BecomeSuperhumanResourceGuide BenGreenfield

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This Official Resource Guide gives you instant

access to every tool that Ben Greenfield
recommends in his podcasts, blogs and articles.
Its short, but jam-packed with practical things
you can use for your body transformation or
performance goals, and mean to be as a quick
go-to resource for any goals you may have, such
as detox, digestion, or hormone balance.

You can use these recommendations to become

more Superhuman, and if youre subscribed to
the free newsletter on Bens website, he will
deliver updates as he discovers new cutting-edge
resources for you.

In the following pages, you'll find his

recommendations for becoming Superhuman in
the realms of Performance, Fat Loss, Recovery,
Digestion, Brain, Sleep and Hormones. If you
need help in customizing a particular protocol for
your needs, you can click here to hire Ben or any
of the Greenfield Fitness Systems Coaches for a
personal consulting phone call.

I. Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
II. Supplements
Basic Supplement Packs . . . . . . . 10
Performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Fat Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Hormones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Gut Healing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Detox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
III. Gear
Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Fat Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Detox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Brain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Sleep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Recommended Reads . . . . . . . . . 41

Basic Recommended Tests To Ask Your
Doctor For On A Blood Panel - the
standard tests most physicians run are typically
NOT enough for becoming Superhuman and
simply identify absence of disease, not optimal
Complete Blood Count of Red Blood Cells
(RBCs) and White Blood Cells (WBCs)
Blood Lipids
Basic Inflammation
Thyroid & Blood Sugar
Liver & Kidney Health
Total Bilirubin

Total Protein
Basic Nutrients
Vitamin D
Carbon Dioxide
Ferritin (serum)
Total Iron Binding Capacity
Vitamin B12
RBC Magnesium
Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate (DHEA)
Free Testosterone
Metabolic Hormones Cortisol (blood)
IGF-1 (Growth Hormone surrogate)

Other Useful Tests
Gut Test

DNA Test

Cyrex labs assays (the most accurate

way to test for food allergies)

Heart Rate Variability Testing

NatureBeat app for morning 5-
minute check
Another good one for daily "Zen" and
"Vita" scores: recommend a "Tinke"
device by Zensorium.
Recommended Testing Resources
WellnessFX (good if you want a
medical practitioner to oversee
DirectLabs (cheaper, but you need to
know what you're doing or have Ben
walk you through it).

Cardiochek portable blood testing
system for lipid testing/cholesterol.
Portable glucose monitor for blood
Bundled Testing "Packages"
Blood Sugar Lab Testing
Cardiovascular Risk Blood Testing
Complete Gut Testing
Complete Thyroid Function Test
Nutrient Deficiency Testing
Sex Hormone Balance Test
Wellness Complete Comprehensive
Blood Test (this includes everything)

Basic Supplement "Packs" Assembled
by Ben Greenfield - click any for more
Endurance Pack - UCAN Superstarch
+ NatureAminos + Vespa +
Fat Loss Pack - MPX100 +
ThermoFactor + LeanFactor
Muscle Gain Pack - DEEP30 Protein
+ NatureColostrum + NatureAminos
Recovery Pack - Recoverease
+ DEEP30 Protein + NatureAminos +
Injury Pack - Natureflex + Phenocane
Detox & Gut Healing Pack -
NatureCleanse + NatureColostrum +
CaproBiotics + CapraZymes +
Anti-Aging Pack - Lifeshotz + MPX100
Brain Pack - TianChi +
SuperEssentials Fish Oil

Sleep Pack - TianChi + Natural Calm
Hormone Pack Natural Life Minerals
+ SuperEssentials Fish Oil + Tianchi

Performance - For Maintaining Metabolic

Efficiency & Fat Burning During 2+ Hour
Training Sessions
-30-60 minutes prior: 1g sodium (i.e. a
chicken boullion cube), 5-10 amino acid
capsules, 2-3 tablespoons medium chain
triglyceride oil or coconut oil, and 10-15
sprays topical magnesium on each limb.
-Every hour during 2+ hour workout: In
addition to Endurance Pack, 1 serving per
hour VESPA hornet juice
-Immediately after: 8g glutamine (optional
but significantly accelerates recovery) and a
20-25g portion of DEEP30 protein (whey)
or LivingProtein (vegan)

-2-3 hours later on empty stomach: 4-
6 NatureFlex capsules (proteolytic enzymes
+ amino acids).

