Handstand Road Map

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The key takeaways are that this roadmap provides a flexible program to help the reader achieve a freestanding handstand through progressive exercises and holds at their own pace, which could take from 1 month to over 6 months depending on their current skill level and background.

The purpose of this roadmap is to efficiently guide the reader in achieving their goal of a freestanding handstand through a structured program tailored to their current skill level.

Some of the exercises included in this program are wrist and shoulder warmups, lock outs, jump tucks, L-stands against the wall, wall pushes, freestanding handstand holds, and facing out handstands.

Handstand Module

Road Map
Gold Medal Bodies

GMB Handstand Module Road Map

2011 Gold Medal Bodies, Super 301, Inc
Ryan C. Hurst, Jarlo L. Ilano,PT,MPT, OCS, & Andy Fossett

All rights reserved. Brief excerpts may be reproduced for review purposes, but other reproduction
requires written permission from Super 301. Please contact us at GoldMedalBodies.com for more

The information in this book is presented in good faith, but no warranty is given, nor results guaran-
teed. Since we have no control over physical conditions surrounding the application of information in
this book the author and publisher disclaim any liability for untoward results including (but not lim-
ited) any injuries or damages arising out of any person's attempt to rely upon any information herein
contained. The exercises described in this book are for information purposes, and may be too
strenuous or even dangerous for some people. The reader should consult a physician before starting
this or any other exercise program.

When purchasing products from Gold Medal Bodies / Super 301, the purchaser understands the
risk associated with using this type of product, and the purchaser understands the risk associated
with following instructions from related products, and agrees not to hold Super 301, its agents and/
or representatives responsible for injuries or damages resulting from use without proper supervision.

This course and its authors accept no responsibility for any liability, injuries or damages arising out of
any person's attempt to rely upon any information contained herein. Consult your doctor before be-
ginning training. Be sure to follow all safety and installation instructions included with your equip-
ment carefully. The authors and publisher of this course are not responsible for problems related to
the equipment you use to perform these exercises.

Please be sure to thoroughly read the instructions for all exercises in this course, paying particu-
lar attention to all cautions and warnings shown to ensure safety.

If you experience acute injury or persistent, chronic pains, consult a licensed health practitioner.
Nothing in this document can be considered a substitute for qualied medical advice.

Handstand Module Road Map - 2

Gold Medal Bodies

Welcome to the GMB Handstand Road Pride may be a signicant factor here so if
Map. As with most maps, even though the you truly want a beautiful handstand, ditch
destination is the same for everyone, we all your ego and really listen to and trust your
wont arrive at the same time. This program body. Dont resist going back a level once
is exible, and can be tailored to your cur- youve realized that you moved on too
rent skill level. quickly. Its actually not a step back if you
werent supposed to move forward in the
rst place.
Depending upon your background, you
might be able to achieve a great Freestand-
ing Handstand within a month. For others, it We know this kind of structure (or lack
might take up to 6 months, or even longer! thereof) can be confusing for those who are
And theres nothing wrong with that at all! used to having someone tell them precisely
Just stick with it and youll make progress. when to move on to the next phase of a
program, after a specic length of time.

This program gives you the most ecient

way to achieve your goals, so dont worry if However, handstand work is a completely
it seems that you arent moving as fast as dierent ball game. This skill requires care-
youd like. If you follow the program cor- ful and deliberate progress with a lot of re-
rectly, then youll be moving at the best petitive work. Each phase of handstand
pace you can, and youll eventually get to work must be mastered before moving on to
where you want to be. the next. If not, youll keep spinning your
wheels and fail to reach to the end goal of a
straight body handstand. Got it? Great!
Thats why we dont provide a specic pe-
riod of time to practice each level in this
guide. Lets get started.

Instead, we want you to work at your own

pace, making sure to keep track of where
you are in each level so that you know when
its time to advance. Youll know if youve
advanced too quickly to the next level be-
cause your body will tell you - in other
words, it will be too dicult!

Handstand Module Road Map - 3

Gold Medal Bodies

Getting Started
How T o Re a d T h i s T r a i n i n g F r e q ue nc y
Guide a n d R eco ve r y D a ys

Theres a lot of information in this document We do not recommended doing handstand

and in the accompanying videos. Dont ex- work everyday because of the stress it
pect to digest it all in one sitting. places on your wrists and shoulders. Recov-
ery time is crucial for progress, so training
for 3 days (4 at the most) per week is opti-
As noted in the Introduction, handstands
mal. Take at least 1 day o between training
are a skill that will take everyone a dierent
amount of time to develop. And as you con-
tinue to practice over time, your experience
For example, a good training schedule is
will give you new ways of looking at the info
and instructions in this program,
So make a note to return to these materials
in a week, then again in a month - and
whenever you come to a new turning point
or crossroads in your practice.

