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Crespo vs. Mogul

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MOGUL • The role of the fiscal or prosecutor as we all know is to see that
justice is done and not necessarily to secure the conviction of the
person accused before the Courts. Thus, in spite of his opinion to
G.R. No. L-53373 June 30, 1987
the contrary, it is the duty of the fiscal to proceed with the
presentation of evidence of the prosecution to the Court to enable
FACTS: the Court to arrive at its own independent judgment as to whether
the accused should be convicted or acquitted. The fiscal should
not shirk from the responsibility of appearing for the People of the
• On April 18, 1977 the Provincial Fiscal filed an information for Philippines even under such circumstances much less should he
estafa against Mario Fl. Crespo. When the case was set for abandon the prosecution of the case leaving it to the hands of a
arraignment the accused filed a motion to defer arraignment on private prosecutor for then the entire proceedings will be null and
the ground that there was a pending petition for review filed with void. The least that the fiscal should do is to continue to appear
the Secretary of Justice. In an order, the presiding judge, for the prosecution although he may turn over the presentation of
Leodegario L. Mogul, denied the motion. the evidence to the private prosecutor but still under his direction
• A petition for certiorari and prohibition with prayer for a and control.
preliminary writ of injunction was filed by the accused in the CA • The rule therefore in this jurisdiction is that once a complaint or
which was eventually granted while perpetually restraining the information is filed in Court any disposition of the case as its
judge from enforcing his threat to compel the arraignment of the dismissal or the conviction or acquittal of the accused rests in the
accused in the case until the Department of Justice shall have sound discretion of the Court. Although the fiscal retains the
finally resolved the petition for review. direction and control of the prosecution of criminal cases even
• The Undersecretary of Justice reversed the resolution of the Office while the case is already in Court he cannot impose his opinion on
of the Provincial Fiscal and directed the fiscal to move for the trial court. The Court is the best and sole judge on what to do
immediate dismissal of the information filed against the accused. with the case before it. The determination of the case is within its
But the respondent judge denied the motion. exclusive jurisdiction and competence. A motion to dismiss the
case filed by the fiscal should be addressed to the Court
ISSUE: Whether the trial court acting on a motion to dismiss a criminal who has the option to grant or deny the same. It does not
case filed by the Provincial Fiscal upon instructions of the Secretary of matter if this is done before or after the arraignment of the
Justice to whom the case was elevated for review, may refuse to grant the accused or that the motion was filed after a reinvestigation
motion and insist on the arraignment and trial on the merits. or upon instructions of the Secretary of Justice who
reviewed the records of the investigation.


• It is a cardinal principle that an criminal actions either commenced

by complaint or by information shall be prosecuted under the
direction and control of the fiscal. And it is through the conduct of
a preliminary investigation that the fiscal determines the existence
of a prima facie case that would warrant the prosecution of a
case. The Courts cannot interfere with the fiscal's discretion and
control of the criminal prosecution.
• Whether the accused had been arraigned or not and whether it
was due to a reinvestigation by the fiscal or a review by the
Secretary of Justice whereby a motion to dismiss was submitted
to the Court, the Court in the exercise of its discretion may
grant the motion or deny it and require that the trial on the
merits proceed for the proper determination of the case.
Zenaida R. Razon
Section 14. Amendment or Substitution
Criminal Procedure

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