Performance - For Reducing Risk of

Cramping, Limiting Muscle Burn &
Maintaining Mineral Balance/Electrolytes
During Training/Racing Season
-1-2 servings trace minerals per day, and
then double that during race week for any
hot races
-10-15 sprays topical magnesium on legs,
30 minutes prior to hard workout or race
-1-2 capsules Oxaloacetate, 30 minutes
prior to hard workout or race
-Load With 1 Bottle X2Performance per Day
for 7 Days Going Into Big Race
-2-4 weeks of 20-45 minute sauna sessions
every 2-3 days leading up to hot race,

preferably wearing Sweet Sweat on torso,
arms, legs.

Performance - For Adding Muscle or

Hard Weight Training Sessions
-ArmourBite Performance
Mouthpiece (during hard lifts/hard intervals).
-Superhuman Performance
Encoder wristband
-20-25g portions of DEEP30 protein (whey)
or LivingProtein (vegan) spread throughout
day, at 0.7-0.8 grams per pound body
-Creatine 0.3g/kg bodyweight for 5-7 days
followed by 5g/day. No need to cycle.
Recommend Kreaceps capsules.
-Carnitine 750mg-2,000mg/day in 2
doses. Recommend LifeShotz.

-Beta-Alanine 2-5g, 30-60 minutes before
exercise. Recommend NOW Foods.
-Amino Acids 10-20g every 60-90 minutes
during exercise. Recommend
NatureAminos (capsules) or ExosAminos
-Daily serving of concentrated greens (to
balance pH). Recommend Enerprime
(capsule) as a low/no calorie
blend Supergreens (meal replacement
powder) as a calorie based blend.

Performance - For Vegan/Vegetarian

Athletes, Use The Following Daily
-Creatine: Recommend Kreaceps capsules,
-L-Carnitine: Brands vary 250-500mg/day.
-Spirulina: Recommend RecoveryBits 25-
50 per day

-Beta-Alanine: Recommend NOW Foods, 1-
-Liposomal Vitamin B12: Brands vary 1-2
sprays per day.
-Vitamin D/Vitamin K Blend: Recommend
Exos Vitamin D Complex

Fat Loss - For Stress Control/Cortisol

-1 TianChi per day (Chinese Adaptogenic
Herb complex) on empty stomach,
preferably before exercise.

Fat Loss - For Appetite Cravings

-Nutiva Coconut Oil - 2-3 tablespoons per
day (fine to use for low heat cooking, or to
just have spoonful).

-Nutiva Coconut Manna - add to protein
shakes or smoothies for added fat to
reduce cravings.
-Miracle Noodle as pasta/noodle substitute
(zero calorie, zero carb).
-EnergyBits 1-2 handfuls at night when
you are craving food (get the ones called
RecoveryBits as these are chlorella, which
is better)

Fat Loss - For Speeding Up Fat/Carb

-Magnesium recommend Natural Calm,
400-600mg at night before bed
-Conjugated Linoleic Acid - eat grass-fed
beef several times per week or use CLA

-Vitamin B eat grass-fed beef several
times per week and/or use vitamin B
complex like Lifeshotz 1x/day
-Whole Food Antioxidant 1-2
scoops SuperBerry or SuperGreens per day
as meal replacement and/or 1 Lifeshotz/day

