On Track Scheme of Work Unit 4296 - Video or Animation For A Purpose

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Scheme of Work – Cambridge ICT Starters On Track, Video or Animation for a Purpose

This document is a scheme of work created by Cambridge International as a suggested plan of delivery for Cambridge ICT Starters On Track module
‘Video or Animation for a Purpose’. Learning objectives for the module have been arranged in a recommended teaching order but you are free to
teach them in any order to suit your local requirements and resource availability.

Several suggested activities have been given for each learning objective. Some are short introductory or revision activities and some are more
substantial learning activities. You need to choose a variety of activities that will meet the needs of your learners and cover all of the requirements of
the learning objectives. You will need to decide on the teaching time necessary for each activity, both to suit the pace of your learners and to fit the
work comfortably into your own term times.

Suggested approaches on integrating teaching on eSafety and ethical behaviour have been included. You will need to adapt these to be suitable for
the age of your learners and to include information about local policies and laws.

There is no obligation to follow the published Cambridge International scheme of work in order to deliver Cambridge ICT Starters. This document has
been created solely to provide an illustration of how delivery of this module might be planned.

The Video or Animation for a Purpose module is part of the On Track certificate. The progression of modules that relate to this topic are shown in the
diagram below.

Initial Steps Next Steps On Track

Exploring Multimedia
Starting Images Video or Animation for a Purpose
Exploring Images

Scheme of Work – Cambridge ICT Starters On Track, Video or Animation for a Purpose
On Track, Stage 2 module: Video or Animation for a Purpose
In this module, learners are introduced to either video editing or animation software. The choice of whether to make videos or animations can be
decided on a group or individual learner basis and can be determined by resource availability. The aim is to demonstrate to pupils that either can be
produced and edited with the aid of computer software and hardware. By the end of the module, learners should have created a finished animation or
piece of film with a specific audience in mind.

What is assessed in this module?

Learners will demonstrate how to:
 create a plan for video or animation
 create source material for a video or animation
 produce a video or animation with appropriate software
 add a soundtrack or narration to video or animation
 demonstrate awareness of how the finished media text addresses a specific audience.

What do you need to teach this module?

To teach this module you will need:
 any video editing or animation creation software could be used to deliver this module. However, learners will only need to use the basic
functions of the software. Software with more complex editing tools could be used if learners have prior experience with video editing, though
this level of complexity is not required to meet the objectives in the module.
 a digital video camera or a simple webcam.

Underpinning knowledge
Before commencing this module it is recommended that learners can:
 use a simple graphics software.

Scheme of Work – Cambridge ICT Starters On Track, Video or Animation for a Purpose 2
General Principles and Procedures
The following are further suggestions and considerations:
 Learners will benefit from exploring web sites to consider how they use video and animation. They should consider how artifacts are used to
both deliver information and to enhance the overall presentation of each website.
 Learners will also benefit from demonstrations of how to create a simple animation or how to download and edit a piece of video.
 Encourage learners to keep their ideas for videos or animations simple so that they are achievable within the available software.
 The aim of this module is that learners understand the development process rather than about how complicated they make the final video or
animation. They should also prioritise learning how to use and control the software and hardware to achieve a fairly simple product over
attempting to learn how to use complicated professional products.

eSafety guidance
 We recommend that each school has an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) which describes the activities that learners can, and cannot, do when
using computers and the internet in lessons.
 When creating either video or animation, it is important that learners remain aware that they are creating something that could be viewed by a
wide audience. They should therefore consider all aspects of eSafety and respect for others when deciding what content to include.
 Explain to learners what they should do if they feel unsafe or if inappropriate content is evident on their device.
 Further information about learner safety and responsibility can be found in section 5 of the Syllabus.

