Budget of Work in Mapeh

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SY: 2016 - 2017

Budget of Work
Quarter 1
Content Standard: Learning Competency Topic: Southeast Asian Music Activities No. of Hours
The learner should The learner should be able to Review of elements and Pre-assessment/Learning Goals and 1
demonstrate 1. Discuss how the music of processes. Target, Introduction of the quarterly
understanding of Southeast Asian country lesson
common musical relates to its geography and 1. Indonesia-Gamelan Part 1: Written Work 2
characteristics of the culture; a. Javanese 1. Discuss how the music of Southeast
region as well as unique 2. Listen perceptively to music of b. Balinese Asian Country relates to its
characteristics of Southeast Asia; 2. Thailand Phipat geography and culture.
particular Southeast 3. Sing songs of Southeast Asia; 3. Cambodia Pinpeat 2. Identify and describe the
Asian Country. 4. Give the musical elements of 4. Myanmar Saung Gauk characteristics of Southeast Asian
selected songs and vocal and instrumental music.
instrumental pieces heard and a. Geographical, historical, and - Quizzes, Chapter Test or Unit
performed; cultural background Test
Performance Standard: 5. Explore ways of producing b. Traditional Instruments Part 2: 4
The learner should sounds on variety of sources c. Instrumental Pieces Product
perform Southeast Asian that would stimulate d. Folk song and ritual music 1. Analyze Musical elements of selected
song with appropriate instruments being studied; songs and instrumental pieces heard
pitch, rhythm, expression 6. Improvise simple and performed.
and style accompaniment to selected 2. Explore Ways of producing sounds
Southeast Asian music; on variety of sources that would
7. Perform on available stimulate instruments being studied.
instrument from Southeast Performance Task
Asia; 1. Listening/viewing of song from
8. Evaluate music and Southeast Asia.
performances applying 2. Singing of selected Southeast Asian
knowledge of musical elements songs with improvise musical
and style. accompaniment
a. Burung Kakatua
b. Loi Loi Kratong/Rasa Sayang

Part 3: Quarterly Assessment 1

Collate all the learning in the entire
Total- 8 days
Budget of Work
Quarter 2
Content Standard Learning Competency Topic: East Asian Music Activities No. Of Hour
The learner should The learner should be able to Pre-assessment/Learning Goals and 1
demonstrate 1. Discuss how the music of East 1. China Target, Introduction of the quarterly
understanding of Asian country relates to its 2. Japan lesson
common musical geography and culture: 3. Korea Part 1: Written Work 2
characteristics of the 2. Listen perceptively to music of a. Geographical, 1. Discuss how the music of East Asian
region as well as unique East Asia; historical and country relates to its geography and
characteristics of 3. Sing songs of East Asia; cultural background culture.
particular East Asian 4. Give musical elements of b. Traditional 2. Identify and describe the
country. selected songs and instruments characteristics of East Asian vocal
instrumental pieces heard and c. Instrumental pieces and instrumental music.
performed; d. Folk song and ritual - Quizzes, Chapter Test or Unit
5. Explore ways of producing music Test
Performance Standard: sounds on a variety of sources e. K-pop and J-pop Part 2: 4
The learner should that would stimulate Product
perform East Asian song instrument studied; 1. Analyze Musical elements of selected
with appropriate pitch, 6. Improvise simple songs and instrumental pieces
rhythm, expression and accompaniment to selected heard and performed.
style East Asian; 2. Explore Ways of producing sounds
7. Perform on available on a variety of sources that would
instrument from East Asia; stimulate instrument being studied.