Fat Loss - For Eliminating Toxins and

Heavy Metal Detox
-Metal Free Heavy Metal Detoxification
Formula - follow exact instructions on bottle
-6mg of iodine per day
-For limiting toxin/metal exposure, the
following personal care/household products
are approved:
-Healthy Pet Foods Heres the Scoop!
Natural Unscented Clay Clumping Litter
-Seventh Generation Chlorine-Free Diapers

-Bon Ami Polishing Cleanser, No Chlorine,
Perfume or Dye
-Seventh Generation Free and Clear
Dishwashing Detergent
-Seventh Generation Free and Clear
Natural Dish Liquid
-Toms of Maine Natural Long-Lasting
Deodorant Stick, Aluminum-Free,
-Bean Products Pure Cotton Shower
-Excell Home Fashions Ultimate Nylon
Shower Curtain or Liner
-Carapelli Extra Light Olive Oil
-Magick Botanicals Fragrance Free
-Dr. Bronners Magic Soaps Unscented
Baby-Mild Pure Castile Soap


Hormones - Testosterone Blend

-Vitamin D3 (ideally test first) ~ 35IU/pound
of body weight
-Fish oil 2-4g/day or cod liver oil, 1-2T/day
-Magnesium (400-800mg/day)
-Brazil nuts (for the selenium and fatty
acids) 3-4/day (get raw from health food
store and keep frozen
-Grass fed beef several 6-8oz
-If you do not eat shellfish or use zinc
regularly, also include 2-
4 Prostelan capsules per day (this is a 5
Alpha Reductase inhibitor + Zinc)
And then use either:
-D-Aspartic Acid 3g/day (approx 1
teaspoon) combined

with Myomin (aromatase inhibitor) 1000-
-Use an herbal testosterone formula. Top
recommendation is Aggressive Strength.

Hormones - Adrenal
Fatigue/Overtraining Blend
-1-2 TianChi per day on empty stomach
-2-3 servings per day Trace Minerals
-Vitamin D3 ~ 35IU/lb
-4-6g Vitamin C per day
-Amino Acids 5-10 NatureAminos per day

Hormones - Estrogen Dominance Blend

-Consider progesterone cream or sublingual
progesterone but only accompanied by
hormone testing for progesterone.
-Do a detox by using the items in the Detox
-Vitamin B /antioxidant complex 1 packet
per day

Hormones - Sexual Performance

-L-Arginine vasodilator, 3-5g, 60-90 min
pre-sex w/ small amount of
carbs. Recommend Citruvol by Millennium
Sports (use 50% discount code MSTBG09)
-Horny Goat Weed, 300-500mg, daily
-Chinese Adaptogenic Herb complex 1-2
hours prior, empty stomach
-Yohimbe, 300-500mg, 1-2 hrs prior

-Some anecdotal evidence that 1
teaspoon Pine Pollen powder 1-2 hours
prior may also have some effect

Recovery - Basic Workout Recovery

-1 TianChi per day (Chinese Adaptogenic
Herb complex) on empty stomach
-20-25g portions of DEEP30 protein (whey)
or LivingProtein (vegan) post-workout
-4-6 NatureFlex 2x/day on empty stomach
for any hard workout days
-1 daily serving of SuperBerry
-1 daily serving of concentrated greens (to
balance pH). Recommend Enerprime for
lower calories option, Supergreens for meal
replacement option, or cycling between the
-Only if you test iron and its low, daily use
of Iron Bisglycinate.

