Ansi Asabe Ep559 - 2003-02

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ANSI/ASAE EP559.1 W/Corr.

1 AUG2010
Design Requirements and Bending Properties for
Mechanically-Laminated Wood Assemblies

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ANSI/ASAE EP559.1 W/Corr. 1 AUG2010
Revision approved August 2010 as an American National Standard

Design Requirements and Bending Properties for

Mechanically-Laminated Wood Assemblies

Developed by the ASAE Mechanically Laminated Post Design ANSI/TPI 1-2007, National Design Standard for Metal Plate Connected
Subcommittee of the Structures Group; approved by the Structures and Wood Truss Construction
Environment Division Standards Committee; adopted by ASAE ANSI/AITC 405-2008, Standard for Adhesives for Use in Structural
December 1996; approved as an American National Standard February Glued Laminated Timber
1997; reaffirmed by ANSI February 2003; reaffirmed by ASAE February
2003; reaffirmed by ASABE and ANSI February 2008; revised and ASTM A153/A153M-05, Specifications for Zinc Coating Hot-Dip on
approved by ANSI August 2010; corrigendum 1 issued March 2011. Iron and Steel Hardware
ASTM A 653/A 653M-09, Standard Specification for Steel Sheet,
Corrigendum 1 corrected publication errors in equation 3 7.3.1.
Zinc-Coated galvanized or Zinc-Iron Alloy Coated Galvannealed by
the Hot-Dip Process
Keywords: Beams, Columns, Girders, Laminated Lumber, Laminating,
Lumber, Wood Design, Wood Structures ASTM B 695, Standard Specification for Coating of Zinc Mechanically
Deposited on Iron and Steel
1 Purpose and scope ASTM D 198-08, Standard Methods of Static Testing of Timbers in
Structural Sizes
1.1 The purpose of this Engineering Practice is to establish guidelines
ASTM D 245-06, Standard Methods for Establishing Structural Grades
for designing and calculating allowable bending properties of
and Related Allowable Properties for Visually Graded Lumber
mechanically laminated wood assemblies used as structural members.
ASTM D 3737-08, Standard Methods for Establishing Stresses for
1.2 The scope of this Engineering Practice is limited to mechanically
Structural Glued-Laminated Timber Glulam
laminated assemblies with three or four wood laminations that have the
following characteristics: ASTM D 7469-08, Standard Test Methods for End Joints in Structural
Wood Products
1.2.1 The actual thickness of each lamination is between 38 and 51 mm
1.5 and 2.0 in.. AWPA U1-09, Use Category System: User Specification for Treated
1.2.2 All laminations have the same depth face width, d.
NIST PS20-05, American Softwood Lumber Standard
1.2.3 Faces of adjacent laminations are in contact.
1.2.4 The centroid of each lamination is located on the centroidal axis of
the assembly axis Y-Y in figure 1a, that is, no laminations are offset. 3 Definitions
1.2.5 Concentrated loads are distributed to the individual laminations by 3.1 mechanically laminated assembly mech-lam: A structural
a load distributing element. assembly consisting of suitably selected wood layers joined with nails,
1.2.6 All laminations are of the same grade and species of lumber or screws, bolts, and/or other mechanical fasteners. Individual wood layers
structural composite lumber. may be comprised of solid-sawn lumber or structural composite lumber
1.2.7 There is no more than one common end joint per lamination within such as laminated strand lumber LSL, laminated veneer lumber LVL
a splice region. or parallel strand lumber PSL.
1.3 The provisions of this Engineering Practice do not apply to 3.2 nail-laminated assembly nail-lam: Used interchangeably with
assemblies designed for biaxial bending. The design requirements in mechanically laminated assembly when nails are the only fastener used
clause 4, and allowable bending properties in clauses 5 and 6, are only to join individual layers.
for uniaxial bending about axis Y-Y figure 1a. Spliced assemblies with 3.3 screw-laminated assembly screw-lam: Used interchangeably
butt joints shall have sufficient lateral support to prevent out-of-plane with mechanically laminated assembly when screws are the only
lateral movement or buckling, and/or delamination in the splice region. fastener used to join individual layers.
1.4 This Engineering Practice does not preclude the use of assembly 3.4 vertically laminated assembly: An assembly primarily designed to
designs not meeting the criteria in clauses 1.2 and 1.3. resist bending loads applied parallel to the planes of contact between
individual layers figure 1a. Virtually all mechanically laminated
2 Normative references assemblies are designed as vertically laminated assemblies.
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in 3.5 horizontally laminated assembly: An assembly primarily designed
this text, constitute provisions of this Engineering Practice. At the time of to resist bending loads applied normal to the planes of contact between
publication, the editions were valid. All standards are subject to revision, individual layers figure 1b. Mechanically laminated assemblies
and parties to agreements based on this Engineering Practice are designed as horizontally laminated assemblies do not fall under the
encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent scope of this Engineering Practice.
editions of the standards indicated below. Standards organizations 3.6 unspliced assembly: A mechanically laminated assembly that
maintain registers of currently valid standards. contains no end joints or contains only certified structural glued end
AF&PA 2005, National Design Specification NDS for Wood joints.
Construction 3.6.1 certified structural glued end joint: Any end joint that meets the
AITC Test T110-2007, Cyclic Delamination Test material and manufacturing requirements outlined in clause 4.5.



Table 1 Minimum Preservative Treatment Levels for Mechanically-Laminated Wood Assemblies
Wood Species \ Southern Pine, Mixed Jack Pine, Western White Spruce-Pine-Fir West Redwood
Southern Pine, Radiata Lodgepole Pine Spruce,
Pine, Patula Pine, Engelmann Spruce,
Caribbean Pine, Sitka Spruce
Ponderosa Pine, Red
Pine, Eastern White Pine,
Coastal Douglas-fir,
Hem-fir, Hem-fir North,
Subalpine Fir
In In In In In
Exposed Exposed Exposed Exposed Exposed
Freshwater Freshwater Freshwater Freshwater Freshwater
Mechanically-Laminated Assembly Use Location\ Above Above Above Above Above
or Ground or Ground or Ground or Ground or Ground
Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground
Contact Contact Contact Contact Contact
AWPA Use Category for Sawn Products \ 4A 4B 4A 4B 4A 4B 4A 4B 4A 4B

Oilborne and Creosote-Based Treatments Preservative Retentions kg/m3 lbm/ft3

Creosote CR, 160 160 160 160 160 160 # # 160 160
Creosote Solution CR-S, 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0
Creosote-Petroleum Solution CR-PS
Pentachlorophenol penta Solvent A PCP-A, 8.0 8.0 6.4 8.0 6.4 8.0 # # 8.0 8.0
Pentachlorophenol penta Solvent C PCP-C 0.50 0.50 0.40 0.50 0.40 0.50 0.50 0.50
Copper Naphthenate 0.96 1.2 0.96 1.2 0.96 1.2 # # 0.96 1.2
0.06 0.075 0.06 0.075 0.06 0.075 0.06 0.075

Waterborne Treatments Preservative Retentions kg/m3 lbm/ft3

Acid Copper Chromate ACC 8.0 # 8.0 # 8.0 # # # 8.0 #
0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
Chromated Copper Arsenate Type C CCA, 6.4 9.6 6.4 9.6 6.4 9.6 6.4 9.6 6.4 9.6
Ammoniacal Copper Zinc Arsenate ACZA 0.40 0.60 0.40 0.60 0.40 0.60 0.40 0.60 0.40 0.60

