Unit Plan

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The key takeaways are that the lesson plan focuses on completing day 1 lifts in a tier system of training with an emphasis on total body lifts. The learning goals are for students to learn proper lifting and spotting techniques as well as different types of lifts and their benefits.

The central focus is for students to complete the day 1 lifts in the tier system of training with an emphasis on total body lifts.

The specific learning goals are for students to be able to identify and use proper lifting technique, use proper spotting techniques, learn the difference between total, upper, and lower body lifts, and learn exercises that can have positive results on long term fitness.

Lesson Plan

Name: Shaun Mattson

Unit: Athletic Based Strength Training
Estimated Time/Length of Lesson: 50 minutes
Grade Level: High School

Central Focus Students will complete the day 1 lifts in the tier system of training with the emphasis being
What is the on total body lifts.
Central Focus for
the content in the
learning segment?
Content National P.E. Standards:
Standards Standard 2- The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles,
What standard(s) strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
are most relevant Standard 3- The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to
to the learning achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
goals? Standard 5 - The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for
health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
Include SHAPE
Standards and Wisconsin State P.E. Standards:
WI Content Standard 2- Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and
Standards. tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
Standard 3- Participates regularly in physical activity.
Standard 4- Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.


Learning Students will be able to use identify and use proper lifting technique.
Goal(s)/ Students will be able to use proper spotting techniques.
Objective(s) Students will learn the different between total, upper, and lower body lifts.
Students will learn exercises that can have positive results on long term fitness
What are the
specific learning OBJECTIVES
goal(s) for Psychomotor The students will be completing several different lifts to help
student in this improve strength and overall fitness.
lesson? Cognitive The students will be able to relate several different movements to
specific body parts. (ACADEMIC LANGUAGE USED)
Affective Students will experience challenges and enjoyment through physical
movement and learn the benefits of exercise.
Safety The students will be separated into lifting groups to allow for enough space and adequate
Statement spotters for each lift.

Assessment of Understanding and identifying the benefits of weight training.

Describe your Asking Essential questions.
formative and How do we improve our overall strength and fitness?
summative What lifts benefit certain body parts?
assessments you
will use.
Learning Some students may have trouble with the activity and get frustrated easily because some of
Environment/ these exercises require a lot of strength and endurance. Some students will not be allowed to
Block Behavior
Zero Leveldo1 the higher level,
Level 2 complex liftsAdvanced
more right away. They will begin with block zero
PVC Pipe Power
Expectations Hangmovements.
Cleans from Hang Cleans from Power Clean.
clean basic the rack with no the rack with a
What procedures
movement catch catch
will you use to
instruction Expectations: Students will be first given a verbal warning if they are off task or goofing
ensure students
are safe, on task around. If expectations are still not met other disciplinary measures will have to be taken.
and engaged?

What might
happen that you
might not

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Description of what the teacher (you) will be doing and/or what the students will be doing.
Motivational Set
____10____ Minutes

How will you start the lesson to engage and motivate students in learning?
Character word of the day: Focus (paying close attention to small details)

Instant activity: Dynamic Warm Up: A combination of dynamic and static stretching will be led by
instructor to allow for appropriate warm-up before work out.
Instruction: (Body of the lesson)

____35____ Minutes

Write the step by step Teaching

procedure/progression here.

What will you say and do? What questions will you ask?

How will you engage students to help them understand the concepts?

What will students do?

Lift 1: Total: Power Clean (variation depending on skill level)

6 sets

Lift 2: Lower: Deadlift

Weight determined by skill level and instructor recommendation
5 sets

Lift 3: Upper: DB Flat Bench

4 sets
Lift 4: Total: Push Press
3 sets

Lift 5: Lower: Glute/Hamstring Machine

2 sets until failure

Cooldown (last 5 minutes): Static and Dynamic Stretching (routine on whiteboard

prior to start of training session)

____5____ Minutes

How will you end the lesson?

