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Oracle® Enterprise Manager

Command Line Interface

10g Release 5 (

December 2009
Oracle Enterprise Manager Command Line Interface, 10g Release 5 (


Copyright © 2004, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Primary Author: Michael Zampiceni

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Preface ................................................................................................................................................................. ix
Audience....................................................................................................................................................... ix
Documentation Accessibility ..................................................................................................................... ix
Related Documents ..................................................................................................................................... x
Conventions ................................................................................................................................................. x

1 Command Line Interface Concepts and Installation

Overview.................................................................................................................................................... 1-1
How the EM CLI Works ......................................................................................................................... 1-2
Preliminary Advisory Information ....................................................................................................... 1-3
EM CLI Quick Start.................................................................................................................................. 1-3
Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 1-4
Installation and Setup........................................................................................................................ 1-4
Installing the EM CLI Client...................................................................................................... 1-4
Setting Up the EM CLI Client ................................................................................................... 1-5
Running Setup............................................................................................................................. 1-5
Using EM CLI Log Files ............................................................................................................. 1-6
Configuring an HTTP Proxy Environment............................................................................. 1-6
EM CLI Command-line Help ........................................................................................................... 1-7
Security and Authentication .................................................................................................................. 1-7
HTTPS Trusted Certificate Management ...................................................................................... 1-8
Secure Clients...................................................................................................................................... 1-8
Secure Mode for the EM CLI Setup ................................................................................................. 1-8
Script Availability for Output Data Verbs........................................................................................... 1-9

2 Verb Reference
Verb Categories......................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Alphabetized Verb List ..................................................................................................................... 2-6
add_beacon ...................................................................................................................................... 2-11
add_group_to_mpa......................................................................................................................... 2-12
add_mp_to_mpa ............................................................................................................................. 2-13
add_target ........................................................................................................................................ 2-15
add_target_property....................................................................................................................... 2-18
apply_privilege_delegation_setting ............................................................................................. 2-19
apply_template ................................................................................................................................ 2-21

apply_template_tests ...................................................................................................................... 2-24
argfile ................................................................................................................................................ 2-26
assign_test_to_target....................................................................................................................... 2-27
change_service_system_assoc ....................................................................................................... 2-28
clear_credential................................................................................................................................ 2-29
clear_stateless_alerts ....................................................................................................................... 2-30
clone_as_home................................................................................................................................. 2-31
clone_crs_home ............................................................................................................................... 2-34
collect_metric ................................................................................................................................... 2-37
clone_database_home..................................................................................................................... 2-38
confirm_instance ............................................................................................................................. 2-41
create_aggregate_service ............................................................................................................... 2-42
create_blackout ................................................................................................................................ 2-43
create_group .................................................................................................................................... 2-48
create_privilege_delegation_setting............................................................................................. 2-49
create_red_group ............................................................................................................................ 2-51
create_redundancy_group ............................................................................................................. 2-52
create_role ........................................................................................................................................ 2-54
create_service................................................................................................................................... 2-56
create_system................................................................................................................................... 2-58
create_user........................................................................................................................................ 2-60
delete_blackout................................................................................................................................ 2-62
delete_guest_vm.............................................................................................................................. 2-63
delete_group .................................................................................................................................... 2-64
delete_instance................................................................................................................................. 2-65
delete_job.......................................................................................................................................... 2-66
delete_metric_promotion............................................................................................................... 2-67
delete_privilege_delegation_settings ........................................................................................... 2-68
delete_role ........................................................................................................................................ 2-69
delete_system................................................................................................................................... 2-70
delete_target..................................................................................................................................... 2-71
delete_test......................................................................................................................................... 2-72
delete_test_threshold...................................................................................................................... 2-73
delete_user ....................................................................................................................................... 2-74
disable_audit.................................................................................................................................... 2-75
disable_test....................................................................................................................................... 2-76
enable_audit..................................................................................................................................... 2-77
enable_test ........................................................................................................................................ 2-78
execute_hostcmd ............................................................................................................................. 2-79
execute_sql ....................................................................................................................................... 2-81
export_report ................................................................................................................................... 2-83
export_template............................................................................................................................... 2-84
extend_as_home .............................................................................................................................. 2-85
extend_crs_home............................................................................................................................. 2-88
extend_rac_home ............................................................................................................................ 2-91
extract_template_tests .................................................................................................................... 2-94
get_agent_properties ...................................................................................................................... 2-95

get_agent_property......................................................................................................................... 2-96
get_aggregate_service_info............................................................................................................ 2-97
get_aggregate_service_members .................................................................................................. 2-98
get_blackout_details ....................................................................................................................... 2-99
get_blackout_reasons.................................................................................................................... 2-101
get_blackout_targets ..................................................................................................................... 2-102
get_blackouts ................................................................................................................................. 2-104
get_guest_vm_status .................................................................................................................... 2-106
get_group_members ..................................................................................................................... 2-107
get_groups...................................................................................................................................... 2-109
get_instance_data_xml ................................................................................................................. 2-110
get_instance_status ....................................................................................................................... 2-111
get_instances .................................................................................................................................. 2-112
get_job_execution_detail.............................................................................................................. 2-113
get_jobs ........................................................................................................................................... 2-114
get_metrics_for_stateless_alerts.................................................................................................. 2-116
get_on _demand_metrics ............................................................................................................. 2-117
get_procedure_types .................................................................................................................... 2-118
get_procedure_xml ....................................................................................................................... 2-119
get_procedures .............................................................................................................................. 2-120
get_reports...................................................................................................................................... 2-121
get_retry_arguments..................................................................................................................... 2-122
get_system_members ................................................................................................................... 2-123
get_target_properties.................................................................................................................... 2-125
get_targets ...................................................................................................................................... 2-126
get_test_thresholds ....................................................................................................................... 2-128
get_unsync_alerts.......................................................................................................................... 2-130
get_virtual_server_status ............................................................................................................. 2-131
grant_license_no_validation........................................................................................................ 2-132
grant_license_with_validation .................................................................................................... 2-134
grant_privs ..................................................................................................................................... 2-136
grant_roles...................................................................................................................................... 2-138
help.................................................................................................................................................. 2-139
ignore_instance.............................................................................................................................. 2-140
import_report................................................................................................................................. 2-141
import_template ............................................................................................................................ 2-142
list_guest_vm ................................................................................................................................. 2-143
list_privilege_delegation_settings .............................................................................................. 2-144
list_target_privilege_delegation_settings .................................................................................. 2-145
list_virtual_server.......................................................................................................................... 2-147
list_virtual_server_pool................................................................................................................ 2-148
loader_perf ..................................................................................................................................... 2-149
login................................................................................................................................................. 2-150
logout .............................................................................................................................................. 2-152
modify_aggregate_service ........................................................................................................... 2-153
modify_collection_schedule ........................................................................................................ 2-154
modify_group ................................................................................................................................ 2-157

modify_red_group ........................................................................................................................ 2-158
modify_redundancy_group......................................................................................................... 2-159
modify_role .................................................................................................................................... 2-161
modify_system .............................................................................................................................. 2-163
modify_target ................................................................................................................................ 2-165
modify_user ................................................................................................................................... 2-168
pause_guest_vm ............................................................................................................................ 2-170
provision......................................................................................................................................... 2-171
reboot_guest_vm ........................................................................................................................... 2-173
reboot_virtual_server ................................................................................................................... 2-174
relocate_targets.............................................................................................................................. 2-175
remove_beacon.............................................................................................................................. 2-178
remove_service_system_assoc .................................................................................................... 2-179
remove_target_property .............................................................................................................. 2-180
reschedule_instance ...................................................................................................................... 2-181
resume_guest_vm ......................................................................................................................... 2-182
resume_instance ............................................................................................................................ 2-183
resync_agent .................................................................................................................................. 2-184
retry_instance................................................................................................................................. 2-185
retry_job.......................................................................................................................................... 2-186
revoke_license_no_validation ..................................................................................................... 2-187
revoke_license_with_validation ................................................................................................. 2-189
revoke_privs .................................................................................................................................. 2-191
revoke_roles ................................................................................................................................... 2-192
run_avail_diag ............................................................................................................................... 2-193
run_promoted_metric_diag......................................................................................................... 2-194
set_agent_property ....................................................................................................................... 2-195
set_availability ............................................................................................................................... 2-196
set_credential ................................................................................................................................. 2-197
set_instance_jobgrants.................................................................................................................. 2-199
set_key_beacons_tests .................................................................................................................. 2-200
set_metric_promotion................................................................................................................... 2-201
set_properties................................................................................................................................. 2-204
set_target_property_value ........................................................................................................... 2-205
set_test_threshold.......................................................................................................................... 2-207
setup ................................................................................................................................................ 2-208
show_audit_settings ..................................................................................................................... 2-211
show_credential_set_info............................................................................................................. 2-212
show_credential_type_info.......................................................................................................... 2-213
show_operations_list .................................................................................................................... 2-214
start_guest_vm .............................................................................................................................. 2-215
start_paf_daemon.......................................................................................................................... 2-216
start_vt_daemon............................................................................................................................ 2-217
status_paf_daemon ....................................................................................................................... 2-218
status_vt_daemon ......................................................................................................................... 2-219
stop_blackout................................................................................................................................. 2-220
stop_guest_vm............................................................................................................................... 2-221

stop_instance.................................................................................................................................. 2-222
stop_job........................................................................................................................................... 2-223
stop_paf_daemon .......................................................................................................................... 2-224
stop_virtual_server ....................................................................................................................... 2-225
stop_vt_daemon ............................................................................................................................ 2-226
submit_job ...................................................................................................................................... 2-227
submit_agent_patch...................................................................................................................... 2-232
submit_procedure ......................................................................................................................... 2-233
subscribeto_rule ............................................................................................................................ 2-234
suspend_guest_vm ....................................................................................................................... 2-236
suspend_instance .......................................................................................................................... 2-237
sync.................................................................................................................................................. 2-238
sync_beacon ................................................................................................................................... 2-239
unpause_guest_vm ....................................................................................................................... 2-240
update_audit_settings .................................................................................................................. 2-241
update_and_retry_step ................................................................................................................ 2-242
update_db_password ................................................................................................................... 2-243
update_host_password ................................................................................................................ 2-245
update_password.......................................................................................................................... 2-247
update_target_password.............................................................................................................. 2-249
view_redundancy_group............................................................................................................. 2-251

3 Error Code Reference

EM CLI Infrastructure Errors ................................................................................................................. 3-1
OMS Connection Errors.......................................................................................................................... 3-1
File-fed Option Errors ............................................................................................................................. 3-2
Built-in Verb Errors.................................................................................................................................. 3-2



This manual covers installation and error codes for the Enterprise Manager Command
Line Interface (EM CLI). A complete verb reference, which duplicates the command
line help, is also included.
Note that more recent versions of this and other Enterprise Manager books are
available on the Oracle Technology Network:

This guide is written for administrators who want to access Enterprise Manager
console functions directly from scripts or interactively from an OS shell. You should
already be familiar with Enterprise Manager administrative tasks you want to
You should also be familiar with the operation of your specific UNIX or Windows
system. Refer to your platform-specific documentation if necessary.

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Related Documents
For more information, see the following manuals in the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g
Release 2 documentation set:
■ Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide
■ Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts
■ Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Quick Installation Guide
■ Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Installation and Basic Configuration
■ Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration for Oracle Collaboration Suite
■ Oracle Enterprise Manager Policy Reference Manual
■ Oracle Enterprise Manager Metric Reference Manual
■ Oracle Enterprise Manager Extensibility

The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

Command Line Interface Concepts and

This chapter discusses the following Enterprise Manager Command Line Interface
(EM CLI) topics:
■ Overview
■ How the EM CLI Works
■ Preliminary Advisory Information
■ EM CLI Quick Start
■ Security and Authentication
■ Script Availability for Output Data Verbs

1.1 Overview
The Enterprise Manager Command Line Interface (EM CLI) enables you to access
Enterprise Manager Grid Control functionality from text-based consoles (shells and
command windows) for a variety of operating systems. You can call Enterprise
Manager functionality using custom scripts, such as SQL*Plus, OS shell, Perl, or Tcl,
thus easily integrating Enterprise Manager functionality with a company’s business
Using EM CLI, you can perform Enterprise Manager Grid Control console-based
operations, such as monitoring and managing targets, jobs, groups, blackouts,
notifications, and alerts. EM CLI is intended for use by enterprise or system
administrators writing scripts, such as shell/batch files, Perl, Tcl, or PHP, that provide
workflow in the customer's business process. You can also use EM CLI commands
interactively from an operating system console.
EM CLI is fully integrated with Enterprise Manager’s security and user administration
functions, enabling you to carry out operations using EM CLI with the same security
and confidentiality as the Enterprise Manager Grid Control console. For example, you
can only see and operate on targets for which you are authorized.
Examples of EM CLI usage are as follows:
■ Enterprise Manager Integration with third-party or custom software through
scripting. Actions (such as adding/deleting targets, submitting/deleting jobs,
creating/deleting users) that are part of a customer's business model can be
performed through scripting.
■ Every day, send an e-mail list of backup jobs that were still running after 6 a.m.

Command Line Interface Concepts and Installation 1-1

How the EM CLI Works

■ Every week, write pertinent information about failed Enterprise Manager jobs to a
file and then purge the Enterprise Manager job history.

1.2 How the EM CLI Works

The EM CLI Client is a Java application that accepts a command as input. The EM CLI
Client uses the input command to identify a Verb to execute the command. A Verb is a
Java plug-in extension to the EM CLI Client. A Verb services the command with its
specific options and posts the results to the standard output stream. Any errors are
posted to the error output stream. The Verb also returns an integer exit value that the
EM CLI Client sets as the exit value of the command in the Client’s calling
environment (the operating system console).
A Verb can perform its operations locally, but most of the verbs included with the EM
CLI are covered by the remote Verb in the EM CLI Client. The remote Verb contacts
the EM CLI OMS Extension in the Enterprise Manager Oracle Management Services
(OMS) Console via HTTP/HTTPS and sends the command line through HTTP to the
OMS for processing. The EM CLI OMS Extension is essentially a standard Enterprise
Manager console page, and is installed in the OMS just as any other standard console
page. As with the EMCLI Client, the EM CLI OMS Extension uses the input command
to identify a Verb to execute the command. The Verb can access the Management
Repository or Management Agents via OMS services as necessary in processing the
The remote Verb logs on to the OMS and establishes a session automatically, as
necessary, to access the OMS-Side Controller. The remote Verb impersonates the
Enterprise Manager user that invoked the command from the Client. The Enterprise
Manager user credentials are established locally to the EM CLI Client during a
one-time, interactive exchange when the Enterprise Manager administrator uses the
EM CLI setup Verb. Figure 1–1 shows the high-level architecture of EM CLI.

1-2 Command Line Interface

EM CLI Quick Start

Figure 1–1 EM CLI Architecture

For more information about any of these functional areas, see Oracle Enterprise Manager

1.3 Preliminary Advisory Information

■ EM CLI does not allow OS Script jobs to be run against database targets. The
Enterprise Manager Grid Control console, however, does allow this.
■ EM CLI has only been certified for submitting OS Script and SQL Script jobs.
■ To avoid an uncommon occurrence in which multiple emcli sessions are created
on the OMS, Oracle recommends that you enter the login command before
running a script containing EMCLI commands.

1.4 EM CLI Quick Start

Setting up and running EM CLI is simple. EM CLI consists of two components used to
access the Enterprise Manager framework functionality:
■ EM CLI Client
■ EM CLI Oracle Management Service Extension
You can install the EM CLI Client on any system within your managed network. The
EM CLI Client is a command-line program (Java-based) that sends EM CLI Verbs to a
specific OMS. In some respects, the EM CLI Client functions as a command-line

Command Line Interface Concepts and Installation 1-3

EM CLI Quick Start

equivalent of an Enterprise Manager Grid Control console. The EM CLI OMS

Extension is automatically installed with the OMS and serves as the communication
conduit between the EM CLI Client and the OMS.

1.4.1 Requirements
Before installing EM CLI, you will need the following items:
■ Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control framework
■ Java version 1.4.1 or greater
■ Workstation running Solaris, Linux, HPUX, Tru64, AIX, or Windows with NTFS
(client installation)

1.4.2 Installation and Setup

As mentioned above, the EM CLI OMS Extension is automatically installed with the
OMS. You must install and set up the client portion. The following instructions cover
installation and setup procedures for the EM CLI Client. Installing the EM CLI Client

1. Obtain the EM CLI Client kit (emclikit.jar).
You can download the EM CLI client kit from any 10.2 Grid Control installation at
the following location:

The emclikit.jar file is physically located in the

$ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib directory of the Grid Control OMS
2. Set your JAVA_HOME environment variable and ensure that it is part of your PATH.
Make sure that this variable is set to the home of a JDK 1.4.1 or greater. For
setenv JAVA_HOME /usr/local/packages/j2sdk1.4.1_02

setenv PATH $JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

3. Enter the following command to ensure that you have the correct Java in your
which java

This should show the Java in $JAVA_HOME/bin.

1. Install the EM CLI Client. You can install the client portion of EM CLI in any
directory either on the same system as the OMS or on any system in your network
(download the emclikit.jar file to that system).
Go to the directory where you have installed emclikit.jar:
cd $HOME/<your emcli installation directory>

2. Enter the following command:

java -jar emclikit.jar client -install_dir=<emcli client dir>

After you have installed the EM CLI Client, you are ready to begin setting up the

1-4 Command Line Interface

EM CLI Quick Start Setting Up the EM CLI Client

After the EM CLI Client is installed, you are ready to begin using EM CLI. At this
point, you can run the EM CLI Client out of the installation directory location, or
alternatively, you can add it to your PATH.
Immediately after installation, only basic operational Verbs are installed:
■ argfile — Execute an EM CLI Verb where the Verb and any arguments are
contained in a file.
■ help — Access command-line help for EM CLI Verbs.
■ login — Log in and establish a session with the OMS.
■ logout — Log out of EM CLI client from Enterprise Manager.
■ setup — Configure EM CLI to function with a specific OMS.
■ sync — Synchronize the EM CLI Client with an OMS.
■ add_mp_to_mpa — Create (or add to) the Management Plug-in Archive. The
Management Plug-in Archive is available for adding new target types to
Enterprise Manager.
■ add_group_to_mpa — Add a Management Plug-in group to a Management
Plug-in Archive. Running Setup

You must run setup to connect the EM CLI Client to the OMS running the EM CLI
Management Services. Running the setup Verb installs all available Verb-associated
command-line help from the EM CLI Management Service. You must run setup each
time you want to connect to a different OMS.
1. Understand the syntax of the setup Verb and its options by entering the
following command or referring to the setup Verb in the verb reference chapter
of this guide:
./emcli help setup
2. Enter the setup Verb with at least the minimum required parameters as shown
in the following example:
./emcli setup -url=http://myworkstation.us.oracle.com:em_port/em

As you observed from step 1, the setup Verb has several options, including the
following important options:
■ ssousername and ssopassword

■ noautologin

■ custom_attrib_file

3. Enter your user password when prompted after the EM CLI client connects with
the EM CLI Management Services.
After running the setup Verb, the message "Emcli Setup Successful" appears, and you
are ready to begin using EM CLI.

Command Line Interface Concepts and Installation 1-5

EM CLI Quick Start

Tip: For complete information on the Setup verb and its options,
including ssousername, ssopassword, noautologin, and
custom_attrib_file referenced in step 2, see the setup Verb on
page 2-208.
To configure the EM CLI Client to function with multiple OMSes by
implementing multiple setups, see the Examples section for the Setup
verb. Using EM CLI Log Files

EM CLI creates log files to record informational and error messages generated during
operation. Not all of the logs in the following examples are necessarily present. Logs
are created as needed and are append-based — they are preserved between
invocations of EM CLI. You can safely delete log files any time without affecting
EM CLI operation. The logs contain stack traces, which may not be useful for the
casual user, but may benefit you with a high level of system knowledge.
The following examples show possible log file locations:

CONFIG_DIR refers to the directory specified by the -dir option in the latest running
of the setup Verb (with an appended .emcli subdirectory). The current
CONFIG_DIR directory can be identified by executing the setup Verb with no options
to display the setup summary.
Log files are limited to a maximum of 0.5 MB. EM CLI alternates between the two log
files — as each file reaches the 0.5 MB limit, EM CLI begins writing to the other file,
overwriting the oldest log file after emcli.log.1 has been filled for the first time.
The following examples show possible log file locations:

Example 1–1 No configuration directory is specified with the setup Verb (Default

If you do not specify a configuration directory when you run the setup Verb (-dir
option is omitted), EM CLI assumes the .emcli configuration directory is located
within the your local home directory. The log files are placed at the root level of the
.emcli directory. The .emcli directory must be local (not mounted remotely).

Example 1–2 Local configuration directory is specified with the setup Verb (-dir=<local

In this example, the configuration directory is specified using the -dir option when
the setup Verb is run. This allows you to specify a local configuration directory if the
user home directory is mounted remotely (through NFS, for example). Configuring an HTTP Proxy Environment

If you are planning to use EM CLI through an HTTP proxy server, you need to set an
additional environment variable (EMCLI_OPTS) that supplies EM CLI with the
requisite proxy host and port information. The following examples illustrate setting

1-6 Command Line Interface

Security and Authentication

the EMCLI_OPTS environment variable for both Windows and UNIX operating

Example 1–3 Setting EMCLI_OPTS in a Microsoft Windows Environment

>set EMCLI_OPTS=-Dhttp.proxyHost=<proxy host> -Dhttp.proxyPort=<proxy port>

Example 1–4 Setting EMCLI_OPTS in a UNIX Environment (TCSH)

>setenv EMCLI_OPTS "-Dhttp.proxyHost=<proxy host> -Dhttp.proxyPort=<proxy port>"

1.4.3 EM CLI Command-line Help

EM CLI incorporates a comprehensive command-line help system that provides
various levels of assistance. Available from any EM CLI Client installation, the help
system provides a listing of all available verbs, descriptive overviews for each verb,
syntax, as well as usage examples. The command-line help is the definitive EM CLI
information source.
To access command-line help, enter the following command for an overview of all
available verbs ...
./emcli help
... or enter the following command for a detailed Verb description, Verb arguments
and options, and usage examples.
./emcli help <verb>

1.5 Security and Authentication

Each operating system user must execute a one-time EM CLI initialization that locally
defines the location of the Oracle Management Services and the Enterprise Manager
credentials to be used whenever this user invokes EM CLI.

Example 1–5 CLI-Enterprise Manager Authentication

>emcli setup –url="http[s]://host:port/em/" –username="<username>" [-trustall]

>please enter password:

Note: You can find out the OMS connection information from any
EM CLI Client by issuing the setup Verb without any options. For
>emcli setup
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release
Copyright (c) 1996, 2007 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

CONFIG DIRECTORY: /home/emcli_install_dir/.emcli

OMS : http://my_system.my_co.com:port/em/
EM USER : username
TRUST ALL : false

Command Line Interface Concepts and Installation 1-7

Security and Authentication

1.5.1 HTTPS Trusted Certificate Management

For authenticating an OMS during the SSL server authentication phase of an HTTPS
connection handshake, EM CLI searches for trusted certificates in the following key

CONFIG_DIR is the directory specified by the -dir option in the latest running of the
setup Verb (with an appended .emcli subdirectory). See "Using EM CLI Log Files"
on page 1-6 for more information about the CONFIG_DIR parameter.
JRE_HOME in a JDK installation is typically JAVA_HOME/jre.
The JDK keytool command can manage the key stores. For more information about
this tool, see the security documentation for your Java VM installation, or at the time
of this writing:
Not all of the key stores in the list above will necessarily be present.

1.5.2 Secure Clients

You can provide credentials to EM CLI in one of two ways:
■ Provide credentials at the time of use. See the login and logout verbs for
information on credentials.
■ Make credentials persistent on the host system where the EM CLI client is
running, as might be the case when executing EM CLI verbs from a shell script.

Caution: You should only make credentials persistent on hosts when

the host is a secure client, since the only protection available for
credentials is the file-system security of the OS.
Oracle also recommends not using persistent credentials if the EM CLI
user’s home directory is mounted over NFS or any other insecure file

1.5.3 Secure Mode for the EM CLI Setup

The EM CLI client installs certain configuration files and a client-side implementation
of verbs on the client system. The EM CLI client configuration files contain
information such as OMS URL, Enterprise Manager user name, Enterprise Manager
password, and SSO user name and password (if EM is SSO-enabled). The default
mode stores these credentials, which is inherently insecure because of backward
compatibility reasons.
To eliminate this security risk, a secure mode EM CLI setup does not store any EM or
SSO passwords on the client disk. For a secure setup, you need to specify the
noautologin option for the Setup verb. You provide the credentials once during setup,
after which a session is established between the client and OMS. All subsequent verbs
use this session. Inactivity or an explicit logout (using the Logout verb) terminates this
session, and a re-setup or an explicit login (using the Login verb) is required before
invoking any new verb.

1-8 Command Line Interface

Script Availability for Output Data Verbs

■ For information on the noautologin option, see the setup verb on page 2-208.
■ For information on logging in, see the login verb on page 2-150.
■ For information on logging out, see the logout verb on page 2-152.

1.6 Script Availability for Output Data Verbs

For easy parsing of Verb output by scripts, a –script argument is available for all
verbs that generate output data. If the -script argument is used, all output columns
become tab-separated (with non-null values), and all rows become newline-separated.
You can override the default column and row separators by using the -format
argument in place of -script.
[-script|-format="name:<format type>;column_
Supported -format arguments are shown in Table 1–1.

Table 1–1 Supported "-format" Arguments

Argument Explanation
-format="name:pretty" Pretty-print the output. This is
the default when both -script
and -format are not specified.
-format="name:script" Identical to just specifying
–script. Columns are
tab-separated, and rows are
newline- separated.
-format="name:script;column_ Causes the Verb output to be
separator:<column_sep_string>" column-separated by <column_
sep_string>. Rows are
separated by the newline
-format="name:script;row_separator:<row_sep_ Causes the Verb output to be
string>" row-separated by <row_sep_
string>. Columns are
separated by the tab character.
-format="name:script;column_ Causes the Verb output to be
separator:<column_sep_string>;row_ column-separated by <column_
separator:<row_sep_string>" sep_string> and row-
separated by <row_sep_
-format="name:csv" Produces a table with the
columns separated by commas
and the rows by newlines.

■ -script is equivalent to –format="name:script;column_

■ The values for column and row separator are given as one or more character
strings. Any of the characters can be represented by the unicode sequence \uXXXX
(where X is a hex value).
NOTE: The ASCII character set is represented by \u00XX, where XX can range
from 00 to 7F. For example, the tab character is represented by \u0009 and the
newline character is represented by \u000A.
■ The pretty format type has no attributes.

Command Line Interface Concepts and Installation 1-9

Script Availability for Output Data Verbs

■ In script mode, any Verb output cells that contain the separator strings are
substituted with the unicode values for these strings so that the output does not
break any scripts required to parse the output.
■ script is the only format type for which separators can be specified.
■ Separators need not be single characters, and can be specified using both regular
characters interspersed with unicode sequences as shown in the following

Example 1–6 Complex Separator

Separator Specification: xxx\u0009xxx\u0009
This separator appears as xxx followed by a tab, followed by xxx followed by another

1-10 Command Line Interface

Verb Reference

This chapter provides a complete listing of all EM CLI verbs in categorical as well as
alphabetical order. Complete syntax and usage information is also available for each
verb through EM CLI’s command line help system.

2.1 Verb Categories

For your convenience, this section provides another method other than
alphabetization for finding verbs. All of the verbs for this release are listed in their
respective categories.

