson, Welter;
Motion carried-unanimous. Nays: None; Motion Carried: 4-0
Members of the Arts Council were present to discuss their summer Moved by J. Carlson,
plans. Instead of having Thursday nights, they are planning fewer but seconded by Klingson to approve
bigger events. the hiring of Gary Carstens as High
Motion: Streit moved to approve the electronic vote for a 1 year School evening custodian. Ayes:
family pass to the pool and golf to be included in the new construction Miller, Klingson, J. Carlson, Nays:
incentive package, second Harrison. Motion carried-unanimous. None; Abstain: Welter; Motion
Motion: Streit moved to adopt Resolution 2017-04, A RESOLUTION Carried: 3-0
PROPOSING TO SELL REAL ESTATE, second Jackson. Motion carried Moved by Welter, seconded
on a roll call vote. by J. Carlson to approve the
Motion: Harrison moved to approve Resolution 2017-05, A hiring of Tamara Hanson as TLC
LEASE AGREEMENT WITH GOWRIE GOLF, LLC, second Jackson. and Tina Kastendieck for the
Motion carried on a roll call vote. Elementary School for the 2017-
Tabled: Approve Pavement Doctor for roads 2018 school year. Ayes: Miller,
Motion: Harrison moved to pay $500 down payment to Simmering- Klingson, J. Carlson, Welter; Nays:
Cory to begin the codification process for Gowrie, second Streit. Motion None; Motion Carried: 4-0
carried on a roll call vote. Moved by Welter, seconded
Motion: Harrison moved and second by Streit to allow Klingson- by J. Carlson to approve 28E
Farnham Auction Service to block of Glen St on April 29. Motion carried- sharing for ELL services with
unanimous. Manson Nothwest Webster. Ayes:
Motion: Moved by Harrison, second Jackson to approve an additional Miller, Klingson, J. Carlson, Welter;
$100 to fund the overhead doors for the shop. Motion carried on a roll call Nays: None; Motion Carried: 4-0
vote. Moved by J. Carlson,
Motion: Harrison moved to allow Mid-American to transport a large seconded by Welter to approve
transformer on 4th Street and Main Street with the understanding that the the purchasing of up to $40,000
city will be reimbursed for any damage caused by the transport. Second in Door Security systems, pending
Streit. Motion carried-unanimous. research to confirm the biometric
Motion: Streit moved approval of $5600 to Speeds Cart Rental for system is functional and a solid
golf carts, second Jackson. Motion carried on a roll call vote. system. Ayes: Miller, Klingson,
Motion: Moved by Harrison to approve $19,100 to purchase a new J. Carlson, Welter; Nays: None;
storm siren from Frontline Plus, with or without any reimbursement from Motion Carried: 4-0
insurance, second Streit. Motion carried on a roll call vote. Moved by Welter, seconded
Motion: Streit moved and second by Jackson to pass Resolution by Klingson to approve the DECA
2017-06, A RESOLUTION APPROVING $19,500 FROM THE LOCAL group attending the National
OPTION SALES TAX FUND TO PURCHASE STORM SIREN. Motion Convention in Anaheim, California,
carried on a roll call vote. April 22-25. Ayes: Miller, Klingson,
Consensus to have Jeff take the sweeper to another place to get J. Carlson, Welter; Nays: None;
another estimate. On next agenda. Motion Carried: 4-0
Motion: Harrison moved to approve commercial construction Moved by Welter, seconded
forgivable loan documents, second Jackson. Motion carried-unanimous. by J. Carlson to approve
Motion: Streit moved and second Harrison to approve $2500 for downtown purchasing up to $10,000 in virtual
assessment visit with IEDA. Motion carried on a roll call vote. reality equipment. Ayes: Miller,
Harrison moved to approve the paying of March bills, second by Klingson, J. Carlson, Welter; Nays:
Jackson. Motion carried-unanimous. None; Motion Carried: 4-0
Harrison moved to adjourn, second by Streit. Motion carried- Jim Duncan report PV
unanimous. Meeting adjourned 7:45 pm. Elementary - Jaguar Jubilations
ARAMARK COMM CENTER-SUPPLIES 104.52 Read Across America Week from
BLACK HILLS ENERGY UTILITY BILL 726.82 Feb. 27th to March 2nd. Students
CASEY'S CITY-FUEL 29.67 had a goal to read 100,000
GOWRIE SERVICE CITY-FUEL 170.09 Thursday, March 2nd. During the
GOWRIE MUNICIPAL UTILITIE UTILITIES 2,777.87 week, students had the option to
GOWRIE NEWS CITY-PUBLICATION 376.74 participate in themed dress days.
JAMBOREE CONG MEALS-FOOD 230.48 Students and staff were able to
MIDLAND POWER SECURITY LIGHT 101.58 cast their own vote for their favorite
NAPA AUTO PARTS CITY-TOOL BOX 29.98 Dr. Seuss book on a large display
STAR ENERGY POLICE/CITY-FUEL 469.44 board by the main entrance of the
WEBSTER CALHOUN TELEPHONE SERVICES 377.47 school. Students participated in a
EFTPS FED/FICA TAX 3,310.22 Drop Everything And Read time
IPERS IPERS 1,782.97 where all students and nearly all
STATE W/H STATE TAXES 509.00 staff filled our hallways so everyone
LEAF CITY-COPIER 60.49 (including staff) were reading at the
CENTER POINT LARGE PRINT LIBRARY-BOOKS 43.14 same time. On another day that
THE PENWORTHY COMPANY LIBRARY-BOOKS 77.96 week, our 4th grade students went
POSTMASTER CITY-POST OFFICE BOX FEE 96.00 to every Preschool through 2nd
CARRIE DALLEY CONG MEALS-FOOD 4.00 grade classroom and read to the
BLUE RIBBON PELHAMS CITY/MEALS-WATER SFTNR 52.65 younger students. At that same
ANDERSON ERICKSON DAIRY CONG MEALS-FOOD 176.71 time, our 4th grade teachers went
SALES TAX GOLF-SALES TAX 550.00 to the third grade rooms and read
FORT DODGE ASPHALT CO. CITY-ROADSTONE 627.46 to their future students.
ADVANCED SYSTEMS-WATERLOO, LIBRARY-COPIER 39.50 On the last day, our staff wore
SOUTHEAST VALLEY SCHOOL, 1/2 OF LARSON CD INTEREST2,139.10 t-shirts we had personally ordered/
US FOODS, CONG MEALS-FOOD & SUPPLIES 1,613.86 purchased to show our support for
VISA , CITY/MEALS-SUPPLIES & FOOD 180.48 our students efforts. We held an
REES HYDRAULIC SALES CITY-PLOW REPAIR 148.34 assembly where students watched
MATT'S TIRE SERVICE CITY-PAYLOADER TIRES 5,192.99 the Dr. Seuss cartoon story
TAYLOR CLEANING COMM CENTER CLEANING 250.00 received the most votes as their
US CELLULAR CITY/POLICE-CELL PHONE 123.44 favorite book). Students then had
SECURITY SAVINGS BANK CITY-LARSON CD 233,364.51 a small ice cream treat made by
PRINCIPAL LIFE GROUP, CITY/POLICE-LIFE INSURANCE 43.44 our kitchen staff. Most importantly,
VISA-LIBRARY, LIBRARY-POSTAGE & SUPPLIES 138.03 our students reached their school-
CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES CITY/LIB-COPIER CONTRACT 164.94 wide goal of reading over 100,000
DANIELLE CLANCY POLICE-SUPPLIES 9.53 minutes! I am very proud of our
IMFOA CITY-MEMBERSHIP FEES 100.00 students! I am also proud of our
WEBSTER COUNTY EXTENSION, CITY-MEETING FEES 50.00 families, and staffs support and
GOPHER PARK-VOLLEYBALL NET 124.79 involvement with Read Across
CLAIMS TOTAL 67,267.35 Our Spring 2017 Parent
GENERAL FUND 251,688.83 Teacher Conferences were very
GOLF COURSE FUND 655.04 well attended. This shows what
ROAD USE TAX FUND 10,469.73 great parents we have in our
EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FUND 43.44 district! Parents and Teachers
CONGREGATE MEALS FUND 4,410.31 Partners in Education!
TOTAL FEBRUARY REVENUE $454,055.77. The Climb Theatre is coming
________________________________ to PV Elem. on Friday, March 17th.
Danielle Clancy, City Clerk Gayle Redman, Mayor They will be doing performances
for our students on the topic of
~ Email your news to [email protected] ~ PV Legal continued on
page 13...
AlphaMedia (digity)
March 29, 2017
Advertising - Split with SWG, District $825.00
performed very well.
PV Legal continued from page 12... We have strong numbers in our spring athletic programs. Over 60 in Amazon Supplies District $229.43
track and over 25 out for golf. Supplies HS $52.37
empathy for others. This is a PTA sponsored event. Kindergarten Round- Supplies Technology $27.96
Up will be April 7th at both of SVs elementary schools. Moved by McGuire, seconded by Welter to adopt the Promise of Iowa
Campaign as recommended by the Iowa School Board Association. Ayes: Ipads - Microsoft Reimbursement Technology $813.90
PV Elem.s Four Year-Old Preschool Registration is ongoing. Arnold Motors Supplies Transportation $381.38
Miller, Klingson, J. Carlson, McGuire, Welter; Nays: None; Motion Carried:
5-0 Black Hills Energy Utilities HS $5,317.50
Jim Henrich report Southeast Valley High School Byson Oil Diesel Transportation $1,814.50
We conducted our third IPI data collection in February and the staff Moved by Welter, seconded by McGuire to go into closed session,
according to Iowa Code 21.5 (j). Calhoun County ECA Utilities EL $9,323.35
discussed the data at our March 3rd professional development session. Carroll Refuse Service Utilities EL $200.00
The data has been consistently strong in showing students are engaged in Roll Call Vote was taken: Miler- Aye, Welter- Aye, J. Carlson- Aye, McGuire
Aye, Klingson- Aye Casey's General Store Supplies District $34.22
the curriculum. CDW Printer PPEL $2,796.56
We have almost finished the Iowa Assessments, still waiting on The Board entered into Closed Session under Iowa Code 21.5 (j)
Moved by McGuire, seconded by Welter to re-enter open session. Central Iowa Distributing Supplies, HS Maintenance $1,550.55
students in placements. Hopefully the results will be ready for the April City of Callender Utilities Bus Barn $379.30
or May board meeting. Staff is preparing for May Term, getting things Roll Call Vote was taken: Miler- Aye, Welter- Aye, J. Carlson- Aye, McGuire
Aye, Klingson- Aye Connecting Point Watchdog Software Renewal, PPEL $3,060.00
organized. The dates will be May 22-26. Dayton Leader Publishing District $124.22
We will be giving the PSAT to sophomores who are interested on The next meeting will be on March 15, 2017 at 6:30 in the High
School Library. Dean Foods Milk Nutrition $1,421.62
March 16th. Decker Sporting Goods Resale Baseball $1,182.44
Spring play is March 24 and 25. The play is The Diary of Anne Frank. Moved by Welter, seconded by McGuire to adjourn. Ayes: Miller,
Klingson, J. Carlson, McGuire, Welter; Nays: None; Motion Carried: 5-0 Des Moines Register Supplies HS $60.01
Jaguar Jubilations Doolittle Oil Co, Inc Supplies Transportation $75.08
Several Southeast Valley students earned recognition at the state Meeting ended at 8:35 p.m.
(Unofficial) Drees AC Capital Project $67,899.00
DECA conference in February. Water Heater Capital Project $7,017.00
Ten students will be attending state individual speech competition. BILLS PRESENTED MARCH 15, 2017 Heater for Dishwasher Capital Project $531.81
The ten students will perform in 11 events. Ahlers Cooney Chapt 20 Conference, District $95.00 Earthgrains Baking Co., Inc Bread $881.96
Pops concert was well attended and both the chorus and band both Airgas Supplies HS Shop $834.43 Electrical Materials Supplies HS Maintenance $260.42

