SAP BI - BW System Refresh - Copy Issues - BWFAQ

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SAP BI/BW System Refresh/copy issues
Posted on April 10, 2016 by Sriram Sappari Custom Search Search

In a typical SAP BW system landscape, often the the lower systems ( Sandbox, Dev,Quality)
are refreshed with the Production copy. Here we will discuss some of the common issues and
the solutions.

After copying BW Prod copy to lower system(Pre Prod or Quality) Netweaver team have to Recent Posts
perform few more activities.

Among them are . Controlling area inconsistency when

Material reversal was done
1. Logical System Conversion : Using BDLS Programs Flat File dataload automation using ABAP
2. RFC Connection Status of data in Bex analyzer or Status
of data in Bex report
3. Partner Profile Maintenance (We20)
Split the String at a specific position
If any of the above steps are not performed properlywe might see issues relatedDataload where comma exists near to string length 60.
and Datasources will be inactive and so on. Some of them are discussed here and will add
SID generation during DSO request
anymore if i come across. activation
1. In a BI 7.0 system, the DTPs in the refreshed system will result in pointing to the
Production system.
Solution: To convert the DTPs pointing to your refreshed system,
1. Run the program RSBKDTP_BDLS in SE38. Provide the old logical system name and new
logical system name and execute the program to convert the old logical system name to new
November 2016
logical system name. Now you will be able to see all your DTPs are pointing toyour
refreshed system logical name. August 2016
2. Opening the Infopackages for the delta loads result in shortdump in ST22 in the refreshed July 2016
June 2016
Solution: Go to SE38, run RSSM_OLTP_INIT_DELTA_UPDATE to update the init conditions
back in the source system (ECC..). Go to RSA7 in the source and verify the particular May 2016
datasource is in green state. April 2016
3. In a typical SAP BI landscape, BW Accelerator is attached to the Production system. Your
March 2016
Quality system is refreshed from Production which has BWA Appliance and when you try to
load the data into the Infocubes, the rollup steps result in error and the running the queries October 2014
also ends up with error saying there is no RFC to BWA. September 2014
Solution: You see the TREX RFC in RSCUSTA screen pointing to Production in the Quality
August 2014
system. Remove the destination and ask your Basis to create a dummy RFC for the BWA in
Quality system and place the RFC details in RSCUSTA screen. You can say that you can delete July 2014
the incorrect TREX RFC from the RSCUSTA screen but the queries copied from Prod will not May 2014
April 2014
4. When you tryto load the new request to the DSO, it says the request has been
duplicated/Activated and the reason is the inconsistency in the metadata tables. Your DTP January 2014
will try to load all the requests from the PSA table even though they were already loaded to May 2013
the target.
Solution: Go to the manage screen of the data target and look for the recent request and
open up the monitor for that particular DTP, check the request id in the selections and go to Categories
the PSA and look for that request id. Now, you can delete all the PSA requests starting with
this request id and all previous requests. Run the DTP again to load the request that you were BW Interview Questions (1)
trying to load.
BW Refresh Issues (1)
5. Your datasources will be in active version and you will not be able to activate them. it is
due to the USEROBJ Field in RSTSODS is still pointing to theOld Source system instead of BW Tips (6)
NewSource System. BW Tutorials (8) 1/5
4/10/2017 SAP BI/BW System Refresh/copy issues |
Solution: Execute the BDLS PSA program : RSAR_EXECUTE_BDLS_PSA_EXIT to change the Production Support Issues (40)
old logical system name to present source system.

6. When the BDLS program was not executed the old logical system names are not
converted to new logical system names. Due to that Contact us
1 .Datasources will become inactive, Moderators and Publishers
2. Dataloads wont work.
Search Results
3. Transformation wont work
Solution: Ask the Netweaver Team to execute the BDLS program to fix the logical system
issues. There is old BDLS program and New BDLS program. Sometimes if the issue is not fixed
with New BDLS program then try to execute the Old BDLS program to fix this issue.
Some of the BDLS Program which you are useful to fix BDLS Issues

Program Name Description

RBDLS100 Logical System Name Conversion

RBDLS2LS Conversion of Logical System Names: Old

Version of RBDLSMAP

RBDLS2LS710 Convert Logical System Names

RBDLSCHECK Report to test whether a logical system exists

RBDLSMAP Tool: Conversion of Logical System Names

RBDLSMAP_OLD Tool: Conversion of Logical System Names

RBDLSMAP_RESET Delete All Table Entries After BDLS

RBDLSMAP2 Tool: Conversion of Logical System Names


RSAR_EXECUTE_BDLS_PSA_EXIT Execute Logsys Conversion of PSA Manually






7. RFC connection : If RFC connection is not active you might be facing the dataload issues

Solution : Ask Netweaver Team to recreate the RFC connectionbetween your source

8. Inactive Partner Profile : IF Partner Profile from your BW system to your source system
are inactive.

Solution: If Inactive partner Profile exists then dataload doesnt work then ask your
Netweaver Team to activate the partner profiles in We20 Tcode for all source systems.

9. Apart from the above dataload issues logical system you will see dataload failure
due to logical systems issues in Data saying No Source type maintained for logical
system(pointing to Source System of Production).

Solution : Initially we might get confused with this type of error thinking it is a BDLS issues.
But Itmay notbea BDLS issues but it occurred due to old Psa Data exists for
particularDatasource which has a logical system field which is having the production source 2/5
4/10/2017 SAP BI/BW System Refresh/copy issues |
system as value in it. When we execute it checks the logical system name with the table :
RSSOURSYSTEM which doesnt have production source system details existing in it. Just
delete the temporary data which exists in PSA and bring fresh data through infopackage and
then execute DTP.

For ex : 0SRM_TD_PO datasource has a logical system field which stores logical system
name from where the data came from.

Thats it for now and will add more articles and some pictures.

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