Tally Erp 9 Coplete Theory

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Account: - The summary of business transaction which belongs to any particular

person, organization or thing is called account.

--- There are two types of account:-

1. Personal a/c
2. Impersonal a/c
1. Personal a/c:- Those account which belongs to any person or any organization is
called person a/c.

Such as; Ajay a/c, s.k. store, SBI a/c,M.k communication a/c.

2.Impersonal a/c:- All account except personal a/c are called impersonal a/c.

-----There are two types of impersonal a/c:-

1.Real a/c
2.Nominal a/c

1.Real a/c:-Those a/c which belongs assets of any trade or organization are called Real

Such as; cash a/c, furniture a/c, computer a/c. etc.

2.Nominal a/c:- Those a/c which belongs to profit and loss, Income or Expense are
called nominal a/c

Such as; Telephone bills a/c, factory rent a/c, electricity bills a/c, discount a/c, commission a/c,

Accounting:- It is an art of recording summarizing, reporting business transaction

in term of money is called accounting.

Recording business transaction by using set of predefined rule is called accounting.

----There are two methods of accounting:-
1.single entry system.
3.Double entry system.

1.single entry system:- In single entry system, It maintain either Debit side or
credit side.

Eg:- ajay paid Rs 5000 to mohan.

Dr. ---- Mohan 5000


Cr. -----Ajay 5000

3. Double entry system:- In single entry system, it maintain both Dibit as

well as Credit side.

Eg:- Ajay paid Rs 5000 to Mohan.

Dr. -----Mohan 5000.
Cr. ------ Ajay 5000.

Goals of accounting:-
1. It is used to known the assets of any organization.
2. It is used to known the profit and loss of any organization.
3. It is used as a legal proof.
4. It is used to solve trade dispute.
5. It is used to know the future trade of any organization.

Assets:- The value of any things which are used to operate any business is called

Such as; Cash in hand, stock in hand, building, machines, machinery,

computer, furniture, etc.
---- There are two types of Assets:-

1.Fixed Assets.
2. Current Assets.

1. Fixed Assets:- Those assets which are used in are business for long term profit are
called fixed assets.

Such as- Furniture, building, machinery etc.

2. Current assets:- Those assets which are used in a business for short term profit are
called current assets.

Such as- Cash in hand, stock in hand, etc.

Capital :- Investment by owner to start any business is called capital.

Such as- cash.

---- There are two types of investment:-

1.Tangible Investment.
2.Intngible Investment.
1. Tangible Investment:-Those investment in which owner invest money for any business for
long term are called tangible investment.

2. Intangible investment:-Those investment in which owner invest money for short term are
called intangible investment.

Journal: - It is a first book of accounting.it is used to record business transaction at the time
when transaction are made, if our journal will be correct then our report will be correct.

Such as; profit and loss statement, trail balance, balance sheet, Inventory book, transfer register etc.

Rule of Journal accounting:-

1. For personal a/c.
Dr. The Receiver.
Cr. The Giver.
2. For real a/c.
Dr. what comes?
Cr. What gouge out?
3. For nominal a/c.
Dr. All losses and expenses.
Cr. All income and gain.

Q. what is tally ?
Ans- Tally stands for total accounting leading list year.
This software was developed by S.S. GOYNKE and his son of BHARAT GOYNKE an non
commerce person in 1986.at those time this software was named financial accounting.
Later this software come in to existence by the company of Bangalore with company
name peutronics Pvt. Ltd. company.
Latewr in 1988 this company is known as Tally solution Pvt. Ltd.
This first of tally was tally 5.2 other version of tally are tally 6.2,tally 7.2,tally 9.0 and
the leatest version of tally are TALLY ERP 9.
Where ERP stands for enterprises resource planning.

Advantage of tally:-
1. It is used to do financial accounting.
2. To do cost accounting.
3. To do management accounting.
4. To maintain cost centre.
5. To maintain budget.
6. To maintain inventory system.
7. To calculate tax using VAT,TDS,CST,Service, tax excise.
8. To maintain payroll.
9. It allows multi currency & multi language capibilities.

Required steps to start Tally ERP 9 :-

1. Double click on the icon present on desktop.
2. Select work in educational mode.
3. Select silver edition mode single user.
When tally started successfully then Gateway of Tally menu.
Appears on the screen of computer.
A a company started automatically, it is these company which is created at
tally software.
Req. steps to create a company:-
1. Go to Gateway of tally menu.
2. Press ALT+F3 key to go to company info menu.
3. Select create company option.
4. Type following details about company.
1. Company name such as; Datapro computer Pvt.Ltd.
2. Mailing name such as darbhanga datapro.
3. Address of company such as; vip road, laheriashria, darbhang.
4. Select name in country statuary completion for.
5. Select state name.
6. Type Email ID, phone no.,mob no.,pin code.
7. Type financial year beginning date such as 01-04-2016.
8. Type book beginning.
9. Select company type in maintain (accounts only or accounts with
inventory )
10. Type company password if necessary by enabling.
Use security control options.
11. Press CTRL+A (save in tally)

Req. steps to close a company:-

1. Go to Gateway of tall menu.
2. Press Alt+f3 keys.
3. Select shut company options (alt+f1).
4. Select the company to be close.
5. Press Enter key.
Req. steps to reopen a company :-
1. Press alt+f3 keys.
2. Choose select company option.
3. Select the company to be open.
4. Press Enter key.
(Company open F1)
Req. steps to modify the details of company:-
1. Press Alt+f3 key.
2. Select ALTER options.
3. Select the company to be modify.
4. To do desired modification.
5. Press Ctrl+A.

Req. steps to delete the company:-

1. Press Alt+f3 key.
2. Select ALTER options.
3. Select the company to be deleted.
4. Press Alt+D
5. Press y or Enter key.

Ledger:- it is a book of which is used to specify the type of transaction to be

performed in Tally. There would be separate ledger for separate transaction.

Such as: ledger for sale, purchase, ajay, bank, cash etc.

Ledger group :- the group of ledger specify the type of ledger to be create in

Such as: capital a/c, sales a/c, purchase a/c, sundry debitor a/c,etc.

List of ledger group and their uses:-

1. Capital a/c :- This group is used to create of ledger of capital a/c.
2. Bank a/c :- this group is used to create ledger of bank a/c. such as ; SBI A/c, PNB
A/c, HDFC A/c, etc.
3. Sales a/c:- This group is used to create ledger of sales a/c and sales return a/c.
4. Purchase a/c:- This group is used to create ledger of purchase a/c and purchase
return a/c.
5. Sundry debtor:-This group is used to create ledger of customer. Such as; Mohan
a/c, S.K. ajancy a/c, Geeta a/c etc.
6. Sundry creditor:- This group is to create ledger of supplier. Such as; A.K
communication a/c, s.k. store a/c etc.
7. Direct expense:- This group is used to create ledger of expense which are done
on the manufacturing of production of goods. Such as; factory rant a/c, cost of raw
material a/c, wages a/c, etc.
8. Indirect expense:- This group is used to create ledger of those expenses which
are done on other head except production. such as; advertisement exp. a/c, telephone
bill a/c, salary a/c, discount a/c, etc.
9. Miscellaneous expense:- This group is used to create ledger of those
expenses whole details are not known yet and whose adjustment will be done in future.
Such as:- Travelling advance a/c, Repairing advance a/c, etc.
10. Secured loan a/c:- This groups is used to create ledger of those loan against
any guarantee is given. such as; Loan borrowed from Bank.
11. Unsecured loan a/c:- This group is used to create ledger of those loan against
any guarantee is given. such as; Loan taken from friends relative.
12.Branch & Division:- This group is used to create ledger of different branches of any
organization. such as; Datapro darbhanga a/c, dataoro Bhagalpur a/c, datapro samastipur
13.Duties & Tax:- This group is used to create a ledger of different taxation method. such as
; vat tax, service tax, TDS, TCS,CST etc.
14.Provision:- This group is used to create ledger of provision for future fund. Such as;
provision of social welfare, provision of loss due to fire etc.
Req. steps to create ledger in tally after company creation:-
1. Go to gateway of tally menu.
2. Select accounts info menu.
3. Select ledger options.
4. Select create ledger options.
5. Type name of ledger to be create.
6. Select related ledger group under.
7. Press Ctrl+A
NOTE:- Type mailing details also at the time of creation of ledger of any party such as customer
or supplier.

Req. steps to show details of ledger created in company :-

1. Go to gateway of tally menu.
2. Select accounts info menu.
3. Select ledger options.
4. Select display options.
5. Select desired ledger.
6. Press Enter key to be show details of ledger.

NOTE:- Press + key or page down key to go to next ledger. And press - key page
up key to go to previous ledger.

Req. steps to modify details of ledger :-

1. Go to gateway of tally menu.
2. Select accounts info menu.
3. Select ledger options.
4. Select ALTER options.
5. Select the ledger to be modify
6. To do desired modification.
7. Press Ctrl+A

Req. steps to delete a ledger :-

1. Go to gateway of tally menu.
2. Select accounts info menu.
3. Select ledger options.
4. Select ALTER options.
5. Select the ledger to be deleted.
6. Press Alt+D.
7. Press y to deleted.

NOTE:- It there any transaction performed with any ledger then all can not delete this ledger.

Such as: use have to delete or cancel those voucher through any transaction is done by these

List of basic accounting voucher and their uses:-

---- There are mainly six type of basic accounting voucher in tally.
1. Contra voucher (F4)
2. Payment voucher (F5)
3. Receipt voucher (F6)
4. Journal voucher (F7)
5. Sales voucher (F8)
6. Purchase voucher (F9)
1. . Contra voucher:- This voucher is used to transaction with Bank.

Such as ; This voucher is use for cash deposit in to bank.

Deposit into bank ,

Or cash withdrawal from bank.

2.Payment voucher:- This voucher is used for cash payment to any party or to any

3.Receipt voucher:- This voucher is used for cash Receipt or cheque receipt.

Such as; Receipt of Money from any party or from any other source.
4.Journal voucher:- This voucher is used to transaction of sales return, purchase
return, appreciation, depreciation TDS etc.

5.Sales voucher:- This voucher is used to transaction of cash sale and credit sale.

----This voucher opens in two mode:-

1.Invoice mode = party name.

2. voucher mode = Dr. or Cr.

Press Ctrl+v to switch from one mode to another mode.

6. Purchase vouchers:- This voucher is used to transaction of cash purchase and

credit purchase.

----This voucher opens in two mode:-

1.Invoice mode = party name.

2. voucher mode = Dr. or Cr.

-- Press Ctrl+v to switch from one mode to another mode.


1. Start tally ERP 9.
2. Crate a company name TaTa infotech .
3. Close the company.
4. Reopen the company ( tata infotech).
5. Change the company name & Add.
6. Delete the company.

2nd lab work

1. Create a company M/S enterprises.

2. Create following ledger in this company:-
a. Capital a/c ( capital).
b. Sales a/c (sale).
c. Purchase a/c ( purchase).
d. Electricity bill a/c ( indirect expenses).
e. Factory rent a/c ( direct expenses).
f. Salary a/c( indirect expenses).
g. Furniture a/c ( fixed assets).
h. PNB a/c ( bank).
i. M.s. enterprises delhi branch ( branches and division).
j. Travelling adv. a/c ( mis. Exp.).
3. Show list of ledger.
4. Change the following ledger:-
a. Electricity bill to telephone bill.
b. Travelling adv. To repairing.
c. M/S enter prises delhi to M/s enterprises Kolkata.
5. Delete the following ledger:-
a. Capital a/c.
b. Purchase a/c.

Lab work

1. Create a company name Suman ent enterprises.

2. Crate following ledger:-
a. Sales a/c.
b. Purchase a/c.
c. SBI a/c.
d. Telephone bill a/c.
e. Factory rent a/c.
f. Ajay a/c (customer).
g. S.k. agency a/c ( supplier).

Date- 01-03-2017
1. cash sale Rs 10000/-
2. credit sales to ajay Rs 15000/-.
3. Cash purchase Rs 5000/-.
4. Credit purchase Rs 6000 from S.k.agency.
5. Deposit Rs 25000 in SBI.
Date- 02-03-2017.
6. Paid Rs 10000/- to s.k. agency.
7. Receive Rs 5000 from Ajay.
8. Paid telephone bill Rs 2500/- and factory rent 5000/-.
9. Withdrawal Rs 5000 from SBI.
10. Paid telephone bill 2500 and factory rent 5000/-.

Req. steps to show day book of any particular date.

1. Go to gateway of tally menu,
2. Select display option.
3. Select day book option.
4. Press F2 key.
5. Type desired date whose transaction to be displayed.
6. Press Enter Key.

Req. steps to shows daybook of any date range:-

1. Go to gateway of tally menu,
2. Select display option.
3. Select day book option.
4. Press alt+F2 key.
5. Type starting date ending date.
6. Press Enter Key.

Note:- 1. When daybook is displayed first time, it shows transaction of last date any entry.

2 . press Alt+F2 key to shows/ hide details of daybook.

