A Near Perfect Market - Search Costs

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A Nearly Perfect Market?

Erik Brynjolfsson, Astrid A. Dickand Michael D. Smith

February 2009


Internet shopbots allow consumers to almost instantly compare prices and other character-
istics from dozens of sellers via a single website. We estimate the magnitude of consumer search
costs and benefits using data from a major shopbot for books. For the median consumer, the
estimated benefit from simply scrolling down to search lower screens is $6.55. This amounts to
about 60% of the observed price dispersion and suggests that consumers face significant search
costs, even in this nearly-perfect market. Price elasticities are relatively high compared to
offline markets (-7 to -10 in our base model). Furthermore, contrary to the common assumption,
search intensity is not correlated with greater price sensitivity. Instead, consumers who search
multiple screens put relatively more weight on non-price factors like brand.

Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, [email protected].

INSEAD Business School, [email protected].

School of Information Systems and Management, Carnegie Mellon University, [email protected].

We thank Susan Athey, Nancy Rose, Patrick Bajari, Gregory Crawford, Ali Hortacsu, Andrew Sweeting,
participants at the 2003 Quantitative Marketing and Economics Conference and the University of Delaware, and the
referees and editors of this journal for their helpful comments and suggestions. Smith acknowledges the National
Science Foundation for generous financial support provided through grant IIS-0118767. Any errors are our own.

Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=450220

1 Introduction

Price dispersion in a market is typically attributed to imperfect information and consumer search
costs. Low consumer search costs are one of the most frequently discussed aspects of Internet
markets both in the academic literature and the popular press. On the Internet, consumers can
discover prices and product offerings from competing retailers much more easily than they could in
a comparable conventional environment.
Nonetheless, empirical research has often found a high level of price dispersion across Internet
retailers. For instance, Clay et al. (2002) find price dispersion of 27 percent for a random selection
of hardcover books and 73 percent for paperback bestsellers. Similarly, Brynjolfsson and Smith
(2000a) find that Internet retailer prices differ by an average of 33 percent for books and 25 percent
for CDs. These findings contrast with the classic Law of One Price, in spite of the fact that
the underlying products being compared are homogeneous and the marginal costs of the books are
essentially identical across retailers (Brynjolfsson, Hu and Smith 2003).
Our research uses a flexible demand model to estimate consumer search benefits and costs
among users of a major Internet shopbot. Shopbots are Internet services that allow consumers
to easily compare prices and product offerings among competing retailers. At a shopbots site, a
consumer places a product search for a unique product and obtains a list of the retailers offers
with price as well as other attributes (such as shipping time and product availability) displayed in
a tabular format. The consumer evaluates these offers and makes a selection by clicking on a
particular offer.
These shopbots may represent a particularly important service for Internet markets. The in-
creasing use of shopbots should dramatically reduce consumer search costs in markets where they
are available (Brown and Goolsbee 2000, Tang et al. 2008). In his seminal work, Stigler (1961)
highlighted the important role of organizations that specialize in the collection and dissemination of
product and price information. Likewise, Bakos (1998) observed that electronic marketplaces, such
as those facilitated by shopbots, are likely to become increasingly pervasive, with significant effects
on buyer and seller welfare. Montgomery et al. (2004) report that during the same timeframe as
our study, between 22-29% of Internet book purchasers used a shopbot in their purchase.
Our data contain 10,627 actual consumer searches for book offers over a twelve month period
resulting in 460,814 separate retailer offers. In the data, we observe what offers the consumer
was shown, the position of the offers on the consumers screen, and how the consumer responds

Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=450220

through their observed selection of offers. By analyzing books, a homogeneous physical product, we
are able to eliminate product heterogeneity and focus only on heterogeneity across retailer service
characteristics such as reputation, return policies, and shipping services. We are also able to obtain
data on what consumers are observing and some of the actions they take, data that would be
difficult to obtain in a conventional environment: Does the consumer click on lower screens by
scrolling down? Do they re-sort the data by shipping time, availability, or other characteristics?
Do they sequentially click on multiple alternative offers before choosing one?
Taking advantage of the format of our data, we are able to estimate consumer benefits to
search as well as an upper bound to search costs. The former is based on the comparison of
the welfare generated by the first set of offers shown to the consumer in the default screen to
that generated by the entire set of offers, which the consumer could inspect by scrolling to lower
screens and clicking on offers in these screens. For those consumers that do scroll down in our
data, this estimate represents an upper bound to their search costs. We use a compensating
variations approach to calculate the welfare based on the estimates of consumers marginal utilities.
While Sorensen (2001) offers a structural methodology for estimating search costs as an economic
primitive, our methodology, while not allowing for the simulation of a consumers search behavior,
is straightforward to implement by comparison.
Our random coefficients model estimates imply that the benefits to searching lower screens are
$6.55 for the median consumer, while the cost of carrying a more exhaustive search of the offers is
a maximum of $6.45 for the median consumer that we observe who chooses to search lower screens.
These results contribute to a growing body of literature suggesting that consumers face non-
trivial search costs in online markets. Using different methodologies from ours, Bajari and Hortacsu
(2003) quantified the implied cost of entering an eBay auction to be $3.20, Hann and Terwiesch
(2003) quantified rebidding costs to be between $4 and $7.50 in a reverse auction channel, and
Hong and Shum (2006) found consumers median non-sequential search costs to be between $1.31
and $2.90 for a sample of textbooks. Similarly, Johnson et al. (2002) use MediaMetrix data to
show that the time consumers spend on web sites declines with experience and that the sites with
the fastest declines also have the highest customer loyalty.
Our work builds on several earlier papers on consumer search costs. We use a similar dataset to
Smith and Brynjolfsson (2001) (hereafter S&B) but depart from their work in several ways. First,
while S&B study the importance of brand in the Internet, we model and estimate search costs and
benefits. Second, we explicitly explore consumer heterogeneity and its implications for consumer

Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=450220

behavior based on observable behavior of consumers across offers and screens. Third, this paper
uses the random coefficients model, which allows for complex demand patterns. Fourth, while S&B
use a data sample for a period of roughly two months, our data covers a period of over twelve
months, providing us with a richer set of options for our empirical work. Lastly, we introduce an
easily implemented methodology for inferring search benefits and costs.
Our research is also related to recent studies analyzing customer behavior in online markets.
Baye, Morgan and Scholten (2006) find that various identifiable sources of firm heterogeneity can
account for some, but not all, of the observed price dispersion in their sample of 36 online markets.
Scott-Morton et al. (2001) show that car buyers using online car referral sites gain on average $335
from access to better competitive price information available online. Ellison and Ellison (2008) use
shopbot data to analyze consumer price elasticity and retailer obfuscation strategies. They find
evidence both of extraordinarily strong price competition and strategies on the part of retailers to
increase consumer search costs. Finally, Tang et al. (2008) use data on levels of consumer shopbot
usage and corresponding retailer prices to show that a 1% increase in shopbot use is correlated with
a $0.41 decrease in retailer prices. Our approach differs from these papers in that we use observed
consumer choice behavior to place explicit bounds on consumer search costs.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the data and empirical frame-
work, including the discussion of consumer heterogeneity in our sample, the model of consumer
behavior that is applied to the data, and how we identify search costs. Section 3 presents a brief re-
view of the literature and introduces a simple theoretical framework of analysis. Section 4 presents
results for both the logit and random coefficients model. Section 5 presents the implied price elas-
ticities and the estimated search benefits and costs. Lastly, we provide some concluding remarks
in Section 6.