8. Evaluate music and Performance Task
performances applying 1. Listening/ viewing of song from East
knowledge of musical Asia.
elements and style. 2. Singing of selected East Asian songs
with improvise musical
a. Sakura
b. Aririang
c. Mo Li Hua

Part 3: Quarterly Assessment 1

Collate all the learning in the entire
Total- 8 days
Budget of Work
Quarter 3
Content Standard: Learning Competency Topic: South Asia and Middle Activities No. of Hours
East Music
The learner should The learner should be able to 1. India Pre-assessment/Learning Goals and 1
demonstrate 1. Discuss how the music of South a. Carnatic Target, Introduction of the quarterly
understanding of Asia and Middle East country b. Hindustani lesson
common musical relates to its geography and 2. Pakistan Part 1: Written Work 2
characteristics of the culture; a. Ghazal 1. Identify and discuss the
region as well as unique 2. Listen perceptively to music of b. Qawwali characteristics of South Asia and
characteristics of South Asia and Middle East; 3. Israel Middle East vocal and instrumental
particular South Asia and 3. Sing songs of South Asia and a. Devotional music.
Middle East. Middle East; b. Secular 2. Profound how the music of South
4. Give themusical elements of Asia and Middle East Country relates
selected songs and a. Geographical, historical, and to its geography and culture
Performance Standard: instrumental pieces heard and cultural background Part 2: 2
The learner should performed; b. Traditional Instruments Product
perform South Asia and 5. Explore ways of producing c. Instrumental Pieces 1. Analyze Musical elements of selected
Middle East song with sounds on variety of sources d. Folk song and ritual music songs and instrumental pieces heard
appropriate pitch, that would stimulate and performed.
rhythm, expression and instruments being studied; 2. Explore Ways of producing sounds
style 6. Improvise simple on variety of sources that would
accompaniment to selected stimulate instruments being studied
South Asian and Middle East (Singing with the use of improvise
music; musical instrument)
7. Perform on available Performance Task
instrument from South Asia 1. Listening/viewing of song from 2
and Middle East; South Asia and Middle East.
8. Evaluate music and 2. Singing of South Asia and Middle
performances applying East songs.
knowledge of musical elements - Zum Gali Gali
and style Part 3: Quarterly Assessment 1
Collate all the learning in the entire

Total- 8 days
Budget of Work
Quarter 4
Content Standard: Learning Competency Topic: Traditional Asian Activities No. of Hours
The learner should The learner should be able to 1. Wayang Kulit of Pre-assessment/Learning Goals and 1
demonstrates 1. identifies musical Indonesia Target, Introduction of the quarterly
understanding and characteristics of selected 2. Kabuki of Japan lesson
application of musical Asian musical theater through 3. Peking Opera of China Part 1: Written Work 2
skills related to selected video films; 1. Identify and describe the historical
traditional Asian theater 2. sing selection/s from chosen background and characteristics of
Asian musical theater; Asian traditional musical theater.
3. describe how the musical 2. Identify the instruments
elements contribute to the accompanies Asian musical theater.
performance of the musical 3. Describe how the musical elements
production; contribute to the performance of
4. Identifies the instrument that musical production.
Performance Standard: accompanies Asian Theater; Part 2: 1
The learner should 5. Distinguish the characteristics Product
performs excerpts from of representative Asian 1. Creates/improvises appropriate
traditional Asian theater musical theater; sound, music, moments, props, and
with appropriate pitch, 6. describe how a specific idea or costume for performance of a chosen
rhythm, expression, and story is communicated through Asian traditional musical theater.
style music in a particular Asian Performance Task 3
musical theater; 1. Listening/viewing of Asian musical
7. creates/improvises theater.
appropriate sound, music, 2. Culminating Activity:
gesture, movements, props and Group performance of chosen Asian
costume for performance of a musical theater.
chosen Asian traditional a. Wayang Kulit
musical and theatrical form; b. Kabuki
8. apply knowledge of musical 3. Peking Opera
elements and style.
Part 3: Quarterly Assessment 1
Collate all the learning in the entire

Total- 8 days
Budget of Work
Quarter 1
Content Standard: Learning Competency Topic: Arts of Southeast Asian Activities No. of Hours
The learner 1. Analyze elements and principles of Review lessons Pre-assessment/Learning Goals and 1
1. Art elements and arts in the production of arts and I. Elements of Art Target, Introduction of the quarterly
process by synthesizing craft inspired by culture of II. Principles of Art
Southeast Asia. lesson
and applying prior III. Process
2. Identify characteristics of arts and
knowledge and skills Part 1: Written Work 2
crafts in specific countries in
2. The salient features of Southeast Asia Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, 1. Discuss the Elements of Arts and
the arts of Southeast 3. Reflect on and derive the mood, Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Principles of Arts.
