3rd4th Lesson 1 - 2 Bible
3rd4th Lesson 1 - 2 Bible
3rd4th Lesson 1 - 2 Bible
Teacher Enrichment
Bible Basis
n Gods Word is a gift to be treasured.
Psalm Psalm 119 is not only the longest psalm in the book of Psalms but also the longest
chapter in the Bible. Although many psalms were meant to be sung, this onebecause
119:11, 105 it is so longmay have been read instead of sung. Most of the psalm expresses
thoughts directly to God, telling of the authors commitment to Gods Word.
In Psalm 119:11 the psalmist refers to hiding Gods Word in our hearts. What
exactly does that mean? Some say hiding Gods Word in our hearts means memorizing
verses, and that is no doubt part of the meaning. However, the meaning of this phrase goes beyond
memorizing to making Gods Word the guiding force in our liveshaving its principles flow from our hearts
into our actions because we have so immersed ourselves in Scripture.
Before the invention of the electric light, nights were extremely dark for travelers unless the moon was
shining brightly. Remembering that depth of darkness helps us understand the image in Psalm 119:105 of
a lamp for our feet and a light for our path. An oil lamp with a small flame would give off enough light for
a person to see the next step on the path. In the same way, Gods Word provides the light and guidance we
need to take the next steps in our lives.
Other Scriptures used in this lesson are Deuteronomy 6:5; Psalm 27:1; Proverbs 21:3; 25:21; Matthew
6:1-4, 7-8; John 14:25-26; 1 Corinthians 13:4-7; Ephesians 4:25; 6:1-3; Colossians 3:13; 1 Thessalonians
5:22; 1 Timothy 6:9-10; 2 Timothy 3:16; and 1 John 4:20-21.
Read Psalm 119:12-16.
How do these verses help explain the main verses for today?
How can you help your class to treasure and live by Gods Word?
Pray: God, help me to use your Word as my guide in leading the children youve placed in my care as I
Warmly welcome kids as they arrive. Then gather everyone together and explain
that whenever you sound the hand groan tube, they are to stop talking, raise their
hands, and focus on you. Explain that its important to respond to this signal quickly
so the class can do as many fun activities as possible. Practice the signal two or three
Attention Grabber
n Secret Instructions
Set out the basket, glitter tie, and bendable noodle.
Form two groups, and designate them Group 1 and
Group 2.
Ask: How many of you can read minds?
Pause for kids to respond. Then say: Hmm, not too
many of you seem to be able to read minds. I hope
you dont have trouble with this activity. Heres how
it works. Group 1 will have 30 seconds to huddle
together and decide what it wants Group 2 to do with the gizmos Ive set
out. Group 2 will have 30 seconds to figure out how Group 1 wants it to use
the gizmos. But the two groups cant communicate with each other in any
way. Then Ill sound the hand groan tube, and well all come together.
Have Group 1 huddle apart from Group 2. If kids need ideas for ways to use the
gizmos, you may suggest placing the basket on someones head as a hat, using the basket
to pass notes, using the glitter tie as a scarf, or using the bendable noodle as a belt or a
After 30 seconds, sound the hand groan tube, and have both groups gather in the
middle of the room. Encourage members of Group 2 to experiment with the gizmos
in hopes of finding the actions that Group 1 thought of. After 30 seconds, sound the
hand groan tube, and have Group 1 tell whether or not Group 2 guessed correctly.
Then have groups switch roles and play again.
Then form a circle, and ask:
What was it like trying to guess what the other group wanted you to
do? (Fun; frustrating; we didnt know what they wanted, so we were just guessing.)
What would have helped you perform the other groups action? (They
could have told us what they wanted us to do; they could have showed us.)
Have you ever tried to do something without any instructions? What
happened? (It was a disaster; it didnt work; I figured it out on my own.) Its important to say the Bible Point
How is doing something without any instructions like trying to follow God just as its written in each activity.
without reading the Bible? (We make it up as we go along; we guess; we do what Repeating the Bible Point again
we think is right, even though we dont know for sure.) and again will help kids remember
it and apply it to their lives.
Say: In this activity, you tried to guess what the other group wanted you
to do. But its not like that with God. We dont have to try to read Gods mind
or guess how God wants us to live.
Ask: How can we know how God wants us to live? (We can read the Bible
and pray; we can talk to older Christians.)
Say: In the Bible, God tells us how he wants us to live. If we dont read the
Bible, we wont know what God wants us to do. In fact, understanding the
Bible is so important that God even gives us help to understand the Bible.
Ask a volunteer to read aloud John 14:25-26.
Ask: Who does God send to help us understand the Bible? (The Holy Spirit.)
