Planta Pilarizacion
Planta Pilarizacion
Planta Pilarizacion
Deep removal of trace olefins from aromatics using mesoporous materials and modified mesoporous materials
was studied with regard to the removal of trace olefins from aromatic hydrocarbons. The mesoporous materials
and the modified mesoporous molecular sieve materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction and Fourier
transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. Under the commercial sidestream test, the effects of four types of
mesoporous materials, with regard to the removal of olefins from the aromatics, were evaluated. The result
showed that the mesoporous materials that had surface areas larger than 300 m2/g and modified with AlCl3
were best, with regard to the effect on the removal of olefins from aromatics. The FT-IR results showed that
the modifier could increase the concentration of weak Lewis acid of mesoporous materials and obviously
enhance the effect of removing olefins and prolonging the reaction time.
Figure 7. FT-IR spectra of four catalysts (A, B, C, and D) are compared at 473 and 723 K.