Creating Accounts Masters

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Creating Accounts Masters

a period.

Creating Account Masters

Masters are account heads which shows the transaction under that particular account.
You can create masters for both Accounts as well as Inventory. Once you have the
company selected, press Esc to reach the Master raformation menu, as shown here.

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A5 you can see there are lots of features which can be created from here. You can
create Masters of Accounts, Inventory and Import Masters. Besides this you can create
Transaction Vouchers like Accounting Vouchers, Inventory Vouchers and Import
Transactions. On the Report side, you can print report like Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss
A/c, Stock Summary and Ratio Analysis from here. You can also display the various
information on the screen and print Multi-accounts.
F- =. iN- .
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The alphabet made capital and bold in between can be pressed to select that
particular option, for example, pressing B would kad to Balance Sheet.
Accounts Information
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This block has the following masters, Groups, Ledgers, and Voucher Types. Each one of
them when clicked would lead you :o Create (for creation of a new account), Display
(for allowing ,-you to view the information contained in that master) and Alter (for
allowing you to change the information contained in thai aster).
5: let us start with the first item, i.e., Groups.
Creating a Group Company
7o create a group company, you must have the main company already created in
Tally. Follow the following steps to create a group company. Click on the key Fl or from
the buttons on the right hand side of the screen, click at Company Information, to get
the screen, shown on the next page.
After you have selected the select company, you would reach the


Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

point where in the Gateway of Tally you would get a dialog box, asking you to select
any menu. You can press here Groups to create group company.
Select Groups and press <Enter> to get another dialog box. Select Create and press
Tally has some predefined groups available for you. You can either use them or create
some more of your choice. These existing groups however, cannot be altered. Of the
28 pre-defined groups, 15 are primary groups and 13 are sub-groups.
These groups are shown below:
No. Main Group ErimQrsLGtauji
1 Capital Account Reserves and Surplus or Retained Earnings
2 Current Assets Bank Accounts
Deposit or Assets
Loan & Advances or Assets
Sundry Debtors
03 Current Liabilities Duties and Taxes
Sundry Creditors . ' ' -

Stogie OI>I
CReaie Display AITer

JOE rx Ttkse i
\JZ as i

04 Fixed Assets
05 Investments
06 Loans or Liability Bank OD Accounts or Bank OCC Accounts
Secured Loans
Unsecured Loans
07 Suspense Account *
08 Misc. Expenses
09 Branch/Divisions
10 Sales Account
11 Purchase Accoun*
12 Direct Income

oint Tally 7.2

^.-eating Accounts Masters


'ii- a1.'
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On it
13 Indirect Income
14 Direct Expenses
.5 Indirect Expenses I Branch/Division
:bove case number 10 to 16 belong to the revenue nature.
rroups would be shown to you when you are creating an account to sort of asking _
-'ier which account the new account would be listed.
_.?: _s now see what these account heads or groups mean to you. As seen from the
above e;e accounts are listed alphabetically and not in any particular order of the
Capital Account
is a primary group and is used to hold the capital and reserves of the company. You .
open ledger heads like Partners Capital Account, Properties Capital Account, Share rral
Account, etc., under this group. You can see the properties of any group by selecting
izi pressing <Enter>. For example, in order to see the properties of Capital Account :cr
select the group by using the arrow keys and press <Enter>. When you display the ::
--: you would see the following:

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iMapital Account

D Primary Sank Accounts Bank OCC A/c Bank OD A'c Branch / Divisions


dsh-m-hanti Current A3 3et Current Liabilities , Deposits (Asset) Direct Expenses-
Direct Jneomes Outms K Taxes Expenses (Direct) Expenses (indirsrt) Fixed Assets
Income (Direct) income (indirect) Indirect Expenses Indirect Incomes Investments
Loans & Advances (Asset) Loans (Liability)
1 * im-i

[;' Features ."U- Configure

[ 28

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

id laity Solutions Pvr. Ltd.. 1'

ies 7.2-Release 1
j Tue, 3rd May, 2005


Capital Account

t S li*

? Y'es
Group behaves like a Sub-Ledger
Used for Calculation (eg. Taxes, Discounted ? Yes (for Safes invoice Entry)
Method to Allocate when NettDebitTCreditBa!;
Reserve and Surplus
You can use this sub-group to open ledger heads like Investment Allowance Reserve,
General Ledger and other such reserve accounts. The alias name for this sub-group is
Retained Earnings.
Current Assets
This is a primary group and as the name of the group itself suggests that all the
assets of the company can be placed under this head. This group has six sub-groups
under it. Although you can place all your assets under these sub-groups, certain
assets may not find place under the sub-groups. These assets may be placed directly
under Current Assets.
Bank Accounts *
It is used to hold saving/current accounts and all other accounts of all the banks.
It is used to hold ledger account of cash. Tally by default opens one Cash A/c under
this group. If required you can open more cash accounts.
Deposits or Assets
It is used to hold assets like security deposits, fixed deposits, rental deposits and all
other such deposits made by the company (not received by the company).

j ^

it Tally 7.2

Creating Accounts Masters


Loans and Advances

'.- .5 used to hold all advances and loans of non-trading nature. For example advances
against : i~es, work contracts, or even purchase of fixed assets.
r. s used to hold certain special accounts like raw materials, finished goods and work
rrogress. How the balances are controlled depends on whether you opted to maintain
rnegrated account-cum-inventory system or a non-integrated account-cum-inventory
r Company Features menu.
Sundry Debtors
_; used to hold accounts of companies and individuals that give goods on credit to the

erve, General > is Retained

Current Liabilities
~ns is a primary group and is used to hold outstanding and statutory liabilities of
the ::~pany. Hence the liabilities like ESI, PF, and TDS find a place in this group. The
group -.!.: 3 sub groups under it which are as following:
Duties and Taxes *
'r. :onsists of all types of taxes and duties like, Excise, Local Sales Tax, Central Sales
Tax, AT. MOD VAT, etc. The duties and taxes falling under this group must be
r;n the ones that fall under revenue account. The accounts falling under this group
constitute : _: balance sheet and are not a part of your sale and purchase value.
Therefore, sales tax,
ctrise duty, etc., if forming part of sales or purchase value should not be placed under

the assets of r it. Although i place under

Ic under this
and all other

Tze name suggests that it is used to hold other tax provisions like income tax
depreciation r. .:. Other provisions depending on operational method of company can
be placed here.
Sundry Creditors
_s used to keep track of trade creditors of the company. Fixed Assets
Tzzs is used to keep track of all the fixed assets, patents, trade rights, etc., of the
company. Investment
Tns is used to hold ledger accounts of shares, bonds and other securities of the
company * well as of other companies. A convenient place to find all the investments
made by the company.

I 30

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Loans (Liability)
It is used to keep track of the loans taken by the company. This group has 3 sub-
groups which are as follows:
Bank OD Accounts
It is used to handle all overdraft accounts with banks like, hypothecation accounts, bill
discounting accounts and other accounts which are operated on day to day basis.
Secured Loans
This is used to hold the long/medium term loans taken by the company from financial
corporations, banks, etc., against its fixed assets. Hence even if the company fails,
these loans have to be returned from the fixed assets of the company.
Unsecured Loans
This is used to hold the loans taken unconditionally by the company. For example,
loans taken by outside parties, including directors and partners fall under this sub-
Suspense Account
This is used by many companies to maintain a suspense ledger which keeps track of
money received or paid by the company, whose nature of transaction is not yet
known. The most common example is of money paid as travelling advance, the details
of which will only be known after the submission of the TA bill.
Misc. Expenses
The loss of the company, which has not been written off but carried forward to the
next year should fall here. However, Tally treats it as a negative profit and carries it to
the Profit and Loss Account.
Branches/Division ,
This is used to keep the names of all companies which may be branches, divisions,
sister concerns, subsidiaries of the existing company.
Let us now come to the revenue accounts. Sales Account
It is used to hold all sales account of the company. Tally allows you to setup multiple
sales accounts. You can bifurcate your accounts based on either of the these factors:
Tax slabs, Nature of trade, Geographical area, Product specification, etc. In case you
wish to see the net sales, you can either open a ledger account called Sales Return
under this group or pass a journal entry for sales returns against the specific sales
Purchase Account
This is similar to sales account, except for the purpose of transaction.

>int Tally 7.2

Creating Accounts Masters


3 sub-groups
i accounts, bill ' basis.
from financial any fails, these
example, loans >-group.
track of money own. The most ch will only be
ard to the next i it to the Profit
divisions, sister
p multiple sales tors: Tax slabs, wish to see the is group or pass

Direct Income
This is used to hold ledger accounts of non-trade income accounts that affect gross
profit. Indirect income
This is used to hold ledger accounts of indirect income of the company. For example,
income from rent, interest commission received, etc.
Direct Expenses
This is used to hold ledger accounts of those expanses of the company that determine
its gross profit. Expenses like salary paid to labour, transportation, electricity bills,
etc., fall under this group.
Indirect Expenses
This is used to hold ledger accounts of those expenses of the company, which
determine its net profit. Expenses like advertising, maintenance of vehicles,
administrative expenses, etc., fall under this group.
Display of Group Account
You can display any account on the screen by selecting Display from the menu. You
would be next given a choice to display any of the above mentioned accounts, the list
of which :omes on the screen. *
riease remember the account is just displayed here. So as not to allow you to alter
anything -o cursor is provided, since it is only display.
Alteration of Group Account
You can display any account on the screen by selecting Alter from the menu. You
would bs next given a choice to select any of the above mentioned accounts, the list
of which ::mes on the screen.
vow you are given the account format with cursor for you to change any information.
You zir. change Name of any Reserved Group, but its characteristics will remain the
Deletion of Group Account
You can delete a group by pressing Alt+D in the Group Alteration screen. Your
confirmation would be sought from you before deleting any record in the form of Yes
or No. Click Yes if you are very sure of deleting.
Please remember that System Generated Reserved Groups cannot be deleted. Also
user created groups cannot be deleted if any child group and/or ledger have been
placed under e group. Thus, if you wish to delete a group under which child group or
ledger exists, you should move the related ledgers and child groups to other groups
first, then you can delete

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Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Buttons on the Group Screen

Following buttons are there on the side screen. F3:Company
This button becomes active on selection of multiple companies. On clicking this button
List of (selected) Companies is displayed to select the other company. In creation
mode, you can Create a Group in another company you select from List of Companies
upon pressing this button. On creation of one Group in the other Company, Tally
brings back the previous Company to continue Group Creation for the first Company.
In alteration mode, you can copy the group to a target company you select through
this button.
F3z Company
This button becomes active in Display screen if multiple companies are selected, to
enable to view Group of another company you select through this button.
F10; Chg Sort
This button appears in Alteration screen to alter position of group in report.
As per the requirements of the Company Law Board the groups of the accounts have
been given an index value, according to which the groups are arranged in Tally. These
groups with their index value are given here.


Name of

Capital Account Loans (liability) Current Liabilities Fixed Assets Investments Current
Assets Branch / Divisions Misc. Expenses (Assets) Suspense Account Reserves &
Surplus Bank OD Accounts Secured Loans Unsecured Loans


>oint Tally 7.2

>eating Accounts Masters


ang this button creation mode, ampanies upon illy brings back iteration mode,
Dcted, to enable
rants have been r. These groups

Duties & Taxes

Sundry Creditors
Stock in hand
Deposits (Assets)
Loans Advances (Assets)
Sundry Debtors
Cash in hand
Bank Accounts
Sales Accounts
Purchase Account
Direct Income
Indirect Income
Direct Expenses
Indirect Expenses
Primary Groups (User Created)

140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 500

Tmese are actual account heads to which the transactions are identified. You make all
your *rocher entries in these accounts. As mentioned earlier, you have to classify all
ledgers :no groups. For most of the users, working with single ledger will suffice all
their acquirements. The advanced users can opt for working with multiple ledgers.
Creating a Ledger
-JG pressing <Enter> on Ledgers of the Account Info, dialog box, would lead you to
another &akg box, which asks for options like, create, display, alter, etc. On pressing
the option of Create in this dialog box would lead to another dialog box, also shown on
the next page.
rafiowing are the options of this dialog box: Name
:_ can give here the name of the ledger you want to create.
::on will be present, if you had configured Master Configuration menu for aliases, re an
alternate name for the ledger account. You can specify any number of names.

I 34

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

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All accounts in Tally must be classified in their appropriate groups. From the list of
existing groups that appears here, select the appropriate group under which you wish
to place this ledger.
Opening Balance
Specify here the opening balance in the ledger as on date of beginning of books. This
is obviously the opening balance of Jhe account taken from the previous year's
balance sheet. You have to specify whether it is a debit or credit balance by saying D
or C. By default Tally assumes that assets have debit balances and liabilities have
credit balances. In the case of a new company you can leave it as blank.
Mailing & Related Details
This option is relevant only in the case of groups like Sundry Debtors and Creditors
and Loan & Advances. Here you can give the complete name and address of the party
along with its Income Tax and Sales Tax numbers.

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PointTally 7.2

Creating Accounts Masters


!M5-0s*( Help
eb Brttwaer
list of existing h to place this
books. This is balance sheet. C. By default lances. In the
Creditors and e party along

Advanced Information
You can configure Tally to use advanced options for ledgers by setting the options
shown in the figure above, which can be obtained by clicking at Configure. Change all
the accounting answers to Yes. The additional information which can be provided in
the ledger account would be:
Currency of Ledger
Specify the currency here in which the ledger will be maintained. Tally permits you to
maintain ledgers in any currency. The accounts will reflect amounts in the specified
Maintain Balances Bill-by-bill
In case you wish to maintain a bill-wise break up of ledger balance including the
opening balance, you will have to set this option to Yes. You are permitted to enter any
number of bills here.
As you are giving the bill-by-bill breakup of the opening balance, the date of the bill
would naturally be prior to the accounting period.
Display of Individual Ledger
You can display any ledger account on the screen by selecting Display from the menu.
You would be next given a choice to display any of the ledger account, the list of
which comes on the screen. Please remember the account is just displayed here. So
as not to allow you ro alter anything no cursor is provided, since it is only display.
Alteration of Group Account
You can display any ledger account on the screen by selecting Alter from the menu.
You would be next given a choice to select any of the mentioned ledgers, the list of
which comes ?n the screen. Now you are given the account format with cursor for you
to change any information. You can change Name of any Reserved Group, but its
characteristics will remain the same.
Deletion of Ledger
You can delete a ledger by pressing Alt+D in the Ledger Alteration screen. Your
confirmation would be sought from you before deleting any record in the form of Yes
or No. Click Yes rf you are very sure of deleting. However, if the ledger is transacted in
any voucher, the message would not appear and you cannot delete the ledger.
Buttons on the Screen

--; lowing buttons are there on the side screen.

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2
[ 36 '
F1Q.-Chg Sort
This button appears in alteration mode allowing you to change sorting position of
ledgers in report. On clicking this button, Position index would be displayed in the
alteration screen, as shown on the next page. By default all ledgers are assigned 1000
which you may alter. The button toggles between Chg sort and Skip sort.
Creating Multiple Ledgers
Click at Create of the Multiple Ledger to create multiple ledgers.
On the next page, you would see the type of screen you would get for creating a
multiple ledgers. This also allows you to set the following options.
Under Group
Select the Parent Group under which you wish to create Ledgers. In the List of Groups
pop-up besides all groups you get an additional option All Items. If all the ledgers you
wish to create are to be placed under a single group, select it from the list of groups
that pop-up would ensure faster creation as you need not to select parent group for
each ledger.

-.t. l.M.


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oint Tally 7.2

Creating Accounts Masters

ition of ledgers
tteration screen,
vou mav alter.
iting a multiple
List of Groups dgers you wish ips that pop-up h ledger.
-ip Details

Bottom Table
On selecting parent group cursor moves to bottom table.
SI. No.
Serial number is displayed for reference, cursor does not move here.
Name of Ledger
Enter name of the ledger you are creating.
If you select any group at Under Group the select group is displayed here and cursor
does rot move. If you had selected All Items, you have to select the parent Group for
each ledger iz this field from the List of Groups.
Opening Balance
Enter Opening Balance for the ledger, if any. At DR/Cr field, enter D or C. If you have
epted to maintain Billwise Balance for the company, Billwise allocation screen would
appear on entering opening balance for each ledger. On entering Billwise allocation
entry, cursor v, ould return to the Voucher table to enter next ledger.
Buttons in Multiple Ledger Creation Screen
Following are the buttons on this screen. F4 : Parent
Clicking on this button moves cursor to Under Group field at top part directly. Useful
when you have entered few ledgers in the columnar list and wish to change parent
Skip Details
On clicking this button, cursor would skip the Opening Balance field you create
ledgers -with zero opening balance. This button toggles between Skip Details and Edit
Altering Multiple Ledger
On selecting this option, List of Groups would be displayed to select Group for which
Ledgers are to be altered. To alter Ledgers under a specific group, select the Group, to
alter ledgers under multiple parent Groups, select All Items. Ledgers under the Group
or all Ledgers if you select All Items will be displayed.
Buttons in Alter Ledger Screen
Following axe the buttons on this screen.

f 38

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

F4 : Parent/F4 : New Parent

Under altering Ledgers under a group, if you wish to select Ledgers under another
group, click the button which brings List of Groups to select from.
Zero Op. Balance
To make opening balance for all ledgers as zero, click this button. Be careful, once
zeroed, you cannot get back the previous balance figures again.
F6: Skip Names
If you do no want to change the names, then you can ask Tally to skip names for
faster movement. The button toggles between Skip Names and Edit Names
F7 : Skip Parent
If you are not planning to change the Group name, then Tally to skip the parent name
for faster editing. This button toggles between Skip Parent and Edit Parent.
F10 i Chg Sort
As mentioned in earlier cases, it allows you to change the index value of the ledger
account. It toggles between Chg Sort and Skip Sort.
Setting Credit Limits
Tally allows you to set a credit limit as well as credit period of the groups:
Branch/Divisions, Sundry Creditors and Sundry Debitors. In order to use this facility go
to the ledgers menu ana select the option Credit Limits under Multiple Ledgers by
pressing <L>.
VewriptiA/e/ Type/ Que&tlony
1. Describe the classification of account groups in Tally.
2. Describe the various Profit and Loss Accounts.
3. Describe the process of creating a Group Company.
4. How would you Display, Alter, Delete a Group account?
5. Describe the function of various buttons on the Group account screen.
6. How would you create a ledger in Tally?
7. How would you Display, Alter, Delete a Ledger from Tally?
8. How would you create a Multiple Ledger?
9. Describe the various options on Multiple Ledger screen.

10. Describe the function of various buttons on the Multiple Ledger screen.
11. Describe the various buttons on Alter ledger screen.
12. How would you set the credit limits?

*' m.


oint Tally 7.2

another group,

Creating Inventory Masters

A, once zeroed,
ames for faster
orent name for
ledger account.

Creating Inventory Masters
Tbe different inventory information that you would provide to Tally by way of
masters :^r be given by selecting the following:
I. Gateway of Tally
'-. Inventory Info "ir.ous items on the screen are: Stock Groups
Inventory itife.
::'. items can be grouped together under Stock Group to reflect their classification
based : some community. Grouping would enable easy location : "eporting of stock
items in statements. Hence, items of
:ticuiar brand can be grouped together so that you cm
ict stock of all items of that brand.

nch/Divisions, : ledgers menu


\0i or :*
Stock Categories
~" f :oncept is similar to Cost Categories. You may wish ro : :o the earlier chapter to
grasp the similarity differences.
bo CWS
"" i option will come in the menu only if you have opted ?:ock categories in [Fll]
Company Features.
'nit*, of M
Stock Items
ledgers Stock Items are the primary inventory entity.
_ .vill use stock items while recording their receipts and
-:--_is. This is lowest level of information about your
Each item that is required to be accounted for, needs to be created. In fact, you _
create a stock ledger account for each item and Tally calls this account 'Stock Item.
Reorder Levels
Yrc can fix a minimum level in case of any stock, when the stock reaches that level,
Tally CTVS vou that the time has come to reorder more stocks.

~?rz can define various inventory godowns from here.



Straight to the Point Tally ~Z

Voucher Types
You can set options for various types of vouchers. Unit of Measure
Each stock has its own way of measuring. So you can set unit of measument for each)
stock from here.
Let us see each one of them.
Stock Groups
For creating this press the following:
Gateway of Tally >>Inventory Info>>Stock Groups
You can crate sub-groups of Stock Groups for deeper analysis
Creating a Stock Group
For creating a stock group, press the following:
Gateway of Tally>Inventory Info>Stock Groups>Single Create

This dialog box, has the following information to be filled in.

Give the nar^e of the stock group. Here we wish to create a group Juices.
I have used the words Jc, you can use something based on your name.

Name . Juices ; Jc
Under : Q Primary
?ms be ADDED

Specify whether it is primary group or a sub-group of another group. Select from the
pop-up list. Here we select Primary from the list. Use Alt + C to create a parent if you
do nor have the group you want in the Jist.
Can Quantities of items be ADDED?
This really pertains to information on the stock items that you would create under this
stock group. The stock items created under the group should have similar units to be
'addable'. It is, possibly, easier to set it to No initially and later set it to Yes on
assessing the item units in the group.

nt Tally 7.2

Creating Inventory Masters

41 I

ent for each

Creating Multiple Stock Groups

For this press the following buttons.
Gateway of Tally>Inventory Info>Stock Groups>Multiple Stock Group>Create
Select the parent group under which you want the new groups to fall. If you select any
roup other than 'All Items', e.g., Juices, you indicate that all new groups being
created at is time will fall under the group 'Juices'. In that case, the column 'Under' is
filled up x^tomatically with 'Juices' and your cursor skips this column. This speeds up
data entry.
Selecting 'All Items' allows you to specify the parent of each new group created and
would : e flexibility and the cursor moves to the column field 'Under' for the parent of
each z^x- group.
Oritiye Juice A[|,!e Juice


the po>
u do ncc

the name of the stock group. In this case, we have give Orange Juice and Apple Juice.
ioace we selected 'Juices' in Under Group, we specify the parent here.

I 42

Straight to the Point Tally 7J

Items are Addable? (Y/N)

As explained under Single Stock Group Creation, this really pertains to information on
stock items that you would create under this stock group. It is, possibly, easier to set
it Yes initially and later set it to No on accessing the item units in the group.
F4: Parent
To change the parent 'Under Group' when you may have created sub-groups under it.
The! change effects all the sub-groups created under the parent and they would
belong to the | new parent.
F8: Skip Details
If the answer to the question, "Items are addable' is to remain the default, i.e., remain
same as Specified for the parent Stock Group, then use this button. Your cursor will
not go tc that column which speeds up data entry.
Use the following buttons to switch to the respective masters for creation
Display of Alter a Stock Group
For this select the following: ,
Gateway of ^Tally> Inventory Info>Stock Groups>Single/Multiple Display
Gateway of Tally>Inventory Info>Stock Groups>Single/Multiple Alter
Select the stock group whose particulars you wish to display. When you display or
alter a stock group the information entered while creating it is displayed. Display from
this mode is for master information only. You will not obtain any balances for a stock
group here. Use the Display option from the Gateway of tally for display of balances
and transactions.
In earlier days of computing, one world look at the master information for balances.
Tally believes that balances are a logical consequences of the transactions; hence,
they should be available with the transaction summaries. You would find all
summaries and details through the Display option in the main Gateway of Tally.
Delete a Stock Group
You can delete a stock group only if it does not have any children under it. The
children could be stock group or stock item or both.
For this select the fcUowing:
Gateway of Tally>Inventory Info>Stock Groups>Single Alter

i Point Tally 7.2

Creating Inventory Masters


nformation on the easier to set it to iup.

3ups under it. The >uld belong to the
, i.e., remam same sor will not go to

Press [ALT]+[D] to delete the stock group.

You cannot delete a stock group from multiple mode.
Stock Categories
This option will be available if you have activated Maintain Stock Categories under
Company Features. Stock Group helps to classify Stock Items in one dimension. Stock
Categories offer the benefit of classifying an item in another dimension, thus at any
moment you can find similar items. Such additional information for item help when a
customer asks for one item which is not availablein Stock or enquiries about similar
Creating Stock Categories
For this select the following:
Inventory information> Stock Category>Create
Here you will get a stock creation screen as shown.
In this dialog box, you have to fill the following information.
Enter Name of the Stock Category. Alias


znter any alternate name which you may .ike to give to this category.


Accept ?

i display or alter a ay from this mode ck group here. Use nd transactions.

for balances. Tally ice, they should be ind details through
ler it. The children

Select the main account for the Stock Category from the List of Categories. To create
Top evel Stock Category, select Primary from the pop-up list. The first Stock Category
you reate, must be Primary, thereafter you may create Primary or Secondary level.
Display a Stock Category
This command helps you see the existing Stock Categories. Here since you are only
allowed *: view, you would not be able to change anything.
Alter a Stock Category
This command helps you see the existing Stock Categories in edit mode. Here you are
i_owed to change the various information.
Delete a Stock Category
~J no sub-category exist under the Stock Category or no Stock item has been placed
under select the Stock Category in alter mode and press Alt+D, a confirmation
would be sought, Z :.e:e Yes or No. If you are very sure about deleting, press Y.
However, if any sub-category

I 44

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

or Stock item has been placed under it, deletion is not permitted and you will not get
any message.
Stock Items
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Inventory Info>Stock Items
What is a Stock Items?
A stock item needs no explanation. However, what needs to be explained is'how Tally
uses it. Tally uses the phrase to include what traditional accountant would call a stock
ledger account. All the stock items together would make up the stock ledger. So to
display a stock ledger, display the stock items. You can draw a parallel to ledgers in
accounting for stock items in inventory.
Creating a Stock Item
This gives rise to a dialog box as shown next. You have to fill the following information.
Give the name of the stock item. Here we wish to create an item Sony Disks 3.5"
Alias ,
This is for alternative names of stock items.
Specify the group to which it belongs. The different groups that we had created were
Sony, Maxell and Computers. These as well as Primary would appear in the pop-up list.
Select 'Sony' from the pop-up list. Use Alt+C to create a parent if you do not have the
item you want in the list.
Give the unit of measurement of the item here. You should normally use this unit for
trading in this item. Select Box on 100 fcs from the Popup list. Please refer to the
section 'Unit' for explanation of units. As usual, use [Alt]+[C] to create a new unit.
Advanced Users and Administrators
The unit 'Packs of 10 Pcs' is a compound unit. Tally has the concept of simple and
compound units. To create a compound unit, you would first create its components as
simple units and then give their relation. In this case, 'pcs' and packs were created as
simple units.
Then a compound unit 'Packs of 10 Pcs' was created separately. While creating a
compound unit, if the cursor goes straight to the field 'Symbol' and you find the field
'Type' stating 'Simple', backspace to the 'Type' field to select 'Compound'.

Point Tally 7.2

i will not get any


Creating Inventory Masters

I fc> Tally Solutions Pvf. Ltd.. 1988-2005
-: " 2- Release 1
:.-d May, 2005


: Orange Juice

Part No.

is'how Tally uses all a stock ledger

to display a stock counting for stock
wing information.
Disks 3.5'
created were Sony,
pop-up list. Select
: have the item you

: Oi tinge Jce
r3MocHiy default Ledgers for Invoicing ?

I : -*..j> : Juice*
Bernard : Costing Method :
I Market Valuation Msirtod
ignore Qiff. due to Physical Counting :. ?
Ignore Negative Balances . ? ..
E Treat all Sales as New Manufacture ' 1 "
Treat ail Purchases as Consumed ?
Esimain in Batches ? Treat all Rejections inward as Scrap ?
net Standard Rates ?
fete of Duty (eg 5) :5
ne or\'Ar -. 4 - - ".

Opening Balance
Rate of VAT (Sales Tax/Duty) (e.g. 17.5 or 5)

this unit for trading 3 the. section 'Unit'

rept of simple and imponents as simple ited as simple units.
Tearing a compound field 'Type' stating

jrive the rate of tax applicable for the item. The rate specified here would be picked up
hen invoicing, if you selected the method of calculation as 'Tax Based on Item Rate'
for :ur relevant accounting ledger account. Typically, this accounting ledger account
would re 'VAT' Account' under the Group 'Duties and Taxes'. In such cases, the VAT or
duty in ~voice entry will be automatically calculated.
I Opening Balance
\i you already have stock of this item at the time of creating its account in Tally, give
its rilance particulars, i.e., quantity, rate, unit and account.
Buttons in Single Mode Stock Item Creation
" "irious buttons on the screen are:


Straight to the Point Ta#%

F3: Companies
To switch to another loaded company to create stock item, select the following:
Groups>Categories>Location/Godown>Budget>Vch Types>Units>Currency
You may switch to these master to create them. Currency and Budget options are ac:
only when you have opted for the same in [Fll] Company Features. Other option
categories appear only if they too were activated.
Creating Multiple Stock Items
For this press the following:
Gateway of Tally>Inventory Info>Multiple Stock Items>Create
This leads to the dialog box shown here. You have to fill the following information ir.
Under Group
Select the parent group under which you want the new items to fall. If you select any
groor other than 'Juices'. In this case, the column 'Under' is filled up automatically with
'Juices and your cursor skips this column. This speeds up data entry. Selecting 'Juices'
allows you K^htim-.^-.y^v'-i:-'.* *: *-- ri-t*.'
5 id Lilly Soluliniisl\i.Llil.. I1'3f>-."1O'-

MJ. -1 ltl), .'JJ*

jit".1:. 'Hi- e;

"U ' li.lille <>f Itelll

2. i riii.i|i|ili.* .iiiji'f- . JI - =


A _ ^,'
""" >*,. C 31

Point Tally 7.2

Creating Inventory Masters

47 I

lowing: rency
ions are activated ther options like
lformation in it.
i select any group ally with 'Juices' 'uices' allows you
Jl''eb Browser i
O ".""Td!-
li. ir,
e\tt I


JO specify the parent of each new item created and would given flexibility and the
cursor aioves to the column field 'Under' for the parent of each new item.
The serial number is automatically filled up.
Name of the Item
Give the name of the stock item.
Since we selected 'all Items' in Under Item, we specify the parent here. We have
picked up e parent from the group list. Use [Alt]+[C] to create a new parent.
Opening Balance
If you already have stock of this item at the time of creating its account in Tally, give
its ialance particulars, i.e., quantity, rate, unit and account.
Vinous buttons under this screen are: F4; Parent
~: rhange the parent *Under Group' when you may have created items under it. The
change .-r-ts all the items created under the parent and they would belong to the new
-3: Skip Details
To avoid the cursor going to the opening quantities fields, use this button. It toggles
with dt Details, which allows to entry of opening details.
C9: Skip Category
"fi avoid the cursor going to the Category field, use this button. It toggles with Edit
Category, iach allows entry of Category details.
Use the following buttons to switch to the respective masters for creation
Gooops>Category (if activated)>Location
Ksplay or Alter a Stock Item
Sar this select the following:
'Gmtway of Tally>Inventory Info>Stock Items>Single/Multiple Display or Alter
SeSect the stock item whose particulars you wish to display. When you display or alter
a c* item, the information entered while creating it is displayed.

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Delete a Stock Item

You can delete a stock item only if it has not been used form transaction entry.
For this press the following:
Gateway of Tally>Inventory Info.>Stock Items>Single Stock Item>Alter
Press [Alt] + [D] to delete the Stock Item. You cannot delete a Stock Item from
multiple mode.
Advanced Stock Item Creation
We shall assume that all the advanced features of Inventory have been activated
under [F12J: Configuration and [Fll] Company Features. This section deals with the
additional fields you would input during creation of a Stock Item. If you do not find a
field that you are looking for, or if you want to remove some or all the extra fields,
check configuration and/ or company features. Usually, you will be able to configure
the information to your requirements.
For this press the following:
Gateway of Tally>Inventory Info>Stock Items>Single Create
The additional information are:
Part No;
This is optional. You might wish to give part number for the item to identify them. In
certain industries, e.g., the automobile industry, various parts are better known by
their part number. This field can be used alternatively for Bin Card number, code
number for the item, etc.
You are allowed to give aliases for the part number. Its use many arise, where, for
example, the manufacturer specifies his part number, but you understand it better by
its Bin Card number that you have allotted 1t. Give both.
Give a description of the stock item that would appear in your invoice as well, if you
want them to.
Classify stock items into stock categories. This is more to help identify the product or
its usage when you look at its details. For example, you may create a stock item
'Printer Cable Type A' under stock group 'Printer cables' and stock category 'Bi-tronic
cables' Give additional information here, e.g., particulars of printers and other devices
that can use this cable. When you, now, query the stock of this item, it will give these
remarks, which will help you decide/advise whether the item is suitable for a
particular requirement.

aint Tally 7.2

Creating Inventory Masters


L from multiple

Alternative Units
This is another unit, apart form the main unit, thai you can use for the stock item. This
is particularly useful when you need to deal in different units at different items. For
example, you buy sugar by weight in Kgs but sell in packets. Alternative, you sell the
Maxell Cleaning kits both in pieces and in packs of 2 pieces.
For alternative units, you are asked to give a conversion factor so that a link is
maintained between the two. Here we give 2. What you give here is simply a
conversion factor that comes up a default during voucher entry. You may specify a
different factory during the voucher entry.
Enter Standard Rates?
~J you wish to specify standard purchase and sales rates for the item, select Yes.
Standard rates enables valuation of inventory at standard purchase or standard sales
Moreover, these pieces come up by default during transaction entry, (but they can be
overridden with adequate authority). The standards are set to be effective from
specified lares and they continue to be used at these rates unit the next date where
the standard rate ranges. Use the standard selling price as simple price-list.
Reorder Levels
Reorder level is that quantity in hand for a stock item, reaching whigh; you should
order your supplies. The importance of reorder level arises from the desire to have
sufficient stocks

Solutions Pvt. Ltd., 1988-2005

2- Release 1
t, 2005
Under Group : Juices
Name of Item
sll, if you want


Brconsurepfion for last

Oi dnge Juice
Pineapple Jntce

I 50

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

to service customer orders and at the same time not to have unnecessarily high
stocks. Therefore, the points to be considered in deciding reorder levels are the lead
time for suppliers to deliver stock, the delivery time specified by the customer and the
stock in hand to satisfy orders in the meantime.
In simple mode, Tally accepts your specified quantities only. In advanced, Tally
considers past consumption patterns to suggest reorder levels. You can however, give
your own levels. You may also specify the minimum quantity that s to be placed for
each other in either simple or advanced mode. The purpose of specifying reorder
levels is to obtain a report that indicates the stocks that need to be ordered.
Hence, we will first specify and then obtain the report.
Specifying Reorder Levels
For this press the following:
Gateway of Tally>Inventory Info>Reorder Levels
Select the Group of stock items for which to specify reorder levels.
Say, you select Juices.
Note that for each item a reorder level and minimum order quantity can be specified.
If you click on the Simple Reorder button, the consumption alternatives will not be
able and you will input the quantities.
For each item's Reorder level and Minimum Order Quantity the entry options are
identical and they are:
Level / Quantity
It requires input of quantity. Or Consumption of Last
Here you are given the option to let Tally calculate the reorder level/order quantity
based on past total consumption for a chosen period. Past Periods offered are: Days,
Weeks, Months and Years
Please note that it is not average c5nsumption for the period but total consumption.
Give 0 if you do not want the previous consumption for an item.
Whichever is Higher/Lower
Select whether you want the higher of the two - i.e., input level/quantity or calculated
Rounding Method
Also specify whether the calculated quantity should be rounded and the method.

int Tally 7.2

Creating Inventory Masters


v high stocks.
e for suppliers
:iand to satisfy
lally considers our own levels, other in either jbtain a report
be specified. If not be able and
ms are identical
r quantity based :: Days, Weeks,
lsumption. Give
T or calculated

Obtain Reorder Status and Quantities to Order

For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Display>Statement of Inventory>Reorder Status
Select from List of Groups or Stock Items.
In this case Orange Juice is selected. This report gives you the reorder status for stock
items _rder the stock group Computer. To remove those items for which there is no
order to be rlaced, click on the button Reorder Only.
Iz particular, you have the following information. Apart from knowing the quantity to
be riered, you are able to move your cursor on the fields and drill down for more
relevant jiformation.
Name of the Stock Item
r:ess Enter on this for suppliers of this item and the details of their previous supplies
Stock in Hand
r-il down for Monthly Inwards and Outwards Summary an further details.
Purchase Order Pending I
Sales Orders Due
'tnce, Free Stock Available for sale.
Reorder Level;
r-ril down to the specification sheet for the item which you can even modify.
As calculated.
Mini mum Reorder Quantity
~i determined from the specification. Drill down to the specification sheet. Order to be
z~^.z this statement or send it for action to place orders.
Alter Reorder Levels and Minimum Quantities
Tiere are two ways to alter/amend already specified Reorder levels and minimum
order ' ies.
Star this press the following:

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Gateway of Tally>Inventory Info>Reorder levels
It is a single menu without separate Create and Alter options.
Drill down in the Reorder Status Report
As explained above for the fields Reorder Levels and Minimum Order Quantity drill
down these field to amend specifications.
You may want to distinguish between stock held on-site and at the warehouse and this
can be done by creating two separate stock locations. You may even amend Tally's
default location and create a new location for the warehouse. Tally permits any
number of locations that can be grouped and sub-grouped to match the structure you
Create a Location
For this press the following:
Gateway of Tally>Inventory Info>Locations>Create
This gives rise to a dialog box, in which you have to fill up the following fields.
In the Name field, give the name of the locatiojL
Give an alias for the name, if require. Under
Give the location under which this location i yr J^.,
is to be sub-grouped. Use [Alt] + [C] to |
create the parent location. Select primary if i
it is not a child of any location. ? Allow Storage at msiensis
W/.i: - -- ...-. ,
Allow Storage of Materials?
Tally permits you to create a location/godown where you may not store materials at all
but treat it as a virtual location. Virtual location are useful in case like Head Office
which may have many different stock points under it that store materials. Hence,
Head Office acts like a primary group location.
Or, for example, designate New Delhi as a virtual location with Vikaspuri Warehouse,
Shadara Warehouse, Mehrauli Warehouse as subloctions/godowns. These sub-
locations or godown will allow storage of materials.

'oint Tally 7.2

Creating Inventory Masters


antity drill down

mse and this can d Tally's default nber of locations

Displaying and Altering Stock Locations

Once created, stock locations can be displayed an altered in single and multiple
mode. You can delete a stock location via Single Location Alter by pressing [Alt]+[D].
However, you cannot delete a stock location with sub-locations. The lower levels must
be deleted first..
Units of Measure
You will need to create units of measure for stock items. These can be simple units
such as numbers, meters, kilograms, pieces or compound units, e.g., box, where, say,
one box equals ten pieces.
Create a Unit of Measure
For this press the following:
Gateway of Tally>Inventory Info>Units of Measure>Create
This gives rise to a dialog box which has the following information to be filled in.

* fields.

Symbols are of two types: Simple and Compound. Simple units are considered as
started by you and Tally just checks for implication and nothing else.

Formal Name

If you wish to give unit symbol that are single

Kid not a combination of other units, select
Simple. Tally defaults to Simple and if you
i?x to change to compound, use Backspace
-: m the Symbol field and select compound from the popup list.
' Yes

the symbol of the unit, e.g., No., Mtrs. This symbol given by you is used in all displays
rd printouts. We give the symbol 'no' for numbers.

re materials at all lead Office which mce, Head Office

Warehouse, Shadara zations or godowr.

Formal Name
I-:ve the formal name of the symbol. This explains the symbol, which is also used
during rasolidation of data of different companies where the symbols might be the
same but are -isigned to different Units.
Tie formal name will be used to match them. Here we type Number as the formal
name :r the symbol 'no'.
Ho. of Decimal Places
he unit will be used in fractions, say for a kilogram you may have to use grams as
well, _ ; die number of decimal places. For kilograms, you would give 3 decimal places


Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

accommodate upto 999 grams. Hence, a measure 1 kilogram 865 grams will be 1.865
For units like numbers, you do not normally want a decimal place and you can specify
0 in such cases. You can specify 0 to 4 decimal places.
Compound Units
A compound unit is a relation between two simple units. Hence, before you create a
compound unit, ensure that the two simple units have been previously created. In the
example here, we use dozens as another simple unit (created as we did nos.). Now we
must give the relation between dozens and numbers as one dozen equals twelve
Use the up arrow or backspace key to position the highlight in the Type field. Select
Compound from the Types of Units pop-up menu. Select doz, as the First Unit.
Type and enter 12 as the Conversion factor. Select nos. as the Second Unit and accept
the data.
Displaying and Altering Units of Measure
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Inventory Info>Units of Measure>Display/Alter
Once created, units of measure can be displayed and altered. You can delete a unit of
measure in the alteration screen by pressing [Alt]+[D]. However, you cannot delete a
unit of measure that is part of a compound measure. The compound measure must be
deleted first.
Gateway of Tally...,
Inventory Info.
Price Lists
Stock Groups Stock Categories
Stock Items Price List Reorder Levels
GoDowns Voucher Types Units of Measure
Price Lists are useful for orders and invoices. An up-to-date price list helps in decisions
at even the lower levels of the organisation and quickness the sales process. Tally
assists in creating quantity based pricing with complex discount structure.
Price Lists are available only for inventory items and hence the feature is available
only if inventory and invoicing are activated for the company.
You can have one or more price lists. More than one price list is required when you
have different price structures or levels for different purposes, usually, different
groups of customers requiring different discounts or deleting in different products.

'"ce L<
loMk tiot
EnabTe e
Tllj Can Allow Imo
A "eft thro and
Alter Pri<
To alter the Price Level:
When the P ledger accoi account can
If the ledger to alter the 1 will be avail,
Either way. t as an examp
Gateway of Select the la

Creating Inventory Masters

'pint Tally 7.2 ts will be 1.865 can specify 0 in
; you create a xeated. In the
Now we must
nd accept the
;te a unit of ielete a unit ;t be deleted

Customers can be assigned to specific price lists, called Price Levels in Tally, so that
only the relevant price is used during entry of orders and invoices. Before you begin
creating Price Lists, you should decide whether you want different price levels. In a
running business, you will already know that.
You might want different price levels for various reasons, e.g., different types of
customers like wholesale customers, retail customers, export customers and so on.
Each customer type could have a different discount structure. Write down on a piece
of paper the price levels/ bands that are required.
Enable and Create Price Lists
Ensure that the company has been set up for Accounts with Inventory
[Fl 1J Company Features
Allow Invoicing - set to Yes.
Without invoicing the option for Price Lists will not be available.
Tab down to:
Set/Modify other company features- set to Yes
Use Multiple Price Levels for Invoicing-Set to Yes
Accept through each screen of Company Features by pressing the Enter key (do not
press escape) and return to Gateway of Tally.
Alter Price Level Names
To alter the name of a price level, go through the same procedure as enable and
create Price Levels. . ~ <
Assigning Ledger Accounts to Price Levels
When the Price List feature is activated, it enables an option in party (debtor and
creditor) ledger accounts where the account can be assigned or tagged to a specific
price level. An account can be assigned to only one Price Level.
If the ledger accounts already exist and you wish to assign them to a price level, you
have to alter the ledger account. If it is a new ledger account, the option to select a
Price Level will be available.
Either way, the options will be the same and therefore, we will take alteration of an
account as an example.
Gateway of Tally>Accounts Info>Ledger>Alter (single) Select the ledger account, e.g.,
ABC Co. Limited


Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Tab down to Pricing Level Applicable and select Export

Accept the rest of the options and return to Gateway of Tally. You may assign other
ledger accounts in this way. It is not mandatory to carry out the assigning activity
before creating price lists. It can be done even after price lists are created. The Pricing
Level can be changed to reflect changed circumstances. For this, simply alter the
ledger account and select a different pricing level option
How to Create and Use Price Lists
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Inventory Info>Price List
If the price list option does not appear, confirm the activation procedure given in the
introduction above. From the list of Stock Groups:
Select a group, e.g., Orange Juice.
Under Group
To select a stock group whose items will be given prices.
Price Level
To select a Price Level. This is the level to which a specific group of ledgers (customer
accounts) will be assigned.
Applicable From
The date from which the price list is applicable.
The columns are:
A simple serial number to track the number of items in the price-list.
Name of Item
Name of the stock item for which the price may be given.
Quantities - From & Less Than
These fields are repeated for an item and begin with a blank for 0 items and end with
a blank for any number of items. This is useful for quantity based pricing and
discounts. A staggered quantity price structure can be created if needed. If no
quantity based pricing is required, simply keep both the From and Less Than fields
Rate & Discount (if any)
For each quantity band give a specific price or keep the price the same for all brands
but give different discounts. Different methods can be given for different items.

it Tally 7.2

Creating Inventory Masters


i other ledger
rfore creating
n be changed
and select a
given in the
s (customer
end with a iscounts, A d pricing is
brands but

Previous Price List Rate and Discount

If a price list existing before the Applicable From date, it will be displayed. Cost Price
The Cost (based on the Cost method set for it) of the item is displayed to help
deciding prices.
Print/Export/Email/Upload Price Lists
Simply select the relevant button while the price list is displayed to print it or to send
by e-
mail or even to publish it. #
Price Levels in Voucher Entry - Invoicing
Price levels automatic invoice pricing and help avoid errors. The entry can be
configured to prevent using a different price than set. First configure to prevent
changes to price settings in a voucher
Gateway of Tally>F12:Configure>Invoice/Orders Entry
The Allow modification of ALL fields during entry should be set to No to prevent
changes ::> prices. Setting it to Yes will allow overriding set prices.
Now an example invoice entry: f
Gateway of Tally>Voucher Entry>F8: Sales >As Invoice
A new field Price Level appears and it is already selected for the party on the basis of
assignment made earlier. If a price level was not assigned in the ledger master for the
party, ~he cursor moves to that field to allow selection.
The cursor skips the field in case the assignment was already made and the entry is
configured through F12) to prevent all changes. On selecting the stock item and the
quantity, the price :i filled in automatically and the cursor skips the price fields again.
Override Price List during Voucher Entry
Ir case overriding price lists during invoicing is required, then the Invoice/Order Entry
should :-z configured to allow modification to ALL fields. Set it to Yes.
Voucher Types -
-.bout vouchers you will read in next chapter.
De$crCptiA/e/ Type/ Que^ttony
1. How would you create the various stock items in Tally?
2. How would you create stock groups?

I 58

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

3. What are multiple stock groups?

4. What is Bill of Material?
5. How would you create a Unit of Measurement?
6. What are the different type of price lists that can be created in Tally?

int Tally 7.2

Entering Accounts Vouchers

Vouchers the Main Inputs

Accounting is based on the vouchers that make. They form the main input for the
accounting both for manual as well as for the computerized accounting. The output is
the form of reports. Tally recognizes a number of vouchers which can be used to enter
data. First we ould deal with accounts vouchers and then with the inventory vouchers.
Voucher Types
Tally is pre-programmed with a variety of accounting, each designed to perform a
different job. The standard vouchers which includes inventory vouchers too are:
Payment Voucher Receipt Voucher Contra Voucher Sales Voucher
Contra* Credit Note Debit Note Delivery Note Indent Journal Memorandum Payment
Physical Stock
Purchase Order Purchase Quotation Quotation Peceipt Receipt Note Rejections In
Rejections Out Reversing Journal Sales
Sales Order Stock Journal
Sales Orders
Sales Vouchers/Invoices
Delivery Notes
Rejection In Purchase Voucher
Purchase Orders
Purchase Vouchers
Goods Receipt Notes
Rejection Quit Journal Voucher
Credit Notes
Debit Notes
Journal Memo Voucher

I 60

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Reversing Journal Stock Journal Physical Stock

You can enter these vouchers to suit your company and also create new ones. For
example, if you wish to distinguish between cash and bank payments you can create
vouchers to do this. Let us start with a simple voucher.
Simple Voucher Entry
You should set the configuration for voucher entry so that only those features that you
appear when entering vouchers. We shall first learn simple vouchers, for accounting
and <
inventory. Extra information would be dealt with under Advanced Usage section.
in the voucher entry configuration set all the features to No. Selectivity set to Yes only
those features you want. (To be discussed under advanced usage) m
accounting Vouchers
Skip Date field in Create Mode (faster entry!) ? hySEf
Use Single Entry rrade for PymtflRcptfConira ? Yes
Show Cost Centre Details ? Yes
Show Inventory Details ? Yes
Show Table-of Bill Details for Selection ? Yes
Show Sill-wise Details ? Yes
Expand into multiple lines ? Yes
Show Ledger Current Balances ? Yes
Show Balances as on Voucher Date ? No
For this select the following: ^.t.n.. f
Gateway of Tally>F12: Configure>Voucher Entry
Use Payment/Receipt as Contra
Allow Cash Accounts in Journals
Use CrfDr instead of To/By during entry
Warn on Negative Cash Balance
Pre-Allocate Bills for Payment
Allow Expenses/Fixed Assets in Puith. Vouchers ? No
Allow Income Accounts in 8ales Vouchers ? No
Inventory Vouchees
A voucher is the basic recording document. To input any data into Tally, you must use
a voucher Inputting data through the voucher entry mode may be called created a
voucher or voucher entry. You may create a voucher on-line on Tally and print it for
hard copy and authentication.
The Voucher Entry Screen
Here are the basic entries that you would be
making while entering data into vouchers.
Some vouchers may require additional
information. 0
Show Batch-wise Details Show Godown-wise Details Use Ref. Number in Stock Journal
Warn on Negative Stock Balance Honor Expiry Dates usage for Batches
?Yes ?No ?Yes ? Yes
The Main Voucher Entry Area
This is where you enter your transaction. This screen contains fields for date, ledger
name and amount as well as additional pop-up screens that are dependent upon your
voucher configuration.
Direct Commands Area
Displays the commands you type into this area and the current version of Tally, is
limited to calculator functions.

Point Tally 7.2

Entering Accounts Vouchers


' lr 1-M. I t'l.. mi!-2'>0>


aes. For example, te vouchers to do


" I

s that you require r accounting and i section. Hence, j set to Yes only

/ H..


i.i t

pf'C x-ira ?Yes

-election 1? Yes
r ^ Yes
rDatd ? No
ra " No
3lS ^ No
mgentn' " No
ce ? Yes
Vou:r:?r: ' No
n Yes
", Yes
mat 7 No
te Yes
1 Yes
Tally, is limited

- illy
I ',|:l ":
\ Configure
Button Toolbar
displays buttons that provide quick interaction with Tally. Only buttons relevant to the
~rrent task will be visible.
Mouse Conventions
"~:ule working with Tally, please use the following conventions:
_TJ Action
Click Press the left mouse button
iouble-click Press and release the left mouse button twice, without moving the
mouse pointer off the item
Choose Position the mouse pointer on the item and click the left mouse
Select Position the mouse pointer on the item and double-click the left
mouse button.
.- :ess

Use the keys on the keyboard in the combination shown

I 62

Straight to the Point Tally 7J

Switching Between Screen Areas

On selecting Voucher Entry from the Gateway of Tally, you are taken to the main
voucher entry area. However, you may toggle between this and the Direct
Commands/Calculate : area at the bottom of the screen, by pressing [Ctrl] + [N] or
[Ctrl] + [M] as indicated on the screen. The active area of the screen is highlighted by
a green bar. [Ctrl] + [N] to go tc the Calculator/Direct commands area and [Ctrl] + [M]
for the voucher entry area.
Use calculator by [ALT] + [C] when in amount field.
How to Enter Vouchers
You should have gone through the immediately preceding section for the concept of
vouchers. Different vouchers may be set up differently through the Voucher Types
maintenance. Hence, what appears in the voucher screen depends upon the voucher

configuration, company features and the voucher type settings. *

Gateway of Tally> Voucher Entry
The default voucher entry screen that is displayed the very first time you opt for it is
the Payment Voucher. You do not need to get out of this screen for other vouchers.
Simply switch the vouchers using the Button Bar or Function keys.
The screens for entering accounting vouchers are all very similar. Let us consider a
simple payment voucher screen, as shown here.
Type of Voucher
You need to cljeck, whether you are using the right voucher for the transaction. You
change the voucher type by selecting the new type from the button bar. In some
cases, Sales, f Purchase and Journal as well as where you have created your own
voucher types, e.g., under Payment, Tally will display a List of Vouchers for the type
you select, from which you make a further choice.
Voucher Number
Tally will enter this for you if you have set-up the voucher type to do it. If it is to be
entered manually, do so. There are basically 3 options of numbering the vouchers.
Automatic: Select for system-generated incremental numbering. On selecting it, you
to further specify: #
Starting Number: Give starting number, normally 1, for the first voucher. You can
restart number every month or year or continue the same for ever.
Width of Numerical Part: To get aligned look in Reports, specify maximum width.
Prefill with zero: Say Yes to fill-up the numbers with zeros to make up the width you
enter at width of numerical part. No will leave the space blank.
Manual: Select manual to input Voucher Numbers during Voucher Entry.

rt Tally 7.2

Entering Accounts Vouchers


main voucher is/Calculator indicated on [N] to go to y area.

icept of Tally
Types master
the voucher
rt for it is the chers. Simply
sider a simple
a. You change : cases, Sales, >es, e.g., under an which you
5 to be entered g it, you have 'ou can restart
m width, vidth you enter

Prevent Duplicates: Say Yes to trap if you enter an existing Voucher Number. None
When you do not wish any Voucher Numbering, select None.
Reference (not available for receipt and payment vouchers)
You can enter a reference such as Purchase Order Number or Invoice Number. Date of
The date of the voucher you are entering at the top-right of the Voucher Creation
screen. The date is taken initially from the Gateway of Tally Current Date and you may
need to change it frequently to ensure vouchers are entered^with the date you want.
You change e date using the F2: Date button on the button bar.
Particulars - To/By or Dr/Cr
Tally defaults To/By but this can be changed to Dr and Cr by selecting F12: Configure
in die Voucher Creation screen. Tab down to Use Cr/Dr instead of To/By during entry
and type Yes. Each voucher line displays a prompt of Dr or By for debit entries or Cr to
To for aredits.
Depending on the voucher type, Tally selects either Dr or Cr for the first prompt, which
you cannot change. Thereafter, you can change the prompt (if necessary) by typing
over it ~-th a D or C.
Particulars - Ledger Name and Amount
After To/By or Dr/Cr, you enter the ledger names and the debit and credit amounts. To
select a ledger, type the first letter of its name (either case) and Tally displays a List of
ledger Accounts (the ledgers starting with the typed letter are highlighted). Only
ledgers ratable for the voucher type are displayed. As you continue typing, the
highlights reduce _-dl a match is found.
Tie first ledger name prompt depends upon the voucher type. For example, in
Payment rucher, you are expected to debit first, a personal account like a creditor or a
nominal -::ount like Rent. Hence you are not allowed to center Cash or Bank as that
would denote ~ :ney received. (In the special case where in the Voucher Configuration
you have activated _ie option Allow Payment/Receipt as Contra you are permitted to
do so).
_:kewise, in a Sales Voucher, you must first debit a personal account name like a
customer :zi not a nominal account name. When you select the ledger, the current
balance is : splayed (if this option has been configured). When you enter the amount,
the revised 7_rrent balance is shown. After selecting the next ledger, Tally suggests
the balancing amount -i :he value to enter, which may be accepted or typed over. You
cannot complete the : acher entry until the debits equal the credits.
Narration v
-ere you type whatever is appropriate for the transaction. You can have a separate


Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

for each line of particulars, if you configure the voucher in that way. Once you accept
the data, Tally presents another blank data entry screen.
Buttons in a typical Entry screen
F2: Chg Date
Use this button to change the date of the voucher. F3; Chg Cmp
This would allow you to switch to another loaded company and enter a voucher in it.
Therefore, you can, almost simultaneously enter vouchers for more than one
F4: Contra Voucher
No. 1
Friday &P* Prim
To create a Contra Voucher
I Account : Cash
1 Cur Bat: 0.00 Cr
Cost Centre Class : D Not Applicable
. i f iTHttMTf fatton?
Amount ,, Dae
CurBal: fttfOCr
?*' Payment
M Receipt
F? Jwmsl
' ^. Sales . ;:,, Credit (tote ' -^ Purchasa , 4J- Debit Note

_. caies

u ir c h
-. -
<* '"I . Feat

Narration :


F5: Payment Voucher

To create a Payment Voucher


Features Configure

Display 1

=oint Tally 7.2

voucher in it. ne company.
Fnday /<""
t Features ''- Configure


Entering Accounts Vouchers
F6: Receipt Voucher
To create a Receipt Voucher
F7: Journal
This is split into Journal, Debit Notes and Credit Notes
F8: Sales
To create Sales Voucher/Debit Note Voucher
F9: Purchase
To create Purchase Voucher/Debit Note Voucher*
F10: Memos
To create Memorandum or Reverse Journal Voucher
Post Dated
To mark the current voucher post dated.
To mark the current voucher optional. Toggles with Regular
F11: Features
To change Company Features.
F12: Configure
7D check the accuracy of the voucher entered, one of the many ways is to select Day
Book rom the Display menu. Then Select F2: Period from the button bar and enter the
period :: display (it defaults to the current date only but you may display all the
transactions for -- particular period). Select Fl: Detailed. Check the vouchers against
what you were asked :: do. If you find a mistake, position the highlight bar over the
offending item and press Enter for Tally to display the voucher details for alteration.
The alteration facility is subject to security and access rights. All alternations are
available ::: audit.
Display Voucher Type
~D display a voucher on the screen, select the following: Accounts
Information>Voucher Type>Display
This will lead you to existing Voucher types, select the one which you want to get
displayed. As in earlier cases, you get the voucher displayed here but cannot change

I 66

Straight to the Point Tally 72 W ZZ.

