Typographic Conventions: Plot (X, Y) Monospace C, ## (1) 1 4 9 25 ## #
Typographic Conventions: Plot (X, Y) Monospace C, ## (1) 1 4 9 25 ## #
Typographic Conventions: Plot (X, Y) Monospace C, ## (1) 1 4 9 25 ## #
This tutorial is an Introduction to Spatial Data and ggplot2 and assumes no prior knowledge of spatial
data analysis in R. We do recommend users are acquainted with the R command line before beginning the
practicals though, perhaps via an 'Introduction to R' type tutorial, such as A (very) short introduction to R
(Torfs and Brauer, 2012) or the more geographically inclined Short introduction to R (Harris, 2012).
Building on such background material, the following set of exercises is concerned with specific functions
for spatial data and also the use of a package called ggplot2 for data visualisation. An up-to-date version of
this document is maintained at https://github.com/Robinlovelace/Creating-maps-in-R. Suggested
improvements welcome.
Typographic conventions
To ensure reproducibility and allow automatic syntax highlighting, this document has been written in
RMarkdown. Be aware of the following typographic conventions: R code (e.g. plot(x, y)) is written in
a monospace font while prose is not. Blocks of code such as,
c(1:3, 5)^2
## [1] 1 4 9 25
are compiled in-line: the ## indicates this is output from R. Some of the output from the code below is
quite long; we only show the output that is useful. A single hash (#) is a comment for humans to read that
R will ignore. All images in this document are small and low-quality to save space; they should display
better on your computer screen and can be saved at any resolution. The code presented here is not the
only way to do things: we encourage you to play with it and try things out to gain a deeper understanding
of R. Don't worry, you cannot 'break' anything using R and all the input data can be re-loaded if things do
go wrong.
R has a huge and growing number of spatial data packages. These can be installed in one go with
the ctv package and the command install.views("Spatial"). We do NOT recommend running this
command for this tutorial: partly because downloading and compiling all spatial packages takes a long time
(hundreds of megabytes) and also because we will add new packages when they are needed to see what
each does. We do recommend taking a quick browse at the range of spatial packages on offer
though: http://cran.r-project.org/web/views/Spatial.html.
The packages we will be using are ggplot2, rgdal, rgeos, maptools and ggmap. To test whether
ggplot2 is installed, for example, enter library(ggpot2). If you get an error message, it needs to be
installed: install.packages("ggplot2").
All of the data used for the tutorial can be downloaded from here:
Save this to a new folder, then in R specify the path of that folder as you working directory. Use
thesetwd command to do this. If your username is username and you saved the files into a folder called
rmapping on your Desktop, for example, you would type the following:
If you are working in RStudio, you can create a project that will automatically set your working directory.
This method works OK, but it is no longer considered best practice since it doesnt load in the spatial
referencing information etc associated with the shapefile. A more powerful way to read in geographical
data is to use the rgdal function readOGR, which automatically extracts this information. This is Rs
interface to the Geospatial Abstraction Library (GDAL) which is used by other open source GIS packages
such as QGIS and enables R to handle a broader range of spatial data formats.
sport <- readOGR(dsn = ".", "london_sport")
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile
## Source: ".", layer: "london_sport"
## with 33 features and 4 fields
## Feature type: wkbPolygon with 2 dimensions
In the code above dsn is an argument of the function readOGR. R functions have a default order of
functions, so dsn = does not actually need to be typed: readOGR(".", "london_sport") works the
same, but it is good to remember the meaning of each argument when beginning to use R, so we
sometimes include argument names when it is relevant. Here, dsn stands for data source name which is
the folder containing the spatial data this was pre-specified when you set your working directory. The
next argument is a character string, text identifying the file required. There is no need to add a file
The file contains the borough population and the percentage of the population engaging in sporting
activities and was taken from the active people survey. The boundary data is from theOrdnance Survey.
All shapefiles have an attribute table. This is loaded with readOGR and can be treated in a similar way to
an R data frame.
