NB Geotube Highpumpingheights Tcm29-12837

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News Bulletin
Bulletin G2007-04

Geotube Dewatering Technology Allows

Highest Pumping Heights
Fabric Strength and Construction Provide Strength Needed
For Extra Capacity, Faster Dewatering

T enCate develops and produces materials

that function to increase performance,
reduce cost, and deliver measurable results by
working with our customers to provide
advanced solutions. Now, products from
TenCate Geotube can provide even more
flexibility and value.

Thanks to developments in fabric and seaming

technology, Geotube units can now be
pumped to higher maximum heights safely and
effectively. In fact, TenCate Geotube products
can be pumped to heights greater than any
other dewatering container on the market.

TenCate Geotubes GT 500 dewatering fabric is

a proprietary product that combines the
advantages of superior strength and maximum
filtration. GT500 is composed of high-tenacity
polypropylene yarns, which are woven into a
stable network so the yarns retain their relative
position. GT500 is inert to biological
degradation and resistant to naturally
encountered chemicals, alkalis, and acids.

TenCate Geotubes patented seaming Geotube units are constructed using exceptionally strong fabric and patented seaming techniques.
techniques are another reason for the strength The result is a product that allows for pumping heights greater than any other product on the market.
of the completed units. With new technology This allows for extra capacity and faster dewatering.
that allows for both circumferential and linear
seams, the fabric is bonded together with
seams that rival the actual material in strength. IMPORTANT NOTE: Geotube units should Additional Ways To Increase Dewatering
never be pumped to heights greater than the Volume
Geotube units meet a variety of ASTM figure stenciled on the actual unit. To keep
standards for fabric strength, seam strength, pumping heights at maximum efficiency, many In addition to allowing greater pumping
permeability, and puncture resistance. Details organizations stretch a simple colored ribbon heights, Geotube dewatering technology also
on Geotube dewatering technology fabrics over the unit at the maximum pumping height. has flexibility in how units can be combined or
can be found in the product specification The operator can easily see when the unit is stacked to accommodate additional volume in
sheets located at www.geotube.com. They are reaching its maximum capacity. They can also compact spaces.
also available from any TenCate Geotube see when it is possible to increase pumping
representative. volume to reach the maximum height.

Protective & Outdoor Fabrics Geosynthetics

Aerospace Composites Industrial Fabrics
Armour Composites Synthetic Grass
Geotube units may be stacked in pyramid
configurations many levels high. As lower levels of
Geotube units are filled and dewatering is stopped, How Geotube
additonal containers can be placed and secured on Dewatering
top of them to allow the dewatering operation to
continue. In fact, some locations have used Technology Works
Geotube units to build perimeters around lagoons or
dewatering pads to raise their capacity. Geotube Dewatering with Geotube
units can remain in place after dewatering is technology is a three-step process.
completed (depending on the material being In the confinement stage, the
dewatered), and covered during reclamation. This Geotube container is filled with
A simple colored ribbon stretched over the top
allows the organization to more readily manage dredged waste materials. The
of a Geotube unit can signal the operator
dewatering (particularly in large volumes) within a Geotube containers unique fabric
when the unit reaches maximum pumping
confined space. confines the fine grains of the
Another method of increasing dewatering capacity material.
involves manifolding several Geotube units together In the dewatering phase, excess
into a single dewatering cell. As one unit reaches its water simply drains from the
maximum capacity, flow can be switched to the next Geotube container. The decanted
container so that dewatering operations can water is often of a quality that can
continue uninterrupted. be reused or returned for
A simple test can be used to determine how well the processing or to native waterways
dewatering technology will work with a particular without additional treatment.
material. A TenCate Geotube representative can In the final phase, consolidation,
work with an organization to administer the test and the solids continue to densify due
to provide suggestions as to the best dewatering to desiccation as residual water
approachesincluding the best ways to manage Geotube containers can be stacked several vapor escapes through the fabric.
dewatering capacity. units high to increase dewatering capacity in a Volume reduction can be as high as
confined space. 90 percent.
To learn more, call 1-888-795-0808 or visit

Maximum allowed pumping height is printed on every Geotube unit. Do not exceed.
Geotube is a registered trademark of TenCate Geosynthetics North America
2007 All rights reserved.

Contact: 3680 Mount Olive Road

Mark Torre Commerce, Georgia 30529
1-888-795-0808 706-693-1897
Cell: 678-910-0875 Toll Free 888-795-0808
[email protected] Fax 706-693-1896

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