Youll be sure to nd new insight every time

you do.

Floor One Program Charts - 4

Gold Medal Bodies

1. Wrist And Shoulder Warm Up

For each handstand session, begin with the Shoulder Prep
wrist and shoulder warm up (add in the
shoulder opener exercises as needed). In
Exercise 1
addition, you can also do your favorite full
body warmup routine (i.e. light jogging, 1. Standing tall, lift both arms up
jumping rope, bicycling, etc.). straight overhead with your
palms facing away from you.
2. Keep your shoulder blades
pulled together and down-
W r i st P r e p wards as you bring your arms
1. Start on your hands and knees, Exercise 2
with ngers pointed forward.
1. This exercise stretches the
2. Lock your elbows out straight, shoulders in the opposite di-
round your back and lean for- rection.
ward to stretch your wrists.
Dont hold the position - in- 2. Stand tall and bend forward at
stead rock back and forth going the hips while you reach your
to the edge of the uncomfort- arms back behind you, with the
able stretch. palms facing the ceiling.
3. Switch your hands so that your 3. Use a towel or bands/tubing to
ngers are facing your knees, assist, if needed.
and repeat as above. 4. When you are ready for it,
4. Flip your hands over so that change your hand position, and
the back of your hands is on turn your palms so they face
the oor and your ngers are the oor. This will give you a
pointing towards your knees. deeper stretch.
Again, rock back and forth to Exercise 3
the point of a good stretch.
Dont force it, youll improve 1. This exercise uses tubing/
much faster by being patient! bands to do a half circle start-
ing from overhead to back be-
hind you.
2. Pull the band outwards
throughout the movement as
much as necessary to complete
the half circle. This is similar to
the old school dislocates us-
ing a stick/dowel, but the use
of the tubing is much more for-
giving on your shoulders.

Handstand Module Road Map - 5

Gold Medal Bodies

2. Lock Outs or Jump Tucks

If you are just beginning your handstand Lo ck O u t s
training, these movements will be your con-
ditioning exercises. Be sure to practice good
1. Start on your hands and knees
form! and lock your elbows out
2. Rock forward and lift your hips
Once you have progressed to working on up in the air.
the wall, use Lock Outs and Jump Tucks as
3. Keep your shoulders directly
your warm up. over your hands and dont arch
your back. For now, dont
worry about the height of your
As Conditioning Exercises, Do: hips.
 3-5 reps with 1-2 minutes rest
 A total of 5 sets J u m p T u ck s

As Your Warm Up, Do: 1. Begin in the same position as

the Lock Outs.
 10 reps of Lock Outs with 1-2
min rest 2. Lift your hips up as high as you
can while maintaining a straight
 10 reps of Jump Tucks with 1-2 upper body. Its best to per-
min rest form these against a wall since
your balance and strength isnt
going to be perfect just yet.
3. This is NOT a handstand. This
movement strengthens your
arms to get them ready for the
work ahead.

Handstand Module Road Map - 6

Gold Medal Bodies

3. Hollow Body Hold

Refer to the main Handstand Module train- RECAP
ing manual for detailed descriptions of the
stages/movements of the Full Hollow Body
At the Start of Each Training Session,
1. Wrists and Shoulder Warm
The 4 S t a g e s o f t h e Ups
F ull Ho l l o w Bo d y 2. Lock Outs and/or Jump Tucks
(either as Conditioning Exer-
cises or Warm Up)
1. Tuck 3. Hollow Body Holds (as Condi-
2. Leg Extension tioning Exercises or Warm Up)
3. Full Leg Extension and Arm
Raise Depending on your strength level, when you
4. Full Hollow Body rst start out with handstand training, you
might end your workout after nishing your
Practice Your Current Level Hollow Hollow Body Holds.
Body Progression for:
 Hold for 10 seconds with 20 That is just ne!
seconds rest
 Do 5 sets total
Dont get discouraged! Keep working until
you have the strength in your arms to begin
Even if you can already perform a Full Hol-
wall work. Once youve gained strength in
low Body hold, you should perform a Hollow
your arms and have reached the Full Hollow
Body hold for up to 30 seconds before mov-
Body, you can move on to Wall Work.
ing on to Wall Work.