2 Data

2.1 Description of the data

The data used in our analysis come from DealTime.com,1 a prominent online comparison-shopping
service.2 See Figure 1 for a sample screen shot from Dealtime.com. As noted above, this dataset
is similar to the one used by S&B. However, while S&B use data for a period of 69 days from
August 25 to November 1, 1999, this paper uses a sample covering a period of over twelve months,
roughly from September 1999 to September 2000. However, for tractability sample is restricted to
the top 100 bestselling books, as opposed to all searches carried on the shopbot (see Table 1 for a
list of the top ten books in our dataset). To facilitate the use of our choice model we focus here
on the sub-sample of U.S.-based customers, sessions that lead to at least one click-through by the
consumer, and searches that return more than one retailer. Even with these restrictions, we are
able to observe 10,627 book searches or sessions, with roughly 460,000 total offers by retailers. The
maximum number of offers any consumer is presented in a single search session is 67, including
multiple offers by some retailers, (for instance if the retailer offers multiple shipping options).
Table 2 shows the retailers and their shares of last clicks. There are 46 distinct retailers present in
the dataset. During the sample period, we observe the behavior of 7,042 consumers as identified
by cookie numbers.
In order to place a search, consumers must first choose the specific book they are interested
in buying, which reduces their selection to a unique and physically homogeneous product, leaving
item variation solely in terms of the retailers conditions for price, shipping and product availability.
When a consumer initiates a search, DealTime looks for offers for this selection in real time from
a large set of retailers which account for the vast majority of books sold online. It displays the
resulting price and product information to the consumer in a tabular format (Figure 1). The
information displayed to the consumer through DealTime is the same that the consumer would
obtain were she to go directly to the retailers web site. Once the consumer chooses a specific book
offer, she enters her country and state location in order for applicable taxes to be calculated. The
attributes of the product offers include item price for the underlying book, sales tax, shipping costs,
Formerly EvenBetter.com, acquired by DealTime.com on May 19, 2000. According to Alexa.com, in July 2000,
DealTime was the 13th most popular site among online retail shopping sites (Amazon.com was the most popular
site), with 3.5 million unique monthly visitors (4% of total web users). During this time, DealTime was also the
most popular price-comparison site (with more unique visitors than MySimon.com and PriceScan.com, for instance).
Shopbots are free Internet-based services that provide a comparison-shopping search tool that present prices of
an item, as well as other product attributes, from various competing retailers. Smith (2002) reviews the academic
literature relating to shopbots.

Figure 1: Dealtime Sample Comparison Screen

shipping time and service, delivery time, and total price. Up to ten offers fit on a single screen, and
the offers are ranked by total price (item price plus shipping and taxes), from lowest to highest.
By clicking on an offer, the consumer is taken directly to the retailers web site to finalize the
purchase. Our data include all the above information, as well as all consumer clicks, and whether
the consumer sorts on a column other than total price (which is the default ordering).
It is important to note that a limitation of our data is that we only observe click-throughs as
opposed to actual purchases. In related research, Brynjolfsson and Smith (2000b) find that the
factors that drive traffic to a site are also good predictors of sales at the retailer level.3 However, a
conservative interpretation of our approach is as a model of click-throughs and not of sales per se.
If the consumer clicks on multiple offers, we use the offer she clicks on last as an indicator of her
final choice.
Table 3 shows summary statistics for the variables used in our analysis based on the total
number of offers. Total price is defined as the sum of the item price, the shipping charge, and
applicable taxes. Delivery time is provided by the retailer, and reflects both shipping time and
Based on information provided by DealTime.com the sale/click ratio was not only very similar across retailers,
but also the conversion rate between actual sales and clicks was approximately 50 % within the present sample period.

what we call acquisition time, the time it takes the retailer to get the item out of the warehouse
before it can be shipped, which includes product availability.4 Given that retailers typically provide
a time range for delivery, we construct the variable average delivery time, which transforms this
range into a single number by taking the average of the maximum and minimum reported delivery
times. Delivery time not available is an indicator variable for whether the retailer specifies a
delivery time, which takes the value of one if the retailer did not provide the information.5 The
variable Big three retailers is an indicator variable we construct for whether the offer is for one of
the following large, well-known retailers: Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Borders.6 Screen number
indicates on what screen the offer is listed, taking on the value of 1 if the offer is listed within
the top ten offers (the default screen), 2 if the offer is listed within the 11th to the 20th offer on
the screen following the default screen, and so on. See the Appendix for further description of the

2.2 Consumer heterogeneity across shopbot consumers

In our setup, a consumer searches for a specific book on the shopbots site and is then presented
with several offers from various retailers, with several differentiating characteristics. As such, we
as researchers know a great deal about what the consumer sees before making a choice.
On the shopbot screen, offers are sorted according to price, from lowest to highest. Yet what is
remarkable in our data is that about half of the consumers do not click on the offer with the lowest
price. This suggests that while the underlying good is homogeneous, the final product, including
the bundled retailer services, is perceived as a differentiated product by the consumer. Clearly,
especially in the case of consumers that choose to go to a shopbot as opposed to going directly to
the retailers site, total price should be an important component of the purchase decision. However,
by their observed behavior, consumers appear to care about the overall utility derived from the
final product (the sum of the weighted product attributes), as opposed to focusing solely on price
(see also Smith and Brynjolfsson 2001).
While shopbot consumers share some common characteristics, there are differences among them
Due to the items availability component, the average delivery time variable sometimes may take on very large
Note that if delivery time is not provided by the retailer, we set the delivery time equal to the shipping time,
since this is all the information the consumer has. The indicator variable for whether delivery time is not available
should capture the additional effect that the lack of information has on the consumers decision to choose the offer.
We use a single indicator variable for these three retailers to allow comparison with the results reported in S&B
(see Table 5 below). Our search costs results would be essentially the same if we used separate indicator variables
for these three retailers.

observable to the researcher. Based on what we observe consumers do in the shopbot, we can
identify the following potentially distinct consumer groups: (i) those that click only on offers on
the default screen, that is, the screen the consumer is shown after a search, which we call first screen
consumers; (ii) those that scroll to lower screens by clicking on offers situated past the default screen,
which we refer to as low screen consumers; (iii) those that sort by a column other than the total
price column (the default sorting), which we call sorting consumers;7 and (iv) those that choose to
inspect more than one offer, by clicking on them, which we call multiple click consumers. Ideally,
we would like to segment consumers based on exogenous variables such as demographics, and not
click-behavior, as we do here. Unfortunately, we do not have these data; however, we believe that
segmenting consumers based on their click behavior does allow for a nuanced analysis of demand
for books bought online. If a consumer chooses to scroll down the screen, this might not only
be reflective of the search cost differences across consumers, but also of differences in preferences
as well. For instance, heavily branded retailers (i.e., Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Borders),
often appear only on lower screens: 29 percent of sessions have no branded retailer in the top ten
offers (the first screen), and an additional 9 percent have only 1, with half of the sessions having
no more than two branded retailers in the first screen. If brand, for instance, is important for a
given consumer she might choose to search offers on lower screens if the option she is looking for
is not available on the first screen. As a result, ceteris paribus she might not only be less sensitive
to price, but also be more sensitive to branding. These facts highlight the possibility that more
intensive search may be motivated by a desire to locate products with attributes other than merely
low price, a scenario often ignored, if not actively ruled out, in much of the theoretical work on
search costs.
Table 4 reports how consumers are distributed based on their behavior at the shopbot. First
screen consumers represent the majority, with almost 91 percent of the sessions falling in this
category, while low screen consumers represent the remaining 9 percent.8 However, as mentioned
earlier, in spite of the products being identical within a session (i.e., books with the same ISBN),
most consumers do not choose the offer that has the lowest total price. Sixteen percent of the
sessions have consumers click on more than one offer, and less than one percent of consumers
Shopbot consumers have the option to sort by any of the columns shown, including item price, shipping price,
ship time, availability, type of shipping service, tax and retailer.
Note that 13 percent of first screen consumers click on multiple offers (within the first screen), while 61 percent of
low screen consumers click on multiple offers. Within the group of low screen consumers, last clicks are concentrated
within the second screen (46 percent), with the rest mostly divided up among lower screens.