ANSI/ASAE EP559.1 W/Corr.1 AUG2010

Ammoniacal Copper Quat Type B ACQ-B 6.4 9.6 # # 6.4 9.6 # # # #
0.40 0.60 0.40 0.60
Ammoniacal Copper Quat Type C ACQ-C 6.4 9.6 6.4 9.6 # 9.6 6.4 9.6 # 9.6
0.40 0.60 0.40 0.60 0.60 0.40 0.60 0.60
Ammoniacal Copper Quat Type D ACQ-D 6.4 9.6 6.4 9.6 6.4 9.6 # 9.6 # 9.6
0.40 0.60 0.40 0.60 0.40 0.60 0.60 0.60
Copper Azole Type C CA-C 2.4 5.0 # 5.0 # # # # # #
0.15 0.31 0.31
Copper Azole Type B CA-B 3.3 5.0 # 5.0 # # # # # #
0.21 0.31 0.31
Copper Azole Type A CBA-A 6.5 9.8 # 9.8 # # # # # #
0.41 0.61 0.61
Waterborne Copper Naphthenate CuN-W 1.76 # 1.76 # # # # # # #
0.11 0.11

a From AWPA U1-09


# Either no proposal for standardization and/or data demonstrating efficacy of a preservative/species combination has been submitted to AWPA; or the use of the preservative/species combination has been
proven ineffective
4 Material and manufacturing requirements
4.1 Lumber. Laminations lumber shall be identified by the grade mark
of, or certificate of inspection issued by, a lumber grading or inspection
bureau or agency recognized as being competent see NIST PS20.
4.2 Preservative wood treatment. Any mechanically laminated
assembly or portion thereof that is in ground contact or in fresh water
shall be pressure preservative-treated in accordance with AWPA U1 Use
Category 4B requirements for sawn products as given in Table 1. This
level of treatment shall extend a minimum of 400 mm 16 in. above the
ground or waterline. Mech-lam assemblies that are located above
ground, but are exposed to all weather cycles, including prolonged
wetting, should be treated in accordance with AWPA U1 Use Category 4A
requirements for sawn products as given in Table 1.
4.3 Restricted use of preservatives. The US Environmental Protection
Agency has restricted, but not banned, the use of creosote,
pentachlorophenol, and inorganic arsenicals, including CCA. The
Figure 1 a Vertically laminated, b horizontal laminated assemblies restrictions are variable. They may require only coating for a specific use,
while in other cases they are prohibited. Generally, more restrictions
occur where the environment is enclosed, and severe restrictions are
imposed around feed and water. For specific criteria and limitations, refer
to the appropriate government documents. The primary on-line source for
3.7 spliced assembly: A mechanically laminated assembly that U.S. government regulations is http://
contains one or more common end joints. Other sources for information relating to wood
3.7.1 common end joint: An end joint that does not meet requirements preservative treatments include the U.S Consumer Product Safety
Commission and the National Pesticide
for classification as a certified structural glued end joint. Common end
Information Center
joints include, but are not limited to: glued scarf joints and glued finger
joints that do not meet the requirements of clause 4.5, butt joints, and 4.4 Fasteners in treated lumber. Mechanical fasteners used above
metal connector plate MCP reinforced butt joints. grade to join waterborne preservativetreated lumber, shall be of AISI
3.8 overall splice length, L: The distance between the two farthest type 304 or 316 stainless steel, silicon bronze, or copper, or shall contain
removed extreme outer common end joints in a group of end joints that a coating applied in accordance with the treated wood or fastener
contains one common end joint in each layer figure 2. manufacturers recommendations for AWPA U1 Use Category 4A
treatment levels for sawn lumber products. In the absence of
3.9 joint spacing, S: The distance between end joints figure 2. When manufacturers recommendations, a minimum of ASTM A653, type G185
end joints are equally spaced and there is only one end joint in each zinc-coated galvanized steel, or equivalent, shall be used. Mechanical
layer, S is equal to the overall splice length divided by n - 1, where n is fasteners that are used below grade to assure compatibility of
the number of layers. deformation between treated laminates shall be of AISI type 304 or 316
3.10 splice region: That portion of an assembly located between and stainless steel.
within a distance of L /4 of a group of common end joints. In an assembly 4.5 Certified structural glued end joints. Certified structural glued end
with one end joint in each layer, the total length of the splice region is joints shall be manufactured using adhesives meeting the requirements
equal to 1.5L figure 2. Although there can be more than one splice of 4.5.1. The production process shall be subject to initial qualification in
region per assembly, the splice regions shall not overlap. accordance with 4.5.2, daily quality control in accordance with 4.5.3, and
3.11 unspliced region: Those portions of an assembly not included in periodic auditing by an accredited inspection agency in accordance with
a splice region figure 2. 4.5.4.
3.12 joint arrangement: The relative location of end joints in a spliced 4.5.1 Adhesives. Adhesives used in certified structural glued end joints
assembly. shall conform to the requirements of AITC 405.
3.13 allowable stress design ASD: A method of sizing a structural 4.5.2 Initial Qualification. The production of certified structural glued
member such that elastically computed stresses produced in the member end joints shall be subject to initial qualification by testing a minimum of
by design loads a.k.a. nominal or service loads do not exceed the 30 specimens for strength in accordance with ASTM D7469-08 and a
members specified allowable stress. Also called working stress design. minimum of 5 specimens for delamination in accordance with AITC Test
3.14 load and resistance factor design LRFD: A method of sizing a T110.
structural member such that the computed forces produced in the Strength Requirement. The 5% tolerance limit with 75%
member by factored design loads do not exceed the members factored confidence for bending strength shall meet or exceed 2.1 times the
resistance design strength. Also called strength design. adjusted edgewise bending design value, Fb, calculated in accordance

Figure 2 Spliced assembly definitions


Table 2 Recommended joint arrangements
Number of layers Common end joint type Outside butt joint reinforcement1 Recommended joint arrangements2
Butt joints No 3A
3 Butt joints Yes 3A, 3B
Glued end joints3 NA 3A, 3B
Butt joints No 4B, 4C
4 Butt joints Yes 4A
Glued end joints3 NA 4A, 4B, 4C
See clause 5.4.
See figure 3.
Glued end joints that do not meet the requirements in clause 4.5 for certified structural glued end joints.

