Legal English - Unit 3

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A career in law
Talk to a classmate: The study of law differs from country to country, but most law degree
programmes include core (compulsory) subjects which all students must take. Which core
courses are typical in your country? How long does it take to complete a law degree?

Core courses

Time to complete degree

Reading 1: A career in law

1. Read the text below and answer these questions.

1. Which courses do law students in the UK have to take?

2. Which optional courses might a student who wants to work in a big law firm take?

The study of law is intellectually stimulating and challenging, and can lead to a variety of interesting careers.

In the UK and the USA, law degree programmes usually take three years to complete. In the UK, these
programmes typically include core subjects such as criminal law, contract law, tort law, land law, equity and
trusts, administrative law and constitutional law. In addition, students are often required to take courses
covering skills such as legal writing and legal research.

There is also a variety of optional (elective) courses available. Since many law students go on to become lawyers,
students often take courses that will be useful to them during their future careers. Someone wishing to run a
small partnership or to work alone as a sole practitioner in a small town may decide to take subjects such as
family law, employment law and housing law. Those wishing to work in a large law practice will consider subjects
such as company law, commercial law and litigation and arbitration.

Many universities also offer courses on legal practice. Courses like this give students the opportunity to
experience the work of a lawyer before deciding on a career in the law. Another way of finding out more about
law in practice is to get involved with a voluntary advice centre or law clinic. These clinics offer free legal
assistance to the local community and provide a useful introduction to some of the day-to-day work of a lawyer.

For students wishing to work in a commercial practice, knowledge of foreign languages is essential. When law
firms hire new recruits, they generally look at four things: education, personality, work experience and language
ability. Since English is the language of the international legal community, law firms increasingly expect
graduates to have a good command of English.

2. Read the text again and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F).
lf the statement is false, correct it.

a) A course in family law is usually included among the core subjects at law schools
in the UK.

b) Some law degree programmes offer courses in some of the important skills that
lawyers need in order to do their work, such as legal writing or legal English.

c) Law clinics give law students the opportunity to learn about the legal problems of
the medical profession.

d) Today, commercial law firms expect recruits to be completely fluent in English.

3. When you record vocabulary, you should try to write down as many collocations as you
can, and not only single words.
How many collocations with the words legal (e.g. legal writing) and law (e.g. Iaw firm)
can you find in the text?



4. How many words that are similar to Spanish did you find in the text? Do they all mean
the same as in Spanish? Look them up in a dictionary or ask your professor

Speaking 1: Law firms and courses

5. Discuss these questions with a partner. Look at the sample responses.

1. What type of law firm do you think you would like to work in?

I'd like to work as a sole practitioner, as I'd prefer to be my own boss.

I think a big law firm would be exciting.

2. Which optional courses are you taking?

This semester Im taking an elective course in environmental law.

Reading 2: Course descriptions
5. Reading texts in a foreign language often means encountering unfamiliar words. Discuss
these questions with a partner.

1 What is the best way to deal with unfamiliar words in a text?

2 Read the following list of strategies and discuss how useful they are.

What factors might affect the strategy you use?

o Try to understand the new word with the help of surrounding words.
o Look up every unknown word in a dictionary.
o Ignore the unknown word and read on.
o Look up some new words, ignore others.
o Analyse the unknown word: ask what part of speech it is (a noun or an adjective, for
example); if it has a root or a prefix (Latin or French, for example) that may help you
understand it; if it has a positive or negative meaning, etc.

Keep these strategies in mind when reading the text on course descriptions.

6. Quickly read the law course descriptions taken from a university website. Ignore the
gaps for now. Do you think this university is in the UK? Why (not)?


First-year course descriptions

Introduction to Law: This course aims to familiarize the student with the study of law; to begin the
development of certain basic skills, such as reading, analysis and synthesis of legal decisions, and
interpretation of statutes; to discuss fundamental aspects of the legal process, e.g. how courts "make law"
and the function of the courts with respect to statutory law.
1) _______________________: This course covers the fundamental principles governing the formation,
interpretation, performance, and enforcement of contracts. In addition, special attention is given to the
requirements of offer and acceptance, consideration, formal requirements, public policy, and the problems
of choosing a remedy in case of a breach. Some attention will also be given to the Uniform Commercial Code.
2) _______________________ : Topics covered include liability for intentional and negligently caused
injuries to person and property; strict liability; vicarious liability; ultra-hazardous activities; products liability;
nuisance; invasion of privacy; defamation; the impact of insurance and risk distribution upon liability;
accident compensation plans; damages; losses.
3) _______________________: This course presents the basic concepts of criminal law. Crimes against
persons' property, and public administration are covered, with special emphasis placed upon the law of

