Reported Speech Speech: Change of Tenses: Függő Beszéd

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Direct Speech Reported Speech

Susan says: I want an ice-cream. Susan says that she wants an ice-cream.

Reported Speech Speech: Change of tenses

Introduction Tenses Direct Speech Tenses Reported Speech

Ann said that she wanted ice-

Ann said: I want ice-cream. cream.

Simple Past Simple Present Simple Past

Simple Past
Simple Past Present Perfect Past Perfect
Past Perfect

Simple Past will would

Reported Speech: 'to be'

Simple Past am/is/are was/were

Simple Past have/has been had been
had been

Direct Reported Speech

Speech (Reported speech)

I he/she
We they
my his/her
Change of pronouns my
me their
us him/her
here there
today that day
this that morning
Change of place and morning
the day before
time yesterday
tomorrow the next day
next week the following week
next month the following month
Szenved szerkezet:

Examples of Passive
Subje Objec
Tense Verb
ct t
Active: Rita writes a letter.
Simple Present Passive A
is written by Rita.
: letter
Active: Rita wrote a letter.
Simple Past Passive A
was written by Rita.
: letter
Active: Rita has written a letter.
Present Perfect Passive A has been
by Rita.
: letter written

Active: Rita will write a letter.

Future I Passive A
will be written by Rita.
: letter
Active: Rita can write a letter.
Hilfsverben Passive A
can be written by Rita.
: letter

Examples of Passive
Subje Objec
Tense Verb
ct t
Active: Rita is writing a letter.
Present Progressive Passive A
is being written by Rita.
: letter
Active: Rita was writing a letter.
Past Progressive Passive A
was being written by Rita.
: letter
Active: Rita had written a letter.
Past Perfect Passive A
had been written by Rita.
: letter
Active: Rita will have written a letter.
Future II Passive A
will have been written by Rita.
: letter
Active: Rita would write a letter.
Conditional I Passive A
would be written by Rita.
: letter
Active: Rita would have written a letter.
Conditional II Passive A would have been
by Rita
: letter written
Conditional Feltteles md

0. If you don't water plants, they die. - Ha nem ntzd a virgokat, elpusztulnak.

1. If you love me, you will buy me roses. - Ha szeretsz, veszel nekem virgot.

2. If you loved me, you would buy me roses. - Ha szeretnl, vennl nekem virgot.

3. If you had loved me, you would have bought me roses. - Ha szerettl volna, vettl volna nekem


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