Lab work

Question based on cheque payment/receipt:-

1. Create a company A.k communication.
2. Create following ledger:-
a. Capital a/c.
b. Sales a/c.
c. Purchase a/c.
d. Mohan a/c(s.d.).
e. A.k store a/c (s.c).
f. Salary a/c.
g. Rent a/c.
h. PNB a/c.

Date- 1-03-2017.

1. Start business with capital Rs 25000.

2. Cash sale Rs 2500.
3. Cash purchase Rs 15000/-.
4. Credit sale to mohan Rs. 10000.
5. Credit purchase from A.k. store Rs 6000.
6. Deposit Rs 7500 in PNB.
7. Paid salary Rs 10000 by cheque of PNB with cheque no.PNB1111.
8. Paid rent Rs 5000 by cheque of PNB with cheque no. PNB2222.
9. Receive Rs 15000 from mohan by cheque of PNB with cheque no.PNB33333.
10. Paid Rs 8000 to A.k store by cheque of no. PNB44444.
11. Withdraw Rs. 10000 from PNB.
12. Paid salary Rs 8000 by cheque of PNB with cheque no.PNB55555.
13. Deposit Rs 50000 in PNB.
14. Receive Rs 15000 from mohan by cheque of PNB with cheque no. PNB66666.
15. Paid Rs 12000 to A.k store and also paid rent Rs 5000 by cheque of PNB with cheque no. PNB77777.

Req. steps shows any transaction done by cheque:-

1. Go to gateway tally menu.
2. Select banking option.
3. Select reconciliation.
4. Select the bank whose transaction to be displayed.

Eg:- F5.

Dr. salary 10000/-

Cr. PNB 10000/-

Lab work
1. create a company name G.S infotech.
2. create following ledger:-
a. sales a/c.
b. purchase a/c.
c. ajay a/c.
d. s.k. agency a/c.
e. raw material a/c.
f. electricity bill a/c.
g. SBI a/c.

Date- 01-03-2017.
1. Start a business with capital 50000/-
2. Cash sale Rs 10000/-.
3. Cash purchase Rs 5000/-.
4. Credit sale to ajay Rs.15000/-.
5. Credit purchase from A.k. agency Rs 8000/-.
6. Deposit Rs 4000 in SBI.
7. Payment cost of Raw material 5000, electricity bill 2500 Rs by cheque of SBI, with
cheque no. SBI1234.
8. Receive Rs 15000 from Ajay by cheque no. SBI 2345.
9. Paid Rs 10000 to A.k agency by cheque of SBI with cheque no.SBI7890.
10. Withdraw Rs 3000 from SBI.

Req. steps to show daybook voucher wise:-

1. Go to ways of tally menu.
2. Select display option.
3. Press F1 key, type desire date press enter key.
4. Press F4 key.
5. Choose details voucher whose transactions to be displayed.
6. Press Enter key.

Req. steps to shows sales register:-

1. Select display.
2. Select Accounts book.
3. Select sales Register.

Req. steps to show purchase Register:-

1. Select display.
2. Select Accounts book.
3. Select Purchase Register.

Req. steps to show ledger wise transaction:-

1. Select display option.
2. Select Accounts book.
3. Select ledger option.
4. Select the ledger whose details of transaction to be displayed.

Req. steps to modify a transaction done in voucher :-

1. Select display option.
2. Select daybook option.
3. Select the transaction to be modify & press enter key.
4. To do desired modification.
5. To press CTRL+A.

Req. steps to delete a voucher:-

1. Select display option.
2. Select daybook option.
3. Select the voucher to be delete.
4. Press Enter key.
5. Press ALT+D keys.
6. Press y to delete or press Enter key.

Req. steps to cancel a voucher:-

1. Select display option.
2. Select daybook option.
3. Select the voucher to be cancel.
4. Press Enter key.
5. Press ALT+X keys.
6. Press y to cancel a voucher or press Enter key.

Eg:- cash sale Rs 5000/-.

Req. steps to Add a new voucher at the time of displaying daybook:-

7. Select display option.
8. Select daybook option.
9. Press ALT+A to add a new voucher.
10. Perform desired transaction.
11. Press CTRL+A.

Req. steps to highlights any transaction among set of

1. Select display option.
2. Select daybook.
3. Select the transaction to be highlight.
4. Press SPACE key.

Own voucher:- This facility of tally allows to create own voucher according to user

Req. steps to create own voucher:-

1. Go to gateway of tally menu.

2. Select Accounts info menu.
3. Select voucher type option.
4. Select create option.
5. Type desired name of voucher, such as; cash sale, credit sale, cash purchase, credit purchase, cash
payment, cheque payment etc.
6. Select voucher type, such as; sale, purchase, payment, receive etc.
7. Select method of numbering, such as; (manual, automatic).
8. Type voucher Abbr( abbreviation).
9. Press CTRL+A.

Multiple ledger:- This facility allows to create more than one ledger at a time with
single group or multiple group of ledger.

Req. steps to create multiple ledger :-

1. Select Accounts info option.

2. Select ledger option.
3. Go to multiple ledger creation group.
4. Select create option.
5. Select all item as under if you want to create ledger of different group.
6. Type ledgers name and select ledger group to be create.
7. Press CTRL+A.

Lab work
1. Create a company name is Aman electronics.
2. Create following own voucher:-
a. Cash sale.
b. Credit sale.
c. Cash purchase.
d. Credit purchase.
e. Cash payment.
f. Cheque payment.
3. Create following ledger by multiple ledger creation method.
a. Capital a/c.
b. Sales a/c.
c. Purchase a/c.
d. Akash a/c.
e. S.k. agency a/c.
f. Salary a/c.
g. Wages a/c.
h. HDFC a/c.

Date- 01-03-2017.

1. Start business with capital Rs 225000/-.

2. Cash sale Rs 25000.
3. Credit sale to akash Rs 15000.
4. Cash purchase Rs 5000.
5. Credit purchase Rs 8000 from S.k agency.

Date 02-03-2017.

6. Deposit Rs 50000/- in HDFC.

7. Pay wages cost 3500 and salary amount 5000 by cheque of HDFC with cheque no.HDFC12345.
8. Pay Rs 10000 to S.k agency by cash.
9. Cash sale Rs 15000.
10. Credit sale to Akash Rs 20000.
11. Cash purchase Rs 25000.
12. Credit purchase from S.k. agency Rs 4000.
13. Paid Rs 5000 to S.k. agency by cheque of HDFC with cheque no. HDFC 4568.
14. Pay salary Rs 10000 by cash.
15. Pay wages cost Rs 4500 by cheque with cheque no.HDFC78565.

After completion of above transaction shows following report & perform

following operation.
1. Shows daybook of 01-03-2017 and 02-03-2017 separately.
2. Shows daybook form 01-03-2017 and 02-03-2017 with their details.
3. Shows transaction of cash sale, credit sale, and voucher.
4. Shows transaction of cash purchase voucher, credit purchase.
5. Shows transaction of cash payment and cheque payment voucher.
6. Display all transaction of ledger Akash and S.k.agency.
7. Show sale Register, purchase register.
8. Delete the transaction of S.no.2,5,& 10.
9. Cancel the transaction of S.no.3,4,&8.
10. Complete the transaction again deleted in S.no. 2,5,&10.
11. Complete the transaction again has cancel S.no. 3, 4 & 8.
12. Highlight the transaction of S.no.1, 5,10 15.

Question based on sales return, purchase return, discount paid

& discount receive.
Note:- The entry of sale return and purchase return is done is journal (F7) voucher in Accounts only
mode of accounting.

Lab work

1. Create a company name Naveen pharmaceutical.

2. Create following ledger:-
a. Sales a/c.
b. Purchase a/c.
c. Sales return a/c.
d. Purchase return a/c.
e. Discount paid a/c. ( indirect ex.).
f. Discount receive a/c ( indirect income).
g. Mayank a/c.
h. Shanti drug agency.

Date- 01-03-2017

1. Credit purchase shanti drug agency Rs 25000/-.

2. Credit sale to mayank to Rs 40000/-.
3. Purchase return to shanti drug agency Rs 2000/-.
4. Sale return by maynak Rs 5000/-.
5. Paid Rs 15000 to shanti drug agency & obtain 7% discount.
6. Receive 20000 from mayank and allows 5.5% discount.

Date- 02-03-2017.

7. Credit purchase from shanti drug agency Rs 23000/-.

8. Credit sale to mayank to Rs 50000/-
9. Purchase return shanti drug agency 3000/-.
10. Sales return by mayank Rs 7500/-.
11. Paid Rs 2000 to shanti drug agency & obtain 11% discount.
12. Receive Rs 25000 from mayank and allows 9.5% discount.

ALT+C = calculator.

Q 1. Purchase return to shanti drug agency Rs 1000.
Cr. Purchase return -- ---- 1000.
Dr. shanti drug agency--- - - 1000.
Q2. sales return by mayank Rs 5000/-
Dr. sale return -------------5000/-
Cr. Mayank ----------------5000/-

Q 3. Paid Rs 15000 to shanti drug agency & obtain 7% discount.

Dr. shanti drug agency a/c --- 15000.
Cr. Discount receive a/c ---- 1050(7%).
Cr. Cash a/c --------- 13950.

Q.4. Receive Rs 20000 from mayank and allows 5.5% discount.

Cr. Mayank a/c------ 20000.
Dr. discount paid a/c ------ 1100.
Dr. Cash a/c -------------18900.
Req. steps to shows journal Register:-
1. Select display option.
2. Accounts book option.
3. Select Journal Register option.


Inventory :- The stock of goods of any organization is called inventory.

This facility of tally allows to maintain stock of goods and allows to update stock

Req. steps to maintain basic inventory in

1. Create a company in accounts with inventory.
2. Create ledger.
3. Create unit of measure.
4. Create stock items.
5. Perform transaction.
6. Show stock summary.
Note:- Set the option yes inventory values are effected in sales & purchase
ledger only.

Unit of measure:- it is a standard which is used to measure any

Such as:- Pc, Kg, ltr, ton, pound etc.

Req. steps to create unit of measure:-

1. Go to gateway of tally menu.
2. Select inventory info.
3. Select unit of measure option.
4. Select create option.
5. Type unit symbols such as (nos, pc, kg, m, ltr, ton,
dog etc.)
6. Type formal name of unit such as ( number, piece,
kilogram, meter, liter, tons, dozen etc.)
7. Type no. of decimal place if necessary.
8. Press CTRL+A.

Req. steps to create stock items:-

1. Select inventory info.
2.Select stock item.
3. Select create option.
4.Type item name such as:- keyboard, mouse, monitor,
printer, rice, pulse, etc.
5.Select related unit of stock items.
6.Type quantity.
7.Type rate.
8.Press CTREL+A.

Req. steps to shows stock summary:-

1. go to gateway of tally menu.
2. Select stock summary.
3. Select any stock whose details of transaction to be displayed.
4. Press Enter key.

Lab work :-
Question for journal entry,
1. Create a company name IT computer store.
2. Create unit (Pc).
3. Create following ledger:-
a. Sales a/c.
b. Purchase a/c.
c. Akash a/c (s.d).
d. S.k.trades a/c (s.c).
4. Create following stock items:-
Item name Unit Quantity Rate

a) Keyboard Pc 10 500/-
b) Mouse Pc 10 400/-

c) Monitor Pc 15 5000/-

d) Printer Pc 20 6000/-

Date:- 02/03/2017
1. Cash sales keyboard 2pc @ 600/pc.
2. Credit purchase mouse 5pc s.k. trades @ 400/pc.
3. Credit sales keyboard 2pc @ 600/pc and mouse 1pc @ 500/pc to
4. Cash purchase monitor 10pc @ 5000/pc and printer 10pc @
5. Credit sales monitor 3pc @ 6500/pc and printer 5pc @ 7500/pc
to Akash.
Date :- 02/03/2017
6. Cash sale keyboard 2pc @ 600/pc & mouse 1pc @ 500/pc.
7. Credit purchase mouse 3pc from s.k. trades @ 400/pc.
8. Credit sale keyboard 3pc @ 600/pc and mouse 2pc @ 500/pc to
9. Cash purchase monitor 10pc @ 5000/pc, printer 10pc @ 6000/pc,
keyboard 10pc @ 500 p/c, mouse 10pc @ 400/pc.
10. Credit sale keyboard 5pc @ 600/pc, mouse 3pc @ 500/pc,
monitor 5pc @ 7000/pc, printer 5pc @ 6500/pc to Akash.

Show stock summary.

Standard rate:- It is predefine rate which is applicable

automatically at the time of transaction of goods.
This rate is changes automatically according to the date.

Req. steps to set standard rate :-

1. Select inventory info option.
2. Stock item create.
3. Type item name & select unit.
4. Press F12 key.
5. Set yes or allows/ set std. rate for stock items.
6. Press CTRl+A.
7. Set yes on set standard rate.
8. Type beginning date of cost price and the rate of stock items.
9. Press Enter key.
10. Type beginning date of selling price and the selling rate of stock items.
11. Press CTRL+A.
12. Type quantity.
13. Press CTRL+A.

Lab work:-
1. Create a company name T.T. yadav general store.
2. Create following ledger:-
a. Sales a/c.
b. Purchase a/c.
c. Sumit a/c (s.d.).
d. Anil trades a/c (s.c).
Items name Unit Standard cost Standard selling cost Quantity Rate.

