Russian Napoleonic Army Lists 1
Russian Napoleonic Army Lists 1
Russian Napoleonic Army Lists 1
JgerForceto1806 Unitmayremove1D6Shock.
LeaderStatusI Controlled Fire: Russian Line troops up
FourGroupsof8Jger to 1806 will only fire controlled volleys
LeaderStatusII wherethisisshownasbeingObligatory.
TwoGroupsof6JgerSkirmishers Ancien Rgime: Trained in the drill of a
bygone age, the Rrussians cannot form
RussianLineInfantryto1806 Type Regulars
PointsValue 6 Weapon Musket Size 8
Formation FirstFire Controlled Crashing Step Drill Characteristics
Volley volley Out
Always Yes Obligatory 3 3 2 PoorShots,StoicSerfs
RussianLineInfantry,1807onwards Type Regulars
PointsValue 6 Weapon Musket Size 8
Formation FirstFire Controlled Crashing Step Drill Characteristics
Volley volley Out
Always Yes No 3 2 2 StoicSerfs
SecondRateLineInfantry Type Conscripts&Volunteer
PointsValue 3 Weapon Musket Size 8
Formation FirstFire Controlled Crashing Step Drill Characteristics
Volley volley Out
Always No No 3 3 PoorShots
LineJger Type Regulars
PointsValue 6 Weapon Muskets Size 8
Formation FirstFire Controlled Crashing Step Drill Characteristics
Volley volley Out
Always Yes Yes 3 3 2 StoicSerfs,Sharp
LineGrenadiersto1806 Type Regulars
PointsValue 7 Weapon Musket Size 8
Formation FirstFire Controlled Crashing Step Drill Characteristics
Volley volley Out
Always Yes Obligatory 3 3 2 Aggressive,StoicSerfs
LineGrenadiers,1807onwards Type Regulars
PointsValue 7 Weapon Musket Size 8
Formation FirstFire Controlled Crashing Step Drill Characteristics
Volley volley Out
Always Yes FirstOnly 2 2 2 Aggressive,StoicSerfs
OpolchenieInfantry Type Militia
PointsValue 2 Weapon Musket Size 10
Formation FirstFire Controlled Crashing Step Drill Characteristics
Volley volley Out
NoShock No No Poorshots.Hearth&
GuardInfantryto1806 Type Regulars
PointsValue 7 Weapon Musket Size 8
Formation FirstFire Controlled Crashing Step Drill Characteristics
Volley volley Out
Always Yes Obligatory 2 3 2 Stubborn,StoicSerfs