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Chapter I

nSEJr ) ranruuuu rdardo{t#tfiudsn?ril
iu"iu forms
ttmfln'l{zo.ltln^t ttru
I work there. I worked there.
ud-rn ardnaqnr:nirfiodurfu fi'urisndr'renses'
tenses d:]{?|illoflfll:trjauu:rjfl1R5tl tflll sing, sang, sung, play, played
fitoToflnr:roruntgrrirg triu will srudv.hadstudied
lunrur d'rnqufiualrJsfio ovuand'nTou
renses oqrlm il o?ril dtunr:tf
o{aa luu

A: Did you see Tom last night?
B: No, I didn't.
A: What happened?
B: I waiteil in the pub for an hour, but he didn't come.

I'orm n5grriosfr2 (SimplePast)
1. trannt:altn^odu 'lastnisht'
" g
2. tilqn1:f[m0til
,o 'in the past'

3. tuqnr:nird5odu 'lasrnighP

4. ficirugnstrnr 'for anhour' dttfiguni'rfiutrnrdruudsza.r'lastnisht'

y u t X r < aJo 3.1 q a J"1ta
5. ZAO?lil O{fl6r"r?ilRA1?0{tilqfl1:tuyrrfl9rzu[ut?n] tQytlv [ua on fl{ Lilil
J y ..! u du .l of a J
o?1il tfl €J2il0{6IrJV{U6flU r?A1lilUQQUlt?Jfltv?lvtO

+++ +++ +++ +++


Now cover the riglrt hand side of the page and answer the following questionsi

a. When did it tra':pen? lt happenedlast night'

Did it happenin the past? - Yes, it did'

c. Are A and B ttLlkingabout No, l-heyaren't'

the presentmolnent?
Ale they talking about when - Yes, they are'
the action tock Place?
e. What did you <lolast night? I ----------.*--'-'-----....--".-.--_-,
and I *_ --.----.----,
and tlfrenI_*__- --'
and finally I-------'

f. A11the things rvhich we havr:just

tilked about haPPenedlast night.
Are they conne:ctedmoment?

ovufiuloi'jr pasrliimpleTensc*t#r rndqordonrir: fi{ tilEnl:nfluo6n
'l ravLd5a#uodrq:rotEr
ruqnlrrfutaflr:,R1'vrirdrfindulurirsnar#u usifiaran:a}i'ltfr'nu
r y 2. , d ,J . -{- - ^.,^ -^4 -- - .. -r.J'- ^

He lcdked into the bar and sdeled a vodka and tonic'

I lil4adin Chiangnraiuntil I wa^ssevenl'een'
wtre'n I was a chitd we always went tc' the seasidein April.

f tfioiilu
rrlavhi dulorir{ tlrrd t?rqn'r:ni'fiutfiodu

ld' PastTensedafi riruanurnrs'iahjf

yesterdayat noon
yesterday afternoon
last night
the day before yesterday
the night before last
the day before yesterdayin the morning,zafternoon./evening
last Monday
the Monday before last
the Januarybefore last
last Christmas
the Christmasbefore last
last week
last week before last
last month
last month before last l
last year
the year before last
Iast cenrury
the century before last

utrnorndlf prutTensefi'uri"ruan,rnldrj:railflu'ago,
niu tro yearsago,
six monthsago' ten minutesa€g,a long time agoetc. unvfin"lf Pa-stTense rdofi ',,vhen,

\Utan did you loarn aboutit?

\I[rcn I saw it in the papers.
I drank tea wirh brearkfastir&cn I was in England.

aA .le€ q
'l [oan flo

1. PasrTenset#r{lurirzaforodr.rqnru fin"Lrfi'rirn3er
I wqnder if you could give me a lift.
I wonderadif you could give m,l a lift.

2. PasrTenseufi'{rir:ir if uavri'ruaorr$autzuour'tu r:nrfloQU-u


If I had thal sum of money now, f'd buy a car.

Supoosewe spent next weekendin Phuket?
ff qnly I har! more time.
You look asjf you $rerejust about to scream.

3. "L# p^t Tense unsfiTjr rt's,It's high time, It's high noon,
would rather, wish Togn:rxfiil1tila{'il:vlenr{Ju present fiio Furure n^'[zipast
Ien o'clock - it's time you wenl,home.
Don't come and seeme today - Pd rather you came tomorrow.
I wish I had a bettermernory. (r, ,l,l,rn
4. niflr?irfl"Lu:rJadmlgi'atfi could,might, would, ttflv should finqvfi
c3a o,l a d
n?lililillgruuuQQuu u:a ailln9l

Could vou heln me for a moment?

I think it might rain soon.
W-auldyou come this way, please?
Alice should be here soon.

Exercise I

Ana's learningEnglish in England,and her friend Hans hasjust spentthe weekendwitJrher,

Help her [o completeher letter by fitling in wi*r the verbs in the boxes.

Irregular Verbs Reeular Verbs

think thought cry
see saw rsmember
dream dreamt play
write wrote cook
fall fell post
drink drank wonder
fiv flew laugh
grve gave

lol lol lcl lcl


5 Beefeater Tercrce
London Wz
26th October 20

Dear Hans,,

What a wonderfu.ttime we had togetht:rla^stweekend! I'm sorry

you had to go back to Germany so s(x)n.
Whr:n you _____-_ back to Munich last Monday I
life would.trc very dull irithout you. When I ------ your plane

take off I vrhen I would see you again. I-a^ I

frrr a long time:. When I finally gc't to sleep I

that we were getting married in a big church. Did you
me when vou ttre casscltcI vou onc to

me last niglrt. lf you dirl pcrhaprsI'11get it tomorrow morning.

Whrtt a furury filnr we - to;;ether! Do you remember
how rve when the man into thc water at the end?

how nruch champagnewe -----

Do you rern.iember after dinner?

I h a d a bit of a headachethe next morningi l[ u,a-squite surprisedwhen you

the break for me.
T"har"'sall for nour. If you the letter last night Pll
probably get it first thing tomorrorv.

Much love,


Now completeHans' reply the sameway.

krezular Verbs Resular Verbs

read/ nld/ read/red/ turn
buy bought receive
drivc drove dance
take off took off (2) cry
drink drank land (2)
say said pnone
meet met ask (2)
go into went into laugh
give Eave

Munchauserntr. 6,

Munich, Germany.

28th 0ctaber 2A

Dear Ana,

Thank you so much lbr your lener which I receivcd this rnorning. Yes I
l.oo when the plane

newspapel'on the piarre but I couldn't cunccntrate on it because rlly thoughts

to you and the wonderful weekenclwe had together. When the plane
I __ __ _ Heinrich and he _ to the airport and took me
home . I{c __ _,_ ___.nre a lot of questions about you and _*_____ when I

told him you wanted to get married. He said we were too young and I'm afraid

he's right.

Whi,e I was waiting for him at the airgrortI a friend of rnine

who was going to Londorr. I the: airport shop and -----_ a

beautiful cloll and it to him to tak,g to London. I --.*_--_- him

to phone 1'ou when he . I hope h,ehas been to see vou and given
you the ptes,ent.
Jur;t before the plure front, London you that JohnL

had asked you out to dimer. Did you have a nice evening with him? I expect

y0u all night. Don't worry. f rn not jealous! The coffee we

at his flat was horrible, wasn't it'? Did you go back there after your

evening out with him?

Much love and write again soon.


ExerciLse If

Complete the foll,orving newspaPer report with the pa:lt simple.

One minute Mr. Jack Jonreswas using his hui:e mechanical digger to clear sand vrhich

had blown up against the foreshore at Swansea. Thri: ileXt his mighty machine had scoo'ped up

a brealhless police sergeant and a constable who --_---- (order) him to follow a man

running along the t,each.

With the 1po determined lawmenLcrouching irr the bucket, the digger -(reach)

its top speed of 1O mph as it --=*--_ (advance) on the fugitive. When the digger

(be) lerel with the man, the two law offi,rers - (1eap) out of the bucket

and _-__ (rnake) their arrest. But as Mr. Jo:nes-_-- (watch) in horror th.e 10
ton digger (ri"k) deeperand deeperinto the sand. His efforts to free it
(be) fruitless and soon the tide ------ -- (come) in and
Last night after a five-hour rescueoperation. Mr. Menyn Orvens, head of the
companywhich own the digger (say) tlyr'" have been landed with a repair bill

of at least$6,000."


A: Have you secnMary?

B: No, I haven't seenher sinceyesterday.

Eorm havc
+ nier?iaqd s (PastParticiple)

1. rirorruniudflr:rfiu'if' hild 'when'
9 V I tl 4 tl r vl rtr d r I
2. rufl'lil9l0{fl15y1:'lu?'l B }lU Mary U'l{14:Olil lilUUV{U$JAtil:

3. n lil4ru10fi{r?atrevnvrotva{'luodm
4. B alaevilu Maw uta1ilff1si'ludr{r?a'rild{ drr{lu
A floO{afl[u"ta

Have you b-eento the cinema this week?
- No, I haven't. I have been t'oo busy.
Have you had any holidays this year?
- Yes, I haLeid three weeks altogeter.
Have you ever had any accidentsin your life?
. ( = Have you ever had any accidents?)

F{aLv,:you ever been to Rtme?

Nl .Pve never bera to Rome, but I have been to Paris.

Have you had a nLicebreakl.ast?

(Ir has just finish,;d now.)

Flave vou oassed vour exam?

(I srrpposeyou'vr: just got the news.)

n]:td Present Pr:rt'ect'l'ense

cryu d 4 J j q d o a . J
1. [ilRUtlt91flt:tUUTA n]5fl5vll"lytt:]'tlJOO{'t tt6rvo'lmusroUUA{}rlAilA{ilfuvt?6t17lv\lO

fvele,en here sinceApril 27th.

We'rp known each ,otherfor a long time.

f,'uaug: nilrJud'r usisilfi

z.'[#fi'u nrqnr: niutonr: n:vrirdra5o nrril dr6'tyciathlriu
finlri:vur:aruiluauo.rhl 1 nfisun^odurutrfri'*'lu
Flave vou nassed vour drivins test?

(It is asked after the, test you've ju-st takr:.n.)

The llresident has boen assassinated.

(= The,President is dead.)

Utopia has declarcd war on Fantasia.

(Utopil and Fantasia are at war.)

I cannot go on holiday because I have brirken my leg.

(= My leg is broken.)

3. "[d'Pr.r"rrtPerf'ect
since, for, just, yet, alteady,, never, ever, before
(now), recently, lately, It's the fust time
so far this moming, up il now, up to the present,
all this year, all my life, during the 20th century.
dr adx nr:tfriru ann nrdtri' presenr
She has worked here since 1980.
She has worked here for ten years.
Where's Mary? - She has just gone out.
Have you been to thc bank yet?
- No, not yct.
- Yes, already.
She has never eatena mango before.
Have you eygr eatena mango?
Mayuri hasn't appearedon TV beforenow.
He's recentl)t arrived from Leoi.
Somchai has seen a lot of Alice lafely.
It\th-e, fi$rire I've drunk champagne.
The company has made a large amountof profit so far.
ttgiti'r:vurrnttotya{"luadn rziu yesterday,last weekend,rhen,
in 1989 ov1# Presenr
The Presidenrhas baeo_assassinalsd.
The Presidentwas assassina@d
last night.
Utopia ha-sdeelaredwar on Fantasia.
Utopia dcelaredwar on Fantasiayesterday.
I hqr.c baen all over Songkhla.

: I went all over SongkNain 1985.


4. "[f P."r"ntPrefectf'enseffuruqnr:nidr"fio#r"l mn 1 #nfidruondturunr;Y.t

timesuSoviruuo"rlud niu
liti'r,n [dil once, hvice,t]tee/four/s€:vor&l
often, .irequently
I've wiltched him on TV severaltimes.
s. fin'tri'.Present Tensei"unr::rsqruzirrtuivlan:vatsflflsil6au#{fratfirud
Interest. rates rose ag;ain today and the price of gold has fallen by $10 an ounce.

Industrial leaders ha've complained that hiigh interest rates will make borrowing

expens ive for industry.

o.'td' Pt.r"nt PerfectI'ensetuooffilrfl mtoriEr:hJdnt:oi

Wclve just anivedir Hong Kong, andthoughwe haven'thad time to seemuch
yet, wr:'re surewe'Ie goingto enjoyoun;elves.

Present Perfect Prql'essive Tense

Form havt:
I - trce n *\/ing
has -l

J, y q y J e I J dr q a o a | ! ,J

01: tu 1. tut"ila[ilun?til9t0tua.:zo.:r149tfl']';fu?'lftlcr{o'lluilagaaanz2.:t?R"lfiu.:
nr: aiuu qveirrfiu sioilreudsarurfiq o miu
f tE' o a | 4 J
W"'u" U"*n learning this languai;efor 10 years.
(and are still learning it)
z. tdrdauao.:fiqnannr:nid
Pve beenlivine in Sallv's flat.
The streetsare flooded. It ha^slrcu raining hard.
my typewriler and has Lornthe ribbon.
Some has beo-n-:rs-ing
g. rirnSflrdovyirrtluPresenr loisi'aqt{Jurirn3flrdrr,ilol
fl?'lilgiatfrai (Prolonged action.) tdu learn, lie, live, rain, sit, sleep,
stand, study, wait, work, talk. read, rest, etc.

Exercise I

Completethe sentenceswith the simple or progressiveform of the presentperfect tenseof

the verbs in brackets.

1. I (write) the letter, so perhapsyou would post it for me.

2. For the last hvo years, he _ (write) a history of the Civil War.

3. A: What you - (do) for the last half hour?

B:I (sit) here working at this problem.
4. We always (1ive) in bungalow, so it will seem strange when we

move into a house.

5. How you --- (keep)? Well, I hope.
6. You look very upset. What (happen)?

7. He shouldn'f drive this evenine. He (drink).

8. I'd better not drive. I already (drink) quite a lot.

L The meat must be nearly ready. It ------ (cook) for nearly an hour.

10. You --- - (not finish) that book yet? You -- (read) it

for morc than a week.

11. I wonder if John (forget) my number. I (expect)

him to call for the past two hours.

L2. I'm sorry we're late. You ------ (wait) long?

13. A: How iong (know) you thc truth?

B: I only ju-st (find out), but I (find out)

a lot of other things just recently.

14. If he *--- (ask) rne that questiononce, he (ask) me

a dozen times.
15. Go out and get some fresh air! You *---* - (sit) there reading all

Changothe infinirjves in brackeb into either the (actrve or passive) Past Simple or the
PrqsentPerfect, acr:ordingto what is required in English usage.

1. What a nuisance! I (forgt:t) my keys again!

2. When we first (come) to this town, it (b")

relativeiy eiisy to find a prarking place near our house. Now lt

(become) a big probiem.

3. Midnight - and my husband - (not arrive) home and

(not telephc'ne)! Pm br:ginningto be very u'orried. He (sray)

this morninl; that he would be home for dinner as usual.

4. We're luclor to have Jacl;son. FIe is the best.Maths teacher this school ever


5. Do you rcrncmbcr thc drive we .----- (tate) through the Loire Vailery
five or six 5'earsago? I think \\/e - (tak.) a lot of photographs,

bu[ [ can't trnd them. I i'look) jn the alb,umbut there's no*rlns

rhere. Hare you any idea wherc they ____- (put)?

6. A hole (appear) in each e,lbowof this iacket. I

(boy) some leathcr patch,eson the way home yesterday. Could you sew them on

for me, pleisc?

7. Oh" hello. ldiss Richards. How nice that yotr (come) to our

pany. A ftrt of people - (ask) whetheryou were coming. Thr:y

all ____- (say) they want to neer: you.


8. There
Members (be) very angry about the artswerthe Prirne Minister

--- (gtr") to a question. The P.M. ---- (say), howevcr,

that she (not be) in the least surprisedor disturbed.

9. I ------ (finish) this work at last, thank God! I --**-------- (not

expect) that it would be so dilficult.

10. Th"y ____ _ (start) to build this motorway three years ago, and they
still __-_- (not linish) it.

11. We ------ (go) to the Rex Cinema last Saturday. What a stupid film
it **___*________ (be)! We (waste) both our time and money.

I'd like to know somethins about the film that is there this week. Have anv of vou
(see) it?

L2. You (ask) whether we're going to that lecture. We don't know.

In anv case. we (not rcceive) an invitation.

13. Don't be surprisedwhen you seehow thin Olaf is. He _---_----- (b")
extremely i11.

L4. Neil's fust book

nearly a hundred thousandcopies before it **_-___- (go) out of print.
FIis secondbook is still doing well and already __ (sell) almostas

15. The man who __ (escape) last night from Darftnoor Prison

(make) his get-away, and ---* (would) two others at

the time he ______ (capture). It is suspectedthat the gun he

(rs*) ___ (bring) to him by a recent visitor.

Exercise III
Dir:cctionsl Complete the letter of application with the verbs in brackets. You have tro use

Past llensc or Simple Perfect Tense.

:iloth July 2O__

To I The Managing Director

Cy'bertech Ltd.

Dear Sir,

I wish to apply for the post of Senior Executive as adveffised in th,r:

Evening lirnes on 14th Julv.

With regar:d to qualifications. I can confirm that I

(obtain) degreerfrom Clambridge UrLiversity and thal I

(reach) thr: age of 30.

I ---- (have) prar:,tical experience in the assernbly of

microproces,ors and ___ (conduct) recent researc,hinto mass-production

methods. .\ paper of rnme on "Dust-Supprcssion Tecniques in the Manuf'acture of

Microproce:;sors" - (b" published) recently and I

(have) extensive experience in three different factories. Although I

- (be born) in Germany, I -- (hold) an Americtur

Citizenshipfor the last 15 years. I _ (previouslyhave)

two posls a; Drector of .Researchin the field of computer zssembly.

I am happy to say that I _ (not suffer) ar:ry

seriousillne:ssduring the last 15 years. I an:Lat your disposalshould you wish tc,
interview me and enclosea copy of my completecurriculum vitae.

llours faithfully,

.Ian Semetana

(Dr. Jan Semetana)


Past Perfi;cct
and PastP,efrstkqressiycleree

Mrs. Brown statedthat before the crash oceurredshe had Ucengving

normally, and that the car in front had stoppedvery suddenly.
ria#trnq 1. rion:1ilzir.:uut{Ju reportedspeech
2. Mrs.Brown ncir:uiufi.:rfiqnl:nidtfionivfitaqiriau
oirs PastPerf'ect TenseunvndrrdttfiEnt:nidrfirdui.urfii (occuned)
oi'tg Past Tense
3. Mrs.Brown nrindrruolnr:nidrfioduriauadr':n:vfiufiu
flOil:tltrUflU0?tl Past Perfect Tense


Form had + past participle (Vr)

.rv d | 4 d.r d qv u
nlalf 1. rilaflnr?fl{ruEnr:niluadnr:rovtri'PastPerfect
flaudntuqfll:nifiu{ (an earlierpast)
I exnlainedthat I had forsoften mv kevs.
I could see from his face that he had received bad news.
2. PastPerfect r4'rvniT
dtrafiou:rjadsrflo(l PresentPerfbct oi':u

Mary is',excitedbecauseshehasneverbeen to a dancebefore.

Mary was exstlqdbecauseshehadne]aerleen to a dancebefore.
3. "Lri'nuriruont?stniutdg:fruPresent
Perfect rdu aheady, ever, for,
since, just, never, never...... before rdauaoldrfiuzaltraqnr:ni"jr
rilqnr : ni[orfioduriauratarn6'.r
When I rang, Jim had already left.
The boys loved the zoo. They had never seen wild animals before.

4. tri'fi'urirfruotu ldu *h"tt, after, as s(x)n as' by the time that

We cleared up as soon as our guestsbailleft.
When I had rvritten my reporl' I did some gardening.
5. tfn-ugirffuo'llt no sooner than, hardly/scarce7y/barely---'--
Mrs' smith h'adno sQsu-e:&& thrl room lhan theS'began to gossip
about her.
Mr. Thompson haLhardlylsearecily/ barely begur his speech whcn
he was shot.
6. tu reportedspeech rnfilrirn€gr;rJodm rziu said', told, asked,
explained, tJrought, wondered, -rc. av"Ld'Past Perfect tdauAol
6{ruqnr : nidlfioduriau13uu#asttdrriaur}'lI dunul
I told them that I haddsne enough work for one day.

She wondered who had-Left tho door open.

I thottgb! I had-seul! the cheque a week before.

7. "[:i'lrfi'qwish.,if only, wouldrather, ttCIvif tfiartdosa)ltilnnl:ni
Jr rt vo 3 q d
I wish I had washed the dog.
lf only you'el-loJdme before.
I would rathor you had to,ldher tlLetruth.
If Bernard hrddlbe.;a careless,t:verythingwoulctrhave been
ail right.
8. tffi'udruru This,zthratlitwas thc fust/second/third/fourth etc .--..
Thislthat/it was the only .....
This /that/it, was the best/finest./rvorst,/mostinterestingetc -..--
It was the third time (that) he harl-beenin love this year-
This was the only pa.rty(that) I l.Ladenjoyed in rreylife.

lll llr ml lIl


Past PerfectPrqressUtTeree

l-orm had + been + Vins

dleu cao & dt o 6 r d . d
nlr'td 1. tunut?tgrR'1:tulrrfl ttavnlruumarua{il]naao auflir
t?RlYlAn t?lslfl '1:tu?ru{rRolt u Lila o n rffufl u
d.."aAo{.1 .rtv

When she arrivcd I had-be.cnwaiting for tfuee hours.

I realizedthat I'd-been overworking,so I decidedto take a couple
of days' holiday.
J'r ,
z. rirn3flrfrLrimilt:n"lflil Progressive
Past Perfect ProgressiveTense ti':ut?iunu
I felt as if I hadknorun her all my life.
- 6lv e dJ ^ g , Y 6r d
3. lflruurl4qnl:ilyrrfl9r?luuag
1 u'Iil]n [u0om
Ienny ** u*oy"A. Johnhad-beenphoningher everynight for
a whole week.

4. "lri'uaowr
on'l: d:ilat nrj:y{'nriv'rmildfi ad
Her eyas*"r" ,"u. It wasobvious.t. ild t""r- crying.

Complete the sentenceswith the pre.sentperfect progressiveor past perfect progressivcof the
verbs in thc list.


ask expect fly give learn listen look ii

operate point out say see wait work l

1. At last you're here! I for _voufor over fwenty minutes.

2. He knows quite a lot of English. [{e _____*__ __ lbr six years.
3. 'Yes'.
She finally said He her to marry him for years.

4. I think I need a break. I solidly for the last three hours.


5. You to a word I , haveyou?

6. For some tirne now, world leaders the necessity for agreement

on arrns reduction.

7. The police, who - trouble clu.ringthe civil rights demonstration,

were surpdsed by the eve:ntual absence of violence.

8. The rnanag€r went down with pneumonia- Fle unwell for

several days'.
g. The chainnim said that the Board of Directors _------- seriou-sthoullht

to the posrsiilility ol enteting the z\merican metrket-

10. At the inquiry into the plme crash, the pilot said in evidencethat he
this fpe of aircraft for ten Years.
11. I know why you're having nightrnares. You too many honor

films recently.

L2. The new rll.1.e-wayschente for iust over twelve months.,

ancl tratfic ha-simproved considerably as a resul[.

A I What do lreu do on Sundays?

B : Oh, I always visit Auntie Manr.