North Central Iowa Classifieds

Farm News Subscription FFA $135.70
Fort Dodge CSD Open Enrollment District $60,828.12
G & K Services Supplies HS $348.85
Supplies Transportation $104.70
Gowrie Municipal Utilities HS $5,854.05
HELP WANTED- TRUCK Potential of $60,000 plus per WANTED TO BUY OR Fender, Martin and Gretsch Gowrie News Publishing District $151.22
Graham Tires Tires Transportation $1,103.98
DRIVER year! Contact Tony 608-935- TRADE guitars. Fender amplifiers also. Gruhn Law Firm Legal Fees District $1,209.00
Class A CDL Drivers/ 0915 Ext 16 GUITAR WANTED! Call toll free! 1-800-995-1217. Hanlon, Kerry Cell Phone HS $40.00
Tankers. Great Pay, Home (INCN) Local musician will pay up to (INCN) Hanson, Tamara Supplies HS $57.22
Henrich, James Travel HS $40.00
Weekends, and Benefits! $12,500 for pre-1975 Gibson, Hewlett Packard Laptop Repairs Technology $557.49
Hilton Gargden Inn Rooms for State Wrestling Cheer $866.88
Car Lot Liquidation and Iowa Assn of School Boards, Background Checks, District
ISFLC Conference - Willardson/Johnson District
Iowa Association of School Business Officials, Conference, District $178.00
Classic Car Dispersal Auction Iowa Central Community College, Secondary Tuition, HS
Early Bird Tuition HS
Saturday, April 8th | 10:00 am ICN Room Remodel, Capital Project $22,810.78
Iowa Communications Network, Purchased Serv, HS $45.46
909 N. Maple Street, Jefferson, Iowa Iowa FFA Foundation, Inc.,
2016-2017 Transfor Purpos to Action, FFA $1,384.32
Selling some hard to find classics and late model vehicles Iowa High School Speech Individual Entry Fee, HS Speech $353.00
Jackson, Aimee Postage HS $69.16
Standard 6% Buyers Premium applies Jacobson, Ed DOT Physical Transportation $80.00
Jamboree Supplies FCS $389.05
Supplies - PTA Reimbursement, EL $66.50
Food Nutrition $2.97
(800) 373-2255 Supplies Concessions $54.66
Jostens Cords HS $361.22
bid online at: Kabel Business Services HRA monthly fee District $275.00 Keck Supplies Nutrition $412.16
KGK Farm, LLC Snow Removal Capital Projects $881.25
Landus Supplies HS Maintenance $20.96
Lehigh Valley Telephone Utilities Bus Barn $82.90
Martin Bros Supplies Nutrition $15,015.64
Held at the Iowas Camp Menards Supplies HS Maintenance $149.20
Y Camp in for Kids with Messenger Advertising - Split with SWG District $79.00
MidAmerican Energry Utilities Bus Barn $172.90
Boone, Iowa Diabetes Napa Supplies Transportation $116.23
National FFA Organization Jackets FFA $404.00
Party Productions NHS Inductions NHS $60.08
June 25 - July 1 Kids Week (ages 8-12) Pautsch, Terry Cellular Transportation $40.00
Phonak Supplies - SPED EL $509.72
July 2 - July 8 Teen Week (ages 13-17) Ricoh Copier Lease PPEL $1,604.80
Also Mini Camps (half-week sessions) available for 6-7 year olds Rieman Music Supplies HS Band $255.60
and Leadership Camps available for 16-17 year olds. SAI Conference EL $110.00
Scholastic Kindergarten Roundup, EL $161.98
1-855-502-8500 School Bus Sales Parts Transportation $304.16
School Nutrition Association Iowa, Conference Fee, Nutrition $75.00
Learn more and register online: School Specialty Supplies EL $369.47
District $43.66
HS Maintenance $206.17
Sean Whalen Set Supplies Play $210.36
Star Energy Gas Transportation $774.46
Diesel Transportation $3,720.40