choose to sort by a column other than the default column of total price.9

3 Analytical framework

3.1 Literature on search under product differentiation

The observed consumer behavior in our dataset presents a question: If books with a given ISBN
are completely identical, and the first shopbot offer always has the lowest price, then why do most
people search beyond the first offer? Presumably, in addition to price, consumers care about the
non-price retailer attributes bundled with the purchase of a given book. In other words, they
are looking for the best product fit possible, which is based on a multidimensional set of product
Thus, the appropriate framework of analysis is one where consumers search under product
differentiation, which in our setting comes primarily from retailer attributes such as service quality,
reputation, and shipping policies. However, while the economics literature is well developed for both
search and product differentiation, the former has focused on search under homogeneous products
while the latter has mostly left search aside. Three important exceptions are Bakos (1997) and
Anderson and Renault (1999) and Chen and Hitt (2003). Bakos (1997) introduces search costs to
a version of Salops (1979) unit circle model of spatial differentiation. In the absence of product
differentiation, the model follows the standard predictions in the literature: lower search costs lead
to more competition and lower prices. However, in the presence of product differentiation, these
predictions reverse: the model predicts that as sellers reduce the cost of obtaining information
related to the non-price features of the product, prices increase as consumers care less about price
and search more to find the right fit. Chen and Hitt (2003) develop a model that includes both
retailer differentiation and search costs (through shopbot use). They find that Bertrand competition
only occurs when retailer differentiation is eliminated and when all consumers use shopbots. They
also show that price dispersion and price premiums charged by heavily branded retailers can increase
with increasing shopbot use. Anderson and Renault (1999) draw on insight in Wolinsky (1986) to
Within the group of consumers that sort, the majority (55 percent) sort by item price. Around 20 percent sort
by product availability, 11 percent by retailer, 7 percent by number of shipping days, and the remaining 7 percent
sort by tax, shipping price or shipping service. Given the scant number of sessions where consumers sort, we pool
these observations together as opposed to dividing the group further by what consumers chose to sort on. It is
interesting that sorting customers choose to sort mostly by item price. This might suggest that these consumers care
not only about the total price they will need to pay, but also about how that price is apportioned to components like
item price, shipping cost, and taxes. Smith and Brynjolfsson (2001) reported precisely such an effect, and retailers
themselves often tout free shipping and other partitions of pricing, in addition to the total price charged itself.

construct a model of price competition in the presence of search costs and product differentiation,
modeled through the discrete choice approach. In their model, prices are first high when consumers
have a very low value for product diversity (as in Diamond (1971) where consumers do not search
at all), and subsequently fall and then rise again as the taste for diversity becomes large enough
and consumers engage in more search.10

3.2 A taxonomy of search and product diversity

This literature provides predictions about consumer behavior for situations of imperfect information
under homogeneous products as well as product diversity without search. Using these insights,
we can develop a simple framework to analyze the behavior that we would expect from shopbot
consumers who both search and care about product diversity.
Consumers are likely to be heterogeneous in both their taste for product diversity as well as
their search costs. Product differentiation is at the heart of our analysis, with products defined over
a multidimensional space. While some models assume homogeneous consumer search, differences
in the costs of search among consumers is likely to be prevalent in reality, as people have different
costs of time and different tastes for search. In our data, we see a range of consumer behavior in
the shopbot from consumers clicking on the first offer to those that click on multiple ones before
deciding on an offer that could be suggestive not only of heterogeneity in preferences but also
in search costs
As far as search costs under product homogeneity, economic intuition and theory suggest that
lower search costs lead to increased consumer search as well as to lower prices. Thus, the source
of market power when products are homogeneous is derived only from the existence of imperfect
information (see Stiglitz (1987) for a review of this literature). In terms of taste heterogeneity
without search, economic theory suggests that equilibrium prices increase as consumers value for
variety increases (see Anderson et al. (1992), for instance). Here the source of market power is the
intensity of preference for variety.
Putting together these two dimensions of consumer heterogeneity can give us insight into con-
sumer behavior when products are differentiated and information is imperfect. Thus, allowing
consumers to be different in these two dimensions, we can expect the taxonomy shown in Figure 2.
In additional related work, Chen and Sudhir (2002) have an Internet model where they interact consumer search
costs and targeted pricing, predicting that competition may be reduced and prices may rise as consumer search and
targeting becomes easier. Finally, Kuksov (2003) develops a model in which search costs affect not only prices but
product design, with firms increasing their differentiation in response to lower search costs as a way to avoid lower
prices (and therefore sustaining price dispersion).

Figure 2: A Taxonomy of the Effects of Search Costs and Differentiation on Price Sensitivity

We can infer that for any given level of search costs, consumers should become less price sensitive
and search more as their taste for variety increases. For any given level of variety, consumers should
search more as their search costs decrease.
Consumers with a low taste for non-price attributes should be the most price sensitive, and will
search less the higher their search costs. First screen consumers are likely to fall within the category
of consumers with low value for differentiation, especially those consumers that click on the first
offer. Consumers with a high taste for non-price attributes should be the least price sensitive, given
that they have a strong preference for other product characteristics. These consumers are willing
to search more to find the right fit, especially those that have low search costs. Low screen
consumers are likely to fall within this category, though whether consumers with both low (high)
search costs and taste for variety search a lot or a little will depend on the relative magnitudes of

4 Empirical Framework

4.1 Model

Base model

Using this analytic framework, we start by introducing the base demand model for our empirical
analysis. Under the standard discrete choice framework, consumers are assumed to maximize an
indirect utility function of the form

uij j + ij zj + ij , (1)

where i stands for the consumer and j for the offer, zj = (pj xj ) is a K+1-dimensional row
vector of observed product characteristics, including the product price pj and the observed product
characteristics xj , and ij is a mean zero random disturbance. The K+1 dimensional vector =
(, ) represents the taste parameters in our analysis, where is the coefficient on price. In
particular, zj = xj j pj .
Assuming an extreme value distribution for  implies that the conditional choice probability is
given by the logit formula:

exp(j )
Pj () = PJ r = 1, ..., J. (2)
r=1 exp(r )

Note that given the above assumption on the distribution of , the choice probabilities do not
depend on individual characteristics.We use a conditional logit model where all covariates vary
across choices, such that no parameter normalizations (e.g. defining an outside good) are required.

Random coefficients choice model

The utility model above assumes additive separability between the two terms in (1), such that
the term depends on product characteristics only, and the disturbance term solely on consumer
characteristics. One implication from this utility model is that substitution patterns only depend on
the j s. The random coefficients model overcomes this limitation by allowing for the interaction
of consumer heterogeneity and observed product characteristics. If the coefficient on observed
product characteristic k is allowed to vary by consumer, ik , where ik = k + k ik , one obtains
the random coefficients model where each individual may assign a different utility level to each

observable product characteristic (or some of them). The indirect utility function takes on the
following form:
uij zj + k zjk ik + ij (3)

where is i.i.d. across individuals and characteristics.

The choice probability of consumer i choosing offer j now becomes:

exp(j + k zjk ik )
Pij = PJ P r = 1, ..., J. (4)
r=1 exp(r + r r zjr ir )

Therefore, unlike the basic multinomial logit, the choice probabilities depend on individual char-
acteristics, which in terms of substitution patterns implies that consumers will substitute towards
similar products (McFadden, 1984).

Price exogeneity assumption

Implicit in the above analysis is the assumption of the exogeneity of price. Given that we observe
individual consumers making choices in what constitutes a micro-level or disaggregate dataset, price
can be assumed to be exogenous given that a single household should have no impact on a retailers
price, or any other attribute for that matter.11 However, this advantage of disaggregate demand
models comes at the cost of being unable to carry out the type of counterfactual exercises that
aggregate demand models allow for, since the assumption of price exogeneity is inadequate in a
forecasting context where prices are determined by market forces (Goldberg, 1995).

Choice set and the distance measure

The choice set, or the set of offers that the consumer actually observes, is expected to vary
across consumer types. However, our data do not allow us to identify exactly which offers the
consumer sees before making a click-through. As a result we must infer what the most appropriate
choice set is for each consumer type. The key question is how far down on the list of offers can
an offer be and still be part of the consumers choice set. Here, we include in the choice set the
full set of offers in the session, by adjusting for the relative unattractiveness of lower offers. Even
This could be violated if the price variation for a given book is mostly driven by demand factors, as opposed
to supply factors, with the demand shock being common across individuals. In our setting, we expect the price
variation to be driven mostly by cost and brand factors, as the total price used in our analysis includes shipping price
(which should mostly reflect actual firm costs), there is large variation in product availability, and retailers are highly
differentiated as our estimation results confirm. Moreover, when we include fixed effects for the retailers, the price
coefficient does not appear to be affected in any significant way (results not shown).

if the consumer does not see all offers listed, including offers that are at the bottom of the list
should be appropriate as long as one includes a measure of distance for how far away from the
default screen that offer is. This should control for the fact that the consumer finds a lower offer
less appealing compared to an offer on the default screen, because of the cost of effort involved
in scrolling down. In particular, we include as an additional retailer attribute the screen number
where the offer appears in the listings. Including a distance measure is also useful because we
avoid imposing assumptions on the consumers priors about lower screens, and it diminishes the
problem that we do not see consumer behavior unless she clicks on an offer. Since our identification
of search cost is based on clickthroughs, for the case of first screen consumers, this will turn out to
be equivalent to estimating the model based on the first ten offers on the default screen, as opposed
to the full choice set, since none of the lower screen offers are chosen by definition in the case of
this consumer group.12

