Internet Addiction in Adolescents Prevalence and Risk Factors 2013 Computers in Human Behavior

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Computers in Human Behavior 29 (2013) 19871996

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Internet addiction in adolescents: Prevalence and risk factors

Daria J. Kuss a,, Antonius J. van Rooij b,e, Gillian W. Shorter c,d, Mark D. Grifths a, D. van de Mheen b,e
International Gaming Research Unit, Nottingham Trent University, Burton Street, Nottingham NG14 GN, United Kingdom
IVO Addiction Research Institute, Heemraadssingel 194, 3021 DM Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Bamford Centre for Mental Health and Wellbeing, University of Ulster, Northland Road, Londonderry BT48 7JL, United Kingdom
MRC All Ireland Trials Methodology Hub, University of Ulster, Northland Road, Londonderry BT48 7JL, United Kingdom
Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: As new media are becoming daily fare, Internet addiction appears as a potential problem in adolescents.
Available online 3 May 2013 From the reported negative consequences, it appears that Internet addiction can have a variety of detri-
mental outcomes for young people that may require professional intervention. Researchers have now
Keywords: identied a number of activities and personality traits associated with Internet addiction. This study
Internet addiction aimed to synthesise previous ndings by (i) assessing the prevalence of potential Internet addiction in
Adolescents a large sample of adolescents, and (ii) investigating the interactions between personality traits and the
usage of particular Internet applications as risk factors for Internet addiction. A total of 3105 adolescents
in the Netherlands lled out a self-report questionnaire including the Compulsive Internet Use Scale and
Internet applications the Quick Big Five Scale. Results indicate that 3.7% of the sample were classied as potentially being
addicted to the Internet. The use of online gaming and social applications (online social networking sites
and Twitter) increased the risk for Internet addiction, whereas extraversion and conscientiousness
appeared as protective factors in high frequency online gamers. The ndings support the inclusion of
Internet addiction in the DSM-V. Vulnerability and resilience appear as signicant aspects that require
consideration in further studies.
2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Cavallo, & Potenza, 2011). Higher prevalence rates have been re-
ported in South East Asian countries (e.g., Taiwan, Singapore, South
With the availability and mobility of new media, Internet addic- Korea and China). For example, using Youngs Internet Addiction
tion has emerged as a potential problem in young people. Based on Test (1998a) 8% of adolescents in China (Cao, Sun, Wan, Hao, &
a growing research base (Young, 2010), the American Psychiatric Tao, 2011) and 10.7% of adolescents in South Korea (Park, Kim, &
Association aims to include Internet Use Disorder in the appendix Cho, 2008) were found to be addicted to using the Internet. In com-
of the upcoming fth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Man- parison and unsurprisingly, prevalence estimates in youth psychi-
ual for Mental Disorders (2012) for the rst time, acknowledging atric settings are reported to be considerably higher. For instance,
the problems arising from this type of addictive disorder. Adoles- the prevalence of Internet addiction among minors using the
cents appear to be a population at risk for developing Internet Assessment of Internet and Computer Game Addiction Scale (Wl-
addiction (Leung, 2007) due to variability in developing their cog- ing, Mller, & Beutel, 2010) was found to be 11.3% in Germany
nitive control (Casey, Tottenham, Liston, & Durston, 2005) and (Mller, Ammerschlger, Freisleder, Beutel, & Wling, 2012),
boundary setting skills (Liu & Potenza, 2007). and assessed via the Internet Addiction Test (Young, 1998b),
With regards to prevalence of Internet addiction in adolescents, 11.6% of adolescent outpatients in Latin America were classed as
estimates vary widely across countries. Using Youngs Internet being Internet addicts (Liberatore, Rosario, Colon-De Marti, & Mar-
Addiction Test (1999), 1.5% of Greek (Kormas, Critselis, Janikian, tinez, 2011). A detailed outline of the reported studies can be found
Kafetzis, & Tsitsika, 2011) and 1.6% of Finnish adolescents (Kalti- in Table 1.
ala-Heino, Lintonen, & Rimpela, 2004) were found to be addicted Overall, in the reported studies to date, a variety of measure-
to using the Internet. Using a modied version of the Minnesota ment instruments have been used that do not allow for a clear-
Impulsive Disorders Inventory, 4% of US high school were identi- cut and comparable estimation of Internet addiction prevalence
ed as addicted to using the Internet (Liu, Desai, Krishnan-Sarin, in both adolescent and adult populations. Therefore, there is a need
for utilising actual clinical criteria in order to demarcate poten-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 789 111 9490. tially pathological (i.e., addictive) behaviours from high-engage-
E-mail address: [email protected] (D.J. Kuss). ment behaviours that appear to be linked to a number of

0747-5632/$ - see front matter 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1988 D.J. Kuss et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 29 (2013) 19871996

Table 1
Overview of prevalence studies of internet addiction in adolescents.