Recovery - Injuries
-10-15 sprays topical magnesium rubbed
into injured area, 2-3x/day
-4-12 Phenocane per day
-9-12 NatureFlex per day
-1-2 daily serving of SuperBerry for
-Only choose the EAT foods off
the Superhuman Food Pyramid

Recovery - Bone Healing/Density

-9-12 Natureflex a day
-1-2 servings liquid trace minerals per day
~35IU Vitamin D per pound body weight

-400-800mg magnesium per day, preferably
before bed
-Vitamin K2 50-100mcg per day

Gut Healing Protocol/Heartburn

-1-2 capsules HCL with Pepsin immediately
prior to meal (may need to work up to more,
stop if burn)
-1-2 serving organic bitters immediately
prior to meal
-1-2 servings NatureCleanse per day
-1-2 servings bone broth or organic
gelatin per day
-Follow the SCD Diet protocol


Detox - Basic Cleanse
-Metal Free Heavy Metal Detoxification
Formula-follow spray instructions on bottle,
use for 30-60 days
-Liposomal Glutathione - 2-3 sprays under
tongue and hold for 20-30 seconds, use for
30-60 days
-6mg of iodine per day use for 30-60 days
-Oral magnesium in supplemental form
before bedtime (around 400-600mg/day, or
until you get loose stool)
-NatureCleanse 4-6 p per day, use for
detox maintenance and always take with a
large glass of water
-Use Squatty Potty for any bowel
-Coffee Enema 1-2x/week for 1 month

Detox - Alcohol/Hangovers
-4 Phenocane before & after drinking
-Liposomal Glutathione - 4-5 sprays under
tongue and hold for 20-30 seconds, before
-1 electrolyte tablet for every drink
-If you tend to get constipated when
drinking, 3-4 NatureCleanse with glass of
water prior to drinking

Performance - Swimming
-Any of the teachings/DVDs
from SwimSmooth (including the excellent
SwimSmooth book)
-Finis Freestyle Paddles (teach you how to
use your hand properly during catch phase
of swim stroke)
-Finis Agility Paddles (teach a natural hand
-PT Paddles (teach you how to use your
forearms by forcing you to swim with closed
-Zoomer Z2 Fins (teach you how to kick
-Swim Snorkel
-Finis Tempo Trainer Pro (teaches you
rhythm and cadence in the water)

-Underwater Mp3 Player

Performance - Cycling
-Any of the Sufferfest videos
-Superhuman Performance Encoder
Bracelet + Entrainer Drops

Performance - Running
-ElliptiGo for run training without impact.
-Wear 110% Play Harder socks or calf
sleeves during long runs (use code
GREENFIELD & get 10% discount and free
-Mini bands (for training glutes/core).
-Heart rate monitor for tracking zones
-Yurbuds + small .mp3 player

-Superhuman Performance Encoder
Bracelet + Entrainer Drops

Performance - Home Gym

-MostFit Suspension Strap
-Mini bands
-Stability Ball
-Elastic Exercise Tube
-Adjustable Dumbbells

Performance - Power/Speed

-CNS Tap Test app to track nervous system
-Power Sled
-TNT Power Cable
-Adjustable Plyometric Box
-Weighted Vest
-Agility Ladder

Performance - Balance Development

-Use Gunnar glasses if heavy
computer/phone/TV use to protect eyes.
-Use airtube headset to protect ears.
-Stability Ball
-Balance disc pillows.
-Mini-trampoline or Vibration Platform

-Mini bands (for ankle range-of-motion).
-Superhuman Performance Encoder
Bracelet + Entrainer Drops

Performance - Range-Of-Motion &

-1-2x/week full body session with Rumble
-Travel with Myorope or MuscleTrac.
-Resistance Stretching DVD
-Athletes Guide To Yoga DVD
-Superhuman Performance Encoder
Bracelet + Entrainer Drops

Fat Loss - Faster Metabolism

-Wear 110% Play Harder pants and tights
with ice for 20-60 minutes per day (use
code GREENFIELD & get 10% discount
and free shipping).
-Wear CoolFatBurner vest for cold
thermogenesis and enhanced calorie
burning while working on computer, sitting
around, etc.
-Treadmill desk or standing workstation

Fat Loss - Eliminating Toxins

-For limiting toxin/metal exposure, the
following personal care/household products
are approved:
-Healthy Pet Foods Heres the Scoop!
Natural Unscented Clay Clumping Litter
-Seventh Generation Chlorine-Free Diapers
-Bon Ami Polishing Cleanser, No Chlorine,
Perfume or Dye

