Lesson Plan Economics Social Studies

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Lesson Plan Template

Name Ty George
Subject Economics
Grade Level 12th Grade
Date/Duration 10/10 15 minute lesson
Big Ideas Ideas of Supply and Demand and how they can be
used in the everyday world.
Essential What is supply? What is demand? How do both of
Questions these concepts work together? Can supply and demand
benefit both parties or just one?
PA/Common Standard - 6.2.12.A
Core/Standards Evaluate the flow of goods and services in an
international economy.
Standard - 6.2.12.D
Predict how changes in supply and demand affect
equilibrium price and quantity sold.
Objectives Audience- The audience is the students and they will be
studying the ideas of supply and demand and how they
Bloom's affect the economy for both the supplier and the people
Taxonomy in need.
Behavior- Students will be able to define supply and
Webb's Depth of demand. They will also be able to create and label the
Knowledge most effective ways to supply goods that create a high
(DOK) profit margin.
Condition- Students will need to take good notes and
pay close attention while taking notes so the concepts
can be applied to the activity.
Degree- Students will define both supply and demand
with 100% accuracy and correctly identify ways to use
supply and demand in the economic world.
Blooms Taxonomy
Knowledge- students must be able to collect knowledge
on supply and demand, cost effective strategies, and
how theyre used in a persons everyday life.
Comprehension- Students will be able to comprehend
specific cases of supply and demand in the U.S.
economy. Also be able to understand why the supply
and demand curve so greatly affects the economy.
Application- Applying the information and knowledge
gained to create their own idea of supply and demand
on a product that they create themselves.
Synthesis- assigning students to creating their own
product for supply and demand and present it to the
Formative & The form of assessment I will use is a
Summative project/assignment after the notes in the lesson.
Assessment Students will take the knowledge they have gained on
Evidence supply and demand and create their own product for
the economy that will need to be supplied enough for
its high demand. They will be expected to meet all the
requirements listed and will be scored accordingly. They
will have to present their project to the class.
ISTE Standards Students plan and employ effective research strategies
for Students to locate information and other resources for their
intellectual or creative pursuits.
Framework for Framework for 21st Century Learning- Understanding
21st Century the role of the economy in society and sing
Learning entrepreneurial skills to enhance workplace productivity
and career options.
Accommodation Assign a specific product for students with special
s, Modifications needs. Have the notes and information already written
down or printed out for them. Making sure to have
some images/examples of the assigned project is also a
helpful accommodation.

Seton Hill University Lesson Plan Template Step-by-Step

the Learning
Introduction Activating Prior Knowledge
Survey students simply by asking them questions
and having them raise their hand for yes and not
raise their hand for no. This will give a general
sense of what terms they have and have not
heard before.
Hook/Lead-In/Anticipatory Set
Have students create two examples of supply and two
examples of demand to the best of their knowledge as
their bell ringer activity.
Explicit Big Idea Statement
Instructions The big idea statement must be written on the
board and will read that concept idea of Supply
and Demand and how they can be used in the
everyday world.
Essential Questions Statement
The essential questions will be read off to the
students at the beginning of the lesson and are
What is supply? What is demand? How do both of
these concepts work together? Can supply and
demand benefit either parties or just one?
Objective Statement
The objective statement will be the first thing
written on the board at the start of the class. The
objective is that students will be able to define
supply and demand with 100% accuracy. They will
also be able to create and label the most effective
ways to supply goods that create a high profit
After students have created two examples for
supply and demand and shared them with the
class, the notes and information section of the
lesson will begin.

Key Vocabulary
Supply, demand, profit, revenue
Lesson PreAssessment of Students
Procedure At the beginning of the class students will be
Must include asked to write down two examples theyve
adaptations & learned about regarding supply and two examples
accommodation regarding demand. After a short period of time,
s for students students will be asked to share at least one
with special example from each supply and demand.
needs Modeling of the Concept
The teacher will then model the concept by giving two
solid examples of both supply and demand. This will lead
into a discussion on what students think make up supply
and demand. After the teacher will guide the notes and
information on the lesson. Students with special needs
will already have the main points and notes printed out
and can just follow along.
Guiding the Practice
Start off the class having students share what
examples they created at the start of the class.
Getting each student to share at least one
example they created of supply and demand to
the class.
Students will then start taking notes on some of
the powerpoint slides and the definitions of
supply and demand and how it is used in the
economy. Students will also need to be
participating in discussion of questions on supply
and demand presented by the instructor.
Students with special needs will be given the
notes already completed so they just have to
follow along with the slides throughout.
Providing the Independent Practice
Students will then be asked to create a product for the
economy where supply and demand would be present.
They will have to go through and not only create a
product but deal with specific situations where the
product will need to be sold in order to make a profit.
Students with special needs will already have a product
created for them that they will use.
After students have received the assignment they will
work on their own to create their product and business
plan. Students can refer back to their notes in order to
create the best situation possible. Students with special
needs will get the assistance from the teacher
throughout the time they have to work in order to stay
Once the students have completed the assignment,
students will present their product and the supply and
demand outline in order to make a profit. Students with
special needs will not have to present their project just
complete it and turn it in to the instructor.
Ask students what if any questions they have on the
product or supply and demand.
Adaptations/Accommodations for Students with Special
Adaptations or accommodations for students with
special needs are highlighted in red.
Evaluation of Formal Evaluation
the The project of creating a product with supply and
Learning/Master demand is the formal evaluation created in this lesson.
y of the Informal Evaluation
Concept The informal evaluation is the examples students
created of supply and demand at the start of the class.
Closure Summary & Review of the Learning
Ask students to write down three things they
learned from the supply and demand lesson.
Complete and or change anything they need to about
their assignment on supply and demand.
Reading Pencil and paper or some sort of technology to take
Materials notes on
Technology Colored pencils, crayons, etc.
Equipment Project outline and instruction sheet
Teacher N/A

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