Study Aim Sample and country Design Internet addiction measures Prevalence
Kormas To assess the determinants and N = 866 randomly selected Cross- Youngs Internet Addiction Test 1.5% with
et al. psychosocial implications associated adolescents in Greece (mean sectional pen- (Young, 1999), scoring >50/100 problematic
(2011) with potential problematic Internet age = 14.7 years) and-paper indicates addiction Internet use
use (PIU) and PIU among adolescents questionnaire
Kaltiala- To assess the prevalence of features N = 7292 representative of Cross- Pathological gambling criteria 1.6%
Heino suggesting a harmful Internet use adolescents in Finland (4 age groups, sectional (addicted when 4/7 criteria met) addicted
et al. among 1218 year-olds in Finland mean ages = 12.6,14.6, 16.6 and postal survey
(2004) 18.6 years)
Liu et al. To explore the prevalence and health N = 3,560 high school students in USA Cross- Modied Minnesota Impulsive 4% With
(2011) correlates of problematic Internet use (age range = 1418 years) sectional pen- Disorder Inventory (Grant et al., problematic
among high school students in the and-paper 2005), endorsing craving, withdrawal, Internet use
United States survey and abstinence attempts
simultaneously indicates problematic
Internet use
Cao et al. To investigate the prevalence of N = 17,599 adolescents in China School-based Youngs Internet Addiction Test 8.1% With
(2011) problematic Internet use (PIU) and its sampled via stratied cluster cross- (Young, 1999), scoring >50/100 problematic
relationships with psychosomatic sampling in schools (mean sectional indicates addiction Internet use
symptoms and life satisfaction among age = 16.1 years) survey
adolescents in mainland China
Park et al. To explore relations between risk and N = 903 middle and high school Cross- Modied Youngs Internet Addiction 10.7%
(2008) protective factors and Internet students in South Korea (60.5% middle sectional pen- Scale (IAS) (1998a), scoring P70 Addicted
addiction adolescents in South Korea school seniors, 39.5% high school and-paper indicates addiction
students (12.4% freshmen, 27.1% survey
juniors)) randomly selected from
schools in Seoul
Mller To explore Internet addiction N = 81 child and adolescent Cross- Assessment of Internet and computer 11.3%
et al. prevalence in a clinical context in psychiatric patients in Germany sectional pen- game addiction scale (Wling et al., Addicted
(2012) Germany (mean age = 13.6 years) and-paper 2010), scoring >7/15.5 indicates
questionnaire addiction
Liberatore To study the prevalence of Internet N = 71 adolescent outpatients in Cross- Internet Addiction Test (Young, 11.6%
et al. addiction in adolescents receiving Puerto Rico, Latin America (age sectional pen- 1998a), scores P80/100 indicate Addicted
(2011) treatment for a diagnosed psychiatric range = 1317 years) and-paper addiction
illness questionnaire

personality traits in addicted Internet users (Charlton & Danforth, consequences of excessive Internet use in adolescents have been
2010). In this study, clinical criteria for Internet addiction will be identied in the literature. For instance, a recent review of the neu-
adopted, which will provide an indication of potential Internet roscientic evidence (Kuss and Grifths, 2012c) indicates that
addiction assessed via self-report (Meerkerk, Van Den Eijnden, Ver- Internet addiction in adolescence can have a negative impact on
mulst, & Garretsen, 2009). The criteria are based on the ofcial identity formation (Kim et al., 2012) and change the structure of
diagnoses of substance dependence and pathological gambling the developing brain (Lin et al., 2012; Yuan et al., 2011). In addition
(American Psychiatric Association, 2000) and are planned to be to this, it may negatively affect cognitive functioning (Park et al.,
integrated in the proposed addition to the updated DSM, Internet 2011), lead to poor academic performance and engagement in ris-
Use Disorder (American Psychiatric Association., 2012). Accord- ky activities (Tsitsika et al., 2011), poor dietary habits (Kim et al.,
ingly, Internet addiction as adopted in this paper does not refer to 2010), low quality of interpersonal relations (Milani, Osualdella,
a clinical diagnosis, but to a potentially pathological behavioural & Di Blasio, 2009), and self-injurious behaviour (Lam, Peng, Mai,
pattern. It is denoted by the presence of the following symptoms: & Jing, 2009) in adolescents. From the reported negative conse-
(i) a loss of control over the behaviour, (ii) conict (internal and quences, it appears that Internet addiction can have a variety of
interpersonal), (iii) preoccupation with the Internet, (iv) using detrimental psychosocial and physical outcomes for adolescents
the Internet to modify mood, and (v) withdrawal symptoms that may require professional intervention (King, Delfabbro, &
(Meerkerk et al., 2009). Grifths, 2012).
From the perspective of the engagement in specic online activ- In addition to this, Internet addiction appears to be comorbid
ities, rather than focusing on Internet addiction per s, researchers with clinical disorders and premorbid symptoms. In adolescents,
have now identied a number of activities that can be engaged in Internet addiction has been reported to be comorbid with depres-
excessively online that may lead to symptoms similar to sub- sion and insomnia (Cheung & Wong, 2011), suicidal ideation (Fu,
stance-related addictions (Yellowlees & Marks, 2007). Among Chan, Wong, & Yip, 2010), attention-decit hyperactivity disorder,
these, excessive online gaming (Kuss & Grifths, 2012a), excessive social phobia, and hostility (Ko, Yen, Chen, Yeh, & Yen, 2009),
online gambling (Grifths & Parke, 2010), and the use of social schizophrenia, obsessivecompulsive disorder (Ha et al., 2006),
media (van den Eijnden, Meerkerk, Vermulst, Spijkerman, & Engels, aggression (Ko, Yen, Liu, Huang, & Yen, 2009), drug use (Gong
2008), such as online social networks (SNSs) (Kuss & Grifths, et al., 2009), and problematic alcohol use (Ko et al., 2008a). These
2011) appear to stand out. Their increasing diversity and usage comorbidities may be suggestive of a bidirectional causality rela-
growth among young populations (Entertainment Software Associ- tionship and similar etiology (Ko, Yen, Chen, Chen, & Yen, 2008b;
ation., 2012; Lenhart, Purcell, Smith, & Zickuhr, 2012) is mirrored Mueser, Drake, & Wallach, 1998), and increased severity of psy-
by the rising number of treatment studies (King, Delfabbro, chopathology relative to a single presenting mental health prob-
Grifths, & Gradisar, 2011; Liu, Liao, & Smith, 2012). lem (de Graaf, Bijl, Spijker, Beekman, & Vollebergh, 2003). In
Research and clinical practice suggest that the concept of light of this, Internet addiction in adolescents cannot be dis-
Internet addiction is not to be taken lightly as a number of negative missed as a transitory phenomenon that will take care of itself.
D.J. Kuss et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 29 (2013) 19871996 1989