Preschool Transportation $308.24
Special Education Transportation $482.16
We can
Swanson Florist
Senior Night
EL Maintenance $300.12
All Athletics $64.00
Its not easy
Until stop to talk
TCB Sanitation
US Postal Service
Utilities 3 months HS / Bus Barn $375.00
Soil Sample
Capital Projects $3,400.00

HIV about HIV,

but we

Blick Art
West Music

Dollar Tree
El Music

Cheesecake Factory, Dance Fundraiser $145.85
HUDL Football $999.00
EZ UP Track $48.73
Visions Glass
Walmart Dance
Windsheild Repair Transportation
Walmart Supplies Elementary $80.29
Web-Cal Coop Tele. Telephones District $221.25
Telephones EL $531.37
Telephones HS $1,160.87
DTS Technology $2,002.00
Serving: Kansas, Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska West Music Supplies El Music $160.08
Xenia Utilities EL $620.80

one conversation at a time MUNICIPAL UTILITIES
Don't wait
Do you know your status? Ask your doctor for a test. A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING RATES FOR THE USE AND
800-374-6988 COUNTY, IOWA

That the Board of Trustees of the Gowrie Municipal Utilities has

How You Can Avoid
CALL NOW 1-800-320-3984
reviewed and decided to increase the rate for the Municipal Water Utility
based upon the meter readings of the amount of water consumed as
7 Costly Mistakes if follows:
There shall be an increase of 50 cents per 1000 gallons.

Hurt at Work
This increase will bring the total amount to $4.75 per 1000 gallons.
This resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and
publication beginning ______ ___, 2017.
Each year thousands of Iowans Passed and approved this _____ day of __________, 2017.
are hurt at work, but many fail to By: _______Debra Tvrdik____________________________
learn the Injured Workers Bill of Chair of Board
Rights which includes: Attest: ____Patrice Klingson_______
1. Payment of Mileage at $.54 per Sec of Board

mile 2. Money for Permanent

Disability 3. 2nd Medical
Opinion in Admitted Claims. . .
. A Bold New Book reveals your
other rights, exposes insurance company secrets and much
more. The book is being offered to you at no cost because
since 1997, Iowa Work Injury Attorney Corey Walker has
seen the consequences of clients costly mistakes. If you
or a loved one have been hurt at work and do not have an
attorney claim your copy (while supplies last) Call Now
(800)-707-2552, ext. 311 (24 Hour Recording) or go to www. Guarantee- Corey stands behind his
book and if you do not learn at least one thing call us and we will donate $1,000 to your charity of choice. ~ Email your news to [email protected] ~
14 March 29, 2017
Webster County Claims Register 03-07-2017 WELLS FARGO VENDOR FIN SERV COPIER LEASE 662.51


The Board of Supervisors met in Session on the above date with B & W CONTROL SPECIALISTS INC SPRAYING 212.50

the following members present: Leffler, Campbell, Dencklau, Carlson and
Thode. Absent: None. BLACK HILLS ENERGY UTILITIES 1,414.45
Moved by Dencklau, seconded by Campbell to approve the agenda, BOMGAARS SUPPLY SHOP SUPPLIES 59.99
with Item #11 removed. Motion carried unanimously. BUENA VISTA CO SHERIFF JVJV304888 15.50
Moved by Campbell, seconded by Carlson to approve the February
28, 2017 meeting minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Carlson, seconded by Thode to receive and place on file



