How To Train Your Dragon PDF

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The boys must enter a dragon cave and steal a sleeping dragon to prove themselves as Vikings.

The boys must catch their own dragon by entering a cave filled with thousands of sleeping dragons and taking the biggest one that will fit in their basket.

Hiccup has secretly studied dragons for years and knows how dangerous it is to enter the cave with so many dragons inside.



Long ago, on the wild and windy isle of Berk, a

smallish Viking with a longish name stood up to his
ankles in snow.
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, the
Hope and Heir to the Tribe of the Hairy Hooligans,
had been feeling slightly sick ever since he woke up
that morning.
Ten boys, including Hiccup, were hoping to
become full members of the Tribe by passing the
Dragon Initiation Programme. They were standing on
a bleak little beach at the bleakest spot on the whole
bleak island. A heavy snow was falling.
PAY ATTENTION! screamed Gobber the
Belch, the soldier in charge of teaching Initiation.
This will be your first military operation, and Hiccup
will be commanding the team.
Oh, not Hic-cup, groaned Dogsbreath the
Duhbrain and most of the other boys. You cant put
Hiccup in charge, sir, hes USELESS.
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, the

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Hope and Heir to the Tribe of the Hiccup will be leading you, although he is,
Hairy Hooligans, wiped his nose admittedly, completely useless, because Hiccup is the
miserably on his sleeve. He sank a little son of the CHIEF, and thats the way things go
deeper into the snow. with us Vikings. Where do you think you are, the
ANYBODY would be better than REPUBLIC OF ROME? Anyway, that is the least of
Hiccup, sneered Snotface Snotlout. Even your problems today. You are here to prove yourself as
Fishlegs would be better than Hiccup. a Viking Hero. And it is an ancient tradition
Fishlegs had a squint that made him as of the Hooligan Tribe that you should
blind as a jellyfish, and an allergy to reptiles. Gobber paused dramatically
SILENCE! roared Gobber the Belch. The FIRST CATCH YOUR DRAGON!
next boy to speak has limpets for lunch for the next Ohhhhhh suffering scallops,
THREE WEEKS! thought Hiccup.
There was absolute silence immediately. Limpets Our dragons are what set us
are a bit like worms and a bit like snot and a lot less apart! bellowed Gobber. Lesser
tasty than either. humans train hawks to hunt for
Hiccup will be in charge and that is an order! them, horses to carry them. It is only
screamed Gobber, who didnt do noises quieter than the VIKING HEROES who dare to tame the wildest,
screaming. He was a seven-foot giant with a mad glint most dangerous creatures on earth.
in his one working eye and a beard like exploding fire- Gobber spat solemnly into the snow. There are
works. Despite the freezing cold he was wearing three parts to the Dragon Initiation Test. The first and
hairy shorts and a teeny weeny deerskin vest most dangerous part is a test of your courage and skill
that showed off his lobster-red skin and at burglary. If you wish to enter the Hairy Hooligan
bulging muscles. He was holding a flam- Tribe, you must first catch your dragon. And that is
ing torch in one gigantic fist. WHY, continued Gobber, at full volume, I have

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brought you to this scenic spot. Take a look at Wild Hiccup swallowed hard. He happened to know
Dragon Cliff itself. considerably more about dragons than anybody else
The ten boys tipped their heads backwards. there. Ever since he was a small boy, hed been
The cliff loomed dizzyingly high above them, fascinated by the creatures. Hed spent hour after long
black and sinister. In summer you could barely even hour dragon-watching in secret. (Dragon-spotters were
see the cliff as dragons of all shapes and sizes thought to be geeks and nerds, hence the need for
swarmed over it, snapping and biting and sending up secrecy.) And what Hiccup had learnt about dragons
a cacophony of noise that could be heard all over told him that walking into a cave with three thousand
Berk. dragons in it was an act of madness.
But in winter the dragons were hibernating and No one else seemed too concerned, however.
the cliff fell silent, except for the ominous, low rumble In a few minutes I want you to take one of
of their snores. Hiccup could feel the vibrations these baskets and start climbing the cliff, commanded
through his sandals. Gobber the Belch. Once you are at the cave entrance,
Now, said Gobber, do you notice those you are on your own. I am too large to squeeze my
four caves about halfway up the cliff, grouped way into the tunnels that lead to the Dragon Nursery.
roughly in the shape of a skull? You will enter the cave QUIETLY and that means
The boys nodded. you too, Wartihog, unless you want to become the first
Inside the cave that would be spring meal for three thousand hungry dragons, HA
the right eye of the skull is the HA HA HA!
Dragon Nursery, where there are, Gobber laughed heartily at his little joke,
AT THIS VERY MOMENT, three then continued. Dragons this size are normally fairly
thousand young dragons having their harmless to man, but in these numbers they will set
last few weeks of winter sleep. upon you like piranhas. Thered be nothing left of
OOOOOOOH, muttered the boys excitedly. even a fatso like you, Wartihog just a pile of bones