HI r.rfl-/s.<lirtii.ii'>Kr.lM.. i-i.-.'S.;-.)',
."'-" .' .? r'i 'i lit' '
:..- ; !.-,. ..!'.
t lit .>f AS Mni"f ili-liiiii '/![.,lii j

l-4(.l.-llll-'.| "r-Af.-l ."'

If 5

Cull, 'il-ii

' I'll

Alter Voucher Type

To alter a voucher on the screen, select the following: Accounts Infbrmation>Voucher
This will lead you to existing Voucher types, select the one which you want to alter.
Now you can change the voucher type.
Deletion of Voucher Type
To delete a Voucher Type, select it in Alteration mode and press Alt+D. If the Voucher
Type has not been transacted in Voucher, you would be asked Delete ? Yes or No,
respond Yes to delete. However, if the Voucher Type has participated in voucher
transaction, you cannot delete it, nor can you delete any system generated Voucher
Contra Voucher
This voucher is used for the company when it withdraws cash from the bank or
transfers funds from one bank account to another.

nt Tally 7.2
Entering Accounts Vouchers


j Pi Company
..; ff cng y*h ^ ri Columnar
'-: Other Rep -"- lnv Rep
- : Pcv Rep
-' Features
- ; Configure I
: : Range 1
i alter. Now
he Voucher "Jo, respond action, you
or transfers

Memo Voucher
This is a non-accounting voucher and the entries made using it will not affect your
accounts. That is, Tally does not post these entries to ledgers but stores them in a
separate Memorandum Register.
Some uses for Memo Vouchers Making Suspense Payments
For example, the company gives an employee cash to buy office supplies, the exact
nature and cost of which are unknown. You could enter a voucher for the petty cash
advance, a voucher to record the actual expenditure details when they are known and
another voucher to record the return of surplus cash. However, a simpler way is to
enter a Memo voucher when the cash is advanced and then turn it into a Payment
voucher for the actual amount spent, when known.
Vouchers not Verified at the Time of Entry
It sometimes happens that you do not understand the details of a voucher you are
entering. Enter it as a Memo voucher and amend it when you get the details.
Items Given on Approval
You will normally only enter completed sales into the books. Suppose items are given
on approval. You can track them with a Memo voucher and convert ityinto a proper
Sales voucher, or delete the memo voucher, depending on the outcome.
Memorandum Voucher Register
View all memorandum vouchers thiough Display>Exception Reports
Memorandum Voucher/ View them from the Day Book as well. You can enter and
convert '- Memo voucher into a regular voucher when you decide to bring the entry
into your books. Use Scenarios to select the effect of Memo entries on reports and
Optional Voucher
This is another non-accounting voucher. However, it differs from the Memo voucher in
that it is not a separate voucher type. You mark an existing voucher, e.g., a payment
voucher :r a receipt voucher, as Optional. Press [CTRL]+[L] or click on the button. This
button toggles with Regular.
3y making it Optional the voucher does not get posted anywhere but remains in the
have the Optional Register. You can make a voucher type default to Optional.
This is done during creation of a new voucher type or alteration of an existing voucher

[ 68

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Gateway of Tally>Accounts Info>Voucher Types Use of Optional Vouchers

If a transaction has not been completed, you may not want it to affect the accounts.
But if you want to record it so that you simply modify the voucher and remove the
Optional mark by Regularising it. Display the voucher in Alter form and click on
Regular. This way you can regularise the voucher and then post it, for example,
Performa sales invoice. In fact, an optional sales invoice prints as a Performa Invoice.
You might want to see the impact of transactions without actually posting them.
Optional vouchers allow you to do so. This not unlike the reversing journal. Use
Scenarios to see the effect of Optional vouchers entries on reports and statements.
You may create new voucher types and make them default to Optional. Example:
Create a New Voucher Type Sales Forecast. Record future sales projections using this
voucher type. Use a Scenario to view Actual Sales against Forecasts. Normally, since
these vouchers have no bearing on the books and statements.
Optional Vouchers Register
You can view all optional vouchers through Display>Exception Reports> Optional
Vouchers. View them from the Day Book as well.
Reversing Journals
Reversing Journals are special journals that are automatically reversed after a
specified date. They exist only till that date and are effective only when called for in
reports like the Balance Sheet. These are used in interim reporting in the course of the
financial year where accruals are required to be reported. These accruals are usually
short term and are cleared in the subsequent period. However, to get a proper
perspective, decision makers require the reports with full impact of all aspects and
transactions. An example is the provision for depreciation. Depreciation is usually
provided for at the end of the year. However, for monthly reporting including it would
give a more accurate status.
Reversing Journal Voucher
Automatically reverses after a particular date Applicable up to date.


Account Amount Amount

Voucher Entry

Depreciation Provision for Depriciation

15000 15000


Tally 7.2

Entering Accounts Vouchers


counts. But
tie Optional
LT. This way
invoice. In
n. Optional >s to see the

i'.ii.iih,>vi'iim..ii'>rM.itii.. I'lsci .->

Is; 7 .'- -P1- .- ' *-,t. 1-- v, . -.-
Day B'"il
F'.ir ii<_ ril.ii

l>-l>if Ami.

i i-Ai-! ':':
' i -In Ami.
.: :;-.-fr
'. re

lple: Create sucher type, uchers have

reified date. the Balance ere accruals ared in the the reports epreciation. ly reporting

Another example: it is 30th June and you want to view the Balance Sheet as of today
but June salaries are not paid until the first week in July. There is, therefore, a large
liability, a'hich would not be reflected in the Balance sheet. To overcome this, you
would enter a reversing journal voucher dated 30th June, which would look something
like this:
5,000 5,000
Provisions (Current Liabilities)
'.%lien you view the Balance Sheet, you would ask Tally for the report with the
reversing rurnals included. The voucher affects the report only for that day i.e., 30th
Applicable up to
~":5 is the data up to which the reversing journal is available for inclusion in a
scenario :;rort. The Reversing journal can be created as of a particular date and made
Applicable ur to a different date. For example th depreciation entry could be dated
1st October 2000 izd applicable up to 31st October 2000.
The journal will be available for inclusion in a scenario for any day from 1st Oct 2000
till 51-" Oct 2000. It will does not exist before 1st Oct and will be reversed
automatically after 51 * Oct and consequently not be available.

I 70

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Reversing Journal Register

All reversing journal vouchers are maintained in a Reversing Journal Register. These
are not posted to any books of accounts and are consequently cannot be included in a
regular reports. They can only be seen through a scenario.
Post-dated Vouchers
While entering vouchers, you can post-date them and Tally will not update the ledgers
until the date in question. This is most useful for entering transactions that take place
on a regular basis. For example, if you pay for something by installments, you can set-
up the payments in advance and Tally will only enter them in the ledgers as they fall
due. Mark vouchers Post Dated by fCTRLJ+[D] or click on the button. The button
toggles with Regular.
Post-dated Vouchers Register
All Post-dated vouchers are maintained in a Post-dated vouchers Register.
Difference in the Treatment of Post-dated Vouchers and Other Unconventional
The major difference between Post dated vouchers and other Unconventional
vouchers is that these actually affect regular books of accounts on the date of- the
voucher. Post-dated vouchers are not available for selection in Scenarios.
Sales Voucher
All the sales of the company, including cash sales are entered using this voucher. This
entry would appear in both Sales Register and Cash Book. For this select the
Gateway of Tally>Accounting Vbuchers>F8: Sales Voucher
Here you have to remember that the first entry must be a Debit involving any Debtor,
or Creditor or Branch/Division, Cash or Bank Account. Second entry should be Credit
to a ledger placed under Sales Account group. Rest of the accounts may be any
Revenue Account (except Purchase) or Accounts under the Group Current Liabilities,
other than Sundry Creditors. Thus you can include Duties* and Taxes or other billing
terms from 3rd entry onwards. A typical Sales Voucher involving several Billing Terms
can be entered as follows:


?a h;
y:. or





Name of Buyer Dr
Sales Account Cr
Duty/Tax Cr
Packing charges Cr
Discount Dr

(Total Bill Amount)

(Discount Amount)

(Sale Amount) (Tax Amount) (Expenses Amount)

oint Tally 7.2

Entering Accounts Vouchers

jster. These are Jed in a regular

Ihe ledgers until ace on a regular ip the payments Mark vouchers rh Regular.
id Other
mal vouchers is dier. Post-dated
cher. This entry jilowing:

If you have set Yes to Allow Income Accounts in Sales Voucher under F12:
Configuration in Accounting Voucher under Voucher Entry, then you can select Income
Account also in second entry.
Purchase Voucher
All Purchase transactions are entered in Purchase Voucher, including Cash Purchase.
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Accounting Vouchers>F9: Purchase Voucher
Here you have to remember that the first entry should always be a Credit involving
any Creditor, or Debtor or Branch/Division, Cash or Bank Account and second entry
should be a Debit to a Ledger placed under Purchase Account group. Rest of Accounts
may be iny Revenue Account, except sales, or any Account under the Group Current
Liabilities, 3ther than Sundry Creditors. Thus you can include Duties & Taxes or other
billing terms from 3rd entry onwards.
If you have set Yes to Allow Expenses/Fixed Assets in Purchase Voucher under F12:
Configuration in Accounting Voucher, then you can select Ledger under Fixed Asset or
ZMrect/Indirect Expenses also in second entry.
any Debtor, or I be Credit to a evenue Account ;r than Sundry from 3rd entry ered as
jnount) mount) ses Amount)

Onaiifify R<# pet Si%.% brnmnf-

Actuai fflited

- .-^ Receipt
i r- Journal
,;j Credit Note
-.- " '- . j| Note
- - - " " - -
-~ - . , *sci mv^fce

- . - - , As iuqher ..Post-Dated
'-" ' Features

I 72 Straight to the Point Tally 11

Credit Notes
If you set Yes to the option Use Debit/Credit Notes in Fll: Features, you can select th:
voucher upon clicking either F7: Journal or F8: Sales buttons. It is actually entered to
crec Party Account. It is issued when a Buyer returns some goods that was sold to him
(Sal: Returns) or when you grant him credit due to rate difference or discount/rebate
or due : some other reason you wish to credit Party Account. The first entry must be a
Crec involving any Debtor, or Creditor or Branch/Division, Cash or Bank Account.
Second em: should be a Debit to a ledger placed under Sales, Duties & Taxes and
other revenue grou: from 3rd entry onwards, you can Debit or Credit any account.
Debit Note
If you activate the option Use Debit/Credit Notes for the company under Features, yot
can select this voucher upon clicking either F7: Journal and F9: Purchase buttons. It is
entere: to Debt Party account. It is entered when you make Purchase Return or have
short-bille: a customer or your supplier have granted Credit to you on account of rate
difference discounts, etc.
The first entry must be a debit involving any Creditor, or Debtor or Branch/Division,
Cash or Bank Account. Second entry should be a credit to a Ledger placed under
Purchase, Duties & Taxes and other revenue group, from 3rd entry onwards, you can
Debit/Credit any account.
VewOpfuve/ Type/ Que&tl&ny
1. Describe the various options of Voucher entry screen.
2. Describe the process of entering vouchers.
3. Describe the function of various buttons on typical Voucher entering screen.
4. How would you Display, Alter, Delete the Vouchers?
5. Describe the process creating a Payment voucher.
6. How would you print cheques in Tally?
7. What is a Contra voucher?
8. What is a Memo voucRer?
9. What are Optional vouchers?

10. What are Reversing Journals?

11. Describe Sales and Purchase vouchers.
12. How would you create Credit and Debit notes?

>oint Tally 7.2

a can select this entered to credit Id to him (Sales rebate or due to tust be a Credit nt.
Second entry r revenue group,
er Features, you
tons. It is entered
have short-billed
rate difference,
l/Division, Cash Purchase, Duties lebit/Credit any
ng screen.

Entering Inventory Vouchers
Entering Inventory Vouchers
Let us now concentrate on the vouchers which are purely for the inventory purposes.
As in e case of accounting vouchers, these can also be created, displayed, altered or
even deleted.
Sales and Purchase Voucher Entry
In Accounts-with-Inventory Companies when Tracking Numbers is NOT activated. We
_5e sales as our voucher for discussion. The same applies to Purchases. You do not get
r'jcher types Receipt Note and Delivery Note in the Sales and Purchase Voucher sub-
In addition to the above particulars that are applicable for all types of vouchers, sales
and rarchase vouchers have special inventory considerations for accounts-with
inventory :ompanies. Sales and Purchase ledger accounts must have the option Are
Inventory Values -Jfected set to Yes for this section.
* inventory Allocations
Inventory items need to be considered in financial vouchers in cases where you use
ledger :eads that have stated Yes to the question Are Inventory Values affected?
Display your :es and Purchase affecting inventory. Hence, when you enter a voucher
(usually a Sales :: Purchase Voucher) a sub-screen pops up after the concerned ledger
head and amount rjuiring you to give inventory item details.
~ne inventory details that you give in an accounting voucher (like Sales and Purchase
rucher), affects stocks by immediately updating them, only if Tracking Numbers are
not ~~vated in [Fll]: Features.
7>e information that you need to give in the inventory allocation sub-screen depends
upon ire features enabled for the company.

-. typical inventory allocation sub-screen would look like this:

Inventory Allocations for : Purchase of Disks
i~e of Item Tracking Quantity Rate per Amount
Document No.
:'7 Disks Sony35 250.00 5 .00 1,250.00


I 74

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2


t the unit oi a: the altems

Name of Item
Pick the item from the list of items (or create a new item by [ALT]+[C] Location
If you have more than one location, you must specify the location to which this item
relates. Hence, a sub-screen would come up after the tracking number to enable you
to enable you to specify the location quantity, rate and amount for the item. You can
give multiple locations for example.
Item Allocations for; Sony Disks 3.5"
Quantity Rate per Amount
250 5 .00 1,250.00
200 5 .00 1,000.00
Batch Number
In the locations sub-screen itself, the batch number can be given, if batch numbers
have JteBB activated in Company Features. Select a batch number from the list of
existing batch numbers, or give a new number for a new batch.
Mfg. Date .#
Again, it appears only if it has been activated. Give the date of manufacture. This
enables yptt to set expiry date for the batch as a period form the date of manufacture,
e.g., three naonths from the date of manufacture.
Expires on
It appears only if it has been activated. Give the date of expiry or a period from the
date of manufacture. If, for the item, you had disallowed the use of expired goods; you
cannot issue them after the expiry date. (Check item master).
Normally, no explanation is required. However, you can set Company Features to allow
Actual and Billed quantities. Then, you have to give both quantities here. The actual
quantity updates stock and the billed quantity affects the accounts. Give the quantity
either in the main unit or the alternate unit. You may even specify quantities in both
units, e.g., 100 bars =150 kgs.
Give the rate for the stock item. If you have entered Standard Rate for the item
(Standard Cost and Standard Selling Price - see item master), the voucher will pick the
relevant standard rate for that date by default. You may, however, modify it while
entering the voucher.

z ill multiple
; f List or I
\ke you h
oucher Cl
: rreezy ywnfnai ledger accounting ere r. theadc [other char;
Tk benefit oi operator and i j&o reduces c use Tally as b
Masses can al rtesent when
Hence, Vouch 3 Autom U Autom
bother featu rr each stod Ac
1. F12: C
2. Accts/
Sow when j tisuafly the ! rrem.
For example.

Point Tally 7.2

Entering Inventory Vouchers

i this item relates. ou to enable you multiple locations

Amount 1,250.00 1,000.00
ten numbers have of existing batch
ture. This enables acture, e.g., three
iod from the date pods; you cannot
Features to allow "he actual quantity ntity either in the th units, e.g., 100
he item (Standard pick the relevan: rhile entering the

Give the unit of measure for the quantity of the item here. This can be the main unit
or even the alternate unit.
The quantity multiplied by the rate per unit is the amount. End of List
In all multiple allocations or selections, you must either be required to select the
option rnd of List or press [Enter] at the first blank fieM. This would accept the
multiple allocation and take you back to the present screen, for example, Multiple
locations, batches or items.
Voucher Classes
Voucher Class is the novel way of automating accounting allocations during Invoice
entry. It is a table for predefining the entries that you with to automate to make
Invoice creation a breezy tasks. This is particularly useful in sales invoicing where you
can define once, the nominal ledger account to be credited for each item of sale. Then
during voucher Ptr&. the accounting credits for items sold are done automatically.
The automation is takctl n step farther; the additional accounting entries (that fall
below the stock items line) like Tax, tteigat and other charges can also be predefined
to be carried out untouched during actual invoicing.
The benefit of this approach is that decision is taken out of the hands of the data-
operator and control rests with senior management who can set the class parameters.
ilso reduces chances of errors during voucher entry. Of course, you can still commm to
^se Tally as before without classes if you do not require it. '
Classes can also be used to automate the rounding off of values. Rounding method
tan be rresent when defining a class for a single line or for the entire voucher or
3ence, Voucher Class permits:
3 Automation of entries to predefined ledger accounts Zl Automatic rounding off to
preset value limits.
Another feature that has been added is the ability default sales ledger account to be
affected iar each stock item. This capability is available for companies maintaining
accounts with irsmtory. Activate it through
1. F12: Configure
2. Accts/Invlnfo.
when you alter or create a stock item, you can define the nominal ledger account : >
the sales account) which should automatically be credited when you invoice this
7 - example, you might have sales ledgers broken up as Sale of Finished Goods and

I 76
Straight to the Point Tally 7.2
of Intermediates. Let's assume that your finished goods are Computers and
intermediate goods are CD ROM drives. Against the stock item Computers, you will
specify Sale of Finished Goods as the Sales Ledger account to be affected. Against CD
ROM drive you will select Sale of Intermediates. These will be the default sales ledger
accounts that will be affected only when invoicing. They can be overridden by the
account that you may set in the Class table.
The dual facility of ledger allocation with stock item and ledger allocation defined in a
class provides the flexibility to permit allocation of different stock items to different
sales accounts as set up in the class table. You can either alter the existing Sales
Voucher Type or create a new voucher type based on Sales. From Gateway of Tally >
Accounts Info > Voucher Types. The item Name of Class is below Position Index on
Reports and above the Numbering Table.
Give a name by simply typing it, e.g., Taxable, VAT, Local or Export. You may create
more than one class. Hence, you might want to have one Taxable Class and another
Export Class. The Class table for that name is created. The Class Table is split
horizontally for accounting allocations and additional accounting entries.
Default Accounting Allocations Ledger Name #
Select the ledger to be credited for each item sold in the invoice. More than one
ledger can be affected for each item, e.g., for Tax-inclusive items, the ledgers to be
credited will be Sales and Tax in a definite proportion. This is where percentage comes
Percentage %
Useful in tax-inclusive price cases, you can specify the sales ledger account, as say,
82.5% and in the next line the Tax account with the balance 17.5%. Normally, for tax-
exclusive prices, you will give 100% for the Sales account. The % symbol is required to
be mentioned.
Rounding Method ,
This may be used only where the sales account is NOT 100%. Calculated amounts
may be required to be rounded off upwards or downwards or normal. Normal is
rounding to the number of decimal places specified for the currency based on the less
than 5 & greater than 5 rule. You can set your on rounding off rule, e.g., round off to
the next whole number. In such a case, you will give Upwards.
Rounding Limit
For the previous example, you will set it to 1 to achieve the amount to the next whole
number. To round off upwards to the nearest 50P, you will set it to 0.50.
Override Using Item Default?
This question to be answered Yes or No. Item default refers to the Sales Ledger

Entering Invento
r i: you may ha: :i= Class Table ] local will be tl* 3&a Sale of Fn w affect differen
Additional A
Types of Ca
I jferent class rr. -\1 provide ir. ~
re.DW for an .,..
Value Basis
I-:ve the amount _se the symbol -i ::ck item. The n ;:~erence in the ::ntain the sum
Method and Rom
Remove if Ze
This is a question i ir.d not to make a make Zero value < 'vith nil amounts. Yes.
However, in c :ne, even though
Effects on Co
Cost Centres will Cost centres can al for further informs
Explanation <
As Additional
In the Indian sub-c supplementary levy a surcharge calculaj

it Tally 7.2
intermediate ecify Sale of M drive you ints that will you may set
led in a class ales accounts e or create a > > Voucher d above the
create more
ixport Class. ir accounting
e ledger can lited will be
> say, 82.5% ax-exclusive : mentioned.
unts may be iding to the 5 & greater Lole number.
next whole
2er account

Entering Inventory Vouchers

that you may have set for a stock item, e.g., for Computers - Sale of Finished Goods. If
in the Class Table here, you mention Sales - Local and set No to this question, then
Sales -Local will be the account affected and not Sale of Finished Goods. Setting it to
Yes will affect Sale of Finished Goods. The advantage of this is that you can use
different classes to affect different sales accounts.
Additional Accounting Entries
This part is relevant for Tax and other charges like freight and insurance. Ledger Name
- this is self explanatory. You can give more than one ledger.
Types of Calculation ,
Different class methods are provided and select the one suitable. The Value Basis that
you will provide in the next column will calculate using the Type of calculation
specified. See below for an explanation of each Type of Calculation.
Value Basis
Give the amount which is to be used for the Type of Calculation. For percentage, you
must use the symbol %. Hence Tax on Sales is 17.5% on Item Rate to use the rate
give in the stock item. The method Total Amount Rounding will round the total invoice
and put the difference in the Ledger name mentioned here. Hence, the account
Rounding Off will contain the sum that essentially rounds off the invoice to the desired
level. Rounding Method and Rounding Limit have been explained already.
Remove if Zero?
This is a question to be answered Yes or No, essentially to permit Tally to ignore the
account and not to make any entry in it if its value is zero. If Yes, ensure that you are
permitted to ~ake Zero value entries in Fll: Features. No will record the invoice in the
ledger account ith nil amounts. Under normal circumstances, you will probably wish
to set this value to Yes. However, in cases such as Zero Rated VAT, you may wish to
retain the Ledger Account 'me, even though the calculation yields a nil amount.
Effects on Cost Centres
Cost Centres will remain un-allocated when classes are used to allocate account
entries. Cost centres can also be predefined under Cost Centre Classes. Refer to Cost
Centre Classes for further information.
Explanation of Types of Calculation
As Additional Excise
In the Indian sub-continent, a manufacturing tax, or Excise is levied. For some
products, a supplementary levy on the Basis Excise Duty is charged or Additional
Excise Duty. This is i surcharge calculation. For example, an Additional Excise duty of
10% on the Basic duty.
Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

calculation method is identical to As Surcharge (see below), the result is to provide a

Total Excise Payable calculation accurately during Invoice printing.
As m fit Kate
When you wish to specify a standard mark-up/down on an invoice. For example,
100.00 for every invoice, independent of the qty/value of the invoice.
As Surcharge
When you wish to calculate the value based on the immediately preceding figure. For
example, a Sales Tax of 10% is applicable on an invoice, which would be calculated on
the value of goods sold. On this, a Surcharge of 5%, i.e., 5% of the Sales Tax value is
Amount Rounding

s .re Invi

the last line in an invoice. You would need to create an account which would cany the
rounding difference. Now, as the other values of the invoice are calculated, this
account would automatically get adjusted to keep the Total Invoice Value to the
desired rounding limits. Normally, you would also mark this invoice as Remove if Zero?
Yes, so dart tfce jjecoant head is not retained in the invoice print-outs if no rounding
was applicable.

Defined Value

Types of

This &aw$ you to specify a value while creating the invoice itself. Normally, you
would we this when the basis of calculation is neither Value nor Qty dependent and
therefore, needs to be entered ^very time you create an invoice.
Baeed on Quantity
In case of calculations based on the Total Qty supplied. For example, you may have
Freight or Forwarding charges as 2.00/Kg. and if the total qty supplied in the invoice is
200.00 Kg, then the amount should become 4001.00. The Value Basis will also need to
be provided as 2.00/Kg or 0.50/Pc as the case may be.
On Current Sub Total
In certain environments, taxes are applicable on the Total Goods Value as well
supplementary charges such as Excise Duty, Packing Charges, etc. Normally, when
the tax calculation method is specified as On Total Sales (see below), the calculations
are based on the Total Goods Value only. When you wish the supplementary charge to
be included, then you would set On Current Sub Total as the type of calculation.
wed for both VAT as well as Excise Duty style calculations. Here, you would the Rate of
Tax applicable for each Stock Item and you would want only .to be used for
calculation purposes which equals this Rate of Tax. The advantage ; "to niix multiple
Tax Rate products in the same Invoice and yet get the correct ones picked up for each
Tax bracket.


Receipt No* assume that rnvh Sales ^i

When Track ue not accc you may no
You are alkr sab-screen o separate irrw
You can alte

int Tally 7.2

-:ering Inventory Vouchers

79 I

lit is to provide
ample, 100.00
ng figure. For culated on the e is applicable.
: which would alculated, this to the desired Zero? Yes, so vas applicable.
lly, you would and therefore,
y have Freight oice is 200.00 to be provided
supplementary ax calculation d on the Total hen you would
ie, you would iuld want only The advantage get the correct


On Total Sales
~ie most common basis of Tax Calculation in on the total value of goods/services.
This -ethod would calculate using the sum of Stock Items used in the invoice.
Pure Inventory Vouchers
-^re Inventory vouchers perform the same function in the inventory system as
accounting ruchers in the accounting system, i.e. they too, are means of entering
transactions. In this use, the vouchers record the receipt and issue of goods/stock, the
transfer of stock between -:carions and physical stock adjustments.
If you have chosen not to integrate accounts with inventory, inventory vouchers will
not rave any impact on the Balance Sheet stock figures. They will maintain the stock
balances. However, you can configure Tally so that the inventory entries WOBM
automatically upelBte* -he Balance Sheet stock figures. (By choosing to integrate
Accounts and Inventory in Fl 1 Company Features). Remember, you can trace an
entire transaction right from the goods r^nsfer stage to the financial accounting of it,
irrespective of integration status. For example, jie purchase of stock can be tracked
form the purchase voucher through to the receipt i::e, through to the invoice from the
supplier and on through to the eventual payment.
Types of Inventory Vouchers
Tally is pre-programmed with a variety of inventory vouchers, each designed to
perform a referent job. The standard vouchers are:
Receipt note voucher (F9: Purchase) "
Rejections-in voucher (F8: Sales) Delivery note voucher (F8: Sales) Rejections-out
voucher (F9: Purchase) Stock journal voucher (F7) Physical stock voucher (F10)
.'zless you have Tracking numbers activated in Fll Company Features, the Goods In
:-r;eipt Note and Goods Out Delivery Note vouchers will not be activated. Tally will
assume that goods are received along with Purchase Vouchers and Goods are
delivered along -rh Sales Voucher/Invoices.
~~tn Tracking Numbers are activated, you inform Tally that you may receive goods
that -r? rot accompanied by Supplier's invoice - the invoice will arrive separately. Also
that re may not deliver goods together with your invoice - you may invoice later.
.: u are allowed, however, in a voucher, to select Not Applicable when the Tracking
Number zb-scieen comes up. This would update inventory right away without the
need to pass a eparate inventory voucher. The vice-versa is also true.
:*3o can alter these vouchers to suit your company, as well as create new ones. For

I 80

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

if you wish to distinguish between delivery notes for stock delivered from different
locations, you can create vouchers to do this.
This function of each voucher type is now explained. Receipt Note Voucher
For recording goods received. For example, the company receives new stock from a
supplier. If a Purchase Order exists for that Supplier, selecting it will bring up the order
Receipt note voucher

Description Details recorded

Records receipt of new stock from suppliers

Reference, ledger account, supplier's name and address, name of stock item, stock
location, quantity, rate, amount, narration

Rejections-in Voucher
For recording goods received back that was rejected by a customer. For example, the
company takes back into stock items rejected by a customer.
Rejections in voucher

Description Details recorded

Records returns of goods by customers

Reference, ledger account, customer's name and address, name of stock item, stock
location, quantity, rate, amount, narration.

Delivery Note Voucher

For recording goods delivered to a customer. For example, the company delivers
goods from stock to a customer. If a Sales Order exists for that customer, selecting the
appropriate Sales Order will bring up the relevant particulars.
Delivery note voucher
Description Details recorded
Records the delivery of goods to customers
Reference, ledger account, customer's name and address, name of stock item, stock
location, quantity, rate, amount, narration
Rejections-out Voucher
For recording of goods that are rejected and returned to a supplier. For example, the
company returns items that had previously been taken into stock to the supplier.
Rejections out voucher


Records return of goods to suppliers

Jint Tally 7.2

erent locations,

Entering Inventory Vouchers

v.:": '
I-.-I Lillyx-'luiiH,-. PA 11.I.. I1-:;*:

1" A r ~" :
II-!,,. I

"om a supplier. ler particulars.



ress, name of ration OM Ir"
C-| r Fl-i i" .1
the company
ess, name of ation.

s goods from appropriate

ss, name of ition

Details recorded Reference, ledger account, supplier's name and address, name
stock item, stock location, quantity, rate, amount, narration
Stock Journal Voucher
For recording stock transfers from one location to another. For example, the company
transfers items of stock from the warehouse to the shop.
Stock journal voucher^
Description Details recorded
Records the transfer of stock from one location to another
Names of from and to locations, name of stock item, quantity, rate, amount, narration

he company

Physical Stock Voucher

For recording actual stock as physically verified or counted. For example, stock found
on conducting a stock-check. It is not unusual that the company finds a discrepancy
between the actual stock and the computer stock figure. If you have configured your
inventory vouchers to Ignore physical stock difference, these physical stock vouchers
will really be

f 82

Straight to the Point Taiiy 7.2

: if.' r.1*,- <kMufif Pvl. LM.. IO88?IM)5

'..-. pin.: ;<


:. I
<>t Iff m

for recording purposes only. However, if you have configured the vouchers not to
ignore physical stock difference, then all transactions subsequent to the physical stock
voucher will use the balance as mentioned in that voucher.
How to Enter Pure Inventory Vouchers
There are three different types of screen for entering inventory vouchers. The screens
for Receipt notes, Rejections-in, Delivery notes and Rejections-out are the same
except for the voucher name and whether the voucher relates to a customer or
supplier. The other two types are for the Stock journal and Physical stock vouchers.
Unlike accounting vouchers whose advanced usage is being discussed separately, we
shall include advanced usage of inventory vouchers here. Vouchers involving pop-up
screens depend upon configuration settings and it will be assumed that these settings
have been activated.
Gateway of Tally> Voucher entry ^ The basic process to enter each voucher is:
Change the date if necessary.

Dint Tally 7.2

Entering Inventory Vouchers


Fs Re.
Phys Stk.
= Post- Dated
Features -'. Configure j
> not to ignore stock voucher
"he screens for
except for the
The other two
ately, we shall >op-up screens ngs have been

Select the voucher type from the button bar menu: F7: Stock journal
F8: select Delivery Note or Rejections-out F9: select Receipt Note or Rejections-in F10:
Physical Stock
Type in the details and check they are correct before accepting. A typical inventory
voucher screen appears. The screen is split into three sections:
The type, reference and date of the voucher. Party's particulars Inventory item details.
Types of Voucher
You need to check you are using the right voucher for the transaction. You change the
voucher type by selecting the new type from the button bar. In some cases, like
receipt notes (where you have opted for Use rejection notes in Fll) you will see a pop-
up screen from which you select the right voucher.
Voucher Number
Tally will enter this for you if you have set-up the voucher type to do it. If it is to be
entered manually, do so.
Reference Number
This is optional. You can enter a reference such as Purchase Order Number or
Supplier's Delivery Note Number.
Date of Voucher
The date of the voucher you are entering is displayed at the top-right of the Voucher
Creation screen. The date is initially the Current date and you may need to change it
to ensure vouchers are entered with the date you want.
You change the date using the F2: Date button on the button bar. Ledger Account
There are no To/By or Dr/Cr in inventory vouchers.
To select a ledger, type the first letter of its name (either case) and Tally displays a
List of Ledger Accounts, (the ledgers starting with the typed letter are highlighted).
Only ledgers suitable for the voucher type are displayed. As you continue typing, the
highlights reduce until a match is found. Here you usually need a supplier's ledger
Straight to the Point Tally 7.2
Supplier's Name and Address
Give the supplier's name and address. This could be different form the ledger name
(but. on the other hand, could be the same). This information is useful when printing
out the Goods Receipt Note.
Name of the Item
From the popup list of Stock item, select the stock item that is being received. If it is
not in the list, create it using [Alt]+[C]
Tracking Number
You will use the tracking number to link this receipt note with the Supplier's Invoice
that will be received later. (You will record the Supplier's Invoice through the Purchase
Voucher). Hence, select the number you think will help maintain the link. Tally gives
you two numbers that are default of the Receipt Note number and the Reference.
However, you may opt to give your own number, in which case select New Number. If
you do not wish to give a tracking number at all, select Not Applicable.
An explanation on the four options in the list is necessary. Tracking numbers link the
different accounting and inventory vouchers as follows:
Receipt Note/Goods In vouchers with Purchase vouchers Goods Out/Delivery Note with
Sales Voucher/Invoice Rejections-In with Credit Note Rejections-Out with Debit Note
New Number
Give a number not in the list. You will use this number to reconcile, when making a
Purchase Voucher entry.
Not Applicable
If you do not want a tracking number. This may be resorted to in cases where you
want to update stocks immediately with this entry and no goods inward entry will be
needed. When in an inventory voucher if you select Not Applicable, that will update
stocks and you do not want to make a separate accounting/invoice entry. Not
applicable option is important and hence we repeat the cases where you would use it:
1. When you raise a sales voucher/invoice that accompanies the goods and you do
want to pass Goods Out entry. Not Applicable will update stocks without the Goods
Out entry.
2. Likewise, when you record a purchase voucher and wish to update inventory
a separate Goods In entry, select Not applicable for the tracking number.
3. The same applies to Debit Notes-Rejection Out and Credit Note-Rejection In.
e ' =r e n c

Mfg. Dat

3oint Tally 7.2

Entering Inventory Vouchers


dger name (but, printing out the

ived. If it is not
T'S Invoice that :hase Voucher). m two numbers rou may opt to wish to give a
mbers link the
ing a Purchase
e you want to needed. When s and you do 1 is important
id you do not mt the Goods
ntory without oer.
ction In.

4. When you send out samples for approvals, where you do not want to raise an
invoice. Likewise when you receive samples but no invoice will be forthcoming.
Default Voucher number
Reference Number
The reference field if field in becomes the default. Tally also lists the voucher number
and ie reference number of the current voucher for selection. Select the one that is
easy to rack later.
Pending Tracking Number *
If you have a pending tracking number from a previous voucher, it will be listed here
together with details like location, quantity, rate and amount. You will select a pending
tracking number to adjust that with the current voucher entry. This could be a
Purchase Voucher received and recorded, for which the goods are now being received.
Order Details (in case Purchase Order Processing is Active)
If, however, Purchase Order Processing is activated (Company Features), an order field
is now available. Select Not applicable if there were no orders particulars to adjust to
record. If the order existed, by selecting the order number from the pop-up list of
orders, the rest of the fields are automatically filled up. These are, however, available
for editing (can alternatively be set so that editing is not permitted - though F12:
Configuration). Otherwise, select a new number to input details.
If you have more than one location, you must specify the location to which this item
relates. Hence, a sub-screen would come up after the tracking number to enable you
to specify the location quantity, rate and amount for the item. You can give multiple
locations for example.
Batch Number
In the locations sub-screen itself, the batch number can be given, if batch numbers
have been activated in Company Features. Select a batch number from the list of
existing batch numbers, or give a new number for a new batch.
Mfg. Date
Again, it appears only if it has been activated. Give the date of manufacture. This
enables you to set expiry date for the batch as a period from the date of manufacture,
e.g., three months form the date of manufacture.
Expires On
It appears only if it has been activated. Give the date of expiry or a period from the
date of manufacture. If, for the item, you had disallowed the use of expired goods, you
cannot issue them after the expiry date. (Check item master).

I 86

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Normally, no explanation is required. However, you can set Company Features to allow
Actual and billed Quantities. Then, you have to give both quantities here. The actual
quantity updates stock and the billed quantity affects the accounts. Give the quantity
either in the main unit or the alternate unit. You may even specify quantities in both
units, e.g., 100 bars = 150 Kgs.
Give the rate for the stock item. If you have entered Standard Rate for the item
(Standard Cost and Standard Selling Price - see item master), the voucher will pick up
the relevant standard rate for that date by default. You may, however, modify it while
entering the voucher.
Give the unit of measure for the quantity of the item here. This can be main unit or
even the alternate unit.
The quantity multiplied by the rate per unit is the amount. End of List *
In all multiple allocations or selections, you must either be required to select the
option End of List or press [Enter] at the first blank field.
This would accept the multiple allocation and take you back to the parent screen. For
example, Multiple locations, batches or items.
Here you type whatever is appropriate for the transaction. Once you accept the data,
Tally presents another data entry screen.
Stock Journal
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Voucher Entry>[Alt]+F7 or Click on Stock Journal
A stock journal is used to transfer materials or stock from one location to another
location. Stocks could even simply be shown as consumed. Or even only produced
without both consumption and production. Hence, it is not like other journal where
debits and credits must match. You can specify quantities that are move as well as
their rates and amounts. If standards rates have been entered in the stock item
masters, they will appear. In the target location, you can specify additional costs
incurred without actually affecting accounting at all. Only the stock values goes up.
Hence, it is technically correct where an expense incurred

:~ productiai : - - has ti : ...:e .ocati ne Productic
you m
:: give infom
Common Reference
If activated i "rquired. Voo
Source (C
Here give tin icnsumed as .: will be brw :f reducing s

oint Tally 7.2

Entering Inventory Vouchers


itures to allow actual quantity y either in the anits, e.g., 100

item (Standard lp the relevant e entering the

* ::; :'v'nu-:her
Hetnoa afVoucherNurflbering ? Atitoin.itk
Starting Number ?DHH
Vatt of Numerical Part : Use Common Narration ? Yes Print after saving
Voucher ? Ho Use EFFECTIVE Dates to Vouehere? Mo Make 'Optional' as default ">

Prefill with ZERO Narrations for each entry

Use as a Manufaeturtng Journal

? No ? No

n unit or even

Applicable From

Restart Nuii
Stall...o Number

le From




1-Aftl 2005

ect the option at screen. For

the data, Tally
other location.
without both its and credits
and amounts. r. In the target
accounting at pense incurred

'/:' Features 1 >-.: Configure

on production or inward has been accounting for in the cost of that item. The Stock
Journal Screen has three parts - the top part accepts general information, the left hand
side is the Source location or Consumption Part and the right hand side is the
Destination location or the Production Part.
While you must furnish the common information required in the top part, you may
elect to give information for only the left or right part or both.
Common Information
Reference, Pate and Voucher Number
If activated for this voucher, reference field will come up. Give a reference number, if
required. Voucher number depends upon the settings in Voucher Type.
Source (Consumption)
Here give the name of the item and the location form which sit moves or where it is
consumed as well as the rate and amount. If the rate is specified in the stock item
master, it will be brought up when you indicate the item name. The effect of entry in
this part is of reducing stock of the items specified.

I 88

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Destination (Production)
Here give the name of the item and the location into which the named item moves. It
is not necessary that the item names should match the names in the source part. This
is because of a totally new item could be produced out of materials consumed. You
can specify the rate of the item and amount. If the rate is specified in the stock item
master, it will be brought up when you indicate the item name.
The effect of entry in the Destination Part is of increasing stock of the items specified
in this part.
Additional Cost Details
Another interesting facility is available for the Destination location (Production). You
can specify what additional costs were incurred in moving goods into the location or
for producing them. Though these costs are strictly accounting heads, they do not get
posted in the relevant nominal ledger accounts but add to the cost of the item. In the
target location, you can specify additional costs incurred without actually affecting
accounting at all. Only the stock value goes up. Hence, it is technically correct where
an expense incurred on production or inward has been accounting for in the cost of
that item.
After entering the amount for an item, the additional cost details entry box pops up.
You may specify additional costs for transferring or producing the item. These would,
typically be wages, power freight etc. Remember that you must have ledger accounts
opened for the additional costs. Moreover, additional costs entered for the ledgers, do
not reflect in the relevant ledger with the amount but only add to the cost of the item.
You can specify the additional cost by the way of a percentage of the cost of the item,
in which case give the number, e.g., 2 for 2% of the cost of the item. You may,
alternatively, skip the percentage field and input an amount directly.
Actual ,
This displays the total additional cost for the item and the effective cost per unit of
item/ product produced.
Bill of Materials
A Bill of Materials contains a list of items that make up another item. In other words, it
is a list of constituent items.
Enable bill of materials facility
This is relevant for manufacturing organizations and can be set up through
For this select the following:


ay of of M
re sav. M:
Stock Jo
Gateway of
When you u screen woui manufacture T- If, for an :: compona end product.
How to O
For this selec Gateway of' You have to i
Give a new n Type of Vi
This must be Abbr.
The abbreviate mfg. jrnl.
Method of
Follow the no: Use as a h
Select Yes.
The other area Please refer to
How to Cre
You can create

tint Tally 7.2

Entering Inventory Vouchers

m moves. It is This is because an specify the ster, it will be
os specified in
tion). You can r for producing in the relevant ition, you can Only the stock production
pops up.
These would, counts opened ) not reflect in
>f the item, in r, alternatively,
unit of item/
ier words, it is

Gateway of Tally>F12:Configure>Accts/Inventory Info

A Bill of Materials should be available while manufacturing an item. Hence, first enable
manufacturing entries. This is done through a stock journal. It is wise to create a new
voucher type say, Mfg Journal which is based on Stock Journal.
Stock Journal as Manufacturing Journal
Stock journal vouchers can be accessed as:
Gateway of Tally>Accts Info>Voucher Type>Display>Stock Journal
"Alien you use a stock journal as a manufacturing journal, the stock journal voucher
entry screen would then be modified to accept name and quantity of the product
being manufactured, its list of components and additional costs of manufacture
associated with ::. If, for an end-product item, you have specified a bill of materials
that contains the list :: components, this list is brought up automatically and filled in
for the quantity of the end product.
How to Create a New Manufacturing Journal
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Accts Info>Voucher Type>Create
You have to fill the following information:
Give a new name to the voucher type, e.g., Mfg, Journal. It could be any other name.
Type of Voucher
This must be Stock Journal. Pick it up from the pop-up list.
The abbreviation to the voucher type name. Type in a suitable abbreviation, e.g., Mfg.
or mfg. jrnl.
Method of Voucher Numbering etc.
Follow the normal voucher type creation. Use as a Manufacturing Journal
Select Yes.
~~e other areas of voucher type screen have been discussed under voucher type
section. ? rise refer to that section for any assistance.
How to Create a BUI of Material
You can create a Bill of Material (BoM) for any stock item. Typically, you would like to

I 90

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Entering Inventory

create a BoM only for those items that are being assembled in-house. For trading
items, you do not need a BoM. Therefore, we need to specify a BoM at the time of
creating a stock item (or altering its master)
Let us create a new stock item and specify its BoM.
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Inv. Info>Stock Items>Create
This screen contains information for Britain/Europe. Some information like Batches,
Alt. Units and Intrastate Classification depend upon the company features,
configuration and invoicing set-up. Please refer to the relevant stock item creation
section for more details.
The difference for India/Asia would be in the terminology for tax/duty:
For details on fields other than Set Components (BoM) please refer to the Stock Item
Creation section under Inventory Information. Here, we shall restrict out discussion to
BoM only. When you activate Set Components (BoM) by selecting Yes, a pop-up list for
the components now needs to be filled in.
Unit of Manufacture
Give the appropriate (usually the minimum) number of the finished product item that
will be made. While manufacturing (and recording through a stock/manufacturing
journal), you will make the item in multiples of this unit of manufacture. At that time,
the components will also multiply by the same factor automatically. (You are, of
course, allowed to alter the components while recording to reflect actual consumption,
if there is a change from BoM). Note, however, that in certain circumstances, it is
better to give a larger unit of manufacture, e.g., per 1000 Pcs of nails, as per nail
consumption or raw material will be too insignificant.
Item, Location (godown) and Quantity
Give the component name and quantity and if multiple locations (godowns) have been
up, the most likely location for the item. Again by specifying the location here, you are
restricted to that location during transaction/voucher entry. The locations would
default to
these but you can opt for another. Input your options for other questions for the stock
and accept the screen. #
The Stock Journal/Manufacturing Journal Entry Screen
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Voucher Entry>Click on Stk. Jrnl
If you had created a new voucher type Mfg Journal, a pop-up menu will show both the
default Stock Journal and the Mfg Journal.
Input fields for the Mfg. Journal:

Reference a reference m Same of Prod
?:: the stock item
Location . the location i
Z-:ve the quantity <
Component (C
~zz component List rrmponent (based .creation as specific :: mponent list can
Any change made rroduct. If you wa 'em master inform
Cost of Compi
~-e base cost of :r Additional Cos
Yru. may specify a: rower, freight, etc. J rr-sts. Moreover, adi :th the amount bi
":u category specif - -.vhich case give L_:ernatively, skip tl
Total Addition;
~~is displays the to Effective Cost
~"is is the sum to:

)int Tally 7.2

Ertsring Inventory Vouchers


trading items, ; of creating a

e Batches, Alt.
figuration and
more details.
he Stock Item ussion to BoM up list for the
: item that will g journal), you le components lowed to alter i change from larger unit
of laterial will be
have been set re, you are not auld default to the stock item

Reference a reference number, if required. Ma me of Product
7:: the stock item to be manufactured. Location
the location in which it is to be manufactured. This location will show the stock.
I--*.*e the quantity of the item to be manufactured. Component (Consumption)
The component list for the product to be manufactured and proportionate quantity of
each ::mponent (based on the quantity specified for the product) is produced. The
default xation as specified in the BoM is also given for each component. However, the
entire ::mponent list can be altered, components added or removed and locations
Ar:y change made during this entry will not affect the original Bill of Material for this
rroduct. If you want to make permanent change to the Bill of Material change the
stock .:em master information (thru Gate of Tally > Inventory Info)
Cost of Components
The base cost of the components are automatically added and displayed. Additional
Cost Components
You may specify additional costs for producing the item. These would, typically be
wages, rower, freight, etc. Remember that you must have ledger accounts opened for
the additional costs. Moreover, additional costs entered for the ledgers, do not reflect
in the relevant ledger with the amount but only add to the cost of the item.

show both the

You category specify the additional cost by way of a percentage of the cost of
components, m which case give the number, e.g., 2 for 2% of the cost of components.
You may, alternatively, skip the percentage field and input an amount directly.
Total Additional Cost
This displays the total additional cost for the item. Effective Cost

This is the sum total of the cost of components and additional costs.

I 92
Straight to the Point Tally 7.2
Effective Rate
Effective cost per unit of item/product produced. Advanced Usage
You may create a stock or manufacturing journal directly while creating a sales
invoice. The need often arises in situations where the manufacture has not been
recorded but the invoice is being prepared. While creating an invoice, when the cursor
is at the quantity field of the stock item (manufactured product), press [ALT]+[V] to
bring up the manufacturing stock journal screen for the product/item. On completing
the mfg journal, you are brought back to the next field in the invoice screen. Thus, the
item would be manufactured, its components reduced from stock and also invoiced in
a single transaction entry.
[ALT]+[V] creates a new stock or manufacturing stock journal transaction voucher and
is not to be used as an allocation screen. Therefore, if [ALT]+[V] is pressed again, (say
during alternation of the invoice), one more manufacturing journal will be created and
will not alter the previous manufacturing journal. The principal is the same as [ALT]+
If you want to alter the related manufacturing/stock journal, you must alter it
separately, in the normal manner. It will be available through Display > Inventory
Books > Stock Items or through Statistics > Mfg or Stock Journal.
Buttons in a Typical Voucher Entry Screen F2: Chg Date
Use this button to change the date of the voucher. F3: Chg Cmp
This would allow you to switch to another loaded company and enter a voucher in it.
Therefore, you can, almost simultaneously, enter vouchers for more than one
Post Dated
To mark the current voucher post dated. *
To mark the current voucher optional.
F11: Features
To change the features.
F12: Configure
To check the accuracy of the vouchers entered, one of the many ways is to select Day
Book from the Display Menu. Then select F2: Period from the button bar and enter the
period of display (it defaults to the current date only but you may display all the

Entering Inv
for a particu were asked : press Enter : is subject to
Tally permits may be prod and Invoices. Entry, we hai will only con position of ai e
Likewise, Sal( available dura Summary. Th< Order Process
Mane of Kern
We shall first

oint Tally 7.2

Entering Inventory Vouchers

a sales invoice, ecorded but the le quantity field : manufacturing vou are brought
anufactured, its :ntry.
voucher and is ;ain, (say during ed and will not
:er it separately, s > Stock Items

for a particular period). Select Fl: Detailed. Check. Check the vouchers against what
you were asked to do. If you find a mistake, position the highlight bar over offending
item and press Enter for tally to display the voucher details for alternation. The
alternation facility is subject to security and access rights. All alterations are available
for audit.
Purchase and Sales Orders
Tally permits you to produce Purchase and Sales Orders form the system. Purchase
Orders may be produced, printed and sent to suppliers. Goods received are linked with
the POs and Invoices. Outstanding Purchase Orders should be monitored. In the
Chapter on Voucher Entry, we have shown how orders are linked with delivery notes
and invoices. Hence, we will only consider creation, alteration and deletion of
Purchase Orders here. Display order position of any item form the Stock Summary. The
Purchase Order Book will list out all e Purchase Orders placed.
Likewise, Sales Orders received are recorded in Sales Order Entry Screen. The details
are available during Delivery Note and Invoicing. You may view the order position in
the Stock Summary. The Sales Order Book lists all Sales Order received. Activate
Purchase and Sales Order Processing in Fll Company Features.
We shall first take up purchase orders. ;

o Ta8y Solutions Pvt. Ltd., 1988-2005

us 7.2- Release 1
~ijt. 3rd May, S005
i voucher in it. jne company.

Ca"snf Balance: j :ifjse Ledger. t~~3--Class:

\tm of Item

f';- Dely Itote

- r s: Rcpt Note
!j;; Ptiys Stk

s to select Day r and enter the the transactions

I 94

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

How to Create a Purchase Order

Purchase Order details will also depend on configuration settings. Hence, have a look
a: the configuration and voucher types.
Gateway of Tally>Voucher Entry>F9: Purchase>Selection Purchase Order
Give the supplier's name. Type in the same manner as voucher entry and select from
Us: of Ledger Accounts. Use [Alt] + [C] to create a new account.
Order No
The voucher number can be treated as your Purchase Order number. You may
configure the voucher type through Acct. Info > Voucher Types to set prefixes and
suffixes for Purchase Orders. This particular Order No. field is an additional field to
record order number if different from the voucher number.
Name of the Item
Give the name of the stock item for which the order is to be placed. Once the name is
given the Item Allocations sub-screen pops-up that needs to be filled in.
Due On
The due date for delivery of the item. This will enable monitoring of outstanding
deliveries The order can be split for delivery on different dates.
Location f
In case multiple location features is active, this field is required to be given, else it
does no: appear.
Quantity, Rate and Amount
Give the quantity of the item required and its rate. The amount is calculated but is
modifiable to enable rounding off.
Additional Cost Details
Additional cost on the item may be incurred which can be mentioned here. Give the
way of percentage of the item cost or a <flat amount. If not, select end a list.
Additional costs increase the value of the item and do not independently appear in the
nominal ledger account or expense.
Next Item
The cursor then comes to the Item field again and you can enter another item to
order. If no other item is required, press [enter] on the blank field to take the cursor to
tax/expense field.

wit Tally 7.2

Entering Inventory Vouchers


have a look at
select from list
may configure nd suffixes for d order number
ice the name is
iding deliveries.
else it does not
dculated but is
e. Give the way Additional costs nominal ledger
item to order. If r to tax/expense

Once the item details have been entered, you might specify tax to be charged and
other expenses like freight, if any. The tax or expenses has to exist as a ledger
account or it may be created using [Alt]+[C]. We shall select tax @ 17.5% to be
charged on the item values. The order entry screen would then appear thus:
Optional. You may give some particulars about the order.
Alter a Purchase Order
You can alter a Purchase Order by displaying it from a variety of place but is easier
through the Purchase Orders Book or the Day Book.
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Display>Day Book
Gateway of Tally>Display>Inventory Books>Purchase Orders Book
Delete a Purchase Order *
Alter an order and use [Alt]+[D] to delete it.
How to Create Sales Orders
Sales order entry is exactly like Purchase Orders.
Sales Order details will also depend on configuration settings. Hence, have a look at
the configuration and voucher types.
Gateway of Tally>Voucher entry>F8: Sales>Select Sales Order This screen has the
following information to be filled in.
Party's A/c Name
Give the customer's name. Type in the same manner as voucher entry and select from
list of Ledger Accounts. Use [Alt] + [C] to create a new account.
Order No
The voucher number can be treated as your internal serialised order number. The field
Order No. is advised to be used for customer's order number.
Name of the Item
Give the name of the stock item for which the orders is to be placed. Once the name
is given the Item Allocations sub-screen pops-up that needs to be filled in.


Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Entering Inn

F0 Bej. Out
- f-;- 9k Jml f" Oely Note ''; Rep! Ntte
id Talfcf Solutions fvt. Ltd.. 1988-2005
ies?.2- Release 1
Tt. 3rd tf(, 2MJ
Single User! a#
SI. NO.: 742068243', snr
V #. :
; Axeurtj ft *-,: Dale
.2005 -. Friday; e

ParftS Ale Name : Order fJr

Current Balance-
Sates Ledger:
Name of Item ; Amount

Next Iten
The cursor:; If no other :: expenses fie!
Once the irei expenses like be created us. The order em
Optional. Yc: Alter a Sa

,. . - Pest-Dated

Due On
The due date for delivery of the item. This will enable monitoring of outstanding
deliveries. The order can be split for delivery on different dates.
In case multiple location feature is active, tliis field is required to be given, else it does
not appear.
Quantity, Rate and Amount
Give the quantity of the item required and its rate. The amount is calculated but is
modifiable to enable rounding off.
Additional Cost Details
There is no additional cost details for sales orders. They exist only for Purchase as the
values are added to the cost price. In case of sales, additional cost need to be entered
along with tax.

_-i:eway of T Delete a S
.Alter an order View Ordei
;::;&: summer ,I-;.:r'.vay c; 7s
I:entry the s.
:..: i. Howeve
if you knew ih
Press [Alt]+[nJ Select Qrde
?.eraove Rare i. This will enabk
Sales Order Rq of the Stock Sir F9 or F10 (Ace

>int Tally 7.2

Entering Inventory Vouchers


EJ &
------ web Brtwser
-S2 51.T- - . >< .t Upload
Czt i
Friday &P
- Pnfit
ri Date " 4: Company
fa Pure Order
"=-; fiei. Out i
Oely Nff-
RcfJ Not':
- Ptiys S:-
ling deliveries.
Ise it does not
mlated but is
e as the values ed along with

Next Item
The cursor then comes to the Item field once again and you can enter another item to
order. If no other item is required, press [Enter] on the blank field to take the cursor to
the tax/ expenses field.
Once the item details have been entered, you might specify tax to be charged and
other expenses like freight, if any. The tax or expense has to exist as a ledger account
or it may be created using [Alt]+[C]. We shall select tax @ 17.5% to be charged on
the item values. The order entry screen would then appear thus:
Optional. You may give some particulars about the order. Alter a Sales Order
You can alter a Sales Order by displaying it from a variety of place but is easier
the Sales Orders Book or the Day Book. *
Gateway of Tally>Display>Day Book
Gateway of Tally>Display>Inventory Books>Purchase Orders Books
Delete a Sales Order
Alter an order and use [Alt]+[D] to delete it.
View Order Position
Stock summary is perhaps the best place to view the order position.
Gateway of Tally>Stock Summary>Deleted [Fl]
Currently the screen shows only one entry. Tally as stock in hand as on the last day of
the period. However, you do not know how much stock is on order both inward and
outward. If you knew that, you could take plan your stocks better and not lose out on
Press [Alt]+[n] Auto-Column Button. You get the menu. Select Orders & Stock Details
Remove Rate and value from display by configuring it using F12. This will enable all
columns to fit in one screen.
Sales Order Reports can be accessed through [Alt]+F7 of the stock summary or Alt +
C of the Stock Summary. They can also be accessed through ALL other reports by
pressing F9 or F10 (Accounting/Inventory Reports).

I 98

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

""I" " " ."
' .-=:
r.;'.-:-j. .
..0 1.1 VHJ. .-.-

Invoice Entry
Invoicing or Sales invoicing is not very different from sales voucher entry. In fact, you
use the same voucher but select As Invoice option to turn it into sales invoice.
Purchase invoices are recorded through normal Purchase Voucher entry and it does
not have the provision of being converted into an invoice format for entry purpose.
However, you can print the purchase voucher as a Purchase Invoice or even a
Purchase Order. The advantage of using the invoke format for sales invoice entry is
that it enable automatic calculations of taxes and duties accounts (those falling under
the group Duties and Taxes or those groups for which the field Used for calculation is
In reordering both sales and purchase invoice details, you can adjust accounting and
inventory balances and accounts for VAT, all at the same time. The default invoice
formats have a variety of configuration options. Using them you may print your
invoices. You may not need to create new mvoice formats. It is recommended that you
attempt to configure the default invoice itself. However, should you finally feel that
the invoice does not meet the needs, you can design a new invoice using Tally's
Definition Language Report Designer. The TDL is quite an advanced language with
which you can create new reports and screens. You may even modify existing reports
and screens. However, it is specialist's job and would require advanced training.

that ^ Ensure that:

Is F12: Con section of th
iFll: Feat rrrngs up an
If you want
Also ensure In Accounts
Ledgers, led| set to Yes.
If you want automatic c appropriate item must h
Refer to the Configuri
For this sel; Gateway of Set the opti Please note
Complete A normally m is permitted
Allow mot appearing b fields set it
Further to For this sel Gateway o)
Set the prii extent. Th< options tha above scree
opt for Ind

Jint Tally 7.2

Entering Inventory Vouchers


l.'i: 1 -Id1
MevJ Column *Jter Column
flt-to Column * Other Rap ( > )nv Rep i *> cc Rep r * * Features CanTigure ' '~
i fact, you use chase invoices le provision of
sn a Purchase that it enable group Duties
and inventory
Drmats have a
You may not
configure the
not meet the
jort Designer.
ts and screens.
ob and would

Ensure that you have activated Invoice Entry capability in Fll Company Features
Ensure that:
In F12: Configure under Gateway of Tally, Voucher Entry, in the Accounting Vouchers
section of the screen, Show Inventory Details is set to Yes.
In Fll: Features and in the top section of the screen, Allow Invoicing is set to yes.,This
brings up another option, that of a separate discount column.
If you want a separate column for discounts in invoices, say Yes. Also ensure that: In
Accounts Info
Ledgers, ledgers of the type Purchases and Sales Accounts have Inventory values are
affected set to Yes.
If you want tax accounts like VAT or Sales Tax (under the group Duties & Taxes) to use
automatic calculation, ensure Percentage of calculation is entered (e.g., 17.5) and has
appropriate Method of Calculation. If it is to use Tax based on Item Rate, then the
stock item must have the rate specified.
Refer to the Accounts Info > Ledgers for details. Configuring the Invoice
For this select the following: t. . .
Gateway of Tally>F12: Configure>Invoice Entry/Delivery Note Set the options as
required. Please note the last two options.
Complete Accounting Allocations in Order/Delivery notes? Accounting allocations are
not normally made during order recording or delivery notes. Hence, it is set to No.
However, it is permitted and, should you want it, change it to Yes.
Allow modification of ALL fields during entry? Default order/delivery note entries
appearing in the invoice can be changed during invoice entry. To permit modification
of all fields set it to Yes. Else No.
Further to invoice entry configuration, you can configure its printing.
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>F12:Configure>Printing>Sales Transactions>Sales Invoice
Set the print options as desired. As you would see, you can configure the invoice to a
great extent. The options depend on the various Fll Company Features and F12:
Configure options that have been set for your company either by you or by the
administrator. In the above screen, the options are turned to Britain/Europe settings.
These would change if you opt for India/Asia in the basic company settings.

I 100

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Entering Inve

Likewise, the details that you give during invoice entry, depend very much on the
configuration settings. Let us look at a typical invoice entry screen:
During invoice entry, some of the information will be input in separate pop-up screens.
The invoice format is different from the normal sales voucher where the accounting
information is the primary information and the stock information is secondary. In the
invoice format, the accounting information is secondary and the stock information
primary. Hence, you give accounting information, i.e., the sales account to be credited
in a pop-up window.
Sales Voucher Number
This number is controlled by the settings in the voucher type masters.
Change date using [F2], when you need to.
This is an optional field. Give any reference particulars that can be later picked up
using the range or filter mechanism. This has, traditionally, been used for tracking
missing tax forms.
Party's A/c Name
Select the customer'^ ledger account. This account will be debited by the total
invoice amount. You may select a party ledger (Falling under the group Sundry
Debtors or Sundry Creditors) or even Cash or Bank Account (for cash sales.)
Party's Other Details
This information is to be filled up in the secondary screen that pops up.
You may have a different consignee name and address than the buyer, (if configured
Delivery Note No(s)
Select the delivery note if there was any made for this shipment from the Pop-up List
of Tracking numbers. This way you reconcile goods despatched with the invoice and
financial records. Select Not Applicable if no separate delivery exists. The choice is
required only in case Tracking Numbers are active.
Dispatch Details
Give the dispatch details here. There are printed out on the invoice. Other Details
The order particulars may be entered here. If a prior order was recorded for the
customer, a pop-up list of opening orders appears from which you select the relevant
order or orders. You may raise in invoice against a single order or even a multiple
orders. Select New Number

r no prior oi
\~ot Applical
Buyer's D
Tne Buyer's V.JU have co: appear. Acce
Inventory ite .:em and tht rops up for
live the qu; - -ere the go ze first item eiger that ^
Tne locatioi Accounti
This inform each item. 5 is a ledger a ry the Part
Where Y
Each item v die procedu ::em or sele
These accoi die list. Th VAT/Sales Calculate ii [enter] on 1
Bill Deta
After the c feature is a
You do thi After you j

int Tally 7.2

Entering Inventory Vouchers


much on the
p screens. The ig information nvoice format, y. Hence, you ip window.
ed up using g missing tax
total invoice ors or Sundry
nfigured for).
op-up List of and financial [uired only in
ie customer, ler or orders. ""Jew Number


if no prior orders exists for this invoice but you want to record the order particulars.
Select Not Applicable if not applicable. Select End of List to move to the next item.
Buyer's Details
The Buyer's Address as per the master records appear as default, but you may alter it.
If you have configured to have the Consignee address as well as Buyer address, its
details too appear. Accept or modify them as necessary.
Inventory Allocations
Inventory items that are to be invoiced have to be entered. Once you have selected
the first item and the tracking number, if you have multiple locations set up, a
secondary screen pops up for accepting the item particulars.
Give the quantity rate and unit particulars. You may select more than one location
from where the goods have been despatched. Press [Enter] at the first blank location
field to accept the first item's allocation of location and other details. You now have .to
give the accounting ledger that will be affected for the sale of this item.
The location column appears only if Multiple Location feature has been activated.
Accounting Details
This information is to be given in a secondary screen that pops up after allocation of
the each item. Select the relevant sales account to be debited for the first item. Sales
of Disks is a ledger account under the group Sales Account. It is the credit entry to the
debit effected by the Part A/c name.
Where You Have More Than One Stock Item
Each item will require item allocation and accounting allocation as above. You must
repeat the procedure till you have completed all the items for that invoice. Press
[Enter] on blank item or select [end of list] to complete the cycle.
VAT/Tax or Other Expenses
These accounts are entered after the total value of stock items. Select relevant
ledgers for the list. These are ledger accounts and would affect accounting ledgers.
For accounts like VAT/Sales Tax that are under the group Duties & Taxes (or are
otherwise specified as Calculate in invoice entry in their masters), the amounts are
calculated automatically. Press [enter] on blank item or select [end of list] when you
have completed.
Bill Details
After the cursor leaves the total amount field, you must give bill-wise particulars, if the
feature is activated for this particular party ledger. -
You do this in the bill-wise details screen. After you give the narration, accept the

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2
Printing Invoices and Vouchers
You can print any voucher or invoice by pressing [ALT]+[P] or clicking on the button
[Print]. Do this before saving the voucher. You or administrator may have configured
the voucher type to print automatically after saving the voucher. You can always
configure the printing options by selecting the appropriate buttons. You can give
additional information, change titles, print additional pages, change printer settings,
etc. The buttons [Pre-Printed] and [Quick Format] are toggles for [Plain Paper] and
[Neat Format] respectively. These are print specifications that you give pre-printed is
for pre-printed stationery. Quick Format does not give fonts or other niceties but is
ideal for fast printing Select copies and give the number of copies to be printed. 1 is
the default. You can set the default number of copies in Invoice Printing Configuration
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>F12: Configuration>Printing
Printer : ;i_PT1 ) HU.DT Copies: !
Method : Neatf'f:c!<? Page Range-


Once you create the invoice, you can view it as a voucher by simply displaying it and
clicking on the toggle button (As invoice]/[As Voucher] or pressing [CTRL]+[V]. You
may do likewise with a sales voucher to be brought up as an invoice.
Display/Alter a Voucher/Invoice
You can display a voucher or alter it (subject to authority) by simply drilling down any
display screen. For example, from the Balance Sheet, press [Enter] on the group
Sundry Debtors, then on the ledger ABC Corporation Ltd which brings up its monthly
summary. Continue the selection process till you see the list of vouchers and the
voucher itself. You may opt to alter a voucher by going through the ledger display
screen or the Day Book. Since the display interfaces are identical, feel free to use the
path most convenient for the circumstance. If you do not have authority to alter a
voucher, the voucher would be brought up for display only.
Foreign Exchange Transactions
Entering foreign exchange transaction in Tally vouchers is quite simple once you

Entering Invi
ze principl Irrtipany F( :red to have rreferably tx
rised on th rinsaction ii
Foreign E
* rhe purch
1. Give t
2. You m
3. In the
is a Fc
4. A Fon
rate as
are all(
field ai
' inventory live the rate ': reign curre r_rrency at t]
The forex em
I~ the amoui ::rex transact zr-e the rate ; eves the spec
Y:u are allov i rusted autoi 7;:e of Exch "uld then ta :^d, the amc
Voucher E
*: is assumed rucher (ban!
Entering Inventory Vouchers

103 j

:he principles of it. Remember that you must have foreign currency enabled in Fll
Company Features. Only genuine bank accounts that are maintained in foreign
currencies need to have their currency set up in that foreign currency otherwise all
other ledgers should preferably be set to home/base currency only.
3ased on the above settings, we shall examine a Purchase voucher entry of an import
transaction in foreign exchange and then a payment entry made form a Forex bank
Foreign Exchange Transaction of an Import Transaction
Ir. the purchase voucher.
1. Give the date, voucher number and reference as usual.
2. You need to first credit the supplier
3. In the amount field, start with the foreign currency symbol to signal to Tally that
is a Forex transaction. In this case we type Rs (our base currency is remember) and
continue with the amount Rs. 150000.
4. A Forex sub-screen now asks for information on the exchange rate. Simply give
rate as quoted by your bank or mentioned on the purchase invoice. (Tally gives the
default exchange rate that you had mentioned in the foreign currency master). You
are allowed to change the rate. Alternatively change the amount and the rate will be
adjusted automatically. If you want to give only the base currency, clear the forex
field and Rate of Exchange file and simply mention the Value in base currency. The
exchange rate would then be ineffective. t
Ir. inventory item allocation, we show a purchase of 5 copies of Tally software. You
may live the rate of the item in the base currency or even in foreign currency. To
mention in foreign currency, start the rate entry with the forex symbol. Tally convert it
to the base r-irrency at the exchange rate previously mentioned.
The forex entry method is repeated here:
~- the amount field, start with the foreign currency symbol to signal to Tally that it is a
r'rrex transaction. A forex sub-screen now asks for information on the exchange rate.
Simply p.e the rate as quoted by your bank or newspaper or as recorded in the
documents. Tally rives the specified exchange rate by default if it is mentioned in the
foreign currency master.
You are allowed to change the rate. Alternatively change the amount and the rate will
rusted automatically. If you want to give only the base currency, clear the forex field
:--'-? of Exchange field and simply mention the Value in base currency. The change
uld then be ineffective. Of course, if you do not enter a foreign currency in the amount
~e!d, the amount is assumed to be in home/base currency.
Voucher Entry of a Forex Bank Payment
": is assumed that the bank account ledger is maintained in foreign currency. In a
payment :ucher (bank payment):

I 104

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

1. Enter the date and voucher number as usual.

2. Debit the supplier
3. In the amount field, begin with the forex symbol
4. You may debit the supplies with the same amount and exchange rate as before
even change the rate to the current rate. Here, we have changed the rate to a current
rate. Notice the display of pending bills in foreign exchange when you are asked tc
adjust the payment against previous references (it would come up if you had bill-
wise outstandings activated).
5. The forex gain or loss in the transaction is automatically calculated and is shown
unadjusted Forex gain/loss in the Balance Sheet. You may pass a journal entry
affecting the profit and loss account with the forex gain/loss figure to bring it intc
the books.
If you view the ledger account of the supplier, you will notice that its account has
balanced out but a forex gain has accrued on the transaction due to a rise in the
exchange rate for the pound.
Advanced inventory Vouchers
There is no separate section on this. Normal inventory voucher entry includes a
discussion on the advanced issues.
Zero Values Entries in Vouchers
To use zero values in vouchers, activate the feature in Fll Company Features. There is
usually no point in having a voucher that is totally without value. However, in some
situations, zero values are required, for example,
1. One of the entries may not have a value but yet needs to be shown in the
Example: Zero-rated VAT or Exempt from Tax Account. You are permitted to make
such an entry. The Exempt Ledger account can be viewed for all Exempt Sales.
2. Zero valued vouchers are possible for sales and purchase vouchers as these
invoicing for free samples. A whole voucher could be or zero value in only sales and
purchase vouchers but this is not possible in receipt, payment vouchers and journal
Type/ Quettlorw
1. What are the features of an Inventory voucher?
2. How would you create a stock journal?
3. How would you create a manufacturing journal?
4. How would you create a purchase order?
5. What is a purchase order?

oint Tally 7.2

Introduction to VAT (Value Added Tax)

ate as before or rate to a current 'ou are asked to if you had bill-
and is shown as
a journal entry
to bring it into
int has balanced cchange rate for
4es a discussion
atures. There is wever, in some
L in the records, rmitted to make xempt Sales.
as these permit a only sales and lers and journal

What is VAT?
The essence of VAT is in providing set-off for input tax and this is applied through
the :oncept of input credit, /rebate. This input credit in relation to any period means
setting :ff the amount of input tax by a registered dealer against the amount of his
output tax.
The Value Added Tax (VAT) is based on the value addition to the goods and the related
VAT liability of the dealer is calculated by deducting the input credit from the tax
collected on sales during the payment period. This concept is explained with an
example, in the Computation of VAT section.
VAT works in two different ways:
1. If VAT-registered businesses receive more output tax than the taxes paid as
they will need to pay the difference to the Commissioner of Taxes (State).
2. If the input tax paid is more than the output tax collected,

- You can carry forward the Input credit and adjust it against the output tax in the
subsequent months.
- You can have the Input Credit refunded to you at the end of the current or
year, by the Government.
- You can receive refunds for Input Credit on exports within a period of three
Business Processes
The effect of VAT in individual business process may be identified as under:
Purchase Process: VAT paid on purchases during a month can be claimed for set off as
Input VAT'. In case of purchase return, VAT on returns is adjusted against Input VAT
and --he net amount is treated as Input Vat. Similarly VAT on rate differences etc on
purchases ire adjusted against Input VAT and the net amount is claimed for set off.
Manufacturing Process: VAT paid on purchase of materials (e.g., raw materials,
packing -aterials etc) is claimed for set off as 'Input VAT'. Additionally, credit for VAT
paid on lapital Goods can be claimed in 36 monthly instalments.
likewise, exporters can get refund for Input VAT paid by them within a period of three
-onths. At the beginning of the year in which VAT is introduced, the Assessing offer will
:etermine the Input Tax component in the opening stock on the first day of the year
and e same will be allowed for adjustment as Input Tax in six monthly installments.


I 106

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2


Sales Process: VAT charged/payable on Sales during a month becomes the Output VAT
for the month. Sales returns or any rate difference allowed are adjusted against
Output VAT.
VAT Payable: The net difference between Output VAT and Input VAT, i.e, Output VAT -
(minus) Input Vat becomes VAT payable by the dealer. In case Input Tax is higher than
Output Vat, the balance is carried forward to the following month or may be refunded
in certain cases.
Concept of VAT
The essence of VAT is in providing set-off for Input Tax (tax paid on Purchases) against
Output Tax (tax payable on Sales). In other words, a registered dealer pays only the
differential amount of tax between his tax liabilities on account of sales upon
deducting the tax already paid on Purchases during the period.
'A', a wholesaler, sells a product to *B', a Dealer, at Rs. 1000 and charges VAT @4%.
'B' sells it ot 'C, a retailer, at a profit of 100 i.e., at Rs. 1100 and charges VAT @4%.
'C, sells it to Consumer at a profit of 100 i.e., at Rs. 1200 and charges VAT @4%.
The implication of VAT can be shown in following table:
Tax implication under Value Added Tax Act:
- Taxab
- Taxabi
General T
::_: tax I'zrput tax rrttt Credit
Z:r>osite De

BuyerSelling Price Tax Rate Invoice Tax Tax Nett.
Price Value Payable Credit Tax
(Excl. Tax) (Did. Tax) Rs. Rs. Outflow

A B 1000 4% VAT 1040.00 40.00 0 40.00

B C 1100 4% VAT 1144.00 44.00 40.00 4.00
C Consumer 1200 4%VAT 1248.00 48.00 44.00 4.00
VAT 48.00
Total VAT to Govt.
VAT Rates
According to the White Paper, items are classified into the following categories:
- Exempt from Tax, primarily natural & unprocessed products. The list of
goods varies from state to state. Each state can notify certain items of their choice
as exempt in their state (e.g. Karnataka has exempted Paddy, Rice, Wheat, pulses,
seeds, avalakki, mandakki, pappad, branded bread and Bun)
- Taxable @1% (also classified as 'other rate if tax'), items like Bullion, articles of
Jewellery, precious stones etc.

adop: r: ver, it ha. is.i che Countr
VAT also helps ii
jcture, inputs
< produced. Thi
ii a set-off is gi
--1 - will be n
r.c and trans
- As VAT is i
taxation of
- Simple and
goods at all
at each and
- VAT has th
value additi

oint Tally 7.2

production to VAT (Value Added Tax)


he Output VAT nst Output VAT.

, Output VAT -i is higher than be refunded in

- Taxable @4%, basic necessity items such as drugs & medicines, agricultural and
industrial inputs, capital goods and declared goods.
- Taxable @12.5% (also classified as 'standard rate of tax - RNR, i.e., Revenue
Rate'), all remaining items that do not fall under the preceding classification or attract
special tax rates, i.e, Liquors, Petrol, Diesel, Aviation spirit/turbine fuel.
General Terminologies Used in VAT
rchases) against r pays only the apon deducting
VAT @4%. ; VAT @4%. AT @4%.

X Nett.
edit Tax
0 40.00
LOO 4.00
s.oo 4.00
AT 48.00
st of exempted of their choice Wheat, pulses,
ion, articles of

Input tax Output tax Input Credit
Composite Dealers
This is a tax paid on purchases This is a tax charged on sales
The amount of Input tax that Is permitted to be set off against Output tax.
Dealers with annual gross turnover not exceeding a certain threshold (threshold -
decided by the respective State Governments) can opt for a composition scheme
whereby they will pay tax as a small percentage of their gross turnover. However,
retailers opting for this composition scheme will not be entitled to Input Credit.
The State Governments fix the periods and the procedures for the
payment of the lump sum. *
Advantages of VAT
VAT was adopted because the Sales Tax system is complex and induces non-
compliance. Moreover, it has been found to be a hindrance in the economic growth of
Industry, state ind the Country. This cause a huge loss of revenue to the government.
"AT also helps in eliminating the dreaded cascading effect of Tax. For instance, in the
existing juncture, inputs are taxed before a commodity is produced and the output is
taxed after it _s produced. This causes an unfair double taxation with cascading
effects. However, in VAT, LS a set-off is given for input tax as well as tax paid on
previous purchases, overall tax rjjden will be rationalized and prices in general will fall.
VAT thus makes the tax system r^nple and transparent.
Advantages of VAT Over Sales Tax
- As VAT is a multi-point tax with set-off for tax paid on purchases, it prevents
taxation of the same product.
- Simple and Transparent - In the Sales tax system the amount of tax levied on
goods at all stages is no known. However, in VAT, the amount of tax would be known
at each and every stage of goods sale or purchase.
- VAT has the flexibility to generate large and buoyant revenues, as it levies tax
value additions.

[ 108

Straight to the Point Tally 12

- Zero rating of tax on exports is possible in case of VAT .

- Fair and Equitable - VAT introduces uniform tax rates across the state so that
advantage cannot be taken while levying the tax.
- Procedure of simplification - Procedures, relating to filing of returns, paymen: :
tax, furnishing declaration and assessment are simplified under the VAT system :
as to minimize any interface between the taxpayer and the tax collector.
- Ability to provide same revenue to the Government with lower rates of tax.
- Tax does not become a cost of doing business.
VAT Rates
According to the White Paper, there are 550 categories of goods under the VAT
system. They are classified into the following four groups, depending on the VAT rate:
VAT @ 4%
The largest number of goods (270) comprises of basic necessity items such as drugs
anc medicines, agricultural and industrial inputs, capital goods and declared goods
are under 4% VAT rate.
Exempted from VAT
There are about 46 commodities under the exempted category. This includes a
maximum of 10 commodities^that each state would be allowed to select, from a
broader list for VAT exemption. The exempted commodities include natural and
unprocessed products in unorganized sector as well as items, which are legally barred
from taxation.
This is for a specific category of goods like gold, silver, etc.
VAT @ 12.5%
The remaining commodities are under the general VAT rate of 12.5%.
VAT Classification
It is a list of VAT rates, which describes the nature of the Business Activity and type pf
transaction. These are in-built in the system and will be updated if and when any
statutory-changes take place. Some of the classifications are :
InputVAT@4% InputVAT@l % lnputVAT@12.5% OutputVAT 1 %

! -edit an
VAT Rec<
Stock Re

rrtroduction to VAT (Value Added Tax)

Point Tally 7.2
ate so that unfair
irns, payment of e VAT system so lector.
tes of tax.
the VAT system. rate:
ch as drugs and ds are under 4%
des a maximum ider list for VAT sed products in
dry and type pf 31 any statutory^

Purchases - Capital Goods
Purchases - Exempt
Purchases from unregistered dealers
Tepending on the type of the business, type of transaction, and the statutory
requirements :: your State, you will need to select the appropriate classifications from
the list during ledger creations, voucher entries, etc.
The Sales and Purchase transactions are segregjfted based upon the classification
i-ring voucher entry and shown in the VAT computation. Thus you can see in the VAT
Computation, the classification - wise VAT and Nett values. '-,
VAT Documents
A VAT dealer needs to generate VAT compliant Invoice, Credit and Debit Notes and
also .-.ibmit statutory Returns in a prescribed format, as applicable for the state.
The following documents must be generated. Tax Invoice
A VAT compliant invoice, called Tax Invoice, has to be serially numbered and must
e following details:
- Product is exempt or VAT-able.
- Tax Identification Number (TIN) - registration details along with sellers' name
- Tax point - date of sale.
- Full item list with VAT break-up including VAT totals.
Credit and Debit Notes
T etailed documents of all returns and adjustments have to be maintained since the
same ~~~J. have an impact on the input credit. All Credit and Debit Notes would
require the same jirormation as that on TAX Invoice.
VAT Records
The VAT dealer must maintain the following records. Stock Records
A complete record of purchase and sales must be maintained of each stock item.

I 110
Straight to the Point Tally 7.2
Manufacturing Account
Complete records of raw materials and input purchased along with goods
manufactured. VAT Account
As per state specified formats, the VAT Accounts must be properly maintained. The
VAT Account is summary of all Input Tax paid for purchase and all Output Tax collected
on sales to compute the Net VAT Payable or Input Credit for carry forward.
Statutory Returns
Monthly Return incorporating beak-up of all types of purchase & sales transactions,
input & output taxes computing Net Tax payable or Refundable.
Dealer Status
Under VAT Act, a dealer with turnover exceeding the threshold limit must register with
VAT authorities. However, a dealer with annual turnover less than the threshold limit
need not register under VAT act and as such exempted from the purview of VAT Act.
Dealers Registered under VAT
A registered retailer falling within the specified limit may opt for composite scheme
and thus for registered dealers, *the status may be (a) composite Dealer or (b)
Registered Dealer.
Registered Dealers
Registered dealers can issue a Tax Invoice and can claim for Input tax credit for VAT
paid on purchases within the state. They are required to pay the difference between
Output Tax and Input Tax already paid on purchases. They are required to file
statutory returns periodically.
Composite Dealers
A dealer may opt to become a composite dealer if his turnover is within a limit set by
the state. A composite dealer is required to pay tax on a fixed rate on the turnover of
taxable items as set by the state and file a simple return annually. The limitations are
that they cannot issue Tax Invoice nor can they claim set-off for Input Tax paid by
VetcriptiA/e/ Typ& Question^'
1. What is VAT?
2. Describe the various terms used in VAT.
3. What are the advantages of using VAT over Sales Tax?
4. Which VAT records you have to keep?
5. Which VAT documents you have to maintain?

Ledger Mas
Tne VAT Classt zyes the flexibili zigged to all tran This is explainec
The Ledgers tha
- Purchase 1
- Sales Ledj
- Duties anc
- Direct Exi
Company Cr
Y:u can enable 7 State
:-elect the State f VAT field.
Use Indian V
Set this to Yes. C Number.
Application F
:e~tion the d=.:: -pany's currer.
r--fr your TIN rn of 11 digit numera MiiuMiy of Home ia different States.
We will also creat

Point Tally 7.2


Ledgers and VAT

ined. The VAT Fax collected on

tnsactions, input
ist register with shold limit need KT Act.
site scheme and ;gistered Dealer.
lit for VAT paid een Output Tax itutory returns
limit set by the over of taxable is are that they them.

Ledger Masters
The VAT Classification will be displayed as a drop down list in the ledger Masters. Tally
eves the flexibility to the user, to either have the classification selected in the Ledger
Master :igged to all transactions, Or, select different classifications each time during
voucher entries. This is explained in detail in the Vouchers and Transactions section.
Tie Ledgers that are affected by VAT are:
- Purchase Ledger
- Sales Ledger
- Duties and Taxes Ledger
- Direct Expenses/Income .
Company Creation/Alteration
You can enable Tally VAT in the Company Creation/ Alteration scAen shown on next
page. State
Select the State from the Drop down list. Once you do this, you will see the Use Indian
"AT field.
Use Indian VAT
Set this to Yes. Once you do this, you will see the fields Applicable From and VAT TIN
Application From
Mention the date from which VAT is applicable. Only if this date is greater than the ;
3rnpany's current date, the VAT functionality will hold good in your transactions.
Enter your TIN number in this field. The Tax Payer's Identification Number (TIN)
consists of 11 digit numeral The first two characters represent the State Code as used
by the Union Ministry of Home Affairs. The set-up of the next nine characters may,
however, be different m different States.
We will also create a ledge for the Supplier from when we are buying the VAT
exempted item:


[ 112

Straight to the Point Tally 12

I id Uty SofrrtiM)5 PM. Ltd., 1988-2005
j ies 7.2-Release 1
: Fri.-ISth Mar, 2005

TalfyGoltl M(ritMI<wi MP

EDUCATIONAL.^ web Bn:. .: 0S:05:9? .

0 Wot Applicable
Andaman & Nirobar Islands
Andfwa Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh
Dadra & Nagar Hsveli
Daman & Oiu

Gujarat Haryans
Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Jharkhand Kamataka
- ---.dweep - Pradssfi

Purchase Ledger
The following additional fields, pertaining to VAT, can now be seen in the Ledger entry
screen (Gatewayof Tally > Accounts Info > Ledger Create/ Alter).
Used in VAT Return
Set this to Yes if you wish to select VAT classifications for this Ledger. Once you set
this to Yes, you will see the Default VAT /Tax Class field.
Default VAT/Tax Class
Select the required classification here from the drop down list as shown above. The
drop down list consists of the Purchase classifications pertaining to your state. If you
do not wish to select a classification at the Ledger level, you can set this to Not
Tally gives the flexibility to the user, to either have the classification selected in the
Ledger Master tagged to all transactions, Or, select different classifications each time
during voucher entries. This is explained in detail in the Vouchers and Transactions
The rest of the Ledger creation process is the same as in default Tally
In the above example we have selected a VAT classification of 4%. Let us also take an
example of a VAT exempted transaction shown on next page.


int Tally 7.2

-edgers and VAT


I':1! JI-:.'IT ': :is-

.>'-. '.' !

Capital Capita! Exernpi

From U


vaiues me affected
Baiance ton t-Apr-2004)
"I - t If-I
:;:.!; ''-.:<
i 0|.. [J il

Ledger entry
ce you set this

ove. The drop If you do not applicable.

in the Ledger luring voucher

pill' ill!1:."'-

s also take an

Fax E-Mail

I 114
Straight to the Point Tally 7.2
Sales Ledger
Like in the Purchase Ledger screen, select the required VAT/Tax classification in the
Sales Ledger too (Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info > Ledger > Create/Alter.)
The rest of the settings are the same as in default Tally.

Name (afis-s)

: Sales Accounts

Sales - Exempt
used in VAT Returns
. Default VAT/m Class
Inventory values are affected

Opening Balance (an i-Apr-3305) :

H-iiliiiM * Pe-Mtt-il r^i.ji!^

Duties and Taxes Ledger
The ledger for Input VAT is shown on next page. Type of Duty/Tax
On the selection of group Duties and Taxes, the list of Tax Types CST, others and VAT,
is displayed. Select VAT for VAT related transactions.
If you have VAT and TDS enabled, the list will also include TDS. Default VAT/Tax Class
Like in the Purchase and Sales Ledger, this is a drop down list containing the VAT
classifications. Select the appropriate classification or select Not Applicable if you wish
to select the classifications at the Voucher level.

T- selecnc: State Sales : :: Calcula::

>oint Tally 7.2

Ledgers and VAT


$&TaM wrrrax aass snrotyvaties are strectefi

ion in the Sales

crcacuiattor cea 5) 7 gpgnlng Ssiarica (an 1-Apr-3DD5} .

CST Others

Fax E-Wal

iers and VAT, is

lining the VAT e if you wish to

f UN Cafe: . --
Percentage of Calculation
This will display the VAT rate that you selected in the Default VAT/Tax class field
Method of Calculation
This will display On VAT Rate if you have selected VAT under Type of Duty/Tax.
Similarly for Output VAT
On selection of CST, see the result on the next page.
Default VAT/Tax Class
On selection of CST for Type of Duty, you can select either Inter-State Purchases or
Inter-State Sales for Tax Class. Once you select this, you need to manually enter the
Percentage of Calculation.
Method of Calculation
Once you enter the Percentage of calculation, select the Type of Duty from the drop
down list.

I 116

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

and V/

Nane - Output VAT @ 4%

Tlit.1! Q;,. E,ll


FttBtSflcTCai3WiK3 "12,50 Salsnca ID


Under ; Duties & (
TViie oroutWTax
" '!
orcaf.uiajor: :c
MrtilllrJ ff R^
Fax E-Ma*

B Not Applicable inter-State Sales

: shown abt Direct Exp

7ne VAT relatt ledgers.
T~ - :f '-'so sh<
Vouchers <
Tbe entire data
: -r-.r.g Voucho
Purchase Sales Debit Na Credit Nc Journals
Purchase \
Invoice can r

Ledgers and VAT


Default VATJTax Cisss , Invented vafus?. ate

f- -..
IJf centase of Calculation im 6> ?4
'alance (on i-Apr 2005} .

On Total Sales Surcharge on Tax Tax based on item Rat

ss :
It is shown above.
Direct Expenses/Income Ledger
The VAT related fields in the Direct Expense ledger is the same as for Purchase and
Sales Ledgers.
This is also shown on the next page.
Vouchers and Transactions
The entire data entry and Reporting architecture is based upon VAT Classifications
selected during Voucher Entry. The Vouchers that are affected by VAT are as follows:
Purchase Sales
Debit Note Credit Note Journals
Purchase Voucher (As Invoice)
Invoice can be classified into As Item Invoice and As Accounts Invoice. The VAT

I 118

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

ledgers am

fnventoty values are

? Nft

.'-f-<7rCss. I

I Opening Bafance ion '-Apr~2335}


Accept ?
: State
functionality though, is the same for both. Given below are examples of transactions
in Item Invoice with implementation of VAT.
As Item Invoice
The selection and display of the VAT classifications in the vouchers differ according to
the settings in the F12: Configuration screen.
F12: Configuration Screen
The drill down report will thus show as follows:
Use Common Ledger A/c for Item Allocation - NO
When you wish to use more than one ledger during a voucher transaction, you need
to set this to No. this way, you need to select a ledger for every item during voucher
entry. When you set this to No, you can see the VAT/Tax Class at the header region of
the screen if the Allow Selection of VAT/TAX Class during entry? Field is set to Yes.
Allow Selection of VAT/Tax Class During Entry? - YES
Once you select Yes, you have the option to select the VAT classification in the field

Tatx Class wh Zlass will not x Ledgers.

Example The followin
at the headeri
it the VAT/Ti option if need to a
i: will now cat ibc new Confq
Use Comm
"STaen you wis Yes. Thus, you zaasaction. Th shown bv setth

Dint Tally 7.2

-edgers and VAT

119 0|). GiL

NO '1


Ou:iiitity_ _ _ KIT^ t--

!(.: h" :>.< !i


xansactions m
cording to the
ou need to set T entry. When f the screen if
he field VAT/


Tax Class which is in header region of the Voucher screen. If it is set to no, the VAT/Tax
Qass will not be displayed in the voucher screen and the classifications will be taken
from die Ledgers.
Consider the following examples Example 1: Purchase@4%
The following is the entry for the purchase of iteml when VAT classification is
Purchase@4%. Like mentioned before, this classification is selected from a drop down
list at the header region of the screen as shown on next page.
In the VAT/Tax Class field, there is also an option called Not Applicable. You can select
this option if you need different classifications for each item during voucher entry. You
will need to select the Duties and Taxes ledger after you are done with the entry of all
It will now calculate the VAT amount and add it to the Amount to give you the total.
See the new Configuration screen.
Use Common Leger A/c for Item Allocation - YES
When you wish to use the same Ledger for all items in a transaction, you can set this
to Yes. Thus, you need not select a Ledger each time you enter an item during the
voucher transaction. The following example to demonstrate the functioning of
Assessable Value is shown by setting field to Yes.
I 120

Straight to the Point Tally 72

_sdgers and VA1

-.. is now calc 1I-, as shown c



108 IW>

: Pwd"

of IT em

Assessable Value: It is the value on which VAT is to be calculated. The value is arrived
a: after making proper deductions towards Excise/ED Cess payable. It is up to the user
to calculate this and entair the Assessable Value column. This manual entry gives
flexibility to the user to make the calculations as the the local statutory requirements.
As this example does not include Discount or Excise/ED Cess taxes, the Assessable
Value will be Rs. 5000, which is retrieved from the amount column.
Let us assume we have:
- A discount of Rs. 200 on purchases
- Excise tax of Rs. 800 (16% of 5000)
- ED Cess If Rs. 16 (2% of 800)

1. Subtracting the discount amount : 5000 - 200 = 4800

2. Adding the Excise tax amount : 4800 + 800 = 5600
3. Adding the ED Cess amount : 5600 + 16 = 5616
Therefore, our Assessable Value amount is Rs. 5616.
On the selection of the Duties and Taxes Ledger, you will see the following screen
where you need to enter the Assessable value.

input VAT @ 4%

Similarly for Sa Example 2: Pm

This example h md also to sha
"A~e are passing an the next pag
As it is exempt my way. Simila r selection of selected in the ]
Sales Voucl
Irnplementatioi derstand VA1 fallows. Assess
Printing the
~:>j will see th

oint Tally 7.2

Ledgers and VAT


VAT is now calculated on this amount automatically on the selection of the tax ledger
(Rs. 224) as shown below.

I.' '

due is arrived a: ip to the user to ives flexibility to

Assessable Value
ing screen where

Similarly for Sales Voucher and Credit/Debit notes. Example 2: Purchase - Exempt
This example is to demonstrate the working of Tally in the VAT exempted transactions
ind also to show the type and patterns of reports generated for such transactions.
We are passing the following entry for the purchase of the VAT exempted item. It is
shown :-n the next page.
As it is exempt from VAT, this particular transaction does not affect the VAT amount in
my way. Similarly for Inter-State Sales/Purchases. In the Voucher mode there is no
option for selection of the VAT classification at the header region. Therefore, the VAT
classification elected in the Ledger will apply always.
Sales Vouchers (As Invoice)
Implementation is the same as explained in Purchase Voucher. However, in order to
-nderstand VAT Computation, let us take the following example of a Sales transaction
as follows. Assessable Value: Same as explained in Purchase voucher.
Printing the Tax Invoice
You will see the following new sections pertaining to VAT, in the Invoice

I 122

Straight to the Point Tally " 1

. Suppler
VATJTgx Class; PHI cira

Current Baiance

Name off*-

Any-1 i



50 no


VAT% #
This column displays the VAT rate after retrieving it from the Tax classification Master.
VAT Analysis
Displays the VAT amount on the total Net value. If you do not need the VAT details tc
the printed in the Invoice, you can set the field Print VAT% column in the F12:
Configuratio-screen to No. Similarly, if you do not need the VAT analysis in your
Invoice, set the field Print VAT Analysis to No.
VAT Amount (in words)
Displays the VAT amount in words. Company's VAT TIN No.
As the name indicates, it displays the Company's VAT TIN number.
Buyer's VAT TIN No.
Displays the Buying Company's VAT TIN number.
Payment of VAT
The following is an example to demonstrate the Journal and Payment Voucher entries
for the payment of VAT.

i. ->tert Taw
B. ** Tax

the Point Tally 7.2

Ledgers and VAT




; (,:

JO lift


<: '"..'..'' ir I ".0(l'1.(l

MOII-. f''O.Jt'./ in ." v.'U.Ol'



i. '. .<.(..!

- jnsider the VAT Computation screen shown next (Refer the Purchase and Sales
Voucher furies): As shown here, the Output Tax is Rs. 700.00 and Input Tax if Rs.
424.64. The VAT payable is thus Rs. 275.36.
ication Master.

VAT details :: !: Configurat;:-ce, set the fie.:

P.III.,.ll*l.- 6&1 .S, ' IliJ.ili.
I i-

.: ".>< <'.' i


x entnes

If I-.-
. *1,1- . I -it! .'.

l.'.!- I ..'I'1
I 124

Straight to the Point Tally 7,2

.jsaqers and

Journal Entry
Note: The VAT payable Ledger is under the group Duties and Taxes.
Thus the VAT payable, Rs. 275.36 is transferred to the Cash or Bank account.
Debit Note / Credit Note
Purchase Returns - Debit Note
This is a Purchase Returns entry. Here, you will need to use the Debit Note Voucher.
. Sales Returns - Credit Note
Let us now take the example of a Sales Return. Here, you will need to use the Credit
Note voucher.
If you need the Journal transactions for VAT Computation (for example, adjustment of
Input credit, output tax, etc) you will need to make the following settings:
Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info > Voucher Type > Create/Alter. You will see the
following screen:
Name of Class
Name the voucher clasp. In the above example, we have named I as VAT Adjustment
Class. Once you hit enter, you will see the following screen.
Use Class for VAT Adjustments
As the name implies, you will need to set ir
to Yes if you want the journal entries to be A-n- u-i Tyi-
included in VAT computation. r ^
Journai Entries -.-, ;
Let us consider a Purchase transaction and
then a reverse entry for adjustment of Input credit.
Typical Purchase Transaction
It is shown on the next page. Reversal of Input Credit
You can go to the Journal screen by clicking on F7: Journal button on the right side of
your screen Or by pressing the F7 key.
Firstly, you will see the screen where you need to select the Voucher class created
before. Once you have selected this, you can pass the typical reversal entry as shown

Z.'U A4*
# ft*
f aroctilars
Bank Account Z-.-hi 27SJi
VAT Com pi
The VAT Corr
Rs.50 of:
nout Credr

nt Tally 7.2

Ledgers and VAT


I Wo. t

Voucher. . : Credit Note
djustment of You will see
rtment Class.

Output VAT s; 1%
Cur Bat: &fODt Output VAT #; 4%
CurBaf: ftolor Input VAT @ 4%
CurBai: AOOCr Vat Payable
CurBai: 215.36 Cr
Df Vat Payable
Cur 8s/: O.OODi r Bank Account





27S.3S i

ight side of
ated before, next:

VAT Computation Report

Tze VAT Computation report will thus as shown on the next to next page. Rs.50 of the Input Credit is reversed and only the remaining of Rs.50 can be
Input Credit Adjustment for Capital Goods
Irrnit Credit for capital goods is available over a maximum period of 36 monthly

I 126

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

and V;

Parks fk^am Turnover.


5t sf Voucher
~*e af Voucher *u
^afllns Number -* af Numeriea:
se Common Na 1 TS after saving vs

(tent \
of Class



Resist I


1 0 I'ICJ


* p .

i. liil.lM
>i.'r|"it.;-.l -
: Natraliort:

(States have the option to reduce the number of instalments.) Given below is an
example for the adjustment of the Input Credit.
The entry for the Purchase of Capital Goods is the same as in default Tally.

I; TJ'-der the Purchase of

int Taily 7.2


Ledgers and VAT




1 Ho ? Mo

"5 Of ;!3S$

WT adjustment Class


Resi t.M t Nimilterif ffl

-c:."':ab- Starting Particulars le From
"-A^r-2WS 1 Yearly


ie From


No 1

CurBst: 10,10B.6OCr NewRef 1
100 no 109.98 ift.' Cur 8s! im.MOc


10.100.00 10.100.00

5 an example

Consider the following example:

Purchase of Capital Goods for Rs. 5,00,000.

[ 128
Straight to the Point Tally 7.
The Input Credit is Rs. 20,000, which will be available over a period of 36 monthrr
That is (20,000/36) = 555.56
Therefore, Rs. 555.56 can be claimed in the first instalment as Input credit.
We will pass a Journal entry for this as shown below:

izers ai

- * VA


I (--lit
Hi-.-- r fcv|.oii-.--..

I; lii|-iitVAT I

'if: i ";.i;i'v.

: Narration :
The Drill down report will thus show as shown next.
Computation of VAT
You can go to the VAT Computation screen via Gateway of Tally > Display > VAT
Reports > VAT Computation.
You will need to go through the following sections before learning Computation screen
below: Purchase Ledger > Sales Ledger > Duties and Taxes > Purchase Voucher >
Sales Voucher
VAT Calculations
The following are the transactions we made:
.1. Purchased from Creditor - 1, 100 quantities of iteml at the rate of Rs. 50 each.
The Input VAT@4% for this amount is Rs. 200. 2. Purchased from Creditor, 100
quantities of item2 at the rate of Rs. 50 each. However

we a Cess
3. Sale
4. Sale
Therefore ^
This is cak on the next an the nexl
If you have 3 the VAT.
Computatic dassificatia column wil

-magers and VAT

*5=*cation : Input VAT #
to Partys' Name
t TIN No. Voucher
Tyjw Vouclier Nutiiber Assessable Value VAT j Amount
*" T-rect Expenses JOUili-ai ~** t->50.00,
i :;

5.000.00 50.OB3
'. applied a discount of Rs. 200 here. Also, Excise tax of Rs. 800 and Educational ot Rs.
16 were levied on this.
total Input VAT = Rs. 200 + Rs. 224.64 = Rs. 424.64 of 50 quantities of item l@Rs.
300 to Debtor-1. :VAT@4% = Rs. 600. 100 quantities of item @ Rs. 100 each. VAT@l
Output VAT = Rs. 600 + Rs. 100 = Rs. 700 payable -> Output VAT - Input VAT = Rs.
automatically by Tally for you and the VAT Computation screen shown The Reports for
the two Purchase and One Sales transaction is also shown
Exempted to Zero Rated Transactions
that are exempted form VAT but however want to have it displayed
you will need to click on the F12 button and set the Show non VAT t to Yes. For
example, in the case of Inter-State Sales, the Tax Amount s as NIL in the Computation

I 130

Straight to the Point Tally " :

VmOi^ Creation

I No 2

Voucher Class : VAT Adjustment Class


Deh it


Dr Input Ciedit on Capital Goods

Cur Bat: 555,56 Dr Cr Tax Paid on Capital Goods
Cur Bat: 19.444.44 Dr






Accept ?
Yes ; No
VAT ConiDutation

Pa! tt<r;u!>n

Assessable Tax
Value AHiMtnt

B. Inpw
Excess input Creait Brought Forward
VA1 R<iliHnla1>teC<ittfeti l-oi ward tOiifei iuce between A B>
Learn the affect of Purchase and Sales returns transactions in the VAT Computation
and VAT Reports Screens.

oint Tally 7.2

Ledgers and VAT

131 I



Type .






--. 'flpff'*

;.':: r \.\\

------ f -

iliu.u:i |

lib- i i. --.f!i|,-.inv

i- iii

!- >.- !...'.!"

*ili " A- L"


mtation and

Computation of VAT after Purchase/Sales Returns

~ze following example is demonstrated assuming that you have gone through the VAT
^amputation section.

I 132
Straight to the Point Tally 7.2


|Wretassifit*m : input VAT f' 4". " Name

10.610.00 i


Show all VAT Classifications ? I^-A
Purchase Returns - Debit Note
Consider the following Purchase Returns entry:
Once this is done, the VAT Computation will show as shown on next page.
That is, in the Purchase section, Rs. 500 is reduced from the Assessable value and Rs.
20 is reduced from the Tax amount (while comparing with the VAT Computation before
Purchase Returns). Therefore the VAT payable is now Rs. 295.36
The VAT Computation Report will now show as follows: Sales Returns - Credit Note
Let us now take the example of a Sales Return.
The VAT Computation Report will now show as follows:
The Assessable Value under Sales has reduced from Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 23,500 and the
Tax Amount has reduced to Rs. 640.00. This will show in the Reports as follows:
Therefore the VAT Computation and Reports are updated automatically as you pass
the entries.

lint Tally 7.2

Ledgers and VAT

133 [

005 to 30-A(M-2005
'' Amount


Pwtys' Name

TIM Nft.



-^v& ?i *u??-~s t' . --"


Grand Total
: and Rs. 20 ition before



M the Tax )u pass the


f 134

Straight to the Point Tally ~ :

r-1 !.! is! it

.,!::. ('


f'-i i.'lii; ;: r- 'I!.1

''I P.H'.rf'It ii'Jti'-HVII'.? l-'iTrt'-t'ii A 4 f'l
No i
Partf^ AJt Warns : Ciedtoi-1
Turnover. Cut rent Balanc e
MTTTaxC/ass: Pmcftases ; 4%

Quantity Rate per


I Item 1

1fli 50.00


>oint Tally 7.2

_edgers and VAT


'l;.. >-. :

-- . ' - .-'-;i
'.,].' " .._.._
i" .-Illl!
. |i:|<

Mi J.I
__ 7 .,- i
ill-.!' i!lj tit
K1 Mi'"' -
;T " '

i-T i

!'-. i I ..(!

I-!., k

j/A.T P<w.ibt* iDiffaifH<. bax^inu A A Bt



I 136

Straight to the Point Tally 7:


.it-.:-. :.,

it- III!

'if Mr II.

i!-".'-I.. I- it- -
!"!. r.'".i'" :.

Plllil III li'

-i '-
! _--. '


tfthtr ' Pa

-tt :'" !

:-t..i I -iitj-ll! V ,,.


H. Ilii'lltTl-
> ::;:. ..**

'';.ill!l!<lt< I..!(

Grand Tot

Boint Tally 7.2



Ledgers and VAT


i-->005t,. JO-Api-2005

! ::.<'
'. "||. '.lilt



r 1 "II li'll

Von r~ D.
i, ;*l IIM




1. How would you create Ledger Masters for VAT?
2. What is VAT TIN No.?
3. How is Output VAT caluculated?
4. How are purchase and sales vouchers entered?
5. How would you print the invoice?
6. Describe the process of generating Journal entries.
7. How are Debit and Credit note prepared?
8. What is VAT Computation Report?

_StraighttothePn,w_ Ti[f .

Point Tally 7.2

More on VAT

Interstate Sales and Purchases

In earlier accounting methods, on all purchases, payment was made in the form of
Central Sales Tax (CST), but CST paid on purchase is neither set off against 'Output
VAT' on sales within the state nor against 'Output CST' on inter-state sales. Therefore,
the CST paid on purchase is treated as part of procurement costand thus, 'CST on
purchase' ledger should be placed either under 'Purchases' or 'Direct Expenses' group.
The inter-state purchase is reported in the monthly return and thus it appears in the
VAT computation.
However, in case of interstate sales, 'Input VAT' can be adjusted against 'Output CST'.
Therefore, 'Output CST' ledger need to be placed under 'Duties & Taxes' group and
classified as 'CST' for auto-computation.
Let us study this in details Interstate Purchase
To understand this we will take an example.
Assuming that on 20.4.2004, 20 Nos MSP 245 132 col DM Printers are purchased from
Interstate Suppliers @7500 plus CST @ 4%.
Now let us put this in Tally 7.2. Step 1: Create Ledgers

Inter-state Purchase


Used in VAT Returns


VAT/Tax Class
Inter-state Purchase

Percentage of Calculation

Method of Calculation

VAT/Tax Class
Type of Duty/Tax
I^put CST Duties & Taxes CST Not Applicable

Percentage of Calculation

Method of Calculation
On Total sales

-ne ledger creation of Input 'CST ledger' is shown on the next page.
Type the Ledger name select 'Duties & Taxes 'Group in under Select 'CST' for 'Type of
>Jty/Tax 'Select 'Not Applicable' in 'VAT/Tax Class' Type '4' (Four) in 'Percentage of
Calculation' In 'Method of calculation' select On Total Sales'.

I 140

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

More on VAT

K> Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.. 1988-2005

les 7.2-Release?
Fn. 13th May, 2005
Name , Input CST
: ??'. csntres are appltcabf 7 Ho
I . -r.T^r. Class
j --g-'tory vsfuBS are affected ? No
> ^:: -ate intsresi Csttcuiation 7 No
j - - - -tags of Caicuiatton <e0 6>if 4 . .:*vrtg Balsncs (an l-Apr-2C06J : ;.. ,
Wsihacf of CafcuJation :iA
Surcharge on Ta Tax based on lie
Step 2; Create Purchase Invoice
Voucher Entry F12: configure
Voucher type: Sales/Purchase
Use common Ledger A/c for Item Allocation
Allow selection of VAT/Tax Class during entry Yes
This is shown on the next page.
- Select 'Accounting Vouchers' from the Gateway of Tally.
- Press F9 for Purchase Invoice.
- Press F2 and type '20/04/2005' to change the date.

- Select Tnter-
A/c Name
- Select 'Int
'VAT/Tax C
- Select 'MS
Printers' in ]
- Type '20' in
rate and th<
In Accounting deta
- Select 'Inter-;
in Particulars
purchases' v
selected in VJ
- Press Enter T
- Select 'Input
The rate of 4% and automatically.
The completed Pure Reports
To view the VAT co From Gateway of Ti Press F12 and type ' Press F12 and set 'SI Make
the following c Show All VAT Classi
Now the computati< Applicable) heading i Assessable value and
Inter-state Sale
This can be shown w:
On 25.4.2005, 3 Nos ] 8800 plus CST (a 4':
The completed Purchase Invoice will be shown. Reports
To view the VAT computation, follow the steps:
From Gateway of Tally -> Display -> VAT Reports -> VAT Computation
Press F12 and type '1-4-2005' in From field and '30-4-2005' in To field.
Press F12 and set 'Show all VAT classifications' to Yes
Make the following change in the Configuration:
Show All VAT Classifications ? Yes
Now the computation will display the Inter-state Purchases under Other (VAT Not
Applicable) heading where the total purchases including 'Input CST' will appear under
Assessable value and Tax Amount column will be blank.
Inter-state Sales
This can be shown with the help of the following example:
On 25.4.2005, 3 Nos MSP 245 132 col DM printers are sold to Coimbatore Computers
@ JSOO plus CST @ 4%.
oint Tally 7.2
-::itmnal Duty
'jfchatge CP ~3 a* based on r.z


More on VAT
- Select 'Inter-state Supplier' in Party's
A/c Name
- Select 'Inter-state Purchases' in
'VAT/Tax Class
- Select 'MSP 245 132 cols DM
Printers' in Name of Item
- Type '20' in qty column, '7500' in
rate and the amount will appear
In Accounting details
- Select 'Inter-state purchases' ledger
in Particulars column and 'Inter-state
purchases' will be automatically
selected in VAT/Tax class.
- Press Enter Twice
- Select 'Input CST' from the list of
The rate of 4% and amount will appear automatically.