Agent Administration Verbs


Agent Patch Verbs


Agent Recovery Verbs


Audit Settings Verbs


Blackout Verbs

Verb Reference 2-1

Verb Categories

Cloning Verbs

Credential Verbs

Credential Verbs - Oracle Database


Deployment Procedure Verbs


Execute Command Verbs


Group Verbs

2-2 Command Line Interface

Verb Categories

Job Verbs

Licensing Verbs

Management Plug-in Verbs


Management Services and Repository Verbs


Metric Collection and Alerts Verbs


Notification Verbs

Monitoring Templates Verbs


Privilege Delegation Settings Verbs


Provisioning Verbs

Redundancy Group Verbs


Verb Reference 2-3

Verb Categories


Report Import/Export Verbs


Services Verbs

System Verbs

Target Data Verbs


2-4 Command Line Interface

Verb Categories

User Administration Verbs


Virtualization Verbs

Verb Reference 2-5

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

The following list provides the names of all verbs and their associated pages where
you can find the definition, format, options, and examples for each verb.
■ add_beacon on page 2-11
■ add_group_to_mpa on page 2-12
■ add_mp_to_mpa on page 2-13
■ add_target on page 2-15
■ add_target_property on page 2-18
■ apply_privilege_delegation_setting on page 2-19
■ apply_template on page 2-21
■ apply_template_tests on page 2-24
■ argfile on page 2-26
■ assign_test_to_target on page 2-27
■ change_service_system_assoc on page 2-28
■ clear_credential on page 2-29
■ clear_stateless_alerts on page 2-30
■ collect_metric on page 2-37
■ clone_as_home on page 2-31
■ clone_crs_home on page 2-34
■ clone_database_home on page 2-38
■ confirm_instance on page 2-41
■ create_aggregate_service on page 2-42
■ create_blackout on page 2-43
■ create_group on page 2-48
■ create_privilege_delegation_setting on page 2-49
■ create_red_group on page 2-51
■ create_redundancy_group on page 2-52
■ create_role on page 2-54
■ create_service on page 2-56
■ create_system on page 2-58
■ create_user on page 2-60
■ delete_blackout on page 2-62
■ delete_guest_vm on page 2-63
■ delete_group on page 2-64
■ delete_instance on page 2-65
■ delete_job on page 2-66

2-6 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

■ delete_metric_promotion on page 2-67

■ delete_privilege_delegation_settings on page 2-68
■ delete_role on page 2-69
■ delete_system on page 2-70
■ delete_target on page 2-71
■ delete_test on page 2-72
■ delete_test_threshold on page 2-73
■ delete_user on page 2-74
■ disable_audit on page 2-75
■ disable_test on page 2-76
■ enable_audit on page 2-77
■ enable_test on page 2-78
■ execute_hostcmd on page 2-79
■ execute_sql on page 2-81
■ export_report on page 2-83
■ export_template on page 2-84
■ extend_as_home on page 2-85
■ extend_crs_home on page 2-88
■ extend_rac_home on page 2-91
■ extract_template_tests on page 2-94
■ get_agent_properties on page 2-95
■ get_agent_property on page 2-96
■ get_aggregate_service_info on page 2-97
■ get_aggregate_service_members on page 2-98
■ get_blackout_details on page 2-99
■ get_blackout_reasons on page 2-101
■ get_blackout_targets on page 2-102
■ get_blackouts on page 2-104
■ get_guest_vm_status on page 2-106
■ get_group_members on page 2-107
■ get_groups on page 2-109
■ get_instance_data_xml on page 2-110
■ get_instance_status on page 2-111
■ get_instances on page 2-112
■ get_job_execution_detail on page 2-113
■ get_jobs on page 2-114
■ get_metrics_for_stateless_alerts on page 2-116

Verb Reference 2-7

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

■ get_on _demand_metrics on page 2-117

■ get_procedure_types on page 2-118
■ get_procedure_xml on page 2-119
■ get_procedures on page 2-120
■ get_reports on page 2-121
■ get_retry_arguments on page 2-122
■ get_system_members on page 2-123
■ get_target_properties on page 2-125
■ get_targets on page 2-126
■ get_test_thresholds on page 2-128
■ get_unsync_alerts on page 2-130
■ get_virtual_server_status on page 2-126
■ grant_license_no_validation on page 2-132
■ grant_license_with_validation on page 2-134
■ grant_privs on page 2-136
■ grant_roles on page 2-138
■ help on page 2-139
■ ignore_instance on page 2-140
■ import_report on page 2-141
■ import_template on page 2-142
■ list_guest_vm on page 2-143
■ list_privilege_delegation_settings on page 2-144
■ list_target_privilege_delegation_settings on page 2-145
■ list_virtual_server on page 2-147
■ list_virtual_server_pool on page 2-148
■ loader_perf on page 2-149
■ login on page 2-150
■ logout on page 2-152
■ modify_aggregate_service on page 2-153
■ modify_collection_schedule on page 2-154
■ modify_group on page 2-157
■ modify_red_group on page 2-158
■ modify_redundancy_group on page 2-159
■ modify_role on page 2-161
■ modify_system on page 2-163
■ modify_target on page 2-165
■ modify_user on page 2-168

2-8 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

■ pause_guest_vm on page 2-170

■ provision on page 2-171
■ reboot_guest_vm on page 2-173
■ reboot_virtual_server on page 2-174
■ relocate_targets on page 2-175
■ remove_beacon on page 2-178
■ remove_service_system_assoc on page 2-179
■ remove_target_property on page 2-180
■ reschedule_instance on page 2-181
■ resume_guest_vm on page 2-182
■ resume_instance on page 2-183
■ resync_agent on page 2-184
■ retry_instance on page 2-185
■ retry_job on page 2-186
■ revoke_license_no_validation on page 2-187
■ revoke_license_with_validation on page 2-189
■ revoke_privs on page 2-191
■ revoke_roles on page 2-192
■ run_avail_diag on page 2-193
■ run_promoted_metric_diag on page 2-194
■ set_agent_property on page 2-195
■ set_availability on page 2-196
■ set_credential on page 2-197
■ set_instance_jobgrants on page 2-199
■ set_instance_jobgrants on page 2-199
■ set_metric_promotion on page 2-201
■ set_properties on page 2-204
■ set_target_property_value on page 2-205
■ set_test_threshold on page 2-207
■ setup on page 2-208
■ show_audit_settings on page 2-211
■ show_credential_set_info on page 2-212
■ show_credential_type_info on page 2-213
■ show_operations_list on page 2-214
■ start_guest_vm on page 2-215
■ start_paf_daemon on page 2-216
■ start_vt_daemon on page 2-217

Verb Reference 2-9

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

■ status_paf_daemon on page 218

■ status_vt_daemon on page 2-219
■ stop_blackout on page 2-220
■ stop_guest_vm on page 2-221
■ stop_instance on page 2-222
■ stop_job on page 2-223
■ stop_paf_daemon on page 2-224
■ stop_virtual_server on page 2-225
■ stop_vt_daemon on page 2-226
■ submit_agent_patch on page 2-232
■ submit_job on page 2-227
■ submit_procedure on page 2-233
■ subscribeto_rule on page 2-234
■ suspend_guest_vm on page 2-236
■ suspend_instance on page 2-237
■ sync on page 2-238
■ sync_beacon on page 2-239
■ unpause_guest_vm on page 2-240
■ update_db_password on page 2-243
■ update_host_password on page 2-245
■ update_password on page 2-247
■ update_target_password on page 2-249
■ view_redundancy_group on page 2-251

2-10 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Adds a beacon to the monitoring set of beacons. All enabled tests are pushed to the

emcli add_beacon
-name=target name
-type=target type
-bcnName=beacon name

■ name
Service target name.
■ type
Service target type.
■ bcnName
Beacon name to add.
■ dontSetKey
Indicates the added beacon is not automatically a key beacon. Only use this option
if you do not want the beacon to participate in the availability calculation of the
service and tests.

The following example adds MyBeacon to the MyTarget service target of type
emcli add_beacon -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'

Verb Reference 2-11



Adds a Management Plug-in (MP) group to a Management Plug-in Archive (MPA). If

the MPA file does not exist, it is created.

emcli add_group_to_mpa
-name="group name"

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ mpa
Name of the MPA where the resulting MP is placed. The MPA file name could be
an existing MPA file or a new file. You can only use this option once in the
■ name
Name of the group.
■ member
An MP to be added to the group. The MP is specified by its target type as found in
the target type definition file and version. Using "newest" as the version specifies
no version for this group member MP. When operating on the group, the newest
version of the MP available is used. The order of MPs define the order these MPs
become deployed when the stack is deployed. The reverse order is used for
■ desc
Description of the group.

The following example adds a group that contains a single Management Plug-in.
emcli add_group_to_mpa
-desc="MyGroup is described by this text."

The following example adds a group that contains multiple Management Plug-ins. On
deployment, an_mp is deployed before another_mp. The newest imported version of
another_mp is used.
emcli add_group_to_mpa
-desc="AnotherGroup is described by this text."

2-12 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Adds a Management Plug-in (MP) to a Management Plug-in Archive (MPA). If the

MPA file does not exist, it is created.

emcli add_mp_to_mpa

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ mpa
Name of the MPA where the resulting MP is placed. The MPA file name can be an
existing MPA file or a new file. You can only use this option once in the command.
■ mp_version
Version of the MP being added to the MPA. This version indicates the version of
the files that comprise the MP, and is independent of the metadata version in the
target type definition file. This version, along with the MP name (the target type as
parsed from the target type definition file), indicates a unique MP.
■ ttd
Path of the target-type definition file. This file specifies the metadata definition of
the target type and the metrics for this target type. You can only use this option
once in the command.
■ dc
Path of the default collection file. This file specifies the scheduled collection of
metrics for targets with this target type. You can only use this option once in the
■ oms_version
Minimum OMS version compatible with this MP. You can only use this option
once in the command.
■ agent_version
Minimum Enterprise Manager Agent version compatible with this MP. You can
only use this option once in the command.
■ file
Type and path of other files to be included in the MP. You can specify this option
more than once. The supported types are:
– MONITORING_BINARY — Monitoring binary or executable the target-type
definition uses to collect data.

Verb Reference 2-13


– MONITORING_SCRIPT — Monitoring script the target-type definition uses to

collect data.
– REPORT_DEFINITION — PL/SQL calls into the reporting framework to
define reports for this version of the MP.
– JOB_SCRIPT — Script on the Agent executed by a job type.
– JOB_DEFINITION — XML file that defines a job type.
– HOMEPAGE_DEFINITION — XML file that defines charts to show on the
home page.
You must specify JOB_SCRIPT and JOB_DEFINITION together.
■ func_desc
Describes the purpose of the MP and any other general information about the MP.
You can only use this option once in the command.
■ req_desc
Describes any conditions that may exist for this MP to be successfully deployed
and used. Since this description is optional, you can ignore it, but this is not
recommended. You can only use this option once in the command.

The following example adds Management Plug-in files to a Management Plug-in
Archive called my_new_type.jar.
emcli add_mp_to_mpa
-func_desc="Management Plug-in to define target type new_type"

2-14 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Adds a target to be monitored by Enterprise Manager. The target type specified is

checked on the Management Agent for existence and for required properties, such as
user name and password for host target types, or log-in credentials for database target
types. You must specify any required properties of a target type when adding a new
target of this type.
For oracle_database target types, you must specify Role with the monitoring
credentials. If the Role is Normal, the UserName must be dbsnmp. Otherwise, the Role
must be SYSDBA, and UserName can be any user with SYSDBA privileges.

Note: You cannot use this verb for composite targets. The verb does
not support adding an association between a parent target such as IAS
and a child target such as OC4J.

emcli add_target
[-display_name="display name"]
[-timezone_region="gmt offset"]
[-monitor_mode="monitor mode"]
[-instances="rac database instance target name1:target type1;..."]

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Target name. Names cannot contain colons ( : ), semi-colons ( ; ), or any leading or
trailing blanks.
■ type
Target type. Standard target types include: host, oracle_database, oracle_
apache, oracle_listener, and oracle_emd. To see all available target types
available for your environment, check the
$AGENT_HOME/sysman/admin/metadata directory. A metadata file (XML)
exists for each target type.
■ host
Network name of the system running the Management Agent that is collecting
data for this target instance.
■ properties
Name-value pair (that is, prop_name:prop_value) list of properties for the
target instance. The "name"(s) are identified in the target-type metadata definition.

Verb Reference 2-15


They must appear exactly as they are defined in this file. Metadata files are located
in $AGENT_HOME/sysman/admin/metadata.
■ separator=properties
Specify a string delimiter to use between name-value pairs for the value of the
-properties option. The default separator delimiter is ";".
■ subseparator=properties
Specifies a string delimiter to use between the name and value in each name-value
pair for the value of the -properties option. The default subseparator delimiter
is ":".
■ credentials
Monitoring credentials (name-value pairs) for the target instance. The "name"(s)
are identified in the target-type metadata definition as credential properties. The
credentials must be specified exactly as they are defined in the target's metadata
file. Metadata files are located in $AGENT_HOME/sysman/admin/metadata.
■ input_file
Used in conjunction with the -credentials option, this option enables you to
store specific target monitoring credential values, such as passwords, in a separate
file. The -input_file option specifies a mapping between a tag and a local file
path. The tag is specified in lieu of specific monitoring credentials of the
-credentials option. The tag must not contain colons ( : ) or semi-colons ( ; ).
■ display_name
Target name displayed in the Enterprise Manager Grid Control console.
■ groups
Name-value pair list of the groups to which this target instance belongs. Follows
the format of groupname:grouptype;groupname2:grouptype2.
■ timezone_region
GMT offset for this target instance. (-7 or -04:00 are acceptable formats.)
■ monitor_mode
Either 0, 1, or 2 (default is 0). 1 indicates OMS-mediated monitoring, and 2
indicates Agent-mediated monitoring.
■ instances
Name-value pair list of RAC database instances that the RAC database target has.

The following example adds an oracle_database target with the name "database."
Note how the credentials are specified. The "name"(s) in the name-value pairs come
from the oracle_database metadata file. They must appear exactly as they are
named in that file. This also applies for the property "name"(s). This example uses the
base minimum of required credentials and properties for the database target.
emcli add_target

2-16 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


The following example adds an oracle_database target with the name "database."
This example illustrates the use of the input_file to camouflage the credentials. The
password is actually in a file named at_pwd_file. The input_file argument is
used to replace PWD_FILE with the contents of the at_pwd_file in the credentials
emcli add_target

The following example illustrates how to add a RAC database with given installed
RAC database instances and clusterware. The example adds a rac_database target
with the name cluster_database and the cluster name newdb_cluster. A RAC
instance is picked up among instances on the given host. This verb should be called
after database instances and clusterwares have been installed.
emcli add_target

The following example adds an oracle_listener target with the name mylist.
The LsnrName is the name of the listener as configured in the listener.ora file,
and ListenerOraDir is the directory containing the listener.ora file.
emcli add_target

Verb Reference 2-17



Adds a new target property for a given target type. All targets of this target type will
have this new target property.

emcli add_target_property

■ target_type
Target type for which this property needs to be added. To add this property to all
existing target types, you can specify a "*" wildcard character.
■ property
Name of the property to be created for this target type. Property names are
case-sensitive. The property name cannot be the same as the following
Oracle-provided target property names (in English):
Comment, Deployment Type, Line of Business, Location, Contact

The following example adds the owner name property for all targets of type
emcli add_target_property -target_type="oracle_database" -property="Owner Name"

The following example adds the Owner property for all target types.
emcli add_target_property -target_type="*" -property="Owner"

2-18 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Activates Sudo or PowerBroker settings for specified targets.

emcli apply_privilege_delegation_setting

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ setting_name
Name of the setting you want to apply.
■ target_names
List of target names. The newly submitted setting applies to this list of EM targets.
– All targets must be of the same type.
– The target list must not contain more than one element if the element’s target
type is "group."
– The group referenced above should have at least one host target.
■ target_type
Type of targets to which the setting is applied. Valid target types are "host" or
"composite" (group).
■ input_file
Path of the file that has target names. This option enables you to pass targets in a
separate file. The file cannot contain any colons ( : ) or semi-colons ( ; ).
■ force
If yes, the operation continues and ignores any invalid targets. The default is no.

The following example applies a privilege setting named sudo_setting. This setting
applies to targets of type host, and it is being applied to host1, host2, and so forth.
emcli apply_privilege_delegation_setting

The following example applies a privilege setting named sudo_setting. This setting
applies to targets of type host, and it is being applied to host1, host2, and so forth.
The force flag indicates that the setting is applied to all valid targets, and invalid
targets are ignored.
emcli apply_privilege_delegation_setting

Verb Reference 2-19



The following example applies a privilege setting named sudo_setting. This setting
applies to targets of type host, and host names are selected from
/home/jdoe/file.txt (one host per line). The force flag indicates that the setting
is applied to all valid targets, and invalid targets are ignored.
emcli apply_privilege_delegation_setting

2-20 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Applies a template to a list of specified targets. The parameters to the verb can be
supplied in any order.

emcli apply_template
-targets="tname1: ttype1;tname2: ttype2;..."
[-copy_flags="0" or "1" or "2"]
[-replace_metrics="0" or "1"]

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Template name as it exists in the database. Names cannot contain colons ( : ),
semi-colons ( ; ), or any leading or trailing blanks.
■ targets
The targets should be specified in the following sequence:
For example:
db1:oracle_database;my db group:composite
A semi-colon is the target separator. Ideally, non-composite targets should be of
the target type applicable to the template. If not, the template is not applied to the
said target. For composite targets, the template is applied only to the member
targets that belong to the target type for which the template is applicable.
■ copy_flags
This applies only for metrics with multiple thresholds.
'0' indicates: Apply threshold settings for key values common to the template and
'1' indicates: Remove key value threshold settings in the target and replace them
with key value threshold settings from the template.
'2' indicates: Apply threshold settings for all key values defined in the template.
The default is option '0'.
■ replace_metrics
0 indicates that the thresholds of the metrics not included in the template but
available in the target will not be changed. This is the default option. 1 indicates
that the thresholds of the metrics present in the target, but not in the template, will
be set to NULL. That is, such metrics in the target will not be monitored and
therefore, no alert will be raised for them.
■ input_file
The file should contain the credentials according to the following cases:

Verb Reference 2-21


If User-Defined Metric (UDM) credentials take the value "All User-Defined

Metrics use the same credentials," you need to provide these credentials in the
following format:
Sample input file:

If UDM Credentials take the value "Each User-Defined Metric uses its own
credentials,"you need to provide these credentials in the following format:
Sample input file:

If UDM Credentials take the value "Each User-Defined Metric uses different
credentials for different targets," you need to provide these credentials in the
following format:
Sample input file:

It is important to specify the "credListType" in every input text file that you

The following example applies a monitoring template named my_db_template. This
template applies to targets of type oracle_database, and it is being applied to db1 ,
which is of type oracle_database, and my_db_group, which is of type
composite. For composite targets, the template is only applied to member targets
that belong to the target type for which the template is applicable. Since the copy_
flags option is not specified, the default option ("Apply threshold settings for
monitored objects common to both template and target") is meant.
emcli apply_template -name="my_db_template"

The following example applies a monitoring template named my_db_template. This

template applies to targets of type oracle_database and it is being applied to db1,
which is of type oracle_database and my_db_group, which is of type
composite. In case of composite targets, the template is applied only to member
targets that belong to the target type for which the template is applicable. In this case,
since the copy_flags option is specified as 1, the threshold settings on the target will
be duplicated.

emcli apply_template -name="my_db_template"


2-22 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

The following example applies a monitoring template named my_db_template. This

template applies to targets of type oracle_database and it is being applied to db1,
which is of type oracle_database and my_db_group, which is of type
composite. For composite targets, the template is applied only to member targets
that belong to the target type for which the template is applicable. In this case, since
the copy_flags option is specified as "1", the threshold settings on the target will be
duplicated. Furthermore, the credentials needed for the UDMs are present in the file
emcli apply_template -name="my_db_template"
-copy_flags="1" -input_file= "FILE1:/usr/vmotamar/db_credentials.txt"

For more examples, see the online help.

Verb Reference 2-23



Applies the variables and test definitions from the file(s) into a repository target.

emcli apply_template_tests
-targetName=<target name>
-targetType=<target type>
-input_file=template:<template filename>
[-input_file=variables:<variable filename>]
[-overwriteExisting=<all | none | <test1>:<type1>;<test2>:<type2>;...>]

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ targetName
Target name.
■ targetType
Target type.
■ input_file=template
Name of the input file containing the test definitions.
■ input_file=variables
Name of the input file containing the variable definitions. If this attribute is not
specified, the variables are extracted from the same file containing the test
The variables file format is as follows:
<variables xmlns="template">
<variable name="<name1>" value="<value1>"/>
<variable name="<name2>" value="<value2>"/>

■ overwriteExisting
Specifies which tests should be overwritten in case they already exist on the target.
The possible values are:
1. 'none' (default): None of the existing tests on the target will be overwritten.
2. 'all': If a test with the same name exists on the target, it will be overwritten
with the test definition specified in the template file.
3. <test1>:<type1>;<test2>:<type2>;...: If any of tests with names <test1>,
<test2>, and so forth exist on the target, they are overwritten with the
definition in the template file.
■ encryption_key
Optional key to decrypt the file contents. This key should be the same as the one
used to encrypt the file.

2-24 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

The following example applies the test definitions contained in the file
my_template.xml into the Generic Service target my_target, using the key
my_password to decrypt the file contents. If tests with names my_website or
my_script exist on the target, they are overwritten by the test definitions in the file.
emcli apply_template_tests
-targetName='my_target' -targetType='generic_service'
-input_file=template:'my_template.xml' -encryption_key='my_password'

Verb Reference 2-25



Executes one or more EM CLI verbs, where both verbs and the associated arguments
are contained in an ASCII file. argfile enables you to use verbs with greater
flexibility. For example, when specifying a large list of targets to be blacked out
(create_blackout verb), you can use the argfile verb to input the target list from
a file.
Multiple emcli verb invocations are permitted in this file. You should separate each
verb invocation with a new line.

emcli argfile /path/to/<input_file_name>


emcli argfile my_verb_arguments

2-26 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Assigns a test-type to a target-type. If a test-type t is assigned to target-type T, all

targets of type T can be queried with tests of type t.

emcli assign_test_to_target
-testtype=test-type to be assigned
-type=target type
[-tgtVersion]=version of target type

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ testtype
Test-type to be assigned. Should be the internal name; that is, 'HTTP' instead of
'Web Transaction'.
■ type
Service target type.
■ tgtVersion
Version of the target type. If not specified, the latest version is used.

The following example assigns test type HTTP to targets of type generic service v2.
emcli assign_test_to_target -testtype='HTTP' -type='generic_service'

Verb Reference 2-27



Changes the system that hosts a given service.

emcli change_service_system_assoc
-systemname='system name'
-systemtype='system type'

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Service name.
■ type
Service type.
■ systemname
System on which the service resides.
■ systemtype
System type.
■ keycomponents
Name-type pair (such as keycomp_name:keycomp_type) list of key
components in the system used for the service.

The following example changes the system for a generic service named my service
to a generic system named my system with specified key components.
emcli change_service_system_assoc
-name='my service' -type='generic_service'
-systemname='my system' -systemtype='generic_system'
-keycomponents='database:oracle_database; mytestbeacon:oracle_beacon'

2-28 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Clears preferred or monitoring credentials for given users.

emcli clear_credential

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ target_type
Type of target, which must be "host" if you specify the oracle_homes parameter.
■ target_name
Name of the target. Omit this option to clear enterprise-preferred credentials. The
target name must be the host name if you specify the oracle_homes parameter.
■ credential_set
Credential set affected.
■ user
Enterprise Manager user whose credentials are affected. If omitted, the current
user's credentials are affected. This value is ignored for monitoring credentials.
■ oracle_homes
Name of Oracle homes on the target host. Credentials are cleared for all specified

emcli clear_credential

emcli clear_credential

Verb Reference 2-29



Clears the stateless alerts associated with the specified target. Only the user can clear
these stateless alerts; the Enterprise Manager Agent does not automatically clear these
alerts. To find the metric internal name associated with a stateless alert, use the
get_metrics_for_stateless_alerts verb.

emcli clear_stateless_alerts

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ older_than
Specify the age of the alert in days. (Specify 0 for currently open stateless alerts.)
■ target_type
Internal target type identifier, such as host, oracle_database, and emrep.
■ target_name
Name of the target.
■ include_members
Applicable for composite targets to examine alerts belonging to members as well.
■ metric_internal_name
Metric to be cleaned up. Use the get_metrics_for_stateless_alerts verb
to see a complete list of supported metrics for a given target type.
■ unacknowledged_only
Only clear alerts if they are not acknowledged.
■ ignore_notifications
Use this option if you do not want to send notifications for the cleared alerts. This
may reduce the notification sub-system load.
■ preview
Shows the number of alerts to be cleared on the target(s).

The following example clears alerts generated from the database alert log over a week
old. In this example, no notifications are sent when the alerts are cleared.
emcli clear_stateless_alerts -older_than=7 -target_type=oracle_database -tar
get_name=database -metric_internal_name=oracle_database:alertLog:genericErrStack

2-30 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Clones the specified Application Server Oracle Home or S/W Library component from
the target host to specified destinations. For a Portal and Wireless installation, the OID
user and password are also needed. For a J2EE instance connected to only a DB-based
repository, a DCM Schema password is needed.

Passing Variables Through EMCLI

When working with variables such as %perlbin% or %oracle_home%, EM CLI
passes variable values from the current local environment instead of the variables
themselves. To pass variables through an EM CLI command, as might be the case
when using the -prescripts or -postscripts options, you can place the EM CLI
command in a batch file and replace all occurrences of % with %%.

emcli clone_as_home
-list_exclude_files="list of files to exclude"
-jobname="name of cloning job"
[-oiduser=oid admin user]
[-oidpassword=oid admin password]
[-dcmpassword=dcm schema password]
[-prescripts="script name to execute"]
[-postscripts="script to execute"]
[-rootscripts="script name to execute"]
[-swlib_component ="path:path to component;version:rev"]
ScratchLoc:Scratch dir Location"

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ dest_properties
File containing information regarding the targets.
Each line in the file corresponds to information regarding one destination.
Destination Host Name1;Destination Home Loc; Home Name;
Scratch Location;
■ list_exclude_files
Comma-separated list of files to exclude. Not required if the source is software lib.
"*" can be used as a wild card.

Verb Reference 2-31


■ isSwLib
Specifies whether it is an Oracle Home database or Software Library.
■ ryftp_copy
Try FTP to copy or not. You should set the FTP copy option to false when using
EM CLI from the command line.
■ jobname
Name of the cloning job.
■ iasInstance
Name of instance.
■ isIas1013
Specifies whether this is a 10.2.3 Ias home.
■ oldoc4jpassword
Old OC4j password. (Required for 10.1.3 Ias homes.)
■ oc4jpassword
New OC4J password. (Required for 10.1.3Ias homes.)
■ oldIASAdminPassword
Old Application Server administrator password. (Not required for 10.1.3 Ias
■ newIASAdminPassword
New Application Server administrator password. (Not required for 10.1.3 Ias
■ oiduser
OID admin user.
■ oidpassword
OID admin password.
■ dcmpassword
DCM schema password.
■ prescripts
Path of script to execute.

Note: Double-quoted parameters can be passed using an escape (\)

sequence. For example:
prescripts=" <some value here>=\"some value here\" "

■ run_prescripts_as_root
Run prescripts as "root". By default, the option is set to false.
■ postscripts
Path of script to execute.
■ run_postscripts_as_root

2-32 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

Run postscripts as "root". By default, the option is set to false.

■ rootscripts
Path of the script to execute. The job system environment variables
(%oracle_home%, %perl_bin%) can be used for specifying script locations.
■ swlib_component
Path to the Software Library to be cloned. "isSwLib" must be true in this case.
■ source_params
Source Oracle home information. "isSwLib" must be false in this case.
■ jobdesc
Description of the job. If not specified, a default description is generated

Verb Reference 2-33



Creates an Oracle Clusterware cluster given a source Clusterware home location or a

Clusterware S/W Library component for specified destination nodes.

emcli clone_crs_home
-list_exclude_files="list of files to exclude"
-jobname="name of cloning job"
-home_name="name of home to use when creating Oracle Clusterware cluster"
-home_location="location of home when creating Oracle Clusterware cluster"
-clustername=name of cluster to create
[-ocrLoc=ocr location]
[-vdiskLoc=voting disk location]
[-prescripts="script name to execute"]
[-postscripts="script to execute"]
[-rootscripts="script name to execute"]
[-swlib_component ="path:path to component;version:rev"]
ScratchLoc:Scratch dir Location"]

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ dest_properties
File containing information regarding the targets.
Each line in the file corresponds to information regarding one destination.
Destination Host Name;Destination Node Name;Scratch
■ list_exclude_files
Comma-separated list of files to exclude. Not required if the source is software lib.
An asterisk "*" can be used as a wildcard.
■ isSwLib
Specifies whether it is an Oracle Home database or Software Library.
■ tryftp_copy
Try FTP to copy or not. You should set the FTP copy option to false when using
emcli from the command line.
■ jobname
Name of the cloning job.

2-34 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

■ home_name
Name of the home to use for all homes in the Oracle Clusterware cluster.
■ home_location
Location of the home to use for all homes in the Oracle Clusterware cluster.
■ clustername
Name of the cluster to create.
■ isWindows
Specify whether the cloning source is on a Windows Platform. This option only
applies for creating CRS cloning from a Gold Image source. The default value is
■ ocrLoc
Oracle Cluster Registry Loaction.
■ vdiskLoc
Voting disk location.
■ prescripts
Path of the script to execute.

Note: Double-quoted parameters can be passed using an escape (\)

sequence. For example:
prescripts=" <some value here>=\"some value here\" "

■ run_prescripts_as_root
Run prescripts as "root". By default, this option is set to false.
■ postscripts
Path of the script to execute.
■ run_postscripts_as_root
Run postscripts as "root". By default, it is false.
■ rootscripts
Path of the script to execute.
■ swlib_component
Path to the Software Library to be cloned. "isSwLib" must be true in this case.
■ source_params
Source Oracle home info. "isSwLib" must be false in this case.
■ jobdesc
Description of the job. If not specified, a default description is generated

emcli clone_crs_home -input_file="dest_properties:crs.prop" -isSwLib="true"
-tryftp_copy="true" -jobname="crs cloning job2" -home_name="cloneCRS1"

Verb Reference 2-35


-home_location="/scratch/scott/cloneCRS1 " -clustername="crscluster"

-ocrLoc="/scratch/shared/ocr" -vdiskLoc="/scratch/shared/vdisk"
_ create.pl ORACLE_HOME=%oracle_home%"
-run_postscripts_as_root="true" -rootscripts="%oracle_home%/root.sh"

Passing Variables Through EMCLI

When working with variables such as %perlbin% or %oracle_home%, EM CLI
passes variable values from the current local environment instead of the variables
themselves. To pass variables through an EM CLI command, as might be the case
when using the -prescripts or -postscripts options, you can place the EM CLI
command in a batch file and replace all occurrences of % with %%.

2-36 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Performs an immediate collection and threshold evaluation of a set of metrics

associated with the specified internal metric name. You typically use this command
when you believe you have resolved an open metric alert or error and would like to
clear the event by immediately collecting and reevaluating the metric. This command
applies to most metrics except server-generated database metrics.
Use the get_on_demand_metrics verb to see a complete list of supported metrics
for a given target.

emcli collect_metric
-metric_name=metric_name | -collection_name=user_defined_metric_name

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ target_name
Internal target type identifier, such as host, oracle_database, and emrep.
■ target_type
Name of the target.
■ metric_name
Internal name that represents a set of metrics that are collected together. Use the
get_on_demand_metrics verb to see the supported list of metrics for a given
■ collection_name
Name of the user-defined metric or SQL user-defined metric. This option only
applies to user-defined metrics and SQL user-defined metrics.

If you want to collect the "CPU Utilization (%)" metric, look for the appropriate metric
internal name (which is Load) using the get_on_demand_metrics command, then
run the command as follows:
emcli collect_metric -target_type=host -target_name=hostname.oracle.com

The following example immediately collects and evaluates thresholds for the
user-defined metric called MyUDM:
emcli collect_metric -target_type=host -target_name=hostname.oracle.com

The following example immediately collects and evaluates thresholds for the SQL
user-defined metric called MySQLUDM:
emcli collect_metric -target_type=oracle_database -target_name=database

Verb Reference 2-37



Clones the specified Oracle Home or S/W Library from the target host to specified
destinations. If the isRac option is true, a RAC cluster is created. If the isRac option is
true, the home name and location of the RAC cluster are needed.

emcli clone_database_home
-list_exclude_files="list of files to exclude"
-jobname="name of cloning job"
[-home_name="name of home to use when creating RAC cluster"]
[-home_location="location of home when creating RAC cluster"]
[-prescripts="script name to execute"]
[-postscripts="script to execute"]
[-rootscripts="script name to execute"]
[-swlib_component ="path:path to component;version:rev"]
ScratchLoc:Scratch dir Location"

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ dest_properties
File containing information regarding the targets. Each line in the file corresponds
to information regarding one destination.
Format if cloning a database (isRac is false):
Destination Host Name1;Destination Home Loc; Home Name;
Scratch Location;
Format if cloning a RAC cluster (isRac is true):
Host Name;Node Name;Scratch Location;
■ list_exclude_files
Comma-separated list of files to exclude. This is not required if the source is
software lib. "*" can be used as a wild card.
■ isSwLib
Specifies whether the source is an Oracle Home database or Software Library.
■ isRac
Specifies whether cloning in RAC mode. If the isRac option is true, a RAC cluster
is created. If the isRac option is true, the home name and location of the RAC
cluster are needed.

2-38 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

■ tryftp_copy
Try FTP to copy or not. You should set the FTP copy option to false when using
EM CLI from the command line.
■ jobname
Name of the cloning job.
■ home_name
Name of the home to use when creating a RAC cluster.
■ home_location
Location of the home to use when creating a RAC cluster.
■ prescripts
Path of the script to execute.