Write out the questions that relate to your learning goals and objectives.
Questions that Check For Understanding (CFUs)

Hook to next lesson

Class will gather in the middle of the floor. Groups that need to finish their last set or cool down will be allowed
the rest of the time to do so if need be. A quick review of the lifts of the day will be followed up with a class
breakdown before leaving the weight room.

The next class we will be working through a workout to improve speed, agility, and quickness.

Students with IEPs or 504 plans or students requiring other accommodations:

Gifted/Talented Students: N/A

Language Differences (ELL): N/A

Learning Styles/Preferences: Will be giving verbal cues and supplying visual cues if needed.

What materials/equipment does the teacher need for this lesson?

What materials do the students need for this lesson?

Benches, dumbbells, barbells, power racks, weight plates, PVC pipes, sound system
Academic Language Demand(s):
What content specific Various terms related to each lift.
terms (vocabulary) do
students need to support
learning of the learning
objective for this lesson

What specific way(s) will Working as a group to complete the workout.

students need to use language
(reading, writing, listening Being able to read and comprehend the written instructions to complete the required w
and/or speaking) to
participate in learning tasks Students will need to be able to take verbal instructions to enhance probability of succ
and demonstrate their
learning for this lesson?

Describe the language

function and demands
required and how you will
support your students during
the lesson.
By understanding the role weight training plays in improving our strength and fitness s
understand and complete various workouts. Students will be able to have high levels o
workouts and hopefully see lasting results.
EVALUATION OF PRE-PLANNING: Students will have knowledge of basic muscle groups and movements th
LESSON specific body part.

POST PLANNING: In future lessons, students focus will move from a total body emphasis
upper body, or speed, agility, and quickness emphasis.


Lesson Plan
Name: Shaun Mattson
Unit: Athletic Based Strength Training: Lifting Day 2
Estimated Time/Length of Lesson: 50 minutes
Grade Level: High School

Central Focus Students will complete the day 2 lifts in the tier system of training with the emphasis being
What is the on lower body lifts.
Central Focus for
the content in the
learning segment?
Content National P.E. Standards:
Standards Standard 2- The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles,
What standard(s) strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
are most relevant Standard 3- The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to
to the learning achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
goals? Standard 5 - The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for
health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
Include SHAPE
Standards and Wisconsin State P.E. Standards:
WI Content Standard 2- Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and
Standards. tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
Standard 3- Participates regularly in physical activity.
Standard 4- Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.


Learning Students will be able to use identify and use proper lifting technique.
Goal(s)/ Students will be able to use proper spotting techniques.
Objective(s) Students will learn the different between total, upper, and lower body lifts.
Students will learn exercises that can have positive results on long term fitness
What are the
specific learning OBJECTIVES
goal(s) for Psychomotor The students will be completing several different lifts to help
student in this improve strength and overall fitness.
lesson? Cognitive The students will be able to relate several different movements to
specific body parts. (ACADEMIC LANGUAGE USED)
Affective Students will experience challenges and enjoyment through physical
movement and learn the benefits of exercise.
Safety The students will be separated into lifting groups to allow for enough space and adequate
Statement spotters for each lift
Assessment of Understanding and identifying the benefits of weight training.
Block Describe
Zero your Level Essential
Asking 1 questions. Level 2 Advanced
Prisoner Squat (Hands
formative and on How
Kettlebell Goblet Squat
do we improve Front
our overall Squatand fitness?
strength Back Squat
shoulder, bodyweight
summative What lifts benefit certain body parts?
squat) assessments you
will use.
Learning Some students may have trouble with the activity and get frustrated easily because some of
Environment/ these exercises require a lot of strength and endurance. Some students will not be allowed to
Behavior do the higher level, more complex lifts right away. They will begin with block zero
Expectations movements.
What procedures
will you use to
ensure students Expectations: Students will be first given a verbal warning if they are off task or goofing
are safe, on task around. If expectations are still not met other disciplinary measures will have to be taken.
and engaged?