Instead, it appears important to establish and explore a diagnosis 2.2. Sample

that may prove benecial for young populations who experience
similar and related problems (King, Delfabbro, Grifths, & The data of a total of 3105 Dutch adolescents (aged 1119 years,
Gradisar, 2012). M = 14.2, SD = 1.1 years) were used in this study. The sample char-
The personality traits that distinguish addicted gamers from acteristics are presented in Table 2.
high engagement gamers are reported to be negative extraversion In terms of gender distribution, 51.7% of the adolescents were
(i.e., introversion), emotional stability, agreeableness, negative females and an overwhelming majority of the participants were
valence (indicated by being demanding, needy, and eager to im- born in the Netherlands (96.5%). In terms of school level, 45.8%
press), and attractiveness (characterised by care about appear- of adolescents participated in VMBO (voorbereidend middelbaar
ance, being well groomed, neat and efcient, and highly beroepsonderwijs, i.e., pre-professional education that incorpo-
motivated) (Charlton & Danforth, 2010). Other research has indi- rates ages 1216), and 54.2% were in HAVO/VWO (hoger algem-
cated that online gaming addiction may be related to neuroticism, een voortgezet onderwijs/ voorbereidend wetenschappelijk
anxiety, and sensation seeking (Mehroof & Grifths, 2010). Apart onderwijs, i.e., higher general and pre-university education
from online gaming, research indicates that adolescent Internet including ages 1218).
addicts score signicantly lower on extraversion compared to
non-addicted adolescents (Huang et al., 2010), have low emo- 2.3. Materials
tional stability, low extraversion, and low agreeableness (van
der Aa et al., 2009). In summary, low emotional stability, low A paper-and-pencil survey was used that included sections on
agreeableness, and low extraversion seem convincing candidates (i) sociodemographic information, (ii), Internet use, (iii) Internet
for increasing the risk of Internet addiction as these associations addiction, and (iv) personality traits.
are found in multiple studies. However, to date, no study has
investigated the interactions between personality and different 2.3.1. Sociodemographics
types of potentially problematic Internet usage in increasing the In this section, general sociodemographic information was in-
risk for being addicted to using the Internet. Assessing the inter- quired about, including questions about gender, date and country
actions between these variables may allow discerning both risk of birth, weight and height, and level of schooling.
as well as protective factors for Internet addiction in adolescents
who use the Internet frequently. Specically, the identication 2.3.2. Internet use
of characteristics that demarcate frequent users who develop In the section on Internet use, adolescents were asked to state
addiction symptoms from frequent users who do not may prove how frequently and where they used the Internet and whether
benecial with regards to prevention and treatment. Behaviours they are supervised when using it. In addition to this, the following
and cognitions associated with the preventive character traits in Internet application uses were inquired about in terms of days per
the risk groups (i.e., high frequency users of specic Internet week and hours per day: instant messenger (e.g., MSN), e-mail,
applications) can be established and maintained. surng, Twitter, chat, social networking sites , forums, Habbo Hotel,
With this study, it is aimed to ll the gap in knowledge in cur- weblogs, YouTube, online poker, downloading, television and radio
rent research by (i) assessing the prevalence of Internet addiction live streaming, as well as online, ofine, and browser games. For
in a large sample of adolescents, and (ii) for the rst time exploring these variables, usage hours per week were calculated in order to
the interactions between personality traits and the usage of partic- provide a more detailed and elaborated picture of overall usage.
ular Internet applications as risk factors for Internet addiction.
Based on previous research, the hypotheses are that (i) using online 2.3.3. Internet addiction
applications that enable social functions (i.e., SNSs, chatting, in- In order to assess Internet addiction, the Compulsive Internet
stant messaging, and Twitter) and online gaming, and (ii) specic Use Scale (CIUS) (Meerkerk et al., 2009) was employed. It is a 14-
personality traits (i.e., low emotional stability, low agreeableness, item unidimensional self-report questionnaire rated on a 5-point
and low extraversion) increase the risk for being addicted to the ordinal scale (ranging from 0 = never to 4 = very often) that en-
Internet, and (iii) there exist interaction effects between the usage quires into the following addiction symptoms: loss of control, pre-
of specic Internet applications and personality traits in elevating occupation (cognitive and behavioural), withdrawal symptoms,
or decreasing the chances of Internet addiction, the precise nature coping/mood modication, and conict (inter- and intrapersonal).
of which still needs to be determined. Total scores were calculated by summing up scores for each ques-
tion. These criteria are based on the DSM-IV TR diagnoses for sub-
stance dependence and pathological gambling (American
2. Materials and methods Psychiatric Association, 2000). The CIUS was marginally adjusted
for the usage in the present Dutch adolescent population, as
2.1. Design previously used in other studies (van Rooij, Schoenmakers, van de
Eijnden, & van de Mheen, 2010).
In this study, the 2011 subsample of the annual Monitor study At present, no denitive cut-off value for the CIUS has been
Internet and Youth (Eijnden, Spijkerman, Vermulst, van Rooij, & established. However, using the CIUS in two adolescent samples,
Engels, 2010) which specically assesses Internet usage behav- van Rooij, Schoenmakers, Vermulst, van den Eijnden, and van de
iours among adolescents was utilised, including 3173 adolescents Mheen (2011) located a group addicted to playing online games.
from 13 schools in the Netherlands. The Monitor study uses A latent class analysis of CIUS scoring patterns found a mean score
school sampling stratied according to region of the school, on each indicator in the highest group of 2.8 in one sample and 2.9
urbanisation, and education level. A total of 3756 questionnaires in the second sample (van Rooij et al., 2011). This translated to a
were distributed in participating classes with an overall response total score of around 28, given these item scores. Based on van
rate of 84%. Response rate varied mainly due to logistics, such as Rooij et al.s study, Rumpf and colleagues adopted a minimum
entire classes dropping out due to teacher absence or delay within score of 28 out of a possible total of 56 that may be indicative of
school logistics. Of the questionnaires distributed, 3105 were valid psychopathology and thus demarcates potential addiction from
(i.e., students provided answers for most questions) and were high engagement, and this cut off point will be used here (Rumpf,
used in the present study. Meyer, Kreuzer, & John, 2011). In terms of the psychometric
1990 D.J. Kuss et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 29 (2013) 19871996