01-03-2017 02-03-2017 01-03-2017 02-03-2017

1. Rice Kg 100 120 120 150 100 100

2. Pulse Kg 120 130 150 160 100 120

3. Refine Ltr 110 120 125 140 50 110

4. Soap Pc 25 30 30 35 50 25

3. Create following unit:-kg, pc, ltr, with decimal place 2.

4. Create following stock items:-

Date:- 01/03/017

1. Cash purchase rice 25kg.

2. Credit purchase pulse 25kg from Anil trades.
3. Cash sale rice 5kg.
4. Credit sale pulse 5kg to sumit.
5. Credit purchase refine 10ltr & soap 25pc from anil trades.
6. Cash sale refine 15ltr and soap 15pc.
7. Credit sale Rice 15kg and pulse 10kg to sumit.
8. Cash purchase refine 10ltr and soap 15pc.
9. Cash purchase rice 10kg, pulse 15kg,refine 20ltr,soap 25pc.
10. Cash sale rice 15kg,pulse 5kg, refine 15ltr,and soap 10pc.

11. Cash purchase rice 10.50kg,pulse 7.25kg.
12. cash sale rice 1.25kg,pulse 0.5kg.
13. credit purchase refine 5.5ltr, & soap 10pc.
14. Credit sale refine 2.5ltr, rice 3.5kg, & soap 5pc.
15. cash sale rice 0.75kg,pulse1.25kg, refine 2.75ltr,& soap

Show stock summary with details of stock.

STOCK GROUP:- This facility of tally allows to classify different type of

stock item according to their category.
Such as; computer, mobile, fibrous( cloth), cereal ( aanaj) etc.

Req. steps to create stock group:-

1. Go to gateway of tally menu.
2. Select inventory info option.
3. Select stock group option.
4. Select create option.
5. Type stock group name, such as; computer, mobile, fibrous etc.).
6. Select Primary as under.
7. Press CTRL+A

Lab work
Question for journal entry:-
1. Create a company name CITY LIFE STORE.
2. Create following ledger:-
a. Sales a/c.
b. Purchase a/c.
c. Ankit a/c.
d. S.R trades a/c.
3. Create unit; pc, kg, ltr.
4. Create following stock group:-
a. Electronics.
b. Fibrous.
c. Cereal.
5. Create following stock item:-
Item Stock Unit Std. Std. Qty. Rate
name group cost selling
01-03- Pri.
2017 01-03-
T.V Electro Pc 15000/- 18000/- 20 15000/-
Refrige Electro Pc 18000/- 22000/- 15 18000/-
rator nics
Shirt Fibrous Pc 1500/- 1800/- 25 1500/-
Jeans Fibrous Pc 2000/- 22000/- 25 2000/-
Rice Cereal Kg 75/- 90/- 100 75/-
Refine Cereal Ltr 125/- 150/- 50 125/-

1. Cash purchase T.V 25pc & Refrigerator 10pc.
2. Credit purchase jeans 15pc & shirt 15pc from S.r. trades.
3. Cash sale T.V 10pc & Refrigerator 10pc.
4. Credit sale jeans 10pc and shirt 20pc to Ankit.
5. Cash purchase rice 25kg and refine 20ltr.
6. Cash sale Rice `10kg and Refine 5ltr.
7. Credit purchase T.V 10pc & Refrigerator 15pc from S.R trades.
8. Credit sale T.V 5pc & Refrigerator 15pc to Ankit.
9. Credit purchase Rice 50kg & Refine 25ltr form S.R trades.
10. Cash purchase jeans 25pc & shirt 25pc.

Date- 02-03-2017.

1. Cash purchase T.V 15pc & Refrigerator 15pc.

2. Credit purchase jeans 20pc & shirt 10pc from S.r. trades.
3. Cash sale T.V 25pc & Refrigerator 10pc.
4. Credit sale jeans 15pc and shirt 25pc to Ankit.
5. Cash purchase Rice 50kg and refine 25ltr.
6. Cash sale Rice 40kg and Refine 20ltr.
7. Credit purchase T.V 5pc & Refrigerator 5pc from S.R trades.
8. Credit sale T.V 15pc & Refrigerator 10pc to Ankit.
9. Credit purchase Rice 15kg & Refine 10ltr form S.R trades.
10. Cash purchase jeans 15pc & shirt 15pc.

Multiple stock group:-

A stock group which are created within another group is called sub stock group and the formation of
these stocks group multiple stock group.

The main group which are created are primary group and the another group which are created under
the secondary group.

At the time of creation of secondary group the option can quantity of item to be added should be


Computer Primary group Mobile

Secondary group

Dell2 Hp1 Hp2 N S1 S2

Dell N

Stock item

Lab work

Question for journal entry:-

1. Create a company name sanjeev communication.

2. Create following ledger:-
a. Sales a/c.
b. Purchase a/c.
c. Akash a/c.
d. A.K communication a/c.
e. SBI a/c.
3. Create following voucher:-
a. A.K communication.
b. Akash .
c. Discount paid ( receipt).
d. Discount receive ( payment).
4. Create unit, pc.
5. Create following stock group:-
a. Computer under primary.
b. Mobile under primary.
c. Dell under computer.
d. HP under computer.
e. Nokia under mobile.
f. Samsung under mobile.
6. Create following stock item:-

Item Stock Unit Std. Std. Qty. Rate

name group cost selling
01-03- Pri.
2017 01-03-
Dell-1 Dell Pc 25000/- 28000/- 10 25000/-
Dell-2 Dell Pc 26000/- 30000/- 10 26000/-
Hp-1 Hp Pc 42000/- 45000/- 15 42000/-
Hp-2 Hp Pc 40000/- 42000/- 15 40000/-
N-1 Nokia Pc 7000/- 8000/- 25 7000/-
N-2 Nokia Pc 12000/- 15000/- 25 12000/-
S-1 Samsun Pc 8000/- 10000/- 20 8000/-
S-2 Samsun Pc 10000/- 12000/- 20 10000/-
Date- 01-03-2017

1. Cash purchase Dell-1 10pc and dell-2 10pc.

2. Credit purchase hp-1 15pc, and hp-2 15pc from A.k. communication.
3. Cash sale dell-1 5pc and dell-2 10pc.
4. Credit sale hp-1 5pc and hp-2 10pc to Akash.
5. Receive Rs 12000 from Akash and allows 5% discount.
6. Credit purchase n-1 25pc, and n-2 10pc from A.K communication.
7. Credit sale n-1 10pc and n-2 10pc to akash.
8. Credit purchase s-1 30pc and s-2 20pc from A.K communication.
9. Credit sale s-1 15pc and s-2 15pc to Akash.
10. Pay Rs 150000 to A.K communication and obtain 3% discount.


11. Cash purchase Dell-1 20pc and dell-2 20pc.

12. Credit purchase hp-1 25pc, and hp-2 20pc from A.k. communication.
13. Cash sale dell-1 10pc and dell-2 15pc.
14. Credit sale hp-1 10pc and hp-2 20pc to Akash.
15. Receive Rs 75000 from Akash and allows 4% discount.
16. Credit purchase dell-1 15pc,dell-2 15pc, ni-1 1opc, n2-10pc, hp-1 10pc, hp-2 10pc,s-1 & s-2 10pc
from A.K communication.
17. Credit sale dell-1 5pc, dell-2 5pc, hp-1 5pc, hp-2 5pc,n-1 10pc, n-2 5pc, s-1 5pc & s-2 pc to Akash.
18. Pay Rs 5000 to A.K communication by cheque of SBI and obtain 10% discount where cheque no. is
19. Receive Rs 100000 from Akash by cheque of SBI and obtain 5.5.% discount, where cheque no.is
20. PAY Rs 25000 to A.K communication by cash and obtain 12% discount.

This facility of allows to store stock item by creation multiple godown at different location.

Note:- there are three feature in tally:-

1. Accounting feature.
2. Inventory feature.
3. Statuary & taxation feature.

Req. steps to enable multiple godown:-

1. Go to gateway of tally menu.
2. Press F11 key.
3. Select inventory feature option.
4. Set yes on maintain multiple godown optioin.
5. Press CTRL+A key.
Req. steps to create multiple godown:-
1. Go to gateway of tally menu.
2. Select inventory info option.
3. Select the godown.
4. Select create option.
5. Type godown name, such as; benta, laheriasarai, donar, darbhanga etc.
6. Select primary as under.
7. Press CTRL+A key.

Note:- when maintain multiple godown is enable a new location, main

location is enabled automatically by tally.

Req. steps to shows godown wise stock summary:-

1. Go to gateway of tally menu.
2. Select display option.
3. Select statement of inventory option.
4. Select the godown whose details stock to be displayed.
5. Press Enter key.

Req. steps to shows details of transactions of goods movement:-

1. Go to gateway of tally menu.
2. Select display option.
3. Select inventory book option.
4. Select movement analysis option.
5. Select ledger analysis option.
6. Select the ledger whose details of movement of goods to be displayed.
7. Press Enter key.

Lab work

Question for journal entry:-

1. Create a company name Satyam food corporation.
2. Enable godown.
3. Create following godown:-
a. Benta.
b. Laheriasarai.
4. Create unit, ton,ltr.
5. Create following ledger:-
a. Sales a/c.
b. Purchase a/c.
c. S.K food agency.
d. Ajay a/c.
6. Create following stock item:-
Item Unit Std. Std. Qty. God. Rate
name cost selling
01-03- Pri.
2017 01-03-
Date- 1-03-
Rice Ton 10000/- 12000/- 100 Benta 10000/-
1. Cash
Pulse Ton 15000/- 18000/- 100 Benta 15000/-
Wheat Ton 8000/- 11000/- 200 Laherias 8000/-
Refine Ltr 150/- 160/- 200 Laherias 150/-
purchase Rice 10ton and pulse 10ton store in Benta.
2. Credit purchase wheat 10ton and refine 20ltr and store laheriasarai from s.k. food agency.
3. Cash sale Rice 5ton and pulse 15ton from Benta.
4. Credit sale wheat 15ton and refine 25ltr from laheriasarai and to Ajay.
5. Cash sale Rice 15 ton and pulse 10ton from Benta, wheat 15otn and refine 15ltr from laheriasarai.

1. Cash purchase Rice 10ton and pulse 10ton store in Benta and 5ton in main location each item.
2. Credit purchase wheat 15ton and refine 15ltr from s.k. food agency and store 5ton wheat in benta,
5ton in laheriasarai and 5ton in mainlocation and store 5 liter refine in Benta,5ltr in laheriasaria and 5
ltr in main location.
3. Cash sale Rice 15ton and pulse 15ton where 10ton from Benta and 5ton from mainlocation each
4. Cash sale 9ton wheat and 9ltr refine, where 3ton wheat from Benta, 3ton from laheriasarai and 3ton
from mainlocation and 3liter refine from Benta, 3ltr from mainlocation and 3litr from laheriasarai.
5. Cash purchase 30ton,pulse 25ton wheat 15 ton and refine 20ltr store these item following location:-
a. 10ton Rice in Benta, 10ton in mainlocation and 10 ton laheriasarai.
b. 15ton pulse in Benta, 5 ton mainlocation and 5otn laheriasarai.
c. 5ton wheat in Benta, 5ton in mainlocation and 5ton in laheriasarai.
d. 5ltr refine in benta, 5ltr in mainlocation and 10ltr in laheriasarai.