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Probably? thought Hiccup. Oh, well, thats
I suggest that you spend a little time choosing
your dragon. It is important to get one the correct
size. This will be the dragon that hunts fish for you,
and pulls down deer for you. You will catch the dragon
that will carry you into battle later on, when you are
much older and a Warrior of the Tribe. But, nonethe-
less, you want an impressive animal, so a rough guide
would be, choose the biggest creature that will fit into
your basket. Dont linger for TOO long in there
Linger??? thought Hiccup. In a cave full of three
thousand sleeping DRAGONS?
and your helmet. HA HA HA HA! So you will I need not tell you, Gobber continued cheer-
walk QUIETLY through the cave and each boy will fully, that if you return to this spot without a dragon,
steal ONE sleeping dragon. Lift the dragon GENTLY it is hardly worth coming back at all. Anybody who
from the rock and place it in your basket. Any ques- FAILS this task will be put into immediate exile.
tions so far? The Hairy Hooligan Tribe has no use for FAILURES.
Nobody had any questions. Only the strong can belong.
In the unlikely event that you DO wake the Unhappily, Hiccup looked round at the distant
dragons and you would have to be IDIOTICALLY horizon. Nothing but snow and sea as far as the eye
STUPID to do so run like thunder for the entrance could see. Exile didnt look too promising, either.
to the cave. Dragons do not like cold weather and the RIGHT, said Gobber briskly. Each boy take a
snow will probably stop them in their tracks. basket to put their dragon in and well get going.

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The boys rushed to get their baskets, chattering
happily and excitedly. THE COMMON OR
Im going to get one of those Monstrous GARDEN and THE
Nightmare ones with the extra-extendable claws,
theyre really scary, boasted Snotlout.
Oh shut up, Snotlout, you cant, said Speedifist. The Common or Garden
and the Basic Brown are so
Only Hiccup can have a Monstrous Nightmare, you
similar that they can be dealt
have to be the son of a chief. Hiccups father was with together. These are the
Stoick the Vast, the fearsome chief of the Hairy most familiar breeds the ones we

basic brown
Hooligan tribe. instantly think of when we say dragons.
HIC-CUP?! sneered Snotlout. If hes as useless They are poor hunters, but they are easy
at this as he is at Bashyball, well be lucky if he even to train. These dragons are the best kind
gets one of the Basic Browns. for family pets, although, as with a lion or
a tiger, they should never be left
The Basic Brown was the most common type of
unsupervised with very young children.
dragon, a serviceable beast but without much glamour.
MISERABLE TADPOLES! yelled Gobber the Belch.
COLOURS: Green and yellow, all shades of brown.
The boys scrambled into their places, baskets on
ARMED WITH: Basic teeth and claws .......... 3
their backs, and stood to attention. Gobber walked
DEFENCES: Prickly spines .......... 2
along the line, lighting the torch that each boy held in RADAR: None .................... 0
front of him from the great flare in his hand. POISON: None .......... 0
A VIKING WARRIOR, WITH YOUR FAITHFUL SPEED: Swift in retreat .......... 8
well when angry .......... 4
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YOUR BOTTOM! screamed Gobber with horrible
DEATH OR GLORY! yelled Gobber.
DEATH OR GLORY! yelled eight boys back at
him fanatically.
Death, thought Hiccup and Fishlegs, sadly.
Gobber paused dramatically,
with the horn to his lips.
I think this could possibly be
the worst moment of my life SO
FAR, thought Hiccup to himself,
as he waited for the blast of the
horn. And if they shout much
louder were going to wake up
those dragons before we even
Gobber blew the horn.

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