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May 2015
Siebel CRM Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI, Siebel Innovation Pack 2015
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About Charts ......................................................................................................................................... 3-11
Saving Charts ................................................................................................................................. 3-12
About Views and Subviews ............................................................................................................... 3-12
About Using the Visibility Filter in Lists ................................................................................. 3-13
About the Third Level View Bar ................................................................................................ 3-13
About Subviews ............................................................................................................................ 3-14
About Lists ............................................................................................................................................. 3-14
About Navigating Between Records in a List .......................................................................... 3-15
About Horizontal Scrolling in Lists .......................................................................................... 3-15
About Expanding and Collapsing Lists .................................................................................... 3-15
About Forms .......................................................................................................................................... 3-16
About Common Icons in Lists and Forms ....................................................................................... 3-16
About the Menu Toolbar ..................................................................................................................... 3-17
About the Communications Panel ..................................................................................................... 3-18
About Notifications ............................................................................................................................. 3-18
About the Notification Icon and Panes ..................................................................................... 3-19
About Colors for Notifications ................................................................................................... 3-19
About the Saved Queries Drop-Down List ..................................................................................... 3-20
About the Query Control ..................................................................................................................... 3-20
6 Completing Common Record Tasks
Creating Records ..................................................................................................................................... 6-2
Creating Records Using the Plus (+) Icon ................................................................................... 6-2
Creating Records Using the Cogwheel Icon ............................................................................... 6-2
Creating Records Using the Application-Level Menu .............................................................. 6-2
Using Quick Fill to Create Records ..................................................................................................... 6-3
Creating Quick Fill Templates ...................................................................................................... 6-3
Applying Quick Fill Templates to New Records ....................................................................... 6-3
Using Quick Fill Templates to Create Records .......................................................................... 6-4
Creating Records by Using the Last Quick Fill Template ....................................................... 6-4
Copying Records ..................................................................................................................................... 6-4
Editing Records ........................................................................................................................................ 6-4
Changing Multiple Records .................................................................................................................. 6-5
Saving Records ......................................................................................................................................... 6-6
Canceling Changes to Records ............................................................................................................. 6-6
Deleting Records ..................................................................................................................................... 6-6
Deleting Records Using the Trash Can Icon ............................................................................... 6-7
Deleting Records Using the Cogwheel Icon ............................................................................... 6-7
Deleting Records Using the Application-Level Menu ............................................................. 6-7
Associating Records with Other Records ........................................................................................... 6-7
Printing Records ...................................................................................................................................... 6-8
Printing Records by Using Quick Print ....................................................................................... 6-8
Using Field Hyperlinks in Records ..................................................................................................... 6-9
Displaying Record Count ...................................................................................................................... 6-9
Finding Information About Records ................................................................................................... 6-9
About Accessing the About Record Dialog Box After a Merge ........................................... 6-10
Identifying New Records .................................................................................................................... 6-11
Flagging Records .................................................................................................................................. 6-11
Adding Notes to Records .................................................................................................................... 6-11
Merging Duplicate Records ............................................................................................................... 6-12
Spell Checking Fields in Records ..................................................................................................... 6-13
Attaching Files to Records .................................................................................................................. 6-13
Attaching Files to Records Using the New File Button ......................................................... 6-14
Attaching Files to Records Using the Cogwheel Icon ............................................................ 6-14
Attaching Files to Records Using Drag-and-Drop .................................................................. 6-15
Attaching URLs to Records ................................................................................................................ 6-15
Attaching URLs to Records Using the New URL Button ...................................................... 6-15
Attaching URLs to Records Using the Cogwheel Icon .......................................................... 6-15
Organizing List Columns ................................................................................................................... 6-16
Sorting List Columns ........................................................................................................................... 6-17
Sorting a Single List Column ...................................................................................................... 6-18
Performing an Advanced Sort in Lists ...................................................................................... 6-18
Locking List Columns ......................................................................................................................... 6-19
Resizing List Columns ........................................................................................................................ 6-20
7 Locating Information Using Query and iHelp
About Queries .......................................................................................................................................... 7-1
Predefined Queries .......................................................................................................................... 7-2
Case Insensitive and Accent Insensitive Queries ...................................................................... 7-2
About Common Buttons in Queries .................................................................................................... 7-2
Creating Queries for Records ................................................................................................................ 7-3
Finding Records in Lists ........................................................................................................................ 7-4
Refining Queries ..................................................................................................................................... 7-4
Deleting Queries ..................................................................................................................................... 7-4
Canceling Long-Running Queries ....................................................................................................... 7-5
Using the Query Assistant ..................................................................................................................... 7-5
About Using Default Queries ............................................................................................................... 7-7
About Querying a Telephone Number ............................................................................................... 7-7
Simple Query Operators ........................................................................................................................ 7-7
Compound Query Operators ................................................................................................................ 7-9
Tips for Queries .................................................................................................................................... 7-10
About iHelp ............................................................................................................................................ 7-11
Using iHelp to Complete Tasks.......................................................................................................... 7-12
Using the iHelp Map ............................................................................................................................ 7-12
8 Using Task UI
About Task User Interface ..................................................................................................................... 8-1
Using Task UI .......................................................................................................................................... 8-2
Navigational Buttons for Task UI ........................................................................................................ 8-2
9 Synchronizing Data
About Database Synchronization ........................................................................................................ 9-1
Synchronization Process ........................................................................................................................ 9-1
About Synchronizing with a Personal Information Manager Server ........................................... 9-2
10 Sharing Information
Using the Inbox ..................................................................................................................................... 10-1
Running Reports .................................................................................................................................. 10-1
Emailing, Faxing, Paging, and Sending Outbound Wireless Messages .................................... 10-2
Sending Email from the Siebel Application ............................................................................ 10-3
Using the HTML Editor ............................................................................................................... 10-5
Creating Siebel Bookmarks ................................................................................................................ 10-5
Creating Shortcuts to Siebel Records ............................................................................................... 10-6
Importing Data into the Siebel Application ................................................................................... 10-6
Exporting Data to an External File .................................................................................................... 10-7
About Viewing Activities ................................................................................................................... 11-4
About Activity Defaults ...................................................................................................................... 11-5
About Recurring Activity Defaults ................................................................................................... 11-5
About Activity Fields ........................................................................................................................... 11-6
About Using the Participant Availability Subview ...................................................................... 11-6
About Using Group Calendars .......................................................................................................... 11-7
About Viewing Calendar Availability.............................................................................................. 11-7
Viewing Calendar Activities............................................................................................................... 11-8
Adding Activities to the Calendar .................................................................................................... 11-9
Entering Activities Directly in the Calendar ........................................................................... 11-9
Deleting Calendar Activities .............................................................................................................. 11-9
Creating Recurring Calendar Activities ......................................................................................... 11-10
Changing Recurring Activities to Nonrecurring Activities ................................................ 11-10
Deleting Recurring Calendar Activities ........................................................................................ 11-11
Deleting One Instance of a Recurring Activity ..................................................................... 11-11
Deleting Every Instance of a Recurring Activity .................................................................. 11-11
Adding Activities in the To Do List ............................................................................................... 11-11
Marking To Do Activities Complete .............................................................................................. 11-12
Changing Activities ........................................................................................................................... 11-12
Changing Nonrecurring Activities .......................................................................................... 11-12
Changing Recurring Activities ................................................................................................. 11-13
Rescheduling Activities .................................................................................................................... 11-13
Rescheduling Activities by Changing Date Fields ............................................................... 11-13
Rescheduling Activities by Using Drag-and-Drop .............................................................. 11-13
Rescheduling Activities by Stretching Activity Borders ..................................................... 11-14
Adding Participants to Activities .................................................................................................... 11-14
Adding Contacts to Activities ................................................................................................... 11-14
Adding Employees to Activities ............................................................................................... 11-14
Adding Resources to Activities ................................................................................................ 11-15
Removing Participants from Activities .......................................................................................... 11-15
Removing Contacts from Activities ......................................................................................... 11-15
Removing Employees from Activities .................................................................................... 11-16
Removing Participants from a Nonrecurring Activity ......................................................... 11-16
Reassigning Activities ....................................................................................................................... 11-17
Changing the Time Zone in Calendar ............................................................................................ 11-17
Granting Access to Your Calendar .................................................................................................. 11-18
Viewing Calendars of Other Users ................................................................................................. 11-18
Setting Navigation Options ............................................................................................................... 13-3
Setting Themes ...................................................................................................................................... 13-3
Setting Transition Effects ................................................................................................................... 13-3
Setting Scroll Speeds ........................................................................................................................... 13-4
Setting Scroll Speeds for All Tile Applets ............................................................................... 13-4
Setting Scroll Speed for a Specific Tile Applet ....................................................................... 13-4
Setting the Color for User Interface Elements ................................................................................ 13-4
Setting Quick Print Options .............................................................................................................. 13-5
Setting Outbound Communications Preferences for Send Email .............................................. 13-6
Setting Up Default Queries ................................................................................................................ 13-7
Viewing Saved Queries ....................................................................................................................... 13-8
Changing Default Spell Check Options .......................................................................................... 13-8