R hides the geometry of spatial data unless you print the object (using the print()). Let's take a look at the
headings of sport, using the following command: names(sport) The data contained in spatial data are
kept in a 'slot' that can be accessed using the @ symbol: sport@data. This is useful if you do not wish
to work with the spatial components of the data at all times.
Type summary(sport) to get some additional information about the data object. Spatial objects in R
contain a variety of additional information:
You will see you get a warning. This is simply saying that you are changing the coordinate reference
system, not reprojecting the data. Epsg:27700 is the code for British National Grid. If we wanted to
reproject the data into something like WGS84 for latitude and longitude we would use the following code:
The different epsg codes are a bit of hassle to remember but you can find them all atspatialreference.org.
This next section of the practical introduces a slightly different method of creating plots in R using the
ggplot2 package. The package is an implementation of the Grammar of Graphics (Wilkinson 2005) - a
general scheme for data visualization that breaks up graphs into semantic components such as scales and
layers. ggplot2 can serve as a replacement for the base graphics in R (the functions you have been
plotting with today) and contains a number of default options that match good visualisation practice.
The maps we produce will not be that meaningful - the focus here is on sound visualisation with R and not
sound analysis (obviously the value of the former diminished in the absence of the latter!) Whilst the
instructions are step by step you are encouraged to deviate from them (trying different colours for
example) to get a better understanding of what we are doing.
ggplot2 is one of the best documented packages in R. The full documentation for it can be found online
and it is recommended you test out the examples on your own machines and play with
them: http://docs.ggplot2.org/current/ .
It is worth noting that the basic plot() function requires no data preparation but additional effort in colour
selection/adding the map key etc. qplot() and ggplot() (from the ggplot2 package) require some
additional steps to format the spatial data but select colours and add keys etc automatically. More on this
As a first attempt with ggplot2 we can create a scatter plot with the attribute data in the sport object
created above. Type:
What you have just done is set up a ggplot object where you say where you want the input data to come
from. sport@data is actually a data frame contained within the wider spatial
object sport(the @ enables you to access the attribute table of the sport shapefile). The characters inside
theaes argument refer to the parts of that data frame you wish to use (the
variables Partic_Per andPop_2001). This has to happen within the brackets of aes(), which means,
roughly speaking 'aesthetics that vary'.
If you just type p and hit enter you get the error No layers in plot. This is because you have not told
ggplot what you want to do with the data. We do this by adding so-called geoms, in this
case geom_point().
p + geom_point()
Within the brackets you can alter the nature of the points. Try something like p + geom_point(colour
= "red", size=2) and experiment.
If you want to scale the points by borough population and colour them by sports participation this is also
fairly easy by adding another aes() argument.
The real power of ggplot2 lies in its ability to add layers to a plot. In this case we can add text to the plot.
This idea of layers (or geoms) is quite different from the standard plot functions in R, but you will find that
each of the functions does a lot of clever stuff to make plotting much easier (see the documentation for a
full list).
The following steps will create a map to show the percentage of the population in each London Borough
who regularly participate in sports activities.
To get the shapefiles into a format that can be plotted we have to use the fortify() function. Spatial
objects in R have a number of slots containing the various items of data (polygon geometry, projection,
attribute information) associated with a shapefile. Slots can be thought of as shelves within the data object
that contain the different attributes. The polygons slot contains the geometry of the polygons in the form
of the XY coordinates used to draw the polygon outline. The generic plot function can work out what to do
with these, ggplot2 cannot. We therefore need to extract them as a data frame. The fortify function was
written specifically for this purpose. For this to work, either gpclib or rgeos packages must be installed.
This step has lost the attribute information associated with the sport object. We can add it back using the
merge function (this performs a data join). To find out how this function works look at the output of typing ?