-Seventh Generation Free and Clear
Dishwashing Detergent
-Seventh Generation Free and Clear
Natural Dish Liquid
-Toms of Maine Natural Long-Lasting
Deodorant Stick, Aluminum-Free,
-Bean Products Pure Cotton Shower
-Excell Home Fashions Ultimate Nylon
Shower Curtain or Liner
-Carapelli Extra Light Olive Oil
-Magick Botanicals Fragrance Free
-Dr. Bronners Magic Soaps Unscented
Baby-Mild Pure Castile Soap

Fat Loss - Tracking & Testing

-BodyMetrix handheld ultrasound body
scanning device

Recovery - Workouts
-1-2x/week full body session with Rumble
-1-2x/week 15-20 minute soak
in magnesium salts
-Every day post-workout: 10-15
sprays topical magnesium on inner thighs
and upper back
-Wear 110% Play Harder full leg
compression tights with ice for 30-60
minutes after hard workouts/races (use
code GREENFIELD & get 10% discount
and free shipping)

Recovery - Injuries

-Home handheld low level cold laser unit,
circle around area for 10-15 minutes, 1-
-Home electrostimulation unit, 1-2 sessions
of 15-20 minutes per day, recommend
-Home PEMF unit (Earthpulse), hold North
Pole against area for 15-20 minutes, 1-
-10-15 sprays topical magnesium rubbed
into injured area, 2-3x/day
-Wear 110% Play Harder compression with
ice over injured area for 20-30 minutes up
to 3x/day (use code GREENFIELD & get
10% discount and free shipping)
-Sleep with magnet taped or placed over
injured area

Detox - Air/Water Filters

-Home central structured water filter (at code BEN15 for
15% discount)
-Hepa air filter installed in home and office.
-Use of Superhuman Entrainer drops when

Detox - Food Prep

-Blender for blending preparation
-Omega masticating juicer
-Excalibur dehydrator for countertop food
-Cookbook Nourishing Traditions by Sally

Detox - Miscellaneous

-Highly recommend 2-3x/week use
of inversion table.
-Daily use of infrared Biomat

Brain - Mind Tools

-Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation -
MindAlive CES Light Therapy Device
-Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy for
alpha brain wave stimulation
recommend EarthPulse
-HeartMath emWave2 for heart-brain
connection and cohesion training - 10-15
minutes 2-3x/week
-Stress Doctor app by Azumio for
relaxation, breathing and breath control
-NatureBright Sun Touch for light
therapy/seasonal affective

-Sunrise Alarm Clock for light
therapy/seasonal affective
-Free .mp3 downloads for stress relief and
for body scans

Brain - Blocking Electromagnetic

-Install Flux on computer so it dims at
-Wear Encoder wristband
-Wear blue light blocking glasses,
especially for evening computer use.
Recommend Gunnar, or Irlen.
-Install low blue light bulbs, and put blue
light blocker screen on computer
-If traveling, use a grounding mat or
grounding bedspread (stand on for 20

minutes and use in bed at night after
arriving at destination)
-Use dirty electricity filters in main rooms of
house (recommend Greenwave filters)
-Use airtube headset on phone
(recommend Envi airtube)
-Install low blue lights in home

Sleep (Testing/Tracking)
-Beddit Sleep Tracking System
-Alternatives to Beddit: SleepTime app by
Azumio, MotionX app
-Wearable sleep tracking
devices: FitBit or Jawbone UP
Sleep - Sleep Enhancing Tools

-Install Flux on computer so it dims at
-Wear Encoder wristband
-Wear blue light blocking glasses,
especially for evening computer use.
Recommend Gunnar.
-Install low blue light bulbs, and put blue
light blocker screen on computer
-PZizz iPhone app for quick naps
-White Noise app for loud settings (dogs,
kids, etc.)
-Dream Essentials contoured face mask
and fitted ear plugs
-The Delta Effect CDs/mp3 downloads
-Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy for
enhancing deep sleep cycles
recommend EarthPulse