Scheme of Work – Cambridge ICT Starters On Track, Video or Animation for a Purpose 3
Learning Suggested activities to choose from Resources Comments

Create a plan for Understanding audience requirements for a video or animation Check that all the necessary
video or plug-ins have been installed on
animation  In the following activities, learners will review some existing computers to allow for a range
examples of either video or animation so that they can begin of media to be viewed.
Demonstrate to consider audience requirements and to identify the
awareness of how features that are likely to either enhance or detract from the Viewing a wide range of
the finished products that they will create themselves during this module. examples will help learners to
media text be creative when they come to
addresses a  Show the learners a series of short videos or animations.  examples of short design their own work.
specific audience The artefacts chosen should ideally include good and bad animations and short
examples in order that learners can begin to judge what will videos to view. These Learners will also benefit from
be effective and ineffective in their own work. do not have to be in the seeing both good and bad
same format as that animations and videos which
 After each example has been shown, learners should work in which the learners will cover a range of target
small groups to discuss the following questions: use. audiences and purposes.
- Who are the target audience?
- What is the purpose of the video or animation? The purpose of an animation
- Which ideas were successful? or video can quite often be to
- Which ideas were weak? ‘amuse’ or to ‘entertain’ as well
- Which elements of the video or animation will be most as inform. Encourage learners
difficult to copy? to think about whether this has
- Which would be easy to copy? been achieved and why.
- How is sound used?
- Did the video/animation achieve its purpose well, and
Each group should keep a record of their discussion in order
that they can feed back to the class once all of the items
have been viewed and discussed.

 Once all of the items have been viewed and have been  paper for a class chart
discussed by the groups, hold a class discussion so that
each group can feedback and so that a class chart can be

Scheme of Work – Cambridge ICT Starters On Track, Video or Animation for a Purpose 4
created to display a list of rules that learners should apply to
their animations or videos throughout this module.
Create a plan for Creating a plan for a video or animation
video or
animation  In the following activities, learners will develop an Learners will better
understanding of the relationship between design briefs, understand the needs of an
Demonstrate storyboards and final products in order that they become audience or how to address a
awareness of how aware of the requirements of each of these stages of the particular purpose if this is
the finished development process. clearly defined in the design
media text brief.
addresses a  Show learners a design brief and a storyboard that have  a prepared example of
specific audience been prepared in advance, then ask them to watch the video a design brief and a Leaving design briefs open-
or animation to which the documents relate. This will enable related storyboard and ended may appear to give
learners to see how the three items are connected. final product learners more freedom for
creativity but will often prevent
 Show learners a further short video or animation and ask  a prepared short video them being clear about what to
then to make notes regarding the content as they watch. or animation produce.
They may need to watch the item more than once. The
learners should then work individually to create a storyboard  a storyboard grid or The thought and work process
for the item. planning template learners have to go through to
create a video or animation is
 Provide learners with a design brief for a video or animation  a simple design brief, complex, so the design briefs
and ask them to work individually to create a storyboard such as for a video or should be kept as simple as
based upon the requirements of the brief. Explain that their animation which possible.
storyboards should map out a final product that lasts no presents a set of
longer than two minutes. instructions for a simple Encourage learners to keep
task their own ideas simple and
 Each learner should swap the storyboards that they have achievable. They will also
produced in the last two activities with a partner and ask their  a further storyboard develop a sense of this for
partner write a short evaluation of each one. The evaluation grid or planning themselves with continued
should include an explanation of what works well and a template practice.
maximum of two suggestions for improvement.

 The learners should reflect on the feedback that they have

received from their partner and modify their two storyboards

Scheme of Work – Cambridge ICT Starters On Track, Video or Animation for a Purpose 5
Note: Learners will be using the storyboard that they created
from the design brief in the remainder of this module.

 Hold a class discussion where learners explain the feedback

that they have received and the changes that they have
made to their storyboards as a result.

 The class should use the outcomes from the above

discussion to agree a list of key points of what to consider
when creating a storyboard. The agreed list should then be
added to the class chart that was created at the end of the
last group of activities.
Create a plan for Identifying content Learners will benefit in the later
video or practical stages of this module
animation  During the following activities, learners will identify the from working systematically
resources, including sounds and images, that they will need through a design and plan
Create source to be able to create a video or animation from their process.
material for video storyboard.
or animation
 Ask learners to refer back to the storyboards that they  learners’ own
created from a design brief during the last group of activities. storyboards that were
They should use this to make a complete list of all the created from a design
resources, materials, images and sounds needed to brief during the
complete the storyboard. Explain the importance of listing previous group of
every item that will be required. activities.