with the National Design Specifications NDS for Wood Construction qualifying proof load; load rate; and details of any failure that occurs prior
for normal load duration and dry-service conditions. When the end joint to reaching the QPL.
connects lumber with different Fb values, the required strength shall be Use of test specimens. Test specimens that meet the strength
based on the lesser of the two Fb values. requirements of clause without visible or audible signs of failure Delamination Requirement. Delamination after one complete can be used in the production of laminated assemblies.
cycle shall not exceed 5% for softwoods or 8% for hardwoods. If Cyclic delamination. Tests shall be conducted in accordance
delamination exceeds these values after one cycle, a second cycle shall
with AITC Test T110. Delamination after one complete cycle shall not
be performed on the same specimens, in which case the delamination
exceed 5% for softwoods or 8% for hardwoods. If delamination exceeds
shall not exceed 10%.
these values after one cycle, a second cycle shall be performed on the
4.5.3 Daily Quality Control. All glued end joints produced during a work same specimens, in which case the delamination shall not exceed 10%.
shift shall qualify as certified structural glued end joints if all end joints Documentation of test. A record shall be kept of each test
sampled in accordance with clause meet the strength
that includes: date and time of test, identifying information for batch of
requirements of clause and the delamination requirements of
end joints being tested, and the required report from AITC Test T110.
4.5.4 Periodic Auditing. All certified structural glued end joints shall be Sampling. The number of end joints to be tested for strength
manufactured in facilities that are subject to periodic, unannounced
and delamination shall be a minimum of 1 per 200 manufactured joints,
audits by an accredited inspection agency. All processes and records
but no less than 2 end joints per work shift, with one of these joints being
relevant to the production of such end joints shall be subject to audit.
the first produced during the work shift and the other being the last
produced during the work shift. In addition, the first production joint Accredited Inspection Agency. An accredited inspection
produced following a change of end joint cutter heads shall be tested, agency is defined as an entity that:
and the first joint produced following any major change in end joint a Operates an inspection system which audits the quality control
production variables shall be tested. Major changes include, but are not systems for certified structural end joints.
limited to, changes in lumber dimension, lumber grade, lumber species, b Provides the facilities and personnel to perform the audit and to verify
lumber treatment, and curing procedure. the required testing.
c Determines the individual facilitys ability to produce certified Strength. A glued end joint must not fail when subjected to the
structural end joints in accordance with this standard.
appropriate qualifying proof load QPL. The QPL is an edge-wise d Provides periodic auditing of the plants production operations and
bending load applied in accordance with the requirements of ASTM production quality to ensure compliance with this standard.
D7469 with the end joint located midway between load points. The e Enforces the proper use of the inspection agency quality marks and
magnitude of the QPL is the load that induces a maximum wood bending certificates
stress in the sample equal to 2.1 times the adjusted bending design f Has no financial interest in, or is not financially dependent upon, any
value, Fb, calculated in accordance with the National Design single company manufacturing any portion of the product being inspected
Specifications NDS for Wood Construction for normal load duration or tested.
and dry-service conditions. When the end joint connects lumber with g Is not owned, operated, or controlled by any single company
different Fb values, the QPL shall be based on the lesser of the two Fb manufacturing any portion of the product being inspected or tested.
values. h Provides an arbitration review board to arbitrate disputes between the End joint failure. Is any failure that is initiated by the joint. This agency and the laminator. Such a board shall include, but not be limited
does not include wood fractures that originate at locations away from the to, three persons:
joint and extend to the joint where they may then initiate a glue bond 1. A recognized independent authority in the field of engineered
failure or wood fracture in the end joint. timber construction to serve as chairman Non joint failure. Is any failure that is not classified as an end 2. At least one registered professional engineer knowledgeable in
joint failure. If a non joint failure occurs prior to full application of the QPL, the design and use of the final product.
the test is inconclusive with respect to end joint strength and another end 3. At least one person knowledgeable in the manufacture and qual-
joint specimen must be tested. Where possible, this replacement ity control of certified structural glued end joints.
specimen should be the end joint manufactured immediately before or i Is accredited under ISO/IEC Standard 17020 as an Inspection
after the end joint associated with the inconclusive test. Agency. Documentation of test. A record shall be kept of each test 4.6 Metal connector plates. Metal connector plates used to reinforce
that includes: date and time of test; lumber size, species and grade; common end joints shall meet all applicable requirements specified in


Table 4 Minimum required interlayer shear capacities-Level I1
Minimum required interlayer shear
Actual face width capacity per interface per unit length
of laminations, of assembly, N/mm lbf/in.
mm in. Allowable Stress Design Load and Resistance
ASD Factor LRFD Design
140 5.5 2.1 12 2.8 16
184 7.25 2.6 15 3.5 20
235 9.25 3.3 19 4.5 26
286 11.25 4.2 24 5.8 32
For unspliced assemblies, assemblies with either common glued end
joints and/or certified structural glued end joints, and unspliced regions
of assemblies with butt joints.

5.3.1 Interlayer shear capacity. Minimum required interlayer shear

capacities are expressed on the basis of force per interface per unit
length of assembly. There are two design levels. Level I values are listed
in table 4 and apply to: 1 unspliced assemblies, 2 unspliced regions
of spliced assemblies, and 3 spliced assemblies with common glued
end joints i.e., glued joints that do not meet the requirements of clause
4.5. Level II values apply to the splice region of all assemblies with butt
joints even when the butt joints are reinforced. Use equation 1 to
calculate level II values. This equation only applies to assemblies with
Figure 3 Joint arrangements for three- and four-layer spliced assemblies overall splice lengths equal to or greater than the table 3 minimums.
ISC = Fb d 0.0024+A d / L2- E/B 1
ANSI/TPI 1 except that no specific structural design evaluation is
required beyond that given in clause 5.4 of this EP. ISC is minimum required interlayer shear capacity per interface per unit
length of assembly, N/mm lbf/in.;
Fb is adjusted bending design value for the unspliced region see clause
5 Nail- and screw-laminated assembly design 6.1, MPa lbf/in.2;
d is assembly depth lamination face width, mm in.;
5.1 End joint arrangement. End joint arrangement is dependent on the
L is overall splice length, mm in.;
number of layers, type of end joints, and presence or absence of joint
reinforcement. End joint arrangements described in table 2 and shown in E is wood modulus of elasticity, MPa lbf/in.2;
figure 3 shall be used for common end joints. A is a constant = 43.3 mm 1.708 in.;
5.2 Overall splice length. Wood stresses and fastener shear forces B is a constant = 8,600,000 MPa 12.46108 lbf/in.2.
within the splice region can increase rapidly as overall splice length is 5.3.2 Fastener density. The minimum number of nails or screw
reduced. For applications where the splice region is located at a point of fasteners required for lamination is obtained by dividing the minimum
high assembly bending moment, the minimum overall splice lengths in required interlayer shear capacity ISC by the adjusted lateral design
table 3 are recommended. When the splice region is centered at a point load, Z, of an individual fastener. The adjusted lateral design load for a
of low assembly bending moment, overall splice lengths shorter than fastener shall be calculated in accordance with AF&PA National Design
those in table 3 may be more practical. Specification NDS for Wood Construction.
5.3 Fastener requirements. The number of nails or screw fasteners 5.3.3 Fastener diameter. Unless pre-bored holes are utilized, the
required in an assembly is dependent on the amount of shear that must diameter of fasteners without self-drilling capabilities shall not exceed
be transferred between layers interlayer shear capacity. Fastener one-eighth the actual thickness of a lamination. For screws and threaded
location is controlled by spacing requirements which reduce the nail fasteners, the diameter is taken as the diameter of the shank or
likelihood of splitting, yet ensure a good distribution of fasteners. unthreaded portion of the fastener.

Table 3 Recommended minimum overall splice lengths Table 5 Minimum fastener spacings
Actual face width of laminations, Minimum overall splice length,
mm in. m in. Nail/screw diameters
Glued end joints1 Butt joints Edge distance 10
140 5.5 0.61 24 1.22 48 End distance 15
184 7.25 0.91 36 1.52 60 Spacing pitch between fasteners in a row 20
235 9.25 0.91 36 1.83 72 Spacing gage between rows of fasteners
286 11.25 1.22 48 2.44 96 - in-line 10
1 - staggered 5
See clause 4.5.