What might
happen that you
might not

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Description of what the teacher (you) will be doing and/or what the students will be doing.
Motivational Set
____10____ Minutes

How will you start the lesson to engage and motivate students in learning?
Character word of the day: Love (doing your best to help a friend, family member,
or teammate)

Instant activity: Dynamic Warm Up: A combination of dynamic and static stretching will be led by
instructor to allow for appropriate warm-up before work out.
Instruction: (Body of the lesson)

____35____ Minutes

Write the step by step Teaching

procedure/progression here.

What will you say and do? What questions will you ask?

How will you engage students to help them understand the concepts?

What will students do?

Lift 1: Lower: Back Squat (variation depending on skill level)

6 sets
Lift 2: Upper: Incline Barbell Bench
Weight determined by skill level and instructor recommendation
5 sets

Lift 3: Total: Hang Clean to Front Squat (lightweight, technique focused)

4 sets

Lift 4: Lower: Lunges (weighted for advanced group)

3 sets

Lift 5: Upper: Triceps (Rope Pushdowns and Overhead Extensions)

2 sets each

Cooldown (last 5 minutes): Static and Dynamic Stretching (routine on whiteboard

prior to start of training session)

____5____ Minutes

How will you end the lesson?

Write out the questions that relate to your learning goals and objectives.
Questions that Check For Understanding (CFUs)

Hook to next lesson

Class will gather in the middle of the floor. Groups that need to finish their last set or cool down will be allowed
the rest of the time to do so if need be. A quick review of the lifts of the day will be followed up with a class
breakdown before leaving the weight room.

The next class we will be working through a workout to improve speed, agility, and quickness.

Students with IEPs or 504 plans or students requiring other accommodations:

Gifted/Talented Students: N/A

Language Differences (ELL): N/A

Learning Styles/Preferences: Will be giving verbal cues and supplying visual cues if needed.

What materials/equipment does the teacher need for this lesson?
What materials do the students need for this lesson?
Benches, dumbbells, barbells, power racks, weight plates, PVC pipes, sound system
Academic Language Demand(s):
What content specific Various terms related to each lift.
terms (vocabulary) do
students need to support
learning of the learning
objective for this lesson
What specific way(s) will Working as a group to complete the workout.
students need to use language
(reading, writing, listening Being able to read and comprehend the written instructions to complete the required w
and/or speaking) to
participate in learning tasks Students will need to be able to take verbal instructions to enhance probability of succ
and demonstrate their
learning for this lesson?

Describe the language

function and demands
required and how you will
support your students during
the lesson.
By understanding the role weight training plays in improving our strength and fitness s
understand and complete various workouts. Students will be able to have high levels o
workouts and hopefully see lasting results.
EVALUATION OF PRE-PLANNING: Students will have knowledge of basic muscle groups and movements th
LESSON specific body part.

POST PLANNING: In future lessons, students focus will move from a total body emphasis
upper body, or speed, agility, and quickness emphasis.


Lesson Plan
Name: Shaun Mattson
Unit: Athletic Based Strength Training: Lifting Day 3
Estimated Time/Length of Lesson: 50 minutes
Grade Level: High School

Central Focus Students will complete the day 3 lifts in the tier system of training with the emphasis being
What is the on upper body lifts.
Central Focus for
the content in the
learning segment?
Content National P.E. Standards:
Standards Standard 2- The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles,
What standard(s) strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
are most relevant Standard 3- The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to
to the learning achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
goals? Standard 5 - The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for
health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
Include SHAPE
Standards and Wisconsin State P.E. Standards:
WI Content Standard 2- Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and
Standards. tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
Standard 3- Participates regularly in physical activity.
Standard 4- Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.