Sub- godown:-
A godown which are create under another godown are called sub


B1 B2 L1
Question for journal entry:-
1. Create a company name IT computer store pvt.Ltd.
2. Enable multiple godown:-
3. Create following stock group:-
a. Computer under primary.
b. Mobile under primary.
c. Computer accessories under computer.
d. Mobile accessories under mobile.
e. Assembled computer under computer.
f. Assembled mobile under mobile.
4. Create unit pc.
5. Create following godown:-
a. Donar under primary.
b. Laheriasarai under primary.
c. D1 under donar.
d. D2 under donar.
e. L1 under laheriasarai.
f. L2 under laheriasarai.
6. Create following ledger:-
a. Sales a/c.
b. Purchase a/c.
c. Sanjay a/c.
d. S.k. communication.
7. Create following stock item:-

Stock Unit Std. cost Std. selling Qty. rate

Item group 01/03/2017 pries Godown
name 01/03/2017
Donar Laheriasarai

D1 D2 L1 L2

CPU Assembled PC 25000/- 28000/- 50 25 25 25000/

computer -

PRINTER Assembled PC 12000/- 15000/- 25 15 10 12000/

computer -

RAM Computer Pc 1800/- 2000/- 45 25 20 1800/-


Mother Computer Pc 15000/- 17000/- 10 5 5 15000/

board accessories -

Samsung Assembled Pc 8000/- 9000/- 20 10 10 8000/-


Nokia Assembled Pc 12000/- 14000/- 30 15 15 12000/

mobile -

Display mobile Pc 7000/- 8000/- 50 30 20 7000/-


Head mobile Pc 150/- 200/- 100 70 30 150/-

phone accessories
Date- 01-03-2017

1. Credit sale cpu 10pc to sanjay, where 5pc from d1 and 5pc from d2.
2. Cash sale printer 15pc, where 10pc from d1 & 5pc from d2.
3. Cash purchase RAM 20 pc & mother board 20pc & store RAM in d1 &
mother board in d2.
4. Credit purchase CPU 10pc, RAM 10pc, printer 10pc & mother board
10pc from s.k. communication and store each item 5pc in d1 and 5pc
in d2.
5. Cash sale CPU 5pc, RAM 5pc,printer 5pc and mother board 5pc,
where 3pc from d1 and 2pc from d2 each item.
6. Credit sale Samsung j2 15pc and nokia n1 10pc, where 10pc from L1,
5pc from L2 each item to sanjay.
7. Cash sale display 10pc and headphone 10pc,where 5pc from L1, and
5pc from L2 each item.
8. Cash purchase Samsung j2 20pc,nokia n1 20pc and store 10pc in L1
10pc & L2 10pc each item.
9. Credit purchase Samsung j2 20pc,nokia n1 20pc,display 20pc and
headphone 20pc, and store each item, 10pc in L1 and 10pc in L2
from s.k communication.
10. Credit sale Samsung j2 10pc, nokia n1 10pc,display 10pc and
headphone 10pc each item 5pc from L1 and 5pc from L2.
Date 02-03-2017
11. Cash purchase CPU 20 pc ,RAM 20pc motherboard 20pc and
printer 20 pc .
now store 5 pc cpu , 5pc ram , 5pc motherboard & 5 pc printer in D1
store 5 pc cpu , 5pc ram , 5pc motherboard & 5 pc printer in
D2 godown
store 5 pc cpu , 5pc ram , 5pc motherboard & 5 pc printer in
L1 godown
store 5 pc cpu , 5pc ram , 5pc motherboard & 5 pc printer in
L2 godown

12. Credit purchase following goods form S .K communication

Samsung 30 pc , Nokia 30 pc, display 30 pc and head phone 30 pc
Now store 10 pc Samsung , 10 pc Nokia , 10 pc display and 10 pc
head phone in D1 godown

Now store 5 pc Samsung , 5 pc Nokia , 5 pc display and 5 pc head

phone in D2 godown
Now store 10 pc Samsung , 10 pc Nokia , 10 pc display and 10 pc
head phone in L1 godown

Now store 5 pc Samsung , 5 pc Nokia , 5 pc display and 5 pc head

phone inL1 godown

13. Cash sale cpu 20pc , RAM 20 pc , motherboard 20 pc and

printer 20 pc
Where 5pc each item form D1 , 5c from d2 , 5pc from L1 and
5pc from L2
14. Credit sale Samsung 25 pc , Nokia 25pc , display 25 pc and
headphone 25 pc to sanjay from following location
10pc each item from D1 , 5 pc rom D2 ,5pc from L1 and 5pc
from L2

Show stock summary godown wise

It is a type of inventory voucher.
This voucher is mainly used to transfer of goods from one location to
another location.
This voucher is selected by pressing key ALT+F7.
This voucher also always to include some addition.
Change at the time of transfer of goods from are where house to another
where house, such as; transportation cost, labour cost fraight charge etc.

Eg:- transfer keyboard 10pc from Benta to laheriasarai.


Item Unit Std. Std. Qty. God. Rate

name cost selling Lab work
01-03- Pri. Question for
2017 01-03- journal entry:-
RAM PC 1500/- 2000/- 50 Benta 1500/- 1. Create a
SMPS Pc 2500/- 3000/- 50 Benta 2500/- name Amit
Mother Pc 12000/- 15000/- 100 Laherias 12000/- 2. Enable
board arai godown.
3. Create
Processo Pc 8000/- 10000/- 100 Lahriasa 8000/-
r ria
godown,Benta, laheriasarai.
4. Create unit, pc,kg.
5. Create following ledger:-
a. Sales a/c.
b. Purchase a/c.
c. Uday a/c.
d. G/s infotech a/c.
6. Create following stock item:-

Date- 01-03-2017
1. Cash purchase RAM 10pc and SMPS 10pc and store in Benta.
2. Credit purchase motherboard 10pc and processor 10pc from G/s infotech and store in Laheriasarai.
3. Transfer RAM 10pc from Benta to Main location.
4. Transfer SMPS 5pc from Benta to main location.
5. Transfer motherboard 5pc and processor 5pc from laheriasarai to mainlocation.
6. Transfer RAM 10pc from benta to 5pc laheriasarai and 5pc mainlocation.
7. Transfer mother board 10pc and processor 10pc from laheriasarai to 5pc benta and 5pc main
8. Transfer SMAPS 10pc from benta to 5pc laheriasaria and 5pc main location and also transfer
processor 10pc from laheriasarai to 5pc benta and 5pc mainlocation.
9. Cash sale RAM 5pc and SMPA 5pc, motherboard 5pc and processor 5pc from mainlocation.
10. Credit sale SMPS 5pc from benta and processor 5pc from main location to uday.

1. Cash purchase RAM 150pc and SMPS 150pc and store in Benta.
2. Credit purchase motherboard 100pc and processor 120pc from G/s infotech and store in
3. Transfer RAM 5pc from Benta to Main location.
4. Transfer SMPS 10pc from Benta to main location.
5. Transfer motherboard 10pc and processor 5pc from laheriasarai to mainlocation.
6. Transfer RAM 10pc from benta to 5pc laheriasarai and 5pc mainlocation.
7. Transfer SMAPS 15pc benta to 10pc laheriasaria and 5pc main location and also transfer
motherboard 15pc from laheriasarai to 10pc benta and 5pc mainlocation.
8. cash sale RAM 10pc and SMPA 10pc, motherboard 10pc and processor 10pc,where 5pc
RAM & SMPS from benta and 5pc From mainlocaton,5p motherboard and processor from L.S and 5pc
from M.L.
9. transfer RAM 5pc and SMPS 5pc from benta to main location, also transfer mother board 5pc and
processor 5pc from laheriasarai to main location.
10. Credit sale following goods to uday, RAM 10pc, SMPS 10c, motherboard 10pc, and processor 10pc,
where 3pc each item from Benta, 3pc from laheriasarai and 4pc from mainlocation.

Show stock summary godown wise

Req. steps to show journal Register:-

1. Go to gateway of tally menu.
2. Select Display option.
3. Select inventory book option.
4. Select transfer journal.

Req. steps to add some addition cost at the time of

transfer of goods:-
1. Go to gateway of tally menu.
2. Press F11 key.
3. Set the option yes track additional cost of purchase.
4. Press CTRL+A keys.

Lab work

Question for journal entry:-

1. Create a company name Shiv Shakti food corporation.
2. Enable multiple godown.
3. Enable addition cost of purchase.
4. Create following ledger:-
a. Sales a/c.
b. Purchase a/c.
c. Aman agency a/c.
d. Sohan a/c.
e. Transportation cost. a/c.
f. Labour cost a/c.
5. Create unit, pc, kg, ltr, ton, doz.
6. Create following stock item:-

Item name Unit Std.cost. Std. selling prises

Rice Ton 12000/- 15000/-
Pulses Kg 15000/- 18000/-
Refine Ltr 120/- 150/-
Egg Doz 50/- 75/-

Date- 01-03-2017
1. Cash purchase Rice 10ton and pulses 100kg and store in Donar.
2. Credit purchase refine 100ltr and egg 100doz from Aman agency and store in
3. Transfer Rice 10ton and pulses 10kg from Donar to main location with transportation
cost 200rs and labour cost 300rs for each item.
4. Transfer refine 15ltr and egg 25doz from L.S to M.L with transportation cost 100rs
and labour cost 100rs each item.
5. Transfer Rice 10 ton and pulse 20kg,refine 10ltr and Egg 20 doz as following way:-
a. 5ton rice from donar to M.L and 5otn L.S.
b. 10kg pulse from donar to M.L and 10kg to L.S.
c. 5ltr refine from L.S to M.L and 5ltr to donar.
d. 10doz. Egg from L.S to M.L and 10dog to donar and Add labour cost 50Rs and
Transportation cost 50Rs for each item and each location.

6. Cash sale Rice 5ton, pulse 5kg, refine 10ltr, egg 10 dog where 3ton rice from donar
and 2ton from M.L, 3kg pulse from M.L and 2kg from donar, 5ltr refine from L.S and
5ltr from M.L, 5 doz egg from L.S and 5doz from M.L.
7. Credit sale rice 10ton,pulse 20kg to sohan,where 5ton rice from donar and 5 ton
from M.L, 10 kg pulse from donar and 10 kg from M.L.
8. Cash purchase rice 100ton, pulse 200kg, refine 150ltr and egg 125 doz and store
50ton rice in donar and 50ton in L.S, 100kg pulse in donar and 100kg in L.S, 100ltr
refine in L.S and 5oltr in donar, 75doz egg in L.S and 50doz in donar.
9. Transfer rice 25ton and pulse 25kg from donar, 10on rice and 10kg pulse to M.L and
15ton rice and 15 kg pulse to L.S with transportation cost RS 100 from each item
and each location.
10. Transfer 20ltr refine and 25doz egg from L.S to 10ltr refine and 10doz egg to
donar and 10 ltr refine and 15 dog egg to M.L, with transportation cost Rs 100 and
labour cost Rs100 from each item and each location.

Show stock summary godown wise,

Show transfer journal register.
Sale order / purchase order

Sale order ( ALT+F5):-

It is a type of inventory voucher, this voucher mainly used to receive order from any
customer by using any order no.

Purchase order ( ALT+F4):

It is also a type of inventory voucher and this voucher is used placed order to any supplier
by any order no.
----- there two voucher maintain separate register of all transaction performed in tally,
these register are sales order book and purchase order book.
Req. steps to enable sales order voucher and purchase order
1. Go to gateway of tally menu.
2. Press F11 key.
3. Select inventory feature opton.
4. Set yes on allow purchase order to processing .
5. Set yes on allow sales order to processing.
6. Press CTRL+A.

Req. steps to show sales order and purchase order book:-\

1. Select display option.
2. Select inventory book.
3. Select sales order book or select purchase order book.

Lab work
Question for journal entry:-
1. Create a company name Raman enterprises.
2. Enable sale order processing and purchase order processing.
3. Create following ledger:-
a. Sales a/c.
b. Purchase a/c.
c. Amit traders a/c.
d. Ajay a/c.
4. Create unit, pc.
5. Create unit stock item:-

Item name Unit Std. cost Std. selling cost

Keyboard Pc 600/- 700/-
Scanner Pc 8000/- 12000-/
Projector Pc 5000-/ 7000/-
Joysticks Pc 2500/- 3000/-

1. Placed purchase order to amit traders for keyboard 10pc by order no, amit1.
2. Placed purchase order to amit traders for scanner 10pc and projector 10 pc by order no. amit2.
3. Credit purchase goods from amit traders of order no. amit1.
4. Credit purchase goods from amit traders of order no.amit2.
5. Receive sale order by ajay for keyboard 5pc and scanner 5pc by order no ajay1.
6. Credit sales goods to ajay of order no.ajay1.
7. Placed purchase order to amit traders for keyboard 15pc and scanner 15pc by order no, amit3.
8. Placed purchase order to amit traders for projector 25pc and joysticks 25pc of order no, amit4.
9. Credit purchase goods from amit traders of order no.amit3 and amit 4.
10. Receive sale order by ajay for keyboard 5pc and scanner 5pc by order no ajay2.
11. Receive sale order by ajay for projector 5pc and joysticks 5pc by order no ajay3.
12. Credit sales goods to ajay of order no.ajay2 and ajay3.
13. Placed purchase order to amit traders for keyboard 20pc and scanner 20pc by order no, amit5.
14. Placed purchase order to amit traders for projector 30pc and joysticks 30pc of order no, amit6.
15. Credit purchase goods from amit traders of order no.amit5, where both items any 10pc.
16. purchase rest goods from amit traders of order no.amit5.
17. Credit purchase goods from amit traders of order no.amit6, where cash item 15pc any.
18. Credit purchase rest goods from amit traders of order no. amit 6.
19. Receive sale order by ajay for keyboard 15pc and scanner 15pc by order no. ajayAA.
20. Receive sale order by ajay for projector 20pc and joysticks 20pc by order no ajayAB.
21. Credit sales goods to ajay of order no.ajayAA and ajayAB where 3pc each item any by order no
ajayAA and 15pc each item only by order no ajayAB.
22. Credit sales rest order and goods to ajay of order no. ajayAA and ajayAB.

Question for journal entry based on

stock group, godown, stock journal
and order.