Table 6 Repetitive member factors1 bending design values Fb for allowable stress design ASD, table 7a
and 7b values shall be multiplied by the load duration factor CD, wet
Number of laminations service factor CM, temperature factor Ct, beam stability factor CL,
3 4 and incising factor Ci. To obtain Fb for load and resistance factor
Visually graded 1.35 1.40 design LRFD, table 7a and 7b values shall be multiplied by the
appropriate format conversion factor KF, resistance factor for bending
Mechanically graded 1.25 1.30 b, time effect factor , wet service factor CM, temperature factor
For mechanically laminated dimension lumber assemblies with mini- Ct, beam stability factor CL, and incising factor Ci. For both ASD
mum interlayer shear capacity as specified in table 4. and LRFD, the beam stability factor CL shall be calculated in
accordance with clause 6.1.1. The wet-service factor CM shall be
applied where the moisture content in service will exceed 19% for an
5.3.4 Fastener location. To reduce the likelihood of wood splitting, the extended period of time. Generally this adjustment applies to any
minimum fastener spacings in table 5 shall be followed. To ensure a good assembly requiring preservative treatment.
distribution of fasteners, the following additional provisions shall be 6.1.1 Beam stability factor. To adjust for stability, the NDS beam
adhered to: stability factor, CL, is used. The beam stability factor is a function of the A minimum of two fastener rows shall be provided. slenderness ratio, RB, which in turn is a function of dimensions d and b,
and the effective span length of the bending member between points of One fastener row shall be placed within 20 fastener diameters of
lateral support, Le. For the purpose of calculating the slenderness ratio,
one edge and another fastener row within 20 fastener diameters of the RB, for mechanically laminated assemblies, b shall be equated to 60% of
other edge. The spacing pitch between fasteners in each of these two
the actual assembly thickness, and d to the actual face width of a
rows shall not exceed 0.45 m 18 in..
lamination. The effective span length, Le, is a function of the unsupported At least half of the fastener rows shall have a fastener within 20 length, Lu. The unsupported length shall be set equal to the on-center
diameters of each side of each butt joint. All fastener rows shall have a spacing of bracing that keeps the assembly from buckling laterally.
fastener within 35 fastener diameters of each side of each butt joint.
6.2 Spliced assemblies with simple butt joints. The strength and
5.4 Butt-joint reinforcement. The strength and stiffness of assemblies stiffness of a mechanically laminated assembly are reduced within the
with simple butt joints can be improved by reinforcing joints in the outside vicinity of simple butt joints. For design purposes, spliced assemblies
laminations with metal plate connector. To apply the bending strength shall be segmented into spliced and unspliced regions as defined in
modification factor in table 8, each outside joint shall be reinforced with clauses 3.10 and 3.11. The adjusted bending design value Fb for the
one metal connector plate MCP. The MCP shall be centered on the unspliced regions shall be calculated in accordance with clause 6.1. The
joint and meet the following requirements: adjusted bending design value of the splice region shall be obtained by
5.4.1 Width shall be no less than 90% of the actual face width of the multiplying the adjusted bending design value for the unspliced regions of
laminations; the assembly by an appropriate bending strength modification factor.
5.4.2 Length shall be no less than 1.5 times the MCP width; Bending strength modification factors are determined by test according to
clause 6.4. For nail- and screw-laminated assemblies that meet all
5.4.3 Thickness shall be no less than 0.91 mm 0.036 in., 20 gage for requirements of clause 5, the bending strength modification factors in
assemblies with depths of 140 and 184 mm 5.5 and 7.25 in., and no table 8 can be used. In addition, within the splice region of assemblies
less than 1.47 mm 0.058 in., 16 gage for assemblies with depths of 235 with simple butt joints, the distance between points of lateral support
and 286 mm 9.25 and 11.25 in.; shall not exceed 1.0 m 39 inches unless a greater distance can be
5.4.4 The allowable design value in tension, Vt, for the MCP must meet justified via testing.
the following criteria: 6.3 Testing spliced, mechanically-laminated assemblies. Tests used
Vt 0.22Fb t d 2/ w 2 2 to determine the bending strength and stiffness of the splice region of an
where: assembly shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM D198. A
Vt is allowable MCP design value in tension ASD allowable load per unit two-point loading shall be used with all end joints in spliced assemblies
of plate width, N/mm lbf/in.; located between the load points i.e., in the constant moment region.
Specimens shall be fabricated according to clause 6.3.1. The bending
Fb is ASD adjusted bending design value for the unspliced region of the
strength modification factor shall be determined in accordance with
assembly, MPa lbf/in.2, from clause 6.1;
clause 6.3.2.
t is thickness of an individual lamination, mm in.;
6.3.1 Specimen fabrication. An equal number of spliced and unspliced
d is assembly depth lamination face width, mm in.; assemblies five minimum shall be tested. The spliced and unspliced
w is MCP width, mm in.. assemblies shall be identical in size and fabricated from the same batch
of lumber. Lumber shall be allocated to the spliced and unspliced
6 Bending design strength assembly groups such that the distribution of wood modulus of elasticity
E values is similar for both groups. The latter can be accomplished by
6.1 Unspliced assemblies. The adjusted bending design value, Fb for sorting lumber by E in either ascending or descending order and
mechanically laminated assemblies without end joints and mechanically assigning every other piece to the same group.
laminated assemblies with certified structural glued end joints shall be
calculated according to AF&PA National Design Specification NDS for 6.3.2 Bending strength modification factor. When fewer than 25
Wood Construction. All provisions of the NDS shall apply with the assemblies of each type have been tested, the bending strength
exception that the appropriate repetitive member factor, Cr, from table 6 modification factor shall be obtained by dividing the mean ultimate
can be used for any unspliced mechanically laminated assembly with an bending moment for the spliced assemblies by the mean ultimate
interlayer shear capacity that meets or exceeds the values in table 4. bending moment for the unspliced assemblies, and dividing the resulting
Table 7a contains NDS reference bending design values for selected value by the appropriate adjustment factor from table 9. When 25 or
visually graded softwood species that have been adjusted by the more assemblies of each type have been tested, the bending strength
appropriate repetitive member factor and the appropriate NDS size modification factor shall be obtained by dividing the 5% point estimate of
factor, CF. Table 7b contains similarly adjusted NDS reference bending ultimate bending moment for the spliced assemblies by the 5% point
stresses for machine stress rated lumber. To obtain fully adjusted estimate of ultimate bending moment for the unspliced assemblies.


Table 7a Partially-adjusted reference bending design values for visually graded dimension lumber used in unspliced mechanically laminated assemblies
Partially-adjusted reference bending design values1, MPa lbf/in.2
Actual width of individual layers, mm in.
140 5.5 184 7.25 2359.25 28611.25
Number of Laminations:
Modulus of
Lumber Species Lumber Grade 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 Elasticity, GPa x106 lbf/in.2


DFL Sel St 18.2 2635 18.8 2730 16.8 2430 17.4 2520 15.4 2230 15.9 2310 14.0 2025 14.5 2100 13.1 1.9
DFL No. 1 & Better 14.5 2105 15.1 2185 13.4 1945 13.9 2015 12.3 1780 12.7 1850 11.2 1620 11.6 1680 12.4 1.8
DFL No. 1 12.1 1755 12.5 1820 11.2 1620 11.6 1680 10.2 1485 10.6 1540 9.3 1350 9.7 1400 11.7 1.7
DFL No. 2 10.9 1580 11.3 1640 10.1 1460 10.4 1510 9.2 1335 9.6 1385 8.4 1215 8.7 1260 11.0 1.6
HF Sel Str 16.9 2455 17.6 2550 15.6 2270 16.2 2350 14.3 2080 14.9 2155 13.0 1890 13.5 1960 11.0 1.6
HF No. 1 & Better 13.3 1930 13.8 2000 12.3 1780 12.7 1850 11.3 1635 11.7 1695 10.2 1485 10.6 1540 10.3 1.5
HF No. 1 11.8 1710 12.2 1775 10.9 1580 11.3 1640 10.0 1450 10.4 1500 9.1 1315 9.4 1365 10.3 1.5
HF No. 2 10.3 1490 10.7 1545 9.5 1375 9.8 1430 8.7 1260 9.0 1310 7.9 1150 8.2 1190 9.0 1.3
SP Dense Sel Str 25.1 3645 26.1 3780 22.8 3310 23.6 3430 20.0 2905 20.8 3010 19.1 2770 19.8 2870 13.1 1.9
SP Sel Str 23.7 3445 24.6 3570 21.4 3105 22.2 3220 19.1 2770 19.8 2870 17.7 2565 18.3 2660 12.4 1.8
SP Non-Dense SS 21.9 3175 22.7 3290 19.5 2835 20.3 2940 17.2 2500 17.9 2590 16.3 2365 16.9 2450 11.7 1.7
SP No. 1 Dense 16.3 2365 16.9 2450 15.4 2230 15.9 2310 13.5 1960 14.0 2030 12.6 1825 13.0 1890 12.4 1.8
SP No. 1 15.4 2230 15.9 2310 14.0 2025 14.5 2100 12.1 1755 12.5 1820 11.6 1690 12.1 1750 11.7 1.7
SP Non-Dense No. 1 14.0 2025 14.5 2100 12.6 1825 13.0 1890 11.2 1620 11.6 1680 10.7 1555 11.1 1610 11.0 1.6
SP No. 2 Dense 13.5 1960 14.0 2030 13.0 1890 13.5 1960 11.2 1620 11.6 1680 10.7 1555 11.1 1610 11.7 1.7
SP No. 2 11.6 1690 12.1 1750 11.2 1620 11.6 1680 9.8 1420 10.1 1470 9.1 1315 9.4 1365 11.0 1.6
SP Non-Dense No. 2 10.7 1555 11.1 1610 10.2 1485 10.6 1540 8.8 1285 9.2 1330 8.4 1215 8.7 1260 9.7 1.4

ANSI/ASAE EP559.1 W/Corr.1 AUG2010

Reference bending design values Fb from the 2005 NDS after adjustment for size CF and repetitive member use Cr. To obtain a fully adjusted bending design value Fb for allowable stress design
ASD multiply table value by the load duration factor CD, wet service factor CM, temperature factor Ct, beam stability factor CL, and incising factor Ci. To obtain Fb for load and resistance factor
design LRFD multiply table value by the appropriate format conversion factor K F, resistance factor for bending b, time effect factor , wet service factor CM, temperature factor Ct, beam stability
factor CL, and incising factor Ci.
DFL, Douglas Fir-Larch; HF, HemFir; SP, Southern Pine.