Learning Students will be able to use identify and use proper lifting technique.
Goal(s)/ Students will be able to use proper spotting techniques.
Objective(s) Students will learn the different between total, upper, and lower body lifts.
Students will learn exercises that can have positive results on long term fitness.
What are the
specific learning OBJECTIVES
goal(s) for Psychomotor The students will be completing several different lifts to help
student in this improve strength and overall fitness.
lesson? Cognitive The students will be able to relate several different movements to
specific body parts. (ACADEMIC LANGUAGE USED)
Affective Students will experience challenges and enjoyment through physical
movement and learn the benefits of exercise.
Safety The students will be separated into lifting groups to allow for enough space and adequate
Statement spotters for each lift

Assessment of Understanding and identifying the benefits of weight training.

Describe your Asking Essential questions.
formative and How do we improve our overall strength and fitness?
summative What lifts benefit certain body parts?
assessments you
will use.
Learning Some students may have trouble with the activity and get frustrated easily because some of
Environment/ these exercises require a lot of strength and endurance. Some students will not be allowed to
Behavior do the higher level, more complex lifts right away. They will begin with block zero
Expectations movements.
What procedures
will you use to
ensure students Expectations: Students will be first given a verbal warning if they are off task or goofing
are safe, on task around. If expectations are still not met other disciplinary measures will have to be taken.
and engaged?

What might
happen that you
might not

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Description of what the teacher (you) will be doing and/or what the students will be doing.
Launch/ Character word of the day: Attitude (positive or negative
Motivational Set feeling toward a situation)
____10____ Minutes
Instant activity: Dynamic Warm Up: A combination of dynamic and static
How will you start the stretching will be led by instructor to allow for appropriate warm-up before
lesson to engage and
work out.
motivate students in
Instruction: (Body of
the lesson) Lift 1: Upper: Barbell Bench Press
6 sets
____35____ Minutes
Lift 2: Total: Hammer Jammer
Write the step by step Weight determined by skill level and instructor recommendation
Teaching 5 sets
Lift 3: Lower: Box Squat
4 sets
What will you say and Lift 4: Upper: Upright and Bent Over Rows
do? What questions 3 sets each exercise
will you ask?
Lift 5: Total: Rack Pulls
How will you engage 2 sets each
students to help them
understand the Cooldown (last 5 minutes): Static and Dynamic Stretching
concepts? (routine on whiteboard prior to start of training session)

What will students do?

Class will gather in the middle of the floor. Groups that need to
Closure finish their last set or cool down will be allowed the rest of the time
____5____ Minutes to do so if need be. A quick review of the lifts of the day will be
followed up with a class breakdown before leaving the weight room.
How will you end
the lesson?
Write out the
questions that
relate to your
learning goals and
Questions that
Check For The next class we will be working through a workout to improve
Understanding speed, agility, and quickness.

Hook to next
Differentiation Students with IEPs or 504 plans or students requiring other

Gifted/Talented Students: N/A

Language Differences (ELL): N/A

Learning Styles/Preferences: Will be giving verbal cues and

supplying visual cues if needed.

Materials Benches, dumbbells, barbells, power racks, weight plates, PVC pipes, sound system
does the teacher need
for this lesson?

What materials do the

students need for this

Academic Language Demand(s):

What content Various terms related to each lift.
specific terms
(vocabulary) do
students need to
support learning of
the learning
objective for this
What specific way(s) Working as a group to complete the workout.
will students need to use
language (reading, Being able to read and comprehend the written instructions to complete the required workou
writing, listening and/or
speaking) to participate Students will need to be able to take verbal instructions to enhance probability of success.
in learning tasks and
demonstrate their
learning for this lesson?

Describe the language

function and demands
required and how you
will support your
students during the By understanding the role weight training plays in improving our strength and fitness studen
lesson. understand and complete various workouts. Students will be able to have high levels of succ
and hopefully see lasting results.
EVALUATION OF PRE-PLANNING: Students will have knowledge of basic muscle groups and movements th
LESSON specific body part.

POST PLANNING: In future lessons, students focus will move from a total body emphasis
upper body, or speed, agility, and quickness emphasis.