Note: Double-quoted parameters can be passed using an escape (\)

sequence. For example:
prescripts=" <some value here>=\"some value here\" "

■ run_prescripts_as_root
Run prescripts as "root". By default, it is false.
■ postscripts
Path of the script to execute.
■ run_postscripts_as_root
Run postscripts as "root". By default it is false.
■ rootscripts
Path of the script to execute. You can use the job system environment variables
(%oracle_home%, %perl_bin%) to specify script locations.
■ swlib_component
Path to the Software Library to be cloned. "isSwLib" must be true in this case.
■ source_params
Source Oracle home info. "isSwLib" must be false in this case.
■ jobdesc
Description of the job. If not specified, it is automatically generated.

emcli clone_database_home
-jobname="clone database home"

Verb Reference 2-39



Passing Variables Through EMCLI

When working with variables such as %perlbin% or %oracle_home%, EM CLI
passes variable values from the current local environment instead of the variables
themselves. To pass variables through an EM CLI command, as might be the case
when using the -prescripts or -postscripts options, you can place the EM CLI
command in a batch file and replace all occurrences of % with %%.

2-40 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Confirms a manual step.

emcli confirm_instance

■ instance
Instance GUID.
■ stateguid
Comma-separated list of state GUIDs.

emcli confirm_instance -instance=16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61

emcli confirm_instance -instance=16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61


Verb Reference 2-41



Defines an aggregate service: name and its sub-services. After the aggregate service is
created, you can edit it from the Enterprise Manager Grid Control console to configure
performance and usage metrics to be collected and displayed.

emcli create_aggregate_service
-avail_eval_func="function to evaluate availability"
[-timezone_region="timezone region"]

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Aggregate service name.
■ type
Aggregate service type.
■ add_sub_services
Sub-services list.
■ avail_eval_func
PL/SQL function to evaluate the availability of the aggregate service. Use
[or|and] for a predefined evaluate helper function.
■ timezone_region
Time aone region of the service.

emcli create_aggregate_service -name="My_Name"

2-42 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Creates a scheduled blackout to suspend any data collection activity on one or more
monitored targets.

emcli create_blackout
[start_time:<yy-MM-dd HH:mm>];
[end_time:<yy-MM-dd HH:mm>];

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

Constraints on schedule arguments:

requires => duration or end_time
optional => start_time, tzinfo, tzoffset
requires => duration, repeat
optional => start_time, end_time, tzinfo, tzoffset
requires => duration, days
optional => start_time, end_time, tzinfo, tzoffset
requires => duration, days
optional => start_time, end_time, tzinfo, tzoffset
requires => duration, days, months
optional => start_time, end_time, tzinfo, tzoffset

■ name
Name of the blackout to create.
■ add_targets
Targets to add to the blackout, each specified as target_name:target_type.
You can specify this option more than once.
■ reason
Reason for the blackout. If you have SUPER_USER privileges (you are an
Enterprise Manager Super Administrator), any text string can be used for the

Verb Reference 2-43


reason. The reason is added to the list of allowable blackout reasons if it is not
already in the list. If you do not have SUPER_USER privileges, you must specify
one of the text strings returned by the get_blackout_reasons verb.
■ description
Description or comments pertaining to the blackout. The description, limited to
2000 characters, can be any text string.
■ jobs_allowed
When this option is specified, jobs are allowed to run against blacked-out targets
during the blackout period. When this option is not specified, jobs scheduled to be
run against these targets are not allowed to run during the blackout period. After a
blackout has been created, you cannot change the "allowed jobs" option from
either EM CLI or the Enterprise Manager Grid Control console.
■ propagate_targets
When this option is specified, a blackout for a target of type "host" applies the
blackout to all non-Agent targets on the host. Regardless of whether this option is
specified, a blackout for a target that is a composite or a group applies the
blackout to all members of the composite or group.
■ schedule
Blackout schedule. Note that the "frequency" argument determines which other
arguments are required or optional.
■ schedule=frequency
Type of blackout schedule (default is "once").
■ schedule=duration
Duration in hours and minutes of the blackout (-1 means indefinite). Hours and
minutes each can be up to 6 digits long.
■ schedule=start_time
Start date/time of the blackout. The default value is the current date/time. The
format of the value is "yy-MM-dd HH:mm", for example: "2003-09-25 18:34"
■ schedule=end_time
Last date/time of the blackout. When "frequency" is weekly, monthly, or yearly,
only the date portion is used. When "frequency" is interval or once, the date and
time are taken into account. The format of the value is "yy-MM-dd HH:mm"; for
example: "2003-09-25 18:34"
■ schedule=repeat
Time between successive start times of the blackout. The letter following the
number value represents the time units: "m" is minutes, "h" is hours, "d" is days,
and "w" is weeks.
■ schedule=months
List of integer month values in the range 1-12. Each value must have a
corresponding "day" value to fully specify (month, day) pairs that indicate the
blackout starting days of the year.
■ schedule=days
When "frequency" is weekly, this is a list of integer day-of-week values in the
range 1-7 (1 is Sunday). When "frequency" is monthly, this is a list of integer

2-44 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

day-of-month values in the range 1-31 or -1 (last day of the month). When
"frequency" is yearly, this is a list of integer day-of-month values in the range 1-31
or -1 (last day of the month); in this case, the month is taken as the corresponding
"month" value for each (month, day) pair.
■ schedule=tzinfo
Type of timezone. The tzinfo argument is used in conjunction with tzoffset.
Available timezone types are: "specified" (offset between GMT and the target
timezone), "target" (timezone of the specified target), and "repository" (repository
timezone -- default setting when tzinfo is not specified). See
-schedule=tzoffset for more information.
■ schedule=tzoffset
Value of the timezone. When the tzinfo argument is not specified or is
"repository", the timezone value is the repository timezone. In this case, the
tzoffset argument must not be specified. Otherwise, the tzoffset argument
is required. When tzinfo is set to "specified", the tzoffset argument specifies
the offset in hours and minutes between GMT and the timezone. When tzinfo is
set to "target", the tzoffset argument specifies an integer index (the first is 1)
into the list of targets passed as arguments. For example, for a tzoffset setting
of 1, the timezone of the first target specified in the -add_targets option is
Note that the timezone is applied to the start time and the end time of the blackout
periods. The timezones associated with each target are not taken into account
when scheduling the blackout periods (except that when tzinfo is set to "target",
the specified target's timezone is used for the blackout times).
■ schedule=[tzregion:<...>]
Time zone region to use. When you "specify" the tzinfo parameter, this parameter
determines which timezone to use for the blackout schedule. Otherwise, it is
ignored. It defaults to "GMT".

The following example creates blackout b1 for the specified target (database2) to
start immediately and last for 30 minutes.
emcli create_blackout -name=b1 -add_targets=database2:oracle_database
-reason="good reason1"

The following example creates blackout b1 for all targets on myhost to start
immediately and last until 2007-04-26 05:00 (in the timezone America/New_York).
emcli create_blackout -name=b1 -add_targets=myhost:host
-propagate_targets -jobs_allowed
-schedule="end_time:2007-04-26 05:00;tzinfo:specified;
-reason="good reason2"

The following example creates blackout b1 for all targets in group mygroup to start
immediately and last until 2007-04-26 05:00 (in the timezone America/New_York). No
jobs are allowed to run during the blackout.
emcli create_blackout -name=b1 -add_targets=mygroup:group
-schedule="end_time:2007-04-26 05:00;tzinfo:specified;
-reason="good reason3"

Verb Reference 2-45


The following example creates blackout b1 for the specified targets (database2 and
database3) to start at 2007-08-24 22:30 and last for 30 minutes. The timezone is the
timezone for the database2 target.
emcli create_blackout -name=b1
-reason="good reason4"

The following example creates blackout b1 for the specified targets (database2 and
database3) to start at 2007-08-24 22:30 and last for 30 minutes. The timezone is the
timezone for the database3 target.
emcli create_blackout -name=b1 -add_targets=database2:oracle_database
-reason="good reason5"

The following example creates blackout b2 for the specified target (database2) to
start at 2007-08-25 03:00 and every day thereafter, and to last 2 hours each time. The
timezone is the repository timezone.
emcli create_blackout -name=b2 -add_targets=database2:oracle_database
-reason="good reason"

The following example creates blackout b2 for the specified target (database2) to
start immediately and every 2 days thereafter (until 06-12-31 23:59), and to last 2 hours
5 minutes each time. The timezone is the repository timezone.
emcli create_blackout -name=b2 -add_targets=database2:oracle_database
-reason="another good reason"

The following example creates blackout b4 for all targets on myhost and otherhost
to start every Sunday through Thursday at the current time. The blackout will last 1
hour each time.
emcli create_blackout -name=b4 -add_targets="myhost:host;otherhost:host"
-reason="very good reason"

The following example creates blackout b5 for all targets within group mygroup to
start on the 15th and last day of each month at time 22:30 and last until 2006-12-24
(2006-12-15 will be the actual last blackout date). The blackout will last 1 hour 10
minutes each time. Jobs are allowed to run during the blackouts.
emcli create_blackout -name=b5 -add_targets=mygroup:group
-propagate_targets -jobs_allowed
-schedule="frequency:monthly;duration:1:10;start_time:06-10-24 22:30;
end_ time:06-12-24 23:59:days:15,-1"
-reason="pretty good reason"

2-46 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

The following example creates blackout b6 for the specified target (database2) to
start at 13:30 on the following dates of each year: 03-02, 04-22, 09-23. The blackout will
last 2 hours each time. Jobs are not allowed to run during the blackouts.
emcli create_blackout -name=b6 -add_targets=database2:oracle_database
-reason="most excellent reason"

Verb Reference 2-47



Defines a group name and its members. After you create the group, you can edit it
from the Enterprise Manager Grid Control console to configure Summary Metrics to
be displayed for group members.

emcli create_group

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Name of the group.
■ type
Group type: group. Defaults to "group".
■ add_targets
Add existing targets to the group. Each target is specified as a name-value pair
target_name:target_type. You can specify this option more than once.
■ is_propagating
Flag that indicates whether or not privilege on the group will be propagated to
member targets. The default is false.

The following example creates a database-only group named db_group. This group
consists of two Oracle databases: emp_rec and payroll.
emcli create_group -name=db_group

The following example creates a mixed member-type group named my_group that
consists of an Oracle database (database2), listener (dblistener), and host
emcli create_group -name=my_group

The following example creates a host-only group named my_hosts that consists of
three systems within the oracle.com domain: smpsun, dlsun, and supersun.
emcli create_group -name=my_hosts

2-48 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Creates Sudo or PowerBroker settings to apply later. You must create at least one
setting to use the apply_privilege_delegation_setting verb.

emcli create_privilege_delegation_setting

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ setting_name
Name of the setting.
■ setting_type
Type of setting you want to create.
■ settings
Parameter value. Choose one of the following parameters:
%USERNAME% — Name of the user running the command.
%RUNAS% — Run the command as this user.
%COMMAND% — Sudo command.
■ separator
Delimiter inserted between name-value pairs for the given option name. The
default value is a semi-colon ( ; ).
■ subseparator
Separator inserted between the name and value in each name-value pair for the
given option name. The default value is a semi-colon ( ; ).

The following example creates a setting named sudo_setting. The setting is of type
SUDO, and the Sudo path used is /usr/local/bin/sudo. Sudo arguments are:

emcli create_privilege_delegation_setting
-settings="SETTINGS:/usr/local/bin/sudo -S -u %RUNAS% %COMMAND%"

The following example creates a setting named pb_setting. The setting is of type
POWERBROKER, and the PowerBroker path used is /etc/pbrun. Arguments are:

Verb Reference 2-49



emcli create_privilege_delegation_setting
-settings="SETTINGS,/etc/pbrun %RUNAS% %PROFILE% %COMMAND%

For more examples, see the online help.

2-50 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Defines a redundancy group name and its members. After you create the redundancy
group, you can edit it from the Enterprise Manager Grid Control console to configure
charts to be displayed for redundancy group members.

emcli create_red_group
[-owner=<Redundancy Group Owner>]
[-timezone_region=<actual timezone region>]

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Name of the redundancy group.
■ type
Redundancy group type. Defaults to generic_redundancy_group.
■ add_targets
Add existing targets to the redundancy group. Each target is specified as a
name-value pair target_name:target_type. You can specify this option more
than once.
■ owner
Owner of the redundancy group.
■ timezone_region
Time zone region of this redundancy group.

The following example creates a redundancy group named lsnr_group. This group
consists of two Oracle listeners: emp_rec and payroll.
emcli create_red_group -name=lsnr_group

Verb Reference 2-51



Creates a redundancy group.

emcli create_redundancy_group
[-group_status_criterion="NUMBER" or "PERCENTAGE"]
[-group_status_tracked="UP" or "DOWN"]
[-group_status_value=(see the Options section)]

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ redundancyGroupName
Name of the redundancy group.
■ memberTargetType
Target type of the constituent member targets.
■ memberTargetNames
Member targets for this redundancy group.
■ group_status_criterion
This option and the next two calculate the status of the Redundancy Group.
Consequently, you need to specify all three options together. If this is not to be a
capacity group, you need to specify the following combination:
-group_status_criterion='NUMBER' -group_status_tracked='UP' -group_status_

■ group_status_tracked
See the option above.
■ group_status_value
See the group_status_criterion option.
You can specify any value between 1 and 100 if -group_status_criterion=
"PERCENTAGE", or any value between 1 and the number of targets present if
■ timezone_region
Time zone region of this redundancy group. For a list of valid time zone regions,
enter the following command at SQLPLUS:

You may need to have the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role to execute this


2-52 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

The following example creates a redundancy group with the name 'redGrp1' and with
listener, listener2, listener3 as its member targets. The status is calculated as the
redundancy group being up if 55 percent of its member targets are up.
emcli create_redundancy_group -redundancyGroupName='redGrp1'

The following example creates a 'redGrp1' redundancy group with listener, listener2,
listener3 as its member targets and time zone as PST8PDT. The status is calculated as
the redundancy group being up if 2 of its member targets are up.
emcli create_redundancy_group -redundancyGroupName='redGrp1'

Verb Reference 2-53



Creates a new Enterprise Manager admininistrator role.

emcli create_role

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Role name.
■ description
Description of the role.
■ roles
List of roles to assign to this new role. Currently, the only built-in role is PUBLIC.
■ users
List of users to whom this role is assigned.
■ privilege
Privilege to grant to this role. You can specify this option more than once.
Note: Privileges are case-insensitive.
The following system privileges do not require a target or a job ID:
The following target privileges require specifying target_name:target_type:
The following job privileges require specifying jobid:

2-54 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

The following example creates a role named my_new_role with the one-sentence
description - "This is a new role called my_new_role". The role combines three
existing roles: role1, role2, and role3. The role also has two added privileges: to
view the job with ID 923470234ABCDFE23018494753091111 and to view the target
host1.us.oracle.com:host. The role is granted to johndoe and janedoe.
emcli create_role
-desc="This is a new role called my_new_role"

Verb Reference 2-55



Creates a service to be monitored by Enterprise Manager.

emcli create_service
-availType=availability type (can be 'test' or 'system')
-availOp=availability operator (can be 'and' or 'or')
[-hostName=host name]
[-agentURL=agent url]
[-timezone_region='gmt offset']
[-systemname='system name']
[-systemtype='system type']
[-input_file='template:Template file name;[vars:Variables file name]']

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Service name. Names cannot contain colons ( : ), semi-colons ( ; ), or any leading or
trailing blanks.
■ type
Service type.
■ availType
Sets the availability to either test-based or system-based. If availability is set to
test, template file, beacons, and variable are required arguments. If availability is
set to system, systemname, systemtype, and keycomponents are required.
■ availOp
If and, uses all key tests/components to decide availability. If or, uses any key
tests/components to decide availability.
■ hostName
Network name of the system running the Management Agent that is collecting
data for this target instance.
■ agentURL
URL of the Management Agent that is collecting data for this target instance. If
you enter the host name, the Agent URL of the host is automatically entered in this
■ properties
Name-value pair (that is, prop_name|prop_value) list of properties for the
service instance.
■ timezone_region
GMT offset for this target instance (-7 or -04:00 are acceptable formats).

2-56 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

■ systemname
System on which service resides.
■ keycomponents
Name-type pair (that is, keycomp_name:keycomp_type) list of key
components in the system that are used for the service.
■ beacons
Name-isKey pairs that describe the beacons of the service. If isKey is set to Y,
beacon is set as a key-beacon of the service. The service should have at least one
key beacon if the availability is set to test-based.
■ input_file
Template file name is the XML file that includes the template definition. Variable
file defines the values for the template.

The following example creates a generic service named my service with specified
properties on a generic system named my system with specified key components.
The availability is set as system-based.
emcli create_service
-name='my service' -type='generic_service'
-availType='system' -availOp='or'
-properties='prop1:value1; prop2:value2'
-systemname='my system' -systemtype='generic_system'
-keycomponents='database:oracle_database; mytestbeacon:oracle_beacon'

The following example creates a generic service named my service with specified
properties with tests defined in mytests.xml, and beacons MyBeacon as the key
beacon and MyOtherBeacon as a non-key beacon. Availability is set as test-based.
emcli create_service
-name='my service' -type='generic_service'
-availType='test' -availOp='or'
-properties='prop1:value1; prop2:value2'

Verb Reference 2-57



Defines a system: name and its members. After the system is created, you can edit the
system from the Enterprise Manager Grid Control console to configure charts to be
displayed for system members.

emcli create_system
-timezone_region="actual timezone region"
[-meta_ver="meta version of system type"]

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Name of the system.
■ type
System type: generic_system. Defaults to "generic_system".
■ add_members
Add existing targets to the system. Each target is specified as a name-value pair
target_name:target_type. You can specify this option more than once.
■ timezone_region
Actual time zone region.
■ owner
Owner of the system.
■ meta_ver
Meta version of the system type. Defaults to "1.0".

The following example creates a generic system named db_system. This system
consists of two Oracle databases: emp_rec and payroll. The owner of this system is
user1. The meta version of the system type is 3.0.
emcli create_system -name=db_system

The following example creates a generic system named my_system that consists of an
oracle database (database2), listener (dblistener), and host
(mymachine.myco.com). The owner of this system is the logged-in user. The meta
version of the system type is 1.0.

2-58 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

emcli create_system -name=my_system


Verb Reference 2-59



Creates a new Enterprise Manager administrator.

emcli create_user
-type="type of user"

■ name
Administrator name.
■ Type
Type of User. The Default value of this parameter is EM_USER. Possible values for
this parameter are:
■ password
Administrator password.
■ roles
List of roles to grant to this administrator. Currently, the built-in roles include
■ email
List of e-mail addresses for this administrator.
■ privilege
Privilege to grant to this administrator. You can specify this option more than
The following system privileges do not require a target or a job ID:
The following target privileges require specifying target_name:target_type:

2-60 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

The following job privileges require specifying jobid:
■ profile
Database profile name. It uses DEFAULT as the default profile name.
■ desc
User description for the user being added.
■ expired
Use this to expire the password immediately. False is the default.
■ prevent_change_password
When set to true, you cannot change your own password. False is the default.
■ input_file
Allow the administrator to provide the value of any argument in a file. The format
of the value will be the name_of_argument:file_path_with_file_name.
You can specify this option more than once.

The following example creates an Enterprise Manager administrator named
new_admin. This administrator has two privileges: the ability to view the job with ID
923470234ABCDFE23018494753091111 and the ability to view the target
host1.us.oracle.com:host. The administrator new_admin is granted the
PUBLIC role.
emcli create_user
-email="[email protected];[email protected]"

For more examples, see the online help for this verb.

Verb Reference 2-61



Deletes a blackout that has already ended or has been fully stopped. You cannot delete
a blackout that is either in progress or currently scheduled. You need to first run

emcli delete_blackout
[-createdby="blackout_creator" (default is current user)]

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Name of the blackout to delete.
■ createdby
Enterprise Manager user who created the blackout. The SUPER_USER privilege is
required to delete a blackout created by another user.

The following example deletes blackout backup_monthly created by the current
emcli delete_blackout -name=backup_monthly

The following example deletes blackout db_maintenance that was created by

Enterprise Manager administrator sysadmin2. The current user must either be user
sysadmin2 or a user with the SUPER_USER privilege.
emcli delete_blackout -name=db_maintenance -createdby=sysadmin2

2-62 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Deletes a guest virtual machine. To delete the guest virtual machine, it should be in the
Halted state.

emcli delete_guest_vm
-guest_vm_name=Virtual Machine Name
-server_pool_name=Server Pool Name

■ guest_vm_name
Name of the guest Virtual Machine.
■ server_pool_name
Name of the server pool.

The following example deletes the guest VM dom15, which is in the Oracle Server
emcli delete_guest_vm -guest_vm_name="dom15"
-server_pool_name="Oracle Server Pool"

Verb Reference 2-63



Deletes a group. Deleting a non-existent group generates the error "Group X does not

emcli delete_group

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Name of the group to delete.
■ type
Group type: group. Defaults to "group".

The following example removes the group payroll_group that consists of database
target types.
emcli delete_group -name=payroll_group

The following example removes the group my_hosts that consists of host target
emcli delete_group -name=my_hosts

The following example removes the group my_group that consists of mixed target
emcli delete_group -name=my_group

2-64 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Deletes a specified job. A job cannot be deleted if any of its executions are in the
EXECUTING (Running) state. Use the get_jobs verb to obtain a list of existing jobs
along with their job IDs and statuses.

emcli delete_job
-job_id="jobID" | -name="jobName"

■ job_id
Job ID of the job to delete.
■ name
Name of the job to delete. To uniquely identify the job, the current user is used.

The following example deletes an existing job with the job ID
emcli delete_job -job_id=12345678901234567890123456789012

The following example deletes an existing job named my_job, which belongs to the
current Enterprise Manager user.
emcli delete_job -name=my_job

Verb Reference 2-65



Deletes a specified job. A job cannot be deleted if any of its executions are in the
EXECUTING (Running) state. Use the get_jobs verb to obtain a list of existing jobs
along with their job IDs and statuses.

emcli delete_job
-job_id="jobID" | -name="jobName"

■ job_id
Job ID of the job to delete.
■ name
Name of the job to delete. To uniquely identify the job, the current user is used.

The following example deletes an existing job with the job ID
emcli delete_job -job_id=12345678901234567890123456789012

The following example deletes an existing job named my_job, which belongs to the
current Enterprise Manager user.
emcli delete_job -name=my_job

2-66 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Deletes a promoted metric.

emcli delete_metric_promotion
-name=Service target name
-type=Service target type
-promotedMetricKey = Key Value of the promoted metric
[-category = Usage/Performance/Business]
[-promotedMetricName = Promoted Metric]
[-promotedMetricColumn = Promoted Metric Column]

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Name of the service target.
■ type
Name of the service type.
■ promotedMetricKey
Required argument that determines the key value of the promoted metric. It is
equivalent to the displayed name of the promoted metric in the UI.
■ category
Defines whether the promoted metric is a usage or a performance metric of a
service. This option is used to determine the promoted metric name and metric
column. If you do not specify this option, the promotedMetricName and
promotedMetricColumn options must be specified.
■ promotedMetricName
Promoted metric name. This is optional if you specify the category option.
■ promotedMetricColumn
Promoted metric column. This is optional if you specify the category option.

The following example deletes the promoted Performance metric with key value
mymetric1 on service MyTarget.
emcli delete_metric_promotion -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'
-category=Performance -promotedMetricKey=mymetric1

Verb Reference 2-67



Deletes Sudo or PowerBroker settings.

emcli delete_privilege_delegation_settings

■ setting_names
Name of the settings you want to delete.

The following example deletes the privilege settings for the names
setting_name1, setting_name2, and setting_name3.

emcli delete_privilege_delegation_settings

2-68 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Deletes an existing Enterprise Manager administrator role.

emcli delete_role

■ name
Role name.

The following example deletes the role name existing_role.
emcli delete_role -name="existing_role"

Verb Reference 2-69



Deletes a system.

emcli delete_system

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Name of the system to delete.
■ type
System type: generic_system. Defaults to "generic_system".

The following example deletes the system my_system.
emcli delete_system -name=my_system

2-70 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Deletes a specified target from the Enterprise Manager Grid Control monitoring
framework. Deleting a target removes it from the Management Repository and does
not physically remove the target itself.
You can use the get_targets verb to obtain a list of available targets and their
respective types.

emcli delete_target

■ name
Target name.
■ type
Target type.
■ delete_monitored_targets
Delete the targets monitored by the specified the Agent. Applicable only with the
oracle_emd target type.

The following example deletes the oracle_database target with the name
emcli delete_target

Verb Reference 2-71



Deletes a Services test along with its constituent steps and stepgroups.

emcli delete_test

■ name
Service target name.
■ type
Service target type.
■ testname
Name of the test.
■ testtype
Type of test.

The following example deletes the HTTP test named MyTest for the generic_
service target named MyTarget.
emcli delete_test -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'
-testname='MyTest' -testtype='HTTP'

2-72 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Deletes a test threshold.

emcli delete_test_threshold

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Service target name.
■ type
Service target type.
■ testname
Test name.
■ testtype
Test type.
■ metricName
Metric name.
■ metricColumn
Metric column.
■ beaconName
Beacon name.
■ stepName
Step name.
■ stepGroupName
Step group name.

emcli delete_test_threshold
-name="Service Name"
-testname="Test Name"

Verb Reference 2-73



Deletes an existing Enterprise Manager administrator.

When a user is deleted, all jobs the user creates are stopped and deleted. Also, any
blackouts the user creates are deleted. However, a user cannot be deleted if any
blackouts created by the user are active at the time the call to delete the user is issued.
This situation is considered an invalid state from which to delete a user. First, all of
these active blackouts must be stopped, and a thwarted delete user call must be

emcli delete_user

■ name
Administrator name.

The following example deletes the Enterprise Manager administrator named
emcli delete_user -name=sysman3

2-74 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Disables auditing for all user operations.

emcli disable_audit

Verb Reference 2-75



Disables monitoring of a Services test.

emcli disable_test
-name=<target name>
-type=<target type>
-testname=<test name>
-testtype=<test type>

■ name
Service target name.
■ type
Service target type.
■ testname
Test name.
■ testtype
Test type.

The following example disables the HTTP test named MyTest for the generic_
service target named MyTarget.
emcli disable_test -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'
-testname='MyTest' -testtype='HTTP'

2-76 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Enables auditing for all user operations.

emcli enable_audit

Verb Reference 2-77



Enables monitoring of a Services test. It pushes the Service test collection to all the

emcli enable_test
-name=<target name>
-type=<target type>
-testname=<test name>
-testtype=<test type>

■ name
Service target name.
■ type
Service target type.
■ testname
Test name.
■ testtype
Test type.

The following example enables the HTTP test named MyTest for the generic_
service target named MyTarget.
emcli enable_test -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'
-testname='MyTest' -testtype='HTTP'

2-78 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Executes a host command across a set of targets.

emcli execute_hostcmd
-cmd="host command"
-osscript="os script to be executed with "cmd" "

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ cmd
"host command" can be any valid host command or group of host commands.
■ targets
List of target-name, target-type pairs. The host command is executed across this
list of Enterprise Manager targets. All targets must be of the type host or
composite, which represents a group of targets. If it is a group, the group is
expanded to extract all the host targets, and the host command is executed across
these host targets.
■ credential_set_name
The credential_set_name parameter refers to the set name of the preferred
credentials stored in the Enterprise Manager repository. If this parameter is not
present, HostCredsNormal is used for executing host commands. For the host
target type, two credential sets exist:
– HostCredsNormal — Default unprivileged credential set for a host target
– HostCredsPriv — Privileged credential set for a host target
The credential set parameter can only be specified when the override
credential parameters such as username and password are not present.
If provided, the you must fully specify the override credential parameters. For
host command, username and password must be specified together.
■ input_file
Used in conjunction with the -osscript option, this option enables you to load
the contents of an OS script. The -input_file option specifies a mapping
between a tag and a local file path. The tag is specified in lieu of actual osscript
contents of the -osscript option. The tag must not contain colons ( : ) or
semi-colons ( ; ).

The following example executes the host command ls -l; against the target
stach.us.oracle.com:host and host targets contained in the group grp. The
stored HostCredsPriv preferred credentials are used for all the targets.
emcli execute_hostcmd
-cmd="ls -l;"

Verb Reference 2-79



The following example loads the contents of the script

/scratch/dba_scripts/shellscript.sh into the value of option -osscript
and executes it against target reference.us.oracle.com:host and host targets
contained in the group grp. The stored HostCredsNormal preferred credentials are
used for all the targets.
emcli execute_hostcmd
-cmd="/bin/sh -s"

2-80 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Executes a SQL command across a set of targets.

emcli execute_sql
-sql="sql command"

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ sql
"sql command" is a single SQL statement.
■ targets
List of target-name, target-type pairs. The SQL command executes across this list
of Enterprise Manager targets. All targets must be of the type oracle_database
or composite, which represents a group of targets. If it is a group, the group
expands to extract all the database targets, and the SQL command is executed
across these database targets.
■ credential_set_name
Refers to the set name of the preferred credentials stored in the Enterprise
Manager repository. If this parameter is not present, the DBCredsNormal and
DBHostCreds credential set is used for executing SQL commands. For each target
type, several credential sets exist:
– HostCredsNormal — Default unprivileged credential set for a host target
– HostCredsPriv — Privileged credential set for a host target
– DBHostCreds — Host credential set for an oracle_database target
– DBCredsNormal — Default normal credential set for an oracle_database
– DBCredsSYSDBA — sysdba credential set for an oracle_database target
You can only specify the credential_set_name parameter when the override
credential parameters such as [db_|host_]username and
[db_|host_]password are not present. If provided, the override credential
parameters must be specified fully. For the SQL commands, db_username,
db_password, db_role, host_username, and host_password must be
■ input_file
Used in conjunction with the -sql option, this option enables you to load the
contents of a SQL script. The -input_file option specifies a mapping between a
tag and a local file path. The tag is specified in lieu of an actual SQL command for
the -sql option. The tag must not contain colons ( : ) or semi-colons ( ; ).

