Profit & Loss YTD Comparison: Town of Blue River

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9:27 AM Town of Blue River

11/14/10 Profit & Loss YTD Comparison

Cash Basis November 1 - 16, 2010

Nov 1 - 16, 10 Jan 1 - Nov 16, 10

General Property Tax 5,485.24 577,351.74
Delinquent Taxes 0.00 -1,895.58
Specific Ownership Tax 1,557.00 19,084.00
Motor Vehicle License Fees 304.00 2,956.00
Sales Tax 0.00 58,813.73
Cigarette Tax 0.00 164.92
Highway User's Tax 0.00 33,528.21
Road & Bridge 0.00 20,959.27
Architectural Review Fees 0.00 875.00
Building Inspection Dept 743.00 30,607.00
Muncipal Court Fines 0.00 7,689.00
Boat Decals 0.00 245.00
Interest on Investments 0.00 680.50
Interest on Taxes 317.05 848.74
Conservation Trust Fund 0.00 5,078.75
Donations 0.00 2,300.00
Natural Gas Franchise 0.00 29,564.04
Miscellaneous Income 25.00 33,890.46
Total Income 8,431.29 822,740.78
Town Hall Expense
Natural Gas 133.70 1,715.32
Cable 60.00 757.95
Electricity 0.00 1,193.08
Water/Sewer 0.00 888.00
Trash 93.00 366.00
Grounds & Snow Removal 127.91 2,615.41
Cleaning 60.00 885.00
Supplies 50.00 151.57
Total Town Hall Expense 524.61 8,572.33
General Government
Administration Salaries & Fees
Salary - Elected Officials 1,200.00 13,200.00
Salary - Town Clerk 1,446.00 20,296.90
Salary - Building Inspector 1,122.52 39,046.51
Soc Sec/Medicare 422.32 7,023.68
Workman's Comp 0.00 659.00
Town Attorney 1,980.00 33,736.75
Accounting 660.00 9,026.40
Auditor 0.00 4,800.00
Total Administration Salaries & Fees 6,830.84 127,789.24
Dues & Meeting 43.50 4,352.17
Office Supplies 130.64 914.67
Telephone 88.87 1,038.37
Publishing 6.07 1,057.55
Website 0.00 1,899.70
Printing and Reproduction 35.00 988.05
Postage and Delivery 0.00 166.13
Insurance 0.00 5,952.00
Cnty Treasurer's Fees 116.05 11,526.12
Bank Service Charges 0.00 40.00
Professional Fees 0.00 5,296.40
Travel & Ent 0.00 185.65
CML 0.00 982.00
Codifying 0.00 266.10
Total General Government 7,250.97 162,454.15

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9:27 AM Town of Blue River
11/14/10 Profit & Loss YTD Comparison
Cash Basis November 1 - 16, 2010

Nov 1 - 16, 10 Jan 1 - Nov 16, 10

Municipal Court
Municipal Judge 541.67 5,958.37
Clerk - Municipal Court 600.00 6,600.00
Prosecutor 550.00 6,050.00
Court Administration 0.00 181.67
Total Municipal Court 1,691.67 18,790.04
Public Safety
Summit County Sheriff/Marshall 0.00 61,000.00
Extra Deputy Patrols 0.00 4,775.00
Animal Shelter 0.00 335.00
Communication 1,013.75 4,055.00
HASMAT 0.00 1,276.30
Total Public Safety 1,013.75 71,441.30
Public Works
Street Lights Utilities 175.44 1,643.28
Snow Removal 20,700.00 123,200.00
Street Maintenance 8,777.00 50,221.86
Signs 0.00 356.13
Tarn Improvements 0.00 5,300.00
Forest Improvements 0.00 2,830.00
Blue River Road Project 2,820.00 390,694.25
Town Park Project 0.00 20,227.56
Total Public Works 32,472.44 594,473.08

Total Expense 42,953.44 855,730.90

Net Income -34,522.15 -32,990.12

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9:28 AM Town of Blue River
11/14/10 Balance Sheet
Cash Basis As of November 16, 2010

