Ms. Moses CSEC Chemistry 2017 (2484)

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CENTRE NO. : 140004

Lab Curriculum Unit Lab Aim Skill

Number Assessed
YEAR ONE 2015-2016
1 Statics To determine the centre of gravity of an irregularly shaped O/R/R
2 Thermal energy To determine the specific heat capacity of copper using the A/I
method of mixtures
3 Hookes Law To determine the relationship between the force applied to an O/R/R
extensible spring and its extension
4 Gas Laws To investigate the relationship between volume and pressure of a O/R/R
5 Dynamics To find the weight of a ruler using the principle of moments. A/I,
6 Radioactivity To simulate radioactive decay using coins. O/R/R
YEAR TWO 2016-2017
7 Thermal energy To observe that water is a poor conductor of heat. M/M
8 Simple Pendulum To determine whether the period of a simple pendulum is O/R/R
proportional to the number of paperclips of which it is made.
9 Simple Pendulum To find the value for gravitational field strength, g, using a O/R/R
simple pendulum.
10 Magnetism and To determine the magnetic field pattern around different M/M
Electromagnetism arrangements of two magnets, using iron filings
11 Thermal Physics To find the latent heat of fusion of ice. A/I
12 Refraction To investigate the refraction of light passing through a M/M
rectangular glass block
13 Dynamics To measure average human power when walking and running A/I,
14 Electricity To wire a three pin plug M/M
15 Electricity To determine whether the current is the same everywhere in a M/M
series circuit and the voltage is the same across each branch in a
voltage circuit
16 P/D
Lab # 1- Skill # 1
Observation/Recording/Reporting (O/R/R)
Aim: To determine which substances are acids or bases
Scheme Item Mark
Aim: To determine which substances are acids 1
or bases
a) Logical Sequence 1
b) Language (past tense, no pronouns) 2
a) Title in caps 2
b) Correct table headings 1
c) Neatly constructed and complete 1
a) Original and final colour of litmus paper stated 1
b) Correct colour change (if none=no visible or 1
observable colour change)
Lab # 2- Skill # 3
Manipulation and Measurement (M&M)
Aim: To separate a mixture of sodium chloride
and calcium carbonate
Scheme Item Mark
Bunsen Burner
a) Air hole closed 1
b) Light match before turning on gas 1
c) Adjust to non-luminous flame 1
a) Proper folding of filter paper 2
b) Filter paper moistened for proper sealing 1
c) Not filled to edge of filter paper 1
d) Mixture poured along glass rod 1

Total 8
Lab #3 Skill #1
Observation/Recording/Reporting (O/R/R)
Aim: To separate the components of Chlorophyll using paper
Scheme Item Mark
a) Drawing - neat, accurately labelled 2
a) Logical sequence (must include all steps 1
b) Language (past tense, no pronouns) 2
Observations/Results (labelled)
a) Original colour of chlorophyll (green) 1
b) Number of components (at least two) 2
c) Color of components 1
d) Point of origin and end point identified 1
e) Title of results 1
Total 11 (x0.91

Lab #4
Observation/Recording/Reporting (O/R/R)
Aim: To determine the type of bonding in unknown
substances A and B
(A=sodium chloride, B=naphthalene)
Scheme Item Mark
Test Observations
1 White, crystalline solid 3
2 White, crystalline solid 3
3 Dissolved in water forming transparent, 2
colourless solution
4 B does not dissolve 1
5 A does not dissolve 1
6 B dissolved forming colourless solid 2
7 No visible change/did not melt 1
8 Solid converted to colourless liquid 2
9 Bulb lit up 1
10 Bulb did not light up 1
Total 17(0.59)
Analysis and Interpretation (A&I)
(A=sodium chloride ionic, B= naphthalene simple
Test Inferences Mark
1 A possibly ionic because crystaline 2
2 B possibly ionic because crystalline 2
3 A soluble in water, possible ionic 2
4 B insoluble in water, possibly covalent 2
5 A insoluble in acetone, possibly ionic 2
6 B soluble in acetone, possibly covalent 2
7 A high melting point, possible ionic 2
8 B low melting point, simple covalent 2
9 A conducts electricity in water, possible 2
10 B does not conduct electricity in water, 2
possibly simple covalent
Ionic crystals 1
A Ionic bonding 1
High melting point as a result of strong 1
ionic bonds
Conducts because contains free ions 1
Simple molecular 1
B Covalent bonding 1
Low melting point because of weak van 1
der Waals forces
Does not conduct, contains no free ions
or consists of molecules 1
Total 29 (x0.345)