Second-year course descriptions

Evidence: This course will explore the rules of evidence and their rationale, including relevancy, hearsay,
impeachment, cross-examination, opinions and experts, documents, and privileges.
Criminal Procedure: This course will cover regulation of law enforcement conduct during the investigation
of crimes, with special emphasis on constitutional and statutory limitations. Topics include search and
seizure, confessions and incriminating statements, electronic surveillance, entrapment, identification
procedures, and remedies for improper police conduct.
4)______________________: This course covers the general principles of federal constitutional law,
including government authority and its distribution under the constitution; the judicial function in
constitutional cases; powers delegated to the national government and the reserved powers of the states
in areas of federal authority; intergovernmental relations; rights, privileges, and immunities under the
constitution; national citizenship; the contract clause; the federal constitution and the amendments thereto.
5) ______________________: This course is designed to acquaint students with the nature of legal research.
Students will analyze judicial opinions; apply legal concepts and rules; and learn correct legal citation and
use of correct precedent. Special attention is given to the mechanics of legal research, the techniques of
writing memoranda, and briefs.

7. Choose the correct title for each course in the catalogue excerpt on page 3.

1. Criminal law / Crime law

2. Law of the constitution / Constitutional law
3. Contract law / Contracting law
4. Legal research and writing / Legal investigation and writing
5. Liability law / Tort law

8. Read the excerpt again and answer these questions.

1. Which course covers basic skills that students will need during their studies?
2. Which course deals with research and writing skills needed in professional life?
3. Which course teaches students how to cross-examine a witness?

9. Underline three words you do not know. Try to guess their meaning by looking at surrounding
words and analysing the words.

10. Which of the courses in the excerpt are you required to take in the law degree programme
you are enrolled in?

Listening 1: Law courses
Most universities now offer language courses for lawyers, and in some countries these courses
are compulsory. Some courses in legal English focus on the study of Anglo-American legal
systems and associated terminology. Others offer a more practical introduction to the language
skills lawyers will need during their future careers.

You are going to hear a discussion between two law students, Heidi from Germany and Pavel
from Russia. They are each spending a semester studying law in England and are discussing the
English courses they were required to take as part of the law degree programmes in their
respective countries.

Remember that you do not have to understand everything you hear. Just pay attention to key

11. Listen to the discussion and tick ( ) what each speaker says he/she did on his/her legal
English course.

Heidi Pavel
1. worked on writing skills for lawyers
2. practised legal research skills
3. learned about other legal systems
4. studied terminology
5. gave presentations
6. practised speaking about own legal system

12. Listen to the conversation again and now discuss with a partner which experience (Heidis
or Pavels) most resembles your experience.

Language Use: comparative and superlative forms

13. The two students in listening 1, Heidi and Pavel, compared the legal English courses they
took at their universities. Look at these sentences from the dialogue (1-9) and try to identify
similarities in form to deduce how comparatives and superlatives work.

1. People here speak very quickly, which makes it harder to understand.

2. But now it is much easier I can understand almost everything.
3. Thats more difficult for me than understanding what people say.
4. Yes, I think writing is the hardest thing to do in English.
5. Our course was more practical we worked on the language skills that lawyers need.
6. We didnt really work on speaking skills, though; it was more important to present the
7. That was definitely the most useful thing we did.
8. It sounds like your course was better than mine.
9. I dont know if it was better, but it was certainly more language-based and more skills-

14. Complete this excerpt from and introductory talk given in the first session of a legal English
course. Use the correct comparative or superlative form of the adjectives given.

You might be expecting to learn a lot of detail about Anglo-American legal systems and their
foundations, but our focus this semester will be 1)_______________________ (practical)
than theoretical. We will mainly be working on language skills, such as writing letters or
speaking with clients. I am convinced that this is the 2) ______________________ (good) way
to prepare for using English for law. You may find this course 3) ____________________
(challenging) and 4) ______________________ (time-consuming) than you expected, but you
may also find it one of the 5) ______________________ (useful) courses you take at
university, as many students have told me in the past. To make it 6) __________________
(easy) for you to plan your time, Ill be handing out a list of the readings and the assignments
youll be working on this term.

15. Which courses in your program do you find more difficult? Which ones easier? Why? What
learning strategies are you applying to be successful?

Listening 2
Now you are going to watch two descriptions of law school programs. Select three areas from
the ones listed and compare the programs:

a. Ranking in the USA

b. Number of students
c. Faculty members
d. Student-faculty ratio
e. Types of areas they specialize in
f. Obligatory courses for first year students
g. Freedom to take courses
h. Clinics on campus
i. Journals
j. Student organizations
k. Grading
l. Clinics


16. Watch the videos again and try to make a comparison with your own law school.

17. Now, choose either Stanford or Yale and write a short e-mail to ask about information about
how to enter their program.

18. Make a two-minute presentation about why you chose one of these schools.

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