4.2 Identification of search benefits and costs

When a consumer initiates a book search on the shopbot, she receives a list of the retailers offers
ranked by total price. Ten offers are shown to the consumer in the first screen, and the consumer
must scroll down to see additional offers. We might expect consumers to find it somewhat costly to
scroll down the screen in order to observe all offers, since this involves waiting time and cognitive
effort for evaluating these offers (Shugan 1980). Once the consumer inspects the first screen, she has
knowledge about the attributes of the first ten offers, but is uncertain about the characteristics of
the offers in lower screens unless she exerts additional effort. If shipping time or brand is important,
a consumer might choose to look at lower screens if the options she is searching for are not available
on the first screen and she expects to obtain an increase in utility that is large enough to at least
cover the cost involved in scrolling down to lower screens.
As such, it is important to note that our setting departs from much of the search literature in that
our analysis focuses on search for non-price attributes as opposed to purely price attributes. In this
context, our modeling follows the so called Stackelberg approach and we assume that consumers
know the distribution of these attributes for the n alternatives in the set of offers available in the
market. However, as our welfare calculations (equation 7 below) take as their measure of surplus
the sum of the attributes weighted by their marginal utilities, the consumer does not need to know
This makes our modeling problem similar to the marketing literature on choice set formation (e.g., Roberts and
Lattin 1991, Andrews and Srinivasan 1995, Bronnenberg and Vanhonacker 1996, Chiang et al. 1999, Mehta et al.

whether a particular attribute corresponds to a particular firm. All that matters for this calculation
is the total sum, such that knowledge of the market distribution suffices. This allows us to base our
calculations on knowledge of the market distribution alone, an approach that is similar to other
models in the search literature (Stiglitz 1987, Rob 1985, Braverman 1980, Salop and Stiglitz 1977).
Since we can only identify search behavior based on actual click-throughs, our key assumption
is that individuals who do not click-through on lower screens and therefore remain within the
default screen in terms of our data do not search lower screens either. While this might be
violated for some consumers in the default screen group, we expect it to be true for the majority of
consumers in this group, where over 80 percent of the consumers click-through on one of the first
three offers listed. The latter makes it unlikely that these consumers scroll down to lower screens,
do not click on any offers in these lower screens, and then return and click on a top offer. Given that
offers are ranked by price, from lowest to highest, the consumer has prior expectations about the
prices of offers on lower screens, and the fact that they tend to click on the cheapest offer suggests
that price is most important to them. As shown below, our estimates in terms of consumers
responsiveness to price and other attributes provide further support for this assumption.13

Equivalent variation: Benefits to search

Economic theory predicts that consumers weigh the costs and benefits of search when making
search decisions. In other words, a buyer will stop searching for better deals as soon as the antici-
pated price reduction falls short of her cost of search (Stigler 1961). In our setup, if the consumer
chooses to scroll down, she believes that the expected gain in utility will be at least as large as the
cost incurred in scrolling down, that is

Expected Utility Gain Cost of Scrolling Down (5)

One way to measure this utility gain is by computing the consumer welfare change from adding
the full set of offers. Just as consumer welfare is enhanced when consumers can select from millions
of books at Amazon instead of only 40,000 books at a typical conventional store (Brynjolfsson,
Hu and Smith 2003), so is welfare enhanced when additional retailers offers, with varying prices,
shipping times and branding, are made available for any given book title. Following Small and
Rosen (1981) and Trajtenberg (1989), in the context of the discrete choice model the change in
Note that if the assumption were violated, the interpretation of our estimates would still remain valid, except
that we could no longer associate increased search with lower price sensitivity.

welfare from expanding the set to all offers is similar to measuring the changes in welfare from
changes in the choice set between periods s and s 1 in some market t as the expected equivalent
variation (EV ) of the changes. The latter is defined as the amount of money that would make
consumers indifferent, in expectation, between facing the two choice sets. This computation simply
generalizes the methods of welfare economics to handle cases in which discrete choices are involved,
representing a measure of compensating variation. Then, letting represent demand parameters,
x product attributes, and p price, one has

EV = Ss (pt , xt ; ) Ss1 (pt , xt ; ) (6)

1 X
S(p, x; ) = ln[ exp(j (pj , xj ; ))]. (7)

In our setup, Ss represents the surplus generated by the entire set of offers, while Ss1 represents
the surplus generated by the first screen offers, with the parameters being identified from the
model based on the full choice set of offers. The coefficient on price, , can also be interpreted
as the marginal utility of income of the consumer, and it is used here to convert utility units into
dollars. This equivalent variation represents the benefits the consumer would obtain if she chose to
Specifically, we measure the surplus generated to the consumer from the first screen offers,
as well as the surplus generated from the full set of offers (all screens). The way the surplus is
calculated will depend on consumer type, since first screen consumers should value price relatively
more than say brand, while consumers that scroll multiple screens should care relatively more about

What is identified: Upper bound to search costs for consumers that scroll down

In the case of a consumer that we observe click on lower screens, the above measure of benefits
represents an upper bound to search costs.14 In particular, we are able to measure her realized gains
from scrolling. Presumably, the reason why the consumer chooses to look at lower offers is that
the expected utility gain is higher than the idiosyncratic search costs incurred in scrolling to lower
screens. This gain, however, is higher than the average gain from search for all consumers who
search low screens. The reason is that there are some consumers that scroll down to lower screens
Note that search costs are inferred from the utility model we impose; they are not a free parameter.

but do not click-through on offers in the lower screens, and as a result we have no way to identify the
fact that they browsed to lower screens. These consumers get zero benefit from searching. In other
words, our estimate is a conservative upper bound on search costs for consumers that we observe
click on lower screens, since some zeros are omitted from the computation. Every consumer that
clicks-through on a lower screen gets some benefit from searching, though this might be greater or
less than what she expected. For multiple-click and sorting customers, it is possible to estimate
this upper bound, based on the sub-sample of consumers that click on lower offers within each
consumer category. Note that, by definition, there are no first screen consumers that scroll down.
The nature of this search is different from most prior analyses of search, where consumers care
about finding a lower-priced product, all else equal. In our setup, consumers presumably perceive
some degree of product differentiation and value other product attributes such as shipping and
delivery time. This is confirmed by our results, presented later in the paper, and is consistent with
the results in S&B.

5 Estimation results

5.1 Logit model results

We first explore consumer behavior using the conditional logit model. Column (i) in Table 5
reproduces one of the main logit results of S&B, while column (ii) presents the results we obtain
here with our sample under the same specification. As can be appreciated from the table, while
our sample contains almost four times the number of observations of S&B and covers a different
time period, the results are very similar.
The specification includes price broken up into the item price, shipping charge and tax. Product
attributes include the average delivery time, whether the delivery time was provided by the retailer,
and an indicator variable for whether the retailer belongs to the big three branded retailers: Ama-
zon, Barnes and Noble, or Borders. These three retailers are well-known to consumers throughout
the sample, and including this fixed effect should capture the intangible, non-contractible or unob-
served retailer characteristics that play a role in the consumer decision. Note that the dependent
variable takes on the value of one if the consumer picked the offer, and zero otherwise.
The point about brand deserves some explanation. Products sold over the Internet contain
both contractible and non-contractible characteristics. They represent, from the perspective of the