Lab #5- Skill #2

Analysis and Interpretation (A&I)
Aim: To determine the concentration of a solution of sodium
hydroxide using standard solution of hydrochloric acid by
Scheme Item Mark
(i) Average volume of HCl used, no mark if
calculated using inaccurate volumes 2
(If within + 0.1cm3 of each other give 2 marks
if within 0.2 cm3 of each other give 1 mark)
(ii) number of moles in 10 cm3 HCl 2
(iii) equation for reaction, correct state symbols 1
(iv) correct mole ratio 1
(v) number of moles of NaOH in average volume 1

(vi) concentration of NaOH in mol dm-3 2

(vii) concentration of NaOH in g dm-3 2
(subtract 1 mark if unit missing or incorrect)
TOTAL 11(x0.909)
Manipulation and Measurement (M&M)
a) Vertical 1
b) No air bubbles 1
c) Read meniscus at eye level 1
d) Accuracy of readings 1
e) Remove funnel before titrating 1
f) Correct positioning of fingers around stopcock 1
g) Constant swirling of flask 1
Read at eye level 1
Tip out of solution when reading 1
Bottom of meniscus at calibration mark 1

Lab #12- Skill #2

Analysis and Interpretation (A&I)
Aim: To determine the concentration of a solution of Acetic
acid using standard solution of NaOh by titration
Scheme Item Mark
(i) Sample average volume of Acetic acid
used, no mark if calculated using 2
inaccurate volumes
(If within + 0.1cm3 of each other give 2 marks
if within 0.2 cm3 of each other give 1 mark)
(ii) number of moles in selected volume of 2
(iii) equation for reaction, correct state 1
(iv) correct mole ratio 1
(v) number of moles of Acetic acid in 1
average volume
(vi) concentration of Acetic acid in mol dm-3 2
(vii) concentration of acetic acid in g dm-3 2
(subtract 1 mark if unit missing or incorrect)
TOTAL 11(x0.909)

Lab #8
Title: Organic Chemistry: Alkanes and Alkenes
(a) Hypothesis: 1
(b) Aim: 1
(c) Apparatus and Materials (All=2, Some =1) 2
(d) Method

(i) Feasible variables manipulated to achieve conclusive results 2

(ii) written in present tense 1
(e) Expected results

(i) Appropriate according to hypothesis 2

(ii) controlled Variable 1
(iii) manipulated variable 1

(f) Precautions/Sources of Error, Assumptions (any reasonable) 1


Lab #6
Analysis and Interpretation
Aim: To determine the heat of solution of copper (II) sulphate
Scheme Item Mark
a) Heat change with dissolving 30g CuSO4(s) 2
b) Heat of solution 1
- Heat change negative 1
- Heat is given off therefore products have
less energy than reactants 2
(ii) Energy profile for exothermic reaction
- Axes correctly named 1
- Correct shape 1
(iii) Sources of errors
- energy lost to environment/thermometer/stirring rod 1
or container (any two 1 mark)
- Incomplete transfer of solid 1
c) - Assumptions:
1 cm3 solution has the same mass as 1 cm3 of 1
Specific heat capacity of solution is the same 1
as that of water
Manipulation and Measurement (M&M)
Measuring Cylinder
a) Flat surface 1
b) Read at eye level 1
c) Read bottom of meniscus 1
a) Fully immersed bulb 1
b) Stir continuously 1
c) Read at eye level 1
d) Accurate reading 1
e) Do not allow bulb to touch sides of cup 1
a) Complete transfer of solid 1
TOTAL 9(x1.11)