Table 2
Sociodemographics of total sample and subsamples of not addicted and addicted adolescents.

Adolescents (N = 3,105) N Percent of total Not addicted (n) Percent of total Addicted (n) Percent of total Overall test
Age (years)
Mean (SD) 14.23 (1.07) 14.24 (1.08) 14.02 (1.00)
11 years 2 0.1 2 0.1 0 0
12 years 40 1.4 37 1.3 3 0.1
13 years 725 25.2 696 24.2 29 1.0
14 years 1061 36.9 1011 35.2 50 1.7
15 years 721 25.1 700 24.4 21 0.7
16 years 244 8.5 241 8.4 3 0.1
17 years 65 2.3 63 2.2 2 0.1
18 years 14 0.5 13 0.5 1 0
19 years 2 0.1 2 0.1 0 0 FET = 13.76
Male 1501 48.3 1431 46.5 51 1.7
Female 1604 51.7 1534 49.8 62 2.0 X2 = 0.43
School level
VMBO 1410 45.8 1340 43.5 70 2.3
HAVO/VWO 1668 54.2 1625 52.8 43 1.4 X2 = 12.31*
Country of birth
Netherlands 2951 96.5 2843 93.0 108 3.5
Suriname 5 0.2 5 0.2 0 0
Netherlands Antilles 6 0.2 6 0.2 0 0
Aruba 1 0 1 0 0 0
Turkey 3 0.1 3 0.1 0 0
Marokko 5 0.2 5 0.2 0 0
Indonesia 2 0.1 2 0.1 0 0
Other 85 2.8 80 2.6 5 0.2 FET = 16.22

Note 1: Abbreviations. FET = Fishers exact test.

Note 2: A respondent is classied as addicted user when they scored >27 on the CIUS.
Note 3: Due to missing values, the sum total of participants may not equal 2257 for each variable analysed.
p < .01.
VMBO and HAVO/VWO refer to pre-professional education (ages 1216), higher general and pre-university education (ages 1218), respectively.

qualities of the CIUS, its construct and concurrent validity, tempo- (i) the frequency of their Internet usage, (ii) the location of usage,
ral and factorial stability/invariance, and internal consistency have and (iii) their CIUS scores using independent samples t-tests,
been proven to be good (Meerkerk et al., 2009). In the present anal- assuming unequal variances when group sizes were unequal as
ysis, the internal consistency of the CIUS was found to be excellent indicated by signicant Levenes tests, and chi-squared (X2) tests
with Cronbachs alpha = .88 (Cronbach, 1951). in the case of categorical outcomes. For the main analyses, the
assumptions of linearity, independence of errors, and multicolline- Risk. In this context, the denition for Internet addiction arity of the relevant variables were checked. Response patterns for
risk was dened as the probability of addiction for a person pos- the CIUS were checked in order to ensure adequate variability of
sessing a particular personality trait and/or using a specic appli- responses were found. In addition to this, continuous predictors
cation of the Internet relative to a person who does not have the were centred at their mean by subtracting mean scores from the
trait and/or does not use the specic application. In contrast to observed values to eliminate potential collinearity problems (Ai-
that, a risk ratio refers to the event of addiction relative to the risk ken & West, 1991). Next, a logistic regression analysis using the
of addiction, and can therefore reach a maximum of 1 (Sistrom and backward LR method was used including all personality traits
Garvan, 2004). and the following Internet applications: MSN, Twitter, chat, SNS,
and online games, with Internet addiction status as binary out-
2.3.4. Personality measure come variable (i.e., the dependent variable was addicted versus
Personality was assessed using the short self-report measure non-addicted). The signicant predictors were then entered into
Quick Big Five (QBF) (Vermulst & Gerris, 2009) that was based on a model containing interaction effects. The nal model presents
Goldbergs personality markers (1992). It measures the big ve all signicant interactions and relevant main effects. In order to
personality traits extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, follow-up the interactions in more detail, linear regression analy-
emotional stability, and resourcefulness via 30 questions (six per ses per group (addicted and non-addicted) and simple effects anal-
trait) scored on a 7-point ordinal scale (ranging from 1 = is not yses were performed. For all analyses, only signicant results are
completely correct to 7 = is exactly correct). Total scores were reported.
calculated by summing up the relevant response scores per per-
sonality trait. Overall, the internal consistency of the respective 3. Results
subscales was good, with a Cronbachs alpha of .86 for extraver-
sion, .84 for conscientiousness, .81 for agreeableness, .82 for emo- Response pattern analysis revealed a total of 2457 different re-
tional stability, and .75 for resourcefulness. sponse patterns in the data for the CIUS, indicating a good variabil-
ity in CIUS scores. When analysing the response pattern in more
2.4. Statistical analyses detail, 191 participants answered never to all items, and sel-
dom, sometimes, often and very often were endorsed on
For the analyses, adolescents classed as addicted to using the all items by one participant each. In terms of Internet use, results
Internet and those who were not were compared with regards to indicated that nearly all adolescents (99.8%) used the Internet at
D.J. Kuss et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 29 (2013) 19871996 1991