consumer, a kind of product bundle, including both an underlying product, as well as a service
component provided by the Internet retailer, such as delivery and web site characteristics. Con-
tractible aspects of the product bundle include attributes for which the consumer has clear avenues
of recourse in the case the retailer defaults on any of them. In contrast, other characteristics, such
as delivery time, are arguably non-contractible. In the presence of non-contractible product char-
acteristics, consumers may use a retailers brand name as a proxy for their credibility in fulfilling
their promises on non-contractible aspects of the product bundle (Wernerfelt, 1988).
As mentioned earlier, in order to examine consumer heterogeneity, we divide consumers into
four groups based on their click behavior. If a consumer chooses to scroll down the screen, this
might not only be reflective of the search cost differences across consumers, but also of differences in
preferences as well. The differences among consumer groups, however, should be interpreted with
care, since the groups are defined based on click-behavior, and not on exogenous variables such
as demographics. Column (i) of Table 6 reports results for the logit model for the entire sample.
Column (ii) presents results for first screen consumers that only inspect offers in the first screen;
column (iii) for low screen consumers that clicked at least once in offers in lower screens; column (iv)
for sorting consumers that resorted the offers, and column (v) for multiple click consumers. Note
that in these specifications we focus on total price which includes item price, shipping costs and tax,
in order to keep our random coefficients analysis parsimonious in light of its greater computational
demands. Also, note that the number of sessions for the sorting consumer group is very small
relative to the other groups. Based on our earlier discussion, the choice set on which the model is
estimated is the entire set of offers in the session.
As we would expect, ceteris peribus consumers in all groups are less likely to choose an offer with
a higher total price. We find that first screen consumers have the highest coefficient on price, while
low screen consumers who click on lower screens have the lowest. In this sense, the results coincide
with our expectations that search in this setting is generally motivated by non-price factors.
Consumers also value shorter delivery times. Sorting consumers present the largest responsive-
ness to delivery time (though only significant at the 10 percent level of confidence), while multiple
click consumers have the lowest. Both low screen and multiple click consumers appear to have
a strong taste for brand, as they depict significantly higher, positive demand effects on the big-
three retailers indicator variable. 15 The small magnitude of the brand coefficient for first screen
Note that while most of multiple click consumers click on offers on the first screen (80 percent), most of these
offers (54 percent) belong to the big three retailers, suggesting a preference for brand.

consumers contrasts with results for the rest of the consumer groups.
The coefficient on the indicator variable for whether delivery time is not available is negative,
suggesting that not listing the delivery time has an adverse effect on the demand for a retailer.
Using the coefficient on the average delivery time (measured in days) to interpret this negative effect
on demand suggests that, on average, the value consumers put on delivery information not being
provided is equivalent to about 4 additional delivery days. However, for low screen and sorting
consumers this variable presents no statistical significance at reasonable levels of confidence. It is
worth noting that even first screen consumers who present the highest coefficient on price put
significant weight on other attributes of the product-retailer bundle, highlighting the importance
of retailer differentiation in this context.
Table 7 estimates the logit model adding the distance measure screen number that captures
how far down the list each offer appears, thus taking into account the relative unattractiveness of
lower offers given the effort involved in scrolling down. This measure also allows us to safely define
the largest possible choice set even if a consumer did not see some of the offers in this choice set,
since the screen number should give proper weighing to each offer. Note that in the case of first
screen consumers, the model based on the entire set of offers and a distance measure is identical to
the model without a distance measure estimated based on the restricted choice set including the
top ten offers only. This is due to the fact that first screen consumers, by definition, never click
on a lower screen offer.16
The coefficient on screen number is statistically significant for all the consumer groups shown on
the table, and it is usually negative, such that offers that appear on lower screens are worse to the
consumer than those that are on higher screens. The exception is the case of low screen consumers,
where the coefficient is positive, since these consumers rarely go back to click on a first screen offer
after having clicked on lower screens. These higher priced offers yield more utility to the consumer,
as clearly they are looking for attributes that go beyond price. Overall, the estimations appear
to be more precise and the coefficient magnitudes are sometimes affected by the introduction of
the distance measure, suggesting the importance of controlling for this variable when all offers are
included as part of the choice set given that we do not know exactly what screens the consumers
actually looked at unless they clicked on an offer on that screen.

We present the latter model since it presents the appropriate R-squared and underlying set of offers, and does
not include the distance measure, which is insignificant (the rest of the coefficients are identical under both models).

5.2 Random coefficients model results

Tables 8 through 12 show results for the random coefficients specification, for the entire sample as
well as for each consumer type. Note that each consumer is allowed to have an individual-specific
marginal utility, as described in Section 4. The results are robust to various optimization routines
and are based on Halton draw sampling 125 individuals from a standard normal distribution.17
We present two specifications in each case. Both Model I and Model II allow all marginal
utilities to differ across individuals, thus making the model flexible.18 Model II also includes the
distance measure screen number, also allowed to vary across consumers.19
Across all specifications, the estimation results are consistent with the way we expect the
coefficients to enter the indirect utility function. In Table 8, based on the entire sample, we find that
consumers respond negatively to total price, as well as to delivery time and product availability. We
also find a significant positive brand effect on demand for the big three retailers (Amazon, Barnes
& Noble, and Borders), as before. All the random coefficients have a standard deviation that is
significant at the one percent level of confidence. This suggests that it is appropriate to allow the
marginal utilities to vary across consumers.
In terms of price sensitivity, low screen consumers have the lowest absolute value coefficient,
which, as expected, suggests that they care relatively more about non-price attributes. Sorting
and multiple click consumers, who also spend more time searching through offers, present similar
coefficients. First screen consumers, who do not search, have the highest coefficient on price and
put the lowest weight on brand.
These results are similar to our previous logit results. However, the random coefficients model
allows for more reasonable substitution patterns. For instance, if there were a zero standard devia-
tion on the distribution of marginal utilities of delivery time, then when a low delivery time retailer
increases its price, consumers who substitute away from this retailer will do so proportionately to-
ward all other retailers, regardless of their delivery time, as substituting consumers have the same
Based on Train (1999), we use Halton draws instead of random draws, a type of what is known in the literature
as intelligent draw, to save computation time. Train finds that the simulation variance in the estimation of random
coefficients is lower with 100 Halton draws than with 1000 random draws, confirming earlier results in the literature.
In our computations, we have benefited greatly by the estimation algorithm developed by Kenneth Train, David
Revelt and Paul Ruud.
The fully flexible model is our preferred specification relative to a more parsimonious model where, say, only
the price coefficient is allowed to vary across individuals as it provides a better fit of the data, given that the
estimates of the standard deviation of the distribution of tastes are usually significantly different from zero for all
Once again, in the case of first screen consumers, model II is estimated with no distance measure but on the
basis of the restricted choice set of the top ten offers, which, as measured earlier, is similar to including a distance
measure and using the unrestricted choice set.

marginal utility as any other consumer. On the contrary, if the standard deviation on taste for
delivery time were nonzero, as we find is the case here, when a low delivery time retailer increases its
price, consumers who substitute away will do so towards other low delivery time retailers, as they
originally showed a strong taste for low delivery time. The latter has to do with the way consumers
decide on purchases by choosing the one which provides the highest utility: if a consumer found
a low delivery time retailer to provide her with the greatest utility, on average this consumer will
have a relatively large marginal utility for low delivery time.
Note that model II in all instances provides a better fit of the data, with the distance measure,
represented by screen number, always significantly different from zero. Therefore, we choose model
II as our preferred specification in the analysis that follows.

5.3 Price elasticities

Based upon the above estimates, one can obtain price elasticities, which will allow for the interpre-
tation of the coefficient magnitudes.

Logit elasticities

Recalling that zj = xj j pj , under the logit model, as defined in Section 4, the price
elasticity for offer j is

Pj pk pj (1 Pj ) ifj = k
jk = = (8)
pk Pj pk Pk otherwise.

Results for own-price elasticities are shown in Table 13. We present various percentiles for the
distribution of price elasticities across offers for the entire sample as well as for each consumer
group and based on our two logit models. The median of the distribution of elasticities is -9.77 in
the base model, and -6.75 when the distance measure is introduced, such that for a one percent
increase in the retailers total price, there is a reduction of nearly 10 and 7 percent in the retailers
demand, respectively. This is quite high compared to most offline markets, as might be expected
given the ease with which consumers can compare prices at a shopbot like Dealtime. Ignorance
and geography are virtually eliminated as barriers to price search. At the same time, the median
price elasticity is significantly less than the elasticities found by Ellison and Ellison (2008) in their
analysis of a shopbot for computer memory chips, where retailer differentiation is less evident. In
results below, we explore this finding further.

We also find, not surprisingly, large variation across consumer types. In particular, low screen
consumers have low price elasticities with a median of less than one. These results are directionally
consistent with our expectations, although the small magnitude of the price elasticity is notable.
First screen consumers, as we would expect, present the highest price elasticities, with a median of
-14.46 and -6.00, respectively, thus showing great sensitivity to the specification used. In particular,
including the distance measure which controls for the position of the offers on the screen appears
to be important, as it adjusts for the fact that some low offers might not be seen by the consumer
at all.