Customizing Aspects of Notifications ............................................................................................. 13-9
Setting Up View Links for Screen Home Pages ........................................................................... 13-10
Showing, Hiding, and Reordering Screens or Views ................................................................. 13-11
Showing or Hiding Screens ....................................................................................................... 13-11
Showing or Hiding Views.......................................................................................................... 13-11
Changing the Order of Screen Tabs ........................................................................................ 13-12
Changing the Order of Views ................................................................................................... 13-12
Setting Up Default Views for Screens .................................................................................... 13-12
Customizing Aspects of the Calendar ............................................................................................ 13-13
Customizing the Length of a Workday ................................................................................... 13-13
Setting Up Default Calendar Activity Duration ................................................................... 13-14
Setting Up Email Prompts for Meetings ................................................................................. 13-14
Setting Up Default Calendar Formats ..................................................................................... 13-14
Setting Up Another Users Calendar as Your Default Calendar ........................................ 13-15
Setting Up Default Participant Chart Display ...................................................................... 13-15
Maintaining Quick Fill Templates ................................................................................................. 13-15
Renaming Quick Fill Templates .............................................................................................. 13-15
Deactivating Quick Fill Templates .......................................................................................... 13-16
Reactivating Quick Fill Templates .......................................................................................... 13-16
Deleting Quick Fill Templates ................................................................................................. 13-16
Adding Quick Fill Template Options in an Applet Menu ................................................. 13-17
Setting Pause Behavior for Task UI ................................................................................................ 13-17
About Setting Up Synchronization Preferences .......................................................................... 13-18
About Availability Fields in the Profile View ............................................................................. 13-18
Field Management Keyboard Shortcuts .......................................................................................... 14-5
Calendar Control Keyboard Shortcuts ............................................................................................. 14-6
Calculator Control Keyboard Shortcuts ........................................................................................... 14-6
Communication Management Keyboard Shortcuts ...................................................................... 14-7
List of Figures
21 Example of the Login Screen ..................................................................................................... 2-1
31 Example of the Siebel Application Window ........................................................................... 3-2
32 Example of the Simplified UI .................................................................................................... 3-3
33 Example of the Side Menu and List of Available Screens..................................................... 3-6
34 Example of the Second Level View Bar and a List of Available Views ............................. 3-8
35 Example of a Scheduler.............................................................................................................. 3-9
36 Example of an Explorer View ................................................................................................ 3-11
37 Example of a Chart .................................................................................................................. 3-12
38 Example of a List...................................................................................................................... 3-14
39 Example of the Record Number Range and the Total Number of Records for a List ... 3-15
310 Example of a Form ................................................................................................................... 3-16
311 Example of the Menu Toolbar................................................................................................ 3-17
312 Example of the Communications Panel ............................................................................... 3-18
313 Example of the Notification Summary Pane........................................................................ 3-19
314 Example of a Query Control................................................................................................... 3-20
41 Example of a Record in a List.................................................................................................... 4-1
42 Example of a Text Field in a Form............................................................................................ 4-2
43 Example of the Resizing Indicator for a Text Field................................................................ 4-3
44 Example of Check Boxes ............................................................................................................ 4-4
45 Example of Option Buttons ....................................................................................................... 4-4
46 Example of a Drop-Down List .................................................................................................. 4-4
47 Example of the Currency Calculator........................................................................................ 4-5
48 Example of the Calculator ......................................................................................................... 4-6
49 Example of the Calendar Control ............................................................................................. 4-6
51 Example of a Single Selection Dialog Box ............................................................................... 5-2
52 Example of a Multiple Selection Dialog Box........................................................................... 5-2
61 Example of the Change Records Dialog Box ......................................................................... 6-5
62 Example of the About Record Dialog Box ........................................................................... 6-10
63 Example of the Merge Records Dialog Box ......................................................................... 6-12
64 Example of the Spelling Dialog Box ..................................................................................... 6-13
65 Example of the Columns Displayed Dialog Box ................................................................ 6-16
66 Example of a Sort Arrow in a Column Header .................................................................. 6-18
67 Example of the Sort Order Dialog Box ................................................................................. 6-18
68 Example of a List View with Locked Columns ................................................................... 6-19
71 Example of the Query Assistant Dialog Box........................................................................... 7-6
72 Example of an Expanded iHelp Item .................................................................................... 7-11
91 Synchronization Process ............................................................................................................ 9-2
101 Example of the Send Email Dialog Box ................................................................................ 10-4
111 Example of the Calendar Screen ........................................................................................... 11-2
112 Example of Participant Availability Subview...................................................................... 11-6
113 Example of Calendar Availability ........................................................................................ 11-8
List of Tables
11 Whats New in Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI, Siebel Innovation Pack 2015 . 1-1
12 Whats New in Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI, Siebel Innovation Pack 2014 . 1-2
31 Application Toolbar Controls .................................................................................................. 3-4
32 Main Elements for Screen Home Pages .................................................................................. 3-7
33 Visibility Filter Values............................................................................................................ 3-13
34 Description of Vertical Navigation Buttons ........................................................................ 3-15
35 Description of Show More and Show Less Buttons........................................................... 3-16
36 Common Icons in Lists and Forms....................................................................................... 3-17
37 Colors for Notifications.......................................................................................................... 3-19
41 Description of Field Control Buttons ...................................................................................... 4-5
42 Description of Currency Calculator Fields............................................................................. 4-5
43 Description of Calendar Control Elements ............................................................................ 4-7
51 Description of Select Buttons ................................................................................................... 5-1
71 Common Buttons in Lists and Forms ..................................................................................... 7-3
72 Simple Query Operators ........................................................................................................... 7-8
73 Compound Query Operators ................................................................................................... 7-9
81 Navigational Buttons in Task Wizard..................................................................................... 8-2
111 Calendar Format Buttons....................................................................................................... 11-3
112 Where Activities Appear ....................................................................................................... 11-4
113 Default Values for Calendar Activity Fields....................................................................... 11-5
114 Default Values for Repeat Until Field.................................................................................. 11-5
121 Home Page Controls............................................................................................................... 12-1
141 Application Management Keyboard Shortcuts .................................................................. 14-2
142 Online Help Keyboard Shortcuts ......................................................................................... 14-2
143 General Navigation Keyboard Shortcuts ............................................................................ 14-3
144 Layout Management Keyboard Shortcuts .......................................................................... 14-3
145 Record Management Keyboard Shortcuts .......................................................................... 14-4
146 Record Navigation Keyboard Shortcuts.............................................................................. 14-4
147 Query Management Keyboard Shortcuts............................................................................ 14-5
148 Field Management Keyboard Shortcuts .............................................................................. 14-5
149 Calendar Control Keyboard Shortcuts ................................................................................ 14-6
1410 Calculator Control Keyboard Shortcuts .............................................................................. 14-7
1411 Communication Management Keyboard Shortcuts .......................................................... 14-7
A1 Levels of View Bar Region for User Interface Areas............................................................ A-3
This guide covers fundamental concepts and tasks related to Siebel Business
This guide is intended for users, system administrators, and administrators.
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at
Related Documents
For more information, see the following documents on Oracle Technology Network:
Siebel Performance Tuning Guide
Siebel Chat Guide
Siebel CTI Administration Guide
Siebel Email Administration Guide
Siebel Release Notes on My Oracle Support
The following text conventions are used in this document:
Convention Meaning
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, a defined term, or
placeholder variables for which you supply particular values.
Convention Meaning
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, code in
examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.
Whats New in This Release
Whats New in Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI, Siebel Innovation
Pack 2015
Table 11 lists the changes in this revision of the documentation to support this release
of the software.
Table 11 Whats New in Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI, Siebel Innovation
Pack 2015
Topic Description
"Using Browser Features" on Modified topic. It includes updated information about using
page 2-3 browser features.
"About the Simplified User New topic. It includes information about the Simplified User
Interface" on page 3-2 Interface.
"About Common Icons in Lists Modified topic. It includes updated information about
and Forms" on page 3-16 common buttons in lists and forms.
"About Charts" on page 3-11 Modified topic. It includes information about charts in Siebel
Innovation Pack 2015 and later.
"About Navigating Between Modified topic. It includes updated information navigating
Records in a List" on page 3-15 between records in a list.
"About Field Control Buttons" Modified topic. It includes updated information about field
on page 4-4 control buttons.
"About Common Buttons in New topic. It includes information about common buttons
Queries" on page 7-2 available when performing a query.
"About the Calendar" on Modified topic. It includes updated information about
page 11-2 printing calendars.
"Editing the Layout of Home Modified topic. It includes updated information about
Pages" on page 12-1 editing the layout of home pages.
"Setting Themes" on page 13-3 New topic. It includes information about setting themes.
Whats New in Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI, Siebel Innovation
Pack 2014
Table 12 lists the changes in this revision of the documentation to support this release
of the software.
Table 12 Whats New in Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI, Siebel
Innovation Pack 2014
Topic Description
"Logging In to the Siebel Modified topic. It includes information about the HTML5
Application" on page 2-1 Browser Compatibility link.
"About the Side Menu" on New topic.It includes information about navigating in the
page 3-4 Siebel Open UI client using the side menu.
"About the Action Pane" on New topic. It includes information about the action pane.
page 3-5
"About the Second Level View Modified topic. It includes new information about navigating
Bar" on page 3-7 in the Siebel Open UI client.
"About the Menu Toolbar" on New topic. It includes information about the menu toolbar.
page 3-17
"About the Communications New topic. It includes information about the communications
Panel" on page 3-18 panel.
"About the Query Control" on New topic. It includes information about the query control
page 3-20
"About Check Boxes" on Modified topic. It includes information about check boxes.
page 4-3
"Locking List Columns" on New topic. It includes information about locking columns in
page 6-19 a list view.
"Tips for Queries" on page 7-10 Modified topic. It includes information about using check
boxes in queries.
"About iHelp" on page 7-11 New topic. It includes information about iHelp.
"Using iHelp to Complete New topic. It includes information about using iHelp to
Tasks" on page 7-12 complete tasks.
"Using the iHelp Map" on New topic. It includes information about using the iHelp
page 7-12 Map.
"About the Calendar" on Modified topic. It includes information about the calendar all
page 11-2 day slot, and workday
"About Viewing Calendar New topic. It includes information about viewing availability
Availability" on page 11-7 in calendar.
"About Using the Participant New topic. It includes information about using the
Availability Subview" on Participant Availability subview in calendar.
page 11-6
"Adding Participants to Modified topic. It includes updated information about
Activities" on page 11-14 adding participants to activities.
"Removing Participants from Modified topic. It includes updated information about
Activities" on page 11-15 removing participants to activities.
Table 12 (Cont.) Whats New in Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI, Siebel
Innovation Pack 2014
Topic Description
"Setting Navigation Options" Modified topic. It includes information about the Side Menu
on page 13-3 icon, and how to modify navigation options.
"Customizing the Length of a Modified topic. It includes information about colored start
Workday" on page 13-13 and end time lines for workday hours.
"Setting Up Default Participant New topic. It includes information about setting up default
Chart Display" on page 13-15 participant chart display.
This chapter describes how to get started with the Siebel application from Oracle. It
includes the following topics:
Logging In to the Siebel Application
About Access and Responsibilities in the Siebel Application
Using Browser Features
Logging Out of the Siebel Application
This chapter describes how to use the user interface. It includes the following topics:
About Elements of Siebel Application Window
About the Simplified User Interface
About Keyboard Navigation
About the Side Menu
About the Branding Area
About the Application-Level Menu
About the Application Toolbar
About the Site Map
About the Action Pane
About Screens
About Home Pages for Screens
About the Second Level View Bar
About the Resource Scheduler
About Explorer Views
About Charts
About Views and Subviews
About Lists
About Forms
About Common Icons in Lists and Forms
About the Menu Toolbar
About the Communications Panel
About Notifications
About the Saved Queries Drop-Down List
About the Query Control
When viewing the home page using the Simplified UI theme, such as in Figure 32, the
home page contains familiar elements such as My Quotes, and the menu toolbar. On
the right side of the screen, are a series of springboard icons that you can click or tap to
access a particular screen.
Once a screen is chosen, available views can be accessed using the floating side drawer
on the right side of the screen. Additionally, springboard icons appear within a
horizontal scroll list above the selected screen.