1. Create a company name is Krishna automobile agency.

2. Enable following inventory feature:-
a. Multiple godown.
b. Sales order and purchase order.
c. Track additional cost of purchase.
3. Create following stock group:-
a. 100cc.
b. 150cc.
4. Create following godown:-
a. Donar.
b. Laheriasarai.
5. Create, NOS.
6. Create following ledger;-
a. Sales a/c.
b. Purchase a/c.
c. Akash automobile a/c (s.c).
d. Vinay automobile a/c(s.d).
e. Transportation cost a/c ( indirect exp.).
f. Labour cost a/c ( indirect exp.).
7. Create foll0owing stock item:-
Item Stock Unit Std.cost Std.
name group selling
Splendor+ 100cc Nos 52000/- 60000/-
Passion pro 100cc NOS 65000/- 70000-/
Glamour 150cc Nos 70000-/ 75000-/
Karizma 150cc Nos 82000-/ 90000-/

Date- 01-03-2017
1. Placed purchase order to Akash automobile for splendor+ 25 nos,
passion pro 25 nos by order no. Akash-1 from any godown.
2. Placed purchase order to Akash automobile for glamour 30 nos,
karizma 30 nos by order no. Akash-2 from any godown.
3. Credit purchase goods from Akash automobile of order no. akash-1 and
store in donar.
4. Credit purchase goods from Akash automobile of order no. akash-2 and
store in L.S.
5. Receive sales order by vinay automobile for splendour+ 10 nos, passion
pro 10 nos by order no. vinay-1, from any godown.
6. Receive sales order by vinay automobile for glamour 15 nos, karizma 10
nos by order no. vinay-2, from any godown.
7. Transfer splendour+ 20 nos, passion pro 20 nos from L.S to M.L with
labour cost 1000rs and T.C 2000rs for each item and each location.
8. Transfer glamour 20 nos, karizma 20 nos from L.S to M.L with labour
cost 1500rs and T.C 2500rs for each item and each location.
9. Credit sales goods to vinay automobile of order no. vinay-1 from M.L.
10. Credit sales goods to vinay automobile of order no. vinay-2 from
11. Placed purchase order to Akash automobile for splendor+ 30 nos,
passion pro 30 nos by order no. Akash-3 from any godown.
12. Placed purchase order to Akash automobile for glamour 50 nos,
karizma 30 nos by order no. Akash-4 from any godown.
13. Credit purchase goods from Akash automobile of order no. akash-3
and store in donar.
14. Credit purchase goods from Akash automobile of order no. akash-4
and store in L.S.
15. Receive sales order by vinay automobile for splendour+ 15 nos,
passion pro 15 nos by order no. vinay-3, from any godown.
16. Receive sales order by vinay automobile for glamour 20 nos,
karizma 15 nos by order no. vinay-4, from any godown.
17. Transfer splendour+ 25 nos, passion pro 25 nos from donar to M.L
with labour cost 1000rs and T.C 2000rs for each item and each location.
18. Transfer glamour 25 nos, karizma 25 nos from L.S to M.L with
labour cost 1500rs and T.C 2500rs for each item and each location.
19. Credit sales goods to vinay automobile of order no. vinay-3 from
20. Credit sales goods to vinay automobile of order no. vinay-4 from

Batch-Wise Details/lot wise

and expiry details
Batch details are used to identify the movement(sale , purchase or transfer ) of the inventory in
batches or lots. Although this is a requirement primarily ( ) of the pharmaceutical industry,
the same can be used by other industries that maintain or manufacture perishable goods. Many
organizations also purchase in lots in order to monitor the lots purchased individually. Hence,
Tally.ERP 9 has used the term Batch/Lot.
Batches/Lots are also often used to monitor the date of manufacture, date of receipt or the
expiry date.
To enable Batch-Wise Details
1. Press F11 key
2. Select Inventory Features.
3. Set yes on Maintain Batch-wise details and
4. Set yes on Expiry Date for Batches
5. Press ctrl +A
Note: - Enable the following options related to batches in the Stock Item to Yes.
a. Maintain in Batches
b. Track date of manufacture
c. Use Expiry Dates
Note: The manufacturing date cannot be later than the voucher entry date. The expiry date cannot
be earlier than the manufacturing date.
Now at the time of voucher entry (sales and purchase) tally ask to select batch no or to type new
batch no ,type manufacturing date , expiry date ,quantity, rate and amount
Req steps to see batch wise stock summary
1. Go to gateway of tally menu
2. Select stock summary
3. And press ATL+ f1 key.
Req steps to see stock item details with expiry date
1. Select display inventory book ageing analysis select group as all item press
alt+f1 key

Question for entry

1. Create a company name J.K & co food processing
2. Enable batches/lot and expiry date
3. Create following ledger
a. Sales a/c
b. Purchase a/c
c. Ajay a/c(customer)
d. A. k store a/c(supplier)
4. Create unit pc, kg, ltr.

5. Create following stock item

Item Unit Qty Batch no. Mfg. date Exp. Date Rate

Bread Kg 100 BR-101 01-01-2017 01-04-2017 100/-

Butter Kg 100 BT-201 01-01-2017 01-04-2017 500/-

Milk Ltr 100 M-01 02-01-2017 01-04-2017 50/-

Biscuit Kg 100 BS-111 01-02-2017 01-04-2017 200/-

Date: - 01-03-2017
1. Credit purchase bread 5kg @ 100/kg, butter 5kg @ 500/kg from A. k store
where bread of batch br-102 and butter of batch bt-202

2. Cash purchase milk 5ltr @ 50/ltr, biscuit 5kg @ 200/kg from

A. k store where milk of batch M-02 and biscuit of batch Bs-112

3. Credit sale bread 7 kg @ 120/kg , butter 8kg @ 600/kg to Ajay where bread from batch Br-
101 and butter from batch Bt-201

4. Credit sale milk 5 ltr @ 60/ltr , biscuit 4 kg @ 250/kg to Ajay where milk from batch M-
01 and biscuit from batch Bs-111

5. Credit purchase bread 10kg @ 100/kg, butter 10kg @ 500/kg from A. k

store where bread of batch br-103 and butter of batch bt-203
Date: - 02-03-2017
6. Credit sale bread 15 kg @ 120/kg , butter 10kg @ 600/kg to Ajay from where
10 kg bread form batch br-102 and 5 kg from Br-102
And 5 kg butter from batch Bt-202 and 5 kg from

7. Credit sale milk 5 ltr @ 60/ltr , biscuit 4 kg @ 250/kg to Ajay where 3ltr milk
from batch M-01 and 2 ltr form batch M-02 , and 2kg biscuit from batch BS-
111 and 2 kg from Bs -112 respectively.

8. credit purchase bread 30 kg @ 100/kg, butter 30kg @ 500/kg from A. k store

with batch no Br-104, and Bt-204 respectively

9. Cash purchase milk 50 ltr @ 55 /ltr, biscuit 50 kg @ 220 /kg from A. k store
with batch no M-03 and Bs 113 respectively

10. Credit sale bread 15 kg @ 120/kg , butter 15kg milk 15 Ltr and biscuit 15kg
where 5 kg bread from batch Br-102, 5 kg from Br-103 , 5 kg from Br-104 , 5
kg butter from batch Bt-202, 5 kg from bt-203 , 5kg from Bt-204 , 5 ltr
milk from M-01, 5 ltr from M-02 and 5 ltr from M-03
And 5 kg biscuit from Bs-111 , 5 kg from Bs-112 and 5 kg from Bs-113

Note set the manufacturing date and expiry date mentioned in stock item

Show stock details batch wise and with expiry date

Question for journal entry using godown , order processing , stock

journal and batch/lot wise details

1. Create a company name SHANTI NIKETAN MEDICAL STORE

a. Enable following inventory feature Multiple godown
b. Sales order processing and purchase order processing
c. Maintain batch wise details and track date of manufacture
d. Track additional cost of purchase
2. Create following ledger
a. Sales a/c
b. Purchase a/c
c. Mahesh a/c (SD)
d. Naveen medical agency (SC)
e. Labor cost a/c
3. Create stock group Taxim , Cipla
4. Create godown laheriasarai , benta
5. Create unit str(strip) , fl (file), vl (vile )
6. Create following stock item
Item Stoc Unit Std Std Qty Batch Mfg Exp Rate
name k cost rate no date date
Nice tab Cipl Str 100 150 100 Nice 1-1- 1-1- 100
a L -1 17 18
Mega pain Cipl Str 150 200 100 Mega 1-1- 1-1- 150
cap a L -1 17 18
Corex Taxi Fl 75 100 50 B cx-1 1-1- 1-1- 75
syrup m 17 18
Taxim O Taxi Vl 200 250 50 B Tx-1 1-1- 1-1- 200
200 m 17 18

Date 01-03-2017
1. Placed purchase order to navin medical agency for nice tab 25 str of
batch no nice-2 and mega pain 25 str of batch mega -2 of any
godown with order no navin-1
2. Placed purchase order to navin medical agency for corex syp 25 fl of
batch no cx-2 and taxim of 200 25 vl of batch no tx-2 of any godown
with order no navin-2
3. Credit purchase goods from navin medical store of order no navin-1
and store in laheriasarai godown
4. Credit purchase goods from navin medical store of order no navin-2
and store in benta godown
5. Receive sales order from Mahesh for nice tab 5 str and mega pain
cap 5 str from any batch and any godown with order no Mahesh-1
6. Receive sales order from Mahesh for corex syp 10 fl and taxim O 200
10 vl from any batch and any godown with order no mahesh -2
7. Transfer nice tab 20 str from laheriasarai to main location where 10
pc of batch no nice-1 and 10 str of batch nice-2 , also transfer mega
pain cap 20 str from laheriasarai to main location where 10 str of
batch no mega-1 and 10 str of maga-2 with labor cost 200 Rs for
each location .
8. Transfer corex syp 20 fl from benta to main location where 10 fl of
batch no cx-1 and 10fl of batch cx-2 , also transfer taxim O 200 20
vl from benta to main location where 10 vl of batch no tx-1 and 10 vl
of tx-2 with labor cost 200 Rs for each location .
9. Now credit sale good to Mahesh of order no Mahesh-1 from godown
man location.
10. Credit sale goods to Mahesh of order no Mahesh-2 from godown main
Date 02.0317

11. Placed purchase order to navin medical agency for nice tab 25 str of
batch no nice-2 and mega pain 25 str of batch mega -2 of any
godown with order no navin-1
12. Placed purchase order to navin medical agency for corex syp 25 fl of
batch no cx-2 and taxim of 200 25 vl of batch no tx-2 of any godown
with order no navin-2
13. Credit purchase goods from navin medical store of order no navin-1
and store in laheriasarai godown
14. Credit purchase goods from navin medical store of order no navin-2
and store in benta godown
15. Receive sales order from Mahesh for nice tab 5 str and mega pain
cap 5 str from any batch and any godown with order no Mahesh-1
16. Receive sales order from Mahesh for corex syp 10 fl and taxim O 200
10 vl from any bathc and any godown with order no mahesh -2
17. Transfer nice tab 20 str from laheriasarai to main location where 10
str of batch no nice-1 and 10 str of batch nice-2 , also transfer mega
pain cap 20 str from laheriasarai to main location where 10 str of
bathc no mega-1 and 10 pc of maga-2 with labor cost 200 Rs for each
location .
18. Transfer corex syp 20 fl from benta to main location where 10 fl of
batch no cx-1 and 10 fl of batch cx-2 , also transfer taxim O 200 20
vl from benta to main location where 10 vl of batch no tx-1 and 10 vl
of tx-2 with labor cost 200 Rs for each location .
19. Now credit sale good to Mahesh of order no Mahesh-1 from godown
man location.
20. Credit sale goods to Mahesh of order no Mahesh-2 from godown main

Show stock summary batch wise and with expiry date

Show sales order register and purchase order
Multiple Price Lists & Price Levels
This feature of tally is used to create multiple price level for
multilevel customer.
We can assign specific price list called price level to
There might be different price level for different customer,
such as price list for whole sales, retailer distributers etc.
Req steps to maintain multiple price lists.
1. Enable all invoicing
2. Enable separate discount column on invoice
3. Enable multiple price level
4. Create price level(Such as wholesale , dealer , retailer
, old customer , new customer etc
5. Create price list for different level of customer
6. Perform entry
Req steps to enable price level, invoicing and
separate discount column.
1. Press F11 key
2. Select inventory feature
3. Set yes on allow invoicing
4. Set yes on use separate discount column.
5. Set yes on use multiple price level
6. Specify price level(wholesales , dealer , customer
etc )
7. Press ctrl +A.
Req steps to create ledger of any party
1. Select account ledger create
2. Type ledger name
3. Select ledger group
4. Select price level (such as wholesale , dealer )
5. Press ctrl+A

Req steps to create price list

1. Select inventory info price listcreate
2. Select all items option
3. Select price level
4. Select item name
5. Specify quantity range
6. Specify discount
7. Press ctrl +a

1. Creata a company name Raman InfoTech
2. Enable following inventory feature
a.all invoicing
b. separate discount column on invoices
c.use multiple price level And create price level
dealer and wholesales
2. Create following ledger
a. sales a/c
b. purchase a/c
c. Mohan a/c (wholesales)
d. Raman(dealer)
f. A.K store (S.C)
3. Create following unit (PC, KG).