Verb Reference 2-81


The following example executes the SQL command select * from
sysman.mgmt_targets; against the target database:oracle_database and
database targets contained in the group grp. The stored SYSDBA preferred credentials
are used for all the targets.
emcli execute_sql
-sql="select * from sysman.mgmt_targets;"

The following example loads the contents of the script

/scratch/dba_scripts/enterprise_schema.sql into the value of option
-sql, and executes it against target database:oracle_database and database
targets contained in the group grp. The stored SYSDBA preferred credentials are used
for all the targets.
emcli execute_sql

2-82 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Exports a report definition and all of its element definitions given its title and owner.

emcli export_report

■ title
Title of the report to export.
■ owner
The owner of the report to export. The logged-in emcli user must have view
privilege for the report. Target names are not exported. The report is uniquely
defined using title and owner, so both must be supplied.
■ output_file
Name of the exported file.

emcli export_report
-title="maintenance report"

Verb Reference 2-83



Exports a monitoring template and also exports UDMs in the template. You can export
a template to the file system in the form of an XML file, or you can print it on standard
output in XML form.

emcli export_template
[-output_file=<File to which template will be exported>]

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Name of the template. The name and target type uniquely identify a template.
■ target_type
Target type of the template.
■ output_file
Specifies the file to output the template. If not specified, the template prints to

The following example shows that template XML specified by name HOST_TEMP1 and
target type host will be output to the screen.
emcli export_template -name=HOST_TEMP1 -target_type=host

The following example shows that template XML specified by name HOST_TEMP1 and
target type host will be created in the test.xml file.
emcli export_template -name=HOST_TEMP1 -target_type=host -output_file=test.xml

2-84 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Clones the specified Application Server Oracle Home or Software Library component
from the target host to specified destinations. The new hosts join an existing cluster.
For a Portal and Wireless install, OID user and password are also needed. For a J2EE
instance connected to only a database-based repository, a DCM Schema password is

Passing Variables Through EMCLI

When working with variables such as %perlbin% or %oracle_home%, EM CLI
passes variable values from the current local environment instead of the variables
themselves. To pass variables through an EM CLI command, as might be the case
when using the -prescripts or -postscripts options, you can place the EM CLI
command in a batch file and replace all occurrences of % with %%.

emcli extend_as_home
-list_exclude_files="list of files to exclude"
-jobname="name of cloning job"
-clustername=name of the cluster to join
[-oiduser=oid admin user]
[-oidpassword=oid admin password]
[-dcmpassword=dcm schema password]
[-prescripts=script name to execute"]
[-postscripts=script to execute"]
[-rootscripts=script name to execute"]
[-swlib_component ="path:path to component;version:rev"]
ScratchLoc:Scratch dir Location"

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ dest_properties
File containing information regarding the targets. Each line in the file corresponds
to information regarding one destination.
Destination Host Name1;Destination Home Loc; Home Name;
Scratch Location;
■ list_exclude_files
Comma-separated list of files to exclude. This is not required if the source is a
Software Library. You can use an asterisk "*" as a wildcard.

Verb Reference 2-85


■ isSwLib
Specifies whether it is an Oracle Home database or Software Library.
■ tryftp_copy
Try FTP to copy or not. You should set the FTP copy option to false when using
EM CLI from the command line.
■ jobname
Name of the cloning job.
■ iasInstance
Application Server instance.
■ clustername
Name of the cluster to join.
■ oldIASAdminPassword
Old Application Server administrator password.
■ newIASAdminPassword
New Application Server administrator password.
■ oiduser
OID administrator user.
■ oidpassword
OID administrator password.
■ dcmpassword
DCM schema password.
■ prescripts
Path of the script to execute.

Note: Double-quoted parameters can be passed using an escape (\)

sequence. For example:
prescripts=" <some value here>=\"some value here\" "

■ run_prescripts_as_root
Run prescripts as root. By default, this option is set to false.
■ postscripts
Path of the script to execute.
■ run_postscripts_as_root
Runs postscripts as root. By default, this option is set to false.
■ rootscripts
Path of the script to execute. You can use the job system environment variables
(%oracle_home%, %perl_bin%) to specify script locations.
■ swlib_component
Path to the Software Library to be cloned. isSwLib must be true in this case.

2-86 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

■ source_params
Source Oracle home information. isSwLib must be false in this case.
■ jobdesc
Description of the job. If not specified, a default description is generated

Verb Reference 2-87



Extends an Oracle Clusterware cluster, using an Oracle Clusterware source home

location or an Oracle Clusterware Software Library component, to specified
destinations. If a component is used, you must provide information for a host that is
part of the current cluster, along with the Oracle Home name and home location.
When cloning from a source home, you do not need to pass source information twice
(-srchost, -home_name, and -home_location). This information is extracted
from the home. These are only needed when cloning from a Software Library

emcli extend_crs_home
-list_exclude_files="list of files to exclude"
-clustername="name of cluster to create"
-jobname="name of cloning job"
[-srchost=name of a host node present on the cluster being extended"]
[-home_name="home name on a host for the existing Oracle Clusterware
[-home_location="location on a host for the existing Oracle Clusterware
[-prescripts=script name to execute"]
[-postscripts=script to execute"]
[-rootscripts=script name to execute"]
[-swlib_component ="path:path to component;version:rev"]
ScratchLoc:Scratch dir Location"]

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ dest_properties
File containing information regarding the targets. Each line in the file corresponds
to information regarding one destination.
Destination Host Name1;Destination Node Name;Scratch
■ list_exclude_files
Comma-separated list of files to exclude. Not required if the source is a Software
Library. You can use an asterisk "*" as a wildcard.
■ clusternodes
List of current nodes in the cluster.
■ clustername
Name of the cluster to create.

2-88 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

■ isSwLib
Specifies whether it is an Oracle Home database or Software Library.
■ tryftp_copy
Try FTP to copy or not. You should set the FTP copy option to false when using
EM CLI from the command line.
■ jobname
Name of the Cloning job.
■ srchost
Name of a host that is part of the Oracle Clusterware cluster being extended.
■ home_name
Name of home used by all the current Oracle Clusterware cluster nodes.
■ home_location
Home location used by all the current Oracle Clusterware cluster nodes.
■ prescripts
Path of the script to execute.

Note: Double-quoted parameters can be passed using an escape (\)

sequence. For example:
prescripts=" <some value here>=\"some value here\" "

■ run_prescripts_as_root
Run prescripts as root. By default, this option is set to false.
■ postscripts
Path of the script to execute.
■ run_postscripts_as_root
Run postscripts as root. By default, this option is set to false.
■ rootscripts
Path of the script to execute. You can use the job system environment variables
(%oracle_home%, %perl_bin%) to specify script locations.
■ swlib_component
Path to the Software Library to be cloned. isSwLib must be true in this case.
■ source_params
Source Oracle home info. isSwLib must be false in this case.
■ jobdesc
Description of the job. If not specified, a default description is generated

emcli extend_crs_home -input_file="dest_properties:crs.prop" -list_exclude_

Verb Reference 2-89


-tryftp_copy="false" -jobname="crs extend job"
-home_location="/scratch/scott/cloneCRS1 "
-clusternodes="node1;node2" -clustername="crscluster"
post_crs_extend.pl ORACLE_HOME=%oracle_home%"
-run_postscripts_as_root="false" -rootscripts="%oracle_home%/root.sh"
-source params="TargetName:testhost;HomeLoc:

Passing Variables Through EMCLI

When working with variables such as %perlbin% or %oracle_home%, EM CLI
passes variable values from the current local environment instead of the variables
themselves. To pass variables through an EM CLI command, as might be the case
when using the -prescripts or -postscripts options, you can place the EM CLI
command in a batch file and replace all occurrences of % with %%.

2-90 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Extends a RAC cluster by cloning a specified Oracle Home location or a RAC Software
Library component to specified destinations. If a component is used, you must provide
information for a host that is part of the current cluster, along with the Oracle Home
name and home location. When cloning from a source home, this information is
automatically extracted from the home.

emcli extend_rac_home
-list_exclude_files="list of files to exclude"
-jobname="name of cloning job"
[-srchost=name of a host node present on the RAC cluster being extended"]
[-home_name="home name on a host for the existing RAC cluster"]
[-home_location="location on a host for the existing RAC cluster"]
[-prescripts="script name to execute"]
[-postscripts="script to execute"]
[-rootscripts="script name to execute"]
[-swlib_component ="path:path to component;version:rev"]
ScratchLoc:Scratch dir Location"]

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ dest_properties
File containing information regarding the targets. Each line in the file corresponds
to information regarding one destination.
Destination Host Name;Destination Node Name;Scratch Location;
■ list_exclude_files
Comma-separated list of files to exclude. Not required if the source is a Software
Library. You can use an asterisk "*" as a wildcard.
■ isSwLib
Specifies whether it is an Oracle Home database or Software Library.
■ tryftp_copy
Try FTP to copy or not. You should set the FTP copy option to false when using
EM CLI from the command line.
■ jobname
Name of the cloning job.

Verb Reference 2-91


■ clusternodes
Current nodes in the cluster.
■ srchost
Name of a host that is part of the RAC cluster being extended.
■ home_name
Name of the home used by all the current RAC cluster nodes.
■ home_location
Home location used by all the current RAC cluster nodes.
■ prescripts
Path of the script to execute.

Note: Double-quoted parameters can be passed using an escape (\)

sequence. For example:
prescripts=" <some value here>=\"some value here\" "

■ run_prescripts_as_root
Run prescripts as root. By default, this option is set to false.
■ postscripts
Path of the script to execute.
■ run_postscripts_as_root
Run postscripts as root. By default, this option is set to false.
■ rootscripts
Path of the script to execute.
■ swlib_component
Path to the Software Library being cloned. isSwLib must be true in this case.
■ source_params
Source Oracle home info. isSwLib must be false in this case.
■ jobdesc
Description of the job. If not specified, a default description is generated

emcli extend_rac_home
-jobname="clone database home"

2-92 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Passing Variables Through EMCLI

When working with variables such as %perlbin% or %oracle_home%, EM CLI
passes variable values from the current local environment instead of the variables
themselves. To pass variables through an EM CLI command, as might be the case
when using the -prescripts or -postscripts options, you can place the EM CLI
command in a batch file and replace all occurrences of % with %%.

Verb Reference 2-93



Extracts variables and test definitions from a repository template into a local file.

emcli extract_template_tests
-templateName=<template name>
-templateType=<template type>
-output_file=<output filename>

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ templateName
Name of the template.
■ templateType
Type of template.
■ output_file
Name of the output file. If the file does not exist, it will be created; if it already
exists, it will be overwritten. (This is assuming the extract operation was
successful; if the operation fails, no files are created, and any existing files are left
■ encryption_key
Key to encrypt the file contents. The same key should be used to decrypt the file.

The following example creates a file named my_template.xml containing the
variable values and test definitions of the Web Application template my_template.
The file contents are encrypted using the key my_password.
emcli extract_template_tests
-templateName='my_template' -templateType='website'
-output_file='my_template.xml' -encryption_key='my_password'

Note the following points about this example:

■ The emcli user must have operator privilege on the repository template to perform
this operation.
■ Beacon-related information is not exported to the file. In particular, the list of
monitoring beacons, as well as any beacon-specific properties or thresholds, are
not exported.
■ The values of password variables are not exported.

2-94 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Displays Agent properties. You can use this command if you have view privilege for
the Agent.

emcli get_agent_properties

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ agent_name
Name of the Agent target.
■ all
Shows all Agent properties. By default, only basic properties appear.
■ format
Format to display Agent properties. Valid values are pretty, script, and csv. By
default, values are displayed in pretty format.

The following example shows all of the Agent properties in csv format.
emcli get_agent_properties -agent_name="agent.example.com:11850"

Verb Reference 2-95



Displays the value of a specific Agent property. You can use this command if you have
view privilege for the Agent.

emcli get_agent_property

■ agent_name
Name of the Agent target.
■ name
Name of the Agent property.

The following example shows the current value of the UploadInterval property in
emcli get_agent_property -agent_name="agent.example.com:11850"

2-96 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Gets time zone and availability evaluation function information of an aggregate’s

service instance.

emcli get_aggregate_service_info

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Aggregate service name.
■ type
Aggregate service type.
■ noheader
Displays tabular information without column headers.
■ script
This option is equivalent to -format="name:script".
■ format
Format specification (default is -format="name:pretty").
– format="name:pretty" prints the output table in a readable format not
intended to be parsed by scripts.
– format="name:script" sets the default column separator to a tab and the
default row separator to a newline. The column and row separator strings can
be specified to change these defaults.
– format="name:csv" sets the column separator to a comma and the row
separator to a newline.
– format=column_separator:"column_sep_string" column-separates the Verb
output by <column_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the newline character.
– row_separator:"row_sep_string" row-separates the Verb output by
<row_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the tab character.

emcli get_aggregate_service_info -name="My_Name"

Verb Reference 2-97



Gets sub-services of an aggregate service instance.

emcli get_aggregate_service_members

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Aggregate service name.
■ type
Aggregate service type.
■ noheader
Displays tabular information without column headers.
■ script
This option is equivalent to -format="name:script".
■ format
Format specification (default is -format="name:pretty").
– format="name:pretty" prints the output table in a readable format not
intended to be parsed by scripts.
– format="name:script" sets the default column separator to a tab and the
default row separator to a newline. The column and row separator strings can
be specified to change these defaults.
– format="name:csv" sets the column separator to a comma and the row
separator to a newline.
– format=column_separator:"column_sep_string" column-separates the Verb
output by <column_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the newline character.
– row_separator:"row_sep_string" row-separates the Verb output by
<row_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the tab character.

emcli get_aggregate_service_members -name="My_Name"

2-98 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Gets detailed information for a specified blackout.

emcli get_blackout_details
[-createdby="blackout_creator" (default is current user)]
[-script | -format=
[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Name of the blackout.
■ createdby
Enterprise Manager user who created the blackout.
■ noheader
Displays tabular information without column headers.
■ script
This option is equivalent to -format="name:script".
■ format
Format specification (default is -format="name:pretty").
– format="name:pretty" prints the output table in a readable format not
intended to be parsed by scripts.
– format="name:script" sets the default column separator to a tab and the
default row separator to a newline. The column and row separator strings can
be specified to change these defaults.
– format="name:csv" sets the column separator to a comma and the row
separator to a newline.
– format="name:script;column_separator:<column_sep_string>"
column-separates the Verb output by <column_sep_string>. Rows are
separated by the newline character.
– format="name:script;row_separator:<row_sep_string>"
row-separates the Verb output by <row_sep_string>. Columns are
separated by the tab character.

Output Columns
Status, Status ID, Run Jobs, Next Start, Duration, Reason, Frequency, Repeat, Days,
Months, Start Time, End Time, TZ Region, TZ Offset

Verb Reference 2-99


The following example shows detailed information for blackout blackout1 that the
current user created.
emcli get_blackout_details -name=blackout1

The following example shows detailed information for blackout blackout1 that user
joe created.

emcli get_blackout_details -name=blackout1 -createdby=joe

2-100 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Lists all blackout reasons, one per line.

emcli get_blackout_reasons

The following example lists all blackout reasons, one per line.
emcli get_blackout_reasons

Verb Reference 2-101



Lists targets for a specified blackout.

emcli get_blackout_targets
[-createdby="blackout_creator" (default is current user)]
[-script | -format=

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Name of the blackout.
■ createdby
Enterprise Manager user who created the blackout.
■ noheader
Displays tabular information without column headers.
■ script
This option is equivalent to -format="name:script".
■ format
Format specification (default is -format="name:pretty").
– format="name:pretty" prints the output table in a readable format not
intended to be parsed by scripts.
– format="name:script" sets the default column separator to a tab and the
default row separator to a newline. The column and row separator strings can
be specified to change these defaults.
– format="name:csv" sets the column separator to a comma and the row
separator to a newline.
– format="name:script;column_separator:<column_sep_string>"
column-separates the Verb output by <column_sep_string>. Rows are
separated by the newline character.
– format="name:script;row_separator:<row_sep_string>"
row-separates the Verb output by <row_sep_string>. Columns are
separated by the tab character.

Output Columns
Target Name, Target Type, Status, Status ID

2-102 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

The following example lists targets in the blackout blackout1 the current user
emcli get_blackout_targets -name=blackout1

The following example lists targets in the blackout blackout1 that user joe created.
emcli get_blackout_targets -name=blackout1 -createdby=joe

Verb Reference 2-103



Lists all blackouts or just those for a specified target or one or more hosts. Only the
blackouts the user has privilege to view are listed.

emcli get_blackouts
[-target="name1:type1" | -hostnames="host1;host2;..."]
[-script | -format=

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ target
Lists blackouts for this target. When neither this option nor the -hostnames
option is specified, all blackouts the user has privilege to view are listed.
■ hostnames
Lists blackouts that have a target on one of the specified hosts. The host name is
just the target name part of the host target. For example, specify
host.us.oracle.com, rather than host.us.oracle.com:host. When
neither this option nor the -target option is specified, all blackouts the user has
privilege to view are listed.
■ noheader
Displays tabular information without column headers.
■ script
This option is equivalent to -format="name:script".
■ format
Format specification (default is -format="name:pretty").
– format="name:pretty" prints the output table in a readable format not
intended to be parsed by scripts.
– format="name:script" sets the default column separator to a tab and the
default row separator to a newline. The column and row separator strings can
be specified to change these defaults.
– format="name:csv" sets the column separator to a comma and the row
separator to a newline.
– format="name:script;column_separator:<column_sep_string>"
column-separates the Verb output by <column_sep_string>. Rows are
separated by the newline character.
– format="name:script;row_separator:<row_sep_string>"
row-separates the Verb output by <row_sep_string>. Columns are separated
by the tab character.

2-104 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

Output Columns
Name, Created By, Status, Status ID, Next Start, Duration, Reason, Frequency, Repeat,
Start Time, End Time, Previous End, TZ Region, TZ Offset

The following example shows all blackouts with some details.
emcli get_blackouts

The following example shows all blackouts that cover the target
emcli get_blackouts -target=database2:oracle_database

The following example shows all blackouts that cover some target on host
emcli get_blackouts -hostnames=myhost.us.oracle.com

The following example shows all blackouts that cover some target on host
myhost.us.oracle.com or on host yourhost.us.oracle.com.
emcli get_blackouts -hostnames="myhost.us.oracle.com"

Verb Reference 2-105



Gets the status of the guest virtual machine.

emcli get_guest_vm_status
-guest_vm_name=<Guest VM Name>
-server_pool_name=<Server Pool Name>

■ guest_vm_name
Name of the guest Virtual Machine.
■ server_pool_name
Name of the server pool.

Output Column

The following example gets the guest status for VM st-vs1.us.oracle.com.
emcli get_guest_vm_status -guest_vm_name="st-vs1.us.oracle.com"
-server_pool_name="Oracle Server Pool"

2-106 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Lists the members of the specified group.

Note that targets are only listed once, even though they can be in more than one
sub-group of the group.

emcli get_group_members
[-depth=# (default 1)]
[-script | -format=
[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Target name of the group.
■ type
Group type: group. Defaults to group.
■ depth
Lists target members in sub-groups to the depth specified. When the depth is set
to 0, no group target members are listed, and only the group's existence is verified.
When the depth is set to -1, all group and sub-group target members are listed; in
this case no groups appear in the output. Note that a target is listed at most once,
even though it can be a member of several sub-groups.
■ noheader
Displays tabular information without column headers.
■ script
This option is equivalent to -format="name:script".
■ format
Format specification (default is -format="name:pretty").
– format="name:pretty" prints the output table in a readable format not
intended to be parsed by scripts.
– format="name:script" sets the default column separator to a tab and the
default row separator to a newline. The column and row separator strings can
be specified to change these defaults.
– format="name:csv" sets the column separator to a comma and the row
separator to a newline.
– format=column_separator:"column_sep_string" column-separates
the Verb output by <column_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the
newline character.

Verb Reference 2-107


– row_separator:"row_sep_string" row-separates the Verb output by

<row_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the tab character.

Output Columns
Target Name, Target Type

The following example lists the databases in group db2_group.
emcli get_group_members -name=db2_group

The following example verifies that group my_hosts:group exists.

emcli get_group_members -name=my_hosts -depth=0

The following example lists the unique targets in group my_group:group and its
emcli get_group_members -name=my_group -depth=-1

2-108 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Lists all groups.

emcli get_groups
[-script | -format=

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ noheader
Displays tabular information without column headers.
■ script
This option is equivalent to -format="name:script".
■ format
Format specification (default is -format="name:pretty").
– format="name:pretty" prints the output table in a readable format not
intended to be parsed by scripts.
– format="name:script" sets the default column separator to a tab and the
default row separator to a newline. The column and row separator strings can
be specified to change these defaults.
– format="name:csv" sets the column separator to a comma and the row
separator to a newline.
– format=column_separator:"column_sep_string" column-separates
the Verb output by <column_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the newline
– row_separator:"row_sep_string" row-separates the Verb output by
<row_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the tab character.

Output Columns
Target Name, Target Type

The following example lists all groups.
emcli get_groups

Verb Reference 2-109



Downloads instance data XML and generates an XML file containing that data.

emcli get_instance_data_xml -instance={instance_guid}

■ instance
Instance GUID.

emcli get_instance_data_xml -instance=16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61 > data.xml

2-110 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Displays the procedure instance status identified by the GUID on the command line.

Tip: See also get_instances on page 2-112 and get_job_execution_

detail on page 2-113.

emcli get_instance_status
[-xml [-details] [-showJobOutput [-tailLength=<Last N Characters>]]]

■ guid
Displays the details of a procedure instance identified by the GUID number. You
can find this number by executing the get_instances command.
■ xml
Shows the complete status of each of the steps in XML format.
■ details
Displays more details for the command output. This option also requires the -xml
■ showJobOutput
Shows the output or errors for the job execution steps. This option also requires
the -xml option.
■ tailLength
Limits the number of characters in the job step output or error. This option also
requires the -showJobOutput option.
<Last N Characters> is a positive non-zero number until which the characters
are chosen from the end of the job step output. The system sets the maximum
permissible characters to dump. If you do not provide this option, the maximum
permissible characters are dumped.

The following example shows details in CSV format:

emcli get_job_execution_detail -execution=12345678901234567890123456789012

The following example shows details in XML format:

emcli get_job_execution_detail -execution=12345678901234567890123456789012 -xml

The following example shows details in XML format with complete output:
emcli get_job_execution_detail -execution=12345678901234567890123456789012
-xml -showOutput

The following example shows details in XML format with last N chars output:
emcli get_job_execution_detail -execution=12345678901234567890123456789012
-xml -showOutput -tailLength=1024

Verb Reference 2-111



Displays a list of procedure instances.

Tip: See also get_procedure_types on page 2-118.

emcli get_instances -type=<procedure_type>

■ type
Displays all the rocedure instances of type procedure_type.

Output Columns
GUID, Procedure Type, Instance Name, Status

2-112 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Displays details of a job execution.

emcli get_job_execution_detail
[-xml [-showOutput [-tailLength=<length>]]]

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ execution
Specifies that the ID of the job execution (execution_id) is the job execution ID.
■ xml
Shows the execution details as XML.
■ showOutput
Shows the output of the steps inside the job execution. You can only use this
option in conjunction with the -xml option.
■ tailLength
Limits the display of the output to the number of characters from the end of the
output. (length) is in characters. You can only use this option in conjunction with
the -showOutput option. If you do not specify this option, a system-generated
hard limit is enforced.

The following example shows the details in CSV format:
emcli get_job_execution_detail -execution=1234567890123456789012345678901

The following example shows the details in XML format:

emcli get_job_execution_detail -execution=12345678901234567890123456789012 -xml

The following example shows the details in XML format with complete output:
emcli get_job_execution_detail -execution=12345678901234567890123456789012 -xml

The following example shows the details in XML format with last N chars output:
emcli get_job_execution_detail -execution=12345678901234567890123456789012 -xml
-showOutput -tailLength=1024

Verb Reference 2-113



Lists existing jobs.

emcli get_jobs
[-script | -format=

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ job_ids
Lists job IDs to use as the output filters.
■ targets
Lists targets (as name-type pairs) to use as the output filters.
■ status_ids
Lists numeric status IDs to use as the output filters.
The numeric codes for all possible job statuses are as follows:
– EXECUTING(Running)=2
– ABORTED(Failed Initialization)=3
– COMPLETED(Successful)=5
■ noheader
Displays tabular information without column headers.

2-114 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

■ script
This option is equivalent to -format="name:script".
■ format
Format specification (default is -format="name:pretty").
– format="name:pretty" prints the output table in a readable format not
intended to be parsed by scripts.
– format="name:script" sets the default column separator to a tab and the
default row separator to a newline. The column and row separator strings can
be specified to change these defaults.
– format="name:csv" sets the column separator to a comma and the row
separator to a newline.
– format=column_separator:"column_sep_string" column-separates
the Verb output by <column_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the newline
– row_separator:"row_sep_string" row-separates the Verb output by
<row_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the tab character.

Output Columns
Name, Type, ID, Execution ID, Scheduled, Completed, Status, Status ID, Owner,
Target Type, Target Name

The following example shows the jobs with the specified job IDs.
emcli get_jobs

The following example shows all jobs run against a host target named
mainhost.us.oracle.com that are scheduled or have completed.
12345678901234567890123456789012 and 09876543210987654321098765432100.
emcli get_jobs

The following example shows all jobs run against an Oracle database target named
payroll that have failed. Tabular output is generated using tabs as column
separators and newlines as row separators.
emcli get_jobs

Verb Reference 2-115



For the specified target type, lists the metrics whose alerts are stateless and thus can be
manually cleared. Both the metric name and metric internal name are provided in the
output of this command. To clear the stateless alerts associated with the specified
metric, use the clear_stateless_alerts verb.

emcli get_metrics_for_stateless_alerts

■ target_type
Internal target type identifier, such as host, oracle_database, oc4j, oracle_emrep,
and oracle_emd.

The following example provides a list of all metrics for which stateless alerts can be
manually cleared for any Oracle database (internal name for the target type is
emcli get_metrics_for_stateless_alerts -target_type=oracle_database

2-116 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

get_on _demand_metrics

Gets a list of metrics that can be immediately collected with the collect_metric
EMCLI verb. From this list, identify the metric you are interested in under the Metric
Name column, then use its corresponding Metric Internal name in the
collect_metric verb.

emcli get_on_demand_metrics

■ target_type
Internal target type identifier, such as host, oracle_database, oc4j, oracle_emrep,
and oracle_emd.
■ target_name
Name of the target.

The following example shows a list of collectible metrics for the host target called
emcli get_on_demand_metrics -target_type=host -target_name=hostname.oracle.com

Verb Reference 2-117



Gets the list of all Deployment Procedure types.

emcli get_procedure_types

Output Column
Procedure Type

2-118 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Gets the Deployment Procedure XML file. XML is printed on standard output.

emcli get_procedure_xml -procedure={procedure guid}

■ procedure
Procedure GUID.

The Deployment Procedure XML.

emcli get_procedure_xml -procedure=16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61 > proc.xml

Verb Reference 2-119



Gets a list of Deployment Procedures.

Tip: See also get_procedure_types on page 2-240.

emcli get_procedures [-type=<procedure_type>]

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ type
Display all the Deployment Procedures of type procedure_type.

Output Columns
GUID, Procedure Type, Name, Version, Created By

2-120 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Returns a list of reports owned by or viewable by all users or a specified user. The
output of this report is space-separated, quoted strings for the report title and owner,
with each report on its own line.

emcli get_reports

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ owner
Enables listing of viewable reports that a specific Enterprise Manager owns.

emcli get_reports –owner=username
“report 1”,”username”
“example report 2”,”username”

emcli get_reports
“report A”,”username1”
“report 1”,”username2”
“example report 2”,”username2

Verb Reference 2-121



Get arguments of failed steps that can be retried.

emcli get_retry_arguments

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ instance
Instance GUID.
■ stateguid
State GUID.

emcli get_retry_arguments -instance=16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61

emcli get_retry_arguments -instance=16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61


2-122 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Lists the members of the specified system.

emcli get_system_members
[-depth=# (default 1)]
[-script | -format=

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Target name of the system.
■ type
System type: generic_system. Defaults to generic_system.
■ depth
Lists target members in sub-systems to the specified depth. When the depth is set
to 0, no system target members are listed, and only the system's existence is
verified. When the depth is set to -1, all system and sub-system target members
are listed.
■ noheader
Displays tabular information without column headers.
■ script
This option is equivalent to -format="name:script".
■ format
Format specification (default is -format="name:pretty").
– format="name:pretty" prints the output table in a readable format not
intended to be parsed by scripts.
– format="name:script" sets the default column separator to a tab and the
default row separator to a newline. The column and row separator strings can
be specified to change these defaults.
– format="name:csv" sets the column separator to a comma and the row
separator to a newline.
– format=column_separator:"column_sep_string" column-separates
the Verb output by <column_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the newline
– row_separator:"row_sep_string" row-separates the Verb output by
<row_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the tab character.

Verb Reference 2-123


Output Columns
Source Target Name, Member Target Name, Member Target Type, Level

The following example lists the databases in system db2_system.
emcli get_system_members -name=db2_system

The following example verifies that system my_system:generic_system exists.

emcli get_system_members -name=my_system -depth=0

The following example lists the unique targets in system my_system:generic_

system and its sub-systems.
emcli get_system_members -name=my_system -depth=-1

2-124 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Lists all the property names for the target type provided.

emcli get_target_properties

■ target_type
Target type for which you want to list user-defined property names.

emcli get_target_properties -target_type="host"

Deployment Type
Line of Business
Target properties fetched successfully

Verb Reference 2-125



Gets status and alert information for targets.

emcli get_targets
[-script | -format=

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ targets=name:type
Name or type can be either a full value or a pattern match using %. Also, name is
optional, so the type can be specified alone.
■ alerts
Shows the count of critical and warning alerts for each target.
■ noheader
Display tabular output without column headers.
■ script
This option is equivalent to -format="name:script".
■ format
Format specification (default is -format="name:pretty").
– format="name:pretty" prints the output table in a readable format not
intended to be parsed by scripts.
– format="name:script" sets the default column separator to a tab and the
default row separator to a newline. The column and row separator strings can
be specified to change these defaults.
– format="name:csv" sets the column separator to a comma and the row
separator to a newline.
– format=column_separator:"column_sep_string" column-separates
the Verb output by <column_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the newline
– row_separator:"row_sep_string" row-separates the Verb output by
<row_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the tab character.

Output Columns
Status ID, Status, Target Type, Target Name, Critical, Warning

2-126 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

The following example shows all targets. Critical and Warning columns are not
emcli get_targets

The following example shows all targets. Critical and Warning columns are shown.
emcli get_targets

The following example shows all oracle_database targets.

emcli get_targets

The following example shows all targets whose type contains the string oracle.
emcli get_targets

The following example shows all targets whose name starts with databa and type
contains oracle.
emcli get_targets

The following example shows status and alert information on the Oracle database
named database3.
emcli get_targets

Verb Reference 2-127



Shows test thresholds.

emcli get_test_thresholds

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Target name.
■ type
Target type.
■ testname
Test name.
■ testtype
Test type.
■ script
This option is equivalent to -format="name:script".
■ format
Format specification (default is -format="name:pretty").
– format="name:pretty" prints the output table in a readable format not
intended to be parsed by scripts.
– format="name:script" sets the default column separator to a tab and the
default row separator to a newline. The column and row separator strings can
be specified to change these defaults.
– format="name:csv" sets the column separator to a comma and the row
separator to a newline.
– format=column_separator:"column_sep_string" column-separates
the Verb output by <column_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the newline
– row_separator:"row_sep_string" row-separates the Verb output by
<row_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the tab character.

2-128 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

emcli get_test_thresholds -name="Service Name"
-testname="Test Name"

Verb Reference 2-129



Gets a list of alerts that are out-of-sync between the Agent and the repository for the
specified target. You would typically use this command when you think that the
Agent has not uploaded the latest alert to the repository. Under these circumstances,
the repository would be out-of-sync with the Agent state.

emcli get_unsync_alerts

■ target_type
Internal target type identifier, such as host, oracle_database, emrep, and so forth.
■ target_name
Name of the target.

Output Column

The following example shows the out-of-sync alert states for the host target type and
abc.oracle.com target name:
emcli get_unsync_alerts -target_type=host -target_name=abc.oracle.com

2-130 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Gets the status of the virtual server.

emcli get_virtual_server_status
-server_name=<Virtual Server Name>

■ server_name
Name of the virtual server.

