Homeless Pets

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Read the text “Maddie and the Homeless Pets” before answering Numbers 1
through 5.

Maddie and
WA_001A_127092 the Homeless Pets
Maddie lives in New Bern, a city near the coast in North Carolina. She likes living
in New Bern except when a hurricane moves up the coast. Then she worries about
what might happen to her home and family.
One day her school is closed for safety reasons because of an ominous weather
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forecast that a hurricane is on the way. The torrential rain of a hurricane often
causes flooding. Almost ten inches of rain fall on North Carolina. The power is out
for hours, but Maddie’s family feels lucky. Their home is on high ground and isn’t
flooded. When the power is restored the next day, Maddie turns on the television
for news of the storm. She hears that many dogs and cats were separated from
their families and were found wandering around loose after the storm.
The reporter says, “Volunteers and the Humane Society have opened an
emergency shelter for lost pets at the county fairgrounds. Anyone who had to
leave a home and needs a safe place for a pet can bring it to the shelter to stay for
now. The people at the shelter need help from the community and are requesting
donations of pet food.”

Weekly Assessment • Unit 1, Week 1 Grade 5 1

Because Maddie really cares about animals, she wants to help. She resolves to find
a way. She wonders what she can do to make a difference. She might open a
lemonade stand. Then she remembers she did that once. She sold a total of ten
glasses of lemonade and made $2.50. It would not be enough to buy much food
for the animals.
Next, Maddie thinks about asking her parents for money. Yet, asking them may
not be a good idea. She has heard them talking about saving on expenses. Mom
lost her job arranging flowers at the floral shop when it went out of business, and
Dad’s company cut his hours last week. Asking them for money is definitely not a
good idea.
Finally, Maddie gets a good idea. Almost everyone likes pets and must feel sorry
for the homeless ones. If she can convince her classmates to donate food, she
might collect enough. Because she is artistic, Maddie decides to make a poster.
At the top, it says, “Help the Pets.” She adds a newspaper article about the
emergency shelter. Then draws pictures of cats and dogs. She also gives some
examples of kinds of pet food the shelter needs. In the garage, Maddie finds a big
cardboard box, which she decorates with pictures of animals.
In the morning, Maddie takes her poster and cardboard box to school. She asks
her teacher, Ms. Jones, if she can put them in the hall near the door to the room.
Ms. Jones says, “This is a great poster and great idea!” She helps Maddie find the
best place, so that they will be most visible. She suggests that Maddie make a card
to deliver with the food so that all the students who collaborate to help the shelter
can sign their names. Finally, Maddie ties three colorful balloons to the box to
attract attention to the display.

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After the first day, there are only four cans of cat and dog food in the box. On the
next day, there are more cans and several bags of food. Maddie already needs to
find another box to hold all the contributions.
On Saturday, Maddie’s dad drives her to the shelter and helps her carry the boxes
inside. The people at the shelter are delighted. Their supplies are unusually low
because there are so many homeless pets. They invite Maddie to visit with the
pets. She even gets to hold a kitten on her lap for a few minutes.
Driving home, Maddie has a new thought. Maybe she can find a permanent
animal shelter that needs donations. It would be fun to have another food drive,
especially if everyone pitches in to help.

2 Grade 5 Weekly Assessment • Unit 1, Week 1
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Now answer Numbers 1 through 5. Base your answers on “Maddie and the
Homeless Pets.”

1 Read this sentence from the text.

One day her school is closed for safety reasons because of an ominous
weather forecast that a hurricane is on the way.

What does ominous mean in the sentence above?

A false
B hopeful
C possible
D threatening

2 Read these sentences from the text.

The torrential rain of a hurricane often causes flooding. Almost ten inches
of rain fall on North Carolina.

What does torrential mean in the sentence above?

A gentle
B heavy
C unexpected
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D welcome

Weekly Assessment • Unit 1, Week 1 Grade 5 3
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3 This question has two parts. First, answer part A. Then, answer part B.

Part A: What is Maddie’s first idea about how to help?

A Maddie wants to open an emergency shelter for lost pets.

B Maddie thinks about opening a lemonade stand.
C Maddie asks her parents for money.
D Maddie thinks about collecting food from her classmates.

Part B: Maddie then thinks that her first idea will not work. Which sentence
best supports this conclusion?

A Her parents are looking to save money.

B She needs to convince classmates to give food.
C She only made $2.50 selling lemonade.
D Her father had his hours cut.

4 What happens after Maddie decides to convince her classmates to donate pet
food? Select two options.

A Her school is closed.

B Her home is flooded.
C Many dogs and cats were separated from their families.

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D She finds a big cardboard box in the garage
E Her mom lost her job arranging flowers.
F She makes a poster.

4 Grade 5 Weekly Assessment • Unit 1, Week 1
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5 Look at each sentence below. Complete the graphic organizer with the
sentences so that they appear in the sequence in which they occur.

Maddie decorates a cardboard box.

Maddie makes a poster.
Maddie ties a balloon to the box.
Maddie makes a card.
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Weekly Assessment • Unit 1, Week 1 Grade 5 5

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