The Full Hollow Body

Handstand Module Road Map - 7

Gold Medal Bodies

4. Wall Work - Facing The Wall

Ankles Fl e xe d a t 9 0 Once youve achieved this goal, the next
Degr e e s w i t h Fe e t step is to point your toes (and hold) while in
on t h e W a l l the wall facing handstand.

1. Walk your feet up the wall and T o es P o i n t e d W i th

focus on each component of
your body (make sure you are
F e et o n t h e W a ll
aligned properly).
2. Keep your hands close to the In this position, work up to:
wall. You should be in a hollow
body position with chin tucked,  30 second hold x 8 sets
and feet in proper position
against the wall.
Use the same progression structure pro-
3. Position your toes against the
wall with your ankles exed 90 vided earlier, and gradually increase your
degrees. holds by 5 seconds. Practice the 30 second
4. Work up to holding for 30 sec- hold for at least three sessions before mov-
onds. ing on to Wall Work - Facing Out.
 5 sec. hold for multiple sets (up
to 8 sets)

Once, you can do that comfortably, increase

the hold time by an additional 5 seconds.
The goal is to work up to comfortably hold-
ing the wall facing handstand for 30 seconds
(8 sets at a time). Use the following progres-
sion as your guide.

With toes on wall and ankles bent at 90

degree angle, Do:
 5 second hold x 8 sets
 10 second hold x 8 sets
 15 second hold x 8 sets
 20 second hold x 8 sets
 25 second hold x 8 sets Toes Pointed Facing The Wall
 30 second hold x 8 sets

Handstand Module Road Map - 8

Gold Medal Bodies
Your rest period between sets is up to you. Conditioning Cool
Make sure that you are fully rested so that Down
you can perform a perfectly held Hollow
Body handstand facing the wall each time.
Hollow Body Conditioning
This rest period is a good time to stretch out
your wrists and shoulders.
Perform these directly after the Wall Work.

Do the hollow body hold (at your

 Hold for 1 min, and rest for 30
 Do a total of 3 sets

Lock Outs

This exercise ends the session.

 10 reps
 A total of 3 sets

Handstand Module Road Map - 9

Gold Medal Bodies

5. Wall Work - Facing Out

This is where our handstands start to come ing through this phase. You may be at a
to life! particular level for a few sessions. Dont
worry about that, just hold your handstands
in perfect form and youll get to the next
Heel s Ag a i nst T h e level.
Wal l /T o e s P o i n t ed
Practice the 30 second hold for at least
1. Kick or cartwheel up to the wall
three sessions before moving on to L-Stand
with your hands at the proper
distance. and Wall Push Work.
2. Lock yourself into the hollow
body position.
Conditioning Cool
 10 sec. hold for multiple sets Hollow Body Conditioning
(up to 8 sets)

Once, you can do that comfortably, increase Perform these directly after the Wall Work.
the hold time by an additional 5 seconds.
Again, the goal is to work up to comfortably Do the hollow body hold (at your
holding the wall assisted handstand for 30 level):
seconds (8 sets at a time). Use the following
 Hold for 1 min, and rest for 30
progression as your guide. sec.
 Do a total of 3 sets
With heels against the wall and toes
pointed, Do:
 10 second hold x 8 sets Lock Outs
 15 second hold x 8 sets
 20 second hold x 8 sets
This exercise ends the session.
 25 second hold x 8 sets
 30 second hold x 8 sets
Just as in your earlier training (Facing the  10 reps
Wall), rest appropriately between sets and  A total of 3 sets
be sure to stretch your wrists and shoulders.
Be patient with your training while progress-

Handstand Module Road Map - 10

Gold Medal Bodies

6. L-Stand and Wall Push Work

Welcome to the start of the Freestanding away from the wall with your support leg
Handstand! These two exercises will do during that 30 second period. Maintain
wonders for increasing your strength and proper form!

