Form 3 Physics Notes Precision

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Form 3 Physics Notes


Precision is the ability of an instrument in measuring a quantity in a consistent manner

with only a small relative deviation between readings.

The precision of a reading can be indicated by its relative deviation.


The accuracy of a measurement is the approximation of the measurement to the actual

value for the measurement is more accurate if its number of significant figures increases.

Table below shows that the micrometer screw gauge is more accurate than the other
measuring instruments.

The accuracy of a measurement can be increased by

taking a number of repeat readings to calculate the mean value of the reading.

taking into account the zero and parallax errors.

using more sensitive equipment such as a Vernier caliper to replace a ruler.

Distinguishing between Precision and Accuracy

The difference between precision and accuracy can be shown by the spread of shooting of a target (as
shown in Diagram below).


The sensitivity of an instrument is its ability to detect small changes in the quantity that is being

Thus, a sensitive instrument can quickly detect a small change in measurement.

Measuring instruments that have smaller scale parts are more sensitive.

Sensitive instruments need not necessarily be accurate.

Home-Work/ Assignment:

Measuring Instruments Project

Instructions: Prepare a shoppers catalog which includes each measuring instrument with drawn
diagrams, an outline of its uses and relevant specifications.

1. Neatness-5 marks

2. Accuracy-15 marks

3. Creativity-7 marks

4. Group Cooperation-3 marks

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