Confhjiire Invoices Delrveiy Notes Onteis
Accept Supplements Details ? Yes
(Acfdteaa Details, Despatch Details etc )
Use Co mm an Ledger Ate for Item Allocation ? No
Use Defaults for Bill Allocations ? Yes
Use Excise Format ? No
Use Addl. Descnption(s) for Item Name ? No Allow separate Buyer and Consignee
names ? Ho
* Options
? No ? No ? No
Sfrecifv Export Shipping deta'ls Specify Marks &. Nos./Contamer No. Specify No and
Kind of Fackages
Othei Options
Calculate Tax on current Sub-Total
? Ho
calculations are on inventory Total onfy)
ions mOrderfDely Note1? Yes Show turnover achieved with Customer ? N Allow
modification of ALL fields during entry ? Ho election ofVAT/Taoi Oliiss during entry
on Mismatch in VAT Rates ? Ho
Warn on Negative Stoc^ Balance ? Yes
Honor E^pirv Dates usage for Batches ? Yes

[ 142

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

tlore on VAT

To configure Tally 7.2 follow the steps: Ledger Creation

Type of Used in VAT/Tax Percentage Method of Duty/Tax VAT Return
Class of Calculation Calculation
Inter-state Sales
Inter-state Sales a/c Sale
Inter-state Sales
On Total Sales
Output Duties & Taxes CST
Step 2: Create Sales Invoice
Voucher Entry F12: Configure
Voucher Type: Sales/Purchase
Use Common Ledger A/c for Item Allocation No
Allow section of VAT/Tax Class during entry Yes
- Select 'Accounting Vouchers' from the Gateway of Tally.
- Press F8 for 'Sales' Invoice.
- Press F2 and type '25-04-2005' to change the date.
- Select 'Coimbatore Computers' in Party's A/c Name
- Select 'Inter-state Purchases' in VAT/Tax Class
- Select 'MSP 245 132 cols DM Printers' in Name of Item
- Type '3' (Three) in qty column, '8800' in rate and the amount will appear
automatically. #
In Accounting details
- Select 'Inter-state Sales' ledger in Particulars column and 'Inter-state Sales' will
automatically selected in VAT/Tax class.
- Press Enter Twice
- Select 'Output CST' from the list of ledgers.
The rate of 4% and amount will appear automatically.
In the VAT computation, the 'Inter-state Sales' appear under 'Output Tax'. The output
CST amount will appear in the VAT amount column. The net VAT payable will be
compute; upon deducting the Input VAT from Output VAT/CST.

'-" fblight Inter-! _-d CST amou

imports an
ji the age of GL s a regular fean ar Export, such t VAT return-
. z&: VAT law
~:r example:
V 15- April 20 xEC Peripherals,
SJfe. Item I
' Samsc
Create 'Purchaa
S Tallies 7.2

Point Tally 7.2

More on VAT
Highlight Inter-state Sales and press Enter to drill down to view details of Inter-state
Sales CST amount.
e Method of tion Calculation
On Total Sales

Imports and Exports

In the age of Globalisation, Import of goods from other countries or export to other
countries 5 a regular feature of the business world. Though VAT is not charged either
on Import nor mi Export, such transactions need to be properly accounted for and
details are reported in the VAT returns. Tally provides special VAT/Tax classifications for
Imports and Exports.
Under VAT laws, Imports are exempted from. VAT Levy For example:
On 25th April 2005, Bangalore Computers imports the following items from SPC
Computers and Peripherals, Australia

Item Description
LG Bed type scanners
' Samsung Digital Camera
Create 'Purchase - Imports' under Purchase Accounts
c: ..,... ..-

Qty Rate
20 12,500
15 18,500
H Not flpplicable
at will appear
s Sales' will be
he output CST 1 be computed

[?n. IJth May, 2005 ft" '

Dame Purchases -.,
i Z. ". Accounts
d In VAT Rcituin? ?
s" C lass
:ory values are affected '?
Interest Calculation ?

s -"19 - balance? bnl-bv-biil Cc-i rentrg^ are

Applicable nment/Branch Transfi

ate Purchases
;es@ 12 5% ies @ 4%
;e? - Capital Goods ( :ss - Capital Goods ( - E<?mpt -:es - From Unregiste es -


on VA1
=3 T2-Reies
t3'H fc3:5--
centre? a-
Straight to the Point Tally " 1
Purchase Invoice
Voucher Entry F12: Configure
Yes No
Voucher Type: Sales/Purchase Use Common Ledger A/c for Item Allocation Allow
section of VAT/Tax Class during entry Create Purchase Invoice
- Press 'V for Accounting Vouchers'
- Press F9 for 'Purchase Invoice'.
- Press F2 and change date to '25/04/2005'.
- Select 'SPC Computers & Peripherals' in Party's A/c Name.
- Select 'Purchase - Imports' in 'Purchase Ledger*.
- Select 'LG Bed Type Scanner' in Name of Item.
- Type '20' as Quantity and '12500' in Rate.
- Select 'Samsung Digital Camera' in Name of Item.
- Type '15' as Quantity and '18500' in Rate.
- Type 'Being goods Imported from Australia' in Narration.
- Press Ctrl + A to Accept.
With zero-rating of exports in VAT i.e, VAT on goods exported are zero yet credit is
allowed on input tax paid on raw materials or goods*purchased for imports. A special
class 'Exports' is available in Tally for classifying Export transactions. For example:
On 26th April 2005, Bangalore computers exports 25 Nos of PIV CPU Cabinets to M/s.
Lexmac Pty Ltd., of Newyork, USA @ Rs. 3,500 each.
The Cabinets were purchased from M/s Gajendra & Sons, Bangalore on 24.4.2005 at
the rate of Rs. 2,800/- per piece; VAT paid on purchases @ 4% which was allowed to
set-off in full after 3 months.
To correlate the Input tax paid on purchase of goods exported (later) and claim refund
after 3 months or on the date of approval, the following ledgers are required to be

Voucher Entry I Voucher Type: S Use Common L Allow section of Purchase Transac The
transaction i
int Tally 7.2

More on VAT

145 J

S.No. Ledger Name Group Duty/Tax Type VAT Class

1. Tax Paid on Exports Goods Duties & Taxes Others Nil
2. Input VAT on Export Goods Duties & Taxes VAT Input VAT @ 4%

(O Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd..19SS-2005

.63 7 2-Release 1
Fn. 13th May, 2005
me :TmF*th&
3,300.00 Di 30,000.00 Cr
(Currerit UsbMte Currency of Ldtfjjfw ~ - -'
biil-dy-biil Cost entres are appticatoie
are affected s!B Interest Calculation
entefgs of CalculaWon
lit is allowed ass 'Exports
lets to M i
.2005 atd ed tp set-o
refund ar.s created.

: .icher Entry F12: Configure ' :jcher Type: Sales/Purchase

5 Common Ledger A/c for Item Allocation Zow section of VAT/Tax Class during entry
_rchase Transaction
he transaction may be entered as listed below:

Yes Yes

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

*cre on VAT

.3 Tally leg 7,i

S.No. Entry Occasion
1. Purchase Entry On purchase of Goods meant for Exports
2. Journal Entry At the time of sanction of credit
(With Journal Adjustment Class) (within 3 months)
Create Purchase Invoice
- Press 'V for 'Accounting Vouchers'
- Press F9 for 'Purchase Invoice'.
- Press F2 and change date to '24/04/2005'.
- Select 'Gajendra & Sons' in Party's A/c Name.
- Select 'Purchase @ 4%' in 'Purchase Ledger'.
- Select 'Purchase @ 4%' in 'VAT/Tax Class'.
- Select 'PIV CPU Cabinet' in Name of Item.
- Type '25' as Quantity and '2800' in Rate.
- Select 'Tax paid on Exports Goods'
- Type '4' (four) in Rate
- Type 'Being PIV CPU Cabinets Purchased' in Narration.
- Press Enter to Accept.
Sales Invoice
Create sales ledgers for exports and categorize under appropriate 'Exports' class.
Create Sales Invoice
- Press 'V for 'Accounting Vouchers'
- Press F5 for 'Sales Invoice'.
- Press F2 and change date to '26/04/2005'.
- Select 'Lexmac Pty Ltd.' in Party's A/c Name.
- Select 'Sales - Exports' in 'Sales Ledger'.
- Select 'PIV CPU Cabinet' in Name of Item.
- Type '25' as Quantity and '3500' as Rate.
- Type 'Being PIV Cabinets exported' in Narration.
- Press Enter to Accept.

VAT Compu
Trie value of Im I-.hers (VAT N<
From Gateway Computation)
VAT Return
The Exports an. :: Form 100 of
From Gateway Forms)
Refund of li
3n approval by 5 months. Thei exports will ha^

*'. .
TnUy Solutions f>vf. Ltd.. 1988-200^

;ot Applicable

Balance {cm W'i'-.



/AT Computation
rite value of Imports as well as Exports for the particular period is displayed in the
heading Others (VAT Not Applicable) under 'Purchases' and 'Sales' sections.
^rom Gateway of Tally - Press 'D' (Display) - Press 'V (VAT Reports) - Press 'V (VAT
/AT Returns
Vlittnn ^.To 7

Straight to the Point Tally 7 I


Press "A name ::

The entry can be passed through Journal Voucher Class. Let's first create Journal
Voucher Class. Creation of Journal Voucher Class
From Gateway of Tally - Press 'A (Accounts Info) - Press 'V (Voucher Type) -(Alter) -
Select 'Journal' from List of Voucher Type - At Name of Class, enter Voucher class, e.g.,
VAT Adjustment Class'
* >-
;-s, .
< "'*.>*'* i. /
(L! If .Illy S.>|i|tii.ns fM. Llil.. IU8R-2UUS
<-' ' : l~e -;> : i
"J 1? "v
Fn. I
<<lllll.ll -J'HIIIMl
In the voucher Class sub-screen, 'Use v_iass ror VAT Adjustments' to yes. Press Ctrl +
A to accept and repeat the same to save the modifications in Voucher Type. Journal
Select Journal Voucher and then 'VAT Adjustment class'. Enter the transaction when
the refund is due crediting the tax paid on Exports Goods and debiting Input VAT on
export Goods Ledger to claim the refund.
- "Press 'V for Accounting Vouchers'
- Press F7 for 'Journal'
- Select th
- Press F2
- Select 'Ii
- Press em
- Type am
- Select T
- Type 'Be
7r^ reverse thi flacked for reft
-'.lier the VAT
- --organized
..: d. under E
ire has been
^rnx)rtance; for
Mandakki, Pap]
VAT charge as
Purchases of es ~:r example:
I- 25th April 2( -:m M/s. Sri (
: No. Item Dt
Treate Purchase ^ VAT/Tax ch
Voucher Entry j Voucher Type: Use Common I .Allow section o Create Purchase - Press

>int Tally 7.2

More on VAT

rpe) - Press 'A' enter name of

L ii" -;i. -
Press Ctrl + A
ction when the VAT on export

- Select the 'VAT Adjustment Class' from 'Class Table'

- Press F2 and change date to 28/07/2005
- Select 'Input VAT on Exports Goods' ledger
- Press enter the VAT/Tax class will automatically appear as Input VAT @ 4%
- Type amount as '2800' in Assessable Value'
- Select 'Tax paid on export goods' ledger for credit
- Type 'Being Input Tax credit on exports set-off in Narration
This reverse the effect on 'tax paid on Export Goods' ledger and Input Tax claim will be
stacked for refund.
Exempted Purchases and Sales
Under the VAT Act, about 46 commodities comprising natural and unprocessed
products in unorganized sectors and items which are legally barred from taxation
(e.g., Books) are placed under Exempted goods list. Besides the common list, from a
list of goods, each state has been authorized to choose a maximum of 10
commodities of local social importance; for example Karnataka has chosen Paddy,
Rice, Wheaj, Pulses, Seeds, Avalakki, Mandakki, Pappad, branded Bread and Bun.
Transactions for these items do not carry any VAT charge as per the VAT definitions.
Exempted Purchases
Purchases of exempted items may be accounted in the following way: For example:
On 25th April 2005, Bangalore Computers purchased the following books (exempted
goods) from M/s. Sri Ganesh Associates, Bangalore.
S.No. Item Description Qty Rate VAT Rate
1. Getting started with MS Office 350 200/-each Exempt
Create Purchase - Exempt ledger, under Purchase Accounts, selecting 'Purchases -
Exempt' as VAT/Tax class.
Voucher Entry F12: Configure
Voucher Type: Sales/Purchase
Use Common Ledger A/c for Item Allocation Yes
Allow section of VAT/Tax Class during entry Yes
Create Purchase Invoice
- Press 'V for 'Accounting Vouchers'

f 150

Straight to the Point Tally 12


at Tally Solutions F\f. I.M..

ies 7.2-Release t

' -.I

C Not Applicable
orts ice Purchases - Press - Press - Press
- -5- 1 ^ " I.1 5% - Select - Select
- 'Sales
- Select
- Type 1
- Type ;
- Press 1
VAT Comj
In VAT comp VAT not ap Computation.
From Gatewa; Computation)
A Press F12: Co
natically. | VAT Forms
Create S
In Statutory re No. 6 and pun
From Gateway Forms)

Name Purelv-
i. {aiiaz'i
{ Untie- Piiivlni1
C-u'rentrv of Ledger
Maintain fialanre? bil1-
Li^pd In VAT Returns D efa u It VAT/Tar 01 a ? r Inventory vsi'js; fre at Art-nTitf
inte-gst oalcu.'
Opening Ba^n-.t- ;
- Press F9 for 'Purchase Invoice'.
- Press F2 and change date to '25/04/2005'.
- Select 'Sri Ganesh Associates' in Party's A/c Name.
- Select 'Purchase - Exempt' in 'Purchase Ledger'.
* 'Purchase - Exempt' in VAT/Tax Class' will appear automatically.
- Select 'Getting Started with MS Office' in Name of Item.
- Type '350' as Quantity and '200' as Rate.
- Type 'Being Computer books purchased' in Narration.
- Press Enter to Accept.
Exempted Sales
Sales of exempt items may be accounted in the following way: For example,

oint Tally 7.2

More on VAT

1 % 5 2.5%
: coital Goads i : coital Goods i
tom Unregiste Others

On 27th April 2005, Bangalore Computers sold 'Getting Started with MS-Office' 80
copies @ Rs. 250/- each to M/s. Ganesh & Co., of Bangalore. The goods transacted are
exempt under VAT.
Create Sales - Exempt ledger, under Sales Accounts, select 'Sales - Exempt' as VAT/Tax
Create Sales Invoice
- Press 'V for 'Accounting Vouchers'
- Press F8 for 'Sales Invoice'.
- Press F2 and change date to '27/04/2005'.
- Select 'Ganesh & Co' in Party's A/c Name.
- Select 'Sales - Exempt' in Sales Ledger'.
- 'Sales - Exempt' in VAT/Tax Class' will appear automatically.
- Select 'Getting Started with MS Office' in 'Name of Item'.
- Type '80' as Quantity and '250' as Rate.
- Type 'Being computer books sold' in Narration.
- Press Enter to Accept. ^
VAT Computation
In VAT computation, the value of exempted Purchases and Sales will appear under
Other (VAT not applicable) column and will not form part of taxable turnover in VAT
From Gateway of Tally - Press 'D' (Display) - Press 'V (VAT Reports) - Press 'V (VAT
Press F12: Configuration and set 'Show All VAT Classifications' to 'Yes'
VAT Forms
In Statutory returns, the total exempt turnover for the specified period will fall under
Box No. 6 and purchases in Box No. 15 of the Statutory Form.
From Gateway of Tally - Press 'D' (Display) - Press 'V (VAT Reports) - Press 'A' (VAT

I 152


Straight to the Point Tally 71

1. What do you understand by Interstate Purchases?

2. How is Interstate Sales entered in Tally?
3. How are Imports and Exports affected in Tally?
4. How are Exmpted Purchases and Sales entered in Tally?
5. For each case compute the VAT.
6. How are VAT Forms created for each?

Doc u men
!" try regisre :: risecutiveiy fi_er and bi ir^rged for ts is Original'.
The Debit oi Invoice to w!
Tilly 7.2 sup To print the
- Press i
- Press 1

- Enter

oint Tally 7.2

VAT Documents and Reports

Every registered dealer shall issue a Tax Invoice when he sells. A Tax Invoice shall be
consecutively numbered and incorporate details like Date, Name, Address & TIN of the
Seller and buyer; full description of the goods, Quantity, Value; rate and amount of
charged for taxable goods and the total value of Invoice. The Buyer's copy should be
as 'Original'. #
The Debit or Credit Note will also have similar details and further the reference of Tax
Invoice to which it relates should also be mentioned.
Tally 7.2 supports generation of compliant Tax Invoice, Debit Note and Credit Note. To
print the document, on completing the voucher entry
- Press Alt +P
- Press F12 to get Invoice Printing Configuration
- Type 'Tax Invoice' in Title
- Enter Height, Width and space to leave on top for Normal Invoice
- Set 'Print in Simpler Format' to No.
- Set 'Print VAT Analysis of Items' to Yes
- Set 'Print Company's Tax Regn. Numbers' to Yes
- Set 'Print Buyer's Tax Reg. Number, to Yes
- Set 'Print Buyer's Tax Regn. Number' to Yes
- Set 'Print VAT % Column' to Yes
To print multiple copies, in the Voucher printing screen press Alt+C and in the number
of copies prompt, enter copies to be printed, e.g.,2. This will mark the first copy as
As per VAT Act, every registered dealer is required to maintain proper Books of
Accounts and records for all sale, purchase and production. And also VAT account-
containing details of Input and Output tax.
The VAT system is based on self-assessment and transparency at every stage of
transaction. Hence, accurate documentation and record keeping is of critical

[ 154
Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

VAT Document

In Tally 7.2, you can print state specific statutory returns.

VAT Control Ledger
For the purpose of calculating net tax liability under VAT for the specified period, it is
important to create a VAT control ledger in the manner given below:
Create 'VAT Payable' a VAT Control Ledger, under Duties and Taxes group and assign
Tax/ Duty type as 'Others'.

I <cs Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.. 1988-2005

; ies 7.2- Release 1
Sat. 1#h May, 2005

Group Sun
Group summai and ledgers fal
Duties & T
From Gatewa) (Group Summ.
'> T ill', v-hlflollS PVt

iSam {alias}
3,300.00 Di 30.000.00 Ci
: Duties & (Current UabllttteeJ
-Currency of Ledger Type of Dut/Tax
Maintain balances tailf-by-bill 9 Mo Cost centres are applicable "? f*o



Inventory values are affected 9 Ho Activate tntsrvst Calculation ? t*r>

pf Calculation {mg 5>?
& fcefawerf Det>iia

At the end of every month, pass a journal entry to offset Output VAT against Input VAT
and transfer the excess/short to the 'VAT Payable' ledger, in order to arrive at the net
tax liability for the month. Though in case of Inter-state purchases, the Input Tax paid
on Interstate purchases is not allowed to set-off against the Output VAT on local or
Inter-state sales but 'Input VAT' paid on local purchases can be adjusted against 'Out
CST' (tax due on account of Inter-state sales). In the course of offsetting, the excess of
Input tax credit will be carried forward to the successive month (i.e., brought forward
as opening balance in the next month's VAT Computation report) and if vice versa, will
be payable for the period.

Press F12 and i

In this case, Di charged on sale tax paid on exj
As explained es control ledger ' tax liability for
The Group Sui annually or for

Point Tally 7.2

VAT Documents and Reports

155 I
fled period, it is ' and assign Tax/

Group Summary
Group summary gives ledger wise break-wise. Displays the closing balances of all sub-
group and ledgers falling under the selected group.
Duties & Taxes
From Gateway of Tally - Press 'D' (Display) - Press lA' (Accounts Books) - Press 'G'
(Group Summary) - Select 'Duties & Taxes'.

, if.- T.illv -^-lirtl-.ll-s.!..

-i Mi, .':

illHll.l II- f| 'SI

II tli ui.ii -.

;ainst Input VAT ve at the net tax ax paid on Inter-r Inter-state sales ST' (tax due on it
tax credit will Lg balance in the for the period.

-ress F12 and type 'Yes' to show Opening balance, transactions, closing balance to
~-z this case, Duties & Taxes group summarizes the various taxes paid on purchases
and rharged on sales within the state. It also shows the tax payable on Inter-state
sales and the :ix paid on export goods available for future credit in the subsequent
As explained earlier, all the payable amounts in VAT tax ledgers are transferred to a
single :ontrol ledger 'VAT payable' account. This ledger shows credit balance denoting
the next :ax liability for the given period.
The Group Summaries can also be generated for any period, say monthly, quarterly or
irmually or for any specified period for that matter.

I 156
Straight to the Point Tal

<HC Documents <

Monthly columnar group summaries can also be generated for comparison and to the
correctness of the entries. Its comprehensive display facilities timely payment dues
the helps tax planning.
Sales Account
From Gateway of Tally - Press 'D' (Display) - Press 'A' (Accounts Books) - Press C
(Group Summary) - Select 'Sales Accounts' to get the ledger wise break-up.

---chase A<

<"" 7 . - >--,z

Sales Acco flBCL

__ for1-Apr-200S
Opening Balance I Closing BalancT"
- Debit [ credit Debit | credit

-} E-tea f Bcpst

The Group summary of Sales Accounts summarizes the total turnover under its
sub-groups or ledgers during the specified period. It is an extract of all sales ledgers ?

their proceeds mentioned alongside. It generally gives details on the following:

(i) Sales Ledgers (Separate ledgers for different rates)
(ii) Exempt Sales Ledgers
(iii) Sales - Export Ledgers
(iv) Interstate Sales Ledgers
(v) Branch Transfer ouVOutward Consignment Ledgers

- vendors i gives del

Purchase 1A
Purchase -P urchase fin Interstate pi Branch Trai
rxrlained eaii
-r_:e etc.. Da
:n the ere
ses. The p

t to the Point Tally 7.2

jmparison and to check ; timely payment of tax

157 [
Documents and Reports
Purchase Account
rrzim Gateway of Tally - Press 'D' (Display) - Press 'A' (Accounts Books) - Press 'G' I-
roup Summary) - Select 'Purchase Accounts' to get the ledger wise break-up.

nts Books) - Press 'G' break-up.

c Ta*. ^^liltinnvP^t. MiL. I1 "

- Single User
St. No.: 742068243

IESTS' on ifi
C...... ABCL i '-for1-Apr-2005
Ofwuiiiy :-
Debit Credit Debit Ciecit !

.: .edit s..* ri~i-B'i.-.j 1
" - Penod 1
Company 1
' i Group M :'
?"? 1
fjam Column I
*Vter Cojurr
Other ^.i:
-P * >

T under its differer" D sales ledgers wi >llowing:

ze Group summary of Purchase Accounts summarizes all purchase transac~~^ rrom

ir.ous vendors or suppliers entered through purchase vouchers for the specified
period. It dually gives details on the following ledgers:
Purchase Ledgers (Separate for different VAT rates) Purchase - Exempt - Purchase
from unregistered dealers Interstate purchases Branch Transfer In/Inward
Consignment Ledgers
-_: explained earlier, configure the report to show the opening balance, transactions,
closing ilance etc., Data on value of purchase returns is shown against he respective
riger in the credit column, which is very essential to calculate the absolute figures on
urchases. The percentage share of each purchase type (depending upon VAT rate) to
:ss purchases can also be elucidated.

Straight to the Point Tally 12

Sales Register
From Gateway of Tally - Press 'D' (Display) - Press 'A (Accounts Books) - Press 'S' (Sales
Register) to get monthly break-up of sales.

, for 1-Apr-2005
I 158
_. ' J F."'fc,-i- '
Closing Balance

HAT Document!
Extract Sa
-..-.; list of S K of ledgers : mch ledgers fr
rach ledger du:
Ibe total turna *> explore the i
y\T group sxa
;;nons don
Chart of Ac
: _:;es & Texe:

II--.- !- .l.lii


Columnar Sales Register

In the list of Sales Voucher, press F5 and press Ctrl + A to get Column and Sales
Register which reveal complete deal of information on sales turnover achieved during
the specified period. It displays detail reading, date of transaction, nature of sales
(whether it is exemp: stock transfer, Interstate or exports), customer or party to whom
the goods were sole Voucher number, Voucher reference and even the inventory
details are obtainable. It gives entire data, on sales made during the month or period
under different VAT tax rates. In shor, it shows a complete picture on the sales
proceeds achieved under different ledgers during the period. This summation reports
is self-explanatory and regulates occurrences of errors
This statement proves advantageous for sales and output VAT reconciliation due ::
convenience in printing various Sales and VAT ledgers in different columns.
To re-define the columns, press F5 and select the required parameters of reports
ledgers c: group to be shown in individual or common column.

jint Tally 7.2

Press 'S' (Sales
Wi_3. F3'I
rfler Column
Other Rep
d Sales Register, ing the specified her it is exempt, oods were sold, tainable. It gives ix
rates. In short, it ledgers during rences of errors.
ciliation due to is.
eports ledgers or


AT Documents and Reports
Extract Sales
lz the list of Sales Voucher, press F6 to get Extract Sales that provides information on
the r. of ledgers that are used or involved in invoicing on sales entry. It displays the
origin of -_:h ledgers from their parent groups/sub-groups. It also denotes the total
proceeds form -.ij-i ledger during the specified period. The total of this report shows
7~-e total turnover achieved in the current period. In case of sub-groups press Shift +
Enter :: explore the next level details.
Reorganizing VAT Group
We have reorganized the ledgers under Duties c Taxes group into VAT group, to
present die VAT scenario in a comprehensive way. The restructuring of ledgers into
VAT group helps in better understanding and precise reports.
VAT group summarizes all the VAT Tax ledgers segregated on the basis of VAT class
allocations done at the onset i.e., ledger creation and voucher entry. This summary
gives *-reak-up details of all purchase and sales transactions under different VAT tax
ledgers. It ;omments on the net tax liability, tad paid and the tax already paid
available for future rredit in the specified period.
Chart of Accounts
IHities & Texes
- Input VAT
Input VAT @ 12.5%
Input VAT @ 4%
Input VAT on Capital Goods
Input VAT on Export Goods
Input VAT on Op.Stock @ 12,5%
Input VAT on Op.Stock @ 4%
Output VAT
Output VAT @ 12.5%
Output VAT @ 4%
Output VAT CST
VAT payable
Tax paid on others
Tax paid on Capital Goods
Tax paid on Export Goods
- Tax paid on Op.Stock

I 160

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

A" Documents a

"H= F'-T Itt

(i) VAT Payable
1) Input VAT Group: This group contains all input VAT Tax ledgers. It gives details
on Input VAT paid on purchases at different rates depending upon this category
/ Class under VAT definitions viz.,
a) Input VAT 2 12.5% paid on purchases taxable at the general rate of 12.5%
b) Input VAT @ 4% paid on purchases taxable at the rate of 4%
c) Monthly claim of Input VAT credit allowed on purchase of Capital Goods.
(Spread over 36 months)
d) Monthly installment of Input VAT credit permitted on purchase of goods
meant for Exports (after 3 months from the date of purchase)
e) Credit allowed on tax suffered stocks at the beginning of the year (extent
of relief as ascertained by the Ascending Officer)
2) Output VAT Group: This group contains all Output VAT Tax Ledgers charged. It
gives details on Output VAT on sales at different rates depending upon then-
Category / Class under VAT Laws viz.,
a) Output VAT 2 12.5% paid on sales taxable at the general rate of 12.5%
b) Output VAT @ 4% paid on sales taxable at the rate of 4%
c) Output CST collected on Interstate sales.
3) Tax paid on others: This group contains all ledgers, for Input VAT time available
for future credit. This sub-group points out the following ledgers:
a) Tax paid on Capital Goods at the time of purchase of such assets.
b) Tax paid on Export Goods at the time of purchase of such goods.
c) Tax suffered by the Stock left unsold in the beginning of the year for which
relief granted by Assessmebt officer.
VAT Payble ledger: This ledger specifies the' next tax liability of the company for the
given period. The credit balance of this ledger shows the amount of tax due.
VAT Computation
From Gateway of Tally - Press 'D' (Display) - Press 'V (VAT Reports) - Press 'V (VAT
Computation) to get summary on VAT calculation.
VAT Computation report displays various types of Input VAT Tax and Out VAT Tax
ledgers employed and transacted during voucher entry. It gives a clear-cut
presentation on how VAT is computed for the given period.
Basically, there are two categories of tax ledgers, one that are used in sales vouchers

ers. which a : _rchases so, al m. sales will be will fall UB

Tiis report pro Ary excess of < jnv any shortfi
Statutory ^
--_T report pro* all voud
To Print, 1 3v drilling dorc Tims VAT coin
from Gateway forms) to view

DintTally 7.2

AT Documents and Reports


Pi)lfl< Ml.11
Ir gives details m this category
1 rate of 12.5%
Capital Goods.
chase of goods .se)
he year (extent
Igers charged. It ling upon their
ate of 12.5%


> !,.".
fiifi I
- I

T time available
h assets, l goods. : year for which
ny for the given
Press 'V (VAT
VAT Tax ledgers on on how VAT
es vouchers and

rthers, which are used in purchase vouchers. As explained earlier, Input tax is paid on
Purchases so, all the ledgers of this nature are categorized under input tax and tax
ledgers ?n sales will be classified under Output tax. Similarly, Exempt or zero - rated
of either :ype will fall under relevant groups under 'Others'
This report precisely reveals the system of offsetting input tax credit against output
tax. Any excess of credit available is brought forward in the next month's report. In
the same vay any shortfall is also reported.
Statutory VAT Returns
The report provides drill down facility for each item that displays relevant at
classification listing all vouchers under the classification.
To Print, Press Alt + P.
By drilling down any voucher listing, you get the voucher in alteration mode. Thus VAT
computations provide a bird's eye view of all transaction related to VAT.
From Gateway of Tally - Press 'D' (Display) - Press 'V (VAT Reports) - Press 'V (VAT
Forms) to view statutory returns for the state

j 162

Straight to the Point Tally " 1

-" : jcuments.

In Tally 7.2 you can generate and print state specific monthly, quarterly or annual V
Returns. Under Karnataka VAT laws, Form No. 100 is the statutory form used for
monthly returns by a registered dealer.
Under Form No. 100 the different columns indicate turnover at different rates and the
tz applicable to them as per VAT definitions. Contents of each column are briefed as
Box No. Contents
1. Taxable turnover @ 4%
2. Taxable turnover at the general rate of 12.5%
3. Turnover related to other rates like 1%
4. Turnover on Interstate Sales
5. Turnover on Consignment/Stock transfers out
6. Turnover on Exempt sales
7. Turnover on Exports
8. Total turnover (Total of Box Nos. 1 to 7)
9. Purchases from Un-Registered Dealers
10. Total Purchases @ 4 %
11. Total Purchases @ standard rate of 12.5 %
12. Total Purchases @ other rates of tax i.e, 1 %
13. Total Value of Imported goods and Interstate purchases
14. Good received by Stock transfer / Consignment transfer
15. Value of other purchases viz., Exempt or zero rated
16. Total value of Purchases (Total of Box Nos 10 to 15)
17. Net value of Purchase of Capital Goods
18. Output tax collected @ 4% (on Box No. 1)
19. Output tax collected @ 12.5% (on Box No. 2)
20. Output tax collected @ 1% (on Box No. 3)
21. Output CST collected on Interstate Sales (Box No. 4)
22. Total Output tax collected on the taxable turnover (Box No. 18 to 21)
23. Tax paid on Purchases from Unregistered Dealers (On Box No. 9)
24. Input Tax paid @ 4% (On Box. No. 10)
25. Input Tax paid @ 12.5% (On Box. No. 11)

ft.. Input'
Total "
!i Total
3f Allow
Dedu. (exdu
1 Value
of V/
-- Value
: Net 1
Inventory 1
~ie VAT Ac: : ::nnodit>- sol ^counting of i icportant ones
Stock Item
~ni report dis
7 ~ Gateway - - Select
:i_i-ce for th<
~ iew transa
: "Jie month
: _ntraarized n
i. Stock T
Display column
From C T (S:o

I 164
Straight to the Point Tally " l
(C) TaHvsokmons Pvi. Ltd., 1988-2805
its 7 2 -
Ut 1h M?y 2005

Particulars Oisnge Juice ABCL


lilW.ll (Is
Quantity Value Qutwaids
Quantity Value Closing Balance
Quantity Value
I l,Mpn,l>>T g^tarrrp uoooo

June July August September October November December 1,50n 00 f*

1,500 00 cv iho>=*
1,500 00
1,5(10 00
1,500 00 N<wColw^
1,500.00'/*r Cote
J more... D fiu" Co""!
61 a n (1 T o t .11 1.500.00!
10 | PS: Other R
Q I Pi Inv Re;
1 J> Apr M.iy Jun Jill Alig Sep Oct Nov
Dec J.m Fell Mar FSSUTM
2. Transfer Analysis:
Displays item-wise break-up of Goods in and Goods Out transactions entered in Stock
Journal or Manufacturing Journal vouchers.
From Gateway of Tally - Press 'D' (Display) - Press T (Inventory Books) - Press 'M'
(Movement Analysis) - Press 'T' (Transfer Analysis) - Select the voucher type and press
Enter to list all summary 0 all transactions entered through the selected voucher.
Type/ Qae&ttcn^y
1. Which are the VAT documents?
2. Which reports have to filed for VAT?
3. How is sales register computed?
4. Describe the various groups of VAT.
5. Which are the Statutory VAT Returns?
6. How does VAT figure in Inventory Reports?

Tally 7.2
Introduction to TDS

-ed in Siock
:u:zer true

Tax deducted at source is one of the modes of "collecting income tax from the
taxpayers. Such collection of tax is affected at the source when income arises or
accrues. Hence where any specified type of income arises or accrues to any one, the
Income Tax Act enjoins the prayer of such income to deduct a stipulated percentage of
such income by way of income tax and pay only the balance amount to the receiver of
such income.
The tax so deducted at source by the payer has to be deposited in the Government
treasury to the credit of central government within the specified time. The tax so
deducted from the income of the receiver is deemed the payment of Income tax by
the receiver at the time of his assessment. Income from several sources is subjected
to tax deduction at source.
Presently this concept of TDS is also used as n instrument in enlarging the tax base.
Some of such incomes subjected to TDS are salary, interest, dividend* interest on
securities, winnings from lottery, horse races, commission and brokerage, rent, fees
for processionals and technical services, payments tonon-residents etc.
The deductor files the TDS returns containing the details of the deductee and the
bank, where the TDS amount is deposited to the Income Tax Department (ITD). The
deductor also provides Form 16A to the deductee.
The Income Tax Department has prescribe the formats for filling these returns
electronically, aiuch the deductor has to submit on a CD /floppy. Filling of e-TDS is a
must for companies and not for others; however, they can also optionally file the
returns electronically.
For additional details, visit the Income Tax Website at
As is the motto of tally, Power of Simplicity, handling TDS related information is easy
and with complete flexibility to handle almost all types of TDS related issues.
Features of TDS in Tally ies 7.2
"Tie TDS functionality in Tally ies 7.2 supports the following features:
- Simple and User-friendly
- Quick and Easy to set up and use
- Partial/full payment of Tax deducted
- Auto and Manual calculation of TDS amount
- Generates TDS Challan and Exception reports


I 166

Straight to the Point Tally 71

- Complete tracking of each transaction from deduction to payment

- Challan management and printing ensures prompt and accurate filing of Tax
- The Auto allocation feature prevents error-prone data entry and helps to track
transactions faster
Flowcharts of TPS
A seller (deductee) provides services to the buyer (Deductor). The buyer deducts the
amour towards TDS prior to the services or the bills received. The buyer Form No. 16A
to itt deductee and deposits the deducted amount to the Authorized Bank (Treasury).
The buye-flies annual returns electronically to the Income Tax department.

-9 e-T

Files Annual/Half
Yearly Returns
electronically in Form
26 and Form 27A
Seller (Deductee)
Buyer (Deductor) Form 16A

Buyer deducts TDS and deposit to the Authorised Bank (Treasury)

Bank (Treasury)

Income Tax Department (ITD)

Who is Required to File e-TPS Return?

The Income Tax Department has made it mandatory for all Corporate Companies like
private limited and public limited to file their DS returns in electronic media (i.e. - TDS
returns). However, the Non-Corporates like individuals, proprietary firms and
partnership firms can furnish their returns in physical form to their respective Income
Tax Offices. They can also furnish their returns in electronic form through TIN
facilitation centers established by NSDL. Filling of e-TDS return to Non-Corporate
deductors is optional.

I Coxnni

Point Tally 7.2

ing of Tax
lelps to track the
iucts the amount
No. 16A to the
sury). The buyer
Dmpanies like ia (i.e. - TDS id partnership Offices. They rrs established

167 I
Introduction to TDS
Filling e-TDS Returns
The Buyer (Deductors) has to furnish the TDS returns in electronic form and Form 27A
in physical from along with the e-TDS return CD?fioppy.
Form 27A must be furnished separately for each return (Form 24, 26 or 27).
NSDL has developed a utility called File Validation Utility (FVU) to verify whether the e-
TDS return file prepared by the Buyer (deductors) conforms to the prescribed format.
TDS Accounts
Accounts Classification for TDS
Income Tax Department has specified income arising or accruing from the below
mentioned ~ ?es as deductible by the payee.
Nature of Payments
1. Commission on Brokerage.
2. Commission on Sale of Lottery Tickets.
3. Fees for Professional or Technical Services.
4. Income From Foreign Currency Bonds or Shares of i
5. Income in Respect of Units of Non-Residents.
6. Income of Foreign Institutional Investors From.
7. Income Payable to A Resident Assessee in Respect
8. Insurance Commission.
9. Interest on securities.

10. Interest Other Than Interest on Securities.

11. Other sums payable to A Non-Resident.
12. Payment of Compensation on Acquisition.
13. Payments in Respect of Deposits Under NSS>
14. Payments in Respects of Units to an Offshore Fund.
15. Payments on Account of Re-Purchase of Units by....
16. Payments to Contractors (Other Than Advertisement)
17. Payments to Non-Resident Sportsmen/Sports Association.
IS. Payment to Contractors. (Advertisement Contractors)
1?. Payment to Sub-Contractors. :.". Rent.

I 168

Straight to the Point

, mrnsh.
.ient '
21. Winning From Horse Race.
22. Winning From Lotteries and Crossword Puzzles
For the above-mentioned payments a separate 'TDS ledger expense masters' ~
For the statutory masters, the following details are preset as per Income Tax Laws
- Section Number
- Payment Code
From Gateway of Tally - Press 'D' (Display) - Press 'IT (Statutory Masters) - F: (TDS
Nature of Pymts) - Select any of the 'TDS Nature of Payment' from the TDS Nature of
Payment' (e.g. Commission on Brokerage).
In addition, for each of the deductee type, following details are also preset.
- Date of Applicability
- Exemption Limit
- Rate of Tax
Type of Deductees
The above-mentioned TDS has to be deducted from the deductee. The various ty
deductees are as^follows:
1. Association of Persons
2. Body of Individuals
3. Company - Non Resident
4. Company - Resident
5. Co-operative Society
6. Individual / HUF - Non Resident
7. Individual / HUF - Resident
8. Local Authority
9. Partnership Firm
For the deductee type the following details are preset as per Income Tax Laws.
- Residential Status:
- Deductee Status
- Periodic details
- Applicable from

tD J
in die
'BBS on Tally
ding s:
1i Enable
- ~e Compaj
- Specify i
Step 1; Crc
_ :an see th 5:ep 2: Pre
- Set 'Enai
- Set 'Set/
TJO can see th

* Point Tally 7.2 introduction to TDS

masters' must be
Surcharge Exempt Limit Surcharge Percentage - Addl Surcharge (Cess) percentage
Tax Laws.
TDS Transactions


Purchase Voucher

asters) - Press 'S1 from the 'List of

jfarchase voucher can be used to book the expenses. However, the TDS should not be
Ariucted at this point.
Journal Voucher


ial voucher is used to deduct the TDS applicable on the expenses incurred. Journal
cher can also be used to book the expenses. The TDS so deducted is payable to the
lent Treasury.
lent Voucher

: various types

at voucher can be used to make advance payments to the parties towards expenses.
1 deduction of TDS is possible at this point. Payment voucher has to be used for
its to the Government Treasury. The challan is generated with the help of the details
in the payment voucher. 0
on Tally
^figuring Tally for TDS


Tally ies 7.2 you can calculate the tax amount that is payable to the government ry
while entering the transaction. You can also view various TDS reports, Challans & iding
statements when required.
Enable TDS in Tally
re Company Creation Screen
- Specify the State, Pin code & PAN Number (Income Tax Number) along with other
1: Create / Alter Screens
. can see this on the next page. 2: Press F11 Feature
- Set 'Enable TDS' to Yes.
- Set 'Set/Modify other Company Features' to yes.
i see this setting on the next page.

Straight to the Point Tally 12

I 170
It) r.lily S.lllti..lis FM. LM.. IW8-200* ie= 7 2-
Mo.-. Ssrd Ma.. -UU5
i <ct T.illy Solutions Pvt. Ltd.. 1988-2005
? ies 7.2- Release 1
' Mon. 23rd May, 2005

Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir - Jharkhand Kamataka _ Kerala

Lakshadweep Madhya Ptadesh 9ho*Amoi, Maharashtra Manipur

:-,:; oa-ctio
In Advano
- Set*
Step 3: '
Tax Ass
The Tax A deductors I of dc
TAN must
- Chal
- Payn
- Reta
- All C
- Fora
- A11I
- Allc
The formal

- MU1
- Rim
- 0045<
- B is 1
Income '
The Incomi

Tax ,^5


Deck Nat1' Des

int Tally 7.2

Introduction to TDS


In Advanced Company Operation Screen

- Set 'Enter TDS Deductor Details' to Yes.
Step 3: TDS Deduction Details
Tax Assessment Number
The Tax Assessment Number (TAN) is a ten-digit alphanumeric number, issued to the
deductors by the Income Tax Department (ITD). Only one TAN is required for different
types of deductions.
TAN must be quoted properly on
- Challans
- Payment for TDS
- Returns
- All Certificates
- Form N0.I6/I6A
- All Returns
- All corresponding documents given to Income-tax Department.
The format of the 10 digit TAN is something like this MUMR00*456B

- MUM indicates the location code of the TAN allotment center (e.g., MUM for
- R indicates the first alphabet of the deductor name
- 00456 is the number within each location
- B is the check digit for security and verification
Income Tax Circle/Ward (TDS)
The Income Tax Department issues Income Tax Circle/Ward (TDS).
Com|Mny TDS Deductoi Details

es es

Tax Assessment Number

income Ta;: CircieWard (TDS)
Deductor Type
"Jame of person responsible

Mi. AmiMMi B-iclicli-ii<

I 172

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Deductor Type
Select the Deductor Type (Company or Non-Company) depending on whether your
organization is a Company or a Non-Company.
Name of the Person Responsible
Enter the name of the authorized person responsible to file the TDS returns of your
Enter the designation of the authorized person filing the TDS returns.
Creation of Masters
Masters that must be created on Tally for TDS are of three types
- Expense Ledgers
Professional Fees
- Rent A/c
Insurance Commission /
Contractor Fee
- TDS Tax Ledgers
- TDS on Rent
Contractor Fees
Professional Fess etc
- Party Ledgers classified in different deductee types.
Check whether following features from Fll Company Operations Screen are enabled, if
not enable them.
- Press Fll Feature and set 'Enable TDS?', 'Maintain Bill-wise details' to Yes
- F12 Configuration set 'Allow ADVANCED entries in Masters' , 'Use CONTACT
DETAILS for Ledger Accounts' to Yes
TDS Expense Ledgers
Expense ledgers must be created for each of the expense account separately. Create
the following expense ledger accounts under 'Indirect Expenses Group'
- Rent A/c

C'M -
Aetna* 'rtta

- Tally 7.2

Introduction to TDS


sther your
us of your

- Professional fees A/c

- Interest Paid A/c
TDS Tax Ledgers
The Tax ledger have to be created under the group Duties and Taxes. The group
'Duties and Taxes' is automatically used for calculation of tax. This Ledger holds the
entire automatic calculation for TDS tax deductors at the voucher entry level. It is
internally enabled to calculate the Tax.
The option to specify the Tax Type is availabfe only for ledgers under the group 'Duties
and Taxes'.
The Tax ledger master screen can be reached by following the menu path: Gateway of
Tally > Accounts Info > Ledgers > Create Enter the following information on the
Enter the name of the Tax Ledger

TaHySilver - Single User H*

SI. No.; 742068243 \ Web BfMser
', ?? Company
> .. --
Jj^bh Twits
: F11: Fsaores

enabled, if

I (c) Tally Solutions Pvr. Ltd, 1988-2005

1 tesr.2-Release 1
tCS wTeohnfcal Strvfcss
ftuMes 4 Toxes
|Mon,23r<(Msy, !805

Of P Ignom TO$

Commission on Brokerage ' Commission on Sate of Lstte

'*,"? income From Foreign Currency Bonds Or Shares of.,. ""'';; Income in Respect of
Units of Non-Residents
Income of Foreign institutional investors From ... ... income Payable to A Resident
Assesses in Respect..
- Insurance Commission j.. J Merest on Securities r:--iCr* Mwesf Other Than Interest
on Securities UJ^WSwS* Othef Sums Payabfes to A Non-Residertf i-iS"*^--J"*j Payment
of Compensation on Acquisition
-' Payments in Respect of Deposits Under NSS Vv Payments in Respect of Units to an
Offshore Fund *"?;", Payments on Account of Re-Purehsse of Units by ... Payments to
Contractors (Other Than Advertisement) ',?_. - : Payments to Non-Resident
Sportsmen/Sports Assoc . , Payment to Contractors tAoVertisement Contractors) "
Payment to Sub-Corrtractors
Rent SW3ShRS-:' Winnings From Horse Race
Winnings From Lotteries and Crossword Puzztes

I 174 Straight to the Point Tally 72 rnima

Under -
Select the group as Duties and Taxes from the list. On the selection of group Duties
ace "*z~""
Taxes, you will get the option to select type of Duty/Tax. ~ -c
Type of Duty/Tax
Select TDS tax type from the list ^*
Nature of Payment ~ "'
Select the appropriate TDS Nature of Payment as statutorily applicable, given/.desired
the Govt. e.g. Fees for Professional Or Technical Services. By default, Tally provides
you Select'
with a List of TDS Nature of Payment. You need to select the appropriate TDS Nature
of Tvpc "
Payment from the list.
Press C
Ignore TDS Exemption Limit __ _
Press z
If the total transaction limit exceeds the actual limit you need to set the Ignore TDS
Exemption Limit field to Yes then the tax is not calculated up to exemption. ~5 Deoi
Since TDS 1
Voucher Entry for TDS snassed to
TDS affects expenses entered in books of accounts. The expenses can be booked
through oun
either a Journal Voucher or a Purchase Voucher. In some cases, Advance Payments are
before a Journal or a Purchase voucher is passed, and hance TDS needs to be
deducted at
the time of advance payment itself. Press ^
Further, over and above the TDS to be deducted, there is Surcharge & Cess that are
Press 'I
applicable, of which for sucharge there are separate exemption limits based on the
deductee p^ , ,
type & nature of payment. During computation of TDS, the exemptions can eb
or can be taken into consideration on case-to-case basis. - Press E
Tally also allows you to start deducting TDS only when the exemption limit is crossed.
All these scenarios can be handled in Tally to take care of tax to be deducted at
source. - Select '1
Journal Voucher ^ TDS Deta
Booking of Expense
- The 'To
For example, on 12.10.2004, Mega Consulting submitted bill for Rs.22,500.00 towards
professional services rendered by them towards marketing survey. I '
Select ]
Create Journal Voucher - Particulars
Press 'V for' Accounting Vouchers'. " The A
Press 'F7' for Journal Voucher'. | Select
Press F2 and change date to '12/10/2004'. f Press El

Introduction to TDS


In Particular
Select 'Professional Fees A/ c' as Dr.
Type '22,500' as Amount.
Select 'Mega Consulting' as Cr.
Type '22,500' as Amount. In Bill-wise Details
Select 'New Ref in 'Type of Ref.
Select 'TDS on Professional Fees' from 'List of TDS Ledgers' in 'TDS Ledger' field.
Type '22,500' as Amount.
Press Ctrl + A to Accept.
Press Enter to Accept. TDS Deduction Voucher
Since TDS has to be deducted on the same day the credit was booked, a Journal
voucher -i passed to account for the same. Tally allows automatic TDS computation.
Create Journal Voucher
Create Journal Voucher. *
Press 'V for' Accounting Vouchers'.
Press 'F7' for Journal Voucher'.
Press' Alt+S' for 'TDS Deduction'.
Press F2 and change date to '12/10/2004'. ~JZ Particular
Select 'Mega Consulting' as Dr. 1- TDS Details for
Select 'TDS on Professional Fees' in TDS Ledger.
The 'Total Amount Paid/Payable' will appear automatically.
Select '1 12-Oct-2004 22,500.00Cr TDS on Professional Fees' in TDS field. : Particulars
* The Amount'1,176' will appear automatically.
* Select 'TDS on Professional Fees' as Cr.
Press Enter to Accept.

I 176

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Payment Against Bills Pending

For example, on 30.10.2004 payments was made to Mega Consulting in full. The entry
does not attract any TDS implication; hence this is a normal payment entry.
Press F12: Configuration and set 'Use Single Entry mode for Pymt/Rcpt/Contra' to No.
Create Payment Voucher
Press 'V for' Accounting Vouchers'.
Press F5 for 'Payment Voucher',
Press F2 and change date to '30/10/2004'. In Particulars
Select 'Mega Consulting' as Dr,
Type '21324' as Amount. In Bill-wise Details
Select 'Agst Ref in 'Type of Ref.
Select '1 12-Oct-2004 21,324.00Cr' from 'List of Pending Bills' in 'Name'.
Type '21324' as* Amount.
Press Ctrl+A to Accept. In Particulars
Select 'HDFC Bank' as Cr.
Press Enter to Acept.
TDS Payment to Govt. Treasury
TDS deducted in any month should be deposited to the government latest by 7th of
nex: month. So on 5th November 2004, for TDS deducted in October 2004, a cheque
is issued for Rs. 1176.00 towards TDS. on Professional Fees.
Along with the cheque, a challan mentioning the computation needs to be submitted
tc the treasury, Tally prints the challan based on the inputs provided while entering
the TDS payment.
Press F12: Configuration and set 'Pre-Allocate Bills for Payment/Receipt' to Yes.
Create Payment Voucher
Press 'V for' Accounting Vouchers'.
Press 'F5' for 'Payment Voucher'.

t Tally 7.2

Introduction to TDS


I. The entry
mtra' to No.
by 7* of next eque is issued
: submitted to sring the TDS
:o Yes.

Press F2 and change date to'05/11/2004'.

Select 'HDFC Bank' in Account'. In Particulars
Select 'TDS on Professional Fees'.
Type '1176' as Amount. Tax Details for
Select' Agst Ref in 'Type of Ref.
Select '2 12-Oct-2004 1,176.00 Cr' from ftist of TDS Payable' in 'Name'.
The Due Date or Credit Days and Amount will appear automatically.
Press Ctrl + A to Accept.
Press Enter to Accept.
Printing of TDS Challan
Select the payment voucher that was entered earlier.
Press Alt + P 'Print' and set 'Print as TDS Challan?' to Yes. #
Purchase Voucher
The alternate way of booking expense voucher can be a purchase voucher. We will
consider the different steps required from booking of expenses to payment to the
party & treasury, including the printing of statutory challan.
Booking of Expense
For xxample, on 3.11.2004, rent of Rs. 66000.00 was paid to Shankar Krishnan on
account of rent from April to September 2004.
Create Purchase Voucher
Press 'V for' Accounting Vouchers'
Press F9 for 'Purchase Invoice
Press Alt + I to enter in Acct Invoice format
Press F2 and change date to'03/11/2004'
Select 'Shankar Krishnan' in 'Party's A/ c Name'
Select 'Rent A/ c' in 'Particulars
Type' 66000' as Amount

I 178

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2


In Bill -wise Details

Select 'New Ref' in 'Type of Ref'
Type 'l(one)' as Name
Select 'TDS on Rent' from List of TDS Ledger' in TDS Ledger
Press Ctrl + A to Accept.
Press Enter to Accept
For example, on 27.10.04 Interest of Rs. 14000.00 was credited to Naresh Shah
(Unsecured Loans) on account of Interest due for 7 months April to October 2004 for
Rs. 2000.00 per month on an unsecured loan taken for Rs. 200000.00 @12.00% per
Create Journal Voucher
Press 'V for' Accounting Vouchers'
Press F7 for 'Journal Voucher'
Press F2 and change date to '2711012004' In Particulars
Select 'Interest Paid A/c' as Dr
Type '14000' as Amount
Select 'Naresh Shah' as Cr
Type '14000' as Amount In Bill-wise Details
Select 'New Ref in 'Type of Ref
Type '3' in Name
Select 'TDS on Interest paid' in TDS Ledger
Press Ctrl + A to Accept.
Press Enter to Accept
TPS Deduction Entry
Since the TDS has to be accounted the same day the credit has been allotted, pass
journal entries for TDS to be deducted to Rent A/c and Interest Paid a/c respectively.
Step 1: Create Journal Voucher
Create Journal Voucher
Press 'V for' Accounting Vouchers'
Press 'F7' for Journal Voucher
Press '
- Press I
In Particular
- Select'
In Details fa
- Select o
- The 'To
- Select']
- Press C
In Particular
- The AJ
- Select '
- Press I
Step 2: Crea
- Press n
- Press 1
- Press' .
- Press I
In Particulars
- Select '
In TDS Deta
- Select "]
- Press O
In Particulars
- The An
- Select "]
- Press O
For xxample, 14.11.2004 tl

Point Tally 7.2

Introduction to TDS

179 J

shaii (Unsecured R_v 2000.00 per

fifty- -

Press 'Alt+S' for Deduction'

Press F2 and change date to 03/11/2004' In Particular
Select 'Shankar as Dr. ^ !; ;
In Details for
Select on Rent' in TDS Ledger
The 'Total Amount Paid/Payable' will appear automatically i--:: ; ;; :
Select '1 3-Nov-2004 55,902.00Cr' from TDS Applicable Bills' in TDS <':.
Press Ctrl + A to Accept>:^-.,,:;-. ,::..,~:-;,;;. ;;;
Iz Particulars ;:: -' ;; '-.A _,, ;.rA --.
The Amount'10098'will appear automatically / :; r(; ; -r^-
Select 'Tds on Rent' as Cr r -. .- > -
Press Enter to Accept :!::-/
Seep 2: Create Journal Voucher > L ^- ^ 7:
Press 'V for' Accounting Vouchers'
Press 'F7' for Journal Voucher'
Press' Alt + S' for 'TDS Deduction'
Press F2 and change date to '04/1172004' z Particulars
Select 'Naresh Shah' as Dr .
- TDS Details for
Select 'TDS on Interest Paid' in TDS Ledger Press Ctrl + A to Accept ~ Particulars
The Amount '1428' will appear automatically Select 'TDS on Rent' as Cr ; ,:/I \> :-.
Press Ctrl + A to Accept
Payment Against Bills ;
r - xxample, the Balance rent payable is paid on 8.11.2004 and Interest payable is
paid on
- : 2004 through HDFC Bank.