 Once their list is complete, learners should place a marker It is expected that learners will
against any of the items that they will need to source or have to learn from experience
create themselves. Examples of this could include the about what is easily
following: achievable with the equipment
- a learner creating a simple animation will probably need and time available.
to create the original images for the animation using
graphics software Allow learners the opportunity
- a learner creating a video may need to find props and to develop skills by repeating
write a script. this process on other design
briefs. This will be more

Scheme of Work – Cambridge ICT Starters On Track, Video or Animation for a Purpose 6
 Learners should then write a short and simple action script beneficial than asking them to
for the storyboard to explain how or what needs to change or spend all of the available time
happen from one scene to the next. on their first brief.
Create source Producing videos or animations If both animation and video
material for video are being explored in this
or animation  In the following activities, learners will use the available  learners’ storyboards module it is advisable to start
hardware and software to create either a video or animation from the previous with animation as the learners
Produce video or based upon the storyboard that they have created in the activities. will be able to work on this
animation with previous activities. independently and build up
appropriate useful skills which can later be
software  Demonstrate how to use the equipment that learners will be transferred to using video.
using during these activities and allow them time for
familiarisation and practice.

 Divide the learners into groups that are as small as possible  a video camera, web Good planning will make it
yet allow for each group to have access to all of the required cam, digital camera or easier for groups to share the
hardware. Whilst the groups work, ensure that each learner scanner equipment.
gets to experience every aspect of the work in order that
they can prepare themselves for the assessment.  video or image capture If using video, encourage short
software setup on the shoots which deliver the
 Each group should select a storyboard from one of the relevant machine objectives outlined on
members of the group. Their choice should be based upon storyboard.
the following criteria:
- the content that best addresses the design brief and is Learners should demonstrate
most likely to engage the audience that they can plan on paper
- and is practical to produce in terms of the resources, before using the technology.
skills and time available.

 Each group should use their selected storyboard and action

script to shoot their video footage.

 Demonstrate how the recorded footage is transferred to the

computer and ask each group to do this with their own

Scheme of Work – Cambridge ICT Starters On Track, Video or Animation for a Purpose 7
 Demonstrate how to use the selected software and allow
each group time to experiment before they edit their own

 Hold a short class discussion so that each group can share

any editing techniques that they either discovered or found
particularly useful with the class.

 Each group should save their source material and edited

video in a suitable location.

Learners may wish to use toy
 Learners can either work individually or in pairs during these figures or pipe cleaner models
activities. If they are working in pairs they should discuss and to create short animations by
select which of their storyboards from the previous group of taking a succession of digital
activities they are going to animate. Their choice should be  graphics software pictures after small
based upon the following criteria: movements have been made
- the content that best addresses the design brief and is  animation software or to the models. This can be
most likely to engage the audience similar time-consuming and should
- and is practical to produce in terms of the resources, only be used where the design
skills and time available. brief or storyboard was
particularly suitable.
 Learners should use their storyboard and action plan to
create, draw or capture the necessary images, photos or
pictures that they need to create their animations. They
should check that the quality and size of each artefact is
appropriate for the finished product. Tweening is a common
technique used in many types
 Learners should then import their artefacts into the animation of animation. It is the process
software. of creating transitional frames
between two separate objects
 Demonstrate how to use the animation software and explain in order to create the
what is meant by tweening. Demonstrate how to include appearance of movement and
tweening effects in the creation of the animation. evolution from the first object
into the second object. There

Scheme of Work – Cambridge ICT Starters On Track, Video or Animation for a Purpose 8
are a number of video tutorials
 Hold a short class discussion so that each group can share available on the internet
any manipulation or tweening techniques that they either although these are generally
discovered or found particularly useful with the class. based upon a specific piece of
software, therefore an
 Each group should save their source material and animation appropriate one would need to
in a suitable location. be selected.
Demonstrate Adding sounds and evaluating the product
awareness of Encourage learners to only
how the  In the following activities, learners will build upon the work  learners’ previous consider sound after all edits
finished that they created in the last group of activities to review and animation or video from and modifications have been
media text modify it against the design brief. Once they are satisfied the previous session made to the visual element,
addresses a that the visual aspect to their work meets the requirements of unless sound has been
specific the brief, they will add a soundtrack.  microphone and sound recorded during the shooting
audience recording equipment in the case of a video.
 Either in their groups from the last set of activities or working (optional)
Add individually, learners should review and modify their videos Adding sound is more a
soundtrack or or animation by referring back to the original design brief and  variety of sound files consideration of how select
narration to their storyboard. They should write a short explanation of that are free from sounds which have the
video or any changes that they make. copyright restriction, for potential to enhance the
animation example music or purpose of the video or
 Explain to learners that they are now going to add a sound effects animation, rather than testing
soundtrack to their work and demonstrate any of the any technical ability to
additional hardware or software that they will be using. incorporate sound into video
or animation editing.
For video
Learners should be
 Much of the sound and conversation for the video will have encouraged to consider
been recorded at the shooting. Therefore learners will only sounds which add something
be adding either a musical soundtrack or a voice over positive to the design brief.
narration at this stage.