Esrm ni;srriasd1 (SimpleForm)

1. r{lunr:n:vt'irdr{Jur.lnfififru
z" r{Junr:n:vvirdarirrarua
3. r{Jurusrnr: nidffiodur{lurJ:vdr
& - d I o { o-tl-.---.-^o t e
tA ^
oflu ein tu?u o'lll slEl?1u1
4 " rtju rrnn Rr: nifr rnoil uiu ar vtnriri i)u ttRvQvl"R=
rdashJaun:ilB via Auntieh{ary ovtflefiim

A : What doyou do lbr a living?

B : Oh, I earft English. And whiLtdo you do?
A I Isellcars.


1. sirrfiJu{rur.l:vdr
z. si'rsff
?irq'lu?Jo{aililrulu,rri', ru
rduur oundrovmfifl

I work five days a week.
I live in Bangkok.
I like pop music.
I *njoy cold weather.
I go to bed at midnight.
I dritft quite a 1otof juice.
I hatre eggs and bacon for breakfa^st.
I smqke a pipc.
It rains quite a lot in Thailand.

fl'l:tfl Simple Present Tense
, 6lva d Ja, A | ,
1. ttrRUGl{?ltlJllQ:{AgtdilA (pcrmanenttruths)
Summer follows spring.
Gasesqxpand when heated.
2. td'n-utunnr:ni
v'-'-- girrfiusiahJrdasr ld rorve{r?6r'r
ul?nRaour rrol"iatur:nrrnd{
(general time)
My father works in a bank.
Mv sisterwearsglasses.
3. "Lri'ffunr:n:vrirdrirr{JurjnOfiffrJ
I go running three times a week.
John smokes a lot.
4. tri'udafi
- almost always, nearly always
- generally, normally, regularly, usually
- frequently, often

sometimes, occasionally
- ahnostnever, hardly ever, rarely, scarcelyever, s;eldom
- never
- times (a day/week/month/year etc-)
once, twice three./several
- lrourly / datJy/ w e-eby/fortnightly / m<tnthly/ yearly / annually
- every + eg. dtry/week/month/yeat';+ monring/afternoon/
ev,rning/nigtrt rnta every other da5,,every 3 years,
ev')ry few days etc.
again and again, at timcs, every so oflen, from time to time,
onre in a blue nloon etc,.

avrrirn3flr rrri'r:du
siruuilw a{rsi1u aRt?nr ovodufi'.:n5e,r?irsilii
You can abva+sc,ontactme on 2t267LI
Gerald oftcn make unwise decisions.
We don't usually get up before nine on Sundays.
d'rsi'alnr:itriuriruantrd'tu'l{git tdu frequer,tly, generally, normally,
occasiona$, sometimes, usuallv d1tll:CI'l'lill{lnirrJ:vTfl n}i'
Soryetimeswe get a lot of rain in August.

Qdle often the phone rings when Pm in the bath.

r 6r anr:nrflnov:rs1{ri'rfl
Ther:e'sa collcction from this lEtter lxlx twice daily.
We spendour holidays upcountryevq-ry-surlme!.
E. "[# Pr.r.rrtTenserirunr:'lst:nrTrj:un:irsix "l drirrausriut?n]ttuuau
uriovriiurusrnr: aidovffio"[uaur nsr
fhe .xhiUition gpcrs on January lst and closeson January7th.
The concertbesfursat 7.30 and ends iit 9.30.
at 17.5O.
We leavetomorrowat 11.15 and arri:r-e

et v J-
6. Tensefrd'uriru::srsri]il:vnrntuiu
Harrison shooB, but the ball hits the post and Jacksonelea$.
I declare this exhibition open. :
uavftlffiu Here come(r) .......... rrav There go(es) I-ook! herc comes
your husband.

fnqcgcs our busi we'll have to wait for the next.

Exercise I
Complete the sentences,using the presentsimple or past simple of the verbs suggested.

1. I understoodexactlv what he (mean).

2. I (not believe) everyt}ing he tells me.

3. Listen! I __-=-* __ (ttrlnt<) fhere's someoneat the door.
4. Five plus five (make) ten.
5. His tie __-- (not match) his suit.
6. John (resemble) his mother when he was young.
7. Who this era*ser (belong) to?
8. The tank (hold) ten gallons.

9. How he _-_ (know) where I lived?

10. Do you think the winner (deserve) so much applause?
11. You (see) what I see?
L2. This wine (taste) sour.
13. How do I look in this dress? It _____ ____ (suit) me?
L4. He _____ (understand) Englsih betfer than he speaks?
15. What exactlv the mixture (consist) of?

*.i.* *** {.r:.* **t


Bresent Pqgre,srrae:
lf enss

A: What do y'ou do frrr a living?

B: Well, of course, I'm living in J3nglandat the rnoment and studying
Education,,but I teach English in a school and live in Bangkok.

Earm Verb to be + Vini;

ri'adEl'no t. sirarruza.r tr Tncloroovflrxtfis{ir

A r{Junr:arru6wuil:vdrart:zas
What do you do?
z. d'r n avoril'h B rirfi'sr4rovl:'Lururuvrtu
you doing at the mornent?
"Fm livingin England
3. rirnauzas lB firf.t;iodrirfi'orir}.rzruv#u
Education"uo"6iodB virr{lusruarr:
I teach English in a school and livc in Bangkok."
m?a s'TrllT'll{lgli{
1. Bob doesn't'work here any more. I thixk he's hiving a holiday beftlre
he starls his new job.
2. I normally hrLveall my meals at lrome, but Pm-dning out today.
3. A11governmenlsmake exaggeratedpromises,but the presentonc is
pro-misingthe moon and fhe stars,
4. Hi. where arr)vou eoine?
- Pm soin:l to the races.
You don't us;uallygo to the racesi,do you?
* No, I don't, but Itve put sorn,;money on a horseand
I'rn going to walch it win.
5. Why don't yrru work harder?
What do you mean? I work. as hard as I can.
But you're not working hard nou,.
No, Pnnot working hard at lhe rnoment.
Why arenlt you?
I'm just a bit tired, that's all.

6. Hello, what are you doing in Bangkok?

- Oh. l'm visitine mv cou-sin.
Don't you norynallywork in Songktrla?
- Yes, I do.
7. I don't generally drink, but today is my birthday so
I'm having a glass of champagnewith my iunch.
8. I usually smoke about 20 cigarettasa day, but today
I'm not smoking at all becausefve got a bad cough.

nii'nnr:"[d Present ProgressiveTense

1. tri'fi'urvrqnr:nilrtoaarilnrrfli dti'roooi"''
FIurry up! We're all waidng for you.
Whv arc vou crvine? Is somethinewrons?
z. "Lri'fi'u erdrzilvuta#r n:r: (temporary)
naqnr:nfdfio#uufi lil"td
aJo 3
tyqnl:nifi ffiofruar::ltlurJ:vdr (permanent)
Why's that girl slanding on the table?

The palace stands on a hill just oulside the town.

I think the dog is_gping mad.

I go to the seaside about hvice a year.

3.'[#n-unrqnlr nfdrirfi'{nJdsruuila{ udo{fi{ uurlrirllutlaI u1lr

The weather is getting better and better.
Pcople are-beaomiry less tolerant of smoking thesedays.
4. tri'nunaqnr : nidovrfiodu"Lu
ddlr{ ur{uli
We're probably spdjlg next weckend at home.
What are vou doing this evenine?

"l ?nfl r Tostf adverb

b. tri'niuruqnr:nidrfioduadN#r i always,
constantly, continually, forever, repeatedly
lin r{lunrqnrr nfdtilnrosr^
She's alwavs borrowine monev and foreeffins to Dav me back.
I'm repeatedlyhearing strangestories about him.

6. il-n"tffiurirn:igrarrive,come,t-ro:leavedtrdrasdsnr:rduyn{d
:fsrtruulfluaulfirl (arrivalanddeparrure)
He is arrivin,gtomonow moming.
When are you leaving for Japan?'
7. firirn5srvnrrflrildhid'lm:n"Ld'rrrtort Tensekil lci'uri
1. be, have

2. dislike, hate, like, love, prefer, want, wish

3. astonish, impress, please, ,satisfy, surprise,

4. believc, doubt, feel (= have an opinion), guess, imagine,

know, rnean, reahzn, reco5;rrize, rernember, suppose, think

( = have, an opfurion), understand

5. hear, soe, rneasure (have k:ngth), taste (= have a flavour),

smell (,= give out a smell), r;ound, weigh (= have weight)

6. belong io, concern, consist of, contain, depend on, deserve,

fit, include, inrrolve, lack, matter, need, owe, own, possess

7. appear, resernble, seern

Go away. We are busy.
Wait for me. You are b;tag impatierrt. (= acting impatiently)
I'rn still having nry break{'ist. Mary .ras a little lamb"
WhiLt are you thirking ab,out?
I think you're riglrt.
I'rn feeling fine.
I fie(dwe shouldn't do it.
Wh), ar" you smelling the meat? Is it bad?
The meat smdls bad.
Wh:Ltare you doing with my whisky?
Itrn iust tasrineit.,

It tastes wonderful.
The scalesbroke when I was-rueigninsmyself this morning.
I weigbcd 68 kilos three months ago - and look at me now!
Why's that man measurinethe street?
I rneasure2 3 inches round the waist.
['m seeingPhiiip tomorrow.
I see what you mean.
Exercise -I
Complete the sentenceswith the presentsimple or presentprogtessivetenseof the vcrbs in
1. I (ttrint) you already (know) my views
on the matter.

2. Pm tired of working in an office. I =__- _ (think) of changing my job.

3. I just ---_ ____ (smell) your roses. They *-_ (not smell)
4. I gradually (forget) all the physics I ever learnt at schoo].
5. You (see) that houseover there? No, not there!
You --- (not look) where my finger (po-t).

6. I (not hear) anything. You just (imagine) things.

7. The court (hear) this particular part of the evidencein private.

8. I just ___
Here! How it ___ (taste) to you?
9. I (think) my daughter (see) too much of that
young man these days, and I ---__*_ (not approve) of it, (not think) he
really _ (knor,v) what he (roy).

10. Don't take his remarks too seriously. FIe's so upset that I
(not think) he really (know) what he (tuy).

11. The monument --- (stand) on a hill overlooking the town.

L2. You --_ - (realize) that you (stand) on my toe?

13. The town (have) a populationof 501000.

L4. The resort (have) a big influx of foreign visitors this year.


A: Wha[ \vere you doing at the time of the nnurder?

B: I was,having lunch irt a restirurant.
A: So, thermanagerwa+ shot while you wer3 having lunch?
B: Yes,'s right. lVhen the managerwis shot, I was having lunch.
Form w€rs ---.1
I . Ving
wero J
y v lru c1t a.Jo { r v u e{ u a r
U0il)Un_@ 1. 9r?1tl9l'luZO.:ilQ91fl'l5tjulJl"fislfl'l:fUlltfl9l?JUAgl.lRTvYlUl4u

z. nr: iu il :vvnurirr14r
r flirxiu rfju ru0rn'r5nidfiu r?a'ril'rusiarda.rnu q

3. a'lnda{rrilqnr:aidovriiu'irruqnr:niffd.:
a J Jo u o a | ,-
t?lq n"l: ttil4u{14fir asdt tuu o ti (hav urg lunch)
fl'15 tU Past Progrr:ssive Tense
titflu t14flfl I Tfull fl 'l n.:01tuu afl afl t{ a o tuo'l Lttu?.:t1lnl [o t?d']14u{luo 9t!n
. aJo v o a | | r J q r .r J q -l
n iua*rrusrnr : nfdd'rfi{ rfioduurir#ubi auton nr#uiilozaqLunnl : nt

I warlivjng abroadin 1987, so I r:dssedthe generalelection.

\\'hat v/e-reyou doitrg 1'esterdayat 'i' p.m.?
2. PxtProgresslve fin"lf'rinu Pa-stSimple Tos P^tProgressive }flfiu
aJo.5 r a
til qntro[fi rfiEriiuri
au n..u
n nturu unvdrfi'roirrfiuaqidtu PastSimpler
"trinuruqnr : ni'drnodunrflil fi.: rtl'unrqnr:nfr#ur drfioduaaou?r
fntvtBarugirgtir#uoru (Conjuncti.on)rdu *h.rr, as, just as, whilo as I was lcaving the house, thc lelephone rang.

C,rlumbus was trying to find a new route to India when he discovered

r) 9u o 4 at' | | J f tJ 6 v o a t Y u
3. LflRUfllTfl:vyn'nTatilgrfll:tu$l{rtgt "l Ru
:t ot'1.1?Juluytfl'ln{o'lr,uuaEj}t:o}r
(Paratlelactions)luafr sl
'W'hileI was-rrvo*rkrng
in the garden,my wife wasioobng dinner.
tr'hele I was ccnking an omelette, Mary was makiBg a salad.

4. "Lfrrootnr:zaiatutauuvrirorjrqdnru"ludruru
I waswondering,
I was hoping, I was thinking.
I was wondering if you could give me a 1ift.
I was-hoping if you'd like to come out with me one evening.

Exercise f
Complete the sentenceswith past simple or past progressiveto the verbs in brackets. In Nos.
7 and 9, you will need to use either the simple or progressiveform of infinitive.
1. Who was that girl you (talk) to when I ___ (pass)
you in the street?
2. He _ (sleep) soundly when he
by a noise. He _-'-__ (go) downstairsto find out what
(happen). He - (know) somethingmust be wrong becausethe
dog ___ (bark) furiously.
3. He --- (not take) my remarks seriously. In fact, he
(rhink) I (oke).

4. A storm -- (break) while the golfers (approach)

the half way stagein the competition. They (take) shelter

Euture Tense-
A: Whentll you be back?
B: Oh, I won't be away long and I'11see you as soon as I get back.
A: Take your umbrella. It's going to rain.
B: D'you think so? I think it's going ro be a lovely day.
Eorm t
- shall
You, FIe, She, It, They + will
ttsi emericanEnglishovtri' f, we + will r{Judrurnn

v q! 9 vl rdo J q r t | 60 s a < .,,J

uolluno 1. rrirlQv
[uaulnn ilaFrdu?lu]a]{fli't'la{oofl{rilqn15niviov
z. ,\ unvB td' ';going[o' r,r6fo{fl1:cnnnvrudrruqn'r:nidoroorrfiodu
"l,uournm (prediction
) Torl r{Jurmmnr : nido,nrui ut*ilril
Thretrain is very slow. fm+s1trg to be late.
Mraryis going o have a baby.
JohrLis goixs:to t,e unernployednext year.
Jirn is going to retire next year.
We'rc*going to get a big electricity bill next month.
Foorl prices aregiuing-lo rise.
Threl:e'sgoing to laea shortageof oil.
I think Pm going to be sick.
ulfftt,tlq'going (intention)uiu
to' ft1#nu6isddo'{tr"orryir'h,ournfl6i':u
A: I'rn goilg to buy a new car.

B: Oh, rea11y? Whenqt

A: Oh, I don't lanow - soon, I expet:L.

B: As soon a-syoutve got enough money, you mean!


Ilngoing to- learn German.

I'rn going to writr: a letter to my trienrl.
I'rn soing lo make dinner now.
Pm gBiry*lo malcean appointmentwjlh the dentist.
I'rn ggil€-la see 'whots attthe door.
frugoing to wat<:hthe match on the ll'.V. this afternoon.
Prn eoing to trv a.ndheln vou with vour Enelish.
fl'151# will,/shall future
1. t#uaoro?i.rd
Our match uflLrvin on Saturday.
We'Il be in l-opburi before ten, I expect.
2 . lduaotnr:ftUq.' (promise)
I'tr buy you a bicycle for your birthday.
I will write to you soon.
3. (request)
Will you hold the door open for me please?
Will vou kindlv be quiet?
4. "L#uAorsnr:l8ry
Will you come and have tea with me?
Will vou come to dinner this evening?
5. nado (offer)
Shall I open the window?
Shall I give vou a hand?
6 . t#trAoxnr:truvrit (suggestion)
Shall we go for a swim tomorrow?
Shall we so to the movies this evenine?
assume,be afraid, be sure, believe, doubt, expect, hope, suppose,
think, perhaps,possibly, probably, surely
I hape she'll get the job she's applied for.
Ask him again. P-e:iapshe'll changehis mind.
8. nutur" fffissiruont?nxgialild
tomoffow,/ morning, at noon, afternoon, evening,
nightt the day after tomorrow, tle night after next,
at 4 o'clock/before Friday ete.
fll meet you at 4 o'clock.
Pll see you next weck.
d:rl nr:ncirrdsruqnr:nituaurnmfi
s i6
1. George uaiU-icavctomorrow.
2. Gcorsc is eoine to leave tomorrow.
3. George is-lq leave tomorrow.
4. Georeeis leavine tomorrow.
5. George leaves tomorrow.
Exercise I
Which of the categrries : offering, suggestion, inviting or requesting r1othe following

belong to? Put lfu: appropriate answer opposite eackrone.

a. Will you giverrne 1tournilno, please?
b. Will you matrreless noise?
c. Shall we go to bed?
d. Sha1lI put the light on?
e. Wili you have .lnother cup of tea?
f. Will you pleasenot smoke?
g. Will you put that cigaretteouL pleasre?
h. Will you come to the cinema tonight?
i. Will you phonr:me tomorrour, please?
j. Shall we dzrncr:?
k. Shall we give ''zoua hand?
l. Will you givr::meyour namo and address,please?
m. Shall we harredimer at the Ritz?
n. Shall I tell you what happenedyesterday?

Exerciise II
using the imperative or a future form in one clause, and the present
Rewrite the sentenc,es, the other.

1. I __ (let) 'youknow a-ssoon as I - (finish).

2. (Not srtart)on Section 2 urrlil you - (compietr:)

all the quesrionsin Section 1.

3. (Not rnakeup) your mind until you --_--- (have) a

chanceto give the mattel some thought.

4. I --- (be) r:eactyfor some lunclr by the time I (finish)

digging the garden.


5. We're going to Scoflandnext summer. It ---*-- (be) the first time

- (spend) a holiday there.

6. You -------------* (get) used to our methodswhen you -- (work)
here a bit longer. And once you (get) used to our methods, you
(find) the job a lot ear,sier.
7. The builders ________ (start) work as soon as the plans __-
8. He (make) a very fine tennis player when he
(have) a httle more competitive experience.
9. As soon as we __ (thrash out) this problem we
(be able) to go ahead.

10. Please (not smoke) until after the plane

(take off).

Exrcisc Itr
Compiete thc sentencqswith the presentsimple tenseor a fufure form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Thousandsof vending machines (have) to be convertedbefore

the new coins --_ __ (come) into circulation.
2. The empioyers*_____ (start) negotiationsas soon as the men
(return) to work.
3. The Government (have) to decide what to do about these naval

bascsbefore the presenttreaty _-_ -- (expire).

4. What he _ *_ (do) when he _______ (leave) school?
5. As soon as there -- (be) even a temporary break in the weather,
these climbers (renew) fheir attempt to reach the summit.
6. After the monsoon (set) in, no further atternpls (b")
7. Many familiar faces (be) absentfrom parliament when the new
session(open) next Thursday.

6. lf we -- (:not leav,e) soon, the party *--=-- (b.) over by thie

time we (get) there.

9. If you (.wait) much longerheforeyou (make),

up your rrLind,it _______ (be) too tate.

10. We __ (have to) buy new carpei^sand curtains when we

(move) inkr our new horse.

11. The new boy soon (settle ,:lown) once he - (g"t)

to know the others in his class.

12. We --_- (Lntcmrpt) our progranrmes the moment we

(have) any further news of the situation.

13. If you (.notteU) him everyttLingnow, he simply

(keep on) ;resteringyou until you _ (do).
L4. As soon as we _ (hear) fiom the suppliers, we -- (let)

you know vzhen the goods " (b.) in stock.

Eutuxe Pt og.ressiyeT:erue
Form Will/shaii + be 't Ving

1. l#fiunlsrn'r:nidovri'rfi'roirrfiiuad"Lur?611r!,tv,r'rvrql'rva{tuau'loa
This ti,ne tomorrow I willbe,1y; m a lrcachin Phuket.
Don't tclephoneafter eight - I 'll be.hayms a dinner pany.
z. "Ld'uaor.r
nnmnr: nideu
, p! The guesrls*-it-1,1,-uoiJing at any minute!

A snacc vchicle will be circling Junitcr in f-ivc vearst rime.

3. "Lri'fiu
rlrsrnr : nidrrr unrul{ratariruuot{u,riuautu aur ofl Toflrav{r r rn'fl: nunr:
tfiuri,r'rnafi aufiu PresentFrogressive
We'll lrc spendingtlre winter in Australia.
(= arc spending)
ProfessorLowe will be givirrg a lecture c'fl rll&nogementt.omorrowevening.
(= is giving)

4. tfa'rrufir unrunr:ninr: fi'oRu"loz n'rnamnr:niuta nr: n:vrirtu

When will you finish this letter?
(e.g. bossto assistanl)
When will vou be seeineMr. Chin?
(e.g. assistantto boss)


F'orm Willzshall + have + Past Participle

nrflri' 1. td'uao{$rnnr:nidovro5o#uouutnilur:nrdril?rueruiluautuaurnsr
by " riruaflr?n'l
By the end of this month, I will have worked for the compemyfor 2O years.
The painterssay they'll have finished the downstairsroom by Friday.
z. fintri'vfisniflr believe,expcct, hope, supposeTofluaosd{tfiqnlrofliloulnsl
I cxpect you will have changedyour mind by tomorrow.


Form Will/shall + have + been + Vins

flrU "Lri'rdaniud.rn:rrsiarda{?ra{rilnnr:nfrdovro6oduoru:ai'Lunardriruuot
By thc end of this monlh, I will havc becn :usrkjng for this companyfor
20 years.
I'U havqbccule-rching for 20 vears this surruner.

Exqdse I! Conplete the bla:nks with suitable Terse and Voice.

The great ship, Titanic, * (sr:il) for New York from Southampton

on April 1.0th,1912. Sihe axd a

(.u.ry) 1,316 passengers

crew of 89.1. Even by modern standards, thr: 461000 ton T.i.tanic

-- (be) a colossal ship. At that [ime, however, :;he

(be) not only the largestship that (ever build), but

_ (regard) as unsinkable,for she (have) sixteen

water*[ight compartmenlr;. Everr if two of these (flood) she

would still lrc able to floeLt. The tragic sinking of this great liner
(always renrember), for she _ (go down) on her first voyage with

heaw loss of life.

tr The old la4f __--_ (be) glad to tre back at the block of flats where

she __ (live). Fler shopping*-- (tire) her and her

btrsket tigrow) lneavierwith ;very step of the way home. In the

lift her thoughts (be) on lunch and a good rest] but when she
(get out) at her own floor, both (forget)

in her suddt:n discovery that her front door (be) open. She

(ttrink) that she must reprirnandher daily rnaid the next morning
fbr such a rronstrous piece of negligence, wht:n she (remember)

that she (go) shoppingafi.erthe maid * (leave)

errdshe __ * (knov,r) that she (t"-) both keys in

their locks.