[ 180

Straight to the Point Tally "I


Step 1: Create Payment Voucher r -;

Press 'V for' Accounting Vouchers' = .,..:: -?: : 7
Press 'F5' for Journal Voucher' -..;
Press F2 and change the date to '08/11/2004' j :'
Select 'HDFC Bank in Acount' In Particulars
Select'Shankar Krishnan' ^ ;>
Type '55902' as Amount '_, : u, 2"- ^
In Bill-wise Detials .
Select *Agst Ref in 'Type of Ref
Select '1 3-Nov-2004 55,902.00 Cr' from 'List of Pending Bills' in 'Name'
Press Ctrl + A to Accept; :v
In Narrationr: ;v. ;
- Type 'Ch. Noo. 590045' - ,:j v ; ^
Press Enter to Accept b r ; ; , ....
Step 2: Create Payment Voucher
Press'V for'Accounting Vouchers' : " :;
Press'F5'for'Payment Voucher' -, . . ^:. :
Press F2 and change date to '14/11/2004' ,;
Select HDFC Bank'in Account' ;
In Particulars t
Select'Naresh Shah' ;: : j:y-.- i
type '12572'as Amount * rr : ; v
In Bill-wise details
Select A.gst Ref in 'Type of Ref . .:-.
Select '3 27-Oct-2004 12,572.00Cr 'List of Pending Bills' in 'Name'
Press Ctrl + A to Accept.-.....;.:
In Narration
Type 'Ch. No. 590046' tu-, ;
Press Enter to Accept.

-.r: 1: Crtais ]
,.itc . DS helr-e: ::

Point Tally 7.2

Introduction to TDS

181 j


TDS Payment with Auto-Fill ^

TDS payment due towards Rent A/c was made on 3rd December 2004 ->--
Tally provides TDS helper facility while making TDS payments to the treasury that
makes e data entry easier. We will make use of this facility to enter the two
transactions described
Step 1: Create Payment Voucher
Press 'V for' Accounting Vouchers'
Press 'F5 'for' Payment Voucher'
Press F2 and change date to '03/12/2004'
Press Alt + S for'TDS Helper' -
It TDS Filters "-- .. ...^ ;: , - ;;
Select 'Tds on Rent' from List of TDS Ledgers' in 'TDS Ledger' '." .7.",,,.
Select 'Non Company' from 'Deductee Status' , ( . ...
Type '30/11/2004' in 'To Date'
Select HDFC Bank'in Account'
The Details will appear automatically.
Press Enter to Accept. '* .*_
':- example, TDS payment towards Interest was made on 13th December 2004. Since
the ^c date of the TDS was on 7th December 2004, an interest @2.00 percent per
month was iii-: paid to the treasury. Since we need to take care of Interest factor, we
will not consider ~c TDS helper for this transaction.
ki-p 2: Create Payment Voucher
Press 'V for' Accounting Vouchers'
Press 'F5' for 'PaymentVoucher'
Press F2 and change date to '13/12/2004' ~ -iruculars
Select TDS on Interest Paid'as Dr.
Type '1428' as Amount *_ Tetails for
Select'Agst Ref'in'Type of Ref
Select '5 4-Nov-2004 1,428.00 Cr' from List of TDS Payable' in 'Name'
Tie Due Date or Credit Days and Amount will appear automatically

[ 182

Straight to the Point Tally 7.


Press Ctrl + A to Accept In Particulars

Select 'Interest Paid on TDS' as Dr
Type '5 (five)' as Amount
Select 'HDFC bank' as Cr .
Press Enter to Accept. TDS Challan Printing
Select the TDS payment vouchers that were entered on 3.12.2004 & 13.12.2004.
Setup: Press F12 Configuration and set 'Print as TDS Challan?' to Yes
Advance Payment
Accounting of Bill with TDS against Advance
For example, on 15th December 2004 an advance payment of Rs. 50000.00 is made ::
Advait & Co. towards Technical know-how fees through HDFC Bank, TDS is deducte:
while making the payment.
Step 1: Create Payment Voucher
Press 'V for' Accounting Vouchers'.
Press 'F5' for 'Payment Voucher'. _
Press F2 and change date to '15/12/2004'. ,v : - r -\.s
- Select'HDFC Bank'in Account'. - ; ^
In Particulars
Select 'Advait & Co'
Type'50000'as Amount.
In Bill-wise Details *
Select Advance'in'Type of Ref
Select 7' in 'Name'
Select 'TDS on Professional Fees' in TDS ledger .
Press Ctrl + A to Accept
Press Enter to accept 'TDS on Professional Fees' In Detials for
- Type 7'in Name

pint Tally 7,2 Introduction to TDS 183 [

Press Ctrl + A to Accept' ~
Press Enter to Accept.
Booking of the Expense
For example, on receipt of the advance, Advait & Co. sent a bill of Rs.80,000.00 on
21st December 2004. The Expenses were booked the same day.
Create Journal Voucher ;,\ _.-. - ~L';;,/;
Press 'V for' Accounting Vouchers' ;; ;. / . w.->'"; .; ^ - .: ,:f; ,;(
Press F7 for 'Journal Voucher' >.,; Xi;: --: "! , -i;_. -.: i r.J^*,
Press F2 and change date to '21/12/2004'
In Particulars
Select 'Professional Fees A/ c ' as Dr - .
L\00 is made to
T>S is deducted
Type'80000' as Amount 1
Select & Co' as Cr
Type '80000' as Amount -In Bill-wise Details
Select' Agst Ref' in 'Type of Ref'
Select '7' in Name " " : ' '
Type '50000' as Amount
Select 'New Ref in 'Type of Ref
Type '6' in Name
Select 'TDS on Professional Fees' in TDS Ledger
- Type '30000' in Amount
- Press Ctrl + A to Accept-;-.V/\ :;
- Press Enter to Accept. !
TDS deduction for Balance Amount
Since the TDS is to be deducted on the same day, create a journal voucher to pass the
Step 1: Create Journal Voucher
- Create Journal Voucher
s - Press 'V for' Accounting Vouchers'
1 ^ - Press 'F7' for Journal Voucher'

I 184

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Press' Alt+S' for 'TDS Deduction' :; vr
Press F2 and change date to '21/12/2004' ; ;
In Particular.:
Select' Advait & Co' as Dr. In TDS Details for
Select 'TDS on Professional Fees' in TDS Ledger
The 'Total Amount Paid/Payable' will appear automatically !
Select'6 21-Dec-2004 30,000.00 Cr TDS on Professional Fees'in TDS
Press Ctrl + A to Accept.-;.. ;
In Particulars il
The Amount '1568' will appear automatically :
Select.'TDS on Professional Fees'as Cr Press Enter to Accept.
TDS Reports
TDS Challan Reconciliation
3214504 (7 digit code)
The TDS challan printed to deposit the TDS in the Government treasury needs further
data to be stored into it. The reconciliation is made available in the respective ledgers
of TDS. The details to be fed in are
Bank Challan number
Cballan Date
BSR Code (Bank Branch Code)
To view the TDS Challan Reconciliation:

iu. -ess
11. \~.=-
TDS Penc

From Gateway of Tally - Press 'D' (Display) - Press' A' (Account Books) - Press 'L'
(Ledger) - Select 'TDS on Rent' from List of Ledgers - Press Alt+F5 for Challan
Enter the Bank Challan No, Date and BSR Code '-' 1
TDS Computation Report
This report shows all the ledgers wherein TDS is applicable. In addition, each ledger
will further have multiple TDS ledgers, if that party has had more than one type of
services rendered to the company.
To view he TDS Computation report:

Introduction to TDS


::cm Gateway of Tally - Press 'D' (Display) - Press' S' (Statement of Accounts Books) -
Press T' (TDS Outstandings) - Press 'T' (TDS Computations) - Press Alt + F12 and
change date to 1/4/2004 till date.
?~ess Alt + P to print the TDS Computation report. ; r

> further data KTS of TDS.

- Press 'L' :: Challan
ledger -will of services

1. Particulars column provides you with a list of Party and the TDS ledger names
associated with the Party Ledger.
2. Amount Paid/Payable Till Date column gives the total amount that has to be paid
to the party not taking into consideration the amount paid.
3. Tax Rate displays the rate specified by the Income Tax department for the
provided by the party : : ... .-,,-... - :,:-
4. Tax gives the total income tax amount calculated at the rate specified in the Tax
Rate column. .- ._,
5. Surcharge Rate displays the rate of additional levey on Income Tax.
6. Surcharge provides the total surcharge value calculated at the rate specified in
Surcharge Rate column.
7. Addl. Surcharge (Cess) Rate displays the rate of additional levy on the Income
and Surcharge.
8. Addl. Surcharge displays the additional surcharge value at the rate specified.
9. Total TDS Amount displays the total TDS amount.

10. Less: TDS Deducted Till Date provides the TDS amount deducted till date.
11. Net TDS to Deduct provides the TDS amount that is not pais.
TDS Pending Statement (All Ledgers)
TDS Payables report provies you with the information on the status of TDS payable
pending) transactions for all TDS ledgers created under the Group Duties & Taxes. The
::ems displayed in the report are the references of pending bills created while enering
To view TDS Pending Statement (All Ledgers):
From Gateway of Tally - Press 'D' (Display) - Press' S' (Statement of Accounts Books)
- Press T (TDS Outstanding) - Press 'D' (TDS Payables) - Press Alt + Fl and get detailed
TDS Pending Statement - (Single Ledger)
The pending statement for a single ledger shows all the pending references for that
ledger. As in the case of all ledgers, ageing analysis can also be performed for the TDS

I 186
Straight to the Point Tally 7.2
To view TDS Pending Statement (Single Ledger): .... .,.."] -r
From Gateway of Tally - Press 'D' (Display) - Press' S' (Statement of Accounts Books -
Press T (TDS Outstanding) - Press 'V (Ledger) - Select 'TDS on Professional Fees from
List of TDS Ledgers - Press Alt + Fl to get detailed format.
Ve&crCptiA/e/ Type/ Quettionfr
1. What is TDS?
2. Who is required to file TDS returns?
3. What are the various types of deductions and payments in TDS?
4. What sort of vouchers would you pass for TDS?
5. How would you configure TDS for Tally?
6. How would you create masters for TDS?
7. What sort of challans are printed for TDS?
8. Describe all the TDS reports printed. r- *

Output R
so mu

r.rormir i;h area ;:emer.' :inciai s OT.VS ar ;coun:s. : purpos

Display/Reports in Tally
ccounts Books fessional Fees

Output Reports
Tally's Display of information has been designed to give you maximum benefit of the
that has been entered through Vouchers. You would have found that voucher entry
itself is
so much like your through process. Display of information and the amazing variety of
all, puts you in charge of your business information. The best way to extract utmost
Displays is to experiment with the different options. It is not possible to cover the
infinite options and ways in which you can present your data in a single manual. It is
Displays that Tally users get money saving ideas! ., . . .. . ,
Display Menu
taic-nents of i Account'a
3tai r.-i i-'-ii. o< Itv'oi'tory
ay E.L-rn'.
- -;; .jf AccC".'f + -.
F-rept-ir, fv?r :-:-
Display screens take advantage of your monitor's capabilities. They are dynamic and
interactive and are not merely print files. The purpose of putting in all your data is,
after all, to present them in the form of comprehensible accounting reports. Tally far
exceeds these expectations. By way of entry, all you do is to enter your vouchers. You
do that, any way for your accounting purposes. Tally uses the same data and gives
you management control reports in addition to all books and statements. Tally is real-
time all reports are up-to-date at all times. They are displayed as at the last voucher
All reports are very pleasing to the eye and obtained
instantaneously. They are not spooled print files
thankfully, but are specially designed for the screen.
However, whatever you see on the screen, you can
print as well - but using the printer's capabilities.
Only the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss
Account are displayed directly from the Gateway
of Tally. Tally accords these statements the highest
importance. As you can see from the menu, displays
are roughly organized into Accounts information
displays and Inventory information displays -
conforming to the two major areas of operations.
Each area is grouped separately into books and
statements. Confirming to showing the main
financial statements separately, the Cash and Funds
Flows are not grouped under Statement of
Accounts. The day Book contains all the vouchers for the day, including inventory
Its purpose is to show you a day's transactions. However, you can display any report
any period by using the change period option.

I 188
Straight to the Point Tally 7.2
The list of Accounts gives the tree structure of all your masters, namely, Groups,
Stock items, Cost Centres, Currencies, etc. Exception Reports are reports that track
transactions or balances. -
Basic Features of Displaying Reports
Tally prepares the books of accounts and financial statements based on the vouchers
you have entered to date. You can then vary the appearance of reports according to
your needs, for example, to make comparisons between different companies, periods
of the financial year, groups and ledgers.
In each case, when you display a report, you can step-down to the next level of detail
by highlighting he item and pressing Enter and you can keep going until you reach an
individual voucher. Similarly, you can step back to higher levels by pressing [Esc]. The
special features available for the currently displayed report are indicated on the
button bar and can be selected with a single click of the mouse.
Accessing Reports ;
The Gateway of Tally menus provide access to all the financial reports, as in the
opposite. For example, if you want to view the Sales Register then, in the Gateway of
menu select Display, Account Books and Sales Register in turn and Tally will display
report for the currently^ selected period. ,,:-..-. ,-..-.. .-, , -; : j; , ; n?;s
Modifying Reports r
Once you have selected a report and its screen appears, you can modify the display to
suit your requirements using the appropriate buttons on the button bar. You will get to
know the functions of the various buttons as you become more familiar with Tally but
some buttons perform similar functions in all reports, providing they are appropriate
to the screen you are viewing.
If you select the buttons using the keyboard, the conventions are: Fn:
just press the Fn key. *
Press [Alt]+Fn.
F1: Detailed/Condensed
Adds a further level of detail to the report or condenses the reporf to a higher level of
F2: Period ^ ' / ' ^ -' -'- "; : ;" --=
Enables you to change the period of the report by specifying new form/to dates. F3:

I: you have ; :o display :he
F4: to F10

The functions
F11: Compan
This bunor. 15 :
entr\ . The srr-
F12: Configun
.ms butter. ii ".: you wish :c _>e :: should be h :~ ir.d/or closing you seiec: FII
Configuration n ::her things, en.
F12: Range
This button en;; JIT example. -.:
F12: Value
This button en;: For example, y: expression XYZ
New Column
This button en; formation for ; Si~e screen.
Alter Column
This button en;r :":: example, the rr.or to selecting
Del Column
T;u use this hurt Auto Column
: :u use this hurt month or to ;.;;; total of each item

oint Tally 7.2

Display/Reports in Tally

189 [

r:ups. Ledgers. L: rack unusual

If you have more than one company selected, this button enables you to change
to display the new company data in the current screen format. . ..;. ,, .
F4: toF10

vouchers you
:o vour needs.
:he financial
z'. of detail by : an individual recial features i: and can be
. the diagram eway of Tall\' LL display the
iisplay to suit
I jet to know
illy but some
:o the screen

i.he functions performed by these buttons vary from report to report.

F11: Company Features . -- . ,
This button is not related to displaying reports but to selecting options that affect
entry. The screen it displays must not be changed during training. :
F12: Configure . i , : ,
Tins button is very relevant to displaying and enables you to define the report-specific
options you wish to use. For example, depending on the report you are in, you can
specify whether :: should be horizontal or vertical format, show percentages, show
gross profit, show opening and/or closing balances, change the periodicity, change the
sorting method and so on. If you select F12: Configure while in the Gateway of Tally
screen, this takes you to a Configuration menu. If you select General, it brings up an
option screen which, amongst other things, enables you to specify that you wish to
see graphs with monthly reports.
F12: Range
This button enables you to filter the information you see displayed based on monetary
For example, you can specify you only want closing balances greater than 5,000.
F12: Value "! : ; ;':: i: """'-- -1 n '!'-'"- . :;--::..:
This button enables you to filter which vouchers you wish to be used in the
calculations. For example, you can specify you only want vouchers having a narration
containing the expression XYZ Project.
New Column . 5 J


level 01

This button enables you to add another column to the report to display comparable
information for another company or for a different period for the same company, all
on the
same screen. - .- . . . ...... ... .., ; -.- ,.,: :;:,;. ; -^ . .-..- ,:;;:>;- ;
Alter Column > :
This button enables you to alter the details of a new column you have previously
created, for example, the data range. You select the column to alter by positioning
th^ cursor in it prior to selecting the button.
Del Column
You use this button to delete columns you no longer wish to see in -the report. Auto
You use this button to add multiple columns to a report, for example, columns for each
month or to accommodate several companies. You can also have a total column for
the total of each item across all columns.

I 190

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2


Quick Forma-
With Coior
Report Specific Options ; ;- . , ,>;-?-
If there are report specific options available for the report, they are displayed in the
bottom half of the screen and can be amended according to your requirements.
Printing Reports
You can obtain a printed version of the screen you are currently displaying by
selecting Print from the top of the button bar menu. This brings up new button bar
options and the Print Configuration screen for the report, which asks Print"7 Yes or No.
If you select Yes, the report will be printed using the options specified on the screen. If
you select No, you can change the options before printing.
Tally's neat printing is just too neat! Print out an invoice and you would not consider
preprinted stationery at all. **'-
There are two types of print configuration options:
1. As a print button or [ALT]+[P] key combination is all display screens. Remember,
it is not a print screen - it is special printing and printed reports would differ form
displays. Tally takes advantage of a printer's capability and uses to maximize
aesthetics in printed output.
2. As a printing menu option through the Gateway of Tally. You can print multiple
at a time througrf this option.
If you select to print a displayed document or report, the Print Dialog Box expects you
to view the output before printing. It defaults to With Preview. You can however,
change it tc No Preview by clicking the appropriate Button. The Preview screen allows
you to view the document and even scrolls if it is multi-page; print form there or even
E-mail the document as an attachment. Hence, if you want to see how a document
that you originally wanted tc E-mail, would appear at the destination, use Print
Common Printing Options
Common printing options affect the printing of current selected reports. They are
change; by selecting the appropriate button form the button bar.
Auto Column
If the screen version of the report supports Auto Column, this button will be available
performs a similar function. " ' Tr;-
To change the title of the report. Page Nos
To specify the starring page number and page number range.
-: specirv I.-.; : Printer
To change the z '-'-'. :he printer
Other Printh Multi-Account i
5;: this select :-I- are way of Till".
Principally i z :>oks, Account '. ::counts one at i i: a rime, AH Ac; i-id other selecr.
:>: ~-".ll require that :' >erarate pages - : " must systerr
Draft Mode Print
-.Imost even* rer;
rehavior of Tally i
us t before printing tressed again a: :] Format). Draft ;:
;- ill quickly learr. r-. rressing Alt+E :; : rile to output :c
Display Accou
Books of account :
you may post ::e~:

Point Tally 7.2

Display/Reports in Tally


ei in the bottom
v-jig by selecting z options and the I: you select Yes, :u select No, you
:c: consider using
leens. Remember,
should differ form se> to maximize
" multiple reports
::; expects you to ever, change it to ; ou to view the -jil the document izmallv
wanted to
i -ey are changed
i ^e available and
Pre-Printed/Plain Paper i
Toggle to make the selection. .. ;-.,-
Quick Format / Neat Format .-...;.;:. ,
Toggle between quick (draft) and neat (standard) formats. -v--. - j ";
With Color
This option is only relevant if you have a color printer. , ..-- , ; -,; c
Copies '"' '" : -- '-' '---' : * -- :'' - ' - : '''" - "I:J- ' ':
' :~" '"
To specify the number of pages to be printed.
Printer -
To change the printer settings. This also displays the default paper size that you have
set for the printer.
Other Printing Options.; - f
Multi-Account Printing
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Multi- Accounting Printing ".:
Principally geared towards printing the Primary Books of Accounts, like the Cash and
Bank Books, Account Ledgers, Sales and Purchase Registers etc., without needing to
select the accounts one at a time and pressing Alt+P. The facilities provide the
printing One Account at a time, All Accounts or All Accounts in a selected Group.
Before printing, the date range and other selections may also be set up. The current
mechanism of printing used by Tally, will require that for large company accounts, you
choose to print each ledger account on separate pages - otherwise the memory
requirements of the system become so large as to bring must systems to their knees.
Draft Mode Printing (Quick Format)
Almost every report can also be printed in Draft Mode (except for Cheques!). The
default behavior of Tally is to print in Neat Format - and you may alter this by pressing
Alt+F just before printing. All subsequent reports will be printed in Quick Format, until
Alt+F is pressed again at the Printing Screen. (The button equivalent for this is marked
Quick Format). Draft mode necessarily brings in additional restrictions in the printing,
which you will quickly learn by experimentation. It also enables Printing to a File,
which may be selected pressing Alt+E (to Select the Printer whose dimensions are to
be used and the name of the File to output to.)
Display Account Books and Statements
Books of account record the individual transactions details you have entered.
Although you may post items to many different ledgers, Tally brings all the
transactions of one

I 192
Straight to the Point Tally 7,2


category together into a book of accounts for viewing and printing. For example, the
cash book records all the transactions affecting cash, the Sales Book records all the
sales transactions.
Statement of Accounts pertain to cost centres and Outstanding analysis. These are
derived from individual transactions but are not statutory requirements.
Financial statements on the other hand are still derived from individual transactions
but tend to show summary totals, ratios and statistics, analyzing a company's
financial data in a wide variety of ways. Typical financial statements include the
Balance sheet, Profit and Loss Account and Cash Flow Analysis. Financial statements
are usually statutory requirements in most countries.
1. All books are displayed first as a monthly summary with opening and closing
2. Select a month and press [enter] to display all transactions* for the month. The
and closing balances as well as transaction totals are also displayed.
3. Select a transaction to bring up the voucher. This voucher comes up either in
or in alteration mode depending upon the access rights available to you.
4. This is a typical display method and is available from most places, including
. Sit .v
if Lilly 's-iimi FM. I ti!.. i-.:i I'M-.
t.I . :?, IP-..;
I.. !
! -"i I I i' M I .i I -.
I! si I i t!
'.. il> do [!

.VI". .'i

" Other =

J f .111 ij T 0 T ,-j I

'.'I M.i> lull !i|i ~.I|.I .-|

'.Ill I

Apr H*

Point Tally 7.2

example, the cash :ris all the sales
These are derived
'. transactions but financial data in fheet, Profit and iuaily statutory
t- - "--. " closing balances.
nth. The opening
I . :
either in display
you. .aces, including

Display/Reports in Tally
: ;;; statements. For example, even from a Balance Sheet, you would first display
the group summary, then the ledger monthly summary and finally the transaction
voucher itself.
Let us see some typical examples of how to display the books of account and financial
statements. You will then be able to experiment with other statements for yourself.
Viewing Cash/Bank Books
For this select the following: . . ----.
Gateway of Tally>Display>Account Books>Cash/Bank Books - :
This displays the Cash/Bank Summary:
1. Select a bank account if there are more tHan one. Press Enter to display the
Monthly Summary. ::
2. Select F12: Configure to bring up the Configuration/Graphs option menu.
3. Use the Tab key to tab down to Show with graph? and type and press Enter.
Bar and press Enter to return to the Ledger Monthly Summary, now displaying a
graph of the figures.
4. With the highlight bar over the one month's, say July's figures, press Enter to
(t) li>ih S.ihBi iii' fM. Liil. I"'1:~1" >' y
P ' 'li..!
i -III-I
j. i! Ill- '
"' i
I N L-- I HI I-I. Mil
,i 1! i. in 111! '.-I I

I 194

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2


; the Ledger Vouchers screen. Note that all the vouchers for July are listed. Press
[Esc] to return to the Ledger Monthly Summary screen.
5. Select F12: Value to bring up the Value to Calculate in Report screen. From the
Particulars menu, select Voucher Type, from the next Particulars menu, select name
(the only option). From the Range of Info, menu select equal to. The type Contra
and Press Enter. From the Condition menu select End of List and press Enter twice.
6. Notice in the Ledger Monthly Summary that the figures are now reduced as they
only show Contra vouchers. To check this, position the highlight bar over the July
figures and press Enter to display the details.
7. Keep pressing [Esc] until you return to the Gateway of Tally menu.
Display Balance Sheet
The Balance Sheet gives the state of financial affairs of a company on a given date. It
lists out the Assets and Liabilities based on the Primary Groups of Tally. The Balance
Sheet m tally in updated instantly with every transaction voucher that is entered and
saved. No special processing is required to produce a Balance Sheet.
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Balance Sheet
The Balance Sheet is displayed in the form set up for it in F12: Configure
Horizontal Form of Balance Sheet
The above example is of the horizontal form. It could be up to appear in the vertical
form You can extract different information by using the various options in the Button
Select Detailed to explode the summarized information. Change the date of the
Balance Sheet using F2: Period.
Bring up new columns and Select a Balance Sheet for a different date to compare
alongside the present date or Select a column to give the Balance Sheet in a different
currency or Select a column with Budget figures and analyse variances or Select a
column and see the effect of different Stock Valuations on the Profit/Loss.

Profit or Loss,
Show Percent

Configure the Balance Sheet?

Select F12:Configure when you have the Balance Sheet on the screen to have the
dialog box, as shown here. Various options are:
Show Vertical Balance Sheet?
No will display Horizontal form. Yes will display Vertical form. In the British/Europe
configuration the Vertical Balance Sheet

Configuration :n
Show Vertical Balance Sheet ?JJH :"P
Profit or Loss, both as Liability? No 41
; Show Percentages ? No : ;*?
: Show Working Capital figures? No $
Method of showing Balance Sheet? Liabilities / Assets ^
Appearance of Names : Name Only ;y
Scale Factor for Values : Defautt ;j|

: Tally 7.2

D splay/Reports in Tally

195 )

rrom the
the J_/.
i saved. No

v,-J have the titles Liabilities and Assets whereas the Indian/Asian configuration will
have 5:arces of Funds and Application of Funds as titles.
Profit or Loss, Both as Liability?
Applicable only in the horizontal form)
I: no, then Loss moves the Profit and Loss Account to the Assets side of the Balance
Show Percentages?
lich line will be expressed as a percentage of the total.
Show Working Capital Figures?
7: show Current Assets-Current Liabilities.
Method of Showing the Balance Sheet
7r.e options are: Liabilities/Assets and Assets/Liabilities. This is simply the order in
which -": Balance Sheet is shown. Both the options are shown on the next page.
~:r Horizontal Balance Sheet it is in the format: Left Hand Side/right Hand Side

iiMi-i.i.LH.. !:.::-.'"

il iliM-

i. :.: . a- i-i
11 ii i H it A '.' -r
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-; -:' :: ." !:^


II liTII illliili--

JV.iJi.ii.ihi I T ! li

; 196

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Z solay/'Reoort


.i. iM. !':? '

.^il.t -L-III.:!.IK.I
j, ^ j,j ~ -.j,.

~ ~*s* *.

Apt ! i

AF;- L

I'. i>u i
Ul!" ' "!.!
.Pi -hi A I.-.5S At

:. -'..-:i'.v


<.: Tit

For Vertical Balance Sheet it is in the format: Top/Bottom. Vertical Form of Balance
Select the Format using F12: Configure. This Balance Sheet is in the UK/Europe Style
where Assets are given first. The default order is, however, Liabilities/Assets. In
India/Asia Style, the Vertical Balance Sheet will be:
Columnar Balance Sheets
Some examples:
Select a Balance Sheet for a different date to compare alongside the present date:
Select New Column or keys ALT+C and change only the period.
Select a column to give the Balance Sheet in a different currency.
Select New column or keys ALT+C and change only the Currency and give the closing
Exchange Rate.
The Balance Sheet figures are converted at this rate. :

Show Fortnii
::.:;: Auto-c:/_: rriul: below.
Integrate Ac
i~'z~ on Bali-:;
7-z option :r. 51 less Accour.:
: ai ro Yes. :: r: r inventory ztz.
JF;: is set to X
*c:k balances.
. A . ..-^
::k reco
: like, the "e s thai ma"

Point Tally 7.2

Display/Reports in Tally


***- l> -1 -'

'.111. ll!l! ' -.l-.t.ll-l.. I'-.1'.

I liK ^rf.V'l Mlnll'. ilr-i --I

" illlll '.: 'ililil : III'. [ I ll.lilt,. ::i-llf I I il-sltH-'
:. -\v K I"- - .' .


i-tA. 700.00 ..jrtti.'tii

N.'i _:..i-r J

f. t.ii
fit ..'."e 1

j;re Style where [ndia.-'Asia Style,

;;ve the closir.2

Show Fortnightly Balance Sheet

Select Auto-column or keys ALT+N. Select Fortnightly form the list of periods. See the
result below. ,. ;i . .-. >: .,
Integrate Accounts with Inventory
Irfect on Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account
The option in Fll: Feature has a significant effect on the Balance Sheet and Profit and
LDSS Account.
'J set to Yes, it brings the stock/inventory balance figures from the inventory figures
from Jie inventory records and provides a drill down to the Stock registers from the
Sheet. ..-.....-
1' :t is set to No, it ignores the inventory books figures and pick up manually entered
closing ::?ck balances.
5:ock records often contain compensating errors caused by wrong allocation to items
and "_ie like, the feature enables finalization of finalization books waiting for
reconciliation of acks that may take time.

[ 198

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2


i< i.iiiv -..-iini'-it- v I.LI-I..

._ .i II:j . .'i

I.ili/Mt,. I H I I --:

lit x hiti i,


( .111 .II.II-IIIU-1 liih-irt li-il'i!iti"

I'l-IIIA! .., ..".

l.i.lii |.|.

I .in ''ilir,.
MM--I.'I l.:l ilffi-I-lit -. I .......

. Jl'. IT..'
.'.ii(<h- if mil ! fiuiil': <iii.-:iiA.--.-r-
".- ..I.'*. ,r

Display Profit and Loss Account

It has beeen renamed as Income and Expenditure Statement. The Profit and Loss
Account shows the operational results for a given period. It lists out the Incomes and
Expenditures based on the Primary Groups of Tally. The Profit and Loss Account in Tally
is updated instantly with every transaction voucher that is entered and saved. No
special processing is required to produce a Profit and Loss Account.
To view the Profit and Loss Account, select the following: : -
Gateway of Tally>Profit and Loss Account
You may even drill down from the Balance Sheet, Accounts Reports and Profit & Loss A
* C.
The Profit and Loss Account is displayed according to the configuration set up for it
:-F12: Configure
Horizontal Form of Profit and Loss Account
The above example is of the horizontal form. It could be set up to appear in the verticil

lou can extra ~

Select Detailed : information.
Change the da: Account using 7
Bring up new ;:
Select a Prof:: . different pence: : r resent period :: :r Select a cclurr :ne effect of z'-.
Show Vertical f
Xo will dispiav ? The vertical term

Point Tally 7.2

Display/Reports in Tally

AAJftiV =

i.iiu -.inn II c Mt I
.Milll- <! ul i-IU
I "in- <,! II'!.! 1
H til |.. . . .
(r.,5 -.jij.b- .rjim nf I-iiiiiJ:.
Illl'IH '"' . .-t:
. \ <-!: i.e.I

.'.!-. I

. ."!:.('

: .:::

1. ill ..Ii.-I Vlii'i- 'I L| _-L

.Mi'l.-l r-:
Loss Accoun:
l'v IS updated
l processing ii
*:::"*:: & Loss A ' . set up for it in
L: :n the vertica.

You can extract different information by using the various options in the Button Bar.
Select Detailed to explode to summarized
information. Configuration
Change the date of the Profit and Loss show Vertical Profit & Loss ?fflH
Account using F2: Period. Show Percentages ? No
^. , , : Show with Gross Profit ? Yes
Bring up new columns and:
Scale Factor for Values
Appearance of Names : Name Only Select a Profit and Loss Account for a
different period to compare alongside the present period or Select a column to give
the Profit and Loss Account in a different currency or Select a column with Budget
figures and analyse variances or Select a column and see rhe effect of different Stock
Valuations on the Profit/Loss.
Show Vertical Profit and Loss Account?
No will display Horizontal form. Yes will display Vertical form. ;. ; ' ^;
The vertical form always shows the Trading Account and the Income Statements

I 200

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2


i I ill-. -."lirtMi- I'v.

'_ ir . '' I
r.t J:, M, . i1

'F>- I

.'I- I

i' I I I ! i| ! i .
1 Ai.< -niir'.

p .:'!!.! i
vii">;.- vi,I I .!!:! I '


F1 a M j c M i .i

.[ s-, Pf }
Excess of h-c :*;K- ..



Show Percentages?
Each time will be expressed as a percentage of Sales Accounts, i.e. Sales Accounts will
be 100% and the rest of the lines will be a percentage of Sales Accounts.
Show With Gross Profit?
(Applicable to Horizontal Form only)
The Profit and Loss Statement is split to show Trading Profit considering only the
Cost ;:
Sales and Direct Expenses. From the Gross Profit, Indirect Expenses are deducted to
Net Profit. - - ~ ^-- v ---- --- -1 --
If no, the Profit and Loss Statement is no split to show Gross and Net Profits separately
In Vertical form, the Trading Account shows the Gross Profit and the Income Statemen:
the Net Profit. -.-.-.,-... ; u -- -
Columnar Profit & Loss Accounts: Some Examples -,/-.
Select a Profit & Loss Account for a different period to compare alongside the present
period Select New Column or keys ALT + C and change only the period.

Select a colu~-
S elect New C:/_ Exchange Ra:;
The Profit and 1
Select a column :
Select New C:/_: Purchase Cos:
Show Quarter/. ; Select Aute-c.:/_r Income/Expe
For Non-Tradir.i md Loss Sta:e~e should activare -Jr.-. jf P&L to Yes

5 Point Tally 7.2

Display/Reports in Tally

. s^ i" I ..! ; '-

I i1', iin n ' ; ! '! i ""

T IrC i\. I - :< I' !

p .-,(!! c Mi.'! ;

r. -nl nij A re en t

, r> OetaJed

i\ "S i Pi i-Iit

; P.' "In* R^s i -,-' *<i Red

i i^-,;; Range

Accounts will be
:he Cost of Ted to show
separate.;. Sratemer:
rresent pence

Select a column to give the Profit and Loss Account in a different currency.
Select New Column or keys ALT+C and change only the Currency and give the closing
Exchange Rate.
The Profit and Loss Account figures are converted at this rate.
Select a column to give the Profit and Loss Account in a different stock valuation
Select New Column or keys ALT+C and change only the Stock Valuation Method to
Last Purchase Cost.
Show Quarterly Profit and Loss Account ' ;
Select Auto-column or keys ALT+N. Select Quarterly from the list of periods.
Income/Expenses Statement instead of P&L?
For Non-Trading accounts like accounts for Charitable Organizations, the Trading and
and Loss Statement are irrelevant. They need an Income and Expenditure Account.
should activate the feature in Fll: Features and set the option Income /Expense Stmt
of P&L to Yes. ....-. -'-..-... ,.'-:


Straight to the Point Tally 7.2


iff;>? f-i-1- ''fjn

Single User Jj*>
a. No.; 742(188243 . Web g^, ..
(d Tally Solutions (M. Ltd.. (988-2005
jT< Jdiny An-oiint
Cust f &al*s:
Opening Stock
Add Purchase Account;
I Less- Closing Stock Gioss Pi of it
The Profit and Loss Account is now displayed as Income and Expenditure Statement.
Display Trial Balance
For this select the following options: Gateway of Tally>Display>Trail Balance
The Trial Balance Report provides account5 balance listing for all accounts for the
compan'. sorted according to groups, i.e., the Trial Balance is displayed in grouped
form with mair groups and their closing balances. The fact that the debit and credit
balances match prove? the arithmetic accuracy of the entries. In Tally, the matching of
the Trial Balance is a foregone conclusion as all voucher entries are in the debit and
credit format and must balance at the entry point. Note that as per accounting
principles, the Trial Balance does not list Closing Stock.
You can drill down a Group for further details of that particular group, or Select
Detailed to break down the grouped information to another level, or Select Led-wise to
take an alphabetic listing of all ledgers and their closing balances.
Select Columns to bring up the closing balances for another date.

'-> Ta% Solutions p. U

P.i I tic if I or *
fff etn Assets
0i Jin) Total
Tafly Soiuthsw Pvt LM.
\~2- Release:
JI ticiil.irs
rnt Assets

o: =>


I 0Z

A||ei UJ

2Z A||Bi juio

Account Reconciliation Statement

Take a single report that shows the flow of the accounts from Opening Balance to the
effer of transactions on Closing Balance.
Select F12: Configure
The Trial Balance Reconciliation Statement is produced.
Similarly, the Trial Balance can be configured to show only Opening and Closing
Day Book
Gateway of Tally>Display>Day Book
The Day Book is a list of all transactions for a particular day, by default the current
dare It can also list all the transactions for a period. Transactions include all financial
voucher: reversing and memorandum journals as well as inventory vouchers.
For example:
Day Book for the current date:
Day Book for a period:

- ,"on.
Books and

v--iy. A
The Tally Trans from z r
-"".lercfore. :he:e

oint Tally 7.2

Display/Reports in Tally


Date Particulars- - ."," - - ~- ^ ^ tft.TVPs"'- .-Vet) " - ,' Dli Stttk "' -
tf MM Awt--

v-^'-^'^^--* :/'---'^:v'- ^.-- ~'-C';.':~--r."i'.' '*;<;-;::^.W\Ah"

- Single Usei ip
8I.Mo.. 7+2068243 W8Hms8r

Other Rep
mv Rep
si ~''!Feaijras

- r.e list can be filtered to show transactions of a particular voucher type. Use Chg
Vch : _:ton.
"""hen a specific voucher, e.g., Delivery Notes, options like Extract and Columnar
become vailable.
Books and Registers
-_; transactions are posted to different books and registers. The purpose of the books
and rasters is to compile similar entries in one place so that they are meaningful,
e.g. all cash :~:nes in the Cash Book, all sales entries in the Sales Day Book (called
Sales Register in "-I'/). A Tally voucher may contain many lines of debit and credit
entries. Each line is a -riger Account and has to be ultimately reflected in the Ledger.
The Tally Transaction Flow
-rart from the subsidiary books, entries are also filled under each Voucher Type
Registers. Therefore, there will be as many registers as there are voucher types.

I 206

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2


Journals, Pay Books and Registers

Journal, Sales Register, Purchase Register, Debit Note Register, Credit Note Register,
Payment Register, Receipts Registers, etc.
There are three ways to see different registers:


Subsidiary Books/Day Books/Registers


articular ;

T -.7
1. From the display menu
2. By changing the Voucher type from within a Register
3. From the Statistics Page
We will discuss the Sales Register, which has the most options, Other Registers are
similar Please use the same explanation (except for Invoice Profitability) for other
Sales Register XSales Day Book)
This explanation should be used for all Day Books and Voucher Registers. Gateway of
Tally>Display>Account Books>Sales Register
All registers first display the Monthly Summary with Transactions and Closing Balance
fc: Balance Sheet Accounts, Opening Balance will be given at the top.
Select a month and press enter to see the Sales Voucher Register. This is a list of all
sales vouchers for that month. Use the options in the button bar to change the details.
You car change the period of the report as well as the depth of information.
F12: Configure to see the report with some or all of the following details:
Narrations, Bill-wise details, Cost Centre details and Inventory details. Click on
Detailed tc see all the details selected.
Invoice Profitability
Display the Sales Voucher Register for a period by drill down a month and change to
the period required.
Select F7: Gross Profit (or select from F12: Configure) The report now shows each
invoice with:
Mis the Ir.v::: Gross Reven
~-.:s :s the :: Gross Profit
Amount of rr
Sales Regi
"Vhile in the 5
The Extract z: ::: each gr;ur

Display/Reports in Tally
11 ill I t! -II1.
ers are similar. Registers.
n-. i-..-, .I.M,
inii ml 'i.i
:s: of all sales rails. You car
207 I
J.v ;.! . .. :,,..,.,,.r
L-C, I
I- lif i- >l III'
1 1' " !' !
* :
Transaction Value
It is the Invoice Value including taxes. Gross Revenue
Tliis is the actual sale value minus taxes. Cost
This is the book cost of the product Gross Profit
Amount of profit or loss on the sale.
Sales Register Extract
Vhile in the Sales Voucher Register. Select/click on Extract.
The Extract gives a break-down of the sales vouchers and groups them to provide
totals for each group and ledger used in all sales vouchers for the period. The
information is useful
I" = r

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2
where you want to know the how much each group of customers bought, v/hat the tax
component is or what is the total value of each sales ledger.
inventory-wise Extract of^Saies
In the Sales Voucher Register, click on Extract. F12: Configure
Set Yes to Inventory-wise Extract to take a report of the stock items sold with quantity
and value details.
While in the Sales Voucher Register:
Select/click on Columnar. The different columns can be selected for the report and are
retained for future use. . . ,
Type of Column
The Type of Column needs to be explained. Here you select the type you want and if it
is a ledger or a group, the selection in shown under. Name of Account.
The options are: ;-
Ali Item (Automatic Colymrts) " ."' .- '-._ ..-.-- ..; .'
Every ledger account used in any voucher in the period of display takes a column.
All Item (in one column) ^. .
Ail the ledger accounts are shown in one column Group
Select a group of ledger accounts to be shown together in one column, e.g. All sales
accounts For other columns you can now have further options viz. Related accounts in
automat:; columns or related accounts in one column, in addition to available options.
Ledger 9 , *
Select a specific ledger account for which you want the sales register, e.g., VAT/Sales
Tax All other accounts can be put in one or more columns,
Related Items (Automatic Columns) . .. - : -,- - . - - r
Related items means the ledger accounts used in a voucher. Hence, the report will be
simila: to All Items (automatic columns) if only this option is selected. However, the
option :i useful if selected in conjunction with a Group or a specific ledger account in
the first column
Related Items (in one
Related items means the ledger accounts used in a voucher. Hence, the report will be

to All Irerr.s ': ? elected ;n ::n
Change Vch
V?e this bur:-": Pavment ?.e
You car. sele~ Registers fi
"oucher re;:ite~ Z-atewav :: 7;.
-Trill down i --
Monthly Sui
t it w t-
net* Entry
- ^clhise Cx
"'"hen driHir.; z

>Jnt Tally 7.2

Display/Reports in Taiiy

209 [
what the tax
with quantity
rerort and are
i~: and if it is

to All Items (in on col.) if only this option is selected. However, the option is useful if
selected in conjunction with a Group or a specific ledger account in the first column.
Change Vch
Use this button option to see a different Register from within an existing register. E.g.
change to Payment Register from a Sales Register by pressing the button Change Vch.
Payment Register "" " '" " ;": '" """ v' .-.,--- .-, --->--:--'
-" ..;-
You can select Payment vouchers to have Payment Voucher Register.
Registers from Statistics * ; V
Voucher registers can be accessed from the Statistics page: -
Gateway of Tally>Display>Statements of Accounts>Statistics
Drill down a specific Voucher Type to view the Register. " .-
Monthly Summary
When drilling down from a statement into any Group, Ledger, Stock item or cost
centre or


r -lit x >|iiti->-i I- .1 Lit). I i : 'i'i

--=,_ i

li"il>i Miinl- I' .-f J-i-

AL.. L
Ty!"*"1 * >! V'-ilih"! i

i i lies accounts
: . i "-In Kotf
D-I)it Nile
-; - automatic .1.1 II1..1!
''AT 'Sales Tax ~'.ivin->iiT Eistsy Physical Stock
ft Pui>:ii.><ieOih!<rri''-i!
- will be similar P>.-. fii.t M->;-
: the option is e first column : l.i!
s. will be similar

1 ;" e<jofii-i

H'frit t *lltl*S
StochCioiilts Stock Coteuuiie?

-^- tnv ftap

'-><? AK Rap
' "i" Features
\pit Raogs

I 210

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2


any such object, the first screen is the Monthly summary. Monthly Summary is also
available from a Voucher level screen by using the button Monthly.
The monthly summary shows the Opening Balance for the year, then lists each
month's total transactions both debit (inwards for stocks) and credit (outwards for
stocks) and finally each month's closing balance.
Below the monthly summary, is a bar chart showing the movement of transactions.
Use F12: configure to see more or less details including the graph.
For example, the different options under the button bar are very useful for managerial
reports. For example, use the New Columns option to bring up the Monthly summary
of another ledger or object or the same object in another company. Quarterly shows
summarized quarterly figures.
F12: Configure provides options to see percentages, average details as well high/low
Ledger Monthly Summary
This is shown on the next page.

Particiittir s

- Sinttfe User. H
SI- NO.:?42Q68243 i^ 17.86.41,
tes 7.2-Release 1
j Types <rf Vouchers .
Debit More
(intent Jotirn.>l
Mentor .lmltim
Payment Eirtr, Ptiysical Stock
Pwcluwe Onler Purchase Quotation
Receipt Mote Rej<*>ns In Refections Oin
1-Apr-2005 to 30-Af/r



mt' ;f s

f % Compar


0 New Cotar^"
"I - Mum
0 ~

Group Sumr
?or this select Gateway of Til Select a Group : It is shown ar;v:
The Group Surrj-the selected grcu: groups in the gr;; the view to:
Detailed, Ind:v:-_ "veil as bring:r.; u
List of Vouch
Vouchers or tra.ts. period to give rr.ei:

Point Tally 7.2

Display/Reports in Tally

211 j

ir. is also available
l:s:s each month's stocks) and finally
transactions. Use
managerial reports. rjnary of another ::".vs summarized
25 well high/low

i l.lll. s

--.1.1 M.

CuronMssete ABCL
Closing Balance


r Column

d Cofumn tA C clump
Other Rs; tn R[
FyaEure; | Parnje |

Group Summary
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Display>Accounts Books>Group summary
Select a Group, e.g. Current Assets
It is shown above.
The Group Summary Statement shows the Closing Balances of the accounts falling
under the selected group for the period up to the current date. The standard view is
that of sub-groups in the group. Using the different options provided in the buttons
bar, you can change :he view to:
Detailed, Individual Ledger account listing under the selected group, monthly
summary as well as bringing up new columns of information for comparison and
List of Vouchers
Vouchers or transactions of a similar nature or type are collated and listed together for
a period to give meaningful information. There are different types of Voucher Lists,
e.g., Group
I 212

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

f.lllv">llwi - Nlllill* !' -i "='

'jl -\iy :! 1 - ;.

i- i: ,.i -if.-. :-:

' i'i I- lUM'll Hi ll'i.7^"_ I.M-j


Vouchers, Ledger Vouchers, Stock Vouchers, Godown/Location Vouchers, etc. The main
feature of such statement is that they belong to a particular entity from which they
accessed and provide the lowest level of detail after which the only detail possible is
vouchee itself. -...-.. . ..r,-c
Group Vouchers
Gateway of Tally>Display>Accounts Books>Group Vouchers Select a Group, e.g.
Current Assets
Group Vouchers is a list of all vouchers that have at least one ledger account entry
belonging to the selected group during the period of display. This statement is useful
when you want to list all transactions for a particular group.
Ledger Vouchers . ... . . ; "_ '_'/.- "'^.. '\ \ ,'-.. -."/. ' :-^
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Display>Accounts Books >Ledgers
Select Ledger Account. The list of vouchers for the current month is displayed. This list
of vouchers for a ledger is the lowest level of collated data drilling down after which is

actual vo"_:: statements. '.:

Ratio Am
Gateway o;
The Ratio A: It gives irrr: that top and where :t : Principal Gr: that give rers get a

nt Tally 7,2

Display/Reports in Tally

213 j

1 illt X -hill' n I'.l IH.. l":.s:-.M"

.i-l MiHll- ' ! ne.

i i - -'--.- F u i .

*** ~-:<

P.lllli Ml.ll-

[ ..t-

^ j
e:_- The rnair.
-::h they were
risible is the
. ed. This lis: which is the

Jitviini I.- !!-IM> :

actual voucher. You may also access Ledger Vouchers by drilling down from different
statements, like, Group Summary and Monthly Summary, ,
Ratio Analysis
Gateway of Tally>Ratio Analysis
The Ratio Analysis Statement is a Single Sheet Performance Report for a selected
period. It gives important values and key performance indicators for the company. It is
one report that top management need to look at to know the state of the company's
financial health and where it is going in the short term. The Ration analysis Screen is
divided into two parts: Principal Groups and Principal Ratios. The Principal Groups are
the absolute key figures that give perspective to the ratios. Principal Ratios relate two
pieces of financial data to get a comparison that is more meaningful when compared
with ratios of other companies.
Working Capital
Tally allows the Accountants' definition and is the Net Working Capital calculated as
Current Assets less Current Liabilities. Financial Analysts often mean total Current
as Working Capital. This is measure of the extent the firm is protected from liquidity
problems. ' ' " :: '" " : ! ; ' '

I 214

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2


ICI T.dlv boliinnii^ Pvt. Lt<l..

'.i-l -MIHllO'.Urfl >*!*
t- r-?-. :>-' ,,rn,
-: 1 -
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- lur-ehM, .-j'll.ii' HI --.., - ...-;-.-" . i

''Illl'll, I I '.lITitl s
.:, .-l.lnu--; >l~nl-'i..|ii ,_, I . . 'Hi
r-cs v
N.-||\ A'.'. .ilHli'-
I-'III- Ai.- mint M'->'h in h.m.l
vVK'i. C,i|.'it,il rillli-vjw F.. ;
"'"'"'' 'iPfi(uii..nii, I* -"ii:t n f/\ i in -I i.'
.11 ii-ni
i :-' - i. -.'i T.1-'< L -:
lll/lltOlV Illlll'^'frl
1 .SdtAHi r" ""1/ "i^ ' _ ." '. no jj.L ' .'..' '' i. : i":i''. Cir.- --

Cash in Hand and Bank Balances

There are indicated in the Ratio analysis screen to give the liquidity perspective.
Sundry Debtors ;^
(Due till today) '
These are two figures, total debtors and debtors that are due on the date of the
Sundry Creditor ,
(Due till today)
These are figures for total creditors and those that are due as on the date of the
Sales and Purchase Accounts
These show the trading activity for the period
Stock in Hand
This is the stock in hand as on the date of the report. Together with cash and Bank
Balances and Debtors, Stocks complete the Current Assets aspect of Working Capital.

Net Profit
This is derived : expenses.
Principal R;
reriod's per:;
Working Capri
This is an a.-.;-has been rcT.ei using its wo:;-
Inventory Tun
Sales/Closir.z 5
This is an;;-_-_ over during :he inventories.
Current Ratio
Current Assets
This is a liqu:c:r. of a firm to rr^t is current asseti
Quick Ratio
Current Assets-S
This liquidity c: of the current a_ss that stocks ani \z recome insolvent
Debt-Equity Rat
_oans (Liability:
-his is a gearir.; .Trm. It shows the higher the amour. sorrowed funds i: vorthiness.
Point Tally 7.2

Display/Reports in Tally


Net Profit
This is derived from the Profit and Loss Account and is the profit after all direct and
indirect expenses.
Principal Ratios
These should be compared to industry averages, as well as for other periods to assess
current period's performance.
Working Capital Turnover >
Sales/Working Capital
This is an activity or efficiency ration that shows the number of times the working
capital has been rolled over during the period of the report. It depicts how effectively
the firm is using its working capital.
Inventory Turnover
Sales/Closing Stock
This is an activity or efficiency ratio that shows the number of times stocks has been
over during the period of the report. It depicts how effectively the firm is using its
inventories. #
Current Ratio :
Current Assets: Current Liabilities
This is a liquidity or solvency ration and is the most off-used ratio for assessing the
capability :: a firm to meet its short-term obligations. It specifically shows a firm's
ability to cover ."-5 current assets with current liabilities.
Quick Ratio

Current Assets-Stock in Hand: Current Liabilities

This liquidity or solvency ratio is called Acid-Text Ratio that concentrates on more
liquid :: the current assets to measure a firm's ability to meet its current obligations. It
is through "_-at stocks and inventories are the least liquid if all current assets and
hence a firm might :;come insolvent if its current assets comprise a high proportion of
Debt-Equity Ratio
_ ?ans (Liability: Capital+Net Profit)
This is a gearing ratio that shows the extent to which long-term debt is used to
finance the T-n. It shows the proportion borrowed funds to Owners' Equity. The lower
the ration, the :-iher the amount of funds invested by the owners. If the ration is high,
it indicates that :: rrowed funds are more than own funds and the firm, which makes
the firm lower credit-
- Pithiness.


Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Display/Reports i

Gross Profit % * -
This is the trading profit before indirect expenses and taxes expressed as a
percentage of total sales. It measures the efficiency of a firm's operations as well as
indicates how products are priced.
Net Profit %
This is the profit after all expenses including direct and indirect expenses but before
taxes expressed as a percentage of total sales. It is a more specific measure of the
efficiency c: a firm's operations. By considering both Gross Profit % and Net Profit %
together, we arc able to gain considerable insight into a firm's operations and the part
played by the direc and indirect expenses.
Operating Cost % -
As percentage of Sales Accounts
This is total cost including direct and indirect expenses but before taxes expressed as
a percentage of sales. A high ratio shows that even a slight rise in costs would be risky
ana might necessitate increase in price.
Return on investment % ;j ; \- '
(Net Profit/Capital + *Net Profit) %
Net Profit here is Profit after all expenses but before taxes. This is a profitability ration
that an investor is most interested in. The investor needs to know how much is earned
en each dollar invested. If the investor finds other avenues that gives better returns,
he will move his money from the firm.
Return on Working Capital % ,
(Net Profit/Working Capital) %r~ ^ -
This is another profitability ration that ignores costs in Fixed Assets and assesses how
profitably a firm uses its net current assets.
Receivable Turnover in Days ; ;.-.-
Payment Performance of Debtors
It is an efficiency ratio that measures the quality of a firm's receivables and how
successful it collects its debts Receivable Turnover in days is a figure that tells us the
average number of days that receivables are outstanding before being collected. It
should be compared with the average credit policy of the firm.
It is arrived at using the formula (Closing Balance of debtors/Total Sales)*Number of
Da;. Payment Performance of Sundry Debtors
Payment Performance of Debtors is the average of the time customers to actually pay
ther bills irrespective of the outstanding balance on the statement date. It is possible
that tit; receivable turnover is low but payment performance ration is high indicating
that thoiijfn


me customer! s- d and customer le-. -ore detailed re-shows both the r;

The Ledger Pa>r: lays as 322.55 iz. multiplied by tcti _? only a few day ;-~ti the
Average :: assess how [?z
The Actual pay-rustomer. It she-* rayment. At e :
Cost Centre
ror conceptual :r_ :hapters under A
lost Centre Rep-transactions and
To access Cost C Gateway of Tal'j
Cost Categoi
"or this select th; Gateway of Tall".
The information -S accessed here a
Here two cost :2 are Executives a: compromises of i
Note that the n^n that are in norma. them. General Ov transaction totals their
Cost Centre
From the Cost C: the figures.

oint Tally 7.2

Display/Reports in Tally


percentage of now products

u: before taxes :e efficiency o: :;erher, we arc c bv the direc:
pressed as %
re riskv an;

.: _= ear ned
he '

die customer(s) cleared iheir outstandings, they look a long time doing it. To get group
level and customer level performance reports, drill down. Drill Down into the ration to
get a more detailed position of debt collection. It is possible to take a customer's
statement that shows both the receivable turnover in days and the customer's actual
payment performance.
The Ledger Payment Performance statement shows at the top, the receivable turnover
in days as 322.83 days, which is the balance outstanding in relation to total sales to
the customer multiplied by total number of days in the period. However, even if the
outstanding balance .5 only a few days old, the ration will still be the same. Therefore,
the ratio should be read with the Average Performance of actual payments and the
payment history of the customer :o assess how long it might take to pay the
outstanding balance.
The Actual payment history is given in the table fjor each invoice that was paid by the
aistomer. It shows when the invoice was paid, when it was due and what was the
delay in payment. At the bottom, the customer's average performance is given for all
cleared invoices.
Cost Centre Reports
For conceptual information on Cost Centres and Cost Categories, please look up the
relevant chapters under Accounts Information.
Cost Centre Reports are primarily performance reports that give different views of how
ransactions and their relation to cost centres.
To access Cost Centre Reports:
t gateway of Tally>Display>Statements of Accounts>Cost Centres
Cost Category Summary
For this select the following: ;
Gateway of Tally>Display>Statements of Accounts>Cost Centres>Category Summary
The information on all Cost Categories to which voucher transaction have been
_s accessed here as shown next: .... ; , ,-.o- i. ^
Here two cost categories are created apart from the default Primary Cost Category.
These ire Executives and Projects. Each Category has some cost centres under it.
Executives r compromises of a Cost Centre Group - Managers, which has cost centres
under it.
Vote that the names in italics are cost centres that do not have any sub-cost centre.
Names at are in normal font, e.g., Managers, are of cost centres that have sub-cost
centres under '-iem. General Overheads is a cost centre under primary Cost Category.
The debit and credit ransaction totals and the closing balance for each cost category
are displayed together with ~eir breakdown consisting of cost centres summaries.
Cost Centre Vouchers
From the Cost Category Summary, drill down into a cost centre for monthly break-up
of -ze figures.


Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Display/Reports i

K.i T.illv solutions Pvt. I til., i

C-iltySibei - Single tls>H :>: y No 741- =143 ,,,..=,

<ci Taly Solutions PvL Ut


P.lltH UlillS

____JtliMi<i ;
Dels.: ' j' fji"";l_ 1

I t^

Patticaiat ?

Select a month to display the Cost Centre Vouchers for that month. Use F2: Period to
expan; the date range it required. Use Detailed option, drill down to access the
original voucher or use F12: Configure to display more details.
The Cost Centre Vouchers screen is accessible from all other Cost Centre Reports men-
options too but the vouchers displayed are those that relate to the cost centre and
to the report. - >
Cost Centre Break-up
Cost centre Break up shows the ledger accounts that were used in vouchers and
allocate; to the cost centre, their total transaction values and the balance. If only
revenue account are considered, the Cost Centre break up becomes the Profit or Loss
statement of activities for the cost centre, ignoring only the Opening and Closing
Stocks. It is then a powenu. performance statement.
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Display>Statement of Accounts>Cost Centres>Cost Centre Break-u:
Select a cost centre, e.g., Andrew (which belongs to the Category Executives):

":~:>u get a grout" Select (click! Fe The report will
Vse the buttons the columnar C ini assessment rentre and cemt
Trhl down for : Ledger Bres
This is another .eiger account : Expenses were i
r:r this sele- i Z-iteway ot Til Select a ledger .

the Point Tally 7.2

Display/Reports in Tally


.! J
' I'
i7 d-i -s:
rn. J
r H;f
Jet Ret
:2: Period to expand original voucher or
;r::re Reports menu centre and relevant
_;hers and allocated i>- revenue accounts Element of activities : :s then a powerful
ost Centre Break-up

" ' M . <-

. .r. T.iltjr S-iliiliiiiis \*/l. Ltd.. l!'t:fi-2Uf'? T7" -^,
.... f s. rio
P.llti-. ill.II > it- "ai-2uri5 _&PU
II.J '; ri'iii^jctinni ! rioimy
J _ME ^...^ _LHi_.J_.^L._L.
- Companv
iJter Column
fitrtn Column
Other Rep
'- ftc Rep " ' FestLre*.
> ._* value
You get a grouped summary of the break up.
Select (click) Detailed to see the ledgers.,
The report will resemble this:
Use the buttons to see the report in alphabetic order of ledger accounts. A useful
report is the columnar Cost Centre break-up that allows comparison of two or more
cost centres and assessment of their relative performance. Use New Column to bring
up another cost centre and compare.
Drill down for further details.
Ledger Break-up of a Cost Centre
This is another view of a cost centre report. It enables you to analyse the distribution
of a ledger account amongst different cost centres. If you want know how much
Conveyance Expenses were incurred by different cost centres, this is the report that
you should look at.
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Display>Statement of Accounts.Cost Centres>Ledger Break-up
Select a ledger account.

I 220

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2




M. Mil.. 198ft- '(-.

d No

iHr-: Fi'n. t-

i c! Tally Submons Ps*. U ~.i la .

i: til.ii *

7 '?.'-" F!' 1 '! j-=.

: Tl. IllV.I'.tli.l IIS 'l..:.ii.,j
'-<: _ "K JII'.v

P-ii rlc iil-if

Use the buttons to see the report in alphabetic order of ledger accounts. A useful
report L? the columnar Cost-Break up of Ledger that allows you to compare how
different cost centres used two or more ledgers (e.g. expense accounts) For example
Use New Column to bring up another ledger account, say, Sales. The report will give
you how much each executive sold ad how much he spent on running the motorcar.
You will be able to judge their relative performance.
Even compare the data with that of another company! As usual in any Tally report, dnl
down for more details.
Group Break-up of a Cost Centre
This is another view of a cost centre report. It enables you to analyse the distribution
of i group (of total accounts) amongst different cost centres. If you want know how
what Indiie ~ Expenses were incurred by different cost centres, this is the report that
you should look a:
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Display>Statement of Accounts>Cost Centres>Group Break-up
Select a Group account, e.g., Indirect Expenses. Use the buttons to see the report s.
alphabetic order of ledger accounts. .

A useful repor :i different cos: cer up another Grcu

The report will 2 spent. You will "> :otal of another ,
Outstanding* Receivables art
Receivables ani r indeed its busir.e: of current liab-Effective conrrcl rirm. Tally pro-/;;
For this selee :h; Gateway of Tall-.-

o!nt Tally 7.2

Display/Reports in Tally

T'lllv - liltl-ilr IM.U'I.. I11"" S- '


' ' Vffl. No.: 7420^82*3 {

: Indirect Expenses ABCL

New Column Jlter Column

^er Column

Other Rsf - Inu Rep ; ftjo Rep Features -^


fi Other Ra|>
"'< llw Re{>
FV, fee Rep
,.?i* Faatuees
] Pi.'.
A useful report is rrerent cost centres Column to bring .;- each executive uige their
Tally report, drill
lie distribution of a , how what Indirea vou should look at.
cup Break-up
c see the report in

A useful report is the columnar Cost-Break up of Groups that allows you to compare
different cost centres used two or more Groups. For example, use New Column to
up another Group, say, Sales Accounts. .
The report will give you how much each executive (cost centres) sold and how much
he spent. You will be able to judge their relative performance. Even compare the date
with the
total of another company!
- . ' . ... .. - . '.'
Outstandings and Credit Control Receivables and Payables
Pveceivables and Payables are two important components of any firm's working
capital and indeed its business activity. Receivables are a part of current assets
whereas payables are :f current liabilities. Each influences the short-term liquidity and
financing of the company. Effective control of both types of Outstandings is necessary
for the financial health of the irm. Tally provides many reports and analysis to aid
credit control.
For this select the following: r
Gateway of Tally > Display > Statement of Accounts > Outstandings

I 222

Straight to the Point Tally 12

Receivable (Bills Receivable)

The discussion is based on Receivables. Payables are exactly the same and hence nc:
discussed separately.
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally > Display > Statement of Accounts > Outstandings > Receivables
This report is for all receivable invoice outstanding on the current date. Remember
tha: this report only takes into consideration those accounts that have Bill-by-Bill
optic~ activated. (To verify display the account master through Accounts Info).

Party's N
Pending i


h* e ' I i i <


This report has the following information. Date

This is the EFFECTIVE date of invoice. It is not the actual invoice date. Hence, if your
invoice date is 15 November but the effective date is 30 November, 30-Nov-98 will be
shown here Credit Period is calculated from effective date.

rnnt or en diange the
F12: Corrf
This has d Include P
Post-dated can be ind set this to"! dated
In the abc columns, received bj 98). The re marked 'Pc invoice, wt on 31-12-9J
Show Bills
The Bills O bills raised

The is the Bill reference number that was entered in the Bill-wise Details

Instead of

223 [
Display/Reports in Tally
The ledger name appears here Pending Amount
This is the outstanding balance on the particular invoice. To see the break-up, press
SHIFT+ENTER. To see the break-up of all the bills, select the Detailed button.
:e Remember that 3;II-by-Bill option


The due date of the bill as entered during voucher entry. It is with reference to the
date. , ; .- '.--..
Overdue by Days
It is the period in days from due date to the end date of the report, in the above
example, the end date is l-Dec-98.
Drill down any invoice for further details.
Buttons . -' : i; -" '--- -f -'". '"" ""':i :[{
Print or e-mail the report to your bills collector. Use other buttons to configure, query
or change the report.
F12: Configure Bill-wise Outstandings Report
This has the following options. Include Past-Dated Transactions?
Post-dated transactions are those whose voucher dates are after the date of display.
can be included in the Outstandings report if you
set this to Yes if you want to see the effect of post- Configuration
Include Postdated Tr3risar1ions ? I

Hence, if yc ov-98 will

In the above example, note the change in the ghonBilfein Foreign Enhanoe? No
columns. The payment for the first bill was Show Opening Amount ? No
received by way of a post-dated cheque - (31-12- Show overdue using Bid Date ?
^8). The receipt entry was made for 31-12-98 and
marked 'Post-dated'. In the date range 1-1-98, the PangeofBillstoshow Pending
xvoicc; which is still outstanding, will be cleared ShowQtv Info in
DetsHedForrr^t^ Yes
:>n 31-12-98 and such the Final Balance will be nil. Appearance of Names Name
Show Bills in Foreign Exchange? Sorting Method Default
The Bills Outstanding report will show only those bills raised in foreign currency.
Remember, rills raised in base currency will be excluded.
Show Over Dues Using Bill Dates?

Instead of using due dates for calculating overdue days, do you want to sue the

I 224

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2


date for the calculation? Yes or No. The Overdue column is recalculated to show the
age of the invoices in number of days.
The other configuration options are self-explanatory .t
Age-wise Analysis of All Receivables
If you are not already in the receivables screen.
For this select the following: f; "
Gateway of Tally > Display > Statement of Accounts > Outstandings > Receivables >
Select (click) Age-wise
Ageing Analysis
Method of Ageing
Ageing by Due Date

Select one of the two Methods of Ageing: By Bill Date or By Due Date. Set the age
periods required for the report. An earlier setting is given and can be accepted as it is
or modified. The aged bills report is produced accordingly. You can drill down to query
the individual invoices. Age-wise analysis for a ledger account or group of accounts
are discussed separately.
Payables (Bills Payable)
For this select the following: "'
Gateway of Tally > Display > Statement of Accounts > Outstandings > Payables
The button F4: Payable in the Receivable screen switches to Bills Payable report.
Likewise. when in Payable Screen, F4: Receivable button is available to switch to Bills
Receivable report.
Outstandings Report of a Single Ledger Account
All receivables or all payables serve to give you a total picture of the bills received and
issued. If you want to know the outstandings status of the bills of a particular party
account. those reports are not suitable. You should use the Ledger Outstandings
For this select the following: .
Gateway of Tally > Display > Statement of Accounts > Outstandings > Ledger
Detailed functionality available in this report, including F12: Configure and Age-wise
Analyse is the same as in All Receivables and has been discussed in detail there. You
can however produce Reminder Letters from the ledger Outstandings report. Use the
Contact button : : view address and other contact details.
Reminder L

Point Tally 7.2

Display/Reports in Tally


:o show the age

> Receivables >
> Pavables

Age-wise Analysis of a Single Ledger Account

If you are not already in the receivables screen:
Select the following: :
Gateway of Tally > Display > Statement of Accounts > Outstandings > Ledger
Select the ledger account. Select (click) Age-wise. Select one of the two Methods of
Ageing. By Bill Date or By Due Date. Set the age periods required for the report. An
earlier setting is given and can be accepted as it is or modified. The aged bills report
is produced accordingly. You can drill down to query the individual invoices.
Outstanding Report for a Group
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally > Display > Statement of Accounts > Outstandings > Group > Select
a Group .
This report gives the outstandings for a group of ledger accounts e.g. UK Customers
and is useful to hand out to managers of different groups of customers. Drill down
further into each account. Configure using F12. You can view net amounts in this case
to see the net balance outstanding for each ledger. For a group that contains sub-
groups, e.g., African Customers, the button F5: Led-wise is useful. It also toggles to
Age-wise Analysis for a Group
If you are not already there:
Gateway of Tally > Display > Statement of Accounts > Outstandings > Group > Select
a Group > Select (click) Detailed > Select (click) Age-wise > Select one of the two
Methods of Ageing:
By Bill Date or By Due Date. Set the age periods required for the report."
An earlier setting is given and can be accepted as it is or modified. The aged bills
report is produced accordingly. You can drill down to query the individual invoices. You
can see Net Balances by configuring it using F12. You cannot print Reminder letters to
a group from here but from Multi-Account Printing in the Gateway of Tally.
Reminder Letters
If you are not already there:
Gateway of Tally > Display > Statement of Accounts > Outstandings > Ledger >
Select (click) Print (or e-mail)
If the Print (Y or N) box appears, select No. Tab down to:

I 226

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2


Print Reminder Letter: - ^

Change to Yes ;
Set, accept or modify, as the case may be, the ageing period. Show Bills in Foreign
Type Yes or No according to what you need and accept. In this case, we selected Yes.
The text of the reminder letters can be changed through F12: Configure while in the
Print option. If you want to print Reminder Letters to a group of customers' ledgers,
you should use the Multi-account printing option.
Reminder Letters to a Group of Ledgers
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally > Display > Statement of Accounts > Outstandings > Ledgers >
Group of Accounts

Cash Flow

Printer : 0PT1:) Ho.orawiEs: i

Metnod : Neat Mode Paoe Ranrje: All

Printing Ledger Outstanding Paner Tiipe:

Paper see : (8 IT* 11581 or "i c ram s jgr mirf Prim Area : ra.DT^ 10 3B" or CM rum;
275 itiirf

gateway o: .;

Report rraes
Bill-wise Details

From (tiurikfartiefllr.rilne): 14-2000 To rtiiam-. rot end"i :

Funds Flovi

Print Reminder Letter ? No

snow overdue usin^ein Datr NO
Range oTBIlis to show Pending Bills
Format condensed
snow civ mo in DECaiiPd FoimaP NO
Shaw bills OTTMDWIHQ type : All Bills snow Bills in Foreign Etchangd? No
siantesntjage ibreaili Atcourfli* Yes

Print ?

Select the group for which reminder letters are required e.g. Sundry Debtors.
Select No to Print?
The report by default is a Bill-wise details are reports that lists the outstanding bills for

>int Tally 7.2

Display/Reports in Tally

each ledger in the group. Tab down to Print Reminder Letter. Set it to Yes. Set the age
periods. Set other options as necessary. Reminder letters for each account in the
group will be printed.
Cash and Fund Flows
Cash management is essential for any business. Many companies continue to be
project profits even as they go into liquidation because of insolvency. Businesses close
down because of lack of cash despite being profitable. Cash and Flow Statements aid
in cash management and are an important components of management accounts.
Cash Flow
Tally's Cash Flow Statement is a historical statement of cash (including those with the
Bank) moving in and out of the business. It explains changes in cash by listing those
activities that increased cash and those that decreased cash. When used with the
Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account, the Cash Flow Statement helps to assess
the reasons for differences between net income and net cash flow from operating
activities as well as the effect of cash and non-cash investing and financing
For this select the following: '*
Gateway of Tally>Display>Cash/fund Flow>Cash Flow
This produces a Monthly Cash Flow Summary that shows the Casn Movement - inflow
and outflow for each month and the Net Flow. Select a month and drill down by
pressing enter. Select (click) Detailed. You have the cash flow for that month. For
Quarterly (or for any other period e.g. Monthly) Cash Flow: Change Period by pressing
F2: Set the period e.g. 1-1-98 to 31-12-98. Select (click) Auto Column. Select Quarterly
(or Monthly or any other period). You have your columnar cash flow: Columnar Cash
Flow Statement
Funds Flow
While Cash Flow Statement is concerned only with cash, Funds Flow takes into
the movement of the entire working capital. It includes increases and decreases in
creditors and debtors apart from cash and bank. The statement reveals the Source of
and how they were applied. ,r .
For this select the following: . ,. . .
Gateway of Tally>Display>Cash/Fund Flow>Funds Flow
This produces a Monthly Funds Flow Summary with movement of working capital for
each month. It takes a slightly different approach to Cash Flow Summary is that it
gives Opening and Closing Balances of each month with the Flow as the extension.
Select a month and drill down by pressing enter. Select (click) Detailed. You have the
funds flow for that month. The screen is divided into two portions:
1. Application of funds for Long Term Assets ,

I 228
Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

ici|y Siiftniuns PvMU. IOS8-?OO5 <^" i,

T.illvSilvei - Mihjle Usei H-'B
!6s 11- F">!p^se 1 /a sGCts -I i J = T42Grii.wT 11-fi i-r..
TUB 2h S'av ICib ""*" If 10 Jf: L'Dloiii

P 11 Tli II1 .i 1 -. ! : : '^:r. '..pi-

i T^LV "1 '.LVIL". i M.rt 2'"'

_'- r_r

,s.; II "->---
je' I.. .
J| .mil

A|<i M.iy Jim Jul Aii'i i>|i .'I H"\ I"--. l-lli
l->-|i |.1,I


ft T.Tlty SoliBiops Oil
HS 7 I- Re
*..= 2&r, Ma, <i"
P >i 11 i c ii I a i

| June July
1 August
I September
I October November December January February
Grand Total

2. Current Assets and Liabilities, i.e. Working Capital movement - note the bottom
portion where movement in Working Capital is shown.
You can drill down any line for further details. For Quarterly (or for any other period
e.g., Monthly) funds Flow: Change Period by pressing F2: Set the period e.g. 1-4-2000
to 30-6-2000. Select (click) Auto Column. Select Quarterly (or Monthly or any other
period). You have your columnar Funds Flow.
Reconciliation of Bank Accounts
Reconciling the Company's Bank Accounts with the Banker's Statement is a
fundamental and regular task of Accounting. Our first presentation of this facility aims
to tackle two issues.
First, there should be the ability to check back the correctness of the reconciliation.
This has been done, by making the Bank Date against the voucher. For instance, if you
have issued a cheque on 8th April, which was ultimately cleared by your Bank on 19th
April, -you would set the Bank Date for the voucher to be 19th April. This means, that
when you next need to check back whether the entry made by you is correct, you will
only need to verify the Bank Statement of the 19th. Second, that you should be able
to recover the reconciliation as of any date. This is of crucial importance of Auditing.
The Bank

Reconciliatic-of accounts 2.:

However, 1: :s first day of ; viewable eve-marked as re;: may have a i: Account, you
Opening Balar you could hav (where the :ec not wish to re-Give the date : entries will
A quick exper about it:
1. Bring u: Shee": ~

sint Tally 7.2

Display/Reports in Tally


_-i n . jiui
i... P-; tic; tap

if' T.ilK Si.llltl^llS Pvt. L.H.. 168-200i
- l.illySilvH Single Hei *( "S 11 0=i ~
P 11 11 . i| 1.) 1 . AB.-L "--
m- 1-B.U--1C05 E.r>*
; Woihilhli .l|ilt.ll , Hunk,
j .Iprtlltl? I '-ilt.J i Flo*
1 '"
- .-
i _ Nid1 Lolumn
1. -'_ L):-.: CJ in,-,
4fft Cjiunvi
'1 .Ill'l Ti'F.ll
i . Otnsr Ruf
i .L._ __.^ ^ Im. Ren
, AI>I M.iy Jim Jill 1lM S1 |> ''let Nov
Dm .I.Hi Fel> M.II ' FM'ure-
i ZoMgun
::e the bottom
-er period e.g., 4-2000 to 30-6-:T period). You
a fundamental :o tackle two
filiation. This e. if you have - 19th April, -at when you 1 only need to :o recover the :J.
The Bank

Reconciliation is one of the pre-requisites of Auditing and verification of the

correctness of accounts at the year end.
However, it is not a real time task in the sense, that it is not done by the auditor's on
the first day of the next year. This means, that the reconciliation made on 31st Mar,
should be viewable even in August - by when almost all the cheques would have
subsequently been marked as reconciled. This has again been achieved using the
concept above. Bank Accounts may have a different Starting Date for reconciliation
purposes. When you create a Bank Account, you are requested to give an Effective
Date for Reconciliation just before the Opening Balance. Normally, this would be the
Books Beginning from date itself. However, you could have imported data from a
previous version of Tally or from any other system (where the reconciliation process
was not available or was different. In that case, you may not wish to reconcile the
bank account with your bank statements from the very beginning. Give the date from
which you want the reconciliation facility to be activated. Then, previous entries will
not appear for reconciliation, but will be taken as a reconciled Opening Balance.
A quick experiment with Reconciliation will show you what is meant. Here is how you
go about it:
1. Bring up the monthly summary of any Bank Book (You could do this from the
Balance Sheet, Trial Balance or Display/Account Books/Bank Books and selecting a

I 230

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Display/Reports 1

2. Bring you cursor to the first month (typically April) and press Enter. This brings
the Reconcile will be visible on the right. Press F5.
3. The display now becomes an Edit screen in Reconciliation mode. The primary
components are: A column for the Bankers Date
4. The Reconciliation at the bottom of the screen, showing.
5. Balance as per Company Books
6. Amounts not reflected in Bank
7. Balance as per Bank
The Balance as per Company Books reflects your Balances as on the last date.
The Balance as per Bank is the Nett effect of your Book Balance offset by the amounts
not reflected in the Bank which should equal the balance in the Bank Statement. (Of
course, some variation may persist due to entries made in the Bank Statement which
you have not yet entered in your Books - but since you WILL definitely enter them and
only then print your reconciliation, it will ultimately reflect the correct balance). You
will find, as you mark off the individual vouchers by setting the Bank Date, that the
Reconciliation at the bottom of screen keeps reflecting those changes instantly. When
you are finished, press Ctrl+A (or press Enter as many times as necessary to skip over
the unmarked vouchers) and accept the screen. (If your screen has a largish number
of vouchers it may take some time to complete the acceptance - be patient).
The next time you come for reconciliation, you will be presented only with those
vouchers which remain unreconciled. Thus, the task keeps becoming simpler. (It may
be possible, that due to an error of entry made earlier, you wish to see those vouchers
which are already marked as reconciled - so that you may modify their marking. To do
this, press F12: Configure. In case you have already pressed a few keys BEFORE
pressing F12, Tally will query whether you wish to discard changes made so far, if any,
by asking Quit Y/N. Simply press Y - and the configuration screen will appear. Here,
specify whether you wish to see the reconciled vouchers also).
Remember, to print your Reconciliation, just press Alt+P! ._
Display Inventory Reports and Statements
Tally prepares the inventory reports based on the vouchers you have entered to date.
You can than vary the appearance of reports according to your needs, for example, to
make comparisons between different companies, periods of the financial year and so
on. In each case, when you display a report, you can step-down to the next level of
detail by highlighting the item and pressing Enter and you can keep going until you
reach an individual vouchers. Similarly, you can step back to higher levels by pressing
[Esc]. The special features available for the currently displayed report are indicated on
the button bar and can be selected with a single click of the mouse.
In other words, inventory operates in exactly the same way as accounting regarding

Viewing Sto
Pill Hi Illill s
int Tally 7.2

Display/Reports in Tally


Fhis brings up The primary

r. the amounts rx. (Of course, - you have not :>niy then print d. as you mark . at the
bottom ess Ctrl+A (or rfs) and accept some time to
those vouchers ay be possible, uch are already 2:5. press F12: F12. Tally will .;t Y/N.
Simply ou wish to see
id to date. You
imple, to make
SO1 on. In each
by highlighting
-.dual vouchers.
atures available
:*e selected with
rding displaying

modifying and printing the reports and so you can use the knowledge gained during
the accounting module to good effect with inventory. Because it is very similar in
operation, the function of the buttons on the button bar and the various printing
options are not repeated here. Instead, this unit concentrates on highlighting some of
he special inventory screens, before giving you he opportunity to practice:
Viewing Stock Summary
Stock Summary is a statement of stock in hand on a particular date. The statement is
updated with every transaction so that it provides current stock position at any time.
The statement can be drilled down as with all Tally reports, and configured to view
different details. Indeed, it is possible to see the total flow of stock on a single report.
Experiment with the different buttons for this purpose. Tally treats Stock Summary as
one of the Primary statements and makes it accessible directly from the Gateway of
To view the Stock Summary, select the following: Gateway of Tally> Stock Summary
The default display is that of stock group balances. Select detailed to show another
level of detail. This could be sub-groups or directly stock items in cases where there
are not subgroups.
t -r . . . I

ii i Lilly Solutions Pvt. Ltd.. lias-?000 w j,.

" .1. -J- M;.. "i- **""*~"1 r
T.lllvSlhWI Slllijlt 1 Y fS No 7420f.fc. 'Jplrad

1 P.lltir.uLlI % ] for !-vr-2.'U?i Bpoit

j < I. losilK.I BJI.UH.I1
| OuiPtih ."^ri? \'olue
J - Dialed
X "- Itcn-uise
i ' ' Show FratB
- Onlers
new Column
J*er Column
Jute Colunn
i Inu Rep
jl Ik Totnl
". Cjnfijure
k > . - : \ue

I 232

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

In the above example, note the stock groups with stock items below them. Here, there
are two stock groups, viz, Hardware and Software that have closing balances. The
Stock groups show total quantities. This is because the unit of measure is the same
for all the stock items that have been set up to have quantities of items added. The
stock group Services, does not have any balance. This is because of the original set-
up of the Services items, where stock is valued at Zero Cost and all sales are treated
as Manufactured. Note that there is a grand total too because of a single unit of
measure for all addable items. If there were different units of measure, then there
would not be grand total.
Stock Flow (Reconciliation)
The Stock Summary Statement can be configured to display the flow of goods.
Select F12: Configure while in the Stock Summary Screen. Set the configuration as
here. -
This statement shows the flow of stock: Opening Stock, Goods Inwards, Goods
Outward and Closing Stock. The statement is quantitatively reconciled but not
monetarily. Wha: that means is that: Opening quantity + Inward Quantity - Outward
Quantity = Closing Stock Quantity. However, this is not true of values and you should
not be disturbed because values do not add up this way. This is because the Outwards
value shows Sale Values and not Cost. The Closing Stock Value is however based on
cost and the Cost Method adopted for each item.
Value reconciliation is possible using Consumption figures instead of Outwards. Gross
Profits - (Items and Stock Group Profitability)
The Stock Summary can be expanded to show consumption and gross profits for each
stock item.
F7: Show Profits or F12: Configure while in the Stock Summary
Activate Show Consumption and Gross Profits. The statement will now be (quantities
have been set to No in this example):
The Outward Column is expanded to show cost of Goods Outwards termed
Consumption and Gross Profit value and percentage. This statement is useful for two
purposes: Profitability Analysis of Sales (Outwards) and Value Reconciliation of Stock
Stock Valuation Methods
Stock Summary with different stock valuations serve to show the effect of different
methods on the value of stock. Most popular methods are available. Each stock item
could be set up to have a different stock valuation method as default. However, there
are occasions when another method of valuation is needed, for example to asses the
replacement value or the scalable value of stock. Tally shows the stocks in any or all
the valuation methods dynamically and simultaneously without going through
complicated procedures.
Last Purchase Cost method can be used to assess the replacement value whereas Last

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A||ei UJ


Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Column Details

Name of Company
From (blank for beginning)
TG (blank for end) :; Currency
Name of Group Meihod of Stock Valuation
Type of Values

ABCL 14-2005
D Base Curtency Oianye Juice
Stock in Hand

At Zero Cost ... .; -;!
At Zero Price " -. -.'; J:'\
Avg. Cost -: . ^
Avcj. Price
Last Purchase Cost
Last Sale Price :~ "
LIFO Annual :
LIFO Perpetual ; Monthly Avg. Cost Std. Cost Std. Price

Select defaults for all except Stock Valuation Method. Select another method e.g. Last
Price . *
For the following statement:
The prices having fallen, the value that can be realized if all the stocks were sold in
less than the look values! For Balance Sheet purposes, the lower of cost or releasable
is preferable. The Balance Sheet can be configured to take that value. :- - ^S
Stock Group Summary v^
This report is available only if the option in Company Features: Integrate Accounts and
Inventory is set to No. : -*-^
The statement shows the Opening Closing figures that have been input in the ledger
account master rather than picked up from the Stock Summary. Hence, the Stock
Summary figures and the Stock Group Summary will show different figures. The
Ledger account belongs to the Stock-In-Hand Group.
Drill down the Stock Group Summary to reach the Ledger account where the closing
balance for a given date can be input. Different Closing Stock figures can be put in for
different dates that will remain effective till the next figure. The relevant figure for a
date is picked up into Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account.
To get to the Stock Group Summary, select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Profit & Loss Accounts>Opening Stock (for Closing Stock)
Drill down the Stocks Account to be able to input Closing Stock figures. The different
dates for Closing Balance are dates beginning from the date and till the following
date. If there is

tjl.lllll ToKii
no date that :":
Stock Catc

ie Point Tally 7.2

Display/Reports in Tally

235 [

wd e.g. Last Sale

t sold in actually re'easable value

: ' "' 5
! r.iityii hni'sn^ IM.LM.. r as: ''iwr. r.iir,".if/-i iii'ilf Hj-: _- -
iies?.^- Ksiease t
:- TLJS, 4tfa M3y -2005 SI, No :
ft 'S^SSwSSaBn
Pill tif lit.1l S ABCL
fori-Apr-2OO5 Default
Quanta / Rate Oiitw.inls Cl<
Value Coosumptiofl Gross Profit Pert% Quantity
Rsie Value
; r: Company
s = HI - fetemMy
After Column
Del Column
, $ut& Column
< M. Other Rep .!
. '? inw Rep
!':;' jflco Rep.
Gl ami TrtfaJ 3,300.00
- t : j'U: Configui*
f:^. Range
! >

e Accounts and
ieiger account
mary figures
:u~: belongs to
:'.o>Lng balance
for differen:
ia:e is picked
i_~erent da:e; :e. If there -j

no date that follows the last, then that Closing Balance continues. A blank amount
figure against a date will mean zero balance.
Stock Category Summary
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Display>Statements of Inventory>Categories
Select a Category, e.g., Software. , :
The Stock Category Summary lists out the Closing Balances of all items belonging to
the selected category. Drill down an item for Item Monthly Summary and for the Stock
Voucher list. Use Show Profit for profitability analysis for the Items in the Category.
Viewing Stock Items
For this select the following: "
Gateway of Tally>Display>Inventory Books>Stock Item.
You may go through the Stock Summary as well. Simply place the cursor on the item
and press [enter]

I 236
Straight to the Point Tally 7.2
Select an item from the List of Items. Select F12: Configure. Tab down the
Configuration menu to Show with Graph? And type y and press Enter. Select Bar and
No. You should now see the particulars displayed with a graph of goods inwards and
outwards (red for inwards and blue for outwards).
Stock Vouchers
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Display>Inventory Books>Stock Items
Select Item. Select and drill down a month.
The list of stock vouchers for the current month is displayed. This list of vouchers for a
stock item is the lowest level of collated data drilling down after which is the actual
voucher. You may also access Vouchers by drilling down from different statements, like
Stock Summary.
Making a Stock Query
Stock query - the one place for all information on an item For this select the following:

Gateway of 7=
Select an item. Items of the s-
The locationi a planning. Seleci locations. Yea
seen more ir/.r to try similar i
. :! I.ill, S'lli

ie) T.lHy SofHttons Pvt. Ltd., 1988-2005

ies 7 2 - Release 1
Tye, 2dth May. 2005

MlyStet - Single Uvi H-I?

SI. No. .7420882*., ,*t (h .--

PaiHcut.ii s

Quantity Value

Orange Juice A8CL

Quantity Value

Closing Balance
Quantity value

OpeniftQ Balance
Grand TotJil
Apt May JlHi Jill Any
Oct N* Dec Jan


: " Period 1.500.00.,-.-.Compaq.

1,500 00.
1,500 00
1,500 00;
1,500 00;
1,500.00 { . - -^
1,500.00' * <*">r
?rfi->!.?... n ; Aito &*

For example, y-
Go to the Grcj "Stock Group h selecting On-s::; then using Au:c of each repon i: and
back up agi

rt Tally 7.2

Display/Reports in Tally


lonfiguration . You should rd for inwards

Gateway of Tally>Display> Statement of Inventory> Stock Query

Select an item, from the List of Items. Notice how Tally uses the Stock Category to
display Items of the same Category. You can offer alternative products immediately.
The locations at which you have stocks are also given, which is invaluable for your
planning. Select F4: Item to switch to another item to display. Notice the stocks at
locations. You should attempt to explore the powerful display feature of Tally. You have
seen more inventory reports and that how they can be modified. Now use that
to try similar and new things on the other reports. .- .,

cuchers for a ual voucher. :5. like Stock

*Oset i




- Qysiteriv

^^ Other R*fs

T.iir. siihniiiiis (M. l.t'l..
" C-I'f ' r.lU3 2OIJ3 <'
<' ^jL * l.illysif^i -S
SI HO 7 llljli1 US*I
!f. .. ->-
> l.ll .t. Jlll'~ "K J'lKt f n-.i.j Jllkeb
J F (- P.r,
-.UJ : """>.B 3":hc :^ -..-.;(.:.
'Jdll'All E'-it til Oil.inillv ttvlii N.lii- JIMIitHy
''JO1 1 ".' C

1 = *tc Rap r" F3ture<

11 :
f'or example, you might like to:
Go to the Group Summary, select Software and then F12: Range to limit the display to
"Stock Group having Closing Value greater than 3000". Explore the locations report.
Try selecting On-site, clicking on Fl: Detailed, changing the period to 1-5-97 to 31-7-97
and then using Auto Column to bring up the month-by-month figures. Bring up the
initial display of each report and use Enter and [Esc] to work your way down through
the levels of detail and back up again.

I 238

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2


Analysis of Inventory Movements <

The Analysis of Inventory Movements are done for Accounted Transactions only. This is
in contrast to the details given through the Stock Summaries and other statements,
where Goods Received but Bills not Received and Goods Dispatched but Bills not
Raised are also considered. This difference may lead to slightly different figures and
values in the Analysis statements. The purpose of these Statements are for
comparative study and they should NOT be constructed as authentic Accounts or
Inventory Statements.
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Display - Inventory Books>Movement Analysis
You can analyse stock movements by stock groups or categories or even by financial
group or ledger.
Movement Analysis (Stock Group Analysis)
Movement Analysis of a selected stock group brings up the Total Inward and Outward
movement of all the items in the selected Stock Group. The Quantities shown are
Actual Quantities of movement (which in some cases, may be different from the Billed
Qty in the transactions). The Inward detail shows the Effective Rate or Final Landed
Cost of the

Item Mover

":. r.illy Solutions FM. LM., !<S8-2005

.'-= ' . -Release 1
T-_ /HIP May, 2005
- Single User H
SI. NO .-742068243 ^ BrallMr
Item Vouch*
Gateway of Tall
Stock Categ

te Point Tally 7.2

Display/Reports in Tally


by financial group
I He f utuitift -

materials, after considering all overhead costs (see Valuation of Purchases). In case
the Effective Rate is different from the basic Invoice rate of the materials, it is shown
in Bold - to highlight a possible candidate for further study. The Outward detail shown
the Basic Invoice Rate and Value of Goods sold/transferred out.
Item Movement Analysis
Item Movement Analysis is the next level of information (press Enter on the stock Item
or Display Inventory-Books Stock Item Analysis). This brings up the Party-
wise/Transfer-wise detail of Movement In and Out. The Inward details show the Basic
Invoice Rate as
well as the Effective Rate.
This is a great comparative report to view the effect of Purchase costs from different
suppliers. For example, Supplier A may have a loser Basic Invoice Rate as compared
to Supplier B, but the Effective Rate may be higher - (perhaps due to differences in
Taxes, Packing Costs, Freight Costs etc.) Similarly, in context where a material is both
manufactured in-house, as well as purchased - the difference in Purchase Costs and
In-house Costs can be compared. Lastly, by selecting multiple columns for different
periods, you would get to see the changes in Effective Rate for your purchases. The
next level of information (press Enter on the Party Name or Stock Journal Name), gives
the transaction level detail of information. Here, the Date of goods received/sold, the
Quantities, Basic Rates, Addl. Costs and Effective Rate for each transaction may be
viewed Pressing Enter expands into the Date, Type and Number of the Vouchers which
have contribute^ to this transaction. The default screen shows the Addl Costs (if any),
put together in a single column. To view the spread of costs, press F12: Configure and
select to view A; Addl Costs. This brings up the bifurcation of all Additional Costs
entered (see Valuation of Purchases).
Item Voucher Analysis >
This report gives value details of all transactions for a selected stock item from a
particular supplier or to a particular customer. It is obtained from Movement Analysis
of a stock item. For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Display>Inventory Books>Movement Analysis>Select Item from List
Select a supplier (or a customer) form the item Movement Analysis. The report above
shows each purchase from Tally Solutions, Bangalore during the period with break-
down of Basic Value and Addl. Cost. To see full details of additional cost, use F12:
configuration to set rhe option. The report considers only billed transactions and not
those for which invoices have not been raised. Drill down further into the actual
voucher, if necessary. Use F12: Configure for more details.
Stock Category Analysis - Movement Analysis
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Display>Inventory Books>Movement Analysis>Category Analysis.
Select a category e.g. Primary. Change period, if necessary. , ..: r._... ...,.,.
I 240

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2


T.ilrySirvei - Siiiyle User j*
SI. Wo.. 742OB8243 ;
Quantity ff Rats Value
-; <: oaatea
New Column fitter Column^
* Calurwv
r-'- Other ftep f {' friu Rep
Quantity Eff Rate Value

segments, bu: TS transfer have re

Godown Su
The Godowr. Godown/Lcci~ company on a ;
at each loca:::r transaction sc i
The statemer: : details. It is ils Experiment -A-.:
For this sele ~ Gateway of 7; Select Main L: Alternative/."

The Stock Category Analysis statement shows the movement of stock items of a
particular selected stock category. In the example on the next page, the stock items,
Lotus 1-2-3 and MS Excel belong to the Category Spreadsheets (through they are
grouped under Software). The Inward and Outward movement of these two items are
summarized in the Summary. Drilling down will bring up the Item Movement Analysis
for the selected item.
Ledger Analysis ;
Ledger Analysis is similar to Movement Analysis, except for bringing up the
movements of the items for the selected Ledger (Party). Thus, you get an analysis of
all purchases made from a supplier or all items sold to a customer. The next level of
information brings up the transaction level detail.
Transfer Analysis
Transfer Analysis gives the movement details of each type of Stock Journal. This can
be used powerfully by following a simple discipline of using different Stock Journal
types for each nature of transaction. For example, Item A Prod Item B can be used for
the production of Items A and B respectively. In this scenario, the report then
represents the total of Item A produced, as well as the Raw Materials used for its
production, with overhead costs (as entered). This becomes a very useful costing and
waste analysis too. In non-manufacturing

P.llil' III II

Point Tally 7.2

Display/Reports in Tally


segments, but with Multiple Godown, this report becomes a quick check to verify that
all transfer have been entered correctly - since the Total Movement In and Out must
Godown Summary (Location Summary)
The Godown/Location Summary statement shows the Stock Summary for different
Godown/Locations. While the main Stock Summary shows the stock position for the
entire company on a given date, the Godown/Location Summary is a statement of
stock in hand at each location on a particular date. As with all Tally statements, it is
updated with every transaction so that it provides current stock position for any
godown/location at any time.
The statement can be drilled down as with all Tally reports and configured to view
different details. It is also possible to see the total flow f stock for each location in a
single report. Experiment with the different buttons for this purpose.
For this select the following: ;; * J-; v : "> o :; o :~ -:
Gateway of Tally>Display>Statement of Inventory>Godown/Location
Select Main Location. To view the summary for all Godowns/Locations. -.-'
Alternatively * ^" .

... I.Ml, v lim.'ii-. K-t. LM. I"

% les 7 i - Keieass 1
C Tue. ,Mth May. 2005

" .'il5

4 at NO : 74iO6B^4J W6b BTOJJS,.


- 6-Mst! jBcport --BW

Main Location
ABtL for1-Apr-2005 ice
Quantiiv f?.s?a Value
'f Detailed
' "?.^ '^'",1'6- '"

Gl.1(1(1 T)t.1

f ?. aw Croft-
' Hew CpiufTift ter Column
mo Cotomn
f.> OlherRef f S' Irtv Rep

[ 242
Straight to the Point Tally 7.2
Select a specific Godown/Location to limit information to that location/godown. The
default display is that of Godown/Location to limit information to that location/godown.
The default display is that of Godown/Location Group balances. Yes, you might have
subgroups of godowns/locations quite like sub-groups of stock items or any other
Tally Master entity.
Select Detailed for second level of detail.
This could be a sub-group of godown/location or directly the stock groups under the
godown/locations in cases where there are no godown/location sub-groups. In the
above example, note the two godowns/locations with stock groups below them. Here,
there are two stock groups, viz, Hardware and Software that have closing balances.
The Godowns/ Locations as well as Stock groups show total quantities. This is because
the unit of measure is the same for all the stock items and they have been set up to
enable aggregation of item quantities. The stock group Services, does not have any
balances. This is because of the original set-up of the Services items, where stock is
valued at Zero Cost and all sales are treated as Manufactured. Note that there is a
grand total too because of a single unit of measure of all addable items. If there were
different units of measure, then there would not be a grand total. In fact, there would
not be a total quantity for the Godown/Location too. Two different units cannot be
Views of Godown/Location Summary Statement
Use options in the button bar to set up different information views. The buttons are
to those available in Stock Summary. The Godown/Location Summary shows stocks at
each location. In the above example, Bangalore Warehouse has a negative balance for
Software. Wimbledon warehouse has disproportionately high stock. Further
is possible by expanding the groups and zeroing down on the stock items at both the
locations. Perhaps, there was an error in transfer of goods? Bring the cursor on
and press SHIFT+ENTER to expand the group. For so for each location. It is now clear
that the stock item Tally eis 5.4 - Single User has negative balance of 24 pcs. By
down further into the stock item, it is found that there was a stock transfer entry that
the problem. i
Godown/Location Stock Flow/Reconciliation
The reconciled flow of goods at each location is available. "
Select F12: Configure while in the Godown/Location Summary Screen. Set the options
as above to opt for Opening. Goods Inwards, Goods Outward and Closing Balances.
The statement shows the flow of stock: Opening Stock, Goods Inwards, Goods
Outwards and Closing Stock at each location. The statement is quantitatively
reconciled but not monetarily. What that means is: Opening quantity + Inward
Quantity - Outward Quantity = Closing Stock Quantity. However, this is not true of
values and you should not be disturbed because values do not add up this way. This is
because the Outwards value shows Sale Values and not Cot. The Closing Stock Value
is however based on cost and the Cost Method adopted for each item. Value
reconciliation is possible using Consumption figures


instead of O_: give consume _. Value + Inwar.
Use Columns : or other opt::r^ or other op-:n bring up iire
Select New C: The above s:a: Auto-Coluir.r.> And Show 7:::
Different rer:r periodicity izz Summary leve!
f(i r l
P .11 t i i II I 1 I -r

r, I ,-j il It T ' I .1 I

Point Tally 7.2

:' godown. The rcation/godcwn. : might have sub--.her Tally Master
::oups under the ;rs. In the above : Here, there are The Godowns/ e unit of measure
gregation of item L5 because of the 2nd all sales are : i single unit of li-.en there would
-: iown/Location

Display/Reports in Tally
instead of Outward Values. Press F7: Show Profits to expand the Outwards Column to
give consumption and Profit figures. The Value Reconciliation is now possible using.
Opening Value + Inward Value - Consumption Value = Closing Stock Value.
Use Columns to see stock balances of the godowns/locations on different
dates/periods or other options. If you have selected a specific Godown/Location on
different dates/periods or other options. If you have selected a specific
Godown/Location to display, you can still bring up information of the other
godown(s)/location(s) in column.
Select New Column or Auto-Column for such displays. The above statement is
obtained by selecting. Auto-Column>Location And Show Total column
Different reports are available from the Stock Item Monthly Summary including
different periodicity and Average stocks. Drill down an item in the Stock or
Godown/Location Summary level to the Item Monthly Summary and use F12:
Configure options.

P .11 ! i i : I -i E
Quantity Value
Opening Balance
An M,I> - .nil
_rons are similar shows stocks at = ::ve balance for ie: investigation :e~s at both the
rsor on Software : I: is now clear '- re:-. By drilling er.:r\- that caused
: :he options as
roods Outwards :r.ciled but not ;~vard Quantity.' . should not be .ris value shows 5:
and the Cost urnption figures

I ill,1-. >NN..n>r-.1 Ll-I.. UrSS-:(iO3

- '"- -i." '

- Single User #
Si NO . 742068243 mi 6rMse-
: Upload
Closiimj Balance j^ , ,
Ouanflly Value
Quantity Value j
3,300 00: El. 3,30000'fi 3,300.00;\ "
3,300.00;- -.
3,300 00; -" . -. -3,300 00 3,300.00 3,300.00;
: r.ioi*... o:
J-. tatf Rep fi. * Re.
:-x Hov Oec Jan Feb Mar

I 244

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2


: (c) TaMy Solutions P

' ;es 7 2- Re e 2=5
! TIM : Maj. SJ
{ P 011 i c (i I lit s
Show Quantities 1-1
Show Rates 9 No
Show Values 9 Yes
Show Opening Balance n No
Show goods inwards 9 Yes
Show goods outwards 9 Yes
Show Closing Balance ? Yes
Show Consumption & Gross Profits n No
Show using Alternate Units ? No
Show Tail Units of C ompound Units ? NA
Appearance of Stock Item Names Nellie Only
Appearance of Names N.ime Only
Scale Factor for Values Detaulr
Periodicity to use Monthly
Show Average Details 9 No
Show with Graph 9 Yes
Show Graph bv Values (not CM 9 No
Godown/Locatidn Vouchers
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Display>Statement of Inventory>Godowns/Locations
Select a Godown/Location. Select Item.
Godown/Location Vouchers is a list of all vouchers for a selected item that have a
relation to the selected Godown/Location during the period of display. The relationship
could be a stock in our out of the particular location. This statement is useful when
you want to list all transactions for a particular Godown/Location.
Batch information in Summary Statements
To view the stock of batches of an item:
Gateway of Tally> Stock Summary
This could even be the Godown/Location Summary.
Expand the Stock Group using Detailed or SHIFT + ENTER till it you get the Items
displayed. Use SHIFT+ENTER to reveal the Batches and their stock position. Use F12:
Configure to use Opening Balances, Goods Inwards and Goods Outwards.
Sales Bills Pending
For this select the following: \

; Offingi c= ;- r
i May
J.'JIV | August j Septerr.aet | ,'ctobet ; November J re' ember

GI -1 n il Total
A|>f Hi
Gateway of
Purchase B
For this selec: : Gateway of TaJ
Aged Stock
A very impona: locked up in st<> or should strive liquor and an::cr. with time, go r.
ageing enables y and the purchis-:
Ageing Anal
For this select :i

>oint Tally 7.2

Display/Reports in Tally


c) Tatty Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 1988-2005

les 7.2-Release!
Tue. 24h Msy, 2005
p.mic uiiii

Quantify Value

Main Location
ABCL for 1-Apr- 2005
Quantity Value

TallySilver - Single Usei , H<#

SI No.: 742068243i^^T
18-27-54' - -'- -
B*m ,
Closing Balance
Quantify Value

ening Balance


3,300.00?: ffi
3.300.00 T" '
3,300.00 .-,;:.
3.30Q.00 N"'Calurofi
3,300.00; "
Grand Total



Apt May Jim


Any Sep





li Configure

: have a relation lihip could be a YOU want to list

u get the Items s:non. Use F12:

Gateway of Tally>Display>Statement of Inventory>Sales Bills Pending T "

Purchase Bills Pending
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Display> Statement of Inventory>Purchase Bills Pending
Aged Stock Analysis (Ageing Analysis)
A very important function of Working Capital management is monitoring stocks.
Money locked up in stocks can adversely affect the liquidity of company and every
company strives or should strive to reduce stock levels to the optimum. Every
business (except perhaps the liquor and antiques dealers) would prefer to dispose of
older stocks as they might deteriorate with time, go out of fashion or simply get
forgotten. Tally's aged stock analysis or Stock ageing enables you to know the age of
stocks in hand according to when they were received and the purchase value.
Ageing Analysis
For this select the following:

I 246

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

RIT.II& M-lMr-ll' IM.Ll-L l''i:::-'(!!iv

<---_ I '.---. = : : l' Mli -HI1
S.IIM Bills P^iKlin.]

el - MIMli: IP-.Bi ilst Ti.-.jf .4 i lt.,L....,.o.

ff.i i

?>. I Fill* a

"'".:.> Ti.KKiiiij N.iin-r .'1 ttom

Gateway of Tally>Display>Inventory Books >Ageing Analysis

Select the Group of Stock Items to be analysed
Item Inward Details
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Display>Inventory Books>Ageing Analysis
Scenario Management
Scenario management is a management tool that enables different views of your
information, both accounts and inventory related, by selectively including certain
types of vouchers without affecting the base data. This is useful in reports with
provisional figures without actually putting the entries through the main books. It is
also useful for forecasting by entering forecast figures in provisional vouchers and
including them to get forecasted figures. The vouchers that are used in Scenario
Management are:

1. Optional Vouchers
2. Memorandum Vouchers
3. Reversing Journals

In this secr.e:
Ensure tha: v in Fll: Co-:

3oint Tally 7.2

Display/Reports in Tally

247 j

U; -I

' Ii, i'lii II Ii:I I ''

I ill.-It I -MUM- l> I

S. -;!'

!'i|i . i -I'

!, I "

. :r. in

' .In i .'., .III.

. iM-

_: information, :5 of vouchers :r-res without zr-g by entering i ngures. The

In this section we will dwell on the way we can use these vouchers in Reports.
You can create a number of scenarios each including and/or excluding one or more
types of these voucher entries. Hence, you may have one scenario that is used for
reporting monthly figures in which you have to report depreciation provided for the
month as well as account for all accruals and outgoings.
Obviously, you do not wan to put through your books journal entries for this purely
temporary reporting. Of course the entries are available for reference in separate
registers. You would decided to include Reversing Journals for Provisional monthly
Create a Scenario
Ensure that you have activated the option Use Reversing Journals and Optional
Vouchers in Fll: Company Features.
Now select the following.
Gateway of Tally>Accounts Info>Scenario>Create "* . .
Here you need to fill up the following information.

I 248
integrate Accounts and inventory ? Yes
Allow Multi-Currency ? Yes
Allow Invoicing ? Yes
Enter Purchases In invoice Format? Yes Qeparate Diseauni column on InroicEs ? Yes
Straight to the Point Tally 7.2
ComparrY : ABCL
Maintain Budgets and Controls ? Yes
Allow 0 valued entries in Vouchers ? Yes
Allow Purchase Order Processing ? Yes
Allow Sales Order Processing ? Yes
Enable TDS ? Yes


Accounting Featir
Maintain Billwise Details ? Yes
(for Non-Tradino Arts also) ? Yes
Maintain Cost Centres ? Yes
(more man ONE cast category)? res
Uae Rev. Journals &Opiional Vouchers ?^^|
Use DebifCredit Notes ? Yes
Use invoice mode torcredit Nates? res use invoice made tor Deuit Notes? res
Activate Interest Calculation ? Yes (use advanced parameters) ? No
tncomefExpensB Stml instead of P &L? Yes

Inventory Featm ee
Maintain Stock Categories ? Yes
Maintain Batch-wise Details ? Yes (set EKptry Dates for Batches} ? Yes
Maintain Multiple Godowns ? Yes
Use Tracking Numbers ?Yes
Use Rejection Notes ? Yes
Use different Actual & Billed Qty ? Yes Track additional costs of Purchase ? Yes

sevMouiiy other company Features ? NO

Give a suitable name to the scenario. In this case, we give Provisional
Include Actuals
Yes, if you want the report to
Excluded Forex Gains/Losses Calculations
Yes, If you do not want to the ifnadjusted Forex Gain/Loss element to appear in the
scenario. No if you want it to appear.
Include from the list of vouchers, the type of vouchers that you want to affect this
scenario. Notice that it picks up the Voucher Types created for this company. Only
provisional vouchers are permitted for selection Normal vouchers that are marked
Optional are available but not those not marked Optional are available but not those
not marked as such. They would affect the books of account.


