Electrochemistry and Stoichiometry

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Electrochemistry and stoichiometry revision

1. k1 and k2 are specific conductance of the solutions . a and b in the same conductivity cell. if equal volumes of solutions a
and b are mixed, what will be the resistance of the mixture using the same conductivity cell, whose cell constant is x ?
(assume there is no change on the degree of dissociation on mixing).
2 K1 K 2 R
R 1 K2
x R 2x K K K
(a) (b) (c) 1 2
1. D

2 the molar conductances at infinite dilution of hcl, nacl and naz (sodium crotonate) are 425 x 10 4, 125 x 104 and 80 x 104 s
m2 mol1 respectively. the specific conductance of 0.001 m aqueous solution of crotonic acid (hz) is 3.8 x 103 sm1.

ka for crotonic acid?

(a) 1.11 x 105 mol dm3 (b) 1.1 x 103 mol dm3
(c) 7 x 104 mol dm3 (d) none

3. on electrolysing k2so4 solution using inert electrodes, 1.68 l (stp) of gases was obtained. how many moles of mno 4 could
be reduced to mn2+ by the same quantity of electricity?
(a) 0.10 (b) 0.20 (c) 0.15 (d) 0.02

4. a lead storage battery containing 5.0 l of h 2so4 solution is operated for 9.65 x 105 s with a steady current of 100 ma.
assuming volume of the solution remaining constant, normality of h2so4 will:
(a) increase by unity (b)
increase by 0.20
(c) decrease by 0.40 (d) remain


5. 1.0 l each of a buffer containing 1 mole nh 3 and 1mole of nh 4 were placed in the cathodic and anodic half cells, and 965 c
of electricity was passed. if anodic and cathodic half cell reactions oxidation and reduction of water only as:
2h2o 4h+ + o2 = 4e; 2h2o + 2e h2 + oh, then ph of
(a) anodic solution will decrease (b) cathodic
solution will increase
(c) both the solutions will remain practically constant (d) both the solutions will increase
5. C

6.. what is the emf of the galvanic cell (ksp of agcl = 1.0 x 1010)
ag, agcl(s) | 1m kcl (aq.) || 1m agno3(aq) | ag
(a) zero (b) 0.592 v (c) 1.391 v
(d) 0.592 v
6. D
7. given:
a2+ + 2e a(s) eo = 0.10 v b+ + e b(s) eo = 2.71 v
x2(g) + 2e 2x eo = 1.08 v
which of the following statements is not true?
(a) x2(g) will oxidize both a and b
(b) a2+ will oxidize b
(c) the reaction 2x (1.0m) + a2+ (1.0m) x2 (1 atm) + a(s) will be spontaneous
(d) the oxidizing powder of a2+, b+ and x2(g) is in the order : b+ < a2+ < x2

8.. the equilibrium constant for the disproportioation reaction: 3cu+(aq)

cu(s) + cu2+ (aq) at 25oc (e Cu / Cu
= 0.52 v; e
Cu2 / Cu
= 0.16 v) is:
(a) 1.2 x 106 (b) 6 x 104 (c) 6 x 106
(d) 1.2 x 106
8. D
9. find the standard cell potential involving the cell reaction
in2+ + cu2+ in3+ + cu+, at 298 k
o o
2 3 2
given: k Cu / Cu = x1 v; e In = x2 v; e In /In = x3v
(a) x1 + x3 x2 (b) (x1 + x3 2x2) / 3 (c) x1 + x3 2x2
(d) x1 + x3 + 2x2
10. the density of univalent metal x is 10.8 g cm3. calculate the charge required to electroplate an area of 10 2 cm2 of a metal to
a thickness of 5 x 103 cm by electrolysing the solution of the metal nitrate with 96.5 % current efficiency (at. wt. of x =
(a) 4825 c (b) 9650 c (c) 5000 c
(d) 10, 000 c

10. C
11. a gas y at 1 atm is passed through a solution containing a mixture of 1 m x and 1 m z. if the reduction potentials vary in
the order x > y > z, then which of the following is correct?
(a) both x and z get oxidized (b) z is oxidized but not x

(c) y is reduced but z is not oxidized (d) y is reduced and x is oxidized

12. during electrolysis, the amount (g) of the liberated product is plotted against the electric charge (f) as x-axis. the correct
graph is:
(a) (b) (c) (d)


13. the emf of the cell pt, cl2(g) (p1 atm) | cl (aq) (1m) | cl2 (p2 atm), pt will be positive when:
(a) p1 > p2 (b) p1 = p2 (c) p1 < p2
(d) none of these

