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Web 2.

0 Tools to Support Collaborative learning

Brittney Geurtsen

Name of the tool Edmodo

Where to access this

tool (web address)

Brief instructions of The teacher will set up an Edmodo account and will be given a unique group code
how to use the tool that they may then give to their students so that they can join the group. Once the
code is used the students are added. This may also be given to parents. The teacher
can then set up groups, students, teachers, and parents, and can use this to
communicate with them. Edmodo can be used to relay important information to
parents and students. The format of the site is very similar to social media sites
like Facebook and LinkedIn so it will be familiar form most parents to use.

Ideas for how the tool Elementary Students:

can be used in PK-12 In the beginning of the school year students should work with their parents to
create a unique profile. This will be fun for the students and will help both the
parent and the student learn how to use the site.
Edmodo has something called the Library where documents can be uploaded for
certain groups to view. This function could be used to store homework
assignments in case a student is forgetful.
There is a function on Edmodo where students can be awarded Badges like
hardworker, star student, or participant. This could let the parent know how their
student did in class that day.
Middle and High School Students:
Because these students are a little older, they may omit telling their parents certain
information, this will be a good way of making sure this doesn't happen. The
Teacher can send direct messages to certain parents or they can make a post that
will go to the entire class.
I feel like at this grade level parents and students are more worried about their
grades so having the gradebook tab will be good for keeping them informed about
their performance.
Edmodo allows the teacher to administer quizzes online to the students. Since
these students are older they will find it a bit easier to use.

Positives and Positives:

challenges of using Edmodo is great because it makes communicating with the students and parents
the tool outside of the classroom so easy.
Edmodo allows the students to communicate with each other about assignments. If
a student isnt understanding then another student might be able to help. This
would all be done from a monitored site.
Homework and assignments can be uploaded digitally so that there is no problem
with forgetting work at school.
Edmodo will help with keeping the younger students parents informed about their
classroom behavior. It wont be necessary to send notes home because they can
just send them direct messages through the sites
Did I mention this is FREE!
In order for Edmodo to work the its capability, everyone must do their part. If
parents dont log on then it wont be as great of a tool.
Some students may not have access to the internet depending on their situation so
you may not alway be able to require participation. The same goes for students
who are younger and need parent assistance.
It goes without saying that because it is on the internet it could have technical
errors or glitches in the system. I dont think this will be common but it could
happen for sure.

Saleeya Harris

Name of the tool ClassDojo

Where to access this

tool (web address)

Brief instructions of This tool is used to communicate with students and parents in elementary school.
how to use the tool The teacher must first setup the account and add all of their students in the group.
The site will then ask you to invite their parents into the messages and
conversations to ensure they are well aware of everything going on in the
classroom. The site allows the teacher to set up everything from groups, students,
and parents that will be able to access the content of the site.

Ideas for how the tool Elementary Students:

can be used in PK-12 -This site is aimed mostly toward children of younger age groups such as
Kindergarten through fifth grade.
-ClassDojo can be used in the beginning of the year until the end and will help the
parents interact with one another and create a stronger bond in the classroom over
the course of the year.
-Classdojo allows you to keep track of the whole classs progress on their skills
and overall participation in the class.

Positives and Positive

challenges of using -Classdojo allows teachers and students to interact in a way that is becoming more
the tool familiar to this generation and teaching students about technology early in their
school career.
-Classdojo allows teachers to give students positive feedback throughout the day
and post on their walls on the site. Teachers can also give students badged for
things like good behavior, hard work, and persistence
-Classdojo lets parents stay involved in the classroom. The teacher can post
pictures and post status on the things that are going on in the room and share it to
their wall and the parents will be able to see everything that is going on.
-Lastly, Classdojo allows you to be in instant constant contact with parents. This is
important because the teacher can also let the parents know if there is a problem or
when student teacher conference will be and things of that source.
-There could be a students whose parents are not really involved and that could
become apparent on the site when everyone elses parents are involved and could
make students feel bad.
-There is no filter on the site. So that means the students could possibly post
inappropriate things because there are no restrictions.
-In order for a student to have an account, they need to have permission for their
parents on the site, this could become a time consuming because some parent may
not make the account in enough time for the whole class to use the site and some
students may be let out.

Katia Locke

Name of the tool Prezi

Where to access this

tool (web address)

Brief instructions of Creating an account allows the user to create presentations that move from point
how to use the tool to point. This vibrant tools makes presenting more entertaining and allows the
creator to show their creative side. Add text and pictures while the presentation
moves from the different slides.

Ideas for how the tool Students of all grades are taught to present information they have researched in
can be used in PK-12 front of their class. This can easily be done with Prezi. This tool can be used for all
grades when creating projects and presentations on any subject. Its quite easy to
use for the younger students and allows older students to organize their thoughts in
a way that is more entertaining than a powerpoint. When students are interested
and invested into making a project they are proud of they are more than likely to
learn the information better as opposed to just typing facts onto a slide. Students
can add animations, colors, and pictures while the presentation swirls from point to
This tool can only really be used for presentations but can easily be used for all

Positives and Positives:

challenges of using -Allows students to creatively present information they have learned
the tool -Is easy to use but contains many features to make the presentation more dynamic
-Entertaining projects are more likely to keep students focused on the presentation
-When students are proud of their work they are more likely to put more time and
effort into it thus learning the material better and getting a better grade.
- Gives students more options when choosing a tool to present with
-This tool can be time consuming
-Prezi can be distractive if too many animations, colors, or effects are used
-Multiple people cant work on the project unless they are together since it under
one student's account

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