**( ** *fr



1. ov'[f azan rtta the
2. tvtd' azanuta p
3. av"Lftf," uta p
1. ft'lu]illrlruu to?l?aLil [o
z. flanrrurtuuoadxn{x "l ilSararvo.r
B. r:ruorn'.r6iqd6tno dqliluil3alil rfi.rifsfi'a$rt{'ir
1. a/an }i'rirurirurruranuoridrTuld'
niu a bag
z. ttre urrumnuoririutoiniu thecar
ilrililffv{erlriulsi' tdu th" .ut,
ulur:ul*ild niu theair
s. f \#:lnu# urruriutri'l,ngvrori

a/an the no article

singular a car the car


plural the cars cars


uncountable the air au


The man 'who livqs next rloor is ilrepo,rtcr.
My brother is an enginee.r.

he arsltre(;t who designedthis housewon a :?nze-

The arshilet:ts who desigrredthis house won arpiz'e.
Ihc-sryar you bought yer;terdayhas got damp.
The people who work ne;rt door are architectsi.
Sugor r.sbad for You.

or:lf,-u -ltov---an
a zrrl{llrirriruu#u ti'uri'rerftJsufityzur; (lri'Lri6bavn
an rrsl{vrirri'rurruddu#usi:stfrs{6r:v(lil'Lrifir
frOtiX (Thisr-s')a B, C, l), G, J, K, P, (1, T, U, V,W,Y)Z
(This i.s.t .an-A, E, F, H, I, L, M, I{, o, R, S, X

CompeLre: a fire but an F a noise but an N

a house but an H a radio trut an R
a liar but an L a sound but an S
a nxarlbut an M a xYloPhonebut an X
an urrbrella but a uniform
an urusual casebut a union
a yea:, a university, a European, but al1eyer an ear
a halj but an hour
a hot ,linner but an honour
a hotel but an heir
a hiskrrian but an h,onestmian
rtu6anrufrni u6a6iqzaqdr:rniir:6.:1ilr{tu'ilfo-n
ilatqi-iilq*rtiu a/an = ?myor can't/won't tellyou r,r,hichor it doesn'tmatterwhich

ufi'nnr:ld auan
1. "Lfrhr,nird^ru.urforu r}rrrvr{lurufiau
n?491.fl a{ulilu:vrfl Ytuu "l 1lFl?'Iil?rillfln n'lgRU any
A clever nolitician nevcr nromisesloo much.
An architect is a nersonwho desiensbuildins.
A cat is a domestic animal.
A baby deer can stand as soon as it is born.
z. tfrilurirurruflflunr:uil{rrsRautuuuusirsr ki'uri
Origins : FIe's a Frenchman/an American.
Occupation : She's a clerk,zHe'san electrician.
Religion ! She's a Buddhist/He's an Anglican.
Politics : FIe's a Socialist/a Democrat.
t#Lunr: ur.iiruuRil rvrflvrzor frm{un,drzasoirs
Objects : It's a (kind of,/sort ofZtype of) bottle-opener.
Insects : It's a (kind oflsort ofttype of) beetle.
Plants : It's a (kind oflsort of/type of) rose.
4 9o u
3. t*rirnusirurrarirMr.,Mru,Misserc. rdaryofilqnrnndlil-f.On
A Mr. Doolev ohonedand left a messasefor vou.
A_I&s Tercy is waiting to seeyou.
4. I& atan uanrj:^rutru = only one
f d like an apple (i..e. only one, it doesn't matter which)
Let me buy you a drink.
9 c3. 4q gtrv
tl'ltljffilff1lQil tilLfl some or anv

I'd like ,l*. uool"r. I don't *ant anv apples.

5. "Lfi atan rfranntlos6t{to6t.:r4u{ruun:.:u:R

- qe J ' o dq d J dr & e
I looked up and saw a plaue. (Mentioned for the first time and you don't know
which plane I mean.) T-e_plaueflew low over the trees. (you know exactly
which plane I mean and the plan is, in the sense,identified.)
6. atan 1#lwad:sn'l:in usid'reia{nr:ovniu'each' "hillri p"t umu a/an
Price irr relation to vreight : 80 baht a/per kilo
Distanc:ein relation to speed : 40 km. a:nlper hour
Distanc:e,/fuelconsultption : 30 miles a./per gallon
Frequency,/timeI trvice a/per day
7. 1& aranfiurirurruriuloirdoodufi.:'wfrat'
v {'
What.a sumrise!
What an interestingstory!

Whar-a lptcf flowers!

Wha!-alst- of troubles!
azan rafis 'suc.h'rdasilosnr:dil
The ohild is s-ueha pest!
My b,or;sis su-qhan r.diot!
d .l.t y r- .l ctl I v o v , {' r
B. frwarii'lri'ein'urarua niu a cup
td'td' aranuthdlutileY?urndrriu
urra*u,r""i a hat an,ilcoat, :r knif'e and frrrk
It's cold ourcide. T'akeaful_anclpoat v/ith you.
rdru il a?u'inuavfiru fi's
a tri'ld ar an uths\"rur
Wherr'/ou go on holiday. talcc a raincoa.tand a camera.
. .t X J A J r ru dl
azan frstfiafuzalfinrirr{fiu t{lu doubleexperession
preposition : with knLifeand fork, with hat and coa[, from top to bottom,

on lancl and sea, amr in arm with, day aiter day

fiilluffiq nti"Llf ardcle rTuarnr:t6uilrfl (illnesses)rni.rrilu + rJ:vrnvt

a sorethroat
a. o1n1:t6uil':fldgiastti azan tziu a colcl.a headache.
Pve got aie,edashe/a cold.
azan fflai'niu catch(a)cold,have(a)
b. alfl'lrr6ud:fldorqo:,'ld'laialri"lri'
(an) earache
Pve had (a) toftaehe all night.
c. tiloi'astri' artlcic fi'uT:ndr{Juv{T'rntad t?iu mea-sles,mumps, shingles
d. hisi'a.rtf article fi'urirurrudriuldlsi'ttiu flu, gout,hepatitis,
I was in bed with flu fbr ten days.
& rrv
uNoS{am"[:f ttre iiuursT:n td'u flu, gout, hepatitis
Hc's sol the flulthe mcasles/the mumDs.

un-nntrtf tn"
1. t#rir rarirrir urruTosurur
EJ6qilril lturfi rnnn uiu
The cobra is dangerous. ( r{.lunr: ufl nil:vrnyla o fl il-r{1 fl v,tena'u niu
the grass snake)
oilloinair:ilr rrdrturdos a/ an rit a"la"[d'a/an udoqn*q
nr: Rdma*ruuu
nix 1 vrlrnnnloi
A cobrais a very poisonoussnake.
Cobras are dangerous.
le 4 &
z. r{luntrn6it?:ul 1 rriu rheBrirish,thechinese,
the Europeans
T e Brifish and theAmcdqans have been allies for a long time.
TLe Japaneseadmire the traditions of the Chinese.
3. the + pluralnames u{lunr:ncirr:rrurfiniiru rhepolice, rhepublic,
the Beatles, the unions
The Liberals want electoral reform.
4. tn" ldnurirurrudnrirrdquii'r !u ! {
Passme lhsjish sauce,please.
Tasai is a quieflillagp near Muang District. The village has a population
of a few hundredpeople.
5. "[ri' trr" ti'urirurardfi clausefita nhrase?tg'tg
&lfuoithyodralooking{or no longer lives here.
The goois on the shelf are on sale.
6. "Lri'tire fi'uAarud miu She'ssoneto the butcher's/thedoclor's./
the supermarket/the cinema/the country /the mountains./the seside/

the sea
odJo rd J I
52lt fl { 6I{11ilOfJt}llu{?luil rfl u

the earth, tfr""rf.y, the sun, the moon, the solar system, the galaxy, the unjverse

7. "l#fi'uri'rruant?ntthrrbeginnjng,the midtlle, (in) the end,t]refust/

last, uh,:next, the fotlowingday, the prcsent,the past,the future,
at the:rnoment,for the time being,date(.whenthey arespoken),
in the tnorning, in the aftentoon, in chc t;vening etc.

In t},e p-ast, Thai people normally travelli:d by boat.

Pll sr:e you on March 12 th. (spoken as the 12th of March)

Itm a'ftaid Mr. Brown can't speak to youLat the moment.

lastyear, season
rtginJl:i"Ldthe fru nextweek,on Mon,clay,
8. t# *," fi'ud.rdfiaqlffisq6isufis? ld'trri
lnstitutions and Organizanon:the boy scc,uLthe United Nlatrons
His[ori,:al events] t]re French Revolution, the Victorian Age
Ships: the Titanic, l.heQueen Eliz.abeth,the Discovery
Documenls and offic,ial drlcs : the Greal.Charter, the Queen
Political Parties : the DemocratParty, the ConservativeParty,
tht: Labour Pany
Public bodies : the Army, the Governmr:;nl,the Police
The Press i The Bangkok Post. The Tfnes, The New
The Economist ttgiuxau-tllrifi the tziu llife. Newsweek,
Titles; : (books, filnrs etc.). The Odyssr:y,The Graduate,The Forum,
The ReaderDgest
Climatr: : the climal.e,the tsnperanre, Lheweather
tffi'uur ruranv{add.,r{Judrza{mN?ils'lr,t"r nTulafi
Galilm claimed that he had inventedthe telescope.
I hate thelelephane.

Ihc-whale is a mammal, not a fish.

e. nr:nliflurfisududsr t

It's the worst play f ve ever seen.

.t9u J d
10. tflflutFrSa{ou9t5
Tom p lays the-piauozthe fl.utelthc *,vislin.

6 1r . r .! i,
11. ttitu patternthe .... the (Bl .... El)
The sooner the better.
The more we learn, the less we know.

fl1l6lU article
1. liltd' arriclerYuurruuvn'ndd?lildhiraurvuorvos
\Ualn€n are fighcing for their rights.
Cates are domestic animals.
2. lil1f' articlenuurruriuldld'
We need beer, sugar, butter, eggs, rice and toilet paper.
3. lil"tf arcicleffusirumriq
rdaadraft LinkineVerbsu3ardafin?'tilffills
as unl.rad
Buch becamePresidentof the U.S.A.
Buch was electedP_:residenl
of the U.S.A.
4. lritri'"t" fi'udoirr
English is a difficult subject to learn well.
Thai studentsmust study xlathfloades.
-I!.ty-- uvA,Aru
5. lr.ihi arricle nuiu r6oil 610tytoffl'lar?nt (8{adila{ a\ by, after, before)
niu at dawn/daybreak,by d,ay/night, beforemorning
Snrine is a lovelv season.
ehdshoas is the time for family reunions.
We got up at dawn to climb to the summit.
G. liltd' articlefi'udaarvr:flndudro'ryo.:
Enner is served.
Michael is at lunch
That was a-very nice dinner.
The breakfast I orderedstill hasn't arrived.
7. tiltd' article fi'ugirurru tdu bed, church, class, college, court, hospital,
market, prison, school, sea, town, university,*o* dlfintddrrufru be,
in / at, have been/gone ro rd a n cir: fildlrfutunrtil ?nJtulilltltv
He was sent to orison for 10 vears.

He's in bsd.
But ..... Your bag is underthe bed.
Theretr; a meeting a1"trc sch.oolat 6.
8. hitri' ,rrci"te n'udrrt:uR'l:tfiuil'l.l t?iil by plane, by uir, by train, by ship,
by se,a.on foot etc.
Travollers like to tlavel all o,verEurope l:y bus.
9. tri"lf ,,rtl"te fi'urirrnruz 6'r dtfqifi'u rdoruri'rfland ttiu dayandnight,
father irnd son, husbandand wife, lignt ,,rradark, young and old, pen amdirrk,
sun anrl moon
This brsiness has been run by fathcr-and.son for 20 years.
10. hi'ldt arriclefl-urituonuirdaanrud th.) miu
buy, :anal, chann,:l, gu1f, kingdom, ocean, republic;, river, sea,

sffait, union etc.

Peopk: like t.,ofish lt Shark Bay in spite,of is danger.

The slave states of the South American ,rsed to be callecl the Cotton-Klngdoln.

Z,,era thc
Continenls Africa, Asia
Geogr:rphicalarcts Central Asia, I-ower Hgrypt, the Arctic, the
Upper EoT'pt, Equaior,
Upper Au-rrtria the Middle Eest,
the North Pole,
the West

Historical references Ancient Greece, the Dark Ages, the

Mr>dieval Europe, the
prr:-war/post-waf StoneAge

Lakes Lake Geneva

Ocean:;,/seas./rivers the Pacific, the

Nile, the Suez Canal

Mounlains Everest. IVlont Blanc the Alps, the Flimala'yas


Zero tbc' ,
hlands Phuket Island thslsle of'Capri;
Deserts the Gp-bi, the Sahara
Countries Thailand, Germany the United Kingdom,
(Most Countries) the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics,
the Argentina, the
Netherlands, the
Cities Bangkok, I-ondon the Hague, the City
(Most Cities) (of London)

Universities Cambridge University the University of

Streets Orfbrd Street, the High sffeet,
Madison Avenue the Drive
(Most Streets)

Parks Central Park, Hyde Park

Buildings BuckjnghamPalace, The British Museum,
WestminsterAbbey The Library of Congress
Bridges London Bridge The Golden Gate Bridge
Cinernas The Odeon
Hospitals The London Hospital
Hoteis The Flilton

Exercise I
A. Insert a, a!!, or the, where needed, in the blanks before the singular countable nouns
in the followine sentences.

1. Do you usually eat -_-__- egg for breakfast?

2. Do you want me to make reservation for you on
next plane to Chicago?

3. Have you studied -- lessonfcrr today?

4. Did you read --_- book that I n:,commendedto;1ou?
5. We want to buy lamp that riheliked for her birthday.
6. There is _.__ piano in auditorium.
7. Lsthere __ radio in __ kitchen'?
8. There is sorne paper and bottle of ink on dcrk

in my roo.m.
9. I must harre extra key madr: for front door.

10. I received letter this mornitrgl letter was frorn

my brother.

B. Insert the, rvhcre the blanks before the plural counl.ablenouns and the
noncountablenounsin tho followine sentencesr.

1. Our instnrctor has not returned assignmentsthat we turned in

last rveek.
2. Ernest likes to watch footb:rll on television.
3. Mr. Olsenlikes susar.but not crealn,

in his cofl:er:.

4. I have plenly of -- time but nLotenough money.

5. I have to go to town this alternoon to pick up

supplies tltat I ordered by telepho,nethis morirrg.

6. Today there will be a lecture on __.__ history of Mexico.

7. Have you errjoyed baseballgamesthat you've gone to this yc,ar?
8. meat that we bought yester:1ayhas spoiJed.
o rosesin your gardenlook healthierthan mine.
10. Would you like to have dirrnerin town with

us tonight?

C. Insert the, where needed, in the blanks before the proper names in the following

1. Do you know where Caroline Islands are?

2. Tunisia is located in ____ North Africa.
3. Max's Cafe is located in Tower Buildins at
the corner of Scott Street and Tenth Avenue.

4. Mr. Hale did his undergraduatework at University of Virginia,

and he went to 1aw school at Columbia Universitv.

5. Lake Eric is smaller then Lake Michiean.

They are two of Great Lakes located befween
Canada and ___ United States.

Chemical Society of America.

7. Panama Canal. Which connects Atlantic Ocean and

Pacific Ocean, was built on lamd leased form __ _ Republic of Panama.
8. Charter of the United Nations was sisned at
San FrancisoConferenceon June 26, L945.
9. Kelley owns a surnrner cottage at Crater Lake.
10. They usuallystayat BaltimoreHotel whenthey arein Los Angeles.

In the following sentences, place a, an, or &e in the blanks if an article is needed. ff an
article is not needed, leave the space biank.

1. I saw friend on the way to school today.

2. Is fburteenthchapterlong?
3. Were you able to get books that you needed?
4. Would you care for cup of coffee and pleces

of cake?

5. Mr. Cotton bought new carr last week.

6. Presidsnl- likcs to play gdf.

7. I'm going to terkc course ir economics and a.rt

course tlra,t is given by Pr:ot'essorSchalTer this; sernester.

8. He isn't - proferssionalmusir:ian, but he playrs

violin veqg well.

9. Mr. Prest<rncollects stampsifrom Oriental


10. Last nieht vr'e saw movie tltat was fi-lmed fur

11. The professorsaid that -- sturlentwho wrote this paperhad
L2. Thailand ''ryrscalled Siaun before World War tr.

13. Take ___ Ilifth Avenue bus at -. next corner.

L4. government ol- United Sl.atesis one of divided

powers and separated authority.

15. Los Anseles Rivcr scldom hars water ln lt.

16. peoplc' havc always had to face many problems during

L7. Mr. Peter:;js rvriter. He has recently written
book on f:islfne.
18. Do vou re,mernber name of store which advertised

a sale of rnr:nts shoesl'

19. Modernart is non-realistic type of at1.

20. strong rvind haq bcen blowirrg from -- north all day.

2L. Canadais member of British Commonwealtlt

of Nationsr.
22. In L922, Albert Einstein was awarded---- Noble Prize for his wo.rk
on _-- quantumtheory.

23 . Amaz>n Rivel originates il, the Pemrvenn r\ndes and flows east

to ---___ Atlantic.

24. Helen put package that - -- posftnan brought on

dinine room table.

25. kr days of Copernicus,everybodybelieved that

earth was center of the universe.

26. hish emigrated to United States in large numbers

after -*---- potato farnine in the 1840's

27. Secretaryof Labor will give a speechin Dallas on

Labor Day.
28. Maria wants to learn French language before she goes to
Europe next year. She already speaks
German fluently.
29. This morning ---*- sailor and soldier were siffing

acrossfrom me on streetcar; soldier was

showing _ picture of his wife to sailor.

30. It is generally believed that ___ giraffe is ---_-- voiceless

animal; however, a professorfrom __- - University of Capetown

recently reported that, when he wa.sdoing rqsearch in the Transvaal, he heard
bull giraffe growl.


Conditional (Jauser;, Wish

Subjunctive,,Unkins Verbsr,A.djrctive

If all the world were pap,lr,

And ail the seas were inl:,

lf all the serl.swere bread and chr:ese.

What woulc: wc have to drink?

clausesfia adverbial
Conditiona.l diilusi'uri'rgit v1iafi:tdouu", 1 dfi
fl'l'lll?fllJlrlnti''rflnrdqfi'il }i'rrri unless, rsuppose,supposing(that), provided (that),
providing (that), on condition(that), so (as) long n"s
Conditionalclauses rniq'tai'u{Jue rj:vrnvr iia
Tvne I
if + present will or irnperativc
\. If it rairrsr. / werll S&y at home. .r'',;

ff you pLarkyour car Lhere, the polir:e yrill row it away.

If you J ark your car lhere, look it.'
lf you see Tim, givc my love to him.
n*.:daroo""Ld' may uta rnust ttllll will ki's,rilnrriltilillvdil
If you finish your work, 'you eanleavc the ror:rm.
ff it's fine,tcmorrow, we may go out.
"[u it clarrs,: alafi should + somethingthat.mayhappen
J u .y
{d r,rdo{ fr?t il dddui)€!o?fJ
teli him I'11ring back.
It he shcgld--ca[1,
If you shoud be interested:I will send you a copy of my bool<.
it "lunrordt{Juill{fl1:
if clauser'ilodoroovrirrlshoularurdupiurl:vlefluraud
niu r ovruraq: fia' lruti'lunr: drilurtuiit snJ
Shoul-dyou be interested.I will sendyou a copy of my book.
Shsuld you see him, pleasegive him my regards.
rusid'rzionr:^ trisi'aq"lri'n3sr?i:fltu
main clause


If you heat ice, it melts.

If I make a promise, I keep it.
TVne Il
if + past would
If you took a taxi, you'd get there quicker.
ff I were taller. I would becomea ooliceman.
If he were here, he might help us.
qe J -^ q J <r
O"l6llfl were ttYllJ?l il [Utl11t'l?l[Uilil1.1fl1 ,
. ,. , .
Were I taller, I would become a policeman

Were it not for your help, I would still be homeless.

Were the government to cut value added tax, price would fall. '
Tvne III
if + past perfect would have

If I had lost any job, I would have gone abroad.

If he had had any sense, he would have keut quiet about it.

alod'rsnaolilumud ir toirdadsuruur{luil"r.rRr:
Had the managementacted sooner, the strike wouldn't have happened.
Had you ifued us earlier, we would have taken the necessarysteps.
You won't catch the train f you don't hurry.
unlessvou humr.
on condition(that) -1
I will 1etyou drive = nroviaed
(that) you have a valid
| I
= Rroviaing
(that) licence.
| =rolongas I
| I
L=u. longas I

Suppose T had
rl an accident, who would pay?
= Supposing(that) L were to have

conditionalclausesylr 3 sfio aro"lfi,rarufiuloimralwqnr:nidtfio{iu

Type 2 Type 3
If you kne${me better,you woul.dn'thav.e-sard
Type 3 Type 2
Pel-bcbettcroff now.
If I harl,hadyour arlvantages,
Type 2 Typ. 1
If he uussgdthe bus, he won't bg there on timc.

Exercise I (Jrresenttime)

Write sentences1ik,rthe exaLmple,:

We don't hile any wood, so we can't light a fre.
If we had srme wood, we could light a fue.


1. Sinceshe d,resn'tlove him, she ''ryonttrnarry him.

\ i , _

2. his lessons.
Our teacherexplains thfugs,clearl$, so we unr:lerstand
' t t -i"
", "i

3. As I dontt. have a watoh. I can't tel1 vou the time.

4. Thailand doesn't export enough, so she has a constant,balanceof paymentsproblem.

I r I '+

5. Since I kno'w the rneanin,gof the word, I don't have to look it up.

6. This is easy, so everyon€)will get the correct answers.

.. : -,r
l- r,,i- .i,..;i

7. I know fhr: answer so I c,antell you,

tl .,,it.i

8. We don't hrrveany money, so we can't buy any food.

ir , ! ,'.t i

Dxercisell (past time)

Write sentenceslike the examplel
As you didn't explain your problern to me, I wasn't able [o he$ you.
ff you had explainedyour problem to me. I would have been able to help you.

1. He didn't give me his number, so I couldn't telephonehim.


2. As the sun was in the right direction, the photographscame out very well.

3. The shop didn't pack the goods properly, so they got damaged.

4. He didn't remember what had been said because he wasntt paying attention.
'l i,,l ., :

5. F{e wasn't able to answer all the questions,so he didn't pass the examination.

6. She didn't take the medicine becauseit tastedawful.

7. The rocket didn't go into orbit so it didn't mark a step forward in space research.

Exercise III (Inversion)

An inversion of subject and verb may be used insteadof if in the conditional clauseof some

$rpesof sentences.

1. [f you shou.dneedmy help again,just give nle a ring.

= Shouldyou nqed my help again,

2. If the governmentwere kr go bac:kon this ele:,:tionpledge, there would be a revott

among ba,c1.-benchers.
= V[ere thr: government to go back on this eJrectionpledge,

3. If I had kncwn you were i11,I would have visritedyou.

= Had I ktown 5louworrJill , ...,......

Exercise fV
Rewrite the sentenc'es,marking irn inven;ion in the c<rnditionalclauses,m fo the examplers
1. Il you sho'u,dneed to consultme again, you can contactme all this number.

2. The hospiral can switch to an emergencygeneratorif the need should arise.


3. If you shou:d be late onc'o again, you'll lose your job.

,.r'. . i

4. ff it were not for the fact that his father is on lhe board of direclors, he would never

have got tht: job.