13. C
14. by how much will the potential of a copper electrode change if the solution CuSO4 in which
it is immersed is diluted to 10 times at 298k?
a. increases by 29.5mv b. decreases by
c. increases by 60mv d. decreases by
Co S / CoCl2 M 1 // HCl M 2 / Pt1H 2 g
15. Which of the following changes will increase the emf of the cell
a. increase in volume of CoCl2 solution from 100ml to 200ml

b. increase M 2 from 0.01m to 0.50m

H2 g
c. increase the pressure of the from 1atm to 2 atm
d. increase M 1 from 0.01m to 0.50m.
16. in electrolytic reduction of a nitroarene with 50% current efficiency, 20.50g of the compound is reduced by 2 x 96500 c of
electric charge. the molar mass of the compound is:
(a) 20.50g (b) 10.25g (c)
123.00g (d) 61.50g
17. the electricity work done during the reaction at 298 k : 2hg(l) + cl2(g) hg2cl2 (s), is:
o o
Cl2 / Cl Hg2 Cl2 / Hg,Cl
given that e = 1.36 v; e = 0.27 v; p Cl2 = 1 atm,
1 1
(a) 210.37 kj mol (b) 105.185 kj mol
(c) 420.74 kj mol1 (d) 110.37 kj mol1
18. electrolysis is carried out in three cells: (a) 1.0 m cuso 4, pt electrodes; (b) 1.0 m cuso 4, copper electrodes; (c) 1.0 m
kcl, pt electrodes. if volume of electrolytic solution is maintained constant in each of the cells, which is correct set of ph
changes in (a), (b) and (c) cells respectively
(a) increase in all the three (b) decrease in all
the three
(c) increase, constant, increases (d) decrease, constant,

19. a 1.0 m with respect to each of metal halides ax 3, bx2, cx3 and dx2 is electrolysed using platinum electrodes. if e o A /A
= 1.50
o o o
B2 / B C3 / C D2 / D
v, e = 0.34 v, e = 0.74 v, e = 2.37 v, the correct sequence in which the various metals are deposited at the
cathode is:
(a) a, b, c, d (b) d, c, b, a (c) a, b, c
(d) c, b, a
20.the equilibrium constant for the disproportioation reaction: 3cu+(aq)

cu(s) + cu2+ (aq) at 25oc (e Cu / Cu
= 0.52 v; e
Cu2 / Cu
= 0.16 v) is:
(a) 1.2 x 106 (b) 6 x 104 (c) 6 x 106
(d) 1.2 x 106

n1. after the electrolysis of a sodium chloride solution with inert electrodes for a certain period of time 600 ml of a 1n naoh
solution was left, during the same time 31.8 g of cu was deposited in a copper voltameter in series with the electrolytic
cell. the percentage efficiency for the production of sodium hydroxide is (atomic wt of cu = 63.5). give the answer after
multiflying with 101.
n1. 6

n2. ag(s), ag2 cro4(s) 0.1 m k2cro4 || ag+ (0.01m), ag(s) is 0.206 v. calculate the k sp of ag2cro4. express the answer in nearest
integer after multiplying with 1013
n2. 1
n3. what is the n-factor of h3po2 in the reaction h3po2 ph3 + h3po3
n3. 4
n4.sulphuryl chloride reacts with water to give a mixture of sulphuric acid and hcl. what volume(in ml) of 2 m baryta solution
is needed to completely neutralize 25 ml of 0.2 m sulphuryl chloride solution.

n5. rh2 (ion exchange resin) can replace ca2+ ions in hared water to give h+ ions. if one litre of hard water after passing through
the resin gives a solution with ph=3, then the hardness in ppm of ca2+ is x. the value of x/10 is
n5. 2
Zn 2

n6. graph between ecell r log Cu

was linear with intercept on ecell axis 1.1 v.
ecell for zn | zn2+(0.1 m) || cu2+(0.01 m) +| cu is
n7. emf of the cell
cd | cdso4 | h2so4 (0.01 m) | h2 (1 atm) | pt
E0 2
is + 0.362 volt at 25 c. the Cd / Cd is 0.403 volt at same temperature. the
solubility product of cdso4 in scientific notation is y 10-x. the value of x is
n8. 19 gm fused sncl2 was electrolysed using inert electrodes. 0.119 gm sn was deposited at cathode. if nothing was given out
during electrolysis,then gm. eq. of sncl4 formed is y. report your answer as y x1000.(at. wt. sn = 119)
n9. a sample of water from a large swimming pool has a resistance of 9200 ohm at 25oc when placed in a certain conductance
cell. when filled with 0.02 m kcl solution the cell has a resistance of 85 ohm at 25oc. 500 grams of sodium chloride were
dissolved in the pool which was thoroughly stirred. a sample of this solution gave a resistance of 7600 ohm. the volume of
water in the poo is approximately 2x10y litres.the value of y is----( given molar conductivity of sodium chloride at that
concentration is 126.5 ohm-1cm2mol-1 and molar conductivity of potassium chloride at 0.02 m is 138.3 ohm-1cm2mol-1.)


n10.a 150 ml of solution of iodine is divided in to two unequal parts. first part reacts with hypo solution in acidic medium. 15
ml of 0.4 m hypo was consumed. second part was added with 100 ml of 0.3 m naoh solution. residual base required 10 ml
of 0.3m sulphuric acid solution for complete neutralization. the initial concentration of iodine is x/10. what is the value of

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