Asia by showing the idea or message of selected Lao, Brunei, and Singapore 2. Identify and describe the
relationship of the artifacts and art object. commonalities and differences of
elements of art and 4. Appreciate artifacts and art objects 1. Attire, Fabrics and Southeast Asian arts and culture and
processes among in terms of their utilization and Tapestries Philippine arts and culture.
culturally diverse their distinct use of art elements 2. Crafts and Accessories, and Part 2: Product/ Performance task 4
communities in the and principles. Body Ornamentation
5. Incorporate the design, form and 1. Analyze the folk arts of Southeast
region. 3. Architectures Asia using the elements of arts and
spirit of Southeast Asian artifacts
3. Southeast Asian 4. Sculptures (gods/rituals) principles of design and how it
and objects in ones creation.
countries as having a 6. Trace the foreign and indigenous 5. Everyday objects reflects culture, history and religion.
rich and cultural influences that are reflected in the 2. Create the following artwork:
tradition from design of an artwork and in the a. Batik
prehistoric to present making of a craft and artifacts. b. Wayang Kulit
time. 7. Create craft that can be locally c. Candle Sculpture
assembled with local materials, d. Songkok
guided by local traditional
Performance Standard: e. Paper accessories
The learner 8. Derived elements from 3. Create a mini-Southeast Asian art
1. Creates an artwork tradition/history of a community of exhibit using their own artworks.
showing the ones artwork.
characteristic elements 9. Show relationship of the
of the arts of Southeast development of craft in specific
Asia countries in Southeast Asia
2. Exhibit completed according to functionality,
artworks for traditional specialized expertise
and availability and resources.
appreciation and
10. Show commonalities and
critiquing differences of culture of the
Southeast Asian countries in Part 3: Quarterly Assessment 1
relation to Philippine culture. Collate all the learning in the entire
11. Mount an exhibit using completed quarter.
Southeast Asian inspired arts and Total- 8 days
crafts in an organized manner.
Budget of Work
Quarter 2
Content Standard Learning Competency Topic: Arts of East Asia Activities No. Of Hour
The learner 1. Analyze elements and principles of I. Elements of Art Pre-assessment/Learning Goals and 1
1. Demonstrate arts in the production of arts and II. Principles of Art Target, Introduction of the quarterly
understanding of art craft inspired by culture of East III. Process lesson
elements and processes Asia.
Part 1: Written Work 2
2. Identify characteristics of arts and
by synthesizing and China, Japan, and Korea 1. Identify and describe the
crafts in specific countries in East
applying prior Asia characteristics of arts in East
knowledge and skills. 1. Attire, Fabrics and Tapestries Asia.
3. Reflect on and derive the mood,
2. The salient features of 2. Crafts and Accessories, and Painting
idea or message of selected
the arts of East Asia by artifacts and art object. Body Ornamentation Paper artworks
showing the 4. Appreciate artifacts and art objects 3. Architectures Pottery
relationship of the in terms of their utilization and 4. Sculptures (gods/rituals)
Face painting
elements of art and their distinct use of art elements 5. Everyday objects
processes among and principles.
5. Incorporate the design, form and 2. Write a journal about East Asian art.
culturally diverse Part 2: Product/ Performance Task 4
spirit of East Asian artifacts and
communities in the 1. Make a description and comparison
objects in ones creation.
region. 6. Trace the foreign and indigenous on East Asian arts using the elements
3. East Asian countries as influences that are reflected in the and principles of arts through picture
having a rich and design of an artwork and in the analysis.
cultural tradition from making of a craft and artifacts. 2. Create the following artwork:
prehistoric to present 7. Create craft that can be locally a. Print Me A Message
time. assembled with local materials, b. Coffee Painting in Cards
Performance Standard: guided by local traditional
c. Origami
The learner d. Paper cutouts
1. Create an artwork 8. Derived elements from
tradition/history of a community of e. Painted Kites
showing the
ones artwork.
characteristic elements 9. Show relationship of the
of the arts of East Asia. development of craft in specific Part 3: Quarterly Assessment 1
2. Put up a mini-East countries in East Asia according to Collate all the learning in the entire
Asian art exhibit using functionality, traditional quarter.
their own artworks. specialized expertise and
availability and resources.
