1. Substantive Law.
2. Procedural Law.
Drafting under different laws is has a different format and its peculiar to
that law.
No contradiction in pleadings.
History of pleading
Order 6 Rule 1
Order 10 Rule 1
The whole object of pleadings is to bring two parties to an issue and the
rule of pleadings was to prevent the issue being aggravated. We should
prevent either party from knowing when the case comes up for trial, what
the real bones of contention are. Thus, the whole meaning of the system
is to narrow the parties to definite issues and thereby to diminish the
expenses and delay, especially as regards to the amount of testimony
required on either sides of pleadings.
1. Definite issues.
2. Bones of contention precisely.
Function of pleading
3. To save time and money. A lot of time and money is wasted when
the discussion is vague.
4. To assist the court Pleadings assist the court in narrowing the
controversy involved.
Fundamental Rules:
Courts are bound to take judicial notice of the pleadings of the parties.
If party is not pleading any law or stating wrong law, courts are bound to
apply the correct law on the issue.
Q. What were the duties of defendant towards the plaintiff and how was it
Case 3: Plaint was that the road was a public road ever since the village
came into existence and villagers have been using it eversince.
Case 4: It is not sufficient that plaintiff alleges his legal heir-ship with the
heir, for claiming the property. He has to specify his relationship with the
Case 5: If the plaintiff has not stated relevant sections then it is not
necessary that such pleadings will be construed to be vitiated.
Legal Pleas
Legal pleas are excluded from the rule, which says law should not be
Any plea denying the legal right claimed by the opposite party has to be
specifically pleaded. For eg: This suit is barred by limitation. OR This suit is
barred by Res Judicata.
Inferences of law
Inferences of law should not be stated in the plaint. But when there is a
need to make the facts more comprehensive then it has to be pleaded.
For eg: Gift under property law. If the donor pleads that gift was not
accepted by the done before his death and is therefore void, then it would
be permissible.
Material Fact
They are those facts which have to be alleged in order to show a right to
sue in case of plaintiff and in case of defendant they are all those facts
which must be alleged to constitute a proper defence.
Material facts are all facts upon which a plaintiffs cause of action or the
defendants defence depends.
In case of Udhav Singh v. IMR Scindia, Supreme Court observed that all
primary facts which must be proved at the time of trial by a party to
establish the existence of a cause of action or its defence are material
The word material shows that the facts necessary to formulate a complete
cause of action has to be stated in pleadings.
Thus, eliminate all those facts without proof of which one cannot win.
Particulars must be given with every material fact.
All those facts, which are essential to clothe the petitioner with the
complete cause of action, are material facts.
Particulars on the other hand are the details of the case setup by the
party. They serve the purpose of giving final changes to the basic contours
of a picture already drawn to make it full, more detailed and informative.
Suit of divorce on the ground of adultery. In the plaint it was stated that,
"One B discovered plaintiffs wife and One N in a room bolted from inside."
But in evidence it was shown that B opened the door of the room locked
from outside and discovered plaintiffs wife and N in that room.
Thus, court refused to any weight to a fact, which was not raised in the
pleading and held it to be a cooked story.
1. Condition precedent
If there are any conditions for performance then it's not necessary
to plead those as they are implied. But if the other side desires to
contest the performance or occurrence of such condition then it
must be raised specifically and distinctly. As per rule 6 of order 6.
For eg: (...) certificate issued by Y's architect. X wants to file a suit
against Y. Obtaining that certificate is condition precedent for X. He
doesn't have to state that he has obtained the certificate. It's
implied. Y shall plead that architect has not certified that the
payment is due.
2. Presumption of law
As per rule 13 of order 6, neither party may plead any allegation of
fact which the law presumes in his favour Or as to which the burden
of proof lies on the other side. Unless the same has been specifically
denied. Sethani v Bhana (AIR 1993 SC 956) Sethani was a tribal
woman and executed a sale deed. She was old illiterate and blind.
Sale deed was executed in the favour of one of her relatives with
whom she lived till death. Sale deed was challenged. Court held that
it was the burden on that relative to prove that the sale deed was
executed without any undue influence.
3. Matters of inducement
Sometimes it's important to commence a plaint with some
introductory statements like who are the parties, what business do
they carry on, what's their relation and connection to the case, etc.
These facts are not essential to the cause of action. But these are
called the matters of inducement and are allowed. However, such
statements must be reduced to a minimum.
Order 6 Rule 2.
Williams v Wilcox (1838)
A party need not set out the evidence whereby he proposes to prove the
facts relied upon by him.
Material facts are those facts which a plaintiff must alleged in order to
show right to sue and the defendant must alleged in order to constitute
his defence. Evidence also consists of facts.