4. Create following stock item

Item name Unit Std. cost Std. Quantit rate
selling y
CPU Pc 22000/- 25000/- 200 22000/-
RAM Pc 1200/- 1500/- 200 1200/-
SMPS PC 3200/- 3500/- 150 3200-/
Processo Pc 10000/- 12000/- 175 10000/-
Price level : Dealer

S no Item name Quantities Rate discou

From Less then nt
1 CPU 5 25000 2
5 10 25000 5
10 25 25000 10

2 RAM 5 1500 2
5 10 1500 5
10 25 1500 10

3 SMPS 5 3500 3
5 10 3500 5
10 20 3500 7

4 Processor 5 12000 3
5 10 12000 5
10 20 12000 7
5. Create following price list for
Price level : wholesales

S no Item name Quantities Rate discount

From Less then
1 CPU 5 25000 1
5 10 25000 3
10 25 25000 8

2 RAM 5 1500 2
5 10 1500 3
10 25 1500 8

3 SMPS 5 3500 2
5 10 3500 4
10 20 3500 5

4 Processor 5 12000 2
5 10 12000 4
10 20 12000 5

Date 01-03-2017

1. credit purchase cpu 50pc and ram 50 pc

2. Cash purchase smps 50 pc and processor 50
3. Credit sale cpu 3pc to raman
4. Credit sale cpu 3 pc to mohan
5. Credit sale ram 8pc to raman
6. Credit sale ram 8pc to mohan
7. Credit sale smps 4pc and processor 5pc to
8. Credit sale smps 4 pc and processor 5 pc to
9. Credit sale cpu 10 pc , ram 10 pc , smps 10 pc
and processor 10 pc to raman
10. Credit sale cpu 10 pc , ram 10 pc , smps 10 pc
and processor 10 pc to mohan
Date 02-03-2017
11. credit purchase cpu 150pc and ram 150 pc
12. Cash purchase smps 150 pc and processor 150
13. Credit sale cpu 12pc to raman
14. Credit sale cpu 15 pc to mohan
15. Credit sale ram 12 pc to raman
16. Credit sale ram 15pc to mohan
17. Credit sale smps 20pc and processor 5pc to
18. Credit sale smps 20 pc and processor 5 pc to
19. Credit sale cpu 15 pc , ram 15 pc , smps 15 pc
and processor 15 pc to raman
20. Credit sale cpu 20 pc , ram 20 pc , smps 20 pc
and processor 20 pc to mohan

Show stock summary

BOM (Bill of material)

A bill of material is the component list of item which is used
either for sale or for manufacturing of a certain product.
This facilitates immediate reduction in stock of the item
Bill of Material (BoM) is created only for those items that
are being assembled or manufactured in-house. Therefore,
you need to specify a BOM at the time of creating a Stock
Item or while altering the stock item.
For trading items for any organization, you do not need a
Bill of material is mainly useful for manufacturing
Bill of material is created using two modes
1 Single bill of material
2 Multiple bill of material
Req steps to enable bill of material
1 Go to gateway of tally menu
2 Press f12 key
3 Select accts/inventory info
4 Set yes on Allow Component List Details (Bill of
5 Press ctrl + A
Let us consider an example to manufacture
a complete CPU
1 Create a company name G.S InfoTech
2 Enable bill of material (BOM)
3 Create unit pc
4 Create stock group main item , component
5 Create following component stock item under
component stock group
Item name unit qty rate
a Motherboard pc 25 5000
B SMPS PC 25 2500
c RAM pc 20 6500
d Processor pc 20 12000
e Hard disk. Pc 30 5500
6 Now create bill of main stock item computer
as following steps
a Go to gateway of tally menu
b select inventory info stock item create
c Type name of item to be manufacture such
as CPU under main item
d Select unit as pc
e Set yes on set component bill of material
f Type name of BOM standard
g Type unit of item to be manufacture as 1
h Select list of component item , manufacturing
location and the quantity to be used in
i Press ctrl +A

Now go to gateway of tally menu

All the manufacturing transactions can be

accounted through a manufacturing Journal
voucher and this voucher is created under stock
journal voucher.

Req steps to create manufacturing journal

1 Select accounts info /inventory info
voucher type create
2 Type name of voucher manufacturing journal

3 Select voucher type stock journal
4 Type BOM in abbr
5 Set the option yes use as manufacturing
6 Press ctrl + A

Req steps to record manufacture of finished

goods in manufacturing journal
1 Select inventory voucher and press alt + f7
key to select manufacturing journal voucher
2 Now select the main item CPU to be
manufacture , as the item is selected name
of component item and godown
automatically appears
3 Select the godown where item is to
4 Now type no of quantity to be manufacture ,
as the no quantity is given rate and amount
appears automatically
5 Now provide addition cost if needed such as
wages , electricity bill etc and save voucher.

Lab work
1 Manufacture a HP laptop 5 pc with following
For a company name HP world
The list of component are as bellow
1 Ram 4gb 10pc 2500/pc
2 Hard disk 1 TB 10pc 5000/pc
3 Motherboard Asus 10pc 15000/pc
4 Processor Intel 10pc 10000/pc
Where to manufacture a complete HP computer
there is need of 1pc each component .
2 Build a home with following
component/material for a company Aman
construction pvt ltd
a Cement 100bag 500/bag
b Iron steel 100 ton 10000/ton
c Bricks 5000 pc 5/pc
d Sand 100 cft 15/cft
To build a home there is need of following
Cement 50 bags , iron steel 75 ton , bricks 4000
pc and sand 80 cft .

After completion of the manufacturing process of

HP computer and the building of home show

total cost incurred to complete these process.
Let us consider an example to create
multiple bill of material
1 Create a company name PRIME
2 Enable following inventory feature
a Multiple GODOWN
b Bill of material
c Purchase order processing
d Sales order processing
e Track additional cost of purchase
3 Create following ledger
a Sales a/c
b Purchase a/c
c Akash communication (SD)
d Raman enterprises (SD)
e R .k communication (sc)
f Electricity bill
g Sumit a/c (SD)
h Ramesh a/c (SD)
4 Create unit pc
5 Create stock group
A Component item
B Main item
6 create manufacturing journal voucher
under stock journal voucher types
8 Create following component stock item

Item Stock Unit Qty Godown Rate

name group
Ram 1 gb Component Pc 25 Row 1500
Ram 2 gb Components Pc 25 Row 1800
Processor components Pc 30 Row 7500
i3 material
Processor Components Pc 30 Row 10000
i7 material
Mother Components Pc 25 Row 12000
board material
Mother Components Pc 30 Row 11000
board material
Hard disk Components Pc 50 Row 6500
500 gb material
Hard disk Components Pc 50 Row 7500
1 tb material
DATE 01-04-2017
1 Placed purchase order to r. K
communication for following item
Ram 1 GB 30 pc , ram 2gb 30 pc ,
processor i3 25 pc , processor i7 25 pc ,
hard disk 500 GB MB 25 pc hard disk 1tb
25 pc , motherboard ASUS 20 pc and
motherboard INTEX 20 pc by order no
rk1001 ,
2 Credit purchase goods from R.K
communication of order no rk1001 and
store these goods in row material
3 receive sales order by Akash
communication for Lenovo COMPUTER
4 Receive sales order by Raman enterprises
for DELL CPU 5 pc
5 Transfer Purchased Each Component item
5pc From Row Material Godown To
Manufacturing House
6 Now create bill of material for customer,
Akash communication and Raman
7 Now Manufacture the Ordered Goods of
Akash Communication and Raman
enterprises in manufacturing house
2000 Rs for each item.
8 Now transfer the finished goods from
manufacturing house to main location
with transportation cost 500 Rs
DATE 02-04-2017
9 Now sale the ordered goods after
completion of manufacturing to Raman
enterprises & Akash communication with
10% profit .
10 Receive sales order by sumit for
Lenovo computer 2pc as same
configuration of akash communicating
11 Receive sale order by ramesh for Dell
computer 2pc as same configuration of
raman enterprises
12 Transfer the required component item
from row material godwon to
manufacturing house
13 create bill of material for sumit and
14 now manufacture the required item for
sumit and ramesh
15 transfer the manufactured item from
manufacturing house to main location
16 now sale the goods to sumit and
ramesh @ 20 % profit

Note:- 1. The configuration of akash communication is a

Ram 1gb, processor i3, hard disk 500gb and mother board
of intex.
2. The configiration of raman enteprisese is:-
ram 2gb, processor i7, hard disk 1 tb and mother noard of

Show godown wise stock summary

and profit and loss statement
In some of the manufacturing processes along with the finished goods,
Co-Products or By-Products or Scrap may be produced.
In this process while defining the BOM for the finished goods, you may
want to identify the inputs which are consumed to manufacture finished
goods & the By-products /Co-Products/ scrap manufactured.
Let us take the case of manufacture of Sugar and create the BOM for the stock Item.
1 Create a company name P .K sugar mills
2 Enable godown and track additional cost of purchase
3 Create following ledger
a Ajay a/c (SD)
b Wages cost
c Electricity bill a/c
d Transportation cost a/c

4 Create unit ton, pc and ltr

5 Crete godown row item , manufacturing house
6 Create stock group component and main item
7 Create following stock item
Item Group Unit Godown Qty. Rate
Sugar Component Tons Row item 100 10000
Lime Component Kg Row item 100 2000
Bagasse Component Ton
Molasses Component Ltr

8 Transfer sugar Can 50 ton and lime 50 kg from row

material godown to main location , add transportation
cost 1000 for sugar can and 200 for lime
9 Create main item sugar under main item
10 Set yes on set component bill of material
11 Type BOM name standard and press enter key
12 Press f12 key and set yes on define type of
component for BOM
13 Now select following component item and by
product item at location manufacturing house

Item type of item qty rate (%)

Sugar can component 5 ton
Lime component 25 kg
Bagasse scraps 1 tone 0.5%
Molasses by product 100 ltr 0.25 %

Note Sugar Cane & Lime are identified as Raw materials

(Component). Bagasse & Molasses are identified as scrap/ By-
14 Create manufacturing journal voucher
15 Now manufacture sugar 5 tone and add addition
cost electricity bill 2500 Rs
And wages cost 500 Rs.
16 Transfer sugar 5 ton from manufacturing house to
manufacturing house with transportation cost 2000 Rs
17 Now cash sale sugar 1 ton with 15 % profit from
main location
18 Credit sale sugar 2 ton to ajay with 20 % profit from
main location
Bill wise details
This feature is used to maintain transaction
(sales and purchase) at the invoice level or
bill level. By enabling this feature tally
enable automatically the option maintain
balance bill by bill which helps maintain
details of debtor and creditor at the invoice
level or bill level. This feature allows to
adjustment of transaction bill wise by
following option.
1 New Ref this option is used for new
2 Advance this option is selected when
we pay or receive money in advance
and when bill is raised the bill is
adjusted from advance.
3 Against Ref this option is selected
when previous transaction is to be
adjusted using new Ref option.
4 On Account this option is used when
there is no adjustment of previous bill to
be maintain and the amount of current
transaction is to transferred on On
Account .
Req steps to enable bill wise details
1 Go to gateway of tally menu
2 Press f11 key
3 Select accounting feature
4 Set yes on use for maintain bill wise
5 Press ctrl + A
Req steps to show outstanding report
1 Go to gateway of tally menu
2 Select display statement of account
3 Select outstanding
4 Select p ayable /receivable
5 Select any ledger and press enter key


1 Create a company name S .K agency
2 Enable bill wise details
3 Create following ledger
a Sales a/c
b Purchase a/c
c Ankit a/c (SD)
d Vivek a/c(SC)
e Vishal a/c (SD)
f SBI a/c

Date 01-04-2017
1 Credit purchase rs 25000 from vivek
on new Ref with ref no V01
2 Credit sale to ankit rs 15000 on new
Ref with ref no A01
3 Paid rs 15000 to Vivek by cheque of
sbi with cheque no sbi101 and adjust
money with ref no V01
4 Receive rs 10000 from Ankit with
cheque of sbi with cheque no sbi102
and adjust money with ref no A01
5 Paid rest amount by cash to Vivek of
previous bill of Ref no V01
6 Receive rest amount by cash from
ankit of previous bill of ref no A01
7 Paid Rs 12000 to Vivek as advance
ref with ref no V02
8 Receive Rs 15000 from Ankit as
advance with ref no A02
9 Credit purchase Rs 12000 from vivek
by adjusting Ref no V02
10 Credit sale to Ankit Rs 15000 by
adjusting ref no A02
11 Credit sale rs 2500 to Vishal by
selecting new ref vishal01
Date 01-05-2017
12 Credit sale rs 3500 to Vishal by
selecting new ref vishal02
13 Credit sale rs 5000 to Vishal by
selecting new ref vishal03
14 Credit sale Rs 5500 to vishal by
selecting new ref vishal04
15 Receive rs15000 from vishal .
16 Receive Rs 25000 from anikit on
17 Pay Rs 20000 to vivek on account
18 Credit sale Rs 15000 to ankit
19 Credit purchase Rs 10000 from vivek
20 Receive Rs 35000 from anikit
21 Pay Rs 15500 to vivek
22 Credit sale Rs 20000 to anikt
23 Credit purchase Rs 15000 from vivek
Show outstanding report bill wise
Advance accounting
Credit note (CTRL +F8) it is a type
of inventory voucher .This voucher is
used to entry for return of goods by any
customer in case of goods are incorrectly
delivered to customer or damage goods
are delivered to customer .
Debit note (CTRL +F9) it is also a
type of inventory voucher .This voucher
is used for purchase return to any
supplier in case of incorrectly delivery or
damage goods are delivered by supplier.
Req steps to enable credit note and debit
note voucher
1. Press f11 key select accounting
2. Set yes use credit/debit note
3. Set yes on use invoice mode for
credit note
4. Set yes on use invoice mode for
debit note
5. Press ctrl + A
Memorandum voucher (CTRL +F10)
it is a type of non accounting voucher
the entry made in this voucher does not
effect on books of account . Tally does
not post the entry made in this voucher
to book. This voucher is used when there
is any confusion in any transaction but
after of transaction this voucher can be
changed in regular voucher by altering
this voucher.
Optional voucher it is also a non
accounting voucher. But it is not a
voucher type, but any regular voucher
(except non- accounting voucher) can
be changed temporally in optional
This voucher is also used when there is
any confusion in any transaction but after
of transaction this voucher can be
changed in regular voucher by altering
this voucher.