5. If such & fii')rger were ever to be proposed, it would undoutedly be referred to the:


6. If it were otre for the expense in'olved, I would go there by air.

i,r1\,,(,\ L ( a ./1

7. ff it hadn't been for your laziness,you could have finished the work by now.
r\ i ,. i"i'l'r 'l
*\1a i \

8. If he had taken a little more time to think, he might have acted more sensibly.

9. If the attemptedassassinationhad succeeded,there would almost certainly have been

civil and political chaos.
',rr\ .', r.-. 'r. ,-,
:,a^i. . a, , , i rr i i

' i

10. If the driver of the train hadn't reactedso quickly, the accidentwould have been

E;ercire ll
Put the verbs in bracketsinto *re correct form, following any correct sequenceof tenses.

t' t
1. If only you - (act) sensibly, you wouldn't now be in such a
difficult position.
tr ' \,,2'r't"ull),
2. If my bank manag", "'' ') tell him Pm out.
' ' - '- '
3. If the Rolls Royc" \" "1\ .(not stop) so suddenly,I wouldn't have run

into the back of it.

i ,
4. If that little Citroen i"r -!';r : \
f (have) decent brakes, it wouldntt have run
into me' '1
i ..- c,-. r.. '
i ' L
6. Had it been anyonebut you that spoke!o me in such a way, I - ---- -!------
(never forgive) them.
' :
7. As long as you follow the instructionscarefully, you _ _ __:_\_ (not have)
any problerns.

8. If he - ''' (not hav,e) his wife's constant support, he would never

have achitryed his ambition.
'"rvi (be) you, I would takc more exercise.
9. If I --l'-'it-
10. Provided lhat the weather ---j:'j-l- favourable, we will attend the

11. You -_-- -j:----- ( n o t g e t ) a l o a n u n l e s ry; o u "''''- ( b e a b l et o , , )

offer some r;ecurity.

t2. If you -:"'- it (get) h,omeeiulier, Lt ''' __ (not be) so hard
to get up *t.s morning.
' 'ii:1
(not have) too much to drink last nightr you 't"'' 1,,'l)-!-
13. If you '':-*'
" -''r-\
(not knocn<)the milk bottles over'.
i'i-:-,,i l,:'.'*'irroi U") so many #gf"ri* 1,'',1----!-(u"t)
L4. There 1..,i... if people
their neighbours to keep an eye on their homes while they were away.
lb. I'll *--!J-- (let) you harrethe book r:,nMonday, tf f . i''-l'i (fi:rish)

it by then.


I. Wish + to =, want (formal style)

I wish to sc? the manager, please.

(More informal I I want to see I'd li[:e to see ..........)

'more past'
tr. Wish + (thtLt)clause dqsi'as'lri'rirntardfiSrJtense ttuu

situa.titrn : will wish I woul<l

She will sing in the conterst' I wish she would not sing in the contest'

We can't cross it. I wish ue gerrld-elass it.

situatirrn : present wish I past

fm not handsome. I wish I were handsome"

The road is closed. I wish it urerc-n-q-L

situation : past wish i PastPerfect

She said somethingunpleasant. She wishes she haddlsard it.

He lost his car kev. He wishes he hadn't lost it.

tilamtf' If onlv ttYnJ wish lci'uiu

I wish I knew the answer to your question.
= [f snly I knew the answer to your question.

I wish the sun were shining at this moment.

= tr only the sun were shirilng at this moment.

Put the verbs in bracketsin the correct tense.

1. I wish we (get) togethernext weekend.

2. I wish I ---- (be) younger.

3. Shc wishes her parents -- (approve) of her boyfriend.
4. I wish I (be) here yesterday. You all seem to have had such
a good time.

5. I wish the accident --------- (not happen).

6. I wish you (*top) making so much noise.

7. I wish you (not smoke) at table.

8. I wish I (know) his opinion.

9. I wish vou (k."p) it a secret.

10. We wish the house - (not be) on fue.


6a rirn3€,rilroun{ ruuddrdo{fi{ rilqm: rfd{{ olil urito'irovrfisrdu

4 It r<ir d JY q 4 Y qYa & t & d1 ad 4t
[?ttRozutfllluu ruu']on'l:Trou,uutulJll'I.:fl'l5
il50 lil LrnruilGN?lff1roFt1014?{fiTaao.:fl"I5
We suggestthat:Mrr_}ro-Lruu-waitfor jhe headmaster.
I t','
I t,(
I proposethat Mr. Brown b-edismissed.
I t
r: i
., l

The judge recommendedthat he not be releasedfor at least ten years. :


{r- Subiunctive
1. to br: : I be, you be, he be, we be, they be
2. other verbs r{lu;il infiniLtive I I pay, you pay, he pay etc.
nr:"[ri' subiunctiv.e
1. radiqiirnEilsioliltf,! order, commanrl, demand, request, ask, recommend,
insist, propose, suggest, advise, 1nove, prefer, require, urge
2. q
r,riftndrurirsiatrJii: It is i-porrontirrital/essential./ner;essary
pref,:rable/ strango./proper\ftrat
:rJuuuzal Subjunctiveo"rfJutdurderfiuuailatfo"[* pr..ernt tt6lu past
We insist that the meeting be-held as soon as possible.
The committeerecommerrdedthat the companyinvest in new property.
Il:s-cssential that every child have the same educationalopportunities.
Ittwrm impo{anX that every member sub-sit his subscriptionby the end of
the rnonth.

Give the correct lbrm of the verb in parerntheses.Some of the verbs are passive.

1. I suggestedthat he (tate) legal advice.

2. Factory inslrcctors recommencled that new safi:ty rules ' (introdrrce).


3. Thc iudge crdered that the coutt (adjourn) for lunch.

4. He insisted that the new lcaby -- (tt*e) after his grandfather.

5. It is essentialthat pollution

6. The spealceraskedthat the MP --- (wittrdraw) his remark.

7. The Colonel commanded that his troops (attack) at dawn.

8. Shareholders demanded that the lBoard (gtn.) more detailed

information about profits.

9. The emplryers urged thar the men ------ (return) to work so that

negotiatio:ns could begur.

10. The magis;lratemoved th,atthe man (release).


11. The ieader proposed that they (make) a decision.

L2. Her advisor recommended that she (tate) five courses.

13. It is crucial that you to changemy class.

L4. I requestedI _l: _ (permit) to chancemy class.
15. The director insisted that everything about his productions (b")


Linking Verb
Ord};';udrnBsril:nsiovr{Ju adjective
ri'rn3sr#uzslfl subjecrz alil :vTflo lru"tri actionza{ cirnis'l
You look well. (well = in good health r{lu adjective)
You play well. (well t{lu adverb ?t8'ltl play)
rir n3flril :v mndovr{lu rir n5tlrddsr nuil :v o'lrlffrunTa(verbsof perception)
finrrrummflunvff#rdzosrirtmn^au'ue' trittri appear,become,feel, look, seem, smell,
sound, taste, f'all, get, go, turn, lie, stand

She is nice. She seemsnice. She soundsnice.

She smells nice. She feels nice.
That pie looks sood but. it tastes awful.

Scratch my back there please. Ah! that feels better.

break loose, die/marty young, keep/sit stil1, live close to, remain open, ring truelfalse
Many famous poets have died young.
It's impossible for young children to sit still.
The murder was not solved and the caserqrulins_apeo.
The crowd stood silent at the end of the ceremony.
rilci'rdurrirfi z n?lilffilla Trj:orGflurfiflu
The nroblernapoearedimnossible.
Laura sudd-eily appearedin the doorway.
Your girl friend looks angry.
She is looking at vou dnerilv.
The curry tastes worrderful.

The tourist t.astedthe cuny suspiciously.

Mv skin f'eelsroueh.
The doctor .lelt mv arm carefullv"

IJnderline thc corre;t word in ear:hsentence.
1,. Thc police lrccome(suspicious, suspiciously)of the man.
2. She fell (unconscious, unconsci<rusly)on the:floor.
3. The valley )ay (quiet, quietly) amd(peacefulo peacefully) in the sun.
4. We looked ,rt the handbag (careful, carefulli,).
5. She sat (motionless, motionlessly) waiting for their decision.
6. They pullod the victim (hurried, hurriedly) from the pond.
7. It's getting (dark, darkly).
8. The sea srnr:lls (selt, salty).
9. We couldn'tkeep the clothes (dry, drily) irr the rain.
10. That girl ser;med (nervous, nenrou-s1y)and (anxious, anxiously) about somethdng.
11. Food goes (bad, badly) in hot weathcr.
L2. The leaves :rrn (yellow. yellowly) in fall.
13. I can't pronounce[his word, it sounds (strani;e, strangely).
L4. Vinegar atwaystastes (sour, sourly).
15. Though I scoldedher, sireremained (quiet, quietly).


Adjectivemta rirrYlrr{rfludrduafln-flu6uvn$azs'}eri'ruriluta6t::}ruril'[d'[r.i'n':rru
v J€' o I f & tr, .! r 4
flOtAil'EI.:ZUA][tllll{ZA{ Adjective lofl?l? "l lflOzl 2 ttfi.: FIO

1. td'Fifi'u
nl ro* managcraclmiresyou.
She hal an appointrtrentwith an o$stane.fung
Plezsesend me all tjre important informarjon.

2. rxt{r,lfi.r Verb to be ttav Linking Verbs rdu be, seern, look, becomeetc.
The soupis wsnderful.
He look rich.
Couldyou tell me if Mr. Smithis available?
ti'r adjecrive
dzsrflrirurruff fi: oveiar
dqfiu nrEJ nei'ar6'sd
rim rir6'u"L#t!

qualitv sizc/ase/shaoe colour oriein particinle troun Head Noun

a beautiful old brown French handmade teak cupboard
an expensive large antique black German becr mug

1. ':rsl{rarir HeadNoun rirurirdnnfiou eoiective niu car door, cassette
tableleg, ring finger, horse-race, race-horseetc.
2. r'Nl{urir HeadNoun Toutri'grJpossessiveniu
my sister'scar a birdts nqst the prisoner'sdemand
3. td prepositionmiu
the top of the page a man tiom ChiengMai
a bookon l8th-century music
ria #qrnm a'trit u: n 1 r{lurird udo{ r?ar il-fl"l# posr"sriu"
yesterday'spaper today'snews
tomorrow'sprogramme nextweektsarrangemenls
an hour's delay a night's sleep
two days'journey ten minutes'walk
ti'rrtlu ,ro.rndudo{t?41:vttvyn{fitattu uovfifi:rnzzirsvrirarorr.rlfluprJuuu
a ten-minute rest a five-day week

a three-mile walk a five-pound note


ahldld'L:f:rl rrcss
a pournrlts worth three dollar's worth

a stone's throw (= a short clistance awa'y)

6l d t o ullg r
tUUl{l15tU adiecti're 0loAgAl:Jdly{{ [9t tflil
, q u ,{ o d. Jy < J
1. tilRlltlll0a { lJflQvAv noun t:JAVt|O0{6fi1?MA{tnOflQlflnoun ?|ff'lEJ"l fluOYl

"Pint of milk, please."
"Itve c,nlygot sterilized."
We'r,'ejust bought a new car. It's an il;fsmaltc.
2. Superlative
I'm [hr: in m.y family.
Which one shall I get?
The cheapest.
3. the + 31.i""tive ?iru'lEJdln{ruuiarj:vrnm:ra.:nu
He's grllecting mon,;y for the-blind.
Ihe,.rr.nonployedarc losing hope.
noun'U Tv[fi Yliltl 9l')l ll 14il I EJ
lU U'yl?lilail tfl U

the d,ead = the dead people, all dead pcoPlc, the dead men

noun i)lfl adjectivedvruadtarua

thc blirrd, the deaf, the sicl<, the mentirlly ill, thc handicapped, the poor,

the une.nployed, fhe old, the dead, the rich, the accused
-sh, -ch u5a -ese rirutirdr,irJu
4. adjective
troun ,,oi'niu British, kish, Welsh, English, Scotch, Spanish, Dutch,
French, Japanese, Chinese,
The lBridsh are ver)' proud rof their senscof humour.
'''with -ed
5. ,roun iiki'2flrfl ,ro.,n Togfin?ttJr4rJ'tu or having" l#tfiru
wheeled transporl a one-elred sailor

a broacl-shouldered rruck-driver

Choosethe best answer

1. My mother has _
a. a pretty very blue necktie Korean
b. a very pretty blue Korean necktie
c. a blue Korean very pretty necktie
d. a Korean blue necktie very pretty
2. My close friend lives in the
a. house with large French old bricks
b. housewith large old brick French
c. large oid French brick house
d. old French laree brick house
3. The accident took place near a

a. big gray luxuriou-sbeauty shop

b. shop big luxurious gray beauqr
c. gray luxurious big shop beauty
d. luxurious big gray beauty shop
4. Pleasebuy me on your way back home.

a. a today's paper
b. a today paper
c. a today-paper
d. a paperfor today
5. This diamond ring is
a. one thousandpound worth
b. one thou-sand
pound's worth
c. one thousandpounds worth
d. one thousandpounds' worth
6. There are some in that series.
a. forqz-eight-inch televisionsset
t). forty-eight-inches television set
forty-eight- inch televisionsets
d. forly-eight-inches television sels

I sat at the _________ a.ndwatched from the working girls on the streels.
a. bus back, today fashions
b. bus back, today's farihions
c. back rof the bus, today fashions
d. back o{ the bus, today's fashions
8. Pleaseclo,se:the gently. It's
a. car door, my father's car
b. car's door, my father car
c. car dcror, my father car
d. car's door, my fathortscar
9. C)n the _* was a beautiful gtrl.
a. airport'r bus, blue-tryed girJl
b. airport's bus, blue-r:ye girl
c. airport rus, blue-eyed girl
d. airport bus, blue-eye girl
10. I saw buying _
a. a six - foot man, a ninepenny stamp

b. a six - foot man, a rrinepence stamp

c. a six - feet man, a ninepence stamp

d. a six - feet man, a ninepenny stamp

11. We didn't bave un

a. twenff- five-cent coins, Heruy the Eighth's reign
b. twenty- five-cent coins, Henry Eight's ra:ign
c. twenty-five-cents cc,ins,Henry the Eighlh's reign
d. twenty-'five-cents coins, Hsnry Eight's rr:ign
L2. Becauseof the stronggale, the sick fo the and drove av/ay.
a. were rmoved, ten-wlleeled trrrck

b. was moved, ten-wheels truck

c. were:moved, ten-wlneels tru,ck

d. was mcved, ten-wheeled truck

*t'k ** Cb*r

Infinitive. Gerund

krfinitive fi z rfioda WithzWithout 'to'

Form fl0il Infinitive

active nassiYe
presentinfinitive (to) ask (to) be asked
present progressive infinitive (t") be asking
presentor past perfect infinitive (to) have asl-,ed (to) have been asked
present/pastperfect progressiveinfinitive (to) have been asking
I decided not to become an astronaut.
It's nice to be sitting here with you.
She said she was sorry @_have_dismissacl
He seemsto have been working all night.
I didn't expect Lulrc invited.
Nothine seemsto have been forsotten.

nl; t?f hfinitive without 'lo'


1. rafr.:n3tr?i:tttziu will, shall, would, can, could, may, might, must,

& d
e,A q
ought to 5?ll?l.l would rather, had better, need, ttflc dare ttJ0ll'l?l1llYlt?l&lOll

I must go now.

e-anyou help me?

I will leave soon.
I'd rather so alone.
You'd betler see what she wants.
Need I do the washing up?
How dare you call me a liar?
People ought not to drive like that.

2. rafi.: let, make, sa:, hear, feel, watch, notice, he$, have, know
She l,ctr her children stay up-very late.
Let'slfte a ta:ri.
Let's nol argue abou'tit'
I maclcthern give m,ethe money back.
I didn'; see him qofle in.
I heard him say that he was fed up.
Did 5'ou he$ me udsad the car?
Could'gou help me trnloaddre car?
Have the next patienl come in now pleasrl,nurse.
Pve never knprvn him (to) pay for a drirk.
.9 o a t &
He watmade-lqrtar:k ten hours a day.

She rvis heeLrdto sa:r that she disagreed.

3. rafii vrhy (not)

wjy+ry more at otfuershop,s? we haye the lowest prices in town.
slhyiruake a holidaY?
4. d'r ftrf'nitive z fi: ldaruri'rn and, or, except, but, ttran "t#av til
Infinitire 6':daas
I'd likerto lie dowu and go to sleep.
want to have lunch now or wait till latet?
Do y,e11
We ha,re nothing to-do except @Ilook at the postersoutside the cinemas.

flt da anyt}ing but:wsrk on a farrn.

ft's eas;ierLo,persuaclepeople than (to) filtsc thcm.
5. nrerrltiue mfrs r:atherthan
Rather than wait an1'more, I decidedto 13ohome by taxi.

nl:td' hrfuritive with
1. :rshha#ril:vTsflrirrnrirdnrfiausubjer:t
To ar:cent their oifcr would be foolish.
(It would be foolish to accelpt their offer.)
Ts rroakemistakesis easy.
(It is easy to make mistakes.)
z. rrqt{rnakirnisrdwirurirdrufioil objecrrirnSsrddaw'rtlei?t rnfinitivewith
'to' ki'rrri
afford agree appear arrange ask attempt
bear b.g begin care choose consent
dare decide determine expect fail forget
happen hate help hesitate hope intend
learn like love manage mean neglect
offer prefer prepare pretend promise
propose refuse regret remember seem start
swcar trouble try want wish
I hope to see you soon.
I want to sneak to the director.
ugifirirnSfltutsfr: t?iu ask, beg, choose, expect, hate, help, intend,
like, love, need, prefer, prepare, promise, want, wish A'lQtJ noun fi5o
pronoun il'lttll:R141i'l hrfinitive lOi
I like to keep everything tidy.
I like vou to keep everything tidy.
I want to come back early.
I want hcr to come back earlv.
3 . Verb + object + Infinitive
fllR:U1U1{Tl?flnA{}J noun 1450 pronoun il1ttvl:Rilri"t Infinitive ld'rrri
advise allow ask bear beg cause
command compel encourage expect forbid
force get hate help
instruet intend invite leave like mean
need oblige order permit persuade prefer
press recommend request remind teach tell
tempt trouble want warn wish
I advise pu to leave.
I didn't ask yqu to pay tbr the meal.

4. Adjective + lnfinitivr:
a. rrrrl{rnfis adjectivefrufi
Sih; was upsct ttl hear that the profitr; had fallen.
Sh;'s very niee laldk to.
b. It 'i be + adjective + of noun + infiniLtive
It 'vas kinclof to help us.
It ,vas silly of r.u; lo-beliqle him.
c. l#tiu the fust, the most suitable tlf,e superlative
tzit: the best, thc most suitable tlfll; thc only
He is always drc frst to arrive and tirrelast tq leave.
IIe is the best prxson lo carry on thii; work.
Yc'u're the-ody person to refuse.
6' 9u
d. [f 1U too, enough, so .... as [o

Mi mother is gilting too old to travd.

Would you be kind enough to open l"hewindow?

Wruld you be so good i!.sto let me l<now as soon as possible?

!lc, s o
5- ?'l{ [??tR.lfl'lu'l]JUl{til?

They vrish to succeed. It's their w-rshto succeed.

She relirsed [o help. Her re]usal to help surprisedus.
We der:ided to wait. Our &:,cision to wait wtts wlse.

I need a key to unlo* this door.

Have you anything [o eure a bad cough?
I gave her a,comic to-read.
Can \/ou give me SoJme
work to do?
G. ld ntltrltl"e ufi'l interrog:rtiveconjunclio" lOinri how, what, who, wherer"
when, whether
Can 'you tell me hovt to get to the station?
Shou,rs what lo do,
I don't know vrhethgJ-toanswerhis letlet.

i+ ti i+

Gerund6arirn5srda.rri'rooiru is badforyou.
niu smolcing
?lll'1il?tA{ Gerund

1. r{lu S.rU.j"ct
Beating a child will do more harm than good.
Dancing is fun. I love it.
Dickens often gave readrng-s
of his work. Thcy were very popular.
2. r{,luoui""t zasrJ:vTso
I hate writing letters.
I've finished working.
3. tfJil complement ?Ja{ Verb lo be

One of my bad habits is biting my nails.

His favourite pastime is bird-watching.

4. l"lJU Object of a preposition
He insisted oo aaming.
The soldier was accusedof having betrayedhis country.
1. Gerundalafi article,riruaoqtdrflo.r,
unvdu1 rirmrirtoiniurdgrnu
o'tl{lilau "l
The sinking of the Titanic has never been forgotten.
I enjoy a little light reading.
I hate all this uselessarguing.
Your qurck thinking saved us all.
I did someza lot ofza little shoppingthis morning.
Do you mind my making a suggestion?
fm annoyedabout John's forgelting to pay.
usitu InformalEnglishrTnfiuru'Lri'grJ
n:: ruumudr rrdoqrdtzal
Do vou mind me makine a sueeesfion?
I'm annoyedabout John forgetting to pay.
usid'rrirn€sr6'rfifrt{Jusee, hear, smell ovlil}i'grl possessive
I saw him getting out of his car.

z. Gerundta:uatoitrri
admit appreciate avoid consider conl.emplate

delay deny detest di:;like endure *ttjoy

escape excusc face feril like finir;h forgive

give up can't help cantt stand inragine involve leave o.ttf

mention mind miss porstpone practise

put off resent resist rirsk canotstand
suggest understand lt's no good It't; no use It's :notworth
I reallv aooleciatehavine time to relax.
Have you elx\srdcrcdgettiog a jolb abroad?
Imaging no-tlnowing the answerto such an eirsy quesrion!
prevent dr'olfi object uiu
Therets nothing to prevent him (hot) taking the money.
a. to burst out crying/laLughing
to go svrimming/shopping/fishing /sailinp;/ciimbing/huntrng/
timez'moneydoing someth,ing
to spen<l,zwaste
to keep (on) doing something
I don't know what's wrong vdth me today'l I keep,break!ry things.
b. Gerunrldfi".'tururuttlu passive
Ufi'sgiffrim need, require ltny want Gerund Oyfin?l]l?1il1flt{Jil passivt:

Your heir treedscut,t*ng. (=---- to be c'ut)

The gardenneeds-watedng' (=---- to be watered)

Does your suit rs4uire-Bressitlg,sfu?
The car wants servicjng.
c. Gerumd vfis preposition
"Lf cieruna ufis preposition #o*ut :':ril?t{ 'to' dr{t" preposition

ovtd' ;ntltritirr" hilci'

You should check threoil before starting t}re car.
You cen't make an r:melettewithoullrec,kiug eggs.

We got the job finished blwsrkiCIg sixteen hours a day.