Site Map button Displays the Site Map. "About the Site Map" on
page 3-5
Quick Print Prints the data you are currently "Printing Records" on
button viewing. Your user preferences can page 6-8 and "Setting
disable this button. Quick Print Options" on
page 13-5
About Screens
Information in the Siebel application is organized into screens. You access a screen by
clicking the appropriate screen from the Side Menu, such as Opportunities, Calendar,
or Accounts, and by using the Site Map.
Figure 33 shows the Side Menu with the list of available screens.
The active screen frequently appears in a different color than the color for the other
screens in the list. In Figure 33, the active screen tab is Accounts.
You can also use the Site Map to navigate to a screen. If you select a screen that does
not appear in the screen list from the Site Map, it appears in the screen list once you
navigate to that screen. This screen is visible only for the current session. For more
information, see "About the Site Map" on page 3-5.
You can specify the screens that appear in the Siebel application. For more
information, see "Showing, Hiding, and Reordering Screens or Views" on page 13-11.
A Siebel administrator can change the screen tab icons in Siebel Tools. If you do not
want to display icons on the screen tabs, then contact your Siebel administrator.
You can also configure your Siebel application to show screen tabs across the top of the
screen, or in a tree format on the left side of your screen. For more information, see
"Setting Navigation Options" on page 13-3.
Related Topics
Chapter 12, "Customizing Home Pages"
"Setting Up View Links for Screen Home Pages" on page 13-10
Figure 34 Example of the Second Level View Bar and a List of Available Views
The active view appears in a different color in the view list. In Figure 34, the active
view is Account List. If the view you want to use is not visible, then use the scroll
down arrow on the right side of the list to display and select that view.
You can configure your Siebel application to show screens and views in tab format at
the top of your screen or in tree format on the left side of your screen. For more
information, see "Setting Navigation Options" on page 13-3.
Explanation of Callouts
The Resource Scheduler includes the following items:
1. Date navigation bar. Enables the user to modify the date displayed in the
2. Timescale selector. Includes the following:
D/H. Days and hours
D/DP. Days and day parts
W/D. Weeks and days
W/DP. Weeks, days, and day parts
M/D. Months and days
M/DW. Months, days of the week, and day parts
A day part is a time period that occurs during the day. For example, morning,
afternoon, evening, and night are day parts. You can customize the time period
that defines a day part. For example, the morning day part comes predefined as
8:00 AM to Noon. You can modify it to another time period, such as 9:00 AM to
3. Display options / Filter pane. Enables the user to modify display options and set
Note: If you cannot access a parent record, then you cannot access
any of that records child or grandchild records in an explorer view,
even if you can access the child or grandchild records in other views.
About Charts
Data can appear in chart format. Charts are graphical representations of data and are
available as views in some screens. Use charts to compare data sets. Typically, you can
access a chart by clicking the charts hyperlink on the link bar below the screen tab.
Figure 37 shows an example of a chart.
Use the drop-downs list at the top of the chart to determine the data to include in the
chart. Most charts also include a control buttons representing chart types from which
you can select the format of the chart, for example, a bar chart or a pie chart.
Saving Charts
You can save charts in the Siebel application for use in other applications, for example,
in Microsoft PowerPoint. When you save a chart, you have a copy of the chart that you
can include in presentations, documents, or other places where you might want to
display it.
To save a chart
1. Navigate to the chart you want to save.
2. Right-click the chart, and select Save Image As.
3. In the dialog box that appears, do the following:
a. Navigate to the location where you want to save the chart.
Do not change the default file name, or enter a new name in the File name
b. Select an image type from the drop-down list for the Save as type field.
c. Click Save.
detailed presentations of data related to the selected record. In some cases, subviews
provide access to additional information about a record.
This topic contains the following information:
"About Using the Visibility Filter in Lists" on page 3-13
"About the Third Level View Bar" on page 3-13
"About Subviews" on page 3-14
Related Topics
"About Lists" on page 3-14
"About Forms" on page 3-16
"About Charts" on page 3-11
"About Explorer Views" on page 3-10
Note: My views show your login name in the Team field if the field
appears in the view. All views show the login name of the primary
team member in the Team field if the field appears in the view.
of available third level views. Click a third level view to display the data for the
drilldown record. For example, if you are viewing a contact in the Contacts screen,
then clicking the Activities third level view displays the activities associated with the
contact. The third level view bar looks similar to the second level view bar, except its
placement is further down the screen.
An active third level view tab appears in a different color than the color for the other
view tabs. If the view you want to use is not visible, then use the scroll down arrow on
the right side of the list to display and select that third level view.
You can specify the third level views that appear in the Siebel application. For more
information, see "Showing, Hiding, and Reordering Screens or Views" on page 13-11.
About Subviews
Subviews appear directly below the displayed information for a selected third level
view. A subview provides more details about the selected record in the view. Not all
third level views have subviews. If a view has a subview, then the subview appears
About Lists
A list consists of multiple records, presented as rows. For information about
determining the number of records in a list, see "Displaying Record Count" on
page 6-9.
Each record consists of multiple fields. The first record in a list is selected and
highlighted a color (for example, blue) when you access the list. You can select a record
in a list by clicking any field in the record. Your selection highlights the selected
record. If you select other records, then the last record you select is highlighted in blue,
and the other records you select are highlighted in yellow. If the field you click is
editable, then the field converts to edit mode, and you can enter a value in the field.
Figure 38 shows an example of a list.
The record number range for a list appears in the top right corner of the list, and
shows the number range for the records that appear in the list. The record number
range changes as you navigate between the records in the list. An estimate of the total
number of list records appears to the right of the record number range. You must scroll
to the end of the list to see the exact total number of list records to the right of the
record number range. Figure 39 shows an example of the record number range and
the total number records for a list.
Figure 39 Example of the Record Number Range and the Total Number of Records for a
About Forms
A form that appears below a list contains the data for the record you select in the list.
Also, when you drill down on a field in a record in a list, you see a form at the top of
the screen that contains data for the record you drill down on. A form contains the
data for one record. Figure 310 shows an example of a form.
If you are authorized to edit the information in a form, then you can change field data
directly in the form. Step off the form to save your changes. All required fields appear
with a star icon next to the field name in the form.
In some cases, you can click the show more button to access a long form, and then
click the show less button to access the short form. These buttons appear in the top
right corner of the form. For examples of the show more and show less buttons, see
"About Expanding and Collapsing Lists" on page 3-15.
The record navigation buttons are located in the top right corner of each form. Use the
left arrow button to navigate to the previous form record and the right arrow button to
navigate to the next form record.
The record number for a form appears in the top right corner of the form between the
record navigation buttons. The record number changes as you navigate between
forms. An estimate of the total number of form records appears to the right of the
record number. You must navigate to the last form to see the exact number of form
records to the right of the record number.
The following list describes the five areas of the menu toolbar, from left to right:
The communications icon. Click this icon to open the communications panel. For
more information, see "About the Communications Panel" on page 3-18.
The saved queries drop-down list. Click the drop-down list to access contextual
saved queries. For more information, see "About the Saved Queries Drop-Down
List" on page 3-20.
The magnifying glass icon. Click this icon to open the query control. For more
information, see "About the Query Control" on page 3-20.
The notification icon. Click this icon to open the Notification Summary pane. For
more information, see "About Notifications" on page 3-18.
The settings icon. Click this icon to change your settings or to logout.
For more information about the communications panel and the communications
toolbar, see Siebel CTI Administration Guide. For more information about the chat panel
and the customer dashboard see Siebel Chat Guide.
About Notifications
Managers and the Siebel administrator can use notifications (or broadcast messages) to
communicate information to their direct reports and to others in the organization. If
the Siebel administrator provides you with the proper authority, then you can
customize the behavior of notifications in your user preferences. For more information,
see "Customizing Aspects of Notifications" on page 13-9.
This topic contains the following information:
"About the Notification Icon and Panes" on page 3-19
"About Colors for Notifications" on page 3-19
When you expand the notification by selecting the arrow to the right of the notification
in the Notification Summary pane, the details appears for that message. A blinking
Notification icon stops blinking when the Notification Details pane appears. Read
messages are not included in the message number that appears in the Notification
In the Notification Summary pane, unread messages appear at the top of the pane and
are sorted by message date with later messages listed before earlier messages. Read
messages appear in italic text below the unread messages and are also sorted by
message date with later messages listed before earlier messages.
The color for the level of message importance applies the message text in the
Notification Summary pane. If specific message text in the Notification Details pane is
tagged with a level of importance, then that text appears in the color associated with
the tag.
The Notification icon appears in different colors to indicate the most important unread
message. For example, if 3 unread messages exist, and if one message has a normal
level of importance, one message has a high level of importance, and one message has
an urgent level of importance, then the Notification icon appears in the color for the
urgent message. If no unread messages exist, then the Notification icon appears in a
gray color.
Your Siebel administrator can configure different colors by changing the style sheet for
the Siebel application.
This chapter describes records, fields, and field controls in the Siebel application. It
includes the following topics:
About Records
About Fields
About Text Fields
About Field Controls
About Check Boxes
About Option Buttons
About Drop-Down Lists
About Field Control Buttons
About the Currency Calculator
About the Calendar Control
About Records
A record is a group of related data organized into fields. For example, information
about a contact, such as the last name, first name, address, and phone number, makes
up a contact record. A record can appear in a list of related records, such as a list of
contact records, or it can appear individually in a form. Figure 41 shows an example
of a record in a list.
In some situations, you cannot see every field associated with a record. To view
additional fields in a record, you can drill down on a field in the record in a list. You
can also show more columns for a record and then use the horizontal scroll bar, if
necessary, to see the rest of the fields.
Related Topics
"About Horizontal Scrolling in Lists" on page 3-15
"Using Field Hyperlinks in Records" on page 6-9
"Organizing List Columns" on page 6-16
About Fields
A field is a location in a record in which a particular type of data is stored. For
example, a contact record might contain the following fields: last name, first name,
address, and phone number. A field is characterized by its maximum length and the
type of data (for example, numeric or alphabetic) it can contain.
Required Fields
In the Siebel application, required fields have a star icon next to the field name. You
cannot save a record until you enter data in the required fields.
Read-Only Fields
If a field has a gray background, then the field is read-only, and you cannot change the
field content.
To more easily enter text in text fields that can contain a large amount of text, you can
click a drag the resizing indicator in the bottom right corner of the field to make the
field larger. (You can also use the resizing indicator to make the field smaller.) In some
browsers, you must click in the text field to see the resizing indicator. Figure 43 shows
an example of the resizing indicator for a text field.