Facta probentia: Facts by means of which material facts are proved. (not
to be pleaded)
Rondalia v Hunter
Court held that all these facts were merely evidentiary facts by means of
which material facts need to be proved.
Rattilal Case
Partition between plaintiff and defendant. The fact that partition took
place between X & Y in a particular period is a material fact but writing on
behalf of plaintiff in order to prove that partition is not a material fact. It is
only evidence and should not be pleaded in the appeal.
Plaintiff was injured due to the negligent driving of the defendant. The
driver was not attentive and failed to warn the plaintiff or was driving at
an unreasonable speed and not applying the brakes when they ought to
have been applied.
1. Writ petitions.
2. Election petition.
1. Conciseness.
2. Precision and Certainty
Justice Pal of Calcutta HC: Pleadings must be not only concise but they
must also be precise.
Brevity, which as it is said is the soul of thy wit, is also the soul of pleading
but precision and certainty should not be sacrificed at the altar of brevity.
Ingredients of brevity.
Only when the pleadings are complete, certain and clear, can the other
party understand the case.
If pleadings are vague and generic then case won't be in your favour.
Certain precautions:
4. Things should be referred to by their proper name and in any case the
same thing should be described by the same name throughout the
pleading. As change of name suggests a change of meaning.
5. Party suing should quote the words of the document or the legislation
on which reliance is placed.
11. Dates, sums and numbers should be expressed in both figures and
Rules of pleadings.
Rule 13: Parties need not plead those facts that law presumes in their
favour or as to which the burden of proof lies with the opposite party.
Amendment of pleadings
On instance of opposite party
As per order 7 Rule 11, if the plaint doesn't disclose any cause of
action then the defendant may make an application that the plaint
be rejected and the court may pass an
Order 6 Rule 17
1. This rule confers power of discretion on the court to allow any party
in a suit to amend their pleading. In such manner or in such terms
as the court may deem just. This purely discretionary. Rule 17. Court
may permit at any stage and in any manner.
2. Usage of Shall. And all such amendment shall be made as may be
controversial between the parties. This gives it an imperative
SC held that their aim is to decide the rights of parties and not to punish
them for their mistakes.
Object of Rule 17 is to try the cases which come before them on their
merit and thus allow all amendments which maybe be pertinent in
determination of the real issues between parties provided that it can be
done without causing any injustice to the other party.
Jai Jai Ram Manohar Lal v. NBM Supply (AIR 1969 SC 1269)
Rule 17 uses the phrase "at any stage". However negligent the plaintiff
may have been during the first contention. But it must be clear that the
parties are entitled to seek amendment as a matter of rights.
Principles of amendment.
It is not sufficient to indicate the principle with which the court must bind
itself in making the decision but there are several decisions that have
evolved certain norms for just consideration for allowing the amendment
application. These are now deemed to be governing principles which the
courts are now bound to observe while granting leave to amend.
1. The powers have to be exercised liberally because the rules of
procedure exist to achieve the ends of justice.
2. Amendment should be allowed in order to overcome the effects of
the bona fide mistakes.
3. To avoid multiplicity even if it results in ousting its own jurisdiction in
the matter.
Order 7 Rule 10
The sons appealed only against findings to the trial court that the portion
between the father and sons effected subsequent to the mortgage was
not genuine.
Nearly after 7.5 years of filing the appeal the sons sought to amend their
memo of appeal by including a challenge to the preliminary decree in it.
Meanwhile, final decree for sale had been passed. The decree holder had
auction purchased a joint half share in the mortgaged property in full
satisfaction of his mortgage decree and had also entrusted into joint
Delay is the material factor which has to be considered and court will also
consider the effect of permitting amendment. In a denial of the rights of
the party and injustice to them.
Where the party concerned could not, with reasonable diligence, have
discovered the new facts earlier, amendment can be allowed. In
exceptional cases.
Refusal of amendment
Refusal when
Under Order 6 Rule 17, the court may ordinarily refuse amendment when
it takes legal right from a party that has accrued because of lapse of time.
Weldon v. Neal.
Plaintiff filed a suit against defendant for damages for defamation and
after sometime plaintiff moved an application for amendment. Thereby he
wanted to claim damages for assault and false imprisonment. On the date
of the application, claims in respect of assault and false imprisonment had
become barred by limitation and the application was refused since the
proposed amendment took away from the defendant a defence under the
law of limitation.