Table 7b Partially-adjusted reference bending design values for machine stress rated dimension lumber used in unspliced
mechanically laminated assemblies
Partially-adjusted reference bending design value1 Partially-adjusted reference bending design value1
MPa, lbf/in2 MPa, lbf/in2
Number of laminations Number of laminations
Lumber Grade 3 4 Lumber Grade 3 4
900f-1.0E 7.79 1125 8.07 1170 1800f-1.8E 15.5 2250 16.1 2340
1200f-1.2E 10.3 1500 10.8 1560 1950f-1.5E 16.8 2440 17.5 2535
1250f1.4E 10.8 1565 11.2 1625 1950f-1.7E 16.8 2440 17.5 2535
1350f-1.3E 11.6 1690 12.1 1755 2000f-1.6E 17.2 2500 17.9 2600
1400f-1.2E 12.1 1750 12.5 1820 2100f-1.8E 18.1 2625 18.8 2730
1450f-1.3E 12.5 1815 13.0 1885 2250f-1.7E 19.4 2815 20.2 2925
1450f-1.5E 12.5 1815 13.0 1885 2250f-1.8E 19.4 2815 20.2 2925
1500f-1.4E 12.9 1875 13.4 1950 2250f-1.9E 19.4 2815 20.2 2925
1600f-1.4E 13.8 2000 14.3 2080 2250f-2.0E 19.4 2815 20.2 2925
1650f-1.3E 14.2 2065 14.8 2145 2400f-1.8E 20.7 3000 21.5 3120
1650f-1.5E 14.2 2065 14.8 2145 2400f-2.0E 20.7 3000 21.5 3120
1650f-1.6E 14.2 2065 14.8 2145 2500f-2.2E 21.5 3125 22.4 3250
1650f-1.8E 14.2 2065 14.8 2145 2550f-2.1E 22.0 3190 22.9 3315
1700f-1.6E 14.7 2125 15.2 2210 2700f-2.0E 23.3 3375 24.2 3510
1750f-2.0E 15.1 2190 15.7 2275 2700f-2.2E 23.3 3375 24.2 3510
1800f-1.5E 15.5 2250 16.1 2340 2850f-2.3E 24.6 3565 25.5 3705
1800f-1.6E 15.5 2250 16.1 2340 3000f-2.4E 25.9 3750 26.9 3900
Reference bending design values Fb from the 2005 NDS after adjustment for size CF and repetitive member use Cr. To obtain a fully adjusted
bending design value Fb for allowable stress design ASD multiply table value by the load duration factor CD, wet service factor CM,
temperature factor Ct, beam stability factor CL, and incising factor Ci. To obtain Fb for load and resistance factor design LRFD multiply table
value by the appropriate format conversion factor KF, resistance factor for bending b, time effect factor , wet service factor CM, temperature
factor Ct, beam stability factor CL, and incising factor Ci.

7 Bending stiffness modification factor for any spliced assembly can be determined from
tests conducted in accordance with clause 6.3. Use the equations in
7.1 Assemblies without end joints. The modulus of elasticity E of an
table 10 to obtain stiffness modification factors from the test data.
assembly without end joints is equal to the average E of the individual Equation 3 can be used to calculate the bending stiffness modification
laminations. factor for spliced nail-lams and spliced screw-lams without butt-joint
7.2 Assemblies with glued end joints. The E of spliced assemblies reinforcement that meet the requirements of clause 5.
with common glued end joints and/or certified structural glued end joints = 0.887- 1.329d 3E t/ L5Kp0.25 3
is equal to the average E of the individual laminations.
7.3 Assemblies with butt joints. The stiffness of a mechanically
laminated assembly is reduced within the vicinity of simple butt joints. For
is bending stiffness modification factor;
structural analysis purposes, spliced assemblies can be segmented into d is face width of laminations, mm in.;
spliced and unspliced regions as defined in clauses 3.10 and 3.11, t is thickness of an individual lamination, mm in.;
respectively. The E of the unspliced regions is equal to the average E of L is overall splice length, mm in.;
the individual laminations. An effective E for the spliced region is
obtained by multiplying the E of the unspliced regions of the assembly by
a bending stiffness modification factor.
7.3.1 Bending stiffness modification factors. The bending stiffness Table 9 Adjustment factors for mean strength ratio1
n Spliced assemblies with outside All other spliced
butt-joint reinforcement only assemblies
Table 8 Bending strength modification factors for nail-
laminated assemblies1 5 0.88 0.77
Joint description Bending strength 10 0.92 0.80
modification factor 15 0.93 0.81
Unreinforced butt joints 0.42 20 0.935 0.815
Each outside butt joint reinforced with one MCP 0.55 25 0.94 0.82
Factors apply only to nail-laminated assemblies that meet all require- Multiply adjustment factor by ratio of mean strengths of spliced and
ments in clause 5. Recommended joint arrangements and minimum unspliced assemblies to obtain the bending strength modification factor.
overall splice lengths in tables 2 and 3 shall be used. 2
n is the number of spliced or unspliced assemblies tested.


Table 10 Equations for calculating bending stiffness modification factors from test data1
Location of deflection measurement
Location of load point
Load point Midspan
D 2b D2/4 b2
ba = =
4 EI l /a2P + 4a/3 2b 4 EI m /aP + a2/3 b2
3a2D 4a3 2b3 3aD2/8 b3 2a3/2
ba = =
12 EI l /P 2b 3
6 EI m /P b3
where: is bending stiffness modification factor
D is distance between supports
a is distance between support and load point
b is distance from support to spliced region. Equal to D 1.5 L/2
l is load point deflection for spliced assembly due to load P
m is midspan deflection for spliced assembly due to load P
P is total applied load sum of both load points
EI is effective flexural rigidity of the unspliced assembly. Equal to the product of
wood modulus of elasticity and moment of inertia
L is overall splice length
1 See figure 4 for graphical depiction of equation variables.