Developers can customize the Siebel application to save or to not save the size of a
field that you resize. They can also customize the Siebel application to not use this
resize feature for fields.
You access the calculator by clicking the calculator button that appears in a field for an
amount. Figure 48 shows an example of the calculator.
Note: The current date is not assumed as the default when using the
calendar control. An explicit click is required to make a date selection.
You cannot enter an incorrect value for a date. For example, if you enter a date of
221/45/1902, then your entry is not populated in the field. When you enter only two
digits to represent a year, an assumption is made about whether the digits are
preceded by 19 or 20 (19xx or 20xx). If the two digits are greater than or equal to 50,
then the year of 19xx is assumed. If the two digits are less than 50, then the year of
20xx is assumed.
Note: You can set Strict Date Format in System Preferences. This
preference enforces a deployment-wide standard date format and
overrides all display formats defined in Siebel Tools. It applies only to
date information. For example, if a control is set to MM/DD/YY
hh:mm in Siebel Tools when the strict date format is set to
DD/MM/YYYY, then the date portion of that control is replaced by
the strict date format, and the resulting format is DD/MM/YYYY
This chapter describes how to use selection dialog boxes in the Siebel application. It
includes the following topics:
Launching Selection Dialog Boxes
Associating Records Using a Single Selection Dialog Box
Associating Records Using a Multiple Selection Dialog Box
Querying for Records in a Selection Dialog Box
Finding Records in a Selection Dialog Box
Single selection dialog boxes allow you to add only one record to a field. In some
cases, you can create a new record from the single selection dialog box. Figure 51
shows an example of a single selection dialog box.
Multiple selection dialog boxes allow you to select multiple records and add them to a
field. In some cases, you can create a new record from the multiple selection dialog
box. Figure 52 shows an example of a multiple selection dialog box.
Note: You can select multiple records by holding down the CTRL
key and clicking each record.
The list of selected records for the field appears, and this list includes the record
you select.
5. (Optional) If you want to remove one or more records in the list of selected
records, select the records, and click Remove.
6. Click OK.
If you attempt to add data to the database from a dialog box and then decide to cancel
the record, then the data you add in the dialog box is not deleted from the database.
However, if the data exists in the Siebel application only in the record for which you
open the dialog box, then the data is deleted.
To associate a record with a new record in a multiple selection dialog box
1. Navigate to the appropriate screen.
2. Select the record you want to associate with a new record.
3. Click the multiple select button in the appropriate field.
A multiple selection dialog box appears showing the list of selected records for the
4. Click the plus (+) icon.
The form for the new record appears.
5. In the form, enter the information for the new record, and click the
arrow-pointing-to-a-box icon.
The list of selected records for the field appears, and the new record appears in
this list.
6. Click OK.
This chapter describes how to perform common record tasks in the Siebel application.
It includes the following topics:
Creating Records
Using Quick Fill to Create Records
Copying Records
Editing Records
Changing Multiple Records
Saving Records
Canceling Changes to Records
Deleting Records
Associating Records with Other Records
Printing Records
Using Field Hyperlinks in Records
Displaying Record Count
Finding Information About Records
Identifying New Records
Flagging Records
Adding Notes to Records
Merging Duplicate Records
Spell Checking Fields in Records
Attaching Files to Records
Attaching URLs to Records
Organizing List Columns
Sorting List Columns
Locking List Columns
Resizing List Columns
Creating Records
You can create records in the Siebel application using several methods, such as clicking
a button or choosing an option from a menu. When you create a record, a new record
appears, containing fields to complete.
The procedures in this topic show how to create records using some of the commands
in the Siebel application. You can use the method that you prefer, or the method that is
Some records contain read-only fields. Read-only fields are fields in which you cannot
enter data. You might not have user privileges that allow you to enter data in the
read-only field, or the data in the field might be automatically populated by the Siebel
Note: Not all users can create new records. Your ability to create new
records depends on the responsibilities your Siebel administrator
gives to you.
Copying Records
If a significant amount of data in a new record you want to add is similar to the data in
an existing record, then you can copy the existing record, and then modify the copy to
create the new record.
To copy a record
1. Find and select the record you want to copy.
2. Click the cogwheel icon, and then click Copy Record.
A new record with copied data appears.
3. Change the fields in the new record as needed, and step off the record to save your
Editing Records
To edit a record, you must have appropriate access privileges.
To edit a record
1. Find and select the record you want to change.
2. Change the fields in the record, and step off the record to save your changes.
4. From the Field drop-down list, select the field in which you want to change data.
5. Enter the new data in the corresponding Value field.
Repeat steps 4 and 5 until you enter all of the information you want to change in
your selected records.
Saving Records
You can save records in several ways.
Note: If you try to edit a record at the same time as another user,
then a warning message appears, and you are unable to change the
record until the other user exits the record.
To save a record
Do one of the following:
When you finish editing or adding a record in a form or a list, step off the
record to commit the changes to the database.
Stepping off the record means leaving it in any way, such as by moving to
another record or by using the record navigation buttons.
Click the cogwheel icon, and then click Save Record.
From the application-level menu, choose Edit, then Save Record.
Note: When you finish editing or adding a record, you can click
Enter to commit the changes to the database. However, this action is
not a recommended way to save data.
Deleting Records
You can delete a record by using the trash can icon, the cogwheel icon in a list or form,
and the application-level menu.
Employee records are end-dated but not deleted to preserve historical information. For
example, if an employee creates 100 records and later leaves the organization, then
those records are not deleted in the Siebel application.
screen, include a Contacts view. In the Contacts view, you can associate a contact with
an account record.
Printing Records
You can print records in the Siebel application in the following ways:
Running a report. You can print records by running and then printing a report.
For more information about reports, see "Running Reports" on page 10-1.
Browser print. You can use the print feature for the browser to print an image of
the current screen. If you want to print a screen that contains colors, then you can
use the color printing feature for your browser. Color printing is important for
screens in which colors signify meaning, such as calendar screens and notification
Note: The printed output might not be an exact replica of what you
see on your screen. The print options for your browser determine the
printed output.
Quick Print button. You can use the quick print functionality that works through
the print feature for the browser. Browser print (HTML) allows you to print both
lists and forms.
Field Description
Updated On Displays the time of the last update for the record.
Last Updated Displays the component for the record. This information is useful for
Source debugging issues when multiple components might change the data.
Last Updated On Displays the date and time when the data changed in the database and
provides a consistent timestamp usage across all components for each
For remote users, the Last Updated date (in the extracted database) might
be different from the Last Updated On date (in the server database).
Conflict # Displays the conflict number. Siebel Remote uses this number to prevent
duplication of records. For more information, see Siebel Remote and
Replication Manager Administration Guide.
Modification # Displays the modification number. This number increases each time a
record is updated. It is used when two or more users try to update a record
at the same time.
For example, if user A and user B are both reading a record with
modification number 3, and user A updates the record, then the
modification number changes to 4. If user B then tries to update the record,
then the modification number of user Bs record (3) is not current, and user
Bs update is rejected. User B is not able to update the record until it is
refreshed with user As changes.
Note: The star icon in the New field is specific to the primary
employee. If you are not the primary employee for a position, then
this star icon still appears after you drill down. For more information
about positions, see "About Access and Responsibilities in the Siebel
Application" on page 2-3.
Flagging Records
In certain screens, such as Projects, you can flag records that you want to single out. A
flag acts as a reminder that only you can see.
To flag a record
1. Navigate to the record you want to flag.
2. In the Priority Flag field of the record, select the check box.
When you step off the record, a flag is placed in Priority Flag field.
The Priority Flag field is not available in all views. If you cannot see a Priority Flag
field for the record, then check your Columns Displayed settings. For information
about showing and hiding columns, see "Organizing List Columns" on page 6-16.
4. From the drop-down list for the Type field, choose Note.
5. In the Description field, enter the text for the note.
6. (Optional) Click Check Spelling to check the spelling in the text of your note.
For more information, see "Spell Checking Fields in Records" on page 6-13.
If other records are associated with the records you merge, then those records are
associated with the surviving record. Any duplicate associated records are deleted.
You can merge only records for which you are the owner or for which you are the
primary person. The merge functionality might not be available to you because of your
access privileges and your configuration.
Note: When you merge two records, you must pick the surviving
record and the source record. Field values for the source record do not
exist after you merge records. Only field values in the surviving
record remain after you merge records. For example, if you merge two
contact records, and the source record contains a value in the Job Title
field, but the surviving record does not, then the Job Title field in the
surviving record has no value after the merge. The value in the Job
Title field in the source record is overwritten by the value in the Job
Title field in the surviving record, even when that value is NULL.
The Merge Records dialog box appears, displaying a field value for the surviving
4. Review the information in the dialog box to make sure the correct record survives,
and click OK to complete the merge.
The records are merged into a single record that has the name of the surviving
record and that includes the data from the surviving record.
the browser and upload the edited document thereafter. If Java is available on the
client computer, documents can be edited and saved in Siebel Open UI without an
intermediate save location.
Note: You can select multiple files by holding down the CTRL key
and clicking each file.
The dialog box closes, and the file appears in the Attachments list as a new
attachment record with the appropriate fields populated.
5. Complete additional fields as necessary.
Some fields are described in the following table.
Field Description
Update File Select this check box to indicate that you want the attachment copy of the file
to be updated automatically each time the original file is updated.
Download File Select this check box to indicate that the document is retrieved during the
next synchronization session. This field allows you to request files from the
server, and applies only if you use Siebel Remote.
6. Locate and select the file you want to attach to the record, and then click Open.
Note: You can select multiple files by holding down the CTRL key
and clicking each file.
The dialog box and the Add Attachment dialog box close, and the file appears in the
Attachments list as a new attachment record with the appropriate fields populated.
1. Drill down on a field in the record to which you want to add the URL attachment.
2. Click the Attachments view tab.
The Attachments list appears.
3. Click the cogwheel icon, and then click New Record.
A new record appears.
4. In the Attachment Name field, click the select button.
The Add Attachment dialog box appears.
5. Enter the URL in the URL field, or copy and paste the URL from a Web page into
the URL field, and then click Add.
The Add Attachment dialog box closes, and the URL appears as a hyperlink in the
Attachments list. You can click this hyperlink to access the corresponding Web site.
If you cannot access the Web site after adding it as an attachment, then you might
not be connected to the network.
Button Description
Shows the columns you select. After you click Save, the columns appear in the list
you are modifying.
Hides the columns you select. After you click Save, the columns do not appear in
the list you are modifying.
Shows all columns in the list. After you click Save, the columns appear in the list
you are modifying.
Hides all columns in the list. After you click Save, the columns do not appear in the
list you are modifying.
