Experiment #1

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University of Bahrain

College of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Hassan Moh'd Ali

Ali Salman Akbar
Mufadhal Isa Moh'd

For engineers, properties of materials are very important.
And that is because the modem industry requires specific
properties in manufacturing.
There are many tests used in determining the properties
of materials. Tensile test is one of the most widely used tests. It is
done by applying a uniaxial tensile force on a prepared specimen
with standard dimensions.
In this report, five mechanical properties of five different
types of metals will be determined using the tensile test.

Materials Tested:
Theses are the five materials that have been tested:
0.1% C Plain Carbon Steel (AN)
0,4% C Plain Carbon Steel (DN)
0.8% C Plain Carbon Steel (annealed)
Pure Copper (annealed)
Pure Aluminum (Y)

First, we measured the initial length and diameter of the
specimen. Then, we set up the specimen on the tensile test
machine. After that, the lab assistant configured the PC
connected with the machine to some values, and then he started
the machine. Finally, we got the F-L graph from the
4- 0.4% C is a medium-carbon steel that is stronger than
low-carbon steels, and that's why it is used to produce railway
wheels and tracks, gears, and crankshaft.
5- 0,8% C is a high-carbon steel. It's the hardest and
strongest and that is why it is used in producing dies,knives, and
hacksaw blades.
This table shows the measured properties of the materials tested:

Youn's Yield Tensile Percent Percent Area

Modulus Strength Strength Elongation Reduction
Material (E) (GPa) (y) (MPa) (T.S) (MPa) (%EL) (%AR)
0.1 %C plain
9.19 299 407 37% 66%
carbon steel(AN)
0.4% C plain
11.6 432 665 21% 43%
carbon steel(DN)
0.8% C plain
13;6 667 974 14% 23%
carbon steel(N)
2.7 97.4 233 54% 76%
Pure copper (W1) 2,0 38.9 61.5 46% 86%

As shown in the table/ we can notice the following:

Plain Carbon Steels:

1)The Young's modulus increases as the weight
percent of carbon added to the alloy increases.
2) The Yield strength and tensile strength increases
with the increase of the weight percent of carbon
(0.8% C is an exception).
3) The tensile strength also increases with the
increase of the weight percent of the carbon mixed
with the metal.
4) The percent elongation and the percent reduction
in area decreases as the weight percent of the
carbon added increases.
Pure AL and pure CU:
1- These pure metals have lower Young's modulus,
Yield strength, and Tensile strength than impure
metals (alloys).
2- These pure metals have higher percent elongation
and percent reduction in area than alloys.
3- Pure copper has higher Young's modulus, Yield
strength, and Tensile strength than pure aluminum.
Engineering Significance :
When comparing the properties measured in this
experiment we can conclude the following;
1- Pure metals are brittle and have low tensile
strength compared to impure metals; however, pure
metals are much lighter that's why they are used
when light weight is needed for example, in aero-
space industry.
2- The weight percent of carbon mixed with the
metals plays a huge role in specifying alloy's
properties. And that's why plan carbon steels are
classified to different types depending on the weight
percent of carbon.
3- 0.1% C is a low-carbon steel and it is used in
automobile body components and structural shapes
because it is soft and weak and not expensive to
produce.printer, and measured the percent
elongation and percent reduction in area.

Material diameter length diameter length
(EL%) (EL%)
0.1% C plain
5.01 26.72 2.94 36.55 40% 76%
carbon steel
0.4% C plain
5.04 26.45 3.82 31.91 25% 50%
carbon steel
0.8% C plain
4.99 26.46 4.38 30.10 15% 25%
carbon steel
0.8% C plain
5.01 26.76 2.45 41.17 55% 82%
carbon steel
4.99 26.51 1.90 38.59 48% 88%
As a conclusion, the tensile test is a very useful test to
determine mechanical properties of materials. The test is
so easy and with the help of computers it can give
accurate values, However,I think that the offset method of
measuring the yield strength is not practical and that is the
reason why we got a lower value of the yield strength for 0
8% C.
There was a percentage error between the
measured and calculated values of the percent elongation
and the percent reduction in area, and I think it was due to
the error caused by the wrong reading of the initial lengths
and diameters.
I recommend that student should configure the PC
connected with tensile machine instead of the lab
assistant, so they can know how to deal with the
Finally, this experiment was very useful for me, as
an engineer,I learned how to measure some mechanical
properties of materials using the tensile test.

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