Output Column

The following example gets the status of the virtual server st-vs1.us.oracle.com.
emcli get_virtual_server_status -server_name="st-vs1.us.oracle.com"

Verb Reference 2-131



Grants licenses on a set of user-specified packs or all packs to a set of user-specified

targets or all targets belonging to the input licensable target type. You can only enable
or disable database diagnostics and/or tuning packs for 11g database targets through
the UI.

emcli grant_license_no_validation

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ type
Target type as it exists in the database. Names cannot contain colons ( : ),
semi-colons ( ; ), or any leading or trailing blanks. You can specify only one target
type at a time; for example, -type="oracle_database".
■ targets
Targets should be specified in the following sequence:

For example:

The semi-colon ( ; ) is the target separator.

■ packs
License packs should be specified in the following sequence:

For example:

The semi-colon ( ; ) is the target separator.

■ file
Specify the file name, including the complete path. For example:

The file should contain the list of targets and packs according to the following
– If you only need to provide a list of targets, use the following format:

– If you only need to provide a list of packs, use the following format:

2-132 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


– If you need to provide a list of both targets and packs, use the following

■ displayAllMessages
Displays all messages. Only error messages are displayed by default. "=value" is
not allowed on the command line.

The following example grants the license to the db_diag and db_config packs to
database1, database2, and database3 targets (oracle_database target type):
emcli grant_license_no_validation -type="oracle_database"
-targets="database1;database2;database3;" -packs="db_diag;db_config;"

The following example grants the license to the db_diag and db_config packs to all
database targets in the setup:
emcli grant_license_no_validation -type="oracle_database"

The following example grants the license to all packs (applicable to database targets)
to database1, database2, and database3 targets in the setup:
emcli grant_license_no_validation -type="oracle_database"

The following example grants the license to all packs (applicable to database targets)
to all database targets in the setup:
emcli grant_license_no_validation -type="oracle_database"

The following example uses a text file to pass targets and pack names as the argument.
It grants the license to the db_diag and db_config packs to the database1, database2,
and database3 targets (oracle_database target type):
emcli grant_license_no_validation -type="oracle_database"

where the content of the "/usr/admin1/license/db_license.txt" file is as follows:


Verb Reference 2-133



Grants licenses on a set of user-specified packs, or all packs to a set of user-specified

targets, or all targets belonging to the input licensable target type as per business rules.
You can only enable or disable database diagnostics and/or tuning packs for 11g
database targets through the UI.

emcli grant_license_with_validation

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ type
Target type as it exists in the database. Names cannot contain colons ( : ),
semi-colons ( ; ), or any leading or trailing blanks. You can specify only one target
type at a time; for example, -type="oracle_database".
■ targets
Targets should be specified in the following sequence:

For example:

The semi-colon ( ; ) is the target separator.

■ packs
License packs should be specified in the following sequence:

For example:

The semi-colon ( ; ) is the target separator.

■ file
Specify the file name, including the complete path. For example:

The file should contain the list of targets and packs according to the following
– If you only need to provide a list of targets, use the following format:

– If you only need to provide a list of packs, use the following format:

2-134 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


– If you need to provide a list of both targets and packs, use the following

■ displayAllMessages
Displays all messages. Only error messages are displayed by default. "=value" is
not allowed on the cmd line.

The following example grants a license to the db_diag and db_config packs to
database1, database2, and database3 targets (oracle_database target type):
emcli grant_license_with_validation -type="oracle_database"
-targets="database1;database2;database3;" -packs="db_diag;db_config;"

The following example grants a license to the db_diag and db_config packs to all
database targets in the setup:
emcli grant_license_with_validation -type="oracle_database"

The following example grants a license to all packs (applicable to database targets) to
database1, database2, and database3 targets in the setup:
emcli grant_license_with_validation -type="oracle_database"

The following example grants a license to all packs (applicable to database targets) to
all database targets in the setup:
emcli grant_license_with_validation -type="oracle_database"

The following example uses a text file to pass targets and pack names as the argument.
It grants a license to the db_diag and db_config packs to the database1, database2, and
database3 targets (oracle_database target type):
emcli grant_license_with_validation -type="oracle_database"

where the content of the "/usr/admin1/license/db_license.txt" file is as follows:


Verb Reference 2-135



Grants the privileges to the existing Enterprise Manager user or Enterprise Manager

Note: To replace an existing Enterprise Manager administrator role,

use the modify_role verb.

emcli grant_privs

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
User name or role name to which privileges will be assigned.
■ privilege
Privilege, which will be granted to the Enterprise Manager user or role. This
option can be specified more than once.
The following system privileges do not require a target or a job ID:
The following target privileges require specifying target_name:target_type:
The following job privileges require specifying jobid:

The following example grants these privileges to user1:
■ Privilege to use any beacon
■ Full control of the jobs with ID 923470234ABCDFE23018494753091111
■ Full control on the target host1.us.oracle.com:host

emcli grant_privs

2-136 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


The following example grants target privileges to EM Role : Role1:

emcli grant_privs

Verb Reference 2-137



Grants roles to an existing Enterprise Manager user or Enterprise Manager role.

emcli grant_roles

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
User name or role name to which roles will be assigned.
■ roles
Roles that will be granted to an Enterprise Manager user or role. You can specify
this option more than once.

emcli grant_roles

emcli grant_roles

2-138 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Shows a summary of all verbs or command line help for individual EM CLI verbs.

Note: EM CLI must be set up and configured before command line

help is available for all verbs.

emcli help [verbname]

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional


The following example provides an overview for all available verbs:
emcli help

The following example provides the description, syntax, and usage examples for the
add_target verb:
emcli help add_target

Verb Reference 2-139



Ignores a failed step.

emcli ignore_instance

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ instance
Instance GUID.
■ stateguid
Comma-separated list of state GUIDs.

emcli ignore_instance -instance=16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61

emcli ignore_instance -instance=16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61


2-140 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Imports one or more report definitions from an XML file(s) using the title in the XML
file and the currently logged-in CLI user as the owner of the report. If the
report/owner already exists, the operation fails for this report with an accompanying
error message. (You can override this with the optional -force option.) The report
will be changed to a just-in-time report with the target type from the exported report.
You will need to edit schedules and access privileges using the UI. The system
enforces title/owner uniqueness, so an error occurs if a report with the same title and
owner already exists.

emcli import_report

■ force
First delete the report (and all jobs and saved copies) if a report with the same
title/owner exists.
■ files
List of path/file name(s) of XML file(s) that contain valid report definition(s).

emcli import_report \

Verb Reference 2-141



Imports a monitoring template from an XML file. The resulting definition is saved in
the repository.

emcli import_template

■ files
Path/file name of an XML file, which contains a valid template definition. You can
specify multiple files this option by separating each file with a semi-colon ( ; ).

The following example imports a template from template.xml.
emcli import_template -files="template.xml"

The following example imports three templates — one from each of the files specified.
emcli import_template -files="e1.xml;e2.xml;e3.xml"

2-142 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Lists all guest virtual machines.

emcli list_guest_vm
[-server_pool_name=<Server Pool Name>]
[-server_name=<Virtual Server Name>]
[-operating_system=<Operating system name>]

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ server_pool_name
Name of the server pool.
■ server_name
Name of the virtual server.
■ operating_system
Guest VM's operating system name.

Output Columns
Name, Status, Operating system, VNC url, Server name, Server pool name

emcli list_guest_vm -server_pool_name="Oracle Server Pool"
emcli list_guest_vm -server_name="st-vs1.oracle.com"
emcli list_guest_vm -operating_system="Linux"
emcli list_guest_vm -server_pool_name="Oracle Server Pool"
-server_name="st-vs1.oracle.com" -operating_system="Linux"

Verb Reference 2-143



Lists privilege delegation setting templates available on the server that apply to

emcli list_privilege_delegation_settings
[-script | -format=

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ setting_type
Setting type. All applicable settings are displayed if you do not specify this option.
■ noheader
Displays tabular information without column headers.
■ script
This option is equivalent to -format="name:script".
■ format
Format specification (default is -format="name:pretty").
– format="name:pretty" prints the output table in a readable format not
intended to be parsed by scripts.
– format="name:script" sets the default column separator to a tab and the
default row separator to a newline. The column and row separator strings can
be specified to change these defaults.
– format="name:csv" sets the column separator to a comma and the row
separator to a newline.
– format=column_separator:"column_sep_string" column-separates
the Verb output by <column_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the newline
– row_separator:"row_sep_string" row-separates the Verb output by
<row_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the tab character.

emcli list_privilege_delegation_settings

2-144 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Lists current privilege delegation settings for targets.

emcli list_target_privilege_delegation_settings
[-script | -format=

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ target_names
List of targets. All targets must be of the host type. Either target_names or
input_file must be present.
■ input_file
Path of the file that has the list of targets. The file should have one target name per
■ noheader
Display tabular information without column headers.
■ script
This option is equivalent to -format="name:script".
■ format
Format specification (default is -format="name:pretty").
– format="name:pretty" prints the output table in a readable format not
intended to be parsed by scripts.
– format="name:script" sets the default column separator to a tab and the
default row separator to a newline. The column and row separator strings can
be specified to change these defaults.
– format="name:csv" sets the column separator to a comma and the row
separator to a newline.
– format=column_separator:"column_sep_string" column-separates
the Verb output by <column_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the newline
– row_separator:"row_sep_string" row-separates the Verb output by
<row_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the tab character.

emcli list_target_privilege_delegation_settings

Verb Reference 2-145


emcli list_target_privilege_delegation_settings

emcli list_target_privilege_delegation_settings

2-146 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Lists all virtual servers.

emcli list_virtual_server
[-server_pool_name=<Server Pool Name>]

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ server_pool_name
Name of the server pool. Lists all virtual servers in the specified virtual server

Output Columns
Name, Server type, Status, Server pool name, Is master, Monitoring server name

emcli list_virtual_server -server_pool_name="Oracle Server Pool"

Verb Reference 2-147



Lists all virtual server pools.

emcli list_virtual_server_pool

Output Columns
Name, Type, Is HA enabled, Master virtual server

2-148 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Executes a performance test to determine the network bottleneck between OMS and
the Enterprise Manager repository. Only a SYSMAN user can execute this verb.

emcli loader_perf
[-batchSize="batch size 1" -batchSize="batch size 3" -batchSize="batch size 3"
[-commitSize="commit size 1" -commitSize="commit size 2" -commitSize="commit size
3" ...]
[-dataSize="data size"]

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ batchSize
Batch size for the performance test. Multiple values are allowed. The Default
values are {14,50,1}.
■ commitSize
Batch size for the performance test. Multiple values are allowed. Default values
are {14,50,1}.
■ dataSize
Number of records to be inserted for a test, which should be greater than a
multiple of 100. If not a multiple of 100, a multiple of 100 less than the given value
is considered the dataSize value. The default value is 10000.

The following example displays the time taken to load 10000 records for the default
values of batchSize and commitSize.
emcli loader_perf

The following example displays the time taken to load 100000 records for batchSize as
{15,40} and commitSize as {10,100}..
emcli loader_perf -b=15 -b=40 -c=10 -c=100 -d=100000

Verb Reference 2-149



Establishes a new session between the OMS and the EM CLI client. This verb and the
Logout verb are useful when you need to run a particular verb as a different user.
The login verb requires Enterprise Manager credentials (or Single Sign-On credentials
or both) to log in and establish a session. You do not need to provide the same
credentials you provided during setup. The credentials you provide during emcli
login overwrite the setup credentials.
Always provide the exact credentials. Providing extra credentials may cause erroneous
behavior that you can usually resolve by running emcli setup.
If Enterprise Manager is not SSO-enabled, you should only provide Enterprise
Manager credentials using the -username and -password options. For an
SSO-enabled Enterprise Manager, if the SSO user is also the Enterprise Manager user,
you should only provide SSO credentials with the -ssousername and
-ssopassword options. Otherwise, you must provide both Enterprise Manager
credentials and SSO credentials.

Note: To avoid an uncommon occurrence in which multiple emcli

sessions are created on the OMS, Oracle recommends that you enter
the login command before running a script containing EMCLI

Tip: See also logout on page 2-152.

emcli login
-username=<EM Console Username>
[-password=<EM Console Password>]
[-ssousername=<EM SSO Username>]
[-ssopassword=<EM SSO Password>]

■ Non SSO-enabled Enterprise Manager:

emcli login -user=<user_name> -pass=<user_password>

■ SSO-enabled Enterprise Manager — SSO user is also Enterprise Manager user:

emcli login -ssouser=<sso_user_name> -ssopass=<sso_user_password>

■ SSO-enabled Enterprise Manager — SSO user is not the Enterprise Manager user:
emcli login -user=<user_name> -ssouser=<sso_user_name> -pass=<user_password>

■ username
Enterprise Manager user name to be used by all subsequent emcli commands
when contacting the OMS.

2-150 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

■ password
Enterprise Manager user password. If you do not specify this option, you are
prompted for the password interactively.

Note: Providing a password on the command line is insecure and

should be avoided.

■ ssousername
Enterprise Manager SSO user name to be used by all subsequent emcli commands
when contacting the OMS. Provide this value only if Enterprise Manager is
configured to use SSO.
■ ssopassword
Enterprise Manager SSO password. If you do not specify this option, you are
prompted for the password interactively.

Note: Providing a password on the command line is insecure and

should be avoided.

■ force
Force a login even if there is an existing session.

The following example shows a login as a different user for a non SSO-enabled
Enterprise Manager using newly specified credentials, then a subsequent login using
the previous credentials.
emcli logut
emcli login -user=new_user -pass=new_user_pass
emcli <verb-name>
emcli logout
emcli login -user=old_user -pass=old_user_pass

Verb Reference 2-151



Terminates the existing session with the OMS. This verb and the Login verb are useful
when you need to run a particular verb as a different user. After a logout, you need to
invoke either the Setup verb or Login verb before invoking any other emcli verb.

Tip: See also login on page 2-150.

emcli logout


The following example shows a login as a different user for a non SSO-enabled
Enterprise Manager using newly specified credentials, then a subsequent login using
the previous credentials.
emcli logut
emcli login -user=new_user -pass=new_user_pass
emcli <verb-name>
emcli logout
emcli login -user=old_user -pass=old_user_pass

2-152 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Modifies an aggregate service instance.

emcli modify_aggregate_service
[-avail_eval_func="function to evaluate availability."]
[-timezone_region="timezone region"]

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Aggregate service name.
■ type
Aggregate service type.
■ add_sub_services
Sub-services to be added.
■ del_sub_services
Sub-services to be deleted.
■ avail_eval_func
PL/SQL function to evaluate the availability of the aggregate service. Use
[or|and] for predefined evaluation helper function.
■ timezone_region
Time Zone Region of the service.

emcli modify_aggregate_service -name="My_Name"

Verb Reference 2-153



Modifies the collection schedule of a collection setup for metrics and policies for the
specified set of targets. Combining all the metrics, running a script, and collecting the
data is referred to as a collection. The collection has various attributes associated with
it, such as the collection schedule, upload frequency, and so forth.

emcli modify_collection_schedule
[-collectionStatus=Enabled or Disabled]
[-freqValue={any integer value for Minute/Hour/Day/Week}{One or more from
Mon...Sun for Weekly}{One or more from 1;2..31 or Last for Month}
[-preview=Y or N]

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

{ } denotes that you can select one of the options in the series shown

Note: All of the parameters and choices are case-insensitive

■ targetType
You must specify a single target type value, and it should be the same as specified
in the repository.

Note: Only individual target types are currently supported.

■ targetNames
The target name should be the same as exists in the repository. All of the targets
should be the same target type you specified in the targetType parameter. Use a
semicolon ( ; ) to separate the names. Changes to the collection schedule will be
executed for only valid target name and target type combinations. For example:
■ collectionName
The collection name should be exactly the same as exists in the repository or the
corresponding collections .xml file present on the Agent.
Access files from the following locations to determine the collection to be
modified. Select the desired collection and provide it as input to the emcli utility.
– $AGENT_HOME/sysman/admin/metadata/<targetType>.xml
This file is shipped as a part of the setup and contains information regarding
the metrics for this target type.
– $AGENT_HOME/sysman/admin/default_collection/
This file is shipped as a part of the setup and contains the collections shipped
by default.

2-154 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

– $AGENT_HOME/sysman/emd/collection/
Whenever changes have occurred for any particular target, this file is
automatically generated. Collections for user-defined metrics are available in
this file.
■ collectionStatus
Enables or disables the collection. The default is Enabled. If Disabled, freqType
and freqValue are ignored.
■ freqType
You can specify one of the following values:
Minute (default)
For Week, you must specify an integer value as the frequency value. For instance,
if you specify freqType='WEEK' and freqValue='2', the collection occurs every two
For Weekly, the possible values are Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun. For
instance, if you specify freqType='Weekly' and freqValue='Tue;Thu;Sun', the
collection occurs every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday of a week.
The schedule is modified based on your selection. You do not need to specify a
value (and the value will be ignored) if the collectionStatus parameter is set to
If you use this parameter, you must also use the freqValue parameter.
■ freqValue
You can specify one of the following values:
– You must specify an integer value if the freqType is any one of Minute, Hour,
Day, or Week. The default value is 5.
– For Weekly, specify one or more choices from Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat,
and Sun. If the collection occurs on any particular day(s) of the week, you
must specify the corresponding value(s) against the Weekly option.
– For Monthly, specify one or more choices from 1...31 or Last. If the collection
occurs on any particular date(s) in a month, you must specify the
corresponding value(s) against the Monthly option.
You do not need to specify a value (and the value will be ignored) if the
collectionStatus parameter is set to Disabled.
If you use this parameter, you must also use the freqType parameter.
■ preview
Provides a preview of the changes that would occur if this verb is executed. The
default value for this option is Y (Yes), whether you specify the option or not. If
you specify N, the changes to the collection schedule are executed for both the
repository and Agent.

Verb Reference 2-155


The following example changes the collection schedule to collect once every 5 minutes
for hosts host1, host2, and host3. DiskActivity is a collection item associated with a
host target type. The preview flag is set to Y, so the changes are not executed, but you
can see the metrics affected if the changes were implemented.

emcli modify_collection_schedule -targetType="host"

-targetNames="host1;host2;host3" -collectionName="DiskActivity"
-freqType="Minute" -freqValue="5" -preview="Y"

The following example changes the collection schedule to collect once every 15 hours
for host host1. Inventory is a collection item associated with a host target type. The
preview flag is set to N, so the changes are executed for the associated metrics for both
the repository and Agent.
emcli modify_collection_schedule -targetType="host"
-targetNames="host1" -collectionName="Inventory"
-freqType="Hour" -freqValue="15" -preview="N"

The following example changes the collection schedule to collect on Monday and
Thursday every week for hosts host1 and host2. Inventory is a collection item
associated with a host target type. The preview option is not specified, but since the
value is Y whether you specify the option or not, the changes are not executed, but you
can see the metrics affected if the changes were implemented.
emcli modify_collection_schedule -targetType="host"
-targetNames="host1;host2" -collectionName="Inventory"
-freqType="Weekly" -freqValue="Mon;Thu"

The following example changes the collection schedule to collect on the 1st, 5th, 23rd,
and last day of every month for hosts host1 and host2. Inventory is a collection item
associated with a host target type.
emcli modify_collection_schedule -targetType="host"
-targetNames="host1;host2" -collectionName="Inventory"
-freqType="Month" -freqValue="1;5;23;Last"

The following example disables the collection schedule for hosts host1 and host2.
Inventory is a collection item associated with a host target type.
emcli modify_collection_schedule -targetType="host"
-targetNames="host1;host2" -collectionName="Inventory"

2-156 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Adds or removes targets from an existing group.

An error is not generated when attempting to delete a non-existent target in the group
or when attempting to add a target that already exists in the group.

emcli modify_group

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Target name of the group to modify.
■ type
Group type: group. Defaults to group.
■ add_targets
Targets to add, each specified as target_name:target_type. You can specify
this option more than once.
■ delete_targets
Targets to delete, each specified as target_name:target_type. You can
specify this option more than once.

The following example modifies group db2_group by adding database
database:oracle_database and deleting database database2:oracle_
database from the group.
emcli modify_group -name=db2_group

The following example modifies group my_hosts by adding host

yourhost.us.oracle.com:host to the group.
emcli modify_group -name=my_hosts

The following example modifies group my_group by adding targets group_a:group

and database:oracle_database and deleting the nonexistent target
nogroup:group from the group.
emcli modify_group -name=my_group

Verb Reference 2-157



Adds or removes targets from an existing redundancy group.

An error is not generated when attempting to delete a non-existent target in the
redundancy group.

emcli modify_red_group
[-owner=<Redundancy Group Owner>]

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Target name of the group to modify.
■ type
Redundancy Group type: generic_redundancy_group. Defaults to
■ add_targets
Targets to add, each specified as target_name:target_type. You can specify
this option more than once.
■ delete_targets
Targets to delete, each specified as target_name:target_type. You can
specify this option more than once.
■ owner
Owner of the redundancy group.

The following example modifies redundancy group servers by adding Oracle Apache
Server1:oracle_apache and deleting Oracle Apache Server5:oracle_apache
from the redundancy group.
emcli modify_red_group -name=Servers

2-158 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Modifies a redundancy group.

emcli modify_redundancy_group
[-owner="new owner"]
[-group_status_criterion="NUMBER" or "PERCENTAGE"]
[-group_status_tracked="UP" or "DOWN"]
[-group_status_value=(see the Options section)]

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ redundancyGroupName
Name of the redundancy group.
■ owner
Valid owner to be specified.
■ memberTargetType
Target type of the constituent member targets. You need to specify this parameter
if you specify either add_targets or delete_targets.
■ add_targets
Member targets to be added to this redundancy group.
■ delete_targets
Member targets to be deleted from this redundancy group.
■ group_status_criterion
This option and the next two calculate the status of the Redundancy Group.
Consequently, you need to specify all three options together. If this is not to be a
capacity group, you need to specify the following combination:
-group_status_criterion='NUMBER' -group_status_tracked='UP' -group_status_

■ group_status_tracked
See the option above.
■ group_status_value
See the group_status_criterion option.
You can specify any value between 1 and 100 if -group_status_criterion=
"PERCENTAGE", or any value between 1 and the number of targets present if

Verb Reference 2-159


■ timezone_region
Time zone region of this redundancy group. For a list of valid time zone regions,
enter the following command at SQLPLUS:

You may need to have the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role to execute this


The following example changes the configuration of the 'redGrp1' redundancy group
to add listener, listener2, and listener3 to its existing members, and delete listener4 and
listener5 from its existing members.
emcli modify_redundancy_group -redundancyGroupName='redGrp1'

2-160 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Modifies an existing Enterprise Manager administrator role.

Note: Omit an argument to leave its value unchanged.

To update a role and add targets to the role, use the grant_privs

emcli modify_role

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Role name.
■ description
Replaces the description of the role.
■ roles
Replaces the list of roles assigned to this existing role. Currently, the only built-in
role is PUBLIC.
■ users
Replaces the list of users to whom this role is assigned.
■ privilege
Replaces privileges granted to this role. You can specify this option more than
Note: Privileges are case-insensitive.
The following system privileges do not require a target or a job ID:

Verb Reference 2-161


The following target privileges require specifying target_name:target_type:

The following group privileges require specifying target_name:target_type:
The following job privileges require specifying jobid:

The following example modifies a role named existing_role with the one-sentence
description This role was changed. The role combines three existing roles:
role1, role2, and role3. The role also has two added privileges: to view the job
with ID 923470234ABCDFE23018494753091111 and to view the target
host1.us.oracle.com:host. The role is granted to johndoe and janedoe.
emcli modify_role
-desc="This role was changed"

The following example modifies a role named existing_role by assigning role4,

role5, and role6 to it. The description, privileges, and users associated with this role
remain unchanged.
emcli modify_role

2-162 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Adds or removes targets from an existing system.

An error is not generated when attempting to delete a non-existent target in the
system or when attempting to add a target that already exists in the system.
If you specify both the -add_members and -delete_members options in the same
command, the members specified by -delete_members are deleted first, then the
members specified by -add_members are added.

emcli modify_system

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Target name of the system to modify.
■ type
System type: generic_system. Defaults to generic_system.
■ add_members
Targets to add, each specified as target_name:target_type. You can specify
this option more than once.
■ delete_members
Targets to delete, each specified as target_name:target_type. You can
specify this option more than once.
■ owner
New owner of the system.

The following example modifies system db2_system by adding database
database:oracle_database and deleting database database2:oracle_
database from the system. The new owner of the system is user2.
emcli modify_system -name=db2_system

The following example modifies system my_hosts by adding host

yourhost.us.oracle.com:host to the system.
emcli modify_system -name=my_hosts

Verb Reference 2-163


The following example modifies system my_system by adding targets

system_a:generic_system and database:oracle_database, and deleting the
nonexistent target nosystem:generic_system from the system.
emcli modify_system -name=my_system

2-164 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Modifies a target instance definition.

emcli modify_target
[-display_name="display name"]

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Target name.
■ type
Target type.
■ properties
Name-value pair list of properties for the target instance. The "name"(s) are
identified in the target-type metadata definition. They must appear exactly as they
are defined in that file. Metadata files are located in $AGENT_ORACLE_
■ separator=properties
Specifies a string delimiter to use between name-value pairs for the value of the
-properties option. The default separator delimiter is ";".
■ subseparator=properties
Specifies a string delimiter to use between name and value in each name-value
pair for the value of the -properties option. The default subseparator delimiter
is ":".
■ credentials
Monitoring credentials (name-value pairs) for the target instance. The "name"(s)
are identified in the target-type metadata definition as credential properties. They
must appear exactly as they are defined in that file. Metadata files are located in
■ input_file
Used in conjunction with the -credentials option, this option enables you to
store specific target monitoring credential values, such as passwords, in a separate
file. The -input_file option specifies a mapping between a tag and a local file
path. The tag is specified in lieu of specific monitoring credentials of the
-credentials option. The tag must not contain colons ( : )or semi-colons ( ; ).

Verb Reference 2-165


■ display_name
Sets the target display name.
■ on_agent
Propagates changes to the Management Agent collecting this target's metrics.

The following example modifies the display name to New Name DB for the database
with the internal name database.
emcli modify_target
-display_name="New Name DB"

The following example modifies the credentials for the oracle_database target
with the name database. This example illustrates the use of the input_file to
camouflage the credentials. The password is actually in a file named at_pwd_file.
The input_file argument replaces PWD_FILE with the contents of the
at_pwd_file in the credentials argument. The on_agent flag ensures that the
changes are propagated to the Management Agent collecting for this target.
emcli modify_target

The following example modifies the display name and properties for the
oracle_database target with the name database. The on_agent flag ensures that
the changes are propagated to the Management Agent collecting for this target.
emcli modify_target
-display_name="New Name DB"

The following example modifies an oracle_database target type with the name
payroll_db. In this example, the display name for this database (target name that is
displayed in the Enterprise Manager UI) is being changed to payroll. The port
number is being changed to 15067, and the Oracle Home is being changed to /oradb.
The administrator (dbsnmp), whose previous default role was normal, is being
changed to sysdba. This example also illustrates the use of the input_file to
camouflage the credentials. The password is actually in a file named at_pwd_file.
The -input_file argument replaces PWD_FILE with the contents of at_pwd_file
in the -credentials option.
emcli modify_target

2-166 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Verb Reference 2-167



Modifies an existing Enterprise Manager administrator.

emcli modify_user

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Administrator name.
■ password
Replaces the administrator password with the specified password.
■ roles
Replaces current roles with the specified list of Enterprise Manager roles to grant
to this administrator. Currently, the built-in roles include PUBLIC.
■ email
Replaces current email addresses for this administrator with the specified list. To
delete all email addresses for this administrator, specify an empty string.
■ privilege
Privilege to grant to this administrator. You can specify this option more than
once. The original administrator privileges will be revoked.
The following system privileges do not require a target or a job ID:
The following target privileges require specifying target_name:target_type:

2-168 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

The following group privileges require specifying target_name:target_type:
The following job privileges require specifying jobid:
■ profile
Database profile name. When not passed, this value is not altered.
■ desc
User description
■ expired
True immediately expires the password. The default is false.
■ prevent_change_password
True prevents a user from updating his/her password. The default is false.

The following example modifies the new_admin administrator. The user will have
two privileges: to view the job with ID 923470234ABCDFE230184947530911111
and to view the target host1.us.oracle.com:host. The user will also be granted
role PUBLIC. The user email addresses will be set to [email protected] and
[email protected].
emcli modify_user
-email="[email protected];[email protected]"

The following example deletes all the email addresses and privileges for administrator
new_admin. Note that -privilege="" and -privilege are equivalent if specified
at the command line in a UNIX shell.
emcli modify_user

Verb Reference 2-169



Pauses a guest Virtual Machine. To pause the guest Virtual Machine, it should be in
the Running state.

Tip: See also unpause_guest_vm on page 2-240.

emcli pause_guest_vm
-guest_vm_name=<Virtual Machine Name>
-server_pool_name=<Server Pool Name>

■ guest_vm_name
Name of the guest Virtual Machine.
■ server_pool
Name of the guest server pool.

The following example pauses the dom15 guest Virtual Machine.
emcli pause_guest_vm -guest_vm_name="dom15" -server_pool_name="Oracle Server Pool"

2-170 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Provisions a hardware server using configuration properties from the input file. The
configuration properties required for a component can be viewed from the Grid
Control console. After you make a provisioning request, you can view the status of the
request from the Enterprise Manager Grid Control console by using the assignment
name (specified by you or the automatically generated name returned to you).

emcli provision
-image="path to the image"
-network="network profile path"
-bootserver="boot server name"
-stageserver="stage server name"
-target="hardware server label"
-assignment="assignment name"
[-desc="assignment description"]

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ image
Path to the image (includes the image name). This is the image used for
■ network
Path name of the network profile.
■ bootserver
Name of the boot server.
Format: hostName:Directory Path
■ stageserver
Name of the stage server. hostName:Directory Path.
■ Stgcredentials
User name of the stage server.
■ schedule
Time when provisioning should be scheduled. This is a string argument that
contains multiple name-value pairs separated by `;'. This is used to schedule the
provisioning operation. "type" can be `immediate' or `onetime'. If "type" is not
immediate, the other values are expected in the Time Zone: string, which is a
timezone ID of the format:
zone Sign TwoDigitHours:Minutes
zone: Time zone ID (GMT, PDT, and so forth)
Sign: one of "+ -"

Verb Reference 2-171


TwoDigitHours: Digit Digit

Minutes: Digit Digit
Digit: One of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Startdt: Date string of the format: MM/DD/YY
Starttm: Time string of the format: HH:MM
■ resettimeout
Reset timeout for the hardware server in minutes.
■ target
Target hardware server is specified using the hardware label type.
■ input_file
File containing configuration properties.
■ assignment
Name of the assignment.
■ desc
Assignment description. The description is automatically generated if not

The following example submits a job to provision myimage on a target with the label
of mylabel. The job runs immediately with a reset timeout of 100 minutes. Image
properties are picked from properties.txt that overrides the default image.
properties.stageserver is used as the staging server, and /private/share as
the staging storage with joe as the user name.
emcli provision
-assignment="provision mylabel"

2-172 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Reboots a guest virtual machine. To reboot the guest virtual machine, it should be in
the Running state.

emcli reboot_guest_vm
-guest_vm_name=<Virtual Machine Name>
-server_pool_name=<Server Pool Name>

■ guest_vm_name
Name of the guest Virtual Machine name.
■ server_pool_name
Name of the server pool.