W a l l P us he s
The L - S t a n d
This exercise will help you obtain strength
1. Begin the L-Stand with both and balance while utilizing the wall as a
feet against the wall for 8 sets brace, when needed.
of 30 seconds. (This is done
only on your rst session of L-
Stand work. This session will
1. Begin in a full handstand posi-
help you learn and perform the
tion facing away from the wall.
exercise correctly).
2. Have the top of your toes rest-
2. Remember to get your butt up ing against the wall.
over your shoulders and legs
on the wall at 90 degrees. 3. Push your feet slightly away
from the wall and work on
holding a freestanding hand-
After your rst session youll start sin- stand for as long as possible.
gle leg work as follows:
 L-Stand with right leg in air for Do:
10 seconds
 8 sets of Wall Pushes
 L-Stand with left leg in air for 10
seconds  Hold freestanding handstand
as long as you can (there is no
 Rest, and repeat for a total of 8 set time period)
 Do not bring your legs to the
oor for the switch. Bring both If you can only hold a freestanding hand-
feet together on the wall be- stand for 1-2 seconds, perform a couple of
fore raising the other leg. wall pushes in one set as long as you dont
fall out of the handstand. Review the con-
Just as with everything previously, once trolling falling section so youre prepared in
youve mastered the position for the allot- case you over-push and fall away from the
ted time, increase the hold by 5 seconds, wall.
working up to 30 seconds per leg.

Once you are comfortable holding 30 sec-

onds for each leg, begin pushing slightly
Handstand Module Road Map - 11
Gold Medal Bodies
Give yourself enough rest time between C o o l D o w n C o n d i-
sets and never sacrice form just to try and tioning
hold a freestanding handstand for a little bit
Hollow Body Conditioning

Perform these directly after the L-Stand and

Wall Push work.

Do the Full Hollow Body hold :

 Hold for 1 min, and rest for 30
 Do a total of 3 sets

Handstand Module Road Map - 12

Gold Medal Bodies

7. Freestanding Handstand Work

Now all of the very important prep work is E n t er i n g t h e H an d-
done, and you are ready to begin freestand- stand
ing handstands!

Tips to remember:
Congratulations for working so hard to get  Always start with practicing
to this point, all of it will pay o and youll your entries into the freestand-
soon reach your goal. But please be mindful ing handstand. (At this point
- this is the point in your training where ac- youve hopefully mastered your
preferred entry earlier while
cidents can start to happen! Review the you were working with the
techniques for rolling or cartwheeling out of wall).
a handstand.  Entries should be smooth and
under control so that you dont
over kick into your handstand
Handst a nd W a r m U p and lose balance before you
even start.
 The best way to practice free-
1. Practice the wrist and shoulder standing handstands is to
warm ups. spend as much time on your
2. Practice bail out maneuver #1 hands as possible for a given
- Do some forward rolls (a few period of time.
reps until you feel comfort-
3. Practice bail out maneuver #2 D u r i n g t he H a nd-
- Work on repetitions of cart- stand
wheels from a handstand.
(Dont worry about how long
you hold your handstands now,  Hold your freestanding hand-
this is simply a warmup and stand as long as possible per
practice of your bailing tech- rep (with the initial goal of 10
niques). minutes).
4. Hold the hollow body position  Remember to take breaks be-
handstand against a wall (up to tween reps.
30 seconds).  Keep rest periods brief.
5. Do wall handstands between  After the end of 10 minutes, go
freestanding handstands to back to the wall and hold a few
check your form and adjust as handstands facing out for up to
needed. 30 seconds.

After that brief warmup, its time for the

meat of the training.

Handstand Module Road Map - 13

Gold Medal Bodies
In the beginning, you may only be able to
hold it for a few seconds. Thats ne. Take
a short break and then kick back up again.

Dont rush into your handstands. Stay re-

laxed, and focus on performing beautiful
straight body handstands even if you can
only hold them for a couple of seconds.

If you feel your form breaking down, go back

to the wall and hold a good hollow body
handstand for 30 seconds. Then go back to
your freestanding handstand work once
again. Remember this is all within a span of
10 minutes.

Once youre able to to hold a freestanding

handstand for a solid 10 seconds at a time,
youre well on your way to handstand pro-
ciency. Its now time to start working on Alpha Posse member Brian B. shows o his
freestanding handstand skills
handstand walking.

Handstand Module Road Map - 14

Gold Medal Bodies

8. Walking on Your Hands

You are now at the point where your free- In the beginning, walking on your hands can
standing handstand is strong and stable. So be quite intimidating, a spotter here can be
now its time to go somewhere with your very useful. Otherwise, be prepared to bail
handstand! out every step or so in the beginning.