Say: The Bible teaches us how to live. Lets learn more about how the
Bible guides us in our lives.
Give each student a piece of yarn or string at least a foot long.
Make sure children have their Hands-On Bibles.
Say: The Bible teaches us how to live. In your Hands-On
Bible, turn to the Its Knot a Problem activity found in
2 Timothy. Children will do an experiment to demonstrate the value of having
instructions to follow.
Encourage kids to show the knot trick to three people in the coming week
and to explain the Bible verse to them. Also encourage kids to look to the Bible
this week for instructions on how to live.
n Owners Manual
SUPPLIES: Bibles, CD player
Say: When you buy a new bike or a game system,
tracks 2-7
theres usually a little book that comes with it: an owners
manual. The book has helpful information about how
to take care of the product, what not to do with the
product, and instructions for using the product. If you
follow what the owners manual says, you can expect the product to work
well and last a long time.
The Bible is like an owners manual. God, who created us, tells us how to
take care of the life hes given us, what to do and not do with it, and how to
make sure our lives can last forever with him.
Help kids form six groups, and distribute Bibles to each group. (One student can be
a group.) Assign each group one of the following Scriptures:
Psalm 27:1
Matthew 6:1-4
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Ephesians 4:25
Colossians 3:13
1 Timothy 6:9-10
Say: Choose a Reader to read your passage aloud for the class. Listen
carefully to what he or she reads from the BibleGods owners manual.
When all groups have read their passages, say: Im going to play several
messages left on an imaginary answering machine. Ill pause between
messages. If your group thinks your passage in Gods owners manual will be
helpful for the person who left the message, raise your hands.
Play Owners Manual, Part 1 on the CD (track 2). Pause the CD after the
message. Ask the groups that respond to explain how their passages apply. Then play
the rest of the messages, pausing between each to invite participation.
After the last message, ask:
How was the Bible useful for all of these people? (The Bible gave helpful
advice; it told people where to turn and what not to do.)
How can the Bible help you in your life? (The Bible tells me what to do and
what not to do; the Bible gives lots of good advice.)
How well do you know whats in the Bible? How could you learn more?
(I could read the Bible more; I could study the Bible, especially a childrens version; I
could go to church and Sunday school and stuff like that.)
Say: The Bible teaches us how to live. Without it, wed be lost. Lets take
a few minutes to thank God for giving us his special instructions.
Choose a few volunteers to pray and thank God for his Word.
Return the CD to the Learning Lab for future lessons.
n Passing the Good Word
SUPPLIES: Bible, flashlight
Turn off the classroom lights or go into a darkened room for this closing activity.
Have kids form a circle. Turn to Psalm 119:105, and shine the flashlight on the verse as
you read it aloud. You might want to ask a student to hold the flashlight for you while
you read.
Then say: The Bible teaches us how to live. Gods Word lights our way.
Without it, wed be in the dark. This week, lets commit to look to the Bible
Encourage kids to bring their for guidance and light instead of staying in the dark. If youre ready to
Bibles to class with them next make that commitment, take this Bible and this flashlight when they come to
week. Bringing their own Bibles you, and say, The Bible will light my path.
will help kids become familiar with
Give the student standing next to you the Bible and the flashlight. Have that
using and turning to the Bible.
student shine the flashlight on the Bible and then pass the Bible and flashlight to the
next person. When everyone has held the Bible and flashlight, say: Gods Word is a
lamp to guide our feet and a light for our path. Lets live in Gods light!
Permission to photocopy this handout from Groups Hands-On Bible Curriculum Grades 3 & 4 granted for local church use.
Copyright Group Publishing, Inc., 1515 Cascade Avenue, Loveland, CO 80538. group.com 19
other in a dark closet or cab
inet. At the end
of the week, compare the Read James 1:22-25.
colors of the two
plants. With your family, tal
k about how the What parts of the Bible
light of Gods Word helps
us grow healthy
and strong as Christians. are the hardest for you to
remember? What could help
you remember them?
Make a Bible bookmark to
remind you how important the
Bible is. Cut a 1x5-inch strip from an
For the next
old map. Write, My Bible, a map for my
month, keep
life, on both sides. Cover both sides with adhesive- a journal
coated clear plastic and trim the edge. As you of Bible reading. Read one chapter of the book of
read your Bible, think how the words youre Proverbs each daythere are 31, so you should
reading are like a map, showing you have one for each day of the month. After youve
the right way to go. read each chapter, write one or two things youve
learned from that passage. How can what youve
learned help you each day?
Permission to photocopy this handout from Groups Hands-On Bible Curriculum Grades 3 & 4 granted for local church use.
20 Copyright Group Publishing, Inc., 1515 Cascade Avenue, Loveland, CO 80538. group.com