10. Show commonalities and Total- 8 days
differences of culture of the East
Asian countries in relation to
Philippine culture.
11. Mount an exhibit using completed
East Asian inspired arts and crafts
in an organized manner.
Budget of Work
Quarter 3
Content Standard: Learning Competency Topic: Arts of South, West, and Activities No. of Hours
Central Asia
The learner 1. Analyze elements and principles I. Elements of Art Pre-assessment/Learning Goals and 1
1. Art elements and of arts in the production of arts II. Principles of Art Target, Introduction of the quarterly
process by synthesizing and craft inspired by culture of III. Process lesson
and applying prior South, West and Central Asia. India, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Part 1: Written Work 2
knowledge and skills 2. Identify characteristics of arts Pakistan, and Tibet 1. Identify and describe the folk arts in
2. The salient features of and crafts in specific countries in South, West and Central Asian
the arts of South, West South, West and Central Asia. 1. Attire, Fabrics and Tapestries Countries.
and Central Asia by 3. Reflect on and derive the mood, 2. Crafts and Accessories, and 2. Identify the commonalities and
showing the idea or message of selected Body Ornamentation differences of South, West and
relationship of the artifacts and art object. 3. Architectures Central Asian arts and culture and
elements of art and 4. Appreciate artifacts and art 4. Sculptures (gods/rituals) Philippine arts and culture
processes among objects in terms of their 5. Everyday objects Part 2: Product/ Performance Task 4
culturally diverse utilization and their distinct use 1. Analyze the folk arts of South, West
communities in the of art elements and principles. and Central Asia using the elements
region. 5. Incorporate the design, form and of arts and principles of design and
3. South, West and spirit of South, West and Central how it reflects culture, history and
Central Asian countries Asian artifacts and objects in religion.
as having a rich and ones creation. 2. Create the following artwork:
cultural tradition from 6. Trace the foreign and indigenous a. Rangoli Art (colored
prehistoric to present influences that are reflected in paper/crayons)
time. the design of an artwork and in b. Flamboyant Art (recycled
the making of a craft and materials, colored paper/crayons)
Performance Standard: artifacts. c. Border Design
7. Create craft that can be locally d. Mehndi Art
assembled with local materials, e. Carpet Design Painting
guided by local traditional 3. Create a mini- South, West and
techniques Central Asian art exhibit using their
8. Derived elements from own artworks.
tradition/history of a community
of ones artwork.
9. Show relationship of the
development of craft in specific
countries in South, West and
Central Asia according to
functionality, traditional
The learner specialized expertise and
1. Creates an artwork availability and resources.
showing the 10. Show commonalities and
characteristic elements differences of culture of the
of the arts of South, South, West and Central Asian
West and Central Asia countries in relation to
2. Exhibit completed Philippine culture.
artworks for 11. Mount an exhibit using
appreciation and completed South, West and
critiquing Central Asian inspired arts and
crafts in an organized manner.

Part 3: Quarterly Assessment 1

Collate all the learning in the entire
quarter. Total 8 days
Budget of Work
Quarter 4
Content Standard Learning Competency Topic: Festivals and Theatrical Activities No. Of Hour
Forms of Asia
The learner 1. Identify the selected festivals Festival Pre-assessment/Learning Goals and 1
1. How theatrical and theatrical forms celebrated 1. Thailand Lantern Target, Introduction of the quarterly
elements affects the all over Asian region. Festival and Loi lesson
creation and 2. Research on the history of the Krathong Festival Part 1: Written Work 2
communication of festival and theatrical forms 2. Japan Kodo Taiko 1. Identify the festivals and theatrical
meaning in Asian and its evolution, and describe Drum Festival forms celebrated in Asia.