step increase for Deputy Alex Winninger. Deputy Winninger will go to Step CALHOUN COUNTY SHERIFF JVJV305452 16.50
#1, $48,533.46, per Labor agreement, on April 11, 2017 as recommended Webster County Courthouse
by James Stubbs, Sheriff Motion carried unanimously. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE FEES 8,021.53
CALLENDER, CITY OF UTILITIES 147.51 701 Central Ave., Fort Dodge, IA
Moved by Thode, seconded by Dencklau to receive and place on
file step increase for Deputy Amy Stringer. Deputy Stringer will go to CANON, CORRINE MILEAGE 55.00
CARPENTER UNIFORM CO SHIRTS 263.67 IN RE: Proposed Vacation of Street
Step #4, $58,659.67, per labor agreement, effective April 15, 2017 as
recommended by James Stubbs, Sheriff. Motion carried unanimously. CASTOR CONSTRUCTION SNOW REMOVAL 1,640.00
CENTRAL IOWA DISTRIBUTING INC GOWRIE SHED 193.00 TO: Shirley Weimer, 20458 230th Street, Fort Dodge, Iowa 50501
Moved by Dencklau, seconded by Campbell to receive and place on Shirley M. Weimer, 22659 Old Highway 169, Fort Dodge, Iowa 50501
file step increase for Deputy Derek Christie. Deputy Christie will go to CENTURY LINK MONTHLY SERVICE 627.13
CHICKASAW COUNTY SHERIFF PETITION 79.26 Parties in Possession, 2482 238th Avenue, Otho, Iowa 50569
Step #4, $58,659.67, per labor agreement, effective March 11, 2017, as Marcia Lee Humphrey, 2480 238th Avenue, Otho, Iowa 50569
recommended by James Stubbs, Sheriff. Motion carried unanimously. CLAY COUNTY HEALTH DEPT CH, CH/MH T19 424.08
COLE, DR DAN, MEDICAL EXAMINER EXPENSE 400.00 Sandra C. Klinger, 2470 Riverside Trail, Otho, Iowa 50569
Moved by Campbell, seconded by Carlson to receive and place on David Lee Nelson and Phillip E. Knoll, 2473 Riverside Trail,
file the resignation of Mackenzie Conrad, Correctional Officer, effective COMMUNITY & FAMILY RESOURCE HOSPITAL SERVICES 1,263.00
February 24, 2017, per recommendation of Steve Elifrits, Jail Administrator. MidAmerican Energy Company, Right-of-Way Department,
Motion carried unanimously. DANIEL TIRE COMPANY FILTER CHANGES 42.00
DAYTON LEADER LEGAL 388.65 P. O. Box 657, Des Moines, Iowa 50306
Moved by Carlson, seconded by Thode to receive and place on file Iowa Department of Transportation, Right-of-Way Department,
hiring and employment of Audrey Douglas, Part-Time Correctional Officer, DAYTON, TOWN OF UTILITES 206.15
DE LAGE LANDEN COPIER PAYMENT 172.02 800 Lincoln Way, Ames, Iowa 50010;
effective March 10, 2017 at the rate of $15.16 per hour, per recommendation Webster County, ATTN: Doreen Pliner, Webster County Auditor,
of Steve Elifrits, Jail Administrator. Motion carried unanimously. DEARBORN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE 574.24
DICKINSON COUNTY HEALTH DEPT CH/MH T19 90.13 and Central Avenue, Fort Dodge, Iowa; and,
Moved by Thode, seconded by Dencklau to receive and place on file To Who It May Concern:
resignation of LeAnn Rosado, Case Manager, effective March 16, 2017 as DOOLITTLE OIL CO INC GREASE & OIL 1,989.73
DORSEY, TOM MILEAGE 55.00 The Webster County Board of Supervisors, acting under the authority
per recommendation of Ken Hayes, Community Services Director. Motion of Iowa Code Chapter 354, proposes to vacate a section of School Street,
carried unanimously. ELECTRICAL MATERIALS CO STOCK 47.57
ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, PAIR OF USED RADIO CHANNELS 1,257.25 in the Town of Kalo, Webster County, Iowa, described as follows:
Moved by Dencklau, seconded by Campbell to receive and place on Those portions of School Street as shown on the official plat of the
file employment of Pauline Grandors, Part Time Cook, effective March 9, EMMET COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH JANUARY EXPENSES 11,032.68
ENQUIST LUMBER CO INC GOWRIE SHED SUPPLIES 24.24 Town of Kalo in Webster County, Iowa recorded on October 28th, 1872 in
2017 at the rate of $12.00 per hour, per recommendation of Steve Elifrits, the Webster County Recorders Office and as shown on the official plat
Jail Administrator. Motion carried unanimously. FASTENAL COMPANY STOCK 692.04
FORCE AMERICA INC STOCK 269.10 of Harts Subdivision of Lots H and I of Lot 6 in Section 17, Township
Moved by Campbell, seconded by Carlson to approve the Liquor 88 North, Range 28 West of the Fifth Principle Meridian, Webster County,
License from Lakeside Municipal Golf Course. Motion carried unanimously. FORT DODGE WATER DEPT WATER 1,965.22
FOSTER FUNERAL HOME & CREMATIO, FUNERAL SERVICES 800.00 Iowa recorded on July 1, 1882 in the Webster County Recorders Office
Moved by Carlson, seconded by Thode to approve 2017 Tax Exempt bounded as follows:
Status for Wildlife Habitat under Slough Bill enacted in 1982 and further FRANK DUNN CO., HIGH PERROMANCE PATCH 1,578.00
FREEMAN, SUSAN WAGES 1,957.38 On the north by Block 2 of the Town of Kalo in Webster County,
to approve the following applications for open prairie, rivers and streams, Iowa and Lots 9 and 10 of Harts Subdivision of Lots H and I of Lot 6
forest cover, recreation lakes and residential wildlife habitat as exempt FRIEDMAN DISTRIBUTING INC., MINOR BUILDING REPAIRS 533.76
FRONTIER, MONTHLY 911 DATA CIRCUITS EXPENSE 1,214.40 in Section 17, Township 88 North, Range 28 West of the Fifth Principle
property per Board Resolution on April 12, 1983; and receive and place Meridian, Webster County, Iowa.
on file Native Prairie tax exemptions. Copy on file in Assessors Office. FRONTIER TELEPHONE 82.77
FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS 911 CIRCUITS 379.19 On the east by that part of School Street that was vacated by the
Motion carried unanimously. Webster County Board of Supervisors on October 18, 1977.
Moved by Thode, seconded by Dencklau to approve annual siren GARGANO, MARK, MEDICAL EXAMINER EXPENSE 200.00
GOLDFIELD COMM SERVICES CORP., On the south by Lot 13 of Harts Subdivision of Lots H and I of Lot
contract service agreement with Frontline Warning Systems. Motion 6 in Section 17, Township 88 North, Range 28 West of the Fifth Principle
carried unanimously. INTERNET CHARGES FOR CLARION WIC 39.95
GOWRIE MUNICIPAL UTILITIES UTILITLES 820.24 Meridian, Webster County, Iowa and Block 8 Town of Kalo in Webster
Moved by Dencklau, seconded by Campbell to open Public Hearing County, Iowa.
on the adoption of County Budget and Certification of Taxes for Fiscal GOWRIE NEWS, PUBLISH BOARD PROCEEDINGS 587.46
GRAY SANITATION GARBAGE 44.00 On the west by Main Street of the Town of Kalo in Webster County,
Year 2017-2018. Hearing closed by Chairman Leffler. Motion carried Iowa.
GREENE COUNTY MEDICAL CENTER, JANUARY EXPENSES 2,625.77 A hearing will be held by the Webster County Board of Supervisors in
Moved by Dencklau, seconded by Campbell to approve adoption their office at the Webster County Court House, 701 Central Avenue, Fort
of County Budget and Certification of Taxes for Fiscal year 2017-2018. GROUP SERVICES INC SAFE-T FUND 15,000.00
HAMILTON COUNTY EXTENSION, SCHOOL OF INSTRUCTION 35.00 Dodge, Iowa at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, April 18 , 2017. Any person owning
Motion carried unanimously. land abutting on the street proposed to be vacated and closed shall have
Moved by Campbell, seconded by Carlson to allow claims. Motion HAMILTON COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH, JANUARY EXPENSES 6,285.07
HARCOURT, TOWN OF WATER 40.50 the right to file, in writing, a claim for damages at any time on or before the
carried unanimously. date and time fixed for the hearing.
Moved by Campbell, seconded by Carlson to adjourn. Motion HEPP, BLAINE, ANIMAL CONTROL/CONTRACTED WAGES 2,654.31
HIWAY TRUCK EQUIP CO STOCK 98.41 s/Doreen Pliner
s/Doreen Pliner s/Merrill Leffler
Webster County Auditor Chairman, Board of Supervisors HUMBOLDT COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH, JANUARY EXPENSES 3,016.93