Nov 16, 10
Current Assets
Operating - Alpine Bank 4,273.95
Reserve1 - Alpine Bank 241,218.84
Reserve2 - Alpine Bank 201,168.65
Conservation Trust-Alpine Bank 101,417.66
Colorado Trust 103.58
CSAFE 100.00
Total Checking/Savings 548,282.68
Other Current Assets
Illiquid Trust Funds 2,015.84
Cash with the County Treasurer 2,267.46
Property Taxes Receivable 581,760.00
Total Other Current Assets 586,043.30

Total Current Assets 1,134,325.98

Fixed Assets
Town Hall 371,456.77
Furniture & Equipment 13,845.75
Computer Equipment 2,391.88
Vehicles 31,596.00
Accumulated Depreciation -87,580.16
Land 128,870.00
Streets 574,545.04
Total Fixed Assets 1,035,125.28
Other Assets
Construction in Progress 64,519.78
Total Other Assets 64,519.78

TOTAL ASSETS 2,233,971.04

Current Liabilities
Other Current Liabilities
FICA Payable 844.64
Fed W/H Payable 84.10
Colo W/H Payable 451.00
Reserve for McCullough Gulch 772.53
Bonds--hold & refund 6,710.00
Deferred Revenue - Property Tax 581,760.00
Total Other Current Liabilities 590,622.27

Total Current Liabilities 590,622.27

Long Term Liabilities
Auto Loan-Summit County 4,416.78
Total Long Term Liabilities 4,416.78

Total Liabilities 595,039.05

Invested in Capital Assets, Net 1,073,850.00
Fund Balance - Amendment 1 22,241.00
Fund Balance - Conservation Trs 96,150.24
General Fund Balance 479,680.87
Net Income -32,990.12
Total Equity 1,638,931.99


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9:29 AM Town of Blue River
11/14/10 Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual
Cash Basis January 1 through November 16, 2010

Jan 1 - Nov 16, 10 Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget

Homestead Tax 0.00 980.00 -980.00 0.0%
General Property Tax 577,351.74 581,760.00 -4,408.26 99.2%
Delinquent Taxes -1,895.58 0.00 -1,895.58 100.0%
Specific Ownership Tax 19,084.00 24,000.00 -4,916.00 79.5%
Motor Vehicle License Fees 2,956.00 3,000.00 -44.00 98.5%
Sales Tax 58,813.73 53,000.00 5,813.73 111.0%
Cigarette Tax 164.92 140.00 24.92 117.8%
Highway User's Tax 33,528.21 38,373.00 -4,844.79 87.4%
Road & Bridge 20,959.27 18,000.00 2,959.27 116.4%
Architectural Review Fees 875.00 600.00 275.00 145.8%
Building Inspection Dept 30,607.00 50,000.00 -19,393.00 61.2%
Muncipal Court Fines 7,689.00 9,000.00 -1,311.00 85.4%
Boat Decals 245.00 80.00 165.00 306.3%
Interest on Investments 680.50 2,000.00 -1,319.50 34.0%
Interest on Taxes 848.74 250.00 598.74 339.5%
Conservation Trust Fund 5,078.75 0.00 5,078.75 100.0%
Donations 2,300.00 0.00 2,300.00 100.0%
Natural Gas Franchise 29,564.04 30,000.00 -435.96 98.5%
Miscellaneous Income 33,890.46 1,000.00 32,890.46 3,389.0%
Total Income 822,740.78 812,183.00 10,557.78 101.3%
Town Hall Expense
Natural Gas 1,715.32 2,200.00 -484.68 78.0%
Cable 757.95 720.00 37.95 105.3%
Electricity 1,193.08 2,000.00 -806.92 59.7%
Water/Sewer 888.00 876.00 12.00 101.4%
Trash 366.00 600.00 -234.00 61.0%
Repairs & Maintenance 0.00 500.00 -500.00 0.0%
Grounds & Snow Removal 2,615.41 2,000.00 615.41 130.8%
Cleaning 885.00 1,000.00 -115.00 88.5%
Supplies 151.57 500.00 -348.43 30.3%
Total Town Hall Expense 8,572.33 10,396.00 -1,823.67 82.5%
General Government
Administration Salaries & Fees
Salary - Elected Officials 13,200.00 14,400.00 -1,200.00 91.7%
Salary - Town Clerk 20,296.90 23,000.00 -2,703.10 88.2%
Salary - Building Inspector 39,046.51 47,500.00 -8,453.49 82.2%
Soc Sec/Medicare 7,023.68 8,300.00 -1,276.32 84.6%
Workman's Comp 659.00 600.00 59.00 109.8%
Town Attorney 33,736.75 18,000.00 15,736.75 187.4%
Accounting 9,026.40 10,000.00 -973.60 90.3%
Auditor 4,800.00 4,800.00 0.00 100.0%
Total Administration Salaries & Fees 127,789.24 126,600.00 1,189.24 100.9%
Dues & Meeting 4,352.17 3,500.00 852.17 124.3%
Office Supplies 914.67 700.00 214.67 130.7%
Telephone 1,038.37 950.00 88.37 109.3%
Publishing 1,057.55 1,000.00 57.55 105.8%
Website 1,899.70 1,400.00 499.70 135.7%
Printing and Reproduction 988.05 500.00 488.05 197.6%
Postage and Delivery 166.13 700.00 -533.87 23.7%
Insurance 5,952.00 6,900.00 -948.00 86.3%
Cnty Treasurer's Fees 11,526.12 9,800.00 1,726.12 117.6%
Bank Service Charges 40.00 50.00 -10.00 80.0%
Professional Fees 5,296.40 0.00 5,296.40 100.0%
Travel & Ent 185.65 500.00 -314.35 37.1%
CML 982.00 1,000.00 -18.00 98.2%
Codifying 266.10 1,000.00 -733.90 26.6%
Elections 0.00 500.00 -500.00 0.0%
Miscellaneous 0.00 200.00 -200.00 0.0%
Total General Government 162,454.15 155,300.00 7,154.15 104.6%