Lab #7 - Skill #4
Planning and Designing (P&D)
Aim: To determine whether Aunt Siannas vinegar has a
higher ethanoic acid concentration than two other
commercial brands
Scheme Item Mark
Aunt Siannas vinegar contains (does not
contain) a higher ethanoic acid concentration 1
that the other two brands
To determine whether Aunt Siannas vinegar has 2
a higher ethanoic acid concentration than two
other commercial brands
Apparatus and Material 2
a) Logical sequence 2
b) Present tense 1
Expected Results
a) correct color change with indicator 2
b) table with burette readings (no values) 1
c) proposed calculation
i. equation 1
ii. mole ratio 1
iii. greater/less volume of base used for
Siannas vinegar
Lab # 8- Skill #3
Planning and Designing
Aim: To determine whether pens are identical using paper
Scheme Item Mark
Identical pen inks will contains same no. of
components with identical Rf values 2
To determine which of two pens inks is
identical to the original pens inks using paper 2
Apparatus and Materials 2
a. Logical sequence 2
b. Present tense 1
c. Controlled variable (amount ethanol, diameter 2
of ink placed on filter paper)
d. Manipulated variable 3 different inks 1
Expected results
a. Drawings of 3 chromatographs- two identical 1
b. Distances moved by components identical inks 1
the same or Rf values the same
c. Individual colours the same 1
Precautions/sources of Error (any reasonable) 1

Year 2

Lab # 9- Skill #1
Observation/Recording/Reporting (O/R/R)
Aim: To investigate the effect of concentration on the rate of
reaction between hydrochloric acid and marble
Scheme Item Mark
- To investigate the effect of concentration on the 2
rate of reaction between hydrochloric acid and
a. Title 1
b. Correct table headings 1
c. Correct units in table headings 1
(no marks if units in body of table)
d. Neatly constructed 1
e. Values recorded to relevant decimal places 2
a. Title 1
b. Labelled axes 1
c. Units on axes 1
d. Accurately plotted 1
e. Best smooth curve 2
f. Appropriate scale 1

Lab # 10- Skill #2

Analysis and Interpretation (A&I)
Aim: To compare the rates of diffusion of ammonia and
hydrochloric acid
Scheme Item Mark
a. Diffusion and correct definition 2
b. Mr of HCl and ammonia with units 2
c. Equation of the reaction with sate symbols 2
d. Ammonia diffuses faster Ammonia has smaller 2
Mr than HCl/is lighter than HCl
e. Correct values of average speed with units
I. Ammonia 2
II. HCl 2

Lab #11 - Skill #1

Observation/Recording/Reporting (O/R/R)
Aim: to determine the melting point o naphthalene
Scheme Item Mark
a. title present in caps 1
b. correct table headings 1
c. correct units in table headings 1
(no mark if units in body of table)
d. neatly constructed 1
a. Title 1
b. Labelled axes 1
c. Units on axes 1
d. Accurately plottd 2
e. Appropriate scale 1
Total 10
Manipulation and Measurement (M&M)
Bunsen Burner
a. Air hole close 1

b. Light match before turning on gas 1

c. Adjust to non-luminous flame 1

a. Fully immersed bulb 1

b. Stir continuously 1

c. Read at eye level 1

d. Accurate reading 1

e. Do not allow bulb to touch sides/bottom of tube 1

Total0 8

Lab # 12 - Skill #3
Manipulation and Measurement (M&M)
Aim: To prepare a sample of soap
Scheme Item Mark
Bunsen Burner
a. Air hole closed 1
b. Light match before turning on gas 1
c. Adjust to non-luminous flame 1
Measuring cylinder
a. Resting on flat even surface 1
b. Read meniscus at eye level 1
c. Read scale accurately 1
Instructions followed accurately 2
Safety equipment worn at all times 2
Total 10

Lab # 13- Skill # 3

Manipulation and management (M&M)
Aim: To observe the effect of heat on compounds
Scheme Item Mark
Bunsen Burner
a. Air hole closed 1
b. Light match before turning on gas 1
c. Adjust to non-luminous flame 1
Test tube holder
- Hold high enough so it is not in flame 1
Test Tube
a. Held in the hottest part of the flame 1
b. Dry test tube used 1
c. Held at angle to prevent condensing liquid from 1
d. Held at angle pointing away from self and 1
Total 8