March 14, 2017 I & S GROUP SPRAYING 160.00

The Board of Supervisors met in Session on the above date with ICIT, SCHOOL OF INSTRUCTION 300.00
the following members present: Leffler, Campbell, Dencklau, Carlson and IDOT GUARDRAIL 2,235.13
Moved by Dencklau, seconded by Campbell to approve the agenda. INFO DOG SECURITY LLC SHREDDING 35.00
Moved by Campbell, seconded by Carlson to approve the March 7, IOWA STATE ASSOC OF COUNTIES REGISTRATION 200.00 March 7, 2017
2017 meeting minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. IP PATHWAYS, COMPUTER SERVICES/INTERNET 1,508.23
Moved by Carlson, seconded by Thode to receive and place on file ISAC REGISTRATION 170.00 The Callender City Council Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.
repairs to Drainage District #100, Section 13 of Elkhorn Township. Motion ISACA TREASURER SEAT TRAINING 300.00 by Mayor Randy Hanson Present: D. Lee, K. Simonson, K. Jondle,
carried unanimously. JIFI PRINT INC SUPPLIES 745.30 W. Martens, and N. Martens arrived at 6:25pm Absent W. Martens
Moved by Thode, seconded by Dencklau to receive and place on file JOHNSON COUNTY SHERIFF SERVE PAPERS 22.49
the employment of Brandon Pritchard as a Webster County Deputy Sheriff. KASTENDIECK, JOHN, CHILD SUPPORT REPAIRS/DOOR 5,500.00 Mayor R. Hanson opened the public hearing Budget FY 17/18. No
The start date for Brandon will be March 20, 2017 at a starting pay of KETTENACKER, JESSI, MILEAGE & TRAVEL EXPENSES 90.21 comments from the public. Motion by K. Jondle, Second by K. Simonson
$46,915.70 per recommendation of James Stubbs, Sheriff. Motion carried KIMBALL MIDWEST STOCK 301.73 to close the public hearing. All Ayes MC
unanimously. KNAPP, CAROL, 24 HOUR CRISIS RESPONSE 90.00 City Maintenance was instructed by the city council to purchase
Moved by Dencklau, seconded by Campbell to receive and place LAWRENCE E HOLST TRUST DAMAGES 500.00 additional battery to make sure that the siren is always at a working
on file City of Badger, Urban Renewal Plan, 2017 Badger Housing Urban LEHIGH VALLEY COOP TELE UTILITES 180.70 capacity.
Renewal Area. Motion carried unanimously. LEHIGH, CITY OF UTILITIES 337.16 Motion by K. Simonson Second by D. Lee to approve the Consent
Moved by Campbell, seconded by Carlson to approve claim from LIGHTEDGE SOLUTIONS INC., COMPUTER SERVICES/INTERNET 230.20 Agenda; including Minutes of the City Council 2/14/17, Claims Payables
Schnurr Law Firm, P.C., for rebate on transfer tax in the amount of $16.15, LINN COUNTY SHERIFF JVJV305458 37.97 and Financial Report Bundle February 2017. All Ayes. MC
as a result of duplicate recording of a Court Officers Deed. Motion carried MAIL SERVICES LLC MARCH RENWALS 1,133.34 Motion by K. Jondle, Second by K. Simonson to approve the Agenda.
unanimously. MARCO INC MAINTENANCE 227.57 All Ayes. MC
Moved by Carlson, seconded by Thode to approve 28E agreement MARCO TECHNOLOGIES LLC MAINTENANCE 285.71 Motion by K. Simonson, Second by K. Jondle to approve Resolution
with North Raccoon River Watershed Management Coalition. (Copy on file MARTINEZ, NORMA WIC INTERPRETER 320.00 # 516 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING OF ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE
in Auditors Office) Motion carried unanimously. MATHESON TRI-GAS INC WELDING SUPPLIES 202.39 FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 2017/JUNE 30, 2018. Roll Call: K. Jondle, N.
Moved by Thode, seconded by Dencklau to receive and place on MCGILL, ANDREW L, PHONE, SCHOOL OF INSTRUCTION 152.56 Martens, D. Lee, and K. Simonson. Absent: W. Martens All Ayes. MC
file Manure Management Plan for Corners Site, located at 1588 260th St. MEDLINE INDUSTRIES INC SUPPLIES 827.74 Motion by K. Simonson, Second by N. Martens to have city clerk be
East; Section 35, Township 88 North, Range 30 West; Fulton Township. MENARDS - FORT DODGE SHED SUPPLIES 345.84 Designated as the Authorized Rep for the generator grant. All Ayes. MC.
Motion carried unanimously. MID COUNTRY MACHINERY INC NEW EQUIPMENT 53,500.00 Motion K. Simonson, Second by D. Lee Adopt Federal Procurement
Moved by Dencklau, seconded by Campbell to rejected only bid in the MID IOWA FASTENERS STOCK 337.50 Standards for the generator grant. All Ayes. MC
amount of $1,064,367.60 from Dixon Construction, Correctionville, Iowa MIDAMERICAN ENERGY UTILITIES 270.00 Motion by K. Jondle, Second by K. Simonson to charge late fees will
received during February 21, 2017 Iowa Department of Transportation MIDAMERICAN ENERGY COMPANY UTILITIES 17,242.82 be on invoices mailed from the City. The fee schedule will be 30 days
letting for bridge replacement project FM-CO94(104)55-94 on 210th MIDLAND POWER COOPERATIVE SECURITY LIGHTING 66.88 it will be $5 fee, 60 days will be a $10 fee, and 90 days $20 and each
Street west of Paragon Avenue, per recommendation of County Engineer. MIDWEST WHEEL CO STOCK 938.08 subsequent month will be another $20.
Motion carried unanimously. NAPA AUTO SUPPLY STOCK & SUPPLIES 733.02 Motion by D. Lee, Seconded by N. Marten to now charge bulk water
Moved by Campbell, seconded by Carlson to approve and authorize NEBRASKA SALT & GRAIN COMPANY, WINTER SALT 2,016.00 will now require a $25 per key deposit. All water must be accounted for or
Chair to sign utility permit from Prairie Energy Cooperative to replace all NELS PEDERSON CO INC., it will be distributed to each per who purchased water in that year.
poles and conductor on Brushy Creek Road from Xavier Avenue west 2016 STORM WATER DRAIN TILE PROJECT 117,634.00 Library will be in charge this year of coordinating the citys Easter Egg
approximately two miles in Sections 13 and 14, Township 87 North, Range OFFICE ELEMENTS SUPPLIES 838.92 Hunt which will take place on Sat April 15th.
27 West, Webster Township. Motion carried unanimously. O'HALLORAN INTERNATIONAL INC., PARTS, STOCK & LABOR 3,396.74 John Horrell from Horrell Environmental Services will order a new
Moved by Carlson, seconded by Thode to approve and authorize OLSON, STACI, MEDICAL EXAMINER EXPENSE 150.00 scale for chlorine.
Chair to sign permit from Gary Wesley to have OSCEOLA COUNTY COMM HEALTH CH/MH T19 595.41 Maintenance along with the water department will look for leaks.
Dan Rasmussen replace 10-inch tile along 1787 250th Street in Section OVERHEAD DOOR CO PARTS 31.45 Clean up day will be tentatively scheduled for April 29th from 7AM to
17, Township 88 North, Range 29 West, Elkhorn Township. Motion carried PALO ALTO COUNTY COMM HEALTH, JANUARY EXPENSES 1,314.44 11AM.
Moved by Thode, seconded by Dencklau to approve permit application PHOENIX SUPPLY LLC SUPPLIES 1,137.20 BROWN SUPPLY SUPPLIES 227.8
from Heffron Services Inc., Windsor Heights, Iowa, to apply magnesium POCAHONTAS HEALTH DEPARTMENT, MH 10,967.59 GOWRIE NEWS & PRINT SHOP PUBLISHING 207.03
chloride dust control treatment in 2017. Motion carried unanimously. POSTMASTER POSTAGE STAMPS 98.00 IPERS IPERS 935.33
There being no further business; it was moved by Dencklau, RASMUSSEN TILING REPAIRS 520.00 LEHIGH VALLEY COOP TELEP TELEPHONE 536.22