4. Select a column in the Selected Columns list, and click the column-ordering
buttons to the right of the Selected Columns list to change the order in which the
columns appear in the list.
The buttons are described in the following table.
Button Description
Moves the column you select up one position in the Selected Columns list. After you
click Save, the column is moved to the left in the list you are modifying.
Moves the column you select down one position in the Selected Columns list. After
you click Save, the column is moved to the right in the list you are modifying.
Moves the column you select to the top of the Selected Columns list. After you click
Save, the column is moved all the way to the left in the list you are modifying.
Moves the column you select to the bottom of the Selected Columns list. After you
click Save, the column is moved all the way to the right in the list you are
5. Click Save.
The active sort order of a column is designated in the column header. A dark arrow
pointing up means the values in the column are sorted in ascending order. A dark
arrow pointing down means the values in the column are sorted in descending order.
Figure 66 shows an example of a sort arrow in a column header.
Note: The sort order resets when you leave a screen, unless you save
the sort order as part of a query. This option is available only for My
views. For more information about querying, see Chapter 7, "Locating
Information Using Query and iHelp."
3. From the drop-down list for the first Then By field, select the second column to
sort by.
4. From the drop-down list for the second Then By field, select the third column to
sort by.
5. Use the Ascending and Descending option buttons to define the sort order for
each column you select for the advanced sort.
6. Click OK.
The columns are sorted in the order you specify.
Note: If you want to keep some, but not all of the columns locked,
click the header of the right most column that you want to remain
locked, then click the unlock icon. This unlocks the columns to the
right of your selection.
This chapter describes how to use queries and iHelp to locate information in the Siebel
application. It includes the following topics:
About Queries
About Common Buttons in Queries
Creating Queries for Records
Finding Records in Lists
Refining Queries
Deleting Queries
Canceling Long-Running Queries
Using the Query Assistant
About Using Default Queries
About Querying a Telephone Number
Simple Query Operators
Compound Query Operators
Tips for Queries
About iHelp
Using iHelp to Complete Tasks
Using the iHelp Map
About Queries
You use queries to locate one or more records that meet specified criteria. You can view
the records that a query finds on-screen, export them to a file, or use them as input for
a report. A query searches the database for specific data by using conditions or criteria.
For example, you might want to find all open service requests with a high priority. You
perform this query in the Service screen by using the query criteria of a Status field
value of Open and a Priority field value of High.
After you create a query, you can save it, and run it again later.
Predefined Queries
Your organization can provide predefined queries (PDQs). Predefined queries have
established criteria, and appear in the drop-down list for the Saved Queries field. You
cannot change predefined queries.
For example, if you always work with accounts located in California, then the
drop-down list for the Saved Queries field might contain a PDQ called CA Accounts
that finds all the accounts in California. Each time you want to see only the California
accounts, you do not have to create a new query. Instead, you can select the predefined
CA Accounts query from the drop-down list for the Saved Queries field.
When you execute a predefined query, the query runs against all the data for the
current screen. If you run a query to narrow the data set, then the predefined query
uses all data for the screen, not just the data that appears in a list.
Note: For Siebel CRM product releases and later and for and later, the system requirements and supported platform
certifications are available from the Certification tab on My Oracle
Support. For information about the Certification application, see
article 1492194.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support.
Refining Queries
You can refine the criteria of a predefined query or a user-defined query.
Note: If you refine the criteria of a predefined query, then you must
save the query with a different name to save the query.
Deleting Queries
You can delete user-defined queries.
To delete a saved query
Note: You cannot use the EXISTS operator in the Query Assistant for
Multi-Value Group (MVG) fields.
The query executes, the Query Assistant dialog box closes, and the records
that match the criteria appear.
Note: You cannot set up a blank query as the default. Also, you
cannot set your user preferences so that no query executes when you
navigate to a screen.
If you set up a default query for the view associated with a visibility filter, then the
query executes only if you access that view using the Site Map link. Using the visibility
filter to access that filters default query fails. If the visibility filter is set up as the
default view for that screen, then clicking the screen tab executes the default query for
the filter.
Table 72 shows simple query operators. In this table, operators appear in uppercase.
However, query strings are case-sensitive. The operators do not have to be in
You can use simple query operators on their own.
When the query results appear in list format, the first record is highlighted. It
might appear as though the record you select before running the query appears
again, but you are actually seeing a new set of records resulting from your query.
In query mode, check boxes have three states: checked, unchecked, and
intermediate. If you specify intermediate in a check box field while running a
query, your Siebel Business application returns records that are checked and
records that are unchecked.
Related Topics
"Querying for Records in a Selection Dialog Box" on page 5-5
"Setting Up Default Queries" on page 13-7
"Displaying Record Count" on page 6-9
About iHelp
iHelp is a guidance tool that delivers real-time assistance while you navigate through
the Siebel application. At any time, you can drill down on one of the iHelp items to
view detailed instructions about how to complete the task. iHelp shows instructions in
step format and includes embedded view navigation links. In addition, iHelp can
highlight important fields and buttons on the view associated with each step of the
task to draw your attention to the controls you must use to complete the task.
After you launch an iHelp item, it remains active until you end it. If you launch iHelp,
and navigate to a different screen, then the iHelp steps do not change. If iHelp is not
running a task, and you navigate to a screen, then you see iHelp items related to that
Figure 72 shows an example of the iHelp pane for the Accounts screen.
Click To
A hyperlink in a step Navigate to the screen or view to perform an action.
A step Highlight a button in a form and a list or a field in a form
to help you to complete a task.
Expand the description of a step to show its details.The
details might contain substeps.
This chapter describes how to use the task user interface (UI) in the Siebel application.
It includes the following topics:
About Task User Interface
Using Task UI
Navigational Buttons for Task UI
Using Task UI
You can drill down on task items to launch the Task UI wizard and receive detailed
instructions for each step in the task.
To use tasks
1. Click the Tasks button on the application toolbar.
The Tasks pane appears on the left side of the application window, and lists the
task items related to the current screen. The Tasks pane remains open until you
close it.
2. In the Tasks pane, drill down on a task item to launch the Task UI wizard.
3. Select one of the radio buttons to choose an option, and click Next.
4. Follow the instructions in the wizard.
5. After you complete the task, close the Tasks pane.
This chapter provides information about synchronizing data in the Siebel application.
It includes the following topics:
About Database Synchronization
Synchronization Process
About Synchronizing with a Personal Information Manager Server
Synchronization Process
Figure 91 shows the synchronization process.
This chapter describes the different ways to share information in the Siebel
application. It includes the following topics:
Using the Inbox
Running Reports
Emailing, Faxing, Paging, and Sending Outbound Wireless Messages
Creating Siebel Bookmarks
Creating Shortcuts to Siebel Records
Importing Data into the Siebel Application
Exporting Data to an External File
Running Reports
In the Siebel clients (Siebel Web Client, Siebel Mobile Web Client, and Siebel Developer
Web Client), you run Siebel Reports in views. While in a view, you can perform a
query, and then select the report you want to run. For more information, see Chapter 7,
"Locating Information Using Query and iHelp."
You can monitor long-running reports, view previously run reports, and delete
reports. For more information about the Siebel Reports user interface, see Siebel Reports
To run a report
1. Navigate to the screen and view that contains the information for which you want
to run a report.
2. (Optional) Limit report data by running a query.
3. On the application toolbar, click the Reports button.
The Run Report pane appears.
4. In the Run Report pane, complete the appropriate fields.
Some fields are described in the following table.
Field Description
Report Name Select an available report. The available reports apply to the screen and view
to which you navigate.
Custom Name Type a custom name for the report if you want to name the report a different
name from the value in the Report Name field.
Output Type Select the output type for the report.
Report Locale Select the locale for the report.
5. Click Submit.
The designated report runs.
6. Click My Reports to navigate to the Reports view of the BI Publisher Reports
A record for the run report appears in the Reports view.
7. Drill down on the Report Name field in the Reports view to display the report in a
new window.
You can print the report by using the print feature for the application in which it
Note: On some screen, the Pick Recipients dialog box might appear.
If this dialog box appears, then select a recipient (or select None) from
the list, and click OK.
You can select a template containing predefined text for the email from the
drop-down list for the Body field.
5. (Optional) Complete the following additional steps:
a. Attach literature and other files to the email by clicking the open book icon or
the paperclip icon next to the Attachments field.
Launching the Send Email dialog box from an attachment record
automatically attaches the file in the attachment record to the email.
b. If you select HTML as your Default Message Format user preference, then edit
aspects of the message text, such as font size, font color, paragraph
justification, and so on. For more information, see "Using the HTML Editor"
on page 10-5.
The email recipient sees this formatting if the recipients email client software
supports HTML.
6. Click Send to send the email.
1. Navigate to and select the Siebel record to which you want to create a link.
2. Complete either of the following steps:
Select the URL in the browser, and then copy and paste this URL to an email
or document.
A hyperlink is created to the Siebel record from the email or the document.
From the application-level menu, select File, then Create Bookmark, select the
URL in the Get Bookmark URL dialog box, and then copy and paste this URL
to an email or document.
Click OK to close the Get Bookmark dialog box.
A hyperlink is created to the Siebel record from the email or the document.
c. Use the Input Format option buttons to select the format of the input source
Note: The file you import must match the format you select in the
Input Format option.
d. Use the Input Source option buttons to define the type of mapping you want
to use.
The Auto Mapping option uses the structure of the import file to map fields.
The Predefined Mapping option uses a set format that is based on the source
application, for example, ACT!. When you select the Predefined Mapping
option, you must select the corresponding source from the Input Source
drop-down list.
Note: When importing using predefined mapping, all the fields must
be defined in the Import Object in Siebel Tools. A certain format is
required for predefined mapping. For more information, contact your
Siebel administrator.
e. Use the Conflict Resolution option buttons to select the method you prefer to
use if the import process encounters a conflict between records.
f. Click Next.
If you choose the Predefined Mapping option, then go to step 5. If you choose
the Auto Mapping option, then the Import mapping dialog box appears.
4. Verify that the mappings in the Field Mappings list are correct.
To update a mapping, select the field in the Import Field list, select the
corresponding Siebel field in the Siebel Field list, and then click Update Mapping.
The mapping in the Field Mappings list is updated.
5. Click Next.
The records from the import file are imported into the Siebel database. When the
import finishes, a status dialog box appears.
6. Click OK to close the dialog box, or click View Log to review information about
the import.
b. Use the Output Format option buttons to define the format of the output
To correctly export Siebel data to a Microsoft Excel document, select the Tab
Delimited Text File option. Select the Text File With Delimiter option to add
quotes around each field value to help differentiate between each column
Note: For numeric fields, the number of digits to the right of the
decimal point that are exported to the document is determined by the
regional settings of your operating system. Modifying the operating
system settings allows for more digits, up to a maximum value of nine
digits to the right of the decimal point.
c. Click Next.