Random coefficients elasticities

As mentioned earlier, the flexibility of the random coefficients model has several advantages
over the multinomial logit model. While the logit model is attractive due to its tractability, it
imposes restrictions on the own- and cross-price elasticities (see McFadden, 1981, 1984; Berry,
Levinsohn and Pakes, 1995). As we saw earlier, the price elasticities of the logit model are driven
only by market shares. In the case of cross-price elasticities, for instance, this implies that if two
retailers have similar market shares, whenever the price of a third retailer increases, consumers will
substitute toward both retailers similarly, regardless of how far apart in the characteristics space
the two retailers are located from each other. The random coefficients model allows for flexible
price elasticities. Own-price elasticities in this model are driven by the different price sensitivities of
diverse consumers, as opposed to the functional form assumptions of how price enters the indirect
utility (additive separability). Cross-price substitution is driven by product characteristics, as the
error term includes interaction between individual idiosyncrasies and characteristics.
In particular, the price elasticities derived from the random coefficients model introduced in
Section 4 are as follows:

pj R

Pj i Pij (1 Pij )dP () ifj = k
j = (9)
pj R

Pj i Pij Pik dP () otherwise.

where Pij is the choice probability for consumer i for retailer j, as depicted in equation 4, i =
+ vi , P () is the distribution of (which we impose a priori), and

Pj = Pij dp() (10)

The elasticities implied by the random coefficients specification are reported in Table 14. This

specification usually leads to substantially smaller elasticity estimates than the logit model, with
the elasticity distributions being shifted to the right. Note that the low screen consumer elasticities
are modified only slightly. This is not surprising, given that only the standard deviation on delivery
time is significantly different from zero (at the ten percent level) in the random coefficients model.20
In the case of the entire sample estimates, while over a quarter of the elasticities are positive
under the base model, only the tenth percentile is positive when the distance measure is included,
suggesting once again the importance of introducing this measure. Some positive elasticities result
from the fact that we let the individual characteristics be normally distributed, so that elasticities
can take on any value.21 An alternative to this approach is to impose another distribution, such
as restricting the individuals marginal utility of price to take on negative values only. However,
when we try imposing a log-normal distribution on the marginal utility of price, we do not obtain
convergence. Even if we did, however, we would be forcing the elasticities to be negative by imposing
such distribution, and the validity of such an approach might be questionable.
Note that the price elasticities tend to be more similar between the logit and the random
coefficients model when the distance measure is included. The ordering of the magnitudes of the
elasticities (based on the median) remains approximately the same under both the logit and the
random coefficients. First screen consumers, as expected, have the highest price elasticity, with a
median of around -5, while multiple and low screen consumers have the lowest price elasticity with
a median of no more than -1. Also note that while some of the elasticities might appear to be low
(especially those below unity), Chevalier and Goolsbee (2003) also find a relatively low own-price
elasticity of demand for Amazon.com of -0.45 during 2001.

5.4 Search benefits and costs

Using the random coefficients model estimates based on the entire sample and the equations in
Section 4.2 above, we find that there is a median gain of $6.55 from scrolling down to a lower
screen. Table 15 shows the distribution of consumer welfare improvements from the full set of
offers across various percentiles. As discussed earlier, a consumer derives this consumer welfare
gain when choosing one alternative from the full set of offers at the shopbot. In the case of low
Thus, the implicit assumption of the multinomial logit about the standard deviation of the taste distribution
being zero holds true for price and for the indicator for whether delivery time is not available.
This is common in the literature. Nevo (1997), for instance, finds as many as 13 percent of the price coefficients
to be positive. It is through the flexible interactions with demographics, which we do not have as part of our data set
here, that Nevo (2001) obtains, in subsequent work, a dramatic reduction in the positive price coefficients, to only
0.7 percent. As demographic data are included, the distribution of demographics, which is not normal, modifies the
final coefficient distribution away from the normal.

screen consumers, who click on offers beyond the first screen, this welfare gain represents an upper
bound for search costs. For these consumers, search benefits are rather high, given that their
marginal utility of income, used here to adjust utils into dollars, is very low, as evidenced by the
coefficient on price and their price elasticity.
Note that the search benefits of first screen consumers are rather low. This makes sense because
these consumers appear to care mostly about price, such that having access to more offers, all of
which are on lower screens and therefore more expensive, does not significantly increase their utility.
It is important to note that while search benefits of low screen consumers represent an upper bound
to their search costs, the search benefits of first screen consumers represent a lower bound to their
search costs at least as long as we are willing to accept the assumption that first screen consumers
never looked at lower screens (a fact that we cannot corroborate since we can only identify consumer
behavior through actual click-throughs).
Table 16 presents various percentiles for the upper bound for various consumer groups. The
estimates are based on the subset of consumers, within each consumer type (entire sample, low
screen, sorting and multiple click consumers),22 that scroll down to lower screens.
The estimates imply that the benefits to searching lower screens are $6.55 for the median
consumer, while the cost of carrying an exhaustive search of the offers is a maximum of $6.45
for the median consumer that we observe chooses to search lower screens. As noted above, these
results are consistent with other papers in the literature showing relatively high search costs among
Internet shoppers. For example, Bajari and Hortacsu (2003) estimate the implied cost of entering
an eBay auction the effort spent on estimating the objects value and the opportunity cost of
time spent bidding to be $3.20. Likewise, Hong and Shum (2006) found consumers median
non-sequential search costs to be between $1.31 and $2.90 for a sample of textbooks, and Hann
and Terwiesch (2003) find rebidding costs to be between $4 and $7.50 at a name-your-own-price
It is also worth noting that consumer search costs online and offline might actually mean different
things. We might expect consumers to be more willing to search when all retailers are just a click
away than when they are a car ride away. Yet, we do not observe consumers searching as much in
spite of the apparent ease of search online (see Johnson et al. 2004). One possible explanation for
this is that while in a brick and mortar environment most search costs are costs of time on which
people might assign a low value on the Internet most search costs are of a cognitive nature. At
Note that, by definition, there are no first screen consumers that scroll down.

the shopbot, a consumer will not incur a large amount of time scrolling down, but rather she is
going to have to think more which consumers may dislike.

5.5 Discussion

This paper is not without limitations. Notable among these is that our analysis is based on
consumers who choose to conduct price searches at a particular Internet shopbot. We note, however,
that the shopbot is question was the most popular Internet shopbot at the time of our study, and
we have no reason to believe that its customers are systematically different than a broader sample
of shopbot users. Moreover, we have no reason to believe that shopbot users have systematically
higher search costs than a broader sample of Internet users. Indeed, it seems more likely that the
reverse is true, which would make our search cost results conservative with respect to what one
might find among a broader set of Internet users. A related limitation is that, for convenience, we
have limited our analysis to the top 100 books selected by shopbot users. Again, we have no reason
to believe that customers for these books have systematically higher search costs than customers
for other titles. A third important limitation of our analysis is that we only observe click-throughs,
not purchases. However, as noted above, prior work using this dataset suggests that click-throughs
are strongly correlated with purchase intent. Finally, it is important to note that our data allow
us to determine whether the consumer searched low screens only if the consumer actually clicked
in an offer in a lower screen. In other words, we have no way to directly observe if a consumer
scrolled to lower screens but did not click any offers, and then, realizing no benefits from search,
settled for the first screen. As a result, as we note above, low screen consumers represent a subset
of those consumers who actually searched low screens, and our welfare calculation represents an
upper bound to search costs.

6 Concluding remarks

In this paper, we quantify consumer benefits to search and place an upper bound on consumer search
costs. We find that the benefits to search lower screens are $6.55 while the cost of an exhaustive
search of the offers is a maximum of $6.45. Thus, the search costs in our study are significant,
amounting to sixty percent of the price dispersion in the market. This finding is consistent with a
growing number of papers in the literature finding significant search costs for consumers in online

We also analyze consumer heterogeneity based on click-behavior. Across the various consumer
types we find that first screen consumers are the most price sensitive. Consumers that scroll down
multiple screens have low price sensitivity but brand appears to play a relatively important role for
them as presumably they choose to inspect lower screen because they care relatively more about
other attributes besides price. Similarly, multiple click and sorting consumers appear to assign a
high value on brand and are less price sensitive. Thus, in our setting, increased search intensity is
not correlated with greater price sensitivity, contrary to common assumption in most search cost
Collectively, the results highlight two important factors regarding Internet commerce. First,
the presence of search costs in this setting of nearly-perfect price and product information provides
one possible explanation for the continuing presence of high levels of price dispersion in Internet
markets. Second, the importance of non-price factors, even for homogeneous physical products,
highlights the importance of retailer differentiation on the Internet through service characteristics
and reputation. This is consistent with recent observations that in a modern economy, ancillary
services take on an increased importance relative to the physical product. This also suggests
that the future development of analytic models in the context of the Internet should take into
account both consumer search costs and retailer differentiation. Analytic models that ignore retailer
differentiation may not be that relevant for homogeneous physical products such as books not
to mention more complex and differentiated products such as electronics, cars, and computers.


