B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) Semester IV
B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) Semester IV
B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) Semester IV
Introduction to heat transfer processes; thermal conductivity of solids, liquids and gases; effect of
Convection: Hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layers; laminar boundary layer equations;
forced convection; appropriate non-dimensional numbers; flow over flat plate; similarity
solution; effect of Prandtl number; laminar flow through circular pipe; constant heat flux and
constant wall temperature conditions; empirical relations.
Natural convection: Dimensional analysis; Grashoff number; boundary layers in external flows
(flow over a flat plate only), boundary layers equations and their solutions; heat transfer
Heat Exchangers: Different types of heat exchangers; arithmetic and logarithmic mean
temperature differences; heat transfer coefficient for parallel, counter and cross flow type heat
exchanger; effectiveness of heat exchanger; N.T.U. method; fouling factor.
Thermal Radiation: Plank distribution law, Kirchoffs law; radiation properties, diffuse
radiations; Lamberts law, radiation intensity, heat exchange between two black bodies; heat
exchange between gray bodies. Shape factor; electrical analogy; reradiating surface; heat transfer
in presence of reradiating surface.
1. Frank P. Incropera and David P. DeWitt Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer John
Wiley & Sons, New York.
2. J.P. Holman Heat Transfer McGraw Hill, Inc., New Delhi.
3. D.S. Kumar Heat and Mass Transfer S.K. Kataria& Sons, Delhi.
4. S.C. Arora, S. Domkundwar& A.V. Domkundwar A Course in Heat and Mass
Transfer DhanpatRai& Co. (P) Ltd., Delhi.
(i) Mechanisms:Basic Kinematic concepts and definitions, Mechanism, Link, Kinematic Pair,
Classification of kinematic pairs, Degrees of freedom, Kinematic chain, Binary Ternary and
Quaternary joints and links, Degrees of freedom for plane mechanism, Grueblers criterion,
Inversion of mechanism, Four bar chains and their inversions, Single slider crank chain,
Double slider crank chain and their inversion.
(ii) Kinematic Analysis:Determination of velocity using graphical and analytical techniques,
Instantaneous centre method, Relative velocity method, Kennedy theorem, Velocity in four
bar mechanism, Slider crank mechanism, Rubbing velocity at a Pin-joint, Acceleration
Diagram for a slider-crank mechanism, Corioliss component of acceleration and its
application. Gears trains; Simple Compound and epicyclical gear trains; Flat belts and
kinematic design of pulleys; V-belts.
(iii) Synthesis of Mechanisms: Introduction, Synthesis, Function, Path and Motion Generation,
Limiting Conditions, Graphical and Analytical Synthesis of Four bar and Slider Crank
(iv) Dynamic Analysis:Applied and constraint forces-static equilibrium conditions-two, three
force members, equations of motion, dynamic force analysis, inertia force and inertia torque,
DAlemberts principle, Energy method-Virtual work, the principle of superposition,
dynamic analysis in reciprocating engines, equivalent masses, crank shaft torque, turning
moment diagrams, flywheels
(v) Balancing:Static and dynamic balancing, balancing of rotating masses, balancing of single
and multi-cylinder engines, balancing of reciprocating masses, partial balancing in
locomotive engines, balancing linkages, balancing machines-inline and V-engines.
(vi) Control Mechanisms:Governors, types, centrifugal governors, gravity controlled and spring
controlled centrifugal governors characteristics stability- sensitiveness-hunting,
isochronisms-effect of friction - controlling force; Gyroscopes, gyroscopic forces and
torques, gyroscopic stabilization, gyroscopic effects in automobiles, ships and airplanes
Reference Books
(i) R.L. Norton, Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, First Edition in SI, Tata McGraw
Hill Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi
(ii) Theory of Machines and Mechanisms (India Edition) by John J. Uicker Jr., Gordon R.
Pennock and Joseph E. Shigley, Oxford University Press
(iii) Mechanism and Machine Theory by J.S.Rao and R.V.Dukipatti, New Age International.
(iv) Theory of Mechanisms & Machines by AmitabhaGhosh, Asok Kumar Mallik, Affiliated
East-West Press Pvt Ltd
Reference Books:
2. Motion and Time Study; Design and Measurement of Work, Ralph M. Barnes, John Wiley.
Ideal and actual cycles of operation, fuels, Combustion and abnormal combustion in SI and CI
engines and combustion chambers, carburetors and electronically controlled fuel injection
systems for SI engines, fuel injection systems for diesel engines, lubrication systems, cooling
systems, supercharging of engines, scavenging, engine performance, testing and exhaust
emission characteristics, control of exhaust pollution, current developments including electronic
monitoring and control of engines.
Introduction to special engines and computer simulation of two stroke and four stroke engines
Text Books:
1. Stone, R., Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines, The Macmillan press Limited,
2. London, 1992.2.
3. Heywood, J.B., Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw Hill Book Co., NY
4. 1989.3.
2. Obert, E.F., Internal Combustion Engines and Air Pollution, Harper & Row, NY, 1973.4.
3. Ganesan, V., Internal Combustion Engines, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1994.5.
4. Mathur M.L. and Sharma, R.P., A Course in Internal Combustion Engines, DhanpatRai
5. & Sons, New Delhi, 1993.
6. Taylor,C.F., The Internal Combustion in Theory and Practice Vol I & II, The M.I.T.
7. Press
TOOL WEAR, TOOL LIFE AND MACHINABILITY: Tool wear mechanisms, Types of
tool damage during cutting, Wear and chipping characteristics of different tool materials, Tool
wear equations, tool failure criteria, Tool life equations, Effect of process parameters on Tool
life, Tool life testing, Machinability, Surface finish and surface integrity.
Machine Tools: types and classification; NC, CNC etc., static, dynamic and thermal
consideration in machine tools.
1. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology Kalpakjian
2. Metal cutting theory and practice Bhattacharya
3. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology Groover
4. Metal Cutting Principles Milton C Saw, Oxford
5. Machining Sciences Amitabh Ghosh
6. CNC Machines M.S. Sehrawat and J.S. Narang
7. CNC Programming Handbook Smid Peter Production Technology by
8. "Manufacturing Science" A. Ghosh, and A. K. Mallik, Affiliated East-West Press Pvt. Ltd.
New Delhi.
List of Experiments
1. Determine the critical heat flux at various bulk temperatures.
2. Determine thermal conductivity of kerosene.
3. To determine the overall hear transfer coefficient.
4. To determine the coefficient of convective heat transfer for air through annular tube heat
5. To determine effectiveness of a shell and tube heat exchange by general method & NTU
6. To determine and compare LMTD, overall heat transfer coefficient and effectiveness of a
heat exchanger in [parallel flow and counter flow mode.
List of Experiments
1. Measurement of tool angles of the given single-point cutting tool in the Orthogonal Rake
System (ORS) and Machine Tool Reference (MTR) system.
2. (a) Study of lathe dynamometer and (b) determination of cutting force and feed force in
orthogonal machining and study their variation with cutting speed and feed.
3. Determination of constants of Taylor tool life equation using accelerated facing test.
4. CNC Machine Programming and job making.
5. FEM based machine tool design and analysis
6. Machine tool built up using building blocks
7. Manual part programming using G and M codes for Turning, step turning, Taper turning,
thread cutting and radius turning on cylindrical components.
8. Programming and Simulation of machining using the following features.(i) Linear and
Circular interpolation(ii) Pocket milling, slotting, peck drilling and other fixed canned cycles.
9. Given a component drawing to write the manual part programming and execute on CNC
Lathe and Milling Machine.