seconded by Carlson to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously. RBM CONSULTING LLC., ELECTION DAY SUPPORT 1,361.08 ACCESS SYSTEMS CONTRACT 81.16
Webster County Auditor Chairman, Board of Supervisors RISE BROADBAND, COMPUTER SERVICES/ INTERNET 484.24 MID AMERICAN ENERGY UTILITIES 202.39
The Board of Supervisors met in Session on the above date with SIDWELL COMPANY SERVICES 1,500.00 DPC INDUSTRTIES CHEMICALS 148.99
the following members present: Leffler, Campbell and Dencklau Absent: SIGN-UP LTD, INTERSECTION & RESIDENCE SIGNS 79.60 INLINE SERVICE LLC DUMPTRUCK 1,048.86
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Leffler. STOREY KENWORTHY/MATT PARROTT, OFFICE SUPPLIES 165.03 EFTPS FED/FICA TAXES 1,449.59
Moved by Campbell seconded by Dencklau to approve the agenda. STORY COUNTY SHERIFF SUMMONS 55.70 MID AMERICAN BOOKS BOOKS 309.2
Moved by Dencklau seconded by Campbell to approve the March 15, THE MESSENGER PUBLICATION 210.40 OFFICE DEPOT SUPPLIES 90.38
2017 meeting minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. TEA THYME, INSTRUCTION LUNCH & LEARN 596.70 MEREDITH BOOKS BOOKS 33.73
Moved by Campbell seconded by Dencklau to approve the Resolution TRINITY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTE, MEDICAL RECORDS 6.50 HORRELL ENVIRONMENTAL SES, CONTRACT LABOR 675
No. 2017-4 to adopt the budget for Fiscal Year 2018. TRUCK COUNTRY OF IOWA PARTS & STOCK 3,631.07 GREATER GROWTH ALLIANCE DUES 1,000.00
presented with the Fiscal Year 2018 County Budget and, UNITY POINT HEALTH TRMC OFFICER SCREEN 98.00 CLAIMS TOTAL 15,015.41
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors have reviewed the budget in its UNITYPOINT AT HOME HME SUPPLIES 72.03 EXPENSES REVENUE
entirety and found it to be correct. UNITYPOINT HEALTH HOSPITALS GENERAL FUND 7,210.29 1705.13
Webster County Budget for FY2017-2018, as set forth in the Budget VANGUARD APPRAISALS INC, 2014 CDBG HOUSING 1,697.21 1697
Summary Certificate and the detailed budget in support thereof showing SPECIAL APPRAISAL SERVICES FOR COURT 1,225.00 WATER FUND 2,460.09 8047.71
the revenue estimates and appropriation expenditures and allocation VERIZON WIRELESS AIR CARDS FOR CARS 3,678.82 SEWER FUND 1,475.92 2859.6
for said fiscal year, as published in the countys official newspapers on VON BOKERN ASSOC INC BI ANNUAL BILLING 8,900.00 ELECTRIC FUND 1,219.21 20394.72
February 22, 2017, be approved and adopted as published. WALMART COMMUNITY SUPPLIES 155.67 STORM WATER FUND 3003.64
PASSED AND ADOPTED the 15th day of March, 2017. WALTERS SANITARY SERVICE INC GARBAGE SERVICE 280.40 TOTAL 15,015.41 40909.28
Roll Call: Aye: Dencklau, Campbell, Leffler Nay: None WAPELLO COUNTY SHERIFF SERVE PAPERS 12.90 The next Regular Council Meeting will be held at 6:30 pm at City Hall
Absent: Carlson, Thode WEBSTER CALHOUN COOP TELE TELEPHONE 357.08 on 4/11/17.
Motion carried unanimously. WEBSTER CO TELECOMMUNICA E-911 120,376.35 Motion by K. Simonson, Second by N. Martens to adjourn at 7:25
There being no further business it was moved by Campbell, seconded WEBSTER COUNTY AUDITOR POSTAGE 9.59 p.m. All Ayes. MC
by Dencklau to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously. WEBSTER CO. AUDITOR, CSRU RENT FOR MARCH 2017 2,597.82 _________________________________________________
s/Doreen Pliner s/Merrill Leffler WELLMARK INC - FLEXIBLE BENEFI ADMINISTRATION ATTEST:______________________________________
Webster County Auditor Chairman, Board of Supervisors FEES-FEBRUARY 278.25
March 29, 2017
Public Notice GOWRIE Your Local
1. Sealed bids will be received by the Auditor of Webster County at
her office in the Webster County Courthouse in Fort Dodge, Iowa until A special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Gowrie Municipal
10:30 AM, on Tuesday, April 11, 2017 for the various items of construction Utilities was held on Monday, March 20, 2017 at 4:30 pm at the utilities
work listed below. building with the following members present: Tvrdik, Lane, and Carpenter.
2. A Certified check, made payable to the County, or a Cashier's Rittgers was available via phone. Also present, Gordon Adkins.
check, made payable to either the County or to the contractor drawn Purpose of the meeting was to discuss rates. At the regular meeting
upon a solvent bank or a bid bond, shall be filed with each proposal in an on March 15, 2017, after the auditor had gone over the audit and showed
amount as set forth in the proposal form. Cashier's check, made payable the board where the operating revenue did not meet the covenants of the
to the contractor, shall contain an unqualified endorsement to the County bonds, it was decided to bump the rates up a small amount now instead of
signed by the contractor or his/her authorized agent. Failure to execute waiting for the rate study to be completed. Electric rates were increased
a contract and file an acceptable bond and certificate of insurance within by cent per KWH last January (2016) when the bond covenants were
30 days of the date of the approval for awarding of the contract, as herein not met at that time. That increase was still not sufficient to meet the
provided, will be just and sufficient cause for the denial of the award and covenants so another cent increase was discussed. The last time
the forfeiture of the proposal guarantee. electric rates were increased prior to last year was 2001. The water fund
3. Plans, specifications and proposal forms for the work may be seen also fell short of the bond covenants.
and may be secured at the office of the County Auditor or County Engineer. Carpenter moved a cent per KWH increase for electric and 50
4. All proposals must be filed on the forms furnished by the County, cents per 1000 gallons increase for water, second Lane. Carried-all ayes.
sealed and plainly marked. Proposals containing any reservations not There will be a public hearing for any comments or concerns from the
provided for in the forms furnished may be rejected, and the County Board citizens.
reserves the right to waive technicalities and to reject any or all bids. Lane moved to set the public hearing at the regular meeting on April
5. Attention of bidders is directed to the Special Provisions covering 10, 2017 at 6:15 pm at the utilitys office. Second Carpenter. Carried-all
the qualifications of bidders and subletting or assigning of the contract. ayes.
6. As a condition precedent to being furnished proposal forms, Motion to adjourn by Lane, second Rittgers. Meeting adjourned 5:26
a prospective bidder must be on the current Iowa Department of pm.
Transportation list of qualified bidders; except that this requirement will not Next regular meeting will be held April 10, 2017 at 6:15 pm at the
apply when bids are received solely for materials, supplies, or equipment. utilities building.
7. The Contracting authority will issue an exemption certificate for
the purchase of materials, supplies, and equipment that will be used in the ________________________________ _________________
performance of the construction contract, per Iowa Code 422.42(16) & (17) Sec of Board Chair of Board
and 422.47(5) Patrice Klingson Debra Tvrdik