Lab # 14- Skill # 2

Analysis and Interpretation (A&I)
Aim: To identify the cations and anions in an unknown
compound FA6
Scheme Item Mark
a. a. Probably an ammonium salt 1
b. NH3(g) therefore NH4+(aq) present 1
b. a. Ammonia gas therefore ammonium ion 1
b. Balanced ionic equation 2
NH4+(aq) + OH-(aq) NH3(g) + H2O(l)
c. No halide ions present 1
d. a. SO42- present 1
b. Balanced ionic equation : 2
Ba2+(aq) + SO42-(aq) BaSO4(s)
e. Pb2+ , Al3+ , or Zn2+ may be present 1
f. Pb2+ or Al3+ may be present 1
g. Pb2+ absent therefore Al3+ present 1
h. FA6 was Aluminum Ammonium Sulphate 2
Total 14

Lab # 15- Skill # 4

Planning and Designing (P&D)
Aim: To determine which solution is a reducing agent, an
oxidising agent or neither
Scheme Item Mark
- Solution A is reducing agent, Solution B is an
oxidizing agent and Solution C is neither 2
- To determine which solution is a reducing agent, 2
oxidizing agent or neither
Apparatus and Materials
- Acid, reducing and oxidising agents must be 2
I. Logical Sequence 2
II. Present tense 1
III.Controlled variable(dropper, sulphuric acid, 2
potassium manganate(VII), potassium
dichromate (VI), potassium iodide, iron(II)
sulphate, sodium hydroxide) at least three 1
IV. manipulated variable 3 different samples
Expected results
Appropriate colour change according to hypothesis 1
Table with results 1
No colour change for solution C (neither) 1
Precautions/Sources of Error (any reasonable) 1

Lab # 16- Skill # 4

Planning and Designing (P&D)
Aim: To determine whether the energy value of an alcohol is
related to the number of carbon atoms it contains0
Scheme Item Mark
- Energy value of alcohol increases/decreases as 1
the number of carbons increases/decreases
- To determine whether Energy value of alcohol 1
Increases/decreases as the number of carbons
Apparatus and Materials 2
(all=2, some=1)
a. Feasible 2
b. Controlled variable 2
c. Manipulated variable 3 different alcohols 1
containing different numbers of carbon
Expected results
Appropriate according to hypothesis i.e Highest
carbon number = highest energy and Lowest carbon 2
number = smallest energy, or vice -versa
Precautions/Sources of Error (any reasonable) 1
Total 12
Lab #5- Skill #2
Analysis and Interpretation (A&I)
Aim: To determine the concentration of three samples of
vinegar using a standard solution of hydrochloric acid by
Scheme Item Mark
Average volumes of vinegar used, no mark if
calculated using inaccurate volumes 2
(If within + 0.1cm3 of each other give 2 marks
if within 0.2 cm3 of each other give 1 mark)
number of moles in 10 cm3 HCl 2
equation for reaction, correct state symbols 1
correct mole ratio 1
number of moles of NaOH in average volume 1
concentration of NaOH in mol dm-3 2
concentration of NaOH in g dm-3 2
(subtract 1 mark if unit missing or incorrect)
TOTAL 11(x0.909)
Manipulation and Measurement (M&M)
a) Vertical 1
b) No air bubbles 1
c) Read meniscus at eye level 1
d) Accuracy of readings 1
e) Remove funnel before titrating 1
f) Correct positioning of fingers around stopcock 1
g) Constant swirling of flask 1
Read at eye level 1
Tip out of solution when reading 1
Bottom of meniscus at calibration mark 1

Lab # - Skill #1
Observation/Recording/Reporting (O/R/R)
Aim: to determine the melting point o naphthalene
Scheme Item Mark
a. Appropriate title present in caps and underlined 2
b. Correct table headings 1
c. Neatly constructed 1
d. Lab report in order; title -aim -apparatus method 2
observations/ results discussion
Observations/ Results
e. Appropriate observations 6
Total 12

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