Case Sum Beginner Final

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Case Summary Sheet: Beginning Reader

Student Name: _____________ Grade: ___2_______Age: _7__yrs _5__mos DATE OF TESTING: _September___
Examiner/s/: ___Alexis Kiriakos_________________________
Word Lists Passage Reading Reading Rate Comprehension
% questions answered
Difficulty correctly
Difficulty Level TIMED TOTAL WRC Oral vs.
Level WPM
(%) (%) (%) Silent

PrePrimer A
PrePrimer 80 100
PrePrimer B
PrePrimer C 89
Primer 50 55 P

1st 50 50 1st

2nd 2nd

Independent Reading Level: PrePrimer B (inferred) Instructional Reading Level: PrePrimer C Frustration Level
Begins at: Primer (inferred)

Word Study Writing Sample Other Notes

Examples of confusions: Strengths: She has two sisters and a
Blends The story with written in a brother. Her older sister
State/SKATE comprehensive order with and mother read to her at
Inventory: PALS
Jrip/DRIP dialogue. home.
Form B
Chruc/TRUNK Voice: There was a strong
CVCe sense of voice in her She enjoyed reading fiction
Score: _18_ out of
Rop/ ROPE writing. The dialogue in books.
Glid/ GLIDE her writing really showed
(feature score)
Long vowels her personality Says her friend is a good
Absent knowledge reader because she knows
Spelling Stage:
Areas for improvement: all her sight words.
Late Letter Name
Begin instruction with: Punctuation: The student
Review of affricates did not use punctuation in Loves everything Barbie- I
Based on her spelling inventory, the student is confusing her writing. She was would like to tie Barbie
affricates. Example: chruc/TRUNK and jrem/DREAM. It reading her sentences as into our lessons for
is important she knows that with /ch/ there is not an /r/ in she was writing them and motivation.
the affricate- it is /ch/ /tr/. naturally pauses at the end
c, ch, tr are the phoneme units I am going to start with. To of each sentence- but there
set up her reviewing these affricates, these features are was no punctuation in the
important to recognize. entire writing.
Sentence variety: The
students sentences went
C/Ch/Tr on-and-on and there was
no variety in her writing.
Picture cards: Reversals: The student
C Ch Tr reverses b and d in her
Cash Chest Truck
Cup* Chick Tree*
Cat Chin Train

Word Cards:
C Ch Tr
Cast* Chop* Trim*
Camp Chunk* Trick
Cash* Chant* Trap*
Cost Chat

First, I will model how to complete the word sort

by doing a think aloud. I will have the headers out
on the table (C, CH, TR). Then I will have the
students try to read the words for me to know if the
words are too difficult for the student.
We will then do the sort together and continue to
make connections to the words. Then, I will ask the
student do the sort independently while thinking
out loud.
We will then go to the writing portion of the lesson.
I will give the student a dry erase board and ask her
to write the headings along the top. I will then read
aloud the words and tell her to try her best to write
them under the correct header. I will be focusing to
see if the student writes the correct feature.
I will be looking to see if the student is writing the
correct affricate (ch, tr) and not confusing these
like did on her spelling inventory. Ex: for the word
trunk she wrote chruc.
I will also challenge her to think of her own words
that start with each feature- if I have a feeling that
this will not be a difficult task.

Instructional Goals:
Fluency Word Knowledge Comprehension/Vocabulary Writing
The student will increase her We will start my instruction with a The student work on multiple The student will master using
word bank from approximately review of affricates. Because of her comprehension strategies punctuation in her sentences.
100 words to approximately confusion with ch, tr, dr, j sounds, throughout the lessons such as When she says sentences out
150 words. We will work on explicit instruction will help with this visualizing, making connections, loud she pauses at the end. I
mastering the pre-primer, confusion. According to her Spelling questioning, and summarizing. will emphasize the need for
primer, and grade one words Inventory, she has mastered short punctuation at the end of
from the Dolch assessment. vowels. After a review of blends, I Activities for comprehension: sentences each week when
The student will read with will then continue my instruction by she is writing.
phrasal fluency of familiar reviewing preconsonantal nasals- The student will be able
text. paying close attention to nk. In her Connections Chart distinguish between b and
Spelling Inventory she had trouble (Comprehension and d in her writing.
with /nk/. Example: chruc/TRUNK Vocabulary Strategies p.41)
and chuk/CHUNK. The student scored Reciprocal Teaching Activities:
Activities: a 2/4 on CVCe words. After our (Comprehension and b and d practice
Word Bingo review of affricates, we will review Vocabulary Strategies activities (each
Support Reading with nt/nd/nk nasals before we move into p.165) tutoring lesson)
Rhymes and Pattern CVCe words. Stop, Predict, Support (SPS) Integrate writing into
Stories (WTW p. 183) (Comprehension and word sorts
Reviewing Word Bank Vocabulary Strategies Journal writing about
Words (WTW p.185) Activities: p.201) books we have read
Rereading 1-2 familiar Word Sort Story Board Sentence building
texts per tutoring Push/Say (Comprehension and activities
lesson Bingo Vocabulary Strategies (manipulate words to
Hunting for Words and p.207) make sentences with
Pictures (WTW p.187) Vocabulary Self-Collection punctuation)
Board Games (Comprehension and
Vocabulary Strategies

As the student listens and interacts

with read alouds, the student will
learn new vocabulary and work on
her language development. We will
focus on Tier 2 words throughout
the read alouds.

Activities for Vocabulary:

Vocabulary Anchors
Comprehension and
Vocabulary Strategies p.

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