He's always talking about mqving to the counbry.
I look forwardtn"+ry fromyou.
Do you object r;oworting on Sunclays?
I'm not used to driving in Bangkok.
I prefer riding !o walking.
f'm accustomedto drivine on the left.
In addition to sitting in the exarn, you have to presenta report in class.
3. infinitiveTorflfinrrililrulrJeir{fi'u
aclvisc allow attempt can't bear begrn hear
continue forbid forget to on hate propose
intend like love permit prefer try
regret remember see start stop watch
a. Rerxember+ -ing = remcynberwhat one has done, or what has happened
I shall always rmqobermeCIng you for the fust time.
Remember + infinitive = rememberwhat one has to do
Rememberto go to the post office, won't you?
b. Forget * -ing = forget what one has done, or what has happened
I shall never forget seeing the Queen.
Forget + infinitive = forget what one has to do
She's always forgetting to_€rveme my letters.
c. Stop + -ing = stop what one is doing, or does
I really must stop"smoking.
Stop + infinitive = make a breaLkor pause in order to do something
Every half hour I stop work gr smoke a cigarette.
d. Go on + -ing = continue what one has been doing
How long do you intend to gs-otr+laying those records?
Go on + infinitive = change,move on to somethingnew
He welcomed the new students and then wcnlon_Iocxplain the
college regulations.

e. Regret + -ing = be sorry forwhat has happened

I don't regret te-l[ng her what I thougtrt, even if it upset her'
Regret t infinitive = be sofr)' for what on: is going to say
I regc{-Lofuform you that we are unatrleto offer you employment.
f. Like + -ing = enjoY
I Uke.valking in the rain.
Like 't infinitive = chooseto; be in the hia'bitofl think it right to
I EkeJUget-UBeruly so that I can get plenty of work done before lunch-
you, so n went away.
I heard you talkin€;nnd I clidn't liks*lo disOLLb
'wish' or 'want" and is always followed by the infinitive-
Note that ",*.ouldlike' me:ans
What u,ould you like to do tomorrow?
g. love, thate ttfly prefrx ld ionnitiu" n-r tffEm:nil"6g?ta,Tl'lvtQlvQ{
dtu c"rund avfin'nilurururher
I krvi lying/to 1ieon my back and star:ingltostare at the sky.
Sornt:people hate workinS;/to wqrk in riheearly morning.
Perstnally, I prefer workinglto worlk in the early morning.
h. allow. advise, forbiil tt6tu permit el'lil!ff?fl Gerund urritYrfi object td'[d
SotrJ,,we don't altrowsmoking in the .lectureroom.
We tlon't allow pcople [s smoke in hr:re.
I r^'ouldn't advise-takingthe czr * thert:'s nowhere to park'
I wouldn't advise you to,take the car-
'Ld' r{Junr:lriudr
i. see,rvarchu6ryhear, ceruna rdo{fi{tilqn1:nidri1fr.:rfiodu
usi innritive uiifolt't*{rilEn'l:flirdrfioduadxdruu:rf
&, ne,

Wh,ln I walked past his house I heald himgasdsixg the violin.

I h;:ard Okstrak}; play the Beethoven violin concerto ]ast week'

\{rhen I glanced out of the window I t;aw Mary qra$sllqgthe road.

I watched him slep off the pavement, qross the road, and disappear
jntc the post-offiLce.

j. Try * -irg = make an experimentl do something to see what will happen

I tried sendingher flowers but it didn't have any effecl,.
fry+uEing in some more vinegar - that might make it taste a bit better"
Try * infinitive = make an effortl attempt to do something difficult
Pleasetry to understand"
. I once tried !o learn Jaoanese.

Exercise I

Complete the sentenceswith the gerund of a suitableverb.

1. The newspaper'sfinancial editor advisedhis readersnot to buy speculativeshares

unless they were prepared to risk their monev.
2. This room will look very cheerful once you've finished ir.
3. I wish you wouldn't keep _ me what I already know all too well.
4. It is difficult to see how the company can avoid another loss this vear.
5. [t was so ridiculous that I couldn't resist _ outright.
6. The secretary asked if I would mind for a few minutes.
7. The way to learn a languageis to practise it as often as possible.
8. Everyone said how much they had enjoyed to the speech.
9. When you've finished the book, you can tell me if it's worth _-_-_
10. He was very lucky to escape (passive) to prison.
11. You shouldstop about the examination.
L2. She was so upset that she couldn't help
13. The job will entail your to different parts of the country, often at
short notice.
L4. The teachersaid he wouldn't toleratemy late even dav.
15. The questionwas so trivial, it hardly justifies our _ up any more Ume

Exscir;e II
'tr)' is functionini3as a prepositionor as part of an infinitive, and then
completethe senten,;es with the gerundor the infinitive of the verbsinrbrackets'

(tw) to
1. The speakersaid he woul'I confine himself to
(answe:r)four questions.
2. By selling crruncil houses.,we are able to dcvote more [o

fresh ProPer;tes.
3. Harcl work is the key [o (pess) examinations'
4. The idca of a laboratorypermanentlyin spaceis moving rapidiy nearer
(becorne) a realitY.
to (.try)
5. Having sugS;estedthe schsme myself, I now ft'el eommitted

ro ---- (make) it u'ork'

(have) heard him
6. I think that s what he said, but I can't swear to _-_-.-
7. He used k> .---- (Oistite) I-ondon, but he now srsetnsresignedto
(live) there.

8. Jonescarnevery close to ('*i") a gold meclalfor Britain in the:

(try) to (discuss)it in
9. It might be better to
his own lzurguage,as he isn't used to (speak) English'
solely to
10. Most educaLbnalistsagreethaf no teacher's d"rtiesshould be limited
1.1. Unreliablc rlelivery datesare one of the most importantobstac'les
(increase.)our exPorls.
taken to
t2. since the irrtroductionof new services,many businessmenhave
(travel) by train for journeys between 100-2O0 miles'

Exscise Itr
Complete the sentenceswith the gerund or the infinitive of the verbs in brackets, using thc
correct form of any pronounsthat are included.

1. If the Government's policy is to succeed,they must try (keep)

pricesin check.
2. The shareholdersall think they know what should be done, but the board still needs

3. Let's invite him. I'm sure he would love -- (come).

4. Someonein the office had made a mistake, and the firm regretted
(cause) the customerinconvenience.

5. We plan (tate) our holidays abroadthis year.

6. The teacherdoesn't permit (smoke) during the lessons.

7. I vaguely remember (he, say) somethinglike that.

8. Come over here! Pd like (you, see) this.

9. I alwavs trv (be) punctual,but I don't alwayssucceed.

10. It's a tricky problem. I recommend --- (yo*, consult) an expert.

I 1. He'd prefer (you, go) to his place, if that's convenient.
L2. A membershipcard authorizes (the holder, we) the club's

facilities for a period of hvelve months.

13. For the secondfime this year, Miss Black will attempt -- (swim)

the Channel in less than five hours.

L4. Children should start (learn) a foreign languageat primary


15. The film was so terrifying that she could hardly bear -- (watch) it.

16. The new comrnittee member did not venture --- (speak) at his first


t7. They began (drive) at six in the morning, and were still on the

road ten hours later.


18. The union k:adersursed (their members,,think) again

before (decide) (strike).
19. He rqnEmbr:red --- (pass) on most of the infirrmation, but

(mentlon) one or trvo of the most important facts.

20. The reportersaskedman)'questions which thc freed men decUned


** ** **

clause6a niirurirdrj:rnauoTre
Subject + Finite Verb + (Object or Complement)
rJ:vTsndfi clauser6flr rtflnd1 Simplesentence
Steve apologized at once.
clauseuartdailai':u and,but,or, nor,yet, for, so etc.
Steve realized his mistake and (he) apologized at once.
tirrj:vlsofirurnndrud{ clauseravue-invclausefi nrrr d'rdarhitrirrfiflil n'u
Iogfiildt clause tilu irrA"pendent(or 'main') clause tt6tv clause dn,rdunrdu chuse
utarurnn'jrrfu r{Ju dependent(or 'subordinate')clausettav€i'1t:ruflnil:cTflnaaf}[d1
main clause d.tilt:flaqikinrlldrfi.r u:rriflnil:vTflnrfioddr ComplexSentenceToflfirtdail
clause fr{ilnrflarottlu coniuttctions mta Relative Pronoun m6oarotri' Infinitive Phrase
l#o Purti"ipial Phrase rurrdaru
When he realized his mistake, Stephenapologizedat once.
Realizing his mistake, Stephenapologizedat once.
: ' '
To get into university, you have to pass a number of examinations. I
clause tniqtoit{Jug rj:vmvr 6a
1. Adjectival (or Relative) Clause
2. Adverbial Clause
3. Noun Clause
Adiectival Clause
ercwd-ed hoii day resorts are not very pleasant.
Holi <layresorts which are crowdbd are not very pleasant.
'crowded' turJ:vTenrtrnt{lu
acljective dru 'which are crowded' t{lu clause
til:1vfi finite verb: 'are' claused *rtatirdtmfiau adjectivetil:'lvuannnuilc 'holiday

rqsorts' r:rdstEflu clause zfioddr adjectivalclause mta relativeclause trrr:rvfrrufrud

fi'u noun

AdjectivalClauseii z rfio 6a
1. Definin3 (uta nasrrictive uia Identiltying)RelativeClause r{lu chuse
ddra'yv'rr6'oii'ot*iU rdsrn'u subje:ctil6o objectr4r"L#
f'irriJunutmu6'ulvrudqlilu lrifitodatrr,rxrfl"o*u ,fu clausen rud
drriJusiasrfiul{ niu tirfi{nrirrdr
'Is that the woman?
rrveu.ou'lr&e - ' 4=- -Y- .F,
o o v l,:a g ovilil?t a n?lilu{{ n anil
rr1ate?ilv Lntrir toro tnul'l t?l tl'l 6t{rrtt
relative clalse tJ"}?lAlfJt{|il
oh that the woman vrlr-o-wants to buy yotit -e'ar?'

2. Non*d<:fining (fi64 Non-F*estrictive raia Non-Identifyi"g) Relative Clause

t{Ju ctausedlnhiu'Xur.fiiilrfiru
6'ulrnudqllau6ltiltri'rirs#r**." subje,:til6o object
Pve .justmet Mrs. P,owel,who wanls-lo-ttuy your car.
r:rfift r"rirto'ir
re clauseovnnfi'odq rijutn:
The goverrunent, which promises to cut taxes. will be popular.

F 'trili'zarenrril
ursqf{ relariveclause rrsir{lunr:
,ror,, daqizirlrnrirr{iltllfi':r68,r
,*" dadzinulh#{Milo filndat'nilrfl *rn-u frturdilaeiastf "*lri*h"
tf 'othat"lillei' (which "tudfiarrur:nrrvrulti'oirs
,rndthis ltta andthat)

He showedme a pholo drat upsefme.
He tore up .my photo, wlLich upsetme.

o'thatupsetrne" flg'tgFt?'Iil "a tphoto" fia the photo that was ups,:tting
luzru*,d", which r..psetme" lritoiururun?'1il6{ "the photo" trsizglgnttru "He tore up
my photo"

He asked rrre a lot of qur:stions, lvhich was-ltrneof hi's busincss.

I{e wore }rir; swimrning ihings in the office, u}ritBhshoekedjris-boss-L€EeaL deal.


Relative Pronoun
rilarird z odrqufarun'u
6o'tri'r{Jusubjectl#a objectrufiau
du f unvzuvt6igrfiufirdarclauses

What's the name of theAbndeAirl? She just came in.
What's name of the blonde girluho just came in?

Form : Relative Pronouns

Relative pronouns as subject :

People i He is the man who (or that) lives next door.
Things : This is the photo wb[ah (or dut) shows nty house.
PossessionI He is the man whose car was stolen.

Relative pronounsas object :

People I He is the man wiolwhom/that / Imeton holiday.
Things : This is the photo whiehlftal I took.
PossessionI It was an agreementthe details of which could not
be altered.

Relativeprunoundrnrrarird object lu A"firrirrgrelativeclause milt:offoii'oH

usitu non-definingrelativeclause oym-odqlriki'
The author(wno@)ftat) I met at a party last week provedto be a well-known
journalist. ' o- 'l brlai've
det:*iv'2tr <dlaosct Tr'-''
Mr. Johnson,who(m) I met at a pary last week, proved to be a well-known
journalist. -+ Nerd'$-'*;' dltot C2) cis-

tir dcfining relative cluse fi preposition

He is the man to tryha{oI gave the money.

dd *,at uilulildiftillci)

or : He is the man (wbsQu)ZtfoIt) I gave the mone\i to.

The agency from whici vre bought our tickets is bankrupt'
or I The agency (lrhichZthat) rve bought our tickets from is bankrupt.

#t non-defining relative clause fi prep'osition

The hotel manager,@ wlm I co,mplainedabout the service, refundedpart of our bill'

or i The hotel manager, who (ED I cornplainedto alout the service, refirndedpart of oun'bi11'
qJtd that triloi'trr non-defining relatirreclause
The Acmc Travel Agencv, with rvhrishour cotnpanyhas been dealing for several)/cars'
has opr:nedtwo ne\v branches.
or : The Acme Ttiivel Agency, which our companyhetsbeen dealing with for severalyears,
has oprlnedfwo nerv branches.

Relative clausesof time, placc alndreasorn

1#[d' whon, where, wbry mfil noun tlylilfi'l at which, in which, for which I'rlg

noun uraiirdovuorrdq dme, pl,ace, reason tdu

Can you suiSgesta time fl which it will be cotrvenientto meet'

Czrr you sul5gesta time vvhenit rvill be convenientto meet'
This is the place in-whieh I grew up-
This is the place where I grew uP.
I don't kno'v the reasonlbuubieh he dislikes me.
I don't kno'/t/thc reason:why he dislikes me.
,* ti'rfirirsioliliftfl# relativepronoun

all every (thi"e) some (thing) any (thing) no (ttring)

none little few much only

superlatives, It is (was) dlf,ttiu (usitir all, few tftrvru)

nil"l#td ..'vho,,) rrarriur{Ju definingrelativeclause nirri'u

ALlhat remains for me to do is to say goodbye.

Everything &at c1b,e done has been done.
I'11 do anything (ftat) I can.
The only thing ftaX matters is to find our way home.
It's the silliesr-a€umcnt (rtal) Pve ever he11d.
God bless this ship and allryho sail in her.
lt was my mother th,atth,rewan egg at the Minister of Educationyesterday.
. " ; i I - ' j

relariveclauseti'rfirirduao{il3rlrrut?u4t ttnvfi?rn?tldu .o-",

lu non-defining
any,,none, a[, both, several, enough, many, few, .ith.rzrrtil"r, the largest./
the smallest, the oldest,ztheyoungest, a number, half, a quarter, the majority
of whom rdanmunu tt6ry of which rdauvrueiszaq

It's a family of eight children, allof_whsm are studying music.

Both players,nei0rctof ry:hsmreachedthe final, playedweU.
Thev nicked up seue-ralrefugees some of whom had been at sea for two months.
=<-\We've tniS types of bools, nonc of which is completely waterproof.
t/ relative pronoun d}i'rrou
,'-Not_"_ manner, time, place alotf "that" tt7llJ why,
in which, when, where U3aav "that" tavnvtu defining clause. , .. ,7
I didn't like the *uy'(tnut) she spoketo me. (rata to which)
fll never forget the Sunday (ttrat) you first arrived. (uta when)
Do you know anywhere(that) I can get a drink?
i l'" ' {
That wa-sn'tthe reason (ttrat) he liecl to you. (rata *hy) ,

fl?1il6faond'al:vudrq noun tt"6tYrelativepronoun

It is I who am responsible for the organization.
It is yzu who are leader.
r.l 6l vo a Jq g- J
rrsttufllulT{oQv !flft'lR:a]il [ffRUU:1t143
It is; who is responsiblefo. ,fr" organization.
You're the one that knogrs where to go.
. -qr{ 6l
Rel ative clause 6l'1il1:fl 9lo til du LUu "apposition" 6a NounPhrasedqrirmrird
v v 4 a crr'1 Y&
?ttl']u noun ?J'l{}lu'lt?ltlau[OtJ tSt0Yl{'lil definine tLac non-defining relative clause

My neighb,ourMr. WaLsorqnever rnisses the opportunity to tell me the latest news.

Mr. Walson,,a!9ig:hbqu-of mine, never miss$sthc opportunity to tell me the
latest newsi.

Exercisc. I
Complete the sentettceswith relafive pronounr usitrg v,,ho, which, whom, when or where'

1. That evenin;l we w€nt to the ciiema, we met a grouP of friendsr.

2. He had int.errdedto buy the goods before seeirigthem, would hLave

3. I had almos; given up expectinghim, __- he suddenly turned up'

4. The Queen was, after all,, unable [o attendthe charity concert,

a great disappointmentto the orgianizers.
5. The father lEft his business!o his son' _--- imrnediately began planning

a major reo::ganization-
was arl
6. The campersmoved on vrithout extinguishingtheir fire, -
act of alm.o:;tcriminal negligence.
7. Thc man ,ilivcd fully clofJredinto the river to sravethe boy, --- he later

received eLltravery medal.

8. We were br:ginningto think that our view frorn the mountainsidewould be cloud,
the sun unexpectedlybrokr:,through.

9. La*styear we spentour holiday il Austria, - was a new deparfitre


10. I gave the rnessageto Pe,ter: -- was supposed to pass it on to ytlu'

11. In some c;irremas,smokilg is prohibited, -_.-- htrs been welcomed by

anti-smokirg camPaigners.
L2. Last night \ve want to thr: opera at Covent Garden, we saw the

much-publicized new productionof the Trojan-s'

The letter I received was in fact intended for John, to I sent it on.
on tlhe
L4. The contrat:tors have no\v sent a satisfactorY ')'stimate for building the school'
to b"€ilrr'
basis of --- the school governors have now authorized work

15. He missed a lot of work through his absencefrom school, to make up for
his parentsengageda private tutor.

Exercise Il

Join the sentencesby changingthe secondsentenceof eaeh pair into a relative clause. Use
contract clauses(i.e. omit the relative pronoun) if the relative pronoun is not the subject of
ils clause.
The aims are very laudable. The society is pursuing these aims.
The airns lhc society is pursuing are very laudeble.

1. The pipeline has been severed. It carries the town's water supplies.

2. The exhibition was not very interesting. My friend took me to see it.

3. One of the chief things is to save money, manpower, and time. A computer can
do this thing.

5. Paintings by Renoir rcahzedrecord prices in the sale. The sale took place at
Sothebv's l-ondon vesterdav.

6. There is evialencethat memymen were in fact.willing to acceptthe Compary's

revised pay offer. These men went on strike.

7. The pools r"'inner used a system. This systern,he said, had rvon him severalsmzrll
amountsev<:rthe years.

8. The gales cirused widespread damage. They srvept across southern England last


9. British shiplrards are now quoting; pricas. Thr,oseprices compiile favourably with

foreign competitors.

10. Is the offer stil1open? made the off'er Lmt week.

Exercisc III

Join the pairs of selttences by usimg relative clause.


The firm'r; iatest product has already capturecl a significant share of the market.

It was launc,hed only six months ago.

The firm's ,atest product. which was launcher:l only six months ago, has already

captured a significant share of the market.


1. The National Motor Show attractsenorrnousnumbersof visitors. It is held everv

year in autumn.

2. The presenthouse standson the site of a much earlier building. It still bears the

3. There are more than fifty proposals. They will be discussedat the conterence.

4. Thc chemist gave her the tablels. She was to take three times dailv.

5. This new hostel will be ooenednext month. It accommodatqs200 studenls.

6. A significant point is that people want to becomehouseowners.

The point has emergedfrom the survey.

7. The invasion was completedwithin a matter of days. ft was carefully planned and
skillfully executed.

8. Do you rernrxnberthe nar:neof the place. Wr::stayed at the place fwo years agol'

9. I am prepare:dto agreeto anything. You might like to suggestanything.

10. Typhoon "l.dao' left a treLilof destructionin its wake. It swept lhe country from
coast to cOait.

Combine thesepair; of sentencesby usintgSentence-lR.elative

Carol disregardedthe instructionson the medir:inebottle.
This ahnost killed her.
Carol disregardedthe instructionson the bottl;:: which almost killed her.

1. The policenranwas unwilling to listen to the old lady's explanation.

This mado lter very angry'.

Z. I obeyedyour instructionr;very carefully. firis brought about a perfect result-

3. My parents obviously did not like my new boyfriend. This prevented me from
inviting him home very often.

4. The tree grew rapidly. This was partly the result of our constantcare of it.

5. My brother feared heights. This was well known to me.

6. Jackson disobeved an order from an officer. This caused his arrest.

7. Shc believed in me. This encouragedme in spite of much difficulf .

8. We have discovereduranium on our 1and. This mav make us rich.

9. That nurse was terriblv careless. This cannot be excused.

10. The Army does not approveof long hair. This surprisesvery few people.


I stood up parade. "in order that I could see fhe parade"
r{Ju adverbial claiu;e tilflvtrJzlultlo?lsl "stood up"
Adverbiatc.lause6a clause drt'lu verb vita main clause tufiau adverb dilu
clause d#fittofi't"toflt:0'1il-etou d'lCIttl When? Where? Why, How? rziurfifl:fru arlverb

Time Tell him as-soon-ashc-arrivcs. (When?)

Place You can s:itwhareyou-Jrke. (Where?)

Manner He spokeasjf -hsmeant businrlss. (FIow?)

Reason He went trl bed besauscie€J;-{1. (WhV?)

J.r vo
Conjunctio" fi't#ri'rnril Adverb,ialClause
Time when, wltenever,while, os: since, after, before,
untJl, as su)n as, once, now (that), the motnent (that)

Placc where, wherever

Manner &S, as if

Comparison as, than, the ....,,........the

Reason because, as, since

Purpose so thal in order lhat, for fear that, lest, in case

Result so (ttrat), so * adjective t th;'t, such ---.- thal

Condition if, unless, whethrer, providecl that, supposing, on condition that,

as (so) long as, a^ssuming(that)

Concessio,n although, though,, even though, even if, while, whatever,

wherever, no matter, wherear;, however

Adverlbial clause ol. time

r{Ju ctausedflau{iraril "when" d'raqjdruuriruasrJ:vTartd'lf
You. didn't look vcry well vvheayou-i:,ol u€Jhi$,moroing-
Afu [ ]rei;o1noauied, Peter changedc'ompietely'
I pull a muscle as-I-rvasl[ftiry;a heally-s,uiteasc.

Once you've-seenone penguin,you've seenthem all.

He hasn't stoppedcomplaining since_hegot_backfrom his office.
We always have to wait until the last customerhas left.

?JAfl{[flGl ovhrl# tuturetensetu dmeclauseud'jrovndrrfistuqnr:nfluamnn
tfi8.l simple present ten-se ttav'L# present perfect ttlllt future perfect

The Owens will move to a new flat when their babv is born.
(or has been born)
6194y v 4
t14lfl presentperfect ilA{ once fi50 now that
Once--(=-rryhen)we have decoratedthe house, we can move in.
Ngw that we have decoratedthe house, we can move in.

Adverbial Clausesof Place

clauserfiodtfnausirorru "where?" finrrql{taal mainclause
You can't camp where/wherever/anywhereyou like these days.
rrsitirov niu d'Iil'li tl?'l{ everywhereilt o whereverdu oi'urj:cTgnld'
Eveqrwhere Jenny goes, she's mistaken for PrincessDiana.
wherever, anywherc tt6lV everywhere= any place
With a special train ticket vou can travel wherever/anvwhere/

Adverbial Clau-seof Manner

clauserfiodt#mousirnu "How?" lin:rslfiafis mainctause
Tape this again as I showed you a moment ago.
(i.e. in the way I showedyou)

This fuh is cooked as I like it.;

(i.e. the way I like it)
clause d"ttfi'^ if, as though ov:rs1{ilfi{girn3flr be, acr, appear, behave,
feel, look, seeln, smell, sound, taste

I feel a. iflas_though fm noadng_oLair.