home or in school. In 44.9% of cases, Internet activities were not entiousness signicantly predicted Internet addiction (b = .042,
generally supervised at home, compared to a 10.2% lack of Internet Wald X2(1) = 4.45, p < .05). Every unit increase in conscientious-
supervision at school. Furthermore, 3.7% (95% CI [3.0, 4.4]) of the ness score decreased the odds of being addicted to the Internet
adolescents in this sample were classied as potentially addicted by 4.1%. Addicted adolescents scored signicantly lower on consci-
to using the Internet. In terms of sociodemographic variables, entiousness (M = 23.64, SD = 6.21) than non-addicted adolescents
Internet addicts differed signicantly from non-addicts with re- (M = 25.91, SD = 7.04; t(114.46) = 3.65, p < .001).
gards to their school level, with adolescents at VMBO being signif- In terms of the respective online applications, the use of the so-
icantly more likely to be in the addicted group relative to the cial applications Twitter (b = .026, Wald X2(1) = 16.16, p < .001) and
HAVO/VWO students (X2 (1) = 12.31, p < .01). More specically, social networking sites (b = .031, Wald X2(1) = 18.06, p < .001) sig-
5% of VMBO students were identied as potentially addicted to nicantly predicted Internet addiction. Every additional hour of
using the Internet, in comparison to only 2.6% of the HAVO/VWO weekly Twitter and SNS use increased the odds of being addicted
students. to the Internet by 2.6% and 3.2%, respectively. Compared to non-
As presented in Table 3, compared to non-addicted adolescents, addicted adolescents, addicted adolescents spent signicantly
addicted adolescents used the Internet for signicantly more days more hours per week on Twitter (M = 15.32, SD = 22.12 vs.
per week (M = 6.67, SD = 0.74 vs. M = 5.83, SD = 1.55; M = 4.95, SD = 12.67; t(111.71) = 4.89, p < .01), and SNS
t(149.97) = 10.95, p < .01), and signicantly more hours per day (M = 22.10, SD = 20.34 vs. M = 9.12, SD = 11.65; t(111.70) = 6.65,
(M = 4.33, SD = 1.34 vs. M = 2.96, SD = 1.38; t(2782) = 8.86, p < .01).
p < .01). In addition to this, the groups differed signicantly with Furthermore, the use of online games signicantly predicted
regards to where they used the Internet, with addicted adolescents Internet addiction (b = .022, Wald X2(1) = 6.47, p < .05). Every addi-
using it more often in the kitchen (X2(1) = 4.47, p < .05, 25.7% vs. tional weekly hour playing online games increased the odds of
17.9%), via WiFi (X2(1) = 6.20, p < .01, 65.5% vs. 53.6%) and via their being addicted to the Internet by 2.3%. Addicted adolescents played
mobile phones (X2(1) = 16.50, p < .01, 44.2% vs. 26.9%). Finally, the online games for signicantly more hours per week (M = 11.31,
addicted adolescents scored signicantly higher on the CIUS SD = 17.72) than non-addicted adolescents (M = 3.68, SD = 9.38;
(M = 33.37, SD = 5.66) than non-addicted adolescents (M = 8.82, t(114.43) = 4.55, p < .01).
SD = 6.65; t(124.10) = 44.97, p < .01). In addition to the predictive main effects, two interactions ap-
The nal model including the signicant interactions and rele- peared signicant. First, the interaction between weekly online
vant main effects of Internet application usage and personality gaming hours and extraversion predicted Internet addiction
traits as presented in Table 4 predicted Internet addiction status (b = .003, Wald X2(1) = 6.82, p < .01), and decreased the odds of
signicantly (X2(10) = 148.16, p < .001) and explained 23% of the being addicted to the Internet by 0.3%. Following up the signicant
variance in Internet addiction (Nagelkerkes R2 = .23). In terms of interactions with linear regression analyses in the different groups
personality traits, agreeableness was the strongest predictor of indicated that in the addicted group, extraversion did predict the
Internet addiction (b = .109, Wald X2 (1) = 13.00, p < .001). More- extent of online gaming (b = .436, F(1) = 5.12, p < .05), whereas
over, every unit increase in agreeableness decreased the odds of in the non-addicted group it did not (b = .003; F(1) = 0.01, ns).
being addicted to using the Internet by 10.3%. Addicted adolescents Secondly, the interaction between weekly online gaming hours
scored signicantly lower on agreeableness (M = 30.53, SD = 4.80) and conscientiousness predicted Internet addiction (b = .003, Wald
than non-addicted adolescents (M = 33.12, SD = 4.85; X2 (1) = 6.14, p < .05), and increased the odds of being addicted to
t(2823) = 5.45, p < .001). the Internet by 0.3%. Following up the signicant interactions with
The next personality trait predictive of Internet addiction was linear regression analyses in the different groups indicated that in
emotional stability (b = .089, Wald X2 (1) = 17.12, p < .001). Every the addicted group, conscientiousness did not predict the extent of
unit increase in emotional stability decreased the odds of being ad- online gaming (b = .198; F(1) = .51, ns), whereas in the non-ad-
dicted to the Internet by 8.5%. Addicted adolescents scored signif- dicted group, it did (b = .140; F(1) = 31.76, p < .001).
icantly lower on emotional stability (M = 24.48, SD = 7.23) than
non-addicted adolescents (M = 29.49, SD = 6.58; t(2876) = 7.66,
p < .001). The third personality trait to predict Internet addiction 4. Discussion
signicantly was resourcefulness (b = .062, Wald X2 (1) = 6.34,
p < .05). Every unit increase in resourcefulness score increased In the present research, the risk for Internet addiction in a large
the odds of being addicted to the Internet by 6.4%. Finally, consci- sample of Dutch adolescents was investigated by looking at the
interplay between personality traits and the usage of different
Internet applications. Using a validated self-report measure (Meer-
Table 3 kerk et al., 2009), it was found that 3.7% of the adolescents included
Internet use among not addicted and addicted adolescents. were classied as addicted to using the Internet. This appears to be
Not addicted (n = 2965) Addicted (n = 113) at the more conservative end of estimates that range from 1.5% in
Greece (Kormas et al., 2011) to 10.7% in South Korea (Park et al.,
Frequency M (SD) M (SD) T
Days/week 5.83 (1.55) 6.67 (0.74) 10.95** 2008). Using a conservative threshold with the CIUS, it was possi-
Hours per day 2.96 (1.38) 4.33 (1.34) 9.16** ble to establish a cut-off indicative of Internet addiction as based
Location % % X2 on this validated and frequently used self-report measure. Never-
Living room 55.4 58.4 0.40 theless, it needs to be noted that in the reported studies, different
Own room 42.2 50.4 3.02 measurement tools have been used which makes it difcult to
Kitchen 17.9 25.7 4.47*
compare prevalence rates across questionnaires.
Other room 33.8 39.8 1.78
Wi-Fi 53.6 65.5 6.20** In this study, the expected relationship between social applica-
Mobile phone 26.9 44.2 16.50** tion and online gaming use as predictors of Internet addiction was
No Internet 0.1 0.0 0.12 established. The use of both Twitter and SNSs increased the risk of
Internet addiction M (SD) M (SD) T being addicted to using the Internet by 2.6% and 3.2%, respectively.
CIUS score 8.82 (6.65) 33.37 (5.66) 44.97**
The primary motivation for using social Internet applications re-
p < .05. lates to the maintenance of established ofine networks (Donath
p < .01. & boyd, 2004; Ellison, Steineld, & Lampe, 2007). Previous research
1992 D.J. Kuss et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 29 (2013) 19871996