Lesson Plan
Name: Shaun Mattson
Unit: Athletic Based Strength Training: SAQ Day 1
Estimated Time/Length of Lesson: 50 minutes
Grade Level: High School

Central Focus Students will complete a workout that emphasized the development of speed, agility, and
What is the quickness.
Central Focus for
the content in the
learning segment?
Content National P.E. Standards:
Standards Standard 2- The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles,
What standard(s) strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
are most relevant Standard 3- The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to
to the learning achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
goals? Standard 5 - The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for
health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
Include SHAPE
Standards and Wisconsin State P.E. Standards:
WI Content Standard 2- Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and
Standards. tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
Standard 3- Participates regularly in physical activity.
Standard 4- Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.


Learning Students will learn proper running, jumping, and footwork exercises.
Goal(s)/ Students will understand and be able to explain the 3:1 rest/relief ratio.
What are the Psychomotor The students will be completing a workout designed to improve
specific learning speed, agility, and quickness through various movements.
goal(s) for Cognitive The students will be able to relate several different movements to
student in this specific body parts. (ACADEMIC LANGUAGE USED)
lesson? Affective Students will experience challenges and enjoyment through physical
movement and learn the benefits of exercise.
Safety The students will be separated into groups at several different stations to allow for plenty of
Statement space to safely complete all required activities.
Assessment of Understanding and identifying the benefits of speed training.
Describe your Asking Essential questions.
formative and How do we improve our speed, agility, and quickness?
summative What is the 3:1 rest/relief ratio?
assessments you Why do we use the 3:1 ratio?
will use.
Learning Some students may have trouble with the activity and get frustrated easily because some of
Environment/ these exercises require a lot of fine motor skills and advanced footwork. Some students will
Behavior have to begin with the lower plyometric jump boxes and take the footwork drills very
Expectations slowly at first.
What procedures
will you use to
ensure students Expectations: Students will be first given a verbal warning if they are off task or goofing
are safe, on task around. If expectations are still not met other disciplinary measures will have to be taken.
and engaged?

What might
happen that you
might not

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Description of what the teacher (you) will be doing and/or what the students will be doing.
Launch/ Character word of the day: Enthusiasm (passion, interest,
Motivational Set excitement)
____10____ Minutes How do we show enthusiasm in a controlled and productive
How will you start the
lesson to engage and
motivate students in Instant activity: Dynamic Warm Up: A combination of dynamic and static
learning? stretching will be led by instructor to allow for appropriate warm-up before
work out.
Instruction: (Body of Station 1: Agility Ladders (Diagram below)
the lesson) Groups will go through a set of various footwork drills on the agility
ladders. Drills provided by instructor (full list on whiteboard prior to
____35____ Minutes beginning workout)

Write the step by step Station 2: Dot Drill (Diagram below)

Teaching Groups will complete several footwork patters on the dots. (full list
procedure/progression of patterns and order on whiteboard prior to workout)
here. Station 3: Vertical Jump Pre-Test
Students will have two attempts to record their highest vertical
What will you say and jump. Results will be recorded and checked against post test results
do? What questions at end of semester.
will you ask?
Station 4: Standing Broad Jump Pre-Test
How will you engage Students will have two attempts to record their highest vertical
students to help them jump. Results will be recorded and checked against post test results
understand the
concepts? at the end of semester.

Station 5: Plyometric Jump Box Workout

What will students do?
Students will go through a plyo box workout led by the instructor.

Cool Down (last 5 minutes): Workout will end with more dynamic
and static stretching to ensure proper cool down.

Class will gather in the middle of the floor. Groups that need to
Closure finish their last set or cool down will be allowed the rest of the time
____5____ Minutes to do so if need be. A quick review of the workout and character
word will be followed by a breakdown before leaving.
How will you end
the lesson?
Write out the
questions that
relate to your
learning goals and
Questions that
Check For
(CFUs) The next class we will be doing the day 2 lifts with a lower body
Hook to next
Differentiation Students with IEPs or 504 plans or students requiring other

Gifted/Talented Students: N/A

Language Differences (ELL): N/A

Learning Styles/Preferences: Will be giving verbal cues and

supplying visual cues if needed.

