Mathematics (71) Algebra - Prelim Ii - Paper - 2 (E) Seat No. 2014 - 1100

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2014 ___ ___ 1100 Seat No.


Time : 2 Hours (Pages 3) Max. Marks : 40

Note :
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Use of calculator is not allowed.

Q.1. Solve ANY Five of the following : 5

(i) Write the first five terms of the following Arithmetic Progressions where,
the common difference d and the first term a is given :
a = 10, d = 3

(ii) Determine whether the given values of x is a roots of given quadratic

x2 + 2x + 1 = 0, x = 1

(iii) Find the value of discriminant of the following equation.

2x2 + x + 1 = 0

(iv) If Dx = 18 and D = 3 are the values of the determinants for certain

simultaneous equations in x and y, find x.

(v) If A = 55, d = -3.25 and h = 10, then, find mean.

(vi) For a pie diagram, = 75, Total = 54000, find the data.

Q.2. Solve ANY FOUR of the following : 8

(i) Find the twenty fifth term of the A. P. : 12, 16, 20, 24, .....

(ii) Form the quadratic equation if its roots are :

3 and 11

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(iii) If 12x + 13y = 29 and 13x +12y = 21, Find x + y.

(iv) In a each of the following experiments write the sample space S, number
of sample points n (S), events P, Q, R using set and n (P), n (Q) and n (R).
Find the events among the events defined above which are : complementary
events, mutually exclusive events and exhaustive events.
A die is thrown :
(a) P is the event of getting an odd number.
(b) Q is the event of getting an even number.
(c) R is the event of getting a prime number.

(v) Which term of an A.P. is 55, if a = 3 and d = 1.3.

(vi) Two coins are tossed. Find the probability of the events.
(i) head appears on both the coins.
(ii) head does not appear.

Q.3. Solve ANY THREE of the following : 9

(i) The taxi fare is Rs. 14 for the first kilometer and Rs. 2 for each additional
kilometer. What will be fare for 10 kilometers ?

(ii) Solve the given quadratic equations by completing square.

z2 + 6z 8 = 0

(iii) A card is drawn at random from a well shuffled pack of 52 cards.

Find the probability that the card drawn is
(a) bears a number between 4 and 7 both inclusive.
(b) bears a number between 3 and 8 both inclusive.

(iv) What is the probability that an ordinary year has 53 Sundays ?

(v) Area under different crops in a certain village is given below.

Represent it by pie diagram
Crop Jowar Wheat Sugarcane Vegetables
Area in hectare 8000 6000 2000 2000

Q.4. Solve ANY TWO of the following : 8

(i) Solve the given simultaneous equations using graphical method :

4x = y 5; y = 2x + 1

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(ii) Represent the following data using frequency curve :

Electricity bill in
200 - 400 400-600 600 - 800 800 - 1000
a month (in Rs.)
No. of families 362 490 185 63
Draw histogram and hence draw frequency curve.

(iii) Find the sum of all numbers from 1 to 140 which are divisible by 4.

Q.5. Solve ANY TWO of the following : 10

(i) The sum of the squares of five consecutive natural numbers is 1455. Find
the numbers.

(ii) For the data given, find median calories consumed daily by a boy.
Number of calories (in 00) consumed daily by a sample of 15 years old
boys are given below.
Calories 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
No. of 5 13 16 18 27 10 4

(iii) A bus covers a certain distance with uniform speed. If the speed of the bus
would have been increased by 15 km/h, it would have taken two hours
less to cover the same distance and if the speed of the bus would have
been decreased by 5 km/h, it would have taken one hour more to cover
the same distance. Find the distance covered by the bus.

Best Of Luck

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2014 ___ ___ 1100 Seat No.


Time : 2 Hours Preliminary Model Answer Paper Max. Marks : 40

A.1. Attempt ANY FIVE of the following :

(i) a = 10, d = 3
Here, t1 = a = 10
t2 = t1 + d = 10 + ( 3) = 10 3 = 7
t3 = t2 + d = 7 + ( 3) = 73 = 4
t4 = t3 + d = 4 + ( 3) = 43 = 1
t5 = t4 + d = 1 + ( 3) = 13 = 2
The first five terms of the A.P. are 10, 7, 4, 1 and 2. 1

(ii) x2 + 2x + 1 = 0, x = 1
Putting x = 1 in L.H.S. we get,
L.H.S. = ( 1)2 + 2 ( 1) + 1
= 12+1
= 22
= 0
= R.H.S.
L.H.S. = R.H.S.
Thus equation is satisfied.
So 1 is the root of the given quadratic equation. 1

(iii) 2x2 + x + 1 = 0
Comparing with ax2 + bx + c = 0 we have a = 2, b = 1, c = 1
= b2 4ac
= (1)2 4 (2) (1)
= 18
= 7
= 7 1