Note: The export process can take several minutes if you export a
large amount of data. A message showing the current status of the
export appears (and is periodically updated) at the top of the Export
dialog box. Performance might be adversely affected if you export
more than 50,000 records.
After all of the export data is retrieved, the Show all downloads link appears
in the bottom right corner of the screen, and a field containing the external file
appears in the bottom left corner of the screen. You can click the Show all
downloads link to use your browser to access and manage all files that you
5. From the drop-down list for the field containing the external file, select Show in
Folder to see the location of the external file.
You can access this file and modify it.
6. Close the Export dialog box, and click the X next to the Show all downloads link to
hide the link and the field containing the external file.
This chapter describes how to use the calendar. It does not apply to users who
integrate Microsoft Outlook with their Siebel Business Applications. It includes the
following topics:
About the Calendar
About Calendar Formats
About Calendar Views
About Viewing Activities
About Activity Defaults
About Recurring Activity Defaults
About Activity Fields
About Using the Participant Availability Subview
About Using Group Calendars
Viewing Calendar Activities
Adding Activities to the Calendar
Deleting Calendar Activities
Creating Recurring Calendar Activities
Deleting Recurring Calendar Activities
Adding Activities in the To Do List
Marking To Do Activities Complete
Changing Activities
Rescheduling Activities
Adding Participants to Activities
Removing Participants from Activities
Reassigning Activities
Changing the Time Zone in Calendar
Granting Access to Your Calendar
Viewing Calendars of Other Users
Each activity that appears in the calendar is highlighted in the color associated with
the Status field value of that activity. The color legend for the calendar shows only
those colors that appear in the displayed calendar, not all possible colors. The Siebel
administrator can change the colors for Status field values and change the field that
determines activity color from the Status field to another field, such as the Type field.
For more information about customizing these colors and fields, see Configuring Siebel
Open UI.
All-day events appear in a reserved slot at the top of the calendar screen. By default,
the all day slot does not appear in the calendar, and must be enabled by your Siebel
administrator. For more information about customizing the calendar all day slot, see
Configuring Siebel Open UI.
Your working hours for the current date and future dates are denoted by a yellow line
that represents the beginning of your workday (or the current time), and a red line that
represents the end of your workday. You can change the start time and the end time of
your workday. For more information about changing your workday start and end
times, see "Customizing the Length of a Workday" on page 13-13.
In the Activities screen, you can create an activity with a planned start time, and the
activity is automatically placed on your calendar. Changing the information for a
scheduled activity on the calendar changes the same information in the Activities
screen. Similarly, changing information about an activity in any Activities screen
changes the same information in the calendar.
Some views in the Calendar screen display a To Do list. Activities that you specify as
To Do activities appear in your To Do list. You can view your uncompleted To Do
activities in this list.
Switch to Displays your activities that are scheduled for the selected week.
weekly view You can designate a 5 Day Weekly format or a 7 Day Weekly format
button in your user preferences. For more information, see "Setting Up
Default Calendar Formats" on page 13-14.
Switch to Displays your activities that are scheduled for the selected month. In
monthly view the Monthly calendar format, you can place your cursor over a day
button to see a full list of the days activities.
If the current date appears in the calendar format, then that date is automatically
selected and highlighted in a color (for example, yellow) when you access a calendar.
If you click a time slot in the calendar, then that time slot is highlighted in a color (for
example, blue).
You can navigate to a date in calendar formats in the following ways:
Click the left arrow button to the left of the calendar title to navigate to the
previous calendar interval and the right arrow button to the right of the calendar
title to navigate to the next calendar interval.
The calendar title determines the calendar interval to which you navigate. For
example, if the calendar title is August 6 - 12, 2012, then the calendar is in the
Weekly calendar format. When you click the left arrow button, you navigate to the
calendar for the previous week, and when you click the right arrow button, you
navigate to the calendar for the next week.
Click the Today button to navigate to the current date when the current date does
not appear in the displayed calendar format.
Click the calendar select button to navigate to a date. This date does not have to
appear in the displayed calendar format.
When you click the calendar select button, you access the calendar control. Unlike
the calendar control for fields, the calendar control for the Calendar screen does
not include an OK button and a Now button that you can click to select a date. In
the calendar control for the Calendar screen, you click a date to select the date. For
more information about the calendar control, see "About the Calendar Control" on
page 4-6.
In the Monthly calendar format, click a date in the calendar.
Activities cannot appear in the Calendar and the To Do list at the same time.
availability is enabled, when you open a monthly view of calendar, it shows the
available hours for every day in the future. The available hours are represented by a
rounded number surrounded by a circle. Available time is calculated by taking the
number working hours defined by the user, and subtracting any events already
scheduled for that day.
Figure 113 shows an example of calendar availability.
The calendar availability is available only if administrators configure Siebel Open UI
to allow it. For more information this configuration, see Configuring Siebel Open UI.
Note: When you modify a recurring meeting and click Save All, your
changes are applied to the current meeting and to every future
meeting in the series. However, your changes are not applied every
previous meeting in the series.
Field Description
Repeat Select a value to designate how often you want this activity to recur. For more
Frequency information about the Repeat Frequency value, see Table 114,
" Default Values for Repeat Until Field".
Repeat (Optional) Select the date on which you want the activity to stop recurring by
Until clicking the Calendar button in this field.
They carry forward every day until they are marked complete.
They do not appear in the Calendar itself.
To add a To Do activity
1. Navigate to the Calendar screen.
2. In the To Do list, click the plus (+) icon.
A blank row appears.
3. Enter values in the Description and Due fields.
4. (Optional) To add more information to the activity, drill down on the Description
field hyperlink of the activity.
Changing Activities
After adding an activity to your calendar, you can change the activity. You drill down
on the activity and make changes in the Calendar Detail form.
Note: Each time you create or modify an activity in the calendar, you
can choose to automatically notify any employees who are associated
with the activity. For more information, see "Setting Up Email
Prompts for Meetings" on page 13-14.
Rescheduling Activities
You can use different methods to reschedule activities.
Reassigning Activities
After creating an activity and adding employees to it, you might want to reassign the
activity to a different employee. That is, you might want to make a different employee
the primary employee for the activity.
To reassign an activity
1. Navigate to the Calendar screen.
2. In the Daily, Weekly, or Monthly calendar format, click the hyperlink for an
activity description to access the activity.
The Calendar Detail form appears.
3. In the Employees field, click the select button.
The Employees multiple selection dialog box appears showing the list of selected
employees for the activity, and the primary employee appears with a check mark
in the Primary field.
You must change the primary employee to reassign the activity.
4. If the employee to whom you want to assign the activity appears in the list of
selected employees, then do the following:
a. Click the Primary field in the record for this employee, and click OK.
The activity is reassigned.
b. If the previous primary employee is no longer involved with the activity, then
access the Employees multiple selection dialog box again, and remove that
employee from the list of selected employees.
Note: You can set a default time zone for your calendar in your user
preferences. For more information, see "Setting a Default Time Zone"
on page 13-2.
Note: If your job often requires you to access another users calendar,
then you might want to set up that users calendar as your default
calendar. You can perform this setup in your user preferences. For
more information, see "Setting Up Another Users Calendar as Your
Default Calendar" on page 13-15.
This chapter describes information relating to customizing the home page for your
Siebel application. It contains the following topics:
About Home Page Controls
Editing the Layout of Home Pages
Control Description
Collapses the list or form to its minimal size showing no records.
Shows a previously hidden list or form and places it back on the home page.
3. To apply the same action to all forms and lists at the same time, click the cogwheel
icon, and then click an option.
The options are described in the following table.
Option Description
Hide All Applets Removes all lists and forms from the home page, and the home page is
Show All Applets Places all the lists and forms back on the home page.
Collapse All Collapses all lists and forms on the home page.
Expand All Expands all lists and forms on the home page.
4. To restore the default layout for the home page, click Default Layout.
5. Click Done.
The home page appears in the layout you define.
This chapter describes how to set user preferences in your Siebel application. It
includes the following topics:
About User Preferences
Setting a Default Time Zone
Setting a Startup View
Setting Navigation Options
Setting Themes
Setting Transition Effects
Setting Scroll Speeds
Setting the Color for User Interface Elements
Setting Quick Print Options
Setting Outbound Communications Preferences for Send Email
Setting Up Default Queries
Viewing Saved Queries
Changing Default Spell Check Options
Customizing Aspects of Notifications
Setting Up View Links for Screen Home Pages
Showing, Hiding, and Reordering Screens or Views
Customizing Aspects of the Calendar
Maintaining Quick Fill Templates
Setting Pause Behavior for Task UI
About Setting Up Synchronization Preferences
About Availability Fields in the Profile View
Your access to the functionality in the User Preferences screen depends on how your
Siebel application is configured. For more information, contact your Siebel
Some user preferences settings might not take effect until you log out, and then log
back in to the Siebel application.
5. Click OK.
The screen and view you select appear in the Startup View field.
Setting Themes
By default, the Siebel Open UI client uses the Aurora theme as the user interface
theme. Depending on your deployment of Siebel Open UI, other themes, such as
Simplified User Interface (SUI) might be available. For more information about the
Simplified UI theme, see "About the Simplified User Interface" on page 3-2.
To set themes
1. From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.
The User Preferences screen appears.
2. On the link bar, click Behavior.
The Behavior form appears.
3. Select the desired value from the drop-down list for the Theme field.
Note: The number representing the scroll speed appears to the right
of the slide bar.
Note: You cannot select a value in the Theme field if the Navigation
Control field has no value.
Field Description
Application Select from the following options to determine how screen data prints when
Menu - Print you use the application-level menu (File, then Print):
All Applets in View. Prints each list or form sequentially, left to right
and top to bottom.
Selected Applet Only. Prints only the selected list or form.
This field applies only to HTML. If you use Microsoft Excel, only the list is
Applet Menu - Select from the following options to determine how screen data prints when
Print Behavior you use the cogwheel icon (Menu, then Print):
All Applets in View. Prints each list or form sequentially, left to right
and top to bottom.
Selected Applet Only. Prints only the selected list or form.
Print Select from the following options:
Microsoft Excel. Prints only list applets. Select this option to designate
Lists Using
Microsoft Excel as your quick print application.
HTML. Prints an entire view. Select this option to designate the print
feature of the browser as your quick print application.
Rows to Print Select from the following options to determine how you want rows to print:
All Rows in Current Query.
Active Row.