K is stiffness of an individual fastener joint i.e., shear force divided by 8.1.3 The scope of this Engineering Practice is limited to three- and
interlayer slip, N/mm lbf/in.; four-layer assemblies because they represent the vast majority of
p is average fastener density in the splice region fasteners per unit assemblies used in post-frame building construction, and are the only
contact area, 1/mm2 1/in.2; mechanically laminated assemblies that have been extensively tested
and modeled to date. The scope of this Engineering Practice is limited to
E is wood modulus of elasticity, MPa lbf/in.2.
uniaxial bending about axis Y-Y figure 1a because: 1 mechanically
laminated assemblies are generally substantially weaker when bent
8 Commentary about axis X-X, and 2 calculating biaxial bending stresses in
8.1 Purpose and scope mechanically laminated assemblies is a complex function of boundary
conditions, the stiffness of individual laminations, and the stiffness of
8.1.1 Mechanically-laminated assemblies are widely used as structural interlayer connections.
columns in post-frame buildings. The suitability of such columns is
generally dependent on their bending properties. Bending properties for 8.2 Definitions
a mechanically-laminated assembly vary significantly depending upon 8.2.1 Splice region. Defining a splice region is very important for
orientation and whether or not it contains butt joints. assemblies with simple butt joints. In such assemblies, the splice region
8.1.2 Although this Engineering Practice does not address axial is required to have more interlayer connectors and is assigned bending
assembly strength, the designer should consider all appropriate design strength and stiffness values that are lower than those for unspliced
conditions including possible axial and bending load combinations. regions of the assembly. The decision to terminate the splice region at a
distance of L /4 from the outer end joints in a group of common end joints Adjusted compression design value parallel-to-grain, Fc. resulting in a splice region length of 1.5 times the overall splice length,
Provisions in Section 15.3 of the NDS can be used to calculate the L was based on finite element analyses of three- and four-layer
adjusted compression design value parallel-to-grain, Fc, for both spliced assemblies. These analyses showed that fastener shear forces fall off
and unspliced mechanically laminated assemblies. In order to apply NDS rapidly as the distance from the extreme outer joints increases. At a
Section 15.3 to spliced assemblies: 1 members must be in full contact distance L /4 from the extreme outer joints, the fastener shear forces
at all end-joints; that is, there can be no gaps between members at an have dropped to level where they are at or below the average shear
end joint, 2 lateral support must be provided to prevent weak axis force of the fasteners located between the two extreme outer end joints.
buckling i.e., buckling perpendicular to the wide faces of the individual
layers in the vicinity of all end joints, or face plates capable of preventing 8.3 Material and manufacturing requirements
weak axis buckling must be installed, and 3 the slenderness ratio, 8.3.1 Preservative wood treatment. Treatment of exposed,
le1/d1, for buckling about the strong axis must be divided by the square above-ground assemblies in accordance with AWPA Use Category 4A
root of the bending stiffness modification factor as determined in instead of AWPA Use Category 3B recognizes the more critical nature
accordance with Clause 7.3.1. This adjustment to the slenderness ratio of the assemblies, as well as the greater adsorption of water by the
has the same net effect on the critical bucking design value for assemblies due to their interlayer planes. Water adsorbed between
compression, FcE, as multiplying the Emin by the bending stiffness layers may not evaporate as rapidly as surface moisture. The addition of
modification factor. Multiplying Emin by the bending stiffness modification construction adhesive between layers may also impede interlayer drying.
factor properly accounts for the increase in assembly bending flexibility
8.3.2 Fasteners in treated lumber. Clause 4.4 was based in part on
and hence the increased buckling potential associated with the end
joints. Note that if there is no end joint within the length l1 used to define Section 2.4.1 of The Permanent Wood Foundation SystemDesign,
the effective length, le1, the bending stiffness modification factor for that Fabrication and Installation Manual AF&PA, 1992. The requirements in
length is equal to 1.0. In practice, it is not uncommon to also set the this document are based on the results of a 17-year Forest Products
bending stiffness modification factor equal to 1.0 for lengths in which all Laboratory study Baker, 1992.
end joints are no more than about 2 d1 from a point of zero bending 8.3.3 Certified structural glued end joints. Sampling requirements in
moment. clause are based in part on sampling requirements published in


ANSI/AITC A19/0.1 for glued end joints used in glued laminated timber. allowable lateral load per fastener, Z, is the design interlayer shear
Strength requirements in clause are based in part on the Glued capacity per interface per unit length of assembly . For unspliced regions,
Lumber Policy published by the American Lumber Standard Committee. this design capacity i.e., the product of nF and Z must exceed the
Clause permits test specimens to be used in the production of appropriate minimum required ISC value from table 4 i.e., the Level I
laminated assemblies as long as the strength requirements of clause ISC value. The minimum required ISC values in table 4 for LRFD were are met during testing without visible or audible signs of a failure. obtained by multiplying the ASD values by a factor of 1.35. In theory, this
While it is recognized that damage can accumulate within a specimen by ratio should be equal to KF /CD, where from the NDS, KF is a ASD
subjecting it to the qualifying proof load QPL, as long as this QPL is to LRFD format conversion factor, a LRFD resistance factor, the
met but not not exceeded by more than 1 or 2 percent, and there are LRFD time effect factor, and CD, the ASD load duration factor. In
no visible or audible signs of failure, any accumulated damage should not accordance with the NDS, the product of KF and is numerically equal
be at a level that would justify a reduction in design strength. Allowing to 2.16. The ratio of CM to was taken as 1.60.
test specimens to be incorporated into production assemblies recognizes For spliced regions, the product of nF and Z must exceed the minimum
the value of minimizing solid waste and/or downcycling of wood required ISC value calculated using equation 1 i.e., the Level II ISC
resources. value. Equation 1 produces different required ISC values for ASD and
8.4 Nail- and screw-laminated assembly design requirements LRFD because the adjusted bending design stress, Fb, is different for
ASD and LRFD methodologies. Equation 1 is based on an EISS
8.4.1 Most mechanically laminated assemblies used in construction are effective interlayer shear stress equation developed by Bohnhoff
nail-laminated, although an increasing number of screw-laminated are 1996. The EISS equation predicts the average interlayer shear stress
being used. When these assemblies contain simple butt joints, the in the 25% most highly loaded fasteners within the splice region when the
bending strength and stiffness of the assemblies are controlled by overall average interlayer slip of these fasteners is 0.38 mm 0.015 in..
splice length, fastener location and density, and presence or absence Equation 1 yields values that are two-thirds of those obtained from the
of butt-joint reinforcement. Clause 5 of this Engineering Practice contains EISS equation. The two-thirds factor was applied because designs with
design requirements for these assembly variables. When these design this lower shear capacity did not experience nail-related failures when
requirements are followed i.e., recommended minimum splice lengths, laboratory tested. Care should be taken not to over-specify shear
joint arrangements, and fastener capacities are used, the bending capacity since over-nailing or over-screwing can negatively influence
strength and stiffness of the spliced assemblies can be calculated assembly strength.
according to procedures outlined in clauses 6 and 7. In other words, Fastener location. The minimum fastener spacings in table 5
there is no need to conduct laboratory tests to determine bending
properties of spliced nail-lams or of spliced screw-lams. are based on a study of actual assembly failures. These minimums are
more conservative than those published in the NDS Commentary
8.4.2 Joint arrangement. The recommended joint arrangements table AF&PA, 2005. In addition to the minimum nail spacings, clause 5.3.4
2 and minimum overall splice lengths table 3 were selected after also contains provisions to ensure a good distribution of fasteners. These
extensive finite element analysis FEA and laboratory testing. The ability provisions were based in part on the requirements given for mechanically
of FEA to accurately predict the behavior of assemblies has been laminated built-up columns in clause 15.3.3 of the NDS.
demonstrated in four major studies Bohnhoff et al., 1989; Bohnhoff et
8.4.5 Butt-joint reinforcement. Specifications in clause 5.4 are based
al., 1991; Bohnhoff et al., 1993; Williams et al., 1996. Assemblies
featuring joint arrangements 3A, 4A, and 4B have been laboratory tested, on tests conducted by Bohnhoff et al. 1991 and Williams et al. 1994.
while assemblies with joint arrangements 3B and 4C have not. Equation 2 ensures that the ratio of metal connector plate MCP
bending capacity to lamination bending capacity is consistent with that for
8.4.3 Overall splice length. Minimum overall splice length is primarily assembly designs used to establish the 0.55 factor in table 8. For the
controlled by fastener shear forces in assemblies that are 140 and 184 MCP geometries specified in clause 5.4, tests show that plate bending
mm 5.5 and 7.25 in. deep, and by wood shear stresses in assemblies strength is controlled by plate tensile strength and not by the lateral
fabricated from 235 and 286 mm 9.25 and 11.25 in. wide lumber. When resistance of tooth-to-wood connections. The allowable MCP design
overall splice lengths less than those in table 3 are used for 140 and 184 value in tension Vt, is equal to the tensile force required to fracture the
mm deep assemblies, the number of fasteners required within the splice plate, multiplied by 0.6 which is an ultimate-to-allowable strength
region to maintain strength becomes excessive and minimum fastener conversion factor, and divided by plate width.
spacings are difficult to maintain.
Ultimate tensile strength for a MCP is typically determined by The minimum splice lengths listed in table 3 for mechanically simultaneously loading a pair of MCPs in accordance with ANSI/TPI
laminated assemblies with common glued end joints are half as long as 1-2007 Section 5.4. To obtain Vt for use in equation 2, divide the total
those specified for assemblies with simple butt joints. This decrease in tension load required to fracture the two MCPs identified as Ptp in
required splice length reflects the fact that interlayer shear transfer is ANSI/TPI 1-2007 by 2.0 and the MCP width. Clause 5.4 in this
considerably less in mechanically laminated assemblies with glued end document only applies to assemblies with a single MCP on each outside
joints than it is in assemblies with simple butt joints. It is important to note lamination and thus Vt in equation 2 is the force per unit width required
that the effect of overall splice length on the strength of mechanically to fracture a single plate.
laminated assemblies with glued end joints has not been investigated,
this despite the fact that such assemblies are commonly used in 8.5 Bending design stress
post-frame buildings. To this end, the minimum splice lengths listed in 8.5.1 Repetitive member factors. Repetitive member factors in table 6
table 3 for assemblies with common glued end joints are felt to be slightly are based on test results from four major studies Bonnickson and
conservative. Based on a brief review of literature, it would appear that Suddarth, 1966; Bohnhoff et al., 1991; Williams et al., 1994; Chiou,
the spacing of end joints in vertically glued-laminated glulam 1995.
assemblies has also not been studied.
8.5.2 Slenderness ratio. The slenderness ratio required for calculation Recommended minimum overall splice lengths increase as the
of the beam stability factor is based on a width, b, that is equal to 60%
face width of the laminations increase because assembly bending of the actual width of the assembly. This 40% reduction is used to
strength increases as lamination width increases. Unless the minimum account for the decrease in bending stiffness about axis X-X Figure 1
overall splice length is increased along with lamination face width, the that is associated with slip between individual wood layers. This slip
strength gain associated with the increased width will be compromised by allows for additional lateral movement, which increases the potential for
a lower bending strength in the splice region. lateral torsional buckling. Actual reduction in lateral torsional buckling
8.4.4 Interlayer shear capacity. The number of fasteners per interface strength is a complex function of interlayer shear stiffness and strength,
per unit length of assembly, nF, multiplied by the NDS adjusted member depth, number of layers, presence and relative location of end