Rather than go for endless times in a static  Start o in a straight handstand

handstand, youll be moving on to dynamic and allow your straight legs to
teeter forward a bit.
work. This doesnt mean that youll stop
practicing holding your handstand. Hand-  Take small steps forward with
your hands while keeping a
stand walking challenges your balance and strong and tight body position.
strength further, and will help your per- Youve spent a lot of time
formance in the static holds. working on a proper handstand
and want to keep that when
you walk on your hands as well.
Walking is often described as a controlled In the beginning you may nd yourself
fall. There is essentially a point when eve- reaching out too far for the next step. This
ryone walks where you would fall forward if causes your body to twist and disrupts your
your foot wasnt there to catch you. Walking optimal balance. Dont be in a hurry when
on your hands is just like walking on your walking on your hands. Take it slow and fo-
feet, except instead of catching yourself cus on everything that youve learned up
with your feet as you fall forward, you use until now, and enjoy the walk!
your hands.

Handstand Module Road Map - 15

Gold Medal Bodies

Sample Daily Charts

e Chart - Ground Work

Wrist Warm Up Conditioning Work RPE:
Shoulder Warm Up: - Lock Outs or Jump Tucks RPD:
- Exercise 1 Do: 3 - 5 reps. x 5 sets with 1-2 min. rest RPT:
- Exercise 2 Hollow Body Work
- Exercise 3 - At Your Current Level Hold
Do: Hold for 10 sec. with 20 sec. rest x 5 sets

Rest Day - Take A Break!)

Tuesday (R

Wrist Warm Up Conditioning Work RPE:
Shoulder Warm Up: - Lock Outs or Jump Tucks RPD:
- Exercise 1 Do: 3 - 5 reps. x 5 sets with 1-2 min. rest RPT:
- Exercise 2 Hollow Body Work
- Exercise 3 - At Your Current Level Hold
Do: Hold for 10 sec. with 20 sec. rest x 5 sets

Thursday (Rest Day - Take A Break!)

Wrist Warm Up Conditioning Work RPE:
Shoulder Warm Up: - Lock Outs or Jump Tucks RPD:
- Exercise 1 Do: 3 - 5 reps. x 5 sets with 1-2 min. rest RPT:
- Exercise 2 Hollow Body Work
- Exercise 3 - At Your Current Level Hold
Do: Hold for 10 sec. with 20 sec. rest x 5 sets

day (Rest Days - Take A Break!)

Saturday & Sund

Handstand Module Road Map - 16

Gold Medal Bodies

Example Chartt - Wall Work - Facing The Wall

Warm Up Conditioning Cool Down RPE:
- Wrist & Shoulder Warm Up - Hollow Body Hold (At Current Level) RPD:
- Lock Outs And Jump Tucks Do: Hold 1 min. with 30 sec. rest x 3 sets RPT:
Do: 10 reps. with 1-2 min. rest - Lock Outs
Ankles Flexed At 90 Degrees or Toes Point- Do: 10 reps. x 3 sets
ing Wall Handstands
Do: Hold for 5 sec. x 8 sets (work up to 30
sec. hold)

Rest Day - Take A Break!)

Tuesday (R

Warm Up Conditioning Cool Down RPE:
- Wrist & Shoulder Warm Up - Hollow Body Hold (At Current Level) RPD:
- Lock Outs And Jump Tucks Do: Hold 1 min. with 30 sec. rest x 3 sets RPT:
Do: 10 reps. with 1-2 min. rest - Lock Outs
Ankles Flexed At 90 Degrees or Toes Point- Do: 10 reps. x 3 sets
ing Wall Handstands
Do: Hold for 5 sec. x 8 sets (work up to 30
sec. hold)

Thursday (Rest Day - Take A Break!)

Warm Up Conditioning Cool Down RPE:
- Wrist & Shoulder Warm Up - Hollow Body Hold (At Current Level) RPD:
- Lock Outs And Jump Tucks Do: Hold 1 min. with 30 sec. rest x 3 sets RPT:
Do: 10 reps. with 1-2 min. rest - Lock Outs
Ankles Flexed At 90 Degrees or Toes Point- Do: 10 reps. x 3 sets
ing Wall Handstands
Do: Hold for 5 sec. x 8 sets (work up to 30
sec. hold)

day (Rest Days - Take A Break!)

Saturday & Sund

Handstand Module Road Map - 17

Gold Medal Bodies

Example Cha
art - Wall Work - Facing Out

Warm Up Conditioning Cool Down RPE:
- Wrist & Shoulder Warm Up - Hollow Body Hold (At Current Level) RPD:
- Lock Outs And Jump Tucks Do: Hold 1 min. with 30 sec. rest x 3 sets RPT:
Do: 10 reps. with 1-2 min. rest - Lock Outs
Heels Against Wall/Toes Pointed Wall Hand- Do: 10 reps. x 3 sets
Do: Hold for 10 sec. x 8 sets (work up to 30
sec. hold)

Rest Day - Take A Break!)

