E0-286 "VLSI Test"

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E0-286 "VLSI Test

Fault models and ATPG:

Logic fault models: SAF, TDF, PDF, Iddq, St-BDG, Dy-BDG,

SDD, etc. Basics of test generation and fault simulation.
Combinational circuits. Sequential circuits.

Specific algorithmic approaches. Illustrative examples. CAD

framework. Optimisations.

q Enhanced observability and controllability.

q Results in easier fault detection as well as coverage improvement (often along the non-functional
q Reduces ATPG complexity and ATPG tool run--times.
q Simplifies design too. Common goals driven by partitioning, power, I/Os, etc.
q Simplifies tester environment. On-chip
chip BIST versus external tester resources.
q Ease of debug and diagnosis.
q Test time reduction.
q Examples: Scan design. I/O bounding. Test modes for clock selection, pin-muxing.
pin Scan
compression shorter chains. Design partitioning easier routing of controls. Several TI-IPs
(Test Infrastructure IPs), e.g. BIST controllers, etc.
Examples of DFT

q IP and SOC test and integration: q For low power test:

Various test modes and related controls. Test of DUT: ATPG fill or scan
To enable DFT / enable intra-IP and inter- partitioning techniques.
IP test. Test of PM. Test with PM.
q Test wrappers: q For online test:
Bounding controls. Inter-IP and intra-IP Memory ECC.
controls. ExTest and InTest modes. Normal mode / test mode concurrency.
q Test interfaces: Self-test.
JTAG, 1500. Logic ECC. What are valid / invalid
opcodes / operands (code-words)?
q For ATPG:
Mapping of CW -> CW / NCW in
Scan and clock controls. absence / presence of faults.
q For TTR: q For reliability / yield:
Higher multi-site. Reduced pin-count test. Monitors. Margins.. Calibrators.
Self-test. Redundancy.
Defects, Faults and Errors

Defects, faults and errors:

q Defects must results in faults. Faults must result in observable errors. Test depends upon
observable errors.
q Margins help tolerate (marginal) defects. No resulting faults. Approximate tests can now detect
gross defects. Examples: Transition fault ATPG (no delay measurement). Structural tests for
analog / RF circuits (no performance measurement).
q Non-maskable faults must be detected or tolerated.
Single fault considered during ATPG. Multiple faults occur in DUT. No coverage lost.
q All MFs detected if all SFs are detected (across all patterns) and if no one fault impacts another.
q A fault must be detected before another one occurs, i.e. two faults must not occur faster than the
test application time for all faults.
q Redundant logic can cause failure of irredundant logic.

Single fault and multiple faults. A A B Z A/1 Multiple faults

Redundant logic affecting non-redundant logic. B 1 0 0 0 0 -> B/0
0 1 0 1 0 -> Z/1
1 1 1 1 1

I1 S1 S2 Z
I2 Z
0 0 I1
I3 I1
I4 0 1 I2
S1 Coupling
1 0 I3
S2 1 1 I4 Unused, But I1 forced to 1
S1 S2
Redundant Logic

q Structurally redundant logic in Consensus theorem not covered with any input.
q Unused logic in 3-1 mux not covered with functional inputs.
q Unoptimised set of minterms require additional non-functional
non inputs. Practically very relevant.

S Z = A.S + B.S + A.B

AB 00 01 11 10

S S 0 0 1 1 0
1 0 0 1 1
never tested
Fault Models and Fault Sizes

# Nets N
# Gates G=N
# Transistors 5*G
# Paths (N / 10) / 1000
Slack paths N*3

FM Single faults Multiple faults Total

SAF 2*N 2, 3, , N at a time

TDF 2*N 2, 3, , N at a time
PDF 2*P 2, 3, , N at a time
SDD 2*N*3
SBF N*(N-1) / 2 * (4-2)
DBF N*(N-1) / 2 * (16-4)
TGF / Pseudo SAF / Iddq 2*N
Functional Unbounded Unbounded
Fault List Pruning

q Equivalent faults.
q Fault dominance.
q Fault class dominance. SAF w.r.t.. others. SAF coverage is effective, though not sufficient.
q Examples.
a b