The following example reboots the dom15 guest Virtual Machine.
emcli reboot_guest_vm -guest_vm_name="dom15" -server_pool_name="Oracle Server

Verb Reference 2-173



Reboots a virtual server. To reboot the virtual server, it should be in the Up state.

emcli reboot_virtual_server
-server_name=Server name

■ server_name
Name of the virtual server.

The following example reboots the st-vs1.us.oracle.com virtual server.
emcli reboot_virtual_server -server_name="st-vs1.us.oracle.com"

2-174 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


emcli relocate_targets
-src_agent=<source agent target name>
-dest_agent=<dest agent target name>
-target_name=<name of the target to be relocated>
-target_type=<type of target to be relocated>
-input_file:dupTargets=<targets contents>
-input_file:moveTargets="complete path to file containing targets with
overridden property values"
-copy_from_src [-changed_param=<propName>:<propValue>]*

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

Note: To relocate a composite target, you must specify the

input_file:dupTargets option, and you must not combine -target_
type or -target_name.

There are two modes for this verb:
■ Create Mode
This mode creates a list of targets on the destination Agent that already exists and
is monitored by the source Agent in Enterprise Manager. It moves all the
collections and blackouts for these targets from the source Agent to the destination
Agent, and makes the destination Agent the monitoring Agent for these targets in
Enterprise Manager.
emcli relocate_targets -src_agent=<source agent>
-dest_agent=<destination agent>
-input_file=dupTarget:<complete path to file>;

Tip: See the Examples section for more samples of the create mode.

■ Exist Mode
In this mode, the target also exists at the destination.
emcli relocate_targets
-src_agent=<source agent target name>
-dest_agent=<destination agent target name>
-target_name=<target name>
-target_type=<target type>

In all cases, relocation moves all collections and blackouts for these targets from the
source Agent to destination Agent, and makes the destination Agent the monitoring
Agent for these targets in Enterprise Manager.

Verb Reference 2-175


■ src_agent
Agent currently monitoring the targets. If srcAgent is not known, enter
currentOwner as the argument.
■ dest_agent
Agent that should monitor the targets.
■ target_name
Name of the target that needs to be moved.
■ target_type
Type of target that needs to be moved.
■ changed_param
The value of the propName property in the target should be changed to
■ input_file=dupTargets
Takes a file name that contains all the targets and its properties as seen in
targets.xml. The contents of the file must have the same format as
To relocate a composite target, you must specify the input_file:dupTargets
option, and you must not combine -target_type or -target_name.
■ input_file=moveTargets
Takes a file name that contains a list of targets, one per line, in the following

■ copy_from_src
Target properties should be copied from the source Agent
■ ignoreTimeSkew
If specified, the target is relocated, ignoring the time skew between the source and
destination Agent.
■ force
If the command is executed with the -force=yes switch, the composite target is
automatically relocated with its related targets. If the command is executed
without this switch, an error message appears if it is a composite target.


Example 1
The following Create Mode example creates a target on the destination Agent by
copying the target property content from the source Agent, while allowing some
property values to be changed.
emcli relocate_targets -src_agent=<source agent>
-dest_agent=<destination agent>
-target_name=<target name>
-target_type=<target type>

2-176 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Example 2
The following Create Mode example creates a list of targets on the destination Agent
specified in the moveTargets file. You can specify property value overrides.
emcli relocate_targets -src_agent=<source agent>
-dest_agent=<destination agent>
-input_file=moveTargets:<complete file path>

Verb Reference 2-177



Removes a beacon from the monitoring set of beacons.

emcli remove_beacon
-name=target name
-type=target type
-bcnName=beacon name

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Service target name.
■ type
Service target type.
■ bcnName
Beacon name to remove.
■ forceRemove
If specified, skips the sanity checks for availability definition.

The following example removes MyBeacon from the MyTarget service target of type
emcli remove_beacon -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'

2-178 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Removes the system for a given service.

emcli remove_service_system_assoc

■ name
Service name.
■ type
Service type.

The following example removes the system for the generic service named
my service.
emcli remove_service_system_assoc
-name='my service' -type='generic_service'

Verb Reference 2-179



Removes the target property from all targets of the specified target type. This also
removes all values associated with this target property.

emcli remove_target_property

■ target_type
Target type for which you want to remove this property. To remove this property
from all target types for which it is defined, you can specify the "*" wildcard
■ property
Name of the property you want to remove. Property names are case-sensitive. You
cannot remove the following Oracle-provided target properties:
Comment, Deployment Type, Line of Business, Location, Contact

The following example removes the target property Owner from all targets of type
oracle_database. This also removes all values associated with this target property.
emcli remove_target_property -target_type="oracle_database" -property="Owner"

The following example removes the target property Owner from all targets. This also
removes all values associated with this property for all target types.
emcli remove_target_property -target_type="*" -property="Owner"

2-180 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Reschedules a submitted procedure instance. You can only reschedule scheduled


emcli reshedule_instance
-instance={instance guid}
start_time:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm;
[tz:{java timezone ID}];

■ instance
GUID of the instance to execute.
■ schedule
Schedule for the procedure instance:
– start_time — When the procedure should start.
– tz — Optional time zone ID.
– grace_period — Optional grace period in minutes.

emcli reschedule_instance -instance=16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61
-schedule="start_time:2006/6/21 21:23;tz:America/New_York;grace_period:60"

Verb Reference 2-181



Resumes a guest Virtual Machine. To resume the guest Virtual Machine, it should be
in the Suspended state.

Tip: See also suspend_guest_vm on page 2-236.

emcli resume_guest_vm
-guest_vm_name=<Virtual Machine Name>
-server_pool_name=<Server Pool Name>

■ guest_vm_name
Name of the guest Virtual Machine.
■ server_pool_name
Name of the server pool.

The following example resumes the dom15 guest Virtual Machine.
emcli resume_guest_vm -guest_vm_name="dom15" -server_pool_name="Oracle Server

2-182 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Resumes a suspended deployment instance.

emcli resume_instance

■ instance
GUID of the instance.

emcli resume_instance -instance=16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61

Verb Reference 2-183



Performs an Agent recovery. A message is issued if the specified Agent does not exist.

emcli resyncAgent
-agent="Agent Name"

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ agent
Name of the Agent for which to perform the Agent recovery.
■ keep_blocked
Leaves the Agent blocked even if the resync succeeds. By default, the Agent
becomes unblocked if the resync is successful.

emcli resyncAgent -agent="Agent Name"

2-184 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Retries a failed instance or failed step.

emcli retry_instance

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ instance
GUID of the instance.
■ stateguid
Comma-separated list of state GUIDs.

emcli retry_instance -instance=16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61

emcli retry_instance -instance=16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61


Verb Reference 2-185



Restarts a previously failed job execution.

emcli retry_job
[-script | -format=

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ exec_id
ID of the job execution to be retried. Use the get_jobs verb to obtain specific job
execution IDs.
■ noheader
Displays tabular information without column headers.
■ script
This option is equivalent to -format="name:script".
■ format
Format specification (default is -format="name:pretty").
– format="name:pretty" prints the output table in a readable format not
intended to be parsed by scripts.
– format="name:script" sets the default column separator to a tab and the
default row separator to a newline. The column and row separator strings can
be specified to change these defaults.
– format="name:csv" sets the column separator to a comma and the row
separator to a newline.
– format=column_separator:"column_sep_string" column-separates
the Verb output by <column_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the newline
– row_separator:"row_sep_string" row-separates the Verb output by
<row_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the tab character.

Output Columns:
Execution ID

The following example restarts the job execution with Id
12345678901234567890123456789012 and displays a new execution ID.
emcli retry_job -exec_id=12345678901234567890123456789012

2-186 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Revokes licenses on a set of user-specified packs, or all packs to a set of user-specified

targets, or all targets belonging to the input licensable target type. You can only enable
or disable database diagnostics and/or tuning packs for 11g database targets through
the UI.

emcli revoke_license_no_validation

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ type
Target type as it exists in the database. Names cannot contain colons ( : ),
semi-colons ( ; ), or any leading or trailing blanks. You can specify only one target
type at a time; for example, -type="oracle_database".
■ targets
Targets should be specified in the following sequence:

For example:

The semi-colon ( ; ) is the target separator.

■ packs
License packs should be specified in the following sequence:

For example:

The semi-colon ( ; ) is the target separator.

■ file
Specify the file name, including the complete path. For example:

The file should contain the list of targets and packs according to the following
– If you only need to provide a list of targets, use the following format:

– If you only need to provide a list of packs, use the following format:

Verb Reference 2-187



– If you need to provide a list of both targets and packs, use the following

■ displayAllMessages
Displays all messages. Only error messages are displayed by default. "=value" is
not allowed on the command line.

The following example revokes the license to the db_diag and db_config packs to
database1, database2, and database3 targets (oracle_database target type):
emcli grant_license_no_validation -type="oracle_database"
-targets="database1;database2;database3;" -packs="db_diag;db_config;"

The following example revokes the license to the db_diag and db_config packs to
all database targets in the setup:
emcli grant_license_no_validation -type="oracle_database"

The following example revokes the license to all packs (applicable to database targets)
to database1, database2, and database3 targets in the setup:
emcli grant_license_no_validation -type="oracle_database"

The following example revokes the license to all packs (applicable to database targets)
to all database targets in the setup:
emcli grant_license_no_validation -type="oracle_database"

The following example uses a text file to pass targets and pack names as the argument.
It revokes the license to the db_diag and db_config packs to the database1,
database2, and database3 targets (oracle_database target type):
emcli grant_license_no_validation -type="oracle_database"

where the content of the "/usr/admin1/license/db_license.txt" file is as


2-188 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Revokes licenses on a set of user-specified packs, or all packs to a set of user-specified

targets, or all targets belonging to the input licensable target type as per business rules.
You can only enable or disable database diagnostics and/or tuning packs for 11g
database targets through the UI.

emcli revoke_license_with_validation

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ type
Target type as it exists in the database. Names cannot contain colons ( : ),
semi-colons ( ; ), or any leading or trailing blanks. You can specify only one target
type at a time; for example, -type="oracle_database".
■ targets
Targets should be specified in the following sequence:

For example:

The semi-colon ( ; ) is the target separator.

■ packs
License packs should be specified in the following sequence:

For example:

The semi-colon ( ; ) is the target separator.

■ file
Specify the file name, including the complete path. For example:

The file should contain the list of targets and packs according to the following
– If you only need to provide a list of targets, use the following format:

– If you only need to provide a list of packs, use the following format:

Verb Reference 2-189



– If you need to provide a list of both targets and packs, use the following

■ displayAllMessages
Displays all messages. Only error messages are displayed by default. "=value" is
not allowed on the command line.

The following example revokes the license to the db_diag and db_config packs to
database1, database2, and database3 targets (oracle_database target type):
emcli grant_license_with_validation -type="oracle_database"
-targets="database1;database2;database3;" -packs="db_diag;db_config;"

The following example revokes the license to the db_diag and db_config packs to all
database targets in the setup:
emcli grant_license_with_validation -type="oracle_database"

The following example revokes the license to all packs (applicable to database targets)
to database1, database2, and database3 targets in the setup:
emcli grant_license_with_validation -type="oracle_database"

The following example revokes the license to all packs (applicable to database targets)
to all database targets in the setup:
emcli grant_license_with_validation -type="oracle_database"

The following example uses a text file to pass targets and pack names as the argument.
It revokes the license to the db_diag and db_config packs to the database1, database2,
and database3 targets (oracle_database target type):
emcli grant_license_with_validation -type="oracle_database"

where the content of the "/usr/admin1/license/db_license.txt" file is as follows:


2-190 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Revokes the privileges from an existing Enterprise Manager User or Enterprise

Manager Role.

emcli revoke_privs

■ name
User Name or Role Name from which privileges will be revoked.
■ privilege
Privilege, which will be revoked from Enterprise Manager User or Role. You can
specify this option more than once.
The following system privileges do not require a target or a job ID:
The following target privileges require specifying target_name:target_type:
The following job privileges require specifying jobid:

For user1, the following example revokes full control of the jobs with ID
923470234ABCDFE23018494753091111, and revokes full control on the target
emcli revoke_privs

The following example revokes the target privileges from EM Role : Role1:
emcli revoke_privs

Verb Reference 2-191



Revokes the roles to existing an Enterprise Manager user or Enterprise Manager role.

emcli revoke_roles

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
User name or role name from which roles will be revoked.
■ roles
Roles, which will be revoked from Enterprise Manager user or role. You can
specify this option more than once.

emcli revoke_roles

emcli revoke_roles

2-192 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Runs diagnostics for an availability algorithm for a test-based service. This is mostly
useful when the "last calculated" time stamp is running behind the current time and
the service status has been unresponsive for some time.

emcli run_avail_diag

■ name
Service target name.
■ type
Service target type.

emcli run_avail_diag -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'

Verb Reference 2-193



Runs promoted metric diagnostics.

emcli run_promoted_metric_diag

■ name
Service target name.
■ type
Service target type.
■ promotedMetricName
Promoted metric name.
■ promotedColumn
Promoted metric type.

emcli run_promoted_metric_diag -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'
-promotedMetricName='metric1' -promotedColumn='Performance'

2-194 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Modifies a specific Agent property. You can use this command if you have operator
privilege for the Agent.

emcli set_agent_property

■ agent_name
Name of the Agent target.
■ name
Name of the Agent property you want to modify.
■ value
New value for the Agent property.

The following example sets the value of the UploadInterval property to 15.
emcli get_agent_property -agent_name="agent.example.com:11850"

Verb Reference 2-195



Changes the availability definition of a given service.

emcli set_availability
-name=target name
-type=target type
-availType=availability type (can be 'test' or 'system')
-availOp=availability operator (can be 'and' or 'or)

■ -name=target name
Service target name.
■ -type=target type
Service target type.
■ -availType=availability type
Switches the availability to either test-based or system-based.
■ -availOp=availability operator
If and, it uses all key tests/components to decide availability.
If or, it uses any key tests/components to decide availability.

The following example sets the availability of the service MyTarget to be based on all
key tests:
emcli set_availability -name='MyTarget' type='generic_service'
-availType='test' -availOp='and'

The following example sets the availability of the service MyTarget to be based on any
key test:
emcli set_availability -name='MyTarget' type='generic_service'
-availType='test' -availOp='or'

2-196 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Sets preferred credentials for given users.

emcli set_credential

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ target_type
Type of target. The must be "host" if the -oracle_homes parameter is specified.
■ target_name
Name of the target. Omit this argument to set enterprise preferred credentials.
This must be the host name if the -oracle_homes parameter is specified.
■ credential_set
Credential set affected.
■ user
Enterprise Manager user whose credentials are affected. If omitted, the current
user's credentials are affected.
■ columns
Name and new value of the column(s) to set. Every column of the credential set
must be specified. Alternatively, a tag from the -input_file argument can be
used so that the credential values are not seen on the command line. You can
specify this argument more than once.
■ input_file
Path of the file that has the -columns argument(s). This option is used to hide
passwords. Each path must be accompanied by a tag referenced in the -columns
parameter. You can specify this option more than once.
■ oracle_homes
Name of oracle homes on the target host. Credentials will be added/updated for
all specified homes.
Note: The list of columns and the credential sets they belong to is included in the
metadata file for each target type. This and other credential information is in the
<CredentialInfo> section of the metadata.

Verb Reference 2-197


■ monitoring
Flag indicating that credentials affected are monitoring credentials. If omitted, the
credentials affected are preferred credentials. Monitoring credentials require
specifying the target_name option.

Example 1:
emcli set_credential

Example 2:
In Example 2, FILE1 is a tag used to refer to the contents of passwordFile. Note
that Example 2 has the same effect as Example 1.
emcli set_credential

Contents of the passwordFile:

Example 3:
emcli set_credential

2-198 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Defines key beacons and tests of the service.

emcli set_instance_jobgrants
-instance_guid=<instance guid>

■ instance_guid
GUID of the instance.
■ grants
String of user:privilege pairs each separated by a semi-colon ( ; ) , where:
user = em user name
privilege = VIEW_JOB or FULL_JOB

emcli set_instance_jobgrants -instance_guid=16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61

Verb Reference 2-199



Defines key beacons and tests of the service.

emcli set_key_beacons_tests
-name=target name
-type=target type
[-beacons=beacon names]+

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Service target name.
■ type
Service target type.
■ beacons
Names of beacons to set as key (or non-key).
■ tests
Names and types of tests to set as key (or non-key).
■ removeKey
If specified, the mode is (remove key); that is, the specified tests and beacons will
be set as non-key.
If not specified, the mode is (add key); that is, the specified tests and beacons will
be set as key.

The following example sets MyTest/HTTP, MyTest2/FTP and MyBeacon as non-key
elements of service MyTarget/generic_service.
emcli set_key_beacons_tests -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'
-beacons='MyBeacon' -removeKey

The following example sets MyBeacon and MyBeacon2 as key beacons of service
emcli set_key_beacons_tests -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'

2-200 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Creates or edits a metric promotion based on a test or system.

emcli set_metric_promotion
-name=Service target name
-type=Service target type
[-category = Usage/Performance/Business]
-basedOn = system/test
-aggFunction = AVG|MAX|MIN|SUM|COPY
[-promotedMetricName = Promoted Metric]
[-promotedMetricColumn = Promoted Metric Column]
-promotedMetricKey = Key Value of the promoted metric
[-metricName = Dependent Metric Name]
-column = Dependent Metric Column
*[-depTargetType = Target type of dependent targets]
*[-depTargets = 'target1;target2...']
*[-depMetricKeyColumn= Dependent metric key column]
**[-testname= Dependent Test Name]
**[-testtype= Dependent Test Type]
**[-metricLevel= TXN|STEP|STEPGROUP]
**[-depTestComponent= Step or stepgroup name]
[-threshold= 'Critical threshold value; Warning threshold value;
Threshold Operator (EQ|LE|LT|GT|GE)']

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

* — Might be required if basedOn is set to system.

** — Might be required if basedOn is set to test.

■ category
Defines whether the promoted metric is a usage, performance, or business metric
of a service. Category is used to determine the promoted metric name and metric
column. If you do not specify this option, you must specify the
promotedMetricName and promotedMetricColumn options.
■ basedOn
Determines whether the promotion is test-based or system-based.
■ aggFunction
Determines the aggregate function to be used to compute the promoted metric.
AVG/MAX/MIN/SUM takes average, max, min, and sum of the dependent metrics,
respectively. COPY only copies over a single dependent metric to the promoted
■ promotedMetricName
Promoted metric name. This is optional if the category is specified.

Verb Reference 2-201


■ promotedMetricColumn
Promoted metric column. This is optional if the category is specified.
■ promotedMetricKey
Required argument that determines the key value of the promoted metric. It is
equivalent to the displayed name of the promoted metric in the UI.
■ metricName
Required argument if the dependent metric column is collected by more than one
■ column
Dependent metric column.
■ depTargetType
All dependent targets should be of this target type.
■ depTargets
Specifies the dependent targets. This argument is ignored if you specify
■ depTargetKeyValues
Specifies the key values associated with the dependent targets. Specify multiple
key values for a single target by repeating the entry in the following format:
■ depMetricKeyColumn
Required if the dependent metric is a transpose metric. It is the key value that
applies to all the dependent targets.
■ testname
Defines the name of the test to be used in promoting the metric.
■ testtype
Defines the type of the test to be used in promoting the metric.
■ metricLevel
Some metrics can be promoted on step-level. This option defines the level to be
used during promotion.
■ beacons
List of beacons to be used for promoting the metric data.
■ depTestComponent
If metricLevel is not TXN, this option is required to specify which step or which
step group is being promoted.
■ threshold
Defines a threshold on the promoted metric.-mode: Mode can be CREATE or EDIT.

The following example creates a promoted Performance metric with key value
mymetric1 on service MyTarget using MyTest/HTTP. The promoted metric takes
the maximum of the dns_time metric column returned by the MyBeacon and

2-202 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

mybcn1 beacons. It also has a threshold with 'greater or equal to' operator (GE) with
the critical value set to 200 and warning value set to 100.
emcli set_metric_promotion -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'
-category=Performance -basedOn=test -aggFunction=MAX
-testname='MyTest' -testtype=HTTP
-beacons='MyBeacon, mybcn1'
-promotedMetricKey=mymetric1 -column=dns_time -metricName=http_response
-metricLevel=TXN -threshold='200;100;GE' -mode=CREATE

The following example creates a promoted Usage metric with key value mymetric1
on service MyTarget. The dependent target is 'myhost.mydomain.com' with type
host. The promoted metric just copies the cpuUtil column of the Load metric.
emcli set_metric_promotion -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'
-category=Usage -basedOn=system -aggFunction=COPY
-promotedMetricKey=mymetric1 -column=cpuUtil -metricName=Load
-depTargets='myhost.mydomain.com' -depTargetType=host

The following example creates a promoted Usage metric with the key value
AppServerComponentUsage on service MyTarget. The dependent target is
'myapp_server' with type 'oracle_ias'. The promoted metric computes the
average value of the cpu.component metric column for the specified key values.
emcli set_metric_promotion -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'
-category=Usage -basedOn=system -aggFunction=AVG
-promotedMetricKey=AppServerComponentUsage -depTargetType=oracle_ias

Verb Reference 2-203



Sets the property for a test or beacons.

emcli set_properties
-name=target name
-type=target type
-testname=test name
-testtype=test type
[-beacons=beacon names]

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Service target name.
■ type
Service target type.
■ testname
Name of the test to set the property on.
■ testtype
Type of test to set the property on.
■ beacons
Names of the beacons to set the property on.
■ properties
Names and values of the properties to be set (can be multiple).

The following example sets the property timeout to 30000 and granularity to
transaction for the test MyTest defined on MyTarget for all beacons.
emcli set_property -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'
-testname='MyTest' -testtype='HTTP'

The following example sets the property value to 30000 of the test MyTest defined on
MyTarget for only MyBeacon and MyBeacon2. This only works if the specified
properties can be set on a per beacon level.
emcli set_property -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'
-testname='MyTest' -testtype='HTTP'
-propertyName='timeout' -propertyValue='30000'

2-204 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Sets the value of a target property for a specified target. Any prior values of the target
property are overwritten. When assigning values to the Oracle-provided target
properties, use the English names of these target properties:
Comment, Deployment Type, Line of Business, Location, Contact

emcli set_target_property_value

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ property_records
List of property records. The following parts comprise each property record:
– target_name — Target name of the target for which you want to update the
– target_type — Target type of the target.
– property_name — Name of the property whose value you want to update.
Property names are case sensitive.
– property_value — Value to be assigned/updated for the property.
■ separator
When specifying multiple property records, use the separator string delimiter as a
delimiter between property records. The default separator delimiter is ";".
■ subseperator
String delimiter to be used between parts of a property record. The default
subseparator delimiter is ":".
■ input_file
Used in conjunction with the -property_records option, this option enables
you to provide the property records in a file. This option specifies a mapping
between a tag and a local file path. The tag is specified in lieu of property records.
The tag cannot contain colons ( : ) or semi-colons ( ; ) .

The following example sets the 'Owner Name' property to Jane Smith for the database
emcli set_target_property_value
-property_records="test_database:oracle_database:Owner Name:Jane Smith"

The following example sets the Owner property to Jane Smith for the database
test_db and also sets the Asset Number property to 100 for the database test_db1.

Verb Reference 2-205


emcli set_target_property_value
-property_records="test_db:oracle_database:Owner:Jane Smith;
test_db1:oracle_database:Asset Number:100"

The following example takes the input of the property records from the specified file
emcli set_target_property_value
-property_records="REC_FILE" -input_file="REC_FILE:/temp/rec_file"

The file /temp/rec_file would contain entries such as:

test_db:oracle_database:Owner:Jane Smith;test_db1:oracle_database:Asset Number:100

For the database test_db, this sets the Owner property to Jane Smith.
For the database test_db1, this sets the Asset Number property to 100.

emcli set_target_property_value
Jane Smith,test_db1@oracle_database@AssetNumber@100"

For the database test_db, this sets the Owner property to Jane Smith.
For the database test_db1, this sets the Asset Number property to 100.
The separator used within the records is "," and the subseparator is "@" .

2-206 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Sets a test threshold.

emcli set_test_threshold

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

emcli set_test_threshold -name="Service Name"
-testname="Test Name"

Verb Reference 2-207



Configures EM CLI to work with a specific management server.

The default mode stores the credentials, which is inherently insecure because of
backward compatibility reasons. For a secure setup, you need to specify the
noautologin option. See noautologin in the Options section for more information.

emcli setup
-username=<EM Console Username>
[-password=<EM Console Password>]
[-ssousername=<EM SSO Username>]
[-ssopassword=<EM SSO Password>]
[-dir=<local emcli configuration directory>]
[-custom_attrib_file=<Custom attribute file path>]

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ url="http[s]://host:port/em/"
URL of the Oracle management server (OMS). host specifies the host of the OMS.
port specifies the listening port of the OMS. Both http and https protocols are
supported. (https is recommended for security reasons).
■ username
Enterprise Manager user name to be used by all subsequent emcli commands
when contacting the OMS.
■ password
Enterprise Manager user password. If you do not specify this option, you are
prompted for the password interactively.

Note: Providing a password on the command line is insecure and

should be avoided.

■ ssousername
SSO user name to be used by all subsequent emcli commands when contacting the
OMS. Its value must be provided only if Enterprise Manager is configured to use
SSO. When the SSO user is not the Enterprise Manager user, you must provide
both the username and ssousername. For example:
emcli setup -username=myusername -ssousername=myssouser

2-208 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

■ ssopassword
SSO user password. If you do not specify this option, you are prompted for the
password interactively.

Note: Providing a password on the command line is insecure and

should be avoided.

■ licans
Indicates whether the license is accepted or not accepted by the user. Specify yes
to accept the license, or specify no to not accept the license.
■ dir
Directory where an emcli configuration directory will be created. This directory
must be on a locally mounted file system. A warning and confirmation is issued
for an HTTPS URL if the directory is not heuristically identified as such (unless
you specify trustall). The directory can be relative to the working directory
where setup is called, or it can be absolute. This option defaults to the user's home
■ trustall
Automatically accepts any server certificate from the OMS, which results in lower
■ novalidate
Does not authenticate the Enterprise Manager user name or SSO user name
against the OMS. Assume the given user name is valid.
■ noautologin
Set up the emcli client in this mode. If used, secure mode is implemented, which
does not store any Enterprise Manager or SSO password on the client disk. The
credentials are provided once at the time of setup after which a session is
established between the client and OMS. All the subsequent verbs will use this
session. Inactivity or an explicit logout (using the Logout verb) terminates this
session, and a re-setup or explicit login (using the Login verb) is required before
invoking any new verb.
In the default case, you do not need to explicitly log in when the session expires.
Enterprise Manager user or SSO credentials are stored on the client system, and
the client implicitly logs in again using these credentials when the session expires.
No user intervention is required in case of session expiration.
■ custom_attrib_file
Path name of a file containing Audit Custom Attribute values. This option is
required when the OMS is configured for Audit Custom Attributes. If you do not
provide custom_attrib_file, you are prompted to enter the values of the
custom attributes.
The file can contain up to three lines, each containing the description of one
custom attribute. Each line should be of the form:

– # — Field separator.
– attr-name — Name of the attribute.

Verb Reference 2-209


– attr-displayname — Display name of the attribute.

– isMandatory — 1 if the attribute is mandatory, otherwise 0.
– attr-value — Value of the custom attribute.
■ nocertvalidate
Does not validate the host name in the SSL Certificate that the OMS provides.

emcli setup -url=http://myworkstation.us.oracle.com:7770/em -username=sysman

To configure the EM CLI Client to function with multiple OMSs by implementing

multiple setups, do the following:
1. Set up the EM CLI client for OMS1 at location dir1:
emcli setup -dir=<dir1> -url=<Url of OMS1> -user=<EM Username for OMS1>

2. Set up the EM CLI client for OMS2 at location dir2:

emcli setup -dir=<dir2> -url=<Url of OMS1> -user=<EM Username for OMS2>

3. Set the environment variable EMCLI_STATE_DIR to point to the setup directory

for OMS1:
setenv EMCLI_STATE_DIR <dir1>

This sets the EM CLI Client to function with OMS1.

4. Set the environment variable EMCLI_STATE_DIR to point to the setup directory
for OMS2:
setenv EMCLI_STATE_DIR <dir2>

This sets the EM CLI Client to function with OMS2.

2-210 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Shows details of the current audit settings.

emcli show_audit_settings

Verb Reference 2-211



Displays the parameters of credential sets defined with target types.

emcli show_credential_set_info

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ target_type
Type of target. The default is to display the credential set defined for all target
■ set_name
Name of the credential set. The default is to display all credential sets defined for a
target type.

The following example displays the details of all credential sets defined with all target
emcli show_credential_set_info

The following example displays all credential sets defined with the
oracle_database target type:
emcli show_credential_set_info -target_type=oracle_database

The following example displays the details of the HostUDMCreds credential set
defined for the host target type.
emcli show_credential_set_info -target_type=host

2-212 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Displays the parameters of credential types defined for target types.

emcli show_credential_type_info

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ target_type
Type of target. The default is to display the credential set defined for all target
■ type_name
Name of the credential type. The default is to display all credential types defined
for a target type.

The following example displays the details of all credential types defined with all
target types:
emcli show_credential_type_info

The following example displays all credential types defined with the
oracle_database target type:
emcli show_credential_type_info -target_type=oracle_database

The following example displays the details of the HostUDMCreds credential type
defined for the oracle_database target type.
emcli show_credential_type_info -target_type=oracle_database

Verb Reference 2-213



Shows the list of all auditable Enterprise Manager operations names.

emcli show_operations_list

2-214 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Starts a guest virtual machine. To start the guest virtual machine, it should be in the
Halted state.

emcli start_guest_vm
-guest_vm_name=<Virtual Machine Name>
-server_pool_name=<Server Pool Name>

■ guest_vm_name
Name of the guest Virtual Machine.
■ server_pool_name
Name of the server pool.

The following example starts the dom15 guest Virtual Machine.
emcli start_guest_vm -guest_vm_name="dom15" -server_pool_name="Oracle Server Pool"

Verb Reference 2-215



Starts the Deployment Procedure Manager Daemon.

emcli start_paf_daemon -interval=<number in minutes>

■ interval
Number in minutes that the Deployment Procedure Manager Daemon should
wait between each run.

2-216 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Starts the virtualization daemon.