festival and theatrical how the community 3. China Spring Festival 2. Identify and describe the elements
forms as influenced by participates and contributes to Theatrical Form and principles of arts as manifested
history and culture. the event. 1. Kabuki in Asian festivals and theatrical
2. Theater and 3. Identify the elements and 2. Wayang Kulit forms.
performances as a principles of arts as manifested 3. Peking Opera 3. Make a journal about Asian festivals
synthesis of arts and a in Asian festival and theatrical and theatrical forms.
significant expression forms. I. Elements of arts as applied to
of the celebration of 4. Define what makes each of the theater and festival
life in various Asian Asian festivals and theatrical II. Principles of art
Community. forms unique through the III. Designing for stage, costume,
Performance Standard: visual presentation. props for a theatrical play or Part 2: Product/ Performance Task 4
The learner 5. Design the visual elements and festivals 1. Create a festival/theater PPT or
1. Creates appropriate components of the selected Video presentation
festival attire with festivals or theatrical forms 2. Do a Face Paint
accessories based on through costume, props, etc 3. Perform their chosen
authentic festival 6. Analyze the uniqueness of each festival/theatrical form.
costumes groups performance of their
2. Creates/improvises selected Asian festival and
appropriate sound, theatrical forms.
music, gesture, 7. Show the relationship of the
movements and selected Asian festivals and the
costume for a chosen festivals in the Philippines in
theatrical composition terms of forms and reason for
3. Takes part in a chosen holding the celebration.
Asian festival 8. Improvise accompanying sound
and rhythm of the selected Part 3: Quarterly Assessment 1
festival/theatrical form in Asia. Collate all the learning in the entire
9. Perform in group showcase of quarter.
the selected festival/theatrical
form Total 8 days
Budget of Work
Quarter 1
PE 8
Content Standard Learning Competency Topic: Exercise Programs 1 Activities No. of Hour
The learner 1. Undertakes physical activity A. Physical Fitness Test Pre-assessment/Learning Goals and 1
Demonstrate and physical fitness B. Training guidelines, FITT Target, Introduction of the quarterly
understanding of assessment principles lesson
guidelines and principles 2. Conduct physical activity and C. Endurance, Muscles and Part 1: Written Work 3
in exercise program physical assessments of Bone Strengthening. 1. Identify and discuss the training
design to achieve fitness. family/school peers. Sport/Event guidelines, procedures in Physical
3. Sets goals based on a. Basketball Fitness Test and FITT principles
assessment result. - History 2. Describe the nature and background
4. Identifies training guidelines - Facilities & of the basketball.
and FITT principles Equipment 3. Describe the terminologies used in
5. Recognize barriers (low level - Skills basketball.
Performance Standard: of fitness, lack of skills and - Rules Part 2: Product/ Performance Task 5
The learner time) to exercise 1. Conduct Physical Fitness test
Design a physical activity 6. Describe the nature and 2. Execute the basic skills in basketball.
program for the family/ background of the basketball 3. Create a portfolio about basketball
school peers to achieve 7. Execute proficiently the basic (History, facilities & equipment,
fitness. skills and tactics in basketball. skills, etc.)
8. Interpret rules and
regulations; and
9. Exhibit enjoyment in playing Part 3: Quarterly Assessment 1
in these games. Collate all the learning in the entire
10. Assumes responsibility for quarter.
achieving fitness.
11. Display tolerance and Total10 days
acceptance of individuals with
varying skills and abilities.
