Total Operating Costs Overheads: Administration License Fee

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Conne Minim Metered tariff Unmete No of No of Number of connections

No. ction size um Consu red tariff conne connect ions
(Inch) mption ('000 ctions, Metered tariff
Litres) %

Minimu Additio Monthly Minimum Additiona

m charge, Rs. nal charge fixed charge, charge, Rs. l charge
Rs. Rs. Rs. Per
Per 1000 ltrs
1000 ltrs ('000)

0.50 10 55 17.5 432 0.9980 184,351 110,610 55,305

2 0.75 27 1,053 39 2,535 - - - -

3 1.00 56 2,184 39 5,265 - - - -

4 1.50 155 6,045 39 14,508 - - - -

5 2.00 320 12,480 39 29,952 0.0020 369 222 111

6 3.00 881 34,359 39 82,485 - - - -

7 4.00 1,810 70,590 39 169,416 - - - -

Total - - - - - 1.0000 184,720 0.60 0.30

Total revenues

Cost 2012/13 2013/14

Staff costs 310.69 351.08
Chemical and others Electricity Maintenance: 16.03 22.27
Water related 128.35 178.41
Sewerge related
Other costs
256.03 355.88
16.65 23.14
47.83 66.49

Total operating costs 775.58 997.28

Overheads: Administration License fee 15.00 20.85
Water supply tariff fixation fee 12.29 17.08
Lease charge based on revenue 49.16 68.33
150.00 208.50

Lease charge based assets value 25.51 35.46

CBP Team cost 41.04 57.05
Interest 7.74 10.76
Provision for staff gratuity Provision for bad debts Capital costs 339.17 471.45
22.80 31.69
86.65 86.65

Total overheads 749.36 1,007.81

Total costs 1,524.94 2,005.09
Water sales In Million Proportion Total Average
Rupees water consumpti price required per
on, M. CUM
Government connection metered 21.24 0.04 1.47 55.48
Private connection metered Government 288.80 0.55 19.99 55.48
connection unmetered
11.04 0.02 0.76 55.48
Private connection unmetered 75.57 0.14 5.23 55.48
Other sales (excl sewerage) 125.48 0.24 8.69 55.48
Total 522.12 1 36.14
S. Conn Minimum Metered tariff Unmetere
No. ection size Consump tion d tariff
(Inch) (Litres)

Old New Old additio New Old monthly

Minimu m Minimu m nal charge Addition al fixed charge, Rs.
charge, Rs. charge, Rs. Rs. Per charge Rs.
1000 ltrs Per
1000 ltrs

1 0.5 10,000 55 100 17.5 32 432

2 0.75 27,000 1,053 1,910 39 71 2,535
3 1 56,000 2,184 3,960 39 71 5,265
4 1.5 155,000 6,045 10,950 39 71 14,508
5 2 320,000 12,480 22,600 39 71 29,952
6 3 881,000 34,359 62,240 39 71 82,485
7 4 1,810,000 70,590 127,865 39 71 169,416
S.No. Connection size (Inch) Minimum Metered tariff Unmetered tariff
Minimum charge, Rs.Additional charge Monthly fixed charge
Per 1000 ltrs
1 0.5 10,000 82 83 82
2 0.75 27,000 81 82 81
3 1 56,000 81 82 81
4 1.5 155,000 81 82 81
5 2 320,000 81 82 81
6 3 881,000 81 82 81
7 4 1,810,000 81 82 81
S. No Conne ction Minimu m Metered tariff Unmete red tariffNo of No of connect Number of connections,
. size Consu mption conn ions '000
(Inch) ('000 ectio ns, Metered tariff
Litres) %

Minimu Additi Monthly Minimu Additio

m charge, Rs. onal charg fixed charge, m charge, Rs. nal charge
e Rs. Per Rs. Rs.
1000 ltrs Per
1000 ltrs

1 0.50 10 100 32 785 0.998 184,351 110,610 55,305

2 0.75 27 1,910 71 4,595 - - - -

3 1.00 56 3,960 71 9,540 - - - -

4 1.50 155 10,950 71 26,280 - - - -

5 2.00 320 22,600 71 54,255 0.002 369 222 111

6 3.00 881 62,240 71 149,415 - - - -

7 4.00 1,810 127,865 71 306,880 - - - -

Tot - - - - - 1.000 184,720 0.60 0.30

Total revenues
S. Conn Minimum Metered tariff Unmetere No of No of Number of connections,
No ectio n Consumpti on d tariff conne connect ions '000
. size (Litres) ctions, Metered tariff
(Inch %
Minimu m Additi onal Monthly fixed Minimu m Additio nal
charge, Rs. charg e charge, Rs. charge, Rs. charge
Rs. Rs. Per
Per 1000 ltrs
1000 ltrs

1 0.50 10,000 370 118 2,910 0.998 184,351 110,610 55,305

2 0.75 27,000 7,092 263 17,073 - - - -

3 1.00 56,000 14,709 263 35,460 - - - -

4 1.50 155,000 40,713 263 97,711 - - - -

5 2.00 320,000 84,053 263 201,727 0.002 369 222 111

6 3.00 881,000 231,408 263 555,536 - - - -

7 4.00 1,810,000 475,424 263 1,141,017 - - - -

Tot - - - - - 1.000 184,720 0.60 0.30

Total revenues
f connections Revenues (Million Rupees)
ariff Unmeter Metered tariff Unmet
ed tariff ered tariff