Tuesday (R

Warm Up Conditioning Cool Down RPE:
- Wrist & Shoulder Warm Up - Hollow Body Hold (At Current Level) RPD:
- Lock Outs And Jump Tucks Do: Hold 1 min. with 30 sec. rest x 3 sets RPT:
Do: 10 reps. with 1-2 min. rest - Lock Outs
Heels Against Wall/Toes Pointed Wall Hand- Do: 10 reps. x 3 sets
Do: Hold for 10 sec. x 8 sets (work up to 30
sec. hold)

Thursday (Rest Day - Take A Break!)

Warm Up Conditioning Cool Down RPE:
- Wrist & Shoulder Warm Up - Hollow Body Hold (At Current Level) RPD:
- Lock Outs And Jump Tucks Do: Hold 1 min. with 30 sec. rest x 3 sets RPT:
Do: 10 reps. with 1-2 min. rest - Lock Outs
Heels Against Wall/Toes Pointed Wall Hand- Do: 10 reps. x 3 sets
Do: Hold for 10 sec. x 8 sets (work up to 30
sec. hold)

day (Rest Days - Take A Break!)

Saturday & Sund

Handstand Module Road Map - 18

Gold Medal Bodies

Example Chart - L-Stand & Wall Push

Warm Up Wall Pushes RPE:
- Wrist & Shoulder Warm Up Do: Hold freestanding handstand as long as RPD:
- Lock Outs And Jump Tucks possible x 8 sets RPT:
Conditioning Cool Down
Do: 10 reps. with 1-2 min. rest
Beginner L-Stand - Full Hollow Body Hold

Do: Hold both feet against wall for 30 sec. x 8 Do: Hold 1 min. with 30 sec. rest x 3 sets

Rest Day - Take A Break!)

Tuesday (R

Warm Up Wall Pushes RPE:
- Wrist & Shoulder Warm Up Do: Hold freestanding handstand as long as RPD:
- Lock Outs And Jump Tucks possible x 8 sets RPT:
Conditioning Cool Down
Do: 10 reps. with 1-2 min. rest
L-Stand - Full Hollow Body Hold

Do: Hold each leg in the air for 10 sec. x 8 Do: Hold 1 min. with 30 sec. rest x 3 sets
sets. Alternate legs.

Thursday (Rest Day - Take A Break!)

Warm Up Wall Pushes RPE:
- Wrist & Shoulder Warm Up Do: Hold freestanding handstand as long as RPD:
- Lock Outs And Jump Tucks possible x 8 sets RPT:
Conditioning Cool Down
Do: 10 reps. with 1-2 min. rest
L-Stand - Full Hollow Body Hold

Do: Hold each leg in the air for 10 sec. x 8 Do: Hold 1 min. with 30 sec. rest x 3 sets
sets. Alternate legs.

day (Rest Days - Take A Break!)

Saturday & Sund

Handstand Module Road Map - 19

Gold Medal Bodies

Example Cha
art - Freestanding Handstand

Warm Up Facing Out Handstands RPE:
- Wrist & Shoulder Warm Up Do: Hold handstand up to 30 sec. x 3 sets RPD:
- Forward Rolls RPT:
- Handstand to Cartwheel
- Hollow Body Position Against Wall
Do: Hold up to 30 sec.
Freestanding Handstand
Do: Hold as long as you can. Goal is 10 min.
Rest Day - Take A Break!)
Tuesday (R

Warm Up Facing Out Handstands RPE:
- Wrist & Shoulder Warm Up Do: Hold handstand up to 30 sec. x 3 sets RPD:
- Forward Rolls RPT:
- Handstand to Cartwheel
- Hollow Body Position Against Wall
Do: Hold up to 30 sec.
Freestanding Handstand
Do: Hold as long as you can. Goal is 10 min.

Thursday (Rest Day - Take A Break!)

Warm Up Facing Out Handstands RPE:
- Wrist & Shoulder Warm Up Do: Hold handstand up to 30 sec. x 3 sets RPD:
- Forward Rolls RPT:
- Handstand to Cartwheel
- Hollow Body Position Against Wall
Do: Hold up to 30 sec.
Freestanding Handstand
Do: Hold as long as you can. Goal is 10 min.

day (Rest Days - Take A Break!)

Saturday & Sund

Handstand Module Road Map - 20

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