Field Description
Columns to Select from the following options to determine how you want columns to
Print print:
Visible Columns.
Note: For Siebel CRM product releases and later and for and later, the system requirements and supported platform
certifications are available from the Certification tab on My Oracle
Support. For information about the Certification application, see
article 1492194.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support.
Field Description
Upon Sending Select activity generation for messages sent using the Send Email, Send Fax,
Messages Send Wireless Message, and Send Page commands. Options are:
No Activities. No activity records are generated by sending an outbound
Private activities. Sets the Internal flag to TRUE for an activity record
generated by sending an outbound message. Only the message sender
can view the activity record.
Public activities. Sets the Internal flag to FALSE for an activity record
generated by sending an outbound message. Other users, in addition to
the message sender, can view the activity record.
The specific results of the Internal flag of FALSE or TRUE depend on your
Siebel implementation. For more information, contact your Siebel
Field Description
Default Profile Select the default communications profile to use for the Send Email and Send
Fax commands. The profile stores various communications settings and
provides access to the communications driver that transfers information
between the Siebel application and the email/fax server. For example, a
profile for the Internet SMTP/POP3 Server driver handles outbound
communications using the SMTP protocol.
You can access any profiles that are associated with your Siebel responsibility
setting, and any profiles that you create for your personal use by using the
My Profiles view in the Communications screen. The ability to create personal
communications profiles is not available for some responsibility settings.
The default profile information is copied to the From field in the Send Email
and Send Fax dialog boxes. You can specify a different profile by choosing
another value from the drop-down list for the From field.
Default Select the default choice for where recipient email or fax address information
Recipient Class is populated in an outbound message. Options are: To, Cc, and Bcc.
In some contexts, the Send Email and Send Fax commands allow you to
choose email or fax recipients from data stored in certain fields of the current
record. This field applies if you choose a recipient for one of these current
field values.
For example, you might generally want to populate recipients to the To field.
However, because of your typical activities or workflow and your companys
business needs, it might be more appropriate to populate recipients to the Cc
or Bcc field instead of the To field.
Email Client Select the email client to use when the Send Email command is selected.
Options are: Lotus Notes, Microsoft Outlook, Siebel Email Client, and
External Email Client.
Siebel/Outlook Select your preferred outbound email form when Email Client is set to
Form Microsoft Outlook, if you prefer a default form other than the form specified
by the Siebel administrator at the server level. For information about creating
outbound forms, see Siebel Email Administration Guide.
Siebel/Lotus Select your preferred outbound email form when Email Client is set to Lotus
Form Notes, if you prefer a default form other than the form specified by the Siebel
administrator at the server level. For information about creating outbound
forms, see Siebel Email Administration Guide.
Default Select the type of formatting to use for outbound email messages that are sent
Message using the Send Email command. Options are HTML and Plain Text. For more
Format information about using the HTML message format, see "Using the HTML
Editor" on page 10-5.
Note: Only views that you can access from the drop-down list for the
Show field or from the Site Map can have an associated default query.
Field Description
Ignore UPPERCASE Select this check box to indicate that spell check does not question
Words words in all caps such as SMTP or CD.
Ignore MixedCase Select this check box to indicate that spell check does not question
Words words such as eMail.
Ignore Internet Select this check box to indicate that spell check does not question
Names words such as
Report Select this check box to indicate that spell check questions capitalization
Capitalization Errors errors such as PLEase.
Ignore HTML Tags Select this check box to indicate that spell check does not question any
text enclosed in angle brackets (<>) or any text that follows an
unmatched left angle bracket (<).
Ignore Words with Select this check box to indicate that spell check does not question
Digits words such as POP3.
Always Check Select this check box to indicate that spell check automatically checks
Spelling Before the spelling of the email message, fax, page, or outbound wireless
Sending message when you click Send.
Default Spell Select the current default language dictionary used to check spelling.
Checking Language The initial default language is the language specified during the Siebel
application installation. You can change your default language at any
time. A new default spell checking language takes effect the next time
you invoke spell check.
Field Description
Scroll Speed Select a speed at which messages scroll across the bottom of the application
window. Values include: Stopped, Slow, Medium, or Fast. This field does
not apply to the Siebel Open UI client.
Arrow Scroll Select a speed at which messages scroll when you click the arrows at either
Speed end of the message bar. Values include: Stopped, Slow, Medium, or Fast.
This field does not apply to the Siebel Open UI client.
Field Description
Mouseover Select a speed at which the messages scroll when your place your cursor
Pause Speed over the message bar. Values include: Stopped, Slow, Medium, or Fast. This
field does not apply to the Siebel Open UI client.
Update Interval Type the time interval in seconds at which you want notifications to refresh.
(Seconds) This field applies to the Notification icon and notification panes.
Prefix of Normal Type the text to appear before a normal-priority message. For example, you
Priority Message might want the letter N to appear before a normal-priority message to
indicate it is a normal-priority message. A letter is useful if you have
difficulty distinguishing the colors of these messages. This field applies to
the notification panes.
For HTML messages, instead of entering <N>, enter <N> because the
Siebel application does not recognize the less than character (<) and the
greater than character (>).
Prefix of High Type the text to appear before a high-priority message. For example, you
Priority Message might want the letter H to appear before a high-priority message to indicate
it is a high-priority message. A letter is useful if you have difficulty
distinguishing the colors of these messages. This field applies to the
notification panes.
For HTML messages, instead of entering <H>, enter <H> because the
Siebel application does not recognize the less than character (<) and the
greater than character (>).
Prefix of Urgent Type the text to appear before an urgent-priority message. For example, you
Priority Message might want the letter U to appear before an urgent message to indicate it is
an urgent message. A letter is useful if you have difficulty distinguishing
the colors of these messages. This field applies to the notification panes.
For HTML messages, instead of entering <U>, enter <U> because the
Siebel application does not recognize the less than character (<) and the
greater than character (>).
Show Select this check box to show the functionality for notifications in the
application window. This field applies to the Notification icon and
notification panes.
Field Description
Sequence Type a number that determines the place of the link in the view links area of
the screen home page.
Public Select this check box to indicate this link is a public view link and you
cannot modify or delete it.
Active Select this check box to indicate this link is an active view link.
Name Type a name for the link.
Description Type a long description for the link.
View Select a view in the Pick Screen View dialog box that appears when you click
the select button in this field.
Default Query Select a default predefined query for the view you select in the View field.
Note: If you hide a screen, then all the views within that screen are
also hidden.
3. In the Screen Tab Layout list, select the row for the screen associated with the view
you want to show or hide.
The View Tab Layout list shows the view for the selected screen.
4. In the View Tab Layout list, select the row for the view you want to show or hide,
and do one of the following:
Clear the Hide check box to show the view.
Select the Hide check box to hide the view.
Note: If you are viewing the current day, the yellow line represents
the current time, if the current time is later than the value specified in
your Working Hours Start At preference setting. Otherwise, the
yellow line represents the value specified in your Working Hours Start
At preference setting.
c. Select the first day of the week to appear in the calendar from the drop-down
list for the First day of week field.
d. Select the week days to appear in the calendar from the check boxes for each
day of the week.
6. If you select Monthly as the Default Calendar, then select the first day of the week
to appear in the calendar from the drop-down list for the First day of week field.
3. In the Templates list, select the quick fill template you want to delete, and click the
trash can icon.
4. At the confirmation dialog box, click OK.
This chapter describes how to use keyboard shortcuts in the Siebel application. It
includes the following topics:
Keyboard Shortcuts
About Keyboard Shortcuts Tables
Application Management Keyboard Shortcuts
Online Help Keyboard Shortcuts
General Navigation Keyboard Shortcuts
Layout Management Keyboard Shortcuts
Record Management Keyboard Shortcuts
Record Navigation Keyboard Shortcuts
Query Management Keyboard Shortcuts
Field Management Keyboard Shortcuts
Calendar Control Keyboard Shortcuts
Calculator Control Keyboard Shortcuts
Communication Management Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts allow you to use sequences of keystrokes as an alternative to the
mouse for executing commands and navigating through the Siebel application.
Typically these key sequences are combinations of CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT, along with
the standard keys on your keyboard.
Many of the default keyboard shortcuts provided by your browser are also available
for use in Siebel applications. For example, you can navigate sequentially through
fields within the Siebel application views using TAB.
A full set of keyboard shortcuts is included in Siebel applications, but administrators
can change these keyboard shortcuts in Siebel Tools. For information about the
keyboard shortcuts available to you, contact your Siebel administrator.
you perform each action because keyboard shortcuts are based on Siebel application
context, or focus rules. If a command is not available in the Siebel application, then the
keyboard shortcut is not active.
Some keyboard shortcuts described in the tables in this topic do not execute the
designated action in all browsers. Also, if a keyboard shortcut for an action in a table is
the same keyboard shortcut for a different action in your browser, then the resulting
action might be the action for your browser.
For more information about Section 508, visit the Section 508 Web site at:
For more information about the Access Board, visit the United States Access Board
Web site at:
For information about Oracles Accessibility Program, visit Oracles Accessibility
Program Web site at:
The Siebel Open UI client supports screen readers that are browser-compatible because
it is a standards-based Web application. Some browsers interpret Accessible Rich
Internet Applications (ARIA) and Version 2.0 of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
(WCAG) better than other browsers. Use the appropriate browser for your Siebel
implementation. Consult with the vendor for your screen reader to use it with a Siebel
If you use a screen reader, then you hear the levels of the view bar region that denote
user interface areas. This guide does not refer to the levels of the view bar region
because the user interface that sighted users work with does not refer to these levels.