Budget of Work
Quarter 2
PE 8
Content Standard Learning Competency Topic: Activities No. of Hour
The learner Pre-assessment/Learning Goals and Target, 1
Demonstrates 1. Relate and discuss the nature Sport/Event Introduction of the quarterly lesson
understanding of the and background of baseball and b. Baseball Part 1: Written Work 3
benefits (fitness, health softball; c. Softball 1. Describe the nature and background of
and wellness) that the 2. Explain the health and fitness baseball and softball.
family can derive from benefits derived from playing - History 2. Explain the terminologies used in
participating in team these games; - Facilities & baseball and softball.
sports. 3. Practice proper and acceptable Equipment
Performance Standard: behavior as in fairness, respect - Skills Part 2: Product/ Performance Task 5
The learner for authority when participating - Rules 1. Execute the basic skills in baseball and
Design physical activity in said games; softball.
program for the family/ 4. Proficiently execute the basic 2. Create a portfolio about
school peers to achieve skills and tactics in baseball and baseball/softball (History, facilities &
fitness. softball; equipment, skills, etc.)
5. Interpret rules and regulations Part 3: Quarterly Assessment 1
of baseball and softball; and Collate all the learning in the entire quarter.
6. Exhibit enjoyment in playing in
these games. Total10 days
Budget of Work
Quarter 3
PE 8
Content Standard Learning Competency Topic: Activities No. of Hour
The learner Pre-assessment/Learning Goals and 1
Demonstrates 1. Relate and discuss the Sport/Event Target, Introduction of the quarterly
understanding of the nature and background a. Futsal lesson
benefits (fitness, health and of futsal and volleyball; b. Volleyball Part 1: Written Work 3
wellness) that the family 2. Explain the health and 1. Describe the nature and
can derive from fitness benefits derived - History background of Futsal and
participating in team sports. from playing these - Facilities & Volleyball
games; Equipment 2. Explain the terminologies used in
3. Practice proper and - Skills Futsal and Volleyball.
Performance Standard: acceptable behavior as - Rules Part 2: Product/ Performance Task 5
The learner in fairness, respect for 1. Execute the basic skills in
Design physical activity authority when Futsal and Volleyball.
program for the family/ participating in said 2. Create a portfolio about
school peers to achieve games; baseball/softball (History,
fitness. 4. Proficiently execute the facilities & equipment, skills,
basic skills and tactics etc.).
in futsal and volleyball; Part 3: Quarterly Assessment 1
5. Interpret rules and Collate all the learning in the entire
regulations of futsal quarter.
and volleyball; and Total10 days
6. Exhibit enjoyment in
playing in these games.
Budget of Work
Quarter 4
PE 8
Content Standard Learning Competency Topic: Activities No. of Hour
The learner 1. Trace the Pre-assessment/Learning Goals and 1
Demonstrates origin/location of folk Folk Dances with Asian Target, Introduction of the quarterly
understanding of how dances by its Influences lesson
regional and national costume/music; Part 1: Written Work 3
dances promote the fitness, 2. Execute rhythmic a. Pangalay 1. Describe the nature and
health and wellness in the patterns of selected b. Sakuting background of the different
family. regional and national c. Sua-Ku-Sua Philippine folk dances with Asian
dances with Asian d. Binislakan influences
influence Binislakan, 2. Interpret the Philippine folk
Sakuting, Sua-ku-Sua - Basic Phil. Folk dance dances with Asian influences.
Performance Standard: and Pangalay; steps and counting skills. Part 2: Product/ Performance Task 5
The learner 3. Demonstrate mastery 1. Execute the basic skills in
skillfully performs regional of basic steps in folk Philippine folk dances with Asian
and national dances. dancing; influences.
4. Give the meaning of the - Sua-Ku-Sua
gestures and hand 2. Make a journal about Philippine
movements of folk folk dances with Asian influences.
dance identified; Part 3: Quarterly Assessment 1
5. Interpret dance Collate all the learning in the entire
literature; quarter.
6. Promote folk dancing Total10 days
as a physical activity for
the family.