(iv) Dx = 18 and D = 3
By Cramers rule,
x =

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x =
x = 6 1

(v) Mean x A+ d=
= 55 + (-3.25)
= 55 - 3.25
= 51.75
Mean is 51.75 units. 1

(vi) = 360
50 = 360
50 54000
Data =
Data = 7500 1

A.2. Solve ANY Four of the following :

(i) For the given A.P. 12, 16, 20, 24, .....
Here, a = t1 = 12
d = t2 t1 = 16 12 = 4
We know,
tn = a + (n 1) d 1
t 25 = a + (25 1) d
t 25 = 12 + 24 (4)
t 25 = 12 + 96
t 25 = 108
The twenty fifth term of A.P. is 108. 1

(ii) The roots of the quadratic equation are -3 and -11.

Let = 3 and = 11
+ = 3 + ( 11) = 3 11 = 14 1
and . = 3 11 = 33
We know that,
x2 ( + )x + .= 0
x2 ( 14)x + 33 = 0
x2 + 14x + 33 = 0
The required quadratic equation is x2 + 14x + 33 = 0 1

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(iii) 12x + 13y = 29 ......(i)

13x + 12y = 21 .....(ii)
Adding (i) and (ii),
12x + 13y = 29
13x + 12y = 21
25x + 25y = 50 1
Dividing throughout by 25 we get,
x+y =
x+y = 2 1

(iv) When a die is thrown

S = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }
n (S) = 6
P is the event of getting an odd number
P = { 1, 3, 5 }
n (P) = 3
Q is the event of getting an even number
Q = { 2, 4, 6 } 1
n (Q) = 3
R is the event of getting a prime number
R = { 2, 3, 5 }
n (R) = 3
Here P Q = and P Q = S
P and Q are complementary events. 1

(v) For an A .P. a = 3, d = 1.3, tn = 55

tn = a + (n - 1)d
55 = 3 + (n-1)(1.3) 1
55 - 3 = 1.3n - 1.3
52 + 1.3 = 1.3n
53 - 3 = 1.3n
n = 41
41 term of an A.P. is 55

(vi) Two coins are tossed

S = { HH, HT, TH, TT }
n (S) = 4

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(a) head appears on both the coins.

Let A be the event that head appears on both the coins
A = { HH }
n (A) = 1
n (A)
P (A) = n (S)
P (A) = 1

(b) head does not appear.

Let B be the event that head does not appear
B = { TT }

n (B) = 1
n (B)
P (B) = n (S)
P (B) = 1
A.3. Solve ANY THREE of the following :
(i) Since the taxi fare increases by Rs. 2 every kilometer
after the first, the successive taxi fares form an A.P.
The taxi fare for first kilometer (a) = Rs. 14
Increase in taxi fare in every kilometer after first kilometer (d) = 2 1
No. of kilometers covered by taxi (n) = 10
Taxi fare for 10 kilometers = t10 = ?
tn = a + (n + 1) d
t 10 = a + (10 1) d 1
t 10 = 14 + 9 (2)
t 10 = 14 + 18
t 10 = 32
Taxi fare for ten kilometers is Rs. 32. 1

(ii) z2 + 6z 8 = 0
z2 + 6z = 8 .... (i)
Third term = coefficient of z
= 6 1
= (3) 2
= 9
Adding 9 to both sides of (i), we get,

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z2 + 6z + 9 = 8+9
(z + 3)2 = 17
Taking square root on both the sides we get, 1
z+3 = 17
z = 3 + 17
z = 3 + 17 or z = 3 17
3 + 17 and 3 17 are the roots of the given quadratic 1

(iii) There are 52 cards in a pack of cards

n (S) = 52
(i) Let A be the event that card drawn bears a number between 4
and 7 both inclusive
There are 4 numbers from 4 to 7 inclusive of both and there are
4 types of cards
Total no. of cards bearing numbers from 4 to 7 both inclusive in
the pack of cards are 4 4 = 16
n (A) = 16
n (A)
P (A) = n (S)
P (A) =
P (A) = 1
(ii) Let B be the event that card drawn bears a number between 3
and 8 both inclusive.
There are 6 numbers from 3 to 8 both inclusive and there are 4
types of cards
Total no. of cards bearing numbers from 3 to 8 both inclusive in
the pack of cards is 6 4 = 24
n (B) = 24
n (B)
P (B) = n (S)
P (B) =
P (B) = 1

(iv) An ordinary year has 365 days

52 weeks and 1 extra day
52 weeks will have 52 Sundays
The sample space for one extra day is

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S = { Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thusday,Friday, 1

Saturday, Sunday }
n (S) = 7
Let A be the event that the extra day is a Sunday
A = { Sunday } 1
P (A) = 1
n (A)
P (A) = n (S)
P (A) = 1

(v) Crop Area in hectare Measure of central angle

Jowar 8000 360 = 160 1
Wheat 6000 360 = 120
Sugarcane 2000 360 = 40
Vegetables 2000 360 = 40
Total 18000 360