-NatureBright Sun Touch for morning light
-Sunrise Alarm Clock for waking
-If traveling in Europe or Asia (not USA
because it is wired differently), use
a grounding mat or grounding
bedspread (stand on for 20 minutes and
use in bed at night after arriving at
-For jet lag, try "No-Jet-Lag" exactly as
recommended on product instructions

BOOKS (click here to see books written

by Ben)
"A Philosopher's Notes"
"Devil In The Milk"
"Perfect Health Diet"
"Magnesium Miracle"
"Primal Body, Primal Mind"
"The Amen Solution"
"Wheat Belly"
"Super Health Diet"
"Disconnect: Truth About Cell Phone
"Coconut Oil Miracle"
"Lights Out: Sleep, Sex & Survival"
"Good Calories, Bad Calories" & "Why
We Get Fat"
"Food Politics" & "Why Calories
"Art & Science of Low Carbohydrate
"Stay Young & Sexy With Bioidentical
Hormone Replacement"
"The Edge Effect"
"The Art and Science of Low
Carbohydrate Performance"
"Zapped: Why Your Cell Phone
Shouldn't Be Your Alarm Clock and
1,268 Ways to Outsmart the Hazards
of Electronic Pollution"
"Kalish Method"
Better Baby Book
Rich Food, Poor Food
Thanks: New Science of Gratitude
Primal Connection
Real Food Recipes for Training &
Swim Smooth Book
Warrior Cardio
Becoming A Supple Leopard

If you need help in customizing a protocol

specific to your needs, you can hire Ben for
a personal consulting phone call.

Ben Greenfield is
New York Times
bestselling author, a
recognized authority
in sports nutrition,
endurance sports
training, fat loss,
wellness and
He offers a free blog and podcast, which
you can access by clicking here, and also
offers personal, one-on-one nutrition and
exercise consulting services to anyone,
anywhere in the world, via Greenfield
Fitness Systems.

Beyond Training teaches you how to
overcome common health-related training
issues while optimizing your workouts so
you can look, feel, and perform like a
champion. Its about mastering endurance,
health and life.

Get Fit Guys Guide To Achieving Your

Ideal Body teaches you how to find your
unique body type, and gives you a custom
workout and nutrition plan for your best
Tri-Ripped gives you the best of both worlds
a lean, muscular body and the power to
swim, bike and run faster.
Fueling Myths Exposed tells you the real
truth about fueling your body, and teaches
you proven exercise nutrition techniques.

Weight Training For Triathlon is a cutting-
edge, step-by-step gym workout guide to
developing swim, bike and run power.
Low Carbohydrate Diet For Triathletes is
perfect for losing weight and eliminating
carbohydrate cravings, even if youre very
Shape21: The Complete 21 Day Lean Body
Manual is a complete nutrition and exercise
guide to fat loss.
Triathlon Dominator is a Half-Ironman to
Ironman triathlon training plan that allows
maximum results in minimum time.
Marathon Dominator is a marathon training
plan that gets you 100% ready for your
marathon with just 4 running days a week.
Bulletproof Knee IT Band Friction Fix
completely eliminates the pain on the
outside of your knee, forever.
Top 12 Resistance Training Routines For
Triathletes has 12 incredibly efficient gym
circuits to get fast results for triathletes.
Run With No Pain is a step-by-step guide to
eliminating low back pain in runners,
cyclists, swimmers and active individuals.
100 Ways To Boost Your Metabolism
teaches you tips and tricks to burn calories
like a wildfire.
How To Qualify For Kona teaches you how
to get to Ironman Hawaii to race triathlon
world championships on the big island.
How To Change Your Life With Magnesium
teaches you how to use a common mineral
to maximize health and performance.


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