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9:29 AM Town of Blue River
11/14/10 Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual
Cash Basis January 1 through November 16, 2010

Jan 1 - Nov 16, 10 Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget

Municipal Court
Municipal Judge 5,958.37 6,500.00 -541.63 91.7%
Clerk - Municipal Court 6,600.00 7,200.00 -600.00 91.7%
Prosecutor 6,050.00 6,600.00 -550.00 91.7%
Court Administration 181.67 1,000.00 -818.33 18.2%
Total Municipal Court 18,790.04 21,300.00 -2,509.96 88.2%
Public Safety
Summit County Sheriff/Marshall 61,000.00 80,000.00 -19,000.00 76.3%
Extra Deputy Patrols 4,775.00 4,000.00 775.00 119.4%
Animal Shelter 335.00 500.00 -165.00 67.0%
Communication 4,055.00 0.00 4,055.00 100.0%
HASMAT 1,276.30 1,500.00 -223.70 85.1%
Total Public Safety 71,441.30 86,000.00 -14,558.70 83.1%
Public Works
Street/Road Manager 0.00 5,000.00 -5,000.00 0.0%
Street Lights Utilities 1,643.28 1,700.00 -56.72 96.7%
Snow Removal 123,200.00 156,000.00 -32,800.00 79.0%
Street Maintenance 50,221.86 50,000.00 221.86 100.4%
Engineering 0.00 1,000.00 -1,000.00 0.0%
Signs 356.13 10,000.00 -9,643.87 3.6%
Tarn Improvements 5,300.00 7,500.00 -2,200.00 70.7%
Forest Improvements 2,830.00 5,000.00 -2,170.00 56.6%
Blue River Road Project 390,694.25 450,000.00 -59,305.75 86.8%
Town Park Project 20,227.56 0.00 20,227.56 100.0%
Total Public Works 594,473.08 686,200.00 -91,726.92 86.6%
Contingency Reserve 0.00 -147,013.00 147,013.00 0.0%
Total Expense 855,730.90 812,183.00 43,547.90 105.4%

Net Income -32,990.12 0.00 -32,990.12 100.0%

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