120 40
Wheat Vegetables 2

A.4. Solve ANY TWO of the following :

(i) 4x = y 5 y = 2x + 1
4x +5 = y
y = 4x + 5
x 0 1 2 x 0 1 2
y 5 1 3 y 1 3 5 1
(x, y) (0, 5) (1, 1) (2, 3) (x, y) (0, 1) (1, 3) (2, 5)

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Y 2
Scale : 1 cm = 1 unit
on both the axes

(0, 5) 5 (2, 5)

3 (1, 3)

(1, 1) 1 (0, 1)

X -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 X



(2, 3)


+ 1




x = 2 and y = -3 is the solution of given simultaneous equations. 1

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(ii) Electricity bill

Class mark No. of families
in a month in Rs.
200 - 400 300 362 1
400 - 600 500 490
600 - 800 700 185
800 - 1000 900 63

Y 3
Scale : On X axis : 1 cm = 100 units
On Y axis : 1 cm = 50 families




No. of families








X 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 X

Classes (Electricity bill in a month in Rs.)


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(iii) The natural numbers from 1 to 140 that are divisible by 4 are as
follows : 4, 8, 12, 16, .............., 140
These numbers from an A.P. with a = 4, d = t2 t1 = 8 4 = 4 1
Let, 140 be the nth term of A.P.
t n = 140
t n = a + (n 1) d
140= 4 + (n 1) 4
140= 4 + 4n 4
140= 4n
n =
n = 35 1
140 is 35 term of A.P.
We have to find sum of 35 terms i.e. S35,
Sn = [2a + (n 1)d]
S 35 = [2 (4) + (35 1) 4] 1
S 35 = [8 + 34 (4)]
S 35 = [8 + 136)
S 35 = [144]
S 35 = 2520
Sum of natural numbers from 1 to 140 that are divisible by 4 1
is 2520.

A.5. Solve ANY TWO of the following :

(i) Let the five consecutive natural numbers be x, x + 1, x + 2, x + 3 1
and x + 4 respectively.
As per the given condition,
x2 + (x + 1)2 + (x + 2)2 + (x + 3)2 + (x + 4)2 = 1455
x + x + 2x + 1 + x + 4x + 4 + x + 6x + 9 + x + 8x + 16 1455
2 2 2 2 2

= 0
5x2 + 20x + 30 1455 = 0 1
5x2 + 20x 1425 = 0
Dividing throughout by 5 we get,
x2 + 4x 285 = 0
x2 15x + 19x 285 = 0
x (x 15) + 19 (x 15) = 0
(x 15) (x + 19) = 0
x 15 = 0 or x + 19 = 0 1
x = 15 or x = 19

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x is a natural number x 19 1
Hence x = 15
x + 1 = 15 + 1 = 16 x + 2 = 15 + 2 = 17
x + 3 = 15 + 3 = 18 x + 4 = 15 + 4 = 19
The required five consecutive natural numbers are 15, 16, 17, 1
18 and 19 respectively.

(ii) Frequency (fi) Cumulative frequency

(No. of boys) less than type
1000 - 1500 5 5
1500 - 2000 13 18
2000 - 2500 16 34 c.f.
2500 - 3000 18 f 52
3000 - 3500 27 79 1
3500 - 4000 10 89
4000 - 4500 4 93
Total 93 N
Here total frequency = fi = N = 93
N 93
= = 46.5 1
2 2
Cumulative frequency (less than type) which is just greater than
46.5 is 52. Therefore corresponding class 2500 - 3000 is median
L = 2500, N = 93, c.f. = 34, f = 18, h = 500 1
N h
Median = L c.f.
2 f
93 500
= 2500 34
2 18
= 2500 + (46.5 34) 1
= 2500 + (12.5)
= 2500 +
= 2500 + 347.22
= 2847.22
Median of calories consumed by boys is 2847.22 calories. 1

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(iii) Let the speed of bus be x km/hr. and time taken be y hrs.
Distance = Speed Time
Distance = xy km
According to the first condition,
(x + 15) (y 2) = xy
x (y 2) + 15 (y 2) = xy
xy 2x + 15y 30 = xy
2x + 15y = 30 ......(i) 1
According to the second condition,
(x 5) (y + 1) = xy
x (y + 1) 5 (y + 1) = xy
xy + x 5y 5 = xy
x 5y = 5 ......(ii)
Multiplying (ii) by 3 we get,
3x 15y = 15 ......(iii) 1
Adding (i) and (iii) we get,
2x + 15y = 30
3x 15y = 15
x = 45 1
Substituting x = 45 in (ii),
45 5y = 5
5y = 5 45
5y = 40
y = 5 1

y = 8
Distance = xy
= 45 8
= 360
Distance covered by bus is 360 km. 1

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