Budget of Work
Quarter 1
Content Standard: Learning Competency Topic: Family Health Activities No. of Hours
The learner demonstrates 1. Identify the basic terms I. Gender and Human Sexuality Pre-assessment/Learning Goals and 1
understanding of human in sexuality; a. Gender and Human Target, Introduction of the quarterly
sexuality and managing 2. Discuss sexuality as an Sexuality lesson
sexually related issues for a important component of b. Teenage Concern Part 1: Knowledge 3
healthy family life. ones personality; Identity crisis 1. Describe gender and sexuality as
3. Explain the importance Sexual identity and an important component of ones
and dimensions of human sexual behavior personality.
sexuality; Pre-marital sex, 2. Discuss the importance and
4. Analyze the factors that teenage pregnancy, dimensions of human sexuality.
affect ones attitudes and abortion 3. Identify and describe some issues
practices related to c. Development and and problems encountered by
sexuality; decision skills in teenagers related to human
5. Assess personal health managing sexuality sexuality
attitudes that may related issues 4. Discuss the signs, symptoms, and
influence sexual II. Issues and Problems Related effects of Sexually Transmitted
behavior; to Human Sexuality Infections (STIs)
Performance Standard: 6. Relate the importance of a. Sexually Transmitted Part 2: Product/ Performance Task 5
The learner appropriately sexuality to family health; infections The learners are expected to
manages sexuality-related 7. Discuss the signs, b. Reducing the risk of demonstrate a completed product or
issues through responsible symptoms, and effects of STI/HIV performance as an output required by
and informed decisions. Sexually Transmitted c. Government Policies in the lesson.
Infections (STIs); the Prevention and - My graffiti
8. Enumerate steps in the Control of HIV/AIDS and - How I and others see Myself
prevention and control of other STIs - Male vs. Female
STIs; - Etc. (refer to LMs for the
9. Analyze why abstinence activities)
is the most effective Part 3: Quarterly Assessment 1
method for the Collate all the learning in the entire
prevention of HIV and quarter.
AIDS and other STIs; Total10 days
10. Follow government
policies in the prevention
and control of HIV and
AIDS; and
11. Apply decision-making
skills in managing
sexually-related issues.
Budget of Work
Quarter 2
Content Standard: Learning Competency Topic: FAMILY HEALTH-II Activities No. of Hours
Dating, Courtship, and
The learner demonstrates 1. Defines basic terms A. Dating, courtship, and Pre-assessment/Learning Goals and 1
an understanding of (dating, courtship, marriage Target, Introduction of the quarterly
responsible parenthood for marriage) B. Maternal Health concerns lesson
a healthy family life 2. Explains the importance 1. Pre-pregnancy (blighted Part 1: Written Work 3
of courtship and dating in ovary, ectopic pregnancy, 1. Explain the importance of
choosing a lifelong partner polycystic ovary, myoma) courtship, dating, and marriage in
3. Identifies marital 2. During pregnancy (pre- having a family
practices and setup across eclampsia, placenta previa, 2. Discuss the maternal health
cultures gestational, diabetes,) concern before, during, and after
4. Analyzes behaviors that 3. Post pregnancy (post- pregnancy.
promote healthy partum disorder, sepsis 3. Recognize the different factors that
relationship in marriage C. Responsible parenthood contribute for successful marriage.
and family life 4. Identify and describe the roles and
5. Analyzes behaviors that responsibilities of parents in
promote healthy fulfilling the needs of their family.
Performance Standard: relationship in marriage Part 2: Product/ Performance Task 5
The learner makes informed and family life The learners are expected to
and values-based decisions 6. Discuss various maternal demonstrate a completed product or
in preparation for health concerns performance as an output required by
responsible parenthood 7. Discusses pregnancy- the lesson.
related concerns 1. Film viewing about family life and
8. Explains the importance answers the questions provided by
of maternal nutrition the teacher
during pregnancy 2. Sharing of experiences in courtship
9. Discusses the importance and dating.
of newborn screening, and 3. Interpret the message of poem
the APGAR scoring system about family life
for newborns Part 3: Quarterly Assessment 1
10. Discuss the importance Collate all the learning in the entire
of prenatal care and post- quarter.