Additiona Monthly Minim Additio Monthl

l charge fixed charge, um charge nal charge y fixed
Rs. Per Rs. ('000) , Rs. Rs. charge
1000 ltrs Per , Rs.
('000) 1000 ltrs

55,305 18,435 73.0 303.6 95.6

- - - - -

- - - - -

- - - - -

111 37 33.2 17.8 1.1

- - - - -

- - - - -

0.30 0.10 106.2 321.4 96.7

Rs. 524 million

13/14 2014/15
351.08 396.72
22.27 30.96
178.41 247.99

355.88 494.68
23.14 32.17
66.49 92.42

7.28 1,294.94
.85 28.98
.08 23.74
.33 94.97
8.50 289.82

35.46 49.29
57.05 79.29
10.76 14.95
471.45 655.31
31.69 44.05
86.65 86.65

007.81 1,367.07
005.09 2,662.00
Average Total
price required per costs, in
55.48 82
55.48 1,109

55.48 42
55.48 290
55.48 482
Unmetere Unmetere
d tariff d tariff

Old monthly New 2013-

xed charge, Rs. 14

32 785
535 4,595
265 9,540
4,508 26,280
9,952 54,255
2,485 149,415
69,416 306,880
Unmetered tariff

Monthly fixed charge, Rs.

ber of connections, Revenues (Million
'000 Rupees)
Unmete Metered tariff Unmet
red tariff ered tariff

Monthly Mini Additio Monthl

fixed charge, mum nal charge y fixed
Rs. ('000) charg e, Rs. charge
Rs. Per , Rs.
1000 ltrs

18,435 133 172.6 173.7

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -
37 60 0.5 2.0

- - - -

- - - -

0.10 193 173 176

Rs. 542 million

Number of connections, Revenues (Million Rupees)
d tariff Unmet Metered tariff Unmete
ered tariff red tariff

Additio nal Monthl y Minim um Additiona l Monthly fixed

charge fixed charge charge charge, Rs.
Rs. Per charge , Rs. Rs. Per
1000 ltrs , Rs. 1000 ltrs

55,305 18,435 492 636.9 643.6

- - - - -

- - - - -

- - - - -

111 37 224 1.7 7.5

- - - - -

- - - - -

0.30 0.10 715.25 638.69 651.10

S.No Particulars (Name of the Book) Number Date
1 Engineering Hydrology,Subramanya 150 7/30/2015

2 Fundamental of Irrigation Engineering, Bharat Singh 165 7/31/2015

Theory and Design of Irrigation Structures-II,
3 R.J.Varshney 165 7/31/2015

4 System Analysis Techniques in Water Management 23 8/7/2015

5 Operation Research ,J K Sharma 2017 8/13/2015
Theory and Design of Irrigation Structures-I,
6 R.J.Varshney 2371 9/9/2015

7 Irrigation and Water Resources Engineering,Asawa 2371 9/9/2015

Sub Total(6+7)

8 Mechanics of Sediment Transport, Garde & Ranga Raju 2650 2/17/2016

9 Water Supply Engineering,S.K.Garg 2650 2/17/2016
Sub Total(8+9)

10 Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering,S.K.Garg 3618 1/12/2017

11 Design of RCC Structures,S. Ramarathum 3780 3/26/2017
12 Design of RCC Foundation,P.C. Varghese 3780 3/26/2017
13 Water Power Engineering,R.K Sharma 3780 3/26/2017
14 Building Construction,M.K. Goely 3780 3/26/2017
Rate Discount Amount ()
499 109 390

225 - 225

250 - 250

250 - 250
595 115 480

250 30 220

299 54 245

549 84 465

795 160 635

435 85 350
1230 245

435 135 300

825 125 700
425 85 340
450 90 360
480 50 430
S.N. Particulars (Name of the Book) Number Date
1 Engineering Hydrology,Subramanya 150 7/30/2015

2 Fundamental of Irrigation Engineering, Bharat Singh 165 7/31/2015

Theory and Design of Irrigation Structures-II,
3 R.J.Varshney 165 7/31/2015

4 System Analysis Techniques in Water Management 23 8/7/2015

5 Operation Research ,J K Sharma 2017 8/13/2015
Theory and Design of Irrigation Structures-I,
6 R.J.Varshney 2371 9/9/2015

7 Irrigation and Water Resources Engineering,Asawa 2371 9/9/2015

8 Mechanics of Sediment Transport, Garde & Ranga Raju 2650 2/17/2016

9 Water Supply Engineering,S.K.Garg 2650 2/17/2016

10 Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering,S.K.Garg 3618 1/12/2017

11 Design of RCC Structures,S. Ramarathum 3780 3/26/2017
12 Design of RCC Foundation,P.C. Varghese 3780 3/26/2017
13 Water Power Engineering,R.K Sharma 3780 3/26/2017
14 Building Construction,M.K. Goely 3780 3/26/2017
Rate Discount Amount ()
499 109 390

225 - 225

250 - 250

250 - 250
595 115 480

250 30 220

299 54 245

795 160 635

435 85 350

435 135 300

825 125 700
425 85 340
450 90 360
480 50 430
6213 1038 5175

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