Materials Footwork drill (ladders, dots, etc.) painted or taped on floor, boxes, tape measures,
What vertical jump test, sound system
does the teacher need
for this lesson?

What materials do the

students need for this

Academic Language Demand(s):

What content 3:1 Rest/Relief Ratio
specific terms
(vocabulary) do
students need to
support learning of
the learning
objective for this
What specific way(s) Reading and understanding the order and proper technique for each footwork drill.
will students need to use
language (reading, Communicating with group to allow for appropriate rest between sets.
writing, listening and/or
speaking) to participate
in learning tasks and
demonstrate their
learning for this lesson?

Describe the language

function and demands
required and how you
will support your
students during the
By understanding the role footwork, jumping, and proper technique can help us improve ou
quickness students will be able to understand how to become better athletes. I as the instruc
verbal and visual cues necessary to ensure success and that the main points of the lesson com
EVALUATION OF PRE-PLANNING: Students will have knowledge of how the classroom is run. They will kn
LESSON expected to do as soon as they enter the weight room. They will also be aware of the safety

POST PLANNING: In future lessons, students focus will move from a total body emphasis
upper body, or speed, agility, and quickness emphasis.


ATTACHMENTS SAQ footwork drill space drawn on next page

Speed, Agility, Quickness Footwork Drills Layout
Lesson Plan
Name: Shaun Mattson
Unit: Athletic Based Strength Training: SAQ Day 2
Estimated Time/Length of Lesson: 50 minutes
Grade Level: High School

Central Focus Students will complete a workout that emphasized the development of speed, agility, and
What is the quickness.
Central Focus for
the content in the
learning segment?
Content National P.E. Standards:
Standards Standard 2- The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles,
What standard(s) strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
are most relevant Standard 3- The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to
to the learning achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
goals? Standard 5 - The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for
health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
Include SHAPE
Standards and Wisconsin State P.E. Standards:
WI Content Standard 2- Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and
Standards. tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
Standard 3- Participates regularly in physical activity.
Standard 4- Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.


Learning Students will learn proper running, jumping, and footwork exercises.
Goal(s)/ Students will understand and be able to explain the 3:1 rest/relief ratio.
What are the Psychomotor The students will be completing a workout designed to improve
specific learning speed, agility, and quickness through various movements.
goal(s) for Cognitive The students will be able to relate several different movements to
student in this specific body parts. (ACADEMIC LANGUAGE USED)
lesson? Affective Students will experience challenges and enjoyment through physical
movement and learn the benefits of exercise.
Safety The students will be separated into groups at several different stations to allow for plenty of
Statement space to safely complete all required activities.

Assessment of Understanding and identifying the benefits of speed training.

Describe your Asking Essential questions.
formative and How do we improve our speed, agility, and quickness?
summative What is the 3:1 rest/relief ratio?
assessments you Why do we use the 3:1 ratio?
will use.
Learning Some students may have trouble with the activity and get frustrated easily because some of
Environment/ these exercises require a lot of fine motor skills and advanced footwork. Some students will
Behavior have to begin with the lower plyometric jump boxes and take the footwork drills very
Expectations slowly at first.
What procedures
will you use to
ensure students Expectations: Students will be first given a verbal warning if they are off task or goofing
are safe, on task around. If expectations are still not met other disciplinary measures will have to be taken.
and engaged?

What might
happen that you
might not

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Description of what the teacher (you) will be doing and/or what the students will be doing.
Launch/ Character word of the day: Loyalty (sticking true to your
Motivational Set values)
____10____ Minutes

How will you start the Instant activity: Dynamic Warm Up: A combination of dynamic and static
lesson to engage and stretching will be led by instructor to allow for appropriate warm-up before
motivate students in work out.
Instruction: (Body of Station 1: Agility Ladders (Diagram attached after day 2)
the lesson) Groups will go through a set of various footwork drills on the agility
ladders. Drills provided by instructor (full list on whiteboard prior to
____35____ Minutes beginning workout)

