Word Formation Adj To N V

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Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the word Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the word in
in brackets. You need a NOUN. brackets. You need a NOUN.

1. We couldn’t see anything. The village was in

complete ……………………………… (DARK).
2. Mark lacks ………………………………….
He’s unable to control himself (RESPONSIBLE).
3. The guide dog really helped Dave due to his
………………………… (BLIND). 1. TV has helped to ……………………………
4. Everybody admired Terry’s sports events (POPULAR).
…………………… to take up a new job abroad 2. In spite of being 30, Sam still
(DETERMINED). …………………… on his parents (DEPENDENT).
5. The …………………… did some amazing 3. Should you need further information about your
card trick (MAGIC). treatment, do not ……………………………… to
6. We have to check the contact Dr. Black (HESITANT).
…………………………… of the item your need 4. You should ………………………… the fridge at
in our stock, Madam (AVAILABLE). least twice a year (FROSTY).
7. Young people are really into 5. We can’t spend so much. We have to
……………………………… (ECOLOGIST). ……………………………… on electricity
8. Some stars don’t want paparazzi to show their (ECONOMICAL).
…………………………………… (PRIVATE). 6, Did you really ………………………… the
party, Tony? (ENJOYABLE).
7. Fortunately the robbers didn’t …………………
the customers (THREATENING).
8. Some parents ……………………………… what
their children do in their spare time (IGNORANT).
9. I’m afraid I really ……………………… some
8. Some people say fast food can cause help with my homework. Will you give me a hand,
………………………………… Sue? (NECESSARY).
(AGGRESSIVE). 10. Peter went to bed late on Sunday, so on Monday
9. My brother went to Oxford University and got a he ………………………… (SLEEPY).
degree in …………………………………… 11. The building had to make some changes to
(BIOLOGICAL) ……………………………… the heating system
10. Soldiers in dangerous areas wear chest (MODERN).
…………………………………… 12. London needs a new bridge to
(PROTECTIVE). …………………………… the traffic flow (EASY).
11. ………………………… can sometimes be 13. I’ve bought some detergent to
overwhelming for some celebrities (FAMOUS). …………………………… the stain of the carpet
12. Do you like reading ………………………… (REMOVABLE).
books? (MYSTERIOUS). 14. Most of Peter’s colleagues ……………………
13. Most people in Africa live in extreme on him (RELIABLE).
………………………………… (POOR). 15. Tom finally ……………………… in passing
14. My …………………………… is to get a his driving test (SUCCESSFUL).
good job to get independent from my parents 16. You must ……………………… your seat belt
(AMBITIOUS). while driving (FAST).
15. Tony couldn’t mend the computer, so we had 17. The committee had to …………………… their
to phone the ……………………………………… efforts to get more votes for the candidate
16. The high ……………………………… of the
1. TV has helped to POPULARIZE sports events
1. We couldn’t see anything. The village was in (POPULAR).
complete DARKNESS (DARK). 2. In spite of being 30, Sam still DEPENDS on
2. Mark lacks RESPONSIBILITY. He’s unable to his parents (DEPENDENT).
control himself (RESPONSIBLE). 3. Should you need further information about
3. The guide dog really helped Dave due to his your treatment, do not HESITATE to contact Dr.
4. Everybody admired Terry’s 4. You should DEFROST the fridge at least
DETERMINATION to take up a new job abroad twice a year (FROSTY).
(DETERMINED). 5. We can’t spend so much. We have to
5. The MAGICIAN did some amazing card trick ECONOMIZE on electricity (ECONOMICAL).
(MAGIC). 6, Did you really ENJOY the party, Tony?
6. We have to check the AVAILABILITY of the (ENJOYABLE).
item your need in our stock, Madam 7. Fortunately the robbers didn’t THREATEN
(AVAILABLE). the customers (THREATENING).
7. Young people are really into ECOLOGY 8. Some parents IGNORE what their children do
(ECOLOGIST). in their spare time (IGNORANT).
8. Some stars don’t want paparazzi to show their 9. I’m afraid I really NEED some help with my
PRIVACY (PRIVATE). homework. Will you give me a hand, Sue?
8. Some people say fast food can cause (NECESSARY).
AGGRESSIVENESS (AGGRESSIVE). 10. Peter went to bed late on Sunday, so on
9. My brother went to Oxford University and got a Monday he OVERSLEPT (SLEEPY).
degree in BIOLOGY (BIOLOGICAL) 11. The building had to make some changes to
10. Soldiers in dangerous areas wear chest MODERNIZE the heating system (MODERN).
PROTECTORS (PROTECTIVE). 12. London needs a new bridge to EASE the
11. FAME can sometimes be overwhelming for traffic flow (EASY).
some celebrities (FAMOUS). 13. I’ve bought some detergent to REMOVE the
12. Do you like reading MYSTERY books? stain of the carpet (REMOVABLE).
(MYSTERIOUS). 14. Most of Peter’s colleagues RELY on him
13. Most people in Africa live in extreme (RELIABLE).
POVERTY (POOR). 15. Tom finally SUCCEEDED in passing his
14. My AMBITION is to get a good job to get driving test (SUCCESSFUL).
independent from my parents (AMBITIOUS). 16. You must FASTEN your seat belt while
15. Tony couldn’t mend the computer, so we had driving (FAST).
to phone the TECHNICIAN (TECHNICAL). 17. The committee had to INTENSIFY their
16. The high SENSITIVITY of the microscope efforts to get more votes for the candidate
requires careful handling (SENSITIVE). (INTENSE).

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