It soundsas iflas though the situationwill€,eJ warse.
She acti:d as if she were ma .
Adverbial Clause oi Comparison
riJu clausedtf,rattor:tr.figutfiBU ilarnetfl as, than, the ..... the rrii'rii.l

T?ilO{ as + adjecive + as (as quick as), a-s+ adve;:b + as (as quickly as)

He is as
| in ansvrcrine
- * - " . ,ri$
4- his sister (is).

He answersas quickll' as hb sister (does).

He is rrot so/a,s-qgiel: in ansrvedng*as-hissistcr{is-).
His sisteris quicker ilran he (i$.
He movr:s more slowly Uhan*hissister (docs).

#-tn* more you practice, the ba:tteryou ge,t. '/

Adverbial ClauseoI Reason
r{lu cta,rsedl#mouii'ra,ru"whv"
As/Beca.use/Sincethr:rewas._liftlcs-uppafi,the strike was not successful.
I'm afra;d we don't stock refills for pens like yours beeausethereislittledsrnand

lsr- t]reru.
now that ttflv ira:rmuch as tfrnru beoause loi'rrsir,ilu formal lang3rage

llsrv-Slat the semestet'isfinis-hcd,I'm going to take a trip.

reach an agreqre-nt,
Inasmuteras the two €iovernmeltleaderg-a,!)uld,not-
the possibilities tor peaceare still remote.
Adverbial Clause oI Purpose
clauseu'fiodl#naugirnrru "ril/hatfbr?" ttnv "For whatpurpose?"
clauss dduoi'uai'rs so {hat, in orderthat si'a{fin3gr?irgtdu -uy, can.,
will, rnight, couJd, would, sh'ould
Pve arrived early so th,atlin order-thal I mlyl-eaal*wrngc,Ur good view qf-lhe
#nfigxl# so asLo, in orderto m6a to tu:tvTnr{raf#'Niraadr
I went to .ive in France tolin order to,zso a,li-!q learn French.

She was sent to England to../in order tolso as -ts-bg-cclt4ga!9d.

I bought the car at once: for iear-(lhatFc-nri-g.hrt-change his nd!d.


We have a memorial service every year lest we (should) forgelour debllo-tho-sc

who-didin jaalc.

d'ruiu subjunctive
lest sto should ii'tH ttr:'lv6f"1lJ'l:n"[ri'r{Ju
I avoided mentioning the subject lest he bs offended.
Adverbiai Clause of Result
clauserfi odki'uanfiqftnornnr: n:vrir rtnvovoi'aqfi
We arrived early, so (that) we could get good seats.
(i. e. we got good seatsas a result of arriving early)

Or: We arrived so early that we got good seals.

His reactionsare so $ck (that) no one can match him.

f{e reacts so quickly (that)-no one can match him.

He is such a marvellous joker (that) you eadfnebftughiog.
They are such wonderfulplayers (that) nqone-eanbeat theru.
There was such a lot of rain thalve- couldn't go--out.
usid'rfifird1 much, many, little, few oqjai':ali'lri' so ... that tlYlll such .... that
She m ade so,loany mjstdheL thalshc-&tred-the exam.
He has so fiew friends thafieis always lonely.
She has so much money that she can buy whaLevershe wants.
He had so little trouble withlhe test that he left half an hour €ady.
Adverbial Clause of Condition
r{Ju clausednoosdat tzdqdn6irril'rdr.rti'utuuvrd
AdverbialClauseof Concessiont{Ju dnatt"rrrufiouti.l
Although/Even though/Though I felt sorrylqrtrer, I was secretly pleasedthat she
was having difficulties.
We intend to go to Japan, wenjfuhe-aL-fare goes up again.
V{hile-I disapproveof what you-say, I would defendyour right to say il".
However far it is, I intend to drive there tonight.

no matrer+ questonwordstriirao.rnarrufrou#s}i'
|-[s-matter-Jvher,e-you-gs!,you r:antt escapc irom yourself-
questionwords + -,rver = No mert[e, dl"Lfrrao{Fl?'1ililottfi{miutYu
Whatsv€r Ls-ay, I seem to say the wrong th:mg.
(No matterwhat ..........)

Llowe,ver*ltrillianlysllarg, You can' t know r)verything-

You mall -.eavewhenev;r you wish.
She can gr) wierc-v-ershe:uantsto go.
You can v ratch w-hichel'erprogJ"r0Jou+r9lix.
nt:dt"ld' AclverbialClause #u,to
Subjecttldv Verbto Ut ds
Clause via'lsrJ:ymmelrrur:ada;rJnllci'Toaffo
Time Whil!: (she was) a!-ealleg-e, D::lia wrote a novel.

Place \Vhsrc (it is) neqcssa"ry' imprcwcments will be made.

Manner He acted a:iif (he was) certain of success.

Condition U (it is) lpssib1p, please let rne know by this e;vening-

Concession Thaugh (he was) exhausted, he went to bed very late-

Exercise I

Complete the sente;rces with conjunctions used to introduce adverbial clauses.

' '-:-._-I
1. The book rvrvilsso boring gav,r up reading it hralf way through.

2. I had too much work to do at home, I didn't have time to come.

3. He speaksrlinglish much better he writes it.

4. \ __ . they're very well off, they livc very simply.

1 ' f
S. you live a little nearer [o us, I shal1expect to see you more often.
i {
6. I see of him. the rnore I like hLim.
t '
7. They decidcd to climb the mountain _.-_ the weathr;r improved.

8. We left the car

9. We arrangecl to hire a coach v''e could all travel together more easily.

Noua Clause
He told me aboutfte cancellation
of the match.
He told me that the matchhad been-sarcelled.
'cancellation' t{lu no.rn dru 'that thematchhad beencancelled' r{lu clause

tTtrtvfi finite verb: 'had beencancelled' ovtfiudr clau-sedvirrnritdtmrl'au nour, 6.t

l:fjfl?l noun clause

Nounclausertrurirdtufiau noun dsarrur:odturhdriJusubject,object,

Referenceto the Grammatical Subject "It", complement ttny in Apposition

NounCiaus"rirurirdrflu Subjecrzatil:yTsrl
Money doesn't grow on trees.
This should be obviou.s.
= That monev doesn't grow on treesshouldbe obvious.

ovrfiuloidrnt:r4'l nounctaus"?6vdr 6o rx ttrat 1{uri'nj:vTsnfitvloi' ,,ounclause

dou.o.fourortsndr 'that'c1aus"Tofl 'that'claus"dr"o" 'tt ut' lriloinrdar4rrnrirdu{Ju
subject tt$n11l114il"lYltlJU
object fl6nillTflmO'that' 11{[O
Everybody knows (that) money doesdt grow on tress.
nl:td' nounclaus"r4rvrird subjecrfinlilrfludfiflil finfisrutd 'tc dusiurl:deer
nlil9i?Ej Verb to be ltio Linkins verb trav 'that' clause ff{olQtt?ltlm srammatical
It is obvious (that) money doesn't grow on thres.
rnSaaroovtf (thefactthat' vr6o 'theideathat' rirrarir nounclaus" drirurirdrflu
Subjectfiki'1uoi nounclauserfiodrirurirdrflu in apposition)
Thc fact that his proposalmake senseshouldbe recognized.
The.ida-ftat everyoneshould be required to vote by law is somethingI don't agree
'the tact that' 6ftsJtro?'1.11{rafi's
preposition tri'triu u6'q becauseof, in view of,
on accountof owing to, due to, in spite of, despite, notwithstanding
His love of literature was due-folhclaetfhat his mother read poetry to him whcn he
wa-sa child.

lnspite ofzl)espi!9ira-furrt ftat hotel prices hrve risen sharply, the number of
touristsis as sreat as cver.

'rhar' clauss6l"lil"r5a?rll{yn.:
'thaLtt toi
afraid, glad, haprpT, pleased, {;orry, cerLain, ,ur" Totgatoav
fm afraid (that)-we\e-sold-oul our tickels.
ttgi 'that' cLauseov"l#m^rtufi's preposition

He boasted lbout his sucoess.

= He boastedthat he was successful.
He insisted,rn his innocerrt.
= He insisted that he was ilnocent.
I had no idea of her stateof mincl.
= I had no ide:athat she was unhappy.
I wasn't awareof the time.
= I wasn't a-warethat it was so latc.

nr:ri't nourrclaus. 6ni6udrda rruudovvi'rornrj:vIunuafltci'lttuu
fiyirornrJ:delnriratxtto*tuu lles/Noquestiontt6tyquestion-word
qur:stions6 arj: vTsorir nrruddusiudrsn5flr?irs t?iu
Has he signed t1re conffact?

rj:ylflfir{Ju Subier:t+ Verb ttYnJ Vertr + Subiect iiovloi' nounclaus. frufi rziu
Whefterlre, has sEned-tbecontract (or not) cloesn'tmafier-
I want to krrow whetreVifte-has signcd the contract (or not).
question-word questions 6a rJttTtrnddusir"rci':tl who(m), what, which, when,
where, why unY how ttiU
When did he do il?
rj:yTsnri'rnrrudarrur:nrirr{lu nounctause
rJ:yTsnuanriir trfr subjectrrs"[{nfii question-wortlrrdcatliloi'rsnrSflr

V[hcnhe-dfolit is a mystery.
I wonderwhenhe didit.
Tell me wherevou went.
nounclaus" ri'nnrirdr{Ju complementrr.rt{rnfi.r Verb to be tt6tv Linking Verb
The questionis whetherhe hassignedthe coltrael.
drrniu noun claus" dduci'ueirs questionword 6f'lll't:nrr.r1{fiaq Prepositionki'
I often think aboutwhen I was young.
Pll vote tor-whowcr promisesto reduce taxes.
In my dream, I had a very vivid picture of-rvh-crcwe used to live.
f'm worried about whether she is happy.
finfisilt# 'what' ttytlt 'the thing (s) that' danJdflu Adjectival Clause r{Ju
J"ry, r & -AJ
Noun Clause wla lffil5v luFl6lilfl 5vffUu{?til

I save iust the monev that she needed.

I gave her just what she needed.

The thine that I'd like is a dieital

What I'd like is a digital watch.

Do vou want to hear the words that he said?

Do you want to hear what he said?

noun claus" fi{drilr:arhvnirdt{Ju u apposition

The rumour is unbelievable.
There will be a coup.
= The rumour that there Wil-bej eauB is unbelievable.
The suggestionis very useful.
The rotation of crops helps to conffol diseases.
= The suggestionthat LherotadsLolcrops helps to control diseasesis very useful.
- r Jqvo v
d:1,| Fl'lYt
ttru1141t'lNoun Clause
1. that
2. whether

3. questiortwords: when lvho (m)

where rt'hose

why u'hich

horv rtrhat

Excrcurc j
Replacethe underlired words by
1. Thq thing-thal the speakersaid next was lost i:r generaluproar.

2. Why don't.zou explain threidea tha! that you have in mind?

3. they had
The teachr;rtestedthe students[o see if they rememberedthe fhings-wbLiah

4. Tbe thiog-Ihaf you're asking me to do is out'of question'

5. klrown as a "bel1yach,.,r" -he's always complaining about

He's sonn-qUrjug*thal's

6. What a nui:rance! That'sr just ttrsl thing wbieh I didn't want tc' happen.

7. The thing that amazesme is where he gets all his energy from.

8. Would this be the thing that you're looking for?

9. Mind the things.thatyou say to him; he's very sensitive!

10. The leader of the expeditionmarked out somethingthat seemedto be the best route.

Exercise II
Identiff the function of each noun clause.
1. It wasn't at all easy for the audienceto fbllow what the speakersaid.
2. The fact that the Prime Minister was seriously ill at the time of the crisis is now
generally known.
3. at this conferenceis of direct concernto the country.
What is being discu-ssed
4. He rarely succeedsin achieving what he sels out to do.
5. Why we were to meet again so soon wasn't made clear at the time.
6. It isn't yet known where the pilot finally managedto land.
7. I asked the waiter if there was any fish on the menu.
8. The writer depioredthe fact that moral standardswere declining.
9. That the unions shouid take-strongermeasuresto control their membersis
10. His argumentis that it would be better to leave things as they are.

Complete each senlencewith corrjunctionsused to inlroduce noun clatrses.

1. It was genelally agreed _-_ the tw,oparties.

2. I now rernsnber he disappearedso suddenly.
3. No one seernedto know the train was due to arrive.
4. was even more surprising was the fact no one lore:iaw.

5. Exactly _ the climbr:rcmet their deaths.

6. The experts couldn't agree as to of the two paintings was the origural.
I. he was very dissatisfiedwith the outcome was clear from his
8. Pointine ou1 - production costs had risen considerably, the manufacllrers
said they could give no assurancc _ prices wouldn't rise again in the near


9. It ha-sn't yet been discovered precisely - originated the plan.

10. It was a nratter of disagreonent ---- - the company should promote the

new prodrtct.

Exercise _fV
Join the sentences, using noun clauses,and giving alternativeconstrrtctionswhere indicatted,
FIe ''vas taking a risk. He fully realizi;d this.
He lully reallred that he '','vastaking a risk.

1. The sun sornetimesshinesin England. He soernssurprisedto discover this.

2. There is to be tougher action againstdrinking and driving. Most people welcome the
the fact.

3. He hadn't telephonedhis girl friend. His girl friend later understoodwhy.

4. Your bank managerwon't lend you money without security. Don't run away with
the idea that he will.

5. The law studentwas destinedfor a brilliant career at the bar. This was clear to
everyone. (a. It was ----_-_: b. That --------)

6. He didn't even apologize. This made me really angry. (a. It was

b. what --__--)

7. The bov should be sent to a boardins school. This was the parenls' view.

(a. It I b. The parenLs' view


8. Children novradaysget trxr much pocket mone)/. 'fhis is my opinion.

(a. It -*_-__--; b. My opinion __*_-__-)

9. He says one thing in priva.te. He does anothe;:thing in public" The two things are
inconsistent',vitheach oth,lr. (What _----=_)

10. He manage.sto r,rconcile the fwo thinpls. I just dcrn't know how he does it.

(a. I ___; b. Horv _=_--_-- )

'ft{k f,r* *:k


Chapter VI
Participle and Participial phrase

Form ?Joil Participle

present Past Perfect
active breaking having broken

passive being broken broken having been broken

ryfi:rJr{Ju V + ing rufiaufi'u Genrnd(ttri ceruno qvfirfi#rdtufiau

Noun) d:u P*tParticipleovfi:rJr{lu v"o

d vA, v r'l rJ
"l 9l{n0 tUil
Participle lJ?1U'11191'l{
al gtu a I 6l

1. tzfrinun5fll?i?u tilu progressive,perfect tlav passive

It warainjng when I got home.
f ve foreottenvour name.
You'll be ooldas soon as possible.
z. tri'rirr,nird Adjective
I love the sight of running-water.
(water which is running : adjective)

Here are your mruLixg-shoes.

(shoes for running : gerund)

This is a new type of se$:fuding watch.

(a watch that winds itself)
I've got a broken hearJ.
(a heart that has been broken)
3. ki'Yhrnrhduafiau
She went runninq out of the room.
4. :?tJflufllau Phraser4rurirdrvfiau Adjective
1 r{lu Parr:icipial
Who's the fat man sittinginthe corner?
Most qf the people invitedtoLhe pary didn't turn up.
1 dlu Participial
5. ::rufi'ruriradu
Having lost all my-monry, I went home.
Rejectedlydlhirffends, he decidedto become a monk.

fll:ilililrvTfl oloetd' Participle

ParticipialPhrase ufioqr'flRt:::x SirnpleSentencesmiroi:flfi'unorg tfl lt
rnain clause + participial phrase
Simple sentences I He walked out of the rrrom. He slamrnedthe door behind him.
out of the r,rnm and slammeidthe door behind him.
Compound sentence I He; weLlked,
Piarticiplecons,truction : He walked out of the room, slammins tlhc door behind hinr.
sirwni{za{ participleotaovariifftilutarans
Maktng.-su!; I had the rii;ht numlber, I phoneCagain.
or: I phoned ag;ain,making-r;ure I had the right number.
pastparticipletdu interested,
"l L:16f'uJ"r:iotd'
bored, excited, etcr.

I was very interested in the lesson.

I didn't enjoy the party b,ecouSeI was bored.

"lunr:ncirrfi':nuil6o;i{ilurau"Lq present
rnr r:rriiias'tri'
urrdarjrd'uroiu partir:ipie
[fll] interestin-e, boring, exciting ctc.

I thought tle lesson was quite inreresting.

Sheila's FrartYwas pretty botittg.

rirn3arr.l:tmild'Lri' p^, participlettdo{fi{ "jfifl ..." tlflu presentparticiple

rrdo{iid"ilJ ......''drun:^er6'rra{ "vhtri ,...." toirrri
inte::est bore excite confuse worry

tire ernt'arrass please atnuse amaze frighten

disappoint tril far;cinate surprise satisfy shock

annoy as[onish delight entertaitr convince alarm

provoke dircourage dir;turb frusffate terrify ashame

If a s-toryis exeitilg, yarl are excited when you read it.

= The sturryexeite_s
If an exPlanationis carnfusing,vou get soffused.
= The exo.anationconfrses vou.

You may be worried if you have a worry,irrg+rqb1@.


= The oroblem ,*,orriesvou.

After a tiring day, Lou feel tried.

= The dav tires vou.

Notc :
a frightened man = a man who is frightened by something
a trightening man = a man who trightens other people
a bored man = a man who is bored by somethingor someone
a boring man = a man who bores other people
Participle I Word - order
#r ui arnat rir ur ruff1oi usifi n:r rumrurI eirsfi'il
I'll never get married - I don't want to spendmy life surrounded
by dirry washing and screaming children.
Did vou hear that child screamine?
ovr#uloi'jrrJtvTflnu:nneirads tuu{fi'nuruvd:1 hJzalrdn
Ral"ctivetJrflfldr Verb usi'Lu
rJ:vTflniln1"screaming"ttefosdsnlTn:vfir[fiflqnf{rdsr(singleaction) rav{rvtilflruv
J c,d d
Verb rutnndr Adiective
The people-+estioned gave very different opinions. (action)
taKng part. (action)
I know some of the athtetas-
We couldn't agreeon any of the preUm diseussc0. (action)
Can you see the broke-o-rarindow?(characteristic)
He boughtme an hterestingbook on geolory. (characteristic)
Noun + Participle
the only place left
anv Dersonobiectins
the childrenwishing to complete
the successjust obtained
Most of the people singing were students.
rrsitir participle fi adverb yta noun il:vRou"lvirxl{zirqlnir Head Noun

He bought a recently-b,rdlthouse.
The chairrmanemphasizedthe abovrrneodorred point.
Most of the guestseLreErrglish-speakingCaniLdians.
We met a forltunung m,anin the woods.
man-made libres)
(long-playing records, home-grown ve5letab1es,
Nore: fi pisr parriciplen{rurd.rd}fi'r"tluadlectivettavfin?lilfiil1Ej "active"
ld'rrri f'aLllen,vanished, retired,, grown up, escaped, fadedl
fallen rocks vanisherlcivilization
a retired general a grown*up daugther
att escaf€d prisoner faded cr:rlours
U"lilFl:ili)]QQYiladverb ?JEJ'lu
a well'-read person recently-arrived immigrants
a much- travelled man a burnt-out match

* nl:t# PresentI'articiple tmu Adjectival Clause ('RelativeClause) t:"ld1ll'lrfl'Ld'

presentparticiple iTunr:n:vvi'lilia[ilstt-t't:nidrfiodr"tufaru 1 n-u rnain clause
' | , (' , \' 'i :
Can y'ou see the girl who is rlancingwith your brothcr? '
= Can )9t see the girl dancing with your br'other?
Anyboc.y, that touches that wire will get an electric shock.
= Anybgdy tou-chingLhatwire ,vill get i. shock.
The men who were rvorking on the site v,ere in some danger.
= The men workin€ on the site were in some danger.
d'rtfiru Adjectiveolause firfldi,sffilrg colnrna participialphrase ffsiaqfirnda{?l}tltl
coilunia ci'rg
Dr. Kole, who is re;earching the causesof cancer, is making progress.
= I)r. Kole, researchinl;the causesof cancer, is making progress.
My photo, which was publishedin the newspaper,was exffaordinury.
= My pJroto,publishedin the newspaper,w rs extraordinary.,

) . ,+ ,fl151d' PresentParticiple ttlllJ Adverbial Clause

" ) r:rdrrur:rnJ# participialphrarsettilud Adv<:rbialClause duou"lu"rrrurirn3gr?t5a
fa n:r,r,#qrj :vTtlo,rdfroil Adverbial clause
1. ttilu:d Clauseof Time Toflrrll{lafii Conjunction uta


preposition lfi'rrfi after, before, sfurce, when, while, whenever, once,
on $av u. To8oro68n phrase rfiodfi VerblessClause
' After I had finish"A #io., letters. I went out.
\, " = After havin='#.n-O all mv letters. I went out. )
Depress clutch before you changegear, '
= Depressclutch before changinggear. ii ",
- - \
. ! ,

When Lfound the front door open, I becamesuspicious.

= WncnZOn-nnding the front door open, I becamesuspicious.
nSaaroovfi'q subordinatingconjunctio" do
After'I had put down my briefcaser'I walked over to the window and looked out.
= Having put dourumy briefcase, I walked over to the window and looked out.
When he heard a noise,he went outside[o see what was happening.
= Hearing a noise, he went outside to see what was happening.
2. ttilild Clauseof Reason
ru-n6'n subordinating conjunctio" ii'o
As I was anxious to pleaseher, I bought her a nice present.
= Being anxious to pleaseher, I bought her a nice present.
Since he has,zhadbeen i1l for a very long time, he nee&s/neededmore time
to recover before he canlcould go back to work.
= Having been for a very long time, he needs'nreededmore time to recover
ill -
before he can,/couldgo back to work. " --
BecauseI didn't know what to do, I telephonedthe police.
= Nol-kxq*ug what to do, I telephonedthe police.
3. ttilild Clauseof Concession
Tofl:N1{1a fi'{ subordinatingconjuncti"n k;l-'rrri although, even though,
thoushtrRv while d.rorfi'oyra'.r1*1oi'
Whil" he admitted that he had received the stolen jewellery, he denied
having taken part in the robbery.
= While admining that he had received the stolen jewelry, he denied having
taken part in the robbery.
Although the villagers sfudy Thai, they still speak their tribal language.
= AJlhoughstudyingThai, they still speaktheir tribal language.

4. ttiluid Clau.seof Condition

Tos:rrrl{ufi* ,r, urilessttctvovfroif, unlessdot*iH
If you are travelling north, )/ou must prel)arewarrn clothes.
If travc,llinsnorth. vou mu\t DreDarewarr:nclothes.
Unlerssyou pay by credit card, pleasepalyin cash.
= Unlel;spaying by crrrditcard, pleasepay in cash.

Phraseovd'arr{Jufi':rt6flrfiuSubject?Joilmain clause
,lpubjecr ?ro.rParricipial
fiarrfrrq"r{Jil Dar,gtingModifier 6o Subjcct lu ,nain clause lrilrifirrfifl:fi'u subje;ct
tu ParticipialPhrese dqfiorvfi'ntrs'ln:fli
My wife had a long talk with Sally, explainingwhy shedidn't want the children
to Pla;'together.

! , Rsading rn)/ newspaper,th-e-

doorbell rang. (l)angling Modificr)

, Readingrn)/ newspaper,Lheard the doorbell ring.