Write the step by step Station 2: Dot Drill (Diagram attached after day 2)
Teaching Groups will complete several footwork patters on the dots. (full list
procedure/progression of patterns and order on whiteboard prior to workout)
here. Station 3: Spoke Drill (Diagram attached after day 2)
Groups will complete footwork drills on the spoke. (full list of
What will you say and patterns and order on whiteboard)
do? What questions
will you ask? Station 4: Line Jumps (Diagram attached after day 2)
How will you engage List of patterns to be completed on the whiteboard
students to help them
understand the Station 5: 40-yard dash (outside on track weather permitting)
concepts? If poor weather, will work on plyo boxes again similar to day 2

What will students do? Cool Down (last 5 minutes): Workout will end with more dynamic
and static stretching to ensure proper cool down.

Class will gather in the middle of the floor. Groups that need to
Closure finish their last set or cool down will be allowed the rest of the time
____5____ Minutes to do so if need be. A quick review of the workout and character
word will be followed by a breakdown before leaving.
How will you end
the lesson?
Write out the
questions that
relate to your
learning goals and
Questions that
Check For
(CFUs) The next class we will be doing the day 3 lifts with a upper body
Hook to next
Differentiation Students with IEPs or 504 plans or students requiring other

Gifted/Talented Students: N/A

Language Differences (ELL): N/A

Learning Styles/Preferences: Will be giving verbal cues and

supplying visual cues if needed.

Materials Footwork drill (ladders, dots, etc.) painted or taped on floor, boxes, tape measures,
What vertical jump test, sound system
does the teacher need
for this lesson?

What materials do the

students need for this

Academic Language Demand(s):

What content 3:1 Rest/Relief Ratio
specific terms
(vocabulary) do
students need to
support learning of
the learning
objective for this
What specific way(s) Reading and understanding the order and proper technique for each footwork drill.
will students need to use
language (reading, Communicating with group to allow for appropriate rest between sets.
writing, listening and/or
speaking) to participate
in learning tasks and
demonstrate their
learning for this lesson?

Describe the language

function and demands
required and how you
will support your
students during the
By understanding the role footwork, jumping, and proper technique can help us improve ou
quickness students will be able to understand how to become better athletes. I as the instruc
verbal and visual cues necessary to ensure success and that the main points of the lesson com
EVALUATION OF PRE-PLANNING: Students will have knowledge of how the classroom is run. They will kn
LESSON expected to do as soon as they enter the weight room. They will also be aware of the safety

POST PLANNING: In future lessons, students focus will move from a total body emphasis
upper body, or speed, agility, and quickness emphasis.


ATTACHMENTS SAQ footwork drill space drawn after day 2 lesson plan
Lesson Plan
Name: Shaun Mattson
Unit: Athletic Based Strength Training: Rainy Day/Make Up Day
Estimated Time/Length of Lesson: 50 minutes
Grade Level: High School

Central Focus Students will complete an auxiliary lift day due to it being a rainy/make up day.
What is the
Central Focus for
the content in the
learning segment?
Content National P.E. Standards:
Standards Standard 2- The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles,
What standard(s) strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
are most relevant Standard 3- The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to
to the learning achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
goals? Standard 5 - The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for
health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
Include SHAPE
Standards and Wisconsin State P.E. Standards:
WI Content Standard 2- Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and
Standards. tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
Standard 3- Participates regularly in physical activity.
Standard 4- Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.


Learning Students will be able to use identify and use proper lifting technique.
Goal(s)/ Students will be able to use proper spotting techniques.
Objective(s) Students will learn the different between total, upper, and lower body lifts.
Students will learn exercises that can have positive results on long term fitness.
What are the
specific learning OBJECTIVES
goal(s) for Psychomotor The students will be completing several different lifts to help
student in this improve strength and overall fitness.
lesson? Cognitive The students will be able to relate several different movements to
specific body parts. (ACADEMIC LANGUAGE USED)
Affective Students will experience challenges and enjoyment through physical
movement and learn the benefits of exercise.
Safety The students will be separated into lifting groups to allow for enough space and adequate
Statement spotters for each lift

Assessment of Understanding and identifying the benefits of weight training.

