BR Case Summary Ep

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Case Summary Sheet: Beginning Reader

Student Name: Student B Grade: 2nd Age: 7 yrs 10 mos DATE OF TESTING: August 29, 2016
Examiner/s/: Ally Baltas
Word Lists Passage Reading Reading Rate Comprehension
% questions answered
Difficulty correctly
Difficulty Level TIMED TOTAL WRC Oral vs.
Level WPM
(%) (%) (%) Silent

Readiness N/A
PrePrimer A N/A
PrePrimer 55 95
PrePrimer B N/A
PrePrimer C N/A
Primer 40 90 P Oral 23 50 N/A
*Id start here*
1st 1st Stop @ 231

2nd 2nd

Independent Reading Level: Primer

Instructional Reading Level: Primer (Infer from WRI)
Frustration Level Begins at: 1st (Infer from WRI)

Word Study Writing Sample Other Notes

Inventory: PALS Form B Examples of confusions: Strengths: The student loves to talk about
Blends: CHRUMP/trunk, SKAT/skate, Spacing in-between each her dog and cat. She enjoys
Score: 12 out of 20 GRIP/drip word playing with her siblings (two
Common Long Vowels: GLID/glide, Ends each sentence with a brothers and one sister). She
Spelling Stage: SOPE/soap period plays softball and is the catcher.
Within Word (Early) Holds pencil properly Her favorite subject is science
Begin instruction with: and her least favorite subjects are
Writes left to right
I will begin our instruction with a word sort reading and writing. She says she
that focuses on the subset of digraphs and Pretty neat hand writing thinks shes a good reader but
blends called affricates. The sort with focus (easy to read) wants to be more like her dad
on the tr, ch, and c sounds. She wrote about exactly what and sister who are great readers
she has verbally told me and like to read a lot. Her dad
I will use pictures because that will require happened and sister sound out hard words,
the student to determine the sounds of the are good at reading fast and
digraph without seeing the letters in the slow, and change their voice as
written words. I will also use words so that Areas for improvement: they read. She loves when her
the student has the opportunity to see the Capital letter at the mom reads her bedtime stories!
letters in the words and practice reading the beginning of sentences
words aloud. Each word will be written out She didnt use as much detail
some will also have pictures. as she did when she verbally
First, I will model how to complete told me the story
the sort. I will show the student the Sequence of events the
four headers and explain that we are story is not in chronological
going to sort the words into each order
category based on their beginning Beginning sentences with a
(initial) sound. I will sort one word variety of words (most
from each category ex: this is a started with he or his
picture of a trap. Trap, tr- tr- trap,
trap goes in the tr category
Then I will ask the student to help
me sort the next word for each
category doing the same thing.
Picking up a picture (or word),
saying what the picture is of, saying
the initial sound, and determining
where the picture belongs.
After we complete the sort together
we will check over the answers. I
will ask the student to say each
word as I point to the picture (in
order to make sure theyre
categorized correctly)
Next, I will mix up all the words
and pictures again and ask the
student to sort the words all on their
own this time
I have created this picture sort on my own.
It is composed of words the student
misspelled on the spelling inventory and
words I have selected to fit this sort.
Word Sort:
Tr Ch C T
trap chop cop tap
train chain cane top

track chap cap tack

Picture Sort:
*These pictures will be on separate cards
from the word
Tr Ch C T
trap chain cop tap
train chop cap top

After we complete the sort we will do an

activity that Im calling Search & Hop. This
activity will involve movement and being
able to identify and say words from our
word sort.
I will lay all the words from the word sort
on the ground. The student and I will take
turns calling out a word we see. The other
person (who did not call out the word) has
to search for the word and hop to it. Then,
the person who hopped to the word picks
another word and calls it out. Now it is the
other persons turn to hop to the word. This
will continue until all the words have been

Instructional Goals:
Fluency Word Knowledge Comprehension/Vocabulary Writing
We will practice reading with First, we will begin working on The student will learn to retell a story The student will work on
fluency. We will reread a book affricates. As the student begins to in the order the events happened. beginning her sentences with
we have worked on from the master affricates we will begin a capital letter. Our goal is to
previous lesson each time we working on CVCe words. Activities we will use include: write at least three sentences
meet. We will focus on First, Next, Last (sequencing) and remember to start each
tracking and sounding out any Activities we will use include: Organizing events from well sentence with a capital letter.
words we come to that may be Speed sorts known stories (Three Little
tricky. Push and Say Pigs) Sequence of Events She
Word hunts will use a simple graphic
Activities we will use include: She will also learn new vocabulary organizer to put her story in
Digraph Bingo (WTW pg.
Rereading a familiar words from books we read. order so she can write it in
text daily the sequence the events
Beginning and End occurred
Echo and choral Activities we will use include:
Dominoes (WTW pg. 188)
reading Infer what the vocabulary
Reading familiar word might mean then define Activities we will use
nursery rhymes or short Word Hunt (using the word in
stories Graphic organizers
context of a story)
Sentence starters
Expand the sentence
(start with a simple
sentence then add
words to add more
detail ~ ex. The cat
sat. The big sat cat.
The big cat sat on
the rug. The big cat
sat on the blue rug.

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