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Book Title Author(s) Number of last clicks

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire J.K. Rowling 1303
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets J.K. Rowling 408
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban J.K. Rowling 349
Java How to Program P.J. Deitel and H.M. Deitel 318
C++ How to Program H.M. Deitel and P.J. Deitel 233
The Carbohydrate Addicts Lifespan Program R.F. Heller 214
A Tale of Two Cities C. Dickens 203
Computer Networks A. Tanenbaum 191
Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone J.K. Rowling 186
Who Moved My Cheese? S. Johnson and K.H. Blanchard 180


Retailer Share rank No. last clicks Click share

Borders 1 1173 0.1103792
1Bookstreet 2 1090 0.1025689
ecampus.com 3 923 0.0868542
Amazon 4 876 0.0824315
the BigStore.com 5 707 0.0665287
Fat Brain 6 603 0.0567423
Amazon.co.uk 7 495 0.0465795
Alphabetstreet 8 464 0.0436624
BN.com 9 428 0.0402748
Half.com 10 408 0.0383928
AlphaCraze 11 348 0.0327468
elgrande.com 12 319 0.0300179
A1Books 13 292 0.0274772
Countrybookstore 14 280 0.0263480
Shopping.com 15 251 0.0236191
Classbook.com 16 240 0.0225840
Indigo.ca 17 237 0.0223017
buy.com 18 202 0.0190082
uk.bol.com 19 187 0.0175967
ChaptersGLOBE.com 20 169 0.0159029
Davista 21 79 0.0074339
bol.de 22 75 0.0070575
Bookbuyers Outlet 22 75 0.0070575
Internet Book Shop 24 74 0.0069634
Wordsworth 24 74 0.0069634
Hamilton Books 26 69 0.0064929
AllBooks4Less.com 27 67 0.0063047
Blackwells 27 67 0.0063047
Angus and Robertson 29 52 0.0048932
Dymocks 30 43 0.0040463
seekbooks 31 40 0.0037640
Page1Book 32 36 0.0033876
StudentBookWorld.com 33 33 0.0031053
lion.cc 34 30 0.0028230
Powells 35 23 0.0021643
Textbook.com 36 20 0.0018820
BCYbookloft.com 37 19 0.0017879
Amazon.de 38 15 0.0014115
Brians 39 11 0.0010351
1000s of Discount Books 40 10 0.0009410
WHSmith Online 41 9 0.0008469
BookCloseOuts 42 5 0.0004705
Lesezone 42 5 0.0004705
Magusbooks 44 3 0.0002823
WATERSTONES Online 45 1 0.0000941
ChristianBooks.com 46 0 0
Cherryvalley 46 0 0
Books For Cooks 46 0 0


Variable Mean St. Dev. Min Max

Click (1=yes) 0.0300 0.1705 0 1

Last click (1=yes) 0.0231 0.1501 0 1
Total price 52.11 32.78 1.25 212.91
Item price 42.14 31.42 0.50 180.40
Shipping price 9.70 6.66 0 59.92
Tax 0.26 1.04 0 13.08
Minimum delivery time 6.23 8.74 0 63
Maximum delivery time 9.47 12.69 0 85
Average delivery time 7.85 10.53 0 73.5
Delivery time not available 0.4298 0.4951 0 1
Big three retailers (1=yes) 0.1813 0.3853 0 1
Screen number 2.85 1.45 1 7

Number of observations (offers) 460814

Number of sessions 10627

Source: Information constructed on the basis of Dealtime.com

data. the variable equals 1 if the retailer did not provide the
delivery time.


Percentage of sessions

First screen consumers (clicked only within default screen) 90.76%

Low screen consumers (scrolled down) 9.24%
Multiple click consumers (clicks>1) 16.48%
Sorting customers 0.79%

Last-clicked in offer number one 49.68%

Last-clicked one of the first three offers 75.49%
Last-clicked offer in second screen 4.23%
Last-clicked offer in third screen 1.55%
Scrolled to lower screens but chose first screen offer 1.16%

Number of sessions 10627


Dependent Variable: 0/1

Explanatory Variable (i) (ii)
Item price 0.193 0.190
(0.001) (0.002)
Shipping price 0.367 0.386
(0.002) (0.004)
Tax 0.361 0.265
(0.012) (0.024)
Average delivery time 0.018 0.038
(0.001) (0.002)
Delivery time not available 0.361 0.235
(0.015) (0.025)
Big three retailers 0.332 0.356
(0.014) (0.027)

Sessions 39,635 10,627

Pseudo R-squared 0.285 0.365
NOTE. Standard errors are in parentheses. ** significant
at 1%. See text and Appendix for description of variables.
Columns (i) and (ii) present results for S&B and our current
results, respectively. S&B use weighted tax, which tries to take
into account locality taxes, unobserved to the researcher, in ad-
dition to state sales tax. S&B sample covers all book searches
during Aug. 25 - Nov. 1, 1999. Our sample is restricted to
the top 100 bestseller book searches, and covers the period Sep.
1999 - Sept. 2000.


Dependent Variable: 0/1

Explanatory Variable Entire First Low Sorting Multiple
sample screen screen Clicks
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)
Total price 0.239 0.353 0.016 0.126 0.103
(0.002) (0.003) (0.002) (0.017) (0.003)
Avg. delivery time 0.026 0.032 0.020 0.040 0.014
(0.002) (0.002) (0.005) (0.022) (0.003)
Delivery time N/A 0.096 0.290 0.042 0.074 0.138
(0.025) (0.028) (0.073) (0.265) (0.056)
Big 3 retailers 0.258 0.174 0.867 0.580 0.759
(0.027) (0.031) (0.069) (0.278) (0.060)

Observations 460814 416373 44441 3209 75620

Sessions 10627 9645 982 84 1751
Pseudo R-squared 0.336 0.452 0.031 0.204 0.178
NOTE. Standard errors are in parentheses. significant at 10%; *significant
at 5%; ** significant at 1%. See text and Appendix for description of variables.
The models are estimated on the entire set of offers in a session.


Dependent Variable: 0/1

Explanatory Variable Entire First Low Sorting Multiple
sample screen screen Clicks
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)
Total price 0.165 0.237 0.023 0.120 0.058
(0.003) (0.004) (0.003) (0.018) (0.003)
Avg. delivery time 0.028 0.034 0.019 0.031 0.017
(0.002) (0.002) (0.005) (0.020) (0.003)
Delivery time N/A 0.072 0.223 0.033 0.129 0.153
(0.024) (0.027) (0.073) (0.287) (0.056)
Big 3 retailers 0.172 0.058 0.901 0.191 0.689
(0.027) (0.030) (0.070) (0.309) (0.061)
Screen number 0.999 0.110 1.298 0.813
(0.026) (0.036) (0.205) (0.042)

Observations 460814 95200 44441 3209 75620

Sessions 10627 9645 982 84 1751
Pseudo R-squared 0.360 0.205 0.032 0.311 0.214
NOTE. Standard errors are in parentheses. significant at 10%; *significant
at 5%; ** significant at 1%. See text and Appendix for description of variables.
The models are estimated on the entire set of offers in a session, except where
noted. The variable screen number is not shown in the case of first screen
consumers because, by definition, no first screen consumer clicks on a lower
screen, and as a result the model with a distance measure estimated on the
entire set of offers is identical to the model shown here which is based on the
top ten offers.