Modi spinning and weaving mills co. Ltd. Case (AIR 1977 SC 680)
Plaintiff has filed a suit for partition of 10 properties and in ther WS,
defendant clearly admitted that 7/10 of these properties were jointly
owned and remaining 3 exclusively belonged to the defendant. After 18
months defendant moved an amendment application for their WS to the
effect that admission made by them in their WS be allowed to be
withdrawn. Court rescinded the application and held that proposed
amendment, if allowed, would only displace the plaintiffs case as regards
7/10 parties and is right to get preliminary decree of partition.
1. No change in jurisdiction.
2. No great delay in filing amendment.
3. No fresh enquiry of facts necessary.
4. Opposite party is not deprived of any defence.
If a party was well versed with the facts of a case but kept them
concealed deliberately concealed before the trial and later on moved an
amendment appeal on basis of those concealed facts, then the
amendment appeal would not be entertained.
Hiralal v. Kanyal
If the proposed amendment is sought with the view to only delay the
proceedings, it shall not be allowed as it wont be bona fide.
What is a plaint?
Framing of suits: Every person has an inherent right to bring a suit of civil
nature unless the suit is barred. It can only be instituted by presenting
It can be said that plaint in a suit is the document evidencing the suit and
not the suit itself.
Possible errors:
Existence of a legal right for the plaintiff and a corresponding legal duty
on the part of the defendant. On violation or breach of either of those
which causes an injury or damage to the plaintiff for which he maintained
an action for appropriate relief.
Two elements
Purpose is to acquaint the court with the facts of the matter and
contentions of the plaintiff. Also, to notify the defendants.
Parts of plaint
Order 7 Rule 1 (a): Name of the court on the top of the page with
jurisdiction under which the plaintiff has come before it right under the
name of the court.
Order 7 Rule 1 (b) and (c): Then comes the Title. Name Description and
place of residence of each plaintiff and defendant.
Number of the suit (space left for it as it is allotted by the court) with year.
With this part the plaintiff acquaints the court with the case. The
statement of facts has to be divided in paragraphs. Each paragraph must
contain only one point. Dates, time, anything involving numbers should be
expressed both in words and figures.
Substantial portion
Formal portion
Various reliefs are available to the plaintiff and they may choose to either
choose one or more of them. They can be claimed simply or alternatively,
but it has to be a specific claim as per Order 7 Rule 7.
One has to claim relief with accuracy. Court shall not grant any relief that
is not claimed in the plaint.
Plaint must be signed by the plaintiff. The signature may be done by any
other person who duly authorised by plaintiff when the plaintiff is unable
to sign it due to any reason.
However, it is not permissible to reject the plaint on the ground that it was
not signed by all of the plaintiffs. It is a matter of procedure and can be
abstained at any stage Signature has to be at the foot of the plaint.
Rule 11 Rejection of plaint if barred under any law. Matter goes to the
same court.
Written Statement.
Rachappa v. Gurusidappa (AIR 1989 SC 635) here the court said that the
term 'written statement' is a term of specific connotation signifying a reply
to the plaint filed by the defendant.
The defendant deals with every material fact alleged by the plaintiff in the
plaint and states any new fact in their favour as legal objections and what
he wishes to claim.
List of documents.
Essentials of WS
1. Total denial.
2. Admits allegations but seeks to destroy their effect by pleading new
3. Admits allegations of plaintiff but may plead that the legal
inferences which the plaintiff claims. Those allegations are not
4. Takes plea which delays the trial on merits.
5. May plead set off or counter claim.
Denials or traverse.
In case of compound allegations, that has distinct facts, should deal with
every alleged fact separately. Single denial can't be conclusive.
Power of Attorney
1. Full name
2. Address
3. Parental info
4. Time period
The blank for attorney shall contain the full description of the person in
whose favour it is executed.
Right side
1. Executant (Signature)
2. Attorney (Signature)
Here, we can see that the powers have been conferred related to sale and
execution. Any general power of attorney has to be drafted the same way.
1. Matters need not be denied specifically by the defendant:
a. Law
b. Damages
c. Relief plaint
d. Non alleged facts.
2. Dilatory pleas. These are those pleas which may delay the trial of a
suit on merits. Simple objection to be raised to the proceedings. This
defence does not give a substantial reply. These should be taken at
the earliest possible opportunity.
3. Objection to point of law. Should be substantial not merel technical.
Legal inferences.
4. Special defences
a. Confession and avoidance: It is a plea whereby the defendant
admits the allegations made in the plaint but seeks to destroy
their effect by alleging affirmatively certain facts of their own.
Eg: In a suit for breach of contract, defendant may admit the
contract and at the same time plead that the defendant was
induced to enter into the contract by fraud.
b. Limitation
c. Jurisdiction
d. Estoppel
e. Res judicata
f. Illegality
g. Justification
h. Act of God.
i. Adverse possession
j. Alteration