Table 4
Logistic regression of Internet application use and personality traits on Internet addiction risk.

95% CI for exp b

b (SE) Lower Exp b Upper
Constant 4.029 (0.173)
Online games* extraversion 0.003** (0.001) 0.995 0.997 0.999
Online games*conscientiousness 0.003* (0.001) 1.001 1.003 1.006
Twitter 0.026** (0.006) 1.013 1.026 1.039
SNS 0.031** (0.007) 1.017 1.032 1.047
Online games 0.022* (0.009) 1.005 1.023 1.040
Emotional stability 0.089** (0.021) 0.877 0.915 0.954
Resourcefulness 0.062* (0.025) 1.014 1.064 1.117
Agreeableness 0.109** (0.030) 0.845 0.897 0.952
Conscientiousness 0.042* (0.020) 0.922 0.959 0.997
Extraversion 0.008 (0.22) 0.950 0.992 1.036

Note 1: R2 = .06 (Cox and Snell), .23 (Nagelkerke). Model X2(9) = 148.16, p < .001.
p < .05.
p < .01.

indicates that these motivations differ between age groups, with associated with Internet addiction after controlling for television
young adolescents expressing their identities by means of a self- watching (Ko, Yen, Liu, et al., 2009b). Online disinhibition (Joinson,
display of personal information and older adolescents expressing 1998), as a consequence of online anonymity, may lead to deindi-
it through connections (Lee, Lee, & Kwon, 2010). However, unlike viduation (Zimbardo, 1969) and can foster aggressive behaviours
the hypothesised relationship, the use of social applications other (Ko, Yen, Liu, et al., 2009b). This process may be particularly prob-
than SNSs and Twitter did not contribute to predicting Internet lematic for adolescents as their cognitive control capabilities may
addiction. A variety of studies have indicated that the excessive not be adequately developed (Casey et al., 2005).
use of online social networking sites may be problematic (e.g., Kuss In addition to the personality traits hypothesised to be linked to
& Grifths, 2011; Leung & Lee, 2012) as it tends to reinforce the Internet addiction, resourcefulness was found to increase the risk
establishment and maintenance of online, rather than ofine, so- of being addicted to using the Internet. Resourcefulness has been
cial networks. In a similar vein, excessive use of Twitter may have related to openness to experience (Matthews et al., 2009). Previous
detrimental consequences for real life communication and is be- research indicates that increased novelty seeking, which is part of
lieved to activate the hedonistic dopamine system (Hofmann, openness to experience, is linked to Internet addiction in college
Vohs, & Baumeister, 2012), that offers instantaneous gratication students (Ko et al., 2010). Similarly, openness to experience has
when using applications such as Twitter. been found to be associated with marijuana use (Terracciano,
Additionally, playing online games increased the risk of being Lckenhoff, Crum, Bienvenu, & Costa, 2008). From this, it appears
addicted to the Internet by 2.3%. Overall, previous research indi- that characteristics indicative of resourcefulness and openness to
cates that unlike other game forms, such as browser and ofine experience, such as creativity, imagination, and innovation may
games, online games appear to have a high addictive potential, lead adolescents to engage in pleasurable activities, such as using
so that vulnerable people may develop addiction as a consequence the Internet, excessively. Alternatively, these gamers are highly
of frequent engagement (Kuss & Grifths, 2012b). In this study, creative, enthusiastic users who get carried away with their
only the frequent use of online games, and neither browser nor off- hobbies with the consequence of negative side effects that may be
line games, increased the risk of being addicted to the Internet. On- transitory. In order to determine these relationships in more depth,
line games require a large amount of commitment and time in-depth qualitative studies need to be conducted in the future.
investment on behalf of the player in order for him to be able to The nal personality trait that was found to increase the risk of
achieve game imminent goals which may in turn contribute to Internet addiction was negative conscientiousness. This nding is a
the development of maladaptive behaviours and coping strategies replication of previous research using the CIUS to assess Internet
that reinforce gaming (Kuss, Louws, & Wiers, 2012). Taken to- addiction in a large sample of 16,925 1180-years olds (Meerkerk,
gether, and viewed from the frequency of usage and potential Van den Eijnden, Vermulst, & Garretsen, 2007). It indicates that the
problems, the desire to use online media appears to be very strong. less conscientious adolescents are, the more likely they are to
In line with this, a recent study indicates that it appears signi- experience problems related to Internet addiction. From an explan-
cantly stronger than the desire for tobacco, sex, coffee, alcohol, atory point of view, adolescents who are less conscientious would
and eating, it is signicantly more difcult to resist and can lead chose using the Internet over other, less pleasurable activities, such
to pathological abuse (Hofmann et al., 2012). as doing their homework, and may therefore be at increased risk of
In addition to the specic usage of the Internet, a number of using the Internet excessively.
personality traits appeared to predict Internet addiction. As In addition to these main effects, it was found that the effect of
hypothesized, low emotional stability increased the risk of Internet online gaming frequency interacted with specic personality traits
addiction. Low emotional stability is congruent with high neuroti- in increasing the risk for Internet addiction. First, the amount of
cism (Matthews, Deary, & Whiteman, 2009) and the latter has been online gaming (i.e., number of hours played) and low scores on
found to be predictive of Internet addiction and Internet gaming extraversion predicted Internet addiction. More specically, low
addiction in university students (Dong, Wang, Yang, & Zhou, scores on extraversion predicted the extent of online gaming in
2012; Mehroof & Grifths, 2010; Tsai et al., 2009), and therefore the adolescents who were addicted as indicated by their CIUS
the present study extends previous research by utilising an adoles- scores. In this regard, higher extraversion can be viewed as person-
cent sample. ality trait that fulls a preventive function. Of the adolescents who
Moreover, low agreeableness was found to increase the risk of frequently engage in online gaming, those who are more extra-
Internet addiction. Low agreeableness corresponds to aggression- verted were less likely to become addicted to using the Internet.
hostility (Zuckerman, 2002). In adolescents, aggression has been Introversion has been implicated in Internet and online gaming
D.J. Kuss et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 29 (2013) 19871996 1993

