EIA - U-I Part-2

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The Imperative for New Approach to

Information Architecture
Current Scenario
Many companies have difficulty getting timely
, meaningful and accurate view of their past
results and activities.
Executives are increasingly frustrated with
their inability to quickly access the
information needed to make better decisions
to optimize their business.
Problem Is
The inefficiency and high cost associated with
maintaining numerous , redundant information
environment significantly hinder an organizations
capability to meet strategic goals , anticipate and
respond to global economy and use information for
sustained competitive advantage.
A new way forward is required. The new must revolve
around an enterprise information architecture and it
must apply advance analytics to enable a company to
begin operating as an Intelligent Enterprise.
A New World of : Volume , Variety and
The Volume of information is growing
Its velocity is increasing unprecedented rates.
Its formats are widely varied.
This combination of quantity , speed and
diversity provides tremendous opportunities ,
but makes using information daunting task.
Internal Information Environment
Accurate , timely information is not available to support decision-
A central enterprise information vision or infrastructure is not in
place .
A governance of systems across function, business lines or
geography is lacking.
Severe data quality issues exist.
Significant data and technology redundancy exists.
There is inability to tie transactional , analytical, planning and
unstructured information into common applications.
Business leadership and IT leadership are at constant loggerheads
with each other
IT project portfolio is prioritized in a constant triage mode , and it is
slow to respond to new business imperatives.
Need for New Enterprise Information
The smart company leaders realized that a new approach to
Enterprise Information architecture is needed.
For Information enabled enterprise the new reality is :
Personal experience and insight are no longer sufficient.
New Analytic capabilities are needed to make better
decisions and over time , these analytics will inform and hone
our responses.
The information explosion has permanently changed the way
we experience the world: Everyone ad everything creates real
time data with each interaction.
Building an Enterprise information
strategy and information Agenda

and Information C.Information
Information Agenda Infrastructure

Agenda Blueprint
and Roadmap
Enterprise Information Strategy
As part of this process , there are three key
steps that must be performed to establish the
vision and strategy :
1. Define an enterprise Information vision
based on the business value.
2. Determine future state business capabilities.
3. Justify the value to the organization.
Information Infrastructure
Two important steps:
1. Understand your current information
infrastructure environment.
2. Define your future information infrastrcture.
Information Agenda Blueprint and
Develop the information agenda blueprint .
Develop the information agenda roadmap and
project plans.
Best practices in driving Enterprise
information planning success
Aligning the information Agenda with business
Getting started smartly.
Maintaining momentum.
Implementing the information Agenda.
Relationship to other key industry and
IBM concepts
The Relationship to information on Demand.
The relationship to information agenda
The relationship to intelligent enterprise and
the information enabled enterprise.
The relationship to smarter planet and new
The relationship to business analytics and

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