Description of Proposed Work:
The project involves replacing the existing bridge with a new single
8' x 8' x 62' precast concrete box culvert with 15 degree R.A. skewed end
sections on 150th Street approximately 1200' east of the Northwest Corner
of Section 35, Jackson Township (35-90N-30W) over an unnamed stream
in Webster County, Iowa.
The project involves replacing the existing bridge with a new single NOTICE OF COMPLAINTS
14' x 14' x 37' precast concrete box culvert with 15 degree L.A. skewed FOR RESOLUTION PROCESS
end sections on 132nd Street approximately 2200' east of Samson Avenue
in Section 19, Newark Township (19-90N-27W) over Soldier Creek (Main If your utility complaint is related to service disconnection, safety, or
Channel of DD #247) in Webster County, Iowa. renewable energy, and The City of Callender Utilities does not resolve your
L-072451--73-94: complaint, you may request assistance from the Iowa Utilities Board by
The project involves replacing the existing bridge with a new single
10' x 10' x 41' precast concrete box culvert with 0 degree skewed end
calling 515-281-3839, or toll free 1-877-565-4450, by writing to 350 Maple
Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50319, or by E-mail to iubcustomer@ iub.state. McCrary-Rost
sections on Yankee Avenue approximately 50' south of the North 1/4
Corner of Section 24, Newark Township (24-90N-27W) over DD #90 in Clinic
Webster County, Iowa.
The project involves replacing the existing bridge with a new single
12' x 10' x 57' precast concrete box culvert with 0 degree skewed end
Public Notice Rochelle Guess, FNP C
Adam Swisher, DO
sections on 110nd Street approximately 2100' east of the Northwest IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR WEBSTER COUNTY Kari Swisher, ARNP-C
Corner of Section 10, Badger Township (10-90N-28W) over DD #59 in
Webster County, Iowa. Margaret Vitiritto, DO.
The project involves replacing the existing bridge with a new single 8' vs. Hours: Monday-Friday
x 8 x 59' precast concrete box culvert with 0 degree skewed end sections VERA JUST ELLIS, MARY GRIFFIS, ROSABELLE CHABAN
on 130th Street approximately 1800' east of the Northwest Corner of 1800 Main, Gowrie, Iowa
Section 23, Badger Township (23-90N-28W) over DD #247, Lateral #1 in
Webster County, Iowa.
The project involves replacing the existing bridge with a new single EFFERTZ, JERRY EFFERTZ, ETHAN CHABAN ROSENBAUM, AARON
10' x 9' x 49' precast concrete box culvert with 15 degree R.A. skewed end ROSENBAUM, KAREN CHABAN BENTON, JEAN LISA STOPKE
sections on Union Avenue approximately 30' south of the West 1/4 Corner DOHANYOS, GAIL ROXANN GUTTENFELDER TRIP, LARITA KA YE
of Section 33, Colfax Township (33-89N-27W) over DD #249 in Webster PETERSON MYERS, ROBERT PETERSON, FREDERICK CARLSON
March 21, 2017, Board of Supervisors of Webster County PEJZA ALDERMAN, JANET PEJZA D' AGOSTINO, CAROL ANN PEJZA

MUNICIPAL UTILITIES Government Lots 6, 7, and 8 and the S1/2 of the SW1/4 of Section
14-88-28, West of the 5th P.M., Webster County, Iowa, EXCEPT a tract of
land in the SE1/4 of the SW1/4 and in Government Lot 7 of Section 14-
Cornwell, Frideres, Maher & Associates, P.L.C., CPAs today 88-28, West of the 5th P.M., Webster County, Iowa, described as follows:
released an audit report on the Gowrie Municipal Utilities, Gowrie, Beginning at a point 1899.5 feet East of the SW corner of the SW1/4 of
Iowa. the SW 1/4 of said Section 14, said point being also on the South line of
Cornwell, Frideres, Maher & Associates, P.L.C. reported that the said Section 14; thence North 344.0 feet; thence East 218.4 feet parallel
Utilities receipts totaled $1,385,605 for the year ended June 30, 2016, to the South line of said Section 14; thence South 145.6 feet; thence East
a 0.3 percent decrease from 2015. The receipts included $1,286,638 127.9 feet parallel to the South line of said Section 14; thence North 190.6
in charges for services, $2,586 in interest on investments, and feet; thence East 85.0 feet parallel to the South line of said Section 14;
$96,381 from miscellaneous sources. thence N052' East 1100 feet; thence East 205.0 feet parallel to the South
Disbursements for the year totaled $1,471,163, a 3.9 percent line of said Section 14; thence S053' West 1489.0 feet to the South line
decrease from the prior year. These disbursements were all for of said Section 14; thence West 630.3 feet to the point of beginning, AND
business type activities. EXCEPT a parcel of land located in the SW1/4 of Section 14-88-28 West of
A copy of the audit report is available for review in the Utilities the 5th P.M., Webster County, Iowa, more particularly described as follows:
office, the Office of Auditor of State, and on the Auditor of States web Commencing at the SW corner of the said SW1/4; thence N9000'00" East
site at 1899.50 feet along the South line of the said SW1/4; thence N0000'00"
East 344.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence continuing N0000'00"

East 30.00 feet; thence N9000'00" East 218.40 feet; thence South
0000'00" West 30.00 feet; thence S9000'00" West 218.40 feet to the
point of beginning, containing 6552 square feet. Note: The South line of

the said SW1/4 was assumed to bear N9000'00" East.