addiction time and again (Huang et al., 2010; van der Aa et al., one another with regards to the probability of being addicted to
2009; Young, 2009). Interestingly, in this study low extraversion using the Internet, with VMBO students being more likely than
(or introversion) has been found to increase the risk of Internet HAVO/VWO students. Therefore, VMBO students should be tar-
addiction only among online gamers. It appears that there might geted as they appear to be a population at risk for developing Inter-
be a mutually reinforcing relationship between online gaming net addiction (van Rooij et al., 2010), and future research is
and introversion (Weaver et al., 2009) in such a way that individ- encouraged accordingly. Widespread Internet accessibility ap-
uals with introverted traits start playing games because they nd peared to contribute to the likelihood of being addicted to the
it easier to interact virtually than in real life, which in turn exacer- Internet, as adolescents who used it in the kitchen, on their mobile
bates their shyness in real life and makes them turn to the game. phones, and via WiFi were more likely to be addicted to the Inter-
The directionality of this relationship needs to be examined in fu- net than the adolescents who did not have extensive access. In the
ture research. current ubiquitous media environment, it appears that adolescents
Second, the amount of online gaming (number of hours) and make increasing use of the Internet on the go, anytime and any-
low scores on conscientiousness increased the risk of being ad- where. The ever increasing numbers of adolescents with access
dicted to using the Internet. Viewing this effect in more detail, it to mobile Internet technology via smartphones, laptops and tablets
appeared that in the participants who did not meet the cut-off (Lenhart et al., 2012) tablets appears as potential explanation for
point for Internet addiction using the CIUS, conscientiousness ap- the discerned problems related to Internet use. The more adoles-
peared as predictor of weekly online gaming hours. Adolescents cents are able to use their favourite applications whenever and
who engaged in playing online games frequently and who had wherever they want may increase the likelihood for the develop-
higher conscientiousness scores were less likely to be addicted to ment of negative consequences due to excessive use. This conten-
using the Internet. Frequent online gamers who score highly on tion needs to be examined in future studies.
conscientiousness may feel a strong commitment to their virtual
personae, guilds and high-level game content as they are organ-
ised, systematic, and thorough (Vermulst & Gerris, 2009). Rather 4.1. Limitations
than developing problems indicative of potential Internet addic-
tion, they immerse in the game world in a more healthy way and There are a number of limitations to the present study. First,
are able to switch off. Their loyalty to their guild and achievement self-report measures like the ones used here do not sufce for
striving may lead them to engaging in end-game content at higher any clinical assessment of diagnosed psychopathology. Specically,
levels which typically requires an increased investment of time rather than offering a clear-cut diagnosis, the CIUS scores in this
(Ducheneaut, Yee, Nickell, & Moore, 2006). Potentially, frequent sample are an indicator of addictive behaviours. The conservative
online gamers who also score high on conscientiousness may be cut-off point for addiction adopted here may serve as a benchmark
characterised by high engagement, but not addiction (Charlton & based on which populations can be identied that may be particu-
Danforth, 2007) relative to those online gamers who play similarly larly at risk for developing and/or experiencing problematic behav-
frequently, but who score low on conscientiousness. In order to ex- iours that may impact their lives in a variety of negative ways,
plore this topic further, qualitative research is needed. From the without assuming that the adolescents identied as potentially ad-
perspective of research design, it appears important to pay close dicted require professional help. Viewed from the perspective of
attention to the effects of interacting variables on the development clinical practice, self-report measures are the most commonly used
of Internet addiction because this may allow us to tackle questions tools to provide psychiatrists and psychologists with an indication
of etiology and risk. of psychopathology level prior to treatment. They are pragmatic
Overall, the reported hours of Internet use appear somewhat regarding the ease of administration and scoring (Ruben, 1999).
different in comparison to other studies. For instance, in a sample of In addition to this, using a scale may not only allow for the identi-
136,589 1318 year old South Korean adolescents, Do, Shin, Bautista, cation of pathological online behaviours, but it may aid the recog-
and Foo (2013) reported a relatively low mean daily Internet use of nition of adolescents who may be at risk for developing Internet
86 min for non-study related purposes, in comparison to the addiction as indicated by the number of symptoms endorsed. Sec-
non-pathological group in the present study that spent an average ond, the study used data of a cross-sectional nature. Therefore, the
of approximately three hours online per day and the potentially results of this study provide an indication of association, not cau-
addicted group that spent an average of 4.3 h on the Internet. On- sality. In order to view Internet addiction from an etiological point
line research on 216 Austrian secondary school students revealed of view, it is necessary to investigate the present data taking into
that they spent a comparatively relatively high daily average of consideration the longitudinal cohort. Third, in this study, a cate-
4.79 h online (Appel, Holt, Stiglbauer, & Batinic, 2012). This gorical classication of potential psychopathology has been
divergence in numbers can be explained by the fact that the South adopted at the expense of a more extensive dimensional analysis.
Korean study only inquired into non-study related usage of the Participants were classed into groups depending on whether they
Internet, whereas another study found that nearly 90% of children met a sufcient number of diagnostic criteria or not. This procedure
and adolescents use the Internet at school (Johnson, 2010), indicat- is common in everyday clinical practice as the diagnostic manuals
ing that a proportion of the online time reported in Appel et al.s request diagnoses being made based on cut-offs (American
study may have been spent for educational purposes. As an alter- Psychiatric Association, 2000). The advantages of this method in-
native explanation, this study used an online collection method clude ease of communication, clinical decision-making, and agree-
which may have purported technophilic adolescents to participate ment with health care and insurance providers (Brown & Barlow,
rather than their not so technologically inclined peers. Self-selec- 2005). Therefore, being imminently exploratory in nature, the pres-
tion bias has been generally reported as a limitation in online re- ent study has applied a concise categorical approach. Future
search (Bethlehem, 2008). Consequently, it appears necessary to researchers are advised to look beyond categories and investigate
cross-check online usage times using similar methods while spec- the matter in a dimensional fashion. Fourth, the number of hours
ifying usage purposes in order for comparisons across studies to be of Internet application use used in the present paper is a very
possible. Therefore, future researchers are encouraged to be precise rough estimate given it is a multiplication from days per week
with regards to what kinds of Internet usage they assess. and hours per day. Therefore, it might be prone to a number of
Finally, in terms of sociodemographic variables, adolescents in methodological problems, such as ceiling effects, and dividing
different schooling types appeared to differ signicantly from weekdays/weekenddays might be more prudent in future studies.
1994 D.J. Kuss et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 29 (2013) 19871996