Looking out of the window, tbe metrur was seenby the pilot.
(Dangling Jvlodifier)
Looking oul of the window, the p-ilotsaw the meteor.
, uoiorirql:fimrilfi:iiurnudrdarrur:atri'Danglingldodifiertrt rf.riilrnr:rvdyIndefinite,
fi3a we' 1{rduacirdtoi'uri
broadly,zgcnerally/strictl;yspcaking, considering,judging, supposing,taking
everyflringinto consideration
.'r' r' ' you ought to sign the visito,r:sbook before entering the club.
(= IflWhc,n one judges')
the Governrnent :rppearsto be gaining in popularity.
(= IfzWhcn one judges')
He did quif ; we1l, t*ing-€verylhin€-ixla-eonr! ide-raliao.
(= lfzWhen one takes)

Supposinglhere was a war, what would you rlo?

nlTtd' Past Participie ttYllJ Adjectival Clause (Relative clau-se)
The systemwhrsll is-useld in this school is vt:ry successful.
= The system used in this school is very successful"

Most of the people who-ruereixvited to the reception were old friends.

= Most of the people invited to the receptionwere old friends.

l:":,T"j'i#lffil1i1f"0",o,", * ,,uiua,u?",
rnufrtritri staqouo{rs'being'

After,zWhenwe were informed the flight would be delayed, we made other

arrangemenB. ,t
= AfterZOn being informEd the flight would be delayed, we made other
When a British pefson is introducedto somebody,he often shakeshands.
= On being introduced to somebody,he often shakeshands.
When ** viewed from a distance,the island looked like a cloud-
= Viewed from a distance,the island looked like a cloud.
When they were confrontedwith these facts, they did not say a word.
= Confrontcd with these facts, they did not say a word.
2. Clauseof Reason (
As he was beatenseveraltimes beibre, John decided to stop playing table-tennis.
= Beaten several times before, John decidedto stop playing table-tennis.
Becausehe was convinced that he could become a champion, Bob spent more
time on practicing.
= Convinced that he could become a champion, Bob spentmore time on practicing.
3. Clauseof Concession
Although it was built before the war, the engine is still in perfect order.
= AltJro_ugJrluil-!before the war, the engine is still in perfect order.
Even though the village was located on a hill, it was flooded during the fphoon.
= Evenlhough located on a hill, the village was flooded during the typhoon.
4. Clauseof Condition
If you eueacceptedfor this post' you will be informed by May lst.
= ff acceptedfor this post, you will be informed by May 1st.
Unless it is changed,this law will make tife difficult for f'armers.
= Unless changed,this law will make life difficult for farmers-

tftdci'ils:"io Dan15ling
Seatedin tlLepresidentialcar, the crowd wavr>dto the President. (Dangling Modiifier)
Seatedin tlLepresidentialcar, the-kesideat rlravedto the crowd.
u'l'lni{ participial phrase amfi Subject m{t3fln:ir absolutepartilcipialphrase
The holida):being over, we get dorvn to some hard work.
llbbody having any more to say, the meeting was closed.
All-the morrey having been spent.,w€ s[arted looking for work.
"Lf rurti"iple ud1 object dtaqjmrarvrfi'l V':rb of sensation uiu see, hear, fee1,

watch, notice, surrell tt6tu verlb aou "l triu find, tjeL have, etc. Tofl68n participle
l,tuuil'j"l "object cornplement"
I saw a srniill girl standingin the goldfish pord.
Have you ever heard a nightingatesinging?
I found hirn drinking my whisky.
We'li hav'eto get the car repairedbefo-ra,liue;day.
Do you think you can ge[ the raclio working?
We'lI soon haye you hold a meetiag again.
eyl,{u part;ciple milvdi{ withzwithout sd'rirfi Subject sirsnu"lu 2 clauses tLnv
danr"lruturj fir ruqnl: oidrfioduvriar 1 fi'u
The crowd cheered. The royal part5ldrove tlr place.
= With the crowd cheered,the royal party drov'r to p1ace.

They debatrxlfor hours. No decision was talcen.

= They debatedfor hours tvithout il decision wtLstaken.

A car roared past. Smoke poured from the exhaust.

= A car roared past with stnoke po'uredfrom the exhaust.

Replacethe Adjectival Clause bli using participial prrL'rase.
I couldn't; understandthe instruclions that were given in the rnanual.
I couldn'( t.nderstandthe instruclions given irr the manual.

l 'l t"

1. Motorists w.h6 inrcnd to take their cars with them to the Continent are advised to
make early reservations.

'. (
2. I haven't yet had an opportunity to think over the proposalt t@Ert 4"*?l t"
last meetins.

,,,., \at' u,
3. /-- ma*slhe frqntier.
Three armed men crossedthe river ttrat

. t ' t

4. Any control of incomes thadximps6dlya-governm,ent aJd&S is- gg,tnegotiated

b;lunions and employelp is bound to creatediscontent.

I . '"(
5. Investorsreceiveannuallyall the interestthak;been creditedto their account


6. found that the number of staff thYF

Companiestfu? aheadyus,e"
neededfor stock-control can be substantiallyreduced.

7. A1l aliens v,fi/e alreadlyliving in this country have been asked to register with the

8. We can deliver within three days any articles @gr{-o-rdgl-e3. tglg:l_og_t.

9. The school has now moved to new premises''vhichoveJlook lhe Thames.

:. !: :

10. Reports tlraq q9 now rear;hing I ondon sugge$t that the number of casualties tharfuas-

beencause<lby thc garthquake

-*-- -.."--f-
rnay exceedtrrrohundred.
r |
,. ,t ,

Exercise II
Replacethe Adverlfal Clause b1'using participial phrase.

Examnle i

to the speakerfor five rninutes, he got up and left.

When he had listene_d
Having lir;t<:nedto the speakerfor five minutcs, he got up and left.

Ll As he hacl''vitnessedthe crime, he was expectedto give evidencein court.

! ', ,

,i l.(,
,/ When the editor leamd that his newspaper had been taken over by a rival publisher,
he resigned from his position.

3. I declined his offer of a loan and said that I didn't like owing people money.

4. The demonstrator,who protestedviolently, was led away by the police.


5... When I visit a strangecity, I like to have a guide-book with me.

t) Although the motion received general support from the House, it was not carried
until it had been considerablyamended.

7. Motorists who intend to take their cars with them to the Continent are advised [o
make early reservations.

8. It strikes me that he is an intelligent man. ('H" ....')


g. . Now that I have heard your side of the question, I am more inclined to agreewith

10. - As he hacl lrcen warned that bad weather lay :*read, the ship'sr captain changed co'urse.

11. [f one may judge by whar the critics say, this new play is wofth seeing.

12. Now that syring has conre, we nray perhapsl,rok forward to better weather.

Join the pairs or groups of sentences,u-singparticiples.
Ex-ample He had finished the painting.
H.e gave a slgh c,f relief.
Har,ing finished the painting, he gave a sigh of relief-
1. I was intererstedto see what would happen. I thereforestayedtill the end of the

2. I found I had wasted my time going to the saile. The best bargairn had already been

snapped rtp earlier in the daY.


3. The rescueparty decided that it would be hopelessto carry out a searchwhilc the
fog persisted. They put off their rescuebid until the next day.

4. He was brought up in the belief pleasureswere sinful. As a result, he now leads an


5. The children had a week's holidav. The school had been closed because of an

influenza epidemic.

6. He was very angry when his car broke down. He had had it servicedonly a week

7. No one was surprised at the changein bank rate. It had already been confidently
expectedby investors.

8. The man lost interest in his work. He had been passedover in favour of an
outsider when a senior position became vacant.

9. He had to put off buying a houso. The bank was unable to L;nd him any money at
that time.

10. The police [ound thc small boy. He was wa:rderingabout the docks.
Hc was, apparently,looking for somewhereto spendthe night.

with participial, verblessclauseor infinitive phrase.
Replacethe clau"set;

1. Would anyonewho wishes to attendthe meeting pleesenotify the Secretary?

(part. phr.)

2. If the situation is looked at in this way, it docsn't seernso dersperate.(pan- pht.)

3. We left early so that we should arrive in goocltime. (inf.)

4. Children urrder the age of fourteen are not al}rwed into the cinema unlass they ale

accomparrit:dby an adult. (verbless cl.)


5. I rernemberthat he once offered to help us if ever we were in trouble. (part. phr.)

6. We had to leave quietly so that we shouldn't disturb other people. (i"f.)

7. Since we didn't have any time io spare, we couldntt visit all the places we would
have like to. (part. phr.)

8. There are still many difficulties that must be surmounted. (i"f.)

9. The public official who had been involved in the scandalagreethat he should offer
his resignation. (part. phr.)

L0. Whether it was restoredin the nineteenthcentury or not, the painting was unanimously
attributedto Tiepolo. (Verblass c1.)

11. We're very disappointednow that we hear that you can't come. (iof.)

L2. The instruciions were written in such bad Eni:Jishthat they were positively
mislcading. (inf.)

Exercisq Y
Complete the blanls, using the verbs in bracketsin the gerund, partic,ipleor infinitive fo:nm.

1. After (g"'.) __ (krr,ow) him betlcr, I regtetted

(judge) hln unfairly.
2. The man the police found (act) suspiciouslyin the shop doorway
wzs charg;edwith __ (loiter) with intent.
3. I can't bear fhe thousht 0f (you, go) home s'ithout someone

- (accornrpany)you.

4. 'A job worlh (do) is worLh (do) we11.'

5" I shouid prri:fer (g;o) to the cinema rather theur----_*-- (sit.)

here __ (listcn) [o the radio.

6. Don't stand there - (d") nothin;51.

7. He tried (.explain) himself in (ierman but found that no one seemed

to understartd.

8. Man: This mixer doesn't work. Woman (sarcastically): Try -*- (srvitch)

it on properly.
9. Surely you recollect (h", say.) that he would let

(I, borrow) h-iscar if I didn't mind __- (puy) for the pehol?

10. You knovr .t hatc --.- (disappoint)you, but much, as I wouid

like _-= (go) out this evening, I hilve to finish (decorilte)

this room.

11. I would advise (you, wait) before (decide)

- (accept) his off'er.

L2. At presentthe new child is very shy of - --- (oin) in with the other,

but very sro)nI cxpect (havc) (he, show)


Same as the preceding exercise.
1. If I catch (you, cheat) again, I shall make you -----------(stay)
in after school (do) some extra work.
2. ft's no use (blame) him really. You know he had no choice but

_ (do) as he was [old.

3. She can't bear (be left) alone in the dark, (be)

accustomed as a child to (have) a light on all night.

4. He does nothing but ___ (complain) when he is asked
(do) anything that means (put) himself out.
5. People should sometirnessfiop __ (think) before --- (speak)
their minds.
6. Surelv vou remember (lend) him the moncy? I hope, at l'east,
that he won't forget (puy) you back, for he had a habit of
(forget) things he doesn't want (rernember).
7. The fue needs (make up). Would you mind -- (attend)
to it?
8. I can well understand (you, be) unwilling (r"ly)
on him after (he, let) you down on a previous occasion.

9. Itm lookine forward to (have) a few days to myself while the

rest of the family are away.

10. Like many other people, I dislike (have) someone

(look) over my shoulder (read) my newspaper. I find it

difficult (prevent) myself from __

** ** **

WI Phrasal Verb

rirnSflr prelnsitionu6a adverbparticletoi nri:r:6a
ti'rrirrlvlumrdu in, off, up fi object alililn{ r:imvt6snril,4*urtfu'il prepositionusi
#rdrrlvluvlrtulilfi object r:rriisndr a,dverb
preposition My car startedrolling dawn th,:-hilI.
I can dive off the top joard.
adverb particle just broketdo\un.
My car heLs
We'll have to put the party o-fr.
ovr#u'jrdirnisrdtd':rilitu adverbparticle ;)vflnlrlt{Jil two-wordverb uta
verb raia idiom dqfinrrxurursar-olilornttiru adverb
niu giveup = surrender,blow up = explode
particle aana'lnfrlJodrsrurnrurg
phrasalverb oloovfi olrjcct uialilfftsi'nirr
intransitive bring down, get up, turn up (.arrive, appear)
transitive bring somethingout (mention it)
kick some:bodyout (expel hirn)
put somethingoff (postpon,rit)

turn somethingdown (refuse ir.)

#r phrasalvertr ii object t:'lcf'ltJ'l:fl?1.1object f iua^i.:adverbparticle mSariaurariliiloi
We'lI have !o put off thc partyZruuhqgarty ,)ff.
Could you put up my sis:ierlputrny sister up florthree nights?
adrsl:finril d'r objecrr{luriril::rryut;urdu her, ss, this t:1?1{ri16f::rrrurrul{vrir
We'll har,'e to put it off, (Not : put off it)

Could you 1tut ber up? (Not : put up her)

Prepositionafter piLrticularword; and expressions

riruNrirrflar.:n'lilgi'?fl siatrJovt{lu
preposition 1 unvlinnvr{lu{lqrarrioaiGuunrur6'lnquo{raruo
abiliq, at
She shows remar,kable abrfigv a[ matltematics and science.

Also I clever at, good at, bad at, etc.

afraidof (not *by)
Are vou afraid of sniders?
Also : frightened of (or by), terrified or (or by), nervousof, scaredof, etc.
agree with a person
agree about a subject of discussion
agree on a mafier for decision
agree to a suggestion or proposal
I entircly agircewith you.
We agreeabou(most thines.
Letts trv to agreeon a date.
Pll agreeto your proposalif you lower the price.
angry with a person for doing somefhing
angry about something
['ll nrettv ansrv with vou for not felline me.
What are you so angry about?
Also I anger, cross, furious, upset, annoyed, disappointed, pleased,
impressed+ with or about
anxious about (= worried about)
anxious for + noun (= eager for, wanting)
anxious + infinitive (= eager, wanting)
I'm getting anxious about money.
We're all anxious&rr an end to his misunderstandins.
She's anxlauslo-find a betler iob.
apologize for
I must apstogec for disturbing you.
Dd Mary apologizefor her rudenesslasr night?
Also : sorry for, forgive ...."..... for
arrive at (not *no)
What time do we arrive at Korat?

ask for money, obj':cts, informa.tion, elc.

ask questions, the way, the time, favours
Don't ask me for anotherdrink, please.
He's al'rlays asking sil1y questions.
astonishedat (or ty)
We wele all astonishedat you failure in the exam.
Also : started, shocked, sr.rrprised,etc.
bad at activities (rrot *in)
I'm not bad at tennirr, though I say it m1rself.
Also : abilitf irt, clever at, good at, ski1l at, :;killful at, terrible at.,etc.
borrou,t object-i from (not *r:o)
I don't likc to borrovl money from my fri:nils.
bump into (not *against)
I bumnrrdinto Lewis in Unncr Streetvesl'rrdav.
(= I met him by chance.)
I wasn'l looking whe,reI was going and l. bunrpedinl;o a Jamppost.
Also I cra-shirrto. drive into. run into
call after
We called him ThonrLas,
after hilsgrandfather.
Also : name after
care albout (= cgn;ider importalt)
earefor (= 1. like, love. 2. look after)
[ake care of (= ]orrk after)
I don't oarc,about your problems - fve p,otenoughof my own.
Would vou care for a cun of tea?
Fd hate:to get old without anyoneto care-fol me.
If we cm find sometndy to @-kaeare"afthe children we car have a week's
holidzryby ourselves,
clever at an activit'r (not xin)
I'm not vcry elwer-:[ cooking.
Also : bad at, good at, etc.

congratulate+ object + on; congratulationson (not *for)

I must eongatulale you ox your design for the new building.
Congratulationson your new job!
crashinto (not *against)
Some fool crashedinto me from behind at the traffic light.
Also ! bump into, drive into, run into.
dependon dependenceon (not *from or *of)
We may go sailing - it dependson the weather.
I don't want to be de+endenton my parenls for anothert]ree years.
But I independentof, independenceof./ftom.
die of
Far more smokersthan non-smokers die of lung-cancer.
different from
You're very differenlftom your brother.
difficulty with something, (in) doing something (not *difficuities to .....)
I'm having difficulry wi& my daughter'smaths homework.
You won't have much difficulty (in) gening to know people in Italy.
disappointed with somebodyl with (or at or about) something
My father never showed it if he was dis_appointeilwith me.
You must be pretty disappointcdwith,zat,/aboutyour exam results.
Also : disgusted,pleased
discussionabout (or on or of) something
to discusssomething(no preposition)
We ought to have anotherdiscussionabout this yearts budget.
It's nice to discussphilosophy when you're drunk.
disgustedwith somebody; with (or at) sornething
I'm disgustedwith Stephen/disgustedat the way Stephentreats Julia.
Also I disappointed,pleased.
divide + object + into (not *in)
Western Germany was divided into three different zones after the war.
dream of (= think of, imagine)

dream about (white asleep)

I often drcam-gJ beirrg famous when I was younger.

What d,res it mean i{ you dn:amaboul a lirc?

dress (+ object +) in (not *with)

Who's the old lady all dresserl-h green?

drive into (not 'kagainst)

Granny drovejnto a tree again yesterday.

Also : bump i:rto, crash intoo run rnto

effect on

Pop music has a venr bad effect ou me.

Also : influence on

example of (not x[or)

Sherrl/ is an example_of a fortified wine.

explain something o sonrebody (not *explain somebody something)

Please r:ould you extlah this poern lo me?

Can yorr explain _!onre why you didn't turn up last night?

explanation of or firr something

I can't think of any =<:xplanatlg-n

for what's happened.

I want irn explanation_o{ your behaviour.

get in (to) and out of a car, taxi or sma-ll boat

get on (to) and off a bus, train, plane or ship

When I got into my r)ar this rnorning I found the radio had been stolen.

We'll be gptting;-off rfie train in ten minutes.

good at an activity (not *in)

Arc vorr anv good at tennis?

AIso I bad at, clever at, skillful at, etc.

thc idea of ..... - mg (not *to .....)

I don't like th-eidea-,:fgetting married yct.

ill with (not xof)

The bor;s has been il: with flu for the last week.

impressed with (.or by)


Pm very impressedwith your work.

Also I pleased with, disappointed with, disgusted with
independentof; in dependenceof (or from)
My sister got a job so that she could be independentof her parents.
When did India get her independencefrom Britain?
But dependon, dependenton, dependenceon
influence on
Do you think your teachershad rnuch influence on you?
Also i effect on
irxist on ..... - ing (not *to .....)
George's father insisted on paying.
interest in; interested in (not *for)
When did your interestin social work begin?
Not many people are interested in medieval building-materials.
kind to (not *with)
People have always very kind to me.
Also i nice [o, polite to, rude to.
(a) lack of

to lack (no preposition)

to bc lacking in
Lack of time preventedme from writing to you.
Your mother lacks tact.
She is lackine in tacL.
laugh at
I hate being laughedat.
Also I smile at
If you don't listen to people they won't lislen lo you.
look at (= prointone's eyes at)
look after (= take care of)
look for (= try to find)

Stop knking at me like thatl it's getting on my nerves'

Thankl for Looking afts me when I was ill'
Can you help me to-ot-ior mY keYs?
marriage toi (gef) married to tinot
Her marriage to Philip didn't last very lrlrng'
How long have you been uoaried,Io Sheila?
But I to miatly somebody (no preposition)

the matter with

WheLt'stbEmatter-rv-rlhyou this morninl5l?
Also : wror,rgwith
name + object + after (American name .....-.- for)
Can vie nanrc g1s[raby aftcr you, if it's a boy?
nice to (not *'with)
Yor.lrveren't very tdce to me last Satun:lay,were you?

Also I kind to, Polite to, rude to

participate in
Horv many people pa$iaipaledin the cc'nference?
Also I takr: part in
pay for a drink, r:tc. (not *pay a drink)
Excu;e me, sir, yo,uhaven't paid for your beer'
pleasedwith sonrebodylpleasedwith (or about of at) something
The lnss is very Pleasedwith You.
I was,n'tvery plea;ed with /at/abou| m:/ exam results'
polite to (not *with)
Try to be po,lile-@Uncle llichard for once'
Also I rude to, kind to, nice to
pre\/ent + object + from -ing (not *to)

Your party preventedeverybody Msrleeping last night'

proof of (not * for)

I vtrantBrsaf of yo'ur love. Lend me fwenty pounds'

reasonfor (not *of)

Nobody knows the reasonfor his disappearance.
red with anger, embarrassment, etc.
Also I blue with cold, white with rage, green with envy, etc.
Jennifer reminds me of a girl I was at school with.
responsiblefori responsibility for (not *of)
Who's responsiblefor the shoppingthis week?
rude to (not *with)
P"ggy was pretb/ rude to my family last weekend.
Also : Polite to, kind to, nice to
run into (not *against)
I ran into Philip at Victoria Station this morning.
Also i burnp into, drive into, crash into
searchfor (= look for)
search (without preposition) (= iook tlrough, look everywhereinZon)
The cu-stomswere searching fbr drugs when I came through the airport. They
searchedeverybody's luggage, and they searchedthe man in front of me from
head to foot.
shivering with cold
Also I trernbling with fear, rage; shaking with anger
shocked at
I was terribly shoekcdat the news of Peter's accident.
schoot af

The frontier guards will shoot at anybody trying to cross.

Also I throw at
shout at (aggressive)
shout to (to communicate= call to)
It you don't stop shouting at me I'll come and hit you.
Mary shouted to us to come in and swim.
skill atl skilled ati skillful at (not xin)

It takes severalyears to develop real skill at skiing'

Also : bad at, good at, clever at' etc.
smile at
It you smile at me like that I'11 give you anything you want'
Also I laugh at
speakto (or with ) (with is more conunon in American English)
Coutd I speakto thremanager, please?
Also : talk tc /withl have a chat with
succeedin (or at.); successin (or at), succqssfulin (or at)
Sornepeople woulcl rather succeedin btsiness than love'
at all in convincing Mtrry of my point of view'
I had no s-ue-sess
Also i unsuccessfuluntat
suffer from
My wife is sufferingfroro hepatitis-
superlatives+ in (nor *of) (referring to place)

Yott'l'e the mgst w,oxdctful man in the rvorld.

surprisedat (or ty)
Everybody was surprisedat our calm.
Also i aston,shedat/byi shockedat/by
take part in (nol *at)
I dcmtt want to kke part in any more crlnferences'
Also : parlicipate in

talk to (or with) (with is mor:ecomnton in Ameri;an English)

I really enjoy talkrng to You.
The })resident talkrd wilh union leaders again today'
think of (or about) (not usually *think + infini$ve)
cl'rn thinking aborrt studying medicine. '-' That's interesting.

t'{6vs }ou thoughtabout (studying) derrtistry?

the rhoughtof ..,. -ing (not *thought to + infinitjve)
I hat: the thought sfsaing back to wolk-
throw + object+ at (aggressive)
throw + object + to (in a game, etc.)
Sno throwins stonesat the cars.
If you get the ba1l,throw it straight to the wicket-keeper.
Also : shout atlto
trernbling with rage or fear
Also I shivering with cold
typical of (not *for)
This wine's tvdqal of the region.
white with fcar, anger, dust, etc.
Also : blue with cold, red with ernbarrassment,etc.
wrire (ro)
You must wdle_lo Auntie Christine.
You must,write Auntie Christine a thank-you letler.
wrong with
What's wrong-:vfthRacheltoday?
Also : the matter with

Prepositionsbefore particular words and expressions

at the cinemai at the theatre
at a party
ar universityt ar Oxford (Univenity), etc.
a book by Graham Greene; a concertoby Bartok; a film by Fassbinder, etc. (not *of)
What's the name of that book by A€athagldsde you were reading?
from ..... point of view (nor *accordingto ..... or *after .....)
lrom ..... reason
My sister decided to get a job for several different lcasgns,
to come,/gofor a walk; for a run, for a drivel for a swim, ete.
Would you like to go for a sw-iru or is it too cold for you?
in pen, pencil, i*, etc.

