Students - Ted Talk

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TED - Breaking Bad Habits

Expressions with habit

What do you think these expressions mean? Do they exist in your language?
Hes been smoking since he was 15 years old and he just cant kick the habit.
When my grandad retired he didnt stop getting up at 6am and putting a suit on. Old
habits die hard.
I could never go backpacking Im too much of a creature of habit, I cant stand
changes to my routine.
Ive always written my essays at the last minute and I normally get good marks. Why
break the habit of a lifetime?
TED Talk
1. What bad habits does he mention?
2. What solution to these bad habits does he suggest?
1. What do you think of the talk?
2. Do you have any of the bad habits he mentioned?
3. Do you think mindfulness would work for you?
4. Have you ever meditated? Would you consider it?
Vocabulary Focus
Read the sentences from the transcript and discuss the words/expressions in bold with
your partner.
1. When I was first learning to meditate, the instruction was to simply pay attention
to my breath, and when my mind wandered, to bring it back.
2. Why is it so hard to pay attention? Well, studies show that even when we're
really trying to pay attention to something -- like maybe this talk -- at some
point, about half of us will drift off into a daydream, or have this urge to check
our Twitter feed.
3. Instead of this hunger signal coming from our stomach, this emotional signal --
feeling sad -- triggers that urge to eat.
4. Maybe in our teenage years, we were a nerd at school, and we see those rebel
kids outside smoking and we think, "Hey, I want to be cool." So we start
smoking. The Marlboro Man wasn't a dork, and that was no accident.
5. What if instead of fighting our brains, or trying to force ourselves to pay
attention,we instead tapped into this natural, reward-based learning process?
6. She moved from knowing in her head that smoking was bad for her to
knowing it in her bones, and the spell of smoking was broken. She started to
become disenchanted with her behavior.
7. When the prefrontal cortex goes offline, we fall back into our old habits, which
is why this disenchantment is so important.
8. And this is what mindfulness is all about: Seeing really clearly what we get
when we get caught up in our behaviors.
9. We start to notice that cravings are simply made up of body sensations -- oh,
there's tightness, there's tension, there's restlessness.
10. These are bite-size pieces of experiences that we can manage from moment
to moment rather than getting clobbered by this huge, scary craving that we
choke on.

Sentence Completion
Complete the sentences with the expressions above.
1. He was always so ______________ at school, he couldnt sit still for a second.
2. Im a bit weird, whenever I go near the edge of a cliff or a tall building I get the
sudden __________ jump off!
3. Dont worry, everything is going to be alright, I dont know how but I
4. I managed to stop biting my fingernails for 6 months but recently, because of all
the stress at work, I have __________________________________.
5. Most voters are completely __________________________ politics in general
and extremist politicians like Donald Trump are simply
____________________________ the anger and resentment.
6. When my Mum was pregnant she had strong _____________ for avocado even
though she normally hates them.
7. The earthquake _______________ a huge tsunami that hit the coast at 10am.
8. When I was at school I always used to get into trouble for
_______________________________ during class.
9. 3 hours into the film I got a bit bored and my ____________________________
to what I was going to have for dinner.
10. A man suddenly started to ________________ a prawn and a fellow diner had
to give him the heimlich maneuver.
11. I was definitely a bit of a _____________ at school but I certainly wasnt a
12. I _________________________________ in the excitement of the party that I
didnt realise I had missed the last train home.
13. He caught the rugby ball, turned around and was immediately
___________________ by a huge opposition player.
14. I broke the carrots up into __________________ so that the children wouldnt
___________ them.
1. Were you restless at school? Did you use to drift off into a daydream?
2. Do you know the heimlich maneuver? Have you ever choked on anything?
3. Were you a nerd when you were at school?
4. Do you ever get so caught up in something that you lose all sense of time?
5. Do you ever get the urge to do something silly or outrageous in social
6. Do you agree with sentence 5 above? What can we do to change the situation?

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