Tip: See also stop_vt_daemon on page 2-226.

emcli start_vt_daemon


Verb Reference 2-217



Gets the Deployment Procedure Manager Daemon status.

emcli status_paf_daemon


2-218 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Gets the status of the virtualization daemon.

emcli status_vt_daemon


Verb Reference 2-219



Stops a blackout.
You can stop a blackout before it has fully started, for example, when it has a
"Scheduled" status. You can also stop a blackout while it is in effect.

emcli stop_blackout

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Name of the blackout to stop.
■ createdby
Enterprise Manager user who created the blackout. The default is the current user.
The SUPER_USER privilege is required to stop a blackout created by another user.

The following example stops blackout backup_db3 created by the current user.
emcli stop_blackout -name=backup_db3

The following example stops blackout weekly_maint created by user joe. The
current user must either be user joe or a user with the SUPER_USER privilege.
emcli stop_blackout -name=weekly_maint -createdby=joe

2-220 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Stops a guest Virtual Machine. To stop the guest Virtual Machine, it should be in the
Running state.

emcli stop_guest_vm
-guest_vm_name=<Virtual Machine Name>
-server_pool_name=<Server Pool Name>

■ guest_vm_name
Name of the guest Virtual Machine.
■ server_pool_name
Name of the server pool.

The following example stops the dom15 guest Virtual Machine.
emcli stop_guest_vm -guest_vm_name="dom15" -server_pool_name="Oracle Server Pool"

Verb Reference 2-221



Stops a scheduled, failed, or running deployment instance.

emcli stop_instance

■ instance
GUID of the instance.

emcli stop_instance -instance=16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61

2-222 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Stops a specified job. You can use the get_jobs verb to obtain a list of job IDs and

emcli stop_job
-job_id="jobID" | -name="jobName"

■ job_id
Job ID to identify the job to stop.
■ name
Name of the job to stop. To uniquely identify the job, the current administrator is

The following example stops a job with the specified ID.
emcli stop_job -job_id=12345678901234567890123456789012

The following example stops a job named Backup_Wednesday, which is owned by

the current Enterprise Manager administrator and scheduled to execute in the future.
emcli stop_job -name=Backup_Wednesday

Verb Reference 2-223



Stops the Deployment Procedure Manager Daemon.

emcli stop_paf_daemon


2-224 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Stops a virtual server. To stop the virtual server, it should be in the Up state.

emcli stop_virtual_server
-server_name=Server name

■ server_name
Name of the virtual server.

The following example stops the st-vs1.us.oracle.com virtual server.
emcli stop_virtual_server -server_name="st-vs1.us.oracle.com"

Verb Reference 2-225



Stops the virtualization daemon.

Tip: See also start_vt_daemon on page 2-217.

emcli stop_vt_daemon


2-226 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Creates and submits a job.

emcli submit_job
[start_time:<yy-MM-dd HH:mm>];
[end_time:<yy-MM-dd HH:mm>];
[-script | -format=

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

Constraints on schedule arguments:

optional => start_time, tzinfo, tzoffset
requires => repeat
optional => start_time, end_time, tzinfo, tzoffset
requires => days
optional => repeat in #w, start_time, end_time, tzinfo, tzoffset
requires => days
optional => repeat in #M, start_time, end_time, tzinfo, tzoffset
requires => days, months
optional => repeat in #Y, start_time, end_time, tzinfo, tzoffset

■ job
name represents the name for the submitted job.

Verb Reference 2-227


type represents the type of submitted job. The supported job types are
OSCommand and SQLScript, which are already pre-defined in the Enterprise
Manager job system. The specified job type determines which targets and which
parameters can be specified for the -targets and -parameters arguments.
■ targets
A list of target-name, target-type pairs. The newly submitted job will apply to this
list of Enterprise Manager targets. All targets must be of the same type. The target
list must not contain more than one element if the element's target type is group.
The OSCommand jobs are allowed to be submitted against targets of type host,
oracle_database, and group (if it contains host targets). The SQLScript jobs
are allowed to be submitted against targets of type oracle_database and
■ parameters
List of name-value pairs that represent the parameters required by the job type for
this job. The OSCommand jobs support the parameters named command, args,
os_script, username, password, and credential_set_name. command is
the only required parameter.
The SQLScript jobs support the parameters named sql_script, db_username,
db_password, db_role, host_username, host_password, and
credential_set_name. The required parameter is sql_script.
The credential_set_name parameter refers to the set name of the preferred
credentials stored in the Enterprise Manager repository. For each target type,
several credential sets exist:
– HostCredsNormal — Default unprivileged credential set for a host target
– HostCredsPriv — Privileged credential set for a host target
– DBHostCreds — Host credential set for an oracle_database target
– DBCredsNormal — Default normal credential set for an oracle_database
– DBCredsSYSDBA: sysdba credential set for an oracle_database target
You can only specify the credential_set_name parameter when the override
credential parameters such as [db_|host_]username and
[db_|host_]password are not present. If provided, the override credential
parameters must be specified fully for each job type. For the OSCommand type,
username and password must be specified together. For the SQLScript type,
db_username, db_password, db_role, host_username, and
host_password must be present.
■ input_file
Used in conjunction with the -parameters option, this option enables you to
store specific job parameter values, such as passwords or SQL scripts, in a separate
file. The -input_file option specifies a mapping between a tag and a local file
path. The tag is specified in lieu of specific job parameter values of the
-parameters option. The tag must not contain colons ( : ) or semi-colons ( ; ).
■ desc
Job description.

2-228 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

■ schedule
Job schedule. The frequency argument determines which other arguments are
required or optional.
■ schedule=frequency
The type of job schedule (default is once).
■ schedule=start_time
Start date and time of the job. The default value is the current date/time. The
format of the value is "yy-MM-dd HH:mm". For example: "2007-09-25 18:34".
■ schedule=end_time
Last date and time of the job. No job executions are scheduled after this date and
time. When frequency is weekly, monthly, or yearly, only the date portion is
used. When frequency is interval or once, the date and time are considered.
The format of the value is "yy-MM-dd HH:mm". For example: "2007-09-25 18:34".
■ schedule=repeat
Time between successive start times when the job is scheduled. The letter
following the number value represents the time units: "m" is minutes, "h" is hours,
"d" is days, "w" is weeks.
■ schedule=months
List of integer month values in the range 1-12. Each value must have a
corresponding "day" value, to fully specify (month,day) pairs that indicate the
days of the year the job is scheduled.
■ schedule=days
When frequency is weekly, this is a list of integer day-of-week values in the
range 1-7 (1 is Sunday). When frequency is monthly, this is a list of integer
day-of-month values in the range 1-31 or -1 (last day of month). When frequency
is yearly, this is a list of integer day-of-month values in the range 1-31 or -1 (last
day of month); in this case, the month is taken as the corresponding month value
for each (month,day) pair.
■ schedule=tzoffset
Value of the timezone. When you do not specify the tzinfo argument or it is
repository, the timezone value is the repository time zone. In this case, you
cannot specify the tzoffset argument. Otherwise, the tzoffset argument is
required. When you set tzinfo to specified, the tzoffset argument specifies
the offset in hours and minutes between GMT and the time zone. When you set
tzinfo is set to target, the tzoffset argument specifies an integer index (the
first is 1) into the list of targets passed as arguments. For example, for a tzoffset
setting of 1, the timezone of the first target specified in the -add_targets option
is used.
Note that the time zone is applied to the start time and the end time of the job
schedule. The time zones associated with each target are not considered when
scheduling the job (except that when you set tzinfo to target, the specified
target's timezone is used for the job schedule).
■ schedule=tzregion
Time zone region to use. When you specify the tzinfo option, this argument
determines which time zone to use for the job schedule. Otherwise, it is ignored.
The default is GMT.

Verb Reference 2-229


■ schedule=tzinfo
The type of timezone. The tzinfo argument is used in conjunction with
tzoffset. Available timezone types are: specified (offset between GMT and
the target timezone), target (timezone of the specified target), and repository
(repository timezone — default setting when tzinfo is not specified). See
-schedule=tzoffset for more information.
■ noheader
Displays tabular information without column headers.
■ script
This option is equivalent to -format="name:script".
■ format
Format specification (default is -format="name:pretty").
– format="name:pretty" prints the output table in a readable format not
intended to be parsed by scripts.
– format="name:script" sets the default column separator to a tab and the
default row separator to a newline. The column and row separator strings can
be specified to change these defaults.
– format="name:csv" sets the column separator to a comma and the row
separator to a newline.
– format=column_separator:"column_sep_string" column-separates
the Verb output by <column_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the newline
– row_separator:"row_sep_string" row-separates the Verb output by
<row_sep_string>. Rows are separated by the tab character.

Output Columns
Job ID, Execution ID

The following example submits a job that runs ls -l against target
"hostname.oracle.com:host". The job runs under OS username joe with a
password of greetings.
emcli submit_job

The following example submits a job that runs the shell (/bin/sh) script specified by
the parameter large_os_script against targets hostname1.oracle.com:host
and hostname2.oracle.com:host. The targets' preferred credentials are used to
run this job. Here, large_os_script can be up to 4 GB.
emcli submit_job

2-230 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

The following example submits a job that runs the SQL script specified in the file
./very_large_script.sql against the target database:oracle_database.
The target's preferred credentials are used to run this job. Here, large_sql_script
can be up to 4 GB.
emcli submit_job

Verb Reference 2-231



Patches the Agent. All of the inputs should be present in the targets_file.xml file.

emcli submit_agent_patch

■ input_file
XML file name containing the necessary input.
■ schedule
Specify the starting time, time zone, and grace period.

emcli submit_agent_patch -input_file="data:targets_file.xml"
-schedule="start_time:2006/6/21 21:23;tz:America/New_York;grace_period:15"

2-232 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Submits a Deployment Procedure.

emcli submit_procedure
-procedure="guid of the procedure"
[-instance_name="name for the procedure instance"]
[-schedule=start_time:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm;tz:{java timezone ID}];]

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ procedure
GUID of the procedure to execute.
■ input_file=data:file_path
Input data for the Deployment Procedure. The file_path should point to a file
containing the data XML file.
■ instance_name
Name of the procedure instance.
■ schedule
Schedule for the Deployment Procedure. If not specified, the procedure is
executed immediately.
start_time — When the procedure should start
tz — Optional time zone ID

Output Columns
Instance GUID

emcli submit_procedure -input_file=data:data.xml
-procedure=16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61 -schedule="start_time:2006/6/21

Verb Reference 2-233



Subscribes the user to a rule with email notification.

It is not an error to specify email addresses that are already in the assignto user's
A message appears if the outgoing mail server (SMTP) has not been set up. When you
specify the option -fail_if_no_mail_server, this condition is an error and
prevents the subscribe from occurring; otherwise, this condition is a warning that does
not affect the success of this command.

emcli subscribeto_rule
[-assignto="em_username" (default is current user)]

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ name
Name of the notification rule.
■ owner
Owner of the notification rule.
■ assignto
User to subscribe to the notification rule. If the assignto user is not the current
user, or if the owner of the rule is not the current user, the super-user privilege is
■ email
List of email addresses to associate with the rule to which the assignto user is
being subscribed. These addresses are first added to the preferences of the
assignto user (duplicates are ignored) before being assigned to the notification
rule. The email addresses are added only if the current user has the privilege to
subscribe the assignto user to the rule.
■ fail_if_no_mail_server
A message appears if the outgoing mail server (SMTP) has not been set up. When
you specify the option -fail_if_no_mail_server is specified, this condition
is an error and prevents the subscribe from occurring; otherwise, this condition is
a warning that does not affect the success of this command.

The following example subscribes the current user to the rule "Agent Upload
Problems" using the current user's email addresses for notification. The current user
must have the SUPER_USER (or have sysman) privilege for this to succeed, since
sysman owns the rule. Also, the current user must already have at least one email
address in his/her preferences for this command to succeed.

2-234 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List

emcli subscribeto_rule -name="Agent Upload Problems" -owner=sysman

The following example first adds the two specified email addresses to the preferences
for user joe. Then user joe is subscribed to the rule "Agent Upload Problems"
using joe's email addresses for notification. The current user must have SUPER_USER
privilege (or be joe) for this command to succeed.
emcli subscribeto_rule -name="Agent Upload Problems" -owner=sysma
-assignto=joe -email="[email protected];[email protected]"

Verb Reference 2-235



Suspends a guest Virtual Machine. To suspend the guest Virtual Machine, it should be
in the Running state.

Tip: See also resume_guest_vm on page 2-182.

emcli suspend_guest_vm
-guest_vm_name=<Virtual Machine Name>
-server_pool_name=<Server Pool Name>

■ guest_vm_name
Name of the guest Virtual Machine.
■ server_pool_name
Name of the server pool.

The following example suspends the dom15 guest Virtual Machine.
emcli suspend_guest_vm -guest_vm_name="dom15" -server_pool_name="Oracle Server

2-236 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Suspends a running deployment instance.

emcli suspend_instance

■ instance
GUID of the instance.

emcli suspend_instance -instance=16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61

Verb Reference 2-237



Synchronizes the EM CLI client with an OMS. After synchronization, all verbs and
associated command line help available to this OMS become available at the EM CLI
Synchronization occurs automatically during a call to setup.

emcli sync


emcli sync

2-238 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Synchronizes a beacon that is monitoring the target (reloads all collections to beacon).

emcli sync_beacon
-name=target name
-type=target type
-bcnName=beacon name

■ name
Service target name.
■ type
Service target type.
■ bcnName
Beacon name to synchronize.

The following example synchronizes MyBeacon, which is monitoring the MyTarget
target of type generic_service.
emcli sync_beacon -name='MyTarget' -type='generic_service'

Verb Reference 2-239



Unpauses a paused guest virtual machine. To unpause the guest virtual machine, it
should be in the Paused state.

Tip: See also pause_guest_vm on page 2-170.

emcli unpause_guest_vm
-guest_vm_name=<Virtual Machine Name>
-server_pool_name=<Server Pool Name>

■ guest_vm_name
Name of the guest Virtual Machine.
■ server_pool
Name of the guest server pool.

The following example unpauses the paused dom15 guest Virtual Machine.
emcli pause_guest_vm -guest_vm_name="dom15" -server_pool_name="Oracle Server Pool"

2-240 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Updates the current audit settings in the repository and restarts the OMS.

emcli update_audit_settings
-file_size="<file_size (Bytes)>"
-data_retention_period="<data_retention_period (Days)>"

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ externalization_switch
Enable the audit data export service. The default value is DISABLE.
■ directory_name
Database directory that should be configured with an OS directory where the
export service archives the audit data files.
■ file_prefix
File prefix to be used by export service to create the file name where audit data is
to be written. The default value is em_audit.
■ file_size
Maximum value of each file size. The default value of this option is 5000000 bytes.
■ data_retention_period
Maximum period the Enterprise Manager repository stores audit data. The default
value is 365 days.

emcli update_audit_settings

Verb Reference 2-241



Updates arguments of the failed step and retries it.

emcli update_and_retry_step

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ instance
GUID of the instance.
■ stateguid
State GUID.
■ args
Arguments of the step to be updated during retry. For the full list of arguments
that can be updated, see the get_retry_arguments verb.

emcli update_and_retry_step -instance=16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61
-stateguid=51F762417C4943DEE040578C4E087168 -args="command:ls"

2-242 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Updates the target database password change in the Enterprise Manager Credential
sub-system and can change the password on the target database as well. This verb also
propagates the collection or monitoring credentials to Enterprise Manager Agents.

emcli update_db_password

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ target_name
Name of the target.
■ user_name
Name of the database user.
■ target_type
Type of target. The possible values for target type in this verb are
-oracle_database and - rac_database. The default value for this parameter
is oracle_database.
■ change_all_references
Specify if the password must be changed for all references in Enterprise Manager.
Possible values are:
– yes — Update all password references in Enterprise Manager for a DBSNMP
user who has an old password that matches the new password.
– no — Update the password for the currently logged in user.
The default value of this option is Yes.
■ change_at_target
Specify whether the password must also be changed on the target. This option is
not supported for a SYS user.
– yes — Change the password on the target database.
– no — Update the password only on Enterprise Manager.
The default value of this option is No.
■ input_file
Path of the file that has old and new passwords. Use this option to hide passwords
displayed on the command line. You must accompany each path with a tag
referenced in the password options.
When you execute this verb with the input_file option, you are prompted to
enter the following values in non-echo mode:

Verb Reference 2-243



emcli update_db_password

emcli update_db_password

2-244 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Updates the changed host password in the credential sub-system. For collection or
monitoring credentials, the password change is also propagated to the Enterprise
Manager Agent.

emcli update_host_password

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

Note: When you execute this verb, you are prompted to enter the
following values in non-echo mode:

■ target_name
Name of the target.
■ user_name
Name of the database user.
■ change_all_references
Specifies if the password must be changed for all references in Enterprise Manager
for the given user.
Possible values are:
– Yes — Updates all references in Enterprise Manager for this password.
– No — Updates the password for the current logged-in user. This is the default.
■ input_file
File path that has old and new passwords. This option hides passwords. You must
accompany each path with a tag referenced in the password options.

The following example asks the user to enter the values of the old and new passwords,
then retype the new password to update the new password in Enterprise Manager for
this target reference.
emcli update_host_password

Verb Reference 2-245


The following example asks the user to enter the values of the old and new passwords,
then retype the new password to update the new password in Enterprise Manager for
all users’ credentials referenced with the myHost target name and Admin1 user name.
emcli update_host_password

2-246 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Updates passwords (or other credentials) for a given target.

emcli update_password

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

■ target_type
Type of target.
■ target_name
Name of the target.
■ credential_type
Credential type to use. The type must be a base type, not a derived type. A
derived type contains the XML tag <CredentialTypeRef> within its definition.
■ key_column
Name and value of the key column for the credential type. Usually, the key
column represents the user name.
■ non_key_column
Name, old value, and new value of the non-key column(s) to modify. Usually, this
is the name of the password column. Alternatively, you can use a tag from the
-input_file argument so that the credential values are not seen on the
command line. You can specify this argument more than once.
■ input_file
Path of the file that has -non_key_column argument(s). This option is available
for hiding passwords. You must accompany each path by a tag referenced in the
-non_key_column argument. You can specify this argument more than once.
Note: The list of columns and the credential types they belong to is included in the
metadata file for each target type. This and other credential information is in the
<CredentialInfo> section of the metadata.

Host Example
For credentials associated with host targets, use the following arguments for the
credential_type = HostCreds

Verb Reference 2-247


The following example changes the password associated with the OS user sysUser
from sysUserOldPassword to sysUserNewPasword in all features of EM that use
this OS username. This includes preferred credentials, corrective actions, jobs, and OS
user-defined metrics.
update_password -target_type=host -target_name=MyHost -credential_
type=HostCreds -key_column=HostUserName:sysUser

Oracle Database Examples

For credentials associated with database targets, use the following arguments for the
credential_type = DBCreds
non_key_column=DBPassword:<oldPassword>:<newPassword> OR

The following example changes the password associated with the database user
scott from tiger to tiger2 for all features of Enterprise Manager that use this
database user name. This includes preferred credentials, corrective actions, jobs, SQL
user-defined metrics, and the monitoring configuration for this database target in
Enterprise Manager.
update_password -target_type=oracle_database -target_name=ORCL
-credential_type=DBCreds -key_column=DBUserName:scott

The following example changes the password associated with the database user sys
from sysPassword to sysNewPassword for all features of Enterprise Manager that
use this database username. This includes preferred credentials, corrective actions,
jobs, SQL user-defined metrics, and the monitoring configuration for this database
target in Enterprise Manager.
update_password -target_type=oracle_database -target_name=ORCL
-credential_type=DBCreds -key_column=DBUserName:sys

Oracle Listener Example

For credentials associated with Listener targets, use the following arguments for the
credential_type = LsnrCreds
key_column (not applicable)

The following example changes the password associated with the Listener from
oldListenerPassword to newListenerPassword for all features of Enterprise
Manager that use this password. This includes preferred credentials, corrective
actions, jobs, and the monitoring configuration for this Listener target in Enterprise
update_password -target_type=oracle_listener -target_name=MyListener

2-248 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Updates the changed host password in the credential sub-system. For collection or
monitoring credentials, the password change is also propagated to the Enterprise
Manager Agent.

emcli update_host_password

[ ] denotes that the parameter is optional

Note: When you execute this verb, you are prompted to enter the
following values in non-echo mode:

■ target_type
Type of target.
■ target_name
Name of the target.
■ key_column
Name and value of the key column for the credential type. The key column
usually represents the user name.
To obtain the key column for a target type, enter the following command:
emcli get_credential_type_info -target_type=<target_type>"

To obtain the key column for all target types, enter the following command:
emcli get_credential_type_info

■ change_all_references
Specifies if the password must be changed for all references in Enterprise Manager
for the given user.
Possible values are:
– Yes — Updates all references in Enterprise Manager for this password.
– No — Updates the password for the current logged-in user. This is the default.
■ input_file
File path that has old and new passwords. This option hides passwords. You must
accompany each path with a tag referenced in the password options.

Verb Reference 2-249


The following example asks the user to enter the values of the old and new passwords,
then retype the new password to update the new password in Enterprise Manager for
this target reference.
emcli update_target_password

The following example asks the user to enter the values of the old and new passwords,
then retype the new password to update the new password in Enterprise Manager for
all users’ credentials referenced with the mydb target name and Admin1 user name.
emcli update_target_password

2-250 Command Line Interface

2.2 Alphabetized Verb List


Shows the present configuration of the redundancy group.

emcli view_redundancy_group

■ redundancyGroupName
You must specify a single redundancy group name. The target name should be the
same as present in the repository, and it should be of target type=

The following example shows the details for the 'redGrp1' Redundancy Group.
emcli view_redundancy_group -redundancyGroupName='redGrp1'

Verb Reference 2-251


2-252 Command Line Interface

Error Code Reference

This chapter documents errors and associated codes returned by EM CLI. You can use
EM CLI return codes to manage the control flow in a workflow/scripting
environment. EM CLI return codes for Verb errors are positive integers. A Verb
returns either 0 (successful execution) or an error number.
The following sections provide reference tables for these types of errors:
■ EM CLI infrastructure
■ OMS connection
■ File-fed option
■ Built-in verb

3.1 EM CLI Infrastructure Errors

Any execution of the EM CLI client could result in the following errors.

Table 3–1 Infrastructure Errors

Error Code Description
242 A Verb has encountered a problem with a dependency specific
to the implementation of the Verb (INSIDE of its abstraction
barrier) unrelated to the Verb’s semantics.
248 Configuration files are corrupt or inaccessible.
253 The command name is not recognized.
254 Internal system error.

3.2 OMS Connection Errors

Verbs that execute at the OMS return these error codes as indicated in the listing for
each applicable Verb.

Table 3–2 OMS Connection Errors

Error Code Description
243 License has not been accepted by the current user.
249 Cannot connect to the OMS.
250 Wrong credentials for log in to the OMS.

Error Code Reference 3-1

File-fed Option Errors

3.3 File-fed Option Errors

Verbs that allow for file-fed options (rather than options where the values are
explicitly defined on the command line) can return the following error codes.

Table 3–3 File-Fed Option Errors

Error Code Description
244 Cannot find an option value file.
245 Cannot read in an option value file.
246 An option value file is too big.

3.4 Built-in Verb Errors

The following error codes are returned by each Verb (not including EM CLI
infrastructure errors that apply to all Verbs).

Table 3–4 Built-In Verb Errors

Verb Error Code
add_beacon 0—Beacon added successfully.
129— Syntax Error. The displayed message indicates which
argument is syntactically incorrect.
170—Service does not exist.
173—Beacon does not exist.
201—Beacon is already in the monitoring beacons list.
230—Insufficient privileges.
255—Back-end error. Verb failed.
add_group_to_mpa 2—I/O error occurred while writing to the MPA file.
3—The specified MP already exists in the MPA.
4—The group name is empty or not specified.
223—The supplied options are syntactically incorrect.
add_mp_to_mpa 1—File does not exist, is unreadable, or an I/O error occurred.
2—I/O error occurred while writing to the MPA file.
3—The specified MP already exists in the MPA.
4—The target-type definition file cannot be parsed.
5—The MPA filename is not between 1 and 255 characters.
6 —A file of a particular file type is required for another file.
223—The supplied options are syntactically incorrect.

3-2 Command Line Interface

Built-in Verb Errors

Table 3–4 (Cont.) Built-In Verb Errors

Verb Error Code
add_target 1—The supplied target type does not exist. Unable to retrieve
target metadata from the specified host's Management Agent.
2—Host does not exist.
3—Agent does not exist.
4—Group does not exist.
5—No monitoring credentials set found for target in the
6—Target instance already exists in the repository.
7—The supplied target properties are incomplete.
8—One or more of the supplied target properties are invalid.
15—Target deletion in progress.
20—Unable to connect to the specified host's Agent.
21—Unable to save the target instance to the specified host's
22—Cannot add more than one Agent target for a single Agent
23—Unable to add an instance of an Agent target without a
219—Insufficient privileges to add the target to the group.
223—Unable to parse command line correctly. Invalid argument
File-Fed Option Errors—The errors associated with file-fed
OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting
to the executing OMS.
apply_privilege_delegation_ 0—Setting successfully applied.
2—Setting does not exist.
3—All or some of the targets are invalid.
129—Syntax error. The displayed message indicates which
argument is syntactically incorrect.
apply_template_tests 1—Error processing input XML file.
4—Insufficient privileges for apply template.
6—Target does not exist.
7—Incompatible template and target types during apply.
8—Test(s) specified for overwriteExisting do not exist in the
9—Key test(s) specified as disabled for apply.
10—Stepgroup contains a step that does not exist in the file.
11—Some text property in file does not conform to valid syntax.
12—Some text property contains variable but variable value is
13—Some transaction property/threshold/collection setting
does not conform to required restrictions.
50—Generic error.

Error Code Reference 3-3

Built-in Verb Errors

Table 3–4 (Cont.) Built-In Verb Errors

Verb Error Code
argfile Possible return error codes consist of the following list plus all of
the errors returned by the Verb specified in the command line
file for execution.
244—The file does not exist.
245—There is a problem reading in the file or it does not exist.
246—The file ends inside a quoted token.
247—The argfile options are specified incorrectly.
assign_test_to_target 0—Test assigned to target type successfully.
129—Syntax Error. The displayed message indicates which
argument is syntactically incorrect.
190—Test or target type invalid.
230—Insufficient privileges.
255—Back-end error. Verb failed.
change_service_system_ 0—Service system changed successfully.
129—Syntax Error. The displayed message indicates which
argument is syntactically incorrect.
170—Service does not exist.
171—System <system> does not exist.
172—Key component does not exist.
230—Insufficient privileges.
255—Back-end error. Verb failed.
clear_credential 1—Target type does not exist.
2—Target does not exist.
3—Credential set does not exist.
4—Insufficient privileges.
5—Credential column does not exist.
clone_as_home 1—The source_params parameter is invalid or in wrong format.
Example: Source Home location, hostname are missing.
2—Destination properties file format is invalid.
3—Source Home/software library data invalid. No Source
Home/software library fetched from the repository matches
data specified by user.
4—Product type does not match the specified cloning verb.
Example: Attempted to clone a database but specified an
Application Server as a source.
5—Invalid input parameters specified. This is a generic error
message for all cases not covered by the previous error
messages. In some cases, the parameter itself may be in a valid
format, but may point to a home that is not readable or corrupt.
6—Error validating Destination home.
7—Error validating/collecting information from Source Home.
This error is typically returned during Application Server
cloning when the Application Server properties file cannot be
read from the Source Home.
8—Other internal error occurred: Exceptions within cloning
APIs, or validation, database access APIs.

3-4 Command Line Interface

Built-in Verb Errors

Table 3–4 (Cont.) Built-In Verb Errors

Verb Error Code
clone_crs_home 1—The source_params parameter is invalid or in wrong format.
Example: Source Home location, host name are missing.
2—Destination properties file format is invalid.
3—Source Home/software library data is invalid. No Source
Home/software library fetched from the repository matches
data specified by user.
4—Product type does not match the cloning verb used. Example:
Attempted to clone a database, but supplied an Application
Server as a source.
5—Invalid input parameters specified. Generic error message
for all cases not covered by previous error messages. In some
situations, the parameter itself may be in a valid format, but may
point to a home that is not readable or corrupt.
6—Error validating Destination home.
7—Error validating/collecting information from Source Home.
This error is typically returned during Application Server
cloning when the Application Server properties file cannot be
read from the Source Home.
8—Other internal error occurred. Exceptions raised within
cloning APIs, or validation database access APIs.
clone_database_home 1—The source_params parameter is invalid or in wrong format.
Example: Source Home location, host name are missing.
2—Destination properties file format is invalid.
3—Source Home/software library data invalid- no Source Home
/software library fetched from the repository matches data
specified by user.
4—Product type does not match the cloning verb used. Example:
You attempted to clone a database but specified an Application
Server as a source.
5—Invalid input parameters specified: generic error message for
all cases not covered above. In some cases, the parameter itself
may be in a valid format, but may point to a home that is not
readable or corrupt.
6—Error validating Destination home.
7—Error validating/collecting information from Source Home:
This error is typically returned during Application Server
cloning when the Application Server properties file cannot be
read from the Source Home.
8—Other internal error occurred: Exceptions within cloning
APIs, or validation, database access APIs.
create_aggregate_service 1—Target does not exist.
2—Target exists.

Error Code Reference 3-5

Built-in Verb Errors

Table 3–4 (Cont.) Built-In Verb Errors

Verb Error Code
create_blackout 1—Blackout X already exists.
2—Only Super Administrators are allowed to add a new reason
(use get_ blackout_reasons).
3—Agent targets cannot be directly blacked out.
217—The blackout end_time cannot be in the past.
The dates specified will never cause this blackout to take effect.
The difference between the end_time and the start_time must be
equal to the duration.
The difference between the repeat interval and the duration
must be at least X minutes.
The duration must be -1 (for indefinite blackouts) or positive.
The duration must be at least X minutes.
219—Current user does not have OPERATOR privilege over all
blackout targets.
220—Target X does not exist.
223—Unable to parse command line correctly.
OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting
to the executing OMS.
create_group 1—Group X already exists.
2—Cannot add target X to typed group of base type Y.
218—Group X is currently in the process of being deleted.
219—Current user does not have privilege X over all member
220—Member target X does not exist.
223—Unable to parse command line correctly.
Invalid argument value.
Group type is invalid.
OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting
to the executing OMS.
create_privilege_ 0—Setting successfully created.
129—Syntax error. The displayed message indicates which
argument is syntactically incorrect.