10 ANSI/ASAE EP559.1 W/Corr.1 AUG2010 ASABE STANDARDS 2011

joints, and spacing of lateral supports. To apply the 60% factor, the MS is mean strength of the spliced assemblies
interlayer shear capacity should be no less than specified in Clause SS is standard deviation of spliced assembly strength
MU is mean strength of the unspliced assemblies
8.5.3 Bending strength modification factors. The table 8 values are
SU is standard deviation of unspliced assembly strength
based on tests conducted by Bohnhoff et al. 1991 and Williams et al.
1994 on assemblies with minimum overall splice lengths.
8.5.4 Testing laminated assemblies. When the bending strength 8.6 Bending stiffness
modification factors in table 8 do not apply, a series of laboratory tests 8.6.1 Assemblies without end joints. When the layers of an unspliced
must be conducted. Both spliced assemblies and unspliced assemblies assembly are forced by a load-distributing element to have the same
are tested and the bending strength modification factor is calculated from displaced geometry, there is little, if any, slip between the individual
the test results using procedures outlined in clause 6.3.2. In the past, it layers. When there is little or no slip between individual layers, and each
was common practice to determine the ASD design bending strength of layer has 1 the same moment of inertia, and 2 a centroid located on
a new spliced assembly design by testing a series of the assemblies and the centroidal axis Y-Y figure 1, then the modulus of elasticity E of the
then dividing the 5% point estimate of ultimate bending moment by a assembly is equal to the average E of the layers.
factor of 2.1. The drawbacks of this method were that 1 the reduction 8.6.2 Assemblies with glued end joints. The criteria for assemblies
in strength due to splicing could not be calculated since unspliced without end joints also applies to spliced assemblies with both common
assemblies had not been tested, and 2 the resulting design value and certified structural glued end joints because at a glued end joint the
applies only to assemblies fabricated from the same batch of lumber as members forming the joint have the same rotation and vertical
that used to fabricate the test specimens lumber strength and stiffness displacement. Although an assembly with common glued end joints will
can vary significantly from batch to batch, even though both batches may not have the bending strength of an identical assembly with certified
be of the same grade and species. Both of these shortcomings are structural glued end joints, both assemblies will behave as assemblies
avoided with the outlined procedure. void of end joints up until their respective points of failure.
8.5.5 Calculation of bending strength modification factors from test 8.6.3 Assemblies with butt joints. To be accurately represented in a
data. The bending strength modification factor is defined as ratio of the plane-frame structural analog, an assembly with butt joints must be
5% point estimate of ultimate bending moment for the spliced assemblies divided into elements. To be consistent with the rest of this Engineering
to the 5% point estimate of ultimate bending moment for the unspliced Practice, spliced assemblies are segmented into spliced and unspliced
assemblies. Because 5% point estimates can be largely influenced by regions as defined in clauses 3.10 and 3.11, respectively.
the number of assemblies tested and the distribution selected to
represent the data, a generally conservative procedure is provided for 8.6.4 Bending stiffness modification factors. The equations in table
use when the total number of each assembly type tested is less than 25. 10 apply only to assemblies tested under a symmetric two-point loading.
This more conservative procedure is easier to apply since it does not They were derived using the conjugate beam method. Use of these
require that test data be fit to a probability density function, only that the equations requires a good estimate of the effective rigidity of the
mean ultimate bending moment for each assembly type be calculated. To unspliced section, EI, which is the product of wood modulus of elasticity
obtain the bending strength modification factor, the ratio of mean ultimate and moment of inertia. For the stiffness modification factor to be
bending moment for spliced assemblies to that for unspliced assemblies meaningful, EI must be determined by a laboratory test of lumber
is multiplied by the appropriate adjustment factor from table 9. This representative of that used to fabricate the spliced assemblies either
adjustment factor accounts for the number of assemblies tested and for individual pieces or unspliced assemblies can be tested.
the difference between mean assembly strength and the 5% point The load P used in the table 10 equations should correspond to a total
estimate of assembly strength. The table 9 factors were developed load that would induce design level stresses in the assembly. If a series
assuming: 1 normal distributions of bending strength for all assembly of tests have been conducted, equate P/ to the average slope of the
types, 2 a ratio of 1.50 between the bending strength COV for spliced linear portion of the load-deflection plots, and set EI equal to the average
assemblies without outside butt-joint reinforcement and the bending flexural rigidity of the test assemblies.
strength COV of unspliced assemblies, 3 a ratio of 1.00 between the Equation 3 is from Bohnhoff 1996 and requires an estimate of
bending strength COV for spliced assemblies with outside butt-joint
individual nail-joint stiffness, K, which is the slope of the relationship
reinforcement and the bending strength COV of unspliced assemblies.
between nail shear force and interlayer slip. For common wire nails, the
When more than 25 assemblies have been tested, clause 6.3.2 requires secant stiffness corresponding to an interlayer slip of 0.38 mm 0.015 in.
calculation of 5% point estimates. Although this is a more involved can be approximated as:
process, it will also yield results less conservative than those obtained K=CG1.25D1.5 5
using mean strengths and the table 9 factors. If the distribution of
ultimate bending strength for both spliced and unspliced assemblies is where:
assumed to be normally distributed, the ratio of 5% point estimates i.e., K is interlayer stiffness, N/mm lbf/in.;
the bending strength modification factor would be given as: G is specific gravity based on oven-dry weight and volume;
Bending strength modification factor = D is nail diameter, mm in.;
MS 1 - 1.645 SS / MU 1 - 1.645 SU 4 C = 415.3 for K in N/mm and D in mm;
where: = 303600 for K in lbf/in and D in in.