NOW KNOWN AS Government Lots 6, 7 and 8 and the S1/2 of the

SW1/4 of Section 14-88-28, West of the 5th P.M., Webster County, Iowa,
RESOLUTION 1.17 EXCEPT a tract of land in the SE1/4 of the SW1/4 and in Government
GOWRIE, IOWA Lot 7 of Section 14-88-28, West of the 5th P.M., Webster County, Iowa,
MODIFICATION OR CHANGE OF EXISTING PROVISION described as follows: Beginning at a point 1899.5 feet East of the SW
BOARD OF TRUSTEES RESOLUTION 1.17 corner of the SW1/4 of the SW 1/4 of said Section 14, said point being also


on the South line of said Section 14; thence North 374.0 feet; thence East
218.4 feet parallel to the South line of said Section 14; thence South 175.6 712-297-5218
ELECTRIC RATE feet; thence East 127.9 feet parallel to the South line of said Section 14;
thence North 190.6 feet; thence East 85.0 feet parallel to the South line
Be it enacted by the Board of Trustees of Gowrie Municipal Utilities, of said Section 14; thence N052' East 1100 feet; thence East 205.0 feet
the Municipal Electric Utility of the City of Gowrie, Iowa: parallel to the South line of said Section 14; thence S053' West 1489.0
Current rates for electric service from Gowrie Municipal Utilities are feet to the South line of said Section 14; thence West 630.3 feet to the
hereby repealed and the following rates adopted in place thereof: point of beginning.

You are hereby notified that Plaintiff's Petition in is now on file Gowrie News
Customer charge $14.00 Customer charge $19.50 in the office of the clerk of the Court,stating in substance that Plaintiff
KWH $.0950 KWH $.0950 owns in fee simple the property described in the caption of this notice.
Such ownership is claimed by reason of facts fully stated in the Petition,
POWER COST ADJUSTMENT: The charge for each KWH shall which also alleges that Defendants claim some interest therein, but their
be increased by 0.1 mill for each 0.1 mill that the purchased power cost claim is without right and constitutes a cloud on the title which it is desired
exceeds 46 mills per KWH before generation credits. Power cost is to remove. The Petition prays that Plaintiff's title to the premises be
adjusted monthly. established as an absolute title in fee simple, and quieted and confirmed
These rates shall be effective from and after final passage, approval against all Defendants, each of whom be forever barred and estopped
and publication, as provided by law. from having or claiming any right, title, lien or interest in side property;
Passed by the Board of Trustees on the ____day of _________, 2017 and for other equitable relief, and for costs. For further particulars see the
and approved this _____day of ___________, 2017. Petition as on file.
_________________________________ ________________ The name and address of the attorney for the Plaintiff is: Grefe & Sidney,
Board Chair: Debra Tvrdik PLC, Craig S. Shannon, 500 E. Court Avenue, Suite 200, Des Moines, IA
Attest: Board Secretary, Patrice Klingson 50309. The attorney's phone number is (515)245-4300.
You must serve a motion or answer on or before the 19th day of
I certify that the foregoing was published as Board of Trustees April, 2017, and within a reasonable time thereafter, file your motion or
Resolution 1.17 in the Gowrie News on the ___ day of _________, 2017. answer, in the Iowa District Court for Webster County, Iowa, at the County
Courthouse in Fort Dodge, Iowa. If you do not, judgment by default may be
Patrice Klingson, Board Secretary rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. To be included in the busines directory call
You are further notified that the above case has been filed in a 515-352-3325 or email: [email protected]
county that utilizes electronic filing. Please see Iowa Court Rules Chapter

GOWRIE 16 for information on electronic filing and Iowa Court Rules Chapter 16,
division VI regarding the protection of personal information in court filings.
If you require the assistance of auxiliary aids or services to

MUNICIPAL UTILITIES participate in court because of a disability, immediately call your district
ADA coordinator at (641)421-0990. (If you are hearing impaired, call Relay
Iowa TTY at 1-800-735-2942.) Disability coordinators cannot provide legal
The Board of Trustees will hold a public hearing at their regular board
meeting on April 10, 2017 at 6:15 pm. Purpose of the hearing is for public
input or comments on the proposed rate increases for the electric and ~ Email your news to
water rates. The following Resolutions show the proposed increases of
cent per KWH and 50 cents per 1000 gallons. The dates will not be filled
in until the readings have passed and upon final publication.
[email protected] ~
16 March 29, 2017

Gowrie Bruntlett
News Elevator
1107 Market Street, Your Full
Mon-Fri 7:30-5 Service
Gowrie, IA 50543 Sat 8-Noon
203 South Ash Purina Feed
Ph. 515.352.3325 Harcourt, Iowa Gowrie
email: [email protected] Ph. 352-3118

Towne Veterinary Clinic

Stewart Memorial

Farm & Town

Community Hospital

McCrary-Rost Clinic
Rochelle Guess - F.N.P. - C
Adam Swisher, D.O. and Towne Veterinary Clinic, located
Kari Swisher, ARNP-C at 1021 Market Street, Gowrie, was Gowrie
established in March 1993. Bruce
1800 Main Gowrie, IA 50543
Towne, D.V.M., estimates that
his practice is 50% large animals
(cattle, hogs, and sheep) and 50% Harcourt
small (dogs and cats).
Animal services that Dr. Towne Equipment
1106 Beek Street,
PO Box 475 offers include examinations,
Gowrie, IA 50543 vaccinations, surgeries, farm calls,
Ph. 352-3151 preventive health programs and Acupuncture Services. Ph. 354-5331
Cat and dog prescription diets,
Stewart Memorial
Community Hospital
flea products, and vaccines for Gowrie
Community cattle, hogs, sheep and horses are
available for purchase at the office. News
Pharmacy Additionally, Dr. Towne is certified
1021 Market Street Gowrie, IA 50543 515-352-3044 1107 Market Street,
serving the communities of
Gowrie, Lake View, as a Diplomate in Veterinary Gowrie, IA 50543
Rockwell City, Preventative Medicine for food Ph. 515.352.3325
and Lake City safety and biosecurity consulting.
Gowrie Ph. 352-3876 email: [email protected]
Farm animal welfare training
has also been obtained through Palmer & Swank
the professional Animal Auditors
Certification Organization. Funeral Homes
Dr. Towne is assisted by Cindy Gowrie &
Wilson, receptionist and office Rockwell City
manager. The business telephone is
515-352-3044. Ph. 352-3121

1107 Market Street,
Gowrie, IA 50543 INDEPENDENT,
Ph. 515.352.3325 515-968-4131
email: [email protected] Member F.D.I.C.

1119 Market Street,

Gowrie, Iowa 50543
515-352-3711 1015 Market Street
Mon. - Sat. 7:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. Gowrie
Sun. 10:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.

Ph. 352-3333
Buying Together and Selling for Less!
Visit our webpage at

Stewart Memorial
Community Hospital

Rochelle Guess - F.N.P. - C
Adam Swisher, D.O. and
Kari Swisher, ARNP-C
Gowrie, Iowa

Used Farm Equip.
Buy Sell Trade
in business 80 years Gowrie
Ph. 352-3355 PH. 352-5204

1107 Market Street, 1526 320th Street
Gowrie, IA 50543
1107 Market Street, Auto Parts
Gowrie, IA 50543 Toll Free: 877-351-CORN Gowrie, IA 50543 Boxholm Farnhamville Dayton
(2676) Gowrie, Iowa Gowrie Harcourt Lehigh Gowrie
Ph. 515.352.3325 Ph. 515.352.3325
Ph. 544-3281
Business: 515-352-2612

email: [email protected]
Fax: 515-352-2614
Open for lunch and dinner email: [email protected] Member F.D.I.C. Ph. 515-352-3103

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