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SMARTSM Styrene Monomer

Advanced Reheat Technology

Overview The Lummus/UOP SMARTSM styrene monomer The technology offers the most advanced process
(SM) process represents a major technological for the manufacture of SM from ethylbenzene (EB).
advantage by offering unmatched revamp/ The process integrates UOPs innovative oxidative
expansion opportunities. Significant capacity reheat step (StyroPlus) into the Lummus/UOP
expansion can now be achieved without the need Classic deep vacuum/adiabatic EB dehydrogena-
of an additional train in an existing SM plant. tion technology, which is well proven, reliable, and
has demonstrated its mechanical integrity.

Advantages Process Features Process Benefits

Removal of hydrogen shifts the dehydrogena- Lowers flow rate for a given capacity resulting in lower
tion reaction equilibrium to obtain 75-80% capital cost Excellent for revamps
single-pass EB conversion

Oxidative exothermic heat of reaction provides Allows 30-70% additional capacity through existing steam
reactor interstage heating superheater system
Simple steam superheater system Reduces investment
Competitive SM selectivities are obtained at Reduces investment and production costs
high EB conversions

Oxidation catalyst matches dehydrogenation Reduces downtime

catalyst life of 18-24 months

Substantial energy recovery without compres- Increases energy savings


Performance The SMART SM process uses a unique reaction oxidative reheat with modern EB dehydrogena-
Characteristics system to ensure safe, trouble-free operation. The tion technology results in high singlepass conver-
system, consisting of the steam superheater, sion and high selectivity being achieved simulta-
superheated steam transfer piping, reactors, and neously. High conversion obtained in the SMART
reactor effluent exchanger, is designed as a process results in considerably less flow of
mechanically and thermally integrated unit. This feedstock through the plant for a given produc-
design is safe, compact, and reliable. tion of SM.

In conventional dehydrogenation units, selectivity This technology is ideally suited for increasing
and conversion are linked so that high conversion plant capacity at the lowest capital investment.
and high selectivity cannot be achieved simultane- The combination of higher EB conversion and
ously. Therefore, trade-offs must be made. To interstage reheat provided by the oxidative reheat
achieve high selectivity, conventional plants are step results in debottlenecking most of the
limited to less than 70% conversion. In the SMART constraining equipment, and provides 30 to 70%
SM technology, however, the combination of additional capacity.
SMARTSM Styrene Monomer Advanced Reheat Technology
Process Flow
Distillation Section
Ethylbenzene Recycle Ethylbenzene Benzene
Steam De- DM *
hydrogenation Separator
Reactor Styrene
Superheater Waste Monomer
O2 /Air Condensate Heat Condensate Product

* Dehydrogenated Mixture Tar

Process The major reactions in the process are the dehy- Dehydrogenation side reactions also produce
Description drogenation of ethylbenzene to styrene and the benzene and toluene, as well as some light com-
subsequent oxidation of the hydrogen produced pounds. A small steam superheater supplies part
in the first reaction. This hydrogen is reacted with of the endothermic reaction heat for the dehydro-
oxygen over a highly selective catalyst. The genation reaction. The reaction system contains
removal of hydrogen from the process substan- two catalysts: a conventional EB dehydrogenation
tially increases single-pass EB conversions while catalyst and an oxidation catalyst. The reactor
maintaining high SM selectivity. The heat gener- effluent is cooled by generating steam. The dehy-
ated is used to reheat the reaction mixture, drogenated mixture is distilled to recover the
avoiding expensive interstage heat exchanger styrene product, benzene and toluene by-products,
equipment. and recycle ethylbenzene.

Process Dehydrogenation
Chemistry C6H5CH2CH3 C6H5CH=CH2 + H2 Heat
Ethylbenzene Styrene Hydrogen

H2 + 1/2 O2 H2O + Heat
Hydrogen Oxygen Water
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