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177600, 2015-10-19
The long-drawn controversy now raised in the instant petition was instigated by a shooting incident
that took place in Poblacion, Malabang, Lanao del Sur... that resulted in the death of Dante Limbona
and Ante Maguindanao, and the serious wounding of
Azis Panda and Kiri Hadji Salik. In the course of the preliminary investigation the investigating
prosecutor found probable cause to charge private respondents Lt. Col. Jalandoni D. Cota, Anwar
Berua Balindong, PO1 Kennedy Balindong, Amer Oden Balindong and Ali Sarip
Balindong with Double Murder with Multiple Frustrated Murder. The Information was thereupon
filed before the Regional Trial Court
However, after reinvestigation ordered by the trial court, the Office of the Provincial
Prosecutor downgraded the charges against private respondents Lt. Col. Jalandoni D. Cota, Anwar
Berua Balindong and Kennedy Balindong and dropped the charges against Amer Oden Balindong
and Ali Balindong. Private complainant Zenaida Limbona, the widow of the... victim Dante
Limbona, filed a petition for review questioning the Provincial Prosecutor's
Resolution before the Department of Justice (DOJ).
then Secretary Serafin Cuevas modified the assailed resolution and directed... the Provincial
Prosecutor to file instead "two (2) informations for frustrated murder with attempted murder, two (2)
informations for frustrated murder and an information for attempted murder" against private
Secretary Cuevas denied private respondents' Motion for Reconsideration
The corresponding Amended Informations were accordingly filed before the Regional Trial Court
Private respondents, in the meantime, filed a second Motion for
Reconsideration, which the succeeding DOJ Secretary Artemio G. Tuquero... denied "with finality
and with warning that no further pleadings will be entertained".
they filed a Third Motion for Reconsideration that was eventually granted by the new DOJ Secretary
Hernando B. Perez
Private complainants sought reconsideration thereof but the same was subsequently denied...
prompting them to bring the matter before the Court of Appeals in a petition for certiorari... the Court
of Appeals set aside the assailed issuances of DOJ Secretary Perez... in due time denying private
respondents' Motion for Reconsideration... pursuant to the
Decision of the Court... of Appeals, the RTC-Branch 219 issued a resolution finding probable cause
to charge private respondents for Murder with Attempted Murder
Frustrated Murder... and Attempted
The warrants of arrest were accordingly issued against private respondents, who, undaunted, went up
to the Supreme Court to question the Decision of the Court of Appeals by way of a petition for
review on certiorari... the Supreme Court promulgated... its
"WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED and the Decision of the Court of Appeals... which annulled
the DOJ Resolution... and reinstated its Resolutions... is AFFIRMED. The Temporary
Restraining Order issued... by this Court is hereby LIFTED, and the Regional Trial Court... is
ORDERED to implement its Resolution... relative to the issuance of warrants of arrest against all the
Private respondents filed a Motion for Reconsideration but the same was denied with finality
Despite... the categorical pronouncement, however, private respondents adamantly filed another
motion purportedly for clarification of the 16 December 2004 Decision but which was in fact an
attempt to have the High Court order a re-determination by the trial court of the appropriate... crime
with which to charge private respondents.
the Supreme Court ruled thus:
"The Court Resolves to (a) EXPUNGE from the records of this case petitioners' urgent motion for
clarification... and (b) ADMONISH petitioners and their counsel to pay heed to the directives of this
Court and against... misrepresenting the import of its rulings and to desist from any further
unauthorized pleadings UNDER PAIN OF CONTEMPT."
Decision of the Supreme Court became final and executory
Subsequently, due to the inhibition of the presiding judge of the RTC... the criminal cases were
raffled to RTC... whose presiding judge was expressly ordered... by the Supreme Court to enforce the
warrants of arrest against private respondents with utmost dispatch
After issuing the Order relative to the enforcement of the warrants of arrest against private
respondents, however, the... presiding judge of the RTC... inhibited herself as well from hearing the
criminal cases and the same were re-raffled anew to the RTC... presided by respondent Judge Ralph
S. Lee.
Private respondents then filed before RTC-Branch 83 a Motion to Re-Determine the Existence or
Non-Existence of Probable Cause Which May Even Warrant Dismissal - Even of the Appropriate
Charges of Homicide, Frustrated and Attempted Homicides. Private complainants, on the... other
hand, moved for respondent Judge Lee's inhibition when the latter failed to act upon a motion for the
issuance of Alias Warrants of Arrest. However, prior to voluntarily inhibiting himself from the
subject criminal cases, respondent Judge Lee issued the assailed
Order granting private respondents' motion for redetermination of probable cause and consequently
ordering the downgrading of the crimes charged. The cases were then re-raffled to RTC... presided
by respondent Judge Vivencio S. Baclig, who then issued the second... assailed
Order denying a Motion for Reconsideration of the
Order issued by respondent Judge Lee and setting the arraignment
Private complainants filed a motion for the voluntary inhibition of respondent Judge
Baclig, who later denied said motion and re-set the arraignment
Aggrieved by the orders issued... by Judge Ralph S. Lee and Judge Vivencio S. Baclig, the State,
through the Office of Solicitor General, commenced a special civil action for certiorari in the CA
(CA-G.R. SP No. 97121)... the Court promulgated its Decision... adjudging Judge Lee and
Balindong, et al. guilty of indirect contempt
Decision of the Court... clearly sustained the filing of two Informations for Murder with Attempted
Murder, two Informations for Frustrated Murder and an Information for Attempted Murder against
private respondents. The Court even directed... the implementation of the arrest warrants against
them. This, notwithstanding, private respondents filed a motion for determination of probable cause
and/or dismissal of the case against them. Worse, this was done after being admonished by the Court
to pay heed to its directives... under pain of contempt.