Take a look at the sport.f object to see its contents. You should see a large data frame containing the
latitude and longitude (they are actually Easting and Northing as the data are in British National Grid
format) coordinates alongside the attribute information associated with each London Borough. If you
type print(sport.f) you will just how many coordinate pairs are required! To keep the output to a
minimum, take a peak at the object just using the headcommand:
head(sport.f[, 1:8])
## id long lat order hole piece group name
## 1 00AA 531027 181611 1 FALSE 1 00AA.1 City of London
## 2 00AA 531555 181659 2 FALSE 1 00AA.1 City of London
## 3 00AA 532136 182198 3 FALSE 1 00AA.1 City of London
## 4 00AA 532946 181895 4 FALSE 1 00AA.1 City of London
## 5 00AA 533411 182038 5 FALSE 1 00AA.1 City of London
## 6 00AA 533843 180794 6 FALSE 1 00AA.1 City of London
It is now straightforward to produce a map using all the built in tools (such as setting the breaks in the
data) that ggplot2 has to offer. coord_equal() is the equivalent of asp=T in regular plots with R:
Now, just typing Map should result in your first ggplot-made map of London! There is a lot going on in the
code above, so think about it line by line: what has each of the elements of code above has been designed
to do. Also note how the aes() components can be combined into one set of brackets after ggplot, that
has relevance for all layers, rather than being broken into separate parts as we did above. The different
plot functions still know what to do with these. Thegroup=group points ggplot to the group column
added by fortify() and it identifies the groups of coordinates that pertain to individual polygons (in this
case London Boroughs).
The default colours are really nice but we may wish to produce the map in black and white, which should
produce a map like that shown below:
Saving plot images is also easy. You just need to use ggsave after each plot,
e.g.ggsave("my_map.pdf") will save the map as a pdf, with default settings. For a larger map, you
could try the following:
The sport object is in British National Grid but the ggmap image tiles are in WGS84. We therefore need to
use the sport.wgs84 object created in the reprojection operation earlier.
The first job is to calculate the bounding box (bb for short) of the sport.wgs84 object to identify the
geographic extent of the image tiles that we need.
b <- bbox(sport.wgs84)
b[1, ] <- (b[1, ] - mean(b[1, ])) * 1.05 + mean(b[1, ])
b[2, ] <- (b[2, ] - mean(b[2, ])) * 1.05 + mean(b[2, ])
# scale longitude and latitude (increase bb by 5% for plot) replace 1.05
# with 1.xx for an xx% increase in the plot size
This is then fed into the get_map function as the location parameter. The syntax below contains 2
functions. ggmap is required to produce the plot and provides the base map data.
In much the same way as we did above we can then layer the plot with different geoms.
First fortify the sport.wgs84 object and then merge with the required attribute data (we already did this step
to create the sport.f object).
The code above contains a lot of parameters. Use the ggplot2 help pages to find out what they are. The
resulting map looks okay, but it would be improved with a simpler base map in black and white. A design
firm called stamen provide the tiles we need and they can be brought into the plot with
the get_map function:
Finally, if we want to increase the detail of the base map, get_map has a zoom parameter.
lnd <- readOGR(dsn = ".", "london_sport")
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile
## Source: ".", layer: "london_sport"
## with 33 features and 4 fields
## Feature type: wkbPolygon with 2 dimensions
## [1] 33
# download.file('http://data.london.gov.uk/datafiles/crime-community-safety/mps-
# recordedcrime-borough.csv', destfile = 'mps-recordedcrime-borough.csv')
# uncomment and join the above code to download the data
Initially, the read.csv command flags an error: open the raw .csv file in a text editor such as Notepad,
Notepad++ or GVIM, find the problem and correct it. Alternatively, you can work out what the file encoding
is and use the correct argument (this is not recommended - simpler just to edit the text file in most cases).
Now that we have crime data at the borough level, the challenge is to join it by name. This is not always
straightforward. Let us see which names in the crime data match the spatial data:
The first line of code above shows that all but one of the borough names matches; the second tells us that
it is City of London that is named differently in the crime data. Look at the results (not shown here) on your
levels(crimeAg$Spatial_DistrictName)[25] <- as.character(lnd$name[which(!
lnd$name %in%
lnd$name %in% crimeAg$Spatial_DistrictName # now all columns match
The above code block first identified the row with the faulty name and then renamed the level to match
the lnd dataset. Note that we could not rename the variable directly, as it is stored as a factor.
