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Date: Mar 21, 2016 Class: Secondary Math I

Topic: Normal Distribution, Application Grade/Period: 9th/ 3 A/B

Strengths of the Class:
The students are exceptional with collaborating and working together. When they are all interested and engaged in
the lesson, the lesson goes smooth and majority of people understand.
Unique Needs of the Class:
I have two ELL students in the class who struggle with the understanding vocabulary. There are also 4-5 students
who struggle with attention and easily are distracted with each other. Classroom management is a main focus for this
Subject: Secondary Math I

Curriculum Standards:
Determine the effects of the shape of data on median and mean.
Compare the spreads of two or more data sets
Lesson Topic:
Applying normal distribution.
Homework (if any) from previous day:
Math XL Homework #14
Content Objectives for the Lesson:
Students will be able to
Learning Objectives for Students:
Students will be able to sorting and organizing data.
Language Objectives for Students:
Students will be able to interpret a given data set and find the frequency and intervals as they read the problems
Starter: For the Do Now today, the students need to find the range, mean, and standard deviation of the
data using their calculators.

Class Procedures:
5 min: go over the do now and review I can.. objectives.
5 min: students taking out their notebooks. They will also need to obtain their laptop and calculator.
Class Work (Questions/Activities):
5 min: use the do now and talk about how the data is used for the standard deviation and sample mean.
Building on from the other day, I want to put the mean and standard deviation in the graph.
10 min: Go over the percentages in each portion of standard deviation. Have the students rewrite and recall
the percentages and understand the meaning behind them.
5 min: do an example with a word problem tied and have students follow along. I will be using the mean
and standard deviation.
5 min: Recall percent and proportion method.
10 min: students practice.
5 min: Go over collectively what we learned in the past and apply it.
20 min: Spend time looking at data and understanding where the mean, median, and mode are.
Plans for Assessment:
There will be brief formative assessments using their laptops with SMART Response program and having students
respond. Depending on the percentage of correct responses, will determine how much time is spent on an equation.
Homework assigned and due date: None.
Plans for Enrichment:
I expect the students to challenge themselves if they understand the concept and fully simplify to get the exact
correct answer.
Plans for Remediation:
I will spend more time with the students who are struggling and personally scaffold with them.
Plans for English Language Learners:
The ELL students need to pair with a partner and work together with them. The best way to understand this lesson is
by practicing and making sure they are catching the pitfalls.
Reflection on preparation, execution, student learning, behavior, etc.
--What went well? Why? What didnt go so well? Why?
--What will you definitely do again next time? What will you definitely modify/eliminate next time?
--What insights do you have about the content? The worksheet/graphic organizer? The quiz?
--Did the students meet the objective(s)? Which students? Which objectives? How will you proceed tomorrow?

This lesson I thought went smooth for the students for the most part, but I could still see struggle and confusion. It
was difficult teaching this lesson because it was near to the last day before spring break. This whole week the
students seemed checked out and didnt have a full attention span. Because of this, I found it hard to get any
student participation and have them work together. It also made me push more towards just lecturing and being the
only one talking during class. Some things I can improve on from this lesson and the future is being able to include
my students more in the lesson and getting a feel of their understanding. Usually I have about ten students in the
class who understand and the majority of the class needing extra help. The concepts I shared were a bit vague and I
wish I knew a better way in teaching things such as standard deviation. I realized that the students had a hard time
conceptualizing data and applying it the normal distribution. Prior to this lesson, we went over the shape and I only
was able to give a handful of examples. But overall, the students met my objectives with the lesson and I saw that
half of the class were able to use the normal distribution graph with real life situations.

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