With the finality of this Court's Decision, all issues relative to the determination of the proper
offenses with which to charge private respondents had been laid to rest. In continuing to file
pleadings and motions purportedly seeking for the clarification of the proper charges... against them,
respondents merely rehashed their tired arguments and unavailing assertions. They did not only
succeed in delaying the conduct of the trial of the aforesaid cases but also willfully and deliberately
flouted this Court's directives with their stubborn refusal to... abide by our pronouncement and their
incessant nit-picking of issues already resolved with finality.
In granting respondents' motions for reconsideration and re-determination of probable cause, and
consequently down-grading the charges against respondents
Judge Lee contravened this Court's directive
He impudently substituted his own judgment for that of this Court. Had he thoroughly reviewed the
records of the case, it would have been impossible for him to misread the import of said Decisions
and Resolutions.
Thereafter, Judge Lee inhibited from the criminal cases, which were re-assigned to
Judge Lita Tolentino-Genilo, who... issued an order: (a) reinstating the charges against Balindong, et
al. for two counts of murder with... attempted murder, two counts of frustrated murder, and one count
of attempted murder
(b) issuing alias warrants of arrest against them; and (c) inhibiting herself from further hearing the...
cases.[8] Subsequently, the criminal cases were re-raffled to... respondent Judge Alexander S. Balut.
Aggrieved by the dispositions of Judge Tolentino-Genilo, Balindong, et al. filed their Motion for
Reconsideration and/or Recall Suspend Order of Arrest.[9] As the new trial judge, however, Judge
Balut opted to defer action to await the Court's... ruling
He further suspended the enforcement of the alias warrants issued for the arrest of Balindong, et al.
the CA promulgated its ruling... in CA-G.R. SP No. 97121... the petition is hereby GRANTED. The
Order of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City... are
The CA declared the assailed orders of Judge Lee and Judge Baclig to be in clear defiance of the
Court's decision
It pronounced that Judge Lee erred in opining that the Court had only sustained... the executive...
determination of probable cause by the DOJ, and had not touched on what appropriate crimes should
have been charged against Balindong, et al.;[15] and that Judge Baclig similarly erred in holding that
the Court "did not prohibit the trial judge from... determining the appropriate crime to be filed against
the accused [once] the cases were brought to his sala."
To reiterate the rule, determination of qualifying circumstances is a matter of evidence. Thus, as
pointed out by petitioner, by arbitrarily downgrading the original charge from murder, frustrated
murder and attempted murder to homicide, frustrated homicide and attempted... homicide,
respondent Judge Lee effectively denied the prosecution the opportunity to prove the attendance of
qualifying circumstances in a fullblown trial.
Limbona raises as the sole ground for her petition to cite in contempt of court Judge Balut and
We next deal with the contempt charge of Limbona against Judge Balut who, by his order of July 16,
2007, deferred action on the Motion for Reconsideration and/or Recall Suspend Order of Arrest of
Balindong, et al., and suspended the enforcement of the alias... warrants of arrest.
Let us also look at Judge Balut's order... in which he stated as follows:
Without necessarily addressing the merit of the motion, that is, whether or not the alias warrants of
arrest issued against the accused should be recalled or set aside, and to avert any conflicting
determinations on the matter at hand, the Court deems it but prudent... to defer any action hereto
considering that the accused's petition for review... assailing the Court of Appeals' judgment in CA-
G.R. SP No. 97121, which precipitated the issuance of the order of arrest sought to be
reconsidered/recalled by herein accused, is... still pending before the Honorable Supreme Court for
final determination.
In the meantime, while awaiting resolution of the said petition for review... the enforcement of the
alias warrants of arrest... issued against the accused is hereby suspended.
Judge Balut has justified his actions by invoking judicial courtesy and asserting his judicial discretion
on the matters in question
It is clear that Judge Balut did not thereby disobey the decisions of the Court
To start with, there was no indication in his Order that bad faith had moved him to suspend the
implementation of the warrants of arrest against Balindong,... et al., or that he had thereby acted with
a willful and deliberate intent to disobey or to ignore the Court's bidding, or to cause injustice to any
of the parties. In the absence of the clear showing of bad faith on his part, his being prudent could
only be an error of... judgment, for which he could not be held to account. Secondly, the history of
the criminal cases, from the transfer of venue... to the successive inhibitions of several RTC Judges;
to the succession of petitions... for certiorari bearing on the handling of the criminal cases brought to
the higher courts, including this Court,[32] must have probably persuaded Judge Balut to tread the
path of prudence and caution. Indeed, he expressed in his Order... the desire "to avert any conflicting
determinations" pending the promulgation of the Court's Decision... thirdly, his actuations were
entirely different from those of Judge Lee's, who downgraded the offenses from two counts of
murder with attempted... murder, two counts of frustrated murder, and one count of attempted murder
to double homicide with multiple frustrated homicide, and ordered the issuance of the warrants of
arrest for such downgraded offenses.
The issuance by the trial court of the warrant of arrest upon filing of the information and supporting
papers implies the determination of probable cause for the offense charged. It is then superfluous for
the accused to seek the judicial determination of... probable cause on the pretext that the trial court
should still act and proceed independently of the executive determination of probable cause to charge
the proper offense.

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