Other faults
Equivalent Dominant TDF Dominated
a b Y Either SAF - Dominant

b c N b over c
b d N b over d
c d N N
Additional Faults in Memories Example of what is Different from Logic

Neighbourhood Pattern Sensitive Faults (NPSFs):

q Interaction with upto 8 neighbouring bits
q For each centre bit, there are 8 Distance 1 neighbours
and 16 Distance 2 neighbours.
q Number of distance N neighbours in a square tile =
[(2*N-1)^2 - (2*N+1)^2] = 8*N.
q Fault primitive (FP): <S/F/R> q Different topologies drive tile formation and test
S: sensitizing operation (w0, w1, r0, r1.) sequences.
F: faulty behaviour (0, 1, , )
q Exponential complexity of March algorithms for small N.
R: read result, if read operation is present
q Example: Successive R/W operations:
< r1 / ? / 0 > = q To stress the bit-lines
bit and sense amplifiers.
S : r1 -> read - expected 1
Both these require non-functional
non test patterns.
F : ? -> cell flips to 0
Conventional CPU code will fail to catch them.
R : 0 -> read - obtained 0
Why Stuck-at Fault Model?

q SA0 / SA1 fault from bipolar IC legacy. Short is 0,1. Open / Floating is 1.
q CMOS has stuck-short / stuck-open
open faults. The latter requires a two-pattern
two test. One to initialize
a node and the other to set it too opposite value.
q Similar test required for memory and tristate o/p buffer.

Has forced introduction to sequential ATPG., besides use of non-scan flip-flops.

Examples: Memory operations, tristate buffer output setting (fault detection). Two (Multiple) pattern
tests with observe for each / last.

E1 A E1
I1 C

I2 B
Inputs and States

PIs POs Combinational circuit:

Combinational q Number of possible input combinations for a
combinational circuit is 2^(#PI).
q Number of possible output combinations <= Number of
possible input combinations.
q No fixed relationship between functional specification
and test patterns: #PI and #PO. Number of specified
Present Next
State combinations out of 2^(#PI) and 2^(#PO).
Sequential circuit:
q States complicate this process further.
q More possible input combinations: 2^(#PI + #PS).
q Each PS may require cycling through many PI+NS
q Handled by unrolling different sequential frames into
consecutive combinational frames.
q NS and PS faults must be observed only on POs. 11
Complexity of Test Generation

q For I inputs, 2I combinations. For I = 100, TT = 10 15 years @ 30 MHz. (???)

q For I inputs and S state bits, 2(I+S) combinations. For each S, many sequences of I needed. For I
= 100 and S = 106, TT = ???. With scan, combinations are same. TT is proportional to S*2I .
q For 106 flip-flops and 105 patterns, # shift cycles in simulation is 1011. @ 1000 cycles per second,
this is 108 seconds or 3 years. With scan integrity check, shift time is 0 ms.
q Scan shift time for 106 flip-flops and 105 patterns @ 30 MHz is 3000 s (50 minutes).
q With scan compression:
For compression ratio of 100, this time is 30 s.
Lesser time for state setting.
More ATPG complexity. Only 1 / 100 ffs can be set uniquely.
q Additional complexity since back-tracking,
tracking, multiple path sensitization and forward tracking
(propagation) are required.

Schneiders Circuit

Illustration for:
q Forward propagation (D drive) and backward justification.
q Multiple path sensitisation.
q Non-optimal and optimal pattern sets. Non-unique
unique pattern sets.
ATPG Topics

q What is need for multi-valued
valued logic representation for ATPG?
q Examples to illustrate D frontier.
q Simplification provided by PODEM, FAN and other test generation algorithms.
q Iterative model of sequential circuit for test generation. D propagation across frames.

Flow for test generation:

q Fault simulation: Need and methods.
q Fault list management.
q Fault classification (detectable / undetectable / tested / untested).
q Pattern compaction: Static and dynamic.
q Using dont care bits.