 The soundtrack or recorded narration can be made to run at

the same time as the video using the editing software. It is
not however expected that learners will create a soundtrack
in the video editing software, they should just be adding a

Scheme of Work – Cambridge ICT Starters On Track, Video or Animation for a Purpose 9
readily available track which does not carry any copyright

For animation

 The soundtrack or recorded narration can be made to run at

the same time as the animation using the multimedia
software. It is not however expected that learners will create
a soundtrack in the multimedia software, they should just be
adding a readily available track which does not carry any
copyright restrictions.
Demonstrate Evaluating videos and animation
awareness of how
the finished  In the following activities, learners will work collaboratively to
media text devise an evaluation framework for their video or animation.
addresses a They will then apply this by evaluating each other’s work as
specific audience well as their own. They will then modify their own work as a
result of the evaluations.

 Hold a class discussion to create a list of prompts that can  learners’ completed During evaluations and
be formed into a class evaluation questionnaire for the videos or animations feedback, it is important that
videos or animations. The questionnaire could include from previous session learners see this as a positive
prompts such as: process by allowing time for
- Does it suit its audience? discussion and for
- Does it suit its purpose? modifications to be made.
- What works well?
- What doesn’t work well?
- What are the best and worst features?
- What improvements could be suggested?

 Learners should work individually to evaluate their own work

and, in the case of a group video development, should share
their evaluations with the other members of their group in Writing down simple
order to agree on a single evaluation. evaluation statements about
the work of others will help

Scheme of Work – Cambridge ICT Starters On Track, Video or Animation for a Purpose 10
 The groups or individuals should then swap their work with a learners to do the same for
partner group or individual and should complete an their own work.
evaluation of the partner’s work.
Encourage learners to make
 Modifications should then be made to the videos or positive comments as well as
animations in response to the feedback received and to the negative. They should avoid
self-evaluation. giving marks, percentages or
ticks as a means of evaluation.
 Working individually, learners should then write an evaluation
of their own final video or animation. Their evaluation should  a range of new design
include an explanation of what makes their work suitable for briefs for further
its purpose. They should refer back to the original brief when practise
doing this.

 Learners can practise all that has been learned during this
module by creating other videos or animations using the
same process, including the refinement and evaluation at the
end. This further practice will be particularly helpful for those
learners who have needed to work in groups due to resource

Scheme of Work – Cambridge ICT Starters On Track, Video or Animation for a Purpose 11
Assessment ideas
To show how the Assessment idea fully incorporates the learning objectives tested, the assessment idea is cross-referenced with the learning
objective table below.

Assessment Idea One

Learners are asked to create a video or animation to inform very young children not to touch hot things.
 Decide whether you are going to create a
video or animation (depending on whichever equipment is available to you). Create a storyboard for your animation or video. Make a list of what you
will need to create your video or animation. (1) Shoot the footage for the video or create the images you need for the animation. (2) Edit this in the
appropriate software to make your video or animation, viewing and modifying until you have a good result (3). Then save your file. Select some sound
which will play with your video or animation (not required if sound has been recorded with video footage). (4) Write a short evaluation of how and why
your animation or video is suitable for informing young children about the danger of touching hot things (5).

Stage 2 Module – Video or Animation for a Purpose

1 Plan video or animation
2 Create source material for video or animation
3 Produce video or animation with appropriate software
4 Add soundtrack or narration to video or animation
5 Demonstrate awareness of how the finished media text addresses a
specific audience

Teachers should retain the following evidence for moderation:

 copy of original assessment
 learners saved animation or video (with sound or with teacher evidence that sound was 
 incorporated successfully))
 learners written evaluation.

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