natal care Total10 days
11. Discusses the essential
newborn protocol and
initiation of breastfeeding
12. Enumerates the
advantages of
breastfeeding for both
mother and child
13. Recognizes the
importance of
immunization in
protecting childrens
14. Analyzes the importance
of responsible parenthood
15. Explains the effects of
family size on family
16. Examine the important
roles and responsibilities
of parents in child rearing
and care
17. Explain the effects of
rapid population growth
on the health of the nation
18. Enumerate modern
family planning methods
Budget of Work
Quarter 3
Content Standard: Learning Competency Topic: Prevention and Control of Activities No. of Hours
Disease and disorders
The learner demonstrates 1. Discuss the stages of A. Stages of Infection Pre-assessment/Learning Goals and 1
understanding on the infection B. Top 10 leading causes of Target, Introduction of the quarterly
prevention and control of 2. Analyze the leading morbidity and mortality in lesson
communicable diseases for cause of morbidity and the Philippines Part 1: Written Work 3
the attainment of mortality in the C. Communicable diseases Identify and describe the following topic:
individual wellness. Philippines and its prevention and a. Stages of Infection
3. Discuss the sign, control b. Causes of morbidity and mortality in
the Philippines
symptoms, and effects of D. Emerging and re-
c. Communicable diseases and its
common communicable emerging Diseases prevention and control
diseases E. Development of personal d. Emerging and re-emerging Diseases
4. Correct misconception, life skills to prevent and e. Programs and policies on
myths, and belief about control communicable communicable diseases
common communicable diseases f. Agencies responsible for
diseases F. Programs and policies on communicable disease prevention
5. Enumerate steps in the communicable diseases and control.
Performance Standard: prevention and control G. Agencies responsible for Part 2: Product/ Performance Task 5
The learner consistently of communicable communicable disease 1. Let the learners:
demonstrates personal diseases. prevention and control. - create a health plan to prevent
responsibility and healthful 6. Analyze the nature of communicable diseases in the
practices in the prevention emerging and re- family
and control of emerging of diseases. - make a poster/slogan about
communicable diseases. 7. Demonstrate self- disease control and prevention.
monitoring skills to - have their self-monitoring chart for
prevent communicable disease control and prevention.
diseases Part 3: Quarterly Assessment 1
8. Promotes programs and Collate all the learning in the entire
policies to prevent and quarter.
control communicable Total10 days
9. Identify agencies
responsible for
communicable diseases
prevention and control.
Budget of Work
Quarter 4
Content Standard: Learning Competency Topic: Prevention of Activities No. of Hours
substance use and Abuse
The learner should The learner should be able to: A. Gateway Drugs Pre-assessment/Learning Goals and 1
demonstrate 1. Discuss gateway drugs 1. Cigarettes Target, Introduction of the quarterly
understanding of factors 2. Identify the reason why 2. Alcohol lesson
that influence cigarette people smoke cigarettes and B. Protective and Risk Factors in Part 1: Written Work 3
and alcohol use and drink alcohol the Use of Cigarettes and Alcohol 1. Discuss cigarettes and alcohol as
strategies for prevention 3. Analyze the negative health C. Prevention, and Control of gateway drugs.
and control impact of smoking cigarette Gateway Drugs 2. Identify and analyze the
and drinking alcohol implications of smoking cigarettes
4. Discuss the impact of and drinking alcohol.
smoking cigarette and 3. Identify strategies in the
drinking alcohol in the prevention and control of
family, environment, and smoking cigarettes and drinking
community alcohol
Performance Standard: 5. Interprets blood alcohol Part 2: Product/ Performance Task 5
The learner should concentration in terms of The learners are expected to
demonstrate personal physiological changes in the demonstrate a completed product or
responsibility in the body performance as an output required by
prevention of cigarette 6. Discusses strategies in the the lesson.
and alcohol use through prevention and control of - Create a poster/slogan/collage about
the promotion of a cigarette smoking and the prevention and effects of alcohol
healthy lifestyle drinking alcoholic beverages and cigarettes.
7. Follows policies and laws in - Write a poem/song about the
the family, school and prevention and effects of alcohol and
community related to cigarettes.
cigarette and alcohol use
8. Suggests healthy alternatives Part 3: Quarterly Assessment 1
to cigarette and alcohol to Collate all the learning in the entire
promote healthy lifestyle quarter.
(self, family, community) Total10 days

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