Describe your Asking Essential questions.
formative and How do we improve our overall strength and fitness?
summative What lifts benefit certain body parts?
assessments you
will use.
Learning Some students may have trouble with the activity and get frustrated easily because some of
Environment/ these exercises require a lot of strength and endurance. Some students will not be allowed to
Behavior do the higher level, more complex lifts right away. They will begin with block zero
Expectations movements.
What procedures
will you use to
ensure students Expectations: Students will be first given a verbal warning if they are off task or goofing
are safe, on task around. If expectations are still not met other disciplinary measures will have to be taken.
and engaged?

What might
happen that you
might not

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Description of what the teacher (you) will be doing and/or what the students will be doing.
Launch/ Character word of the day: Determination (continuous effort
Motivational Set towards your goal)
____10____ Minutes
Instant activity: Dynamic Warm Up: A combination of dynamic and static
How will you start the stretching will be led by instructor to allow for appropriate warm-up before
lesson to engage and
work out.
motivate students in
Instruction: (Body of Auxiliary Station Options:
the lesson) Station 1: Core Lift Training
Students will have the opportunity to receive instruction from myself or more
____35____ Minutes advanced students in the power clean, dead lift, squat movements, or bench press.

Write the step by step Station 2: Upper Body Auxiliary

Teaching Students will have the opportunity to choose from several different upper body
procedure/progression specific lifts. (will be listed on whiteboard prior to class) Must complete at least three
here. exercises from list.

Station 3: Lower Body Auxiliary

What will you say and Students will have the opportunity to choose from several different lower body
do? What questions specific lifts. (listed on whiteboard) Must complete at least 3.
will you ask?
Station 4: Cardio Machines
How will you engage Students will be allowed to use the treadmills, ellipticals, and exercise bikes to help
students to help them improve cardiovascular endurance.
understand the
concepts? Must work through at least two stations. Preferably three stations.

What will students do? Cooldown (last 5 minutes): Static and Dynamic Stretching
(routine on whiteboard prior to start of training session)

Class will gather in the middle of the floor. Groups that need to
Closure finish their last set or cool down will be allowed the rest of the time
____5____ Minutes to do so if need be. A quick review of the lifts of the day will be
followed up with a class breakdown before leaving the weight room.
How will you end
the lesson?
Write out the
questions that
relate to your
learning goals and
Questions that
Check For The next class we will be working through a workout to improve
Understanding speed, agility, and quickness.

Hook to next
Differentiation Students with IEPs or 504 plans or students requiring other

Gifted/Talented Students: N/A

Language Differences (ELL): N/A

Learning Styles/Preferences: Will be giving verbal cues and

supplying visual cues if needed.

Materials Benches, dumbbells, barbells, power racks, weight plates, PVC pipes, sound system
does the teacher need
for this lesson?

What materials do the

students need for this

Academic Language Demand(s):

What content Various terms related to each lift.
specific terms
(vocabulary) do
students need to
support learning of
the learning
objective for this
What specific way(s) Working as a group to complete the workout.
will students need to use
language (reading, Being able to read and comprehend the written instructions to complete the required workou
writing, listening and/or
speaking) to participate Students will need to be able to take verbal instructions to enhance probability of success.
in learning tasks and
demonstrate their
learning for this lesson?

Describe the language

function and demands
required and how you
will support your
students during the By understanding the role weight training plays in improving our strength and fitness studen
lesson. understand and complete various workouts. Students will be able to have high levels of succ
and hopefully see lasting results.
EVALUATION OF PRE-PLANNING: Students will have knowledge of basic muscle groups and movements th
LESSON specific body part.

POST PLANNING: In future lessons, students focus will move from a total body emphasis
upper body, or speed, agility, and quickness emphasis.



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