Explanatory Variable Mean Standard Mean Standard
deviation deviation
Total price 0.6461 0.3903 0.5941 0.4255
(0.0108) (0.0085) (0.0119) (0.0095)
Average delivery time 0.0591 0.0555 0.0549 0.0488
(0.0033) (0.0041) (0.0033) (0.0045)
Delivery time not available 0.6119 1.3280 0.5664 0.8045
(0.0389) (0.1239) (0.0358) (0.1477)
Big three retailers 0.3001 1.2178 0.3013 1.2625
(0.0477) (0.1392) (0.0462) (0.1362)
Screen number 2.3589 2.1596
(0.1200) (0.1016)

Sessions 10627 10627

NOTE. Robust standard errors are in parentheses. ** significant at 1%. See
text and Appendix for description of variables.


Explanatory Variable Mean Standard Mean Standard
deviation deviation
Total price 0.8178 0.4313 0.7830 0.5404
(0.0152) (0.0103) (0.0190) (0.0156)
Average delivery time 0.0658 0.0687 0.0634 0.0647
(0.0038) (0.0047) (0.0040) (0.0060)
Delivery time not available 0.7808 2.0785 0.7232 1.4343
(0.0506) (0.1296) (0.0462) (0.1329)
Big three retailers 0.2572 1.1896 0.2581 1.0748
(0.0521) (0.1591) (0.0490) (0.1639)

Sessions 9645 9645

NOTE. Robust standard errors are in parentheses. ** significant at 1%. See
text and Appendix for description of variables. The first model is estimated
on the entire set of offers, while the second model is estimated on the basis of
the first ten offers only.


Explanatory Variable Mean Standard Mean Standard
deviation deviation
Total price 0.0164 0.0010 0.0235 0.0003
(0.0025) (0.0075) (0.0035) (0.0075)
Average delivery time 0.0279 0.0236 0.0250 0.0202
(0.0082) (0.0106) (0.0081) (0.0117)
Delivery time not available 0.0743 0.0064 0.0588 0.0039
(0.0773) (0.2359) (0.0773) (0.2343)
Big three retailers 0.7104 1.1454 0.7427 1.1717
(0.1823) (0.7277) (0.1856) (0.7339)
Screen number 0.1095 0.0168
(0.0374) (0.1738)

Sessions 982 982

NOTE. Robust standard errors are in parentheses. *significant at 5%; **
significant at 1%. See text and Appendix for description of variables.


Explanatory Variable Mean Standard Mean Standard
deviation deviation
Total price 0.3458 0.2403 0.3641 0.2043
(0.0690) (0.0701) (0.0842) (0.0592)
Average delivery time 0.1526 0.1045 0.1464 0.1224
(0.0530) (0.0325) (0.0636) (0.0548)
Delivery time not available 0.3619 1.9671 0.5253 7.9340
(0.4835) (1.4885) (1.4539) (3.6632)
Big three retailers 0.3485 0.4921 0.0374 1.3162
(0.3606) (1.0509) (0.5502) (1.0974)
Screen number 4.4250 3.1047
(1.3537) (0.9115)

Sessions 84 84
NOTE. Robust standard errors are in parentheses. ** significant at 1%. See
text and Appendix for description of variables.


Explanatory Variable Mean Standard Mean Standard
deviation deviation
Total price 0.1938 0.1288 0.1050 0.0981
(0.0084) (0.0079) (0.0077) (0.0084)
Average delivery time 0.0279 0.0224 0.0270 0.0179
(0.0057) (0.0099) (0.0053) (0.0105)
Delivery time not available 0.4204 1.6959 0.3370 0.5870
(0.0853) 0.3651) (0.0655) (0.3417)
Big three retailers 0.8718 0.0569 0.8134 0.3727
(0.0675) (0.3924) (0.0732) (0.4399))
Screen number 1.6327 1.3868
(0.1248) (0.1203)

Sessions 1751 1751

NOTE. Robust standard errors are in parentheses. ** significant at 1%. See
text and Appendix for description of variables.


Price 10% 25% Median 75% 90%

Entire sample 23.89 18.15 9.77 5.56 4.11
16.50 12.53 6.75 3.87 2.83

First screen 35.14 26.80 14.46 8.20 5.96

17.01 12.50 6.00 3.70 2.74

Low screen 1.62 1.18 0.68 0.38 0.30

2.35 1.71 0.98 0.55 0.43

Sorting 13.08 9.75 4.36 2.76 2.14

12.49 9.27 4.18 2.63 2.02

Multiple clicks 10.74 8.43 5.35 2.66 1.92

6.11 4.78 3.03 1.53 1.09

NOTE. Based on estimates from Table 6 and Table 7, respectively. The

elasticity distribution is over offers in the corresponding consumer sample.
Figure indicates percentage change in the choice probability for a given retailer
given a 1 percent increase in the retailers price.


10% 25% Median 75% 90%

Entire sample 12.68 7.91 4.19 0.29 6.06
10.58 6.33 2.95 0.27 3.78

First screen 15.11 9.42 5.01 0.12 5.86

20.18 10.66 5.41 1.07 4.91

Low screen 1.66 1.23 0.70 0.39 0.31

2.40 1.75 1.00 0.56 0.44

Sorting 10.06 6.62 3.93 0.65 4.46

16.28 8.26 4.50 1.67 0.66

Multiple click 9.60 6.34 3.77 1.79 0.94

4.78 2.27 0.61 1.10 3.21

NOTE. Based on estimates from model II and II, respectively. The elasticity
distribution is over offers in the corresponding consumer sample.

Table 15: BENEFITS TO SEARCH ($ units)

10% 25% Median 75% 90%

Entire sample 2.27 3.58 5.74 9.54 18.76
2.82 4.20 6.55 11.15 20.51

First screen 1.37 2.59 4.72 8.41 16.88

0.42 0.76 1.17 2.02 4.13

Low screen 74.42 83.72 93.17 103.18 112.76

53.54 58.62 64.07 70.97 76.29

Sorting 4.96 6.64 9.14 13.47 22.63

3.46 6.22 9.68 13.94 21.37

Multiple click 8.73 11.82 16.08 23.05 36.30

16.74 22.14 29.75 41.50 65.04

NOTE. Based on estimates from model I and model II, respectively. The
distribution is over customers in the corresponding consumer sample. Figures
represent U.S. dollars.


10% 25% Median 75% 90%

Entire sample (n = 982) 2.52 3.78 5.47 9.01 17.70
3.15 4.38 6.45 10.88 19.89

Low screen (n = 982) 74.42 83.72 93.17 103.18 112.76

53.54 58.62 64.07 70.97 76.29

Sorting (n = 14) 5.03 7.19 9.16 14.90 19.99

4.97 7.10 10.30 18.04 30.63

Multiple click (n = 471) 9.71 12.35 16.18 22.64 36.97

17.47 22.77 30.52 44.02 71.41

NOTE. Based on estimates from model I and model II, respectively. The distribu-
tion is over customers in the corresponding consumer sample. Note that for low screen
consumers search benefits are identical to search costs, since by definition these con-
sumers scrolled down. Also, in the case of first screen consumers, their search benefits
represent a lower bound to search costs (shown on previous table). Figures represent
U.S. dollars.


Variable Description
Click =1 if the offer was one on which the customer clicked
(which may not be the last click).
Last click =1 if the offer was the last one on which the customer
clicked on.
Total price Total price as listed in the shopbots screen. Total
price = item price + shipping cost + sales tax.
Item price Item price as listed in the shopbots screen.
Shipping price Shipping price as listed in the shopbots screen.
Tax Sales tax as listed in the shopbots screen
Minimum delivery time The smallest number in the range specified by the re-
tailer for delivery time, whenever a range as opposed
to a single number of days is provided.
Maximum delivery time The largest number in the range specified by the re-
tailer for delivery time, whenever a range as opposed
to a single number of days is provided.
Average delivery time Delivery time = Acquisition time + Shipping time.
Average delivery time is the average between maxi-
mum delivery time and minimum delivery time offered
by the retailer, whenever a time range is provided by
the retailer. Otherwise it is just the specific time in-
Delivery not available =1 if the retailer did not provide a delivery time.
First screen consumer =1 if the consumer only clicked on offers in first
Low screen consumer =1 if the consumer clicked on offers in lower screens.
Sorting consumer =1 if the consumer sorted by a column other than
total price, which is the default ordering shown to the
Multiple click consumer =1 if consumer clicked on multiple offers.
Big three retailers =1 if the retailer is one of the three most well-known
retailers in the sample: Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble,
Screen number =1 if the offer is listed within the default screen; =2
if the offers is listed on the second screen; and so on.


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