Annex A American Forest and Paper Association AF&PA. Revisions to the

informative permanent wood foundation systemdesign, fabrication, and installation
manual. Washington D.C.; 1992.
American Forest and Paper Association AF&PA. National design
The following documents are cited as reference sources used in the
specifications for wood construction with commentary and supplement:
development of this Engineering Practice:
design values for wood construction. Washington D.C.; 2005.

ASABE STANDARDS 2011 ANSI/ASAE EP559.1 W/Corr.1 AUG2010 11

Figure 4 Model of a spliced assembly under a two-point loading; reduced flexural stiffness in the splice region

American Institute of Timber Construction AITC. ANSI/AITC Williams, G. D., D. R. Bohnhoff, and R. C. Moody. Bending properties of
A190.1-2007, Structural glued laminated timber. Centennial, CO, 2007. four-layer nail-laminated posts. Res. Pap. FPL-RP-528. USDA Forest
American Lumber Standard Committee. Glued lumber policy. February Service, Forest Products Laboratory; 1994.
18, 2009. Williams, G. D., D. R. Bohnhoff, and R. C. Moody. Locating butt-joints in
Baker, A. J. Corrosion of nails in CCA- and ACA-treated wood in two vertically-laminated assemblies. Transactions of the ASAE 392:699
environments. Forest Products Journal 429:3941; 1992. 711; 1996.
Bohnhoff, D. R. Evaluation of spliced, nail-laminated wood members
without butt joint reinforcement. Transactions of the ASAE 325:1797 Annex B
1806; 1989. informative
Bohnhoff, D. R., S. M. Cramer, R. C. Moody and C. O. Cramer. Modeling Spliced nail-laminated assembly design example
vertically mechanically laminated lumber. J. Structural Division ASCE ASD
11510:26612679; 1989.
Problem: Design a three-layer spliced nail-laminated assembly. Use
Bohnhoff, D. R., R. C. Moody, S. P. Verrill and L. F. Shirek. Bending nominal 2- by 6-in. No. 2 southern pine lumber and 10d common wire
properties of reinforced and unreinforced spliced nail-laminated posts. nails. End joints will not be glued or reinforced. Load is transferred to the
Res. Paper FPL-RP-503. USDA Forest Service, Forest Products assembly by secondary framing members spaced 36 inches apart. These
Laboratory; 1991. framing members also provide lateral support. Controlling load
Bohnhoff, D. R., A. B. Senouci, R. C. Moody, and P. A. Boor. Bending combination includes wind and snow. One end of the assembly will be
properties of STP-laminated posts. ASAE Paper No. 93-4060, ASAE, St. located below grade. The entire splice region will be located above grade
Joseph, MI; 1993. in a dry environment.
Bohnhoff, D. R. Interlayer shear and stiffness of spliced, nail-laminated Solution:
posts. Transactions of the ASAE 392:713719; 1996. Step 1Adjusted Bending Design Value for Unspliced Regions, Fb
Bonnickson, L. W. and S. K. Suddarth. Structural reliability analysis for a a. Partially-adjusted reference bending value from table 7a = 1690 lbf/in.2
wood load sharing system. J. Materials 13:491508; 1966. b. Adjustment factors from NDS: load duration CD = 1.6; wet service
Chiou, Wen-Shan. Bending Properties of Unspliced, Vertically factor CM for below grade regions = 0.85; wet service factor CM for
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Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI; 1995. Ci = 1.0

Figure 5 Example nail pattern for a three-layer spliced assembly fabricated using 10 d common wire nails. Only a portion of the splice region is shown.
The same nail pattern is used on both sides of the assembly

12 ANSI/ASAE EP559.1 W/Corr.1 AUG2010 ASABE STANDARDS 2011

c. Reference design value Fb multiplied by all appropriate ASD a. Unspliced regions level I value from table 4 = 12 lbf/in.
adjustment factors except CL: b. Splice regions Equation 1 with: Fb = 2670 lbf/in.2; d = 5.5 in.; L = 48
Below grade regions: Fb* = 1690 lbf/in.2 1.60.85 = 2300 lbf/in.2 in.; and E = 1,600,000 lbf/in.2 = 76.3 lbf/in.
Above grade regions: Fb* = 1690 lbf/in.2 1.6 = 2700 lbf/in.2 Step 5Adjusted Lateral Design Load for a Nail Joint, Z
d. Slenderness ratio RB = Le d / b20.5: From the NDS, effective length a. Tabulated lateral design value Z for a 10d common wire nail in
Le = 1.84 Lu = 66.2 inches Lu is the 36 inch distance between points of southern pine from NDS Table 11N = 128 lbf. Applicable adjustment
lateral support. From clause 6.1.1, thickness b is equated to 60% of the factors include the load duration factor of 1.60 and a wet service factor
actual assembly thickness or 0.60 4.50 inches = 2.70 inches, and d is of 0.7 for nails located below grade.
the actual face width of a lamination or 5.50 inches. Below grade regions: Z = 128 lbf 1.600.85 = 174 lbf
RB = Le d / b20.5 = 66.2 in.5.50 in./2.70 in.20.5 = 7.07 in. Above grade regions: Z = 128 lbf 1.60 = 205 lbf
e. Beam stability factor, CL. From NDS with Emin = 580,000 bf/in.2 Step 6Minimum Required Number of Nails
NDS Table 4B and RB = 7.07 inches, CL for above grade regions is a. Nails required per interface for a 48 in. section of the splice region
equal to 0.988. For below grade regions, CL = 1.00 because soil provides = 48 in.76.3 lbf/in./205 lbf/nail = 18 nails
continuous lateral support. b. Nails required per interface for a 12 in. section of the splice
f. Adjusted bending design value for unspliced regions above grade: Fb region=12 in.76.3 lbf/in./205 lbf/nail = 5 nails
= 2700 lbf/in.2 0.988 = 2670 lbf/in.2. For below grade, unspliced c. Nails required in unspliced regions above grade =12 lbf/in./205
regions, Fb = 2300 lbf/in.2 lbf/nail =0.058 nails/in.=1 nail every 17 in.
Step 2Adjusted Bending Design Value for Spliced Regions, Fb d. Nails required in unspliced regions below grade =12 lbf/in./174
a. Allowable bending design value in above-grade splice region = 0.42 lbf/nail =0.069 nails/in.=1 nail every 14.5 in.
Fb for above grade splice region = 1120 lbf/in.2 The 0.42 value is the Step 7Minimum spacings based on 0.148-in. nail diameter
bending strength modification factor from table 8. To use this value, all a. Edge distance = 1.48 in.
minimum design recommendations in clause 4 must be followed. b. End distance = 2.22 in.
Step 3Recommended Splice Arrangement & Overall Splice Length c. Spacing pitch between fasteners in a row = 2.96 in.
a. For a three-layer assembly with unreinforced butt joints, splice d. Spacing gage between rows of fasteners in-line = 1.48 in.
arrangement 3A is recommended table 2 e. Spacing gage between rows of fasteners staggered = 0.74 in.
b. Recommended minimum overall splice length, L, for a nominally Step 7Nail Layout
6-in.-deep assembly table 3 = 4 feet a. A nail pattern that meets the proceeding requirements is shown in
Step 4Required Interlayer Shear Capacity figure 5.

ASABE STANDARDS 2011 ANSI/ASAE EP559.1 W/Corr.1 AUG2010 13

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