PleasefilI in the form in.fuft.

in thc rain, snow, ob.
I like walking in thri-r:ab.
*with ..-), in a whisper
in a loud/quiet/high,zlow, etc. voice (not
Stop talking to me .sflalsDpld voiee.

in a suit, raincoat, skirt, shirt, hat, etc.

Who'r; the man inlhe funn:g-hafover tht:re?
in the end (= a.tthe point where somethingstops)
at the end (= finally, after a k>ngtime, after a lot of complications)
In the end, I got thr: job I wanted.
I think the film's a bit weak at the end.
in tirrre (= with r:noughtime to spare; not late)
on tfune(= at exactly the right timt)
I missed my chancoto get a university place becausef didn't send my
Peter wants the disr:ussionto start exacly on tinre.
on tlie radiol on 1lV; on the telephone
It's Mhs. Williams on the phone. She says it's urgent'

Exprmsion without prepqiitions

frs6'radx siahJd
: nt#nrurdrrttnr:'[d preposition
1. to discuss(not *to discussabout)
We ought lo-diseiss your holiday dates"
Butl a discussionabout ....
2. to marry (rrot *to marry rvith)
She nrarried a friend of her sister's.
Buti to get married to
3. to lack (nrot *to lack of)
He's :lever, but he lacks expcrience.
Butl a la,:k of ....; to be lacking in ....

4. Expressionsof time beginning with next, last, this, one, every, each, some, any, all
See you next Monday.
We're having the meeting this Thursday afternoon.
You can come any day you like.
The party lasted dl night.
Note also tomorrow morning, yesterdayafternoon (not *on tomorrow .....)
5. In conversation,"on" is often dropped before the namesof day of the week. This is
particularly common in American English.
Why don't you come round (on) Monday evening?
6. In expressionslike three times a day, sixty miles an hour, eighty pence a pound, forly
hours a week, the article "a" is used insteadof a preposition. In a more-formal style,
the word per is sometime.sused (e.g. eighty pence per pound).
7. At is generally dropped (especially in spokenEnglish) in the expression(At)
what time .....?

What time did Jenny say she was coming?

\{hafntne does the play start?
8. Expressionscontaining words like height, length, size, shape,tdge.,the verb to be is used,
without a preposition
He's just the right height to be a policeman.
What colour ar€ her eyes?
SIe3 the same age as me.
They're a very nice shape.
I'm the same weight as I was when I was fourteen.
What shoe size are you?
It is also possible to use descriptive phraseslike of rnedium height, of great length,
immediately after a noun.
He was a rather fat man of medium height, with a grey beard.
9. In is often dropped (particularly in spokenEnglish) in the expressions(in) the same way,
(in) this way, (in) anotherway, etc.
They plant the corn the same way their ancestorsused to, 500 years ago.

10. To is not the word
Pd like to go home (not *"... tn home),
,As is also sometimesdroppedbefore home, especiallyin American English.
Is anybody (aflisrue?

Phrmalrr.rb, {ll'lru tfi u ad rarta ttCIrfl ?:a odll{

ANSWER BACK = argu,3after receiving an order or rebuke
l)o rvhat I te:llvou and don't an$usr]ack.
BACK UP = suplnrt
Always baeli up your frir::nds. Th"y like being backed up.
BE fiED UP WfITI = have had enoughof
Pnfed up tuith your norsense. Pleasestop it-
BREAK DOWI{ = collapse
She broke do:vn when they told her the sad news.
= com,e!o a prernatureend.
The negotialionshave btrken down.
BREAK IN = interrupt (a disoussion)
I mrnt brsak ix at this pr:,intand remind j/ou that coffee is brling
servedin the next room.
BREAK OFF = stop (eg. a meeting, a s'reech)
I sulggestwe break-off now and meet again at three o'clock"
BREAK OUT = start
An ':pidenric of influenzzLhas bpken-o-uj.
BREAK UP = come to the end, eg' of a meeting
School has broket:rp fol the summer holidays. The meeting
b-rsls-up in disorder.
BRING ABOUT = causeto happen
It was Jane who b:ougbhbauJ a reconciliation between Gecu:ge
and Mary.
BRtrt{G UP = educate
Jameswas-h!o!eh--uB brzhis wo old aunts.

CALL OFF = cancel

The meeting has been called off as neither side is prepared to
CALL UP = telephone to
I'll qall you up this evening.
CARRY ON = continue
Don't stop. earry-on (working).
CARRY OUT = tultit
Let us carry out our original plan.
CATCH ON = understand
I didn't understandanything at fust, but now I'rn beginning
to eateh_an.
CATCH UP = reduce the distancebetweenoneself and those in front
George is running fourth in the race, but he's beginning to eatch u+
(with the leaders).
CLEAR OUT = I see fm in your way. fll clear out and leave you alone.
= empty, so as to clean
These cupboardsare full of rubbish. We must clear them out..
COME ABOUT = happen
What happened? How did this all aame_abeu!?
COME ACROSS = find, or meet, by chance
If you should come acrossmy slippers, put them in the cupboard,
will you?
I came acrossa very strangeold man in the village today.
COME TO = regain consciousness
Sfr'" fuirrr"O,and it was half an hour before she came @ again.
CUT DOV/N ON = reduce consumptionof
You're smoking too much. You must eul jowa pn cigarettes.
CUT OFF = stop (supplies)
They will cut the electricity off if you don't pay the bill.

= separate; or prevent proi:Jess

The tzrnksadvancedrapiclly, eu[ing us off (from our base),,
DO WH{OUT = manilse otherwise
ff tfr"]"', no brcadowe rrrustdo-wilhout it, that's all.
DRAW BACK = step back
Seeingthe snake, he dretvlaek in horror.
DRAW UP = appnoachand stop
A car drcw up besidemc and a man with a strangeaccent asked
me lhe way.
DROp IN = call,on sb.
Wh1' 4on', you drop in and se€me sometime?
DROP IN ON = visit
Droll in on filg sofic timr).

DROP OUT = withCraw

Johnrhas droppedout (of the race).
DROP OUT OI1 = withCraw from
JohrLhas hurt hj-sleg and has had to drop-oul-of the race.
FACE UP TO = be rt:alistic
You're too old. Why don't you face up to it?
FALL BACK = retreat
The defeatednrmy fell brsk (on its last lines of defence).
FALL BEHIND = oppositeof "catch up" alnve
Georgewas catchingup, but he's now fuiting,behid again.
FALL OFF = decr,ease
Attendanceat classeshasrfallen-off considerablysince the bad
weather started.
FIND OL'T = discover the truth
If you've totd a lie someroneis bound to find out sooneror later.
GET AT = mean, criticise
What exactly are you gelfing at?
Are you a{ me? Am I being got at?
GET AWAY Wm{ = escapethe penalty of
Someonewill find you out. You won't be able to gst-avayvith it.
GET ON = make progress

Good. You're getdng on. Your work is much better.

= agree (with each other)
Do you and Mary get on?
GET ON WITTI = make progress with
John is gelting*onwith his mathematics nicely.
= agreewith
They gef on with each other very well.
GET OVER = finish
Can we gct this meeting over quickly? I have to leave early.
= recover from
You've only got a slight cold. You'll get over it in a day or two.
GIVE AWAY = make known
That's seeret. Don't eive it awav.
= betray
Don't tell anyoneI wrote that article. Don't grvc me away.
GIVE IN = sbp, acknowledging weakness
You're not beatenyet. Don't givqin (to your opponent)

so easily.
GIVE IN TO = surrender [o
Don't giyrin !o him so easily.
GIVE OUT = announce
The enemy have given out that they want a truce.
GIVE UP = sbp, acknowledgingoneself beaten
You're too strong for me, or I can't solve the problem.
I give up.
= surrender
I want vour sun. Cive it uo.
= slop
Whv don't vou sive un smokine?

Go BACK ON = breal<a promise

You promiscd to let me lfravethat. You can't go back on
your word now.
GO IrOR = attack
Youn dog suddenJywenl,lur me!
C'O IN FOR = start an occupationor sutiiect
You needsornethingto dcr. Why don't you go in for teaching
C'O INTO = investigate
fn" u.lltors have gone into our accoutsand have found a few
Ther;emust be gone-inlo immediately.
GO OFF = exnlode
The bomb rvent off with a deafeningcrash.
GO ROUND = be sufficient for everybocly
Are [here enoughbooks to gurouud or sha1lI get some more?
GO .II{ROUGEI'MITT{ = finis.hsomethingbegun
We've startedthis jotr. I know it's diffrcult, but we ought to
eo tlrroushrvith it now.
FIAI\IG = wait, doing nothing


{ c,an't wait any longer. f ve been tranging about./aroundtoo long already.

HOL,D OFF = dela'ymaking an approach

The storm has held off so far. Let's hope it will move away.
HOI,D ON = maintain one's position
Our troops held--sndespcrately, refusing !o yield an inch.
= wait
George has gone out of the room for a moment. Ilolil-ou,
Pll call him.
HOLD OUT = not eive in
Oorr], give in yet, you can hold out a little longer.
HOLD UP = sbp, delay
Police held up the traffic. They searchedfor the escaped
ruMP AT = acceptimmediately
ft's an offer that you won't get again, so I should juap_aX
it if I were you.
KEEP UP = maintain one's place
George has joined the leaders, and is keeping up (with them) well.
KNOCK OUT = eliminate from a contest
Our local football tearn were knocked out in the semi-final.
= make unconscious
The ceiling fell on me and knocked me out.
KNOCK UP = knock at a door to wake sb. up
Knock me up at six.
LAY nt/ = store
Peopie in cold ctimateslay-jn supplies (of food and fuel) for
the winter.
LAY OUT = spreadin an orderiy way
A printed page is easy to read if you lay it o_utclearly.
LAY UP = take out of service
Ships are laid up, from time to time, for repairs.
People are laid up when they are ill.
LEAVE OFF = ston
Can't you leave off? You're annoyingme.
LEAVE OUT = omit
Have you got everyonedown (on your list), or have you
left anyoneout?

LET DOWN = oppositeof track up

You promised to stand b), -.. You won't let me dou, will you?

LET OFF = not punish

I'11let you off this timc, but I'11punish you if you do it again'
= causisto explode
The boys let. a fuework cff under my chair.
= allovyto escape
The engine lel-sff steam with a loud hiss.

LIVE IN = sleep in the place where one works

At some universities,most of the studentslive il'
(It has a bedroom on the university prenrises.)

LOOK INTO = investigate

Pm sorry you were not satisfied with our service, madam'
I witl look into your complaint at once. It will be looked-itlo.

LOOK OUT = pay attention, be carefu.l

lodk out lbr that truck.
LOOK IJIP = look in a dictionnary, catalogue, etc, firr
[co.k that word up (in the dictionary).
MAI(E FOR = go t0wards
The ship was makiag strrlight fo:r the rocks.

MAIG OUT = manage

I ca,nlook afrcr myself, thank you. I'11make out somehorv'
= pretr)nd
Thal man isn't near$ as ill as he nnake.rout-
= undr:rstand
what y,crutvewriften.
I can't nnak?_Ou! You are a strangeman.
= I can't nqAkgyou qqt at irll.


An impostor is a personwho:makes-hinsclf
autlo--be sorneonemore important than he is'

MAKE UP = invent
Is that story true, or did you make it up?
= end a quarrel
We've settledour linle quarrel. Weovemade it up,
I'm glad to say.
= use cosmetics, powder or paint on one's face
Actors usually make up before they go on to the stage.
MAKE UP FOR = compensatefor
Hrrry. We must make up for lost time.
PAY BACK = re-pay a debt
I owe you some money. Let me pay you baek now.
= have revenge
He has insulted me. Pll nav him back.
PULL THROUGH = recover
Don't worry about you operation. You'll puU-trsugn all right.
PULL UP = come to a stop
The car in front pu1led_lp suddenly at the traffic lights and we
run inlo the back of it.
= stop
If you drive too fast, the police will pdl you up.
PLI'[ UP WITH = bear. tolerate
I don't iike this noise, but supposewe must
putllp with it.
PUT ACROSS = communicate
A good speakerknows how to pu! his messageacross
(to his audience).
pUT OFF = postpone
Don't pulatr til] tomorrow what you can do today.
RING OFF = end a telephone conversation
I must ring off now. Someoneelse is waiting to use the phone.

RING UP = telephone
Rin€*up my wife and say fll be late.
RLIB UP = restore to a lbrmer state
your grafirmar. It's no't as good as it was,,
You must ror-b_up
RUN DOWN = criticise adversely
If you rurr-doyvueveryoni,)you disagrce vrith, evcryone will

run'Fou dog'l'
RLN"IN = use ir new errginecarefully
Don't drive this car too l[astyet. It hasn,'tbeen run jn proprel$.
RtIN INTO = meel.(an acquaintance)riccidentally
I rarr into Grnrge Lanb rvhen I was in town this morning.
RUI.i OUT OF = have,no more suppliesof
We have ruu au! of brearl. Will you buy a couple of loaves while
youtre out?
RLI\i OVER = knoc,kdown (by traffic)
Hundredsof pedestriansrre run over in the streetsevery year.
= run .)ver or r:unthrough *' read quickly, r,ehearse
Can we run t},e last scene (of the play)
again and see if we can 1;etit perfect?
RLINIUP = causeto get big (gcr)
Don't trrn up big bills if .youhaven't thc money to pay them.
SEE ABOUT = give some t}ought or atlerntionto
I ha'ven't done anything about your comprlaintyet, but
Pll $e&"abotf it tomorrovz.
SEE OFF = be with sb. to say goodtyc
He 'vas all alone when tre left. None was thcre to see him rff.
SEE TO = pur dghr
this morning. Has anyone seenJo it?
This lock wasn't workinSS
Has it been to?

SET IN = start
We start our central heatine as s(x)n as the cold weather set il.
SETTLE Up = pay one's bill
f owe you some money. I'd fike to settle up before I forget.
SHUT UP and rather vulgar = be quiet
Shut up and leave me alone.
STAND BY (by stressed) = support
I'm your friend. I'11 always stand by your order!
STAND FOR = represent
The sign o'+" standsfor plus.
STAND LIP FOR = support
Will no one stand up for me, or will you all let me down?
STAND UP TO = not refuse to fight
Don't 1ethim bully you. Saae+t him and he'Il soon
back down.
STEP UP = increase
Production is slowing down. We must step it utB.
TAKE AFTER = resemble
George takes after his father.
TAKE IN = deceive
His story look everybody in. They all believed it, though he had
macleit all up.
TAKE OFF = deduct
Pll take 10 penceoff. (the price)
give oneself a holiday
I'll take Friday afternoon off.
= imitate somebody
George took off the headmasterperfectly.
= b.grn to fly
Your plane takesoff at 18.00 hours.

TAKE OVER = take responsibility for

If yc,u think you can do rny job better than I canr you are welcome
to take it sra!-r.
TAKE TO = come to hke
The new headmasterloollio George immediately.
TAKE UP = occupy
This work trrkes-uptoo ntuch time.
= start (nn occupationor hobby)
You need exercise. Wtry don't you takc-up tennis?
TI{ROW L? = abandon (an occupation')
Morgan began studying rnedicine, but threvr it up after
seeirg his first operation.
TRY ON = see if clothes fit
I think Lhiscoat is your size, sir. Woulcl you like to try it cn?
= atternptto deceive
I know exac,tlywhat yotrrrplauris. Don't Lry it on.

TRY OUT = test

Befcrreyou buy any sort of machine, it's best bory it out first.
TURN DOWN = refu;e
I applied for the job but my application was urnc.dllown.
The'y said I was too youllg.

TURN OUT = happen

= The Customsmade us tufu-oul every one of our suitcases.
All went well. Everyrhlng turned out perfectly-

TUI{N I"rP = comer usually to a meetlng

The meeting was postporred,as only hal1-a dozen people
rurned up.

Exercise I
Choosethe correct expression.

1. If someonecatchesup with you, he

a. overtakes you stopsyou
b. deceivesvou d. criticizes you
2. fo-Uc neLuprryithsomethingis to
a. be directin approaching
it c. have had enoughof it
b. get soakingwet d. gain revenge on it
3. lf a meeting is called off, it is __
a. participated c. go ahead

b. commenced d. canceled

4. If someonesavs" "I-ook out!" vou should

a. sit down c. go ahead

b. be careful d. not hurry

5. ff someoneis in the United Statesfor€pod, he is there
a. temporarily c. to do good

b. permanently d. extremely rich

6. To keep on doing something is to

a. stop doing it c. postponedoing it
b. begn doing it d. continue doing it
7. To Lwkinlo somethins is to
a. omit c. revlew

b. terminate d. investigate
8. If the troops ran out af ammunition and had to withdraw, they
a. were exhausted c. faced the enemy

b. become the hostages d. had no more supplies of

9. ff someonetells you to shut up, he wants you to

a. close the door c. stop talking
b. turn off the radio d. leave early

10. If someonebreakjnto your home he

a. visits you c. letLves a message lbr you

b. ente,rsby force d. tries to find

11. ff someoneis turned do[rytr,he is _ _.

a. rejectr>d c. scolded

b. accepted d. admired

L2. We breakja only those things rvhich are

a. old and worn c. new and stiff
b. worn out d. ra,reand expensive:
13. Delivery rnay be held up severalweeksbecituseof the flood.
a. delayr:d c. cernceled

b. sbopprd d. adapted

L4. To keep-ir touch with r;omeoneis to

a. keep ouching him c. continue to communicate with him

b. keep him in sight d. continue to hold him tightly

15. If a perso:nis wdloJ,f, he is

a. in gord health c. happy
b. well-to-do d. dr:pressed
16. If I irm nemedaft--elsorneone,X----,
a. have a similar character
b. have been given the same name
c. imitate him in everything
d. follovr him in everything
L7. To eana,-'acrosssomeo:neis to
a. argue with him c. call him up
b. meet him unexpectedly d. give him a ring
L8. To troskup to someoneis to
a. be sh,rrterthan he c. lorokdown upon him
b. call him down d. respecthim highl1'

19. After the first of the month William will take over Mr. Smith's duties, He witl

a. assune control of c. rr:tire and get pension

b. discussthe issue d. dedicatehimself to

Exercise lI
Substitute, in pltLceof the underlined word of wor,(lsrthe corresponding idiomatic expression
indicated in parentheses

1. She teJraphorred
me very/late last night. (clilled
2. Be sure to extingruishthe liglrt before you ileavethe room.
3. Helen $reed,onlcrself her new dress and stood admiring herself in the mirror.
(put -------_-_--)
4. Remove your shoesand come in the templ,; a few minutes,,
(take --)
5. Mary is eekiug the pocket book which you lost yesterday.
6. Did you discover what his narne was? (find
7. Some okl friends of rny father's ylsid u.slast night.
8. I am surr: he didn't leilve that cigarettethel:einte"ntionally.
(on __)
9. You wrill first have to searchfor his numbr:r in the telephorrebook.
(look _)
10. He askeclme to come in and riildotvn. (rtake
11. The acci,Ientqccurred on the corner of Sul,]rumvit and Soi Asoke.
L2. Williann wants to stu4p medicine when he goesto college.
(take __.-_ _)
13. The meering was Boslpeneduntil next week.
(put -_-

L4. With henlight hair and blue eyes Mary seenrsto resemblch,ermother, but in hr;r
charactershe is more like her father. (takr:
15. Aftera_l,orry;period of time, thirsmaterial wiill wear betler thrm the other.
(keep --- ___,1
16. to walk more slowly.
You'll fu,arze I cannotmaintain the same spped-asyou.
(k"ep -----_)
L7. When you. cross the str:et, bc-gareful and br: on the alcrt for the vehiclqs.
(watch -,1
18. They are rlemolishingrcany olclbuildings il order to build new ones.

\-LvalllrB _

19. I refuse tc, tolercte his irctionsany longer. (put

20. His mother died when he wa-s)ioung, and hrs gran&nother reare.dhim.

(brought lilm -


In the blank spac,rsat the right, give a synonym for the underlined word or words.

4. Sfiernl,anr,)g*a7fu?,J*, u_ir,i^ri

I qartrq!e 6s an oid iriend on Fifth


4. He i-s a mal u'hom even,one

5. The rroops easily putdow,n the riot.
6. We waitej undl ten o'<:lock but he
showed LJr.

?7te 1a*1a-r wz71 <lraw orp rt - -ontr-L, ;;::r-*-

In this corle each numL,er stan&s for a letter of

the alphabet.

10. Many slurlentshave dlrypcd_o,ut_ofour class.


L4' With her light hair and blue eyes Mary seenrsto resembleher mother. but in hr;r
charactershe is more like her father. (take
15. After a to[g-petrbd of timq, this material w:tll wear befter than the other.
(keep ____)
16. You'll|srre to walk more slowly. I cannot mdntain thesame soeed_ruyou.
(keep -_--_-_)
17. When you. cross the strr;et,be_parefuijnd bq on the alefi_for the vehicles.
(watch _-_)
18- They arr: rle.rnolishingricanyolcl buildings in order to build new ones.
(tearing _
19. I refuse tc, leleratg his actions any longer. (prt
20- His mother died when he was young, and h:is grandmother reared him.

(brought him

In the blank spulc(esat the right, give a synonym for the underlined word or words.

Follo,w example in the fust seritence.

1. Some friends droppedin on us last night. --_--visited

2. The plane took s_ffat exactly ten o'clock.
3. I qarue-aersssan old friend on Fifth Avenue:
4. He is a man'whom every one lookslp_to.
5. The troops easily putdown the riot.
6. We wai,te.luntil ten o,clock but he never
7. Thcy sct lrut at dawn on their camping trip.
8. The lawyr:r will drarv uipthe contract tomorfow.
9. In this corle each numb,erstandrfor a letter of
the alphalrct-
10. Many slurlentshave drrpped orlt of our clzu;s.

11. No one knows how he managedto gst way from

the police.
L2. f am sure that John made up that story.
13. How did such a sffangething come about?
L4. The sound of their voices gradually died away.
15. How did you made out in your last examination?
16. They are taking on more men at that factory.
L7. Last month they had to lay off severalhundredmen.
18. Our saleshave fallen off recently.
19. An usher stood at the door Clivin&oulprograms.
20. The car turned over twice before landing in the lake.
2L. As soon as the rain lets up, we wi1l leave.
22. The effects of the drug will wear off in a few hours.
23. You must put-au_cndto such foolishness.
24. They are ready to meet us half-_:uayin the matter
of price.
25. I don't feel like studying tonight. Let's go to a
26. They are nying to stir up trouble among the
smaller nations.
27. We were all taken in by his smooth manner of talking.
28. The prisoner fainted under the brnrre but
sanoe-roundwhen they throw a bucket of icecold
waLerovcr him.
29. Let me quickly look over this cafb lounge to see
if there's anything nice.
30. I cannot imagine what I said to upset her, but
she suddenly burst out tears.

** ** *tb

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