As such, the adopted number of hours of Internet application use addiction. Recommendations include verication of results using
provides a rough estimate. the longitudinal Monitor Study data and further replications,
which allow for prospective assessment of causality.
4.2. Implications
5. Conclusion
The present research has a number of implications for preven-
tion, treatment, and research. In terms of prevention, the identi- In conclusion, Internet addiction appears as a mental health
cation of specic variables associated with Internet addiction problem for Dutch adolescents. The results support the American
(i.e., the respective personality traits as well as specic usages of Psychiatric Associations efforts to include Internet addiction in
the Internet) allows for targeting individuals who appear to be at the updated version of the DSM as a psychiatric condition that re-
risk for developing Internet addiction. These adolescents and their quires further research (2012). Although conservative relative to
parents may be approached by teachers and educated about the other estimates, the reported prevalence of addiction-related prob-
problems their Internet usage may cause. With regards to preven- lems in 3.7% of the present Dutch adolescent sample is somewhat
tion, raising awareness and providing education for both adoles- disconcerting. Internet addiction is associated with a variety of
cents and their parents appear as key themes. For instance, psychological and physical health problems and may impact the
messages on Twitter would be a good place to start targeting both developing adolescent in a variety of domains. This study paves
parties, as well as advertisements in the sidebars of social network- the way for future research into Internet addiction. It highlights
ing sites about where to get help in case of concern and/or need. the risk of high frequency usage of specic Internet applications,
Messages on Twitter could be re-tweeted by relevant organisations which, separately and in combination with particular personality
which have a readership of adolescents and/or parents, or schools traits, may foster the development of psychopathology. Similarly,
with Twitter feeds could re-tweet. In this light, the online space in it species personality traits which, in frequent users, may serve
which problematic behaviours occur can be used as a preventive as protective factors. Accordingly, vulnerability on the one hand
and educative tool which may prove benecial in decreasing asso- and resilience on the other are important aspects that need to be
ciated problems and concerns. taken into consideration in further studies. From a mental health
For the purpose of treatment, the present research may benet perspective, it is of utmost importance to identify the factors that
mental health practitioners in their efforts to develop specic ap- contribute to the risk for Internet addiction and at the same time
proaches that pay tribute to the respective individuals personality discern those that have a protective function. Ultimately, this will
and associated needs and requirements. Scores on personality further a general understanding of why the excessive engagement
scales tend to vary just like personality tends to be changing rather in a behaviour leads to pathogenesis in one individual, but not in
than remaining stable over the course of life (Krueger, 2005). How- another.
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