Alter o

or tins

s Point Tally 7.2

Display/Reports in Tally

249 I

[. ic T.illy Soliitj'tiis Pvt. Ltd., l*>8-2005
les 7 2- Release I
5 Ti
e. 24th

: Rejections .^E*;-:>jf*f^!
include Actuals ?S*sKf31331f
EXCLUDE Forex Gain/Loss CalculaPcoftifiT'^** EXCLUDE Inventory Tracking Calcuf
Credit Note-:" - "
Include: = Debil Note V :,
Delivery Note * *"
Reversing Journal I tndeht"." ,.
; Journal : .\; i. Manufactunrtg \: Memorandum
. Sales
> Sales Order
Payment -,{;, . .Payment Entry"5*1

Optional Vouchers Only Optional Vouchers Only Optional Vouchers Only Optional
Vouchers Qnty Optional Vouchers Onfy Optional Vouchers Only Optional Vouchers Only
All Vouchers Optional Vouchers Qnfy: -Optional Vouchers Only Optional Vouchers
Qnty Optional Vouchers Onfy.; Optional Vouchers OnP/ -Optional Vouchers Onfy
Optional Vouchers Onlfii Sptionai Vouchers Qniy=\ Optional Vouchers Qnfyi Optional
Vouchers Onfy. i Optional Vouchers Only
All Vouchers. Optional Vouchers Onfy Optional Vouchers Qnfy j

appear in the

* - ^!''-~"

? v'
n this scenario.
ily provisional
.al are available
as such. They

Exclude ,,
Include from the list of vouchers already included under Include above, the type of
vouchers that you DO NOT want to affect this scenario. You would use this typically
later in Alter mode and hence is discussed under Alter or Display Scenario
Information. Accept to create this scenario.
Alter or Display Scenario Information
For this select the following:

[ 250

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2


Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info Scenario > Alter Exclude

You would use the Alter mode when you do not require a selected included voucher
anymore to affect the scenario. It is easier for you put that in the Exclude List than to
remove it from the Include List.
How to use Scenarios
Now that you have created one scenario, you are ready to use it in any report. But
first let's create a reversing journal. Gateway of Tally>Voucher Entry>F10: Memo
Display/Alter a Reversing Journal
You can view or alter the reversing journal through the Reversing Journals Book found
Exceptional Reports.
' - ... ...-...-"*'"." *
For this select the following: \
Gateway of Tally>Display>Exceptional Reports>Reversing Journals Using
Scenarios1'in Statements and Reports
You can use scenario in most statements (not registers) that have the Column buttons
Display the Balance Sheet. Select New Column
IN the column details, tab down to Types of Values to Show
List of Accounts (Chart of Accounts)
List of Cost Categories List of Budgets List of Stock Groups List of Currencies List of
Voucher Types
You create the chart of accounts from the Accounts Info menu. However, to view an
existing chart, select the following: Gateway of Tally>Display>List of Accounts
List of Groups List of Cost Centres List of Locations List of Stock Items List of Units
Exception Reports
Exception reports are reports that track unusual transactions or balances. The
different Exception Reports are:

\c) TaJly Sohnk

ies 7 2- Relesa
Tu,2h May, 298
List of
, ( apitnl ACCWJH 1 Reserves & i
Bonk Acco4
Deposits 'As Loons & Atta
fretttt KibSH turtles & Taxi
751 =?-: J rose- -?
Pi "visions .1
Smithy <~i e>H
Fi'tH Assets 1
Imliiect Extern
Gateway of .1 Negative S
For this selec: Gateway of Ta
Negative L
For this selec: Gateway of Zi
Overdue R<
For this selec:

Point Tally 7.2

Display/Reports in Tally


d voucher anymore an to remove it

: <c> r.iliy Solutions Pwt. Ltd., 1988-2005

ies 7 2 - Release 1
List of Lfttfgets
Tu4, 24th May, 2C05

Book found under
in buttons active.
The different

(Capital Account)*
Swpftis (Retained Earnings) . . - Cunetii Assets (Current Assets) Banfc
Acceinrts (Bank Accounts) asl*-i-fai*<{ (Cash-in-narw?)
Cash (Gash)
Oej>0sits <Asset> (Deposits ^sse
Loans & AtMmces i Assets (Loans & Advances (Asset))
St<Klc-i-laiMl (Stock-in-ftaod)
Sundry Debtors (Sundfy Debtors) .,
Cimefit tiabBttfes (Current Liabilities) rtfes^T*wes (Duties&7ams) Input CST (Input
CST) inter-State Supplier (Inter-State Supplier) Tax Paid Export Goods (Tax Paid Export
Goods) IDS on Technical Seivk0$ (TDS on Technical Services) VAT Payable
wvistous (Provisions) -.. -,,,..'
SiKftyCr*<lors (Sundry Credttors) .. - . -.- \-
Assets (FixedAssets) ,-. ; :- :- . - *
ect Ex|>is*s (Expenses
tOroi|Hs) and Gateway of Tally>Display>Exception Reports Negative Stock For this
select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Display>Exception Reports>Negative Stock Negative Ledgers For
this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Display>Exception Reports>Negative Ledgers
Overdue Receivables
For this select the following: : ,

I 252

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Gateway of Tally>Display>Exception Reports>Overdue Receivables

Overdue Payables
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Display>Exception Reports>Overdue Payables
List of Memorandum Vouchers
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Display>Exception Reports> Memorandum Vouchers
List of Reversing Journals
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Display>Lxception Reports>Reversing Journal

D iwjv Verm
Po i-Daied Vrj uit

ICI r iliv *vli|t|.-ir> f".1.1.M.. IVS::-Jim j

ifi : Ft1?J=-' f

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Si f|: 7'-.. b .: ! ,K
I- III-! I - if- >

~ V

J Bills ffec^ivatle


sit. - -" ;v;-' , '.-"- \ fii'fv*'*

- .-
H'ioi pill' lo


s*a *'ATi"/..*'*->,>'.i4 I~-SA%'t.

- S00S8til"PlTl'vdsil01j)i|ts^|L'lO)i


A||Bi U|
I 93

I 254

Straight to the Point Taily 7.2

...n.illy Solutions Pvi.Lt.l.. |i>88-2U0r.

les 7 -- 3a-^5 '
' T^. iJlh Ma. yfl*
.. Bills P.iyiMe

v. no

-.iii.|IMISP| t


D.ite P"f Wo
P.iitys" H.nni;
Z' ? .n Gviji'ii1.'- --"ror1
List of Optional Vouchers
For this select the following:
Gateway of Tally>Display>Exception Reports>Optional Vouchers
Post-dated Vouchers
For this select the following: :
Gateway of Tally>Display>Exceptions Reports>Post-dated Vouchers
Ve^criptC\/e/ Type/ Quetttonfr
1. Describe the various options of printing reports.
2. Describe the function of various buttons on the print screen.
3. Describe the various options of printing reports.
4. Describe the various forms of printing Balance Sheet.
5. How would you configure the Balance Sheet?
6. What are the various options of printing Profit and Loss Account?
7. How would you display Trail Balance?
8. Describe the various items of the^Day Book.
9. What do you understand by Cash Flow and Fund Flow?

10. What do you understand by Scenario Management?

11. How would you create a Scenario?
\ 12. Describe the various options of Exception reports.

Gateway o:
A file conta: that it can b

1-4-20051* Mi
On selection in which i: _ in Tally fror The suppor: programs ru effortlessly -_z

; Point Tally 7.2

I Iv-i >

The Collaborative Tally

' 1 .*! ?0llr.

trailed Pared

Importing Master Data

Gateway of Tally > Import Masters
A file containing the masters exported from another Tally company data should exist
that it can be imported and merged with the data of the current company. . .
On selection of All Masters, you will be required to give the source file name and
format in which it is to be imported. Give the full path of the source file. Data may be
imported in Tally from either Tally 4.5 Format, or Tally (XML) Format or plain Tally 6.3
Format. The support for Tally 4.5 format has been included keeping in mind the
thousands of programs running all o\4er the world. Select the format required and the
data will be effortlessly imported.
Balance Sheet -/ ...'-'-;. ;,c, :**
Htome & Smpet
Stock Summsry
Ratio Analysis
\r : .:*\i-; :/.,.-;/- ;;- ,V f\ fj
' : >*..' in Li i ' i < 1 * * .
',- '. :i*~ Import MastErs * ~rr ;rr,-~';-'''}'
}^SoliitiiHiSPul. It.l.. I'liiR 20U'i
' Til- ^4' t'^ . . " r
i, - -
Current Oate Us* f Selected Cowpaaes

im artsaf wfy;

.~ :?>:

", ~ ** k ~ ~ ~- ~ =

---,"'*-;-'- , -


I 256
Straight to the Point Tally 7.2
Tally 7.2 Formats are inherently richer in content. Lists of Accounts (Masters), and
Vouchers (e.g. Daybook), exported out from Tally ies 7.2 are in this format, and may
be imported into another company or location. A typical use of this facility is to export
the daily vouchers from a Branch, and send it to the Head Office for importing into the
main Accounts.
The structure of the import files are sufficiently complex not to merit discussion in a
level manual. For the normal user, it is adequate to know, that the files exported out
Tally ies 7.2, may be imported back using the Tally 7.2 Format. :
Tally's design permits it to import any kind of data. It is capable of being programmed
to use data from other systems much more easily. This permits you to continue using
other systems and use some of their data in Tally as if they were parts of one
integrated system. For example, a customer contact management program may
contain various details like status of an order and last contact made. Bring in that data
into Tally to merge into a report containing outstanding balances. Any changes in the
other data will be immediately reflected in Tally.
For those who wish to connect to other programs and use external data in Tally
contact Tally Solutions at 'enter^', or write in to us for the
structure of import files.
Tally creates a log of the import activity in a file TALLY. IMP which is located in the
same directory as the Executable Program. Please do refer to this file to check
whether all records were successfully imported.
Export of Data
Export of data is provided mainly for summaries and statement reports like Trial
Balance, Stock Summary, etc. The main use would be to export data to, say, a
spreadsheet, and reorganise it for statutory presentation. Or export it to another
company using Tally that will import it directly.
Export of all reports and statements is possible. A separate button is provided in the
button bar and press it to export the current report. All the four formats are available
for export. For more details on the formats, please see the E-mail section under E-
The exported file is saved in the parent Tally directory on your computer. You can now
use that file to import its contents into another program, send it as it is (say if it is
HTML file) to a colleague or view it using a browser.
Export Master Data
Gateway of Tally > Display > List of / ccounts Click on Print Click on Export

The Collabon File Name

The file nan::
Four formati if you wan: :: system, sele~
Type of M
A wide select;
Outputc 'e'.ann
To export trans in another sy>: envelope and : destination sys" on the Tall} Sr. the
XML da:a
Tally ODBC
Tally use OD5\
Outward Cc
Pick up data frr any programme Even create ten: data from Tali;. the unlimited f.t
How to Use
A brief exercise We wish to ser.d

'oint Tally 7.2

Masters), and _it. and may be :s :o export the ; into the main
-ssion in a user sported out of
rrogrammed to :_e using other t grated system. :us details like K into a report :
: Tally contact rrure of import

The Collaborative Tally
File Name -: """"'" "; - < ^ ' -~ -;^. -.-, - -
The file name is required and can be anything. Format
Four formats are available for selection - ASCII, SDF, HTML, XML. Select HTML only if
you want to publish or display it. If the export is required to import the file into
another system, select any of the others.
Type of Masters
A wide selection of masters is available.
Exporting List of Le*l<jeis
. Format
: Output File Name
Type of Masters
: Lerhjeis

ri m the same her all records

r.a! Balance, .iiheet, and .z Tally that
- the button r for export.
jar now use HTML filej

To export transactions, select Day Book to export. If you wish to import those
transactions in another system, XML format is recommended. An XML output will have
an XML envelope and is formatted with XML tags to enable import into other systems.
The destination system would need a little re-formatting of XSLT (XML Style Sheets)
based on the Tally Styles and can then import the data. However, another Tally system
can import the XML data directly using the import menu option and without any re-
Tally ODBC
Tally use ODBC to connect to other programs and exchange data dynamically.
Outward Connectivity
Pick up data from Tally directly into other programs like Microsoft Excel or Word
without any programming! Print labels for greeting cards from the ledger addresses
stored in Tally! Even create templates for the likes of Audit Reports and Schedule VI
forms and plug in data from Tally. Tally's database is now open for use in most popular
programs to give you the unlimited flexibility of creating your own reports using up-to-
date data from Tally.
How to Use ODBC?
A brief exercise will explain the process.
We wish to send greeting cards to all our customers. The customer database in Tally

I 258
Straight to the Point Tally 7.2
exists. You want to use the names and addresses that you stored there to print out
labels for the Greeting Cards. For this job, we will use Tally data in MS Word.
Start Tally. It should keep running.
Ensure that the words ODBC Server is visible in the Gateway of Tally screen - J-.*.
1. Start MS Word > Select Tools > Select Mail Merge
2. Main Document >Create > Mailing Labels
3. Now press the Data Source button .s,- s .., .
4. Get Data > Create Data Source
5. Click on MS Query (at the bottom of the dialog box beside File Name)

The Collaborat
Select Ledger ; $Name, $Parer
Then in the re the Group tha: sub-groups :al well) We war:
Query Wizard
Filter 'he zz i : If you do" -=rr Column : tr

Choose Data Sr



FoxPro File? "* -vc' MS Acce:: 97 [*= MS Ac:?:. D=-a?=: MS*:ce:. Cara:^:
TallyOOEC Vi:ual rciy^i-j I'i'ar
isual FoxPro Table:

ii --
% X-itiessz

6. Select TallyODBC. (You could use a saved Query by clicking the Tab Queries. Do that
after you have saved this query that we are creating)
Let the Use the Query Wizard remain ticked.
The Query Wizard brings the Tally fields that may be selected. You can also give filter
conditions to limit the data brought in to only those that match your criteria.

You can save

Then the prec up the main i
Create Labels
Choose '.-& Is
; 5amDle . 3be zt.

' !:;'''
Query Wizard-Ci
Whaf column; of d > Available table: am CO!J.->-.;
+' Company7o .;:*!?:
+ Co:fCategcry



- Leoge.
the Point Tally 7.2
e to print out labels
1 -.,--..
y screen '' :Z

The Collaborative Tally
Select Ledger and move by click the > button to the right the following fields: $Name,
$Parent, $ Address (move all the other address fields as well.
Then in the next Query Wizard Screen - Filter data to limit all ledger accounts belong
to the Group that contains the name 'Customer'. (In our Sundry Debtors Group we
have created sub-groups called Trade Customers below which we have different
Customer Groups as well) We want to print labels for customers only.

Query Wizard


Filter the data ro :pe:>'.' If you don't warit olumn to filter

IE Mail
t AddressS
_ r\


r -.

"3 "3


iab Queries. Do

You can save the Query for future use.

Then the process of Mail Merge is intuitive and is the domain of MS-Word. You can set
up the main document and bring in the Create Labels dialog box,

Create Labels

~ also give filter-

. Choose the Ir,s&~ ' ? -*=*: '. sample label. ": j cs" = ;:=-Sample Label DO. ,

?:: rieds into the

?" t"~i 5nd te-^t in the ,

Sampje label:


I 260
Straight to the Point Tally 7.2
Insert Merge Fields from Tally. The labels will be created. -- ^ -; : : ? -
Inward Connectivity
On the other hand, Tally ies 7.2 is capable of being programmed by TallyExperts to use
data from other systems much more easily. This permits you to continue using other
and use some of their data in Tally as if they were parts of one integrated system. For
example, a customer contact management program may contain various details like
of an order and last contact made. Bring in that data into Tally to merge into a report
containing outstanding balances. Any changes in the other data will be immediately
reflected in Tally. -
Creating the Client Rule for the Client Machine
At the TallyClient end, load the desired company and create a Client Rule. A client Rule
is created by selecting the following option:
Gateway of Tally > Import of Data > Synchronization > Client Rules > Create
e with H 0
Iocafhost:9O0Of No
Name of Ruie Server URL
User Name '
: Synchronize
: ABC Company Ltd ? Yes ? Yes
Type of Rule
Company Name on Server Synchronize Altered Transactions Sync over slow


The Collabor
Secure Si
Specifies -.v": synchronize::
Specify the ;: Synchroni
If any back ~ this option ::
Can be se: ::
Once clien: :~_ A reques: v. : correspond: nz Rule gets ere;
If you don : ::
then it is corjl
Gatewa\- o: 7 will get a ".:i: .
synchromza::: activates a ser server rule zs.

Screen items can be explained as: Name of Rule

Specify any suitable name. Like - "Sync with H O". Rules with same name are not
allowed. Server URL
Specify the IP address / Machine Name followed by the TCP/IP port of the TallyServer.
Ex: - where is the IP address of the server and 9000 is
the TCP/IP port number.

js Active Synch-oree/
Name of Rule
Company X;~ request for sy-
Select the arc:

Dint Tally 7.2

The Collaborative Tally


ixperts to use
other systems
z system. For
ILS like status
into a report
A client Rule

Secure Server :-;,.: .-. -. - ,,.-..,; ,,,<^ --- -:- ^.y:.:,T- -..-,->. ,.-. .-.. - :
Specifies whether HTTPS (Secure HTTP) should be used instead of HTTP for
synchronization. r _._. ,:_ .... ..-.,,,
Company Name on the Server
Specify the company name on the server with which you wish to synchronize the data.
Synchronize the Altered Transaction
If any back dated/current altered transactions need to be synchronized with the
Server set
this option to YES. *
Synchronize Over Slow Connection
Can be set to YES while synchronizing through the DialUp connection. Accept the Rule.
Once client rule is created, switch back to the Synchronization menu and opt for
Synchronize. A request would be sent to the server from the client machine for
creating a Server Rule corresponding to the Client Rule. A user can never create a
Server Rule manually. A Server Rule gets created implicitly whenever a Client Rule
tries to synchronize with the server.
If you don't receive any error message in the calculator pane of Tally in the client
machine, then it is confirmed that the Server Rule has been created successfully on
the server machine.
Activating the Server Rule from the Server Machine
Gateway of Tally > Import of Data > Synchronization > Server Rules > Activate. You
will get a list containing the GUID and name of the company on Client that requested
the synchronization. A client cannot exchange data with the server unless a user on
the server activates a server rule. This is required for enforcing security. You can have
more than one server rule as a result of multiple client requests.

is Active :|2J
Synchronize Altered Transactions? No

e r.ot allowed.
e .allyServer. z 9000 is the

Name of Rule shows the GUID of the client company that requested synchronization.
Company Name on Client shows the name of the company in the Client that has sent
the request for synchronization.
Select the appropriate server rule and set Yes for Is Active.

I 262

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

The Collaborat

The GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) is a 16-byte value that uniquely identifies a
company created in Tally. Technically, a GUID is a very large, statistically unique
identifier generated from the address of the Ethernet card in the current machine, the
current time since 1582 (10 bits), etc. No two Ethernet cards anywhere should have
the same address. If the machine has no network card, another number is synthesized
that will almost certainly be unique to the machine. It is very unlikely that duplicate
GUIDs will ever be created. GUIDs are useful because they ensure that there will be no
naming clashes within the companies created in Tally. Tally assigns a GUID to every
company while creating it.
Once a server rule has been activated, data can now be exchanged between the two
hosts. Now from the TallyClient machine, click on Synchronize again. All the data from
the client gets posted to the server and all data from the server get saved in the
To sum it up, setting up synchronization can be done by performing the following
1. Define the Client / Server parameters in the Tally.ini on the TallyServer and
TallyClient machines.
2. Create a client rule in TallyClient machine. .
3. Select Synchronize menu option. The client connects to the server and creates a
4. Activate the Rulf on the TallyServer.
5. Click on the option "Synchronize" in TallyClient machine again.
6. The data will be synchronized. .'",-... ,.-*,;'1,/ V 7 ;v.
Synchronizing Back-dated Vouchers
If you have set up synchronization between 2 companies having large amount of data,
the initial synchronization can take a large amount of time over the Internet. The
client can also display an out of memory error. The recommended way to start
synchronization in this scenario is to export data from the source company to a disk
file and import the data into the target company.
However, since Tally maintains the last ID of the remote company along with the rules,
you have to make sure that the ID gets updated when you import data into the target
company. To ensure proper update of Remote Ids in the corresponding rules - perform
the following steps:
Client is supposed to send data to the server Create a Client Rule on the Client
Select Synchronize on Client - This will create the corresponding server rule on Server
Activate the rule on server DON'T synchronize again. Export all masters in XML format
from the client company to disk file

Export all Import rbi Import :i; The TED Subsequez OR

If you v<iz a time ry that the X memory" server al~.v:
Client is sup pci Create a C Select Syr; Activate DON'T sy: Export all Export all
Import the
Use the Select iz Transaction.
Tally has extern: the Internet are
Pre-requisites to
You should have a direct dial-up r
For E-mail - ar. j
For Web Publish: files on the sites
Send Invoices :c report or docume

int Tally 7.2

The Collaborative Tally


~es a company generated ~e since 1582 1: e machine . be unique to IDs are
useful created in
e two hosts. rcm the client
[owing steps: ^.Server and
t^'.cs a Server
data, the client can
zation in : the data
the rules.
:he targe:
erform the
_e on Server

Export all vouchers in XML format from the client company to disk file Import the
masters into the server company from disk file Import the transactions into the server
from disk file The TID of the last imported voucher gets updated in the Server Rule
Subsequent syncs would be incremental OR
If you want to sync over LAN / Internet, you can choose to send one transaction at a
time by selecting Sync Over Slow Connection in the client rule. This will ensure that
the XML for 1 transaction is created and sent at a time avoiding any "out of memory"
errors. Note: This works ONLY for client sending data to the server. The server always
creates and sends the entire XML to the Client.
Client is supposed to retrieve data from the server .,
Create a Client Rule <pn the Client
Select Synchronize on Client - This will create the corresponding server rule on Server
Activate the rule on server DON'T synchronize again.
Export all masters in XML format from the server company to disk file
Export all transactions in XML format from the server company to disk file
Import the masters into Client Company --.-
Use the Select Import Initial Option to import the transactions and NOT the regular
Import Transaction.
Tally has extensive internet capabilities. E-mail, Web-publishing and data interchange
over the Internet are all easily achieved from within Tally.
Pre-requisites to using E-capabilities of Tally:
You should have an internet connection accessible from your computer. This could be
through a direct dial-up modem or through the network.
For E-mail - an E-mail account.
For Web Publishing - you should know the sites URL (address) and have authority to
upload files on the sites.
Send Invoices to your customer by e-mail. Or your purchase order. In fact, e-mail any
Tally report or document as easily as you print! Even Reminder letters and statement
of accounts

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2
need not be printed and posted. Simply e-mail them. E-mail is the single largest use of
Internet and is set to penetrate even the very small towns. You are uniquely
positioned to
take advantage of this medium. It is not only postage cost that you save, you save on
much of your valuable time. : ;
E-mail a Reminder Letter !
Select a customer's Outstandings Statement from Statements of Account. :
Click the E-mail button.
There are various options that are automatically filled in if the information had been
supplied in the master records. Check if the details are all right. If they are, select Yes,
if not select No to change the options. The cursor first goes to the To E-mail address
field as it seeks to save your time in skipping standard information. However, if you
wish to change them, e.g. the Format, use back-space.
The options are: : j ------
E-mail Server * .
(Mandatory Field)
Give the name of your E-mail SMTP server, e.g. It should be a
valid SMTP server that will accept sending your mail. If in doubt, refer to your Internet
Service Provider or ask your network administrator. You need to give this only the first
time you use e-mail services of Tally. Next time onwards, Tally -will remember.
From ,
Your Company name is picked up from Company Information Master records.
from E-mail Address
Your own e-mail address. It is picks up the address given in the Company Information
master data . If it does exist there, you will be required to fill it in.
Four Formats are available for selection:
ASCII (Comma delimited) - .- k
HTML (Web-publishing)
SDF (Fixed Width)
XML (data interchange) Select the one required by your recipient. An explanation on
each format is given below:

The Collabora
This is plain : any special :: r will be able ::
Reports are i~ enabied mail r: Explorer.
Standard Dai; or font. Like A
Short for Extern of being irr.r : exchange :n:;r: envelope ani :i Your Tall> :r/ : reducing
da:a er for informal: :n collaborate v.::n
Required only ;-used to formal :: are general!} re:
To E-mail Ac
(mandatory field This Is for the re
CC (if any)
For copying the :
This is pre-fiilei : Additional Te
The text in this -.-program.
oint Tally 7.2

The Collaborative Tally


Lrgest use of the lv positioned to vou save on so

ii been supplied ."es. if not select Id as it seeks to : change them,
_:S.d be a valid Internet Service e first time you
rmation master

ASCII --=' - - - - \, . - -
This is plain text format where data is separated by commas. This format does not
have any special formatting or fonts. This is the most common e-mail format as all
mail programs will be able to read it. ASCII data can be easily worked upon by other
HTML - ' - -
Reports are attractive and retain their formatting and fonts. They can be read by a
enabled mail program. It can also be read using only a simple Browser like Microsoft
Standard Data Formats are fixed width columnar data that is also without any
formatting or font. Like ASCII, SDF data is easily imported and used by many
Short for Extensible Mark-up Language, it is an extension of HTML but the data is
capable of being imported by other XML aware systems. Using XML, Tally enables you
to exchange information even with non-Tally systems. An XML output will have an XML
envelope and is formatted with XML tags to enable import into otl^er systems.
Therefore, Your Tally invoice in XML format can be import by another system without
difficulty reducing data entry time and errors. This language is fast emerging as the
de-facto standard for information exchange all over the world and with it Tally gives
you the means to collaborate with others and share information like never before.
Required only in the case of HTML formats, this refers to the resolution in terms of
pixels used to format the report and the selection affects the quality of output. Higher
resolutions are generally recommended. Tally recommends 1024x768.
To E-mail Address
(mandatory field) I
This s for the recipient's e-mail address. A valid e-mail address is required.
CC (if any)
For copying the mail to another recipient.
This is pre-filled for you. Change it to any other meaningful subject.
Additional Text
The text in this will appear as the first lines in the message body of the reception's
mail program.

I 266

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

The Collabora

The other options are the same as in Print option and are self-explanatory Print
The Print Preview screen through the Print option, allows you to view the document
and even scrolls if it is multi-page; print from there or even E-mail the document as an
attachment. Hence, if you want to see how a document that you originally wanted to
E-mail, would appear at the destination, use Print Preview.
Internet Publishing
Websites - most businesses will have one in the near future. Tally helps make
commercial use of your web space with the ability to publish all reports and
documents on your website. For this purpose, it creates reports in the web-language
HTML that Tally directly put on your website. You can use this feature to inform
customers the new price-range and stocks available for sale. Tally has ensured that
this transmission of data is secure by using world-standard encryption of data.
Upload *
Any report or statement or data can be published on the internet. Publishing is carried
out by uploading the report to an Internet Server that has been configured to accept
files in specific protocols. A Site is a basically a specific directory space allotted to you
on that server. Protocols are sets of rules and specifications on how data and files are
transferred over a network and cover all aspects of communication between
computers including content, formatting and error control.
Say you want to publish your Price List on your Website. Select the Price List from
Inventory Information. Click the Upload button.
The first time you upload, you have to supply Tally with some information. Therefore
select No to the question Upload?.
Upload to FTP Site
This is a site that accepts files transfers in FTP. A FTP site is a directory space in a
Server that accepts FTP connections called the FTP Server.
FTP or File Transfer Protocol is the most common choice to transfer data or files of any
type to an internet site. You will use this unless you know that your site accepts HTTP
or HTTPS uploads.
HTTP short for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol is a standard for transfer of HTML files over
the internet. HTTP Servers are pre-programmed to accept HTTP connections. HTTPS
sites are Servers that are configured to accept secure connections. They conform to


security pro:c-; or while the c: :hen use then

Short for Uni". your repon r_ and directorv -_ you are pur! is i server where y: typically
be in
Secure Ser
If you selec: ".'.' a secure conne: is configured :: secure site wrier. stats.htm.
User Name
Your Interne: 5e files on the sue your Interne: se
File Name
A file name :s : modify onlv if :
The same four : explanation or. e
Web Brows*
You have a bu~. Browser to bei:-you should have that is alreaav ;-
1. How is M:
2. How is Ea

nt Tally 7.2

The Collaborative Tally


~ent as an anted to E-
e commercial
-.~cur website.
reedy put on
zz and stocks
.15-jig world-
carried out :ept files in . ou on that
Transferred 5 including
ifrefore selea
:e Li a Server
: rL'es of any :r-j HTTP or

security protocols (e.g. SSL and SET) to ensure that your data and files are not
tampered or while the connection remains. If you know that you'r server is set up for
HTTP/HTTPS, then use them, else chose FTP.
Short for Universal Resource Locator that tells Tally the server address where you want
your report published. If you are using FTP you will need to know the FTP server name
and directory path. The FTP server name is the domain name of the Web server to
which you are publishing (for example, The directory path is the folder
on the server where your web is stored (for example, /public_html). For a web page,
an URL will typically be in the form
Secure Server *
If you select Web Page to Upload to, this question seeks to know whether you want to
use a secure connection. Select Yes, if you think your data is sensitive and provided
your server is configured for it . A secure site is one that has the 's' with http. You will
know it is a secure site when you see in your browser URLs like
hrtps:// stats.htm.
User Name and Password
Your Internet server wants to know who you are before permitting Tally to put in data
files on the site. If you are unsure about your user name, password, or FTP location,
your Internet service provider. *
File Name
A file name is proposed if you have select FTP Site to Upload to. Accept it as it is or
modify only if necessary.
The same four format options are available. Select the most appropriate to your
needs. An explanation on each format has already been given under the E-Mail
Web Browser
You have a button to access the World Wide Web from Tally. Click on the button Web
Browser to begin your session. When you want to end it, press End Browser. Of course,
you should have a valid internet access account set up on your computer and a
browser that is already installed

M files over
HTTPS sites
- :o standard

1. How is Master Data imported in Tally?
2. How is Data exported from Tally?
[ 268

Straight to the Point Ta!iy 7.2

3. Describe the process of using ODBC in Tally.

4. What do you understand by Inward Connectivity?
5. What do you understand by Outward Connectitity?
6. Describe the various E-capabilities of Tally.
7. How does Tally help in Internet Publishing of the data?
8. How can Tally data be send in the form of e-mail?

Tally n-s who are : Secur." i do wher. .
Tallv hii
other Ei:; Tallv. e\:e reserve; : rights. Y:v. predefine i
Gatev.-;-.- : Types o
Owner his is restri~e: them ro -L
Types c: 5 Create s
Types c: 5
(Press the i data entry
This is ore where you fashion.
Type the Manager
Press [et:e Definition s
The Levs

The level c:

sint Tally 7.2
The Administrative Tally

Securjty Levels - Types of Security

Ccrnpaw info
Tally has a very customizable security system. You can set up authority levels and
users who are placed at these levels. The authority levels or Types of Security decide
the rights of the users - what they can or cannot do when using Tally.
Tally has two security types already set up. One is Owner and the
other Data Entry. Owner has full access and rights to all parts of
Tally, except Tally Audit & Company Alteration screen which are !Jsers nd
.""ypes or' Security
reserved for the Administrator alone. Data Entry has restricted
rights. You are allowed to create other security types based on these
predefined types and allow more or less rights as required. . '.'".- -
Gateway of Tally > [ALT]+F3:Create Cmp >Security Control ' ' ' " . '
Ouif. Types of Security (Security or Authority Levels)
Owner has foil access rights. The other predefined type, Data Entrfy, is based on
owner but is restricted by default. The default settings for Data Entry are as follows.
You can change them to allow more or less rights as necessary.
Types of Security [Enter] > Data Entry [Enter] Create a New Security Levei

Types of Security > Data Entry > [Down Arrow]

(Press the down arrow key at the option data entry.)

This is one of the few places in Tally where you create a new entry in this fashion.
Type the new security level, e.g. Manager
Press [enter] to bring up the Level Definition screen

Secyrijy Levels far Company

N a m e Tally Demo Company
L;si of Security Levels

The level of security.


I 270

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Name of Security Level Use Basic Facilities of

. Data Entry

Days allowed for Back Dated vouchers ; 0 Cut-off date for Back Dated vouchers
: 31-0et3Mi

Disallow the foltowing facilities

(others will be allowed)

ABowthe following Facilities

(to re-enabls disallowed faculties)

Full Access Full Access Full Access Full Access Full Access Full Access Full Access Full
Access Full Access Full Access Full Access FuB Access Full Access Full Access. Full
Access Create&fter
Accounts Masters Balance Sheet Cash Flow Company Features Cost Centre Details
Funds Fiow Accounts Masters foup Monthly Summary Group Summary Inventory
Masters Outstanding Profit & Loss Afc Stock Category Summary Stock Summary Trial
Balance Back Dated Vouchers

Name of Security Level

This defaults to the name you have created.


Name of Security Level Use Basic Facilities of

: Manager

Days allowed for Sack Dated vouchers Cut-off date for Back Dated vouchers


Disallow the folio wing Facilities

(others will be slime)
Use Basic Facilities of

Allow the foltowing Facilities

$o re-emble diaalkm&dfacilities)
The default is the owner. However, the other option is also available - Data Entry. If
the popup list does not appear when you are at the field, press D - beginning to type
the word. Going back from the next field will also pop it up. The new level Manager
will, likewise, be available when you create a next level.
Pays Allowed for Back-dated Vouchers
This is the number of days the users of this level are allowed to create back-dated

Tally 7.2

The Administrative Tally

271 \

Entry. If the .?e the word, will, likewise.

-dated vouchers.

Specifying 0 will indicate that back-dated vouchers are not allowed, and 7 will allow
the user at this level to insert vouchers going back 7 days.
Cut-off Date for Back-dated Vouchers
Specify the date before which users of this profile or security level may not create or
alter vouchers. This is additional control over and above the previous 'days allowed'.
This is useful in cases where you have completed your Tax Assessment for a period
and no changes are desired in the data for that period.
Disallow the Following Facilities/Allow the Following Facilities
Nam e of S e : u r itv Leve i Use Basic Facilities ot
Davs allowed for Bach L Cut-off date for Bit* Dal
Disallow the folitn
i others tviti t>f.
The screen is now divided into two broad columns each have two sub-columns. The
left side is to disallow access to the various options of the system. The right side
allows the security level the different facilities. The different access rights options -
Types of Access - are available in a pop-up list when the cursor is on an access rights
field (the first left column in the screen above). The options sought to be controlled,
are on the right (the second column from the left).
Manager Data Entry
G End of List
L teaie/Aiter
Full Access I
Full Access c
Full Access F
Full Access
Full Access 1
Hull llproce
To disallow access to different options; First
select the type of access and then select the
option. Options may be selected from the popup
list of Reports. Repeat the procedure till you
have set access rights for the different options.
Note the bracketed sentence in italics. When you
select a type of access, this type would be
disallowed for the option. Hence, if you select
Full Access for Balance Sheet, you want to
prevent any access to Balance Sheet by this
security level. Conversely, under 'Allow the
following facilities', if you select Full Access for
Balance Sheet, you want to allow full access.
Full access incorporates all rights. ,
Select [End of List] at the Type of Access field to complete the definition.
You are taken back to the screen 'Security Levels for Company' at a blank field
following the one you just created, viz., Manager. If you have any other level to create,
simply type the name and follow the same procedure. Otherwise press [enter] at the
blank field to accept and return from this screen.
Users and Passwords
You would need to create different users who belong to one or more different security
levels or types of security. Select the option at the Security control menu to define
users, give their passwords and their security levels. Only the administrator can
assign users and their passwords.

I 274
Straight to the Point Tally 7.2
form. The technique could be likened to "encryption-decryption-on-the-fly", and the
decrypted form of data is never stored in the system. Apart from this, it uses the "non-
stored password" mechanism. By using highly advanced mechanisms to validate a
new user without any prior knowledge of the original password. The combination of
these facilities means, that TallyVault becomes one of the most secure means of
information storage.
How to Use TaliyVault?
TallyVault password can be given at the time of company creation. For existing
companies, the procedure is:
Load the desired company and using Alt+F3 proceed to the Company Information
Go to Change Tally Vault. You will be required to select the company name once again
(this incase you have more than one company loaded). Give the new TallyVault
and confirm it. - , ; -
Once you encrypt the data, the result is that the company name no longer becomes
visible to anyone.
Select the company and Tally will prompt you for the Tally Vault password.
By the above procedure, once can ensure that data is kept confidential and is
available only to administrator (initiator of the TallyVault).
Tally has a flexible back-up mechanism where in you can take a backup of the data
virtually any storage medium into any other medium. : .: .;
The more commonly used media are floppy drive, hard disk drive, zip drive, tape
drive, etc - installed either locally or on a network. In the backup screen, the source of
the backup and the destination of where it has to be stored has to be given, Tally will
do as required.
How to Take a Backup?
. f-.l.l M..
^ P
Select Companies to Backup
bource Destination
C: T.iity BMa
Start Tally - If the Company Information screen is loaded first - there is a menu option
"Backup". Select this to get the "Select Companies to Backup" screen. However, if the
Gateway of Tally Loads *-use Alt+F3 to get the option Backup. Note that this option is
available only on the Company Information screen
Name of Company
To change either the source or the destination paths, use the Backspace key
and | change the path as required. Let us say we want to backup the data to a
directory Tally backup in the D Drive - change the path to

The Administrj
D:\Tallyback-_ onto another p. The process c: To stop selej the selection 1-J
The backup fV. extend mere :r stored accori::
Backup Pr
As we are 2.'.:-: Considering :n backing-up ::' forethought, -.v; free.
Depending en devised. One ~ local hard iiii can also be _>: backup dire~: the day
Monday - C Tuesday - CV Wednesday- C
The above pr:. order to use :n_ we have to use
Restore literal;. of data from a: - we have a 7; data - this can
How to Re;
Start Tally I: : "Restore". 5e:; Gateway of 7a of backup - :n:
The Source an.
JSBJ pssn 3J3AV jBqj asoqj SJB 3J3q psAejdsip sqjBd uopBupssQ pire
U33IDS uopBuuojui Auedtuo^ sqj uo Ajuo sjqBjjBAB si uopdo siqj - drqrr: SSBD sqj ui
SB JBqj sjo>{ -SJOJSS^ uopdo sqj ja oj g^+JlV ssn - spBoq AJJBX jo ABA-.?; sqj JI
'JSASA\OJ-[ 'USSJDS asjojss-g oj ssiUBduiO3 joaps,, 3*P J3 oj siqj josps ",,310:?; uopdo
nusiu B si 3J3qj - JSJTJ psp^oi; ST USSJOS UOXJBUUOJUI AUBduio3 sqj JI /L\\v]_ ::

SUIJSIXS sxp UIOJJ SUUOJSSJ; A^duiis Aq p3A3iqoB sq UVD siqi - r:~ aqj jo p^sjsui
drqoBq BjBp sqj uo 5{JOAV OJ qsiAV. 3A\ puB drnjo^q ^n^X B 3A^ ? -SUB3UI SJOJSSJ
JXSJUOD s^^x uj uinipsuj SSBIOJS jsqjo AUB OJUI uitiTpsui AUB UIOJJ B;FT : Suuojsai
SA\OHB AJ^BX 'BjBp jo dn SuppBq oj IBHIUTS '(5[3Bq guuq oj, SUBSUI An^iajij sic:>;

uopdo ((3J0jS3"a,, dm[DBq BjBp 8UTJSTX3 JBUJ UIOIJ BjBp 3qj J[DBq Suiiq JO dm[DBq
uo os puB

j 3sn oj aveu jBqj asn o: ;?

D -ABpssur? v

'5{33AV 3qj JO
uo Smpusdap JSUUBUI UTA\O|JOJ sqj ux sdn^DBq BjBp 35[BJ ApBjnSsj puB Ajojosiip
dn>;:T UIBUI sqj ispun 5[33A\ sqj jo Aep AJSAS JOJ S3UojD3Jip-qns 3ABq UBD 3yv\
'(pssn sq OSJP --. 3jj35[sip diz (>[Sip Addog sqj SB qons Bipsui 3BJOJS ^BUISJXS)
JSAJSS sqj JO 5[sxp pJBq T^: sqj ui AjopsJip dti3[DBq B UIIJTBJUIBUJ Aq sq JJIAV SUIBS
sqj 3AsnpB oj poqjsui aq oj 3ABq JITAV rasiuBqasui dropBq sjBudojddB UB 'AJJUS BjBp
jo 3UinjOA sqj uo


-3|SSBq puB snonuijuoD si BjBp juBjJoduii sqj jo aouBusjureui jBqj sjnsus UBD SAV 'j
puB utuuB|d 3IJJH B qjijv\. 'aq ABUJ ssBqBjBp sqj SUOJJS J3A3A\oq 'BjBp jo dn-Suw:
jo ssdAj \\v oj aiqBJSuuiA si jgjnduioo B UO BjBp 'SJBA\B ApB3jp SJB 3A\
sq |UA\ (200 'TOO) sjxSxp UOISUSJXS 3qj usqj 'AddoTj 'sjduiBxs JOJ - suo UBqj SJOUI
pu?:x; oj Ap>[i] uinipsui B ui U35[BJ si dmpBq sqj Ji I00'00Svi9JL SB ps-iojs si syij
dn5[DBq su_
dm[DBq JOJ psj03]3s si AuBduiOD suo J3JJB A^uo sjBsddB uopdo siqx :ajo^[ 'jsq
uotpaps ?~ jo doj sqj JB SJBsddB qoiqAV ujsi7 jo pug,, uopdo sqj josps 'ssiuBduioD
Suposjss dojs c^
B S5{Bj oj JUBAV 3A\ 3SBDUI 'psjinbsj SB ssiuBduioD sqj ssooqo puB




Straight to the Point Tally 7,2


The source field has to have the appropriate path from which we intend to bring back
the previous data. Accepting the path will read [; tci TaBy Solutions Pvt. Ltd.. 1988-
the contents of the particular file and will ies7.2-Release 1 then display the list of
companies available, i Tue- 2*h'
Select as required and restore the data
accordingly. : , :
Restore Precautions
It is preferable NOT to restore a backup on
the original data directory - primarily to '', -~-^
ensure that No data is unintentionally i
SpSit Financial Years
Tally's flexible period-less accounting permits entry of data for any number of years.
T"; in itself has tremendous benefits. However, presence of old data in cases where
they 3 voluminous, causes greater overhead on the system. Splitting financial years
enables ;i to retain most benefits while overcoming this overhead.
When you split the data, two things happen:
New companies are created for the respective split periods.
Full data is retained in the original company. ._. . - .
Important Pre-split Activity
(Not carrying out these will result in mismatched information.) ,- v.
Before you split data, ensure that: :
All unadjusted forex gains/losses have been fully adjusted by journal entries. Verify
the item does not appear in the Balance Sheet. There are no Purchase Bills/Sales 5il_;
w eome.Check the Profit & Loss Account and Inventory Statements - Purchase/Sa!e; 7
Pending. You may account them to the respective party accounts or to respective 7
Pending' Account.
Ensure that a backup of the data exists.
Note for users of Sales/Purchase Order Processing features: Since open orders are
no: : -forward, you either should not split data or if you do be aware that you have to
eta outstanding orders afresh. When carry forward of orders become available in T'Jlj,
difficulty will be removed.
How to Split Fiiianciai Years?
1. At the Gateway of Tally, Select [ALTJ+F3: Cmp Info (Create Cmp in earlier:;.:_..

ivpicaiiy. :;
& Loss

The Administrative Taliy


2. Select Split Company Data. ... . ....

3. Select the Company whose data is to be split.
4. Tally recommends the split-off date based on the data existing. It is
that the Split Point is set as the beginning of the latest financial year though Tally
permits any date as the split point.
5. Splits occur in sets of two periods. Hence, start with the latest. For example
that three years data - from 1-1-96 to 31-12-98 for a company and you want them
split into three separate 'companies' each with a financial year. First, select the
beginning of the latest financial year (this is what Tally would prompt you to do).
6. On confirming the activity, two new companies will be created - one with data
1-1-96 to 31-12-97, i.e., two years, and the other for 1-1-98 to 31-12-98.
Typically, this is all you need to do. Your historical data, whether of 1 or more financial


' Name


: Split from
: (tfus date wit become fre Ffoantiai Year Beginning tot itie new company)
' (valid values: 2-Apr-2tX>5 to i-n or-2QQQ ' Pe^ornmended is i-S$p-2Q05}
Tlies* new companies will be created and opened
First Cmp . ABCL - <Fiout 1-Ajx-2005s Second Ornc : ABCL-Fim 1-Sep-2C*(s5&



years, will be preserved as one company, and your current financial year, as another.
There is, normally, no reason or benefit to split the prior years again into separate
years. However, should you wish to do so, repeat the above steps for the prior period
All the companies are full companies in their own right. Data can be entered,
displayed and altered. Please display or print out the key financial reports (Trial
Balance, Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss, Stock Summary etc.) from each of the
companies for the relevant periods and compare them for accuracy.
Once you are satisfied that you have a successful split, it is advisable to backup the
original company onto diskettes and permanently delete its data from, your hard-disk.
This will ensure that you do not accidentally use it to enter fresh data. To delete a
company, press Alt+F3 at the Gateway of Tally, select to Alter it, and at the point
where you can modify the Company Information, press Alt+D.
You will also need to alter the names of the two freshly created companies to suit you.


I 278

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Type/ Quettiorw

1. Describe the various options of security in Tally.

2. How would you create a security level?
3. How are passwords used in Tally?
4. What do you understand by Tally Audit?
5. What do you understand by Tally Vault?
6. How do you backup your data in Tally?
7. How would you use Restore in Tally?
8. How would you split financial years?

This chapter :e^ Those of v.;-_ -.-., and would -::':--to give this IT.:": backgrour.c
Let me star. --.:;

It is that perscr advance given at

IT is that perse- :; :r loan taker. :: ;
It means transfer Drawing
": means wither;-.v rom the business
.: is that sum c: is

Ft Tally 7.2

Fundamentals of Accounting

p i * apu Mil I IDiipn

This chapter tells you about the basic accounting features and how Tally handles
them. Those of you who have accounting background must be very clear about these
concepts and would probably find the following information quite childish but it is
important for me to give this information specially for those of you who do not have
the accounting background.
Let me start with some definitions.
Debit ; v .-- -?:-,- - r - . ::: v ., ;. ;.-:
It is what you receive. 0
It is what you give. Debtor
It is that person who owes money to the business on account of credit sale of goods or
advance given or services rendered to him. ................
It is that person to whom the business owes money on account of credit purchase of
goods or loan taken or services received from him.
It means transfer of money or money's worth from one party to another. .,._-...
It means withdrawal. The amount of money or the value of goods taken by the
proprietor from the business for his personal use.
It is that sum of money which the business owes to outsiders. Capital is that part of
wealth which is contributed by the proprietor to start, run and further expand the

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2
These are the things of value owned by the company. Cash, unsold stock, furniture,
rnone; due from the debtors fall under the category of assets.
Accounting Systems
There are two main accounting systems: Cash and Mercantile. In cash system enterics
:r_ the book are done only when the amount due has been received. It is not shown as
due r any stage.
On the other hand in mercantile system, a record is made on the basis of amounts
havir.; become due for payment or receipt.
Transactions are also of two types: Double and Single entry. The double entry
systerr. :: based on the fact that a transaction is a double-sided affair. If one receives
some:h:r.: somewhere something must have been reduced, or some service must
have been rendere;
A single entry system on the other hand is concerned with only one side of the
transaction. either you pay someone or you receive from someone.
The double entry system is more accurate, scientific and systematic.
Journal Accounts
Debiting and crediting each and every individual account for every transaction is very
r:~7 consuming. This is overcome by recording the debit and its corresponding credit
or the crei.: and its corresponding debit in a subsidiary book. Each journal transaction
is recorder m the form of a voucher. ^ voucher is supposed to have the following
Date - ; - . .. ,. .:...--_ ..... .- :; v
It records the date of transaction with its month and year.
Particulars - -----"-:-:-
This is what is usually known as narration. You can write here the details of the
transact:: -_ in plain English.
Ledger Folio
Posting in the ledger accounts is done on the basis of journal entries. It is therefore,
that there should be certain reference to the page number of ledger, where the
accou^: _:.
journal is being posted. "~
This contains the amount debited under a transaction.

For a big cc r. irforma::c~ 5: have Purchiie Receivable 3 ;:

Cash beck re;:: means ncte; :: -ere too y:_ 'z
Simple Cash
-: the sunrlest :t ~c: even reccrii i format of the :

7" Re:;-::
Ds;e Psr:.-..:--

-.e~emrer tr.e :.i_ '-^':- i.e.. the ri..

Petty Cash B
's book :s :i_r.
Fundamentals of Accounting
int Tally 7.2
~rure, money
e~: entenes in as due at
~ runts having
r_::y system is c- something, :r:r. rendered.
n; trans action,

This contains the amount credited under a transaction.
Cash Book
For a big company it is not possible to have only one journal to carry all the
accounting information. So for this we have different books for different accounts.
That is why we have Purchase Books, Purchase Return Books, Sales Books, Sales
Return Books, Bill Receivable Books and Bills Payable Books. You will read about them
later in the book.
Cash book records all the cash transactions. Cash does not mean hard cash only. It
also means notes, coins, bank drafts, cheques and postal orders too. As in other
transactions, here too you have Receipts and Payments. There are various types of
cash books which the company's maintain depending upon the type of business that
they have.
Simple Cash Book
It the simplest form of the cash book, where all the cash transaction^ are recording. It
does not even records the banking and cash discount transactions. The following may
represent a format of the same:

re is very time L: or :he credit is re;orded in

Dr. Receipts Payments Cr.

Date Particulars L.F. Amount Rs. P. Date Particulars L.F. Amount Rs. P.

\z transactions
necessary account in

Remember the cash book is maintained date wise and all the entries are totalled as
per the date, i.e., the balance is found out at the end of each date.
Petty Cash Book
It is a usual practice for a company to withdraw cash from the bank and then keep on
using it for various purposes like Travelling, Postage, Carriage, Stationary, etc. So
when the cash level reaches a minimum level more cash is added and thus this book
keeps on working. This book is called the Petty Cash Book since it takes care of the
cash transactions which are very petty in nature.
In this case the ledger has the various heads under which the usual amount is spent.
The first column is receipt of the cash and then day to day cash activities are noted as
per the details. At the end of week/month the totals are done and balance taken.

A possible example of the petty cash book can be:

I 282
Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Receipts Date Particulars V no. Total Conveyance Stationary Postage

100.00 1.2.00 To cash A/c.
2.2.00 By conveyance 15.00 15.00
5.2.00 By Stationary 19.00 19.00
7.2.00 By Postage 22.00 22.00
10.2.00 By telephone 6.00 6.00
100.00 Total 62.00 15.00 19.00 22.00 6.00
By balance C/d 38.00
38.00 By balance B/d
Next in line is the Ledger and Ledger accounts.
Ledger and Ledger Accounts
These reflect the main accounting picture of a company. All transactions dealing with
a particular account are reflected here.
The ledger shown here is divided into two parts. The left hand side is debit side and
right hand side is the credit side. Each side is further divided into 4 sections namely:
Date, Particulars, Folio and Amount.

mentals c

Dzu P,
2-1-01 -
4-1-01 -
S-l-Ol - _
1O-1-O1 -_
12-1-01 -_.
iff- . **.. - .
, ___ __
Dsx Ps>

Date Particulars Folio Amount Date Particulars Folio Amount


Date ,; =
These columns record the date of the transaction. The date of transaction is first
recorded in the journal book, from the journal it is brought to the ledger account.
As usual this column records the details of the transaction, i.e., the name of the
account in which the corresponding debit or credit is found.
This column works as reference. Here we write the Journal Page No. of the account
which is being written in the Particulars column of ledger.



it Tally 7.2

Fundamentals of Accounting


rage Others

Amount -
This is the amount which is debited or credited and is entered in this column.
Following is the example of an account where some transactions have taken place
between the company and Sachin in the form of sale. Let us see how they are first
recorded into journal, then into the accounts of Sachin and the .pash account.
6.00 6.00
.eal:r.g with a
s\zz and right .i.=ie:y: Date,
f_rs: recorded
*_~e account m

Date Particulars
2-1-01 Goods sold to Sachin
4-1-01 Received cash from Sachin
6-1-01 Brought goods on cash
8-1-01 Paid cartage
10-1-01 Goods returned by Sachin
12-1-01 Goods sold to Sachin
15-1-01 Received cash from Sachin
These entries in the journal will look like this.
Cash Account Dr.
(being the sale of goods on cash)
Cash Account Dr.
(being receipt of cash)
Goods Account Dr.
(purchase of goods) I
Goods Account Dr.
(cartage on goods)
Goods Account Dr.
To Sachin Account
(being the value of goods returned)
Sachin Account Dr.
To Goods Account
(being the sale of goods on credit)


Amount (in Rs.)

10,000 8,000
Debit (Rs.)
Credit (Rs.)

I 284
Straight to the Point Tally 7.2


Cash Account 15-1-01 Sachin Account
(being receipt of cash)
Let us now see how the individual ledgers would look like.
Date ParticularsJ.F. Amount
6-1-01 By Goods A/c 20,000
8-1-01 By Goods A/c 100
Cash Account

Date Particulars J.F. Amount

2-1-01 To Goods A/c 10,000
4-1-01 To Sachin A/c 8,000
15-1-01 To Sachin A/c 3,000
By Balance C/d 900

21,000 21,000
To Balance b/d 900

Dr. Goods Account Cr.

Thus the tr. A compar.v
Cash Accc Bank Ac;; Goods A;; Discour.: A Machiner. Capital Acz Sachin Ac: Salary Ac::
Rent Acccu Interest A::

To Balance b/d
Trial Balance
At the end of an accounting period all the accounts are balanced and the balances
listed. The total on both the sides of this, called the trial balance, should balance.
Since we are
Particulars J.F. Amount Date Particulars J.F. Amount
(Rs.) (Rs.)
6-1-01 To Cash A/c 20,000 2-1-01 By Cash A/c10,000
8-1-01 To Cash A/c 100 12-1-01 By Sachin A/c 4,000
10-1-01 To Sachin A/c 2,000
By Balance C/d 7,100

22,100 22,100
To Balance b/d 7,100

Dr. Sachin Account Cr.

Date Particulars J.F. Amount Date Particulars J.F. Amount

(Rs.) (Rs.)
12-1-01 To Goods A/c 4,000 15-1-01 By Cash A/c3,000
By Balance C/d 1,000

The total on in the calculi;

I Trading Pi
The resul: Q-~ 2 statements 7 Account ar.i :

nt Tally 7.2

Fundamentals of Accounting


F. Amount
I (Rs.)
.F. Amount (Rs.)
10,000 4,000
14,000 7,100
.F. Amount
I (Rs.)
rilmces listed
s, - ~

Cash Account Bank Account Goods Account Discount Account Machinery Account
Capital Account Sachin Account Salary Account Rent Account Interest Account
working on the concept of every debit entry having a contra credit entry and vice
versa. Thus the trial balance is an arithmetic check that all the double entries have
been completed.

A company's trail balance could look like this:

Particulars Debit (Rs.) Credit (Rs.)

The total on the debit side equals the total of credit side, indicating that there are no
mistakes in the calculations.
Trading Profit and Loss Account
The result of all financial accounting amounts to two parts: income statements and
position statements. The term income statement is better known as Trading and Profit
& Loss Account and position statement is known as Balance Sheet.
Before you go any further you must understand the following terms:
Gross Profit = Net Sales - Cost price of goods sold , !
Net sales = Sales - Goods returned :u;
Cost of goods sold = Sales - Gross profit : 4
or in other words this can be written as: -
Cost of goods sold = Opening stock + Net purchases + Direct Expenses - Closing
Gross loss = Cost of goods sold - Net sales!' Net Purchases = Purchases - Purchases
Let us now take another example and try to calculate the profit from the following
information about a company

I 286

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2


Amount (Rs.) ''

Opening Stock 20,000 '
Purchases 4,000
Sales * 40,000
Salaries 5,000
Fuel 2,000
Closing Stock 4,000
Purchase returned 1,500
Sales returned 1,000
Transportation 1,500
Octroi 600
On the basis of above information, we can generate the following results:
Direct expenses = Fuel + Transpotation + Octroi
.- = 2000 + 1500 + 600
= 4100
Net Purchases = Purchases - Purchases returned
= 4000 - 1500
Net Sales = Sales - Sales Returned
= 40000 - 1000 = 39000
Cost of goods = Opening stock + Net Purchases + Direct expenses -Closing stock
= 20000 + 2500 + 4100-4000
= 22600 ; . ...
Gross Profit = Net Sales - Cost of goods = 39000 - 22600 = 16400
Proforma of a Trading Account
The trading account of a company would look like the one shown on the next page.
Le: me explain the various heads used in this.


To operm
To p--::-i
To Ocrr::
To Wages
To Fuel
To Royal:
To any :i
To gross ~ (transfer-e A/c i: ere the deb:: 5
Firstly the r Opening
It is the s:;; This stoci: is side of the r but if the ;: stock.
This acccu-: Two imp era
Firs::y -the purchzsei
Seccr.i'r-are the cue J assets.
mi Tally 7.2

Fundamentals of Accounting



Trading Account


next page. Let

Particulars Amount (Rs.) Particulars Amount (Rs.)

To opening stock By Sales Less: Sales return ,,By closing stock
To Purchases By gross loss - transferred to Profit/Loss account (if debit side
exceds the credit side)
To Carriage or Cartage
To Octroi or Local Taxes
To Wages
To Fuel
To Royalty
To any other expenses
To gross profit (transferred to Profit/Loss A/c if credit side exceeds the debit side)
Firstly the ones on the left hand side of the account. Opening Stock
It is the stock available with the company on the opening day of the accounting
period. This stock is available from the debit side of trial balance, therefore it is shown
on the debit side of the trading account. The opening stock does not exist for a newly
started business but if the company has existed for more than one year it will
definitely have an opening stock.
This account includes all cash as well as credit purchases of goods made during the
year. Two important points need to be mentioned here.
Firstly, we have to show net purchases in the trading account, hence we deduct here
the purchases returned.
Secondly, it needs to be emphasized that the only purchases transferred to this
account are the one in which business is being carried. The account does not include
purchase of assets.