To make a regular voucher in option

voucher firstly enable this feature.
1. Press f11 key and select accounting
2. Set yes on use reversing journal
and optional voucher
3. Press ctrl + A
Now to make a voucher in optional
1. Go to display day book
2. Select the voucher to be convert in
optional voucher
3. Press CTRL + L to make a voucher
as optional voucher.

Req steps to see report of memorandum

voucher and optional voucher
1. Select display exception report
2. Select memorandum voucher /
optional voucher
Question for journal entry
1. Create a company name S. K
2. Enable debit note/ credit note
3. Enable reversing journal and
optional voucher
4. Create following ledger
a. Sales a/c
b. Purchase a/c
c. Mohan a/c
d. A .k agency a/c
5. Create unit pc
6. Create following stock item
Item Unit Std.cost. Std.sellin Qty. Rate
name g
Key board Pc 500 600 100 500
Mouse Pc 450 550 100 450
Projector Pc 5000 7500 100 5000
Plotter Pc 6500 8000 100 6500

Date 01-04-2017
1. Credit purchase keyboard 25 pc
from a .k agency
2. Credit purchase mouse 25 pc
from A.k agency
3. Credit sale keyboard 15 pc to
4. Credit sale mouse 15 pc to
5. Return keyboard 5pc to A .k
6. 3 pc keyboard are returned by
7. Return mouse 2pc to a .k agency
8. 2 pc mouse return by mohan
9. Credit purchase projector 30 pc
and plotter 30 pc from a .k agency
10. Credit sale projector 25 pc and
plotter 25 pc to mohan
11. Return 2pc projector and 3 pc
plotter to a .k agency
12. 3 pc projector and 5 pc plotter
return by mohan
Date 02-04-2017

13. Paid Rs 25000 to a .k agency

in memo voucher
14. Receive Rs 35000 from Mohan
in memo voucher
15. Cash sale keyboard 5pc in
memo voucher
16. Credit purchase mouse 10 pc
from a .k agency in memo voucher
17. Convert the voucher no 13 ,
14,15 and 16 in regular voucher
18. Convert the voucher no 13
and 14 in optional voucher
19. Again convert the voucher no
15 and 16 in optional voucher
20. Convert the voucher no
13,14,15 and 16 in regular
voucher which has converted as
optional voucher.

Show exception report

VAT stands for Value Added Tax.
The Value Added Tax (VAT) is a type of indirect tax
and is one of major source of revenue to the state.
The VAT system of taxation was adopted by Indian
States and Union Territories in the Year 2005 by
replacing the General Sales Tax Laws with New Value
Added Tax Acts and the supporting Value Added Tax
Rules for proper administration and collection of Tax.
It is changeable by the state government time to time
However the Standard vat class are as bellow
1% 4% 5% 12.5%
Input Tax:-The tax paid on inputs purchases is
termed as
Input vat.
Output Tax: - The tax collected on the sales of goods
is termed as output tax.
Req steps to enable vat
1. Press f11 key
2. Select statuary and taxation feature and
press enter key
3. Set yes on value added tax
4. Set yes on set altar vat details
5. Select state name and dealer type
6. Press ctrl + A
Req steps to create input vat
1. Select accounts info ledger create
2. Type ledger name input vat@5%
3. Select duties and taxes as under
4. Select vat as sub group
5. Select vat class (such as input vat @5%)
6. Press ctrl + a
Req steps to create output vat
1. Select accounts info ledger create
2. Type ledger name output vat@5%
3. Select duties and taxes as under
4. Select vat as sub group
5. Select vat class (such as output vat @5%)
6. Press ctrl + a.

Req steps to create ledger

1. Select accounts info ledger create
2. Type name of ledger(such as sale, purchase)
3. Set yes on used on vat returns in sale and
purchase ledger only
4. Select vat class (such as sales @5% for sale
and purchase @5% for purchase).
5. Press ctrl + A

Req steps to see vat computation report

1. Select display and press enter key
2. Select statuary report key
3. Select vat report and press enter key
4. Select vat computation report and press enter
accounts only.
1. Create a company name P.K store
2. Create following ledger
a. Sales a/c @ 5%
b. Purchase a/c @5%
c.Input vat @ 5%
d. Output vat @ 5%
e. Mohan a/c(S D)
f. A .K store(S C)
Date 01-04-2017
1. Cash sale Rs/- 50000 with 5% vat
2. Credit sale to Mohan 35000with 5% vat
3. Cash purchase Rs/- 15000 with 5% vat
4. Credit purchase from A .K store Rs/- 20000
with 5% vat
5. Cash sale Rs/- 25000 with 5% vat
Date 02-04-2017
6. Cash sale Rs/- 60000 with 5% vat
7. Credit sale to Mohan Rs/- 30000 with 5% vat
8. Cash purchase Rs/- 12000 with 5% vat
9. Credit purchase from A .K store Rs/- 18000
with 5% vat
10. Cash sale Rs/- 2000 with 5% vat
Show vat computation report

Question For Journal Entry Based On Vat

Accounts With Inventory
1. Create a company name A.K agency
2. Create following ledger
a. Sales a/c @ 5%
b. Purchase a/c @ 5%
c.Input vat @ 5%
d. Output vat @ 5%
e. Ajay a/c(customer)
f. A .k store(supplier)
Create unit of measurement (pc, kg)
Create following stock item
Item unit quantity rate
Keyboard pc 10 500
Mouse pc 10 600
Printer pc 5 5000
Monitor pc 5 4000
Date 01-04-2017
1. Cash sale keyboard 1 pc Rs 600/pc with 5% vat
2. Credit sale mouse 5 pc to Rs 600 to Ajay
with 5% vat
3. Cash purchase mouse 2 pc Rs 600/pc from A.K
store with 5% vat
4. Credit purchase printer 1pc Rs 5000 /pc from
A.K store with 5% vat
5. Cash sale (mouse 1pc Rs 600/pc, monitor 2pc
Rs 4500/pc) with 5% vat
Date 02-04-2017
6. Cash purchase (monitor 1pc Rs 4000/pc,
keyboard 2pc Rs 500/pc) with 5% vat.
7. Cash sale keyboard 2 pc Rs 600/pc with 5% vat
8. Credit sale mouse 2 pc to Rs 600 to Ajay
with 5% vat
9. Cash purchase mouse 4 pc Rs 600/pc from A.K
store with 5% vat
10.Cash sale (mouse 2pc Rs 600/pc, monitor 2pc Rs
4500/pc)with 5% vat

Question for entry based on multi level vat class

for multi item
1 Create a company name S .R computer store
2 Enable value added tax and alter vat details
3 Create following ledger
a Sales @ 5%
b Sales @ 12.5 %
c Purchase @ 5%
d Purchase @ 12.5%
e Input vat @ 5%
f Input vat @ 12.5 %
g Output vat @ 5%
h Output vat @ 12.5%
i Mohan a/c (SD)
j S .K agency (SC)
4 Create unit pc
5 Create following stock item
Item name unit std/coststd/sale
a Monitor pc 5000 6000
b Printer pc 8000 12000
c Scanner pc 6500 7500
d Projector pc 3500 4000

Req steps to use multi vat class for

different :-
1 Go to accounting voucher (sale or purchase)
2 Press f12 key
3 Set no on use common ledger a/c for item
4 Press ctrl + a
Date 01-02-2016
1 Credit purchase monitor 25 pc and printer
25 pc from s .k agency @ of vat 5% and
12.5% respectively .
2 Credit purchase scanner 25 pc and projector
25 pc from s .k agency @ of vat 5 % and
12.5% respectively
3 Credit sale monitor 15 pc and printer 15 pc
to Mohan @ vat of 5 % and 12 %
4 Credit sale scanner 12 pc and projector 15
pc to Mohan @ vat of 5% and 12.5%
5 Cash purchase monitor 15 pc and printer
35 pc @ of vat 5% and 12.5% respectively
Date 02-09-2016
6 cash sale monitor 20 pc and printer 25 pc @
vat of 5 % and 12 % respectively
7 cash purchase scanner 30 pc and projector
35 @ of vat 5 % and 12.5% respectively
8 cash sale scanner 20 pc and projector 25 pc
@ vat of 5% and 12.5% respectively
9 Credit purchase monitor 15 pc , printer 15
pc , scanner 10 pc and projector 10 pc from
s .k agency @ of vat 5% ,12.5% , 5% and
12.5 % respectively
10 Credit sale monitor 15 pc , printer 15 pc ,
scanner 20 pc and projector 20 pc to
Mohan @ vat of 5 % , 12 % , 5% and 12.5
Show vat computation report
Exempted vat those goods which are free
from vat tax are termed as exempted goods. Natural
and unprocessed goods are called exempted goods.
Such as fruit, vegetable etc
These goods are totally tax free. Each state
government allows commodities category of
exempted goods. Transaction on these goods does not
allow vat charge.
The list of exempted goods varies from state to state.
Req steps to maintain exempted vat class
1. Create purchase exempt ledger under
purchase exempt vat class
2. Create sales exempt ledger under sales
exempt vat class

Question for journal entry

1. Create a company name SUPER fruit &
vegetable centre
2. Enable VAT and alter vat details
3. Enable use debit/credit note
4. Create following ledger
a. Sales @ 4% under sales @ 4 %
b. Sales exempt under sales exempt vat class
c.Purchase @ 4 % under purchase @ 4 %
d. Purchase exempt under purchase vat class
e. Input vat @ 4 %
f. Output vat @ 4%
g. Ajay a/c (SD)
h. V.K fruit store (SC)
5. Create unit kg , ltr
6. Create following stock item
Apple kg 100 120
Mango kg 50 75
Tomato kg 25 30
Potato kg 20 25
Frooty ltr 75 100
Sprit ltr 35 40

Date 01-03-2017
1. Credit purchase apple 50 kg from v .k fruit
2. Cash purchase mango 25 kg
3. Cash sale apple 10 kg
4. Credit sale mango 15 kg to Ajay
5. Credit purchase tomato 25kg and potato 30
kg from v .k fruit store

Date 02-03-2017
6. Credit purchase mango 50 kg from v .k fruit
7. Cash purchase apple 25 kg
8. Cash sale apple 15 kg
9. Credit sale mango 25 kg to Ajay
10. Credit purchase tomato 30kg and potato 25
kg from v .k fruit store
Date 01-04-2017
11. Credit purchase frooty 50 ltr and sprit 50 ltr
from v .k fruit store
12. Credit sale frooty 25 ltr and sprit 25 ltr to ajay
13. Purchase return frooty 10 ltr to v .k fruit store
14. Sales return by ajay sprit 5 ltr
15. Purchase return sprit 5 ltr to to v .k fruit store
Date 02-14-2017
16. Credit purchase frooty 25 ltr and sprit 35 ltr
from v .k fruit store
17. Credit sale frooty 15 ltr and sprit 25 ltr to ajay
18. Purchase return frooty 10 ltr and sprit 5 ltr to
v .k fruit store
19. Sales return by ajay sprit 5 ltr and frooty 5 ltr
20. Purchase return sprit 5 ltr and frooty 15 ltr to
to v .k fruit store
Req steps to show vat computation report :-
1. Select display statuary report vat report
vat computation
2. Press f12 key
3. Set yes on show all vat classification
4. Press ctrl + A
it is a method of taxation which was adopted by Indian government as central sales tax low 1956
Generally the CST act does not deal with intra state or import of export of goods.
it mainly deals with inter state trading
sales can be broadly classified in three categories
1 intra state sale (sale within the state)
2 sales during import and export
3 inter state sale (sale outside the state)

declared goods those goods which comes under section 14 is termed as declared goods
such as cereals , iron and steel ,jute , oil sheed , pulses , man made fabrics etc
registration under cst every dealer who carries goods out of the state is liable to pay CST
and has to registered with CST authority . Registered dealer can purchase goods at
concessional rates by issuing the C form
rate of CST different rate are prescribed depending on the inter state sale
a sale to registered dealer is 4%
b sale to unregistered dealer
1 sales of declared goods to unregistered dealer
2 sales of undeclared goods to unregistered dealer

Form of declaration under CST

a registered dealer has to issue certain declaration in the predefined form as it is buyers or
salers .
But there is no need to issue declaration for unregistered dealer.
These form are C ,E1,E11,F,i and H to be printed and supplied by sales tax authority .
Form C if goods are sold and purchased by registered dealer then the tax is 4% otherwise
the tax is higher. Which is 10% .
The concessional rate is applicable only if purchasing dealer submits a declaration in c form.
One C form covers all the transaction in a whole financial year. It the transaction is exceeded
from one financial year then other c form is required.
Form E1 and E11, E2 according to section 6(2) of the CST only the first sale is taxable for
inter state for registered dealer.
Form F this form is used for transfer of goods from one branch to other. Here dealer is to
furnish a declaration in form F received from consignment branch office on another state prove
that the interstate movement of goods is not a sale.
One F form covers all transaction in one month
Form H the dealer exporting the goods must have document in proof of export such as
airway bill , bill of loading ,shipping bill ,custom document , bank certificate etc.
if the dealer has no any proof that , the sale is exempt. the actual dealer has to issue a certificate
in H form of the seller.
Req. steps to maintain CST:-
a press f11 key
b set yes on enable value added tax
c set yes on set alter vat details

when vat is enable ,CST automatically enabled.