Questions: Optimised logic => Sometimes more patterns? Larger circuits => More dont care bits?
Larger circuits => Lesser entropy? 14

q 2-1 Mux:: No redundancy. 6 / 8 patterns are sufficient. Both inputs identical render the select
input redundant. (00 / 11 input patterns are not required).
q ExOr gate: No redundancy.
All 4 / 4 patterns required for internal faults.
3 / 4 patterns adequate for I/O faults.
q Adder: No redundancy. Finite number of patterns required. Lower bound = 4, independent of the
data width of the adder.
q Decoder: No redundancy. Finite number of patterns required. Upper bound = 2I for an I input
decoder. For a 32K word memory, 32K addresses are required to test it (for one iteration
March sequence).

q Diagrams.

Testing I/Os versus Internal Nets

Testing I/Os is not same as testing internal nets. Few examples below.
q ExOr :
3 patterns for black-box.
4 patterns for internal circuit.

q CPU Address / Data:

Few patterns (<10) can check all SAFs on these I/Os.
Practically 1000s of patterns required.

q Counter :
Value change in state bits versus navigation from one state to another.

Test Logic Is Good / Bad


Bad / Bad Bad.
Good / Bad Bad.
Bad / Good Bad.
Good / Good Good.

q Probable defect in DFT + BIST logic is acceptable. Discard the device. Systematic defect is not.
q In comparison, the tester is never faulty.

Scan Implementation
From other From other
SI1 To other
From other
FF(Q) From other

SI2 To other
SO1 Exclusive Scan path
Functional path

Cycles 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Scan Implementation (2)

q SE can be shared between two scan chains if they are running in tandem, or can be dedicated if
they are running independently.
q Shift-out
out for Pattern P1 happens in parallel with shift-in
shift for Pattern P2.
q Cycles1,2,3,5,6,7:
q End of Cycle 3: End of shift-in.
in. Pattern from FFs(Q) applied to logic.
q End of Cycle 4: Response captured into FFs(D). Start of shift-out.

Various Aspects of Scan

Design aspects:
q Types of scan flip-flops.
q Inputs / Outputs and controls required.
q Number of scan chains and lengths.
q Order of stitching flip-flops into scan chains.
q Stitching across IPs / Domains.
q Full scan versus partial scan.

Scan: Changes state setting complexity from exponential to linear.

q Ease of controllability. Ease of observability.
q No need for scan shift simulations after scan integrity checks.
q At-speed
speed next state generation possible without tester inputs.
Scan Compression

From Tester Several dont care bits in every scan pattern.

More of them for the latter patterns.

CoDec Scope for compression.


Few external channel (from tester) connected
to many internal scan chains.
DUT Long chains converted to shorter chains.



To Tester
Scan Compression Targets and Bounds

q Total number of care bits required to test a circuit fully (near constant) Circuit entropy.
q Entropy drives upper bound on compression. Typical number 100.
q Compression limited by entropy. Can only be increased through coverage loss. (Concurrency is
independent of compression).
q Care-bits
bits must be encoded by ATPG tool to be correctly decoded by decompressor.
q DUT response compressed in compactor. Xs hamper this compression. X-handling
X hampers
q TDV compression is the first measure.
TAT compression depends upon number of tester and DUT channels, and tester handshake
Often controlled outside the CoDec architecture.
But TAT is often more important.

Functional and Structural Tests

q Ubiquitous need for non-functional inputs:

Examples: Memory back-to-back back reads / writes, tristate two pattern sequential test, EXOR
gate, structural redundancy in synthesised logic (non-minimal
(non set of minterms), functional
redundancy in 3-1 mux,, counter with unused states, etc.
Iddq: Non-functional
functional inputs are also required for transistor defects, e.g. 00 input to two-input
NAND gate.
q Scan state itself is not functional:
Next state after scan shift is not necessarily functional. It is just reachable.
Launch-off capture and launch-off off shift patterns can both have non-functional
non launch states.
Path delay pattern: Just a valid transition, not necessarily a valid path.

q Memory RAM sequential patterns have several scan operations per pattern (five below):
Scan Address2 => Write Data2 (initialize).
Scan Address1 => Write Data1.
Scan Address2 => Read Data2. (Detects faults where A1 maps incorrectly to A2).
Iddq Current Test

q Input A toggles from 0 -> 1: Output Q changes from 1 -> 0.
Current spike between quiescent values.
q What is an acceptable steady state value? Is it a range?