I 288
Straight to the Point Tally 7.2
Carriage or Cartage
All expenses incurred during the purchase of goods are direct expenses and add to the
of goods purchased. ;
Companies involved in manufacturing have to pay wages to the labour. These
expenses are the part of the value of goods manufactured by the company. It is
therefore necessary that these expenses are added to the cost of goods produced and
debited to trading account.
Just like cartage expenses, the amount of money spent on fuel which is used to fetch
the raw material for producing goods adds up to the cost of goods and must be
accounted for.
It is the amount payable to the landlord of mines and tea gardens for the right to work
at his place, or any other similar thing. In case of foreign collaboration it is the amount
given to foreign principals as part of the agreement for the consultancy. It is paid by
the company and is treated as direct expenses.
Now we come to the right hand side of the trading account.s
It includes the total of both the cash and credit sales made during a financial year. As
before two points have to be emphasized, first sale does not include the sales of
assets and second the amount of net sales, goods sold-goods returned, is recorded
Closing Stock
It is the value of goods on the closing date of an accounting period. Stock is valued at
cost price or market price, whichever is lower. Usually, the closing stock is not given in
the trial balance but is given among other adjustments outside the trial balance. In
order to bring the closing stock into account, it is necessary to pass an adjustment
entry debiting stock into account and crediting trading account.
The following is the example of a trading account of a company. "
Amount (Rs.)
Opening Stock . 60,00J) ,;_ s ,; :;
4,000 8,000 2,000
Sales A/c 80,000 .. = .> : -
Purchases return Royalty A/c Fuel

Wages Sales retu.rr. Purchase A ; Closing S:c:; This when r_
Profit and
It is prepares period. As ex:

'. Parti a
To opening ;
To Purchase-: Purchase :
To Wages
To Fuel
To Royair
To gross r::: (transferred : A/c if crei:: the debit s:zt

On the incor Divider.. Interes: Discour.'

Whereas on :
Tally 7.2

Fundamentals of Accounting

289 J

; :o the cost

Wages Sales return Purchase A/c


penses are
rssary that
fetch the runted for.
work at .nt given
ne company
As before zc second
ed at cost z the trial - :o bring rsig stock

Closing Stock as on 31st Dec, 2001 4,000 ^ " :^

This when put into the trading account would look like as shown on the next page.
Profit and Loss Account
It is prepared to calculate the net profit or net loss of the business for a given
accounting period. As expected it is the summary of all income and expenses.
Trading Account

Particulars Amount (Rs.) Particulars Amount (Rs.)

To opening stock 60,000 By Sales 80,000 Less: Sales return* - ~ By closing
stock 1,000 79,000
To Purchases Purchase return 10,000 4,000 6,000 By gross loss - transferred to
Profit/Loss account (if debit side exceds the : credit side)
Closing Stock 6,000
To Wages 5,000
To Fuel 2,000
To Royalty 8,000
To gross profit (transferred to Profit/Loss A/c if credit side exceeds the debit side)
85,000 85,000
On the income side, you can have the entries like:
Dividend received
Interest earned
Discount and commission received Whereas on the expenses side you can have
expenses like:

I 290

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2


Electric: r. S a: A Disco--.-.: .

Adve 5=;
Selling Expenses
Such as rent for office premises, advertising expenses, travelling allowance,
commission, etc.
Distributive Expenses
Such as packing charges, vehicle maintenance, outward cartage, etc. Administrative
Such as staff salary, electricity bill and other office expenses. Closing Entries
Balance i
A ba:ar.:e i-: assets IT.z _i.
The entries that have to be made in the journal for preparing the trading account and
prof.: & loss account are known as closing entries. Follow the steps mentioned below
to make the necessary entries:
In order to close the accounts of expenses or loses, debit the profit and loss
and credit the corresponding expense account. This entry will close all the expense;
account in the ledger.
In order to close the accounts of income or profit, debit the corresponding
account and credit the profit and loss account. This entry will close the inccrr.e
account in the ledger.
In order to transfer the balance of profit and loss account, debit the profit and
account and credit the capital account if there is net profit, otherwise credit :he
profit and loss account and debit the capital account.
On the basis of thesei&vailable figures we would prepare the Trading Account and the-
Profit and Loss Account. So let's do it.
Trial Balance i [ Dr-
Debit Balances Debit Credit Balances Credit 1 1
(Rs.) (Rs.) 1
Captial Account 5O,00C 1 I To Stock A
Stock Account 6,000 A I To Purchase
Cash at Bank 10,000 r To Wages .-
Cash in Hand 7,000 To Fuel A .
Machinery Account 5,000 To Electr.r.:
Furniture Account 3,000 To Gross ?:
Purchases Account 4,000 transferred : & Loss A :
Wages Account 6,000
Fuel Account 6,000
Dint Tally 7.2
t commission,

Fundamentals of Accounting
Electricity Bill Account Salaries Account Discount Allowed Account
Advertising Account


5 ,000
2 ,000 _\;:/; ~ / .;,.;
8 ,000
Discount Receivd Account 1,000
2 ,000 Sales Account
0 50,000
(i) stock on 31st March 4,000
(ii) Depriciation 10%
(iii) Rent outstanding 1,000

::ur.: and pror.: r-elow to make

Lii loss account ill :r.e expenses

Balance Sheet
A balance sheet is a statement of the financial position of the company, in terms of
capital, assets and liabilities. Let us see what goes into the balance sheet and what it
Assets - Liabilities = Capital 4
Adjustment Entries

Stock (closing Account) Dr.

To Trading Account
(being the amount of closing stock brought into account)
Depriciation Account Dr.
Rent Account

800 1,000



Trading Account



To Stock A/c
To Purchase A/c
To Wages A/c
To Fuel A/c
To Electricity Bill A/c
To Gross Profit transferred to Profit & Loss A/c

Amount Particulars
6 ,000 By Sales A/c
4 ,000 By Closing Stock
6 ,000
6 ,000
5 ,000
33 ,000
60 ,000

Credit (Rs.)
50,000 10,000

I 292

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

To Salaries A/c " ' : -:;
To Discount Allowed A/c To Advertising A/c
To Net Profit transferred to Capital A/c
Profit & Loss A/c
Amount Particulars Credit
(Rs.) (Rs.)
2,000 By Gross profit transferred 33,000
from the Trading A/c
8,000 By Discount Received A/c 1,000
34,000 34,000
The two sides of the balance sheet show the following:
Left Hand Side - Right Hand Side
Capital and Liabilities Assets
Sources Uses
Where the finances came from Where the finances went to
What the business owes What the business owns
A balance sheet of the company may have the following information.

Balance Sheet
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
# (Rs.) (Rs.)
Sundry or Trade Creditors Cash in Hand
Bills Payable Petty Cash .-.-.--. . . - - -...-
Bank Overdraft Cash at Bank ... -., -,... ..,-. -
Employees Provident Fund Bills Receivable
Loans (Cr.) Sundry Debtors
Mortage Loans (Dr.)
Reserve/Res. Fund Capital Closing Stock * - -- - - - - -
Add Interest on Capital Investments
Add Net Profit a? Furniture and Fittings
Less Drawings Loose Tools
Less Income Tax Plant & Machinery ;
Less Interest on Drawings Horses & Carts
Less Net Loss Land and Buildings
Freehold/Leasehold Land

In the las: Ar it takes care : go deep in:: u specially :: y:
You can e~:er also permit :: can be au::~ i better organ:: parameters 7: opt for Mair.-J
Let us under-Stock Iterr
What you rece Bookshop fr:rr clubbed toge:r: clothes, Genrs . Similarly fcr 1
Usually Srcci: measured ir. ii You can spe.r-_: some items ~:
Tally allows y: as Alterna:e V
A company 7,1 normally. Each godowns give : item which mz where it is :her
Tally allows vcr Part Number:. enter Purchase

rrt Tally 7.2

Credit (Rs.)
33,000 1,000
Amount (Rs.)

Fundamentals of Inventory
In the last Appendix you read about Accounting. But, Tally is not about Accounting
only, it takes care of the Inventory too. By inventory we mean the stocks and items.
Before you go deep into understanding Tally for Inventory you must understand the
basics of Inventory specially if you are a non-accounting person.
You can enter inventory details while entering Vouchers. For convenience of entry.
Tally also permits to enter in invoice format where computation of Taxes, Duties or
other charges can be automated. You can organize items into Groups and optionally
Categorize them for better organization and reporting. You get numerous Reporting
options on diverse parameters. To enter and maintain inventory details, in the
Company Info screen, you should opt for Maintaining Accounts with Inventory option.
Let us understand the various inventory terms.
Stock Items *
What you receive or issue, Sell or purchase, each item is a Stock Item. For example,
for the Bookshop from you buy this book, this book is a Stock item. Similarly stock
items can be clubbed together and can be called Stock groups. For example, in a
department store of clothes, Gents clothes can be a group having Pants, Shirts, Coats,
etc., for under that category. Similarly for Ladies and Children.
Usually Stock Items are measured in a Unit, e.g., Pcs, Kg, Ltr, etc. Different items may
be measured in different units. You can create Unit of Measurement as per your
business need. You can specify the Unit in which the item is transactednormally one
Unit. However, some items may be transacted in 12 units also called dozens.
Tally allows you to specify upto 2 Units for a single Stock Item, one as Unit and the
other as Alternate Unit, you define relationship between the two Units.
A company has usually many places to store inventory items, they are called Godowns
normally. Each godown has its inventory and that when combined with inventory of
other godowns give the complete picture of the company's inventory. This helps in
locating an item which may not be there at one location, then, it can be transfered
from other godown where it is there.
Tally allows you to create Stock items as per your requirement, its alternate Name
(Aliases), Part Numbers, Description, Remarks, etc. You can optionally maintain
Batchwise details, enter Purchase and Sale prices, specify Stock Valuation Method for
an item.


[ 294
Straight to the Point Tally 7.2
Stock Group
As mentioned earlier, stocks items can be clubbed together to form stock groups. We
had taken the example of Gents clothing. Normally thousands of Stock items are
traded in an Organization. It may become unmanagable if the items are not properly
grouped. You can arrange all Stock items into Stock Groups based on common
features (e.g., based on Brand, Quality, Specification, etc.) You can nest Groups to any
depth, as such.
Gents Clothing ; ;. _
Pants ' : " ." ; :' ' "" "'"'' '""' '" /' ''. '/:'"""'' ' .V:\ ' '.' -..V:
Shirts >
Coats, etc. , , ,. ;,. ;.",;,-.; - ' ...-. ',-:' N, _ '
Women Clothing w ' .
Sarees , .';.,:. :,..-. r. ,
Dresses ' ; : ' h; " ' :.
Other accessories, etc.
Children Clothing Toddler items
Children clothing " : Kfti
Toys, etc. , ;
Grouping of stock items helps to get Group specific report. In above example, to get a
Stock report of Sarees onfy, you en conveniently get it by selecting Saree Group. In
fact Stock Group provides similar advantages as Account Groups provide for
organization of Accounts.
Stock Categories
Stock Categories offer the benefit of classifying an item in another dimension - thus at
any moment you can find similar items. In the above example, gents shirts may be of
different types, for example, of brands like Live-in, Newman, Provouge, etc.
Such additional information for item help when a customer asks for one item which is
not available in Stock or enquiries about similar items.
It has been mentioned earlier while talking about Stock items, Godown (or Location) is
a place to store materials. It may be a Warehouse, Rack, Shell, BIN or anything. You
can extend this concept even to materials issued to Jobbers or Principal's goods held
on Consignment basis. To monitor Locationwise movement of Stock, you may create
Multiple Godowns and while entering transactions, specifications, specify the Godown.
On activating Godown option, Tally creates a default godown main Location under
primary, you can alter

Fundamentals o
its Name bu: z-i: Warehouses. Sb Godowns :c zz:
non-stocka'^e X :o prevent Z3.:i ;
Unit ot N\ea(
As mentioned ei one of this :r::: 2 units (e.g.. 5;
Market Vah
Inventory cos brief expla::;- :
The full for- :i LIFO Annual
LIFO is the irr: first, taking m::
LIFO Perpet
It is similar :: 1 Average Cos The weighted i".; Monthly Avg,
It is similar :: A vhole year.
Last Purcha*
Values at latest ?
Standard Co<
--t the rate that ~. d;:e of Rercrt
At Zero Cost
Ccst rt sum it;~

Tally 7.2

Fundamentals of Inventory


-s We had
ided in an
: You can
:TL Brand,
:e. to get a up In fact r^zation of
:us at any : different
hich is not
canon) is a g You can ds held on .:e Multiple - aaivating :u can alter

its Name but cannot delete. Godowns can be nested to any level. So you can logically
build Warehouses, Shed No., Godown Number, Rack Number, BIN Number, etc., to
organize Godowns to get summarized totals for each level. You can treat the Godwons
as stockable/ non-stockable. Non-stockable godowns does not appear in the List of
Godowns in Voucher to prevent data entry errors.
Unit of Measure *
As mentioned earlier, a stock item is measured in a Unit, e.g., Piece, Litre, Metre, etc.
Select one of this option to create all such units. Many items are measured by a
combination of 2 units (e.g., Box of 100 pcs, strip of 4 capsules) which is termed as
Compound Units.
Market Valuation Method
Inventory costing methods are various as per Tally. You can choose any one of them. A
brief expiation of the various options are:
FIFO ....... - N '.- '' -- - --
The full form is First In First Out. Tally considers oldest stock moved first. .... ;
LIFO Annual
LIFO is the abbreviation for Last In First Out. Tally considers movement of latest goods
first, taking into account the current financial year.
LIFO Perpetual
It is similar to LIFO Annual but last purchase continues from previous Financial year.
Average Cost
The weighted average for the whole year is computed considering all Purchases.
Monthly Avg. Cost
It is similar to Average Cost but weighted average is computed for the month instead
whole year. .
Last Purchase Cost
Values at latest Purchase Cost. Standard Cost
At the rate that you entered in Stock item at Standard Purchase Cost applicable for
date of Report. .
At Zero Cost
Cost of such item is considered at zero. For example, for defective items of no
commerical value.

I 296
Straight to the Point Tally 7.2
Reorder Levels
Reorder Level report is helpful for Manufacturing organisation or Assembling industry
for timely procurement of materials (to ensure no production loss due to non-
availability of raw materials or component). Traders will also be able to identify items
for which order to be placed in time to ensure no cusotmer is returned due to non-
availability of Stock. Besides specifying absolute quantity, you can also base re-order
level on previous consumption during a specific period and ask Tally to compute
whichever lower or higher with option for Rounding Off.
Many vendors fix a minimum ordering quantity which too you can specify for each
item. In many trade, it becomes economical to buy a larger lot as compared to
immediate requirement - you can specify such quantity to achieve economy of scale.
All these helps placement of Purchase Order in time.
What is a Reorder Level?
Reorder level is the quantity for a Stock item, when stock-in-hand reaches that
quantity, you should place order for supplies. Every organization desires to execute
customer orders in time and have sufficient stock to serve them but at the same time
over-stocking costs hight (in terms of blocked money, interest cost and space to
store). Thus, re-order level figure is computed in such a manner that neither stock for
an item becomes NIL at any point of time nor unwanted stock is carried.
Multiple Price List
During Stock item creation, you learned how to enter Standard Sales Price for each
item. Many organisation have different Price Lists for different class of Nuyers, for
one Price List for Retail Customers and another for Wholesale Customer. Some
also offer different discount on different volume. With a single Standard Price List you
cannot address all these issues. Besiders Cost and Sales Prices for Stock items. Tally
you with the option of having multiple Price Lists. -: _, ^ ,, .
Inventory Transactions
Like accounting, inventory too has vouchers with the help of which you can enter the
information to Tally. All stock items information whether the item is going in or going
out is given to Tally with the help of vouchers.
You can also give information with the help of invoice, order or challans. Vouchers
Various voucher which are used in inventory are: : -. JV,
Stock Journal Vouchers
This voucher is used for transfer of materials. It allows you to move stock items from
one godown to another without affecting the financial accounts.

Receipt I
Whenever :x a bill then y
This updates receive the r
Sometimes does not :mr bring the z:-:
Delivery t
When you se
you send z:>: note.
Sometimes -.: the seller late: against this re
Physical s
This voucher Whenever -.:: corect stoci .: calculations ar
Invoice entries
In Voucher v.~ just the revers-: have to pre-cor the amount t; the software 1-
Orders are err: incorporating c
Tally provides -1. Entrv an.

int Tally 7.2

Fundamentals of Inventory


: industry for variability of ch order to rock. Besides iprion during h option for
:: each item. ? immediate 1 rhese helps
'jr. 3.'. quantity, -firmer orders >i::kmg costs
:e-order level r5 NIL at any
::r each Stock :cr example, : Organization
-r.ce List you Till\- provides
:tr. enter the i or going out
e~is trom one

Receipt Note Vouchers : =f Q

Whenever you buy goods, you pass a purchase voucher. However, if you have not
a bill then you can simply pas a Receipt Note. . ..
This updates the stock of that item but does not afffect the financial accounts. When
yu receive the bill, you can adjust it against the Receipt Note.
Rejections-in Vouchers
Sometimes the party to which you sell goods you can send them as rejections. If the
buyer does not immediately send you a debit note, then you can pass Rejections in
voucher to bring the goods back into your stock.
Delivery Note Vouchers
When you sell goods to a customer, you generally raise an invoice. However,
you send goods out with a Delivery Note and later raise an invoice against this
note. i
Rejections-out vouchers
Sometimes, you reject some items from the goods you purchased but send its debit
note to the seller later. In this case, you can pass a Rejection Out voucher and raise a
Debit Note against this rejection note.
Physical stock vouchers
This voucher at any given date represents the confirmation of actual stock on that
date. Whenever you check the actual stock, you pass a Physical Stock voucher to
specify the corect stock value. The stock value at this point is considered the stock-in-
hand and all the calculations are based on this value.
Invoice - ..:.-:..': -^ ,.:' :.,- ,.;'.....,.::
Invoice entries are similar to Vouchers, the prime difference may be listed as under:
In Voucher you first enter Accounts allocation, then Inventory allocation. In Invoice, it
is just the reverse, i.e., first inventory allocation, then accounting details. In Vouchers,
you have to pre-compute the item transaction value, duties and taxes, etc., in order to
compute the amount to debit/credit the party account. In Invoice, all the computation
is done by the software Tally, you have to just enter the basic figures of quantity, rate,
Orders are optional documents of pre-invoice stage. You can prepare invoices even
without incorporating ordering system. Orders do not affect inventory.
Tally provides you the following options for Purchase and Order Acceptance: 1. Entry
and printing of Purchase and Sales Order Acceptance.

j 298
Straight to the Point Tally 7.2
2. Staggering Deliver Time for the same item.
3. Item specific & common Rates for Discount, Tax and Other Billing Terms.
4. Bypassing of Orders, i.e., Sales & Purchase transaction entry with & without
5. Tracking of Outstanding Order status.
6. Other Terms and Conditions for Sales & Purchase.
Normally inventory tansaction comprises of 2 principal elements, Movement of
Materials and Financial Transactions. Thus, the Inventory and Accounting vouchers
reflecing the transaction may be like:
1. Movement of Goods and Financial Trasaction simultaneously.
2. Movement of Goods and Financial Transaction are separate events.
Inventory Reports
Following reports can be generated from Tally with respect to inventory. Movement
Analysis Stock Group Analysis
Movement Analysis of a selected stock group brings up the Total Inward and Outward
movement of all the items in which sleeted Stock Group. The Quantaties shown are
acual Quantaties of movement (which is some cases, may be different from the billed
Qty in the transactions). The inward detail shows the Effective Rate or Final Landed
Cost of the materials, after considering all overhead costs.
In case the Effective Rate is different from the basic invoice rate of the materials, it is
shown in Bold to highlight a possible candidate for further study. The Outward detail
shown the Basic Invoice Rate and Value of Goods sold/transferred out.
Item Movement Analysis
Item Movement Analysis is the next level of information (press Enter on the stock item
or Display Inventory - Books Stock Item Analysis). This brings up the Party-
wise detail of Movement In and Out. The inward details show the Basic Invoice Rate as
well as the Effective Rate. This is a greate comparative report to view the effect of
costs from different suppliers. For example, Supplier A may have a lower Basic Invoice
Rate as compared to Supplier B, but the Effective Rate may be higher (perhaps due
differences in Taxes, Packaging Costs, Freight Costs, etc.) t ,
Similarly, in context where a material is both manufactured in-house, as well as
purchased the difference in Purchase Costs and In-house Costs can be compared.
Lastly, by selecting multiple columns for different periods, you would get to see the
changes in Effective Rate for your purchases. The next level of information (press
Enter on the Party Name or Stock Journal Name), gives the transaction level detail of
information. Here, the Date of goods

received/sol d. transaction z Vouchers v.h;:
Ledger An;
Ledger Ana./.; of the item 5 :; made from a r up the
Transfer AJ
Transfer Ar.aL;. used powerr.;!/ each nature ::" of items A i~: A produced, ii entered).
Tr^s ': segments. r_: -transfer ha', e r-
Aged Stocfr
A very :mr: rti locked up r. 5:: or should str/. -: liquor and am: with time. ;: : agening
enar'.e-s and the pur;r_i
Stock Tran
This repon d:r Physical St This repon dii: Godown Su
The Go down Godown/Lccar company or. a ; at each locat;:r transaction sc ~_

- Tally 7.2
ras. "- :eut orders.
Materials leeing the
Outward are acual
O^y in the
is shown i. shown
e Transfer :e Rate as f Purchase :; Invoice
ru.-cnasec y selecting :-:ve Rate e or Stock

299 I
Fundamentals of Inventory
received/sold, the Quantities, Basic Rates, Addl. Costs and Effective Rate for each
transaction may be viewed pressing Enter expands into the Date, Type and Number of
the Vouchers which have contributed to this transaction.
Ledger Analysis
Ledger Analysis is similar to Movement Analysis, except for bringing up the
of the items for the selected Ledger (Party). Thus, you get an analysis of all purchases
made from a supplier or all items sold to a customer. The next level of information
up the transaction level detail. --~.,--, .. .,.-..
Transfer Analysis -=<
Transfer Analysis gives the movement details of each type of Stock Journal. This can
be used powerfully by following a simple discipline of using different Stock Journal
types for each nature of trnasaction. For example, item A Prod item B can be used for
the production of items A and B respectively. In this scenario, the report then
represents the total of item A produced, as well as the Raw Materials used for its
production, ^ith overhead costs (as entered). This becomes a very useful costing and
waste analysis too. In non-manufacturing segments, but with Multiple Godown, this
report becomes a quick check to verify that all transfer have been entered correctly -
since the Total Movement In and Out must watch.
Aged Stock Analysis (Ageing Analysis)
A very important function of Working Capital management is monitoring stocks.
Money locked up in stocks can adversely affect the liquidity of company and every
company strives or should strive to reduce stock levels to the optimum. Every
business (except perhaps the liquor and antiques dealers) would prefer to dispose of
older stocks as they might deteriorate with time, go out of fashion or simply get
forgotten. Tally's aged stock analysis or Stock agening enables you to know the age of
stocks in hand according to when they were received and the purchase value.
Stock Transfers
This report displays the number of stock journal vouchers for the month. ~
Physical Stock Register
This report displays the monthly sotck transfer vouchers in a register format. Godown
Summary (Location Summary)
The Godown/Location Summary statement shows the Stock Summary for different
Godown/Locations. While the main Stock Summary shows the stock position for the
entire company on a given date, the Godown/Location Summary is a statement of
stock in hand at each location on a particular date. As with all Tally statements, it is
updated with every transaction so that it provides current stock position for any
godown/location at any time.

I 300

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Views of Godown/Location Summary Statement J

Use options in the button bar to set up different information views. The
Godown/Location Summary shows stocks at each location.
Godown/Location Stock Flow/Reconciliation
The reconciled flow of goods at each location is available.
Exception Reports
Excetion reports are reports that track transactions or balances. The different
Exception reports are:
Negative Stock
This a list of all stock items that have a negative balance at the end of the period of
display. If a negative balance occurs within the period but is adjusted by a purchase so
that the balance is not negative at the end of the display period, the item will not be
listed. Change the period or select multi-column display, via auto-column and see the
negative items.
Negative Ledgers
This is a list of ledger accounts that have observer balances, i.e., balances that are
opposite to the nature of the account. For example, a creditor amount having a debit
balance and an asset account having a credit balance.
Overdue Receivables
This is list of all invoices that are overdue on the current date.
Overdue Payabies
This is a list of all purchae bills that are overdue on the current dat:1
List of Memorandum Vouchers
This a list of Memorandum Vouchers entered during a period. Change the period as
List of Reversing Journals
This is a list of Reversing Journals entered during a period. Change the period as
List of Optional Vouchers
This is a list of vouchers marked as Optional during a period. This list includes all
types of vouchers that are marked Optional.
Post-dated Vouchers
This is a list of vouchers that are marked Post-dated within a given period. This list
includes all types of vouchers that are marked Post-dated.

Shortcut >
The shorru: . You car. e:tr chara~er
The bur:;zs 'zz
you r.eei :: r:
The bur::r_- 'zi' A lo: - F: ::
Some bun:r_= : to press C'~. -
The shorrru: k: Function K
Windows Fu:
1 7:
F2 7:
F3 7
F4 Iq,
F5 To
F6 To
F7 'J To
F8 T:

int Tally 7.2

c 'An/Location

Keyboard Shortcuts

>i as required. F5
i as required. F6
Les all types of
Shortcut Keys in Tally
The shortcut keys appear in button names in the button bar (right side of the Tally
screen). You can either click the button from the button bar or press the relevant
function key or character underlined/double-underlined.
The buttons have a function key before the button names (Eg. Fl: Select Cmp) which
means you need to press Fl key (Function Key) to select the 'Select Company' screen
The buttons have an underlined character (Eg:F3:Cmp Info) which means you need to
press A lot + F3 to select the 'Company Info' Screen.
Some buttons have a double-underlined character (Eg: As Voucher) which means you
to press Ctrl + V to select the 'Voucher' in voucher mode. :,.....,..,^
The shortcut keys available in Tally are listed in the below table: Function Key
sn Exception
P .. -
i of display. so that the ed. Change ve items.
i: are opposite aiance and an
Windows Functionality
To select a company
To select the Account Button and Inventory buttons
To change the menu period
To select the company
To select the Contra voucher
To select the Payment voucher To select the Receipt voucher To select the Journal
voucher To select the Sales voucher

At all masters menu screen
At the Accounting / Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screen
At almost all screen in Tally At almost all screen in Tally
At Accounting/Inventory Voucher Creation and alteration screen
At Accounting/Inventory Voucher Creation and alteration screen
At Accounting/Inventory Voucher Creation and alteration screen
At Accounting/Inventory Voucher Creation and alteration screen
At Accounting/Inventory Voucher Creation and alteration screen

is list includes

[ 302
Straight to the Point Tally 7.2
F8 (ctrl + F8) To select the Credit Note voucher At Accounting/Inventory Voucher
Creation and alteration screen
To select the Purchase voucher
At Accounting/Inventory Voucher Creation and alteration screen ._ :

Keyboard s
Alt + P
Alt +R
Alt -S

F9 (Ctrl + F9) To select the Debit Note voucher At Accounting/Inventory Voucher

Creation and alteration screen
F10 F10
Fll F12
To select the Reversing Journal voucher At Accounting/Inventory
Voucher Creation and alteration screen
To select the Memorandum voucher At Accounting/Inventory Voucher
Creation and alteration screen
To select the Functions and Features screen At almost all screen in Tally
To select the Configure screen
Special Key Combinations
Alt + 2 To Duplicate a voucher
Alt + A To Add a voucher
Alt + C To create a master at a voucher screen (if it has not been already assigned
a different function, as in reports*like Balance Sheet, where it adds a new column to
the report)
Alt + D To delete a voucher To delete a master (if it has not been already assigned
a different function, as explained above)
Alt + E To export the report in ASCII, SDF, HTML Or XML format
Alt + 1 To insert a voucher ;.
Alt + 0 To upload *he report at your website

At almost all screen in Tally

At Lists of Vouchers - creates a voucher similar to the one where you positioned the
cursor and used this key
At List of Vouchers - adds a voucher after the one where you positioned the cursor and
used this key combination.
At voucher entry and alteration screens, at a field where you have to select a master
from a list. If the necessary account has been created already, uses this key
combination to create the master without quitting from the voucher screen.
At Voucher and Master (Single)
alteration screens. Masters can be
deleted subject to conditions, as
explained in the manual. *;
At all reports screens in TALLY
At List of vouchers - inserts a voucher before the one where you positioned the cursor
and used this key combination.
At all reports screens in TALLY

Alt + V

Alt -W
Alt -X
Alt -R
Alt -!- A
Ctrl - 3
Ctrl - C
Ctrl + E
Ctrl + G
rrt Taliy 7.2
:y Voucher ::; Voucher ::y Voucher
:. z Inventory
a::on screen
:::;. Voucher - _-. Tallv
:;s a voucher :_ positioned
:> a voucher : s:::oned the : "bmation.
u have
;>:. If the
: created
:u: quitting
can be i:, as
fens a voucher
. positioned the

Keyboard Shortcuts
Alt t- M To Email the report
Alt + P To print the report "
Alt + R To remove a line in a report
Alt + S To bring back a line you removed using Alt + R
Alt + V From Invoice screen to bring * Stock Journal screen
Alt + W To view the Tally Web browser.
Alt + X To cancel a voucher in
Day Book/List of Vouchers
Alt + R To Register Tally
Alt + A To accept a form - wherever you use this key combination, that screen or
report gets accepted as it is.
Ctrl + B To select the Budget
Ctrl + C To select the Cost Center
To select the Cost Category
Ctrl + E To select the Currencies
Ctrl + G To select the Group

At all reports screens in TALLY At all reports screens in TALLY At all reports screens in
TALLY At all reports screens in TALLY
At Invoice screen -> Quantity Field -
> Pres Alt + V to select he Stock
Journal. _; .._.. , . .,...-,
At all reports screens in TALLY At all reports screens in TALLY
At Licensing Menu in TALLY
At almost all screens in TALLY, except where a specific details has to be given beforts
At Groups/Ledgers/Cost Centers/ Budgets/Scenarios/Voucher Types/ Currencies
(Accounts Info) creation and alteration screen.
At Groups/Ledgers/Cost Centers/ Budgets/Scenarios/Voucher Types/ Currencies
(Accounts Info) creation and alteration screen.
At Stock Groups/Stock Categories/ Stock Items/Reorder Levels/Godowns/ Voucher
Types/Units of Measures (Inventory Info) creation/alteration screen.
At Groups/Ledgers/Cost Centers/ Budgets/Scenarios/Voucher Types/ Currencies
(Accounts Info) creation and alteration screen.
At Groups/Ledgers/Cost Centers/
Budgets/Scenarios/Voucher Types/
Currencies (Accounts Info) creation and
alteration screen. '""

I 304

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Keyboard Sho?1

Ctrl + 1 To select the Stock Items

Ctrl + L To select the Ledger
Ctrl + O To select the Godowns
Ctrl + Q To abandon a form - wherever you use this key combination, it quits that
screen without making any changes to it.
Ctrl + Alt + R Rewrite data for a Company
Ctrl + S Allows you to alter Stock Item master
Ctrl + U To select the Units
Ctrl + V To select the Voucher Types
Special Function Key Combinations
Windows Functionality
Alt + Fl To close a company
To view detailed report
To explode a line into its details'*
Alt + F2 To change the system period
Alt + F3 To select the Company info menu To create/alter/shut a company

At Groups/Ledgers/Cost Centers/ Budgets/Scenarios/Voucher Types/ Currencies

(Accounts Info) creation and alteration screen.
At Groups/Ledgers/Cost Centers/
Budgets/Scenarios/Voucher Types/
Currencies (Accounts Info) creation and
alteration screen. ;
At Groups/Ledgers/Cost Centers/ Budgets/Scenarios/Voucher Types/ Currencies
(Accounts Info) creation and alteration screen.
At almost all screens in TALLY.
From Gateway of Tally Sceen
At Stock Voucher Report and Gown Voucher Report
At Stock Groups/Stock Categories/ Stock Items/Reorder Levels/Godowns/ voucher
Types/Units of Meausre (Inventory Info) creation and alteration screen.
At Groups/Ledgers/Cost Centers/ Budgets/Scenarios/Voucher Types/ Currencies
(Accounts Info) creation and alteration screen.
At all the menu screen
At all the report screen
At almost all screens in TALLY.
At almost all screens in TALLY.
At Gateway of Tally Screen

Alt - F4 Alt r F5
Alt + Ft
Alt - F" 7:
Alt - FS 7:
Alt - 9 7:
Alt - Fi: 7: Alt + F12 7:
Ctl + Ah - ?: Key Combin;
Windows Fm
PgUp Dii
PgDn Ds

Tally 7.2
Centers/ e: Types/ ::i:.on and
Centers/ e: Types/ :ei::on and
Centers/ e: Types/ :e;::on and

Keyboard Shortcuts
Alt + F4 To select the Purchase Order Voucher Type
Alt + F5 To select the Sales Order Voucher Type To view monthly and ;;
quarterly report
Alt + F6 To select the Rejection Out Voucher Type To change the Sales Order
Voucher Type
Alt + F7 To select the Stock Journal/ Voucher Type To accept all the Audit lists
Alt + F8 To select the Delivery Note
Voucher Type
To view the columnar reprot
Alt + F9 To select the Receipt Note Voucher Type
Alt + F10 To select the Physical Stock ^ -Voucher Type
Alt + F12 To filter t>>e information based on monetary value
Ctl + Alt + F12 Advanced Config
Key Combination used for navigation
Windows Functionality
PgUp Displays previous voucher
during voucher entry/alter
r^Dn Displays next voucher during
voucher entry/alter
ENTER To accept anything you type into a field.
To accept a voucher or master To get a report with further details of an item in a

At Accounting/Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screen
At Accounting/Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screen At almost all screens
At Accounting/Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screen
At Accounting/Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screen At Tally Audit Listing
At Accounting/Inventory Voucher
creation and alteration screen At Ledger Voucher screen
At Accounting/Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screen
At Accounting/Inventory Voucher creation and alteration screen
At almost all report screens
At Gateway o Tally
At voucher entry and alteration screens
At voucher entry and alteration screens
You have to use this key at most areas in TALLY
At the receivables report - press Enter at a pending bill to get transactions relating to
this bill (e.g., original sale bill, receipts and payments against this bill, etc)

I 306

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

ESC To remove what you typed into

afield . :..
To come out a screen
To indicate you do not want to accept a voucher or master
Shift + Enter Collapse next level details
At almost all screens in TALLY.
At Voucher Register screen and Trial Balance report
Shift + Enter To explode a line into its details In almost all Reports:
At a Group/Stock Group/Cost
Category/Godown/Stock Category -
displays Sub Groups and Ledgers/Stock
Items/Cost Centres/Secondary
Godowns/Secondary Stock Categories
At a Voucher - displays its entries and narration
At a Stock Item - displays its godowns and batch details
At Voucher Register screen -displays the next level details
At Trial Balance report - displays the next level details.
Ctrl + Enter To alter a master while making on entry <K viewing a report
At voucher entry and alteration screen At all reports

On :ne ::_
tO ClisZz 1
taker "_~i corresr :r.i
> T tfi v *.-

<nt Tally 7.2


Practical Project

ttr. and Trial

--roup/Cost Category -dgers/Stock Secondary Categories
entries and
:ti godowns
- -displays the
- displays the

On the following pages you will see the screen shots of various steps that you would
take to create a company's accounts with the various items of the inventory too. Here
I have taken the company as AB Corp and have added with few inventory items and
their corresponding vouchers. In the end as expected the Balance Sheet and Profit and
Loss Account has been made.
-i -''
I ! mi ;.i I !>
'' '"
!' i.i Ciii-i|>ii'<--


I 308

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Practical Pr

j <C) Tally Solutions Pvt. LIU., 1DS8-2GG5

tes7 2-Release 1 Wed, 25th May, 005 Tal^Silvei $fiiyleU3i ;ii<4>
St. No 742068243!^"sm
Directory ; ;:*Ta#ly\DrtTii
N@m0 AB Corp. ! -
Address : 153 JitfmVilfe Scheme
State : biaiuuaim*a
| PIN Cal& ' 4AQ823
f E-Mail Acffifress : aftcttrp^^ai^aom^H.cftHi
| use Iftctfan VAT ? #s. ^pt*ca{iWFrom i-l-iftfls \ VAT TtM MumOer :
? tncarne-TaK Numfle? : rrBflOOi*SfiV r
j currency fiy^^oi <**-f Maintain ' Ac^AUiffa wlfl) ins/eiifoMy
? FlnBn^iai veaf ffam , t~j-a0fli5
Uae Security CDntrfti : Kit
Foi-maiMarnte Huli^it Rci|* es
. Kk)i7ibr of Decimal Places Z IsfijflnfiOiauFFlXED la Amountsf? N
$pmbtifTQrDrtmatParifan : |^ise ShcjiA'Amounts in Mlfiior Accept ?
Ye* -' Mo
.;-"-. -.-'-'-.. -' j -



198 7.2- Release 1

Wed,: 25th May. 2005
Name : Bank (alias) : Citilbank
: Bank Accounts
{Current Assets)
i Group behaves like a ouo-Ledger
Used for Calculation (eg. Tav?? Discount0)? Yss (for Sales Invoice Entry)
Method to Allocate when used in Purchase Inroice? a Net A| NettDebitfCredit Balances
for Reporting ? No

Accept ?
it.%- HI

TallySiiver - Sinyle User 5 *!

Si No. 742068243'^
i-11 ! -ll
!. i 'i

..iim iliun i-l-yi-l - |

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I 310

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Practical Proje

l.lil, M.IMMI- [M. It'L. I'"' -h '':

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-*.--!.-: TKI.WR
":: riili.ii.nliti.i -"I. ic'a .luiiu^t

^=; i ir

- Tally 7.2

Practical Project


Bill-wise Breakup of AiniViMi Upt.j Ri. 10.000.00

Due Date, ar Credit Davs

All H Hlllt D
318/2005 Antftahfc

10.000.0U Di

10.004i.00 Di
On Account
10.000.00 Di
Bill-wise Breakup of S<ifny Account Upto : Rs. 15.000.00 Oi


Due Date, at Credit Davs

An mill it



.000.00 Di


On Account

15.000.00 Di
15.000.00 Di

I 312

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Practical Pi

K.I T.ilij, *...|l(||- II'.. l\l. i M.. V>

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nt Tally 7.2

Practical Project

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I 314

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Practical Pr

c i r.iiii "iiMuii" v.i. i I-I.

- --Ililil,'I l-,,-l -:

}' .111 i_r=_n 1.11 _

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i. . . i. '..


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I 316

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Practical Pros

-'.i.l 1.1.. l"3" .

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1 Decerr.fce-i January
IG r ,111 (J T >; 3 ;
.i: r -<!!'

! II.'] K.,1 i:.'

t Tally 7.2

Practical Project


. I .ill, V.IIIIMI I-1. Li-I.. I"

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/.[ r i i i i .II ii. ii


3lv Brk-tif.

p August I September I October | November | December " January

. 'j I .Hid Tot.ll


- - Other Rep
- ? (r.- Rep
- "co ftep


A|H H.iy Jim Jill Atf Sep Oct H-

J.IH f-h M.n

I 318

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Pract'ca" F-o

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il ''- 1.-J5- " ,,... :i

i --lir -..

piitBii Ipllilll

alance; t Total.

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Inventory Info,

Stork -.jtuups Stock Jtsms

twits of Msaso


M select CUP - f.t ** Cmp

W Period
=, -^ Cmp Info

nt Tally 7.2

Practical Project


f id Tfllty Solutions Pvr. Ltd.. 1988-2005

ies 7.2- Release 1
1 Wed, 25th May. 2005

**** E.:-

Name (aiiaa)

: Raw Film
: RF

I Under : D Piimary
Can Quantities of items be ADDED ?
Raw Film
r Rep -CL Rep P63ture
'. i inf igure
Select Cmp -Sbut Cmp .Bats ; Pstiod

fi>i fiimiiKj
::_-if;fo,- in-MiLing '' No
riii t

Part No. 000123

h li.l
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1-1.000 Ali:e"Jt '

I 320

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Practical Projec

<M.iini'ii' I*.'.Ltii..

I ill,-

i ; !

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| Sundry

(Sales kc
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|P "> ; I.B.;,:.


Mlhll--H<.ul -tl

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-- '
**_-_ - I;

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f 11

i M^^

ill '

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

T.iBySilvei - Single User H*
{> Talfe? Solutions fM. Ltd, 1988-2005
tesV.~2-Release 1
6L NO.:'/42068243 Web $mmMt
Stock Journal AB Cm p.
fof 1-ABf-2005
Goods In (Production!
Quantity 1} Rate Value
Goods Out <Cons4Mi)rrti
Quantity En. Rate Value
Th;s feze
time :: :--
pro".'lie i S; the tax -.v:-J:
Setting u
Click F ::
''f: Other Rep fp ftep F!B- *o fiep
At Corr. Compar*. ?":
At Com::-; Details :: zt
tc Tally Solutions Pvt Lttl.. 1988-2005
| ies 7.2-Release 1
I Wad. 25th Way, 2095
To!lySili/6i - Single Usm H
SI.No.: 742068243 WeberoaiseI.
Quantily Rate Value

. -'- Period
I Croup
L ' - 1
1 ?' SheuiL P^Tit

; Hew D3tumn

Giaml Total

. :;?^J .-';i.r;

Service Tax in Tally

This feature is new to Tally 7.2. In fact it was not there in the version introduced at the
time of introducting Tally 7.2. It was added later on. It is different than Sales Tax. As
Sales Tax is an Indirect Tax on goods sold, Service Tax is Indirect Tax on Services
provided. Service tax is paid by buyer of service to seller of service, who in turn,
deposits the tax with government.
Setting up for Service Tax
Click Fll: Features & set Yes at Enable Service Tax at Company Operations screen to
activate Service Tax features for the company. #
Company Service Tax Particulars entry
At Company Operations screen, shown on next page, set Yes at Set/Modify other
Company Features (the last field) to get Company Advanced Operations screen.
At Company Advanced Operations screen, next page, set Yes at Enter Service Tax
Details to get Company Service Tax Details entry screen.
Company Service Tax Details
Enter the general information of the Company, relating to Service Tax, as below:
- Service Tax Regn #: At Service Tax Registration Number, enter the Service Tax
Registration Number, allotted to the organization on registering under Service Tax
- Date of Service Tax Registration: At Assessee Code: Enter the Service Tax
Assessee code allotted to the organization.
- Organization Type: At Type of Organization, select the appropriate Organization
Type (like Company - Resident) from the list of Organization Type, according to
the constitutional organization nature of the Company.
- Service Category Name: At Major Service Category Name, select the appropriate
Service Category (like Architect) of the Company, from the list. You may select
Not Applicable, if the organization does not fall in any of the Category listed.
- Credit Adjustment (%): Enter the Credit Adjustment %. Normally it is 20%
the expenses relating to Tax Credit are not solely attributed to service income) or
100% (where the expenses relating to Tax Credit solely attributed to service

I 324

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

integrate Accounts and inventory ?IMS

Allow Multi-Currency : ? Yes
Allow Invoicing ? Yes
Enter Purchases in invDlce Format? res
Separate Discauni column on Irwoices? Yes
Enable Service Tax Yes

Maintain Budgets and Controls ? Yes

Allow 0 valued entries in Vouchers ? Yes
Allow Purchase Order Processing ? Yes
Allow Sales Order Processing ? Yas
Enable TDS ? Yes

Accounting FeaUrea ! s;
Maintain Billwise Details ? Yes
cror Non-Tradino A/cs also) ? Yes
Maintain Cost Centres ? Yes
(jnore man ONE cast category) ? Yes
Ua e Rev. Jo urnal s & Opt o nal VDUC h ers ? Yes
Use Debit/Credit Notes ? Yes
use invoice mode lorcredit Nates? Yes Use invoice made tar DebU Notes? Yes
Activate Interest Calculation ?Yes (use advanced parameters) ? No
IncomefExpense S1m1 instead of P &L? No

Inventory Features
Maintain Stock Categories ? Yes
Maintain Batch-wise Details ? Yes (set Expiry Dates ror Batches) ? Yes
Maintain Multiple Godowns ? Yes
Use Tracking Numbers ? Yes
Use Rejection Notes .;/y& ? Yes Use different Actual & Billed Qty ? Yes Track additional
costs of Purchase ? Yes

selfModliy other Company Features 7 Yes

Company: ftBCL

Use Multiple Price Levels for Invoicing Follow Excise rules for Invoicing ;yw Enable
Cheque Printing :, #* Enter Service Tax Details ..rMmWrn

? No ? No ? No
? Yes

Service Tax Authority Particulars

Enter the particalars of the Jurisdictional Service Tax administering authority.
- Service Tax Division Code: Enter the Code of the Service Tax Division to which
the organization falls.
- Service Tax Division Name: Enter the Name of the Service Tax Division to which
the organization falls.

I Tally 7.2
Service Tax in Tally

325 I

Ves res
Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
s:on to which 3:on to which

Code MY/9
NameBank of India
Code : 10
Name: North
Code : 4
Name NW
- Service Tax Range Code: Enter the Code
of the Service Tax Range to which the
organization falls.
- Service Tax Range Name: Enter the
Name of the Service Tax Range to which^
the organization falls. \
- Service Tax Commissionerate Code:
Enter the Code of the Service Tax
Commissionerate Division to which the
organization falls.
- Service Tax Commissionerate Name:
Enter the Name of the Service Tax Commissionerate Division to which the
organization falls. , .............
Bank Details #
Banks here are the nominated banks to receive Service Tax for a specified area. Each
such Bank is allotted a Bank Code (This code is available with the Commissionerate of
Service Tax).
Enter the following particulars relating to the Focal bank into which the Service Tax of
the Company would be deposited.
- Focal Bank Code: Enter the code of the Focal Bank.
- Focal Bank Name: Enter the name of the Focal Bank. .:,....-..
- Focal Bank Address: Enter the Address of the Focal Bank.
Service Category Profile
From time to time, Government notifies the specific categories of Service which are
subject to Service Tax rules. It can be different from State to State. Tally provides an
updated profile of such Service Categories, their applicability date, rates of Service
Tax and Surcharge etc. This profile may be uploaded from the website of Tally.
Select Display > Statutory Masters to get Statutory Masters menu.
At Statutory Masters Menu, select Service Categories.
Select the Service Category for which you like to view the Service Category Profile.
Creation of Party Ledger
At creation of Party Ledgers, enter the following details relating to Service Tax Ledger,
as shown next. If the Company Provides services of multiple Category types, you
should create a Ledger Account for each major category of Service.

[ 326

Service Ta)

Service Tax Applicability: At Is Service Tax Applicable filled in the Service Tax Ledger
Account, set
- Yes for Customers whom you charge Service Tax in your bills. ---::-
- Yes for Suppliers who charges you service tax that you claim for credit.
1 - No for other ledger accounts.
Vlnod Kumar 5. Co.

Service .;. Account, s

- 1:: :
- No*
The Servio Income 5e by Tally ^q

Under : Sundry Debtors

(Current Assets)

' Is Service Tax Applicable

'-' Yes

t Maintain balances bil!-by-b.ill f Cost centres are applicable

Default Credit Period 3

Service Tax Exemption Details

For parties for which Service Tax is applicable, you get another subscreen to specify
the Exemption details.
- Exemption Status: At Is Exempted, set Yes if the Party is Exempted from Service
Tax by any government notification, else set No. v
- Exemption Notification Reference: If exempted, at Notification Details, enter the
Exemption Notification Reference.
Party Service Tax Registration Particulars
Further, specify the Service Tax registration particulars of the party.
- Service Tax Regn Number of the Party: Enter the Service Tax Registration
of the Party.
- Service Tax Regn Date of the Party": Enter the Service Tax Registration Date of
party. .
Service Income/Expenses Ledger A/c creation
At Service Income Ledger Creation for each Service Income on which Service Tax is
chargeable, enter the following details relating to Service Tax.

Tax. i
- Senri relati
Sales Vc
In the S;r-.-the Ser :;;
Sales Vc
In :1:T. :^_z Ycu;::;ria1 wind:".-.-. hi Tax ledger.

nt Tally 7.2

Service Tax in Tally


r Tax Ledger

Service Tax Applicability: At Is Service Tax Applicable field in the Service Tax Ledger
Account, set ----:- .~-~,-..---..,-
- Yes for Income Accounts on which Service Tax is charged. . -_..-.. -
----- Yes for Expenses Account on which you claim Service Charge Credit. :' '
- No for other ledger accounts. '
The Service Income Ledger account may be placed under Sales Group or under Direct
Income. Set Yes at Inventory Values are affected to get the Service Tax & Cess
computed by Tally (otherwise you will'have to enter the Service Tax Cess Amount) in
Sales Voucher.
Name : Service Income
(alia a)

Undeir : Sal&s Accounts

Is.Service Tax Applicable Category Name

? Yes
Business Auxiliary

specify the :m Service ?. enter the

:n Number ?ate of the
Tax is

? No
? Yes
Cost centres are applicable Used In VAT Returns-
Inventor/values are affected
Service Tax Ledgers Creation
At creation of Duties & Taxes Ledger, enter the following details relating to Service
- Duty Type: At Type of Duty field, select Service Tax form the drop down list. -
- Service Category: At Category Name field, select the Major Service Category
relating to the business, from the list.
Sales Voucher Entry
In the Service Tax details are already computed, you may enter in Voucher mode. To
get the Service Tax computed, enter the Sales Voucher in Invoice Mode.
Sales Voucher Entry in Voucher Mode
In first line of Sales Voucher entry, select the Party and enter the Total Amount of the
voucher in the Bill Allocation window. Select the Service Tax Ledger in the Bill
Allocation window. In the 2nd line, select the Service Income Account. In the 3rd line,
select the Service Tax ledger. Enter the details of Service Tax and Cess amount.

Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Service Ta

Sales Voucher Entry in Invoice Mode

Normally, you will enter Sales Voucher in Invoice Mode. First select the Party Ledger.
Next, select the Service Income Account at Sales Ledger. At table area, select the
Service Income Ledger and enter the Service Charge Amount. Next, select the Service
Tax ledger and enter the Service Details. Enter the Service Tax Rate & Cess Rate. The
Total Service Tax is posted against the Bill Reference number.
Computation of Service Tax
On selection of Service Tax Ledger Account, you get a subscreen to enter the details
to compute Service Tax.
Receipt Voucher Entry for Service Bills
On receipt of money against service bill, create a receipt voucher. After selection of
Party Ledger, select the Sales Bill reference against which the money is received and
enter the amount. You may select several bill reference in one voucher, if applicable.
Select the Service Tax ledger account for the list. The screen will show Bill allocation
screen after entry of Service Tax ledger and amount received against the Bill
Service Tax Reports
Select Display > Service Tax Reports to get Service Tax Reports Menu. Service Tax
Reports menu
Service Tax Payables Report having received payment against the Service Bill, Service
Tax is now payable. If lull payment is received, the full amount of Service Tax becomes
payable. In case of part payment, the proportionate amount is payable.
At Service Tax Reports menu, select Service Tax Payable to get Service Tax Payable
Report. It shows the details of Service Tax for the entire bill and the proportionate
service tax on the amount received.
Deposit of Service Tax
To deposit the Service Tax payable as per Service Tax Payables Report, create a
payment voucher. Select Service Tax Account. The bill allocation screen appears.
Select Agnst Ref to get the list of Bills for which Tax is payable. The amount payable
appears as default. This way select all the Bills for which Service Tax to be paid.
TR - 6 Challan printing
At the Payment Voucher entry screen, click Print button to get voucher printing
dialogue and set Yes at Print TR - 6 Challan.


We have , propomcr
Some cr;: the servu; may be z:
Input Ci
At Ccrr.r: Tax crei::
Credit fi

Li-:e Scr-.-. Purchas
In r
Al ?-.--e:
Input Cr

nt Tally 7.2

Service Tax in Tally

329 J

rty Ledger.
select the
:he Service
: Rate. The
he details to
Input Service Tax .^ , ,
We have discussed Service Tax in sales voucher for services provided and deposit of
proportionate tax on receipt of payment against service bills.
Some organization also buys services paying service tax. If the service is bought to
render the service sold, then the Service Tax paid on serviced purchased (called Input
Credit) may be adjusted from the Service Tax payable on services rendered.
Input Credit Rate
At Company Service Tax details, at Credit Adjustment Rate, enter the Rate of Service
Tax credit.
Credit Adjustment (%)

section of eived and piicable.

ilL Service -<: becomes
:.x Payable ire service
create a rs. Select appears

Enter the Credit Adjustment %. Normally it is 20% (where the expenses relating to Tax
Credit are not solely attributed to service income) or 100% (where the expenses
relating to Tax Credit solely attributed to service income). The Purchase Service Tax
may be adjusted to the extent of Credit Adjustment %. For example, if the Rate is
20%, then only 20% of the Input Credit may be adjusted.
We now discuss about Service Purchase entry, payment of Service Charges,
Adjustment of Input Credit, payment of' ance service tax after adjustment, printing to
TR - 6 Challan & ST - 3 Form showing adjustment of input credit.
Service Purchase Ledger Account
Like Service Sales Ledger account, create Service Purchase Ledger Account. Purchase
Voucher Entry
In the 1st Ledger account of Purchase Voucher, enter the Service Supplier Account
and enter total amount including Service Tax. Now enter the details in Bill Allocation
screen. In the 2nd Ledger Account, select the Service Purchase Account and enter the
amount. In the 3rd Ledger account, select the Service Tax Account. You will get the
Service Tax details entry screen to enter the computation details for Service Tax.
Payment of Service purchase Bill
At Payment Voucher entry, select the party Ledger Account and select the Bill for
which Payment is being made, in Bill Allocation screen.
Select the Service Tax account and the amount paid against the Service Bill. Input
Credit Form
Having paid for Purchase Service Bill, print the Input Credit Form. At Service Tax
Reports menu, select Input Credit Form to print Input Credit Form, showing the
amount of Input Credit that you may avail to adjust against the Service Tax payable.



Straight to the Point Tally 7.2

Adjustment of Input Credit

Now, while making payment for Service Tax, you may adjust the Input Credit. In the
Payment Voucher, select the Service Tax Payable account (Debit) and select the
References for which you are making the payments.
Next select the Input Credit Tax Account (Credit) and select the References of Service
Tax which you like to adjust. ;. : ^ f; 7
Now select the Bank Account and enter the net amount paid.
Challan For Balance Tax Deposit
After adjustment of Input Tax, print the TR - 6 Challan to deposit the Tax with the
Creation of Service Expenses Ledger Accounts
Sometimes expenses are incurred exclusively for providing of Services. Such expenses
may be deducted to compute the Assessable value in the Service Tax details.
In some cases where materials are also supplied in the service and sold as a
composite item,
an abatement is allowed (e.g. 30%) to compute the Assessable value. The Abatement
is fixed by government according to Service Category as shown in the Service
Profile. # --. ; ; \
In Service Tax computation details, enter the Abatement %. The Assessable value is
computed after deducting for Abatement.__, -,-
1. What is Service Tax?
2. What changes you would have to make in the ledger for Service Tax?
3. How would you compute Service Tax?
4. What sort of vouchers are made for Service Tax?
5. Which report is created for filing up of Service Tax?
6. How would you fill up the challan for Service Tax?

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