3-6 Command Line Interface

Built-in Verb Errors

Table 3–4 (Cont.) Built-In Verb Errors

Verb Error Code
create_red_group 0—Redundancy Group "<red_group_name>" created
1—Redundancy Group "<red_group_name>" of target type
<red_group_type> already exists.
2—Cannot add target "<member_target_type>" to typed group
of base type "<red_group_type>".
3—Time Zone Region <timezone_region> does not exist.
4—Redundancy Group Type "<red_group_type>" is invalid.
218—Redundancy Group "<red_group_name>:<red_group_
type>" is currently in the process of being deleted.
220—Target "<member_target_name>:<member_target_type>"
does not exist.
223—Redundancy Group name "<red_group_name>" is not
valid. It may contain only alphanumeric characters, multi-byte
characters, a space, "-", "_", ".", ":", and have a maximum length
of 256 characters.
223—User name "<owner>" is not valid. It must begin with an
alphabetic character, contain only alphanumeric characters,
underscores (\"_\"), or periods (\".\"), and have a maximum
length of 256 characters.
223—Invalid value for parameter "add_targets": "<add_
targets>". Reason: "<add_targets>" is not a name-value pair.
223—Member Targets not of same type.
223—"<generic_redundancy_group>" does not support member
of type "<member_target_type>" .
create_role 1—Role by same name already exists.
2—User with same name as role already exists.
4—Privilege is invalid or nonexistent.
5—Target specified in one of the privileges is invalid.
6—The Super Administrator privilege cannot be granted to a
7—Role does not exist.
8—Group specified in one of the privileges is invalid.
9—Job in privilege is invalid or nonexistent.
10—Creating a role that you are assigning to the new role.
11—The specified user does not exist.
219—User is unauthorized to perform this action.
223—Unable to parse command line correctly.
Invalid argument value.
OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting
to the executing OMS.

Error Code Reference 3-7

Built-in Verb Errors

Table 3–4 (Cont.) Built-In Verb Errors

Verb Error Code
create_service 0—Web application created successfully.
129—Syntax Error. The displayed message indicates which
argument is syntactically incorrect.
130—Missing key components.
151—Test validation failed.
171—System <system> does not exist.
172—Key component does not exist.
173—Beacon does not exist.
181—No key tests defined.
182—No key beacons defined.
200—Service <target_name> already exists.
230—Insufficient privileges.
255—Back-end error. Verb failed.
create_system 0—System "<system_name:system_type>" created successfully.
110—System "<system_name:system_type>" already exists.
120—Member target "<member_target_name>:<member_
target_type>" does not exist.
122—Type "<system_type>" is not a valid System type.
123—Time Zone Region "<timezone_region>" does not exist.
130—Type meta version "<type_meta_ver>" is invalid.
223—System name "<system_name>" is not valid. It must begin
with an alphabetic char, contain only alphanumeric chars or any
of "- _.:", and have a maximum length of 256 chars.
223—Type meta version "<type_meta_ver>" is invalid. It must
contain only numeric and "." characters, and have a maximum
length of 8 chars.
223—Timezone_region cannot be null or blank.
223—Invalid value for parameter "add_members": "<add_
members>". Reason: "<add_members>" is not a name-value

3-8 Command Line Interface

Built-in Verb Errors

Table 3–4 (Cont.) Built-In Verb Errors

Verb Error Code
create_user 1—Target specified in one of the privileges is invalid.
2—Group specified in one of the privileges is invalid.
3—Job specified in one of the privileges is invalid.
4—One of the specified privileges is invalid.
5—Such user already exists.
6—One or more roles to be granted to the new user does not
7—A role with the same name as the new user already exists.
218—A delete is pending against this user until all blackouts and
jobs submitted by this user are stopped.
219—User has insufficient privileges to perform this operation.
223—Unable to parse command line correctly:
Invalid argument value.
User name is somehow invalid.
Supplied password does not have the proper format. Example:
Password left empty.
File-Fed Option Errors—The errors associated with file-fed
OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting
to the executing OMS.
delete_blackout 1—Blackout X created by user Y does not exist.
2—Cannot delete a blackout that has not ended or was not
219—You (X) do not have the SUPER_USER privilege needed to
stop, delete, or modify blackout Y created by user Z.
Only the blackout owner can stop, delete, or modify the
Current user does not have OPERATOR privilege over all
blackout targets.
223—Unable to parse command line correctly.
OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting
to the executing OMS.
delete_group 1—Group X does not exist.
218—Group X is currently in the process of being deleted.
219—Current user does not have sufficient privileges to perform
this action.
223—Unable to parse command line correctly.
OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting
to the executing OMS.
delete_job 1—Specified job is invalid or non-existent.
219—User has insufficient privileges to perform this operation.
218—Some executions are not stopped when delete happens.
223—Unable to parse command line correctly.
OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting
to the executing OMS.

Error Code Reference 3-9

Built-in Verb Errors

Table 3–4 (Cont.) Built-In Verb Errors

Verb Error Code
delete_metric_promotion 0—SUCCESS
223—SYNTAX_ERRNUM: Input is malformed.
255—VERB_FAILED_ERRNUM: Back-end validation fails.
delete_privilege_ 0—Setting successfully deleted.
2—All or some of the names are invalid.
129—Syntax error. The displayed message indicates which
argument is syntactically incorrect.
delete_role 1—Role does not exist.
219—User is unauthorized to perform this action.
223—Unable to parse command line correctly.
OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting
to the executing OMS.
delete_system 0—System "<system_name:system_type>" deleted successfully.
121—System "<system_name:system_type>" does not exist.
122—Type "<system_type>" is not a valid System type.
219—Current user does not have sufficient privileges to perform
this action.
223—System name "<system_name>" is not valid. It must begin
with an alphabetic character, contain only alphanumeric
characters or any of "- _.:", and have a maximum length of 256
delete_target 15—Target deletion in progress.
219—Insufficient privileges to delete specified target.
220—Target does not exist.
223—Unable to parse command line correctly.
OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting
to the executing OMS.
delete_test 0—Test deleted successfully.
129—Syntax Error. The displayed message indicates which
argument is syntactically incorrect.
170—Service does not exist.
174—Test does not exist.
230—Insufficient privileges.
255—Back-end error. Verb failed.
delete_user 1—Cannot delete the repository owner.
2—Specified user does not exist.
3—Cannot delete the current user.
218—A delete is pending against this user until all blackouts and
jobs submitted by this user are stopped.
219—User has insufficient privileges to perform this operation.
223—Unable to parse command line correctly.
OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting
to the executing OMS.
disable_audit 223—Syntax Error.

3-10 Command Line Interface

Built-in Verb Errors

Table 3–4 (Cont.) Built-In Verb Errors

Verb Error Code
disable_test 0—Test disabled successfully.
129—Syntax Error. The displayed message indicates which
argument is syntactically incorrect.
170—Service does not exist.
174—Test does not exist
203—Test already disabled.
230—Insufficient privileges.
255—Back-end error. Verb failed.
enable_audit 223—Syntax Error.
enable_test 0—Test enabled successfully.
129—Syntax Error. The displayed message indicates which
argument is syntactically incorrect.
170—Service does not exist.
174—Test does not exist
202—Test already enabled.
230—Insufficient privileges.
255—Back-end error. Verb failed.
execute_hostcmd 0—Command execution succeeded for all targets.
2—Command execution failed for one or more targets. Detailed
errors will be displayed for each failed target.
3—Invalid or unknown targets in the targets list.
4—Preferred credentials are missing for one or more targets.
5—Invalid credential set name.
223—Unable to parse the command line properly.
execute_sql 0—Command execution succeeded for all targets.
2—Command execution failed for one or more targets. Detailed
errors will be displayed for each failed target.
3—Invalid or unknown targets in the targets list.
4—Preferred credentials are missing for one or more targets.
5—Invalid credential set name.
223—Unable to parse the command line properly.
export_template 223—Unable to parse command line correctly, or an exception
was thrown during SQL handling.
245—There is a problem writing to the file.

Error Code Reference 3-11

Built-in Verb Errors

Table 3–4 (Cont.) Built-In Verb Errors

Verb Error Code
extend_as_home 1—The source_params argument is invalid or in the wrong
format. Example: Source Home location or host name are
2—Destination properties file format is invalid.
3—Source Home/software library data invalid. No Source
Home/software library fetched from the repository matches
data specified by user.
4—Product type does not match the cloning verb used. Example:
Attempted to clone a database but specified an Application
Server as a source.
5—Invalid input parameters specified. Generic error message
for all cases not covered by previous error messages. In some
cases, the parameter itself may be in a valid format, but may
point to a home that is not readable or corrupt.
6—Error validating destination home.
7 —Error validating/collecting information from source home.
Typically returned during Application Server cloning when the
Application Server properties file cannot be read from the
Source Home.
8—Other internal error occurred: Exceptions within cloning
APIs, or validation, database access APIs.
extend_crs_home 1—The source_params parameter is invalid or in the wrong
format. Example: Source Home location or host name are
2—Destination properties file format is invalid.
3—Source Home/software library data invalid. No Source
Home/software library fetched from the repository matches
data specified by user.
4—Product type not matching with the cloning verb used.
Example: Attempted to clone a database, but specified an
Application Server as a source.
5—Invalid input parameters specified. Generic error message
for all cases not covered by previous error messages. In some
cases, the parameter itself may be in a valid format, but may
point to a home that is not readable or is corrupt.
6—Error validating destination home.
7—Error validating/collecting information from Source Home:
Typically returned during Application Server cloning when the
Application Server properties file cannot be read from the
Source Home.
8—Other internal error occurred: Exceptions within cloning
APIs, or validation, database access APIs.

3-12 Command Line Interface

Built-in Verb Errors

Table 3–4 (Cont.) Built-In Verb Errors

Verb Error Code
extend_rac_home 1—The source_params parameter is invalid or in wrong format.
Example: Source Home location, host name are missing.
2—Destination properties file format is invalid.
3—Source Home/software lib data invalid- no Source Home
/software library fetched from the repository matches data
specified by user.
4—Product type does not match the cloning verb used. Example:
tried to clone database, but gave app server as source.
5—Invalid input parameters specified: generic error message for
all cases not covered above. In some cases the parameter itself
may be in a valid format, but may point to a home which is not
readable or corrupt.
6—Error validating destination home.
7—Error validating/collecting information from Source Home:
Typically returned during Application Server cloning when the
Application Server properties file cannot be read from the
Source Home.
8—Other internal error occurred: Exceptions within cloning
APIs, or validation, database access APIs.
extract_template_tests 2—Error serializing XML output.
3—Insufficient privileges for extract template.
5—Template does not exist in repository.
50—Generic error.
get_aggregate_service_info 1—Target does not exist.
2—Target exists.
get_aggregate_service_ 1—Target does not exist.
2—Target exists.
get_blackout_details 1—Blackout X created by user Y does not exist.
223—Unable to parse command line correctly.
OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting
to the executing OMS.
get_blackout_reasons OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting
to the executing OMS.
get_blackout_targets 1—Host X does not exist.
223—Unable to parse command line correctly.
220—Target X does not exist.
get_blackouts 1—Host X does not exist.
220—Target X does not exist.
223—Unable to parse command line correctly.
OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting
to the executing OMS.
get_group_members 1—Group X does not exist.
223—Unable to parse command line correctly.
OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting
to the executing OMS.

Error Code Reference 3-13

Built-in Verb Errors

Table 3–4 (Cont.) Built-In Verb Errors

Verb Error Code
get_groups Other than the confirmation message, the get_groups verb only
generates syntax errors. The SQL invoked by get_groups does
not throw any exception.
0—All groups (TargetName, TargetType) in the repository are
223—Syntax Error: Argument -script cannot be specified with a
223—Syntax Error: -format argument "name" value must match
one of these strings: "script|pretty|csv".
223—Syntax Error: Invalid value for parameter "format":
char>". Reason: "column_separator=column_separator_char" is
not a name-value pair.
223—Syntax Error: -format argument contains an unrecognized
key name <key_name>
get_jobs 223—Unable to parse command line correctly.
OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting
to the executing OMS.
get_system_members 121—System "<system_name:system_type>" does not exist.
get_targets 223—Unable to parse command line correctly.
OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting
to the executing OMS.
grant_privs 2—User does not exist.
3—Invalid privilege.
4—Invalid target privilege.
5—Invalid globally unique identifier (GUID).
6—One or more targets are not groups.
7—Specified job does not exist.
8—Privilege grant failed.
grant_roles 2—User does not exist.
7—Role does not exist.
help 1—There is no help available.
223—Unable to parse the command line correctly.
import_template 21—Occurs if one of the templates has an OMS version specified
in it that does not match the version of the OMS you are
importing it into, and there are no other errors.
22—Occurs if one of the template files cannot be parsed, and
there are no other errors.
99—More than one of the templates to be imported had errors
during processing.
223—Unable to parse command line correctly, or an exception
was thrown during SQL handling.
245—There is a problem reading in the file, or it does not exist.

3-14 Command Line Interface

Built-in Verb Errors

Table 3–4 (Cont.) Built-In Verb Errors

Verb Error Code
login 0—Verb success exit value.
1—Cannot establish an OMS connection storage area, or a
corrupt area already exists.
2—A connection with the OMS cannot be established.
3—The login with the credentials provided failed at the OMS.
4— The Enterprise Manager license was not accepted by the
current user.
5—The user is already logged in Enterprise Manager.
223—Command syntax error verb exit value.
241—Custom attribute error handling.
255—Error code for browser-related errors.
logout 0—Verb success exit value.
1—Cannot establish an OMS connection storage area, or a
corrupt area already exists.
2—A connection with the OMS cannot be established.
3—The login with the credentials provided failed at the OMS.
4— The Enterprise Manager license was not accepted by the
current user.
249—OMS connection error verb exit value.
255—Error code for browser-related errors.
modify_aggregate_service 1—Target does not exist.
2—Target exists.
modify_group 1—Group X does not exist.
2—Cannot add target X to typed group of base type Y.
3—Group X contains itself as a sub-group at some level.
219—Current user does not have sufficient privileges to perform
this action:
Current user does not have privilege X over all member targets.
Current user does not have sufficient privileges on target X to
add it to the group.
220—Target X does not exist.
223—Unable to parse command line correctly. Group type is
OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting
to the executing OMS.

Error Code Reference 3-15

Built-in Verb Errors

Table 3–4 (Cont.) Built-In Verb Errors

Verb Error Code
modify_red_group 0—Redundancy Group ""<red_group_name>" modified
1—Redundancy Group ""<red_group_name>:<red_group_
type>" does not exist.
2—Cannot add target "<member_target_type>" to typed group
of base type "<red_group_type>".
4—Redundancy Group Type "<red_group_type>" is invalid.
218—Redundancy Group "<red_group_name>:<red_group_
type>" is currently in the process of being deleted.
220—Target "<member_target_name>:<member_target_type>"
does not exist.
223—Redundancy Group name "<red_group_name>" is not
valid. It may contain only alphanumeric characters, multi-byte
characters, a space, "-", "_", ".", ":", and have a maximum length
of 256 characters.
223—User name "<owner>" is not valid. It must begin with an
alphabetic character, contain only alphanumeric characters,
underscores (\"_\"), or periods (\".\"), and have a maximum
length of 256 characters.
223—Invalid value for parameter "add_targets": "<add_
targets>". Reason: "<add_targets>" is not a name-value pair.
223—Member Targets not of same type.
223—"Generic redundancy group" does not support member of
type "<member_target_type>" .
modify_role 4—Privilege is invalid or nonexistent.
5—Target specified in one of the privileges is invalid.
6—The Super Administrator privilege cannot be granted to a
7—Role does not exist.
8—Group specified in one of the privileges is invalid.
9—Job in privilege is invalid or nonexistent.
10—Cannot have a circular chain of role grants.
11—The specified user does not exist.
219—User is unauthorized to perform this action.
223—Unable to parse command line correctly. Invalid argument
OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting
to the executing OMS.

3-16 Command Line Interface

Built-in Verb Errors

Table 3–4 (Cont.) Built-In Verb Errors

Verb Error Code
modify_system 0—System "<system_name:system_type>" modified
101—System <system_name:system_type> contains itself as a
sub-system at some level.
120—Member target "<member_target_name>:<member_
target_type>" does not exist.
121—System "<system_name:system_type>" does not exist.
122—Type "<system_type>" is not a valid System type.
219—Current user does not have sufficient privileges on target
<member_target_name> to add it to the system.
219—Current user does not have sufficient privileges to perform
this action.
223—Invalid value for parameter "add_members": "<add_
members>". Reason: "<add_members>" is not a name-value
modify_target 8—One or more of the supplied target properties are invalid.
15—Target deletion in progress.
219—Insufficient privileges to modify target.
220—Target does not exist.
223—Unable to parse command line correctly.
File-Fed Option Errors—The errors associated with file-fed
OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting
to the executing OMS.
modify_user 1—Target specified in one of the privileges is invalid.
2—Group specified in one of the privileges is invalid.
3—Job specified in one of the privileges is invalid.
4—One of the specified privileges is invalid.
5—Specified user does not exist.
6—One or more roles to be granted to the new user does not
218—A delete is pending against this user until all blackouts and
jobs submitted by this user are stopped.
219—User has insufficient privileges to perform this operation.
223—Unable to parse command line correctly: Invalid argument
value or user name is somehow invalid.
File-Fed Option Errors—The errors associated with file-fed
OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting
to the executing OMS.

Error Code Reference 3-17

Built-in Verb Errors

Table 3–4 (Cont.) Built-In Verb Errors

Verb Error Code
provision 1—An Internal error occurred. Could not get an Instance of the
Assignment Manager. Exception occurred when getting URN
from path.
2—Could not provision. Exception occurred either in getting
editable ProvisioningAssigment object, or during call to Initiate
3—Could not get one or more URNs. Returned if any of
imageUrn, bootServerUrn, stageServerUrn, networkProfileUrn,
targetUrn retrieved is null.
4—Could not create assignment state. Failed to create an
AssignmentState object.
5—Could not set assignment properties. Failed to set the
assignment properties in the assignment state object.
Since this verb uses the FileArgRemoteVerb, the following errors
are also possible:
■ This Verb posts Verb.SYNTAX_ERRNUM if a specified
option/file mapping on the command line is not properly
■ This Verb posts Verb.LOGIN_SYSTEM_ERRNUM if it
cannot log in to the OMS.
■ This Verb posts Verb.OMS_CONNECTION_SYSTEM_
ERRNUM if it cannot connect to the OMS.
■ This Verb posts Verb.CONFIGURATION_SYSTEM_
ERRNUM if the configuration files are corrupt or
■ This Verb posts Verb.MISSING_FILE_SYSTEM_ERRNUM if
it cannot find an option value file.
■ This Verb posts Verb.FILE_READ_SYSTEM_ERRNUM if it
cannot read in an option value file.

3-18 Command Line Interface

Built-in Verb Errors

Table 3–4 (Cont.) Built-In Verb Errors

Verb Error Code
relocate_targets 0—Moved all targets from Source Agent to Destination Agent.
1—Target relocation has failed. The following errors are
■ SQL exception when relocating targets : <Database-specific
error message>.
■ Communication exception when relocating targets: <
communication exception message >.
■ Verb usage error:
emcli relocate_targets
-src_agent=<source agent target name>
-dest_agent=<dest agent target name>
{-target_name=<name of the target to be
- target_type=<type of the target to be
| {-input_file=dupTargets:<complete path to file>}
{-force=yes}; "
■ Errors relocating targets from Source Agent to Destination
< error message >
< error message >
■ Exception in parsing targets from the command line
argument <message>.
remove_beacon 0—Beacon removed successfully.
129—Syntax Error. The displayed message indicates which
argument is syntactically incorrect.
170—Service does not exist.
173—Beacon does not exist.
225—Beacon not in monitoring beacons list.
230—Insufficient privileges.
255—Back-end error. Verb failed.
remove_service_system_ 0—System removed from service successfully.
129—Syntax Error. The displayed message indicates which
argument is syntactically incorrect.
170—Service does not exist.
180—System does not exist.
230—Insufficient privileges.
255—Back-end error. Verb failed.
retry_job 1—Cannot restart job of a non-restartable type.
2—Specified job execution does not exist or has not failed.
3—The specified job execution has already been restarted and
failed on restart.
219—User has insufficient privileges to perform this operation.
223—Unable to parse command line correctly.
OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting
to the executing OMS.

Error Code Reference 3-19

Built-in Verb Errors

Table 3–4 (Cont.) Built-In Verb Errors

Verb Error Code
revoke_roles 2—User does not exist.
7—Role does not exist.
revoke_privs 2—User does not exist.
3—Invalid privilege.
4—One or more targets are invalid.
5—Invalid globally unique identifier (GUID) privilege.
6—One or more targets are not groups.
7—Specified job does not exist.
8—Privilege grant failed.
set_availability 0—Availability set successfully.
129—Syntax Error. The displayed message indicates which
argument is syntactically incorrect.
170—Service does not exist.
180—No system defined.
181—No key tests defined.
182—No key beacons defined.
230—Insufficient privileges.
231—Availability not changed.
255—Back-end error. Verb failed.
set_credential 1—Target type does not exist.
2—Target (of given target type) does not exist.
3—Credential set does not exist.
4—Insufficient privileges.
5—Credential column does not exist.
6—Credential column number mismatch.
set_key_beacons_tests 0—Key beacons and tests set successfully.
129—Syntax Error. The displayed message indicates which
argument is syntactically incorrect.
135—Must specify at least one key beacon and test.
170—Service does not exist.
173—Beacon does not exist.
175—Beacon not in list of monitoring beacons.
230—Insufficient privileges.
255—Back-end error. Verb failed.
set_metric_promotion 0—SUCCESS
223—SYNTAX_ERRNUM: Input is malformed.
255—VERB_FAILED_ERRNUM: Back-end validation fails.

3-20 Command Line Interface

Built-in Verb Errors

Table 3–4 (Cont.) Built-In Verb Errors

Verb Error Code
set_properties 0—Properties set successfully.
129—Syntax Error. The displayed message indicates which
argument is syntactically incorrect.
132—Invalid property.
133—Invalid property value.
170—Service does not exist.
173—Beacon does not exist.
175—Beacon not in list of monitoring beacons.
230—Insufficient privileges.
255—Back-end error. Verb failed.
setup 1—The Verb cannot establish a configuration area, or a corrupt
area already exists.
2—A connection with the OMS cannot be established.
3—The login with the provided credentials fails at the OMS.
4—The supplied "url" option is malformed or is not http/https.
5—The configuration directory is not local as determined by the
user in non-trustall HTTPS mode.
6—The Verb cannot collect the user password safely.
7—License is not been accepted by the user.
223—Unable to parse command line correctly.
stop_blackout 1—Blackout X created by user Y does not exist.
2—The blackout has already ended or stopped.
3—Agent-side blackouts cannot be edited or stopped.
218—The start of the blackout is currently being processed.
The blackout is already pending stop.
The last set of edits to the blackout have not yet been committed.
219—You (X) do not have the Super Administrator privilege
needed to stop, delete, or modify blackout Y created by user Z.
Only the blackout owner can stop, delete, or modify the
Current user does not have OPERATOR privilege over all
blackout targets.
223—Unable to parse command line correctly.
OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting
to the executing OMS.
stop_job 1—Specified job is invalid or non-existent.
219—User has insufficient privileges to perform this operation.
223—Unable to parse command line correctly.
OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting
to the executing OMS.

Error Code Reference 3-21

Built-in Verb Errors

Table 3–4 (Cont.) Built-In Verb Errors

Verb Error Code
submit_job 1—Supplied job type is invalid or non-existent.
2—Job with the same name already exists.
3—One or more specified targets are invalid.
4—Missing job parameter.
5—Invalid job parameters, possibly including the security
parameters such as "pwd".
217—Specified job schedule is invalid.
219—User has insufficient privileges to perform this operation.
223—Unable to parse command line correctly.
Invalid argument value.
File-Fed Option Errors—The errors associated with file-fed
OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting
to the executing OMS.
subscribeto_rule 1—Rule with name X and owner Y does not exist.
2—EM user X does not exist.
3—EM user X has no email addresses set up (see console tab
4—Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server not set up (see console tab
Setup->Notification Methods).
219—You (X) do not have the SUPER_USER or MANAGE_
ANY_ USER privilege needed to add email addresses for user Y.
You (X) do not have the SUPER_USER or MANAGE_ANY_
USER privilege needed to subscribe Y to the rule owned by Z.
223—Unable to parse command line correctly.
Invalid argument value.
OMS Connection Errors—The errors associated with connecting
to the executing OMS.
sync 1—The Verb cannot establish a configuration area or a corrupt
area already exists.
2—A connection with the OMS cannot be established.
3—The login with the provided credentials fails at the OMS.
4—The license has not been accepted by the current user.
223—Unable to parse the command line correctly.
sync_beacon 0—Beacon synced successfully.
129—Syntax Error. The displayed message indicates which
argument is syntactically incorrect.
170—Service does not exist.
173—Beacon does not exist.
175—Beacon not in list of monitoring beacons.
230—Insufficient privileges.
255—Back-end error. Verb failed.
update_audit_settings 223—Syntax error, which could be an invalid directory name or
invalid audit settings.

3-22 Command Line Interface

Built-in Verb Errors

Table 3–4 (Cont.) Built-In Verb Errors

Verb Error Code
update_db_password 1—Invalid target.
2—Invalid key value parameter.
3—Invalid old password.
4—Invalid privilege.
223—Syntax error.
update_host_password 1—Invalid target.
2—Invalid key value parameter.
3—Invalid old password.
4—Invalid privilege.
223—Syntax error.
update_password 4—Target (of given target type) does not exist.
5—Credential type does not exist for given target.
6—Key value (that is, user name) does not exist.
7—Non-operator cannot change credentials.
8—Wrong value for old password.
9—Old and new passwords match.
10—No such non_key_column name.

Error Code Reference 3-23

Built-in Verb Errors

3-24 Command Line Interface


A delete_metric_promotion, 2-67
delete_role, 2-68, 2-69
add_beacon, 2-11
delete_system, 2-70
add_mp_to_mpa, 2-12, 2-13
delete_target, 2-71
add_target, 2-15
delete_test, 2-72
add_target_property, 2-18
delete_test_threshold, 2-73
apply_prilege_delegation_setting, 2-19
delete_user, 2-74
apply_template, 2-21
disable_audit, 2-75
apply_template_tests, 2-24
disable_test, 2-76
argfile, 2-26
assign_test_to_target, 2-27
authentication, 1-7 E
EM CLI Client, 1-3
B EM CLI Oracle Management Service Extension, 1-3
EM CLI usage examples, 1-1
built-in verb errors, 3-2
emclikit.jar file, 1-4
C enable_audit, 2-77
enable_test, 2-78
change_service_system_assoc, 2-28
clear_credential, 2-29
built-in, 3-2
clear_stateless_alerts, 2-30
connection, 3-1
Client-side Controller, 1-2
file-fed option, 3-2
setting up, 1-5
infrastructure, 3-1
clone_as_home, 2-31
execute_hostcmd, 2-79
clone_crs_home, 2-34
execute_sql, 2-81
clone_database_home, 2-38
export_report, 2-83
collect_metric, 2-37
export_template, 2-84
Complex Separator, 1-10
extend_as_home, 2-85
confirm_instance, 2-41
extend_crs_home, 2-88
create_aggregate_service, 2-42
extend_rac_home, 2-91
create_blackout, 2-43
extract_template_tests, 2-94
create_group, 2-48, 2-49
create_red_group, 2-51
create_redundancy_group, 2-52 F
create_role, 2-54 file-fed option errors, 3-2
create_service, 2-56 format, 1-9
create_system, 2-58 format, output, 1-10
create_user, 2-60

get_agent_properties, 2-95
delete_blackout, 2-62 get_agent_property, 2-96
delete_group, 2-64 get_aggregate_service_info, 2-97
delete_guest_vm, 2-63 get_aggregate_service_members, 2-98
delete_instance, 2-65 get_blackout_details, 2-99
delete_job, 2-66

get_blackout_reasons, 2-101 modify_role, 2-161
get_blackout_targets, 2-102 modify_system, 2-163
get_blackouts, 2-104 modify_target, 2-165
get_group_members, 2-107 modify_user, 2-168
get_groups, 2-109
get_guest_vm_status, 2-106
get_instance_data_xml, 2-110
get_instance_status, 2-111 OMS connection errors, 3-1
get_instances, 2-112 OMS-side Controller, 1-2
get_job_execution_detail, 2-113
get_jobs, 2-114 P
get_metrics_for_stateless_alerts, 2-116
get_on_demand_metrics, 2-117 pause_guest_vm, 2-170
get_procedure_types, 2-118 provision, 2-171
get_procedure_xml, 2-119
get_procedures, 2-120 Q
get_reports, 2-121
quick starting process, 1-3
get_retry_arguments, 2-122
get_system_members, 2-123
get_target_properties, 2-125, 2-180 R
get_targets, 2-126
reboot_guest_vm, 2-173
get_test_thresholds, 2-128
reboot_virtual_server, 2-174
get_unsync_alerts, 2-130
relocate_targets, 2-175
get_virtual_target_status, 2-131
remove_beacon, 2-178
grant_license_no_validation, 2-132
remove_service_system_assoc, 2-179
grant_license_with_validation, 2-134
reschedule_instance, 2-181
grant_privs, 2-136
resume_guest_vm, 2-182
grant_roles, 2-138
resume_instance, 2-183
resync_agent, 2-184
H retry_instance, 2-185
help for verbs, 1-7 retry_job, 2-186
help verb, 2-139 revoke_license_no_validation, 2-187
HTTPS, 1-8 revoke_license_with_validation, 2-189
revoke_privs, 2-191
revoke_roles, 2-192
I run_avail_diag, 2-193
ignore_instance, 2-140 run_promoted_metric_diag, 2-194
import_report, 2-141
import_template, 2-142 S
infrastructure errors, 3-1
script, 1-9
installation of EM CLI, 1-4
Security, 1-7
set_agent_property, 2-195
L set_availability, 2-196
list_guest_vm, 2-143 set_credential, 2-197
list_privilege_delegation_settings, 2-144 set_instance_jobgrants, 2-199
list_target_privilege_delegation_settings, 2-145 set_key_beacons_tests, 2-200
list_virtual_server, 2-147, 2-148 set_metric_promotion, 2-201
loader_perf, 2-149 set_properties, 2-204
log files, 1-6 set_target_property_value, 2-205
login, 2-150 set_test_threshold, 2-207
logout, 2-152 setup, 2-208
show_audit_settings, 2-211
show_credential_set_info, 2-212
M show_credential_type_info, 2-213
modify_aggregate_service, 2-153 show_operations_list, 2-214
modify_collection_schedule, 2-154 start_guest_vm, 2-215
modify_group, 2-157 start_paf_daemon, 2-216
modify_red_group, 2-158 start_vt_daemon, 2-217
modify_redundancy_group, 2-159 starting process, 1-3

status_paf_daemon, 2-218
status_vt_daemon, 2-219
stop_blackout, 2-220
stop_guest_vm, 2-221
stop_instance, 2-222
stop_job, 2-223
stop_paf_daemon, 2-224
stop_virtual_server, 2-225
stop_vt_daemon, 2-226
submit_agent_patch, 2-232
submit_job, 2-227
submit_procedure, 2-233
subscribeto_rule, 2-234
suspend_guest_vm, 2-236
suspend_instance, 2-237
sync, 2-238
sync_beacon, 2-239

Trusted Certificate Management, 1-8

unpause_guest_vm, 2-240
update_and_retry_step, 2-242
update_audit_settings, 2-241
update_db_password, 2-243
update_host_password, 2-245
update_password, 2-247
update_target_password, 2-249
usage examples of EM CLI, 1-1

variables, passing, 2-31
view_redundancy_group, 2-251


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