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Direct Instruction 1

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(Case Study 4.2 Lesson Plan)

Subject Area: Math

Specific Content: Improper fractions and

equivalent mixed numbers

Grade Level: 6th Grade

Length of Lesson: 30 minutes

Instructional Objective(s): The learner will write any improper fraction as a mixed number.
State Content Standard / Benchmark / Grade Level Expectations:
Math Patterns, Relationships, and Functions
Content Standard: Students describe the relationships among variables, predict what will
happen to one variable as another variable is changed, analyze natural variation and
sources of variability, and compare patterns of change.
Middle School Benchmark: Represent variability or change by ordered pairs, tables,
graphs, and equations.
Long-Term Unit Objective: The learner will add, subtract, multiply, and divide any two mixed
numbers with unlike denominators.
Yesterdays Lesson: The students worked with a partner and used fraction manipulatives to
better understand equivalent mixed numbers and improper fractions.
Tomorrows Lesson: The students will learn to write mixed numbers as improper fractions,
which will be an inverse of todays lesson.
Prerequisite Knowledge or Behaviors Needed:
Skills: The students are able to do multi-digit division and multiplication by hand
without the use of a calculator. They are also competent in using calculators to perform
multiplication and division.
Concepts: The students can identify improper fractions and mixed numbers and know
that there are two ways to write the same fractional amount.
Behaviors: The students know that to answer or ask a question they must raise their hand
and must wait until the teacher calls upon them to respond. The students also know that
they are only allowed to work with partners on math problems when the teacher has
specifically told them that it is acceptable to do so.
Why is the Content of Todays Lesson Relevant for Your Students?

Fractions can be used to understand real-life ratios. Students need to understand how to
work with improper fractions because they will encounter fractions in the business world
and later in the academic world.
Teacher materials:
-dry-erase board
-dry-erase makers
-dry-erase eraser
Each student needs these materials:
-pencil with an eraser
-additional paper to show work
Where are your materials to be kept until their use during the lesson?
The teacher will keep the worksheets on her desk until the appropriate time.
When will your materials be passed out?
The students will receive their worksheets after the teacher has finished modeling and
they will then begin the guided practice.
How will materials be passed out?
The teacher will draw the names of two students from the stick jar she keeps on her desk.
These students will be responsible for passing out the worksheets to the students in the
class. Each student is then responsible for turning in his or her worksheet in the green
class folder upon completion.
Model of Teaching: Direct Instruction
List each procedure according to stages of Direct Instruction.
Include each question you are planning to ask students in the appropriate place in your
lesson plan.
1. Focus Activity
a. The teacher questions the students about the difference between a
mixed number and an improper fraction and facilitates a discussion
around this topic.

-What is the difference between a mixed number and an improper

-What have we been working on the last few days?
-What discoveries did you make?
-What did we call those two ways of writing the amount?
-Why did we say mixed?
-What did we call the other way to write the same amount?
2. Stating the Objective and Rationale
a. The students will learn to change improper fractions into mixed
numbers without using the fraction manipulatives.
b. It is much easier and more efficient to compute the answer than to
always rely on using manipulatives.
3. Presenting Content and Modeling
a. The teacher begins by explaining the content and then models how to
solve the problems on the board in front of the entire class. She also
provides written steps to solve each problem on the board.
4. Receiving and Providing Feedback: Checking for Understanding
a. The teacher checks for understanding by having students actively
participate in the lesson when answering questions or writing on the
-What do I do first, etc.?
5. Guided Practice
a. The teacher instructs the students to independently complete the first
two problems on the worksheet she has provided. When the students
have completed those problems, they must raise their hands and the
teacher will check their answers. If the work is correct, the students
will then complete the worksheet.
-When you are finished with the worksheet, where should you put

-What do you need to do after you have put your work into the
6. Independent Practice
a. The students complete their worksheet independently.
7. Closure
a. The teacher asks one student from the class to explain what he or she
would say about class today if the school principal stopped him or her
in the hallway.
How did you address student learning styles during this lesson? Describe all that apply.
Visual-The teacher modeled how to change improper fractions into mixed numbers on
the board. She also provided written directions of each step involved in solving this
problem and demonstrated this concept multiple times. The students were also given a
worksheet to complete. The teacher also created a chart during her first example for
students to refer back to as they try to solve later problems.
AuditoryAlong with written directions, the teacher verbalized the directions for
converting improper fractions into mixed numbers. The teacher also checked the
students understanding by asking them probing questions throughout the lesson.

The students can complete a math puzzle once they have finished their

TactileAlthough the students had more tactile learning incorporated into their
previous lesson when the teacher provided the students with manipulatives, the teacher
still incorporated some tactile learning into this lesson. The students were writing out
each problem as they solved it in steps. The students also completed a worksheet
Assessment Criteria:
What tangible evidence will demonstrate your students learning today?
The teacher will be able to assess student work from the worksheets the students
completed. They are required to show work for each step as they solve a problem, so that
the teacher can better understand how the students found their answers.
What will be considered quality work?

The teacher considers quality work in mathematics to be work that is written legibly and
that shows each step in the students problem solving. It is also clear to the teacher what
the answer is for each problem because it is circled.
Do you need a rubric to structure your assessment?
No, a there will not be a rubric to structure this assessment.
Will students also self-assess using this rubric?
The students will not be self-assessing for this assignment.
Gender or cultural concerns may affect your instructional or assessment choices in this
lesson. If appropriate, identify these and describe how you will address them.
There are no gender or cultural concerns that the teacher feels will influence this lesson.
The teacher does not feel that any modifications in this area are necessary based on the
students in the classroom.
Instructional Modifications-Describe a student in your class who has special needs.
Consider how you might modify your instruction and / or assessment for this student
during this Direct Instruction lesson. Traditional print, Internet and NETS resources can
assist you.
In this classroom, one female student has a learning disability that can sometimes cause
confusion when she is working with letters or numbers. She was diagnosed with dyslexia
three years ago and the teacher is aware of the adjustments this student may need on
certain assignments. In this lesson, the teacher has cut the number of problems in half,
and she has asked the student to stop after each two problems so that she can check her
answers with the teacher.
Technology-What technology might enhance this lesson or this unit at some point?
Traditional print, Internet and NETS resources can assist you.
The internet is an excellent resource for this unit on improper fractions and mixed
numbers. The teacher could allow certain students to do games and quizzes online that
involve improper fractions and mixed numbers. There are several websites that offer age
appropriate activities that students could complete independently or in groups. This
website provides excellent activities:
How will you provide practice for this objective?
Although the students will not be completing homework on this assignment the night after
the lesson is taught, the teacher does assign homework throughout the year that is a
review of previous concepts the students have mastered. The students will review the
concept of improper fractions and mixed numbers later in the semester with some

homework. Also, later concepts will build on this lesson, so students will be practicing
this material regularly over the next few weeks.

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