We are now ready to join the datasets. It is recommended to use the join function in the plyrpackage but
the merge function could equally be used.
help(join) # now help should appear
The documentation for join will be displayed if the plyr package is loaded (if not, load or install and load it!).
It requires all joining variables to have the same name, so we will rename the variable to make the join
head(crimeAg$Spatial_DistrictName) # the variables to join
crimeAg <- rename(crimeAg, replace = c(Spatial_DistrictName = "name"))
head(join(lnd@data, crimeAg)) # test it works
## Joining by: name
lnd@data <- join(lnd@data, crimeAg)
## Joining by: name
download.file("http://www.personal.leeds.ac.uk/~georl/egs/lnd-stns.zip", "lnd-
stations <- readOGR(dsn = ".", layer = "lnd-stns", p4s = "+init=epsg:27700")
proj4string(stations) # this is the full geographical detail.
The above code loads the data correctly, but also shows that there are problems with it: the Coordinate
Reference System (CRS) differs from that of our shapefile. Although OSGB 1936 (or EPSG 27700) is the
'correct' CRS for the UK, we will convert the stations dataset into lat-long coordinates, as this is a more
common CRS and enables easy base map creation:
There are a number of functions that we can use to clip the points so that only those falling within London
boroughs are retained:
We can write off the first one straight away as it is depreciated by the second. It seems
thatgIntersects can produce the same output as over, based on discussion in the community, so either
can be used. (See this discussion for further alternatives.) In this tutorial we will usegIntersects, for
clipping although we could equally use gContains, gWithin and other g...functions - see rgeos help
pages by typing ?gOverlaps or other functions for more. gIntersectswill output information for each
point, telling us which polygon it interacts with (i.e. the polygon it is in):
In the above code, only the first line actually 'does' anything in our workspace, by creating the object int.
The proceeding lines are dedicated to exploring this object and what it means. Note that it is a matrix with
columns corresponding to the points and rows corresponding to boroughs. The borough in which a
particular point can be extracted from int as we shall see below. For the purposes of clipping, we are only
interested in whether the point intersects with any of the boroughs. This is where the function apply,
which is unique to R, comes into play:
The first line instructs R to look at each column (MARGIN = 2, we would use MARGIN = 1 for row-by-
row analysis) and report back whether all of the values are false. This creates the inverse selection that
we want, hence the use of ! to invert it. We test that the function works on a new object (often a good idea,
to avoid overwriting useful data) with plots and, once content that the clip has worked, save the sample of
points to our main stations object and remove the now duplicated stations.cl object.
Aggregating the data to complete the
spatial join
Now that we know how gIntersects works in general terms and for clipping, let's use it to allocate a
borough to each of our station points, which we will then aggregate up. Data from these points (e.g.
counts, averages in each area etc.) can then be transferred to the main polygons table: the essence of a
spatial join. Again, apply is our friend in this instance, meaning we can avoidfor loops:
The above code first extracts the index of the row (borough) for which the corresponding column is true
and then converts this into names. The final object created, b.count contains the number of station
points in each zone. According to this, Barking and Dagenham should contain 12 station points. It is
important to check the output makes sense at every stage with R, so let's check to see this is indeed the
case with a quick plot:
plot(lnd[which(grepl("Barking", lnd$name)), ])
Now the fun part: count the points in the polygon and report back how many there are!
The final stage is to transfer the data on station counts back into the polygon data frame. We have
used merge to join two datasets before. In R there is often more than one way to achieve the same
result. It's good to experiment with different functions, so we will use join from
the plyr package.join requires identical joining names in both data frames, so first we will rename them
(type ?rename for more details).
We have now seen how to join and clip data. Next, for a stronger grounding in how ggplot works, we will
look at plotting non-spatial data.