Table A1 shows the level of the view bar region that corresponds to each user
interface area that sighted users work with.
calendar control drilling down and across, described, 6-9
about, 4-6 drop-down lists, about using, 4-4
calendar select button for, 4-6 duplicate records, merging, 6-12
keyboard shortcuts for, 14-6
calendar select button
about using, 4-4
calendar control and, 4-4 Edit Layout form, buttons for, 12-1
case and accent insensitive queries, 7-2 email
charts, about, 3-11 adding URLs to, 10-5
check boxes, about, 4-3 automatically spell checking outgoing, 13-8
cogwheel icon keyboard shortcuts for, 14-7
using to attach files to records, 6-13 Send Email command for, 10-2
using to attach URLs to records, 6-15 sending, 10-2
using to create records, 6-2 setting outbound communications preferences
using to delete records, 6-6 for, 13-6
columns setting up meeting prompts using, 13-14
locking, 6-19 viewing list of all attached items in, 10-2
organizing in lists, 6-16 employees
resizing, 6-20 adding to activities, 11-14
sorting data in, 6-17 and deleting activities from the calendar, 11-9
Columns Displayed dialog box, about buttons removing from activities, 11-15
in, 6-16 Explorer views, about, 3-10
communication management, keyboard shortcuts
for, 14-7 F
compound query operators, 7-9
contacts faxes
adding to activities, 11-14 keyboard shortcuts for, 14-7
removing from activities, 11-15 Send Fax command for, 10-2
count of records, displaying, 6-9 field controls
currency calculator, about, 4-5 about, 4-3
buttons for, 4-4
check boxes and, 4-3
D currency calculator and, 4-5
Daily format drop-down lists and, 4-4
about, 11-3 option buttons and, 4-4
adding activities to, 11-9 text fields and, 4-2
rescheduling activities by stretching, 11-13 field hyperlinks in records, using, 6-9
rescheduling activities by using field management, keyboard shortcuts for, 14-5
drag-and-drop, 11-13 fields
setting up for calendar, 13-14 about, 4-2
viewing activities in, 11-8 spell checking in records, 6-13
data access, about, 2-3 files
data, displaying attaching to records, 6-13
about record navigation buttons for, 3-16 exporting to an external file, 10-7
charts for, 3-11 importing into the Siebel application, 10-6
Explorer views for, 3-10 forms
forms for, 3-16 about editing, 3-16
lists for, 3-14 common buttons in, 3-16, 7-2
data, exporting to an external file, 10-7 long and short, 3-16
data, importing into the Siebel application, 10-6
data, synchronizing G
about and example, 9-1
illustration of, 9-1 Gantt chart, in Participant Availability
initiating, 9-1 subview, 11-6
with Personal Information Manager (PIM) group calendars, about using, 11-7
server, 9-2
default queries, about using, 7-7 H
Demo application, about, 2-2
home page
documents, adding URLs to, 10-5
about, 2-2
drag-and-drop, using to attach files to records, 6-13
about for screens, 3-6
edit layout controls for, 12-1 M
editing layout of, 12-1
setting as startup view, 13-2 meetings, setting up email prompts for, 13-14
setting up default queries for, 13-7 Monthly format
setting up view links for, 13-10 about, 11-3
How Do I button, described, 3-4 adding activities to, 11-9
HTML editor setting up for calendar, 13-14
toolbar buttons in, 10-5 viewing activities in, 11-8
using, 10-5 multiple selection dialog box, using to associate
records, 5-3
multi-value group fields, exporting records that
I include, 10-7
Inbox, using, 10-1
K navigation
keyboard navigation keyboard shortcuts for, 14-2
about, 3-3 using Site Map for, 3-5
in Accessible Rich Internet Applications, A-3 New File button, using to attach files to records, 6-13
keyboard shortcuts New URL button, using to attach URLs to
about, 14-1 records, 6-15
application management and, 14-2 notes, adding to records, 6-11
calculator control and, 14-6 Notification icon
calendar control and, 14-6 about, 3-19
communication management and, 14-7 customizing, 13-9
field management and, 14-5 notification panes
general navigation and, 14-2 about, 3-19
layout management and, 14-3 customizing, 13-9
online help and, 14-2 notifications
query management and, 14-5 about, 3-18
record management and, 14-4 about colors for, 3-19
record navigation and, 14-4 customizing aspects of, 13-9
tables of, 14-1
L online help, keyboard shortcuts for, 14-2
layout management, keyboard shortcuts for, 14-3 operators
left-hand navigation, setting, 13-3 compound query, 7-9
link bars simple query, 7-7
about for screens, 3-7 option buttons, about, 4-4
hidden views for, 3-7 Owner field, about using to reassign activities, 11-17
about, 3-14 P
about expanding and collapsing, 3-15
Participant Availability subview
common buttons in, 3-16
about using, 11-6
finding records in, 7-4
setting up default participant chart display
horizontal scrolling in, 3-15
in, 13-15
locking columns in, 6-19
organizing columns in, 6-16
adding to activities, 11-14
performing advanced sorting for, 6-17
removing from activities, 11-15
resizing columns in, 6-20
setting up default chart display for, 13-15
show less button in, 3-15
setting up email prompts for, 13-14
show more button in, 3-15
sorting columns in, 6-17
See predefined queries, 7-2
using visibility filter in, 3-13
Personal Information Manager (PIM) server, about
vertical scrolling in, 3-15
using to synchronize, 9-2
logging in
physically disabled users, about utilities for, A-3
about data access and responsibilities for, 2-3
Plus (+) button
to Siebel application, 2-1
using to create records, 6-2
long forms, about, 3-16
predefined mapping, about using to import
data, 10-6 attaching URLs to, 6-15
predefined queries canceling changes to, 6-6
about, 7-2 changing multiple, 6-5
modifying, 7-10 copying, 6-4
primary employee, and deleting activities from the creating, 6-2
calendar, 11-9 creating shortcuts to, 10-6
deleting, 6-6
editing, 6-4
entering characters to find, 5-5
queries finding in lists, 7-4
about, 7-1 finding in selection dialog box, 5-5
about predefined, 7-2 finding information about, 6-9
about user-defined, 7-3 flagging, 6-11
about using default, 7-7 identifying new, 6-11
canceling long running, 7-5 merging duplicate, 6-12
compound operators for, 7-9 printing, 6-8
creating, 7-3 querying for in selection dialog box, 5-5
deleting, 7-4 saving, 6-6
drop-down list for saved, 3-20, 7-3 spell checking fields in, 6-13
executing, 7-3 using field hyperlinks in, 6-9
limiting report data by using, 10-1 using quick fill to create, 6-3
modifying predefined, 7-10 Repeat Until field, default values for, 11-5
refining, 7-4 reports
saving, 7-3 accessing and running, 10-1
saving using another name, 7-10 button for, 3-5
setting up default, 13-7 role of queries in, 10-1
simple operators for, 7-7 resizing indicator, about, 4-2
tips for creating and executing, 7-10 Resource Scheduler, about, 3-8
use of blank spaces in, 7-10 responsibilities, about, 2-3
viewing results list for, 7-10
viewing saved, 13-8
common buttons in, 7-2 Sample database, about, 2-2
Query Assistant, using, 7-5 Save All button, about using, 11-12
query management, keyboard shortcuts for, 14-5 Save Target List button, described, 3-4
quick fill Save This One button, about using, 11-12
deactivating templates for, 13-15 Saved Queries, about field, 3-20
deleting templates for, 13-15 screen readers, about, A-2
reactivating templates for, 13-15 screens
renaming templates for, 13-15 about, 3-5
using to create records, 6-3 about home pages for, 3-6
quick print about tabs for, 3-5
button for, 3-4 changing order of screen tab appearance, 13-11
setting options for, 13-5 hidden tabs for, 3-5
using, 6-8 setting up default view for, 13-11
showing or hiding tabs for, 13-11
scroll speeds, setting, 13-4
Section 508, about, A-1
radio buttons, about, 4-4 select buttons
record count, displaying, 6-9 about, 5-1
record management, keyboard shortcuts for, 14-4 about using, 4-4
record navigation, keyboard shortcuts for, 14-4 selection dialog boxes
records finding specific records in, 5-5
about, 4-1 launching, 5-1
adding notes to, 6-11 multiple, 5-1
associating using multiple selection dialog querying for records in, 5-5
box, 5-3 single, 5-1
associating using single selection dialog box, 5-2 using multiple to associate records, 5-3
associating with other records, 6-7 using single to associate records, 5-2
attaching files to, 6-13 Send Email command, 10-2
Send Fax command, 10-2 transition effects, setting, 13-3
Send Page command, 10-2 trash can icon
Send Wireless Message command, 10-2 using to delete records, 6-6
short forms, about, 3-16
shortcuts, creating to Siebel records, 10-6
show less button, 3-15
show more button, 3-15 Undo Record, using, 6-6
Siebel application URLs
logging in to, 2-1 adding to email or documents, 10-5
logging out of, 2-4 attaching to records, 6-15
Siebel bookmarks, adding to email or user interface elements, setting the color for, 13-4
documents, 10-5 user preferences
simple query operators, 7-7 about, 13-1
single selection dialog box, using to associate about availability fields in Profile view of, 13-18
records, 5-2 about setting up synchronization
Site Map preferences, 13-18
about, 3-5 changing default spell check options, 13-8
button for, 3-4 changing length of calendar day, 13-13
using to navigate, 3-5 changing order of screen tab appearance, 13-11
spell check changing order of view tab appearance, 13-11
automatically checking outgoing messages customizing aspects of notifications, 13-9
using, 13-8 setting a default time zone, 13-2
performing, 6-13 setting a startup view, 13-2
setting defaults for, 13-8 setting left-hand navigation, 13-3
star icon setting outbound communications preferences for
in required fields, 4-2 email, 13-6
in required form fields, 3-16 setting pause behavior for Task UI, 13-17
using to identify new records, 6-11 setting quick print options, 13-5
startup view, setting, 13-2 setting the color for user interface elements, 13-4
Strict Date Format system preference, 4-6 setting up another users calendar as your
subviews, about, 3-12, 3-14 default, 13-15
synchronizing data setting up default calendar activity
about and example, 9-1 duration, 13-14
about setting up user preferences for, 13-18 setting up default calendar formats, 13-14
illustration of, 9-1 setting up default participant chart display, 13-15
initiating, 9-1 setting up default queries, 13-7
with Personal Information Manager (PIM) setting up default view for screen, 13-11
server, 9-2 setting up email prompts for meetings, 13-14
setting up view links for home pages, 13-10
showing or hiding screen tabs, 13-11
T showing or hiding view tabs, 13-11
Task UI user-defined queries, about, 7-3
about, 8-1
navigational buttons for, 8-2
setting pause behavior for, 13-17
using, 8-2 View List, about, 3-7
tasks, button for, 3-4 views
telephone number, querying for, 7-7 about, 3-12
templates, quick fill, 6-3 about for calendar, 11-4
text fields, about, 4-2 about tabs for, 3-13
themes, setting, 13-3 changing order of view tab appearance, 13-11
thread bar hidden tabs for, 3-13
and drilling across, 6-9 showing or hiding tabs for, 13-11
time zone visibility filter, using in lists, 3-13
changing in calendar, 11-17 visibility, about, 2-3
To Do list visually impaired users, about utilities for, A-3
adding activities, 11-11 Voluntary Product Accessibility Template,
marking activities complete in, 11-12 about, A-2
viewing in calendar, 11-2
toolbar, about for application, 3-4
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, about, A-2
Weekly format
about, 11-3
adding activities to, 11-9
rescheduling activities by stretching, 11-13
rescheduling activities by using
drag-and-drop, 11-13
setting up for calendar, 13-14
viewing activities in, 11-8
wireless devices, sending message to, 10-2