Create following ledger
a CST sale under sales a/c
I set yes on used in vat return
II select inter state sale at vat class
III press ctrl + A
b CST purchase under purchase a/c
I set yes on used in vat return
II select inter state purchase at vat class
c s .k traders (SD)
d A .K agency (SC)
e output CST @ 4% under duties and taxes
i type as cts
ii vat class inter state sales
iii percentage of calculation 4
iv method of calculation on total sale
f input CST under purchase a/c
i inventory values are affected set to yes
ii used in vat return yes
iii vat class not applicable

create unit kg
create stock item rice , pulse , oil sheed.
Question for journal entry
1 Create a company A .k traders
2 Crete following ledger
a CST sale under sale a/c
And Select inter state sale in vat/tax class class
b CST purchase under purchase a/c
And select inter state purchase in vat/tax class
c Output CST @ 4% under duties and taxes
select CST in type of duty
select inter state sale as vat/ tax class
d Input CST under purchase a/c
Select not applicable in vat/tax class
e S . K enterprises (SD)
f R .K traders (SC)
3 Create unit Ton
4 Create following stock item
Name of item unit
Rice Ton
Wheat Ton
Date 01-06-2016
1 Purchase goods from R .K traders rice 100 ton @ 15000/Ton ton and wheat 100
ton@ 12000/ton and form to issue C form .
2 Inter state sale against C form
Credit salt to S .K enterprises rice 10 ton and @ 20000/ton and wheat 10 ton @

Name of item quantity rate amount

Rice 10 ton 20000 200000
Wheat 10ton15000 150000
Output CST @ 4% 14000
Freight charge 2000

Form to receive: C from from no :abcd456 date:

3 Inter state sale against E1 and E2 form

In this type of transaction one party purchase from another party and supply to
some another party. Here the purchaser party receive C form and issue E2 form
to salers .
a Create ledger Bimal traders (SD)
b Now perform entry of sale as follow
Credit sale to Bimal Traders rice 10 ton and @ 20000/ton and wheat 10 ton @
Party name Bimal Traders
Sales ledger CST sales
Vat /tax class inter state sale
Name of item quantity rate amount
Rice 10 ton 20000 200000
Wheat 10ton15000 150000

Form to receive: C from from no :abcd1023

From to issue: E1 form form no: pqr1234
4 Branch transfer against F from
a Create a ledger A .K traders Delhi under branch and division
b Create ledger branch transfer out of state under sales a/c
Select consignment branch transfer outward in vat/tax class
Transfer rice 25 ton and wheat 25 ton to A . traders Delhi
Name of item quantity rate amount
Rice 10 ton 15000 150000
Wheat 10ton12000 120000

Form to receive: F from from no :del023 date:

5 Exporting against H form
a Create a ledger Ajay export under sundry debtor
b Sales deemed export under sales a/c
Select vat class not applicable
Export goods rice 15ton and wheat 5 ton to Ajay export
At the voucher entry select inter state sale in vat/tax class

Name of item quantity rate amount

Rice 15 ton 20000 300000
Wheat 10ton15000 150000
Form to receive: H from

Req. steps to payment of CST

1 Select payment voucher by pressing f5 key
Dr CST@ 4% 14000
Cr SBI a/c 14000

Req. steps to show receivable report

1 Select display statuary report CST report form receivable ledger
Req. steps to show issuable report
1 Select display statuary report CST report form issuable ledger
Question for practice
1 Create a company name M/s Infotect traders
2 Enable vat and set altar vat details
3 Create following ledger
a CST sale
b CST purchase
c Output CST @ 4%
d Input CST
e Shubham enterprises (supplier)
f Mahavir traders (customer)
g Archana agency (customer)
h M /S Basnat agency export (customer)
i Infotech traders delhi(branch)
4 Create stock group computer Create unit pc
5 Create following stock item

Item Under Unit Qty Rat

name e
Process Comput Pc 500 500
or er 0
Hard Comput Pc 200 250
disk er 0
RAM Comput Pc 300 150
er 0
Smps Comput Pcq 100 800
s.n Date Particulars
1 01-06- Purchase processor 100
16 pc RS 5000/pc and hard
disk 100 from shubham
enterprises . paid input
CST 4%
2 02-06- Sold processor to
16 mahavi trader at Rs
Show CST receivable and payable report of
6000/pc to Mavir traders
different form
against C form and
charge 4% out put CST
and freight charge 1000
3 01-07- Sold RAM 100 pc to
16 Archana agenc at rs
2000 /pc
Against CST from E1
and E2 and charge 4 %
4 02-07- M/s InfoTech trader
16 exchange SMPS 50 pc to
M/s infotech trader
Delhi against F form
5 01-08- Supply hard disk 50 pc
16 at 2500/pc to M/S
Basant agency for
export against H form
6 02-8- Paid CST amount rs
16 2400 by cheque of SBI
with cheque no s101


A cost centre is a unit of any organization, which is used to maintain the different
types of expenses which are done by an organization in different head.
Such as factory rent , cost of raw material , salary , travelling expense etc
When only cost or expenses are allocated to these units, they are referred to as cost
centre when profits are also allocated to these units; they become Profit centre .you
can now obtain a Profit and Loss account of each such Profit centre
With the help of cost centre, a transaction can be allocated to it, which would then
enable accumulation of the all transactions for that particular cost centre.
A Cost category have been introduced specially for project oriented organization as
they require allocation of resources to parallel sets of cost centres .
1 In the production or manufacturing project
2 In marketing project
3 Financial project
4 Management head
5 Construction head

For example , the project is to construct an building .the building is cost centre . for
this project certain expenses are incurred by the head of project .
Req steps to enable cost centre
1 Go to gateway of tally menu
2 Press f11 key
3 Set yes on maintain cost centre
4 Press ctrl + A
Req steps to enable cost category
1 Enable the option more than one payroll cost category in accounting feature
by pressing F11 key
Req steps to create cost category
1 Select accounts info cost category create option
2 Type cost category name such as (construction project , marketing project )
Req steps to create cost centre
1 Select accounts info cost centre create
2 Select desired cost category
3 Type cost centre name (raw material, advertisement , travelling , labour cost
4 Press ctrl + A

Req steps to show const centre/cost centre breakup report

1 Select display statement of accounts cost centre
2 Select category summary/cost centre breakup
3 Select desired cost centre category
4 Press ctrl +A

Question for journal entry

1 Create a company name RED Bulls construction co pvt ltd
2 Enable cost centre and cost category
3 Create cost category
a Manufacturing project
b Marketing project
4 Create following cost centre
a Production
b Travelling and advertisement
5 Create following ledger
Ledger name under cost centre are applicable
Capital a/c capital no
Sale a/c sale no
Purchase a/c purchase no
Ajay a/c SD no
S .K agency SC no
Factory rent exp direct yes
Wages exp direct yes
Row material exp direct yes
Salary exp indirect yes
Telephone bill exp indirect yes
Electricity bill exp indirect yes
Travelling exp exp indirect yes
Advertisement exp exp Ind yes

Date 01-04-2017
1 Start business with capital 250000
2 Credit sale to s .k agency Rs 50000
3 Cash sale Rs 25000
4 Credit purchase from s .K agency Rs 15000
5 Cash purchase Rs 50000

Date 02-04-2017
6 Paid factory rent 15000
7 Paid wages 5000
8 Paid row material bill 25000
9 Paid salary 2000 and telephone bill 1000
10 paid electricity bill 1500

Date 01-05-2017
11 Paid factory rent 15000
12 Paid wages 5000
13 Paid row material bill 25000
14 Paid salary 2000 and telephone bill 1000
15 paid electricity bill 1500
Date 02-5-2017
16 cash sale rest 125000
17 pay travelling bill Rs 5000
18 pay advertisement bill Rs 2500
19 pay travelling bill Rs 5500
20 pay advertisement bill Rs 3000
Note select suitable production and other cost
centre in payment transaction.
Show cost centre report

A budget is a plan prepared for the flow of funds in

an organisation. It contains financial guidelines for the
future plan of action for a selected period of time.
A budget helps to use funds efficiently. It
provides accurate information for evaluation of
financial activities, decision making and provides a
reference for future planning.
Req steps to create budget
1. Press f11 key
2. Select accounting feature
3. Set yes on maintain budget and controls
4. Press ctrl+ A.
Req steps to create budget
1. Select accounts info and press enter key
2. Select budget and press enter key
3. Select create and press enter key
4. Type name of budget(annual budget for rent)
5. Type financial year period
6. Set no to group
7. Set yes on ledger
8. Select ledger name (such as rent )
9. Select on closing balance
10. Type amount of financial budget.
11. Press ctrl + a
12. Press ctrl+ a
Req steps to show budget variation
1. Select profit and loss & press enter key
2. Select indirect expense and press enter key
3. Select the ledger whose budget is to be show &
press enter key
4. Press alt + b
5. Select desired ledger and press enter key
Question for journal entry
1. Create a company name Z Agency & enable
2. Create following ledger
a. Telephone bill a/c
b. Rent a/c
3. Create budget of telephone bill and Rent

Where amount of telephone bill is 36000 and for

rent is 3000
Date 01-04-017
1. Start business with capital rs 350000
2. Pay telephone bill rs 3000
3. Pay rent bill Rs 6000.
Date 01-05-017

4. Pay telephone bill 2500

5. Pay rent bill Rs 6000
Date 01-06-017
6. Pay telephone bill 4000
7. Pay rent bill Rs 4000
Show budget variation of rent and telephone bill
Payroll it is a facility provided by tally which is used to
maintain the structure of salary being paid to each
employee of any business organization.
It also maintains the earning and deduction of each
Earning the amount of salary which is paid to employee
is termed as earning for employee. Such as Basic, Da, Hra,
Deduction the amount of salary which reduced from
salary of each employee is termed as the deduction from
employee. Such as PF, LIC, GIS etc
Pay head the salary components consist Pay Structures
are called Pay Heads. A Pay Head may be an earning, which
is paid to an employee, or a deduction, which is recovered
from his/her salary. The value of these Pay Heads could be
either fixed or variable, for each Payroll period.
Employee groupAn Employee Group allows you to group
or classify the employees in a logical manner as required.
The Salary structure can be defined at the Employee Group
level. Such as manager, clerk super wiser, peon etc.
Gross pay= total earning (basic+da+hra+cca)
Net pay=gross pay deduction (pf+lic+gis)
Note all salary structure is accounted in payroll voucher .
Req steps to maintain payroll
1.Create a company
2.Enable payroll
3.Create ledger
4.Create pay head
5.Create employee group
6.Create list of employees
7.Perform entry of payroll in payroll voucher
8.Show pay sheet
Req steps to enable payroll
1.Press f11 key
2.Select accounting feature
3.Set yes on maintain payroll
4.Press ctrl + A
5.Req steps to create pay head
1.Select payroll info
2.Select pay head
3.Select create
4.Type pay head name (such as basic, da,hra,pf etc)
5.Select earning for employee/deduction from employee
as pay head type
6.Select indirect expense for earning and select current
liabilities for deduction as under
7.Press ctrl + A
Req steps to create employee group
1.Select payroll info
2.Select employee group
3.Type employee group name (manager, clerk, peon etc)
4.Press ctrl + A
Req steps to create list of employee
1.Select payroll info
2.Select employees
3.Select create
4.Type employee name
5.Select employee group as under
6.Type details of employee
7.Press ctrl + A
Req steps to see pay sheet
1.Select display
2.Select payroll report
3.Select statement of payroll
4.Select pay sheet
Create a company name P.K communication
Create ledger of SBI bank
Create following pay dead
DA Earning for employee

LIC Deduction from employee

Create following employee group

c. Clerk
Create following list of employee
1.S.R Mishra(administrator)
2.G.K Mishra(manager)
3.S.C Jha (clerk)
4.C .K mandal(peon)
Perform entry of following question as follow
1.To S.R mishra paid salary as
2.To G.K Mishra
3.S.C Jha
4.C .K mandal
S.R MISHRA 25000 59% 21%
15 2000
G.K MISHRA 20000 59% 21%
15 1500
S.C JHA 15000 39% 21%
12 1200C
S.C JHA 8000 25% 14%
10 500 300

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