Embedded NAND gate:

q Iddq patterns generated based on toggle /pseudo-stuck-at
fault model.
q Either nets toggle, or toggle effect is seen at gate output. No
need to propagate the fault to a primary output.
q Iddq current expected to be different between fault-free
fault and
faulty conditions.
q New input combinations may be required / used, e.g. 00,
depending upon model used for ATPG.

Iddq Threshold

Four quadrants:
q Device vs Iddq:
Good / Low.
Good / High.
Bad / Low.
Bad / High.
q Yield recovery in the middle two
cases through setting appropriate
thresholds and outlier analysis.

Waveforms for Different Patterns

shift_in capture shift_out

Combinational ATPG / SAF pattern.

shift_in no capture shift_out

Iddq, TGF pattern.

shift_in Multiple captures shift_out

Sequential ATPG / TRF pattern.


Assume a transition fault ATPG test in Foil 18:

q FF1(Q): 1 -> 0.
q FF2(Q): 1 -> 0.
q Response captured in FF4(D).

Cycles Shift1 Shift2 Shift3/Init Launch Capture Shift


At-speed ATPG Tests

Two pattern tests: V1 -> V2. V1 is initialisation pattern. V2 is launch pattern.

q Launch condition enabled through scan initialisation (non-functional).
q Next state after scan shift is not necessarily functional. Depends on synthesis of next state
functional. Very likely only reachable for incompletely state machines.
q Reachable ? Functional. Former depends upon synthesis. Latter depends upon specification.
For a completely specified machine, the two are same.
q Launch-off capture and launch-off
off shift patterns can both have non-functional
non launch states.

Two Pattern Tests

q Three methods for launch (V2), after initialization (V1):

V2 is shifted value of V1 (combinational). Different V2 for all V1 guaranteed.
V2 is functional state of V1 (sequential). Different V2 for all V1 not guaranteed.
V2 is functional state of V1 after many cycles. Higher chance of V2 being different from V1.
V2 and V1 are independent (two sets of scan flip-flops
flip enhanced scan chain).

shift_in (LOS) capture shift_out
shift_in (LOC)
V1 V2

Launch off capture

Launch off shift
Enhanced SC
Orig. SC 29
Desirable Transitions

q Transition fault pattern does not necessarily cause a transition in the capture flip-flop.
>1 transition on S is a valid transition fault test for A = 1 and B =1->0.
Fault-free output does not change: 1->1. >1. Faulty o/p: 1 -> 0.
q Path delay pattern: A transition in capture flip-flop
flop is guaranteed. However, not necessarily
through a valid path.
q Path delay tests can be robust (single launch transition), non-robust
non (other enabling launch
transitions), functional sensitisable (other enabling paths). Considerations for multi-cycle
multi paths
and false paths.
q Multiple cycle launches may be required to achieve a functional launch state.
S Z = A.S + B.S


Small Delay Defects

Earlier metric:
# transition faults detected. 10

New metric: 5

# transition faults detected 0

weighted as: Slack

(Fault * Minimal slack) / (Slack

along detected path) Pattern count Coverage

Area under the slack curve.

q Take all patterns for a given
slack accept coverage
q Take all patterns for a given 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
coverage accept slack used. % of detection path slack w.r.t. % of detection path slack w.r.t.
minimum path slack minimum path slack
Defect Oriented Testing

Inductive fault analysis: Artwork of faults.

q (x,y) co-ordinates.
q Radius and area.
q Probabilistic distribution considered for number of defects.

A. Assume SA0 and SA1 faults on all nets:

1. Generate an optimal pattern set for Schneiders circuit on Foil 13.
2. Generate an optimal pattern set for the tristate buffer circuits on Foil 10.
3. Generate an optimal pattern set for a full adder circuit with two inputs of two bits each.
4. Generate an optimal pattern set for a three bit binary counter using D flip-flops
flip with states as
outputs (with reset state of all 0s). For the same circuit, generate an optimal pattern set with
only an over-flow
flow output, which is set when the state flip-flops
flip are all1s.

B. Assume S-R and S-F faults on all nets:

1. Generate an optimal pattern set for the tristate buffer circuits on Foil 10.
2. Generate an optimal pattern set for the three bit binary counter in A(4) for both the cases.
3. Consider the case where this binary counter iis used only for five states, i.e. overflow is
generated for state 101.



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