## Bor_Code WardName WardCode assault_09_11
## 1 00AA Aldersgate 00AAFA 10
## 2 00AA Aldgate 00AAFB 0
## 3 00AA Bassishaw 00AAFC 0
## 4 00AA Billingsgate 00AAFD 0
## 5 00AA Bishopsgate 00AAFE 188
## 6 00AA Bread Street 00AAFF 0
Remember the ggplot(input, aes(x=assault_09_11)) section means create a generic plot object
(called p.ass) from the input object using the assault_09_11 column as the data for the x axis. To create
the histogram you need to tell R that this is what you want to go with
p.ass + geom_histogram()
The resulting message (stat_bin: binwidth defaulted to range/30...) relates to the bins - the
breaks between histogram blocks. If you want the bins (and therefore the bars) to be thinner (i.e.
representing fewer values) you need to make the bins smaller by adjusting the binwidth. Try:
It is also possible to overlay a density distribution over the top of the histogram. For this we need to
produce a second plot object with the density distribution as the y variable.
What kind of distribution is this plot showing? You can see that there are a few wards with very high
assault incidences (over 750). To find out which ones these are we can select them.
It is perhaps unsurprising that St James's and the West End have the highest counts. The plot has
provided a good impression of the overall distribution, but what are the characteristics of each distribution
within the Boroughs? Another type of plot that shows the core characteristics of the distribution is a box
and whisker plot. These too can be easily produced in R (you can't do them in Excel!). We can create a
third plot object (note that the assault field is now y and not x):
p3.ass + geom_boxplot()
Now each of the borough codes can be easily seen. No surprise that the Borough of Westminster (00BK)
has the two largest outliers. In one line of code you have produced an incredibly complex plot rich in
information. This demonstrates why R is such a useful program for these kinds of statistics.
If you want an insight into some of the visualisations you can develop with this type of data we can do
faceting based on the example of the histogram plot above.
We need to do a little bit of tweaking to make this plot publishable but we want to demonstrate that it is
really easy to produce 30+ plots on a single page! Faceting is an extremely powerful way of visualizing
multidimensional datasets and is especially good for showing change over time.
Load the data - this shows historic population values between 1801 and 2001 for London, again from the
London data store.
Merge the population data with the London borough geometry contained within our sport.f object.
We can now use faceting to produce one map per year (this may take a little while to appear).
ggplot(data = plot.data, aes(x = long, y = lat, fill = value, group = group)) +
geom_polygon() + geom_path(colour = "grey", lwd = 0.1) + coord_equal() +
Again there is a lot going on here so explore the documentation to make sure you understand it. Try out
different colour values as well.
Add a title and replace the axes names with easting and northing and save your map as a pdf.
The supportive online communities surrounding large open source programs such as R are one of their
greatest assets, so we recommend you become an active open source citizen rather than a passive
consumer (Ramsey & Dubovsky, 2013).
This does not necessarily mean writing R source code - it can simply mean helping others use R. We
therefore conclude the tutorial with a list of resources that will help you further sharpen you R skills, find
help and contribute to the growing online R community:
Stack Exchange and GIS Stack Exchange groups - try searching for [R]. If your issue has not
been not been addressed yet, you could post a polite question.
R's mailing lists - the R-sig-geo list may be of particular interest here.
Books: despite the strength of R's online community, nothing beats a physical book for concentrated
learning. We would particularly recommend the following:
Bivand et al. (2013) Provide a dense and detailed overview of spatial data analysis in an updated
version of the book by the developers of many of R's spatial functions.
Kabacoff (2011) is a more general R book; it has many fun worked examples.
Bivand, R. S., Pebesma, E. J., & Rubio, V. G. (2008). Applied spatial data: analysis with R. Springer.
Ramsey, P., & Dubovsky, D. (2013). Geospatial Software's Open Future. GeoInformatics, 16(4).
Torfs and Brauer (2012). A (very) short Introduction to R. The Comprehensive R Archive Network.